Waking the Dead (2000) s06e10 Episode Script

Double Bind: Part 2

Dr Parke? Dr Parke? Daniel Lennon, did he ever mention a Raymond Parke in any of the sessions that you had? No.
What, the name never cropped up in 15 years of dealing with him? No, never.
I mean, I know who he is, he's notorious.
For what, his medical practices or? Well, partly, yes, and there was a riot at one of his hospitals.
Thanks, we'll take it from here.
Get yourself a coffee.
I thought it might be interesting.
Right, thank you, just get Dr Ritter out of here.
Dr Parke, thank you very much for coming in.
I know it must've been an upsetting experience for you but you were the last person to see Daniel Lennon.
Did he say what he wanted? No.
Did he say anything to you? Nothing that made any sense.
How would you describe his state of mind? Confused and extremely hostile.
Why did he direct this hostility towards you? I've no idea.
Dr Parke, you were suspended for five years by the General Medical Council in 1981.
What's that got to do with Lennon? Well, I'm trying to find a motive for why he was hostile to you.
Suspending me was a gross abuse.
What I was doing was groundbreaking.
I was You were presiding over a riot at the Kingsway Secure Hospital, Sheffield, and one of your staff was almost killed when you withdrew medicine from every one of your patients.
I make no apologies.
Look at psychotherapeutic practice now.
Everyone recognises that drugs, sedation, turning young people into catatonic vegetables, that these things are not the answer.
I was a scout.
I was a trailblazer.
Some of your patients think otherwise.
Her for example, Heather Hardiss.
A manic depressive.
She was a resident at the same time as Daniel.
Yeah, I remember her but Her previous doctor had her on 400mg of Lithium a day, which you stopped.
Don't you think that was irresponsible? Is that what you did to Daniel Lennon, is that why he attacked you? Yeah? What is it that he blames you for? Get his nurse, will you, please.
Oh, God.
I can't breathe.
He's hyperventilating.
Come on, just keep calm.
Stay calm.
What?! What are you doing? Free yourself and know yourself.
What does that mean? That's what you told Daniel Lennon to do.
He told us that he came to you for help.
What does it mean? This is your fault.
This is all your fault.
What does that mean? This is your fault.
Thisis yourfault.
Deep breaths.
Slow it down.
Relax back.
It's Stella again.
Heather Hardiss is here.
Put her in Grace's office.
We're looking into the medical practices, or possibly malpractices, of Dr Raymond Parke who was a consultant at Larkhill Psychiatric Hospital in the 1960s.
You were a patient there, were you not, in 1966-1967, yeah? Yes.
And you were treated by Dr Raymond Parke? That's right.
It says in your file here that you lodged a complaint against Dr Parke.
Well, my parents did, yes.
It doesn't actually say what the complaint related to.
He took me off my drugs.
Was that a bad thing? Yes.
Why? Well, I was very ill.
You weren't in a good state when you went in, so who's to say you were worse after he took you off the drugs? Yes, I was very ill when I went in.
They put me on Lithium, er, I was improving and then he took me off them.
You didn't believe that he might've known what he was talking about? Well, he clearly didn't.
Does the name Daniel Lennon mean anything to you? No.
Have a look at this photograph.
We were at Larkhill together.
Did you, erm, get involved with the other patients? I mean, did you socialise with them? Well, in a manner of speaking, yes.
Did you socialise with Daniel in any way? I mean, did you? Well, I was very ill, I don't really remember socialising with anybody very much at that time.
So he wasn't one of your particularly close friends while you were at Larkhill? No, wewere together at mealtimes but we didn't get particularly close and I don't remember.
Do you know what happened to him? He killed his parents.
How do you know that? I read it in the newspaper.
What about this man? He was one of the assistants.
Do you remember his name? No.
Rolfe Voller.
Do you know what happened to him? No.
Can you hear that? I can't hear anything.
Where are the birds? I can't hear the birds.
Have you brought someone here? No.
Mark You! Where are you going? What's wrong with you? You! Leave him alone! You stay here! Daniel! Mark? Mark? Oh, merde.
Merde! I saw his picture on Daniel Lennon's mantelpiece.
It was dumb.
It was a hunch, sir.
Sometimes you behave like a six-year-old.
Amongst other things, the vomit at the camp contained very high levels of recently-ingested LSD.
How much is that in old money? It's a lot.
Like Rolfe Voller? What do you mean? One pill makes you larger, one pill makes you smaller and the ones that Mother gives you don't do anything at all.
They know nothing about Jefferson Airplane.
This guy spent 40 years inside.
The first thing he does when he gets out is get acid.
Why does he do that? Because when it was first synthesized in the 1930s, they discovered that it could liberate the subconscious, free up the memory inhibitors.
So he's trying to remember something? Possibly.
"Though this be madness, yet there's method in't".
In it.
Goldilocks, come 'ere.
You can't walk away from me.
Do not try to walk away from me.
I told you before Broke his jaw.
Collapsed his lung too.
I wanted to kill him.
I really wanted to kill him.
It happens all the time.
Even when I first met you, you were kind and beautiful .
but I still couldn't stop myself thinking what it would be like to hurt you.
And I know what it means.
It means I'm just like him.
Just like him.
I'm just like him.
It's so sad, it's so very sad.
I know, but he has information and I need to cross examine him to get that information.
Should I do that? You need to be very careful.
He's manifesting very similar symptoms to his uncle, he could slip any way.
So this syndrome for these violent instincts And fantasies.
and fantasies that he has, these are the same as his uncle? They are.
But he beat up a kid, he hasn't murdered anyone.
It's good that it's come out now.
Remember, Daniel didn't get that chance.
They both have an urge for violence and they try to suppress that? Right.
But it needs to be treated.
And if it isn't treated? It twists.
There's an expression - the Double Bind.
The subject is literally double-bound - emotionally, psychologically, there's no way to turn.
A state of psychosis draws near.
I don't want to do that to him.
No, you don't.
Was his uncle in this state of psychosis? He was.
And if he's out there dropping acid, then it will certainly be happening again.
Hello, Mark.
I'm Grace.
What we all do here, how we work, well, it's a very weird job really.
There's Eve who does our forensics - she spends every day of her life with dead bodies.
Men, women and children, all have been killed or maimed in some way.
That's her job.
And it's my job to try and understand what makes people want to do that to other people.
We have to imagine the worst things that human beings are capable of doing to each other.
And do you know something, Mark? We're bloody good at it.
KNOCK AT DOOR Thank you, Stella.
Thank you.
Tea and biscuits? He'll feel more at ease.
Do you know, I always think that people think that to do this job, we must be a bit mad, you know? Sick.
Gone in the head.
But then everyone has dark thoughts, don't they? It's just that some people bury it or deny they exist.
But that doesn't stop them being there, always.
For everyone.
I always think it's far healthier to have that dialogue with the other side of yourself.
What do you think? But what I did to that boy .
that's more than just a thought now.
Yes, yeah, I know, Mark.
I'm not trying to get you to deny what's happening.
I just want you to understand that to have the thought doesn't mean that you're going to act on it, right? You're not lost, Mark.
I know people who can help you.
And I suppose your mum and dad'll help.
No, not my dad.
Not him.
OK, just your mum? Just your mum then, I promise.
Your dad always encouraged your relationship with Daniel though, didn't he? You like Daniel? Well, I did and then he did all that.
Yes, I know, but you do understand that he's very ill at the moment, yeah? Did Daniel ever talk to you about where he was going or what he wanted? No.
I asked but he said he just needed some time to think about things.
Right, and he never talked about his past, about things that had happened when he was young? No.
That was always my dad's thing.
How do you mean? He tried to make me scared of Daniel.
To know what happened to him so that I don't turn out that way.
It's not working though, is it? Did he tell you what happened to your grandparents? Some but not so much.
He used to tell this story of .
this place that Daniel used to stay and about this terrible thing that happened there.
To Daniel? No, to my dad.
It was supposed to scare me.
What was this place, Grace? Was it Larkhill? Did your dad ever mention the name of this place to you? The name Larkhill sound familiar at all? No.
He said it was some kind of hippysquat place.
Mr and Mrs Lennon? How is he? Is he all right? He's fine.
If you would wait there, Mr Lennon, somebody'll get you.
Mrs Lennon, you come with me.
Yes, he's fine.
If you just go to the end of the corridor and turn to the right.
He's in my office.
Hello, darling, it's Mum.
Come here.
I've been so worried about you.
Let me see you.
Is he gonna be OK? Yes, yeah, he's gonna be fine, I've set him up on a programme.
Mr Lennon, can you come with me please? So you're back now, yeah? No.
No, I'm not.
This way, please.
Thank you.
Would you mind coming with me, please? Sorry, excuse me, um My husband Where is my son? Sit down, please, Mr Lennon.
I've done nothing.
Nothing but co-operate, told you what you needed to know about my brother, and you treat me like this.
This is how we treat people who hide things from us.
This is ridiculous.
Well, your son told us about the squat in Hampstead where Daniel went after he left Larkhill, where YOU saw him.
Do you know what it's like to lose someone? Daniel disappeared off the face of the Earth and I have done what I have done to make sure that I will never lose my son in the same way.
What, to schizophrenia you mean? Mark needed to know what happened to his uncle.
What happened to me.
We needed to know what happened to you, Mr Lennon.
I understand that but I just wanted to protect Daniel from your assumptions So what did happen to you? When he came back to me it was like a rebirth.
He looked well, together, like he used to look.
He said he knew I'd be worrying but if I wanted to .
if I kept it secret, I could go and see him as much as I liked.
So you went? You know, you never stop loving people.
It's my garden, Christo.
It's gonna be a dream.
It's really great, Dan.
I love you, man.
I love you too.
It was intoxicating.
I wish I'd been able to resist it but I had to go back.
I'll give you one.
Just put it on your tongue and let it dissolve.
How long's it gonna take? Just enjoy it, man.
Two for me.
Here we go, brother.
He had a new girlfriend.
She was different.
She made him different.
It's over there! I told you it's over there! Where are you? I told you I wanted 200 anyway.
None of it's real, man.
None of it's real! Did you see that? She winked at me.
She winked at me.
It's not real.
Christo are you lost? Like it? It's OK.
It's all right.
It's OK.
It's OK.
It's OK.
It's OK.
It was like someone else had come to live inside me.
I could barely speak.
I just locked myself away, waiting for answers, but they never came.
Every day Her blood, her Her insides .
falling into my hands.
'So I had to go back 'to find out what he'd done to me.
' Dan? Dan, I've got to talk to you.
This is not some playpen, some doss-house for children, get out.
Dan? Please! I need you to help me! Dan, you need to help me! Get out! It's all right, Daniel.
It's all right.
'But I didn't go.
' 'I waited.
' That's fine.
You're going to find something out.
Free yourself.
Free yourself and know yourself.
We're going to find the difference between the thought and the deed, Daniel.
What's going on? Daniel.
Why are you doing this? Calm down.
What's going on? What do you want to do, Daniel? THUDS AND SCREAMS 'Those sounds' They'll stay with me for the rest of my life.
Was, um This girl, was she in the squat? Yes.
That's his first girlfriend.
His first girl So she could've been in the room? No, I don't think so.
No, I'm sure.
What about this man? Was he in the room? Yes, I saw him go in.
And him? No, I don't, I don't This man, right? His corpse was dug up three days ago in the garden where the squat used to be.
Right, now, he's at this very moment lying in our lab.
Now, your brother obviously wanted us to find him.
Your brother's blood is on this corpse.
So I want you to tell me is what happened in that room.
I don't know.
I couldn't see.
This is the truth.
This is all I know.
But you've proved to be a liar, so you expect me to believe what you're saying? This is me.
This is what I am.
Everything I've ever done has been to try to recover from that time.
And after that, how long was it before you saw your brother again? Two days later.
When he came back for the last time.
Why didn't you you tell us this before, Heather? It's not that I set out to keep secrets.
Who ever does? But, when you love people, it's too easy not to tell them the things you're most ashamed of.
I suppose I should thank you, really.
How did you and Daniel Lennon end up at Stapeley Gardens? Daniel was Nobody had ever been that lovely to me.
Well, just because you have problems, doesn't make being a teenager any different.
You look at boys .
particularly handsome boys .
and your world lights up when you find you have things in common.
Daniel wanted to go and I wasambivalent.
But he said that he trusted Raymond Parke, that he would know how to make us better.
What the world calls madness, we call a journey.
A journey to a place where you'll recognise yourself again.
But not that old version of yourself.
The new one.
The one you're fighting to become.
So, my friends we're going to go mad together.
And the first thing we're going to do is throw away the sedatives.
All your medication is going to stop.
I'm not here to keep you sleeping.
I am here to turn you on.
I am here to drive you from your wretched minds.
How many people were there? Oh, er, 15 or so.
Did Raymond Parke work on his own? No, no, he had people there to help him.
Erm, students, I think and they lived amongst us.
That was the point.
And Daniel .
from the moment he first arrived, he knew it was for him.
That garden became his life force.
But there was this girl.
One of Parke's students.
'Blonde, pretty.
'I knew as soon as' they laid eyes on each other I couldn't possibly compete.
Can you remember her name? She had one of those ridiculous hippie names.
Um it was Leaf.
I lost him.
To her.
I left three weeks later.
Because of Leaf? Not because of her, no.
What made you leave? Parke One of his"therapies" was what he liked to call 'role-play'.
He wanted to to recreate, to simulate, the things that made us most frightened.
Sounds simple, doesn't it? I'd been bulimic, suicidal and Parke knew where that came from.
Were you asleep? Come on.
Get out! Get out! This is not happening.
Heather, it's not real! Heather! I was sexually abused as a child.
A cousin.
It was lunacy! It took me years to get through that.
Is the man that came in your room Rolfe Voller? Yes.
Was Raymond Parke in that room? Yes.
We know what you did to her.
We know about the role-play.
Is that what you did to Daniel Lennon? Exploit his fear of his own violence? What I want to know, Dr Parke, is what exactly went wrong? How did Voller die? Ikilled him.
Daniel Lennon killed him.
His family.
His mother.
You, Boyd.
With your two-up two-down, your roast beef and Sunday Mail, your four-wheel drive, your whole miserable, shitty little world.
You killed him.
You all killed him.
Why don't you calm down, Dr Parke? I see you, Boyd.
I see you, policeman.
Your misery your pathetic self-obsession.
You're a whisker away from insanity yourself.
Get him out of here.
Hey! Hey! Hey! No? Wait! Yea-ea-ea-eah! HE CHORTLES Leaf.
FILM: 'Here, members of our family use the creative process 'to unlock corridors in their mind that, hitherto, 'have been closed.
'I'm loving this, Deirdre.
It's really '"tepee," "wigwam.
" Looking for your inner Red Indian.
' 'Here we find ourselves at our hub, at our centre' What's that? It's a documentary from the early seventies about Raymond Parkes and his work.
No "S".
'Burning heart, burning centre.
'Eloise '.
you were at a difficult place last night.
'Slightly fractured.
Now we're coming together, yes? 'This is beautiful.
'The all-seeing eye, rainclouds above 'Everyone works at their own pace, their own speed.
'No pressure.
' Just go back.
Hmm? Hold it.
I know who Leaf is.
Daniel's actions have never precluded his ability to feel love.
To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower.
"And a heaven in a wildflower"! That's what was written on her tobacco tin.
Daniel Lennon has a book of Blake in his room, and wildflowers feature in his garden.
See Daniel as a troubled artist Are you saying that the tobacco tin is a love token? This like the yin-yang of the schizophrenic mind.
"Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night.
" It could be a poetic memento, for the artist's muse.
Ah, they couldn't still be lovers.
He's had to create coping mechanisms to survive 40 years at Marshdale.
His garden is symbolic of that.
His love for someone, or somebody, would be key to this.
Where the hell d'you get that from? She's been phoning a friend.
I've been speaking to Grace.
Look, we don't need Grace.
I mean, if Grace wants to contribute then Grace can come here and I'm talking about, this is weird.
This is one weird relationship and this woman is an accomplished liar.
Top consultant knocking off an inmate.
She has to keep that quiet.
But whatever kept these two together all this time blew apart four days ago, that's the point.
What happened to him four days ago? What was he trying to remember? The gardening blog.
When he heard about the Voodoo Lilies Yeah, yeah.
Hampstead, Voodoo Lilies, squat Rolfe Voller.
Right, so.
Did that get him going in some way? And stir a repressed memory.
Yeah, thanks, Grace, very much, but we're talking about a relationship here.
I mean, if they had this relationship all those years ago, then she would've been with him at the time of Voller, when he was killed.
Then they would've been She would've been at the squat with Daniel, right? So she would've known what happened Or she was protecting him.
This doesn't bear thinking about, does it? 40 years she monitors him.
Does she? On Chlorproma Zine.
Right, to fuzz-up these memory cells.
Boyd! Boyd, I need to show you something.
Now, I'm the murderer and, as I stab cast-off spray is flicked back over my shoulder onto the plants, as you can see.
Now, it's in an arc over my head.
There's no arterial blood on the face.
Over here is a void.
You can see between the blood patterns.
That's where Chris was standing, yeah? What've you done, Daniel? I don't think it was becausethese pictures, taken at the time This one's of Chris.
you can see blood on his chest, but no blood on his face.
Whereasthis one of Daniel.
There's blood spattering across his chest, blood spattering across his face.
It's a match.
Don't go.
Listen, it's all right.
Oh, darling.
Darling, it's all right.
SHE HOWLS AND SOBS Dan, I've got to talk to you.
Christo? Oh, don't be so sad.
It's a happy day today! Daniel's home.
Oh, why do you always have to be like this?! Christo.
Christo! Fay! Fay! Daniel! Danny! What've you done, Daniel? What did you do? So you say you love your brother.
I do.
What about when you came home from the squat? How did you feel about him then? You must've hated him then.
I love him.
You don't let someone you love rot in an asylum for 40 years for a crime you committed.
I have always loved him.
You have a very strange way of showing it.
The truth, Mr Lennon, is what love is made of.
The truth.
The truth.
Let her know we're coming.
Already have, but she's not picking up.
Call security and tell them we're on our way.
Will do.
DOOR UNLOCKS Single to King's Cross, please.
You won't talk to anyone.
You won't say anything.
It'll ruin all of our lives, Daniel.
What happened, my love? Where did you go? I took a trip.
You need to be careful.
I know.
But I need to be more careful of you.
I won't be needing these any more.
You're frightened of me.
No, no, I'm Yes, you are.
No, I And you need to be.
I'm not.
You may have tried to hide it all these years, Caroline, but you know what I did And now I do too.
What's going? Why? What's going on? Daniel Why are you doing this? .
calm down.
What's going on? What's happening? What d'you want to do, Daniel? What d'you want to do? Calm down, Daniel! What d'you want to do? Calm down.
ANGRY SHOUTS Daniel, it's not real! It's not real, Daniel.
Please! Daniel! I thought we were happy.
Weren't you happy? Happy?! I was only ever your creature.
But I see him now.
I keep seeing him, Caroline! Nobody need know.
Let's keep him covered, and everything will be all right.
Not a word.
That boy, Caroline.
Danny, Danny! I keep seeing what I did.
Don't, please.
I love you.
I've always loved you.
And then I went home.
To my parents.
Please, please, Daniel.
You did that.
No! Oh II love you.
I've al always loved you.
That's not love.
Daniel! You understand if you come any closer, I will kill her.
I understand.
You don't have to do this.
I know you don't think you have a choice, but you do.
You have a choice.
You don't have to be this person.
Daniel! Daniel, we know that you didn't kill your parents.
You didn't kill your parents.
You didn't do it.
Christo? Hello, Daniel.
What's this man saying? Did you Did you never? I thought, sometimes, that you knew.
Thought I knew what? I'm so sorry.
I'm lost.
I have always been lost.
You know! How can you not know?! I love you, man.
I love you too.
I love you too.
What did you do, Christo? What did you do, Christo? What did you do?
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