FBI: Most Wanted (2020) s06e06 Episode Script


Welcome back, America.
We're down to our final two contestants.
And in a few moments,
we'll announce
the next Miss Glamour Globe.
But first, let's check in
with our two finalists
and see how they're feeling.
Miss Honduras, big night for you.
Tell me, how does it feel to be
a finalist on this stage tonight?
I'm really excited.
It's such an honor to be here.
Wonderful answer.
Miss Philippines, same question for you.
I am so grateful
to be standing here tonight.
All of us are winners.
Wonderful answers.
One more question.
Now, the winner
is gonna be able
- Uh-oh.
Looks like Milo's really taken to you.
Yeah, I don't even have
to bribe him with food.
I just spend time with him.
- Aw, he likes bacon.
No, I'm not complaining.
Thank you for dinner. It was lovely.
Of course.
And I'm sorry. You're right.
Uh, I know I've been MIA lately,
but I do have a special night
planned for us this week.
I got us tickets
to the Rockettes' Christmas
Spectacular at Radio City.
- I know it's corny.
- No, I love corny.
I actually love Christmas.
Especially if it's with you.
- It'll be fun.
But since I know that
you can be bribed with food
I got us a table at Sardi's
for after the show.
Hold that thought. I'll be right back.
I just gotta take him out really quick.
Oh. Don't be too long.
They're about to crown the winner.
Yeah, not for that,
if you know what I mean.
Come on, come on.
All right.

To get back to Honduras
to show all the little girls
everything that
we've been working on.
Lovely. Well, good luck
to both of you tonight.
- Thank you.
- BOTH: Thank you.
I've enjoyed getting to
know these talented ladies.
And while I'd like
to keep getting to know them,
it's time to announce the winner.
if for some reason the winner is unable
to fulfill the duties
of Miss Glamour Globe,
the first runner-up
will step in and assume
her responsibilities.
The first runner-up is
Miss Philippines!
Our next Miss Glamour Globe
is Miss Honduras!

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
So happy for you.
There you are, dear.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
Ladies and gentlemen,
give it up for
the 2024 Miss Glamour Globe!


Oh, my oh! Oh, no.
- Somebody get the medic!
- Now!
- You're OK, you're OK.
You're OK.
I haven't listened
to Isobel's voicemail yet.
- What do we got?
- Last night, Miss Honduras
was brazenly killed during
a live pageant broadcast.
I heard about that.
So it wasn't a heart attack?
Definitely not.
This was handed to us
because a nerve agent was used.
Now according to our WMD coordinator,
it was a binary chemical weapon.
- Binary?
- I had to ask, too.
It's when two separate chemicals
are harmless on their own,
mix them together,
and they become lethal.
The lab found traces of
methylphosphonyl difluoride,
or DF, on the winner's sash
that Miss Honduras was wearing.
Now, when mixed with isopropyl alcohol,
it becomes sarin, which can
kill a person in minutes.
The constricted pupils and aspiration
are classic signs of sarin poisoning.
Her blood tested positive for it.
So Miss Honduras was exposed
to the DF chemical first
and then someone exposed her
to the alcohol.
Right, but we haven't ID'ed
the source of the alcohol yet,
but she likely made contact
with it right before she collapsed.
Miss Canada is actually hospitalized
because of her exposure to it.
If this happened on live TV,
there should be plenty
of camera coverage.
Yeah, there is, but it isn't helpful.
I mean, any one of those
contestants could have delivered it.
So the contestant roster
just became our suspect list.
Uh, yes, but some of them
have flown back to their home countries.
How the hell did that happen?
The pageant went under
new management last year,
got a different president.
And word is it's been
a hot mess ever since.
What do you know about
the pageant world, Miss Texas?
Not as much as you.
Perfect. You and Ray
go talk to the new president.
Hana, take a closer
look at Miss Honduras.
See if you can figure out
why she's being targeted.
Do we have a list of these contestants?
Yeah, right here.
We need to talk to all of them.
While we're at it,
let's also ask them how
they'd end world hunger.

Your doctor said you'll be able
to head home to Montreal soon.
But I don't know if I'll be able
to leave this nightmare behind.
When I told
my mom I wanted to do pageants,
she warned me how poisonous
other girls could be.
I didn't think she meant it literally.
You got to know the other women, right?
Who had it out for Miss Honduras?
No one I can think of.
She seemed nice.
But it's hard to make real friends
when everyone wants to be the winner.
Can you think of anyone who
would be that upset about losing?
I do pageants for the money.
But for some girls, it's their identity.
Like, Rosa Martinez,
she's Miss Philippines.
The first runner-up?
When she made the final three,
she acted like she had it in the bag.
I came as soon as I could.
I brought your phone charger
and some toiletries.
The hospital stuff dries your skin out.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Annelise Nielsen, Miss Norway.
Remy Scott. Mr. FBI.
I spoke with another agent earlier.
Wasn't as funny as you.
I don't remember
seeing you up on the stage.
Well, I didn't make the final ten, so.
Did you tell them about Rosa, too?
You think she could have done this?
I don't know.
She is kind of catty, but [SCOFFS]
Then again, here I am calling her catty.
She's mean.
And she knows dangerous people.
What do you mean?
Rosa's from a rough part of Manila.
It's part of her story, her brand,
how she pulled herself up
from the gang-ridden slums
and became successful.
She talks like she still
knows those gangsters.
Who knows what they can do?
Have you ever seen any
of these people around?
I don't think so.
Excuse me. I have to take this.
Thank you for your time.
Nice meeting you.

I just found a bunch of emails
Miss Honduras was sending
to the other contestants.
She's complaining about the way
the pageant's treating them
and wanting them to file
a formal complaint with her.
I'm sure that pissed off the organizers.
Enough to kill her?
Is Rosa Martinez still in the country?
As far as I know. Why?
Track her down
and send me the location.
I'm on it. I'll call you back.

A few previous pageant contestants
have also come forward
to talk about the toxicity
of the environment here.
What's another word for
previous pageant contestant?
Kind of proving their point.
They had no point. It's all rumors.
Not to Miss Honduras.
She was about to file
a formal complaint.
I bet you wouldn't have
heard a peep out of her
after winning the crown.
Well, we won't be
hearing a peep out of her ever
because she's dead.
I'm guessing you didn't
look into the claims.
I was too busy
planning the actual pageant.
You may not be able to tell
judging by what all we've
accomplished around here,
but we're operating this thing
on a shoestring budget.
It's just me and Geraldo.
Why isn't he here helping you pack up?
That's a good question.
I've been calling him all morning,
but he's not answering.
When's the last time you spoke to him?
[SIGHS] I don't know.
It's been so hectic.
we had a nice moment backstage
before everything went to hell.
He was giving me the sash
to hand to the winner.
So he handled the sash, too.
How long has he worked for you?
A few months.
I hired him after I became president.
You have his employee file?
Uh, here. This was his application.

Thank you.

- What's up, Ray?
His name is Geraldo Naguit.
We have his file, his picture,
and Nina's getting up on his phone.
Before he started with the pageant,
he was a Filipino diplomat.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Rosa Martinez is Miss Philippines.
- Do they know each other?
- I'd say yes.
They both booked the same
flight back to Manila in two hours.
But Rosa hasn't
checked out of her hotel yet.
We're on our way there now.
Maybe they're not together,
but they both have motive.
Rosa is upset that
Miss Honduras beat her,
Geraldo is upset that she was
about to make a complaint
about the pageant.
Hey, Ray. I got him.
Hey, hold on a second.
We got him on his phone.
He's moving, but in traffic
about a mile away from here.
Go. We're headed to the hotel.
Do not lose him.

Hey. FBI. You do not move that truck.
According to his location,
Geraldo should be in one of these cars.
- Or at least his phone is.
pop fly up and away.
And lays it down.
What an incredible performance
from this guy
Hey! FBI!

It's all a misunderstanding!
Yeah, you saw us and you ran,
so what exactly don't we understand?
I didn't do anything to those girls!
How many more are there? Huh?
Who else did you kill
besides Miss Honduras?
- W-w-what are you talking about?
- Oh, come on.
You are the last person to
handle the sash that poisoned her.
Are you crazy?
I had nothing to do with that.
- I did nothing wrong!
- No?
Why the quick flight back to Manila?
Because I don't need
any of this trouble!
I never harassed anyone.
But that's what I'm being accused of.
You would think a woman who
puts herself in a pageant
wouldn't mind being called pretty, huh?
Like you. You're beautiful.
Where's Rosa?
Miss Philippines.
You guys were scheduled
to be on the same flight.
I-I-I don't know.
I waited for her at the hotel
as long as I could.
She never showed up. Never.
Let's go.
Rosa Martinez, FBI.



It's sarin poisoning.
Get the hell out of here.
Get ERT and the Hazmat team
up here right away.
Have them check everything,
including those gloves.
We need to see your security cameras
and a list of every person who
had access to that room.
The pageant booked four women
to a suite.
Miss Martinez shared that room
with Grace Scherbing,
Annelise Nelin, and Milica Doric.
Grace Scherbing is Miss USA.
She's been interviewed and cleared.
We met Annelise at the hospital.
She's Miss Norway.
I'm guessing Milica Doric
is Miss Serbia?
I remember the flag pin she was
wearing when she checked in.
Miss Doric of Serbia.
She's also been interviewed and cleared.
Check to see if anyone
was wearing white gloves
at that pageant.
One sec.
Evelyn, you should take a look at this.
Go with him.
Rosa Martinez, Miss Philippines,
was wearing white gloves.
She hugged Miss Honduras 20
seconds before she collapsed.
Maybe that's how
the alcohol got administered.
If Rosa Martinez is our killer,
she could have gotten sloppy
by touching the gloves while packing up,
not realizing she was
still carrying traces of the DF
she put on the sash last night.
But she was runner-up.
She was on stage the whole night.
How'd she get access
to the winner's sash?
- Guys.
The camera feed in the hallway
outside Rosa's room
went dark an hour ago
and it's still not up.
Take a look. Bottom row.
Whoever cut the feeds had
to go in and out of this hotel.
Show me the security cam
for the employee entrance.
What time frame do you need?
Let's start about an hour ago
and then fast forward from there.

Wait, wait, wait.
Go go go back.
- There.
We don't have a locker room,
so our employees usually arrive
and leave in their uniforms.
I don't know this person.
I do.
How? Her face isn't visible.
I'd recognize that "it girl" anywhere.
That's Annelise Nelin,
Miss freaking Norway.
Her passport is fake and so is she.
Annelise Nelin's real name
is Harper Dowar.
She's an American citizen
and a graduate of Columbia Law School.
Her parents are deceased
and she lives in a brownstone
in Murray Hill worth $4 million.
Fancy digs in a fancy neighborhood.
She looks completely different.
The pageant still
should have caught this.
Uh, it wasn't just them.
Look, Harper won a qualifying
pageant in Oslo last month.
Norwegian authorities didn't
catch the fake passport either.
That's a good fake.
Looks expensive.
Seems like a lot of effort to try
to get close to Miss Honduras.
Why would she wanna target her?
Miss Honduras was very outspoken
about the Honduran president, Vargas.
She posted all over
social media about it.
Yeah, he's an authoritarian
who took power by military force.
He brutally punishes anybody
who opposes him.
So we think that Harper was hired
by the Honduran government
to take out the pageant winner?
Dissident pageant winner.
- They have motive.
They have the resources to get
her a fake ID, and a nerve agent.
They've targeted dissidents
outside the country before.
A splashy public murder on live TV?
That's a good way of sending
a message to your opponents.
The lab detected
isopropyl alcohol in the gloves
found in the hotel room
along with traces of DF
on a vial found
in the bathroom trash can.
When we interviewed Miss USA, she said
Harper gave Miss Philippines
those gloves to wear.
Said they'd suit her outfit better.
Yeah, she set Miss
Philippines up to take the fall.
It was Harper all along.
A U.S. citizen with no criminal history.
What's her connection to Honduras?
According to the CPB, none.
She's never even been there.
I ran both passports.
Put a BOLO out on Harper.
We'll visit the Honduran consulate
first thing in the morning.
I simply don't know how
we can be helpful to you.
Several people known
to oppose the current president
have been killed.
Miss Honduras was just a pretty face
peddling silly ideas.
Regardless of what
you think of her ideas,
she was killed by this woman,
Harper Dowar, AKA Annelise Nelin.
Do you think it's a coincidence
that the president's critics
are being targeted?
That's a very serious accusation.
It was a question, not an accusation.
You say she's an American citizen,
then she's an American problem.
Look, we just need to know
if Harper Dowar, as herself
or as Annelise Nelin,
has ever entered Honduras.
And I've already told you no.
We have never heard of this woman.
Thank you.

Party of two for Mr. Rochester?
You can follow me right this way.

Hi, a table for two under Kyle Jones.
I think he's about to pop the question.

It's never too late to start saying no.

You taught Harper in law school.
Have you talked to her
since she graduated?
I ran into her in Midtown a few
years ago, but it was awkward.
[SIGHS] You really think
she murdered someone?
Why was it awkward seeing her?
I had recommended her for a job
with a very prestigious firm,
and she blew it off.
Didn't even show up for the interview.
Any idea why?
I suspect it had something to do
with a two-week graduation trip to Paris
that turned into a full year in Paris.
What kept her there so long?
Not what, who.
She said she'd fallen in love,
though, I got the sense
that whatever happened,
it didn't work out.
Did you ask for details?
She was my student. No.
I did ask her why she'd bothered
spending three years in law school
if she never intended to take
the bar or practice law.
I was annoyed she had made me look bad.
I don't give recommendations lightly.
Did she give you an answer?
A memorable one.
"Why measure your life
in tenths of an hour
as an associate when
you can measure it in dollars?"
Sounds like she fell
for some get-rich-quick scheme.
I do know law school isn't cheap.
And neither was her taste in clothing,
purses, shoes, you name it.
If we had a yearbook, she would
have been voted Best Dressed.
She tell you how she paid for all that?
I don't know exactly.
But her parents both died
unexpectedly her 1L year.
Boating accident on the Sound.
My guess is
she came into some money then.
Well, if you can go through
old files, emails,
anything you could find
from Harper would be useful.
Of course.
Thank you.
Harper's parents' deaths
were ruled an accident,
but she was on the boat.
She claimed she tried to save them,
but there's a lot
of question marks around it.
You think she killed her parents?
Well, she was an only child
and she did inherit everything.
Might explain how she could
afford that brownstone.
The Honduran consul lied to us.
Harper traveled to Honduras
three months ago
under yet another alias, Maria Paz.
Man, how many identities
does this woman have?
I called up my buddy in Interpol.
He's the one who found
the fingerprint match.
At the airport, Maria's
passport was flagged as a fake,
so local police arrested her
and got her prints.
They should have deported her.
Yeah, but the case was
conveniently dropped, or disappeared.
Well, maybe that's when
she got her marching orders.
Now the Hondurans are covering for her.
Run that passport.
If she fled the country,
she could be long gone by now.
Got it.
Hey, super excited about tonight.
Actually, it's why I'm calling.
I just got assigned to a flight.
I have to work.
Take a rain check?
I mean, we can see the
Christmas Rockettes' special
any time of the year.
I'm sorry, Hana.
It's not a problem.
Do you want me
to come and get Milo?
No, um, thanks.
I've already ruined your night.
My neighbor's gonna take him.
I really am sorry, Hana.
I promise
I'll make it up to you, OK?
I gotta go.


Hey, Jamie.
Thanks for coming by.



His name is Binh Pham.
He's a Vietnamese tourist.
He told the waiter inside
he just arrived yesterday.
Welcome to America.
We sure it's our fugitive?
Poor guy was taking a selfie
with his family
right at the moment
Harper came by and stabbed him
with some kind of nerve agent.
That's her in the picture.
What are the chances?
That's definitely Harper.
That must be the exact moment
she poked him.
Witnesses said
that it all happened so fast.
By the time the victim
was on the ground,
there was no one else around.
But if Harper's working
for the Hondurans,
why do they want this guy dead?
And how'd she know
he'd be at this steakhouse?
We just spoke with the family
and they're obviously in shock.
The son said that they
just started their vacation.
Yeah, they're staying
at an Airbnb in Brooklyn.
He gave us the keys.
You two go check that out.
Hana, dig into that phone.
Let's canvass for cameras,
see if we can pin down
which direction Harper went.

Damn. I thought
Cora could do some damage.
They really bought all this in one day?
Yeah. Hana said that
the mom and kids were
posting up a frenzy on social media,
showing off all their new stuff.
That must be how Harper tracked them.
Hey, I got something.
What is it?
Got passports,
a travel itinerary.
I wonder what's so important on this
he had to bring it with him?
Let's see.

All right, so we got bank statements.
Wow, they're loaded.
That explains the shopping spree.
Yeah, but who travels with
copies of their bank statements?
Wasn't the victim's wife's name Huong?
- Yeah, I think so.
- All right.
So then who's this listed
as a joint owner on the account?
A Van Tranvinh?
Whoa. OK.
Van is a Vietnamese real estate
mogul who's worth billions.
Two months ago,
she was sentenced to death
for defrauding
the Vietnamese government.
That's a hell of a sentence
for a financial crime.
Do we know how the victim's
connected to her?
I mean, judging
by these bank statements,
he's an accomplice to fraud.
So six weeks ago, Pham
leaves Vietnam with his family.
Right? They travel the world,
but they haven't been back yet.
Maybe he was worried
that the Vietnamese government
would go after him, too,
so he fled with his family
and the evidence.
Harper killed him.
He has nothing to do with Honduras.

That means
- Harper's an assassin for hire.
- Right.

Mercenaries have been around
since the beginning of time.
I think Harper's solely
in this for the money.
Open for business to the highest bidder.
It would make sense why none
of our victims are connected
other than that
their countries want them dead.
So she kills Miss Honduras
for not supporting
the Honduran president.
And Pham for defrauding
the Vietnamese government.
They probably planned this hit
months ago,
you know, ever since he fled Hanoi.
Pham arrives in the States,
his kids blast his location
on social media,
and Harper realizes
she's got a golden opportunity
to stick it to him.
Busy, busy girl.
I guess that explains how she
afforded the house and heels.
So Harper is not on the CIA's radar,
but that traffic cam
we saw in the corner
- by the steakhouse just hit.
It caught Harper in a late-model
red Honda Accord, stolen plates.
BOLO's out.
OK, the CIA might not wanna help us,
but Harper's old law professor
just came through.
He sent a bunch of old emails
from Harper.
- Anything pertinent?
- Mm, not yet.
There's one here about
that job with the law firm,
something about the bar exam.
Here's a photo she sent him
while she was in Paris.
They look pretty cozy.
Might be the guy she fell for out there.
And the reason she came home
with a broken heart.
Run his photo.
I want a name.
It's not me, but some people
are close to their exes.
Maybe he could help us.

Well, I don't think
you're gonna have much luck.
Meet Adrien Dubois,
also known as Max Brown in the U.S.,
Hans Vogel in Germany,
Charlie Ruiz in Argentina.
The list of aliases go on.
International fugitive,
wanted for poisoning
a Russian defector in Spain last year.
He used sarin.
And that's just one
of his suspected crimes.
So what if Harper's
relationship to this guy
was both personal and professional?
Makes sense.
Explains why she's so elusive.
She was trained by a pro.
That was Jersey Transit Police.
A woman matching Harper's description
was just spotted at Newark Penn Station.
That's your fugitive
entering the women's bathroom.
She's in there maybe 20 seconds.
Then she comes back out with that bag.
So she made a pickup,
maybe met an accomplice
to help her with her getaway.
Or a handler giving her
instructions on her next job.
The question is what's in that bag?
I'm assuming there's
no cameras in the bathroom.
Bag looks heavy. Could it be a bomb?
Or a weapon.
It's big enough for a long gun.
I don't like either of those options.
All right, so she comes
out of the bathroom.
Can you scroll back a little bit?
- All right, stop it right there.
Yeah. Look right there in her hand.
Zoom in on that.
There's a press pass for Red Bull Arena.
- That's close by, right?
- Less than a mile.
A lot of people take
the train here and then walk.
All right, so they're hosting a
friendly soccer game tomorrow night.
USA nationals versus Venezuela.
It says here that the president
of Venezuela plans on attending.
Could she be targeting that game?
Or the president himself.
We need to know where he is now.
Wait, hang on.
NYPD Transportation Chief's
an old friend.
He might know.
Transportation Chief Sayles.
Sammy, it's Sheryll Barnes.
[CHUCKLING] Sheryll Barnes
who loves Kim Carnes.
How're the feds treating you,
Listen, we're on a manhunt
right now, and it's urgent.
The president of Venezuela is in town.
Are you working with his people?
[CHUCKLING] His Excellency, Mr. Torres?
Oh, yeah.
He insisted on his own team
for security,
but I got, uh, six motorcycle officers
assigned to his motorcade.
We know he's going to
a soccer match tomorrow night.
Yeah, that's right.
Do you know what his
schedule is like today?
Uh, let's see.
He's got a meet and greet with his team,
followed by a photo op
on the field.
The motorcade arrived
at the stadium 20 minutes ago.
This is Special Agent Remy Scott.
Tell the officers to cancel the event
and get the president to safety.
My guys are just motor escort.
President's already inside
the stadium with his detail.
We think someone might be
trying to assassinate him, Sammy.
Just make it happen. OK?
We'll alert the
stadium security and Jersey PD.
- Copy that.
- Let's roll.
The Venezuelan soccer team
just posted a picture from the field.
They're waiting
for the president.
All right. Thank you.
I just spoke with the head of security.
They're cancelling the photo op.
Good. I don't want him
anywhere near that field.

Red Honda. There's Harper's car.

- Clear.
- Pop the trunk.

See what we got.

There's got to be
a million bucks in there.
Going rate for the president's head?
This is what Harper meant by
measuring life by the dollar.
It's straight cash, so
it's most likely untraceable.
No sniper rifle,
so whatever she's got planned,
she's gotta be close.
Ray, Sheryll,
stay on top of the president.
The rest of us will split up
and look for Harper.
Remember, stay alert, watch your backs,
finger on the trigger.

Hey, what are these people
still doing here?
Photo op's back on.
The president's head of security
said he assessed the threat
and there are no issues.
Look, he's wrong, all right?
You two, back inside right now.
Copy that. Lock that door and stay put.
- Don't let anyone in or out.
- Got it.
- Can you take us to the field?
- Yeah, follow me.


It's over, Harper.
Annelise whatever the hell
you're calling yourself today.

You weren't expecting that, were you?
You've got it all wrong.
Oh, yeah?

I know you're here
to assassinate
the president of Venezuela.
Did I get that right?
No, I turned down that job.
You suddenly developed
a moral compass, did you?
Someone made me a better offer.
What the hell are you talking about?
To make sure the president
isn't assassinated today.
Oh, yeah? And who's that?
The CIA.
[CHUCKLING] Come on.
You're lying.
Isn't it obvious?
An asset's an asset.
You can run a black bag op in Iran
or a black site in Estonia,
but on American soil,
the CIA's hands are tied.
They need deniability.
I don't buy it.

I know the guy who took the job.

The guy who is here
to assassinate the president.
Let me take a wild guess.

Adrien Dubois,
the guy who trained you
to be a cold-blooded killer.
A sergeant trains a soldier
a soldier who signs up for duty.
What Adrien did to me was
He seduced me.
Made me think he needed me.
That we were true partners in every way.
Which is why I'm the only one
who can stop him.
And the longer we sit here,
the more likely it is
the president ends up dead.
And why should I trust you?
If the photo op was cancelled,
why is the team out there?
I know Adrien. He never works alone.
He's probably got a mole
in the president's team,
paid him to make sure
his target shows up
right where he wants him.
The president will be there
any second now,
and you are putting your
agents' asses on the line
unless you let me stop him!
If we work together,
we're doing this my way.
- Do you understand that?
- What does that mean?
That means when this is over,
I promise you I'll be
putting you in handcuffs.

We got a mole in the
president's security detail.
I know. We're on it.
FBI! Everybody off the field!
- Go! Move!
- Come on! Go, go, go, go, go!
Get out of here!
Who's the team leader?
What is this? What's going on?
We notified your security
there's a credible threat to your life.
Who was I talking to?
The guy that was supposed to
be stopping all of this, who is he?
Miguel! Quieren hablar contigo.
Why is the president still here?
Barnes, cover me.
I asked you a question.
Get him out of here! Take cover.
Shots fired!
Remy, we got a sniper!
Go, go, go, go, go.

- Come on.
- Go, go!
I see him.

Damn it.

Remy, we've got the president
and the soccer players secured.
It's definitely Adrien.
He prefers the sniper method.
It's like the sarin.
Gives him distance from his victims.
All right, split up. Head west.
Harper and I will head east.
Wait a second. You're with Harper?
She's working with us now.
I'll explain later.
Let's rock and roll.
He's gotta be close.
How long were you together
with this creep?
Way too long.




Drop your weapons, both of you!
Bet you never thought
you'd be staring down the end of my gun.
That's another thing
you taught me, isn't it?
Never aim until you really mean it.
You always had an excellent memory.
That's why I knew you'd do well
in this line of work.

With or without me.
You didn't give me a choice!
You could have gone back
to your regular, little life!
What life?
You ruined my life!
Did I?
You've done well for yourself.
Let's face it. You love the money!
And you know business is business.
And the clever thing
for you to do right now
is to take on a new partner.
I heard a lot of crap in my day,
but this takes the cake.
I guarantee you this doesn't end well.
The FBI are taking you
and your protégé in, Dubois!

CIA won't let that happen.
Part of my terms and conditions.

You're working for the CIA?
Not not here in America.
They wouldn't let you kill a president.
Not who I'm here for.
That's right.
The CIA hired her
to take you down, Dubois.
A million bucks.
We found her stash.
Well, that seems low.
Frankly, I'm hurt.
Unless you wanna live
to die another day,
I suggest you drop that gun, Frenchie.

Drop it!

- Cuff 'em.
Hands in the air, Harper.
Behind your back.
You know what's ironic?

You're the one person
I would have killed for free.

Get him out of here.

Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman.
It's not Harper's fault
she fell in love with a killer.
I mean, it is her fault
she became one, too.
And I get why she went after him.
Just 'cause you love someone
doesn't mean they get
to treat you like crap.
Agent Scott.
Mark Jenkins, CIA.
on bringing in Adrien Dubois.
Adrien Dubois and Harper Dowar.
Actually, we'll be taking Ms. Dowar in.
On whose authority?
The director of the CIA.
Who spoke to the director of the FBI.
We have an extradition treaty
with the Philippines.
They wanna bring her back to stand trial
for the murder of Rosa Martinez.
You really expect me to believe
that you're taking her
to the Philippines
instead of releasing her
back into the wild?
That's above my pay grade, Agent Scott.
I'm just here to pick up the package.

What just happened?

Apparently the joke's on us.
I've been calling for three hours.
Open the door!
- Can you believe your eyes?
- Ethan.
Well, believe it.
And if you order now,
we'll throw in not one, not two,
not three, but four
Hey, wake up.
Is there a fire?
What are you doing?
I I thought you were working.
I've I mean, I have to work.
Are you OK?


Are you high right now?
- Uh, no.
I'm working. I had to I mean
I have to I have to work tonight.
You're not going to work like this.
- Milo, shut up!
Don't yell at him.
You may as well be 30,000 feet
in the air right now.
You're definitely high.
What are you doing here? I told you
I told you not to come tonight.

Were you expecting someone else?
Maybe a late-night visit from Jamie?
What? What?
Why are you being so
how do you
how do you know about Jamie?
Wait, wait. Hana, wait, wait!
Give me a minute. I just give me
give me a second.
I just I just woke up
and you're here and I just
I just I just need a minute, please.

Here's your minute.
You want to explain
what the hell is going on?
All right.
Just please, I just

So Jamie, it's not
You know what?
You can keep your stupid
Rockettes tickets.
I knew I was right about you.
I'm done with you!

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