FBI: Most Wanted (2020) s06e10 Episode Script

Ars Moriendi

Right, so a nine-letter word
for a shrimp
that doesn't share.
Oh, that's easy. Shellfish.
You're the king of dad jokes.
And he's not even a dad.
You going to eat that?
- No.
- Mmm.
How long is Nina out?
Ah, she asked for a week off.
Family thing in Houston.
Oh, my God.
- What's up?
- Mm?
My mom just sent me this.
"Femme and Flame, the world's
best dating app for lesbians."
You think about getting back
out there, hitting the clerbs?
Especially not with my Catholic mother
- sending me a gay dating site.
- Mm.
Maybe she's looking out for you.
- You have the warrant?
- Right here.
All right, this twit gets off
his night shift in ten minutes.
If we leave now, we'll be at his crib
in plenty of time to welcome him home.
All right. Thank you.
No, no, no, I got this. Leave the tip.
- See you outside.
- Yep.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.
Hey, babe.
I know you're in court
right now, but, uh,
I want you to check the
front desk when you get back.
Left you a little something to sip on.
Miss you.
Get someone over there?
Take a look at it?
I mean, the place's a mess.
You know what I mean?
Get someone there and take a look.

Hey, lady. What's your name?
Excuse me?
What's your name and how old are you?
Get out of here. Mind your own bus
- Oh!
- FBI! Hey!
- Stay down!
FBI! Drop your weapon!

Gun! He's got a gun!
- FBI!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hey, man!
- Take cover!
- Get out of the way!
- Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!

Where the hell did he go?
He went that way.

Did you see a guy with a gun?
Over there.
Go, go, go.

Where is he?
I don't know. I don't see him.
- Move, move, move!

There he is!
No! Stop!
- Stop!
- Stop!
- Help me!
- Barnes?
- Get in!
Go, go, go!
Got him.

What the hell happened back there?
I don't know,
but Hana's with the victim.
Faster, faster. We're going to lose him.
911. What is your emergency?
This is FBI agent, Ray Cannon.
We're in pursuit of a white male
heading eastbound on Nassau Avenue.
He's armed and dangerous.
Copy that, Agent Cannon.
I'm sending an APB to
law enforcement in the area.
Whoa, whoa. Careful, careful!

He's speeding up. Don't lose him.
- Do not lose him.
- I'm going.
All right, suspect is
in a blue Volkswagen sedan.
I can't make out the license plate.
Watch it, watch it, watch it.
I know.
All right, he's now heading
northbound on Newell.
Let's not lose this prick.
Come on. Speed up, speed up.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Come on, come on, come on!
Ray, he's turning!
All right, suspect is headed
eastbound on Russell.

He foot-bailed.
He's running into the fuel depot office.

- FBI!
- Whoa, whoa.
All right, everybody out of here!

You OK?
Yeah. He has a gun. H-he went that way.
Come on, come on.
Everybody, get out of here.
Go! Get out of here!


He's there!

I see him!
Move! Go!
- FBI!

[GROANING] Ah, my leg!
You OK?
My leg.

Warrant's going to have to wait, Isobel.
I hate to throw a dog a bone,
but see if the marshals can handle this.
I'll call you later.
Everybody OK?
Yeah. Delivery guy got shot in the leg.
Perp stole his scooter and got away.
I just set a perimeter.
This is Greg Tolish, captain of 94th.
My boss, Remy Scott.
Lady back on Monitor Street's DOA.
Her name is Nellie Spence.
She's a retired teacher.
Her husband's also deceased.
It seems like she was randomly targeted.
My detectives are on their way.
We can take it from here.
This punk just shot at me and my team.
- That's assault on a federal officer.
- Yes, it is.
I'm not in the habit
of letting murderers go.
We're not standing down on this.
Look, if you guys want to take point
on finding this guy, I'm all for it.
I'm way understaffed.
- We catch, you clean?
- Works for me.
We couldn't find anything
inside on the suspect,
but we got his gun, Glock 19.
Run the registration.
I want to know who the hell
we're chasing.
I saw this dirtbag come out
of the john back of the diner.
OK, I'll go back,
see if they have any cameras,
maybe used a credit card to get a meal.
Spot me a ride?
- No problem.
- What do we got?
Delivery driver had
an AirTag on his key fob.
I'm in his iCloud account right now.
There he is zigzagging through
Queens like a crazy person.
If he makes it to the
Expressway, we're screwed.
He's still moving southbound
on Manhattan.
We're getting close.
W-wait, hang on a second.
He just stopped.
Right outside Vernon Boulevard subway.
Damn it, he's ditching
the bike for the subway.
Call MTA. Tell them to stop all trains
- from coming and going.
- Wait, hang on a second.
- He's moving again.
- You sure?
Yep. This way.
Remy, he's coming right toward us.
Remy, that's him! He's in that truck!
Hang on.

Lower your window.
Show me your hands.
Any weapons?
Open the door. Exit the vehicle.
Nice and slow.

- Clear.
- Sit on the curb.

What's going on? I didn't do anything.

Hey, Remy.

Diner was a bust.
There were no cameras and
he didn't order any food.
They check in the bathroom for DNA?
They're trying,
but they're not optimistic.
They're worried
about cross-contamination.
All right. Thank you.
All right, so that was the Ops center.
All right? The Glock 19 is registered
to a Sherman Felt in Queens.
He's a retired police officer.
Is he related to our fugitive?
I'm not sure.
He didn't answer the number
on his registration form.
He wasn't wearing gloves.
Let's dust it for prints.
We just got a security cam hit.
I think that's him getting on a
northbound G train 30 minutes ago.
That's definitely him.
I remember the rip on his jacket.
Did you run facial rec?
His name's Jay Lark, 25 years old.
No record.
Last known address is his
parents' house in New Rochelle.
He got a job?
Not that I can see.
No record of his cell phone, either.
That license is four years old.
Yeah, it expired on his 21st birthday.
Get a BOLO out. Law enforcement only.
You don't want to go public?
Not yet. If he goes to his
parents' house, it'll spook him.
You and I will head over there now.
You two run down this retired cop,
see if he knows this sicko.
What's your name
and how old are you?
Get out of here.
Mind your own bus
Forbidden lies, sinful eyes ♪
I've seen it myself
a million times ♪
Yeah, baby.
Much better.
What was the cost,
what did I pay ♪
So many here, a million ways ♪
Your lies won't
Hey, lady. What's your name?
Excuse me?
What's your name
and how old are you?
Get out of here.
Mind your own bus
- [LAUGHS] Oh!
- FBI! Hey!

That didn't take long.
Dude, is this video real?
Hell, yeah, it is.
Did you take it with the burner?
Of course, I'm not an idiot.
This is next-level stuff, bro.
Look at all the comments.
Yeah, I know.
What'd it feel like?
When you pulled the trigger?
Honestly, I didn't feel anything.
For real?
Yeah. And the best part was
there were some cops I didn't see
and they chased me, but I got away.
No frickin' way.
Yeah, bro.
Not just cops. They said they were FBI.
It was epic.
Game on, man.
Game on.
- Crap, I gotta go.

[SIGHS] Not today, Sandra.

So how long were you on the job?
20 years.
I bought the Glock when
I retired for home protection.
Same one I used on patrol.
Very reliable.
Why do you keep it locked up out here?
Well, it wasn't until a few months ago.
My daughter's kid just started walking.
I didn't want her
to find it in the house.
Sorry, the light's busted.
[SIGHS] All right.
It's gone.
It was right here.
What's this kid's name again?
Jay Lark. He's 25 years old.
His last known address
is in New Rochelle.
What the hell is he doing down here?
And how did he know I had a gun?
Look, has there been any break-ins
in the neighborhood lately?
I don't know.
Man, he was probably just prospecting.
And he got lucky.
Ray, you see this?
Could be fiber filling from
that rip in his puffer jacket.
All right, this is a crime scene now.
Head back in the house.
We're going to wait for ERT.
Yo, Remy. What's up?
We just checked the last known.
Jay's not there
and neither are his parents.
House has new owners.
Have you talked to Sherman Felt?
We're here now. He doesn't know Jay.
Looks like the kid broke into
the garage and stole the Glock.
We're going to get ERT down
here to do a quick canvass
and we'll see you back
at the office.
We'll meet you there.
I got Jay Lark enrolled as
a freshman at Fordham in 2017.
He was a philosophy major.
Did he graduate?
If so, there's no record of it.
OK, here we go.
His parents, Mark and Priscilla,
both died in 2022.
According to property records,
their house was sold
as a probate proceeding.
Their attorney was
Lev Hussman from Mount Vernon.
Excuse me. Knock, knock.
Oh, hey, Jill.
Hey, Hana. Is your boss here?
Yeah, that's me, Remy Scott.
I'm Jill Potts.
I got started at Cybercrimes
upstairs a couple months ago.
Sheryll Barnes, Ray Cannon.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Um, I'm so sorry to barge in,
but I have something
you guys need to see.
It was a video that was
just posted online.
Yeah, bring it over.
Plug it in.


Hey, lady. What's your name?
Excuse me?
What's your name
and how old are you?
Get out of here.
Mind your own bus
- Oh!
- FBI! Hey!
That's your victim, right?
Yeah, Ellie Spence.
Who the hell posted this?
I saw your BOLO,
so I assume it's Jay Lark.
His username on here is GodlsDead.
- Nietzsche.
- Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, that tracks
for a philosophy major.
Well, here's the worst part.
He posted it on a chat channel
in Village Vane called DoomScroll.
It's been up less than an hour.
It's already got thousands of views.
See the comments?
People think he's a hero.
Call the company.
I want this taken down right now.
It's not that simple.
Village Vane
is basically an online sewer
where you can post anything you want.
Uh, drugs for sale, guns for sale,
animal torture videos.
Hamas even live streamed their
October 7th attack on here.
People use it because
they don't censor content.
Then get a court order.
I've tried many times.
DMCA filings, Section 130 warrants.
The company's based in Hong Kong
and they claim that
United States law doesn't apply to them.
And so far, it's worked.
Is there any way
to track the IP address?
They probably work behind a VPN.
Most of them do.
And Village Vane
encrypts everything anyway.
They say they don't want to know
who's posting stuff on their channel.
I'm sure they don't.
This is disgusting.
- Basically a snuff film.
Well, what about
just deleting Jay's account?
You think they'd go for that?
Actually, that's a great idea.
They've done it for me once
on a child porn case.
Make it happen.
If this hero worship continues,
he'll do it again.
Wanna go see the probate lawyer?
- Hell yeah, we are.
- All right.
It went really well.
I've got signed ODs
on the server package
and also site support.
Now, if we get this in
before the quarter closes,
that's twice our quota, babe.
Oh, I'd love to. Yeah, put her on.
Hey, sweetie.
Are you being a good girl for mommy?
Tonight? I-I'm waiting for
my ride to the airport right now,
so I'll see you in the morning, OK?
I love you.
Oh, my God. Uh, don't hurt me.
I'll I'll I'll give you
anything you want.

You represented Jay Lark and his family?
I never met the parents.
They died without a will
and the estate went to probate
and Jay needed help to settle it.
He said he found me on the internet.
What'd the parents die of?
They both had extreme autoimmune issues,
so they were high-risk.
The dad went first
and the mom six weeks later.
He was going to college at the time
and doing the stay-at-home thing,
taking classes online.
I remember he dropped out,
just spiraled,
went into a deep depression.
He was doing nothing but
sit around the house all day
playing video games.
What kind of video games?
Well, I didn't know the names,
but they were always the ones
where you shot people trying
to get to the next level.
He would talk to other players
on his headset thing.
Sometimes I couldn't even
get his attention.
All right, so this house, uh,
it's the one in New Rochelle.
Yeah, you know, Jay wanted to stay,
but we had to sell it
to cover the estate taxes.
Between that and my attorney fees,
he got maybe 10 grand.
And where did he go
after you sold the house?
I have no idea.
I tried the cell number he gave me
just to send him some documents
a few years later.
Said it was out of service.
What sort of kid was he?
Well, he was smart enough.
but, you know, uh,
he was weird.
Total loner,
very awkward and self-loathing.
Honestly, when you told me
that he killed somebody,
my first thought was it was himself.
- Thank you, counselor.
I'll let you get back to your client.
Hey, Hana. What's up?
I think we have a copycat.
There's a new photo
posted on Village Vane.
When was it posted?
Two minutes ago.
The comments are already pouring in.
Just like the ones Jay got.
I mean, the tease of a new
video has got them all riled up.
And we're sure it's not Jay?
I don't think so.
Jill got his account deleted.
This guy's username is Jar-man26$$.
Actually, it could still be Jay
if he just opened up another account,
created a new username.
Call the company,
have this account deleted too.
We can do that,
but it won't matter.
Why not?
[SIGHS] These losers on here are smart.
As soon as a new photo
or video gets posted,
they immediately screenshot it.
Even with Jay's account deleted,
his video is still available
and this one will be too.
It's like playing whack-a-mole.
- I just sent it through to you.

Do we know where this is?
No, and no new homicides
have been reported
in the last few hours.
All right, so maybe it's a a fake.
Could be AI.
Well, wait, hang on.
I think I got something.

You see that faded logo, NYC Parks?
- Mm.
- Could be some kind of
temporary storage shed
for park equipment.
- Yeah, but which park?
- Well, look at this.
That's a volleyball net
behind that iron fence.
I don't know what the edge
of that brick building is,
but way in the back, you see that blue?
That's an empty pool closed for winter.
So we're looking for a park
with volleyball courts and a pool?
Yep. There's only one in the
area Jay has been frequenting.
- McCarren.
- Mm.
Remy, it's McCarren Park.
Northeast side by the pool.
I know exactly where this is.
Call PD. Tell them we're on our way.

Oh! Ooh.
Looks like the rat was eating his face.
Cover him up till the coroner gets here.
It's not Jay.
Jar-man26$$ just posted
his follow-up video
and you can't see his face,
but there's a moment when
his sleeve exposes his arm,
and he's got dark skin.
You send the video?
Yeah, I just sent it, but be warned.
There's a rat in it.
How do you know?
Yeah, we just had the pleasure.
Can you play that again?
This is the rat.
This is the bag.


I'll give him a minute
before I finish him off.
Son of a bitch.

I'll give him a minute
before I finish him off.


See the video?
I'm looking at it right now.
Just leveled up, bro.
Don't mess with the master.

Our victim in the park was
Claude Prestwick,
a salesman for a tech company
in Texas here on business.
PD found his cell phone and briefcase
on the street near the park.
There's no witnesses, no cameras,
so we're flying in the dark.
No, not exactly.
Jay and Jar-man26$$ know each other.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Jill ran her algorithm
on their usernames
and chat comments
on a bunch of dark websites.
- You want to show them?
- Yeah. [SIGHS]
First thing is this.
It's a video Jay posted on
a channel called Punk Crave.
Yeah, bro.
See the comment thread?
Jar-man26$$ gives him likes,
Jay replies back.
Few days later, Jar-man26$$ posts this.
Oh, yeah. Here we go.
I'm guessing Jay thought
this was hilarious.
Right there, four comments
in a row from GodlsDead.
The hell is wrong
with these kids these days?
Jay's lawyer said he was a loner
with major depression issues,
no social contacts,
he loses his parents
and spends all his time
playing video games.
Jar-man26$$ we don't know,
but judging by his watch,
he's got lots of dough.
Yeah, typical rich kid who
thinks he's invincible.
I think that's it.
Look at this comment from Jay.
He calls Jar-man26$$ an Ubermensch.
Another Nietzsche reference.
Even though it's not entirely accurate,
some people think Nietzsche believed
that certain people were
smarter and better than others,
not subject to certain rules and laws.
You remember Leopold and Loeb?
The two rich kids from the 1930s
who kidnapped and killed a
10-year-old boy just for kicks.
Yeah, because they thought
they were Ubermensches
and they wouldn't be held accountable.
The difference is there was
no internet back then
or a Greek chorus of morons
egging them on.
All right, but if this is
a game, what's the point?
Is it money? Prizes?
Attention they never got?
But they're all anonymous.
Not in the online world,
which is all they care about.
They're completely
dissociated from reality.
[PHONE RINGING] The longer this goes,
- the worse it gets.
- Gibson.
It's Doris from Public Affairs.
Put her on speaker.
Hey, Doris.
Alden Blake from "The
New York Post" keeps calling.
He's seen those videos
on Village Vane
and wants to know
if you have any suspects.
We do, but we're not
releasing any photos
or information right now.
He's running a story
in the morning paper.
[SIGHS] I'm sure he is,
but we don't want our fugitives
going dark, and leaving the internet.
I'll keep you posted.
He already has a story online.
You got to be kidding me.
- Everybody up for working late?
- Yeah.
I'll order pizza.
We need to find these psychos
before this game gets any more players.

It's definitely Jay.
He just posted another video.
You want to see it?
Hell no, I'm tired of that crap.
Jogger over there called it in.

He one of yours?
No, he works Central Park precinct.
He was moonlighting on a night shift
over in Bed-Stuy to make extra money.
His captain's on the way.

Cut him down.
- Crime scene hasn't come yet.
- We already know who did it.
Is it the same kid
from yesterday, Jay Lark?
Yeah, he posted another video online.
The captain needs to get out in
front of this with the family.
We got to go public with Lark's photo.
I'm not ready yet.
Have you seen the papers this morning?
The whole city's on edge.
And now a dead cop?
You gotta do it, Remy.
Or at least you got to be the one
who tells the chief why not.
[SOFTLY] Yup. Think he's right.
All right? Even if it doesn't stop
Jar-man26$$ from responding,
if we spook Jay from
not killing anybody again,
it could be worth it.
Who's Jar-man26$$?
We think he knows Jay.
They're in competition to see
who can do the most gruesome kill,
try to outdo each other.
To what end?
They're both sociopaths.
And I'm so sick and tired
of their twisted game.
I said cut him down!
Yes, sir.
Then you definitely got
to go wide with Lark's BOLO.
Do it.
I'll call my boss and see
if she'll authorize a reward.
What's up?
Remy, we found
Jay's real last known.
Well, we've been up all
night running Jill's algorithm
on first-person shooter chat rooms.
She found Jay in one of them
under the same handle, GodlsDead.
Did the gaming company give up any info?
They would have, but Jay
already deleted his account.
But I found another guy
Jay made friends with online
six months ago.
Uh, company gave us his name
and we just talked to him.
His name's Richie Johnson.
He said that he used
to talk to Jay a lot online
when they were playing.
He said he felt sorry for him
and offered for him to stay
in an apartment
his mom owned in Brooklyn.
Is Jay there now?
Richie doesn't know.
He only lives a couple blocks away,
but he was sound asleep
when we called him.
Then wake his ass up. We're on our way.
Copy that.
I'm going to text you the address.

Give me the key.
I swear I had no idea
what Jay was doing.
I never come over here.
It's all right, man.
Just go wait outside.
Jay Lark, FBI.

The hell is that smell?
It smells like rotten eggs.

Got a laptop here.
It's open to Village Vane.
Confiscate it for Hana.

What's this?


Dude, that video is brutal.
You killed a cop?
- Listen to me.
- How did that feel?
It doesn't matter.
I need to take the
video down, but I can't.
The cops are at my apartment,
and I think the FBI, too.
Of course, they are.
Your picture's all over the news.
You made Most Wanted.
I don't care.
I don't want to do this anymore, Jarret.
Game over. I quit.
You win.
What are you talking about?
I dude, I can't take it.
I haven't slept in two days
and I keep seeing that
lady's face in my mind.
And and now the cops, too.
Ugh, I never should
have started this.
We need to stop, man.

Tell you the truth,
I've been feeling guilty, too.
Yeah, see?
My dad's still in India.
And I keep thinking about
what he would do to me
if he ever found out.
He already thinks I'm nikamma.
What's that?
Hindi for loser.
Actually, worthless loser.
All right, then help me, OK?
I-I need somewhere to go, uh,
just for a couple of hours,
until I figure out what to do.
I don't know, man.
Jarret, please. I am desperate, man.

And you'll say I'm the winner?
Yeah, yes.
I'll post it in the damn chat
room if that's what you want.
Just help me.

All right.
I'll text you my address
when we hang up.
But two hours max.
Then you got to get
your ass out of here.
All right, I will. I promise.
Thank you, thank you.

I just spoke to the coroner.
The preliminary manner
of death for the cop
was hydrogen sulfide poisoning,
consistent with the chemicals
found at Lark's apartment.
The hanging was just for show, Isobel.
And more of these stupid points.
- I gotta bounce.
- OK, keep us updated.
- Sheryll, what's up?
- BOLO just paid off.
Homeowner in Park Slope
just called the tip line.
She was watching the news
and swears she saw someone
matching Jay's description
go into her neighbor's house
down the street.
- You get the address?
- Yeah.
Home is owned by Aarav Bahri,
59 years old, Indian-born,
American citizen, also rich.
He owns, like, five different
companies all around the world.
He also has
a 26-year-old son named Jarret,
as in Jar-man26$$.
Do we know where Jarret lives?
At home with his father.
Thank you, Mr. Bahri.
OK, that was Jarret's dad.
He's currently on business in Kolkata,
but he says his son doesn't
really leave the house.
Sounds like a trust fund kid.
So Jay went to go see Jarret.
What if they're trying to cook
up their next kill together?
Trying to top the murder of a cop?
Alert SWAT.
Gear up. Let's roll.
Be careful.

He thought he won.
He killed a cop.
And you all said that was 25,000 points.
- But guess what?
I found him before the cops even did.
[PANTING] No, you didn't. He's lying.
Mr. GodlsDead is about
to become JaylsDead.
And you all get to choose.
We're at his house.
- It's in Park Slope
- Shut up!
One more word and I'll do you now!

- No, no, no.
- Yep.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I gagged him. [LAUGHS]
Ooh, the philosopher king
speaks no more.
[CHUCKLES] I like that.

Doors are all locked.
All the blinds are drawn.
How many we got?
The homeowner and our fugitive.
Assume they're armed.
There's a door around back
by the garage.
Cover four corners, breach the front?
You two go with them.

Tell me when you're ready.

Hit it.
Go, go.

Hey. Yo, take a look at this.
Let's take a vote on how he gets it.
What's the most points?
What was that?

Did you call the cops?
Get back!
Get back, or I'll blow his brains out!
Remy, Jarret's on Village Vane
live streaming the whole thing.
Good God.
It's not bad enough that he's an idiot,
but he's a rat too.
800 people watching. More every second.
Let's find the router,
cut the internet connection.
These are the only eyes
we have right now, unless
Ray, can you see inside?
All right, give me a sec.

This dumbass thought
I was going to help him.
Then, he called the cops
because he knows he can't beat me!

Everybody OK?
We're good, we're good.
Tell everybody to stand back,
or I will kill him!
Remy, these comments are not helping.
You sure we shouldn't
just cut the internet?
This is Special Agent
Remy Scott with the FBI.
We don't want to hurt you, son.
Of course you do!
We just want to talk.
We know who you are.
And we know about this game
you're playing.
There's not going to be any winner.
And there doesn't need to be.
Everybody already knows it's me.
Then it's over.
Put down your weapon and
come out with your hands up.
[SOFTLY] No, no, no, no, no.
Ignore those comments, Jarret.
It's just noise.
They don't care about you.
Hey, guess what?
We got your dad on the phone.
He wants to talk to you.
No, no.
Hell, no!
He just wants you to surrender.

All he does is hurt me.
He left me here for two years
during COVID!
He goes on these business trips,
he cheats on my mom,
and she hates him too!

I understand, son.
My father was a bit of a jerk too.
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
No, you don't understand.
The only thing my dad loves
is his money!

Jarret, do not reload that weapon!
Leave me alone!

My name is Jarret Bahri.
I am the Ubermensch.
I am the king of the universe
and the master of this game.
And you all know that I'm going to

Back room clear.
Arrest this piece of trash.
I'm not making any excuses,
but the pandemic really did
a number on that generation.
I don't blame COVID.
I blame the internet.
When you don't have real relationships,
or real people,
you lose what makes you human.
Jay should probably be on suicide watch.
I'll let NYPD know.
Jarret's father. This should be fun.
Oh, wow.
One of the jurors in
Abby's trial just got sick.
- So you got the afternoon free.
- Oh.
Oh. You guys are gonna go hang out?
I just got to knock out this 302 first.
Isobel's already asking for it.
I can do that.
Seriously, my dude?
I was involved in all the online stuff.
They're going to want all that in there.
Thanks, bro. You're the best.
[WHISTLES] Knock, knock.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I got your text.
Hopefully, this is everything you need.
There are printouts of all
the chat sessions and comments
and telecom summaries
of my conversations
with Village Vane
and the gaming company.
Thumb drive has all
the video and live stream.
Wow. You did all this
in a couple of hours?
It's kind of a character flaw.
Wow. This is amazing.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Hey. Can I ask you something?
Yesterday, when you came down
with that first video
you know you could have just
emailed and called, right?
Uh, that's what my chief
said, too. [CHUCKLES]
Why'd you come down?
Do you really want to know?
OK, but I don't want you
to think that I'm a stalker
or anything or a gossip.
You know how people talk
in this building.
I wanted to meet you.
I heard about your divorce.
Do you know who I'm divorced from?
I do.
And I'm right there with you.
It's been two years
and the tan line's still there.
She actually asked for the ring back.
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
Moved on a long time ago.
What about you? Are you doing OK?
Well, it's not been two years, but
it gets easier.
Yeah. Good.
I mean, six months ago
was a different story.
I was so angry, hurt.
One day, I went to my parents' house.
I cried for, like, three hours straight
about how my life is over.
Do you know what my dad says?
Set your chairs up
at the wrong table, did you?
Well, just go find a new table.
Oh, I love that.
Yeah, it did kind of
put things into perspective.
Anyway, that's more
than you wanted to hear.
Do you want to go grab a drink?
It is 2:30 in the afternoon.
Three drinks.
Or even better, it's a nice day out.
What if we grab a bottle of wine,
some plastic glasses,
and go to the Ramble in Central Park?
you know, that does sound fantastic.
Usually when I'm there,
it's to see a dead body.
Well, we can do that, too,
if that's your thing.

I don't know. I've got work to do.

It'd be a lot more fun
to look for a new table,
wouldn't it?

But one drink.
And then I got to get back to work.

Come here.

I I have a confession to make.
Oh, I don't care.
OK. Hana's the one
that told me you were single.
- Oh, I still don't care.
- OK.

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