The Circle (2020) s06e08 Episode Script

Who Ordered the Sacrificial Lamb?

[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] Our last game
turned into a game-changer.
With players now paired up as teams,
The Circle just dropped a bomb,
letting everyone know that to survive,
they really must ride or die.
Tough decisions dressed up as food.
[all] "If you are blocked"
[Myles] Go on!
[TV whirs]
-[both] "your ride or die is"
-[both] "blocked with you!"
Bro, what the hecky decky?
That means Kyle and I gotta really
pull this thing out of the bag, yo!
I'm not playing The Circle by myself
anymore. I have a teammate. Holy shit.
This is not basketball, bro.
I'm feeling good.
But to him, I might be the weak link,
and I would say the same thing
about myself right now. Like Ugh.
-[Kyle] This makes me extremely nervous.
-[Deuce barks]
Oh my God.
Because Paul has been in the bottom
of the ratings every single time.
[Autumn] Lauren has made
a lot of connections.
So I'm worried about me
being at the bottom
and taking her down with me.
[Lauren] I want to be
responsible for my fate.
If I go home, I want it to be
my fault and my fault alone.
Oh my God.
We have to be rated high, Myles!
[Myles] Liv! You caused
so many problems from the get-go!
We might still be done. You haven't
done right to me this whole time.
You've been putting
me through the wringer.
But what if I block someone,
not knowing their partner's someone
I don't wanna block?
[Buteau] That's what makes it hard for you
but fun for us.
[Jordan] Things could really go any way.
[suspenseful music continues]
["Cruel Summer" by Bananarama playing]
[Buteau] With the players
anonymously paired,
no one knows who is on whose team.
So today we'll really test
their Circle skills.
It's a cruel ♪
-Cruel ♪
-Cruel summer ♪
[Buteau] But they gotta get out
of bed first. 'Cause if I'm up,
y'all gots to get up!
[all] Good morning, Circle.
[Deuce barks]
-Deuce! Here!
-[Deuce barks]
I'm especially shocked
that my curls stayed in my hair.
I woke up thinking that today's strategy
should be damage control.
Paul doesn't have a good relationship
with the girls, and he needs to fix that.
'Cause we're not winning this
without the girls on our side.
I still think it's crazy
that I'm paired up
with Myles of all people.
It's kind of looking like Myles and Olivia
are gonna have to follow through
with their plans
if they want to stay here.
I hate the idea that my fate
could be in someone else's hands,
or someone else's fate
could be in my hands.
Even more than ever,
Myles is my number one. He gotta go.
I don't think Lauren likes Myles.
I know Olivia doesn't like Myles.
I need to talk to Olivia,
because Olivia is someone in this game
that doesn't really have anybody.
She's also someone that I don't know
where her head is at,
and I feel like
she could be a great asset to me.
To save ourselves,
me and Jordan, our fates are tied,
and it can all go down the drain
if Jordan does something wrong!
But I feel like he has to know
that I should be the one with the plan,
and he should just follow.
[Buteau] Um, is there a word
for the opposite of team spirit?
Even though they all have partners,
players still need to find
connections with each other.
Listen, Big J would've never been caught
up in here. I'll tell you that much.
[Buteau] Like these two.
Olivia isn't tickled
that Myles is her secret ride or die,
and Jordan wants Myles to take a walk.
[Jordan] You know,
I want Myles out so bad,
'cause I want to free up
Kyle and Quori-Tyler for myself.
And there's no way Olivia
is Myles's ride or die
[Buteau] Well, they both said they'd
rather fight 500 chickens than a bear.
So yeah, they besties now.
which is why I need to get to her
and get her to do my dirty work for me.
Circle, start a private chat with Olivia.
[Brandon] Oh, okay! I think this could
really be good for Olivia,
just to be able to connect
with him since we haven't yet.
[TV whirs]
Message, "Oh my gosh!"
"I've been meaning to reach out to you."
"You remind me of my sister-in-law."
"You def had some
strong feelings in the Circle chat."
"How are you feeling? #YouSlayed." Ooh!
Message, "Likewise! Exclamation point."
"It's so good we finally get to chat."
"I feel like I'm on the edge of my seat,
because this ride or die thing is wild!"
"What do you think about all this?
Question mark. #IsMyBraOnTooTight?"
"And laughing, nervous emoji." [giggles]
I'm trying to figure out
how I wanna lean this in
to start a conversation about Myles.
Message, "Girl, for my fate to be tied
to someone in my first blocking is crazy."
"#IThinkINeedABra. Crying laughing emoji."
"I feel like you were talking about Myles
in the Circle chat."
"Any insight on what happened
before I got here?" Send.
Oh! "I think I need a bra.
Laughing face emoji." [exclaims]
He's so funny!
Oh, okay, he's asking about the tea.
Myles is Olivia's ride or die.
So I want to steer away
from shit-talking Myles.
I don't like lying, but I have to,
otherwise I am screwed.
Message, "I feel like Myles
was really trying to make a joke
and it just came out wrong." Ugh.
"We had the chance to talk,
and I think Cassie
might have took it the wrong way."
No, you didn't, girl.
You took it the right way.
"Have you gotten the opportunity
to make any connections?"
Ooh. See, this still isn't
a bad thing, actually.
If I make her feel like
I was getting manipulated by Myles,
maybe she will take it as
she was getting manipulated by Myles.
Message, "I had a chance
to talk to Myles"
"and when a cute boy
flirts with me, that's a red flag!"
Wait, what? [insecure laugh]
Myles flirted with Jordan?
Is Myles bisexual?
Like, what are we doing here?
I'm confused.
That boy didn't flirt with me.
But anything to get her to think
Myles is capable of manipulation,
that's what I need. [snaps fingers]
Message, "You're a cute guy.
Don't sell yourself short.
"I'll gladly go boy hunting
with you any day."
"#WhereTheBoysAt, heart emoji."
I'm not sure how to take this.
Uh, is she trying to cover for Myles?
Why does this keep happening?
Okay, let's say, like, message,
"#MallCrawl when we get
out of here? Question mark."
"I like the sound of that. Winky emoji."
[Brandon] "I really feel like
I can trust you. Should I trust Myles?"
Okay. I feel like I need to say yes,
but not in a way that's like, "Please."
Message, "Yass!"
"I am totally in! Exclamation point."
"I feel like I can trust you too."
"He seems like he is trustworthy,
but what you and I have is #FriendGoals."
Why is everyone
that I'm working with in this game
tight with Myles?
This man is playing everyone!
Message, "It's a plan."
With, like, the handout emoji
and a dancing emoji.
"I really appreciate you for being open."
"I feel like this is
the most real conversation I've had."
"Let's catch up soon."
"#CircleSisInLaw." Send.
Oh! I love this.
I feel like Jordan is Team Olivia.
And he's gonna have my back,
and I'm gonna have his back.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
I feel like I do have
a good, like, relationship with Olivia,
which sucks because now
that just makes taking out Myles
even more difficult.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] Meanwhile, this morning
our jacket-loving bro Myles
plans a little breakfast date
with his boo Q
to sweet-talk us some strategy.
[TV beeps]
Okay, Yung Papi Fuego.
Take me to the private chat with Myles.
I put in a Hail Mary with The Circle
and got some food sent to her door.
Okay, message,
"Good morning, beautiful!
Sun emoji, heart-eye emoji."
"You deserve a gourmet breakfast in bed"
"but hopefully the surprise
at your door will work"?
She's probably, "What the hell?"
'Cause tensions have been high.
She probably hasn't been expecting this.
It's been a little lonely in The Circle.
Oh my gosh!
I'm gonna cry.
This is so cute!
Did I meet the love
of my life on The Circle?
Not the heart pancakes.
If this is a catfish,
he is doing an incredible job.
Message, "OMG, Myles. I am speechless."
"I've been stressed
because of this ride or die twist,
but this just made my day."
"Heart-eye emoji, fork and knife emoji."
Aw, that's sweet.
Message, "I've been stressing too,
but you my real #RideOrDie,
and I ain't doing this without you."
Send message.
Okay! Okay, okay, okay, okay.
This is good.
It's nice to just be able
to have, like, a nice conversation
that doesn't revolve around strategy.
He seems like a super sweet person.
So I love that,
but, like, I want to know more about him.
Like who is he on the outside?
"There's definitely more
than what meets the eye."
"I'm a former NBA dancer,
but I'm really just a girl
who loves her mom and sisters."
"Tell me about the Myles we don't see."
All right. I think
I just gotta talk to her about, like,
just a little bit about my life.
"How did I know you were a dancer?"
"I love that your fam
is so important to you."
"My uncle, RIP, and aunt raised me,
and my cousins are my sibs."
#CantLiveWithoutThem." [sighs]
[inhaling] Oh my gosh!
Wait, okay, there is so much more to him
than I ever could have realized.
Honestly, it's always weird,
like, having to explain
my uncle and aunt
are my, like mom and dad, basically.
It's definitely something
I don't tell everybody,
but I think it's, like,
a big part of my identity.
[QT] He is being so vulnerable with me.
Message, "It seems
like you've been through a lot,
but your passion for life is inspiring."
"I'm sorry for the loss of your uncle.
I couldn't imagine what that feels like."
"My mom battled breast cancer,
and seeing her light dim
was insufferable."
Oh shit. That's tough.
Especially when it's your hero.
Message, "Seeing your hero go through
all that must have been tough"
"but I'm sure your mom
seeing you be the amazing person you are
helped her with her battle."
So sweet.
This feels like when you first
start texting someone you like.
It's giving butterflies.
[Buteau] Aw, who would have thought
Mami and Papi Fuego would be
the love story we all needed?
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Another love affair
is bubbling on the roof
between Kyle and a hot tub.
[Kyle] We gonna take
this nice and slow. Psych!
[Buteau] And Autumn wants to see
if she can get in on this.
[Autumn] Let's start a chat with Kyle.
-[TV dings]
-[Kyle] Autumn! Like, what's up?!
All I am focused on right now is Paul
and trying to get Paul more connections,
but this Autumn thing
could really help us.
Take me to Autumn's private chat.
Message, "Hey, Kyle! Exclamation point."
"Been dying to chat with ya."
"Looks like you
and I have similar interests."
"How have you been? Question mark."
Send message to the chat.
I was freaking looking
for my in and I found it!
Message, "Autumn!"
"The moment I seen your photo,
I said #ThisGirlLifts."
"I've been good."
"They dropped a bomb on us last night,
and I've been #Stuck ever since."
Yeah, pretty accurate. [chuckles]
She lift, I lift.
This girl might actually be a genuine
connection, like, as an ally with me.
[Autumn] Message,
"A bomb indeed! Exclamation point."
With the shocked, mind-blown emoji.
"I'm feeling pretty darn uneasy
and unsure who to trust."
"Can we #SlamDunk this
to the end? Trophy emoji."
She's asking for an alliance right now.
Lord have mercy.
This can actually really help my game.
Message, "Loyalty is everything to me."
"I know some trustworthy people
in The Circle."
"Maybe I can give you some insight."
Okay, message,
"I talked to Jordan and Lauren."
"I want to know your thoughts
on those two and any others I can trust?"
You know what's crazy about that?
Obviously, one of them is her ride or die.
That's why she mentioned that.
So I'm not gonna throw
anybody under the bus,
'cause I know that can hurt you later,
in the long run.
So what I will do is be honest.
Message, "I've only spoke to Jordan once,
and I didn't get much
from the conversation."
"Lauren and I are cool,
and I feel you can trust her."
"My advice is to be friends
with Paul and Myles."
"#WeGotEachOther. It's official now."
Send message.
Lauren he's cool with, which is good
because Lauren's my ride or die.
He thinks I should be friends
with Paul and Myles.
That's gonna be tricky
because I don't trust Paul necessarily
or Myles entirely.
But the best thing
that came out of this message
is that he said we got each other.
So if he keeps his word,
then my booty should make it
all the way to the end.
If I can trust Autumn
as well as the other connections
that I've built in this game,
I'm a lot stronger
than I was just a day ago,
which means that Paul and I
are a lot closer to being safe
than we were a day ago. [laughs]
That's all that matters right now.
I woke up this morning with a strategy,
and I'm feeling really good
after this conversation with Autumn.
[funky music playing]
[Brandon] I can hear the music!
[Buteau] Heading into the afternoon,
the players are keeping their energy up.
Especially Olivia,
who's dancing the demons away.
[Brandon] Yeah! [chuckles]
We're pushing away the haters.
[Buteau] But her ride or die,
Myles, isn't quite feeling it.
So far, being paired up
with Olivia has been stressful.
[Brandon grunting]
This whole game, she's held
her cards very close to her chest.
[Brandon] Woo!
Are you as trustworthy
and real as you say you are?
I would totally eat you right off
the grill with some potato chips.
Not you. I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Circle Scenarios!"
I'm gonna need to take a seat for this.
What type of scenarios
am I about to go through right now?
[Buteau] You are so demanding, Kyle!
Circle, open Circle Scenarios.
[Buteau] I like that tone better.
Okay, in this game, each player
will receive an individual scenario.
"This scenario is for Autumn."
[Autumn] Okay.
"Which players are most and least likely
to fall in love at first sight?"
[Buteau] Then in the Circle chat,
that player will answer their question
with who they think is most
and least likely to end up in that sitch.
Oh, this is fun!
And this really shows you
what people think about you.
Most likely would be Olivia,
because she's come off very,
very, just sweet.
[Buteau] What the players say will affect
how everyone views them
and potentially their ride or die.
The whole group will see what they think.
So there's no hiding
in the Circle scenario.
Least likely, I'mma say Paul.
Send message.
[suspenseful music playing]
What has he done to make it seem
like he's such a hard shell to crack?
I honestly don't think
this is a bad thing.
This one's for me.
Circle, take it easy though.
Take it easy, please.
Let's go, Kyle.
"Which players are most
and least likely to ghost someone?"
We're gonna go from, like,
fall in love to ghosting? Dang!
Man. That's a tough one.
[Kyle] I have to be smart with this.
I'm close to Myles. I'm close to Quori.
I'm close to Autumn. I'm close to Paul.
The only person that I have not had
a strong connection with is Jordan.
Most is definitely Paul, but will he put
his boy out there like that?
I don't know. [chuckles]
Well, least likely
I have to put my ride or die.
"Most likely, Jordan."
"Least likely, Paul."
Circle, submit my answer.
Kyle! "Most likely, Jordan"?!
That's big.
Boy is really butt-hurt
that I left him on read the first day.
"Least likely, Paul!"
Yo, he's proppin' me right now!
He's proppin' me right now! Yo!
People may sus this as, like, we're boys.
Kyle's trying to protect Paul
because that's his boy.
Maybe they are ride or dies.
If Kyle doesn't like me
and Kyle's not an ally,
I might need Kyle out.
I just made an enemy.
[Jordan] "This scenario
is for Jordan." Good!
If I can throw Kyle under the bus,
that's what I'm about to do.
Oh, Jordan's, for sure,
going to come at me now.
[Jordan] "Which players are most
and least likely to win The Circle?"
This is clearly saying who's
the biggest threat
and who's the least likely of a threat.
I feel like if I said Quori-Tyler,
that's too obvious,
because Quori-Tyler is so well-liked.
But if I say least likely,
it's obvious that's my ride or die.
Jordan! Jordan, be smart about this.
[Buteau] Of course,
Jordan's high-key hatred
for Myles could pop off right now.
Did Olivia's earlier convo
with him help him snuff it out,
or is Big J about to light up
Yung Papi Fuego?
[Jordan] I think I need to say Olivia.
Because Olivia is someone
who was just sixth in the ratings.
And Kyle was just an influencer too.
So, "Most likely, Kyle.
Least likely, Olivia."
Lock it in and send.
[Brandon] Least likely to win, Olivia.
[exhales, laughs]
I kind of like this because,
you know, you want to keep me,
so that way you don't have competition.
Wow. "Most likely, Kyle."
That was smart.
Hopefully, people are reading this as,
"Kyle's an asshole
for making Big J look bad."
I hope Paul is seeing
right through this bullshit.
Will it knock Kyle
all the way down to last place,
as in we might be leaving this joint?
I'm gonna lean towards no.
[Buteau] Now it's Paul's turn.
Uh-oh! Let's go!
"Which players are most and least likely
to ditch their friends for a date?"
Uh-oh, SpaghettiO!
Oh God! If you believe in the bro code,
you will not say that name
I think you're gonna say.
The me, that's the real me,
playing my bro,
would love to say Myles.
I have definitely done this,
but my boys understand
sometimes you need
to get it in. [chuckles]
[Kyle] Do not say Myles.
Think about the bigger picture.
If I say the slightest thing about Myles,
he is so freaking sensitive
he is going to be like, "Oh my gosh.
Why did you do me like that?"
But if I don't say anything,
people may think we got an alliance!
Don't say Myles's name,
and then don't say my name.
Just leave those two names out.
Send message.
[Kyle] "Least likely, QT."
Cool. I love that.
"Most likely, Olivia." Okay.
I'm okay with that. Girl's gotta get laid.
[Buteau] Speak your truth.
Wait, am I not
in as much danger as I expected?!
They're kissing ass at this point,
in my opinion.
Who is next, Circey?
[gasps] Lauren! I'm Lauren.
Let's see how Lauren answers one of these.
I hope it's super shady for her
so that she can't just hide
behind being nice.
[Lauren] Ooh! "Which players are most
and least likely to buy likes?"
To buy likes?!
She has to throw somebody
under the bus. Throw it.
Maybe I say Myles. Honestly,
that's the only person I can think of.
You gotta put out
who you're coming for out here.
Maybe I'll say Olivia,
because Olivia and I are friends,
and I feel like she'll be like,
"What, Lauren? Huh?"
If I say Paul, that's just,
like, jabbing at Paul.
Maybe we say Jordan.
But I don't want to insult Jordan.
I don't know him.
Fuck! Shit!
Man, I'm actually stressed about this.
I don't
I don't really even know who to put.
[Buteau] Come on, Lauren. Let's go.
Everyone's waiting!
Oh, Olivia?
Maybe I say Olivia? [sputtering]
I guess I could say Autumn?
If I'm her ride or die,
I really don't see why
she would throw me
under the bus for anything.
I know Autumn and I are friends.
We're just being safe here.
Okay, "Most likely, Autumn.
Least likely, QT." Send.
[screaming] What?!
"Least likely, QT"?!
I love you, Lauren! [laughing]
[Caress] "Most likely, Autumn"? [gasps]
Oh, Autumn, she just showed
how she feels about you.
Oh, that's a girl you can't trust.
Lauren might be collabing
against Autumn out here.
Where is Lauren's strategy here?
I mean, if she's trying to trash
my name and I get blocked,
does she not realize she gets blocked too?
I kind of regret saying Autumn.
I'm sorry, girl. I'm sorry. This is
[sighing, groaning]
[Buteau] Okay.
We got a good one for Olivia.
[Brandon] Oh snap! [chuckles]
"Which players are most and least likely
to stab someone in the back"?!
-Thank God for not getting this question.
I feel like Olivia has to do
what Myles would do here,
and I hate it.
Come on, baby. Stick to the strategy, Liv.
We have a game plan!
[foreboding music playing]
We say Autumn.
Give me Autumn! Give me Autumn!
[Brandon] Message
Come on, Liv.
Submit my answers.
Yes! Yes!
That's what we needed
on the chopping block!
I am not and have never
in my life been a backstabber.
I can tell you that right now.
I'm so shook right now.
I'm so sorry, Autumn. I'm so sorry.
What is happening?
Lauren should be
shitting herself right now.
Oh no! Why'd you say Autumn?
I think this is gonna show Myles
that Olivia meant what she said
when she made that deal.
I just hate that this is what I had to do.
It's all good.
Comin' through.
"This scenario is for Quori-Tyler."
That's your girl.
"Which players are most
and least likely to kiss ass?"
[Kyle laughing]
My honest answer is most likely is Lauren,
but I don't want to say that,
because Lauren just protected me.
You can put me as least likely
to kiss ass, 'cause I'm not going to.
Okay. This is where I target Autumn.
I feel like I need
to pile on at this point.
Like, we all need to just target Autumn.
Most likely is Autumn.
Least likely is Jordan.
This is where I can protect Jordan
and make people feel good about him.
-[TV beeps]
-Yes! Yes, yes, yes. I love you.
Did I miss the memo of attacking Autumn?
What are people seeing that I didn't see?!
She said Autumn.
I bet Autumn is just,
like, wrecked right now.
[QT] I'm sorry, Autumn.
I had to do it.
"This scenario is for Myles."
[Jordan] "Which players are most
and least likely to catfish someone?"
This is dangerous.
If he says Autumn, I'm gonna freak.
This is ride or die. You wanted to see it.
So I'm about to keep it real.
Autumn, you're packing your bags.
Olivia, I'm riding for you.
"Most likely, Autumn.
Least likely, Olivia."
Send message.
[Lauren] Wow. Okay. Wow. Wow.
He said Autumn.
Autumn, you're in danger, girl.
I need people to know Olivia isn't shitty,
'cause she's received some heat.
I gotta build her up.
That's what a ride or die does.
Like, I can be happy because I know
Myles is sticking to the plan.
I just hate the plan! [moans]
[Autumn, crying] It sucks,
and it's confusing,
and I don't quite know why it's happening,
but people are ruthless.
[sad music playing]
-[door slams]
-[Autumn cries, exhales]
I just am sad
to see that Autumn
is being attacked by everyone,
myself included.
[Autumn sniffles]
I feel like I've been Autumn before.
I feel like I've been in that situation
where it just feels
like everyone's against you.
[Autumn sobs, exhales]
I don't want to blame myself by saying
that I caused the Autumn hate train.
I get that I did, but I can't go back.
[Buteau] Damn! Is winter coming?
'Cause Autumn got dragged
by just about everybody in that game.
This girl doesn't just need an alliance.
She can use a friend.
[TV dings]
[shouting] Oh!
Uh-uh! Oh shoot. Okay.
Shit is about to get real.
It's about to hit the fan.
Circle, take me
to the private chat with Olivia.
"Hey, Autumn.
I just wanted to check on you
and make sure you're doing okay."
"Today was brutal,
but I hope you understand
that this is a game and not personal."
"#ImSorry, #YoureNotAlone."
Send message.
"#ImSorry. #YoureNotAlone." Pfft.
Olivia, honey. I'm not that stupid, baby.
Um, message,
"Real backstabbers place blame,
which is exactly what you did today."
[Brandon] "I've seen your true colors."
I didn't backstab you, girl.
I don't know you.
Seven other people did the same thing.
"I'm not the only one
who made choices today,
but I am the one
that's trying to apologize now."
Ugh! I don't know!
"I appreciate your apology
and wish we could have connected prior
so you could have gotten
to know me for me."
[Brandon] "That game was harsh
and triggered some past struggles,
but I know who I am as a person."
"Cheers to new beginnings. Cheers emoji."
Oh, "some past struggles."
[whispering] Shit.
Message, "I understand. "
"When I was younger,
I was bullied very hard,
[voice trembling] and for a while
it took a really hard toll on me."
"I was finally able to get to a place
where I could love myself."
"I don't know what it is
that you went through."
"But I am truly sorry
you had to relive that today."
-[Brandon cries]
-[sad music playing]
It did. It took me a really long time
to get to a place where
I was happy with myself.
And I just hate thinking that
I made someone feel that way.
I just I hate
feeling like I made
someone feel the way I did.
[Autumn sighs]
Well now, that just tugs at
the heartstrings now, don't it? [chuckles]
'Cause I know exactly what she means,
but I would never wish that upon anybody.
I would never put
purposely put anybody through it.
So the fact that she's "been there before"
but yet put me through it [smacks tongue]
says a lot about her character.
"I am sorry to hear that."
"Sounds like you and I
might have some things in common."
"How you feel about yourself
is what matters."
"Exclamation point, heart emoji."
I'm not gonna tell her I have her back.
I don't think that's fair,
'cause that's going to be dependent
on what happens in these ratings.
I can't throw away mine
and someone else's entire game.
It doesn't only affect me.
It affects Myles as well.
If I want to stay, I don't have a choice.
[Autumn] Olivia. "It sounds like we do."
"I'm glad we were able to have this chat."
"#StayStrong. Talk to you soon."
[smacks tongue]
I didn't really get a "I got your back"
or anything in the last response. So
[scoffs, laughs]
So I still don't know where I stand,
but hopefully, uh,
she's genuine enough to help me out here.
I don't know.
[Brandon] I think that this conversation
has made me look like a dickhead
when I go tonight
and I vote her in the bottom.
Now now I feel
like I'm going to stab her in the back.
[Buteau] Olivia, a wise,
plus-size woman once said,
"You can make heartless moves,
but still keep your heart."
That wise, plus-size woman? Me.
Lauren is itchin' for some some allies
in whichever way she can get them.
You know, it would benefit both of us
to vote each other high.
If I could move up higher
right before ratings,
Kyle and I could potentially be safe.
So I really want to have
this conversation with her
before we all have
to get into the hot seat,
and change her mind about any last minute
things she may be feeling about Paul.
Circle, invite Lauren to a private chat.
[TV dings]
Paul?! Paul invited me to a private chat?
What you got to say to me, Paul?
He's probably who I think rates me
the lowest out of everyone here.
[Caress] All right, here we go.
Let's make this first one a little fluffy
just to kind of get gushy and cushy,
and then we going in for the kill.
"What's up, Lauren?"
"Is it just me,
or this twist in the game is crazy?"
"Pairs? How are you feeling? Any fears?"
Send message.
"How are you feeling? Any fears?"
Yeah, let's be vulnerable with Paul.
Let's tell Paul how we're feeling.
Let's not completely open up,
because we don't want him
to know Autumn is my pair.
Message, "Honestly, Paul,
I'm feeling really scared right now."
"It worries me to have my fate
tied to somebody else."
[Caress] "How are you feeling right now?
Hope you're doing okay."
All right, so let's just be
on the same page, Lauren,
'cause I'm playing you anyway.
Message, "Yeah, having my fate tied
to someone else is a big deal."
"Really makes me consider strategy."
[Lauren] "Speaking of strategy,
is there anything I can do to help you?"
"Heart. We in this together."
Thank you, Paul. You're so sweet. Aw.
Yup. We in this together, Lauren.
It's me and you, sweet pea!
Message, "I've been trying hard
to be authentic over strategy."
"But when I tried
to be strategic in the game
and said Autumn since we vibed,
I started
an accidental Autumn hate train."
"Do you think people think
I'm an ass now? #IAppreciateYou."
Sweetie, we've been thinking that.
"Honestly, people probably formed
their opinions about Autumn on their own."
"Don't be so hard on yourself."
"I think the general feeling
is that you are nice to everyone."
"I wouldn't worry about the Autumn train.
Authentic always wins."
Send message.
[Lauren] This is good. This is good.
This is showing me that Paul
likes me and we trust each other.
And you know what? Our relationship
got better, and that's great. Message,
"Thank you, Paul.
I really respect that about you."
"You always stay true to you."
"Can I help you with anything as well?
#HereForYouKing." Send.
[Caress] Oh, how sweet, how sweet!
So I definitely want
to wrap this up in a positive way.
Message, "You circling back to me
to make things right meant a lot."
Oh! Oh! I'm glad!
"#Respect. I breathe so much easier
knowing that we are cool."
"Right now, you're my top girl.
#GotYourBack. #PositiveProgression."
Period, Paul. Definitely.
This is the best move
to complete my strategy
and to complete my grand scheme
to get Lauren up out of here.
Message, "Thanks so much
for reaching out. I def got your back."
[Caress] "I def got your back." [cackling]
I really hope
that Lauren sticks to this.
I think Paul and I
are kind of besties now, and I love that.
[Caress] Mission accomplished.
Let's just see if Lauren's thoughts
and actions add up.
[Buteau] So basically, you hope Lauren
isn't going to screw you over
the way you plan on screwing her over.
Got it.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] It's afternoon in The Circle,
and while the other players
are chilling out,
you know Paul is proud of himself
when he comes up with new bars.
[Caress] Kyle is my guy ♪
My ride or die ♪
[Buteau] Kyle works
on his hand-eye coordination
for next basketball season,
but he ain't the only one playing games.
Come on, Circle.
[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[QT] Alert! A-freakin'-lert!
[Kyle] Here we freakin' go.
-Put it back!
-[loudly] I've been through enough today!
"Players, you must now rate each other."
"now rate each other!" Oh my God!
[Autumn screams]
-"Rate your fellow players"
-"from first to seventh."
[Kyle] Ugh, here we go!
"First place is your favorite."
I don't know what to do!
[Myles] I'd put Q
as first for everything.
But if I'm QT, I think
she's on the same strategy wave as me.
You gotta put your ride or die out here.
"Seventh place is your least favorite."
I was called a backstabber.
I was called an ass-kisser.
And what was the other one? Oh yeah.
I was most likely to buy my likes.
So obviously, people in The Circle
think very highly of me.
[Buteau] If it makes you feel better,
I think they'd be impressed
with your memory.
"The bottom-rated player
will be blocked from The Circle."
-Wait, what?!
I'm fudged.
There's no influencers!
-"Remember, their fate is tied to their"
-[both]"ride or die!"
[Caress grunting]
Who is Autumn's ride or die right now?
So essentially, if I go,
Lauren's going down with me.
Wait, what?!
I've been waiting all day
to get on the roller coaster,
and now I'm about to get on it,
and, like, I'm freaking out.
I hate this.
I have been dreading this moment.
Circle, for potentially my last time,
take me to my ratings.
If we stick to the strategy,
hopefully it all comes out!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Caress] My first place
is going to my ride or die.
It's my boy, Kyle.
I would like to lock in Paul.
I would like to place Olivia
in my first position.
Place Myles in my first place.
-I have to go with Jordan.
-It's a no-brainer.
I have to do anything I can
to keep her out of the bottom.
Please lock Lauren into my second place.
Even though Kyle and Olivia
shared something very special,
Lauren and Olivia,
we now have an alliance.
Put Myles in my second place.
Myles has proven to me I'm his number one
and that he wants me in the end with him.
[Kyle] For my third position,
lock in QT in my third position.
And that's my #CircleSister.
We had the Tres Fuegos alliance
with Myles.
I feel like QT is worth saving.
Circle, I'd like to place Olivia
in my fourth position.
[sighs] Olivia, Olivia, Olivia.
I really wanted to work with you,
but you're protecting Myles,
and I need Myles gone.
Lock in Paul as my fifth place rating.
I wanna rate you higher up,
but strategically I gotta make sure
that I'm keeping Autumn out of the bottom.
For my fifth position, I'm debating
between Jordan and Autumn.
Lock in Autumn for my fifth position.
Circle, put Lauren in sixth place.
Circle, I'd like to place Myles
in my last position.
Big J is definitely about
to be a shoulder to cry on for QT.
Last place goes to Mr. Paul.
I don't trust him in the slightest bit.
He threw all those people
under the bus right away to me,
to make me feel like I was unable
to trust anybody in The Circle.
So, Circle, lock Paul
into my last place position, please.
Circle, lock in Lauren
for my seventh place slot.
I had a conversation with Lauren today,
and I told her that I had her back,
that she was my top girl,
but I was just lying
straight through my teeth.
At this point, it's a game.
[Lauren] I have to put Olivia
as my last place rating.
I'm sorry. This is kind of
backstabbing her, isn't it?
This feels disgusting.
[Brandon] Last place.
I have no choice
but to honor my commitment to Myles.
I feel like that's the only thing
that's gonna keep me here.
Everything that I said
to Autumn today, I meant.
It hurts me that I have to do this.
Circle, please lock Autumn in
as my last place.
I don't feel good about these ratings,
but I think it's the best
we're going to do.
-Circle, lock in my ratings!
-Circle, submit my ratings.
[Lauren] I feel awful right now.
[QT groans]
[Jordan, QT] "Ratings complete."
I had to do what was best
for Olivia's game.
All the work I put in, now my fate
is in somebody's else's hands?
I was going in today
feeling secure and happy,
and then today happened,
and now I could definitely
be potentially going home.
[Buteau] Tonight's ratings had everything.
backstabbings, probably some
unstated light nausea.
Maybe that was just me, but you know what?
We're not done
with the ride or dies just yet.
[alarm blares]
-[Kyle] Oh snap, boy!
-[Caress exclaims]
[both] "Alert!"
-[all] "The rating results are in."
-[Caress exclaims]
-[Brandon] Okay.
-[Kyle] Oh, this is everything right now.
Part of me feels
like I'm going home tonight.
-If Autumn goes home, I go home too.
-[Autumn exclaiming, screaming]
If Paul is at the bottom
and Kyle is at the top,
and I'm the reason
that Kyle goes home, I might cry.
Man, this whole fates tied together thing
has just got me flipping.
[Kyle] I need you with me. Come on.
Yep, it's time.
Sweating like a gosh darn
billy goat in a pepper patch.
"The lowest rated player
and their ride or die
will be notified now."
No! No, no, no. No.
[Caress] Oh my gosh! I wanna see,
but I don't wanna see!
[Jordan] This is stressin' me
the hell out.
Please don't be Olivia.
Please don't be Myles.
[TV whirs]
[screaming] Yes! Oh my God!
Guess your boy is safe!
[QT] Oh my gosh!
Oh my God, that's awesome.
That's really awesome. That's awesome.
But also, oh my God, okay.
I'm just going to take a moment.
Everything I did today is
so worth it, because I'm still here.
But at the same time,
I wanna know who had to go.
[TV whirs]
"Kyle and Paul, one of you
is the bottom-rated player."
[shouting] "One of you
was the bottom player!"
[Caress crying] We're going home!
This is not fair, man.
[calm music playing]
This is not freaking fair.
[Caress] Kyle has been number one.
Probably me.
We deserve to be here.
[somber music playing]
How am I going home?
I did what I had to do
to be the top influencer.
I made great connections, good alliances.
Me and Deuce don't deserve
to go home, man! We don't deserve it!
I've been real in The Circle!
I've been my real self!
I've been loyal to everyone
I said I'd be loyal to, bro! Like, no. No!
I got a family at home,
man, that I gotta feed, bro! No!
[TV whirs]
"One of you now has
the chance to save your ride or die"?!
[eerie music playing]
[Kyle] "By making a sacrifice
and blocking yourself from The Circle."
I can't sacrifice myself, man.
I got too much riding on this.
I like Kyle and all,
but I don't know about this.
[both] "Do you want to stay in the game
or sacrifice your place?"
What?! This is not a question.
I am the girl who goes all the way!
Paul, I saved you once, man.
Like, I saved you, bro.
Like, save me, bro.
Sorry, Kyle.
I love you bro, but it ain't going down.
No, I wanna stay in the game.
I need this, dog.
I need this, man!
Nah, man, I don't know about this one.
If we both sacrifice ourselves,
then we're both out of the game.
Yo! I can't even! I can't even right now.
I can't sacrifice myself, man.
What if we both stay,
then we're going home?
This is like one of those decisions
you never, ever wanna make, right here.
I wanna know
what Paul's doing right now, man.
[Caress] Paul wants to play.
Paul wants to stay!
I'm gonna stay.
[Caress] If Kyle decides to sacrifice
and I decide to stay,
then I stay.
It's still a game.
I just gotta do what I gotta do.
To take myself out,
that's just not like me.
[eerie music crescendos, stops]
[Kyle] Circle
[Buteau] Coming up!
[Caress] We both came in the game to win.
[Buteau] A stand-off ends.
I can't tell my wife
that I went out like this!
[Caress sighs]
-[Buteau] Emotions run hot.
It is time for some answers!
-[Buteau] Hotter.
-Throw someone under the bus!
Somebody get the fire extinguisher!
[Buteau] And steaming!
Are you trying to raise
this nurse's blood pressure?
That's some shade.
Love is in the air.
[Buteau] And even the strongest bonds
are tested.
I can't wait to see his demise.
[Buteau] Players will stop
at absolutely nothing
-Holy shit!
-[Myles] This is an attack!
-[Buteau] to get that $100,000 prize.
-[alarm blares]
-Yo, take my name out of your mouth.
-What you gonna do, Myles?
-Oh, we're going there.
That is the game.
[Brandon] I feel like
I'm in Brokeback Mountain now.
"I wish I could quit you!"
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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