7th Heaven s06e10 Episode Script
What you doing? I'm grading papers for my class.
Gotta get them done this weekend so their grades can be posted by Monday.
So you really don't have time for any visitors today, huh? No, I don't have time for anything.
I was gonna ask if you could pick up the house and get dinner ready for me.
- I have that thing at the church today.
- What thing? - You know, that church thing.
- No, I don't know.
It's not important what I have to do at the church today.
What is important is that I don't have time for visitors either.
Fine, we're agreed.
No visitors.
Oh, Eric.
Hi, sweetheart.
- Hi.
- Oh, darling.
Hi, Dad.
- What a nice surprise.
- Surprise? We told Eric that we were coming for a visit over a month ago.
Didn't he tell you? Well, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one in the family with a memory problem.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm so sorry you didn't know about this visit.
Oh, it's okay.
It's not your fault.
And please don't misunderstand me, I'm very happy to see you both.
You know, it's really a wonderful surprise.
It's just that I have these papers that I have to correct for my class, and I have to do it this weekend.
So after I'm finished, then I'm all yours.
That's great, but I'm not staying.
I'm just dropping off your dad.
I'm gonna visit my sister up north.
A rest-and-relax weekend.
You know, shopping and lunch and fun.
- Dad doesn't wanna go with you? - Well, not exactly.
I need to get away.
I need a break.
Your dad needs a break.
And when I called Eric last month, he suggested that your father could spend the weekend here.
Yeah, well, that's my cab.
I'm gonna leave my rental car that I got at the airport with you just in case with Charles, you need another car.
I'm gonna go say goodbye and then take off.
I'll call you later.
- I love you.
- Bye.
Bye-bye, sweetheart, I'll call you.
Okay, you can either tell me what you're hiding or Ginger's hiding, or you can take care of my dad.
- Ginger and I aren't hiding anything.
- You're going to take care of my dad.
Great, I'm gonna go tell him.
And then I'm gonna go to the library and finish grading my papers.
Then with any luck, I'll be home for dinner.
A dinner you are going to prepare in a house you are going to clean.
Do you have a problem with my girlfriend? - No.
- You don't like Joy, do you? What? You hardly talk to her.
You never ask me about her.
You don't like her, do you? You know what? It doesn't matter what you think of Joy.
Because I don't care what you think.
I like her and I'm keeping her.
- What? - Oh.
- You care what I think.
- No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.
- No, I don't.
That means "yes, you do.
" Joy's parents are taking her brother to visit her grandparents this weekend.
Joy can't go because she's performing at the club tomorrow night.
I was gonna take her out so she wouldn't be alone, but I think I'll invite her over here instead so she can spend the whole day with me.
- Here.
- Oh, thanks for the warning.
- What was that supposed to mean? - Oh, now you don't speak English? It means what it means.
- Hey.
- Are you okay? Matt hates Joy.
Why? I don't know.
And it doesn't matter, because I don't care what Matt thinks.
- It seems like you do.
- Oh, Jeremy called.
- What did you say? - Jeremy called.
My Jeremy? Jeremy in New York, Jeremy? - My ex-fiancé, Jeremy? - Yeah.
- What did he say? - That he needed to talk to you.
I think he said it was important and he'd call back.
Whose car is that in the driveway? It's blocking me in.
- Yeah, whose car is that? - It's Grandpa's.
When did Grandpa get here? This morning.
And I need you to keep an eye on him today.
But Jeremy called.
- And? - I'd love to help you out, but I can't.
I just can't.
I need to be available to have a long talk with Jeremy when he calls back.
A long talk with no interruptions.
Well, maybe you and Robbie can do a tag-team thing? I have girlfriend trouble.
- I'm sorry I can't help you out.
- It's okay, I'll just I'll ask Matt.
No can do.
- Matt has a big chem final next week.
- Then Mary.
I love Grandpa, so don't take this the wrong way.
But do you really want someone who's been in a daze for the past week watching someone who's been in a daze for the past year? Good point.
And do we know why Mary's been in a daze for the past week? With Mary, it's usually a guy.
Sometimes two guys.
Good luck.
- I'm ready.
- Ready for what? My learner's permit.
Remember? You were supposed to take me to the DMV today like you promised.
- I forgot.
- That's okay.
We can still go.
- No, we can't.
- What? I need you to stay here and watch Grandpa and Ruthie and the boys.
And if you could take care of dinner and pick up around the house, that would be great too.
What? When did Grandpa get here? - Just now.
- But the DMV I know, but I have to go and there's no one else in the house available to watch Grandpa.
Where do you have to go? Church.
Something important's come up.
- What came up? - I can't say.
But you said that if I was a man, a responsible man, then you would take me to the DMV to get my learner's permit.
So I've been a man.
Actually, I've been so good at being a man that you bumped getting the permit by a whole month.
- I know but - No, Dad, no buts.
I did what I was supposed to do.
I kept my room clean, I did my homework without being told.
I helped out around the house, I helped out at church.
I want that permit.
I've earned that permit.
You have to take me.
- We'll go next week.
- Next week? - The first of the week.
- I have school, Dad.
- One day after school.
- What day? The first day I'm free, I promise.
Argh! I have to go to the church.
Simon's gonna hang out and we'll get together for dinner.
- I don't need a babysitter.
- No, of course not.
But Simon wants to hang out with you.
- I don't need a babysitter.
- It's not a babysitter.
It's Simon.
Boy, I set the backyard on fire once and you people won't let it go, will you? I'd love to stay and talk, but I really have to go.
Go, go.
Don't worry about my feelings.
I'm just an old man who's being treated like a child.
We'll talk when I get home.
I can hardly wait.
Okay, kid, entertain me.
Mary, what did you do with the phone? Maybe it's buried under her luggage ghetto.
You know, you've been here since November I think it's safe to unpack.
What's with that letter? It's nothing.
I'm going out for a while.
But you need to clean up your side of the room.
Could she be more inconsiderate? I don't think so.
Five bucks if you help me find the phone.
Why you need the phone so bad? Jeremy called and he's going to call back.
I just know he wants me back, and I can't wait for him to call so I can tell him to get lost and crush him like a bug.
I smell desperation.
So 10 bucks and you got a deal.
- What do you need 10 bucks for? - Call it my freedom fund.
Someday I hope to have my own room again.
If I have to buy a house to do it, so be it.
Ten bucks.
I can't wait any longer.
I'm going to call Jeremy back.
How long have you waited? To talk to Jeremy and tell him off? Since I left New York.
- Don't call him.
- But he called me.
That's why you can't call him.
You'll look desperate.
- You know I'm right.
- No, I don't.
I'm not not calling Jeremy because you said not to call him.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
- You're 11.
- So? - You're a child.
I'm a woman.
A woman of the world.
And a woman of the world doesn't listen to a child when it comes to life-altering decisions regarding men and marriage.
One, you live in Glenoak and you went to New York for the summer.
So you're not even a woman of this country, let alone the world.
And two, you listen to me all the time.
I give you great advice about all the losers you date and you know it.
Maybe I listen.
But I don't take your advice that seriously.
Yes, you do.
Admit I'm right about your not calling Jeremy because you'll look desperate.
I'm not going to admit to anything.
Sometimes I wish you weren't my big sister.
Well, sometimes I wish you weren't my little sister.
Hi, I'm Eric Camden.
I know.
The doctors have been waiting for you to get here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Where should I go? Could you take Reverend Camden back? Are you nervous? Yes.
Yes, I am.
Come on.
- Reverend Camden's office.
- Lou? I've been paging and calling Eric for hours.
Where is he? He's not here.
Eventually I'm gonna find out what you and my husband are up to, and when I do, both of you are gonna be in a world of trouble.
Without an appointment, your chances of getting in to see the chief are pretty slim.
That's okay, I need to talk to him.
I have to talk to him.
He's a busy man.
If you need something, maybe you should put your request in a letter.
- I already did.
- And? - And I have to talk to him.
- Wait a minute.
You're not that young woman from Buffalo, are you? - Maybe.
- The chief wrote you back.
- And that's why I'm here.
- I don't know if he'll see you.
I'll take my chances.
I'll wait.
Grandpa wants to go out, he's bored.
So we're gonna go for a drive.
Ruthie and the boys are coming too.
Did Dad say you could leave the house? Young lady, I am not a child.
And your father does not tell me where I can or cannot go or if I can or cannot go.
And neither do you.
You got it? Yeah, you're not the boss of us.
You're not even a sister of us.
I took a vote and Sam and David don't want you as their older sister either.
And Happy doesn't like you.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, fine, go.
Have fun.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, come on.
Come on, guys.
Did you call Jeremy? Why don't you just admit that I was right and apologise for being so inconsiderate and rude when all I was trying to do is help you.
How "woman of the world" of you.
Point, set and match.
How does it feel to be beaten by an 11-year-old? Oh, come on I came down here because you guys were upstairs.
This isn't some kind of game.
I really need to study.
I told you we were coming down here.
Forget it.
We can find some other place to hang out.
Oh, we don't have to.
We have every right to stay right where we are.
Okay, what's going on? Are you and Matt having some problem? Matt doesn't like you.
That's not true.
I don't like the two of you.
I know you guys think you're in love, and that's great.
But it would be nice if you could find someplace other than this house to share your love, which may not be love.
You don't know each other.
We could the leave the house and would, if I had any respect for your needs or for your opinion.
- But I don't.
- Oh, really? You have no respect for my opinion? No.
I'll be in the living room watching TV.
Once you've settled whatever you need to settle, come and get me.
I can't believe you took me to get my learner's permit.
- Thanks, Grandpa.
- Glad to be of service.
I'm tired.
You can drive.
I can't drive.
I don't have my licence.
You got a learner's permit, don't you? Get in the car.
Learn something.
- You aren't really gonna let me drive? - You're not really gonna let him drive? What are the rules for learner's permits? I can drive as long as there's a licensed driver present.
I got a licence.
Do you wanna drive? I don't wanna force you.
- I want to.
- Good.
You want to drive, I want you to drive.
Let's go.
I don't want you to drive.
You shouldn't drive without Mom or Dad in the car.
That's how it was with Matt, Mary and Lucy.
Don't do this.
Hey, if Dad had taken me to the DMV like he promised, he'd be here and he'd be in the car.
It's his fault, not mine, that he's not here.
And I shouldn't be punished for his inconsiderate behaviour, should I? - That doesn't even make sense.
- Well, it does to me.
Come on, it'll be fine.
We'll take a little drive.
No one will know unless you tell on me.
You think I'm some little kid who can't keep her mouth shut? No, I think you're some big kid who can't keep her mouth shut.
I won't tell, but I don't think you should do this.
Well, I'm gonna do it, so get in.
Thanks, operator, I was just checking the line.
- Operator? - Yes? Do you have a boyfriend? It's for you, dear.
Hello? - Why are the police following us? - What? The police, they're following us.
Hey, hey, hey.
Eyes on the road.
Both hands on the wheel.
Ten and two, ten and two.
- But the police - Have you done anything wrong? No.
Just keep on driving and ignore them.
But the police Maybe you're just driving too slow.
This is the speed I'm comfortable with.
A cat just ran past us.
Actually, I don't think it was running, just walking really fast.
Hey, hey, what did I tell you? Watch the road.
Forget about the police.
I hate to be right all the time, but I have a bad feeling about this.
That car looks a lot like the stolen car they just announced on the bulletin.
The bulletin didn't say anything about kids.
No, but they are driving awfully slow.
So let's tail them and call the tags to dispatch.
Hey, not every car driving slowly needs to be tailed.
Come on, it's either tail them or airport duty again.
Okay, call it in.
Let's follow them.
When I find you, I'm going to Eric, where are you?! Oh, I'm sorry.
Eric, where are you? - Everything looks good.
- Yeah? We still have to wait for the official results from the lab, but the tests show her heart is in good shape.
She's going to be fine.
I think she needs a way to manage the stress in her life better, but she's going to be fine.
We'll just keep her here overnight for observation.
- She can go home in the morning.
- That's great.
Do you want me to talk to her husband, explain the procedure, the tests, answer any questions? She didn't want her husband to worry.
He doesn't know.
Surprised Annie didn't come with you.
- She didn't want Annie to worry either.
- I'll check back with you in a while.
- Can I see her? - Yeah.
Come on, Joy said we had to work out our problems.
I don't have time.
I have to study.
And do you always do what Joy tells you to do? I guess we know who wears the pants in your relationship.
Yeah, it's Joy.
And her pants are tight and pink so I do whatever she says, because I love her and I respect her opinion.
- Not as much as mine.
- In your opinion, I'm just a boarder.
What do you want me to call you? You're not my brother? - How can you say that? - Because it's true.
I guess I better find another movie to watch.
The chief left.
But I just went to the bathroom.
Did you tell him that I was waiting to talk to him? Sorry.
Okay, you don't understand.
I was in the fire department training programme in Buffalo, and then I just moved back here to be with my family.
Yes, I read your letter.
I just wanna finish my training.
I wanna be a firefighter.
Read all about that.
I wanna join the Glenoak fire department training programme.
Tell me something I don't know.
He wrote back and without any explanation or reason turned me down.
I know.
I typed the letter.
Well, I deserve more consideration than a letter.
I have never known the chief to change his mind once he's decided something.
But if you could just tell me where to find him, I know I could change his mind about me.
Please help me.
Why are they going so slow? Come on, let's pull them over, search the car and question them.
Dispatch said the plates don't match our stolen car.
We don't have cause to pull them over.
They could have switched the plates.
I just know that car is stolen.
If it's stolen, wouldn't he be driving faster? That's what makes it so suspicious.
The police are still following us.
Step on it.
Don't make me say it twice.
Yes, he's making a run for it.
- Let's go, let's go.
- Okay, call it in.
- I'm gonna get backup and air support.
- Calm down.
Just call it in.
- Aren't you gonna pull over? - Just drive.
You didn't do anything.
They're not after you.
- It sure looks like they're after me.
- Just let them pass you.
They're the police, we have to pull over.
If we don't, we're in trouble.
You're the licensed driver in the car.
You didn't do anything wrong.
So we're not gonna pull over.
Just drive.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with us.
- And if they don't pass? - That's their problem.
Okay, now there's three police cars chasing us.
You have to pull over.
- Do you have a driver's licence? - No.
I didn't think so.
I'm just gonna rest my eyes here for a bit.
Keep on driving.
- What's wrong? - My ex-fiancé called earlier.
Said it was important, said he'd call back, but he hasn't.
You wanna get back with this guy? Well, at first, no, I just wanted to hurt him.
But after talking to the operator, I'm not so sure.
The telephone operator? Sandy.
I had no idea telephone operators were so sensitive and caring.
Where's Robbie and Matt? Fighting.
So, what's on? I was watching a movie and they interrupted with a car chase.
The car the police are chasing looks familiar.
Really familiar.
- Really, really familiar.
- It does? Yeah, it looks like - No.
- What? Matt, Robbie, get in here! Dr.
Peterson, call your service.
Peterson, please call your service.
That car looks so familiar.
If you're just joining us, we're watching the Glenoak Police pursue a possible car-theft suspect through the streets of Glenoak.
We've just received word that the suspects, an elderly man, a teen who is driving, and three children may have stolen the car in the Promenade area of Glenoak.
An elderly man, a teen and three kids I've been calling and no one is picking up.
- Where's Eric? - I don't know.
First, I was annoyed by whatever game you and Eric are playing, but annoyance has turned into concern.
Tell me where my husband is and tell me now.
Eric is at the hospital.
The cardiac ward.
He said something about tests and that he did not want you to know because it might make you worry.
This just in.
Unconfirmed sources at an airport car-rental agency say that the car involved in this chase was rented by a Charles Jackson, who flew in from Phoenix this morning.
But we still don't know the identity of the young blond man who is driving.
Yeah, it's Simon and Ruthie and the boys and your father-in-law.
- No, this can't be happening.
- It is.
And we can't get Simon to pull the car over.
I've talked to the police and explained to them about your father-in-law and that your children are not criminals.
But the guy leading the chase is a tad intense and, well, we need to get Simon to pull over.
What did Simon do to get the police involved? What law other than driving without a licence did he break? He was driving too slow, then he started driving too fast and now he's back slow.
So far, the only thing he's guilty of is failing to yield to a police officer.
I need you to come with me right now.
All right, I just Let me tell the doctors I'm leaving.
I can't believe that's your grandfather.
Maybe he's forgotten that when the police turn their lights and sirens on, you have to pull over.
Okay, but what's Simon's excuse? Teenage Alzheimer's? And since when does Simon drive a car? He doesn't even have his learner's permit.
Somehow I feel that not having a permit is the least of Simon's worries right now.
Hello? It's Jeremy.
- Luce, hey, it's so - I have to call you back.
They seem to be driving in circles.
That's the third time he's passed the park.
I think the question on everyone's mind has to be, "Where are they going?" - Where are you going? - I have no idea.
- Come on, he's not looking, pull over.
- No way.
The entire police department is behind us and I think I hear a helicopter.
You have to pull over.
No, because as soon as I pull this car over, my life is over.
Mom and Dad may never let you get a driver's licence, which I have to say may not be a bad thing, but your life isn't over.
I'm a guy.
If I can't drive, my life is over.
So you see, as long as this car is moving, I have a chance.
Until I run out of gas, I am not stopping.
If I'm lucky, Mom and Dad will never find out about any of this.
Do you have super powers that allow you to turn back time? - No.
- Then I think Mom and Dad know.
- Well, why would you think that? - Because Dad is in the car next to us.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.
- Simon, pull over.
- Pull over.
Pull over.
Pull over! Pull over! Wait, is that Dad? Yup, that's your dad.
If I were Simon, I'd drive that car to Canada.
Pull over.
Pull over! Pull over! - What is your father doing? - He wants us to pull over.
Well, then I guess you better pull over.
Pull over.
Okay, everybody out of the car, hands in the air.
- Hey, that's my line.
- Sorry.
Okay, everybody out of the car, hands in the air.
- Dad.
- I think we have to get out.
I'm not moving.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Why aren't they getting out of the car? Because Dad and the police are waiting for them.
How old do you have to be to plead temporary insanity? - I don't think there's an age limit.
- Well, there's some good news.
Simon, you're the driver.
You're the one who got us into this, you get out.
- Simon, get out.
- Simon, get out.
Hi, I'm Annie Camden.
I'm looking for my husband, Eric.
- Oh, he just left.
- How is that possible? Wasn't he here for tests on his heart? No, he was with someone who was having tests done.
Who? Who? Ginger? Are you okay? You should have told me.
Eric should have told me.
Someone should have told me.
Why are you here? Honey, I just came in for some tests.
And I begged Eric not to say anything.
- So be mad at me, not him.
- I'm not mad at you.
I'm relieved.
But you really should have told me.
Well, the doctors say I'm gonna be just fine.
It's not my heart.
It's stress.
- Where is Eric? - Didn't the police tell you? - The police? - How's your heart? Simon? My dad's a lawyer, I should call him.
When Reverend Camden gets through with Simon, I think he's gonna need a priest, not a lawyer.
Well, luck would have it, my older brother's a priest.
Hi, Dad.
- Hi.
- Hi.
There's someone here to see you.
Just hear her out.
I'm Mary Camden, and I am just asking for a little consideration.
I considered letting you join our training programme and then I decided it was a bad idea.
But I worked hard in Buffalo.
Yes, I talked to your training supervisor and he said you worked very hard.
But he also said you got into some kind of romantic relationship with another candidate.
And you left the programme without any notice.
Okay, but I was born to be a firefighter.
- You have to give me a chance.
- No, I don't.
It's my job to pick serious candidates who I not only think will make it through the training, but will also become strong, responsible firefighters.
Men and women who are capable of putting their own lives on the line in order to save the lives of others.
Firefighting isn't just a job, it's a life.
And after careful review, I feel it's not a life for you.
You're just not responsible enough to be a firefighter.
And if you can't be responsible for your own life, then you certainly can't be responsible for the lives of others.
And as I look at you with your low-rider jeans and your French manicure, I don't think you wanna be a firefighter as much as you wanna hang out with firefighters.
You are wrong about me.
I am a firefighter.
I've been doing this for 30 years and I think I know better.
You have to have some direction and purpose in your life in order to do this job.
Trust me when I tell you that I know firefighters, and you are not a firefighter.
Well, if I can't do this job, what am I supposed to do with my life? I have no idea, Miss Camden.
But I suggest you pick another road and start walking.
I'm Catholic, so I don't know, are all ministers' families like this? I wouldn't know since I'm not part of this family.
Oh, come on, this is ridiculous.
Just admit that Matt's opinion matters to you because he's a big brother to you.
And just admit that you're a big brother to him.
Do you know how lucky you are to have each other? Do you have to lose each other to find out? I know you don't share blood, but you do share this family.
And that makes you brothers.
If you're too stupid to see how great you both have it, then I just give up.
I'm going home.
I'm going home alone.
Okay, I give up.
Your opinion matters to me.
I don't think I matter to you, but you matter to me.
And I do think of you as a brother.
I think I'm lucky to have you as a brother.
So, what do you say? I say I'll think about it.
- Hello? - Hi.
- I'm sorry I missed your call earlier.
- It's no big deal.
No, it is a big deal.
And I'm glad that you called.
- I - No, me first.
I know that you called to ask if we could back together.
And I was going to tell you that I would never consider getting back together with you.
You hurt me when I left New York.
I mean, you didn't even try to stop me from leaving.
And worse than that, when your parents said they didn't like me, you didn't stand up for me.
So today I was going to hurt you as badly as you hurt me.
- But I - No, let me finish.
But the truth is, I still want you back, and I'm glad that you want me too.
Jeremy? I don't want you back.
- What? - I want my engagement ring back.
I need to buy some sheet music.
I'm at Juilliard.
It's expensive, you know? I saw you on TV.
Are Grandpa and Simon okay? Grandpa is Grandpa, and the police let Simon go with just a warning.
Unfortunately for Simon, I don't think Mom and Dad are gonna let him go with just a warning.
- Where's everybody? - Dad dropped Sam, David and me off, and then he, Simon and Grandpa went to the hospital.
- Why is that? - I don't know.
Maybe Dad's gonna have Simon's head examined.
So did you call Jeremy? Jeremy called me and I called him back.
And I shouldn't have.
You were right today and I was wrong.
And even though you're only 11, I do take your advice seriously.
Especially when it comes to all the losers I date.
I'm really lucky you're my sister.
I'm really lucky you're my sister too.
Well, most of the time.
- So, what did Jeremy want? - My engagement ring.
He's at Juilliard.
It's expensive, you know.
- What a jerk.
- Super jerk.
So are you gonna give him the ring back? He'll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands.
- Charles.
- Dad, are Simon and the kids okay? Everyone's fine.
I still don't know what all the fuss was about.
You let Simon drive.
And then somehow got yourself involved in a slow-speed car chase with the police? Yeah, but we didn't anything wrong.
Simon doesn't even have his learner's permit.
Of course he does.
Do you think I'd let him drive without it? Where's Eric? Eric's out in the hall with Simon and that detective fella.
- Well, I'll be right back.
- No.
You'll go home with your son and your husband.
What about you and Ginger? I'm going to spend the night here with my wife.
I spoke to the doctors.
Ginger can come home in the morning.
- We'll come by the house after that.
- Okay.
Charles, how could you? - How could you? - What? Eric filled me in on the drive over here and then I spoke to your doctors.
Heart tests? You don't even have the consideration to tell me that you've got a heart problem and that you're having tests done? You keep me in the dark like some child.
I'm not a child.
I'm a man, I'm your husband.
I'm sorry.
- I just didn't want you to worry.
- Poppycock.
You didn't wanna tell me because I've got Alzheimer's and you think I can't handle anything.
And that's just poppycock.
You've been treating me with kid gloves ever since the diagnosis, and I'm sick of it.
I want you to treat me like your husband, your partner.
Not some sick man that you have to take care of.
Maybe if you do that, you won't be under so much stress that you think you have a heart problem.
Let me carry some of the burden in this marriage.
I deserve to and I want to.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
No more lies.
Whatever comes up, let me handle it until I can't handle it.
- Yeah, but what happens? - Tomorrow is tomorrow.
Today is today.
And today, I can handle it.
I love you.
Not so fast.
I knew the silent ride home wouldn't last forever.
Well, you'll have to excuse the silence.
It was necessary for both of us to absorb the events of the day.
Please, I know I'm in trouble, big trouble.
So before you ground me for life, I'd like you to just hear me out.
It was wrong not to pull over for the police.
Although I do have to say that in my defence, Grandpa wouldn't let me pull over.
But I do take most of the responsibility for what happened today.
And I think to be fair, today was Dad's fault too.
If you had taken me to get my permit like you promised, I would have never even been in the car with Grandpa.
But I was, and I made some very bad decisions.
No, I didn't make any decisions.
I let someone make them for me.
I'm gonna have to be responsible for everything I do behind the wheel, if I ever get behind the wheel again.
Simon, we didn't yell at you because we realise what a difficult situation you were in.
You were trying to do what someone you love and respect was telling you to do, and at the same time, knowing better.
- Really? - Yeah.
I'm stronger and more focused than I've ever been.
So don't shut me out.
Use me.
Lean on me.
Talk to me.
And do me a favour, never lie to me again.
Even if you think you're doing it to protect me.
I can protect me and you and everyone else I love.
I'm sorry.
Never again.
Apology accepted.
Let's go to bed.
You're really gonna let me off the hook that easily?
Gotta get them done this weekend so their grades can be posted by Monday.
So you really don't have time for any visitors today, huh? No, I don't have time for anything.
I was gonna ask if you could pick up the house and get dinner ready for me.
- I have that thing at the church today.
- What thing? - You know, that church thing.
- No, I don't know.
It's not important what I have to do at the church today.
What is important is that I don't have time for visitors either.
Fine, we're agreed.
No visitors.
Oh, Eric.
Hi, sweetheart.
- Hi.
- Oh, darling.
Hi, Dad.
- What a nice surprise.
- Surprise? We told Eric that we were coming for a visit over a month ago.
Didn't he tell you? Well, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one in the family with a memory problem.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm so sorry you didn't know about this visit.
Oh, it's okay.
It's not your fault.
And please don't misunderstand me, I'm very happy to see you both.
You know, it's really a wonderful surprise.
It's just that I have these papers that I have to correct for my class, and I have to do it this weekend.
So after I'm finished, then I'm all yours.
That's great, but I'm not staying.
I'm just dropping off your dad.
I'm gonna visit my sister up north.
A rest-and-relax weekend.
You know, shopping and lunch and fun.
- Dad doesn't wanna go with you? - Well, not exactly.
I need to get away.
I need a break.
Your dad needs a break.
And when I called Eric last month, he suggested that your father could spend the weekend here.
Yeah, well, that's my cab.
I'm gonna leave my rental car that I got at the airport with you just in case with Charles, you need another car.
I'm gonna go say goodbye and then take off.
I'll call you later.
- I love you.
- Bye.
Bye-bye, sweetheart, I'll call you.
Okay, you can either tell me what you're hiding or Ginger's hiding, or you can take care of my dad.
- Ginger and I aren't hiding anything.
- You're going to take care of my dad.
Great, I'm gonna go tell him.
And then I'm gonna go to the library and finish grading my papers.
Then with any luck, I'll be home for dinner.
A dinner you are going to prepare in a house you are going to clean.
Do you have a problem with my girlfriend? - No.
- You don't like Joy, do you? What? You hardly talk to her.
You never ask me about her.
You don't like her, do you? You know what? It doesn't matter what you think of Joy.
Because I don't care what you think.
I like her and I'm keeping her.
- What? - Oh.
- You care what I think.
- No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.
- No, I don't.
That means "yes, you do.
" Joy's parents are taking her brother to visit her grandparents this weekend.
Joy can't go because she's performing at the club tomorrow night.
I was gonna take her out so she wouldn't be alone, but I think I'll invite her over here instead so she can spend the whole day with me.
- Here.
- Oh, thanks for the warning.
- What was that supposed to mean? - Oh, now you don't speak English? It means what it means.
- Hey.
- Are you okay? Matt hates Joy.
Why? I don't know.
And it doesn't matter, because I don't care what Matt thinks.
- It seems like you do.
- Oh, Jeremy called.
- What did you say? - Jeremy called.
My Jeremy? Jeremy in New York, Jeremy? - My ex-fiancé, Jeremy? - Yeah.
- What did he say? - That he needed to talk to you.
I think he said it was important and he'd call back.
Whose car is that in the driveway? It's blocking me in.
- Yeah, whose car is that? - It's Grandpa's.
When did Grandpa get here? This morning.
And I need you to keep an eye on him today.
But Jeremy called.
- And? - I'd love to help you out, but I can't.
I just can't.
I need to be available to have a long talk with Jeremy when he calls back.
A long talk with no interruptions.
Well, maybe you and Robbie can do a tag-team thing? I have girlfriend trouble.
- I'm sorry I can't help you out.
- It's okay, I'll just I'll ask Matt.
No can do.
- Matt has a big chem final next week.
- Then Mary.
I love Grandpa, so don't take this the wrong way.
But do you really want someone who's been in a daze for the past week watching someone who's been in a daze for the past year? Good point.
And do we know why Mary's been in a daze for the past week? With Mary, it's usually a guy.
Sometimes two guys.
Good luck.
- I'm ready.
- Ready for what? My learner's permit.
Remember? You were supposed to take me to the DMV today like you promised.
- I forgot.
- That's okay.
We can still go.
- No, we can't.
- What? I need you to stay here and watch Grandpa and Ruthie and the boys.
And if you could take care of dinner and pick up around the house, that would be great too.
What? When did Grandpa get here? - Just now.
- But the DMV I know, but I have to go and there's no one else in the house available to watch Grandpa.
Where do you have to go? Church.
Something important's come up.
- What came up? - I can't say.
But you said that if I was a man, a responsible man, then you would take me to the DMV to get my learner's permit.
So I've been a man.
Actually, I've been so good at being a man that you bumped getting the permit by a whole month.
- I know but - No, Dad, no buts.
I did what I was supposed to do.
I kept my room clean, I did my homework without being told.
I helped out around the house, I helped out at church.
I want that permit.
I've earned that permit.
You have to take me.
- We'll go next week.
- Next week? - The first of the week.
- I have school, Dad.
- One day after school.
- What day? The first day I'm free, I promise.
Argh! I have to go to the church.
Simon's gonna hang out and we'll get together for dinner.
- I don't need a babysitter.
- No, of course not.
But Simon wants to hang out with you.
- I don't need a babysitter.
- It's not a babysitter.
It's Simon.
Boy, I set the backyard on fire once and you people won't let it go, will you? I'd love to stay and talk, but I really have to go.
Go, go.
Don't worry about my feelings.
I'm just an old man who's being treated like a child.
We'll talk when I get home.
I can hardly wait.
Okay, kid, entertain me.
Mary, what did you do with the phone? Maybe it's buried under her luggage ghetto.
You know, you've been here since November I think it's safe to unpack.
What's with that letter? It's nothing.
I'm going out for a while.
But you need to clean up your side of the room.
Could she be more inconsiderate? I don't think so.
Five bucks if you help me find the phone.
Why you need the phone so bad? Jeremy called and he's going to call back.
I just know he wants me back, and I can't wait for him to call so I can tell him to get lost and crush him like a bug.
I smell desperation.
So 10 bucks and you got a deal.
- What do you need 10 bucks for? - Call it my freedom fund.
Someday I hope to have my own room again.
If I have to buy a house to do it, so be it.
Ten bucks.
I can't wait any longer.
I'm going to call Jeremy back.
How long have you waited? To talk to Jeremy and tell him off? Since I left New York.
- Don't call him.
- But he called me.
That's why you can't call him.
You'll look desperate.
- You know I'm right.
- No, I don't.
I'm not not calling Jeremy because you said not to call him.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
- You're 11.
- So? - You're a child.
I'm a woman.
A woman of the world.
And a woman of the world doesn't listen to a child when it comes to life-altering decisions regarding men and marriage.
One, you live in Glenoak and you went to New York for the summer.
So you're not even a woman of this country, let alone the world.
And two, you listen to me all the time.
I give you great advice about all the losers you date and you know it.
Maybe I listen.
But I don't take your advice that seriously.
Yes, you do.
Admit I'm right about your not calling Jeremy because you'll look desperate.
I'm not going to admit to anything.
Sometimes I wish you weren't my big sister.
Well, sometimes I wish you weren't my little sister.
Hi, I'm Eric Camden.
I know.
The doctors have been waiting for you to get here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Where should I go? Could you take Reverend Camden back? Are you nervous? Yes.
Yes, I am.
Come on.
- Reverend Camden's office.
- Lou? I've been paging and calling Eric for hours.
Where is he? He's not here.
Eventually I'm gonna find out what you and my husband are up to, and when I do, both of you are gonna be in a world of trouble.
Without an appointment, your chances of getting in to see the chief are pretty slim.
That's okay, I need to talk to him.
I have to talk to him.
He's a busy man.
If you need something, maybe you should put your request in a letter.
- I already did.
- And? - And I have to talk to him.
- Wait a minute.
You're not that young woman from Buffalo, are you? - Maybe.
- The chief wrote you back.
- And that's why I'm here.
- I don't know if he'll see you.
I'll take my chances.
I'll wait.
Grandpa wants to go out, he's bored.
So we're gonna go for a drive.
Ruthie and the boys are coming too.
Did Dad say you could leave the house? Young lady, I am not a child.
And your father does not tell me where I can or cannot go or if I can or cannot go.
And neither do you.
You got it? Yeah, you're not the boss of us.
You're not even a sister of us.
I took a vote and Sam and David don't want you as their older sister either.
And Happy doesn't like you.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, fine, go.
Have fun.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, come on.
Come on, guys.
Did you call Jeremy? Why don't you just admit that I was right and apologise for being so inconsiderate and rude when all I was trying to do is help you.
How "woman of the world" of you.
Point, set and match.
How does it feel to be beaten by an 11-year-old? Oh, come on I came down here because you guys were upstairs.
This isn't some kind of game.
I really need to study.
I told you we were coming down here.
Forget it.
We can find some other place to hang out.
Oh, we don't have to.
We have every right to stay right where we are.
Okay, what's going on? Are you and Matt having some problem? Matt doesn't like you.
That's not true.
I don't like the two of you.
I know you guys think you're in love, and that's great.
But it would be nice if you could find someplace other than this house to share your love, which may not be love.
You don't know each other.
We could the leave the house and would, if I had any respect for your needs or for your opinion.
- But I don't.
- Oh, really? You have no respect for my opinion? No.
I'll be in the living room watching TV.
Once you've settled whatever you need to settle, come and get me.
I can't believe you took me to get my learner's permit.
- Thanks, Grandpa.
- Glad to be of service.
I'm tired.
You can drive.
I can't drive.
I don't have my licence.
You got a learner's permit, don't you? Get in the car.
Learn something.
- You aren't really gonna let me drive? - You're not really gonna let him drive? What are the rules for learner's permits? I can drive as long as there's a licensed driver present.
I got a licence.
Do you wanna drive? I don't wanna force you.
- I want to.
- Good.
You want to drive, I want you to drive.
Let's go.
I don't want you to drive.
You shouldn't drive without Mom or Dad in the car.
That's how it was with Matt, Mary and Lucy.
Don't do this.
Hey, if Dad had taken me to the DMV like he promised, he'd be here and he'd be in the car.
It's his fault, not mine, that he's not here.
And I shouldn't be punished for his inconsiderate behaviour, should I? - That doesn't even make sense.
- Well, it does to me.
Come on, it'll be fine.
We'll take a little drive.
No one will know unless you tell on me.
You think I'm some little kid who can't keep her mouth shut? No, I think you're some big kid who can't keep her mouth shut.
I won't tell, but I don't think you should do this.
Well, I'm gonna do it, so get in.
Thanks, operator, I was just checking the line.
- Operator? - Yes? Do you have a boyfriend? It's for you, dear.
Hello? - Why are the police following us? - What? The police, they're following us.
Hey, hey, hey.
Eyes on the road.
Both hands on the wheel.
Ten and two, ten and two.
- But the police - Have you done anything wrong? No.
Just keep on driving and ignore them.
But the police Maybe you're just driving too slow.
This is the speed I'm comfortable with.
A cat just ran past us.
Actually, I don't think it was running, just walking really fast.
Hey, hey, what did I tell you? Watch the road.
Forget about the police.
I hate to be right all the time, but I have a bad feeling about this.
That car looks a lot like the stolen car they just announced on the bulletin.
The bulletin didn't say anything about kids.
No, but they are driving awfully slow.
So let's tail them and call the tags to dispatch.
Hey, not every car driving slowly needs to be tailed.
Come on, it's either tail them or airport duty again.
Okay, call it in.
Let's follow them.
When I find you, I'm going to Eric, where are you?! Oh, I'm sorry.
Eric, where are you? - Everything looks good.
- Yeah? We still have to wait for the official results from the lab, but the tests show her heart is in good shape.
She's going to be fine.
I think she needs a way to manage the stress in her life better, but she's going to be fine.
We'll just keep her here overnight for observation.
- She can go home in the morning.
- That's great.
Do you want me to talk to her husband, explain the procedure, the tests, answer any questions? She didn't want her husband to worry.
He doesn't know.
Surprised Annie didn't come with you.
- She didn't want Annie to worry either.
- I'll check back with you in a while.
- Can I see her? - Yeah.
Come on, Joy said we had to work out our problems.
I don't have time.
I have to study.
And do you always do what Joy tells you to do? I guess we know who wears the pants in your relationship.
Yeah, it's Joy.
And her pants are tight and pink so I do whatever she says, because I love her and I respect her opinion.
- Not as much as mine.
- In your opinion, I'm just a boarder.
What do you want me to call you? You're not my brother? - How can you say that? - Because it's true.
I guess I better find another movie to watch.
The chief left.
But I just went to the bathroom.
Did you tell him that I was waiting to talk to him? Sorry.
Okay, you don't understand.
I was in the fire department training programme in Buffalo, and then I just moved back here to be with my family.
Yes, I read your letter.
I just wanna finish my training.
I wanna be a firefighter.
Read all about that.
I wanna join the Glenoak fire department training programme.
Tell me something I don't know.
He wrote back and without any explanation or reason turned me down.
I know.
I typed the letter.
Well, I deserve more consideration than a letter.
I have never known the chief to change his mind once he's decided something.
But if you could just tell me where to find him, I know I could change his mind about me.
Please help me.
Why are they going so slow? Come on, let's pull them over, search the car and question them.
Dispatch said the plates don't match our stolen car.
We don't have cause to pull them over.
They could have switched the plates.
I just know that car is stolen.
If it's stolen, wouldn't he be driving faster? That's what makes it so suspicious.
The police are still following us.
Step on it.
Don't make me say it twice.
Yes, he's making a run for it.
- Let's go, let's go.
- Okay, call it in.
- I'm gonna get backup and air support.
- Calm down.
Just call it in.
- Aren't you gonna pull over? - Just drive.
You didn't do anything.
They're not after you.
- It sure looks like they're after me.
- Just let them pass you.
They're the police, we have to pull over.
If we don't, we're in trouble.
You're the licensed driver in the car.
You didn't do anything wrong.
So we're not gonna pull over.
Just drive.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with us.
- And if they don't pass? - That's their problem.
Okay, now there's three police cars chasing us.
You have to pull over.
- Do you have a driver's licence? - No.
I didn't think so.
I'm just gonna rest my eyes here for a bit.
Keep on driving.
- What's wrong? - My ex-fiancé called earlier.
Said it was important, said he'd call back, but he hasn't.
You wanna get back with this guy? Well, at first, no, I just wanted to hurt him.
But after talking to the operator, I'm not so sure.
The telephone operator? Sandy.
I had no idea telephone operators were so sensitive and caring.
Where's Robbie and Matt? Fighting.
So, what's on? I was watching a movie and they interrupted with a car chase.
The car the police are chasing looks familiar.
Really familiar.
- Really, really familiar.
- It does? Yeah, it looks like - No.
- What? Matt, Robbie, get in here! Dr.
Peterson, call your service.
Peterson, please call your service.
That car looks so familiar.
If you're just joining us, we're watching the Glenoak Police pursue a possible car-theft suspect through the streets of Glenoak.
We've just received word that the suspects, an elderly man, a teen who is driving, and three children may have stolen the car in the Promenade area of Glenoak.
An elderly man, a teen and three kids I've been calling and no one is picking up.
- Where's Eric? - I don't know.
First, I was annoyed by whatever game you and Eric are playing, but annoyance has turned into concern.
Tell me where my husband is and tell me now.
Eric is at the hospital.
The cardiac ward.
He said something about tests and that he did not want you to know because it might make you worry.
This just in.
Unconfirmed sources at an airport car-rental agency say that the car involved in this chase was rented by a Charles Jackson, who flew in from Phoenix this morning.
But we still don't know the identity of the young blond man who is driving.
Yeah, it's Simon and Ruthie and the boys and your father-in-law.
- No, this can't be happening.
- It is.
And we can't get Simon to pull the car over.
I've talked to the police and explained to them about your father-in-law and that your children are not criminals.
But the guy leading the chase is a tad intense and, well, we need to get Simon to pull over.
What did Simon do to get the police involved? What law other than driving without a licence did he break? He was driving too slow, then he started driving too fast and now he's back slow.
So far, the only thing he's guilty of is failing to yield to a police officer.
I need you to come with me right now.
All right, I just Let me tell the doctors I'm leaving.
I can't believe that's your grandfather.
Maybe he's forgotten that when the police turn their lights and sirens on, you have to pull over.
Okay, but what's Simon's excuse? Teenage Alzheimer's? And since when does Simon drive a car? He doesn't even have his learner's permit.
Somehow I feel that not having a permit is the least of Simon's worries right now.
Hello? It's Jeremy.
- Luce, hey, it's so - I have to call you back.
They seem to be driving in circles.
That's the third time he's passed the park.
I think the question on everyone's mind has to be, "Where are they going?" - Where are you going? - I have no idea.
- Come on, he's not looking, pull over.
- No way.
The entire police department is behind us and I think I hear a helicopter.
You have to pull over.
No, because as soon as I pull this car over, my life is over.
Mom and Dad may never let you get a driver's licence, which I have to say may not be a bad thing, but your life isn't over.
I'm a guy.
If I can't drive, my life is over.
So you see, as long as this car is moving, I have a chance.
Until I run out of gas, I am not stopping.
If I'm lucky, Mom and Dad will never find out about any of this.
Do you have super powers that allow you to turn back time? - No.
- Then I think Mom and Dad know.
- Well, why would you think that? - Because Dad is in the car next to us.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.
- Simon, pull over.
- Pull over.
Pull over.
Pull over! Pull over! Wait, is that Dad? Yup, that's your dad.
If I were Simon, I'd drive that car to Canada.
Pull over.
Pull over! Pull over! - What is your father doing? - He wants us to pull over.
Well, then I guess you better pull over.
Pull over.
Okay, everybody out of the car, hands in the air.
- Hey, that's my line.
- Sorry.
Okay, everybody out of the car, hands in the air.
- Dad.
- I think we have to get out.
I'm not moving.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Why aren't they getting out of the car? Because Dad and the police are waiting for them.
How old do you have to be to plead temporary insanity? - I don't think there's an age limit.
- Well, there's some good news.
Simon, you're the driver.
You're the one who got us into this, you get out.
- Simon, get out.
- Simon, get out.
Hi, I'm Annie Camden.
I'm looking for my husband, Eric.
- Oh, he just left.
- How is that possible? Wasn't he here for tests on his heart? No, he was with someone who was having tests done.
Who? Who? Ginger? Are you okay? You should have told me.
Eric should have told me.
Someone should have told me.
Why are you here? Honey, I just came in for some tests.
And I begged Eric not to say anything.
- So be mad at me, not him.
- I'm not mad at you.
I'm relieved.
But you really should have told me.
Well, the doctors say I'm gonna be just fine.
It's not my heart.
It's stress.
- Where is Eric? - Didn't the police tell you? - The police? - How's your heart? Simon? My dad's a lawyer, I should call him.
When Reverend Camden gets through with Simon, I think he's gonna need a priest, not a lawyer.
Well, luck would have it, my older brother's a priest.
Hi, Dad.
- Hi.
- Hi.
There's someone here to see you.
Just hear her out.
I'm Mary Camden, and I am just asking for a little consideration.
I considered letting you join our training programme and then I decided it was a bad idea.
But I worked hard in Buffalo.
Yes, I talked to your training supervisor and he said you worked very hard.
But he also said you got into some kind of romantic relationship with another candidate.
And you left the programme without any notice.
Okay, but I was born to be a firefighter.
- You have to give me a chance.
- No, I don't.
It's my job to pick serious candidates who I not only think will make it through the training, but will also become strong, responsible firefighters.
Men and women who are capable of putting their own lives on the line in order to save the lives of others.
Firefighting isn't just a job, it's a life.
And after careful review, I feel it's not a life for you.
You're just not responsible enough to be a firefighter.
And if you can't be responsible for your own life, then you certainly can't be responsible for the lives of others.
And as I look at you with your low-rider jeans and your French manicure, I don't think you wanna be a firefighter as much as you wanna hang out with firefighters.
You are wrong about me.
I am a firefighter.
I've been doing this for 30 years and I think I know better.
You have to have some direction and purpose in your life in order to do this job.
Trust me when I tell you that I know firefighters, and you are not a firefighter.
Well, if I can't do this job, what am I supposed to do with my life? I have no idea, Miss Camden.
But I suggest you pick another road and start walking.
I'm Catholic, so I don't know, are all ministers' families like this? I wouldn't know since I'm not part of this family.
Oh, come on, this is ridiculous.
Just admit that Matt's opinion matters to you because he's a big brother to you.
And just admit that you're a big brother to him.
Do you know how lucky you are to have each other? Do you have to lose each other to find out? I know you don't share blood, but you do share this family.
And that makes you brothers.
If you're too stupid to see how great you both have it, then I just give up.
I'm going home.
I'm going home alone.
Okay, I give up.
Your opinion matters to me.
I don't think I matter to you, but you matter to me.
And I do think of you as a brother.
I think I'm lucky to have you as a brother.
So, what do you say? I say I'll think about it.
- Hello? - Hi.
- I'm sorry I missed your call earlier.
- It's no big deal.
No, it is a big deal.
And I'm glad that you called.
- I - No, me first.
I know that you called to ask if we could back together.
And I was going to tell you that I would never consider getting back together with you.
You hurt me when I left New York.
I mean, you didn't even try to stop me from leaving.
And worse than that, when your parents said they didn't like me, you didn't stand up for me.
So today I was going to hurt you as badly as you hurt me.
- But I - No, let me finish.
But the truth is, I still want you back, and I'm glad that you want me too.
Jeremy? I don't want you back.
- What? - I want my engagement ring back.
I need to buy some sheet music.
I'm at Juilliard.
It's expensive, you know? I saw you on TV.
Are Grandpa and Simon okay? Grandpa is Grandpa, and the police let Simon go with just a warning.
Unfortunately for Simon, I don't think Mom and Dad are gonna let him go with just a warning.
- Where's everybody? - Dad dropped Sam, David and me off, and then he, Simon and Grandpa went to the hospital.
- Why is that? - I don't know.
Maybe Dad's gonna have Simon's head examined.
So did you call Jeremy? Jeremy called me and I called him back.
And I shouldn't have.
You were right today and I was wrong.
And even though you're only 11, I do take your advice seriously.
Especially when it comes to all the losers I date.
I'm really lucky you're my sister.
I'm really lucky you're my sister too.
Well, most of the time.
- So, what did Jeremy want? - My engagement ring.
He's at Juilliard.
It's expensive, you know.
- What a jerk.
- Super jerk.
So are you gonna give him the ring back? He'll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands.
- Charles.
- Dad, are Simon and the kids okay? Everyone's fine.
I still don't know what all the fuss was about.
You let Simon drive.
And then somehow got yourself involved in a slow-speed car chase with the police? Yeah, but we didn't anything wrong.
Simon doesn't even have his learner's permit.
Of course he does.
Do you think I'd let him drive without it? Where's Eric? Eric's out in the hall with Simon and that detective fella.
- Well, I'll be right back.
- No.
You'll go home with your son and your husband.
What about you and Ginger? I'm going to spend the night here with my wife.
I spoke to the doctors.
Ginger can come home in the morning.
- We'll come by the house after that.
- Okay.
Charles, how could you? - How could you? - What? Eric filled me in on the drive over here and then I spoke to your doctors.
Heart tests? You don't even have the consideration to tell me that you've got a heart problem and that you're having tests done? You keep me in the dark like some child.
I'm not a child.
I'm a man, I'm your husband.
I'm sorry.
- I just didn't want you to worry.
- Poppycock.
You didn't wanna tell me because I've got Alzheimer's and you think I can't handle anything.
And that's just poppycock.
You've been treating me with kid gloves ever since the diagnosis, and I'm sick of it.
I want you to treat me like your husband, your partner.
Not some sick man that you have to take care of.
Maybe if you do that, you won't be under so much stress that you think you have a heart problem.
Let me carry some of the burden in this marriage.
I deserve to and I want to.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
No more lies.
Whatever comes up, let me handle it until I can't handle it.
- Yeah, but what happens? - Tomorrow is tomorrow.
Today is today.
And today, I can handle it.
I love you.
Not so fast.
I knew the silent ride home wouldn't last forever.
Well, you'll have to excuse the silence.
It was necessary for both of us to absorb the events of the day.
Please, I know I'm in trouble, big trouble.
So before you ground me for life, I'd like you to just hear me out.
It was wrong not to pull over for the police.
Although I do have to say that in my defence, Grandpa wouldn't let me pull over.
But I do take most of the responsibility for what happened today.
And I think to be fair, today was Dad's fault too.
If you had taken me to get my permit like you promised, I would have never even been in the car with Grandpa.
But I was, and I made some very bad decisions.
No, I didn't make any decisions.
I let someone make them for me.
I'm gonna have to be responsible for everything I do behind the wheel, if I ever get behind the wheel again.
Simon, we didn't yell at you because we realise what a difficult situation you were in.
You were trying to do what someone you love and respect was telling you to do, and at the same time, knowing better.
- Really? - Yeah.
I'm stronger and more focused than I've ever been.
So don't shut me out.
Use me.
Lean on me.
Talk to me.
And do me a favour, never lie to me again.
Even if you think you're doing it to protect me.
I can protect me and you and everyone else I love.
I'm sorry.
Never again.
Apology accepted.
Let's go to bed.
You're really gonna let me off the hook that easily?