The Circle (2020) s06e07 Episode Script

Ride or Die

[Buteau] It's an enchanting night
in Atlanta.
But none of our players
will appreciate that right now.
[ominous music playing]
[Buteau] Influencers Kyle and Quori-Tyler
are about to make the decision
that will end
one of their Circle journeys for good.
I am sweating bullets right now, like
[laughs nervously]
I will say if I was Liv
and Kyle was typing,
I'd be worried.
I just hope
it wasn't too little, too late with Kyle.
I feel like this is
about to be just crazy.
[Buteau] Okay, enough of those
dot, dot, dots!
Do the deed, Kyle!
"The player we decided to block is"
[dramatic music playing]
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!
[dramatic music ends]
[TV beeps]
[whining] Oh! I knew it!
-[somber music playing]
I wasn't ready to go home!
Oh my God!
Wow, Cassie.
[muffled scream]
[TV whirs]
[tearfully] But it's okay.
That really sucks.
A lot of people
are not feeling great about her.
So I don't think
there's going to be much blowback.
I think this is actually
a good decision to have made.
[sad music intensifies]
Grayed out photo of Cassie.
[smacks tongue]
Cassie, you no más.
[Buteau] Cassie may be gone, Myles,
but she's not gonna be forgotten just yet.
Circle, hit her up!
[alarm blares]
Another alert?!
Is this, like, for real?
What other kind of alert
could you possibly give me right now?!
[TV whirs]
[Cassie] "Cassie, before you leave,
you can meet one player face to face."
[TV whirs]
I mean, who would I potentially go see?
I could go see Myles, 'cause, you know,
he put the target right on my back.
Or I could go see Quori-Tyler,
who just went ahead
and threw the knife on the target.
She was an influencer.
She could have very well, you know,
saved me, and she chose not to.
I could go see Olivia.
You know, she said I was her number one.
I could go meet her face-to-face
to see if she really is even real.
I think she is.
This is a super hard choice,
but I know that it has to be done.
But first things first,
I could not go meet anybody
in this blue shirt!
I've got to go get me
something pretty and pink on
and give some good information
to help them with their game.
[Buteau] While Cassie applies
a few layers of southern charm,
Circle, is there anything
you'd like to get off your chest?
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Oh shit, I hope this is not
what I think it is.
Here we go.
-[ominous music playing]
-[TV whirs]
[both] "Cassie is on her way
to meet one of you now."
-Right now?! [nervous laugh]
-[Kyle groaning]
[Kyle] Uh
[dramatic music playing]
[Buteau] Cassie is straight
Kentucky struttin' down that hallway.
But whose heart is she about to bless?
I'll be shooketh if she comes in.
But if she does, I'll be a man.
Nothin' nothin' to lie about.
Oh! Cassie!
She's gonna find out
that Liv is a catfish.
Oh my God! [laughing]
[dramatic music intensifying]
I'm thinking maybe
she's gonna go see Kyle.
Kyle was the one
that made the announcement.
Oh, Cassie, do not come and see me.
[dramatic music crescendos]
[knocking on door]
[dramatic music fades]
-[both screaming]
[Brandon laughing]
-[high-pitched] Oh my God!
-[Brandon laughing]
[Brandon] Oh my God!
I would've never guessed!
-Can I hug you?
-Well, yeah, come on!
[Cassie exclaims]
Oh my God! You're so pretty!
-Well, thank you!
-Oh my gosh!
-My name's Brandon, by the way!
-Oh, I forgot all about that, I mean
-Oh, gosh!
I was just like, "I really hope
she comes and sees me because"
Well, I mean, think about it,
who else would I have went to see?
-Honestly! Honestly!
-Who else would I have went to?
-That's what I was thinking. Just like
-[Cassie sighs]
[Brandon sighs]
-So who is Olivia?
So Olivia is actually
a friend of mine that I work with.
Everything I said to you, I meant 100%.
I fell in love with you instantly.
I'm Cassie.
Yes! I'm so glad!
[laughing] And everything about me is,
like, true. I've been divorced.
-I married my high school sweetheart
and had my two beautiful babies with him,
but unfortunately, cheaters cheat.
-[loudly] Oh no!
-Yeah, I was left, you know, high and dry.
But it wasn't even a year later,
I end up meeting my fiancé
and could never have asked
for anything better.
And I've got two babies of my own,
Haizlee and Caroline.
They're four and seven,
and then my fiancé has three.
I applied to be on The Circle
to prove to the girls,
you know, don't take no crap from nobody.
You can literally do anything
that you want to.
You're sitting here.
-[Brandon] Stop! Don't make me cry.
-[Cassie laughing] You made it! You know?
[Buteau] Meanwhile,
the others are realizing
Hurricane Cassie has passed them by.
I guess that means
Cassie did not come to see me.
It was nice having you, Cassie.
You seem lovely.
But I'm glad it's not me!
Oh boy!
It's not me.
She's not coming.
I don't have to worry about it!
[Myles] Ooh, looks like it wasn't me.
Cassie wasn't ready for this heat.
[Brandon] I have no idea
who else would be a catfish,
but at the same time,
everything Olivia has said,
everything I have said,
is true outside of, you know
-Her picture.
-Her picture.
Okay, I don't know if you know this,
but I am in an alliance with Myles.
He was the first person,
yes, to reach out to me.
-But also, since we're spilling the tea
-Yes, please!
-Quori-Tyler, for instan
-Oh no!
Yeah, who what? Just sent me home!
I'm in an alliance with her too.
And we made that, like, #GirlPower.
-And I meant what I said.
So QT's the one that is, like
I mean, the way it looks now,
she's the one
that's kind of playing the middle,
because I was in an alliance
with her and you.
I had a group message alliance
with her and Myles,
and look who's sitting here right now,
kicked to the curb!
I know. The fact that she broke
two alliances with you, like
-I know.
-We're playing a game.
People have to go home.
-This is $100,000!
-You need to yell that at me because
-This is $100,000!
-I know! I know!
You know, and you don't always have
to be necessarily a winner of a big prize.
-To me, just being here was my big prize.
Honestly, I I think you are
such a strong woman.
-[Cassie laughs]
-I loved you!
-I love you!
-I love you so much.
-And I'm so glad I got to meet you!
-And I love you for you! Not Olivia!
Likewise! Oh my gosh. I love you so much.
And we are definitely gonna see each other
outside of this.
I go to Kentucky all the time.
The only thing I can leave you with
is I think Myles is shady,
and I think Quori-Tyler's shady,
so get 'em out!
I got you, girl. And you know what?
Do you want to take the candy?
You can take the bowl.
-I'll just take the whole thing! The best!
-Then take 'em.
[Brandon laughs]
Cassie is such a sweetheart.
I I knew 100%
that she had to be who she was,
because she's just
She's so awesome, and I can't wait
to spend more time with her.
[Buteau] But not too soon, you hope.
And with one more player gone,
we're down to a very grateful eight,
who are all getting ready for bed
after the most stressful day ever.
[funky music playing]
[Brandon] I'm so happy
I got to meet Cassie.
You know, she gave me some
really good advice about Myles and QT.
So I know now
that Myles and QT can't be trusted.
[Caress] Today was definitely eventful.
I moved up from seventh place.
If I keep up with this trajectory,
then I could possibly take this thing.
Deuce and I are
the number one influencers.
Who would have thought?
Who would've freaking thought?
I feel like I got
a good footing in the game, like,
I got more information, honestly,
than I anticipated I would,
which is a good thing.
And let me just get
a little bit more time in here,
and then I'll start
pitting people against each other.
I got a lot of catching up to do.
Easy peasy. It's all right.
I got it. It's fine.
Lead with confidence.
I'm gonna get
such great beauty sleep today.
Goodnight, Circle.
-[Brandon, Lauren, QT] Goodnight, Circle!
-[Autumn] Goodnight, Circle honeys!
Circle, don't wake me up.
[Buteau] Yeah. We'll totally consider
that request, Kyle.
And after a night of rest
[funky music playing]
[Buteau] Good morning, Atlanta.
Our little Circle posse
is waking up one player down.
So the mood is a combination
of reflection and relief.
Mainly relief.
Good morning, Circle.
You got my coffee ready?
Get to work.
-I am so happy to still be here!
-'Cause we still here!
[Lauren] Woo!
Good morning, Circle.
Your boy woke up an influencer!
[QT] Everything tastes better
when you're an influencer in The Circle.
Poor Cassie had to be sent home.
I guess the snake got bit. [giggles]
[Brandon] Cassie definitely had
some really good information.
Thank you, Cassie, so much.
She was in an alliance with Myles and QT,
and that they can't be trusted.
I just don't know
if I want to publicly call out
Myles and QT in a group chat.
So I feel like today,
I need to talk to Kyle and Lauren
and just let them know what's going on.
It's a big risk.
But I think it's time we took a big risk.
I think it's time
that Olivia starts
speaking up a little bit.
[Myles] But we made it another day.
Can we last another?
Time will tell.
[Buteau] It depends on what
Olivia will tell,
because that nurse is out for blood.
[Autumn] Nine.
[Buteau] But let's finish our push-ups
[Autumn] Ten.
[Buteau] and our blowouts.
Because this day is about to kick off.
[Autumn] You're just a painting.
So you can't even do a push-up.
[TV beeps]
Oh Oh snap!
"The newsfeed has been updated."
[exclaims] Okay, Circle.
Take me to the newsfeed.
[TV whirs]
"Cassie has left
a message for The Circle!"
Oh, I'm nervous! I'm tellin' you,
it doesn't feel good to block anyone.
You kinda gotta do what you gotta do.
What's the tea, Cassie? What's the tea?
Remember, I had your back.
I know I'm a catfish, but please,
don't throw me under the bus.
I guess it's time to find out
if Cassie is really Cassie.
Play Cassie's message.
Play that message!
[TV whirs]
Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Uh-oh!
Cassie, are you a catfish?
Hey, y'all! It's me, Cassie!
I did not expect that voice out of her.
She is a country girl!
If any of you all thought I was a catfish,
you were wrong.
I was wrong.
Yes, they were!
My biggest regrets in The Circle
is aligning who I aligned with.
Who was Cassie in an alliance with?
Eat them up!
She's definitely talking about me,
because I was allied
with her and I blocked her.
You think that I'm a snake?
There are plenty more snakes
in this garden.
She's trying to reverse the snake card.
Not on my watch.
There's a lot more snakes in the grass?
Damn. Could she have been
talking about Quori?
You gotta blame Kyle, not me.
It's not my fault.
That's really calling out Myles
for thinking she's a snake.
I bet Myles and Q
are shitting their pants right now.
I would be.
And I hope if I've taught you anything,
it's just to be truly 100% yourself.
Cut the fake out. I mean,
even though my hair is fake,
my lashes are fake, my tan's fake.
Hopefully, one day, my boobs are fake,
but I've been true to myself.
I love her!
Be true to who you are too.
I'll see you'ns later.
We would've gotten along so well, Cassie!
She's real, and she doesn't seem
like a snake in the grass.
She threw shots at somebody.
And I don't necessarily know who.
Goddamn, Cassie. Did me dirty.
It sounds like there's a lot of alliances.
But the one thing about a lot of alliances
is that means there's a lot of fractures,
and Big J can turn that fracture
into a full break real quick.
[Buteau] Cassie's ruffled
a lot of feathers in that message.
So now is probably not the time to throw
everyone into a big Circle chat. Is it?
-[TV dings]
-Ooh! "Circle chat is now open!"
Oh my goodness! Okay, this is scary.
This is when the work begins.
Things are moving real fast.
Okay, let's get the pen and paper ready.
Let's chitty chat!
Pu-pu-pu-pu-pull up to the Circle chat!
[Kyle] The message I'm trying
to get across here is the fact
that I never aligned myself with her.
So I don't know who Cassie
was throwing shots at.
Message, "Even though she went out
throwing shots at I don't know who,
we did believe she deserved to stay."
"Quori and I just believed
you guys deserved to stay more."
Send message. I really can't
keep it more real than that.
That is so diplomatic.
Why aren't people more cutthroat in here?
[Buteau] They are, sweet pea.
They don't do it in front of everyone.
She did go throwing out shots.
[laughing] That is fair.
I think they might think I did her dirty.
It could be like he's trying to cover me,
or maybe she was aligning with Kyle,
and she's calling him the snake.
I don't know if he actually doesn't know
or if he's trying to protect me.
Either way, I'm happy about it
'cause then it, like, creates some doubt.
People don't know that,
like, she was coming for me.
Message, "My heart is breaking
that Cassie felt betrayed by me."
"I connected with her personally,
but the group putting her in last place
weighed heavily on my decision."
"#NumbersDontLie. Heartbreak emoji."
"It would've hurt to see any of you go.
Send message.
Ugh. Are people gonna feel
like I'll betray them?
Oh, shut up, QT.
Don't try to cover your ass.
Oh, wow. Quori, you just said it.
Because now people
are going to look at Quori
like, "Oh, she's not trustworthy."
[Caress] How did you betray her?
She must have thought
you were really, really close.
Which means, did y'all have an alliance?
Sip on that.
Now I'm looking at you
a little bit with the side-eye.
You know, even though
I'm coming for QT in this game,
I need her to think that I'm on her side.
Message, "QT and Kyle,
that must have been hard."
"Giving you two my flowers." Send.
Good message, Big J!
Gosh. I want to know who she went and saw.
Message, "What a #CountryCutie."
"Sad to see her go, but curious
to know who she saw last night."
Send message.
Agreed, Autumn.
I almost forgot about that.
I really do wanna know
who she saw last night,
and I'm glad Autumn brought it up.
Girl, I'm about to tell you
who she came and saw. [chuckling]
Message, "Really sad
to see my girl Cassie go."
"Kyle and QT, thank you
for keeping me! Exclamation point."
"When Cassie walked
into my apartment last night"
"I couldn't stop screaming,
and man, did she come with the #Tea."
Olivia knows.
Olivia knows
that she was talking about me.
Okay, people are probably gonna wonder.
We were not besties. She threw me
under the bus in front of everybody.
It wasn't friendship.
Give us something we can chew on, girl.
Message, "Let's get to this tea."
"Give us something, Olivia.
We're all in the boat together."
Send message.
Okay, Paul. I want to spill it, I do,
but this might not be the best setting.
Oh, it's clearly me.
QT's also on the sus list, because,
like, we know the tea is about us.
I feel it might be better just to own it.
Message, "Low-key, the tea was probably
about me and that poor-trait."
"I did apologize one-on-one
and in the Circle chat."
"Although she ended up in last,
it could've been something else.
Send message.
Myles, Myles, Myles.
This man is trying to cover his ass!
He's probably feeling,
like, a little hurt.
Okay. So this takes, like,
a little something off me.
But not fully,
'cause Myles didn't block her. I did.
Myles, I don't think
you thought it was a joke. At all.
Message, "All I know is
Cassie put her trust in the wrong people,
and eventually, people start
to show their true colors."
Send message.
Yo, Liv. That's some shade out here.
Fuck you, Liv.
Girlie, I kept you safe.
Who is she talking about? Drop a name.
This is the perfect time to drop a name.
Call someone out.
That's a toughie, Olivia, and that's gonna
put a target on your back, girl.
"Circle chat is now closed."
No! [angrily] I wasn't done!
[Myles] That's a petty message
to end it on.
Liv, you're playing
a messy game right now.
I think Myles knows
that he's in a screwy position,
and I think things
are about to get really messy from him.
I think Myles and Quori kind of look bad.
Somebody on my top list
is now getting looked at
as someone that's untrustworthy.
Now that looks bad. That looks terrible.
So if we're really thinking about
who is a part of this
"group of people"
that Cassie put her trust in,
Olivia and Q
are at the very top of that list.
So one of them is the wrong person
she shouldn't have put her trust in.
And then QT kind of outed herself,
saying that Cassie felt betrayed by her.
That puts a target on QT,
letting everybody know
that y'all were super close. Wow!
[Brandon] I feel like Myles
is pulling the strings, though.
I feel like Myles is the puppet master,
QT is dickmatized,
and Myles is trying to run the show.
The only thing I'm certain on
is that I don't trust QT,
'cause it sounds like her
and Cassie had a connection,
and yet she still blocked Cassie.
I don't know how that went
for me, honestly.
She said Cassie put her trust
in the wrong people, not person, though,
so it's not all on me.
Oh my gosh.
[Buteau] It seems like
the puppet master's strings
are getting all tangled up,
but Olivia might be dangling
by a thread too.
With no real allies in her corner,
maybe she can rope in Lauren.
Circle, take me
to a private chat with Lauren.
[TV dings]
"Olivia has invited you
to a private chat." Okay, girlie.
Message, "Hey, Lauren.
I wanted to talk to you
because Cassie let me know that she was
in an alliance with Myles and QT."
"I feel like I have
a strong connection to you
and needed to share
this information right away."
Girl, okay, okay.
Myles and QT were two people
I was thinking about aligning myself with
because they seem to be really well-liked.
But I don't want them to go behind my back
and betray me the way
that they did with Cassie.
Message, "Hey, girlie. Thank you so much
for feeling comfortable enough
to come to me with the tea."
"I thought that Myles
was an honest player,
and I don't like that he was being shady."
"It felt mean without cause."
Message, "Amen, sister."
"That's exactly how I felt.
Do you feel like he's flip-flopping?"
"#IDontLikeToPlayDirty." Yes, girl!
I do feel like he's flip-flopping!
I think he's trying to show everybody
that he's open and honest,
and now he's being a snake himself!
Message, "I def do, girl."
"I'll watch your back and let you know
if I see any real snakes in this grass."
"#GirlGangForReal." Send.
She's saying, "#GirlGangForReal,"
but we've not solidified any alliance.
Message, "I feel like we would
make a good team."
"I've got your back if you've got mine."
Girl, I do 100%.
Solid 100%.
I think Lauren is a very strong player.
I just don't know
where Lauren's head is at. [nervous laugh]
It makes me a little nervous
because it looks like
everybody is against her,
but I really like Olivia.
I think she's really cool.
And I think she's smart.
Message, "Absolutely, girl.
This alliance is solid."
"#ILikeWhereYourHeadsAt. Heart emoji."
Let's hope Lauren is true to her word.
I feel like people want me gone.
They just haven't pulled the trigger yet.
This is why I have
a hard time trusting people.
So I'm really worried
Lauren's gonna say yes,
and when it comes down to it,
no follow-through.
This is a tough situation,
because I think a lot of people
are against Olivia here,
and more people
are on the side of Myles and QT.
And I'd rather stay in the middle,
but my loyalty is with Olivia now, 100%.
I just hope
it doesn't end up being my downfall.
[Buteau] The girl gang is back,
at least for now,
and other players
are looking for new homes too.
Newbie Jordan hopes
to slide into Kyle's private chat
and influence last night's influencer.
Kyle is the jock in the game.
No one would ever suspect
that Big J and Kyle
are bros.
I think he's going to be
super easy for Big J to manipulate.
Circle, open a private chat with Kyle.
[TV dings]
[laughing] "Jordan has invited you
to a private chat."
Okay, J!
I'm still a little salty that, like,
you didn't accept
my private chat. [exhales]
So, I'mma make you wait until I finish
this set. I ain't gonna lie.
He's gonna think
that Big J is very impressionable,
and I think he's going to spill
a lot of information to me.
I don't know what this man's problem is.
Why is he taking long to reply?
-[Deuce barks]
-[Kyle barks]
[suspenseful music plays]
All right, Circle,
open up Jordan's private chat.
All right. Here we go.
Message, "Missing home today.
I just feel lost and overwhelmed."
"Catch me up
on what's been going on?" [scoffs]
I think Kyle's gonna fall into this trap.
I don't see how he wouldn't.
I really don't trust his message.
Catch you up on what, exactly?
I feel like just because he saw
that I was an influencer,
now he wants to have a chat.
'Cause I wrote him already,
and he didn't accept mine,
he accepted Myles'.
But I don't want to create enemies.
So I will be friendly
to him and talk to him
just to see what does he want to know?
Because I feel like he wants
to know about somebody,
and he's just waiting for the info.
So message,
"Jordan! Bro, I've been
trying to talk to you,
but I guess I have to sit
and wait my turn. #ImALittleSalty."
"But I understand you feeling overwhelmed,
because this Circle thing is a lot!"
[Jordan] "So tell me what you wanna know."
I wanna ask about Cassie,
because Cassie made some comments
about people being not trustworthy.
So I wanna figure out
where Kyle lies with Myles in this game.
Message, "When I first got here,
I had no clue what I was doing,
and a lot of people were coming at me."
"I just went with my heart.
Crying laughing emoji, heart emoji."
"What do you think Cassie meant
by she put her trust in the wrong people?"
"#BigBroLetMeKnow." Send.
I definitely know
who Cassie was talking about,
but I'm not gonna throw my girl
under the bus. It's not happening.
Quori is literally my #CircleSister.
So message,
"I know people were coming at you
from all different angles,
but always," in all caps,
"go with your heart, #LittleBro."
"Cassie's message left me #StuckAsWell."
You gave me nothing.
I'm wondering if I could, like,
subtly throw Myles under the bus
and just be like, "I was wondering
if she was talking about Myles."
Myles leaving right now
would really put me
in such a good position.
Okay, message,
"I was slightly curious
if she was talking about Myles,
based on everyone's reactions."
"I'm lost. #DetectivesKandJ are on it."
"Spy emoji." Send.
He thinks it's Myles.
That's great. I love it.
Message, "I love the sound
of #DetectiveKandJ."
"I take loyalty very seriously."
"So what Cassie said really bugged me."
"Let's Circle back around
whenever we have info. TTYL."
I'm not gonna be naive
to giving him all the info that I got.
That's not happening.
I'm so annoyed.
That did not go
where I wanted it to go at all.
[Buteau] Wow, Jordan might have gotten
more info if he had spoken to Deuce.
Meanwhile, Paul aka Caress,
would like to fly way up in the ratings,
and he wants Myles to be his wingman.
I feel like Myles, we are
neck-and-neck in that middle slot,
and I want to see if there's a possibility
he and I can come up with a strategy
to get out of the middle
and get back up to the top.
Circle, start a private chat with Myles.
[TV dings]
Oh. "Paul has invited you
to a private chat."
I've been meaning to talk to Paul.
I'm sure he doesn't feel too great
about the fifth place.
He definitely wants to climb up
or at least have a little more security.
Yo, Circle, take me
to the private chat with Paul.
Maybe he can coach me
on this little paddleball.
Is it called paddleball?
What the hell is this even called?
The best thing for this
is to get a pulse check on him
and then come up
with an actual plan of action.
So I want to approach it softly.
I want to approach it being genuine.
Message, "What's good, bro?"
"Real talk. I know
you've been feeling heat from the ladies."
"Just checking in on you. #BroCode."
"How you feeling
about the game and this morning?"
Honestly, that's a good pulse check.
I gotta keep it a buck with him.
I've been feeling a little sus.
People coming for me
when I'm just being honest.
Message, "I'mma keep it a buck."
"It's shady out here for your boy.
"I've been honest, but it seems like
nobody wants to own up
when they also threw heat."
[Caress] "Besides #BroCode and QT,
I don't know who to trust."
"How you feeling?"
I like this, 'cause we already seem like
we feel like we are on bro code mode,
and that right there
is exactly what I wanted.
Now we can move into
the next phase of my strategy,
coming up with exact moves to make
against everybody else
who deserves to be at the bottom.
"This is crazy.
I feel the exact same way."
"#BroCode is my strongest alliance"
"and QT has been my ace
since the beginning."
"How are we getting everyone else out?
This is good.
This is like he's on the same vibe.
Message, "Bruh, I had a gasp
of relief right there. Haha."
"I'm glad I'm not going crazy with this."
"You, QT, and Kyle are
who I want to see at the end of this."
"I'll do what needs to be done
to make that happen. #FuegosFour."
I love it.
That's exactly who I say
is the best option for the top four.
I feel great about this strategy.
It's time to play.
"Music to my ears. Say less."
"Fuegos Four at the end.
Everyone else is just lightweight."
"Time to lighten the load.
So glad we had this chat."
"Let's go! Muscle arm emoji."
I love that. Like, this is good.
I feel like we're stronger
than ever right now.
Mission accomplished!
Drop the mic!
This is fucking perfect, though. Damn!
[Buteau] Doesn't feel good
when it hits you in the face, huh?
You know what? No more sports today.
You've ruined it for everyone, Myles.
Let's try some non-contact activities.
I think making things
by hand is so therapeutic.
[Kyle] We will start with the legs.
That's his ball sack.
[Buteau] Nobody needed to see that.
[Jordan] No!
[Buteau] That went
as well as your chat with Kyle.
What's good, little Kyle?
"Everyone out of the pool!"
This is a work of art.
[Buteau] Did you paint Deuce
like one of your Frenchie girls?
[Kyle] Ladies and gentlemen, Deuce.
[Buteau] You guys, this is enough.
Let's get our head back in the game
by playing a game with other people.
[alarm blares]
[all] "It's Personal!"
What does this mean?
What kind of game is this?!
[Buteau] I'll tell you, Lauren.
You don't gotta yell.
This game will test which players
are on the same page.
Think of it like a vibe check.
"Fight one bear. Fight 500 chickens."
That is scary.
Are the chickens fighting back?
[Buteau] Wouldn't you?
The players will pick the answer
they like best and lock it in.
I think it would be funnier
to fight 500 chickens! [laughing]
If you were smart,
you'd say the 500 chickens.
My brother would love to say
that he fought a bear.
Lock in "fight one bear" as my answer.
You're crazy.
Uh, 500 chickens.
[Buteau] The Circle will then reveal
what percentage of players
voted for each option.
Who the heck wants
to fight some chickens?!
[Buteau] And it will all
be done anonymously.
It's just going to be
a little harmless fun, or is it?
Interesting. Interesting.
It's just telling percentage.
Fifty percent of us have never
probably even gotten close
to a chicken before.
They are not to be messed with.
Those suckers hurt. Okay?
[Buteau] I will trust you.
Now on to our next question.
"Cozy night in."
Or "wild night out"?
Ugh. It depends on your mood.
This is not a black-and-white question.
I appreciate a wild night out.
But I love a cozy night in.
Jordan, going out.
Big J is staying in.
I am definitely
a "cozy night in" type of chick,
but what is my brother?
Probably a "wild night out" kind of guy.
"Wild night out." Lock in my answer.
I think being a nurse, like,
you have to have like a good outlet.
You know what, Circle?
-We'll go with
-[both] "Wild night out."
-[Myles] Easy.
-Circle, choose "cozy night in."
I think most people are going to say
"cozy night in." Maybe like a 60/40.
-[Autumn] Oh! Fifty-fifty!
-[Lauren] Fifty-fifty!
We already divided, and now let's see
how much more divided we about to be.
[Buteau] What a good question,
'cause we about to find out.
-"Phone photos get leaked."
-"Google searches get leaked."
Oh my gosh!
You know what?
I search a lot of crazy stuff.
[Buteau] Like how to fight a bear?
I use private mode.
Yeah, you can't just trust
Incognito, folks.
[Buteau] Wait, you can't?!
You know what? I need the next 70 days
to attend to some personal matters.
My photos, those cannot get leaked.
No, thank you.
[Caress] Let's choose
"Google searches get leaked."
My brother, I know for a fact
this wouldn't bother him.
I'd rather my phone photos get leaked,
because I have
some cute pictures on there.
Okay! Fifty-fifty!
[Brandon] Good.
I'm glad I'm not the only one!
So we have confident people,
or we have people like Big J
where nothing's going on in there. Nada.
[Buteau] Sounds like Big J
could have used a hug, among other things.
Circle, what you got next for us?
"No sex for a year."
365 days.
[Caress] I've done both of these.
-[Kyle] Circle, lock in
-[both] "No social media for a year."
Thank you very much.
A whole year with no sex?!
I like scrolling on TikTok
as much as the next girl, but I think
that a physical connection
with someone is better.
I'm gonna have to choose
"no social media for a year."
Remember, you're Big J.
I don't gotta stress about this.
Social media is my job,
and I need to make money.
Who cares about sex
when it comes to the moolah?
Select "no sex for a year."
And I'mma leave it at that.
I don't need to think about how I feel.
Okay, 75/25!
Yo! Who not be having good sex?!
Big J was a virgin.
He needed social media.
What else was he gonna do?
Yo, take away
all the social media you want,
but don't take away the the thang thang.
Female ferrets will die
if they don't have sex for a year.
That's like me.
Okay, that's me. I'm a female ferret.
[Buteau] Same, girl!
Big ferret energy over here!
Y'all are freaks.
[Buteau] Well, QT, wait till you see
our last question.
-"Find your parents' sex tape."
-"Parents find your sex tape"?!
Jesus Christ!
-[Brandon] Oh my God!
-[Caress] Whoa!
I hate this question, Circle! I don't want
to think like that! [laughing]
[laughing] I'm gonna throw up!
Can we say "neither" here? [laughs]
I think I could recover.
I don't know if they could, so I'm going
-[both] "Find your parents' sex tape."
-[Jordan] Lock that in.
Do not want to think about
my parents having sex.
I'm gonna be the family disappointment.
Let's just keep ranking up the points.
-[Kyle] Circle, lock in
-[both] "Parents find your sex tape."
[Caress laughing]
Find your parents' sex tape.
It's 62% [laughing]
Oh, people are nasty.
Thirty-seven percent said
"parents find your sex tape"?!
That's going to require a lot
A lot of therapy.
"Players, you've completed It's Personal!"
Now, is it gonna stay personal,
or is everyone about to find out
what we put?
[Buteau] Don't worry about that, Jordan.
Take some you time. Everyone should.
We're gonna call some bitches out,
but we're going to be nice about it.
[Buteau] Make a little lunch.
-Talk to some paintings.
-Don't be judging me, George.
[Buteau] Slowly lose your mind.
You either, Tony. I see you.
You're judging me silently.
You just can't say anything
'cause you're a painting.
[Buteau] I think it's The Circle's turn
to kick it into high gear.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
[Myles] Not another one!
[Buteau] Myles,
there's always another one.
Oh my gosh!
What you got for us, Circle?
[Lauren] "Earlier, you completed a game."
[QT] Wait, did the game mean something?
"This was a compatibility test
for all the players in The Circle."
Wait. What?!
Ah, shit. I knew it had
another meaning behind it.
"Now each player will be paired up
based on their answers."
Wait, that's kind of fun. I like that!
Please let me be compatible with QT.
Imagine me and Myles are not compatible.
That'd be bad for my game
'cause I want him to think we are.
[Brandon] "This partnership must be kept
a secret from everyone else."
Yo! This is getting sticky icky!
I love me a good secret alliance.
"Your ride or die is" Who is it?!
Oh my God. I'm so nervous. Please,
please, please do not let it be Myles!
[Kyle] Let it be Myles, Quori, or Paul.
I kind of hope it's not Olivia.
I think that we need
to broaden our horizons now.
I'll tell you
who my ride or die is right now.
QT is my ride or die.
If my ride or die is Myles
I really hope that doesn't happen.
[Buteau] Okay, Circle,
let's match them up.
"Your ride or die is"
-[Jordan] Quori-Tyler?!
-[QT] Jordan!
Okay, this is good!
This is best-case scenario.
You were my biggest threat because you're
the most well-liked player in this game.
Oh my God.
I just don't want Liv or Autumn.
[Kyle] Come on, Circle. Who is it?
I hope I get one of the Fuego Four.
Myles, QT, or Kyle.
Who is my ride or die?
-[Caress] Kyle!
-[Kyle] I knew it!
-Shut up!
-[Kyle] I knew it!
[laughing] That's my boy, dawg!
Broski woski! Shut up!
That's my dawg!
Where my dogs at? [barking]
I feel this so hard right now.
"Your ride or die is"
Autumn! [screaming]
[Autumn] Lauren!
I actually really did not see that coming.
Man, butter my butt and call me a biscuit.
I am totally fine with that.
[Brandon] Oh, come on. Come on.
Oh my God, Circle!
Are you trying to kill me right now?
Obviously, I can't trust Myles.
I can't trust Myles at all.
So I don't know how I'm supposed
to be a teammate with him.
Oh shit!
[Buteau] If those two can get over
their intense hatred and mistrust,
they just might make it.
But not all players are feeling more die
than ride when it comes to their partner,
like bro code members Kyle and Paul.
[TV dings]
[Kyle] "Paul has invited you
to a private chat!"
"You were by far my strongest alliance,
but this test
just made us solid as a rock."
That's my dawg. That's my dawg fo sho!
That's my dawg.
"I started laughing immediately
because I already knew it was you."
All right. So message,
"Do you think this compatibility means"
[Kyle] "something for the next game?"
[groaning] Good question.
Circle knows how to get in your head
and pin you against your strongest ally.
So I'm just hoping
that this isn't anything
where it's me and Paul
going at each other.
Can we pull off thinking the same?
Message, "Maybe we will be
going up against other duos?"
"We have to stay away
from those we feel are questionable."
[Caress] "Totally feel you!"
"Real talk, Lauren and I had multiple
private chats and said we were cool,
and then she's turned right around
and publicly threw me under the bus."
Okay. That told me a lot.
Message, "What you just said
made me realize
that Lauren could be the target."
He's feeling the exact same.
That's why we're compatible.
Bro, I just want to give you a hug.
Touch them abs, baby.
[Buteau] I feel you, Paul. But before
you turn the bromance into a romance,
let's go see if Lauren and Autumn
make a compatible couple.
"New bestie!
It's been a little spicy, huh?" [laughing]
That's cute. Okay.
"Some of those questions were wild.
I loved it."
"Would you mind if I asked you
who was the first person
you talked to when you got here?"
"I'm dying to know."
[Lauren] I'm hoping
that Autumn will take this as
a great opportunity to create a friendship
with one of the girls
that is rated pretty high.
[sighs] Being that Lauren
is officially my ride or die,
I really feel like I need
to open up to her
and let her know
the truth of what Paul said.
I'm hoping I can trust her in this moment.
Okay. Message
"Wild indeed."
"I chose to talk to Paul
since we connected
on beer and line dancing."
"I will be honest. He threw a lot
of players under the bus, including you."
"Paul said that you are a backstabber."
I don't know. I feel like that was
the smart move to tell her
and be honest.
I don't think I'm a backstabber.
Fuck off! Really?
A backstabber?
A little dangerous, a little scary.
[Autumn smacks tongue]
Message, "Girl, thank you for feeling
comfortable enough to tell me this."
"How would you feel about looking out
for each other from now on?"
If Lauren has been genuine with me,
that'd put me in a really,
really good spot.
I also got out of this that I know
that Paul talks shit easily.
Like, damn, that was fast.
[Buteau] Autumn used Paul's tea
to brew an even hotter pot.
Impressive. Now can the duo
of QT and Jordan also break bread?
Message, "Hi." With a bunch of I's.
"First of all, gorge! Exclamation point."
"You are the moment."
"So glad to be your ride or die."
"But what do you think this means?" Send.
This is the one time in the game
I'm complimenting someone and mean it.
That's so sweet!
"Big J, I am dying right now."
"I was praying to be your ride or die
because I knew we were soulmates."
"IDK what this means, but I'm ready
to play the game with you."
Send message.
I love that it sounds like she's a gamer.
If I can be paired up
with a gamer who is also well-liked,
we could really ride this out.
Message, "It sounds like
we are playing this game together."
"So, where's your head at?
Question mark. Because I am lost."
[QT] "This is all too fresh."
I'm gonna get really shady right now.
And you know what, it's what I have to do.
Okay, message, "#MylesSaidItNotMe."
"If Lauren is nice to you,
don't feel special."
"My mom always told me,
'a friend to everyone is a friend'"
"'to no one.'" Very much noted.
Information is so important in this game,
so me giving him this tea
and being very transparent and honest
means that he can trust me.
I have to trust her,
but the second
I don't need to trust her anymore
is when she has to go.
He's a smart player.
[Buteau] Too bad.
She could've been the yin to your yang.
Now let's pop in on the pair
that doesn't even wanna be one.
The guy who's all head and the gal
who's all heart, Myles and Olivia.
[TV dings]
Message, "Ayo, my Ohio OG."
"Not sure what to make
from this ride or die,
but I'm sure this nurse can diagnose."
[Brandon] "diagnose. Laughing face."
This is a typical Myles message.
I'm gonna let you tell me how you feel,
because I don't owe you shit.
"Def don't know if I understood
the assignment, LOL. #DiagnosisUnclear."
[Myles] "#DiagnosisUnclear."
Olivia seemed to be throwing shade
at my name in today's group chat.
Myles, I want to like you, dude,
but, like, you have given me
so many reasons not to.
I didn't really want Olivia.
I was hoping she was going home.
He's going to have to give me information.
"Any idea why we're compatible
besides the blonde? Laughing face emoji."
Oh, I hate this. I hate this. Message,
"Then I suggest we rate
each other as high as we can
so we can be safe. Number one emoji."
"I'm willing to make that commitment
to you if you can make it to me."
[Myles] "#YouGotMyRating."
Okay, so Olivia's aligned with me,
but I I don't think this is enough.
I was going to rate Myles at the bottom.
I feel like that's very obvious.
For this to work, not only
do we have to high rate each other,
we also have to agree to tank somebody.
Message, "Liv,
I can make that commitment, bet."
"Though, I don't know if that's enough.
Crying face emoji."
"We might have to be aligned
on our bottom of the barrel"
[Brandon] "if we're both surviving."
Oh my goodness.
This also gives her the first suggestion
to throw out some of these names,
which lets me mark down
her alliances and note that.
Message, "I'm game."
"Since I suggested
we both vote each other at the top,
who do you suggest
we both vote at the bottom?"
I just hope my girl QT stays.
Me and her,
I just need to see at the finals.
Is Myles gonna give me a name,
or is he just going
to try to get me to do it?
"I would pick Autumn. #JustNotQT."
"This stays with us."
I'm backing QT.
I'm making that clear to everybody.
I hate myself for this right now.
I'm so mad that I have to do this,
but I have to.
Message, "Sounds
like the choice is clear."
"#WeAreAligned. #WeHaveADeal."
[Myles] She said we're aligned.
That's the strategy I have to go into.
I can't think of anything else.
That's what I have to do if we're
playing this game.
This is a game of trust.
I can't doubt it.
That Those are my moves.
[Buteau] After an intense night
of strategy,
our players are looking to decompress
with a dip in the hot tub,
a little light meditation,
and some interpretive dancing.
[QT] Six, seven, eight.
[Buteau] Or putting everything from
your fridge in a pan
and setting it on fire.
-[fire alarm beeping]
[fire alarm intensifying]
[Buteau] Okay, so not
the best things happen
when The Circle leaves
these people to their own devices.
They need structure. They need direction.
They need to bust a move.
[all] "What's better
than a singles party?"
[Myles] Give it to me, Circle.
[all] "Pairs Party!"
Let's go!
[Buteau] And waiting at their doors are
some perfect costumes of perfect pairs.
Oh my God! [screams]
[Autumn, screaming] What is this?!
[Buteau] No, not Beyoncé and Jay-Z
or Ben and JLo.
-[Buteau] We're talking about
peas and carrots,
eggs and bacon,
milk and cookies, and mustard and ketchup.
This is whole milk.
Do I look like a chocolate chip
or an M&M type of guy to you, Circle?
[Autumn] I'm sizzling!
-I look crispy AF.
-Gonna bust out a tune for a cookie dance?
[Buteau] Okay, Circle.
We made grown folks put on costumes.
Let's get our dance montage on!
-[Autumn] Ooh!
-[Lauren] Okay!
Oh, I love this song.
["Can't Get You Out of My Head"
by Kylie Minogue playing]
Feel the need in me ♪
[Brandon] Ah, ah, ah, ah.
-[Jordan] Death drop.
-[Lauren] Oh no! Not robot bacon!
I want some broccoli dancing.
Work it! I could never do this easy.
[QT] This is so fun. [laughing]
-[Lauren exclaims]
-The milk's gone bad!
-[Caress] Ooh!
-[Kyle] That was a party.
[Buteau] Yup. And this is an alert.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
We just had a great party!
What do you want now?!
Don't ruin this for us, Circle!
Did the person
with the worst dance moves get blocked?
[both] "You are all in"
[both] "secret partnership"
[both] "with your ride or die."
We are and I love it!
-[Caress] "This secret partnership
-means more than you think."
-Now I'm worried.
-What does that mean?
[both] "Your fates are tied."
-[Kyle] Oh shit.
-[Autumn] No!
-Oh God.
I felt it. I felt it in my core I felt it.
Do I trust Liv? We're about to find out!
I hope this doesn't mean
we're about to move in together.
I put in so much work.
Jordan just got here!
He can't ruin it!
[all] "If you are blocked"
Go on!
[all] "your ride or die
is blocked with you!"
Oh my
[QT] What?!
Holy shoot!
[Buteau] When we said ride or die
[Autumn] No!
[Buteau] we so meant it.
[theme song playing]
[theme song ends]
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