The Circle (2020) s06e11 Episode Script

It's Giving Sus

[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] While it's a cool night
in Atlanta,
over in The Circle
the Hangout is still heated
after influencer Quori-Tyler
and secret influencer Jordan
clashed over whom to block.
I cannot make a decision that's better
for Jordan than it is for me.
-We're going out fighting.
-[Buteau] And neither is budging.
Since I have the influencer tick,
I am going to make the final choice.
I would like to leave this chat.
[TV beeps]
"Quori-Tyler has left the chat"?
Bro, that is such bullshit.
Mic drop.
[Jordan] Oh, this is so devastating.
[Jordan sighs]
[Buteau] With Jordan
cut out of the decision,
QT's ready to reveal
which player is leaving the game.
[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Autumn screaming]
[Brandon] Not gonna lie. I'm nervous.
I feel really bad.
"The influencers
have made their decision."
Oh my God.
[Kyle] "Make your way to Circle Chat."
Whoo! Here we go.
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
I want to say that "we" came
to a decision even though,
ultimately, it was my decision.
I still don't want
to take full blame for this.
There she goes. She typing now.
[suspenseful music playing]
"That was really tough,
but we came to a decision."
Sure we did.
"In the best interest
of the #CircleCommunity"
AKA the best interest of Quori-Tyler.
"and maintaining the trust"
What is this, city council?
What does that mean?
Oh, why is this making me nervous?
Bro. I'm like so anxious right now.
Oh my goodness. Just tell me.
"The player that we have decided
to block is"
QT, you had a job.
You said what you were doing.
Let's see if you're a girl of your word.
[suspenseful music crescendos, ends]
[sighs] Oh my God.
[Brandon] Oh my God.
Oh, Autumn, I'm so sorry.
Called it.
Stick to the fucking game plan. Let's go.
I'm not shocked. I'm not shocked.
Boo tomato. Boo tomato.
Boo tomato. Boo tomato.
I got her out. I got her out.
[exhales] Don't mess with little sis, man.
Little sis coming with the guts.
[Autumn] That was a very dumb move
on their part.
Because there are
a lot of powerful people in there,
and they decided to block me,
who is still just trying to get
even a single ounce of power.
So I really couldn't have
negatively impacted anyone's game.
[TV beeps]
[Brandon] Oh my God. She's already
Her picture's already faded out.
[whispering] Oh my God.
[TV whirs]
Now the next target
Be adaptable. Be adaptable.
How do I pick up the pieces from here?
We gotta get one more person now.
And it's Lauren out here.
I only have Lauren now.
I feel a little at risk too.
I feel like she's gonna come for me.
QT created a huge enemy.
[QT] I love being able
to make decisions in The Circle
that's going to ultimately affect
the end of this game.
Hopefully, it affects me positively,
and no matter what Jordan
was trying to tell me,
I think this does.
[Buteau] As Jordan soaks up every moment
of this amazing Circle experience,
Autumn has one last thing to do.
-[alarm blares]
Are y'all not done
putting me through enough, Circle?
"Autumn, before you leave,
you can meet one player face-to-face."
Oh my God! [screaming, laughing]
Whoo! Oh my word.
I could go see QT.
'Cause she just blocked my ass.
I could go see Lauren
and, you know, be like,
"Bro, you were honestly
worst ride or die ever."
I could go see Jordan.
He's my boy. I love him.
I could go see Olivia. I don't think
she's who she says she is either.
All right, let me change real quick
so I'm not showing up
in my gosh darn booty shorts.
[alarm blares]
-[all] "Alert!"
-[Kyle] Alert?
Circle, hasn't it been enough tonight?
[Autumn] Ooh!
Let's do it.
"Autumn is on her way
to meet one of you now."
[Lauren] Oh gosh. I'm, like,
actually very nervous.
[Buteau] Boots? Check.
-[Kyle] I don't wanna be messy.
-[Buteau] Belt? Check.
Cowboy hat? Check.
We can eat some cookies
while we talk about why I blocked you.
[Buteau] Autumn's a-coming.
Here's your tea, Autumn.
[Buteau] And this ranch hand
is ready for her final showdown.
[Brandon] Shh. It's gonna be okay, Frank.
[Kyle] Oh, you think you're so cute?
[Lauren] The suspense is killing me.
My butt is clenched.
I should put on some cologne.
-[Jordan] Oh my God!
-[Autumn screams]
[Jordan] No way!
[Jordan] Hi. I made you a lasso.
[Autumn screaming]
-[Autumn] You are so sweet. Come here!
-[Jordan] Hi!
I was the secret influencer.
[Autumn, high-pitched] You were?!
[Jordan] Sit down.
I'll tell you what happened.
[Autumn] Okay. Please do.
I didn't want you gone at all.
-Ugh. You know what
-Because I needed you here.
-[Autumn] I know.
-Needed you as a shield. No offense.
[Buteau] Ooh. Even I'm offended.
So I was like, "She's a number for me,
and she's not a threat."
We were deadlocked.
-I was not letting you go.
-Right, right, right.
I spilled my entire game to her,
trying to get her to break.
Since I was the secret influencer
and she was the one with the checkmark,
she said, "I'mma do what I want.
I'm outta here."
-And then she left the chat.
-I was like, "Oh shit!"
-[Autumn vocalizing]
No, 'cause she ate me.
I'm not even gonna lie. She ate me up.
[Autumn laughs]
She was my ride or die.
I knew she was a threat to win,
but I've been forced to work with her.
She's been gunning for me
since I got in here.
I was like,
"What the hell did I do, my dude?"
-"I, like, just got here."
You were one
of the only people that I had trust in.
You were literally the only person
I had trust in. I'll be honest.
That's wild. I've been gunning
for Myles since I got here.
The second I got here
and I got to talk to him,
I just instantly caught on
to how manipulative he was.
And he's got a hold
on so many people here.
-And no one realizes it.
-Mm-hmm. I know.
We really could have shifted
the power in this game.
I think they're kind of losing track
of the fact that only one person can win.
By the way, that really is me. I lost
100 pounds, so I'm using old photos.
Okay, the moment
I came in here, I was like
But then I saw, like, the nose ring,
and I was like, "Those eyes say it all."
I was like, "That is so him."
The whole reason I wanted
to play with my old photos
was so I could hide the strategy
behind this nice, goofy face.
See, like, I was
My thing was I wanted to be nice, but I
also didn't wanna beat around the bush.
Like, I am seriously not an ass-kisser.
Obviously, blonde country girls
just don't last in The Circle.
-'Cause poor Cassie got kicked out.
You're the only person I really like
in The Circle, I'll be honest,
so you need to pull through for me,
'cause I don't want any of them
to win other than you! [laughs]
[Buteau] As cowgirl Autumn plans
to ride off into the sunset with Jordan,
the rest of the players are realizing
they've avoided a showdown.
I guess she's not coming to see us.
[Kyle] Naw.
That's cap.
Autumn didn't wanna come see you, boy.
[QT vocalizing]
I kind of wanted her to come.
I am so much drama.
[Jordan] Was your ride or die
-Who was it?
That's why it was so unbelievably shocking
when she threw shade on my name.
I ended up direct messaging her
'cause I was like, "Woman, do you not
realize we're tied together right now?"
-Why would she do that?
-Exactly my point.
Either she just doesn't know
what she's doing right now,
or she's just really got
some sort of unbelievable strategy
that I can't figure out.
Do you have anything
that I can use moving forward?
I don't trust Lauren.
And then Olivia, I don't trust her.
Olivia, I'm pretty sure,
threw me under the bus to Myles.
Because my rating told me
that he knows I'm coming for him.
And that means Olivia was the snitch.
My theory is Myles is her ride or die.
[Autumn] Okay.
[Jordan] And I think that's why
she ratted me out to Myles.
That could be legit. That could be it.
So tomorrow, it's no more
Mr. Nice Big J. My game's switching up.
Please do. 'Cause somebody needs to!
-All right, well, keep this lasso.
-I'm going to cherish this.
-It is going in a frame. Heck yes.
-Put it in a shadow box, for sure.
-See you soon?
-[Autumn] I trust you.
[Jordan] Hopefully when I win,
I'll buy you something really nice.
-[screams] Yes, baby. I'mma count on it.
-Maybe an expensive hat.
[Autumn] If you do that,
I'll love you forever.
-Okay? Bye, babe.
-[Jordan] Thanks for coming by.
-[Autumn] Kick ass, please.
-I will.
She's, like, exactly what I expected,
but also not at all.
She's nicer than I thought she would be,
and I'm definitely going to use
her coming here to make a mess tomorrow.
QT, you thought you had the last word?
Just wait till the morning, baby.
That's all I can say.
[Buteau] No matter how many times
things don't go his way,
ya still gotta love Jordan's optimism.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] And after another wild
and unpredictable day,
the players can finally call it a night.
[Brandon] Frank, it is time for bed.
[Brandon and Myles moaning]
[Myles] What a messy day in The Circle.
My gosh. I never thought I'd be
so stressed out about being influencer.
There's only a few days
left in The Circle.
So who knows what's gonna happen.
We survived another freaking day.
Somebody out here coming for me.
There's a reason I wasn't one or two.
It's because somebody downvoted me.
I didn't get Myles out.
So now the only thing I can do is hurt him
by making his girlfriend
look like a villain.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,
and I am going to go out swinging.
[Brandon] I'm really sad to see Autumn go.
I'm very happy, though.
Liv went from second to last
all the way up to second place.
That's a huge win.
You want to say it or me?
Aight, I'll say it.
[all] Good night, Circle.
[Buteau] It's not just a good morning
for the players. It's a great one.
They're finally free
from their ride or dies.
And once again, it's a solo game.
-[all] Morning, Circle.
-Good morning, Circle.
[Deuce barks]
Happy that I'm living. I'm breathing.
I got another day
with my boy Deuce in The Circle.
Myles seems to have
such a grasp on this game.
I just want to get to the bottom
of why would he say that I'm two-faced.
Something's not sitting right
with me out here.
And there's a target on my back.
[Brandon] Today we should talk to Myles,
since he's no longer my ride or die.
I know we're not tethered
to each other anymore,
but maybe we still can be.
It's D-Day in The Circle, baby.
We need to start looking at Jordan,
because he's playing
a lot more strategically
than anyone might realize.
So, Jordan [clicks tongue]
you are my next target.
by Daryl Hall & John Oates playing]
[calm music playing]
[Buteau] Watch out, Jordan.
She'll eat you up.
And the other players mean business too.
Especially Olivia.
Ooh. Dont don't stretch too much.
You're gonna vomit.
[Jordan in British accent]
It's hard to do this on my own.
[Buteau] He's just a little ray
of sunshine, ain't he?
-[QT gasps]
-[Buteau] Nice shot, QT.
But The Circle's
about to fire one of its own.
[TV dings]
-"The Newsfeed has been updated."
-"The Newsfeed has been updated!"
Is this Autumn's goodbye message?
[Lauren] Ooh, I'm nervous.
-[Myles] Yo
-[all] Take me to the Newsfeed.
Stat. [moans]
[TV whirs]
"Autumn has left a message
for The Circle."
Well, I already know how this is gonna go.
I hope she's nice about this.
If I was her,
I'm throwing shots everywhere.
Yo, I bet she a catfish.
I'm scared. What's she gonna say?
[Myles] Let's see what it is.
Circle, open up Autumn's message.
Hey, y'all. It's me, Autumn.
I am who I said I was.
-Damn. She's not a catfish.
-[Kyle] Yo.
I knew it was her.
I decided to come in as myself
because I am country. I am weird.
Oh! She's so cute.
I have zero regrets coming in as myself.
I don't feel like I was given
a fair chance to show you
my full capability here in the game.
Autumn did not get
a fair chance. She didn't.
I don't quite understand
what the strategy was in taking me out.
I did not pose any threat.
You wouldn't understand the move.
That's why I needed you to leave.
Because you weren't part of my plan.
It is looking like a lot of sheep
following some very few,
very powerful wolves right now.
Drag them!
I'm really not trying to be a wolf. I
I think that's just her
just trying to be saucy
and keep people on their toes,
because she feels like she was done dirty.
Of course, I did get to meet somebody,
and I will say a lot of beer was spilled.
A lot of beer was spilled! I love that.
So to who I met,
you got a lot of ammunition to use.
Use it wisely.
Oh my God, this was perfect.
She set me up so good!
[QT] Takes two to tango.
I can't regret any of it. It happened.
I hated that it had to happen,
but I'm still here.
I made a mistake. I I didn't mean
I I made a mistake.
It it it just really, like, hurts.
It it hurts. Like, I I
I I really genuinely tried
to apologize as much as I could.
[Buteau] The guilt
hits different for everyone.
If only there were a way
to let them all air it out. Hmm.
[TV dings]
Oh God. [laughs] "Circle Chat"
[all] "is now open."
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
QT knows how my mind works.
She knows what I'm capable of,
and that's why I gotta strike.
I am so curious to see
what Jordan is gonna say.
So I'm ready for it.
Okay, message,
"Autumn seems really authentic."
"I tried to reach out to her and connect,
but we were never on the same page."
"Someone had to go, and it seemed like,
collectively, we couldn't trust her."
"Sad emoji. #BlockingsAreHard."
Send message.
Mic drop.
[Jordan] "#BlockingsAreHard."
My message is
really gonna make her look bad.
[Lauren] I feel
the exact same way that QT says.
I tried but I didn't
I don't think she liked me.
I do feel bad Autumn had to go,
and I do think
she wasn't given a fair chance.
Message, "It always sucks
to see someone go home."
"This Circle game is a beast,
but QT, I'm grateful that you allowed
all of us to live and see another day."
"Emoji prayer hands." Send message.
[Myles] I think this is good.
He's covering QT's ass.
We came in and we had her back.
Tres Fuego out here.
[QT] You're welcome, Kyle.
Thank you for only acknowledging me
as the person
that allowed you to see another day.
[Jordan] I'm tired of this lovefest.
Let's switch it up.
Message, "Autumn came to see me,
and she was devastated."
"Congrats, QT, on winning The Circle."
"#Backstabbed. #ISeeTheFuture."
Holy sh
[shouting] Did Jordan really say that?
Nice, fluffy Jordan? Did he say that?
[QT] Okay. [giggles]
Oh, so we're going there?
Oh, bro. Why'd you do this?
Everybody was on alignment.
Why'd you do this? Why you starting heat?
He tried to give a cute little
short message and, like, drop the mic.
Well, pick it back up,
Jordan, 'cause we're not done.
Message, "I'm not really sure
how Autumn could feel backstabbed
when I haven't spoken
to her on a deeper level."
"It seems you feel like
a lot of people could win The Circle."
"Is there anyone else you want to add
to your target list? #YouSeemUpset."
Send message.
Period. You wanted to go there.
Let's go there.
[Jordan] Let's switch shit up.
This game is getting boring.
I'm sick of this. No one's going
to win if they are here. Wake up.
[Brandon] I don't feel
like QT backstabbed anyone.
I need to defend her.
Message, "I don't think that's fair,
Jordan! Exclamation point."
"It could have been any of us
making that hard decision."
"If you would have been influencer,
who would you have sent home?
Question mark."
"#DontPointFingers." Period, Jordan!
I have my people backing me up.
[Lauren] I agree with Olivia.
That really was a tough choice to make.
Olivia is playing the nice girl,
which is fine.
But you think you're going
to beat Myles or QT? Make a move.
Jordan, you better think
before you speak now.
I know you're mad, but like,
if you say QT right now,
you are an idiot.
Message, "I would have
sent home QT or Myles."
"Put in all caps.
They are controlling this game."
"Only one person can win this game."
"Think about how you're going
to get there. #OneWinner." Send.
Tell it like it frickin' is, Jordan. Wow.
This is ruthless out here.
Baby, I'm talking about
there wasn't just shots fired.
I'm talking about bazookas.
Yo, that's a shot fired.
That's fucked up.
This is definitely a betrayal.
Oh, Myles is about to snap at me,
and I can't wait to see what he says.
I've been repping him
in every one of my messages.
For him to do that, that's shady.
Message, "Yo, take my name
out your mouth."
"Honestly, this feels
like the ultimate betrayal."
"If you felt this way, why have you
constantly told me you had my back?"
"#Fake." Send message.
[mocking] "Take my name out your mouth
before I do something about it."
What you gonna do, Myles?
Block me?
Jordan wasn't completely wrong, though.
Like, you are a powerful player.
You and QT do make a powerful duo.
I don't think that QT did anything wrong,
but I want to show that I support Jordan.
I think that Myles
is trying to control the game.
Message, "It was a really tough decision
that QT had to make,
but I don't want
you two fighting over this
when there are more shady characters
to worry about."
I don't want anyone to think
that it's them except Myles.
You are the shady character.
The hell are you talking about?
You're the shady character.
Oh, I hope she's talking about me.
I really do.
I think that she knows I'm after her now.
[Jordan] "Circle Chat is now closed."
I dropped a bomb, and I know
that's gonna leave ripples
all throughout the day.
I have never felt more betrayed
in The Circle than this.
This fucked up my game plan.
I had it smooth sailing.
Till Big J acting a fool.
Like, bro, I have gassed you
every freaking time.
When I was strategizing out here,
I've kept your name out.
You could've been easily
on the chopping block like Autumn.
There's no way
you're winning this game, Big J.
Jordan. You're back to "Jordan."
I definitely feel like The Circle
is divided in Team Myles and Team Jordan,
but I'm going to pick
the side that I believe in,
and I believe in what Jordan has to say.
[Brandon] I just don't know
how to go about this.
Publicly defending QT is going to show
for sure, like, I've got QT's back,
and since Myles and QT are like a thing,
then I feel like Myles
will also want to protect Olivia.
Or if I get an opportunity,
do I take one of them out?
Only one person can win this game,
and it won't be you, Jordan.
Because you're #Next.
[Buteau] Ooh! If The Circle ever makes
a slasher movie, there's the title.
You're #Next.
Starring Michelle Buteau. I'm available.
I need to know which one
you're going to pick. Go.
Guess green it is. All right.
[Buteau] And Jordan's taking this time
to update his burn board.
Last night, honestly, gave me a reason
to publicly throw people under the bus.
I feel the only reason Olivia
was on Myles's side in the first place
is 'cause they were
potentially ride or dies.
And now that that's over,
I feel like Olivia might be
on the anti-Myles train.
With Myles and QT both in the game,
Kyle's gotta realize
they will always rate each other first,
and he's never gonna stand a chance.
I don't see how Kyle wins this game ever.
But I need him to think
that he has a shot,
and that his shot
is without both of these people here.
It could work.
It really can work.
[Buteau] As Jordan puzzles out
his next move, I have two questions.
One, who picked
this big-ass floaty for a hot tub?
And two, why would a man
who never wears shirts iron?
I'm sure Lauren
has more pressing questions.
I haven't talked to Kyle in a while.
So I want to solidify that we're good
and see how he's feeling.
Circle, start a private chat with Kyle.
[TV dings]
"Lauren has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh snap. Okay.
I really wanna know what the heck
Lauren wants to talk to me about, man.
Especially after saying
some people here are more shady.
I'm like, "Who is more shady than you?"
And it looks like it's either me
or Myles she's talking about.
So on that note, Circle,
take me to Lauren's private chat.
I just want to know where you're at.
Okay, so let's message.
"Hi, hi, my KyKy, heart emoji."
"It's been a minute, so I wanted
to check in with how you're doing
and see if you could use a cuddle."
Send message.
Well, I'm not cuddling with somebody
that I'm mad at. I don't wanna cuddle.
He was the one mostly pushing
this cutesy stuff in the beginning.
So I'm kind of throwing it
a little back at him to see how is he
actually feeling towards me.
Okay, strategy queen.
Seems like this would be good
or my strategy right now
if she thinks we're on the same side.
Message, "Wow, did I need
a message like this."
"Especially after this
crazy-ass Circle Chat we just had."
Now, here we go. I'm about
to flip this now, 'cause I need to know
what the heck the Circle Chat was about.
"Everybody was throwing shots.
Even you called someone shady."
"Are you okay? #WantToTalkAboutIt"?
I do, Kyle. Aw, this is a sweet message.
Message, "Anytime. #BringItIn."
"The chat had my stomach in knots,
but mad respect
to Jordan for speaking his mind."
"I don't blame Q
for the choices she made."
"Myles, on the other hand, I heard
was speaking ill of me behind my back."
[Kyle] "What is your opinion
on the Circle Chat?"
Damn. I did not expect that.
She's just showed some trust in me
by telling me it was about Myles.
But the fact of the matter is,
Jordan is now aiming
all his arrows at QT and Myles,
and now Lauren
is aiming her arrows at Myles,
which are people in my alliance.
Like, that Tres Fuego has to stay strong.
Message, "I really did not believe
Jordan had the balls to do that."
"He gained all my respect!"
"I don't blame QT as well,
because I know it's really hard
to send someone home."
"I didn't know Myles was like that.
What did he say? #ThatBothersMe."
He's really nice.
Aw, Kyle.
I am playing a little close to the fence
just to get some info from Lauren,
because obviously I am not gonna jump ship
when it comes to my Tres Fuego. Never.
Message, "Myles has been calling me
two-faced to other people behind my back,
but I've really tried my best to be
100% honest and genuine the entire time."
"Thank you so much
for being someone I can talk to."
"Please know I'll always have your back."
It wasn't Myles calling you two-faced.
It was me.
But I have a reason.
I just can't have an enemy,
so I have to figure out how to write this
where she doesn't look at me
as someone that's coming after her.
Message, "The way you feel
is completely valid. #YoureNotWrong."
"The last thing
I want to see is you hurt."
"Whenever you are going through anything,
especially like this, please write me."
"I'm always here."
"#YaBoyHasYourBack. Heart emoji."
That is such a lovely message.
We definitely solidified
that Kyle and I are in a great place.
[Buteau] Oh, Lauren, you're not even
in a great place on that chair.
Meanwhile, Myles, still reeling
from being called out in the Circle Chat,
wants to check in
with Nurse Olivia for some TLC.
I just had my name
dragged across the mud for no good reason.
I think I need
to start a chat with Olivia.
I've grown to trust her,
and I wanna make sure
that we still are in a good standing.
Circle, open a private chat with Olivia.
[TV dings]
"Myles has invited you to a private chat."
Oh my gosh, okay.
Open private chat with Myles.
Message, "Liv, this might be
the first message I've sent
not starting in a joking tone."
"I know 'ride or die' isn't in effect,
but I need someone I can trust."
"I'm confused about the Circle Chat
and don't know what to do." Send message.
I like this. I'm glad Myles
isn't making a joke, honestly.
I'm really glad
that he's taking me seriously.
I want to tell him
that he can trust me.
Message, "I feel
we've been able to trust each other
and follow through with our plan"
"so I don't see why
we can't trust each other now."
This is her saying we can trust
each other. So I like that.
Message, "I thought
Jordan and I were close,
and he has constantly
called me his 'Circle Bestie.'"
"I have fought for him not to be
on people's chopping blocks."
"I feel blindsided and played like a fool.
Sad face cry emoji."
I don't feel like you overdid anything.
If anything, I actually feel
like you maybe under-did it.
Message, "Is there anyone besides Jordan
that might have negative feelings
towards you? Question mark."
Send message.
[Myles] Yo, that's good.
I feel like she's saying, "Yo, tell me
who you need me to come at."
Message, "I have no read on Lauren."
"Should I be worried? Question mark."
Message, "Since we're being honest,
Lauren and I have a strong relationship,
but I have been wondering
if she would choose
someone else before me."
That says something. Okay.
Message, "That's fair. But do you think
Lauren has anything against me?"
[Brandon] Okay.
I feel like I need to be honest.
[sighs heavily]
Message, "We both talked about
how we think we couldn't trust you
because things
that have happened in the past."
[Myles] "I'm telling you this
because I can trust you now.
Now, Liv Liv was up front.
I respect that she said, "We both
talked about how we couldn't trust you."
Message, "I'm glad I can trust you
and that I've proven
you can trust me. Smiley face."
[Brandon] "I know
I can trust Kyle and QT."
"#IThinkKylesGotACrush. Shh."
I mean, you're not wrong. [chuckling]
Message, "Kyle is amazing.
Heart eyes emoji"
"and I love QT."
"Do you think the four of us
could fight for each other?"
This is perfect.
Message, "This double date
about to be stupid."
"Fire emoji, fire emoji, fire emoji."
I'm I think I'm good with that.
I'm glad that Liv opened up,
and it seems like she trusts me more.
I wonder now if Lauren is talking about me
when she talks about a shady player.
I'm just hoping
what Myles and Olivia just did,
in a four-way alliance, pays off.
I'm going off of a lot of trust here.
I'm going off of a lot of trust,
and I hope I'm putting my trust
in the right people.
[Buteau] The Circle is full
of tough decisions.
And Jordan, he's got a huge one for Kyle.
I wanna have a chat with Kyle,
because I'm really trying to set myself up
to potentially have power
in this game so I can take out Myles.
I think I can get Kyle to see
the bigger picture, which is,
"You're on the bottom,
in between Myles and Quori-Tyler,
and you can't win with them here."
"And, Kyle, I don't want you
to get blood on your hands."
"So maybe you need to rate me high
so that I can do it for you,
and you go into the finale
sitting real pretty."
Circle, invite Kyle to a private chat.
-This puzzle stuff, it's starting to get
-[TV dings]
[Kyle] What? Oh snap.
"Jordan has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh no.
[shouting] Jordan,
I don't think I wanna talk to you.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You people leave me alone.
I'm not getting
in the middle of your guys' fight.
Yes, I have an alliance with QT and Myles.
And I'm not breaking that for you.
But I'll hear you out.
Circle, please open
private chat with Jordan.
Message, "Ayo! Wanted to chat,
because I'm feeling uneasy
being at the bottom of this game,
and I wanted to see how you're feeling."
Well, the first thing I would say
is don't explode like that
in the Circle Chat and make enemies.
Message, "I completely understand you,
and it's definitely not
a good feeling to have."
"But in this game,
you have to be smart
and not wear your heart
on your sleeve all the time."
[Jordan] Okay.
Maybe I should lean into that and be like,
"I know. I have no shot of winning now."
"I totally get that.
Thank you for being honest with me."
"I feel like
I have no shot at winning now."
"But, bro, there are two strong pairs."
"Lauren and Olivia, and Myles and QT."
"And that's you sitting in the middle."
"Who's rating you number one?"
"I can rate you in first,
but you have to rate me high tonight
so I can take a shot at Myles."
"If this power couple
makes it to the end together,
no one else has a shot."
"They only care about each other."
Wow. That's a hell of a message.
I mean, I'd be sitting here
lying to myself if I said
that I didn't think deeply
into what he just said in that message.
I felt that.
Like, I actually did feel that.
Lauren is with Olivia.
Myles is with Quori.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Kyle] If I go against Myles and QT,
I'd feel bad.
And I hate having a guilty conscience.
That shit eats you alive.
But being able to provide for your family?
Guess it wouldn't eat me alive that much.
No, I'm capping. Let me chill. Ugh.
Man, I feel like
I'm in the middle right now.
That's how the game go.
Message, "I'm not gonna lie"
"I'm not going to lie,
that's a pretty good-ass plan."
"You think with your heart,
and that's not a bad thing."
"Hopefully, the others
can see that as well. #YoureNotAlone."
Kyle, you have redeemed yourself to me.
I'm getting Kyle to flip on Myles and QT?
What is going on?
[Buteau] Truth is,
life in this game can be rough.
And now, without their ride or dies,
the players are lonelier than ever.
You know, it's like when you get ghosted
after you think you've made
this amazing connection.
I mean, so I've heard.
[Kyle] Good boy.
[Buteau] But The Circle knows
just how to pick their heads up.
[TV whirs]
[all] "Night of Endless Heartbreak"?
I mean, I don't know
if I'm excited about this.
Oh no!
"As you are no longer"
"in a ride-or-die partnership"
Thank God.
[all] "The Circle is having
a big night in
to help you through your tough breakup."
You don't break up with me. Uh-uh.
You a real bestie.
I'm going to see what you got me,
but I don't trust you.
[Brandon screams]
[Buteau]This is gonna be
the best pity party ever,
because at their doors is everything
they need to get over a breakup.
[laughing] I love this!
[Kyle] What the heck is this, Circle?
[Jordan] Is this a muumuu?
[QT] Not the slippers.
[Lauren grunting] This is it!
-[Brandon screams, laughs]
-[Deuce barks]
[Kyle] Deuce!
That is not a real loaf of bread.
[QT] I'm obsessed.
This was like Big J's diet six years ago.
Okay, that mint chocolate chip slaps.
-[Deuce grunting]
-Er, no.
[Deuce barks]
[Lauren fake cries, blows nose]
[Brandon whining]
At least we have each other.
Can I get your number?
[QT] This is the best breakup ever!
-[Myles] Boo-hoo.
-[QT] Whoo!
[Buteau] And we got
one more surprise for y'all.
[TV whirs]
[QT] What is this?
[all] "Thank You Bestie."
What is going on?
Are we getting gifts for our besties?
-[all] take me to Thank You Bestie.
[Buteau] So in Thank You Bestie,
players will choose one BFF
to give a gift to.
And who don't love to get a present
with no strings attached? I know I do.
This is important.
Why am I, like, nervous about this?
What's going on, Circle?
This is such
a shady play, Circle. [giggles]
[Buteau] What? The gift of giving
is a beautiful thing.
But also a strategic one.
I hate the idea
of picking one friend over another.
QT deserves all the gifts.
But Liv came through today.
I could send it to Kyle
to validate everything we've been through.
I know Quori, my sister, who's been there
for me through the thick and the thin.
I can go with Myles.
Will QT be sus
if she doesn't get a gift from me?
Or I can give my gift to Olivia
and get her back on my side.
I hope I get one from Kyle, at least.
He's my boo.
[Buteau] Well, ding-dong,
check your doors. The gifts are here.
But is everyone gonna get one?
[Lauren] Did I get a gift?
[gasps] Oh, I did not.
[Buteau] It's the lack of thought
that counts.
[Myles] No gifts for me.
I'm not surprised.
And I'm not mad about it.
I didn't expect a gift from Kyle.
That's so sweet.
[Kyle] I received two gifts?
Oh my gosh.
I got a gift from Jordan
and I got a gift from Olivia.
I bet Liv got multiple gifts.
One from QT,
one from Myles,
and then one from Lauren?
I didn't get one from Kyle.
Olivia is my #CircleWifey in this thing.
And I didn't send her a gift.
I feel bad.
[Buteau] Ugh, her heart's
probably broken into pieces.
[Brandon screams, laughs]
Some champagne?
Oh my God.
[Buteau] And because we were raised right,
the giftees will write thank-you notes,
which will be posted in the Circle Chat
for everyone to see and admire.
Jordan's gonna love this.
"It's only polite to send
a thank-you note when you receive a gift."
Wow, it's gonna be public
who got a gift for who.
The tea is scalding.
This is so awkward
to have this all in a Circle Chat.
Damn, Circle. You are harsh.
-How ruthless can you be?
-See, I don't like this.
[Jordan] "Jordan,
you did not receive a gift."
"You are not required
to send a thank-you note."
This man came out here with the Hail Mary,
and nobody was about it.
[Lauren] "Lauren,
you did not receive a gift."
"You're not required
to send a thank-you note."
Lauren didn't get one either?
I hope that doesn't mean
that I'm at the bottom.
Myles didn't get a gift!
How is this possible?
You didn't send a gift to your boyfriend?
[vengeful laughter]
We don't need gifts every day.
I'm a gift to myself.
I just look in the mirror
and I say, "Thank you."
So someone got more than one gift.
That means Olivia, Kyle,
and QT got 'em all.
[QT] "Quori-Tyler, you received one gift."
"Your gift was from Kyle."
From Kyle? Okay.
I know Kyle looks at Q
as, like, his Circle sister.
So that adds up.
I still wish he would have sent me one.
[Buteau] Maybe just use the tissue paper
from the three you already have
to dry your tears, boo-boo.
[Kyle] It was just from me?
Oh fuck.
I can't. I can't.
I can't. I can't do this.
Yo, The Circle. I freaking can't do this.
[QT] "Please write a thank-you note now."
I want people to feel bad for me.
So even though this is
a thank-you to Kyle,
it's also a message
to everyone in The Circle,
and hopefully they feel
some sympathy for me.
Like, Quori don't gotta send me
a thank-you note, man. She really doesn't.
She does not have
to send me no thank-you note.
Message, "My big bro, Kyle!
Thank you so much for my gift."
"I had a really hard day
after the Circle Chat this morning,
so this means a lot."
"Crying emoji, red heart emoji.
#CircleFam." Send message.
Crocodile tears.
[mocking] "I had a really hard day.
I had a really hard day."
I hope you did.
[Kyle] "Kyle, you received two gifts."
I know.
Kyle got two gifts.
Just tell them who.
Tell them from who. Expose me.
"Your gifts were from Olivia"
"and Jordan."
[Kyle] "Please write
your thank-you notes now."
"To Olivia, this means
the absolute world to me."
"Thank you so" with o-o-o-o "much."
"#MadeMyNight." Send message.
That was very sweet, Kyle.
I'm glad I could make your night.
[Myles] Go on, Kyle.
Getting a gift from your girl, Liv.
If he said, "The other one
I put in the trash," [laughs]
I would die.
I don't know how to say thank you
to Jordan. I don't know how to say it.
Like, what the hell am I gonna say?
What am I gonna say?
He started the problem with everybody.
What am I gonna to say?
People are gonna think I'm cool with him.
Oh shit. This is going to backfire.
Let's see what Kyle says, though.
He's a grown-ass man.
He's gotta make his own calls.
I have to bob and weave
to get out of this with no scratches.
[agitated] Goodness gracious!
"Jordan, this was definitely unexpected."
"Thank you. Hashtag"
"PeaceOffering. #NoMoreSmoke."
Why does he feel
like this is a peace offering?
[Myles] "No more smoke"?
Nah, there better be smoke, Kyle.
A peace offering for what?
Jordan didn't do anything to you.
He did something to me and Myles.
Yo, that's bullshit.
Kyle, think.
When I saw Jordan's chat,
I should have just opened it
and closed it.
I got the gift of death.
Kyle is covering up
for the conversation we had earlier,
and that's a good sign.
[Kyle] How do you sleep
at a time like this?
Hello? How are you asleep
at a time like this?
[Brandon] "Olivia,
you received three gifts."
I sure did.
Good for her.
This makes her look like a threat.
"Your gifts were
from Lauren, QT, and Myles."
Myles, why are you getting
other girls gifts?
See this isn't a win.
I don't feel This is not a win.
This is crazy.
I don't know if this is great for Olivia.
[Brandon] I can't enjoy this.
Message, "I'm not gonna lie, guys."
"I'm incredibly grateful
for the gifts I received,
but for me, this just doesn't feel right."
"Sorry to those who didn't get gifts"
"but I'm happy for the love I received."
[Kyle] "#ThankYouSoMuch.
You're welcome, bitch.
It might show that people
like her a little too much.
You were the nicest player in The Circle.
Now you got the most gifts. [inhaling]
That's a lot of attention.
I gotta drop Olivia down.
[Brandon] Honestly,
I'm a target at this point.
[suspenseful music swelling]
[music fades]
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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