7th Heaven s06e09 Episode Script
- Do you miss Jeremy? - Yeah, I do.
- I miss Wilson.
- Wilson's a nice guy.
So is Jeremy.
I don't think I'm ever going to find a guy like Jeremy.
Yeah, I feel the same way about Wilson.
You know what I think? I think it's time to move on.
You should get up, get out, and find yourselves new boyfriends.
After all, Robbie has a new girlfriend.
Don't you want what he has? Someone new and exciting to love? Someone with whom you don't have a past? Someone who holds the promise for a real future? Isn't that what we all want? Yeah, but where are we gonna find all that? It seems to me that you should go to the two people who are experts on love.
And who would that be? Mom and Dad.
Why not let them find your next boyfriends, a.
future husbands? - That's funny.
- Yeah.
Mom and Dad picking out guys for us? Right.
Thanks, Ruthie.
Hey, it's not like you're doing so hot on your own.
And they know you really well, and they have your best interest at heart.
Come on, let Mom and Dad find your next true loves.
Even if it doesn't work out, you can't end up any worse off than you already are.
I wonder who they'd pick for me.
I wonder who they'd pick for me.
I am desperate for some alone time.
- We want you to find us boyfriends.
- Husbands even.
I beg your pardon? We want you and Mom to find us someone to love.
We wanna get married, eventually.
But I want you to go to school, then get jobs, then get husbands.
But we can be in love, then go to school, get jobs, and get married.
- Yeah.
Find us someone like that.
- Like what? Like someone who will be good for us, and will help us through school, and encourage us while we're looking for jobs, and then marry us.
Your mom and I should find each of you a man who's willing to do this? Come on, you two have someone to love.
Why shouldn't we? Heh.
Is this about Joy? Marriage is a bond made by two people who share a very deep and personal connection.
For the two of you to ask me to choose someone with whom I think you could share that connection is Well, that's nuts.
I'm not a dating service.
I'm your father and a minister.
- Scared? - No, I'm not scared.
I just I think it's not up to me to steer you to the right person.
It's up to God.
When the time's right, the right guy will come along for both of you.
You just have to be patient.
Yep, he's scared.
Uh - Hey.
- Why are you home so late? Oh, I had to stay late at school for a PTA meeting.
Which did you go as, parent or teacher? Both.
Where are Mary and Lucy? Oh, they went down to the church to see Dad.
They want him to find them someone to love.
- What? - You too.
They want the two of you to pick out guys for them.
Well, that's pretty funny.
I think it's kind of interesting.
You know, not that I'd ever do it.
But if I had to, I think I could find the right men for my daughters.
And I think it'd be a lot easier than you might think.
I think it'd be a lot harder than you might think, and disastrous.
Why would you say that? You know, I know my children.
I know each one of you very well.
I probably know you better than anyone else knows you.
Well, just out of curiosity, who would you pick for me? - Who is it? - Oh, come on, we both know.
We do? Well, who is it? Wouldn't you like to know.
You know, on second thought, I wouldn't like to know.
Wouldn't like to know what? Mom thinks she knows the right woman for Simon.
Not only that, she thinks she knows the right person for each of us.
- What idiot asked her? Lucy and Mary.
They want Mom and Dad to find them someone to love.
Where'd they get a crazy idea like that? Where do they get any of their nutty ideas? Why does everyone think this is such a crazy idea? Your father and I might be able to provide them, as well as you and you, with some valuable insights.
You know, you all think that your dating lives are so complicated.
But from my perspective, it's perfectly obvious who you should be going out with.
I don't care how obvious it is.
Do me a favour, don't tell me.
I don't wanna know.
Ignorance is bliss.
Besides, I think it's important to date other people before we find the person we wanna marry.
Otherwise, how will we know it's the right person if we haven't dated the wrong person? Don't you think you've already dated plenty of the wrong persons? And you.
Come on, Mom, you're dying to tell them who the right women are.
- Hit them with it.
They can take it.
- My lips are sealed, unless asked.
Well, I'm asking.
Tell me.
I can keep it to myself.
Fine, don't tell me.
I don't need to know.
They need to know.
With any luck, I can clear out the whole house with one clean sweep.
I can't.
I found out today I made a C on that paper.
I have to keep up my grades because I have an academic scholarship that requires a B average.
I can't.
I can't.
For the same reasons I just gave you.
But I need you today.
Just today.
I think you're being totally selfish here.
I've been with you every day since we met.
I can't just play any time I want.
I have two jobs.
I work part-time at the grocery store and every day at the daycare centre.
And I'm carrying a full course load, and it's hard.
It's just today.
Please? I have very little time in a day, and I've been spending that time with you.
- And now I have to catch up.
- Please.
Why can't you just say you understand? Why can't you just say you'll play with me today, and you'll study tomorrow? It's just today.
You're starting to sound like a spoiled rich kid.
You're the one who's only thinking about yourself.
You know, I think we better hang up now before this gets any worse.
Whoa, uh Trouble in Loveland? No, I'm just having a little trouble with one of my courses, that's all.
You're awfully passionate about your studies.
What course are you having trouble with? - Joy 101? - It's Angry, Irish, Women Poets.
It is.
Hello? - Do you mind? - Oh, not at all.
Wha? Where have you been? We wanna talk to you about something.
- I was at a PTA meeting.
- We need your help.
And Dad's, but we're not sure he's willing.
I talked to Ruthie.
I know who I would pick out for each of my children.
But maybe, since you came to both your father and me, I should hold off on telling you until I consult with my husband.
You know, with only one bed in here, it'd be like having my own apartment.
- Hey, Ruthie.
- Back so soon? Mom said the two of you were talking earlier.
Yes, I talked with Mom, and, no, I don't know who Mom thinks you should go out with.
Told you.
But I do know the guy I'd choose for you.
I just can't decide which of you to tell about this guy.
Then why don't you tell both of us? Well, I don't want you fighting over him.
Maybe neither of us will want him.
- Who is it? - Oh, both of you want this guy.
That's why I don't know if I should even bring it up.
You might've grown up a lot, but I can still kick your butt.
Who is it? Robbie.
- He has a girlfriend.
- Had a girlfriend.
- They're already fighting.
- How do you know that? Oh, there's very little going on in this house that I don't know about.
I heard him on the phone.
Oh, hey.
Can you believe all that crazy stuff about Mary and Lucy? That's exactly what it is, craziness.
You know, I don't know why they even wanna find a serious relationship.
I know I don't.
No, sir, not me.
I am happy just the way I am, single.
Just look at Robbie.
He's in love, and he's miserable.
I mean, sure, Joy's pretty, but - Yeah, she is pretty and nice.
- Yeah.
- And the way she sings - Oh, yeah.
And the way she moves when she sings.
Ha, ha, ha.
We need to find girlfriends fast.
Good ones.
I mean, how are we gonna do that? We can't go to Mom, not after we laughed at her.
We're on our own.
We're gonna have to just come up with a plan.
Right, a plan.
First, we should figure out what we're looking for.
- What qualities we want in a woman.
- Yeah.
- Attractive.
- Responsible.
Good girls, family oriented.
Well, what attracts good girls that are family oriented? Families.
- That's it, families.
- Yeah.
Um You didn't agree to help Mary and Lucy find boyfriends or husbands, did you? No, but I do think it'd be kind of fun to choose someone for them, don't you think? - I don't know.
I - What's wrong? It's just that, ha-ha, it's an awesome challenge and one that was brought about purely out of jealousy.
They want what Robbie has, and they want it before they enter into the holiday dating season so they don't have to spend the holidays watching Robbie and Joy.
But I think that maybe we can spin this into something good.
You know, use it as an opportunity to talk to them about serious relationships.
Or we could just tell them who we think they should be with.
- You know who they should be with? - I'm their mother.
Can I have a word with you? I have this problem.
Well, it's not exactly a problem.
Joy and I Maybe we should go to my office where it's a little more private.
I agree.
Okay, it's a problem.
I'm having a problem with Joy.
And that is? She wants me to come over, and she says it has to be now, today.
And I have to study because I made a C on a paper, and I can't lose my academic scholarship.
Yet she insists.
You know, she's being completely unreasonable.
Has she been unreasonable on other days, at other times? - No.
- Well, then why today? Why now? - I don't know.
- Does she have a happy home life? I think so.
She gets along with her parents pretty well.
They seem like nice people.
Is today a special day? Maybe her birthday? I don't know.
Do you think that's it? I don't know.
Shouldn't you know the birthday of the woman - who's the love of your life? - Oh.
- I hope that's not it.
- Why? I don't have the money to buy her something that'd be in her league.
Haven't you learned anything about cheap gift giving from us? Yeah.
But it's different.
They're all, well - These people are rich.
- Doesn't make any difference.
And, you know, maybe it's not her birthday.
Maybe something happened today that she needs to share with you.
Maybe it's something good.
Maybe it's something not so good, some disappointment.
Then why wouldn't she just tell me over the phone? I have no idea.
Look, Robbie, I'm very impressed with your hard work in your studying.
But unless you have something that just absolutely can't wait for an hour or two, then maybe you should just drive over, ask Joy what's really going on, and then decide if she's being unreasonable.
If I'd have thought you were gonna take Joy's side, I would've gone to Mrs.
Camden for advice.
You know, maybe I was wrong about Joy.
Maybe she's just too rich and too beautiful and too Good for you? Maybe you should just settle on one of my daughters instead, you know, as a consolation prize? - Ugh.
I wasn't saying that.
- I know that.
Son, you're in the family, and I'm gonna treat you like I would one of my own.
I don't think either of my daughters is the right choice for you.
Look, I know this relationship is still young, but I think you and Joy should give it a shot.
You know, you seem to make each other very happy, and you seem like you're in love, and love is a wonderful thing.
So go for it.
She's not too good for you.
You have a lot to offer.
You're a good man.
You know the difference between right and wrong, and you got the guts to do the right thing.
You're a hard worker.
You're in your second year of college with no help or support other than a small, very small scholarship.
You got a good heart.
You're capable of loving a woman and marrying her and having a family with her.
And you're a risk taker, so go take a risk.
See why Joy's being so unreasonable.
So - I changed my mind.
- Me too.
We're not gonna bother you anymore about the boyfriend-husband thing.
- Why? - I'm going over to Joy's.
- I'll miss dinner, if that's okay.
- I'll save something for you.
I'm going to the library first, so I may be late.
Never mind.
- We still need help.
- Please? - Please? - Help us? All right, I'm not promising anything.
Here, boy.
Hey, pal.
You look like Happy, only bigger.
You're a long way from home.
" Come on, I'll give you a ride.
But first, we have to go see a friend of mine.
I'm having a few problems with my girlfriend.
Girls can be a lot of trouble, you know? Especially this one.
She's beautiful.
In fact, I think I've got a picture.
Yeah, no kidding.
There's not much you can do when you fall in love but be in love, you know? If she dumps me because I'm not rich enough for her, then she dumps me because I'm not rich enough for her.
But it's not gonna be because I didn't act like a man.
Here we go.
Here's the house.
Maybe we'll just sit here and talk a little more until I decide exactly what I wanna say? So, what is it you're looking for? What is it you're looking for? A nice guy.
A nice guy.
And good-looking.
And good-looking.
- And tall.
- And tall.
- And smart.
- And smart.
- He should have dark hair.
- Blond hair.
- And dark eyes.
- And blue eyes.
And he should love children.
And he should be from a big family because I love the idea of having a big family.
I'd prefer an only child.
Because this is my family, and it's already so big, and I would want him to make this his family instead of the other way around.
I'm not gonna leave my family and cling to his.
It's important that I like his family because, you know, it'll be my family, since I'll leave mine and cling to his.
You wanna talk? I thought I was too rich and stuck-up and selfish for you to talk to.
And I thought I was too self-pitying and judgemental to talk to.
- It's not your birthday, is it? - What? Is it your birthday? Because if it is, you should've told me.
A guy should know things like that about the woman he loves.
- It's not my birthday.
Joy? That's my dad.
I'll be right back.
But don't go anywhere.
He can't be a picky eater.
I hate that.
He has to watch what he eats.
I want him to go to college, but it's not that important to me.
He should go to college.
That's important.
And I want someone I would never cheat on.
And he would never cheat on me.
And I would never cheat on him.
- We're on our way out.
- Out where? You know I'm not gonna let you use Sam and David to help you pick up women.
How could you say that? We're just taking the boys out to breathe a little fresh air.
They're gonna fall asleep soon.
- Sleeping people breathe too.
Dad, you've got it all wrong.
We're not using Sam and David to pick up women.
We're using them to filter out the wrong kind of women.
I'm not sure how to respond to that.
Well, then why respond at all? Yeah.
Here's to sharing secrets.
What secret? This isn't my birthday.
It's my brother's birthday.
What brother? I didn't know you had a brother.
My brother, Joseph.
He disappeared a couple years ago.
What do you mean by disappeared? He was 7.
I was helping him give the dog a bath in the front yard, because that's where the gardener left the hose.
Joseph and the dog got in the mud.
I was trying to help him.
But I didn't end up helping him at all.
I went into the house to get some more towels, and when I came out, he was gone.
Your brother was gone? Gone where? I don't know.
No one knows.
At first, I thought he was playing some kind of game.
But the towel was still on the walkway, and the water was still running.
But he wasn't there.
I ran in the house and got my mother, and she came outside.
I mean, everyone who worked here came outside.
We called the police.
They came right away.
But they couldn't find him.
My dad came home from work.
We looked everywhere.
The neighbours helped, the community helped, the news media.
But nothing.
He was gone.
Just like that.
It's been two years.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
And I feel terrible for not just coming over here sooner when you asked.
- Bad plan.
- We took too long to get ready.
Okay, I took too long to get ready.
Oh, those are the cutest boys.
You should be ashamed of yourselves for keeping them out this late.
What is wrong with you? It's late, it's cold.
Get them home.
I think both girls have a pretty good idea now about what they're looking for.
- Yeah, but we have other ideas, right? - Right.
Okay, well, why don't we start with Lucy? Okay.
- Who? - Robbie's brother.
- Close to Robbie, but not Robbie.
- Which brother? The one she made out with at the Promenade, - or the one from the living room? - The living room.
- Why the living-room one? - She's attracted to him.
- And he's successful.
- At? He's in a band.
Don't you ever talk to Robbie? Only to encourage him to stay away from our daughters.
And shouldn't we be thinking outside the Palmer family? Yeah.
How about? - He enlisted.
- Rod enlisted? In whose Army? Ours.
Well, Marines.
Semper fi.
- Rod? - Yeah.
Gave up his hair.
All right.
- Why not? - Mike's seeing someone.
- Who? - A girl.
- All I know is she's not our daughter.
- Oh, I love that kid.
- He wasn't even your first choice.
- I was saving him.
Saving him.
Well, let's see your choices.
Who did you pick for Mary? - He ran over her.
- Oh, right.
He said he was sorry.
Uh - Who's that? - You know, from church.
He's married.
You married him.
- The fireman from Buffalo? - Yeah.
We don't know anything about the fireman.
We don't even know his name.
We know he's a good kisser and a fireman.
Did you even try to come up with any real candidates? No.
Hey, why not Wilson? Why can't she just go back with Wilson? No, no Wilson.
Is that it? Is that your list? Well, what made you think this would be easy? Because it's not only not easy, it's impossible.
- It's not impossible.
- It Okay.
Whose dog is barking? Is this day not bad enough? I'm so sorry.
I didn't know about today.
I found this dog on the way over here, and I'm sorry.
I'll just run out to the car and make sure the dog's okay.
- I'll walk with you.
- I'll walk with you too.
I can't stand the house either.
It's too hard.
I need to get out.
Where'd you get this dog? I found it a couple blocks away.
It has an Arizona tag on it.
No phone number.
- I was thinking of driving it back, but - Go call the police.
The detective's name is still by the phone.
It's my son's dog.
I thought you were coming over here.
I thought you said it's not an emergency.
- What's going on? - Just come over here.
- Sergeant Michaels will meet you.
- Sergeant Michaels? It's not what you think.
It's not bad, exactly.
Just come over here.
All right.
I'm on my way out the door right now.
What is going on? Well, he didn't say, but he said it's not bad, so it's good, probably.
- What? - I'll call you as soon as I know more.
- Good night.
- So how'd you and Matt make out? Oh, well, one really pretty woman talked to us.
Well, that's great.
She told us we should be ashamed for having children out so late.
Well Don't worry, Simon.
I'm sure there's someone out there for you.
And if not, well, at least you got your health.
Thanks for the comforting words, Ruthie.
- You always know just what to say.
- Don't mention it.
How are you two doing? - Fine.
- Fine.
What are you doing going out so late? Everything okay? I'm just off to help a friend.
I'm not sure if everything's okay.
Is everything okay here? Yeah.
Yeah, everything's fine.
Well, then I'm off.
Just I've really missed you.
I really missed you too.
Why didn't you tell me you broke up with your boyfriend? I didn't think you'd care.
I care.
I still care.
You know, this isn't going anywhere.
- Why? - I just finished my student teaching.
I'm moving.
I wanna teach in New York.
- You knew that, right? - No.
No, I didn't.
That's been my plan all along.
This is why my boyfriend and I broke up.
We just decided to let go, since we wanna start our careers in different cities.
But I thought you were in love with him.
I think I'm a little in love with being in love.
And I don't think anyone's ever gonna mean as much to me as my first love.
- Well, I was your first love, right? - You don't know that? Well, I, you know You were my first love.
- So? - So your father left to go help Robbie.
Robbie and Joy didn't break up, did they? As far as I know, they're still together.
Robbie said he needed your father for something good.
They're getting married? - I doubt it.
- Well, what about me? Did you and Dad come up with any ideas before he left? Yes, we did.
We came up with the idea that you should each make your own choice now that you both know what you're looking for in a relationship.
That's it? You know, we expected this from Dad, but we are very disappointed in you.
I can live with that.
I think it's too soon to worry about choosing the right woman, don't you? - No choices? - Not really.
I think you have plenty of time.
- Good night.
Love you.
- I love you too.
Good night.
- So, what happened? - What do you mean? Well, you couldn't come up with anyone? - Nope.
- I know who I'd pick.
For Mary and Lucy? - Wanna know? - Sure, I'd love to know.
I'd have to say Mike Pierce for Lucy.
Even though he tried to kill himself, he's the sanest, nicest and best-looking guy she ever went out with.
I totally agree.
And your second choice? Well, that would be important, since she's not interested in Mike Pierce.
I'd have to say someone new.
So new, I don't even know who it is yet.
- And Mary? - Robbie.
Oh, I think that's played itself out.
- Has it? - Well, he's in love with Joy.
Well, that may play itself out too.
That doesn't mean that Robbie would go back with Mary.
You're kidding yourself.
What are you doing out of uniform, Sergeant Michaels? It's Detective Michaels now.
- That's great.
- Thank you.
I'm Officer Willis.
I'm familiar with the case.
- What case? - We'll explain everything to you inside.
What's going on? I picked up a lost dog on the way over, and it turns out it belonged to Joy's little brother who's been missing for two years.
The dog licence has an out-of-state address in Arizona.
Joy's family thought it was an old girlfriend of Joy's father who took Joseph, but they couldn't find her.
Why would Joy's father's old girlfriend be a suspect? Joy's father was supposed to marry this woman.
But he married Joy's mother instead.
And it set off years of this woman harassing them.
When Joseph disappeared, the woman disappeared too.
So, what's the plan? They're trying to get help from a judge and the police in Arizona, but it's complicated, and they wanna move on it right away.
They wanna get someone neutral to take back the dog and see if they can get the police to help grab the kid.
Someone like? Have you heard anything? No.
Joy promised to call the second she does, but Did you get any sleep? No.
It's all going to be fine.
They'll find him.
They will.
You didn't sleep much, did you? I couldn't.
Yeah, I don't imagine Joy and her mother did either.
Come on, we'll go wait with them.
What if we're there and things turn out badly? Then you'll be there for them.
They'll need you.
- I hope this all works out, Robbie.
- It's gotta work out.
Matt, how's Heather doing? What? Heather? Well, you two spent quite a bit of time on the back porch last night.
- How'd you know? - Mother knows.
Ruthie told you.
After all this time, it's like we've never been apart.
- So is Heather the one? - No.
- I was hoping.
- Me too.
You're gonna call him, aren't you? - Who? - Oh, we both know who.
I'll leave you two alone.
Anything from Dad? - Oh, not yet.
So if you had picked someone for me, who would you and Dad have picked? - Mike Pierce? - He's a great guy.
I know.
And maybe someday, when I'm ready for a serious relationship, I'll call him.
He's a great guy.
We don't think he's right for you.
You're not in love with him.
And he's seeing someone.
I don't know her name.
- Did you pick anyone for Mary? - No one.
- Not Wilson? - No.
- Why? - For the same reason.
- He's seeing someone? - No.
Mary's not in love with Wilson.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, Wilson.
This is Mary.
I think we should talk.
I miss you, and I miss Billy, and I can't stand the thought of never seeing the two of you again.
I hope you'll call me.
Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but someday.
Preferably today or tomorrow.
Excuse me.
Didn't mean to scare you.
I think I might've found your dog.
I'm Reverend Camden.
I found the dog.
There was no phone number on the tag, just the address.
Where is he? Where is he? He's in my car.
We just got back from the pound.
My son was so upset.
The dog just took off a couple of weeks ago.
We'd almost given up.
Hey, boy.
Hey, boy.
Dad? Joseph.
She told me you and Mom and Joy She told me you didn't want me.
- She told She told me - Shh.
It's all right.
It's all right now.
It's okay.
Come on, Murray.
Come on, Murray.
- Yeah.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Joseph should've been my child.
His father should've married me like he promised he would.
He doesn't deserve that boy.
Joseph was happy with me.
I don't care what happens to me, what the police or the courts do to me, because it was worth it.
I'm not afraid of them.
I'm not afraid of anyone.
Are you afraid of God?
- I miss Wilson.
- Wilson's a nice guy.
So is Jeremy.
I don't think I'm ever going to find a guy like Jeremy.
Yeah, I feel the same way about Wilson.
You know what I think? I think it's time to move on.
You should get up, get out, and find yourselves new boyfriends.
After all, Robbie has a new girlfriend.
Don't you want what he has? Someone new and exciting to love? Someone with whom you don't have a past? Someone who holds the promise for a real future? Isn't that what we all want? Yeah, but where are we gonna find all that? It seems to me that you should go to the two people who are experts on love.
And who would that be? Mom and Dad.
Why not let them find your next boyfriends, a.
future husbands? - That's funny.
- Yeah.
Mom and Dad picking out guys for us? Right.
Thanks, Ruthie.
Hey, it's not like you're doing so hot on your own.
And they know you really well, and they have your best interest at heart.
Come on, let Mom and Dad find your next true loves.
Even if it doesn't work out, you can't end up any worse off than you already are.
I wonder who they'd pick for me.
I wonder who they'd pick for me.
I am desperate for some alone time.
- We want you to find us boyfriends.
- Husbands even.
I beg your pardon? We want you and Mom to find us someone to love.
We wanna get married, eventually.
But I want you to go to school, then get jobs, then get husbands.
But we can be in love, then go to school, get jobs, and get married.
- Yeah.
Find us someone like that.
- Like what? Like someone who will be good for us, and will help us through school, and encourage us while we're looking for jobs, and then marry us.
Your mom and I should find each of you a man who's willing to do this? Come on, you two have someone to love.
Why shouldn't we? Heh.
Is this about Joy? Marriage is a bond made by two people who share a very deep and personal connection.
For the two of you to ask me to choose someone with whom I think you could share that connection is Well, that's nuts.
I'm not a dating service.
I'm your father and a minister.
- Scared? - No, I'm not scared.
I just I think it's not up to me to steer you to the right person.
It's up to God.
When the time's right, the right guy will come along for both of you.
You just have to be patient.
Yep, he's scared.
Uh - Hey.
- Why are you home so late? Oh, I had to stay late at school for a PTA meeting.
Which did you go as, parent or teacher? Both.
Where are Mary and Lucy? Oh, they went down to the church to see Dad.
They want him to find them someone to love.
- What? - You too.
They want the two of you to pick out guys for them.
Well, that's pretty funny.
I think it's kind of interesting.
You know, not that I'd ever do it.
But if I had to, I think I could find the right men for my daughters.
And I think it'd be a lot easier than you might think.
I think it'd be a lot harder than you might think, and disastrous.
Why would you say that? You know, I know my children.
I know each one of you very well.
I probably know you better than anyone else knows you.
Well, just out of curiosity, who would you pick for me? - Who is it? - Oh, come on, we both know.
We do? Well, who is it? Wouldn't you like to know.
You know, on second thought, I wouldn't like to know.
Wouldn't like to know what? Mom thinks she knows the right woman for Simon.
Not only that, she thinks she knows the right person for each of us.
- What idiot asked her? Lucy and Mary.
They want Mom and Dad to find them someone to love.
Where'd they get a crazy idea like that? Where do they get any of their nutty ideas? Why does everyone think this is such a crazy idea? Your father and I might be able to provide them, as well as you and you, with some valuable insights.
You know, you all think that your dating lives are so complicated.
But from my perspective, it's perfectly obvious who you should be going out with.
I don't care how obvious it is.
Do me a favour, don't tell me.
I don't wanna know.
Ignorance is bliss.
Besides, I think it's important to date other people before we find the person we wanna marry.
Otherwise, how will we know it's the right person if we haven't dated the wrong person? Don't you think you've already dated plenty of the wrong persons? And you.
Come on, Mom, you're dying to tell them who the right women are.
- Hit them with it.
They can take it.
- My lips are sealed, unless asked.
Well, I'm asking.
Tell me.
I can keep it to myself.
Fine, don't tell me.
I don't need to know.
They need to know.
With any luck, I can clear out the whole house with one clean sweep.
I can't.
I found out today I made a C on that paper.
I have to keep up my grades because I have an academic scholarship that requires a B average.
I can't.
I can't.
For the same reasons I just gave you.
But I need you today.
Just today.
I think you're being totally selfish here.
I've been with you every day since we met.
I can't just play any time I want.
I have two jobs.
I work part-time at the grocery store and every day at the daycare centre.
And I'm carrying a full course load, and it's hard.
It's just today.
Please? I have very little time in a day, and I've been spending that time with you.
- And now I have to catch up.
- Please.
Why can't you just say you understand? Why can't you just say you'll play with me today, and you'll study tomorrow? It's just today.
You're starting to sound like a spoiled rich kid.
You're the one who's only thinking about yourself.
You know, I think we better hang up now before this gets any worse.
Whoa, uh Trouble in Loveland? No, I'm just having a little trouble with one of my courses, that's all.
You're awfully passionate about your studies.
What course are you having trouble with? - Joy 101? - It's Angry, Irish, Women Poets.
It is.
Hello? - Do you mind? - Oh, not at all.
Wha? Where have you been? We wanna talk to you about something.
- I was at a PTA meeting.
- We need your help.
And Dad's, but we're not sure he's willing.
I talked to Ruthie.
I know who I would pick out for each of my children.
But maybe, since you came to both your father and me, I should hold off on telling you until I consult with my husband.
You know, with only one bed in here, it'd be like having my own apartment.
- Hey, Ruthie.
- Back so soon? Mom said the two of you were talking earlier.
Yes, I talked with Mom, and, no, I don't know who Mom thinks you should go out with.
Told you.
But I do know the guy I'd choose for you.
I just can't decide which of you to tell about this guy.
Then why don't you tell both of us? Well, I don't want you fighting over him.
Maybe neither of us will want him.
- Who is it? - Oh, both of you want this guy.
That's why I don't know if I should even bring it up.
You might've grown up a lot, but I can still kick your butt.
Who is it? Robbie.
- He has a girlfriend.
- Had a girlfriend.
- They're already fighting.
- How do you know that? Oh, there's very little going on in this house that I don't know about.
I heard him on the phone.
Oh, hey.
Can you believe all that crazy stuff about Mary and Lucy? That's exactly what it is, craziness.
You know, I don't know why they even wanna find a serious relationship.
I know I don't.
No, sir, not me.
I am happy just the way I am, single.
Just look at Robbie.
He's in love, and he's miserable.
I mean, sure, Joy's pretty, but - Yeah, she is pretty and nice.
- Yeah.
- And the way she sings - Oh, yeah.
And the way she moves when she sings.
Ha, ha, ha.
We need to find girlfriends fast.
Good ones.
I mean, how are we gonna do that? We can't go to Mom, not after we laughed at her.
We're on our own.
We're gonna have to just come up with a plan.
Right, a plan.
First, we should figure out what we're looking for.
- What qualities we want in a woman.
- Yeah.
- Attractive.
- Responsible.
Good girls, family oriented.
Well, what attracts good girls that are family oriented? Families.
- That's it, families.
- Yeah.
Um You didn't agree to help Mary and Lucy find boyfriends or husbands, did you? No, but I do think it'd be kind of fun to choose someone for them, don't you think? - I don't know.
I - What's wrong? It's just that, ha-ha, it's an awesome challenge and one that was brought about purely out of jealousy.
They want what Robbie has, and they want it before they enter into the holiday dating season so they don't have to spend the holidays watching Robbie and Joy.
But I think that maybe we can spin this into something good.
You know, use it as an opportunity to talk to them about serious relationships.
Or we could just tell them who we think they should be with.
- You know who they should be with? - I'm their mother.
Can I have a word with you? I have this problem.
Well, it's not exactly a problem.
Joy and I Maybe we should go to my office where it's a little more private.
I agree.
Okay, it's a problem.
I'm having a problem with Joy.
And that is? She wants me to come over, and she says it has to be now, today.
And I have to study because I made a C on a paper, and I can't lose my academic scholarship.
Yet she insists.
You know, she's being completely unreasonable.
Has she been unreasonable on other days, at other times? - No.
- Well, then why today? Why now? - I don't know.
- Does she have a happy home life? I think so.
She gets along with her parents pretty well.
They seem like nice people.
Is today a special day? Maybe her birthday? I don't know.
Do you think that's it? I don't know.
Shouldn't you know the birthday of the woman - who's the love of your life? - Oh.
- I hope that's not it.
- Why? I don't have the money to buy her something that'd be in her league.
Haven't you learned anything about cheap gift giving from us? Yeah.
But it's different.
They're all, well - These people are rich.
- Doesn't make any difference.
And, you know, maybe it's not her birthday.
Maybe something happened today that she needs to share with you.
Maybe it's something good.
Maybe it's something not so good, some disappointment.
Then why wouldn't she just tell me over the phone? I have no idea.
Look, Robbie, I'm very impressed with your hard work in your studying.
But unless you have something that just absolutely can't wait for an hour or two, then maybe you should just drive over, ask Joy what's really going on, and then decide if she's being unreasonable.
If I'd have thought you were gonna take Joy's side, I would've gone to Mrs.
Camden for advice.
You know, maybe I was wrong about Joy.
Maybe she's just too rich and too beautiful and too Good for you? Maybe you should just settle on one of my daughters instead, you know, as a consolation prize? - Ugh.
I wasn't saying that.
- I know that.
Son, you're in the family, and I'm gonna treat you like I would one of my own.
I don't think either of my daughters is the right choice for you.
Look, I know this relationship is still young, but I think you and Joy should give it a shot.
You know, you seem to make each other very happy, and you seem like you're in love, and love is a wonderful thing.
So go for it.
She's not too good for you.
You have a lot to offer.
You're a good man.
You know the difference between right and wrong, and you got the guts to do the right thing.
You're a hard worker.
You're in your second year of college with no help or support other than a small, very small scholarship.
You got a good heart.
You're capable of loving a woman and marrying her and having a family with her.
And you're a risk taker, so go take a risk.
See why Joy's being so unreasonable.
So - I changed my mind.
- Me too.
We're not gonna bother you anymore about the boyfriend-husband thing.
- Why? - I'm going over to Joy's.
- I'll miss dinner, if that's okay.
- I'll save something for you.
I'm going to the library first, so I may be late.
Never mind.
- We still need help.
- Please? - Please? - Help us? All right, I'm not promising anything.
Here, boy.
Hey, pal.
You look like Happy, only bigger.
You're a long way from home.
" Come on, I'll give you a ride.
But first, we have to go see a friend of mine.
I'm having a few problems with my girlfriend.
Girls can be a lot of trouble, you know? Especially this one.
She's beautiful.
In fact, I think I've got a picture.
Yeah, no kidding.
There's not much you can do when you fall in love but be in love, you know? If she dumps me because I'm not rich enough for her, then she dumps me because I'm not rich enough for her.
But it's not gonna be because I didn't act like a man.
Here we go.
Here's the house.
Maybe we'll just sit here and talk a little more until I decide exactly what I wanna say? So, what is it you're looking for? What is it you're looking for? A nice guy.
A nice guy.
And good-looking.
And good-looking.
- And tall.
- And tall.
- And smart.
- And smart.
- He should have dark hair.
- Blond hair.
- And dark eyes.
- And blue eyes.
And he should love children.
And he should be from a big family because I love the idea of having a big family.
I'd prefer an only child.
Because this is my family, and it's already so big, and I would want him to make this his family instead of the other way around.
I'm not gonna leave my family and cling to his.
It's important that I like his family because, you know, it'll be my family, since I'll leave mine and cling to his.
You wanna talk? I thought I was too rich and stuck-up and selfish for you to talk to.
And I thought I was too self-pitying and judgemental to talk to.
- It's not your birthday, is it? - What? Is it your birthday? Because if it is, you should've told me.
A guy should know things like that about the woman he loves.
- It's not my birthday.
Joy? That's my dad.
I'll be right back.
But don't go anywhere.
He can't be a picky eater.
I hate that.
He has to watch what he eats.
I want him to go to college, but it's not that important to me.
He should go to college.
That's important.
And I want someone I would never cheat on.
And he would never cheat on me.
And I would never cheat on him.
- We're on our way out.
- Out where? You know I'm not gonna let you use Sam and David to help you pick up women.
How could you say that? We're just taking the boys out to breathe a little fresh air.
They're gonna fall asleep soon.
- Sleeping people breathe too.
Dad, you've got it all wrong.
We're not using Sam and David to pick up women.
We're using them to filter out the wrong kind of women.
I'm not sure how to respond to that.
Well, then why respond at all? Yeah.
Here's to sharing secrets.
What secret? This isn't my birthday.
It's my brother's birthday.
What brother? I didn't know you had a brother.
My brother, Joseph.
He disappeared a couple years ago.
What do you mean by disappeared? He was 7.
I was helping him give the dog a bath in the front yard, because that's where the gardener left the hose.
Joseph and the dog got in the mud.
I was trying to help him.
But I didn't end up helping him at all.
I went into the house to get some more towels, and when I came out, he was gone.
Your brother was gone? Gone where? I don't know.
No one knows.
At first, I thought he was playing some kind of game.
But the towel was still on the walkway, and the water was still running.
But he wasn't there.
I ran in the house and got my mother, and she came outside.
I mean, everyone who worked here came outside.
We called the police.
They came right away.
But they couldn't find him.
My dad came home from work.
We looked everywhere.
The neighbours helped, the community helped, the news media.
But nothing.
He was gone.
Just like that.
It's been two years.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
And I feel terrible for not just coming over here sooner when you asked.
- Bad plan.
- We took too long to get ready.
Okay, I took too long to get ready.
Oh, those are the cutest boys.
You should be ashamed of yourselves for keeping them out this late.
What is wrong with you? It's late, it's cold.
Get them home.
I think both girls have a pretty good idea now about what they're looking for.
- Yeah, but we have other ideas, right? - Right.
Okay, well, why don't we start with Lucy? Okay.
- Who? - Robbie's brother.
- Close to Robbie, but not Robbie.
- Which brother? The one she made out with at the Promenade, - or the one from the living room? - The living room.
- Why the living-room one? - She's attracted to him.
- And he's successful.
- At? He's in a band.
Don't you ever talk to Robbie? Only to encourage him to stay away from our daughters.
And shouldn't we be thinking outside the Palmer family? Yeah.
How about? - He enlisted.
- Rod enlisted? In whose Army? Ours.
Well, Marines.
Semper fi.
- Rod? - Yeah.
Gave up his hair.
All right.
- Why not? - Mike's seeing someone.
- Who? - A girl.
- All I know is she's not our daughter.
- Oh, I love that kid.
- He wasn't even your first choice.
- I was saving him.
Saving him.
Well, let's see your choices.
Who did you pick for Mary? - He ran over her.
- Oh, right.
He said he was sorry.
Uh - Who's that? - You know, from church.
He's married.
You married him.
- The fireman from Buffalo? - Yeah.
We don't know anything about the fireman.
We don't even know his name.
We know he's a good kisser and a fireman.
Did you even try to come up with any real candidates? No.
Hey, why not Wilson? Why can't she just go back with Wilson? No, no Wilson.
Is that it? Is that your list? Well, what made you think this would be easy? Because it's not only not easy, it's impossible.
- It's not impossible.
- It Okay.
Whose dog is barking? Is this day not bad enough? I'm so sorry.
I didn't know about today.
I found this dog on the way over here, and I'm sorry.
I'll just run out to the car and make sure the dog's okay.
- I'll walk with you.
- I'll walk with you too.
I can't stand the house either.
It's too hard.
I need to get out.
Where'd you get this dog? I found it a couple blocks away.
It has an Arizona tag on it.
No phone number.
- I was thinking of driving it back, but - Go call the police.
The detective's name is still by the phone.
It's my son's dog.
I thought you were coming over here.
I thought you said it's not an emergency.
- What's going on? - Just come over here.
- Sergeant Michaels will meet you.
- Sergeant Michaels? It's not what you think.
It's not bad, exactly.
Just come over here.
All right.
I'm on my way out the door right now.
What is going on? Well, he didn't say, but he said it's not bad, so it's good, probably.
- What? - I'll call you as soon as I know more.
- Good night.
- So how'd you and Matt make out? Oh, well, one really pretty woman talked to us.
Well, that's great.
She told us we should be ashamed for having children out so late.
Well Don't worry, Simon.
I'm sure there's someone out there for you.
And if not, well, at least you got your health.
Thanks for the comforting words, Ruthie.
- You always know just what to say.
- Don't mention it.
How are you two doing? - Fine.
- Fine.
What are you doing going out so late? Everything okay? I'm just off to help a friend.
I'm not sure if everything's okay.
Is everything okay here? Yeah.
Yeah, everything's fine.
Well, then I'm off.
Just I've really missed you.
I really missed you too.
Why didn't you tell me you broke up with your boyfriend? I didn't think you'd care.
I care.
I still care.
You know, this isn't going anywhere.
- Why? - I just finished my student teaching.
I'm moving.
I wanna teach in New York.
- You knew that, right? - No.
No, I didn't.
That's been my plan all along.
This is why my boyfriend and I broke up.
We just decided to let go, since we wanna start our careers in different cities.
But I thought you were in love with him.
I think I'm a little in love with being in love.
And I don't think anyone's ever gonna mean as much to me as my first love.
- Well, I was your first love, right? - You don't know that? Well, I, you know You were my first love.
- So? - So your father left to go help Robbie.
Robbie and Joy didn't break up, did they? As far as I know, they're still together.
Robbie said he needed your father for something good.
They're getting married? - I doubt it.
- Well, what about me? Did you and Dad come up with any ideas before he left? Yes, we did.
We came up with the idea that you should each make your own choice now that you both know what you're looking for in a relationship.
That's it? You know, we expected this from Dad, but we are very disappointed in you.
I can live with that.
I think it's too soon to worry about choosing the right woman, don't you? - No choices? - Not really.
I think you have plenty of time.
- Good night.
Love you.
- I love you too.
Good night.
- So, what happened? - What do you mean? Well, you couldn't come up with anyone? - Nope.
- I know who I'd pick.
For Mary and Lucy? - Wanna know? - Sure, I'd love to know.
I'd have to say Mike Pierce for Lucy.
Even though he tried to kill himself, he's the sanest, nicest and best-looking guy she ever went out with.
I totally agree.
And your second choice? Well, that would be important, since she's not interested in Mike Pierce.
I'd have to say someone new.
So new, I don't even know who it is yet.
- And Mary? - Robbie.
Oh, I think that's played itself out.
- Has it? - Well, he's in love with Joy.
Well, that may play itself out too.
That doesn't mean that Robbie would go back with Mary.
You're kidding yourself.
What are you doing out of uniform, Sergeant Michaels? It's Detective Michaels now.
- That's great.
- Thank you.
I'm Officer Willis.
I'm familiar with the case.
- What case? - We'll explain everything to you inside.
What's going on? I picked up a lost dog on the way over, and it turns out it belonged to Joy's little brother who's been missing for two years.
The dog licence has an out-of-state address in Arizona.
Joy's family thought it was an old girlfriend of Joy's father who took Joseph, but they couldn't find her.
Why would Joy's father's old girlfriend be a suspect? Joy's father was supposed to marry this woman.
But he married Joy's mother instead.
And it set off years of this woman harassing them.
When Joseph disappeared, the woman disappeared too.
So, what's the plan? They're trying to get help from a judge and the police in Arizona, but it's complicated, and they wanna move on it right away.
They wanna get someone neutral to take back the dog and see if they can get the police to help grab the kid.
Someone like? Have you heard anything? No.
Joy promised to call the second she does, but Did you get any sleep? No.
It's all going to be fine.
They'll find him.
They will.
You didn't sleep much, did you? I couldn't.
Yeah, I don't imagine Joy and her mother did either.
Come on, we'll go wait with them.
What if we're there and things turn out badly? Then you'll be there for them.
They'll need you.
- I hope this all works out, Robbie.
- It's gotta work out.
Matt, how's Heather doing? What? Heather? Well, you two spent quite a bit of time on the back porch last night.
- How'd you know? - Mother knows.
Ruthie told you.
After all this time, it's like we've never been apart.
- So is Heather the one? - No.
- I was hoping.
- Me too.
You're gonna call him, aren't you? - Who? - Oh, we both know who.
I'll leave you two alone.
Anything from Dad? - Oh, not yet.
So if you had picked someone for me, who would you and Dad have picked? - Mike Pierce? - He's a great guy.
I know.
And maybe someday, when I'm ready for a serious relationship, I'll call him.
He's a great guy.
We don't think he's right for you.
You're not in love with him.
And he's seeing someone.
I don't know her name.
- Did you pick anyone for Mary? - No one.
- Not Wilson? - No.
- Why? - For the same reason.
- He's seeing someone? - No.
Mary's not in love with Wilson.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, Wilson.
This is Mary.
I think we should talk.
I miss you, and I miss Billy, and I can't stand the thought of never seeing the two of you again.
I hope you'll call me.
Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but someday.
Preferably today or tomorrow.
Excuse me.
Didn't mean to scare you.
I think I might've found your dog.
I'm Reverend Camden.
I found the dog.
There was no phone number on the tag, just the address.
Where is he? Where is he? He's in my car.
We just got back from the pound.
My son was so upset.
The dog just took off a couple of weeks ago.
We'd almost given up.
Hey, boy.
Hey, boy.
Dad? Joseph.
She told me you and Mom and Joy She told me you didn't want me.
- She told She told me - Shh.
It's all right.
It's all right now.
It's okay.
Come on, Murray.
Come on, Murray.
- Yeah.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Joseph should've been my child.
His father should've married me like he promised he would.
He doesn't deserve that boy.
Joseph was happy with me.
I don't care what happens to me, what the police or the courts do to me, because it was worth it.
I'm not afraid of them.
I'm not afraid of anyone.
Are you afraid of God?