7th Heaven s06e12 Episode Script
Okay, boys, now that Daddy has changed your outfits yet again, we're going to try to be neater, aren't we? So when we eat, the food doesn't belong on our shirt.
- No.
- No.
And it doesn't belong on the floor.
So where does it belong? Yes, in your mouths.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Come on, let's go.
Brilliant children.
Hello? Annie? - Go.
Anybody? Hi.
We'll have to make a break for the garage.
What's going on? Why are you so jumpy? Were you just? Never mind, it's We'll be safe here.
This is just great.
Mary! Mary.
Mary! Okay, the whole world heard you.
What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong.
It's called not respecting my things.
If you wanna borrow something, you should ask first instead of plundering and pilfering through all my drawers.
I didn't do this.
I didn't plunder or pilfer.
Oh, really? Define either one of them.
You know I'm not good at this game.
If you can't define it, then don't deny it.
Who are you, Jesse Jackson? I had nothing to do with this.
Excuse me, but whose top are you wearing right now? This is an old shirt that I have borrowed a million times and you've never cared before.
Well, maybe I do now, but you wouldn't know because you never ask.
I didn't make this mess.
If you don't want to believe me, fine.
And just for the record, I happen to be missing all my makeup, but I didn't accuse you.
Hey, did you take all the sheets off my bed? No.
Why would I want a bunch of Hello Kitty sheets? Why not? - Maybe Robbie took them to Florida.
- He's visiting his mom.
I think his mom has sheets in Florida.
They were on my bed this morning.
Well, just go grab another set of sheets and a comforter out of the linen closet.
That's not the point.
I don't want another set, I've I've grown accustomed to the Kitty sheets.
You know, I've got some stuff missing too.
I can't find my pillow and my Game Boy.
Where has all the food disappeared to? Don't blame me.
I'm not blaming you.
Well, everyone else seems to.
If anything goes wrong, I'm always the first suspect.
Well, I don't view you in that way and I hope nobody else does, either.
Sure you're not being just a little sensitive about it? So I should feel fine when someone blames me for something that I didn't do? No, but there's a difference between when someone asks and when someone blames.
Believe me, I know the difference.
Mom, something weird is going on here.
I know.
I was just noticing it.
Today, I bought a week's worth of cheese and lunchmeat for sandwiches and this is all that's left.
So whoever ate all this cheese and lunchmeat is gonna be the one to go back to the store because I'm not going shopping again today.
Now, who ate it? I'm not guilty.
I'm staying away from meat and dairy.
Your mother runs a tight ship on a tight budget.
Now, if you confess, I'm sure you'll be shown boundless mercy.
If not, I pity you for the wrath that will betake you.
You are a creature of strength and beauty.
Are you volunteering to go to the store? No.
- What's going on? - The great Inquisition.
Mom wants to know who took all the food and I'd like to know who took my makeup.
But I'm not accusing anyone, I'm just asking.
Good, because I wanna find out who went through all my drawers.
- I do too.
- If you wanna know the answer, I suggest you start by asking the right question.
- What's that? - It's not what, it's who.
Who is missing? So, what do you wanna do now? We have plenty of things here.
We can play with Simon's Game Boy.
Or Mary's got some makeup we can use.
Thank you for all this, Ruthie.
I'm just happy to be here so I don't have to think of anything.
This can be our secret place where everything is nice and nothing bad happens.
I told you you can live here as long as you want.
No one's going to find out.
Ruthie, are you in there? Come on, Ruthie, we know you're in there.
Unlock the door.
I can't do that right now.
I'll explain later.
But whatever you do, don't tell Mom and Dad, okay? They can't know anything about this.
Ruthie, this is your dad speaking.
And your mom.
You have got five seconds to open up.
Think we hit the mother lode.
What's going on here, Ruthie? This is my friend Yasmine.
She goes to the same school I did before I went to private school.
I was hoping she could live here because she's in danger.
Yasmine, what kind of danger is Ruthie talking about? I'd rather not talk about it.
Yasmine was walking home from school when a couple of boys started following her.
They were calling her names because she's Muslim and trying to scare her.
And one of them even picked up a dirt clod and threw it at her.
That's when Ruthie ran over and started yelling back at them.
But they still kept on following us.
And this was happening right outside our house? It's happening everywhere.
Did these boys ever physically hurt you? No, just my feelings.
Feelings are important too.
They matter a great deal, and you matter.
- We're not gonna let this continue.
- You know who these boys are? No, but I remember the one who started it was tall and real skinny.
And he was wearing one of those ski caps with stripes on it.
Just some high school jerks.
They've been doing this for a while.
They know where I live and sometimes they wait for me.
Why don't you change your schedule? You know, walk a different way to school, avoid them.
I refuse to change my life.
I refuse to be a victim.
Good for you.
Maybe you should all go back to the house, give us a little time alone.
Yasmine, do your parents know where you are? Ruthie brought the phone up.
I called my mom and told her I was playing here.
Please don't tell my mother about what happened.
It will only make her more scared.
And my mother has enough to worry about with my dad being sick.
Camden, never mind about what I said, all right? I'm okay.
I can take it.
It's not okay.
You shouldn't ever have to take any of this.
Luce, I told you everything was okay.
I know.
I just started thinking about Yasmine and how people can be so cruel and how horrible I was to you, which doesn't make me much better than those boys.
And how everyone in the world has the same capacity to be so mean and intolerant.
It just makes me feel so sad.
You know how it makes me feel? Angry.
We should do something about those boys chasing Yasmine.
I know, but what? Well, my first thought would be to find those snotty little kids and make their lives more miserable than they already are.
Let's move on to your second thought.
Well, I think that not only did those boys pick on Yasmine because of her ethnicity and her religious background but because she was a girl who was younger and smaller than they were.
- So? - So I have an idea.
We haven't heard one of your wacky plans since you came home.
Guys terrorizing innocent little girls on their way home from school.
I mean, what is this world coming to? Just a bunch of little cowards.
Ignorant little cowards.
Evil, ignorant little cowards.
So aside from calling them cowards behind their backs, what are we gonna do about it? I know what I'm gonna do about it.
What? Kick their butts.
What? You heard me.
Doesn't that go against everything studying to be a doctor is about? Let's just say I'm gonna give them a taste of their own medicine.
Well, I don't think you should go that far.
Come on, Simon, we have to take a stand and be men.
We have to protect Ruthie and her friend so this will never happen again.
Doing nothing is silent complicity.
Yeah, you're right.
This has to stop.
And it's gonna stop right here.
Now what are we gonna do? - We're gonna go and kick butt.
- We're gonna go and kick butt.
Yeah! Oh, hi, Dad.
Um I was just on my way to go study.
Hope I didn't hear what I thought I heard.
Well, that depends on what you think you heard.
Oh, there was a lot of tough-guy stuff, if you know what I mean.
You know, there's nothing wrong with being a tough guy when the time calls for it, if you know what I mean.
Well, you're the oldest and you can certainly influence the others in negative or positive and productive ways.
If you know what I mean.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
I hope you like herbal tea.
Yes, thank you.
I hope Yasmine hasn't been too much of a bother.
Oh, she's been pleasure.
We were happy to have her.
The girls get along really well.
They enjoy each other's company.
Nasreen, I didn't know if you were aware of what's been happening to Yasmine after school or not.
I am now, Reverend Camden, and I'm at a loss of what to do.
I had suspected she was hiding something but when I tried to talk to Yasmine, she denied there was any problem.
I've tried to talk to Yasmine and I could tell by the way she was withdrawing that it was getting worse.
I'm so sorry that this is happening.
If there is anything we can do Well, I honestly don't know what can be done.
And we've been living here all our lives and we've never had any problems with anyone.
In fact, I couldn't think of wanting to live anywhere else but here in Glenoak.
Life was happy until one day, our entire world turned upside down.
I'd go out on my usual errands and suddenly people are staring at my hijab.
I've worn it all my adult life and now I get looks and whispers as I pass by.
Why? I'm still the same person.
I haven't changed.
I try to believe that maybe some people are just curious.
But why was I not asked about it years ago? Why now? See, it's not curiosity, it's suspicion.
Fear can bring out the worst in people.
And fear is evidence of a lack of faith.
For some people, that's a lack of faith in God.
For others, it's a lack in faith in themselves.
But for others, it's a lack of faith in their fellow man.
I hope what's happened with Yasmine doesn't make you lose your faith in people's kindness.
How can I? I have proof sitting right here in front of me.
I'm sorry to have burdened you with my problems.
I'm a very proactive person and hope I'm not sounding like a victim because that's not my intent.
No, you're not at all.
I'm honoured that you feel comfortable enough to be talking with me.
I usually talk with the imam at my mosque, but right now, he's overwhelmed with so many people with much bigger problems than myself.
You know, you're welcome here anytime if you ever feel like talking.
- That goes for me too.
- Thank you.
I'm usually a very private person, but I'm not myself lately.
My husband has taken ill and I myself am sick with worry for Yasmine's safety.
I appreciate your sympathy, but I don't expect you to understand what I'm going through.
As a mother, I understand at least some of what you're going through.
I know the fear and worry over the safety of my children.
Hey, Nasreen, have you ever thought of enrolling Yasmine in private school? It's smaller.
It's a more controlled environment.
Yasmine's at the top of her class.
But we can't afford private school.
Well, neither can we.
Ruthie's on a scholarship.
At least a third of the girls there are on scholarship.
Maybe they'd have a place for Yasmine.
Oh, well, that would be wonderful, but I'll talk to the principal, Mrs.
MacKoul, and see what she can do.
Oh It's time we head home.
Thank you so much.
Your kindness has touched us deeply.
Can Ruthie come over tomorrow? She's welcome anytime.
- Well, then tomorrow it is.
Thank you.
- Bye.
Bye, Ruthie.
- See you tomorrow.
I'll be in my office.
Ruthie, why did you feel that you couldn't tell Dad or myself about Yasmine? Why did you wanna keep it a secret from us? Well, I wanted to keep her safe.
And at the time, I wasn't sure why anyone was chasing her.
I still don't understand it.
She didn't do anything.
Her family didn't do anything.
They're Americans, just like everyone else.
I know, Ruthie.
I know.
I got a detailed description of the guys from Ruthie and Yasmine.
- Let's go get them.
- We don't know who they are.
I might know who they are.
They might be these two guys who go to my school.
Two guys who always wear stocking caps.
Two loudmouths.
Two jerks.
- And do they have names? - I don't know their names.
But I can find out.
- Well, then find out.
- I will.
Man, I can't wait to meet these guys face-to-face.
Or fist to face.
Yeah, fist to face, that's good.
Maybe you've a future in rhetoric.
I'll meet you in front of the clinic after school.
Slow down.
Find out who these guys are and we'll go from there.
I'll go anywhere I have to go and do whatever I have to do.
- This looks great.
- Good, because there's plenty more where that came from.
Now, if Robbie were here, he would devour this entire feast in about ten minutes.
- I miss him.
- Yeah, me too.
But I'm glad he gets to spend some time with his mom before school registration.
So it's all on you.
Eat up.
Where'd they go? It's not like the troops to roll out so early.
Mary and Lucy said they wanted to stop by the copy store.
And Matt had an early shift at the clinic.
He dropped Ruthie off.
Simon took the early bus.
And Ruthie's going over to Yasmine's after school.
Oh, that's good, I'm I'm glad she's gonna be spending some time with Yasmine at her house.
You know, she'll get to know her on a different level.
I'm glad too.
Did you talk to Mrs.
MacKoul? Yes, I did.
And she feels the same way we do.
She's gonna be talking to the members of the board at school today and get them to sign off on a scholarship for Yasmine so she could enrol right away.
Oh, that's wonderful.
Oh, it's not a done deal but I think it's a good start.
It's better than a good start.
Have another pancake.
My name is Mary Camden and this is my sister, Lucy.
And we wanted to know if you would sign this petition.
Does this have anything to do with buying cookies or magazine subscriptions? No.
We're just trying to get signatures in support of our neighbours.
They're a Muslim family.
There's a Muslim family living in the neighbourhood? Yeah.
They have a little girl named Yasmine - They aren't fanatics, are they? - No.
I've been living around here for 25 years.
I had no idea there were Muslims in the neighbourhood.
What block are they on? Hey, Camden, what's up? Nothing much.
Just waiting for the bus.
Hey, what'd you get on that Biology test? I heard no one got higher than a B.
Hello? Earth to Camden.
That's the guy.
- What guy? - And that cap, that's definitely him.
Are you even listening? Look, there's his buddy.
Did you see that? Yeah, that was pretty low, but that's not surprising coming from them.
You know them? I know of them.
George and Jerry.
Or the Jenkins Jerks.
They're brothers.
Okay, this was your idea so I've been letting you make the speech, but we've been to dozens of houses and we don't have one signature.
Is it my fault that people are freaking out and not letting me finish? Maybe that's because you're doing something wrong, so I'm taking over.
Fine, and knock yourself out.
I'm Lucy Camden and this is my sister, Mary.
We're trying to get signatures from people in our area to show community support for one of our neighbours.
Well, how nice of you two girls to spend your extra time doing volunteer work.
What neighbour is it for? My little sister's friend, Yasmine, is of Middle Eastern decent.
She's being singled out by some of the kids in the neighbourhood and I'm sorry.
I'm not interested.
Hey, beauty-school dropout, you got a phone call.
Don't say on too long.
You got a perm to rinse out.
Yeah, yeah, pick on the orderly.
- Hello? - Matt, I found the guys who were harassing Ruthie and Yasmine.
- Good work.
- Gerry and George Jenkins.
They're brothers.
There's a guy who came in 15 minutes ago with the name Jenkins.
- Maybe they have another brother.
- No, he's too old.
He's gotta be the dad.
Hold on.
Do you know him? Maybe.
Yeah, his name is Daniel Jenkins.
He's tall, thin and has brown hair.
Well, light or dark brown? - Dark.
- That's him.
Don't you think it's a coincidence? Coincidence or divine destiny? Matt, same names, same description.
That's gotta be their father.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
Thanks for the information.
I'll talk to you later.
So, what's the scoop? Was he on America's Most Wanted? My little sister and her friend Yasmine were terrorized by a couple guys at Simon's school because Yasmine's Muslim.
They were calling her names, throwing things.
That is so rotten.
Kids stink.
Simon told me who it was and I think this guy's the jerks' father.
He fits the description of his sons and has the same name.
What does the father have to do with it? Where do you think they get it from? Kids have to be taught to hate.
We get our values from our parents.
But do you know for sure that that's him? Mrs.
I wasn't expecting you.
I know, I thought I would try to catch you in person.
You know, I'm glad you did.
When I talked to you about Yasmine, I'm afraid I bent your ear or at least creased it a bit.
It's just that I'm very passionate about what Yasmine and her family have been going through.
I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
I'm so sorry, but I received a call from some of our board members and they have rejected the request to admit Yasmine.
Did they give a reason? They got calls from a few concerned parents and I think they panicked and got scared people would pull their kids out of school.
Oh, which would affect enrolment, which in turn would affect tuition payments, which would affect the budget.
Yes, I agree.
I believe this is all about the bottom line.
It's still a mystery to me why people act out of fear rather than faith.
Yeah, I don't know that they gave Yasmine's situation the proper time or thought that it deserves.
I tried my best to reason with them, but I'm afraid it's fallen on deaf ears.
- Is there anything I can do? - I hope so.
I've organised an impromptu meeting tonight with the board members and parents.
I would love it if Ruthie would say a few words, even though the meeting's just for parents.
Why Ruthie? I tried my best to convince the board, but maybe a child's point of view might be more effective in this situation.
If the parents see that a child's not afraid then maybe it might diminish their own fears? Exactly.
I realise the meeting's at the last minute and definitely a long shot But it's a shot.
And it's a shot of hope.
You can count on me and Annie and Ruthie to be there.
Thank you.
- There's just one thing.
- Yes? I don't understand why so many parents complained.
I mean, how'd they find out about Yasmine so quickly? They said there was some sort of petition that set them off.
Okay, we have exactly zero signatures and my feet are killing me.
What are we gonna do now? We'll just have to double back and try the same houses again.
This isn't working.
We have to give people another chance to hear us out.
They already had their chance.
We can't just give up.
What would have happened if Rosa Parks gave up her seat on the bus? Or César Chávez had given up on the farm workers? Or Susan B.
Anthony given up on the suffrage movement? I think I've forgot everything I learned in school.
That's what PBS is for.
Who's that? Hey, how much longer is it gonna be? We just go down the list and do the best that we can, sir.
Excuse me, Mr.
By any chance, are your two sons named George and Jerry? Yeah, what does that got to do with anything? No reason.
Just curious.
Look, I gotta be out of here by 3.
I've got more important things to do besides waiting around with women.
Oh, well, you should have told me that.
I've been out back all morning tinkering on my Subaru.
Oh, she's very handy.
See, that's exactly why women shouldn't be working.
They get a bee in their bonnet and instead of doing their jobs, they get irritable and sarcastic.
We give medical aid to foreigners, but I can't get help for this headache.
It is killing me.
Yeah, maybe it's your guilt eating away at your brain.
What? Just remember, when you are hurtful to other people, your body hurts you back.
You need to shut up.
And you need to give me some medication.
I'm sorry.
You need to be seen by a doctor first.
Yeah, I think you better take a seat now, Mr.
What did you say? He called you Muslim-Hater.
- I wanna see your supervisor.
- Are you sure? Because it could be the same doctor that looks at your head.
I'm just saying.
I am really sorry to bother you again, but we are really desperate for signatures.
I'm sorry I had such a bad reaction when you girls came before.
You see, I've been through the same thing as your friends.
When World War II broke out, all Americans of Japanese descent were suspected as possible spies.
We lost everything.
And then they placed us in internment camps.
All our rights were taken away from us.
That was a terrible time in our history.
We were looked down upon.
And some people even blamed us even though we had nothing to do with the war.
I've learned that in times of war, that it is not unlawful for the government to take away human rights.
I mean, it's not ethical but it is legal if they believe anyone is a threat.
That's why I'm so hesitant to put my name on anything that might haunt me later.
Just like the blacklist.
You see, when it happens to you once, you're always fearful that it'll happen again.
It's not gonna happen again.
I hope not.
Hello? Hold on.
Sorry about that.
This is Detective Michaels.
Is this Matt? - Yes, how are you doing? - Fine.
- Is your father home? - No, he's at a school meeting.
I've got good news, and I'm sure he'll wanna hear it right away.
Can you tell him that I think we caught those boys that were harassing Ruthie and her friend? We picked them up doing the same thing to another girl.
Only this time, they had mistaken a Sikh for a Muslim.
I had a funny feeling about them and remembered what your dad told me about the two boys.
Was one of them wearing a striped ski hat? As a matter of fact, he was.
I'm glad you caught them.
They're brothers, you know.
- Who? - The Jenkins boys.
They go to Simon's school.
These are two eighth graders.
They're not in high school.
And they're not related.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Yasmine and her mother came down and made a positive photo ID.
You said one of them was wearing a striped ski cap.
Matt, you know how popular those caps are right now.
Every kid has one.
Matt? Are you still there? Thank you all so much for coming at the last minute.
My goal is to provide you, the parents and the board members, a forum of open discussion.
We've gotten calls from many of you expressing your concern about the possibility of admitting a new student.
The concerns seem to stem from her ethnicity and religious background.
And I, for one, find these concerns to be completely against our constitutional rights as Americans.
With that said, I hope we will quell any fears and bring about a different outcome from the board's latest decision.
Would anyone like to share your thoughts? Yes.
Hello, everyone.
I just wanted to say that I have two kids enrolled here at Eleanor Roosevelt School.
And I don't view myself as racist or discriminatory in any way.
I view myself as a concerned parent.
I work very hard to pay for private school.
And I feel that if enrolling a Muslim girl might cause some controversy, well, then I say why do it? This is a private school.
- This is what we're paying for, right? Right, right.
If we've never had Muslims at this school, why on earth would we make it a point to include a Muslim now when it could put the lives of children of other races and religions in jeopardy? Good point.
Thank you for your opinion.
I just wanna say that why are we even having this meeting right now? I mean, obviously, people are having problems with this girl.
And the board has already made their decision.
End of story.
We all have busy lives.
And there's other things we can be doing right now, so let's just move on.
I'm sorry that many of you feel that your time is being wasted, but please bear with me.
I have asked one of our students, Ruthie Camden, to say a few words.
My name is Ruthie Camden.
And first, I wanna say how much I like going to the Eleanor Roosevelt School.
My classes are really cool.
And I get to do so much more than I did at my old school.
I love horses and I even get to take equestrian classes.
It's like a dream come true for me.
I learn so much at this school.
Last week, during science period, Ms.
Riddle talked to us about the spine.
She taught us how important the spine is to the entire body.
The spine allows you to hold your head up high.
Well, I don't think I'll be able to hold my head up high in this class anymore if this school doesn't let my friend Yasmine attend.
And from what I've read about her, Eleanor Roosevelt has a really strong spine.
This school is named after her.
And if you wanna know more about her, you should read "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
" It's all about freedom, justice and peace.
Out of the mouth of babes.
So if this board chooses to do the wrong thing, I feel it's against everything that Eleanor Roosevelt stood for and I will have to quit.
We'll get our scholarship back.
I have a friend whose kid would like to get in.
They're not Muslim.
Hello? That was the end of my speech.
I said I was going to quit.
Tough crowd.
I heard what you did tonight and I'm really proud of you, Ruthie.
Yeah, Mom and Dad told me about a billion times already.
Big deal.
What you did was really amazing, so don't think that it's not.
You stood up for someone who was being discriminated against because of her religion.
And that's a big deal.
A very big deal.
The biggest.
Yeah, and look at where it got me.
Now I have to change schools.
Look, Ruthie, I know how much you like private school.
And no one will think badly of you if you don't go through with it if you don't want to.
I don't want to but I think it's something that I have to do.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, "It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.
" I think I have to bite the bullet.
Sometimes, it's not easy to do the right thing.
It's not easy when you've done stupid things and have to make up for them.
It's not easy when you do smart things, either.
Thank you.
I'm so happy that you're able to participate.
So, what's so important? You almost got me fired today.
How did I do that? By giving me the wrong names of the guys harassing Ruthie and Yasmine.
- I know it was them.
I'm sure it was.
- It wasn't them.
Detective Michaels found the guys and they're in 8th grade.
I had to call and apologise to Mr.
Jenkins for being so rude.
Matt, you have to admit the guys fit the description.
Oh, tall, thin and brown hair.
Great description.
About a billion people fit that description.
- I fit that description.
- What about the cap? One of the guys was wearing the same cap.
And so do hundreds of other guys.
Maybe I didn't investigate thoroughly enough before I pointed fingers.
Oh, you think so, Inspector Clouseau? You're not exactly blameless, all right.
You're the one who started up with all that "we're gonna pump you up, let's kick some butt" stuff.
So it's my fault you accuse the wrong guy when you didn't have the guts to find out? What does this have to do with guts? I have guts.
I guess you didn't have the brains.
Oh, you think so? What are you doing? I don't know.
- What, were you going to fight me? - I'm not sure.
You know, I think you were gonna actually take a shot at me.
Have we both lost our minds? Definitely.
Matt told me Detective Michaels called.
They caught the boys.
- Oh, I'm so glad to hear it.
- Yeah.
I just hope their parents have the ability to steer them onto the right course.
I hope so too.
I was already planning on paying them a little visit tomorrow evening and see if there's anything I can do.
- Are you all ready for tomorrow? - Yes.
I can't get over Ruthie.
I'm so proud of her.
Yeah, we done good, Ma.
When I feel like the world is getting a little crazy, I think of our kids and what nice and kind people they've turned out to be.
It makes me happy knowing how they're making the world a better place.
Me too.
This can wait till tomorrow.
We both have a big day ahead of us.
Thank you for talking to Mr.
I'm really proud of you for coming up with such a good plan.
I hope it works.
- Good morning, imam.
- Good morning, Reverend.
Thank you for the coffee.
I'm sorry, I've been running a little behind.
Lately, I have been overwhelmed with problems such as this at my mosque.
I hope I haven't added too much to your burden by telling you about Mr.
Halawi's situation.
I am grateful you told me.
The Halawis are such kind people.
They never ask for anything and give so much.
They probably wouldn't have said a word until everyone else was cared for.
Reverend Camden.
What are you doing here so early? I would have been here days ago if I had only known.
I thought you might like something warm to drink since you're still recovering.
Thank you, I'm overwhelmed by this act of kindness.
Since I've been ill, I haven't been able to work for over a week.
And when one doesn't have employees, one cannot afford not to work.
And that is why we are here.
Today you are open for business.
Thank Mrs.
Camden for what she is doing.
It has made Yasmine feel so much better.
Nasreen and I are so grateful.
And your Ruthie.
For a child to make such a personal sacrifice for another, it gives me hope for this world.
Thank you.
I'll tell them.
MacKoul, Ms.
Don't you know I'm not going to Eleanor Roosevelt School anymore? Neither am I and neither is Ms.
We're all going to the same place, Ruthie.
I'm gonna be teaching at your old school soon.
Teaching? They aren't a lot of openings for principals, but teachers are in demand now and I need a job.
It'll be a pay cut but I've always loved being in the classroom.
And they haven't filled my position so I'm going back until the end of the year.
I don't wanna be a part of any group hate or group fear.
You give me reason to live.
Hi, Ruthie.
Hi, Yasmine.
Nasreen, you seem to be in a good mood this morning.
I am.
My husband felt much better after he spoke to your husband on the phone last night.
In fact, he actually went to the shop this morning.
I'm so happy to hear it.
Well, he's still a bit weak, but his spirits are so much brighter.
I know he'll feel better soon.
Well, this is a good way to start off our day.
What do you say, shall we start walking? I'll come with you.
I can be late to school for this.
Oh, you girls go ahead.
- You can lead us.
- Let's go.
Wait up.
Hey, we wanna be a part of this.
Hey, Mary, look.
Thank you, Mrs.
Thank you for this.
It's not just about going to school for me.
It's about walking on higher ground.
Come on.
- No.
- No.
And it doesn't belong on the floor.
So where does it belong? Yes, in your mouths.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Come on, let's go.
Brilliant children.
Hello? Annie? - Go.
Anybody? Hi.
We'll have to make a break for the garage.
What's going on? Why are you so jumpy? Were you just? Never mind, it's We'll be safe here.
This is just great.
Mary! Mary.
Mary! Okay, the whole world heard you.
What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong.
It's called not respecting my things.
If you wanna borrow something, you should ask first instead of plundering and pilfering through all my drawers.
I didn't do this.
I didn't plunder or pilfer.
Oh, really? Define either one of them.
You know I'm not good at this game.
If you can't define it, then don't deny it.
Who are you, Jesse Jackson? I had nothing to do with this.
Excuse me, but whose top are you wearing right now? This is an old shirt that I have borrowed a million times and you've never cared before.
Well, maybe I do now, but you wouldn't know because you never ask.
I didn't make this mess.
If you don't want to believe me, fine.
And just for the record, I happen to be missing all my makeup, but I didn't accuse you.
Hey, did you take all the sheets off my bed? No.
Why would I want a bunch of Hello Kitty sheets? Why not? - Maybe Robbie took them to Florida.
- He's visiting his mom.
I think his mom has sheets in Florida.
They were on my bed this morning.
Well, just go grab another set of sheets and a comforter out of the linen closet.
That's not the point.
I don't want another set, I've I've grown accustomed to the Kitty sheets.
You know, I've got some stuff missing too.
I can't find my pillow and my Game Boy.
Where has all the food disappeared to? Don't blame me.
I'm not blaming you.
Well, everyone else seems to.
If anything goes wrong, I'm always the first suspect.
Well, I don't view you in that way and I hope nobody else does, either.
Sure you're not being just a little sensitive about it? So I should feel fine when someone blames me for something that I didn't do? No, but there's a difference between when someone asks and when someone blames.
Believe me, I know the difference.
Mom, something weird is going on here.
I know.
I was just noticing it.
Today, I bought a week's worth of cheese and lunchmeat for sandwiches and this is all that's left.
So whoever ate all this cheese and lunchmeat is gonna be the one to go back to the store because I'm not going shopping again today.
Now, who ate it? I'm not guilty.
I'm staying away from meat and dairy.
Your mother runs a tight ship on a tight budget.
Now, if you confess, I'm sure you'll be shown boundless mercy.
If not, I pity you for the wrath that will betake you.
You are a creature of strength and beauty.
Are you volunteering to go to the store? No.
- What's going on? - The great Inquisition.
Mom wants to know who took all the food and I'd like to know who took my makeup.
But I'm not accusing anyone, I'm just asking.
Good, because I wanna find out who went through all my drawers.
- I do too.
- If you wanna know the answer, I suggest you start by asking the right question.
- What's that? - It's not what, it's who.
Who is missing? So, what do you wanna do now? We have plenty of things here.
We can play with Simon's Game Boy.
Or Mary's got some makeup we can use.
Thank you for all this, Ruthie.
I'm just happy to be here so I don't have to think of anything.
This can be our secret place where everything is nice and nothing bad happens.
I told you you can live here as long as you want.
No one's going to find out.
Ruthie, are you in there? Come on, Ruthie, we know you're in there.
Unlock the door.
I can't do that right now.
I'll explain later.
But whatever you do, don't tell Mom and Dad, okay? They can't know anything about this.
Ruthie, this is your dad speaking.
And your mom.
You have got five seconds to open up.
Think we hit the mother lode.
What's going on here, Ruthie? This is my friend Yasmine.
She goes to the same school I did before I went to private school.
I was hoping she could live here because she's in danger.
Yasmine, what kind of danger is Ruthie talking about? I'd rather not talk about it.
Yasmine was walking home from school when a couple of boys started following her.
They were calling her names because she's Muslim and trying to scare her.
And one of them even picked up a dirt clod and threw it at her.
That's when Ruthie ran over and started yelling back at them.
But they still kept on following us.
And this was happening right outside our house? It's happening everywhere.
Did these boys ever physically hurt you? No, just my feelings.
Feelings are important too.
They matter a great deal, and you matter.
- We're not gonna let this continue.
- You know who these boys are? No, but I remember the one who started it was tall and real skinny.
And he was wearing one of those ski caps with stripes on it.
Just some high school jerks.
They've been doing this for a while.
They know where I live and sometimes they wait for me.
Why don't you change your schedule? You know, walk a different way to school, avoid them.
I refuse to change my life.
I refuse to be a victim.
Good for you.
Maybe you should all go back to the house, give us a little time alone.
Yasmine, do your parents know where you are? Ruthie brought the phone up.
I called my mom and told her I was playing here.
Please don't tell my mother about what happened.
It will only make her more scared.
And my mother has enough to worry about with my dad being sick.
Camden, never mind about what I said, all right? I'm okay.
I can take it.
It's not okay.
You shouldn't ever have to take any of this.
Luce, I told you everything was okay.
I know.
I just started thinking about Yasmine and how people can be so cruel and how horrible I was to you, which doesn't make me much better than those boys.
And how everyone in the world has the same capacity to be so mean and intolerant.
It just makes me feel so sad.
You know how it makes me feel? Angry.
We should do something about those boys chasing Yasmine.
I know, but what? Well, my first thought would be to find those snotty little kids and make their lives more miserable than they already are.
Let's move on to your second thought.
Well, I think that not only did those boys pick on Yasmine because of her ethnicity and her religious background but because she was a girl who was younger and smaller than they were.
- So? - So I have an idea.
We haven't heard one of your wacky plans since you came home.
Guys terrorizing innocent little girls on their way home from school.
I mean, what is this world coming to? Just a bunch of little cowards.
Ignorant little cowards.
Evil, ignorant little cowards.
So aside from calling them cowards behind their backs, what are we gonna do about it? I know what I'm gonna do about it.
What? Kick their butts.
What? You heard me.
Doesn't that go against everything studying to be a doctor is about? Let's just say I'm gonna give them a taste of their own medicine.
Well, I don't think you should go that far.
Come on, Simon, we have to take a stand and be men.
We have to protect Ruthie and her friend so this will never happen again.
Doing nothing is silent complicity.
Yeah, you're right.
This has to stop.
And it's gonna stop right here.
Now what are we gonna do? - We're gonna go and kick butt.
- We're gonna go and kick butt.
Yeah! Oh, hi, Dad.
Um I was just on my way to go study.
Hope I didn't hear what I thought I heard.
Well, that depends on what you think you heard.
Oh, there was a lot of tough-guy stuff, if you know what I mean.
You know, there's nothing wrong with being a tough guy when the time calls for it, if you know what I mean.
Well, you're the oldest and you can certainly influence the others in negative or positive and productive ways.
If you know what I mean.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
I hope you like herbal tea.
Yes, thank you.
I hope Yasmine hasn't been too much of a bother.
Oh, she's been pleasure.
We were happy to have her.
The girls get along really well.
They enjoy each other's company.
Nasreen, I didn't know if you were aware of what's been happening to Yasmine after school or not.
I am now, Reverend Camden, and I'm at a loss of what to do.
I had suspected she was hiding something but when I tried to talk to Yasmine, she denied there was any problem.
I've tried to talk to Yasmine and I could tell by the way she was withdrawing that it was getting worse.
I'm so sorry that this is happening.
If there is anything we can do Well, I honestly don't know what can be done.
And we've been living here all our lives and we've never had any problems with anyone.
In fact, I couldn't think of wanting to live anywhere else but here in Glenoak.
Life was happy until one day, our entire world turned upside down.
I'd go out on my usual errands and suddenly people are staring at my hijab.
I've worn it all my adult life and now I get looks and whispers as I pass by.
Why? I'm still the same person.
I haven't changed.
I try to believe that maybe some people are just curious.
But why was I not asked about it years ago? Why now? See, it's not curiosity, it's suspicion.
Fear can bring out the worst in people.
And fear is evidence of a lack of faith.
For some people, that's a lack of faith in God.
For others, it's a lack in faith in themselves.
But for others, it's a lack of faith in their fellow man.
I hope what's happened with Yasmine doesn't make you lose your faith in people's kindness.
How can I? I have proof sitting right here in front of me.
I'm sorry to have burdened you with my problems.
I'm a very proactive person and hope I'm not sounding like a victim because that's not my intent.
No, you're not at all.
I'm honoured that you feel comfortable enough to be talking with me.
I usually talk with the imam at my mosque, but right now, he's overwhelmed with so many people with much bigger problems than myself.
You know, you're welcome here anytime if you ever feel like talking.
- That goes for me too.
- Thank you.
I'm usually a very private person, but I'm not myself lately.
My husband has taken ill and I myself am sick with worry for Yasmine's safety.
I appreciate your sympathy, but I don't expect you to understand what I'm going through.
As a mother, I understand at least some of what you're going through.
I know the fear and worry over the safety of my children.
Hey, Nasreen, have you ever thought of enrolling Yasmine in private school? It's smaller.
It's a more controlled environment.
Yasmine's at the top of her class.
But we can't afford private school.
Well, neither can we.
Ruthie's on a scholarship.
At least a third of the girls there are on scholarship.
Maybe they'd have a place for Yasmine.
Oh, well, that would be wonderful, but I'll talk to the principal, Mrs.
MacKoul, and see what she can do.
Oh It's time we head home.
Thank you so much.
Your kindness has touched us deeply.
Can Ruthie come over tomorrow? She's welcome anytime.
- Well, then tomorrow it is.
Thank you.
- Bye.
Bye, Ruthie.
- See you tomorrow.
I'll be in my office.
Ruthie, why did you feel that you couldn't tell Dad or myself about Yasmine? Why did you wanna keep it a secret from us? Well, I wanted to keep her safe.
And at the time, I wasn't sure why anyone was chasing her.
I still don't understand it.
She didn't do anything.
Her family didn't do anything.
They're Americans, just like everyone else.
I know, Ruthie.
I know.
I got a detailed description of the guys from Ruthie and Yasmine.
- Let's go get them.
- We don't know who they are.
I might know who they are.
They might be these two guys who go to my school.
Two guys who always wear stocking caps.
Two loudmouths.
Two jerks.
- And do they have names? - I don't know their names.
But I can find out.
- Well, then find out.
- I will.
Man, I can't wait to meet these guys face-to-face.
Or fist to face.
Yeah, fist to face, that's good.
Maybe you've a future in rhetoric.
I'll meet you in front of the clinic after school.
Slow down.
Find out who these guys are and we'll go from there.
I'll go anywhere I have to go and do whatever I have to do.
- This looks great.
- Good, because there's plenty more where that came from.
Now, if Robbie were here, he would devour this entire feast in about ten minutes.
- I miss him.
- Yeah, me too.
But I'm glad he gets to spend some time with his mom before school registration.
So it's all on you.
Eat up.
Where'd they go? It's not like the troops to roll out so early.
Mary and Lucy said they wanted to stop by the copy store.
And Matt had an early shift at the clinic.
He dropped Ruthie off.
Simon took the early bus.
And Ruthie's going over to Yasmine's after school.
Oh, that's good, I'm I'm glad she's gonna be spending some time with Yasmine at her house.
You know, she'll get to know her on a different level.
I'm glad too.
Did you talk to Mrs.
MacKoul? Yes, I did.
And she feels the same way we do.
She's gonna be talking to the members of the board at school today and get them to sign off on a scholarship for Yasmine so she could enrol right away.
Oh, that's wonderful.
Oh, it's not a done deal but I think it's a good start.
It's better than a good start.
Have another pancake.
My name is Mary Camden and this is my sister, Lucy.
And we wanted to know if you would sign this petition.
Does this have anything to do with buying cookies or magazine subscriptions? No.
We're just trying to get signatures in support of our neighbours.
They're a Muslim family.
There's a Muslim family living in the neighbourhood? Yeah.
They have a little girl named Yasmine - They aren't fanatics, are they? - No.
I've been living around here for 25 years.
I had no idea there were Muslims in the neighbourhood.
What block are they on? Hey, Camden, what's up? Nothing much.
Just waiting for the bus.
Hey, what'd you get on that Biology test? I heard no one got higher than a B.
Hello? Earth to Camden.
That's the guy.
- What guy? - And that cap, that's definitely him.
Are you even listening? Look, there's his buddy.
Did you see that? Yeah, that was pretty low, but that's not surprising coming from them.
You know them? I know of them.
George and Jerry.
Or the Jenkins Jerks.
They're brothers.
Okay, this was your idea so I've been letting you make the speech, but we've been to dozens of houses and we don't have one signature.
Is it my fault that people are freaking out and not letting me finish? Maybe that's because you're doing something wrong, so I'm taking over.
Fine, and knock yourself out.
I'm Lucy Camden and this is my sister, Mary.
We're trying to get signatures from people in our area to show community support for one of our neighbours.
Well, how nice of you two girls to spend your extra time doing volunteer work.
What neighbour is it for? My little sister's friend, Yasmine, is of Middle Eastern decent.
She's being singled out by some of the kids in the neighbourhood and I'm sorry.
I'm not interested.
Hey, beauty-school dropout, you got a phone call.
Don't say on too long.
You got a perm to rinse out.
Yeah, yeah, pick on the orderly.
- Hello? - Matt, I found the guys who were harassing Ruthie and Yasmine.
- Good work.
- Gerry and George Jenkins.
They're brothers.
There's a guy who came in 15 minutes ago with the name Jenkins.
- Maybe they have another brother.
- No, he's too old.
He's gotta be the dad.
Hold on.
Do you know him? Maybe.
Yeah, his name is Daniel Jenkins.
He's tall, thin and has brown hair.
Well, light or dark brown? - Dark.
- That's him.
Don't you think it's a coincidence? Coincidence or divine destiny? Matt, same names, same description.
That's gotta be their father.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
Thanks for the information.
I'll talk to you later.
So, what's the scoop? Was he on America's Most Wanted? My little sister and her friend Yasmine were terrorized by a couple guys at Simon's school because Yasmine's Muslim.
They were calling her names, throwing things.
That is so rotten.
Kids stink.
Simon told me who it was and I think this guy's the jerks' father.
He fits the description of his sons and has the same name.
What does the father have to do with it? Where do you think they get it from? Kids have to be taught to hate.
We get our values from our parents.
But do you know for sure that that's him? Mrs.
I wasn't expecting you.
I know, I thought I would try to catch you in person.
You know, I'm glad you did.
When I talked to you about Yasmine, I'm afraid I bent your ear or at least creased it a bit.
It's just that I'm very passionate about what Yasmine and her family have been going through.
I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
I'm so sorry, but I received a call from some of our board members and they have rejected the request to admit Yasmine.
Did they give a reason? They got calls from a few concerned parents and I think they panicked and got scared people would pull their kids out of school.
Oh, which would affect enrolment, which in turn would affect tuition payments, which would affect the budget.
Yes, I agree.
I believe this is all about the bottom line.
It's still a mystery to me why people act out of fear rather than faith.
Yeah, I don't know that they gave Yasmine's situation the proper time or thought that it deserves.
I tried my best to reason with them, but I'm afraid it's fallen on deaf ears.
- Is there anything I can do? - I hope so.
I've organised an impromptu meeting tonight with the board members and parents.
I would love it if Ruthie would say a few words, even though the meeting's just for parents.
Why Ruthie? I tried my best to convince the board, but maybe a child's point of view might be more effective in this situation.
If the parents see that a child's not afraid then maybe it might diminish their own fears? Exactly.
I realise the meeting's at the last minute and definitely a long shot But it's a shot.
And it's a shot of hope.
You can count on me and Annie and Ruthie to be there.
Thank you.
- There's just one thing.
- Yes? I don't understand why so many parents complained.
I mean, how'd they find out about Yasmine so quickly? They said there was some sort of petition that set them off.
Okay, we have exactly zero signatures and my feet are killing me.
What are we gonna do now? We'll just have to double back and try the same houses again.
This isn't working.
We have to give people another chance to hear us out.
They already had their chance.
We can't just give up.
What would have happened if Rosa Parks gave up her seat on the bus? Or César Chávez had given up on the farm workers? Or Susan B.
Anthony given up on the suffrage movement? I think I've forgot everything I learned in school.
That's what PBS is for.
Who's that? Hey, how much longer is it gonna be? We just go down the list and do the best that we can, sir.
Excuse me, Mr.
By any chance, are your two sons named George and Jerry? Yeah, what does that got to do with anything? No reason.
Just curious.
Look, I gotta be out of here by 3.
I've got more important things to do besides waiting around with women.
Oh, well, you should have told me that.
I've been out back all morning tinkering on my Subaru.
Oh, she's very handy.
See, that's exactly why women shouldn't be working.
They get a bee in their bonnet and instead of doing their jobs, they get irritable and sarcastic.
We give medical aid to foreigners, but I can't get help for this headache.
It is killing me.
Yeah, maybe it's your guilt eating away at your brain.
What? Just remember, when you are hurtful to other people, your body hurts you back.
You need to shut up.
And you need to give me some medication.
I'm sorry.
You need to be seen by a doctor first.
Yeah, I think you better take a seat now, Mr.
What did you say? He called you Muslim-Hater.
- I wanna see your supervisor.
- Are you sure? Because it could be the same doctor that looks at your head.
I'm just saying.
I am really sorry to bother you again, but we are really desperate for signatures.
I'm sorry I had such a bad reaction when you girls came before.
You see, I've been through the same thing as your friends.
When World War II broke out, all Americans of Japanese descent were suspected as possible spies.
We lost everything.
And then they placed us in internment camps.
All our rights were taken away from us.
That was a terrible time in our history.
We were looked down upon.
And some people even blamed us even though we had nothing to do with the war.
I've learned that in times of war, that it is not unlawful for the government to take away human rights.
I mean, it's not ethical but it is legal if they believe anyone is a threat.
That's why I'm so hesitant to put my name on anything that might haunt me later.
Just like the blacklist.
You see, when it happens to you once, you're always fearful that it'll happen again.
It's not gonna happen again.
I hope not.
Hello? Hold on.
Sorry about that.
This is Detective Michaels.
Is this Matt? - Yes, how are you doing? - Fine.
- Is your father home? - No, he's at a school meeting.
I've got good news, and I'm sure he'll wanna hear it right away.
Can you tell him that I think we caught those boys that were harassing Ruthie and her friend? We picked them up doing the same thing to another girl.
Only this time, they had mistaken a Sikh for a Muslim.
I had a funny feeling about them and remembered what your dad told me about the two boys.
Was one of them wearing a striped ski hat? As a matter of fact, he was.
I'm glad you caught them.
They're brothers, you know.
- Who? - The Jenkins boys.
They go to Simon's school.
These are two eighth graders.
They're not in high school.
And they're not related.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Yasmine and her mother came down and made a positive photo ID.
You said one of them was wearing a striped ski cap.
Matt, you know how popular those caps are right now.
Every kid has one.
Matt? Are you still there? Thank you all so much for coming at the last minute.
My goal is to provide you, the parents and the board members, a forum of open discussion.
We've gotten calls from many of you expressing your concern about the possibility of admitting a new student.
The concerns seem to stem from her ethnicity and religious background.
And I, for one, find these concerns to be completely against our constitutional rights as Americans.
With that said, I hope we will quell any fears and bring about a different outcome from the board's latest decision.
Would anyone like to share your thoughts? Yes.
Hello, everyone.
I just wanted to say that I have two kids enrolled here at Eleanor Roosevelt School.
And I don't view myself as racist or discriminatory in any way.
I view myself as a concerned parent.
I work very hard to pay for private school.
And I feel that if enrolling a Muslim girl might cause some controversy, well, then I say why do it? This is a private school.
- This is what we're paying for, right? Right, right.
If we've never had Muslims at this school, why on earth would we make it a point to include a Muslim now when it could put the lives of children of other races and religions in jeopardy? Good point.
Thank you for your opinion.
I just wanna say that why are we even having this meeting right now? I mean, obviously, people are having problems with this girl.
And the board has already made their decision.
End of story.
We all have busy lives.
And there's other things we can be doing right now, so let's just move on.
I'm sorry that many of you feel that your time is being wasted, but please bear with me.
I have asked one of our students, Ruthie Camden, to say a few words.
My name is Ruthie Camden.
And first, I wanna say how much I like going to the Eleanor Roosevelt School.
My classes are really cool.
And I get to do so much more than I did at my old school.
I love horses and I even get to take equestrian classes.
It's like a dream come true for me.
I learn so much at this school.
Last week, during science period, Ms.
Riddle talked to us about the spine.
She taught us how important the spine is to the entire body.
The spine allows you to hold your head up high.
Well, I don't think I'll be able to hold my head up high in this class anymore if this school doesn't let my friend Yasmine attend.
And from what I've read about her, Eleanor Roosevelt has a really strong spine.
This school is named after her.
And if you wanna know more about her, you should read "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
" It's all about freedom, justice and peace.
Out of the mouth of babes.
So if this board chooses to do the wrong thing, I feel it's against everything that Eleanor Roosevelt stood for and I will have to quit.
We'll get our scholarship back.
I have a friend whose kid would like to get in.
They're not Muslim.
Hello? That was the end of my speech.
I said I was going to quit.
Tough crowd.
I heard what you did tonight and I'm really proud of you, Ruthie.
Yeah, Mom and Dad told me about a billion times already.
Big deal.
What you did was really amazing, so don't think that it's not.
You stood up for someone who was being discriminated against because of her religion.
And that's a big deal.
A very big deal.
The biggest.
Yeah, and look at where it got me.
Now I have to change schools.
Look, Ruthie, I know how much you like private school.
And no one will think badly of you if you don't go through with it if you don't want to.
I don't want to but I think it's something that I have to do.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, "It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.
" I think I have to bite the bullet.
Sometimes, it's not easy to do the right thing.
It's not easy when you've done stupid things and have to make up for them.
It's not easy when you do smart things, either.
Thank you.
I'm so happy that you're able to participate.
So, what's so important? You almost got me fired today.
How did I do that? By giving me the wrong names of the guys harassing Ruthie and Yasmine.
- I know it was them.
I'm sure it was.
- It wasn't them.
Detective Michaels found the guys and they're in 8th grade.
I had to call and apologise to Mr.
Jenkins for being so rude.
Matt, you have to admit the guys fit the description.
Oh, tall, thin and brown hair.
Great description.
About a billion people fit that description.
- I fit that description.
- What about the cap? One of the guys was wearing the same cap.
And so do hundreds of other guys.
Maybe I didn't investigate thoroughly enough before I pointed fingers.
Oh, you think so, Inspector Clouseau? You're not exactly blameless, all right.
You're the one who started up with all that "we're gonna pump you up, let's kick some butt" stuff.
So it's my fault you accuse the wrong guy when you didn't have the guts to find out? What does this have to do with guts? I have guts.
I guess you didn't have the brains.
Oh, you think so? What are you doing? I don't know.
- What, were you going to fight me? - I'm not sure.
You know, I think you were gonna actually take a shot at me.
Have we both lost our minds? Definitely.
Matt told me Detective Michaels called.
They caught the boys.
- Oh, I'm so glad to hear it.
- Yeah.
I just hope their parents have the ability to steer them onto the right course.
I hope so too.
I was already planning on paying them a little visit tomorrow evening and see if there's anything I can do.
- Are you all ready for tomorrow? - Yes.
I can't get over Ruthie.
I'm so proud of her.
Yeah, we done good, Ma.
When I feel like the world is getting a little crazy, I think of our kids and what nice and kind people they've turned out to be.
It makes me happy knowing how they're making the world a better place.
Me too.
This can wait till tomorrow.
We both have a big day ahead of us.
Thank you for talking to Mr.
I'm really proud of you for coming up with such a good plan.
I hope it works.
- Good morning, imam.
- Good morning, Reverend.
Thank you for the coffee.
I'm sorry, I've been running a little behind.
Lately, I have been overwhelmed with problems such as this at my mosque.
I hope I haven't added too much to your burden by telling you about Mr.
Halawi's situation.
I am grateful you told me.
The Halawis are such kind people.
They never ask for anything and give so much.
They probably wouldn't have said a word until everyone else was cared for.
Reverend Camden.
What are you doing here so early? I would have been here days ago if I had only known.
I thought you might like something warm to drink since you're still recovering.
Thank you, I'm overwhelmed by this act of kindness.
Since I've been ill, I haven't been able to work for over a week.
And when one doesn't have employees, one cannot afford not to work.
And that is why we are here.
Today you are open for business.
Thank Mrs.
Camden for what she is doing.
It has made Yasmine feel so much better.
Nasreen and I are so grateful.
And your Ruthie.
For a child to make such a personal sacrifice for another, it gives me hope for this world.
Thank you.
I'll tell them.
MacKoul, Ms.
Don't you know I'm not going to Eleanor Roosevelt School anymore? Neither am I and neither is Ms.
We're all going to the same place, Ruthie.
I'm gonna be teaching at your old school soon.
Teaching? They aren't a lot of openings for principals, but teachers are in demand now and I need a job.
It'll be a pay cut but I've always loved being in the classroom.
And they haven't filled my position so I'm going back until the end of the year.
I don't wanna be a part of any group hate or group fear.
You give me reason to live.
Hi, Ruthie.
Hi, Yasmine.
Nasreen, you seem to be in a good mood this morning.
I am.
My husband felt much better after he spoke to your husband on the phone last night.
In fact, he actually went to the shop this morning.
I'm so happy to hear it.
Well, he's still a bit weak, but his spirits are so much brighter.
I know he'll feel better soon.
Well, this is a good way to start off our day.
What do you say, shall we start walking? I'll come with you.
I can be late to school for this.
Oh, you girls go ahead.
- You can lead us.
- Let's go.
Wait up.
Hey, we wanna be a part of this.
Hey, Mary, look.
Thank you, Mrs.
Thank you for this.
It's not just about going to school for me.
It's about walking on higher ground.
Come on.