FBI: Most Wanted (2020) s06e11 Episode Script

Do You Realize??



Look at me.
I want to know.
Does this hurt?
Does it hurt?
Does this turn you on?
Open your eyes!
Open your eyes, Joyce!
I know you like to watch.
I mean, you deserve this.
- And more.

Help, help! [SCREAMING]
So standard width for a bookshelf is
32 inches with a 1-foot depth.
But since we're going to try
to recess them in there,
I'm going to try and make this
a foot and a half.
It's going to look better.
OK, we have enough room
behind the wall for that?
I don't know, but we will find out.
I appreciate you doing this.
Yeah. Ray said that you been wanting
a bookshelf in here forever,
- so here we go.
- I have.
And I have been meaning
to call a contractor.
Yeah, there's no need
to call a contractor.
You got me.
Where are the rest of my tools?
- Sure you can pull this off?
- Oh, yeah.
Of course, he can.
- He's been handy his whole life.
- Great.
Oh, guess that gene
skipped a generation.
What you talking about?
Look, I fixed the lamp last month.
That's called changing a light bulb.
- I know.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
- Pops.
- Yeah?
You need anything else
before we head off to work?
No, I'm all set. I'm all set.
Is Caleb going to pitch in after school?
Uh, Caleb's not
not here this weekend.
What? What do you mean?
He's staying with his dad this week.
It's kind of a new thing we're trying.
Yeah, it's it's good.
It's it's all good.
Yeah, well, that's too bad,
because a boy his age,
he should be learning his way
around a set of power tools.
- Right.
- Plus, he is going to miss
all the fun.
What's that?
- Demo.
- Demo, baby girl.
Demo, yeah.
Stand back, y'all. Stand back. Get back.
- Yep.
- Don't get in the way.
- Oh, yeah!
That's what I'm talking about.
Do we need a permit for this?
Yeah, probably.
Oh, yeah!
We got plenty of room!
Enzo Canella, Philly Homicide.
Thanks for making the trip.
Double homicide and child abduction.
You're playing our song.
Tell us what you know so far.
Ned and Joyce Bedford were found
this morning by the two boys in
the household who called 911.
The Bedfords had been bound and
gagged before they were shot,
and Ned had been tortured.
The Bedfords were foster
parents to three children.
The oldest, Brianne, is
who we believe was abducted.
She's 14, but the boys
don't know her last name.
Were the boys hurt in any way?
Not that we know of.
EMTs are checking them over right now.
Child Services are on the way.
These are my least favorite cases.
Man, two shots. That's all?
We got an experienced killer
on our hands.
One that didn't want
the gunshots to wake anyone up.
You said Ned Bedford was tortured.
He was burned with a meat tenderizer.
Shot at close range, tortured.
This was clearly
a targeted personal murder,
not some random home invasion.
Why kill and torture the Bedfords
if Brianne was a target?
Maybe this is all about payback.
Settling a score.
What do we know about their financials?
We're getting into that now.
What about cameras here
or at the neighbors'?
We're canvassing, but none so far.
We need Brianne's caseworker.
Think she's here now.
Hey. Can you come here, please?
Special Agent Remy Scott, FBI.
I'm Mei Reeves.
I'm Brianne's child advocate.
You're the same as her caseworker?
I'm a volunteer.
I was court-appointed
to Brianne four years ago.
I work in conjunction with her
caseworker to lighten the load.
Can you get us a copy of her case file?
Yes. Brianne Moten is 14.
She's a good kid.
She's just been in and out of the system
for most of her life,
but she has a history of running away.
Well, could that be what happened here?
Well, there were signs of
a struggle in her bedroom,
and nothing's missing.
Her purse and phone are still there.
No teenager can exist
without their phone.
Neither can I, for that matter.
Is there anyone in Brianne's life
that would want to take her
from her foster home?
Maybe someone from
her biological family?
Brianne's mother has had custody
and then lost it again and again.
Could she have abducted her daughter?
I think addicts are capable of anything.
What about her biological father?
MIA from jump.
And do you have
a last known for her mom?
I have an address.
Brianne also has a boyfriend.
I have his address too.
Stay here with ERT while I
collect the prints and ballistics.
OK, I'll also go through the list
of sexual offenders in the area.
Ray, Nina, take the boyfriend.
Barnes and I will
track down Brianne's mom.
Let's roll.

Thank you so much for listening.
- You have my number, right?
- Yeah.
Uh, if you're here for the meeting.
I'm sorry. We just wrapped up.
We're here to talk to
Brianne Moten's mother.
Oh, that's me. Is she OK?
We believe your daughter
has been kidnapped
from her foster home.
Oh, God.
Are you sure she didn't run away again?
Where would she go if she did?
- Me or her boyfriend.
- So you haven't seen her?
Or talked to her on the phone?
No, but maybe she's on her way to me.
I should get back.
We already have officers
posted up at your place.
They were the ones that told us
you'd be at this meeting.
I've been working hard to
get out of that halfway house.
Six months.
That's no small accomplishment.
You're telling me.
I got a good lead on an apartment
that'd be perfect for Brianne and me.
Do you know she got a real gift?
Like God himself touched her.
She's an ice-skater.
And as good as any
of those Olympic girls.
And does she have a skating coach?
She did.
But the family she's staying with now,
they wouldn't let her skate.
Do you have a partner or
anyone else who knows Brianne?
They tell you not to date
the first year in recovery.
I'm sticking to that.
Real talk?
I thought about taking Brianne plenty,
but I'm not willing
to go back to jail again.

Where were you last night
and this morning?
Home and practice.
You can call my mom if you
want to know anything else.
We did. That's how we found you here.
- She vouched for me, right?
- Can I see your phone?
Look, man, me and Brianne
go to school together,
but I'm not, like, her boyfriend.
Well, not anymore.
What happened?
Her brother tried to beat me up.
I mean
What, the boys that live with Brianne?
Not those two.
It was, like, some older dude.
Old like my partner Chase here?
Oh, OK.
No, not that old, man.
Like like college old.
- So why'd he beat you up?
- Well, I said he tried to.
I fought back
Why did he try to beat you up?
Brianne thought I was
sleeping with someone else.
Were you?
Look, she wouldn't
give it up, all right?
Look, she she wouldn't
let me see her naked.
All right, so you you cheated on her,
and he thought that was disrespectful.
I mean, I I guess.
What's her brother's name?
Hell if I know.
That family's totally messed up.
Couldn't keep track of all the players.
Sorry, y'all.

Are you OK?
I am so sorry.
What the hell are you doing?
Why did you do this to me?
Because those monsters,
they were hurting you.
I had to get you out of there.
I mean, that text you sent me,
I couldn't let him come into
your room again ever.
I had to get you out of there.
My foster parents, they're going to
they're going to call the police.
No, they're not.

Did you kill them?

Oh, my God.

You're my ride or die,
but, like, what are we going to do now?
I mean, I got you some clothes.
Me and you, we're going to get Sydney,
and we're going to Canada.
- To Canada?
- Yeah.
I found a great guy who's from there.
Said that we can crash there any time.
It's a lot of space.
You know, like,
everything's free in Canada,
so we can just get there,
get set up, you know?
Just the three of us.
I love you.
I love you too, dummy.
Wait, your car
it's, like, registered
to your name, right?
Yeah, we're going to need
a different car.
And we're going to need some
money unless you saved some up.
I mean, I got, like, $140 left.
What about Miss Becker?
Yeah, you remember her?

Special Agent Gibson.
Hi, I came over as soon
as I saw the news.
I'm Brianne's skating coach
or was until she was placed
with the Bedfords.
They wouldn't let her train with you?
Interfered with Bible study.
Very strict family.
I even offered to coach her on my dime.
You really think she's that talented?
Talent like that comes along
once in a lifetime.
I tried to tell this
to the Bedfords, but
and this is very judgy, I know,
but they seemed like the type of people
who took in kids for the monthly checks.
I think the real reason they didn't let
Brianne skate is
if she made the circuit,
she would have to travel and leave them
without the monthly check.
- Agent Gibson.
- OK. Excuse me.
Excuse us.
EMT found these on the boys' bodies.
Are those crucifixes?
Mm-hmm, yeah.

The Bedfords aren't
parents of the year.
They've been abusing the boys,
branding them with crucifixes.
Explains Ned Bedford's burns.
And if both boys were being mistreated,
this is payback.
Then it's likely Brianne
is being abused too.
Ray and Nina heard
that Brianne has a brother.
Maybe this is a rescue mission.
Yeah. Mei got me Brianne's case file.
I'm seeing here that
she was in a group home
with a Jake Williams.
This could be our guy.
He was 19 when he aged out
of the system last year.
They're not related by blood.
Well, that doesn't mean they
don't consider each other family.
No, I'm adopted. My family is my family.
Get Jake's case file.
- Do we have a last known on him?
- Looking.
The state stopped keeping track
of him when he aged out.
There is a car registered
to him, a 2021 Kia.
It looks like he got a parking ticket
for parking at a construction
site six months ago.
- I'll put a BOLO out.
If Jake came to rescue Brianne,
I don't think he'd hurt her.
That doesn't mean
he won't hurt someone else.
What do you mean, you don't know?
You were our caseworker.
How come you don't remember our names?
You've known us since
we were 10 years old.
What do you mean?
- I had a lot of cases.
- Jake Williams.
Brianne Moten.
- I'm I'm so sorry.
- You know what?
Now that I think about it,
you were always completely useless.
Phyllis Becker.
See? I remember your name.
Jake, don't.
We just need the money and their car.
My purse, it's on the table in
in the hall.

- That a Rollie?
- T-that was his grandfather's.
Please, don't hurt him.
Please, please, please.

Maybe now you'll remember us.


They are 100%
working together, those two.
Why do you say that?
The kid, he wanted to kill us,
but that girl stopped him.
She saved your lives?
Yeah. But then he stole
our Nissan and my Rolex,
my grandfather's Daytona,
worth at least 30 grand.
Probably 50.
Uh, y-you think?
- Go take your pill.
I don't want you to keel over
after all that excitement.
I'm sorry it took me so long,
but I found Jake's case file.
Keep an eye on 'em.
I can see why it was
difficult to find that file.
I've had as many as 50 cases at a time.
It's frankly overwhelming.
But what can you do?
It's the job. OK.
Jake Williams.
He's been out of our care
for a little over a year now.
Oh, right.
He entered the system around age five
after he witnessed his mother
kill his father and then herself.
He has a spotty placement history
because of disciplinary incidents,
which is why he didn't qualify
for transitional housing
when he turned 18.
What kind of disciplinary incidents?
He runs hot.
Inherited trauma,
if you subscribe to that new age stuff.
Did he receive any kind of counseling?
Um, yeah, yeah. We tried.
He he never showed up for any of it.
And you were providing him
with transportation?
There's only so much we can do.
He's what I'd call ungrateful.
Sounds like Jake operates
out of his emotions.
Which makes him unpredictable.
Where was his longest placement?
Um, at a group home
where he met Brianne.
Yeah, they were thick
as thieves, you know?
- Until
- Until what?
Until I split them up.
I had a chance to place
Brianne with the Bedfords,
so I took it.
Was there any other reason
you separated them?

I don't want any funny business
going on between the two of them.
Was something going on
that we should know about?
Foster kids. It happens all the time.

Sweet fancy Moses.
I've never seen so much money.
You know what? Here.
You hold it. Hold it.
- $5,000.
- You know what?
I knew those watches
were worth a lot of money.
- But this?
- Oh, this is
I know. [LAUGHS]
You know what?
We can literally start over with this.
We could do anything
with this kind of money.
Let's go get Sydney and then go.
Aw, we can't. It's too late.
Yeah, you're right. It is bed check.
I mean, we'll have to wait till morning
and get her on the way to school.
What are we supposed to do until then?
I got an idea.

A ghostyard ♪
Now I'm laid right
in the middle ♪

Mother raised a shotgun ♪
Poured a little ♪

Someday ♪
The world will be an ocean ♪

We all get played ♪
Hey! Hey!
- You two!
What are you doing?
You can't be in here. We're closed.
Sorry, officer. We'll go.
How'd you two get in here
in the first place?
I locked up good.
Look, we'll get out of your hair.
Hold on.
Are you the one from the news?
Me? Nah. Nah.
Yeah, you are.
You're the one that killed
that couple over in Kensington.
And you're the girl he kidnapped.
Stop. Don't make that call.
I think there's even
a reward for you all.
- I said put down that phone.
- Jake.

911. What's your emergency?
Come on.
Come on, let's go!

A kid got here early for
hockey practice and found him.
The shell casings matched
the one at the Bedford home.
Was anyone else here when he arrived?
Our fugitives were long gone by then.
Remy, we got security cam footage.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Looks like Jake and Brianne
broke in around 10:00 p.m.
Brianne really is good.
Have you ever seen fugitives
take time out to go skating?
They're just being idiots.
Brianne is doing what
the Bedfords forbid her to do.
While Jake's being impulsive.
What was a great night for them
makes this a terrible day
for the Zamboni driver.
They didn't even
touch the cash register.
It looks like they were
just here to skate.
Yeah, but why here, and why now?
If they're running somewhere,
they're certainly not in any hurry.
Maybe this is all about timing.
Maybe they're waiting
for something or someone
they couldn't access last night.
Or something or someone
that's keeping them here.
Look, their longest placement
together was in a group home
- not far from here.
- Maybe they can fill us in.
I can stay with local PD,
see if there's anything else they find.
OK, let's hit it.
It's this one.
- OK.
- Yeah.

Yo, Seymour!
Guys, what's up? Long time.
- I see you.
- Yeah.
- Still remember the old way in.
- Yes, sir. What's up?
Yo, Jake, you know, your face
is plastered everywhere, man.
- What are you doing here?
- I know.
I know. We're looking for Sydney.
She in there?
Well, she

Kicking down. Thanks, my dude.
But you ain't going to like it,
'cause Syd ain't here.
What you mean? Where is she?
No cap. I really don't know.
Six months ago or something,
this white couple
came rolling in their Jag
took her the same day.
She ain't come back yet?
Yeah, it's looking like
it's going to stick.
Haven't heard from her since.
No one here has.
Bruh, what's Sydney's new last name?
No idea.
We should get going.
Y'all on the run and stuff?
That's hella dope!
Yeah, yeah. But thanks, Seymour.
We'll see you later, man.
In two years, my dude.
Where will I find y'all?
Yeah, I know a great guy there.
Got a lot of space.
OK, bet.
Ray, Nina, keep an eye on the perimeter.
Jake, we gotta jet. They're here.
Oh, come this way.

Guys, come this way.
Up that tree to the fence.
Hey, Ray, I got 'em.
FBI! Stop! Hey!
You, sit down over there and don't move.

FBI! Stop!
Jake, Brianne, stop!
I got him. Over the ridge.
I'm gonna try to cut him off
on the other side.


Give me a second. It's Cora.
Hey, what's up, baby?
What happened?
You know these two, Jake and Brianne?
They used to live here.
I've been here two months now.
I know the nine young people
on our roster,
but that's it.
But I think Seymour might
have been talking to them,
so maybe he can tell us something.
Seymour, hey.
Hey, bud, can you help me out
for a second?
These agents, they want to talk to you.
I ain't a snitch.
We're not asking you to snitch.
We're asking you to help your friends.
The sooner we find them,
the sooner we can help them.
You're not going to help them.
You're going to lock them up.
We want to make sure
they don't hurt anybody else.
Are they together?
What? Like dating?
That's foul, man.
They're brother and sister.
You know what? I'm done here.

How about now, Jaden Smith?
All right.
They're headed to Canada.
But first, they got to
find this girl, Sydney.
She used to stay here.
She was, like, their little sister.
She's white.
Got adopted, like, six months ago.
Sorry, I don't know this Sydney person.
Well, can you get her case file?
I can't without a court order.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.
We find this Sydney,
we find Jake and Brianne.

Hey, Remy.
My pops had an accident.
He fell off a ladder.
- He OK?
- I don't know.
But I need to get to the hospital.
Family's family. We got this. Go.
All right.

Hey, Pop.
Oh, hell, son.
I told Cora to tell you you
didn't have to come down here.
Yeah, well, I'm glad
she didn't listen to you.
You all right?
Yeah, well, I'm a little bruised,
a little battered.
I'm mostly embarrassed.
He has a head contusion
and a sprained wrist.
X-rays ruled out a subdural hematoma,
but he does have three
cracked ribs on his right side.
Which you can't do anything about.
You just got to
you know, let them heal.
What the hell were you
doing on a ladder?
All right, you know your
balance has been off lately.
I'm trying to run wire for
the lights for the bookshelves.
Everybody knows you got to have
lights for a bookshelf, man.
Right. Yeah.
Come on. I'm ready to go home.
- Hey, hey, hold on.
- Ah!
Hey, hold on a second, all right?
Now, look, you can't go home, all right?
- You live alone.
- I know that.
Look, Ray, I will be fine.
I mean, this nice young lady here,
she gave me plenty of pain meds.
You really shouldn't be
by yourself, Mr. Cannon.
Wake him up once an hour to
check for signs of concussion.
All right. Thank you.
I really don't want to be an imposition.
You're not, all right?
You can sleep in Caleb's room.
Now, stop being stubborn and come on.
Well, very nice to meet you,
Miss Miranda.
Good luck on that owl house.
You need to stop flirting.
- Ah, ooh!
- Yeah, exactly.
That's that's God telling you
to take your ass home.
Come on.
What about Brianne's child advocate?
Maybe she knows where Sydney is
and where she was placed?
Already on it. Go for Mei.
Did Brianne mention a Sydney to you?
Caucasian, slightly younger
than Brianne?
And also someone she and Jake
consider their little sister.
Yes, I think this is her.
Sydney, 13.
Sydney was at the group home
when Jake and Brianne were there.
Once the court determined
it was not
in her best interest to return
to her biological family,
the adoption process started.
She was quick to find a family.
She's white.
Those kids always go fast.
Jake and Brianne went to
that home looking for Sydney.
They're trying to get
their family back together
- and head to
- Canada.
Do you have a current address
for Sydney?
Give me an hour or so.

You know, it always smells
like feet in here.
Why is that?
Sydney always came to this place.
And be so for real.
You know you liked it, too.
You know what?
You know I got a rep to maintain.
Be quiet.
What if she doesn't come
in here anymore?
I mean, where else would she go to play?
Excuse me. Hi.
Afternoon, players.
May the dice determine your fate.
Um, I'm actually here to
pick up an order for, uh
For the "Official Player's Guide:
Tides of Aetheria."
And what's the name on the order?
First name, Sydney. Last name
- Logan?
- Yep.
- Yep, yep.
- Mm-hmm.
Thank you so much.
Job well done.
May your rolls be high.

You good?
Totally fine.
What's up with you and Ethan?
[SIGHS] I don't know.
You know, I miss him like crazy,
but I wasn't thinking about him.
This is just one of those
"there but for the grace of God"
cases, you know?
Talking about the whole adoption thing?
You know, if my situation
had been different,
I could have ended up
in the foster system.
I can't imagine what it must
be like to feel unwanted,
like you're some kind of burden.
So I get wanting to
get away from your family,
even outside of the system.
Explains Jake, Brianne, and Sydney.
It's the only solid ground they know.
I kind of feel that way
when I'm with Abby.
You do?
Mm, terra firma.
Do you ever tell her that?
Uh, not in those exact words, no.
I think Ethan was that for me.
I never told him, though.
From what you said,
this dude needs help.
Be careful.
Turn left up here. We're almost there.

[WHISPERS] Syd. Syd.
Bri! Bri!
- I missed you.
- I missed you too.
Jake and I are here to take you
away from all this, OK?
Away where? Where's Jake?
He's just downstairs talking to
My mom and dad.
Oh, Syd, come on.
They're your mom and dad now?
I mean, it's not, like,
final yet, but it will be soon.
I like it here. I like them.
- They're nice.
- But they're strangers.
They're not your family
like Jake and me.
Once we get to Canada,
it'll just be me
I'm not going there.
Syd, come on. This is our only chance.
Maybe you guys can come,
like, visit or something.
We could have sleepovers.
Or what if my parents
take you both in too?
Are you seriously saying
you're not coming with us?

Who's that?
Jake, the FBI is here!
Get Sydney now!
Let's get this over with.
I spotted movement in a room upstairs,
someone peeking through the window.
It may have been Brianne.
SWAT's ten minutes out.
Stolen Nissan's here.
There's no waiting for SWAT.
You two take the back.
Hana and I will go through the front.
Let's hit it.

Sunroom's clear.
Dining room clear.
Entryway clear.


Mudroom's clear.

Drop your weapon, Jake.
No. You put your gun down.
Not on your life, kid.
What about hers? Hmm?

Do it.

Let's go upstairs.
All right. I'm behind you.
Hello? Jake?
Brianne? Sydney?
- I'm here!
- Shh!
- No.
- FBI. Stop.
Are you armed?
- I'm not.
- No.
All right, where's Jake?
He's downstairs talking to my parents.
OK, come with us.
We're going to get you out of here.
Come on. Follow me.
OK, you stay close.
I can't imagine
what you've been through.
You have no idea. None.
Oh, Jake.
I really don't. I really don't.
But I know that the violence
that you've witnessed,
that you've endured when
you were five years old,
was horrific.
I'm sorry.
I was adopted when I was a baby.
You were?
And I've known my family my whole life,
and, you know, even with a family,
things get complicated, but you
you do have a family.
You have Brianne. You have Sydney.
They're your sisters.
Look, we know that
you want to be together.
Where were you when we needed help?
When Brianne was abused?
When we were separated?
When our caseworker
couldn't remember our names?
There was no one but me.
No one but me to help, to keep her safe.
No, I know. I know.
And you're right. You're right.
I mean, the stuff that
that happened to you,
that happened to her
should have never
should have never happened.
But it did.
Don't move.
And that's why we're
taking control of our life.
- We're going to Canada.
- OK.
- I hear that's what you want.
- What I want?
You know what I want?
A backyard barbecue.
A Christmas where I buy my own presents,
where I get clothes that fit for once.

That's what I want.

So please, just let us go.
Let us go.
We got the girls.
No. No!
- Jake!
- No.
Jake, look at me.
OK, there you go.
Look, all those things you want
Sydney has them now.

OK, let's
please, let's just make sure
that nobody else is going to get hurt.
Please, not not for me,
but for them.
OK? I'm
I'm just going to put my hand over here.
You just place your gun in my hand.
Jake, please.
Just give me your gun.
For your sisters.


I'm sorry.
This is all my fault.
No, it's not. He saved me.
No, this is all my fault.
I kidnapped her,
and I held her against
her will the entire time.
She had nothing to do
with this, I swear.
She didn't do anything wrong.
Are you saying Brianne
was an innocent victim?
Jake, you're under arrest
for murder and kidnapping.
I'll visit you first chance I get.
Hello, sweetheart.
What's going to happen to him?
Will I ever see him again?
I'll make sure you do.
In the meantime, what do you
think about staying with me?
I hope so. We'll see.

- Are you guys all right?
- I am now.
- What about you?
- I'm good.

You were great in there, Hana-banana.
Thank you.
Nothing more important than family.
What are you trying to say?
The nice thing about a chosen family is
you actually like them.
So you do actually like us.
Most of the time.
- I'll take it.
- That's fair.
All right, Pop.
- You have a seat right here.
- All right.
I'll get some hot water going for tea.
Yeah, I'll grab the ice pack.
Chamomile? Mint?
- Something non-caffeinated?
- Cora.
I I don't really like tea.
Look, the discharge instructions
say that you need
to put ice on your rib,
and you need warm fluid in your gullet.
Yeah, yeah, well, look here.
Why don't you throw
a little Jameson in that tea?
Maybe that'll warm a man up.
All right, we'll see.
[GRUNTS] All right.
Thank you.
I was really making progress
on that bookshelf too.
You can worry about
that later, all right?
You just need to get better.
I told you, son, I'm fine, all right?
Look, I know it's not like you
to cool your jets, all right?
Hey, I'd really like to cool
my jets with that Miss, uh
- Miss Miranda.
- Oh, Lord.
- Oh, yeah. [LAUGHS]
That's where's my
it's in my jacket, man.
- Would you grab that for me?
- Yeah.
It's the hospital.
Oh, maybe it's Miss Miranda.
Put that put it put it on speaker.
Put it on speaker.
Yeah. Hello? Ray Cannon here.
Mr. Cannon,
this is Miranda Shelton,
your nurse from earlier today.
Yeah, yeah, I remember you.
You miss me already?
We need you to come back
to the hospital.
A radiologist took
a second look at your CT scan,
and you have an aortic aneurysm.
I got a what?
If it moves or bursts,
you could die literally any minute.
We need you for surgery immediately.
All right, we'll be right there.
We'll meet you in the ER.
Cora, we need to get back
to the hospital.
What for?
Well, apparently
Nurse Miranda misses me.
And he's got a widow-maker on deck.
That's redundant, man.
I'm already a widower.
This is lucky.
Just think what could've
happened if they didn't catch this.
Come on. Come on.
- [GRUNTS] All right.
- I'm gonna grab his jacket.
I still got a lot
I want to do in life, son.
Yeah, I lost Mom.
I'm not trying to lose you,
too, all right?
Love you, man.
I love you, man.
Oh, man. [GRUNTS]
Ow, my ribs.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Yeah.
All right.
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