The Circle (2020) s06e06 Episode Script

That DM Slide

["Super Freak" by Rick James playing]
[Buteau] It's a new day in The Circle.
Have the players slept off
yesterday's drama,
or are we going to get a pedi party?
Please, Lord, say pedi party.
Good morning, Circle.
Oh. Good morning, Circle.
[Myles] Morning, Circle.
Please tell me you got
a breakfast sandwich
ready for me in the kitchen.
Good freaking morning.
I haven't had nightmares
like that in a long time.
But hopefully,
everybody has forgotten
that somebody said
I was a snake. [chuckles]
[Buteau] Yeah.
That's totally the kind of thing
people forget around here, Cassie.
It was a little kooky crazy.
I wonder if everyone else,
like, slept well,
because I just
did not sleep well. [chuckles]
Another beautiful sleep.
Excited for another day of scheming.
I'mma try to figure out a strategy
to get Olivia up out of here.
My whole plan
with the Poor-traits game went perfectly.
Maybe someone's got it out for me.
I'm ready to see things shake.
[Buteau] You sure about that, QT?
Because if you want to see things shake,
we can make things shake.
Like those footsteps coming right at ya!
[funky music playing]
No way.
I feel like I'm in a dream.
Like, this does not feel real.
Holy shit!
The winner has arrived, baby.
What's going on? My name is Jordan.
I am 24 years old.
I'm from the eccentric Austin, Texas.
And I'm a photographer.
All right, this photo,
this is like serenity.
I'm at the beach.
This needs to be by my bed.
I'm going into The Circle as myself
but with a little bit of a twist.
Follow along.
I used to be 300 pounds.
Four years ago, I lost 100 pounds,
and now I'm going back to my roots,
and I'm entering The Circle
as Big J. It's time to game.
Circle, set up my profile.
["Big Homie"
by Get It Done & DJ Scrilla playing]
Before I lost weight,
everyone saw me as the friendly giant,
the shoulder you could cry on.
With my current personality
and my current confidence,
I can easily get mistaken as a douchebag.
So now I'm bringing Big J back
so I can hide my strategy
by the friendly face.
All right, Circle.
Open the photo dead in the middle.
This photo gives, like,
a good energy, right?
It's giving, "Let's be friends."
Going in The Circle, immediately,
I just wanna connect with people.
Now, after I've got my allies
and I'm ready to go,
that's when I'm gonna start being messy
and spreading information to get
other people to go against each other.
That way I'm sitting pretty in the middle
until I need to be at the top.
Circle, let's start my bio.
So let's put, "My friends call me Big J."
"Dog dad of two."
"Self-proclaimed modern hippie
and huge concert goer."
"Currently living in the big ATX."
"Live with no regrets
and #GetItHowYouLive."
For me, this is strictly a game,
and I'm gonna win that money.
At that point in time, my confidence
did not link up with that guy.
And I'm trying to tie that together.
I think that's exactly what I did here.
And I'm ready.
Bro, this is gonna be insane.
[Buteau] What's really insane
is that we just don't have one new player.
We've got two.
Oh my
[cool music playing]
Look at this! All right, here we go.
I am Autumn. I am 21.
I am from Murfreesboro, Tennessee,
and I am a ranch hand.
So nervous!
I'm not nervous to the point
where I feel like I'm gonna throw up,
which is a good thing.
I consider myself a redneck
'cause we really have that
"we don't give a damn" attitude
and we'll always be the life of the party.
Being a ranch hand, you're mucking poop,
you're feeding cows,
you're feeding horses.
If you like to get dirty,
then it is the career path for you.
[alarm blares]
"Alert!" Oh, goodnight.
The party starts now.
What do you got for me, Circle?
"Welcome to The Circle." [giggling]
Thank you. [giggling] I'm glad to be here.
Going into The Circle,
I'm gonna be playing
my complete genuine, weird, redneck self.
My strategy is obviously
to try to build some alliances,
and I am not at all afraid to flirt.
If flirting is needed, I will flirt.
But not for love. Unless there's
a blue collar man in here somewhere.
I am weird, genuine, compassionate.
I have that "don't give a damn" attitude,
and I am not afraid to get dirty.
I definitely wanna win The Circle,
and I will do
everything in my power to do so.
"Northern country mixed
with southern charm."
"Let's partay. #Yeehaw."
[kissing] Perfect.
[Buteau] The OG Circle players
have no idea
there are some newbies in town.
-All right, let's go. [exhaling]
-[Buteau] But they're about to find out.
Right after this huge announcement
from Kyle.
This is the only way
I will ever eat cottage cheese, ever.
[alarm blares]
-[Myles, QT, Brandon] "Alert!"
-[Caress] Ooh!
Unacceptable, Circle.
This better be some good-ass news.
What you about to make us do now?
[TV whirs]
-"Two new players have joined The Circle!"
-"Two new players have joined The Circle!"
[screaming, giggling]
This is great!
That's good for me because I need,
obviously, some better friends
in this place.
I'm hoping for a Max 2.0.
I need a Max 2.0.
"Welcome Autumn and Jordan."
[Myles] Country-ass Autumn,
hippie stoner Jordan out here.
[all] take me to Autumn's profile.
[Caress] Ooh, all right. Autumn, 21.
She's single and a ranch handler.
"Northern country mixed
with southern charm."
That's my kind of girl right there.
Circle, take me to Jordan's profile.
Aw! Look at him
with the nose ring. [exclaiming]
"My friends call me Big J.
Dog dad of two."
[shouting] Yes! Yes, Jordan. Yes!
The very first thing
that we can connect on
is we're both dog dads.
[Caress] "Players, today you will
all rate each other!"
Flippety-flip, dip-dip!
Oh my God!
That is not right!
I don't like it!
[Cassie] "Autumn and Jordan will also rate
but cannot be rated."
Okay, that's good.
'Cause that's two extra votes for me.
I want to be able to create alliances.
So this is pretty crucial for me.
"You will all compete to be
the first to have a private chat
with each of these powerful new players."
I got a country girl in here.
I know how to butter them up.
[QT] "Pick one of the new players
and write them a private message
to get their attention."
Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
"The new players will read
all messages they receive."
"They will choose only one player each
to continue a conversation with."
This message, I gotta say, bro,
gotta bring out the real me.
I gotta bring out
every freaking thing I'm about.
I think if Olivia can get
one of the first private chats,
it's a good opportunity for her
to make a relationship
before anyone can shit-talk anyone.
If you don't get a chance
to talk to Autumn and Jordan,
you could be going home packing.
Autumn may be just what we need
to go ahead and get in
on the girls' good side.
[Buteau] The new players
are living that Instalife.
'Cause now that their profiles are set up,
they have to sit back and see
who wants to slide in their private chats.
Autumn, Jordan. Autumn, Jordan.
I definitely want to let her know
that this country gal has got her back.
We're going to stay #CountryStrong.
Here we go!
[TV dings]
Oh! "You have one new message."
Take me to the message, please.
Cassie! She is beautiful.
"So glad another country gal
has entered The Circle."
"I was feeling extremely lonely."
"I know we can be
#CountryStrong together."
"You ain't got to worry about
a thing with me."
"I've got your back."
"Red heart.
#BluegrassAndRockyTop." [chuckles]
There ain't no better way
than to win her over
than with her own slang.
I feel good about this.
[Autumn] She's reeling me in.
She's reeling me in right now.
All right. This first message
is super, super important.
I want to make Autumn laugh.
I want her to feel comfortable.
But then I also want to let her know
how big of a player I am
in this game right now.
-[TV dings]
-"You have one new message."
Okay, Paul!
"Autumn! My favorite season."
"I've been crucial
in the major moves thus far."
"I've got the inside scoop
and some sprinkles."
"Ready to spill the beers."
"Let's line dance to the winner's circle."
"#Yeehaw." Okay.
Paul is looking to talk strategy.
The person Autumn chooses to chat with
will end up being
the person she rates the highest,
and I need her to rate me high.
-[TV dings]
-"You have one new message."
Are you shizzing me right now?
Is it Quori-Tyler?
"Autumn, you are
just what The Circle needed."
"This ranch has been getting crazy lately,
and we need your help to wrangle it in."
"I'll bring the tea.
You just sit back and relax."
With the clinking glasses emoji.
Oh! Okay.
[Buteau] I like puns, too, Autumn.
And now you got to choose
which player you wanna lasso
for your first private one-on-one chat.
[suspenseful music playing]
This is tough.
I am going to continue
the conversation with
[TV dings]
[Caress gasps] Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
-Oh my God!
-Who's she gonna pick?
[QT] No!
-"Autumn has left the chat"?!
-"Autumn has left the chat"?!
All right, message.
"Paul! Exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"How ya doing? Question mark."
"So darn excited to be chatting with you."
"You had me at beer and line dancing."
With beer clinking emoji.
I gotta hit Autumn with some major tea
that's gonna, like, really put me
at a leg up when she does her votes.
Give me something good!
Message, "I love a girl
that gets her hands dirty."
"So let's get gritty.
Watch out for Lauren."
"She's definitely stabbed
a lot of people in the back."
"The biggest fish
on the hook right now is Kyle,
and there's a Circle romance
between Myles and QT."
"Cassie has proved to be
a snake in the grass,
and poor Olivia is lagging behind."
Send message.
Okay, that is a lot, a lot of dirt.
Which I do love dirt,
but that's a lot of dirt.
Is Paul being truthful right now,
or is he just using this
to get me on his side and his side only?
Message, "Well, holy shit!"
"Exclamation point, exclamation point."
"You done spilled the entire keg!
Exclamation point."
"Thank you for all the juicy details.
Beer has been spilled."
"Thank you for your service."
Yes! I feel like Autumn feels like
I done said errything. Errything!
Talk about leaving no crumbs.
You ate it up, bro. You ate it up, bro.
The fact that he said
that Cassie is a snake,
that I really need to keep an eye on,
considering her and I had a lot in common.
Two country blondes in The Circle
might just not be able to happen.
And if there's only gotta be one,
it's gotta be me.
[Buteau] Don't worry, Autumn.
This Circle town
is big enough for both of y'all.
Now time to see who wants
to serve a little tea to the Big J.
It's really important
that I message Jordan first,
because I want him to know
that dog dads, man,
we are loyal to a fault,
know what I'm saying?
I feel like
with that connection right there,
automatically that's gonna mean that
he's down for me and he'll rate me higher.
-[TV dings]
-[Jordan] "You have one new message."
Okay. Let's see this message.
Let's get this game going.
"Jordan, with three exclamation points."
"My fellow dog dad, dog emoji."
"TBH, this Circle game is no bullshit."
"Last night, all gloves were off
and people threw mad shots at everybody."
"I'm not someone
who's going to lie to your face."
"If you're looking for a dude
that will keep it 100, #ImYourGuy."
Kyle. He's definitely the jocky type.
Do you think naturally this guy
in the real world is going
to hang out with Big J?
I definitely think I want
to have a private chat with Jordan.
If Jordan is anything like Brandon,
then I know how to talk to him.
He just seems like someone
not only my BFF Olivia
but Brandon can connect with as well.
[Jordan] Olivia. "Hey Jordan."
"OMG, you look so much
like my BFF back home."
"You better watch that sweater closely,
'cause I see myself in it."
"Crying laughing emoji. #SweaterSwap?"
Um, no, that's my sweater.
I feel really good about this message.
I really do. I think Jordan
would want to talk to Olivia.
[Buteau] Sweater swapping
is a big no for Big J.
Maybe Lauren will have luck
with the sweater she's knitting.
In this message, I want
to seem really fun and interesting,
and I think that Jordan is
the perfect person
to start off on my side.
[Jordan] Okay, Lauren's a vibe.
"Jordan, exclamation point."
"I was instantly drawn to your profile
because we have oodles in common."
"She's also a dog dad of two,
concerts give me life,
and I fight the good fight
for human rights."
"So excited to get to know you.
I feel like Lauren
and Big J would be friends.
I ain't country. I'm a city boy.
Pull up to Big J's private messages!
-[TV dings]
-Take me to my next message.
All right, Myles. Myles looks like a bro.
"Need a friendly chat,
because I was doomed
with deciding the last blocking."
"Let's kiki over some tea and tell me
if I'm bugging over this fire goss."
Okay. He has popularity in The Circle.
He was an influencer.
He wants to spill some tea to me.
That's a really good thing.
-[TV dings]
-Oh. Oh! We got some bubbles out here.
Yo, okay, Jordan! Big J!
"Myles, in all exclamation points."
And maybe add
a couple S's on there. Like, "Myles!"
"OMG! I'm all ears for you.
You're all I have in The Circle."
"So what's on your mind?"
"#WhatsTheTea." Oh, this is great!
I'm his first connection.
He wants the scoop.
I got to give him something juicy.
[TV whirs]
Ah! [giggling]
-"Jordan has left the chat."
-"Jordan has left the chat."
That sucks!
Bro. If you want somebody
to keep it 100 with you
and just be real about it, I'm that guy.
But I guess he didn't want that.
This is really gonna help
influence my game.
This has the chance
to either make me look good,
solidify a friendship.
If he thinks I'm being
a little too sloppy,
giving out too much tea,
it could really play me the wrong way.
Message, "My boy!
Love your energy. Fire emoji."
"Please keep this on the low, low,
as I'm being vulnerable telling you this."
"Laughing face emoji."
"One, Paul has been playing a messy game."
"Two, I've been flirting with QT,
but I haven't found a Circle bestie."
[Jordan] "Three, Lauren lost
her two main allies
and then was called two-faced
in the Circle chat."
This is exactly what I need.
The tea is hot. The Circle is on fire.
It's telling me that Paul and Lauren,
not good on his list.
Message, "My boy!
I love you being honest with me."
"Gotta follow your heart in this game."
"And I get great vibes from you
Dot, dot, dot."
"Trust me, it's noted." With eyes emoji.
This is perfect.
And now he knows some of the tea.
Sounds like I'm now Circle besties
with someone that has
a lot of power in this game,
and I'm ready to take over that power.
[Buteau] Now that Autumn and Jordan
took a little dip into the drama,
it's time for them to take the plunge
in their very first Circle chat.
[Autumn] Circle, message,
"Still in shock
that I am here with all of y'all."
"I already feel so welcomed."
"Beers on me."
"Any tea that needs
to be spilled for tonight?"
Send message.
I'm curious to see
if anyone takes the bait.
Oh shit.
We got tea? Already?
That's my girl. Let's go.
Well, Autumn, if you would've came
to my private chat,
I would've spilled tea.
That's a little too messy, girl.
You came in here too direct.
I'm about ready to be like,
"I hope you brought some detective gear,
because there's a lot
of phonies in the house."
I'm here to make some big moves,
get my name out there.
So I say, let's just go for it.
Message, "I just want to mention
that after last night's game,
I feel like some people
have some explaining to do."
"LOL." Throw an eyeball in there.
[laughing] Oh snap!
-Oh, that's a call out for sure.
Tell them, Cassie! That was good.
Myles told me, you know,
he was willing to tell The Circle
that I wasn't a snake.
I wonder if he's actually
gonna do it or not.
[Myles] I feel I gotta own it.
Message, "Yo, I painted
the poor-trait of Cassie."
#ThatWasFunny!" [laughing]
[TV dings]
[cackling] This is getting juicy!
-[Autumn] Ooh!
-[Kyle whispering] Wow.
-[Kyle] Wow!
-[Autumn laughing]
Myles is messy.
Myles has proven
that he is a man of his word.
So that's good.
I'm really I'm really happy with that.
I really wish I was able to see
what went down last night,
because it sounded
like there was a lot of shade.
I want people to think that Big J
is, like, freaking out.
Like he's this nice guy
that just jumped into a pool of chaos,
and he's overwhelmed.
Message, "Girl, it's like I just got off
a carnival ride and my head is spinning."
"I don't wanna make a mistake
in the ratings tonight."
"Can anyone help me out? Question mark."
Good for him. Good for him. I mean,
please do tell,
'cause that'll help me too.
I think it would be very easy to just
throw people under the bus right now,
but that's not who Olivia is.
We need to start thinking,
like, here, and not just here.
Message, "It's hard to figure out
what is real! Exclamation point."
"All I can say is,
we have to rate with our hearts."
"Last night was crazy,
and it's a lot of negative energy."
"#ItDoesntHaveToBeThisWay." Aw!
What a good message, Olivia.
[Kyle] Everybody's trying
to save themselves.
This game might be
too cutthroat for Olivia.
You can't tell me
that everybody sitting on their bed
or their couch right now is like,
"Oh, I'm gonna play with my heart."
No, they ain't.
Message, "At the end of the day,
this is a game."
"Everyone has a strategy Dot, dot, dot."
"Keep that in mind
when going into ratings."
Cassie, like, why are you trying
to be this sus girl out here?
Wow, Cassie is gaming.
Cassie is a gamer.
I think Cassie is a snake.
Message, "Thank y'all so much
for all the information!
Exclamation point."
"I have a lot to think about."
Amen, Autumn.
I honestly could not have said it better.
Girl, you're fake as your [sputtering]
Get out of here.
There ain't no way somebody from Tennessee
ain't gonna come say hi
to a girl from Kentucky.
Ain't no way.
[Buteau] That's some solid logic, Cassie.
Meanwhile, Olivia feels bad
about saying Kyle was AI yesterday.
She hopes the chat
will get her out the doghouse.
[TV dings]
[Kyle] "Olivia has invited you
to a private chat."
After throwing shots at me?!
Girl, you on my number one
enemy list right now.
But she got some balls
sending me a private chat.
[Buteau] In more ways than one.
[TV dings]
[Brandon] Yes! Okay.
At least Kyle didn't deny me. Oh.
Message, "Kyle, I just wanted to say
I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings."
[Kyle] "That was not my intention at all.
I do want to know what is she trying
to get off her chest right now,
to see maybe if she is somebody
that I can hash this out with.
I have to figure out a way
that I can get in her good graces
so she doesn't rate me low.
Message, "What's up, O?"
"I really believe that
we did get off on the wrong foot."
"Can I start by saying,
'Hi, my name is Kyle.' Heart emoji."
Send message.
They always say, "Keep your friends close,
but keep your enemies closer."
Message, "Nice to meet you, Kyle."
"I'm Liv." And then heart emoji.
I think that's just showing Kyle,
like, I'm willing to start over.
I'm willing to start fresh.
"I feel like I misjudged your photo,
'cause I wanted to see
those abs up close."
"And I regret that, 100 emoji."
"I think we could be a good team."
"I don't know why, I just picture you
as a big teddy bear type."
So I'm going to kind of change
the subject a little bit
and get deep with her.
I feel like if I get deep with Liv,
she can understand where I
Where I come from.
Message, "You hit it
right there on the head."
"I am a big softie at heart,
and that did hurt
when you thought I could be the AI."
"From the very moment
I saw your bio, 'My mom is my hero'"
"I wanted to have
a conversation with you."
"My mom is my absolute everything,
especially since I lost
my dad at a young age."
"I lost him to cancer, and my mom
stepped up to 'the mom and dad.'"
[tearfully] I understand,
'cause I also lost my dad at a young age.
I ain't trying to be like this
in The Circle. Goodness gracious!
[tearfully] Do I tell him?
[sniffles] Because I don't know
if that's Olivia's story.
But, like, it's Brandon's story.
[sniffles] And I think
it could be Olivia's story.
[serene music playing]
Message, "Thank you so much
for sharing that with me."
"I can completely understand
where you're coming from."
"I also lost my dad when I was young,
and I never got a chance
to know the person he was."
"I'm so grateful that I have someone
I can talk to about that."
[Kyle] "#WeHaveALotInCommon."
I was not ready for that. At all.
[whispering] Oh shit, bro.
Don't do it, fam. Don't do it.
Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Message, "Olivia,
I'm not gonna lie to you."
"This has been the realest conversation
I've had in The Circle."
"I had no idea you lost your dad as well."
"You seriously have me in tears,
because I feel your pain."
With the tear emoji.
[voice cracking] "#YouAreSpecial."
[serene music continues]
"You just showed me a side to you
that I'm going to #Cherish."
Kyle, I'm speechless.
Message, "Oh, the tears
are flowing over here as well."
"#BondedForLife. Heart emoji."
And send message.
Hell yeah, we are, Liv.
We really are.
[TV whirs]
Damn, I like Liv, man.
Liv's something else.
Going into this conversation,
I was so concerned about the picture,
and it just
It's like it didn't even matter.
Kyle seems like an amazing person.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] The players are prepping
for the approaching ratings
by being silly
[talking gibberish]
-sweating it out
-[QT] Ooh!
and carb-loading.
But ain't none of them ready
for a slice of what The Circle's cooking.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Oh my God, please don't tell me
this is the ratings already!
Oh golly, what do you have
for me now, Circle?
It is too much for one day already.
[Kyle] "Players, you must now
rate each other."
I could be going home.
Being honest might have worked against me.
It's anybody's game right now.
"Sixth place is your least favorite."
I think that this time,
going in, I'm going to flip-flop it.
The person who I would
typically put in my sixth place,
they're actually going to go
in my first place.
If I vote everyone low
and they vote me high,
I should come up on top.
I should be the influencer.
[Buteau] And thank you, everyone,
for listening to Cassie's TED Talk.
[TV whirs]
Hopefully, all of my work
that I've been putting in
for the last few days pays off.
[TV whirs]
"As new players, Autumn and Jordan
can rate but cannot be rated."
Thank God!
Perfect. We live to see another day,
Jordan. We live to see another day.
I hope Jordan's got me.
You said we were gonna be Circle besties.
Let's see if you deliver.
I'm about to see
what people think about me now.
I cannot mess it up.
-So, Circle, take me to my ratings.
-[Myles] Circle, take me to my ratings.
Hopefully, they're not my last.
[suspenseful music playing]
Kyle and Olivia had
an incredible conversation today
that just really touched my heart.
So, Circle, please lock Kyle
into my first place position.
It was really brave of Kyle
to share that with me,
and I'm glad that we could bond over that.
Circle, lock in QT in my first position.
You are my girl. You're my circle boo.
I know if you get into
an influencer position,
it would look really bad
if you sent me packing.
I want to put Paul.
It's a bold choice, I think,
but he's the only one I've gotten
to private chat with so far,
and he gave me a lot of tea.
Circle, I'd like to place Quori-Tyler
in my first position.
She seems really well-liked in The Circle,
and I would be interested
to see her in a position of power.
Put Kyle in my first place position.
Normally, I would have wanted
to put Olivia at my first,
but I'm flipping this,
because I've not gotten to know him
on a personal level whatsoever.
So it would make more sense
to put him there
versus at the bottom,
'cause I'm trying to flip this thing.
Recently, I've been having
great chats with Kyle.
He also told me
that if he was ever influencer,
he would keep me and Myles safe.
Okay, Circle, put Kyle in second position.
Circle, lock Cassie
into my third place position.
Circle, I would like
to place Myles in my fourth position.
I don't want him taking
any more control over the game,
'cause he's someone
I'm definitely gonna need out of here.
Circle, place Cassie
in the fifth position.
I told you I got your back.
This is as best as I can do.
Fifth up is going to my sweet Lauren.
[QT] Circle, put Olivia in my sixth place.
[sighs] It makes me sick even saying it,
but, Circle, please put Olivia
in my sixth place position.
I'm hoping she gets rated lower.
That way, I can get rated higher.
I know that's so selfish, but it's a game,
and I wanna win!
[Lauren] Circle, lock in Paul
as my sixth place rating.
-Okay, Circle, submit my ratings.
-[Caress] Circle, submit my ratings.
[Jordan] "Ratings complete."
"Ratings complete!" I'm nervous.
I am not [sputtering] even going to lie.
Like, I am so nervous.
I think we're okay.
But this is The Circle.
It's unpredictable.
Hopefully, my master plan works.
And I'm ready for some pizza. Starving.
[Buteau] The number of steps
in your strategy
definitely deserves some carb-loading.
I've been here long enough
to know that after ratings,
players always think about
what they'd do if they get blocked.
I got strong legs.
[electronic music playing]
Kick a hole in a wall.
[Buteau] But to avoid a blocking,
players need many skills.
[Kyle grunts]
[Buteau] strength
[Caress humming]
[Buteau] attention to detail
[Buteau] and the ability to bend
-[Buteau] the truth.
down. Okay.
[Buteau] Cassie, though,
she keeps it cool.
What does a cucumber
even do for your eyes, anyway?
[whimsical music playing]
Like they're cold.
Up until like two years ago,
I had no idea
that a pickle was a cucumber.
When they told me that,
I didn't believe them. I had to Google it.
Sure enough, they were right.
So, I feel like Cassie is kind of
freaking out a little bit right now.
So, Circle, please open
a private chat with Cassie.
[TV whirs]
"Olivia has invited you
to a private chat!"
I'm super anxious
to see what she has to say.
I wonder how she rated me,
because I rated her really low.
But she doesn't know that. Okay,
so I'm going to go in. Conscience cleared.
I ain't going to rat on myself.
So, Circle, open
the private chat with Olivia.
Message, "Hey, girl!
How're you holding up? Question mark."
"#YoureMyGirl. Heart emoji."
And send message.
[Cassie] Oh God!
And I literally
just rated her at the bottom. [exclaims]
It makes me feel awful.
But at the same time, this is a chance
for a lot of money
that could change my family's life.
And I'm gonna do whatever it takes
to bring the money home.
Okay. Message,
"How are you feeling
about the new players that entered today
and the fact that they are rating us?"
Send message.
I am also freaking out, because who knows?
Um, message,
"Freaking out for sure!
Exclamation point."
"This is the part
of the game I don't love."
"I hate that two people who don't know us
have the fate of our games
in their hands. Sweating emoji."
"Where do you think people
are going to rate us? Question mark."
[exclaiming] "Where do you think people
are going to rate us?"
Well, I don't know. And if I knew,
I probably wouldn't be freaking out
as much as I am right now.
Okay, message,
"I wouldn't think twice
about it if I were you."
"Everybody knows you're
the real deal. #TrustMe."
"Ultimately, it's up to the influencers."
"I've just got my fingers crossed
that it's me and you."
"If not, then hopefully
one of us don't get blocked."
"#WeGotThisGirl. #DontSeparateTheBlondes."
I think this is perfect.
[whining] Jeez, I feel so guilty
for rating her so low.
I wear my heart on my sleeve,
so Olivia wears her heart on her sleeve,
and I understand
that not everyone's like that.
So I feel like this is Cassie's way
of telling me she's got me.
We do got this.
As long as you got me, I got you, girl.
So, Circle, leave
the private chat with Cassie.
I think we're going to be okay.
[Buteau] While Cassie
is stringing along Olivia,
Quori-Tyler is serving
strategic home decor.
[QT] Put the puppet master up here.
Look at that.
The puppet master.
And then my little mug says Quori-Tyler,
just in case you don't know,
the puppet master is Quori-Tyler.
[Buteau] Yeah, I think we got it, girl.
And you about to get something too.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
It's time!
I hope this alert is not our rankings.
"The ratings results are in!"
[QT] "The top two rated players
will become influencers!"
I need this power
more than anything right now.
Like, it's either become an influencer
or potentially get sent home.
The suspense is killing me.
Like, this is so funny.
There's so many fake people in The Circle.
I don't know what's real and what's not.
Who's in last place?
[Cassie] Here it goes! Last place.
I can't watch.
[loudly] Why?!
Poor Cassie! Oh my gosh.
[Caress] Thank you!
Yeah, she did some damage.
[Brandon] That's such a bummer, man.
I didn't expect that.
This actually doesn't surprise me.
People did not like that she turned on me.
That sucks.
[TV whirs]
What did Olivia do?
I must have missed out
on something really big.
That's really weird. What?
I thought she was really liked
by a lot of people.
[Brandon] Oh my God!
From first to sixth?!
I thought I had stronger bonds than this.
This sucks. This sucks.
[TV whirs]
Hit me in the jugular.
I can't believe Paul
rated higher than Olivia.
I just can't believe that.
Yo, this lining up
with my ratings real quick.
It really seems like Myles
might be controlling this game.
-Really don't want Myles
-[TV whirs]
Myles. Okay.
That that's good. That's good.
That's exactly where I wanted him at.
I wanted him right in the middle.
I was not expecting that,
considering he just won most human.
[Kyle] This is not real.
I'm fine with that.
It was a messy day for me.
Oh my gosh. I'm top three.
I hope I'm next.
I hope the influencers are Kyle and QT.
I can't look. I can't look. I can't look.
Oh yeah, baby!
Whoa! Yes, it's me! Okay. Okay, Lauren.
This is the best case scenario.
I did not want to be an influencer.
Good for you, girl. Good for you!
[whispering] I'm an influencer!
I'm a freaking influencer!
[TV whirs]
I guess I really am a puppet master!
[laughing] Oh my God!
Kyle is number one?!
No freaking way!
I can't believe Kyle
is in the first place.
Everybody said that Kyle was fake.
I still feel like I got
a decent read on The Circle.
Kyle was the only anomaly here today.
Kyle is the one person in this game
that I don't have information
on who they are aligned with.
I still can't believe Cassie's
at the bottom. Holy crap.
[laughing] This is wild!
Sis, we doing something right.
[QT] Now everyone's
gonna want to talk to me,
and I'll have to figure out
who I want to talk to.
[Cassie] My name should have
the blue check mark next to it.
Myles drew me as a snake, and now look.
I went from fifth to seventh.
Like, literally, I am in dead last place.
Myles put a big target on my back.
I think Cassie and Liv
have created some enemies.
Liv blatantly came for Kyle.
I wouldn't forget that.
We're at the bottom two.
Historically, the bottom two,
one of them is going home.
If they were to choose, let's say,
between Cassie and Olivia,
would they rather keep the "snake" around?
And then you got Lauren.
The biggest snake of them all.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Oh my God, alert already?
[Brandon] I cannot handle another alert.
Oh, don't tell me.
[TV whirs]
"It's now time for the influencers
to decide which player to block." Okay.
Yeah, we know, Circle.
I haven't even gotten
a chance to wear my wig.
"As new players,
Autumn and Jordan are immune!"
"Kyle and"
[QT] "Quori-Tyler must"
-"go to the Hangout to"
-"make their decision!"
We're making the decision!
I've worked for this. I'm ready to go.
Let me grab my notes.
QT, Olivia brought you into The Circle
and said you were, like, her girl, like
Girl power, you know?
[Caress] I hope that Kyle
sticks to the bro code.
I really hope that QT and I
She wasn't just pulling my chain.
I'm not ready to go home.
I don't want to go home.
And I don't want to start crying.
[tearful] You know,
I didn't leave my children,
you know, to come here for so long
and be away from them for nothing.
[sniffles] You know,
that would suck so bad.
[Buteau] With the ratings complete,
our influencers, Kyle and Quori-Tyler,
have a tough decision to make.
They're headed up to the Hangout.
Oh! [exclaiming]
[Buteau] And make a decision
on which player to block.
Look at where we at, Papa!
I am an influencer on The Circle
and I'm in the Hangout!
Like, can we just
all take a moment for that?
Cheers up, Pops.
[QT] This is so nice.
Are you ready?
Let's talk about these players, Pop.
So I'm interested to see what Kyle says,
but at the end of the day,
I'm gonna try to push
whatever I want a little bit more.
I really want her to understand
that yo, I'm the big bro,
you the little sis.
I love you, girl, but I'm the big bro.
Olivia is high on my list
for who I might want to block.
By me doing the painting
to make it look like she did it of Kyle,
it could make this decision easier
for me and Kyle right now.
Circle, open influencer chat.
[TV dings]
"Yo!" In all caps.
"Exclamation point, exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point."
"I can't believe I'm here
with my freaking sister."
"Hallelujah emoji."
"We said we was going
to run The Circle, and now look at us."
"#TresFuego. Fire emoji." Send message.
I am just happy to be here
with my brother! Okay.
"OMG, Kyle. #LookMamaWeMadeIt."
"Dancing emoji, party emoji."
"Are we the king and queen of The Circle?"
"I'm so freaking excited
to be here with you."
We strong! Yeah, we strong! Let's go!
Message, "Let's get this ball rolling."
"Now Myles, that's my freaking boy."
"He's been loyal to me,
so it's only right that I do the same."
We love this. We love this
because I want to keep Myles as well.
Okay, let's see.
"You already know how I feel about Myles.
My #CircleCrush. Heart-eyes emoji."
"The likelihood
of blocking Myles is nonexistent."
I want to go straight in for the person
I feel like he is coming against.
Circle, message,
"Up next, let's talk about Olivia."
"I know she's been coming for you
in some of the chats
and the Poor-traits game."
[Kyle] "As an alliance,
we need to look out for any threats
that stand in our way."
[QT] That way he knows
it's not, like, a locked decision.
But if he's thinking about it,
then I am also thinking about it.
It really makes it seem
like I'm doing this to support him.
Oh my God. But she doesn't know
that me and Olivia had a conversation.
"Sis, the fact that you have
my back is absolutely amazing."
"But I had a conversation
with Olivia today."
"Let's come back to her later."
Okay. He said,
"Let's come back to her later."
So there's always a possibility.
"Let's talk about Paul."
"I know he can be
a little too much at times,
but I do believe he is a loyal person."
"What are your thoughts?" Send message.
I really wanna know
what Quori's gonna say about this.
Because Paul is somebody
that causes trouble. He does.
"I'm not opposed to blocking Paul."
"I think it would be
the least blood on my hands."
"He's somebody that will put you
on blast in front of everybody
without thinking twice."
Which is what gets him
in trouble, in my opinion.
[QT] People wouldn't be upset with us,
'cause Paul is not afraid
to call people out.
But I really want
to come across as the guy that
has my boy's back.
Message, "Let's talk about Cassie."
"Were you as shocked as me
when she came in last place?"
"But I'm wondering
if there's something I'm not seeing."
"How do you feel about her?"
Let me tell you
how I feel about her, Quori.
I'm not that big on Cassie.
And the fact that people
keep throwing shots at Cassie
just kind of lets me know
that what I'm feeling is real,
like, I'm not tripping on what I'm saying.
[QT] "She is straight #Sus to me."
Now I feel like a lot
of people are not loving Cassie.
If everyone else
is feeling bad about Cassie,
then maybe I shouldn't stick
my neck out too far for her.
Message, "I've been going
back and forth when it comes to Lauren."
"I really do like the person,
but the picture yesterday
really worries me."
"#FishyOrNah? Question mark."
Send message.
Lauren could possibly be
the person I want to block tonight.
I think she's just
a little too nice to too many people,
and you can't trust that
in a game like this.
You have to know
who someone is coming against,
that way you know
they're not coming against you.
Circle, message,
"What you're saying about Lauren
is the exact thing
that scares me about her."
Thank you, Quori. I've been feeling it.
I feel like she comes across
as a little too nice,
and if she had
the chance to block someone,
I don't know who it would be.
My goodness. I felt this way, yo.
This is what I'm saying.
It looks like we're down
to Lauren, Olivia, and Cassie.
It's all about keeping
the #TresFuego safe.
[Buteau] Tres fuego
has focused on tres targets,
but they can only choose one.
Okay, it seems
like we've come to a decision.
Okay, let's do it.
[Buteau] Someone's about to say,
"Adios, amigos."
[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Caress] Here we go.
-This is it.
-[Cassie] I don't even want to look.
Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh.
-[Caress] "The influencers"
-"have made"
"their decision!"
-Okay, shit's about to get real.
-Okay. All right. [grunts]
-"Make your"
-"way to the"
Take me to Circle chat.
Take me to Circle chat.
Dang, I ain't never delivered
news like this before. [chuckles]
This so nerve-wracking.
What are they gonna think?
Oh my God. Kyle's typing.
[sighing] Here we go.
[ominous music playing]
[Brandon moans]
[groans] I hope they understand.
"The Poor-trait game and comments
really weighed heavy on this decision."
[Cassie] I know that this is about me.
I put my foot in my mouth.
Oh my God. I don't know what this means.
I really hope Liv has done enough
to show them that she deserves to be here.
[Kyle] "We have come to a decision."
"This was extremely," in all caps, "hard,
because this person
does deserve to stay here."
[Lauren] I don't think that anything
that Kyle said has to do with me.
He's my strongest ally.
I think he's my strongest ally.
[QT] Oh my gosh.
I don't envy him for having
to actually be the one to say it.
[Myles] I don't know.
We were talking about tres fuego.
If QT was playing me, that'd be some shit.
I feel nauseous.
Gosh, I just really hope it's not me.
My heart is beating so hard.
The player we decided to block is
Please. Please.
[sniffles, sighs]
[ominous music crescendos, ends]
[TV beeps]
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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