9-1-1 (2018) s06e07 Episode Script


Oh, oh, oh, I gotta have it,
gotta have it, yeah ♪
Oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna get it ♪
Gonna get it, yeah ♪
Oh, oh, oh, I gotta have it ♪
Gotta have it, yeah ♪
Thank you.
I'm gonna get it, gonna get it ♪
Yeah, oh, oh, oh ♪
I gotta have it, gotta have it, yeah ♪
Oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna get it ♪
Gonna get it, yeah ♪
See something that I like ♪
No, there ain't no mistaking ♪
I'm gonna make it mine ♪
See something that I like ♪
I thought it would never arrive.
Came a long way. Hey, you didn't
tell me that you had a new stalker.
A stalker? (gasps)
I haven't had one of those since '05.
Maybe the good luck charm's
already working its magic.
What are you doing?
Aren't we livestreaming?
You teased an unboxing the other day.
Oh, no, no, no. I look horrible.
Besides, I can't wait.
- (chuckles)
- We'll, um
we'll re-pack it and do it
tomorrow in full glam.

Look at those eyes. So fiery.
Gotta have it, yeah ♪
Oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna get it ♪
I can already feel it working.
The gods of
- Where is this from again?
- Pompeii.
It was used in cleansing rituals.
Right. The gods of Pompeii
are smiling on me.
Wait, didn't everybody die in Pompeii?
Yes, but that survived.
Uh, here, check it out. It even has
a certificate of authenticity.
Hm, it's a piece of history.
Huh. Well,
I bought it. I guess it's
"herstory" now.
Thank God you're here.
Dispatch reported somebody
got hit by a chandelier?
Uh, the cables must have
snapped or something.
I-I don't know what happened.
I-I tried moving it, but
it was so heavy and there was
there was so much blood.
- Is she conscious?
- Yes. She-she won't shut up.
- Alexis, you left me.
- ALEXIS: To bring help!
Just please get this thing off of me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Try not to move, okay?
We're gonna get you out of there.
BOBBY: All right, let's get a backboard
- and gurney in here.
- Yeah, Cap, this thing's
penetrated the floor pretty deep.
We're gonna have to
cut it apart, piece by piece.
Buck, you're with me.
Let's get saws and Nomex blankets.
CHIMNEY: No sign of penetrating trauma.
- Can you tell us your name?
- I-It's Felisa.
Felisa Valdez?
You know me.
CHIMNEY: Oh, yeah.
Hey. Nice to meet you.
I would give you an autograph,
but Ah
I can't
Um, i-is the bracelet okay?
I'm more worried about these cuts.
Well, I could worry about both. I spent
20 grand on this thing.
Supposed to be my lucky charm,
but I don't know if it's working.
Okay, try to take a deep breath for us.
Can you tell us
- where you feel pain?
I don't I don't feel anything.
Th-That's a good thing, right?
Or is that bad?
One time, I was in a movie,
and my character couldn't
feel anything because
she was cut in half.
When Time Stops. I saw that one.
(Felisa chuckles)
And, uh, don't worry,
all your limbs are accounted for.
Just try to stay calm while we
figure out what's going on with you.
Eddie, how's the head looking up there?
Small laceration on occiput.
Applying pressure to stop the bleeding.
She's bleeding from her occiput?
The back of her head.
Even the smallest cuts
tend to bleed a lot.
CHIMNEY: What he means to say is
it's not a huge cause for concern.
(laughs) Oh.
All right. That's a good sign.
Looks like somebody felt that.
I mean, you're tickling my feet.
How could I not?
Uh, what about this?
A-Am I supposed to be feeling something?
Cap, reflex of the left leg
could be a potential spinal injury.
Is s-something wrong?
She's not paralyzed, right?
That would severely impact
her future revenue stream.
- FELISA: Paralyzed?
- EDDIE: Maybe that's not
the thing we're trying
to focus on right now.
All right, Chim,
I want you to contact the ER.
Buck, let's start
to saw it away from her.
(Buck grunts softly) Hi.
This'll keep you
safe from the sparks, okay?
- Uh, o-okay.
- There you go.
- BOBBY: On three. One, two, three.
- (grunts)
(Felisa grunts)
- (chandelier clatters)
- All right, Felisa, how you feeling?
Um, my left leg is tingling.
Wait, that's a good thing,
right? That means I can feel.
It's very good, yeah, it's probably a
pinched nerve or maybe a spinal bruise.
Thank God. See?
The bracelet's working,
just like I said it would.
(siren wailing)
Once I get this IV set,
I'm gonna give you some Toradol.
So, you say this thing's
a good luck charm.
Why do you need it?
Seems like you have a good life.
ALEXIS: Uh, she's
had a run of really bad luck
- for almost a decade.
- Um, it's called a curse.
So, you spent 20K
- on a bracelet?
- FELISA: Alexis is
constantly looking for things
to turn my luck around.
Let me guess Nothing ever works?
CHIMNEY: Don't mind Eddie.
He's unnaturally resistant
to anything supernatural.
Prove to me something is real,
I'll believe in it.
I feel you're confused
at the definition of belief.
I mean, a chandelier fell on me.
Doesn't that sound like a curse?
Eh, might've just been a freak accident.
- Is there a difference?
- Only in Eddie's head.
- I'll get you checked in.
- ALEXIS: Okay.
Dimitri's coming tomorrow
to deal with the chandelier
- and the floors.
- FELISA: Ugh.
God only knows how much
that's gonna cost.
Do you think the gods of Pompeii
will give me a refund?
Stop being negative.
The bracelet can't help
if you won't let it.
Okay, they're gonna take you in
for some scans. Good luck, Felisa.
Thank you.
Hey, you thinking what I'm thinking?
That we should hit that barbecue joint
- around the corner? Yes.
- No, no, no.
Something's up with those two.
CHIMNEY: Felisa and
what's her face? What?
Oh, is this about the curse?
Curses aren't real.
Oh, here we go again.
(Athena laughs)
All this food,
and that's all you're having?
Uh, yeah. It's, um it's delicious.
How did "the age of absolutely"
turn into alfalfa smoothies?
- (sighs)
- CHIMNEY: Buck spends
one minute with a celebrity,
now he's drinking like them.
ATHENA: Which celebrity?
Felisa Valdez.
Oh, really? Mm.
You don't sound like much of a fan.
What's the last thing you saw her in?
(chuckles) In the back of my patrol car.
Yeah, she tried to hit
a paparazzi with her car
and went to rehab.
I can't say I missed her.
HEN: Who says they don't miss me?
(all exclaim)
CHIMNEY: Not anyone here.
- So, how's Karen?
- Great.
I think she was more excited for me
to get back to work than I was.
Somehow, she says that I hover.
- (laughing)
- What
Athena, what are you doing here?
Oh, I wouldn't miss your first day back.
And Bobby here went all-out
for your welcome-back breakfast.
So, who's done with their first round?
I'm ready for my second round,
and it's about to get ugly.
BUCK: Yeah, I guess I'll, uh,
grab some seconds, too.
(chuckles) Yum.
(Athena chuckling)
What's with the, uh, green juice?
I don't know.
Heard you're on a health kick?
Uh, yeah.
Can't a guy try to take care of himself?
(laughs) Buck,
your idea of healthy is a side salad.
When did puréed greens
become a whole main meal?
Uh, well, since I agreed to be
Connor and Kameron's sperm donor.
So, you're really doing it?
I'm really doing it.
And-and I figure, if I am,
I I should do it right.
You know, set them up with
the best chance for success.
Ah, hence
- the green juice.
- Ah, not just green juice.
I'm abstaining from everything.
Right? No alcohol,
no junk food, red meat,
fish that could be too high in mercury.
Mm, not sure swordfish has
an effect on your sperm count.
No, I'm abstaining from
other things to help with that.
You know, I'm, uh,
trying to keep the tank full,
not let swimmers escape.
So, you haven't
Not even once?
For how long?
Longer than expected.
NATALIE: I'm sorry, Mr. Buckley.
It doesn't look like they sent over
your direct recipient
authorization forms.
Are you sure? They-they said
they e-mailed it to you this morning.
(sighs) Our servers are down.
Uh, can you come back another day?
We're here from 8:00 to 8:00.
And I try and I try ♪
And I try ♪
I can't get no ♪
Pat will take your blood
so we can do our screening.
You don't have any issues
with needles, do you?
Uh, no, all good.
Hey, hey, hey ♪
Uh, is-is is Pat okay?
Whoa! Uh, hey, call 911. Go, go, go, go.
Okay. (grunts)
Four weeks?
S-S Shh, shh.
And you don't think that
maybe that's a hint that
- you shouldn't be doing this?
- Listen, it's
a run of bad luck,
but it turns around tomorrow.
I have my appointment set. I go in,
I make my donation, it's taken care of.
So, four weeks of abstinence?
- Four weeks.
- How's that been?
- (bell rings)
- (indistinct P.A. announcement)
It's, uh, starting to feel like
a whole other kind of emergency.
- (laughs)
- No, no, no ♪
Hey, can you box up some CBD oil
for my client in room four?
Use my discount.
I think she's had a rough week.
Mm-hmm, okay.
You know what?
Throw in some sleep gummies.
Can't hurt.
(muffled moaning)
It's Willow. Can I come in?
(high-pitched muffled moaning)
(muffled moans)
I don't know what happened.
I only left the room for a minute,
and when I came back in,
I found her like this.
(muffled screaming)
What's her name?
- EDDIE: Felisa.
- What? No way.
This is her. It's her bracelet.
Felisa, this is firefighter Diaz.
We met at, yeah, at your house.
CHIMNEY: Heart rate's elevated.
Felisa, panicking is only
gonna make things worse.
I need you to stay relaxed.
You're in good hands, I promise.
- We need to make an airway now.
- Pass me the scalpel.
CHIMNEY: It's coming up. Scalpel.
(muffled grunting continues)
Try to stay calm, Felisa.
Hold on, hold on.
- Is that
- The wax. It made its way
into her throat. Oral airway.
Few more seconds, Felisa.
- All right.
- Almost there, almost there.
O2 mask going on.
Checking airway.
WILLOW: So, she's okay?
CHIMNEY: She's breathing.
All right, so now what
do we do with the wax?
EDDIE: Looks like the
warmer was only set
for 104 degrees.
CHIMNEY: Okay, so probably not major
burns, since it's already
started to cool.
I say we leave it
and let the hospital remove it.
- (muffled scream)
- HEN: Okay.
So, the wax stays on just for a
little while longer. Hang in there.
ALEXIS: Oh, my God, Felisa!
What-what happened?
Fuzzy on the details.
- ALEXIS: Is she gonna be okay?
- She will be,
- as soon as we get her to the hospital.
- Okay, I'm-I'm riding with her.
You've been here this whole time?
I am her assistant.
I go everywhere with Felisa.
- (indistinct chatter)
- (drill whirrs)
NATALIE: Yes. I-I am
so sorry. I understand.
- It's a lot to go through.
- Oh, uh, hey. Sorry, excuse me.
Um, I'm-I'm here
for my donation appointment.
Sorry. Building's lost power.
We'll have to reschedule.
Uh, okay, h-how long is it gonna be out?
- I can wait.
- No idea.
Um, sorry, not you.
Sounds like they might take
the rest of the day.
I'm sorry. I know
you've had a run of bad luck with us.
Maybe I can-I can come back tomorrow.
- Yes, that's perfect.
- Great. What time?
I'm sorry, not you.
Uh, first available is
a week from Tuesday. Does that work?
Uh, yeah. Sure.
Guess it's gonna have to.
So, the bracelet was supposed
to change her luck?
Feel like maybe it made
the bad luck more
- Oh, no.
- What?
That's that damn bracelet.
Do you think it heard me
trash talking it?
I don't think it has ears.
CHIMNEY: Must have fallen off
going to the ER. What should we do?
Give her her bracelet back.
- Whoa!
- Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Just to be on the safe side.
CHIMNEY: Right. First rule of a curse,
they spread like a virus.
(scoffs) You two are being ridiculous.
- Aah!
- BOBBY: Whoa!
- Hey.
- CHIMNEY: I told you.
- BOBBY: You okay?
- It's spreading.
It's not.
What is that?
Evacuate the firehouse now.
- Definitely spreading!
- Definitely spreading.
You think she's taking advantage of her?
Felisa said Alexis convinced her
to buy that bracelet.
Supposed to be some artifact
from Pompeii.
This? (laughs)
My mother has costume jewelry
that looks better.
Probably cost her less, too.
That thing set Felisa back 20 grand.
$20,000 for that?
Didn't seem like it was the first thing
that Alexis had convinced her to buy.
(sighs) You sound pretty sure of that.
When my abuelo died,
my abuela had a hard time.
You know, he'd passed suddenly,
so they never had
a chance to say goodbye.
She felt really bad about that.
Went to visit her on a summer break,
and there was this woman.
She was at the house
at least once a week.
Lighting velas, saying prayers,
promised my abuela that
she'd be able to speak
to a husband she'd lost.
Mm, and she never did.
No. She never stopped trying.
She also never stopped paying.
Savings, life insurance.
Every penny she had.
My pops and Tía Pepa
had to bail her out.
She almost lost her house.
And that's why you don't
believe in curses.
I understand believing in
something bigger than yourself,
but if there's
a higher power out there, I
I don't think they're
making chandeliers fall
or fuel connectors on gas pumps break.
The best grifters know how to
play on people's desperation.
The more desperate a person is,
the easier it becomes to fool them.
HALLIE: Can I help you with something?
FELISA: Are any of these
specifically for good luck?
What kind of luck? Lucky in love?
Finances? Job opportunities?
All of it. Consider me
a vibrational catastrophe.
Let's start with some green jade
and maybe some citrine.
I have a couple of
beautiful pieces in the back.
Let me grab them for you.
Thank you.
(soft chuckle)
Okay. I talked to
the hospital administrator
and they are going to do
a top-to-bottom search
to find out what happened
to your bracelet.
(sighs) Why bother?
Pretty sure I was more cursed
wearing that thing than I was before.
Maybe that will cleanse my energy.
ALEXIS: Amethyst?
I don't think that's for luck.
Hey, maybe we shouldn't
purchase any more decor items
that could double as weapons.
It's for protection.
- Hey, do you see a ladder anywhere?
- No!
Don't even think about it.
I will go find someone.
Just, please, wait.
(Alexis screams)
(Felisa gasps)
Oh, my God. What happened?
I heard screaming.
What's going on? (gasps)
Is that one of my crystals?
- Call 911.
- Oh
DISPATCHER: 911. What's your emergency?
Uh, we're at Crystal's
New Age on Ventura.
There's been some kind of an accident.
DISPATCHER: What kind of an accident?
HALLIE: I don't know what happened,
but we need an ambulance
- right away.
- DISPATCHER: Okay, ma'am.
We'll get you an ambulance.
Do you feel
It's weird.
BOBBY: Dispatch said they
were in contact with the caller.
CHIMNEY: Looks like
they're all unconscious.
HEN: I see at least four down.
They're breathing
but not responsive.
Buck, did you get
that gas turned off yet?
Uh, Cap, there's nothing to shut off.
There's no gas line to this building.
Then what caused this?
CHIMNEY: I think I have an idea.
Felisa Valdez.
BOBBY: Okay, let's get
everyone out of here. Everyone out.
HEN: Cap, I think you should see this.
BOBBY: How deep is it?
Could be a potential stomach puncture.
What in the world happened here?
- (gasps)
- CHIMNEY: Easy. Easy. You're okay.
Try to take some breaths. That's it.
- Did I pass out?
- Not just you.
Everybody in that store passed out.
- Wait, where's Alexis?
- Still in the store,
but we're gonna get her out soon.
Do you know what happened to her?
FELISA: No, um
She went and talked
to the manager, and then
BOBBY (on radio):
Chim, need you inside now.
Copy that, Cap.
Backboard coming in.
She was stabbed with
the crystal in the conservatory.
Or the new age shop.
No way you fall on this thing
and end up like this.
Still doesn't explain
why everyone else passed out.
- Wait.
- What are you doing?
Calling for a consult.
That poor girl.
I can't even look at that.
Uh, well, I-I really need you to. Okay?
I-I have to know what kind of
crystal that is and if it's toxic.
I wouldn't carry anything toxic.
Ma'am, please just look at the photo.
BOBBY: Marcasite?
It's basically iron sulfide.
Which, when combined
with stomach acid
Creates hydrogen sulfide,
which would make everyone pass out.
Captain Nash, 118.
Please alert Trauma One
we are bringing in a young female.
Possible impalement to the stomach.
Injury is likely producing
hydrogen sulfide. Please advise.
Can I go in there?
Listen, I think there's something
you need to know about Alexis.
Sh-She's gonna be okay, right?
Please, you-you
have to take care of her.
She's all I have.
It's not safe for you
to travel in that ambulance.
But you can see her later,
after you get checked out.
Let's load her up, guys.
So you still don't think she's cursed?
No, but I'm starting to think I am.
I don't need her attorney.
I just want to talk to Felisa privately.
No, I'm not a fa
I'm with the Los Angeles Fire Dep
So, her manager's a dead end.
I thought you were calling her agent.
I tried him first.
He said he'd call back.
I dated an agent once.
They never call back.
Hey, guys, what (exclaims)
What is that thing still doing here?
Okay, take it easy.
Eddie is trying to reach out to Felisa
to give it back to her.
Well, try harder.
I can see those beady little eyes
looking right through me.
Listen, I'm-I'm starting to think maybe
Eddie has a point here.
The accident at the crystal shop
Bracelet wasn't even there.
HEN: Hey, Buck, you got to
(exclaims) What is that thing
still doing here?
Okay, we're not having
this conversation again.
What-what is it you want to say to Buck?
Well, Connor and his wife,
they're here to see him.
Connor, your ex-roommate?
What does he want?
- Uh
- How would I know?
Nothing. Uh, excuse me.
Uh, I don't know.
Can we please do something about this
before something else happens?
Like, maybe the oven blows?
Or the bathroom backs up
for the third time this week.
- Thanks again, Diaz.
- Hmm?
- Catch!
- (exclaims)
Uh, uh, hey, is-is everything okay?
That's what we wanted to know.
We got this very cryptic voicemail
that you didn't make your appointment
at the fertility clinic.
Uh, right. No, there
Yeah, the-there was
a, uh, a power outage.
And we tried to call you
but you didn't pick up.
Maybe I left it in my car. It
it was-it was charging. It's, uh
I know we asked a really big
favor of you.
Probably too big.
And it's-it's okay
if you're having doubts.
No, guys
You understand, if you changed
your mind, we understand.
We just can't really
handle the not knowing
what's going on because, you
know, we keep imagining the worst.
And after everything
we've already been through,
- honestly, it really means a lot
- Guy-Guys, hey, hey, stop.
Listen to me. I haven't changed my mind.
Okay? I w-I want to do this for you.
I promise, I will be your sperm donor.
It's just been tough
to find an appointment
with the clinic's hours,
my schedule here.
No one no one really knows
I'm doing this for you.
- I don't think that's true.
- Uh
And I want the tops of
- all those vehicles cleaned.
- Oh, that's where I left my turnout.
- All of 'em cleaned.
- (alarm ringing)
- After this call.
- Yeah, uh Thank God.
KAMERON: I am so sorry.
We're so sorry about
the misunderstanding.
Oh, I hope we didn't
make this awkward for you.
No, uh, don't worry, I can handle
whatever they have to say.
Every-Everything. I got to go.
Uh, thanks, Buck.
So, why
Did you
Okay, guys, this is Buck's
personal business,
so I think we should let it go.
- You knew!
- How long have you known?
More importantly, how long
you been holding out on us?
Oh, looks like we're here.
Let's go fight fires, guys!
Stupid bracelet curse.
Hey, thanks for meeting me here.
- You said you found something?
- Yeah.
I went to check out the crystal shop.
- It was weird as hell.
- Yeah.
Five people in the store,
one gets stabbed,
four others pass out
and no one sees anything?
No, there were six people at the shop.
I checked the security camera.
Any idea who this guy is?
Well, the hat obscures his face,
but it turn out that
that is not the first time
that this guy has shown up on the scene
of one of Felisa's accidents.
- EDDIE: That's the spa.
- Mm-hmm.
And that's the same guy,
running out the shop
right before the 911 call.
You think he's working with Alexis.
He's causing the accidents
so Alexis can, what
Cash in how?
The bracelet that
Felisa said cost her 20,000
Alexis bought online for 11.
(whistles) That's one hell of a markup.
I need to talk to Felisa.
FELISA: So I was thinking, after
all of this, we need a vacation.
You know, like a girls trip.
How does that sound?
(knock on door)
Firefighter Diaz.
What are you doing here?
Just Eddie. We had a drop-off
and I, um, want to
give this back to you.
(scoffs quietly)
Can't believe I thought
that was gonna change my luck.
She almost died because of me.
I don't think that's true.
This doesn't prove anything.
Alexis would never do anything
to hurt me. I mean,
come on, you've met her.
You know that she wouldn't do that.
I know you feel like she's
the only one you can count on.
Yeah, because she is.
Okay? Everyone else is gone.
Dead, disappeared, or
simply doesn't want
to talk to me ever again.
She's all I have.
ATHENA: What about your family?
My parents got a divorce when I was 16.
Got pretty nasty,
so I filed for emancipation.
Last day I spoke to them
was the day the judge
declared me legally an adult.
I don't know why you think
Alexis would do this to me.
She paid $11,000 for that bracelet.
What'd she charge you again?
All you guys have are two grainy videos
of two guys in hats.
- It's just a coincidence.
- You know, you may be right.
But if it isn't,
that man is still out there
and you could be in danger.
I can take care of myself.
Think we're wrong here?
You know what I believe in
even less than a curse?
Thank you.
Of course.
I can take care of myself.
I can take care of myself.
(engine starts)
Whoa, there, buddy. Back off.
Okay. It's okay, Felisa.
Don't let Eddie and that cop
get into your head.
You're just being paranoid.
Or not.
(line ringing)
MADDIE: 911.
- What's your emergency?
- FELISA: I'm driving in my car
and I think somebody's following me.
- What's your name?
- Felisa Valdez.
I'm in a blue Vero Starfire
on Riverside Drive.
Why do you think someone
might be following you?
Because this police officer
came to see me and she said
that I might be in danger
and I didn't believe her.
Why didn't I believe her?
Okay, Felisa, I'm gonna route you
to the nearest police station.
Do you see the name of a cross street?
I'm just hitting Laurel Canyon,
just about to pass Colfax.
MADDIE: All units in the
vicinity of Riverside and Colfax
be advised, possible
unwanted pursuit in progress.
Vehicle is a blue Vero Starfire.
Victim's name is Felisa Valdez.
Oh, hell, no.
Dispatch, this is 727-L-30.
I'm on my way.
- No!
- (exclaims)
(sirens approaching)
Don't move.
Detain this man.
Dispatch, this is 727-L-30.
The victim's car
has been covered (coughs)
in asphalt.
I need fire and rescue
at Riverside (coughs)
near the equestrian center.
Oh, God.
ATHENA: Felisa, hang on!
Help! Help!
- I'm in here!
- Help is coming.
I can't breathe! (coughs)
Felisa, help is here.
I couldn't get to her.
And this asphalt is hardening.
It's Felisa Valdez.
We have any kind of status on her?
She was talking to Dispatch,
but these fumes are pretty brutal.
Okay, let's get all the air
bottles we've got on standby.
Eddie, Buck, I want you guys
to get some rubbish hooks
into this asphalt.
How much longer do you think
she has in there, Hen, Chim?
Adrenaline is probably causing
her heart rate to rise,
which means she's taking in
more oxygen every (coughs)
every minute.
We need to buy her some more time,
get some air in there.
(Hen clears throat)
Okay, we can work with this.
Felisa, open the back panel
and get in the trunk.
- Hen, O2.
- (coughs)
(oxygen hissing)
- BOBBY: Any progress?
- No.
Hardly making a dent.
Think I have a better idea.
Felisa, we're sending you
some air. Okay?
If you can, reach back.
You may be able to grab it.
I can't.
Just try for me. Move a little closer.
It's too it's too far.
- You got her?
- EDDIE: Yeah.
BOBBY: Get that gurney
- in here.
- Let's go.
- Easy.
- (Felisa coughing)
Here we go.
- How is she?
- Lucky to be alive.
Who's that?
ATHENA: Oh, he chased her.
Looks a lot like the man
from the security camera
from the crystal shop and the spa.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to harm anyone.
You mean it wasn't a curse?
Again, sorry.
Can you tell me where the bracelet is?
- Ow!
- Oh
OFFICER: Get in.
EDDIE: Look at that.
I think you broke your curse.
She clicked the box.
Excuse me?
On the site, there's a little box:
"terms and conditions."
She checked "I accept."
She should have known this would happen.
I'm gonna need a little more here.
Why don't you start with your name.
BUCK: Nico Perelli.
- That sounds made up.
- (chuckles) It is not.
Nicholas Perelli owns and operates
an online business called
He makes trinkets in China
that look like ancient artifacts.
And he sells them
to unsuspecting collectors.
Why was he so desperate
to get the bracelet back?
I mean, a celebrity
bought one of his pieces.
You'd think that
he'd welcome the publicity.
Well, with publicity comes
scrutiny from people like me.
Nico wasn't telling his customers that
they were buying forgeries.
Anyways, we are so excited
to show you guys,
so please stay tuned for the unboxing,
and peace and blessings.
ATHENA: So, when
Felisa started talking about
how she was gonna do a live unboxing
he panicked.
How many other bracelets were recovered
from the ruins of Pompeii?
- Twenty-seven.
- CHIMNEY: Those guys
figure how much they paid for a fake,
they're coming for him,
and that's all she wrote.
Why is it never "that's all he wrote"?
I don't make the rules, Hen.
Anyway, so Nico had to
get it back before the unboxing.
ATHENA: Yeah, he
was hoping to intercept it
before it was delivered, but Alexis
was already outside waiting.
So he started following Felisa
looking for his next chance.
ATHENA: When the aesthetician
left, he snuck in to steal the bracelet.
But, needless to say,
things didn't go as planned.
Feel the rush ♪
Can you feel the rush? ♪
BOBBY: Why didn't Nico grab
the bracelet then, when Felisa
was incapacitated?
Willow? Is that you?
Because she was also screaming.
Loudly. If anyone
saw him running out with the bracelet,
he'd have been arrested before
he could make it to LAX.
And the bracelet ends up
in an LAPD evidence locker.
And it's a celebrity robbery,
so, news at 11:00.
So the crystal shop was his
third attempt at getting it back.
ATHENA: Well, if at first
you don't succeed,
try, try again.
- Give me the bracelet.
- Excuse me?
The bracelet. Where is it?
You were across the street at Felisa's.
What do you care about the bracelet?
I care that you bought it
for a celebrity
and posted it all over social media.
Wait, you're here from that
website, Artifact Overstock?
Yes. And I know you have the bracelet,
- now, hand it
- No, no (grunting)
Get off me, you filth!
Aah! (gasps)
BOBBY: Nico almost disfigures one woman,
stabs another No turning back.
ATHENA: At this point, he's all in.
Time for one last desperate attempt.
BUCK: I'm starting
to think this Nico guy's
the one who's actually cursed.
- No more talking curses, Buck.
- EDDIE: Either way, he can't
terrorize Felisa or us ever again.
Right. And on that happy note,
shift's over.
Let's go and get some real food.
I can't. I have a donation to make.
- Oh, what kind of donation is that?
- Well, uh
You don't want to know.
(Buck chuckles softly)
BOBBY: Well,
you accounted for everything.
- Almost.
- Mm.
The chandelier.
Alexis said that Nico
was outside at the time,
so there's no way he could have
been responsible for that.
The chandelier was probably
installed poorly.
Yeah. And then it just fell
as she put on
an artifact that supposedly
came from the ruins of Pompeii.
Could it be that
maybe what we're looking at
is a good, old-fashioned coincidence
at work here, Sergeant?
Can we agree to call it
a freak accident?
Yeah, I'm on my way to the clinic now.
They said as long as I get there by 9:00
they'll squeeze me in.
CONNOR: It's 8:45.
Think you're gonna make it in time?
Trust me, it's all good.
I'm only two miles away.
- Thanks, Buck.
- (hangs up)
- (engine sputters, stops)
- Oh.
Damn it, come on.
Come on.
("Run Wild" by Thutmose playing)
Bad boy, please, out of my way ♪
Coming through, excuse me, excuse me!
Naive so a L ♪
Uh, sorry.
We're off to the race ♪
Going fast and we never slow down ♪
Watch out, watch out!
Take the mob downtown,
flood the town ♪
Cops coming, get down, down, down ♪
Excuse me!
Sorry, sorry.
Run wild ♪
I'm on a mission and I won't stop ♪
No destination but it's worth a shot ♪
You gotta let me go,
you gotta let me go ♪
Nah, nah, nah, nah, never look back ♪
Nah, nah, nah, nah,
so never look back ♪
Nah, nah, nah, nah, never look back ♪
Nah, nah, nah, nah,
don't you ever look back ♪
Run wild ♪
Hey, hey!
8:57, I made it. I made it, right?
- Are you okay? Do you need a minute?
- No,
I don't-I don't need a minute,
I just, uh
Sorry, I just, I-I would really rather
do this now, like,
with, like right now.
- Oh, thank you.
- Right this way.
You gotta let me go. ♪
FELISA: Hey, Eddie.
I didn't think you were
actually gonna show.
You know, I wasn't going to,
but I figured you did save my life,
like, multiple times, so
- (chuckles) Take a seat.
- So
figured I owed you.
So, how's Alexis?
They're releasing her tomorrow.
She's gonna come stay with me.
Did you talk to her about the money?
I don't care about that.
- But she's stealing from you.
- Maybe she's earned it.
I mean, you know who I am.
So I'm sure you've heard
the stories of who I used to be.
You know, the trouble I'd
get in, the DUIs, the arrests.
The friends who OD'd in my bathroom.
That kind of loss
I mean, I don't know what else
you'd call it but curse.
My wife died, uh,
it was three years ago.
Six months later, my son was on a pier
when the tsunami hit.
Oh, my God. I am so sorry.
He survived.
That's actually him right there.
- Christopher! Hey.
- Yeah?
(both chuckle)
He almost died in this ocean.
Poor kid. Must have been terrifying.
Yeah, it was.
He was scared for a long time.
We both were.
Well, you wouldn't know it now.
The day the beach reopened,
we came here.
I mean, the longer
we stayed away from the water,
the more the fear would grow.
I never wanted the ocean to have
that kind of power over him.
You know, sometimes it's easier
to believe that you're cursed
than believe you're wrong.
I'm gonna get going.
I'm getting the house blessed
before Alexis gets home.
I know, I know, it sounds silly, but
Hey, if it works for you.
Take care of yourself, okay?
You too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
(indistinct chatter)
(laughs) Oh, did you see that?
- (laughing)
- BOY: I'll go next time.
(chatter continuing)
Hola, Abuela. ¿Como estas?
No, everything's fine. I was just
thinking of you.
Wanted to know how you were.
Oh, yeah? Tarot cards? That's new.
So, what'd she have to say
about my future?
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