The Rookie (2018) s06e10 Episode Script

Escape Plan

Previously on "The Rookie"
- Bailey.
- Jason.
- Who are you?
- I'm John Nolan, her boyfriend.
- And you are?
- Her husband.
Jason is behind
bars for eight years.
Gundo's expecting me.
A hit man came after me.
I need to know who sent him.
Batista needs child care.
- And his former nanny
- Our current nanny.
Is willing to sing your praises.
I'm here to see Christian Batista.
I have an appointment.
If you're here for
the hot prison goss,
it's going to cost you.
Eric Ramsey is the man after me.
- You need to take him out.
- That's where you come in.
Kelso. He's a dangerous man.
He was also Ramsey's right hand.
I want you to help
me break out of prison.
- Who was the investigating officer?
- Pearson.
If he gives me up,
the recordings from your
sessions go straight to IA.
It's a simple question.
Did they flip
the shrink or not?
You're my lawyer.
You're supposed to know
these things.
No. No.
That's not right.
- You tell them



- Good morning.
- Hi.
I was waiting for you to wake up
but then I'm going to have to
go pretty soon, so I had to
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
I have just been doing
a lot of thinking.
And, I know what you said about
not being willing to go through
with the whole IVF routine,
and I completely
support you on that,
but I have been watching you
these past few days.
And you've been putting
on a very brave face,
but you are sad.
And I am tasked with your happiness
With our happiness.
And I think that there is a path
that is still open to us
that will bring a child into our home
and bring us that happiness.
I think we should adopt.
- "Adopt"?
- Yes.
There are so many kids
out there who need a good home
and a loving family.
And, Bailey, that's us.
So what do you think?
I-I think it's
a beautiful idea.
- Also a lot to think about.
- Of course.
And, I've done a little bit
of light research.
There's an email waiting
for you in your inbox.
Peruse it as you will
through your morning coffee
and, your breakfast,
and probably lunch.
I said "light research."
That was the wrong adjective.
It was really, honestly,
pretty extensive.
I got it.
Any chance you're going to be
home tonight so we can discuss?
Uh, that much I don't know.
Things are pretty crazy
at the station right now.
I mean, we still
don't know how many cops
Blair London has compromised
or who's controlling her.
It's Grey.
Yes, sir.
What's going on?
We're operating
under the radar for now.
There's still too many unknowns,
including how deep
the conspiracy runs.
So we are setting up
a secret war room
at the station
using only officers
that we know we can trust.
You up to speed on Pearson?
- No. What happened?
- He's gone.
Wife said he took
the garbage to the curb,
- never came back.
- Do we think he's running?
I think he's dead,
or on his way there.
Well, how can the FBI help out?
Simple We don't know who we
can trust in our own house,
which means we need
your resources
to keep our investigation
under the radar.
Of course.
What's your path to clarity
as to who's been compromised?
That would be Blair London.
She's the department shrink
who's been turning cops
and selling police intel
to an unknown number
of criminal organizations.
And where is this
Blair London now?
I'm here to tell you
that this deal is the best shot
your client has for a future,
and that future will definitely
involve prison time
- At least three to five years.
- No.
No, I can't go to prison.
- I need total immunity.
- That's not going to happen.
You were directly responsible
for a deadly attack
on police officers.
You would have to give us
the equivalent
of Hannibal Lecter or
Pablo Escobar to skate on that.
So take the morning,
but I'm going to need a "yes"
or "no" on this deal
by nightfall.
Wesley isn't lying.
Three to five is a solid deal
given your criminal liability.
This is a nightmare.
Unfortunately, it's very real.
And you need to accept the fact
that judgment day is here.

The shrink is flipping.
She just met with an ADA at his house,
and she's got a surveillance
team watching her.
Making a play will be risky.
We need to take
the shrink off the field.
I know,
but the payday is immense.
I know we can't spend it
if we're dead or in prison,
but we're smart, we're quick,
and we're destined
for a long life of badassery,
so cowboy up.
Let's go get her.
You could at least pretend to help me.
I'm here in more
of an oversight capacity.
get your ass into gear.
- Yes, ma'am.
- How's it going?
I really wish there were
more cops on the no column.
But, after comparing
the list of Blair's patients
to the list of potentially compromised
police investigations
that Nell provided,
the maybe column's
starting to fill up.
God, you weren't kidding
when you said out of the way.
I think this is where they
store all the old asbestos.
- What?
- It's fine.
Just breathe shallow.
We needed a place where
no one would just wander by.
And you trusted Smitty
to keep all this a secret?
We had a conversation about
the consequences of loose lips.
She threatened to hurt
me in graphic detail.
Used the term "gut dump."
I won't say nothing about nothing.
Guys, I know
who Blair's working for,
and you're not going to believe it.
- Tell me.
- I did a deep dive.
I mean, we're talking
kindergarten-yearbook deep.
But, the answers lay
during her time in grad school,
where Blair London moderated
a student-led panel on insanity
as a legal defense.
We are extremely lucky to
have an expert on the nexus
between mental
health and criminal law,
Monica Stevens.
- Son of a puta.
- That makes total sense.
Monica represents half
the criminals in the city.
Selling Blair's intel
on police operations
would make Monica a fortune.
What other evidence
do you have?
This isn't enough?
To prove criminal conspiracy?
Not a chance.
To a judge, all that means
is they met three years ago.
We need definitive proof
that the relationship continues
- and involves criminal activity.
- Normally, I agree.
But, add it to our other
investigations into Monica,
and I say we have enough
to at least get a wiretap order.
Start writing it up.
I'll go to Grey and see if he'll
authorize a surveillance unit.
You should notify Chen,
let her know that her undercover
operation is a top priority.
Smitty, get in plain clothes.
I'm adding you
to Lucy's support team.

Hey, can you kids run inside?
And I'll be right up
and we can play dress-up.
- Sure.
- Yay!
Okay, thank you.
Hey, Mom, um,
I just have a second.
Monica's the one running Blair,
but we need to get evidence.
That's now your mission priority.
Understood. I haven't seen
her around recently,
but, I will keep my eyes peeled.
I got to
I got to go.
Sorry, my mom needed
help answering a question.
No phone calls
when you're on the clock.
- You know that.
- Yeah, it won't happen again.

Good morning.
Monica Stevens
to see Eric Ramsey.
I don't have an appointment,
but I do have a sensitive
matter to discuss,
and I'm betting
he'll want to see me.
Hello, Mr. Ramsey.
Sorry to bother you, sir.
You can wait out here.
I should be safe inside.
I'd prefer to at least take
you to his office.
I appreciate that,
but I'll be fine.
After this crisis is behind us,
we should discuss your future.
- I've been impressed.
- Thank you, ma'am.
But I think trying
to protect you long-term
might make my head explode.
- No offense intended.
- None taken.
I like the honesty.
Miss Stevens?
This way.
Good morning.
Small talk or no?
- No.
- Good.
I know you tried
to have me killed,
though I'm still in the dark as
to what I did to provoke that.
It's not so much what you did
versus what you could do,
down the road.
You think I've learned
something about your operation
that could compromise
you, but I haven't.
I'd never even heard your name
before yesterday.
It doesn't matter.
Given the rapid growth
of your information network,
it's only a matter of time
before you do,
and that gives you
leverage over me,
not to mention
something to trade
when you eventually
get arrested.
Listen, if you've done
your homework about me,
you know that I am ruthless,
but practical.
And I'm here to tell you that
there is a deal to be made,
after you pay me a significant
apology fee, of course.
Do you know why I'm going
to say no, Miss Stevens?
No, but I'm excited
for you to tell me.
Because you
You have a resources problem.
You provide counsel and information
to a who's-who of
criminals in this state,
but you don't have a crew.
No one's got your back
unless you pay them,
and I can pay them more,
to put a bullet in it.
I'm going to pass.
God, that's so foolish.
Do you know why?
You have an imagination problem.
You're trying to put me in the
same box as your competitors,
be it cartel boss, or drug lord.
But I
Don't fit in that box.
And you don't have the imagination
to predict the things that I can do
or conceive of the forces
I can mobilize to end you
forces that are in play
at this very moment.

- Jason, my man.
I'm not in the mood
for your B.S. today, Oscar.
Today my B.S. isn't B.S. but,
in fact, an opportunity for you
- to change your life.
Now, I know you're aware
of the recent nuptials
between your former wife and,
well, the man who put you in prison,
one John Nolan,
and I know that must
be really hard on you.
Ah, careful.
How would you like to pay
them a visit, unsupervised,
perhaps in the dead of night
with a cattle prod
- and some zip ties?
You're messing with me.
Got it.
I most certainly am not.
I can get you out of here.
I've secured a VIP exit package,
and I'm willing to take you with me.
In order to secure this package,
I have to hurt someone in here,
to get information.
I need help doing it.
So, what do you say?
Spend the rest of your
days locked up here
or give me the next 12 hours
of your life
and be free to get
your wife back?

My aunt Ximena just adopted.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Boy or girl?
- Boy Samuel.
He's so cute.
I can connect you two if you want.
I know it's an exhaustive process.
Yeah, that would be great.
Thank you for that.
Has Bailey said yes yet?
No, not yet.
But she will.
I'm pretty sure.
- What's wrong?
Judge wouldn't sign off
on the Monica warrant,
said we need more to overcome
the attorney-client factor.
So I need you to push Blair.
She came to you first.
She might talk to you now.
Tell her we know about Monica
and that if she doesn't come in
and start talking immediately,
she's going into gen-pop
at the Twin Towers
and she'll be
dead by nightfall.
So, scare the crap out of her.
Got it.
I've got nothing to say to you.
Good, 'cause I just
need you to listen.
We know you're in bed with Monica.
I wanted to help people.
I wanted to do something
meaningful with my life,
and she twisted everything.
Now two of my patients
are dead, and it's my fault.
I should have stood up to her,
but, I was too afraid.
You can still make this right.
Just testify against her.
It's too dangerous.
She has spies everywhere.
No, the FBI is involved now.
That means you'll be
in federal protective custody.
So it doesn't matter how deep
Monica has her claws
into the department,
but that means
I need a yes right now.
you're going to be pulled over
and arrested with great fanfare
over an open radio channel.
What do I do?
- Yeah?
- It's Lopez.
Blair's taking the deal.
She's heading down
to FBI headquarters now.
Stay with Blair.
Harper and I will meet you
down there.
Dr. London,
unlock your car and let me in.
Do it now,
or I'll shoot you in the face.
If you try anything,
I'll put a bullet through your spine.
- Are we clear?
- Yes.

Take a left.
- We're going to see Monica.

Oh, you guys are dead.
You can't just jump me and my
crew and get away with it.
Sure, I can.
You know why?
Because we're not going
to be here long enough
for retribution to come calling.
Listen, I need you to overcome
your recalcitrant nature
and answer my questions
about your boss,
- Eric Ramsey.
Never happen.
I'm not a rat.
See, that's really
a dirty, ugly term, you know.
As a guy who has ratted out
a baker's dozen of his
best friends over the years,
I can say that it hurts a lot less
than my pal Jason here breaking
every bone in your body
one at a time,
starting with the elbow.
Tell me about Ramsey.
You better have good news.
Oh, boy, do I.
Your nemesis has a rich benefactor.
He's Swiss, billionaire-adjacent,
does business in
South America and East Asia
Jakob Olmstead.
How does that help me?
Well, Mr. Olmstead
is an apex predator
who's not going to take
too kindly
to finding out that Eric Ramsay
has been banging his wife on the sly.
Thank you.
The wheels have been greased
at your location,
and resources are in place
for your departure.
- Good luck.
- Back at ya.
Good news?
- Feels like it.
No, no, no.
It's okay.
It's okay.
If Gundo wanted to kill me,
we'd be dead already.
What can I do for you?
Amazing, I got offered half
a million dollars to kill you.
But I'm here to give you
the opportunity to top that
2 million
Plus 10% of your business.
That's a ballsy ask.
Is it?
Because it seems to me,
you got no choice.

It'll take me until tonight
to get the cash together.
5:00 at the laundromat.
We're good, vatos.
Ya vamos!
Don't you be late.

Now I'm calling the police.
No, you're not.
I told you, they don't have
my best interests at heart.
They're not actively
conspiring to kill you.
This is not a negotiation.
Okay, look, I understand
that operating this way
is difficult for you.
So I'll add a hearty hazard
bonus to your fee.
Say 100K?
Fine, no cops.
But I'm pulling help back in.
I'll get them to meet us
at the office.
No, we're not going
to the office just yet.
Where are we going?



It is so nice outside.
Why don't we go outside
and play?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? Okay, let's go.

This way.
Uh, let's let's go
to the back.
- All right.
- Yeah, let's go. Sorry, sorry.

Hey. Angela tell you we ran
into each other at the station?
She did.
That's why I'm calling.
I'm worried you don't
understand who you're working for.
I don't talk about my
protectees to anyone,
especially former clients
in law enforcement.
I respect that, but you
need to protect yourself.
Monica is involved in an active
criminal conspiracy
One dead cop, one missing,
and a police psychiatrist
was just abducted.
You think Monica's kidnapping
people in those heels?
I know how she represents herself.
But, you've been
with her for a few days now.
I think you're starting to see
things that feel wrong,
things that make you uncomfortable.

She'll be back soon.
I have to go.
Charlie, think about it,
not just for us, for you.
Things are coming to a
head, and when they do,
you want to make sure you're
standing on the right side.

I'm here to make you an offer
you can't refuse.
Keep talking.
I know who's trying
to have me killed,
and I want to pay you
an obscene amount of money
to help me strike back.
I already have an
obscene amount of money.
You have Hollywood money.
I'll make you Wall Street rich,
starting with a guarantee of 5%
of my business,
followed by an introduction
to a Swiss benefactor
that'll take your
money-laundering business
All you have to do is send
a hit team to a laundromat.
I'm glad we could come
to an agreement.
I'll make the call.
Shouldn't take long.

I need some cleaning done,
Sixth Street Laundromat
two teams, no mercy.
- What are you doing?
- I'm sorry.
I was just looking for, um,
Esther's favorite headband.
Go pack the kids' bags.
L.A.'s too hot right now.
We're going somewhere cooler.
Should I go home
and pack my bag as well?
No need, family only.
Vera will call you when we're back.
Oh, okay.

Hey, Mom, I got news.
There's a storm coming,
but I need you to figure out
who it's gonna hit.

- Now to the office?
- No.
Airport, private terminal.
I have a flight to catch.
This laundromat
serves as the home base
for Gundo's drug business.
Wait. Wasn't Gundo helping Monica
just yesterday, what happened?
She's not exactly
known for her loyalty.
We can ask Gundo all about
it, assuming we keep him alive.
From a strategic standpoint,
this place is a death trap.
There's only two exits, one
in the front and one in back.
Heard you guys needed backup.
The Batistas just left town.
Yeah, well, if I put a hit
out on Gundo, I'd bail, too.
Well, the FBI are tracking them.
So, once we make a solid case,
they'll make the arrest.
It's good to have you.
So what's the plan?

I really should be going with you.
Thanks, but I'm covered.

- There you are.
- Please don't kill me.
- I didn't tell them anything.
You got the next 20 hours
to convince me that's true.

Monica's leaving the country.
I just dropped her at a private plane,
and she's not going alone.
There was hired muscle
and a woman that didn't look
too happy to be going.
What did she look like?
Late 20s, Caucasian, petite,
shoulder-length brown hair, pretty.
Any chance you get the tail number?
Do you have a pen?
Make yourself comfortable.
Monica is on her way to Argentina.
Oh, that is great,
because I am running on fumes.
I could use the sleep.
Ooh, I love the hair.
- You too.
- What's this?
so you're dressed properly.
- It's gonna be dusty.
- Is it cute?
Oh, please.
Girl, I got you.
Very fashionable.
All right, so
Who are we working with in-country?
Local contractors, CIA-adjacent,
strictly tour guides.
- Why not local law?
- Because we have no proof
that Blair was kidnapped.
Charlie saw her get on
the plane on her own volition.
So local law enforcement
- will not intervene?
- That's right.
Officially, I'm there
to "collect intelligence"
"from a confidential local resource."
- Okay, why am I there?
- You're not.
And if we do
find out
that Blair is, in fact, kidnapped,
and being held against her will,
- what do we do then?
- Nothing.
You are here
to observe and report.
We'll bring any evidence
to our liaison at State,
who will then pass it along
to local authorities.
By which time two weeks
will have passed.
By then, she'll be either dead or MIA.
But we would consider
a hostage rescue,
they might consider a kidnapping.
They can fight us
with automatic weapons, John.
We can't legally possess a slingshot,
so we observe and report.
If you don't like it, I suggest
you get off this plane now.
At least we'll look
good doing nothing.
One-two ♪

Wanna step into the ring? ♪
I'll hit you with the ♪
I'll hit you with the one-two ♪
Reporting for duty.
Grey said you'd be
taking over as my T.O.
since Nolan is otherwise engaged.
Define "furtherance."
Well, in this case, it involves
approaching the victim
with a deadly weapon
in attempt to engage.
Until they do, the DA
won't be able to charge
- attempted murder.
- Correct.
If we arrest Christian's
guys too early,
we get them on a
misdemeanor gun possession,
they're out in an hour.
They hit Gundo before
we even know about it.
This is our only chance.
You ready?
- Yes, sir.
- Stay glued to Aaron's hip
for the duration of the op.
All right, everybody, listen up.
Detective Lopez is going
to be our red zone point
dressed as an unhoused person.
Get a good look.
Please don't shoot the crazy lady
pushing the stroller full of trash
Thank you.
Listen, we're expecting
an A-side frontal attack
from an unknown number of suspects.
Gundo's inside already.
All right, keep in mind
school just got out.
So watch your muzzle,
watch your partner,
watch your backstop.
Front-sight focus, no mistakes.
Officer Chen and I
will cover the rear,
and we'll call for backup
in case of a C-side attack.
So I took your advice.
I went to therapy.
- And?
- And my therapist
turned out to be
a blackmailing psychopath.
You know that's not normal, right?
One bad experience shouldn't
tar the whole profession.
Want to know the irony?
She was a good therapist.
Opened the door on some stuff
that I didn't even know was in there.
And now all those confessions
are living up in the cloud,
waiting for some FBI IT guy
to come unencrypt them
so they can be analyzed
for evidentiary value.
I'm sorry.
Did you tell her anything
revealing about me?
I believe the term I used was
"freak in the sheets."
You're the worst.
Point has a possible.
Black four-door landing,
occupied four times.
Christian's guys are on foot.
They're wearing black hoodies,
red sneakers, black masks.
I see bulges under their
shirts, possible weapons.
Repeat, possible weapons only.
Arrest teams, move closer,
but stay hidden.
Do not engage till guns come out.
They're coming now, 15 yards away.
12 yards out,
no weapons visible.
One of them stopped.
They're making a phone call.

They just blocked
the back door.
Front 3 are on the move
again, about 10 yards out.

All right, get that guy.
I got the back door.


Ten seconds out,
no weapons visible.
Wait, we got kids in the crossfire.
Go help Lopez!
Hey, you okay?
Vest saved me,
but I'm gonna hurt tomorrow.
We need him alive!



Wes, take this guy!
Tim's in the back of that truck.




Lopez, take the wheel.


Yeah, I was right all along ♪

Yeah, you come tagging along ♪

Exhibit A, I was wrong all along ♪
'Cause I have done it before ♪
And I can do it some more, ♪
I got my eye on the score ♪
I'm gonna cut through the floor ♪
It's too late, ♪
it's too soon, or is it? ♪
Tick, tick, tick, ♪
tick, tick, tick, boom ♪
I need you to hear me.
This mission is not authorized.
This is not an operation.
It's a fact-finding visit.
There's no reason why
the State Department
should be concerned.
That's what they said
about the iceberg in "Titanic."
I want it on record,
I told you guys to get on
the plane and go home.
- Special Agent Matt Garza.
- Hey.
This is Laura and Brendon.
They work with me at FBI.
Nyla Harper, John Nolan, LAPD.
Shawn Miller. That's Lee.
Nice to meet you all.
Your target plane landed
approximately 20 minutes ago
4 individuals, including Monica
Stevens and Blair London.
I don't have IDs on the other two.
- Uh, may I?
- Sure.
Just run it through our system,
see if I can't put some
names to some faces.
All right, all right, got it.
Any intel on who Monica's meeting?
Not officially, but rumor is
it's Jakob Olmstead.
- Never heard of him.
- He's a Swiss money guy
with ties to all
forms of trafficking
Guns, girls, drugs.
The FBI's been trying to hang
a case on him for a decade.
- This just got interesting.
- Sure did.
Uh, I thought we were
meant to be unarmed.
You are, so those weapons
are staying in their cases.
All right, let's move out.
- I don't like it.
- Tough.
If we show up to the meeting
armed for a war,
we're going to get ourselves into one.
- The guns stay in the car.
- Yes, ma'am.
Pull yourself together.
It's not the end of the world.
The alternative is a lot more final.
I never should have
agreed to helping you.
Your fate was sealed when you
called me three years ago
to clean up your mess.
I was drunk and scared.
And had just run someone over.
If I hadn't made that body go away,
you'd be getting your
psych degree from a prison.
So show a little gratitude.
And fix your face.
You need to look pretty
for Mr. Olmstead.

That's my good girl.

Keep her with you for now.
Yeah, it's a party,
and Charlie was right.
Blair does not look happy
to be in attendance.
Okay, yeah.
ID'd our mystery muscle.
Lots of aliases over the years,
but their birth names are
Paige Baker, Pascal Moreau.
She's Irish, he's French.
No current wants,
but a history of mayhem
- across three continents.
- Okay.
Mr. Olmstead, thank you
for agreeing to see me.
Hard to say no when you
claim to have knowledge
that will save my life.
I wish I could say I
was being dramatic.
But I have learned over the years
as a lawyer for dangerous men,
that the first
appearance of disrespect
is the first step towards betrayal.
And who do you think
is disrespecting me?
Eric Ramsey
And your wife.
You have proof of this?
Yes, hotel video
from three separate trips
your wife took to Los Angeles
over the last year.
And I'm also in the
process of securing
additional footage from a trip
she took to Las Vegas in
How do you expect to be
rewarded for this information?
I have a request.
It looks like Monica is
handing Blair over to Olmstead.
- Are we just gonna watch?
- We don't have a choice.
He's right.
Then he can stay here.
I can't let you do that.
Damn it!

After you've removed
Mr. Ramsey from the picture,
I would like the
opportunity to show you
why I should take his place.
I am not asking for a handout.
I will prove my value.
Fair enough.
Who is this?
A new friend.
Is she another problem you're solving?
All right,
what's your plan here, John?
This thing's bulletproof, right?
That is not a plan.

Move! Move! Move! Move!

Get in the Humvee.

Get up!
Nolan, move!
Nolan, we have to go now!
- How bad?
- Not bad. It hurts.
- Just got the meat.
- I can stop the bleeding.
Harper, we got trouble.

Go, go, go!
Talk to me.
Is everybody okay?
No. Nolan got shot.
It doesn't seems too bad,
but we need a medevac
chopper just in case.
I'm on it.

- I'm sorry.
Save it.
I know that doesn't make
up for what I did to you,
- to everyone.
- I said "save it."
You know, a therapist
I once thought I could trust
told me that I need to set
boundaries for myself.
And that's exactly what I'm doing.
Hey, can you finish
processing her for me?
I think I see it on the horizon ♪
She talked the whole way back?
All 16 hours.
Clearly, she had a lot
to unburden herself of.
How's Nolan?
Oh, they patched him up at the base.
It was a clean through-and-through.
He insisted on going
home when we landed,
and since Bailey's an EMT,
we figured it was safe enough.
Any idea what happened to Monica?
No, but she is on the run.
Garza put out an
Interpol warrant on her.
So it's only a matter of time
before someone catches up to her and,
ships her home.
Dibs on putting the cuffs
on her when they do.
All right.
Maybe I'm dreaming ♪
- Half day?
- [CHUCKLES] You know me.
- Slacker is my middle name.

After you.
I'll rage on ♪
Brave and kind to my rivals ♪

And maybe I love the way ♪
You probably saved my life.
You had him.
I was upside down in a footwell,
and he was about
to stab me in the face.
No, I did not have him.
So thank you.
You're welcome.

I know I ruined everything.
And I know how easy
it would have been
for you to turn on me.
- You don't have to do this.
- Yeah, I do.
You will never know
how much I appreciate the
kindness you've shown me.
And I will spend the rest of my life
trying to pay it back, in whatever
small doses you allow.

Maybe I love the way ♪
I can fall on my feet ♪
Keeping my own kind of bible ♪
Good night.
Maybe I love how I feel in the wind ♪
I'm the breeze so light ♪
I'm light ♪

That was too easy.
Cost $100,000.
It better be easy.

Where can I drop you?
L.A., baby.
What have I said
to you about getting shot?
[GROANS] You said,
- "Don't get shot."
- Exactly.
- It's a simple instruction.
- Yes.
And to make matters worse,
- you got shot in the ass.
- Whoa.
I was shot in the side.
- Of your ass.
Don't make me laugh.
It hurts my ass.
Okay, changing the subject,
did you take a look at
the adoption stuff I sent you?
- I did.
- And?
And, I compiled a questionnaire
of all the hoops we're
going to have to jump through
to make sure that
we're on the same page.
- Okay.
- Starting with the first question
where are we adopting from,
domestic or foreign?
- Um
Hold on a moment.
Sergeant Grey.
Yes, sir?
What's wrong?
Oscar and Jason
just escaped from prison.

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