The Circle (2020) s06e10 Episode Script

A Deadly Deadlock

[calm music playing]
[Buteau] It's nighttime in The Circle,
and it's time for late night ratings.
[Brandon screams]
[Autumn] No! Oh my goodness.
I was so not prepared for this right now.
[Buteau] This one's a biggie,
because whoever lands on top,
their secret ride or die
will join them as an influencer.
I have to really think about this.
[Buteau] Who might it be?
Myles and Olivia?
Lauren and Autumn?
Quori-Tyler and Jordan?
Or Kyle and, well,
nobody, unless you count Deuce.
Oh! Here we go.
-[Jordan] Circle.
-[both] Take me to my ratings.
[suspenseful music playing]
Well, we have to play this "ride or die,"
so I have to put Autumn in first.
Circle, put Myles in first place.
I feel like everyone's probably
gonna rate their ride or die as first
because everyone wants
to be safe as the influencer.
But I just don't think
Jordan is gonna be first,
even if I put him in first.
So why not put
my number one ally in first instead?
This is a risk,
but I'm willing to take it.
Right off the bat, no questions asked,
I'm going to put Lauren
in my first position,
'cause she's my ride or die.
This is a no-brainer.
I have to rate Quori-Tyler
in first position,
because if she is in first,
then I'm a secret influencer.
Yo, first position.
We still ride or die out here.
Lock in Liv for my first position.
I hope she's putting me in first as well.
This is a game about trust.
[Brandon] Circle, please lock Kyle
into my first place.
The conversation Kyle
and Olivia had was just so strong.
Like, he said he was my dude.
That's Olivia's man right now.
And I gotta fight for my man.
Let's lock in Olivia
for my second place rating.
She put me as the least likely
to stab your back.
We're also #GirlGang,
and I really feel like
she's my real ride or die.
Circle, I'd like to place Autumn
in my second position.
I have an ally in Autumn.
Circle, put Olivia
in my third place position.
Even though I really
honestly think she's a catfish,
she apologized to me after the game.
Circle, lock in Kyle as my fourth place.
I feel great with him
that he'll keep me safe.
I just don't trust
that he will not be targeting Jordan,
my ride or die.
In the fifth position, Lauren. [chuckles]
We love a good thirst trap photo.
That should have been your profile pic.
Please lock in Lauren
in the fifth position.
And, oh my God, the badonkadonk.
Thank you, Lauren.
The person I'm considering putting
in my last position
is someone who is
my primary target in this game.
People need to wake up.
Circle, I'd like to lock in Myles
in my last position.
I really need you out of here.
Last place.
Circle, please lock Autumn
into my last place position.
I'm really sorry, Autumn.
I just don't know
if I can actually trust you.
Circle, lock in Jordan
for my last position.
He expressed how I hurt him
and how I threw him under the bus
during the last game that we played,
so I don't know what he's gonna rate me.
So I need to rate him low.
-please submit
my ratings.
[TV whirs]
[Brandon groans] "Ratings complete."
Scary, scary.
Oh my goodness.
[Kyle] Whew!
We have a ratings the very next day, huh?
Ain't that some shit.
This is gonna be a sleepless night.
-[all] Good night, Circle.
-[Autumn] See you tomorrow.
You have a good night,
'cause you ruined mine.
[Buteau] And now the players can drift off
to a peaceful night of sleep,
as they toss and turn,
agonizing if the wrong choice
of emoji two days ago
might be the reason they get blocked.
["Our House" by Madness playing]
Our house
In the middle of our street ♪
Our house ♪
[Buteau] It's a new day with an old song,
and with the ratings locked in,
a new influencer is waking up
somewhere in The Circle,
as well as the secret one.
They just don't know it yet.
Good morning, Circle.
Yo. Morning, Circle.
[Jordan] Good morning, Circle.
Last night,
a bomb was dropped.
[Deuce farts]
Wow, bro.
You just really farting like that?
The stuff I tolerate with you
is on another level.
[Autumn] I did not sleep very well,
thinking about ratings.
I'm making iced coffee
because The Circle brought the heat.
[Buteau] Nice!
A hundred thousand dollars,
to me, is a huge amount of money.
I make $30,000 a year. [chuckles]
Today I'm going to make sure
I have my ducks in a row.
Just in case Quori-Tyler
and I are not in power,
I can ensure my safety
going into this blocking.
I think it would be pretty bad if Jordan
was the influencer, because I don't know
how he feels about me or Autumn.
Everybody had their ride or die
to vote them first.
So I know
that I was not voted first for anybody.
And that's what's scary.
[Buteau] Aww. Don't feel bad, Kyle.
That chat you had with Olivia
in the hot tub worked wonders.
Your wife would be so proud of you.
And as a woman,
I can't believe I just said that.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] But we gotta do
what we gotta do in this place.
Like three pieces of laundry
and checking in for private chats.
-[TV dings]
-[QT gasps]
What do you want to chat about?
Circle, take me to the private chat.
Message, "Hi, hi, my Circle sista!"
"How are you feeling
about last night's surprise ratings?"
I just want her to feel
really good about me,
and I want her to feel like
I feel good about her.
Message, "My girlie girl,
heart eyes emoji"
" I'm feeling really anxious
about the ratings."
"Is there anyone
you're feeling nervous about?"
Um, okay.
[QT] She'll probably say something like,
"You know, I love everyone in The Circle.
That's what's so hard about this."
But no, sis. I want a I want a name.
Give me a name.
"Is there anyone you're feeling
nervous about" really segues me
into the Autumn talk.
"I'm really nervous, because I feel bad
saying those things
about Autumn in the game"
"but I respect her for saying
how she felt in the Circle Chat."
"How do you think she feels
about us? Crying emoji."
The tea is, I have no tea to give you.
So message, "I hope she didn't
take it personally, but I agree."
"I haven't talked to her,
so I don't know where she stands."
"Have you been able
to talk to her since the Circle Chat?"
I can't say, "Yes,
we talked and we're okay,"
'cause then why
would I have asked her this? Message,
"I really want to
because she seems understanding,
and I think the girlies
should support one another."
"Is there anyone
that you're worried about?"
Don't ask me that, Lauren.
I don't want to say I'm worried
about Jordan, 'cause he's my ride or die.
I can't say Myles.
That just wouldn't make sense.
Message, "Me and Olivia have had
some great chats, and we both love you."
[Lauren] "If you feel good about Autumn,
I will completely support that."
"Who are you feeling
the best about right now?"
She didn't answer my question.
But that was so nice.
I definitely also want
to say I love Olivia too.
Olivia is just such a real girlie.
And, like, right now it flashes to Olivia,
and she's, like, a catfish.
Like, just a man sitting in her apartment.
That would be so funny. Anyway. Message,
"My heart is so full."
"I love Olivia as well."
"You're both amazing people
I want to be besties with in real life."
"Heart eyes emoji."
"Speaking of positives, how is
that lil' romance with Myles going?"
The thing is,
she doesn't answer any of my questions.
But I guess I don't answer any of
her questions either, so I can't be mad.
Also, I'm not mad to talk about Myles.
Like, love.
He brought me breakfast in bed.
"Myles is a #Cutie, and I can't wait
to see where things go."
Okay! Good for you, girl.
Okay. Message, all caps.
"E-H-E H-E."
Like "Ehehehe." [giggles]
"Heart emoji, heart eyes emoji. XO."
"E" [laughing] Wait, I don't even know
how to say that.
"Get it, girl!! Here whenever
you need any #SisterSisterTime."
Thank you, Lauren. I appreciate that.
I think that went really well.
That was a nice little chat
to make her feel good about me.
Hopefully, she doesn't sense
any kind of fake energy.
We truly are allies.
We are for now.
So I had to give you
what you always give me.
[Buteau] Better to get no info
than to have nobody to really trust,
which is kind of Autumn's big problem.
Hopefully, a check-in
with Jordan can help her out.
Circle, take me to a private chat
with Jordan, please.
[TV dings]
"Autumn has invited you to a chat"?
Autumn has like no one in this game.
She's got a lot of enemies.
She's probably looking for a number one,
and Big J can absolutely be that.
Circle, take me
to this private chat with Autumn.
"Hellur, Jordan, exclamation point."
"Ratings have my head spinning!"
"I have no idea what to expect."
"What I do know is that you
and I came in together."
"Now I hope that we can make it
all the way to the end together."
[Jordan] "#TheNewbieCircle."
She's trying to have an ally in Big J.
Okay. Message,
"Girl! Every time I talk to you,
I feel like I'm at a family reunion."
"I love it. Heart emoji."
"You already know
I've had your back in the ratings."
I love him!
"Is anyone rubbing you the wrong way?"
[scoffs] A lot of people, Jordan.
Oh gosh, I feel like
I can open up to Jordan.
"Since I came in here,
I've felt like Olivia, QT, and Myles
made such harsh assumptions
when they don't know me at all."
"Who has lost your trust so far?"
This does give me an open
to push Myles's narrative a little bit.
Message, "Babe, I'm sorry
that happened to you."
"I feel like Myles is using
his good looks to manipulate me,
and I'm trying to not fall into that."
"Upset emoji. #BoysSuck." Send.
[Autumn] I'm confused.
Is Myles getting flirty with Jordan, then?
This is a complete lie that I've made up
about Myles, and I hope Autumn buys it.
"Jordan! Are you sayin' that Myles
is getting a little flirty with you?"
"Side-eye emoji, curious wondering emoji."
"It's my understanding that Myles and Q
have a romance going, dot, dot, dot."
Circle, send message.
Myles, what are you doing, honey?
Message, "I wouldn't say
he's flirting with me."
"He's just a smooth talker,
and I'm trying to see through it."
"He's got a lot of power, and I feel like
we're the only ones not buying it."
"Darlin', don't you dare
let his charm get in your head."
"I got your back till the end."
"Saddle up so we can wrangle
on the fake ones."
[Jordan] "#CountryThrowdown."
Good, good, good.
Message, "Babes, I've got your back too,
and don't forget it."
"Let me borrow a horse,
and let's ride off straight to $100,000."
"Heart emoji. #SaddleUp." Send.
That is funny
how country this message got.
Oh! I'll let you borrow a horse.
Don't you worry, baby. I got you.
I am extremely happy right now.
I feel like if it got down
to the nitty-gritty,
I do think Jordan would protect me,
save me, do whatever he could.
Moving forward,
I am more and more sussed out
by Myles every day.
[Jordan] Prior to this conversation,
I don't know she'd keep me safe.
But now I feel confident
that she absolutely will.
[Buteau] And all you had to do was lie.
The system really works.
[relaxing music playing]
[QT] I love playing cards by myself.
Because I always win. [giggles]
[Buteau] Yes, Quori.
Enjoy your alone time. Everyone should.
They use it to clean, or play,
or simply frustrate yourself.
[Brandon] Ugh!
[Buteau] But The Circle
has something planned
to get everybody riled up.
- [all]"We're Going There."
What is this?
That's what you say when someone's shady.
Like, "Oh, we're going there."
Oh yeah!
I've been waiting for this.
[Buteau] In this game, players will
ask each other hard-hitting questions
to pull out the answers
they've always wanted to hear.
Bro, people's games
are going to get destroyed right now.
I've been waiting
to put somebody on blast.
[Buteau] And they'll do it anonymously
over Circle Chat,
so everyone can delight
in the squirmy awkwardness of it all.
The first secret question
is from Myles to Olivia.
Here we go. [nervous laugh]
Let me have it.
Olivia is my ride or die.
I'm gonna do something
that can make her look good
and give her a chance to prosper.
If she does well, I do well.
Message, "Besides serving body
and saving bodies,
what's something that you feel
like The Circle needs to know about you?"
Send message.
Aw. Oh my God. [chuckles]
I thought this was gonna be harsh.
What kind of question is that?
Wow. That was just nice.
That was a very nice question.
This is gotta be
someone she's working with
that's trying to make her look good.
That is so boring. It's anonymous!
Who cares if it's your ally?
Throw someone under the bus!
That's kind of a great opportunity
for Olivia to say something else
nice about herself.
Message, "When I was younger,
I really struggled with mental health
because I was picked on
for being chubby and wearing glasses."
"I've always felt the need to lift
people up instead of tearing them down."
Send message.
I love Olivia. She just helps people.
That's really sweet. Oh my gosh.
Dang, Liv. You just keep surprising me.
That girl's special, man. She really is.
I mean, this is good.
Like, this is something,
more depth behind her.
I I had never really got
to see this with her.
Olivia looks so damn good,
and I can't even hate on it.
But I can definitely hate on the person
that gave her the opportunity to do that.
[Buteau] Maybe Lauren can serve
a tougher question up to Jordan.
I don't know where Jordan's head is at.
And I want to see who he thinks
is the biggest competition.
"This question is for Jordan."
-My ride or die.
Do good, bestie.
My heart is beating so hard.
[Lauren] Message, "Who do you feel
the most threatened by?"
[Autumn] Ooh-wee!
That's a good question.
Okay. I have to think this through.
I am most threatened by Myles,
and I am most threatened by Quori-Tyler.
I'm not saying Quori-Tyler.
That's my ride or die.
Myles, I want to stab him in the back,
not the front. I gotta be careful.
It would make the most sense for him
to be like, "Kyle." Everyone likes Kyle.
I could throw Kyle under the bus again,
but I'm wanting to rebuild that.
Could I say Lauren?
Myles will think I've still got his back,
because he warned me
on day one about Lauren.
[dramatic music playing]
Message, "Lauren." Send.
[QT] Oh, I know Lauren is freaking out.
She's probably like, "What? Me?"
I really regret asking this question now,
because he said me.
[Kyle screaming, laughing]
[high-pitched] He said Lauren!
I mean, that's that's a compliment,
I guess, like, people think I'm a threat.
But, like, I
I wasn't thinking he'd say me.
I think Jordan's starting
to see what I see!
I can't believe
he finds Lauren threatening.
Damn, Big J.
Are you gonna explain?
I'm not threatened
by Lauren at all, to be honest.
I'm really not.
[Buteau] Olivia has a question
for her hot tub crush, Kyle.
Just try to keep it clean though, girl.
I want to do this
without making Kyle look bad,
because I don't want Kyle to go home.
Ooh! "This question is for Kyle."
Here we go, bro.
Just take the shot. Take it.
"Who's your strongest alliance with,
and why? Question mark."
"Don't be scared. Period." Send message.
Kyle, I swear,
if you say your strongest alliance
is with me and Myles,
you're out of here.
Everybody knows that I'm loyal
to who I'm loyal to.
But now, they want me
to air out my dirty laundry.
If he says me, I'll be a little nervous,
because I don't want people to think
that I I I'm faking everybody
and just being friends with everyone.
Message, "First off,
I'm a player in this game
just like you, so I won't say who."
"But to answer your question 'why,'
we have all proven
our loyalty to each other."
"#NotScared." Okay.
My guy, he's keeping
his cards to his chest. [laughs]
I definitely would not
have gone about it like this.
He said, "#IStandOnWhatISay"
to me when talking about Myles.
So that makes me feel so good!
[Brandon] I respect this from Kyle.
I'm kind of glad he didn't name a player,
because I do feel like that would put
a target on that player's back.
What a BS answer.
You didn't answer the question.
You are scared.
[Kyle] I'd rather be indirect.
I'd rather be wishy-washy.
"Oh, he's not saying what's up."
But I'm a player
just like you in this game.
[Buteau] Ooh,
this is Jordan's dream scenario.
He's tossing his
anonymous question to Myles.
I have to make Myles look bad.
It's really
driving me crazy at this point.
Since I got here,
I've been trying to get this guy out.
I just hope I can wake people up.
That's all I want here.
Could be a bit spicy.
Maybe this is going to be some shade.
I hope this question is not about me.
[Jordan] Message,
"How do you feel knowing
you have the entire Circle"
[Myles] "wrapped around
your finger like a ring?"
-[Myles] Yo!
-[Brandon, Autumn] Oh!
That's some shade.
I feel like the person who wrote
this question is threatened by Myles.
I feel like this question
came from Jordan.
No one is coming for Myles.
Like, Myles is straight
coasting right now,
and I feel like Jordan is a player
that would want to call that out
to make other people realize
the same thing.
[Buteau] Dang! QT's ride or die spidey
sense was really tingly on that one.
I say we gotta be real.
Message, "Honestly, I've felt insecure
about my standing in here."
"I'm just trying to be authentic
and build real connections."
"If you're ever sus of my intent,
let's talk it out." Send message.
You're not being authentic.
You're not. You're not.
If you were authentic,
the way you approached me
on day one would've been differently.
You were not authentic.
You were the furthest thing from that.
There are three potential candidates
out here.
Autumn, Lauren,
and maybe Kyle
'cause he's playing the game.
I feel like this person did not get
the answer that they wanted.
I hate that. It's a good answer.
People are going to buy this bullshit.
[Buteau] You threw the pitch, boo.
All he did was crush it.
I feel bad that he feels insecure in here.
I mean, I get it.
I've felt that way a few times too.
I hate this guy.
I hate this guy so much. Oh my God.
[exhaling powerfully, groaning]
Maybe I do got them
wrapped around my finger.
I should get
a Circle-inspired ring after this.
[TV warbling]
[Buteau] Kyle's secret question
is for Lauren.
I want people to know,
yo, don't fall for the nice smile,
for the nice act.
She's coming!
And she's not afraid
to stab you in the back.
I'm telling you. She's not. Look at Paul!
"This question is for Lauren."
[gasps] Lauren. I'm Lauren. Oh my God.
This question is for Lauren.
Hi. Hi. Okay. For me. Lauren.
Message, "Why has everyone you've been
in an alliance with gone home?"
Send message.
[laughing] Oh my God.
I didn't know this.
[laughing] I'm sorry, what?
Paul, Max, Steffi. I haven't really had
an alliance with Cassie.
How do you answer that?
Especially when you haven't been
the person blocking people.
You think I have any authority
over who goes home?
You think I send my alliances home?
You think I have something to do with it?
That's actually nerve-racking for me.
She's my ride or die. So what happens
to her happens to me, and vice versa.
Hey, let's actually turn this
into a love fest.
"Wait, they have? I have some
really incredible connections in here."
"Face emoji, heart, heart." Send.
Oh my God. [smacks tongue]
Lauren, please.
I think people are going
to find this concerning.
Because they're going
to feel like Lauren is like,
"You're gone, you're gone."
Paul told me that she rated him
number one,
and she was calling him "king."
So don't say that. That's a lie.
That's another lie.
[Buteau] And Quori-Tyler
has a question for Autumn.
So if I get Autumn to publicly say
that she's coming for me,
I get everyone else to come for her.
[foreboding music playing]
[shouting] "This question is for Autumn!"
Whatever it is, girl, turn it around.
Our lives are on the line.
Message, "Who are you feeling least
comfortable with in The Circle, and why?"
Send message.
Honestly, did I just come up
with a genius plan? [giggles]
[Autumn] Hmm.
All right. Well, obviously,
I can't say everybody,
but that is most definitely
how I'm feeling. [laughing]
[Jordan] Not a bad question.
This right here is
actually something I want to know.
Can't say Lauren. She's my ride or die.
Oof, uh
I feel the least comfortable with QT,
because she has
literally no reason to save me,
and I think that if she had the power,
she would definitely send me home.
I hope she finally answers a question
and doesn't try to get around it.
Message, "I won't name names,
but the player I'm feeling
least comfortable with is someone
I haven't connected with personally."
Send message.
Who haven't you connected with personally?
That's what I'm trying to ask.
I'm not mad at her.
I really love the way she answered that,
'cause that's how I answered.
I feel like everyone's answering
so indirectly and giving BS answers,
and it's just annoying.
These questions are for basketball,
'cause they're easy pivots.
[Buteau] And returning the favor,
Autumn's question is for Quori-Tyler.
All right.
It's time to ask the deep question.
I could do something
that's a little bit of a jab.
My whole point is I want
to get people looking at her differently.
"This question is for Quori-Tyler." Okay.
I'm scared!
Message, "Out of your current alliances,
which one would you
not mind breaking to win $100K?"
Send message.
This is such a dumb question.
Like, no way she's
actually gonna answer this.
If I'm gonna be honest,
I'll break any of them to win $100K.
I'm here for myself.
[Autumn] Really don't think
she's gonna be open about it,
but I still want to see, if she's trying
to beat around the bush, how
How is she gonna beat around the bush
in a smart way?
Message, "I'm only aligned with people
who reciprocate my love for the game."
"#WinnerTakesAll. Money bag emoji."
Send message.
I don't need to give them too much.
Like, they're trying to play me.
Let me play them.
Wait, what? [chuckles]
Hold on, I'm still trying to, uh, decode
how this answered that question at all.
It's the Tres Fuego all day!
She's only down with the people
that's down for the same thing she is,
which is the money bag.
I can't spell the word "reciprocate."
So respect, girl.
The thing is, the way I've set it up
is that I don't have to break
an alliance with anyone to win $100,000.
And that's why I'm aligned
with who I'm aligned with.
[Buteau] And that's why I love this game.
The players definitely went there
with those questions,
but the answers were a mixed bag.
Some kept it clean, some saved face,
and others just played with it.
I think it's really important
for me to have a conversation
with my strongest alliance in this thing.
Circle, please start
a Tres Fuego group chat, please.
[TV beeps]
"Kyle has invited you
to a Tres Fuego group chat!"
Three Fires! We out here. Okay!
[Kyle] Oh yeah!
Message, "I'mma say it loud." In all caps.
[Myles] "#TresFuego in this bih strong!"
Yo, this about to be a good chat.
[Kyle laughs, inhales]
I can't wait to see
what they're about to say right now.
[Myles] Message, "I don't think it needs
to be said, but I'm here for you two."
"Fire emoji. #TresFuego."
"Time to run it with this here squad."
Send message.
[QT] I've had such great chats
with Myles and with Kyle,
we can get straight to the game now.
Message, "Ayo!"
All caps. "Exclamation point."
"Tres Fuego is taking over!"
[Kyle] "Is there anyone you guys
are feeling really threatened by?"
See, this is why that's my girl.
That's why I love Quori, man.
Oh, QT's coming for heads out here.
Okay. We like this.
Message, "Odds are,
one of us is an influencer
or a secret influencer tonight."
[Kyle] "I don't got bad blood,
but don't got connections with Lauren"
Yes! "and Autumn."
"If we gotta send someone
to the chopping block, #HowYallFeel."
That's a long-ass sentence, ain't it?
You ought to add a comma somewhere.
I'll let you guys choose.
I gave you two names.
This ain't on me.
Like, I couldn't imagine
a better scenario for me.
[Kyle] Shit.
Shit. Great.
It's coming down to the end, and I have
to be strong with my strong alliance.
So maybe if I try
to influence them to think of Lauren.
"If you need to, then get Autumn."
"But if you don't need to,
let's get Lauren."
"I'm willing to get rid of whoever."
But now, watch me maneuver this, though.
"But I'm glad
you brought up Lauren as well,
because I found out she is not loyal."
"She will play nice
in your face and take you out."
[QT] "So one of them has to go."
I couldn't agree more, Kyle.
Message, "'Nuff said, Kyle. We hear you."
"We all put Lauren last
in our next ratings."
"Whichever one of us wins the $100K
buys the first table at the club!"
"#TresFuego." 100%!
Lauren and Autumn it is, then.
Message, "I'm glad we all agree
on our next two targets."
"By the way,
I have Olivia in my back pocket,
and I know she feels good
about all three of us."
Okay, now it's time
to tell 'em about me and Olivia.
So here we go.
Message, "I'm inviting Olivia out
with us too."
"Emoji winky-face,
emoji heart eyes. #Shhhh."
[laughing] "Shh." Yo!
[inhaling] Kyle likes Liv! [chuckles]
[gasps] Love is in the air.
That's a double date. I'm You know,
if Kyle likes Liv, I gotta like Liv.
Damn, bro.
Those people right there,
I trust with my eyes closed.
I know they got my back,
and I've got theirs to the end.
Like, I'm riding this thing out
with Quori and Myles. Period.
[Buteau] While Tres Fuegos
is already planning
their victory bash at the club
I'm stress eating.
[Buteau] Lauren is still feeling
Jordan's snub.
Maybe he sees me as a threat,
but I'm gonna just swallow
all my pettiness
and reach out to Jordan.
Circle, let's start
a private chat with Jordan.
[TV beeps]
"Lauren has invited you to a"
Thank you, God. This is perfect.
This is that Hail Mary.
I need this right now. I can clear my name
with Lauren, throw Myles under the bus.
We're playing hard,
and we are starting now.
[Buteau] Just wondering,
is there anybody Jordan
hasn't tried to trash-talk about Myles?
Circle, take me
to this private chat with Lauren.
Message, "Jordan!"
"I've been sad we haven't connected yet,
and to see I'm your biggest threat,
I had to reach out!"
"Talk to me, hun. What's on your mind?"
Smiley emoji, heart emoji."
I'm not threatened by Lauren at all.
I just said Lauren to keep my standing
in The Circle where it was at.
But now I'm going to use my answer
and make it seem like Myles
manipulated me into not trusting her.
Message, "Mother! With a bunch of Rs."
"I'm sure you are confused.
Honestly, I am myself."
"When I first saw you, I thought,
'This girl will be my best friend'"
"but Myles told me I couldn't trust you,
and it didn't make sense to me."
Why does Myles think you can't trust me?
I I don't think I've done anything
to show that you can't trust me,
but whatever it is, I want to fix it.
I wanna make it right.
Miscommunications happen. Okay.
Message, "Thank you for feeling
comfortable enough to trust me
with this information."
"I'm sure it's a miscommunication.
Do you know what I did that hurt Myles?"
Girl, it's not a miscommunication.
Myles is controlling this game,
and you need to wake up.
Everyone needs to wake up.
Message, "Babe, I don't think
it was a miscommunication."
"Myles is controlling everyone!"
"He called you two-faced
and said you lost your allies."
"No one is aware
of the power this man has."
Wow! I am a little shocked.
And if Jordan thinks that Myles
controls The Circle, that's scary.
'Cause it's not about control for me.
It's about being friends with people.
Okay. Message, "Ugh, U-G-H,
that message was so powerful,
I knew we'd be besties. Fire emoji."
"My allies are definitely still here.
I had no idea Myles was so shady."
"I really appreciate you."
This is great. I think she believes it.
Message, "You have an ally in me now,
that's for sure. Heart emoji."
"Girl, Myles will win this game
if he is here at the end."
"Myles will win this game
if he is here at the end."
He won't. [giggles]
Not if I have anything to do with it.
I am so sorry I said
anything bad about Jordan.
He is such a king.
So now we want to bring it home
with referencing Autumn,
because that's important.
We have to still put a positive feeling
behind Autumn in everybody's head,
'cause Autumn is our ride or die.
Okay. Message,
"Not if we have anything to do with it!
You def have an ally in me!"
[Jordan] "I'm so happy now that I've had
great conversations with Autumn and you."
"I'm so glad you both
came into The Circle. #IGotYouKing."
"#BadBitchesOnly. Star emoji,
crown emoji, heart emoji."
Okay, this is great.
I've got a good ally, I think.
And I guess Autumn
cleared up her name with Lauren,
'cause Lauren was coming for her
in Circle Scenarios,
and now she had
good conversations with Autumn?
I love that. I had a great conversation
with Autumn too.
I think this is the start
of something very, very good.
Because now I've got Autumn
and I've got Lauren
both looking at Myles a little wonky.
And that's what I need.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] As Jordan lives his best
#MylesIsNotMyFriend life,
it's evening in The Circle.
And you know what that means.
Another montage of our players
doing nothing until we can get
to the really cute dog content.
[Buteau] Deuce-y! Let's hit 'em
with something juicy.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
[Brandon laughs]
No! It's time!
[Myles] Oh no, it's game time out here.
What do you want? 'Cause I'm probably
gonna burn my popcorn now.
"The ratings results are in."
Oh, here we go.
Hopefully, I'm number three,
and one of my allies are number one.
Will Tres Fuego come out on top?
That's all we gotta know.
"The top-rated player will become
an influencer." Only one influencer.
And, baby, that better be QT.
[Brandon] "Their ride or die
will join them as a secret influencer."
So nobody will know
that they are part of their ride or die.
And if Myles is
the secret influencer or the influencer,
I'm probably going home.
[Kyle] "Together, they will choose
one player to be blocked from The Circle."
[QT] That's the craziest part of this all.
Even if one of my allies
become influencer,
I don't know who their ride or die is,
who can be helping make
the decision of who goes home.
What does this mean?
Is that person's ride or die also going?
[Lauren] "Your fate is no longer tied
to your ride or die!" [screams]
Really? Really?
[Brandon] Oh, thank God.
Whoo! Thank the Lord.
Last place!
Autumn wouldn't be bad for seventh.
I mean, I put her in second,
but if Autumn's in seventh,
I want her to be my shield.
I want her to be at the bottom.
I want her to be at the bottom
while she's rating me first.
Give me Lauren.
I hope so.
[Myles] Autumn? Yes!
Let's go.
It does suck.
Like, it's not personal.
I'm just gonna say
maybe they don't like autumn.
Maybe they don't like fall.
Fall doesn't like you either, okay?
I'm really happy my ride-or-die fate
is not tied to her anymore.
[suspenseful music playing]
I would love to see
Kyle in sixth position.
Oh no.
Damn, Big J. You too nice to be six.
[sputtering] We're not
It's not game over yet.
QT can still be in first.
Well, it's a good thing our games
are no longer connected. [chuckles]
Here we go. This is where the meat's at.
Don't let it be me, Myles, or Quori.
Oh Lord, did I drop.
Wow, did I drop.
Look at me and my, uh, alliances.
Just chilling
all together at the bottom. [laughs]
Really? Kyle?
Ooh. I'm so sorry, baby daddy.
Oh my God.
I really hope I'm an influencer.
Fourth place. Oh my gosh.
This has to be Myles. I think.
Give me Lauren. Give me Lauren.
Anybody else I can work with.
Yes! Yes!
Let's go!
If QT is third place, that means
either Myles or myself is at the top.
That means we have to make
a decision together. Like
[Lauren] I'm fourth place?
Ooh, I think Autumn is
probably really stressed right now.
Frick my life! You couldn't have
at least made it to influencer?
Lauren being fourth is not horrible.
That's not too bad.
Okay. I just need to see my face
for number three.
[Jordan] Please, anyone but QT.
Anyone but QT.
My heart is throbbing.
I'd love to see myself
in the first position, but I doubt it.
Not with that Somebody
coming for my back like that
in the questions,
but I'll take this third.
[QT] No. No.
This is not good.
I was hoping Myles would be influencer,
'cause I felt 100% safe with him.
I think Olivia will keep me safe,
but I don't know who Olivia would target,
and that scares me.
Oh my gosh. Okay. God!
I look good there. Top three.
[Jordan] Thank you.
I have a 50% shot right now
at being the secret influencer.
I need this so bad.
Oh my God, it's between me or QT.
Please, please, please, please.
Oh my God. Out of my way.
Out of my way. Need to move the table.
That's my ride or die. If Liv gets it,
I could be the secret influencer.
I could run this game with her.
Oh no!
This was not the plan.
I'm the secret influencer! Holy shit.
It's a good day to be
Yung Papi out in these streets.
Freaking yes!
[Brandon] Olivia, you look good
in second place, baby.
I wish I had a check mark
for the second time. I really do.
That would have been epic.
But I love this.
QT, you deserve it, girl.
You're one badass chick.
[QT] This was not the plan ever.
The blue check does look so good,
I will say. The blue check looks great.
I love it next to my picture.
Myles, you little
I'm coming for you.
I know Quori-Tyler is a gamer,
and we are going to do
something big in this game right now.
I promise you that.
[QT] Oh, people are gonna think
I'm a big target.
They're all gonna think I'm a threat.
No one's gonna want
to go to the end with me.
Go ahead with your bad self.
Verified and whatnot. Looking good.
[alarm blares]
-[Kyle] Alert?
-[QT] Let's get
[all] "Alert!"
What is this? We just did the ratings.
[both] "It's now time for the influencers
to decide who to block."
[QT] I've done
this influencer thing before,
and I know that this time,
we're taking out
who I want to take out. Period.
-"Quori-Tyler and her ride or die"
-"should make their way to the Hangout."
I feel hella safe, honestly.
Like, that's my girl QT.
It'd be the ultimate betrayal
if she did block me.
I hope QT sees
that Autumn isn't a threat for her.
But we all have a lot to worry about
when it comes to Lauren.
[Buteau] Influencer Quori-Tyler
and secret influencer Jordan
are making their way to the Hangout.
While these former ride or dies
rock the same team,
they're now playing very different games.
This is so sick.
This doesn't feel real at all.
The Hangout, I'm back!
Did you miss me?
I was in sixth position. How am I here?
[QT] I'm coming in here
with a little bit of a mission.
I have been targeting Autumn
and trying to get
other people to target Autumn,
but honestly,
I'm also thinking about Lauren.
I just don't feel like
I can trust her at all.
Not only do I have the power
to make a huge move in the game,
people don't directly know it's me.
I can play puppet master.
Quori-Tyler has to be
the one to tell everyone.
I do love Jordan,
and I'm curious to see
what Jordan will have to say about it all.
Quori-Tyler is a huge threat in this game.
She can win.
If I can get her to take out Myles,
also ruin her reputation for a bit
that would be bliss.
[QT] Circle, open influencer chat.
So, message All caps.
"OMG, Jordan! Exclamation point."
"#WeAreTheMoment." Send message.
Message, "Queen QT!"
"I have nothing but pure gratitude
for you right now. Heart emoji." Send.
She doesn't know
what kind of chaos I'm about to bring.
[QT] Message, "Now we need
to figure out who we are gonna block."
"I've been feeling kind of sketch
about how nice Lauren is."
[Jordan] "How do you feel about her?"
I can't. Lauren is not going.
Message, "Lauren is
the one other person in here
that I feel like might have my back."
[QT] "Lauren is the one other person here
that I feel like might have my back."
This is the trap I feel like
everyone falls into with Lauren, though.
You feel like Lauren has your back,
and then you realize
she's saying that to everybody.
Message, "I completely understand
where you're coming from,
and I respect the strategy."
"I am suggesting we take out someone
that is the obvious group target,
being that I'm the one
who this decision will fall back on."
[Jordan] "How do you feel about Autumn?"
Um, I think Autumn's back
is against the wall completely.
Autumn is a boring option.
That's not happening.
I can't be indirect right now.
Message, "I think she's very disliked"
"but I see her as a shield for us."
Okay. Message,
"I have strong bonds with people
that I know will keep you safe."
That's not true.
Your strong bond is Myles,
and he is coming for me.
Message, "Speaking of your strong bonds,
how do you really feel about Myles?"
-[fake cries] Now I'm gonna cry.
-I'm about to make something up.
[inhales] Jordan,
what are you talking about?
I'm about to drop a bomb,
and I really hope it detonates.
Message, "I feel really good
about Myles, dot, dot, dot,
but now you have me scared."
[Jordan] "What's the bad news?"
He's saying, "I've got bad news,"
as if he knows something for sure
and he needs to tell me.
"Myles is controlling this entire game."
"I know you think he's your number one."
"I thought that too." Send.
What? This is interesting.
I did not think Jordan was going
to try to get me to target Myles.
[sighs] This is a huge risk right now.
So I'm not going down this road.
Message, "The problem for me
is that Myles is always going
to rate me higher than Autumn ever will."
Send message.
Message, "Taking out Myles,
it'll give you and I
a better shot at winning."
That would be horrible for me.
I don't wanna change The Circle dynamics.
Message, "It would be a bad look for me."
"You, being a secret influencer,
will get no blood on your hands,
and I would be the one in danger."
"I need to take out someone that will
allow me to fade into the background."
I don't understand why he keeps trying
to put us in the same boat.
We're clearly not in the same boat.
My problem is that I am too front-facing.
I'm too much of a target. I'm number one.
It's gonna be impossible
to get Myles out right now.
So let's switch this up.
It's gotta be Kyle at this point.
I don't think I can take any other option
if I wanna leave here in a good position.
Message, "What do you think about Kyle?"
"Taking out Kyle will"
[QT] "weaken Lauren."
Jordan. It's not happening.
My entire game
is in this influencer chat right now.
And by him pushing so much,
he's kind of just making things
worse for himself.
Message, "Jordan, I'm just not seeing
the game in the same way that you are."
"At this point,
I don't know if I can win the game,
but I'm not trying
to take out my allies trying."
That is such bullshit.
Message, "We have to make
a huge move right now."
"Do you really think Myles
would protect you over his boy Kyle?"
I am pulling at weeds
trying to come up with something
to get her to believe
that Myles is not good for her game.
Message, "I didn't want
to become the influencer tonight,
but being that I am, taking out Autumn
is my only chance to make it
to the finale." Send message.
That's not happening.
[QT] I'm not going to just let it all go
because Jordan,
who's in sixth place,
decides that he wants
to take out one of my allies
when I'm the number one influencer.
Message, "Sounds like, to me,
we have to come to an agreement."
"I'm not doing Autumn, so let's start
exploring other options." Send.
[dramatic music playing]
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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