The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s06e06 Episode Script

Fam Farm Fun Fest

-A do-over was a great idea.
-Why didn't we just
do this the first time?
[Dawn muffled]
We can't live in the past, Guy.
If we did, we'd all be babies.
-Yeah, that would be the worst.
-[cart squeaking]
Sandy? Thunky hungry.
-[angry grumble]
[Sandy grumbling]
Well, that's everything we need,
and Chunky
doesn't suspect a thing!
Let's launch this lava pepper!
-Story time!
-[all screaming]
-Gran! What are you doing?
-And where did you come from?
-Nothing and nowhere!
And I didn't say Q and A.
I said story time!
So, pop a squat
'cause I'm about to tell
you a tale, growing pains!
-But Gran--
-But shut it!
Now, open your hearing holes
so I can fill them
with the story
of Fam Farm Fun Fest!
-Uh, Gran?
We already know that story.
-I don't know that st--
Hang on, Gran.
will you turn Thunky around?
-[annoyed grumbling]
-Thanks, Sandy.
I don't know that story.
-Yes, you do, Thunk.
You were there.
-Oh, we'll see about that.
Go ahead, Gran.
-Go ahead with what?
-The story about
Fan Farm Fun Fest!
-Ah! So, you wanna hear
the story of Fan Farm Fun Fest,
-GRAN: Fine.
I'll tell it to you,
but only so you'll
stop hounding me to hear it!
-[annoyed sigh]
There's nothing we can do now
except make it worse.
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-It was a day
like any other day.
Except it wasn't because it was
Fam Farm Fun Fest!
A day full of family and fun
and farms and,
uh, fish, I think.
Either way, it was a dumb day.
-I hope you like eating dust,
'cause you're about to
eat mydust.
-First of all,
nobodylikes eating dust,
and why are you
trash talking me?
-We're on the same team!
-So what?
I still want you to lose.
-I'm rooting for you, Guy,
because I'm rooting
for everyone!
-Dawn! You're on myteam!
-I know,
but why can't everyone win?
-Because then no one would lose.
-No, Dawn,
because thatwould be a hike,
and thisis a race.
-Okay! Is everybody ready?
This is a three-legged race!
Chunky has four legs!
-But he's only gonna use three.
-Of his own legs! It's unfair!
-Hm I'll allow it.
-But it's a clear violation of
Fam Farm Fest Fun protocol.
-Oh, I think it's
Farm Fun Farm Fest
-You said farm twice.
It's Farm Fast Fun Fest.
-Wait, that's not right.
-Yeah, because it's
Fun Fam Farm Fast
Foot Fist Fur Fin Flag Day.
-It's Fan Farm Fun Fest,
and ease up, Phil.
This day is about having fun
together, not winning.
-Hope's right.
And we're gonna win!
[sighs, blows horn]
[all yell]
-[all groaning]
-[Thunk laughs]
-Sweet vine ride!
-[sighs] Chunky
[sad growl]
-Ha! You lost!
-No, welost! We're a team!
-Wanna hear a secret?
I was never on your team.
-Yeah! That's not a secret!
The race was rock bottom.
But then,
the beach ball game started.
-Okay, Croods! I hope you guys
like getting dizzy
'cause there's a Guy-clone
heading your way!
-A what?
-A Guy-clone.
-It's what I call my serve.
-You mean cyclone, Guy.
-It's pronounced with an S sound
-No, I was--
-Exhibiting a profound ignorance
of weather?
It's not your fault.
You simply lack knowledge.
[angry growl]
-Serve the ball!
-Fine! [grunts]
-Coming your way, Ugga!
-I got it!
[Chunky snarls]
[grunts] Huh?
-[Guy sighs]
Yep! Beachball was a bust, too
'cause Chunky busted the ball!
[frustrated sighs]
Good thing arts and
crafts was a success.
[all laughing, humming, barking]
-See, Dusty?
You and Dripstopher
are gonna be best friends.
-And done.
How many necklaces
did you make, Eep?
-Just this one.
But, it's actually a snake,
so maybe we use yours instead
'cause of the biting.
-No problem!
I've got enough for everyone.
Fan Farm Fun Fest necklaces!
-You want 'em, we got 'em!
-[excited ooh's]
-Happy Farm Fest Fun Fun!
-And a happy Fan Farm Fun,
uh, Forgot to you.
-Okay, who's next?
-[Chunky growls]
[soft growling]
Happy [grunts] Fam [grunts]
Farm Force
[yells, gasps]
I just don't think
it's gonna fit.
-Aw, he doesn't mind 'cause
he's Chunky. Right, Chunky?
[soft growl]
-Ah! Dusty!
[sad growl]
I'm confused.
You said arts and crafts
was a success.
-No, I didn't!
'Cause Chunky ruined it!
-Okay, Eep, what's the plan
for getting out of here? Ooh--
We're all on our own.
-Pipe down, No Shirt!
I'm telling a story.
No shirt, no shoes, no story!
So what happened next, Gran?
-You know what happens next
because you were there.
but I wasn't there there.
-Wait, was I there there?
Am I here here?
like a wounded wolfspider--
or Grug--
Fam Farm Fun Fest
just wouldn't die!
Even when that good-for-nothin'
sun called it a day.
And everyone was excited
for the big
Fam Farm Fun Fest Fiesta.
-A party where
they play stupid games.
-Sure, we've hit some bumps,
but we're gonna finish strong!
Snacks, music,
and the greatest game ever,
"Guess What I Drew!"
-Ooh! Is it a banana?
That's the name of the game.
-Oh, the game is called
Banana? I'm in.
-Is that everyone?
-I hope so
because there's
no more room. Hm?
[confused growl]
-Sorry, Chunky.
You just don't fit.
[sad growl]
And once again,
Chunky was the odd cat out.
[sad growl]
While everyone else was playing
games and eating snacks,
poor Chunky was alone.
-All alone!
-[distant howl]
But then,
Chunky heard a familiar howl.
-[quiet howl]
-But it was just the wind.
-Because he was alone.
-[sad growl]
-[distant howl]
-But then, he heard
another distant howl!
-[soft howl]
-But that was the wind, too,
-'cause he was alone.
-[sad growl]
-But then, he heard
another distant howl!
-[distant howl]
-But that was just the wind
'cause he was alone.
-What? No!
It was another death cat!
[growls, howls]
[distant howl]
And pretty soon,
-they got to talking.
I have no idea to this day
what those two furry beasts
were howling about.
Truth is, I don't wanna know.
Some things
are best left unsaid.
I like to think they were
yelling about something
-so beautiful
-[distant howl]
-it can't be expressed in words
and makes your heart ache
because of it.
Anyway, no one heard any of it
because they were too busy
playing that stupid game
they like for some reason!
Any moon now, Guy.
-Indeed. I built this tree house
in less time!
-[groans] Okay, everyone.
Guess what I--
-Banana! It's a banana!
-What? It looks nothing like
a banana! Because it's a tree!
-Oh, that depends on the eye
of the banana beholder.
-Yeah. I'm getting banana, too.
[all agreeing]
GRAN: All of you were too busy
drawing bananas
-GUY: It was a tree!
-GRAN: to even hear the howls!
Let alone know
it was another death cat.
But the animals heard,
and they knew.
-So what did Belt, Sash,
and Douglas do?
-Who cares?
They're not an important part
of this story! So, forget them!
-Now, where was I?
-[Guy sighs]
-Okay, Dawn,
on the count of three,
I say we slip out. One, two
GRAN: Chunky felt
he didn't fit on the farm,
so he set out to find
that other death cat
and maybe a place
where he would fit in.
But it turns out,
he wasn't the only one
making tracks.
-That's right.
It was the other pets!
Hold on, Gran.
You justtold us to forget about
Belt, Sash, and Douglas.
-Surprised you, didn't I?
Because we know this story!
Isn't that right, Sandy?
Oh, come on!
GRAN: Animals know animals
almost as good as
I know animals.
And Long Arms, Lady Long Arms,
and Tongue-face Licksalot
could tell Chunky
was feeling left out and alone
-because he was.
So they offered to help Chunky
find that other death cat.
[sniffling, purrs]
Meanwhile, back at the farm
-Best Fam Farm Fun Fest ever!
-My favorite part was when Guy
drew that banana,
and I totally guessed
it was a banana.
-[Guy gasps, growls]
It was a tree!
-My favorite part of tonight
was that
Fam Farm Fun Fest Fiesta
fresh fruit-flavored fritter.
And thatfritter. Fritter filch!
[Thunk grunts, wheezes]
Fritter fail.
-Sorry, Thunk.
This is for Chunky.
I saved him one
since he couldn't join us.
-Great idea!
Let's all go give it to him!
-Yeah. Fritters fix everything.
Or is that pie?
Better safe than sorry.
-Huh. I wonder where Chunky is.
-Oh, I'll just hold the fritter
-while you guys go look for him.
-I'm sure Chunky's
around here somewhere.
-[distant growling]
-Or not.
-That's Chunky! But that came
from beyond the wall.
What's he doing out there?
-Maybe he's night hunting.
-Or whatever isn't
night hunting.
-[whispers] Think about it.
-Or maybe Chunky ran away.
-Why would Chunky do that?
-Well, I mean,
his Fam Fest wasn't so great.
-And we left him
out here alone!
While the rest of us
were inside having fun!
-Yeah, but we do that
all the time.
[distant howl]
-Oh, no. We gotta find him
and make it up to him.
Follow that howl.
GRAN: Chunky and the other pets
were making good time.
Well, Chunky was.
That's the thing about sloths
and whatever the other one is.
They're good for nothing.
They don't hunt.
They don't work.
You're not allowed to eat 'em.
And they're lazy.
Which is why Chunky
had to pull over for a break.
And things went from
bad to nightmare
when Chunky came face-to-face
with the one thing
all death cats fear.
A cucumbeet!
-Death cats are scared of
Is that really a thing?
When Chunky saw one, he jumped
like a kangadillo
on a steam geyser.
So yeah, it's a thing.
With a cucumbeet
blocking the path,
it looked like they were going
to have to abandon the mission.
But then,
that good-for-nothing doguana
or whatever he is
turned out to be
good for something.
-[Chunky growls]
But vegetables weren't the only
thing slowing Chunky down.
There were also sparkle-flies!
[playful growling]
-And all that bug bouncing
was bumping the boulders above!
Luckily, before the pets
got rock-rolled,
Long Arms and Lady Long Arms
found a way
to calm that kitty down.
[panting, barking]
And with Sniffy Slobberton
leading the way,
the Furry Four pressed on!
But it didn't take them long
to dig themselves
into another hole.
And this hole was a river,
blocking their way!
And that was a problem
because death cats hate water
almost as much as
they hate cucumbeets!
[sad chittering, whining]
-[happy chittering]
-[Chunky growls]
[dramatic sting]
GUY: Is it because
they look like tiny heads?
-What looks like tiny heads?
I just don't understand
why death cats would be
afraid of them.
-We all fear vegetables
on some level.
-Now, shut your mouth
or I'll fill it with sand!
[panting growls]
-[happy purring]
It was getting late,
and Chunky was slowing down.
So they decided
to get some shut-eye.
[quiet growling]
[sad purring]
[grumbling, chittering]
And that's why
you can't trust a crowverine.
-What? There's no crowverine
in this story, Gran!
-Oh. Is this your story now?
-Yes! Because we were there!
-We were?
What were we doing?
-We were looking for Chunky!
Chunky! Chunky! Chunky!
-Boring! Now, let's get back to
the real story!
The next morning,
the other animals
woke Chunky up
-because they had
some news to share.
They found the death cat!
And then they found some more!
[quiet snarling]
The end.
-What? That's not
how this story ends!
There's way more that happens!
-Yeah, I guess.
If you like fluff.
So, after the sniffin' party,
Chunky and the other death cats
got busy mingling.
You deserve the world,
you deserve the world
Just give it everything
You can have it
if you believe
It's finally your turn now
It's your turn,
just give it everything
'Cause, baby, you got this
You can do anything
you want to
Just don't give up, no
you can do anything
You're strong enough
Just don't give up
Chunky got along great
with the other death cats.
For the first time
in a long time,
he felt like he belonged.
So it was no surprise
when the others asked Chunky
-to join their pride.
That's why Chunky
had left the farm.
To find a place to fit in.
So of course
, he said yes. Loudly.
[loud roar]
But before Chunky could settle
into his new life,
his old life showed up.
-[confused growls]
I'm a scared little baby!
-What?! I never said that!
-Sure you did. Now, hush up!
Things are about to get good.
-[claws snapping]
-Screaming isn't helping, guys.
-Maybe we just need to
scream louder?
-No! We need to fight.
-Against two scorpulions?
What chance do we have
of winning that fight?
-Honestly, not much,
but not much
is better than none.
So, let's go down swinging.
Or kicking. Your choice.
-I'm gonna try swinging
and kicking!
I'll let you know how it goes.
-I really wish Chunky was here.
-[Thunk gasps]
-How did I do that?
Am I a wizard?!
-I still don't like these odds.
No offense, Chunky!
-Yeah, glad you're here, Chunky,
but I wish
you brought some backup.
I did it again!
My powers
are stronger than I thought.
[roaring, snarling]
[all gasp]
-Chunky! You saved us!
-And you found more death cats
who also saved us!
-Saved by death cats!
I just wish Douglas was here
to see this.
[barking, panting]
I am the greatest wizard alive!
-Chunky, we're sorry
we didn't include you.
And we're so sorry
about all the other times
we made you feel left out.
Now you found a place
where you'll always fit in.
So, I guess
you're gonna stay with them?
[agreeing growl]
Which means you're not coming
back to the farm with us.
Which means I'm gonna miss you.
-We'll never forget you.
-Guh! I hate goodbyes!
-All my powers,
and I couldn't stop this.
Oh, why fail me now, magic?
[Sandy growls sadly]
[all sniffling]
-You take care of Chunky, okay?
[all crying]
-Chunky, wait!
gimme your necklaces. Hm
Okay, let's see.
-Do you want me to--
Perfect fit.
So you'll always remember us.
-[Dawn sighs]
[sniffling, crying]
[roaring, snarling]
Up top, Chunky!
-[humming] Woop!
[growl, sad purr]
Jump! Jump! Jump! [laughter]
[soft growl]
[sad growl]
[Eep and Dawn laughing,
-[slow motion screaming]
-[slow motion growl]
[sad grumble]
[sad growl]
-I can't believe that's it.
-No more Chunky.
-[sighs] I hope he doesn't
forget about us.
-I just wish
he would come back.
-[all gasping]
Oh, my powers have no end!
-Chunky! You came back!
-But, what about the pack?
[soft growl]
[soft roars]
-We're glad you're coming home,
The end.
-[Thunk sobbing]
-[annoyed sigh]
-Oh, Gran. That was
the greatest story ever told.
-What story?
-EEP: There you are, Thunk.
What are you still doing here?
-Listening to Gran's story.
I mean, it had everything!
Twists, turns, fritters,
and an amazing surprise ending.
-How could you be surprised?
You were there!
And this literally
just happened! Today!
-Now that you mention it,
it did sound familiar.
-You should have listened, too!
'Cause this story has a point.
Chunky's part of the family!
So make him feel like it.
-Gran, we know.
That's what we were doing
when you interrupted us
to tell that story!
-What story?!
-And why are you still here?
And crying?
-Because it's over.
The story is finally over!
[relieved sigh, manic laughing]
-Pull it together, Guy-baby.
Chunky's waiting!
Okay, Belt and Sash!
-It's showtime.
-[Chunky growls]
-Surprise, Chunky!
-It's a Fam Farm Fun Fest
Only this time,
it's Chunky-ready.
It's a Fam Farm Feline Friendly
Fun Fest.
You can spike the progress pod
without popping it! Or us.
-And now, you can actually play
"Guess What I Drew!"
[happy snarling]
-Banana! That's a banana!
-There's no Fam Farm Fun Fest
without you, Chunky.
'Cause you're family.
[happy roar]
who wants a beachball beatdown?!
Because Chunky's on myteam.
-What? No fair! I want Chunky!
-Why don't we let Chunky decide?
Oh, what's this? Pie?
Guess I'll only share it with
my team, and no one else.
-DAWN: [muffled]
-Whoa! I'm still in here!
-But game on!
-Hey, is it just me
or does the tree house
look shorter?
Actually, it does.
-I wonder why.
-Don't look at me. Or maybe do.
My magic is a mystery,
even to me.
-You wanna know why?
I'll tell you why. With a story!
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