The Circle (2020) s06e09 Episode Script

Naughty or Nice

[Buteau] Previously,
two players were blocked.
[Cassie gasps]
Oh man!
[Buteau] And two more joined the game
-[QT] Welcome, Autumn and Jordan.
-[Buteau] looking to shake things up.
[Brandon screams]
Sounds like I'm now Circle besties
with someone that has a lot of power,
and I'm ready to take over that power.
[Buteau] But The Circle struck first,
creating teams of ride or dies
-[Lauren] Ooh!
-[Brandon] Oh my God. Myles?!
Oh shit.
-[Jordan] Quori-Tyler?!
-[QT] Jordan!
-[Lauren] Autumn!
-[Autumn] Lauren!
-[Caress] Kyle! Shut up.
-[Kyle] That's my boy, dawg.
[Buteau] whose fates are intertwined.
-[all] "Your ride or die is"
-[Myles] "blocked"
- "you"?
-[QT] What?
-Holy shoot.
[Caress] "One of you
is the bottom player!"
[Buteau] And one team was faced
with an impossible choice.
"One of you now has the chance
to save your ride or die"?
"By making a sacrifice
and blocking yourself from The Circle."
[Kyle] Paul, I saved you once.
[Caress] This is one of those decisions
you never ever wanna make.
[Kyle] Shit!
[ominous music playing]
[Buteau] And now let's find out
if one player will walk away
so the other has a chance
to win the $100,000.
What will Paul and Kyle do?
I got a family at home, man,
that I gotta feed, bro. No!
I can't tell my wife that I went out
like this, man. I can't do it.
[breathing heavily]
I worked too hard for this shit.
To take myself out,
that's just not like me.
I want to stay, Circle.
Lock in stay.
[TV beeps]
[ominous music continues]
I feel like
we both came in the game to win.
[Caress] Lock it in, Circle.
[TV beeps]
[alarm blares]
[Kyle] Another alert.
Please, man, please.
Please, bro.
Please, Paul.
Oh my God.
No, he didn't.
He didn't stay.
[whispering] He sacrificed himself.
Yo, he really had my back, fam.
[sniffles] This isn't a game, yo.
This isn't a game.
"Kyle decided to stay."
I did what I thought was best.
If I was at the bottom,
I would have been devastated
if I would have brought
Kyle out with me, so.
It hurts. It hurts like hell.
I ain't even gonna lie.
But, I mean, I would have decided
to stay, too, honestly,
if I felt like I was at the top.
So, Kyle, I bow out to you.
Congrats, my dude.
Paul is blocked.
I couldn't sacrifice myself, bro.
I got people I gotta take care of, fam.
He didn't do this for nothing.
[calm music playing]
[Buteau] Now let's see how the rest
of the players will react
to only seeing
one ride or die hit the road.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-[Lauren] Oh my God. Alert?
I have had enough for the night.
[dramatic music playing]
[Autumn] "One player has been blocked
from The Circle."
Wait, wait. One player?
[TV whirs]
"They sacrificed themselves
to save their ride or die"?
Wait a minute.
[all] What?
I thought both were supposed to go.
What does this mean?
Who did it?
[Autumn] What the frick?
[dramatic music crescendos, ends]
[Autumn screaming] What?!
[Brandon] Oh my God, Paul.
Like, seriously, dude.
Holy shit.
[ominous music playing]
[Caress] "Paul, you can now go
and meet your ride or die."
Yo, that's a freaking brother, man.
This is more than a game, bro.
That's a brother.
[TV beeps]
I don't know if I can look at him, man.
I ain't sensitive, man,
but goodness gracious, dawg.
[dramatic music playing]
[Buteau] Paul, aka Caress,
has owned her exit from the game,
and now she's owning
that corridor walk, honey.
Show me someone more confident
than a blocked player
rocking fluffy slippers.
Kyle's the baller, but Paul will always be
his MVP from now on.
I am Paul. [laughs]
Yes. Paul is my younger brother. [laughs]
You're Paul?
Yes. I'm Paul. Hi.
[high-pitched] Hi, schnookies.
-[Caress] Oh, you are real. This is Deuce?
-[Kyle] That's Deuce. That's Deuce.
Give me a hug. What's up, man?
[Caress laughing]
[Kyle] Man, my God.
Man, you know everybody
and their mama thought abs was, like, AI.
Everybody thought you were
definitely not you.
-You didn't think Nah, these real!
-No, I did not think you were you. At all.
I sacrificed myself for you,
though, so it's all good.
-It's all good. What?
-Wanna know what's funny?
When you made that rap,
I don't know who makes a rap that good.
That good? So, I'm Caress.
-I'm Paul's older sister.
-[Kyle] Crazy right now.
He is, for sure, a rapper.
We're 11 years apart.
Honestly, I figured
it would be better to play him.
-He's already super popular.
He's super popular on social media.
So I was like, "I got like 300 followers."
So I was like, "You know what?"
"If I'mma come in, I'mma play the guy
that's already, like, doing his thing."
Yo, you playing the game, though.
Like, I kept saying this.
I was like, I'm so proud of you.
Because you worked your way
from the bottom to influencer.
I was like, "Man, I can't go home."
-Like, first of all, I got a wife at home.
She's by herself, know what I'm saying?
And I'm a newlywed now.
-Know what I'm saying?
-Aw, man, congratulations.
-Thank you.
And I'm trying to be home with my wife,
and this is everything to me.
[Caress] Honestly, that makes me feel
so much better about my decision.
[Buteau] As those two talk,
the rest of the players
adjust to a post-Paul world.
How was it not me?
Seriously. I'm so confused.
Paul, you are a legend.
Whoever he's tied to, I'm just like,
Paul did you the ultimate favor.
Like, how do you
even repay someone for that?
-[Kyle] Go. Give me the tea.
-[Caress] Give you the tea. Lauren
Yes, tell me about Lauren. I need to know.
Is that someone that, like, I can trust?
[Caress] Lauren slid in my my chats.
She was like, "In the beginning, you know,
I was coming for you, gunning for you."
"I'm so sorry. I apologize. It's not
gonna happen again. Let's move forward."
Turned around and was like,
"Paul's the AI."
-And I was like
-Yo! [laughing]
"Where did that come from?"
-Did she really say
-She did do that.
-Me and her, I told you, was flirting.
-Yeah. Yeah.
I called her my #CirclePrincess.
She called me her #CirclePrinceCharming.
She just told me the same thing.
"Got you, my king."
-[shouting] She said what?
-King! King!
-And I'm Prince Charming?
-You're Prince Charming.
-[Kyle] Oh no. That's cap. Oh, yo.
-[Caress] Yes. Yes.
So yes, definitely,
definitely look out for her.
-[Kyle] Wow.
-And then Olivia. Poor, poor Olivia.
What? What'd you call her? [laughing]
-[Caress] She's struggling. Hurting.
-[Kyle] She's hurting.
She ended up calling me the AI,
and that pissed me off.
I feel like she drew that picture
of King of Boring.
Yes, she [shouting] Oh! Yes!
-[Kyle] That's how you feel. All right.
-[Caress] Okay.
-[Kyle] You are public enemy number one.
[Kyle] And when I thought that,
she ended up writing me a message
saying, "Listen, I am extremely sorry."
But then it's not just that.
-I lost my pops, right?
-I'm sorry.
And she lost her dad.
-So she tried to connect on that?
-And we we both connected on that.
And when I say it got real,
that was the realest conversation
I think I've had in The Circle.
-Wow. That's deep, bro.
-[Kyle] So
Obviously, that's someone
that I can trust.
[Caress] Yeah. She definitely needs
some help, though.
[Kyle] When I saw that you
sacrificed yourself, man, I fell.
I was like
You don't understand how thankful I am.
When I was really thinking about this,
I knew that if we both said we would stay,
we would get blocked, both of us.
If we both said sacrifice,
we was gonna get blocked.
[Kyle] And go home.
And I was like, "If I'm low,
it would be worse if you left
as a result of me and you were high."
And, like, honestly, I'm rooting for you,
bro. I am rooting for you.
-We gonna do this for you, Paul.
-All right.
-'Cause you Paul to me. I'm sorry.
-You better, man! You better!
We gonna do this. You Paul to me.
-I don't care.
-You don't care if I'm a female or not.
-Like, "Yo, what's up, Paul?"
-No. No. You my boy.
-Until the end, you my boy.
-[Caress laughs]
-I love that. I love that.
-Can I have a hug? Just one more, man.
-I really appreciate you. Appreciate you.
-Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely.
-[Kyle] I got you.
-[Caress] Aight. Aight.
[Caress] Deuce-y.
Keep it lit. Keep it lit.
[both laughing]
[Caress] Aw, man. Aight, y'all play
a good game though, for real.
[Caress laughs]
-[Kyle] I got you, man.
-[Caress] All right. Be easy, man.
-[Kyle] On time. For real. I gotcha.
-Aight, you my number one.
Oh, that's always.
And that That ain't never changing.
Hearts, man. [giggling]
Let's do this. All right?
Let's freakin' do this.
[Buteau] Hey, I'm a sucker for abs
and cute dogs,
so I can live with Paul saving those two.
[chill music playing]
[Autumn] I guess I gotta put my hat
back in its rightful spot.
[Jordan sighs]
I got Paul's makeup on my shirt, yo.
What a freaking night.
Man, I'mma do whatever I gotta do,
man, to win this thing for Paul
and my family, yo.
There's just question marks
I have on things.
Like who got saved by Paul?
We need to know.
-This should've been Autumn gone packing.
-I'm so confused.
Shake out all the stress of today.
[both] Goodnight, Circle.
[Kyle] For Paul.
[car horn honking]
["A little Respect" by Erasure playing]
[Buteau] It's a new day in The Circle.
And after a restful night,
the legend of Paul's self-blocking
grows amongst the remaining players.
-[all] Morning, Circle.
-[Lauren] Good morning, Circle!
Not gonna lie,
it's tough to see my boy Paul go.
He is the true Or she
[laughs] is the true definition
of ride or die.
[Buteau] Kyle is rolling solo,
but there are still three secret
ride or die squads working together.
Myles and Olivia,
QT and Jordan, and Lauren and Autumn.
I'm still completely in shock
that I am here today.
We made it another day.
Our girl QT is here.
I mean, Olivia,
we made it through, so you had to stick
to some part of the plan.
I'm looking forward to seeing
if Paul is who Paul says he is.
Operation Get Out Blazer Boy
is in full effect.
If I'm gonna take a shot at Myles,
it has to be through someone else.
I did backstab Paul,
but that is the game.
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] In this game, maintaining
a healthy lifestyle is important.
You gotta take care of yourself
so you don't feel guilty about gobbling up
all those yummy morsels The Circle
just loves to serve up.
[TV beeps]
"The newsfeed has been updated."
Ey, ey, ey, ey. We love an update.
Circle, take me to the newsfeed.
"Paul has left a message for The Circle."
Oh, is it going to be,
like, juicy and, like, spicy?
What if it's not actually Paul?
I feel like Paul has to be real.
[laughing] The Circle about
to be in straight shock.
[Myles] Let's see what Paul gotta say.
[all] Circle, play Paul's message.
[TV whirs]
[Lauren] All right, Paul.
Who are you?
What's up, everybody? It's your boy, Paul.
[Autum screams]
-[Lauren screams]
-[Myles] Oh!
Oh my God.
No! Not a catfish.
She played me.
I knew something was up.
Ooh, my tummy
had the rumblings about Paul.
I was not expecting that.
I really was not expecting that.
My name is Caress,
and Paul is my younger brother.
He actually is a rapper.
-[Jordan] What?
-[Caress] A famous one.
So that's honestly why
I chose to play him.
So we're all thinking it, like why would I
sacrifice myself for my ride or die?
-[Jordan] Yeah.
-It's $100,000 on the line.
And to be honest with you, that's a lot
of money to change someone's life.
A hundred thousand dollars is gone,
but somebody
who really deserves it can get it.
But who did she give up her game for?
Yes, I met my ride or die.
No, I'm not gonna tell you who it is.
And guess what?
Tea was spilled.
Wow. Okay.
[Autumn gasps]
I believe her ride or die is Lauren.
I feel like it had to have been Myles.
[Caress] I definitely had
some enemies out there.
Some people came for me
silently and publicly.
And guess what? I knew all about it.
Facts. And you already know
what I'm doing with that info.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
Came up in The Circle
As my brother Paul ♪
Thought that we was about to go
Balls to the wall ♪
Brother said cuckoo
So I responded to the call ♪
But all the ratings came, yep
And all the ratings fall ♪
Yo, but it's time
It's time for me to dip ♪
To all my people in The Circle
Cheers, let's have a sip ♪
I enjoyed the journey, yo
Now, I enjoyed the trip ♪
I'm coming for you, so watch your lip ♪
[Kyle screaming]
I'm obsessed with her!
Yo, I love her. [laughs] Bro!
[screaming] Whoo!
That was so good! [laughing]
Man, you're amazing. Yo, I don't care
I don't care if you're a catfish.
You're amazing. You're always Paul to me.
You my #BroCodeForLife,
and I'm gonna do this for you, man.
So I Oh my goodness.
I have so many questions.
She should have gone as herself.
I like her energy.
[Buteau] Paul did spit the fire,
but will players spit the truth
about how they rated him?
-Circle Chat is now open?
-[all] is now open!
Take me to the Circle Chat.
[Brandon] Then there were seven.
Oh my gosh.
It's weird to see Paul's picture's gone,
'cause I know it's not him,
but I liked that smile every morning.
That was a good-ass smile.
I wanna know
what everyone is thinking right now.
Message, "Damn. It's sad to see Paul go,
but his sis was a vibe and a half."
"She got bars too.
Fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji."
Send message.
I'm gonna have to sell this, boy.
I got the tea. I'm keeping it in my cup
'cause I'm for sure not spilling it.
Message, "I would have lost my mind
had she walked through that door."
"Exclamation point. #WhoYou,
with the crying-laughing emoji face."
"But, quotation, 'Paul' definitely
got his bars from his big sis!"
"Exclamation point." Send message.
Kyle is saying
that he wasn't visited by Paul,
but is that overcompensation?
He's the only one that pointed it out.
I don't want people to know
that I was his ride or die.
But I don't think
that anyone knows that it was me.
I don't think so.
I feel like I played it off well.
Paul definitely got
his bars from his big sis.
[Myles] This is crazy.
So it wasn't Kyle or Paul.
So that means
Autumn or Lauren was Paul's partner.
Message, "Paul was his sister?"
"Shocked emoji. #ImShook."
"She sure did get my body moving.
Sorry if anyone's ceiling was shaking."
"LOL. Who came for her publicly?" Send.
-Big J trying to stir the pot a bit.
-I don't know about you, Jordan.
You got some balls.
You're bold for asking.
I did. did. I called Paul publicly out.
A while ago.
Let's say I knew
something was a little off.
[Kyle] Always trying to get info.
People are not just
gonna answer you like that, dawg.
Like, you gotta know people first.
Message, "Aw, Paul!"
"I knew something was a little wonky."
"Super admirable
that he sacrificed himself."
"Paul and I had a wild journey,
but we ended it
with lots of love. Heart emoji."
Oh my God, yo.
Oh, she bothers me so much right now, man.
Bro, she straight lies.
Were Lauren and Paul ride or dies?
Could be.
I'm telling you, she's way too nice,
and she doesn't always say
what she's thinking, and that's scary.
I do still want to kind of throw in there
the game yesterday.
Like, I just want to know why people
kind of shed
such a bad light on me yesterday.
Message, "I ain't gonna lie,
I about pooped,"
with the poop emoji, "myself last night."
"Thought it was gonna be me."
"Circle Scenarios was brutal."
"Curious what gave y'all
such a bad view of me."
"If I came across
in a negative light, not my intent."
"Apologies." Send message.
Aw, she said it was brutal.
Okay, I'm sorry, Autumn.
I don't know what you want from me.
It wasn't personal.
I don't want to say there was
a lot of strategy involved,
because then it's like, "Oh, okay, bitch,
your strategy was to get rid of me?"
It was.
Message, "Autumn, these blockings
never get easier."
"I hope you didn't take
Circle Scenarios too hard."
It wasn't just one person.
It was, like, three.
How am I not supposed
to take that personal?
I am trying to paint Big J as the victim.
Big J's feelings were hurt.
He's a young guy that doesn't know
how to control his emotions all the time.
He was sad. Message, "I tried not to take
Circle Scenarios too seriously myself,
but when someone I felt comforted by
shed a negative light on me,
it had me feeling down." Send.
Hopefully, people are looking at this,
and they run to their notes and they said,
"Who said what about Big J?"
[Myles] Who came for Jordan?
Oh, that's Kyle. That's Kyle!
Somebody had to be thrown under the bus,
and it wasn't gonna be anybody
that I have an alliance with.
It was gonna be somebody I did not.
Message, "There were a lot of factors
that went into the game,
and there was a lot of #ShotsFired,
but I'm hoping we can see the situation
for what it was, a #Mess."
If it was a #Mess, then fire
some shots at other people too,
not just me.
[Myles] Some people
kissing ass right now, though.
Apologizing to Big J and Autumn.
Like, nobody extended the olive branch.
All they said is, "I hope you forgive me."
Like, goddamn. If you are gonna claim
a mistake, you gotta fix it.
Do I change who I talk to today
based off this Circle Chat?
It'd be a good move
to talk to one of the new guys,
either J or Autumn,
and establish those other relationships,
because if I'm Autumn and Jordan,
yo, I'm feeling real lonely right now,
and I need friends.
I think they might be higher priority.
I wonder what Lauren's gonna say,
because Lauren called out Autumn too.
"Autumn, I def don't feel the way I said."
"I was trying to be strategic
and it backfired. #ImSorryLove." Send.
I am dumbfounded.
How was that strategy
when you were my ride or die?
You were not thinking.
Your brain was turned off. 'Cause that
was not at all strategic, what you did.
[TV whirs]
[Brandon] "Circle Chat is now closed."
[laughing] Oh my God.
Well, that was a good chat.
Goodness gracious.
It was a whole bunch of apologies,
but they all fake apologies.
I've got Jordan's back in this, you know.
Big J, I was his first message.
I definitely disclosed a lot to him,
and it put me in a vulnerable spot
to do that. I trust him.
[Lauren] I hope
that Autumn feels better now,
because I really did not mean
what I was doing.
[Buteau] Yes, Lauren. Autumn has
forgiven you. It's water under the bridge.
She's making you
a friendship bracelet as we speak.
The Lauren situation makes zero sense.
Where was the logic in shading my name?
There literally was none,
because if she put salt on my name,
it affected her game.
She's my ride or die.
I can't even wrap my head around
how that was strategic
in the slightest way.
The fact that she still doesn't understand
how dumb that was blows my mind.
It is time for some answers.
Circle, take me
to a private chat with Lauren.
[TV beeps]
"Autumn has invited you
to a private chat."
Okay, girl, let's talk.
I hope she's not too angee.
Circle, take me to the private chat.
-[fingers cracking]
It's about to get down and dirty.
We about to get
this girl's head in the game.
She needs a little tough love right now.
Message, "Hey, girl.
Circle Scenarios has me confused."
"What exactly was your strategy
by throwing shade on my name?"
Send message.
[Lauren] You know,
valid message. Valid message.
[sputtering] I I don't know
what I was thinking in strategy.
[sputtering] I I thought, honestly,
because we had just talked,
she would be the least insulted
if I just put her in the negative spot.
Message, "Autumn, girl. I'm so sorry.
My head told me putting your name
would insult you the least
since we had a great chat."
"I didn't think
it would have a domino effect."
"I immediately regretted it
and thought about it all day." Send.
[shouting] What?!
Lauren, girl. What is what is that?
Oh my gosh.
I don't even know how to put this
without making Oh my goodness. Okay.
Message, "I will be honest, comma,
that does not make sense to me."
"If I connect with someone,
I do not trash their name."
"Also, have you forgotten
that my destiny is your destiny?"
[sputtering] I I
I really didn't think I was
I didn't think [sighs] I I don't know.
Oh man.
Message, "You're 100% right."
"I was thinking more
about people's feelings than the game."
[Autumn] "I'm sorry to drag you down.
It will not happen again."
But she certainly wasn't thinking
about my feelings, though.
Message, "I understand
wanting to spare people's feelings,
but what about mine?"
[Lauren] "This is a game."
"There is some serious money
to be won at the end of this."
"You're my ride or die,
so we gotta work together,
or else we both lose."
For sure.
We gotta work together,
but I hate to think that the person
that is my ride or die, now we have such
negative feelings between us.
Message, "Absolutely. I have your back
and won't let you down again."
"What can I do to help us move forward?"
[smacks lips] Well, girl, you got
some cleanup work to do
if you want to help us move forward.
I don't necessarily believe her
when she says, "I have your back,"
but got to kind of put a front on
and pretend I do 'cause
that's all that's the only choice
I really have at this moment.
Message, "My name
is under fire right now."
"If you could help me put out the fire,
then we can move forward."
"I don't know about you,
but I'm not ready to go home yet."
I don't know about this
ride or die till the end shit, though.
[sputtering] I I want to put myself first
and put my alliances second.
[sputtering] I
I want her to like me, for sure,
and I want us to get in a good place,
but I I want my game to be my priority.
I I don't want to be worrying about
one mistake that I made.
[Buteau] Welcome to The Circle, Lauren.
That happens here.
Now, in Myles and Jordan's relationship,
something is missing.
Where is this piece? Oh my God.
[Buteau] I am not
talking about that piece.
I am talking about Myles
thinking that they're BFFs
and Jordan wanting
to stab Myles in the back.
Let's start a private message with Big J.
[TV beeps]
Myles is inviting you to a private chat?
What does he want?
As long as he thinks I'm on his side,
I think this is a great sign
for my plan to get him out.
If Myles goes, I can get Kyle
and Quori-Tyler all to myself.
Circle, take me
to the private chat with Myles.
Message, "Big J! Three exclamation marks."
"What a mess these past two days
have been. Laughing face emoji."
"Not a good way
to start your Circle journey."
"Felt your message in the chat,
'cause I've been there before."
"How you holding up?"
[Jordan] "#HereForMyCircleBestie."
How do I process this?
I feel like he's being genuine.
But this is the thing. This is the thing.
Myles has this mist about him,
and he just comes in like the good guy,
like, "Yo, what's up?"
And that's why everyone
is under his spell,
but I have seen right through it
since the moment I got here.
Myles seems like the type of guy
that wants to be validated,
and that's exactly what Big J's gonna do.
Message, "OMG, Myles,
it's so good to see your smile again."
"Smile emoji."
"I have just been so confused
about everything that happened
before I got here."
[Myles] "But your Circle Boo
has been a good safe space."
If I'm reading this right,
QT was his ride or die.
It makes sense that my bestie
and my true ride or die
are paired together.
[chuckling] It does make sense.
Message, "I haven't spilled
any tea you shared with me."
"We still have each other's backs, yeah?"
And let's do emoji with, like, a tongue
sticking out, like an innocent, like, dog.
I just want to reaffirm him
that I've got his back.
That way, you are in arms reach
of me stabbing you in the back.
Message, "Bro, I love that you
and QT get along. Fire emoji."
"Explains why you two look so good
in my top three. Laughing face emoji."
[Jordan] "Always hit my DMs
if you're ever feeling down."
[Myles] After this chat, I'm feeling good.
I like to see that Big J confirmed
that none of my stuff got spilled,
and we're still Circle besties.
I always got you, Big J.
This is exactly what I need.
Myles thinks I got his back,
he's got my back,
and I just can't wait to see his face
when he finds out I'm planning his demise.
[Buteau] Jordan, he shouldn't see you
planning his demise.
Meanwhile, Olivia decides
it's time to check in with QT.
I really feel like it's been a while
since QT and Olivia have talked.
We're in the same place we were
when she came into The Circle.
You know, I want her to know
that I've still got her back.
Circle, please invite Q
to a private chat.
-Okay, potato time.
-[TV dings]
Oh my gosh!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
"Olivia has invited you
to a private chat!"
Oh my gosh, this is perfect.
So with Olivia, what I need to do
is make her feel like I'm very remorseful
for the Cassie blocking.
There's my girl. There she is.
Message, "Hey, QT,
I just wanted to check in
and let you know I still got your #Back."
"I meant what I said about"
Things are getting crazy, right?"
Yes, Olivia. Yes, Olivia.
I will take it.
All that matters
is that she feels like I'm being real.
Message, "Olivia, I'm about to cry."
I really am. But happy tears.
"Thank you so much for saying that."
"I thought that after the Cassie blocking,
you might not be happy with me"
"but I've always had your back.
#MyHandsWereTied. Broken heart emoji."
Oh my God.
I feel like this has just been
a huge miscommunication
and that we just were too afraid
to talk to each other
because we didn't want
to upset one another.
Message, "OMG! Exclamation point."
"Girl, not at all."
"I thought that you were afraid
to talk to me." [chuckles]
"This just seems like we both assumed
the wrong thing. LOL. #GirlWeAMess."
"Can we just make this
an alliance already? #Obviously."
Olivia, you are speaking my language.
An alliance is just what I need.
Message, "I'd be honored
to be in an alliance with you."
"With that being said, should we talk
a little game? Question mark."
"Is there anyone
you're feeling good or scared about?"
I mean, yeah.
I feel like Autumn is going to tell people
that I stabbed her in the back
or threw her under the bus.
So I'm trying to get ahead of that.
Okay. "I have a good connection with Kyle,
and Lauren has only said
good things about you to me."
"I'm feeling a little nervous about Autumn
because of some
#Strategic moves I had to make."
"What about you?"
This is good.
I can pin the target on Autumn
and then get all of my allies together
in one big group.
Okay, this is great.
[mysterious music playing]
QT. "I'm definitely feeling nervous
about Autumn."
"I also feel like she tries
to stir the pot a little."
"Kyle is my #CircleBrother,
and I know he feels great about you."
"Is there any heart emoji in the air?
Question mark, side-eye emoji."
[laughing] I mean,
I definitely think he's cute.
Message, "Kyle is hella cute!"
"But I'm not sure
he feels that way about me."
[QT] "Girl, I'm so glad we had this talk."
"I fully trust you
and #IveGotYouTilTheEnd."
Another one in my pocket.
Period, Circle, let's go.
"I'll be sure to put in
a good word for you. Wink emoji."
[Brandon] "I'm one person
you won't have to worry about."
"#TillTheEnd, #QTandLivi, heart emoji."
[muffled scream]
Oh my God, I love it!
[QT] Oh my gosh.
It is a good day to be QT in The Circle.
-[chill music playing]
-[Buteau] QT's keeping it positive.
And to stay on top in this place,
it's about keeping your eye on the ball,
and shooting your shot.
Deuce don't don't you take the ball.
[Buteau] Boy, that'd be embarrassing
if he were a pro basketball player.
Let's see if he's any better
with this game.
-[alarm blares]
[all] "Naughty and Nice."
I wanna be nice,
but I could be a little naughty.
[Buteau] Everyone is gonna show
their sweet and spicy sides
in this game of Naughty and Nice.
I love the sound of this already.
Oh my goodness.
[Buteau] The players
will all post two photos
from their private albums
in the Circle Chat.
Circle, take me to my private albums.
[Buteau] Their nicest one
and their naughtiest one.
[screaming] Oh! Oh, I'm excited!
Should we be, like,
doing this in the bedroom?
-"Based on these photos"
-"everyone will then vote"
-"for their naughtiest and nicest"
Now one question is,
how nice will they be?
But the question
we really want to know is,
how naughty will they be?
Okay. Hey, girl.
My hair looks incredible, though.
I have a picture on my phone
with my titties squeezed together,
eating a breadstick like this.
You know, because I'm classy.
[Buteau] Have I been eating
bread wrong my whole life?
I really love this photo.
This is perfect.
It makes Big J look so innocent.
Is that naughty? I don't [laughs]
Circle, take me to the top left photo,
where I'm looking faded as hell.
Now we want to do something
that really juxtaposes that other photo
and shows "she's a nice girl."
I like this photo.
Circle, make this my nice photo.
Lock these two photos in.
This is so fun. I can't wait
to see more people's pictures.
Circle, post my naughty photo.
Oh. She's so hot.
Ooh. Cute, girl.
She fine.
Here we go. Go ahead, girl.
And, Circle, post my nice photo.
Aw. She's a nurse. This is cute.
I just like the happiness.
I do kind of adore her a little bit more,
but I can't forget
what she said about me in the game.
Still not gonna trust her 100%.
Circle, send my naughty photo.
Okay, my Circle brother.
But that ain't really too naughty.
That's a clean photo for the,
like, dating apps.
[Kyle] Circle, now send my nice photo.
That dog I want to steal. Okay?
Damn, Kyle.
Wait until you find out I'm 34 years old,
I'm gay, and I'm balding.
You'll really shit your pants. [laughing]
[Buteau] Thirty-four, gay, and balding?
That's my type, boo.
Okay, Quori, you give us the goods now.
Oh, she a baddie. Damn!
Yo, she's stunting out here.
Oh. Aight, sis.
I see you with the Timmy Tims!
[Autumn] That's not naughty.
Yes, you do look cool,
but where's the shock factor?
Circle, send my nice photo.
We love this.
That's one hell of a smile.
I, honestly
I I expected a little bit more.
Her profile picture
versus her naughty picture
versus her nice picture
all look so different.
[Buteau] Well, what you got, Autumn?
Is she bull riding?
Another cow photo.
I love this.
I think this is such a good picture.
Putting her mom in there
for an extra little [smacks tongue]
I get more naughty
from the bullet necklace.
I love it. I think it's great.
Circle, send my naughty photo.
This is so funny.
This is cute.
It is exactly what I expected from Jordan.
Circle, open the nice photo.
He's just like a nice, fun person.
I feel like the second photo
is, like, inviting you in.
I like Big J.
There's just positivity in the air.
Myles is never going to expect
that that face is coming for him.
Circle, send my naughty photo.
Wait, is he passed out?
We get it. You drink.
I wanna go out and party with Myles.
[high-pitched] Look at my boy.
That boy look clean!
I love this. I am obsessed.
I cannot wait to meet Myles.
Okay, cute. I like this
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson look.
[Buteau] Wow. I hope that's as nice
as your photo, Lauren.
-[Jordan] Whoo!
-[Autumn screaming, laughing]
Holy hell!
Somebody get the fire extinguisher,
'cause she is hot!
Yo, you gotta love that photo. Goddamn.
Dang. I did not expect that.
Circle, post my nice photo.
Oh, it's her being
a little gamer Twitch girl.
She's giving us a little more, finally.
That smile. I love it. She is so pretty.
I mean, it's a smile, it's nice,
but it's not nicer than me and Deuce.
I don't really care about these photos,
if I'm just gonna be completely honest.
I don't deal with people
who are untrustworthy.
[Buteau] Naughty is as naughty does, Kyle.
"Based on the photos, it's now time
to vote for your naughtiest player"
"and nicest player."
-I already got my answers.
-I wanna win both.
I know who the naughtiest is gonna be.
There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Oh, there were two bikini shots.
Lauren won that.
But am I voting for her?
You're damn skippy no.
[Buteau] And now,
with the votes locked in,
The Circle is ready to reveal
the nicest and naughtiest players.
Do I want to be the nicest player?
Come on, I should win this. I got people
hating on me if I didn't win with Deuce.
I couldn't have been
more nice on that photo.
[Buteau] That's right, Kyle. Nice people
always talk about being nice.
[all] "Olivia, you were voted
the nicest player!"
Oh my God, that's awesome.
She deserves that. She really does.
Yo, that's cap. That's so cap.
Good for you, girl. I really like Olivia.
Message, "You guys! Exclamation point."
"Sometimes my job can be really hard"
"and take a toll on me, but I always do
my best to make someone smile."
"#ThisMeansALot. Heart emoji."
I mean, you can't be mad at that.
Olivia definitely put
a target on her back a little bit.
Everyone knows that being too nice
in The Circle can be a bad thing.
Working in critical care
can be very, very hard,
but I always do my best
to try to make someone smile.
I'm a little sad about it
'cause I was hoping
that my nice photo would stand out,
but I think that my naughty photo
kind of overshadows my nice one.
I do wonder if anyone
voted for me as the naughtiest.
[all] "Lauren, you were voted
the naughtiest player."
I know!
Oh God! [giggles]
-Well, that's a given.
-She was definitely going to win that one.
Yes, she was.
Girl, that picture was fire,
fire, fire, fire, fire.
That shit was naughty.
Had me rethinking my life.
Thank you, Circle.
She said naughty. Ooh.
Let's say, message,
"Oh goodness!"
"Didn't expect to be
the naughtiest, but I'll take it!"
"Crying laughing emoji,
heart emoji, kiss emoji."
"Peach emoji, nail emoji."
Yo, that's a good-ass response. I love it.
She nailed it. She spiced it right up.
Gave the people
what they were looking for.
[Kyle] You didn't expect
to be the naughtiest?
Girl, you half naked.
I should have been
in a speedo or something.
I think this is
really good for me, honestly.
I think this is even better
than me winning nicest,
because this is showing people, like,
she's more than just a nice girl.
She's also a hot girl.
We can give it to Lauren. I do not want
to be looked at as the naughtiest player.
I just don't want to be looked at
in a negative light at all.
Oh. That was so much fun.
Bad bitches only.
Bad bitches only. [groans, laughs]
Yay! Ooh!
[Buteau] Lauren's the complete package.
She's nice. She's naughty.
She makes her own rugs. What can't she do?
[funky music playing]
[Buteau] As night falls in The Circle,
our players find comfort
with finding order in their lives,
whether it's coloring in the lines,
bowling with your pillows,
making half a dozen cookies
for one person.
Bro, I have to go through
the whole thing again
to find the rest of the edges.
[Buteau] Wow.
That is frustrating.
[Buteau] That is frustrating.
If only he could chat with
his true ride or die, his wifey.
[Kyle] Please forgive me,
'cause this is for us, and I'm trying
to bring that money back home to us.
I don't mean nothing I say,
but Kyle got to get his mac on.
[mysterious music playing]
If I can get Olivia
to open up to me a little more
and make her want Kyle,
that is wonderful for my game.
Circle, start a private chat with Olivia.
[TV dings]
Oh no.
Kyle, I am in the hot tub. [laughing]
What does Kyle want to talk about?
I mean, I feel exposed here.
Okay. Let's do this.
Oh, it's real!
Hot, confident, blonde.
Hot, confident, blonde.
[Kyle] Message, "Hey, Liv."
"First off, I want to say congratulations
on winning the nicest photo."
Baby girl, I don't mean this.
"I haven't stopped thinking about
our last conversation and you."
"Monkey face emoji, heart emoji."
"When I was in the influencer spot,
I did not wanna see you go."
"Don't tell anyone I'm a big softy.
Crying laughing face emoji, heart emoji."
Send that message.
Let me just reel you in, Liv.
Bite, baby, bite.
[Buteau] Kyle, you're definitely
reeling in a very specific kind of fish.
[Brandon screams, laughs]
You won't be a big softy
after I'm through with you.
That's for sure. [laughs]
Message, "Thank you so much!
Exclamation point."
"I haven't stopped thinking
about you either."
It's true. [chuckles]
"The conversation we had
isn't something you easily forget."
"I kind of hoped it was you
that fought for me to stay."
"Winky-face tongue-out emoji
and heart-eyes emoji."
Send message.
She bit! She bit!
Girl, I'm about the reel you.
I'm reeling. I'm about to reel.
[Buteau] Ooh, if you only knew, Kyle,
you would probably put your rod away.
I bet my tits look amazing
right now, honestly.
This is exactly what I wanted.
Message, "I will always fight for you,
and for some reason,
I felt you would have my back too."
Heart emoji, heart emoji." Send message.
[Brandon] Whoo!
I'm gonna make a move.
I'm gonna make a move.
Oh God, here goes.
Message, "Obviously, I've got your back."
"I just wish you were here chilling
in the hot tub with me right now!"
"Exclamation point."
[Kyle shouting] Oh my God!
Wait a minute. Deuce-y.
Liv just got a little spice.
That's the little naughty Olivia
I was trying to see.
Oh, then we Hold on.
Before I even continue
on what I'm about to do,
baby, I am doing this for the game.
Circle, take me to my fitness album.
Circle, open top photo with the hat.
Oh, it's giving bulge too.
I hope when Olivia sees this photo,
she be like,
"Damn, that's a lot of man right there."
There's very few built that way,
you know what I'm saying?
Like, that took a lot of hard work
and dedication and broccoli.
So, Circle, this is my photo.
Message, "I'm so glad I'm not the only one
that feels like our connection
is really that strong."
"I put on the shirt for the #NaughtyPhoto,
but for you, dot, dot, dot,
I'll show you what I would look like
if I was about to jump in
that hot tub with you."
Oh my fucking God. [laughing]
Before I read this message,
Circle, can we please enlarge
the picture of Kyle working out?
Holy shit.
He is so freaking jacked.
Oh. Take it away, Circle. Take it away.
I don't need to see anymore.
Whew! Whew.
Kyle, thank you for your service.
Message, "Kyle! Exclamation point."
"Are you trying to raise
this nurse's blood pressure?
Question mark."
"The naughty photo was great"
"but this photo
definitely screams #Zaddy."
"Do you know
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?"
"Because my heart just stopped."
"Drool emoji, heart eyes emoji."
Wow, I Oh, and she's still typing.
[Brandon] Circle, open the photo
of Olivia in the pink bikini.
[vocalizing] This is absolutely amazing.
Um, Circle,
please add this to my messages.
Message, "And just so you know,
the bikini in that photo is
the same one I've got on now."
Send message.
[shouting] Oh, and she sent a photo!
Baby, she sent a photo!
Circle, zoom into Olivia's photo.
Wow. Baby, look.
You look. I'm not looking. Nope.
Circle, close photo. Close photo.
Kyle, man. Whew.
You got me all hot and bothered.
Message, "Olivia, Olivia, Olivia."
"This is the only name
I'm gonna be thinking about
when I go to bed tonight."
"#MyDreamGirl. Heart-eye emoji,
heart-eye emoji, heart-eye emoji."
"When I say I got you until the very end,
I mean that. Heart emoji."
Send message, man.
Oh my God, I'm his dream girl. [laughing]
[Kyle] Oh, damn.
This is so bad.
[Deuce barks softly]
[Kyle] I know. I know. I had to.
I didn't want to do it. I had to.
I lost Paul. We lost Paul.
[Deuce barks softly]
[relaxed music playing]
[Buteau] Okay, note to self. Remember
to change the water out of the hot tub.
But there's no doubt Kyle, Olivia,
and everyone else are ready for bed.
[Lauren] Goodnight, Circle.
Sweet dreams.
[Buteau] But The Circle isn't.
[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Lauren] What?
Nah, Circle. Bro, I was going to bed.
[Autumn sighs]
[Kyle] Oh my God.
[Buteau] Sorry, everyone.
There's still some business
to take care of.
[both] "Players must now
rate each other." What?
"The top-rated player
will become an influencer."
Just one.
Singular. One person is the influencer.
-"Their ride or die will join them as a"
-"secret influencer."
Oh, okay.
What is a secret influencer?
[QT] If Jordan is influencer,
I become influencer
without getting any blood on my hands.
How do I convince QT to take out Myles?
It's a secret.
[Lauren sighing heavily]
Oh my God.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brandon screams]
[Autumn screams]
[theme song plays]
[theme song ends]
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