FBI: Most Wanted (2020) s06e12 Episode Script

68 Seconds

Listen, we both know
where this is headed.
I thought you were afraid of commitment,
but that's not true.
You are committed to your work.
It's better to end it now.
April, I am sorry.
Let's just be thankful for
the time that we had together.
She was awesome in "Harry Potter."
She was way better in "Mad Men."
What? She wasn't in "Mad Men."
- Yeah, she was.
- Are you serious?
No, Emma something is in "Harry Potter."
The other one is
I don't I don't know. Not Emma.
- Bro, it's the same girl.
- It's
- Oh.
- Yo.
- One second.
- Oh, was
was was the girl in "Harry Potter"
- the same one in "Mad Men"?
- Nope, different.
- You owe me a beer!
- Have a good one.
- Thank you, man.
- No.
You can't even admit that you're wrong.
Stop. No, he was lying.
Thought you were smart,
leaving your purse behind
Hoping somebody would find it.
No one's coming to save you.
If you fight, you die.
If you tell anyone, you die.
- Do you understand?
- Yes. Yes.
Look at me.
This case was complicated.
I've lost count of
the number of experts,
and you probably never want
to see another balance sheet
for the rest of your life,
but if you take away all the noise,
it's actually simple
because the
only thing that can convict my client
is proof that he actually
intentionally omitted
material information,
and there is none.
Across the United States,
citizens are sitting in jury boxes,
taking time out of their lives
to listen to two different stories.
And then they lock themselves in a room,
and they determine together what's fair,
and in so doing, these people become
more than teachers and
accountants or moms and dads.
They become agents of justice
Which is fundamental
to any functioning society.
Today, you're those people.
It's your turn,
because we all need a system
that is based on justice.
Ah, agents of justice.
- Was it too much?
- No, it was perfect.
Hell of a closing.
Hey, are you OK?
April Brooks just called.
- The judge you used to date?
- Yeah.
OK, that's information.
She was sexually assaulted
in Maine last night.
Oh, my God. Oh, I'm so sorry.
- She wants me to go up there.
- Yeah, you should go.
Absolutely. What can I do?
Nothing. Thank you.
Hopefully, I'll be back in time
to celebrate your big win.
No, it's not a done deal.
So, I mean, they could be out for days.
It is so a done deal.
After what I saw in there?
Baby, you were brilliant.
Are you sure you're OK?
So you live in New York?
What were you doing at the college?
Giving a speech to pre-law students.
- It's my alma mater.
- He grabbed you.
Did you try to fight him off?
No, he he told me
he would kill me if I fought.
Excuse me, I'm talking to the victim.
You need to leave.
That's my friend,
and I asked him to be here.
OK, I'll give you a minute.
I know it's been a while.
I'm glad you called. I'm so sorry.
I walked outside, and
and he grabbed me, and he
he injected something into my neck,
and then he dragged me to a van.
The nurse said that you
didn't want to do a rape kit.
Obviously, I support
whatever you want to do,
but why?
I'm a judge. I'm not a victim.
What's the best way
I can be here for you?
You find him.
You know I will.
I'll do the kit.
- She'll do the tests.
- OK.
I'm sorry, my officer
was out there this morning,
but he got pulled off to a TC.
You ever think about going private?
More money, less stress.
I like my gold badge too much.
- What'd the police find?
- They haven't been out.
I'm glad the FBI is here.
Did the victim's description of the van
- or suspect ring any bells?
- I wish.
Despite my begging the administration,
we're an open campus.
People come and go,
and not just students
community members, audit classes.
We host events and fundraisers.
I think we had two last night.
Can I get an attendees lists?
I don't think they'll
have one, but I can ask.
What about a list of
all the other events this week?
That I can do.
You know, the description of
the guy didn't ring a bell,
but a few months ago,
there was a rape off-campus.
I don't know the details,
but because of it,
the college held a
sexual assault awareness event.
That's the list of campus events.
- How's your camera coverage?
- You mean, did we get him?
Yes and no.
This is about ten minutes after
the victim's speech ended.
Well, that's got to be him.
She said he was wearing
a jacket and baseball cap.
This must have been
after he put her in a van.
- Any other angles?
- I'm sorry.
I need to see that area right now.
Come with me.
Open your mouth.
We're almost done.
From the footage and
what your victim described,
this area is the closest match,
but, like I said,
my officer couldn't find anything.
These are deeper than the others.
Edges are sharp, fresh.
Haven't had time to erode.
Scrape of paint.
Yellow and silver.
This is why we need people
like you in the private sector.
We have badges too.
And you won't have to be
dealing with the worst of the worst.
I do it because
it's the worst of the worst.
Tape this off.
- We found our crime scene.
- Yeah.
You're damn right I'm taking
this personally, Isobel,
but April isn't the only one.
I want my team.
We're gonna nail
this bastard to the wall.
I'll keep you posted.
- How's she doing?
- You can go in.
There aren't any flights
back to New York tonight,
but I booked a room
next to yours at the hotel.
You're on the first plane
in the morning.
Are you coming with me?
You talked to the campus
police about my case?
Who the hell do you think you are?
I'm the FBI. Step outside!
A woman was grabbed in the dark
by a tall, white male.
He put a knife to her throat,
injected her with ketamine,
threw her in the van, duct-taped her,
cut off all her jewelry,
warned her not to tell,
and then raped her,
but that wasn't yesterday.
That was three months ago.
Leighton Bell, also your case.
Do you remember
the results of that rape kit?
Do you have any idea
how many cases I have?
You can't remember
because you never got him.
The state crime lab
hasn't even processed the kit,
and you never followed up.
You have no idea
if these rapes are connected.
You know how we'd know, dumbass?
If you tested the DNA.
I don't answer to you. This is my case.
Not anymore.
This is a serial rapist.
I'll take it from here.
Stay the hell out of my way.
Here, let me help you.
Thank you.
- How's Ray?
- Good.
His dad's out of surgery
and expected to make a full recovery.
- Glad to hear it.
- How's April?
About how you'd expect.
The field office is sending up
their MCC for us.
The ERT already finished processing
the crime scene at the college.
Everything's getting tested.
Well, I did some digging,
and there were two other rapes
in the area
that matched the MO of April's rapist.
- Leighton Bell.
- She's one.
The other victim was Maya Walsh.
She was raped in Auburn, which
is about 15 minutes from here.
When did that happen?
About a year ago.
Did they do a rape kit?
They did. Did they test it?
No, they did not.
Tomorrow morning,
you two canvass the college
for a video of a van
with yellow and silver paint.
Reach out to Maya Walsh.
Then we'll talk to Leighton.
Hi, guys.
Thanks for being here.
Yeah. I know this is a dumb question,
but I have to ask. How are you doing?
I'm you know, I'm here.
I'm really sorry
for what you went through.
Yeah, if there's anything
we can do, just
You're doing exactly what I need.
Uh, I'm not gonna go home tomorrow.
- Why not?
- I'm giving my speeches.
And I want to go with you when you
when you talk to Leighton.
April, you've been through
a serious trauma.
I just don't think this is
What if she says something
that seems insignificant to you,
but it means something to me?
No, I'm staying.
I need to help catch this guy.
Leighton Bell? I'm Agent Nina Chase.
We're with the FBI.
You must be here about my rape.
Yeah, how did you know?
I doubt you're interested
in my jaywalking.
It's been months.
Why is the FBI involved now?
He did it again.
Do you know how many times
I've called the cops,
begging them to test the kit,
to do anything, but they don't?
Yeah, it's really frustrating,
- but we're getting involved now.
- We read their report.
We'd like to ask you a few questions.
It said he took some jewelry,
but it didn't say what.
It was a necklace
with the letter L on it.
It was my great grandmother's.
Her name was Leighton too.
He cut it off with a knife.
We're trying to find
a pattern to his movements.
Do you remember crossing paths with him
before you got attacked?
- That wasn't in the report?
- No.
I'm pretty sure I saw him
at Abel's Coffee Shop
the day before it happened.
Um, I think that's all we have for now.
Thank you so much.
Do me a favor.
When you talk to her, the other victim,
call her a survivor
and tell her to start a blog,
even if she's the only one who reads it.
Why a blog?
He said he'd kill me if I told anyone,
so I told everyone.
Writing helped.
Because he doesn't tell my story.
I do.
That coffee shop she mentioned
I've never been there.
So he has to have
more than one location.
This guy has a consistent MO.
My guess, he has
a favorite hunting ground,
and we need to find it.
In the car. I'll go grab it.
I actually started carrying it with me.
Stop, you do not carry
your own salad dressing.
Who knows what
the restaurant's going to have.
Half the time,
they say it's avocado oil,
- but most of the time
- Oh.
I forgot to tell you that Erica
sent me an article on that.
Did you know that, like,
70% of avocado oil
- is mixed with other oils?
- Are you serious?
You know how careful she is.
Actually, your friend is right.
You got to look for extra
virgin cold-pressed oils.
Oh, OK. Bye.
Oh, and make sure it's not pale green.
It should be really rich looking.
- OK, he's still
- A little go.
Walk much faster.
I'm honored to be in the secret Batcave.
It's pretty cool.
We don't typically let civilians in
because that phone goes
straight to the White House.
- Really?
- No.
Thank you for being here.
You always made me feel safe.
You must have someone
in your life these days.
Yeah. Her name is Abby.
How long have you guys been together?
About six months.
I'm not gonna lie.
When you said six,
I thought the next word
was gonna be days, not months.
Well, you've committed to
something other than your job,
so that's progress.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- April's looped in.
- OK.
The DNA from all three
rape kits with the same MO,
yours, Leighton, and Maya,
came back, and they were a match.
Excuse me.
The tox reports came in, too,
and they were all positive for ketamine.
We need to take that DNA
and do a nationwide comparison.
On it.
- Have you heard from Maya?
- I spoke to her roommate.
She's traveling abroad. I emailed her.
Hopefully, we hear back soon.
You got something?
Not him, his van.
Well, tell me you got a plate.
OK, not full, but enough for a BOLO.
There can't be that many
silver and yellow vans, right?
Well, these models haven't
changed much in the last 15 years,
but it's hard to narrow
it down from this angle.
Yeah, that's not gonna work.
There's a few hundred
registered in the area.
OK, ERT got something.
Remy, ERT found a partial feather
from a downy woodpecker in
the tire tracks at the campus.
How does that help us?
Wait, wait.
I was at the Stone Creek
Bird Sanctuary
two days before the assault.
Hang on.
Hi, Leighton, this is Agent Chase.
I just had a quick question for you.
Have you ever visited
the Stone Creek Bird Sanctuary?
OK. No, that's great.
Thank you.
Leighton was there painting
before she was assaulted.
That's where he's targeting them.
Stone Creek is about
ten minutes from us.
We'll head over there and start
canvassing the area for cameras.
Great. Meet you there.
I'll see you in the Tahoe.
I spoke with PD earlier.
They're gonna drive you to the college
and keep an eye on things.
You got me a babysitter?
Yeah, a babysitter with a gun.
- Oh, Remy, you're not serious.
- I am.
This son of a bitch
threatened to kill you.
That's not gonna happen on my watch.
God, this place is beautiful.
Yeah, well, I'd rather be looking
at it from behind a screen.
You'd miss out on all the fresh air.
And the bugs.
Wait, that might be it.
- What's up?
- Remy, we got eyes on the van.
It's at Stone Creek.
How far out are you?
Move in. We're on our way.
OK, copy that.
- I can't see anything.
- Clear on the front.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
Oh, my oh, God.
It's OK. I'm FBI.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Hana, I think I see him.
It's OK. I'm gonna call an ambulance.
FBI! Stop!
Any word?
Paramedics were able to stabilize her,
but I haven't heard anything
from the hospital.
Local PD set the perimeter,
but he probably
- slipped away beforehand.
- This place is huge.
And the perfect spot.
He could sit here and watch
without anyone giving him a second look.
So what? He'd come here, pick a woman,
follow her for a couple of days
before assaulting her?
It's a protected place.
No one would connect
being here with being attacked.
Except today, he didn't wait.
So a year ago, it was Maya.
Nine months later, Leighton.
Then three months, April. Now two days.
It's not just the timing.
Attacking Kendra changes everything.
He's escalating.
They find anything on the van?
It was stolen in Portland
over a year ago.
EMT ran the prints,
but there was nothing in the system.
They also found this.
He followed April from here
to the college and saw this.
He knew exactly how to find her.
A guy just got carjacked
about two miles from here.
The suspect was wearing
a baseball cap and jacket.
Damn it.
OK, we got the report from
the DNA National Comparison.
The DNA didn't just match
Maya, Leighton,
and April's rapes.
It also matched three others in
New Hampshire and Connecticut.
That son of a bitch.
It gets worse.
One of the kits
was tested six months ago
but had been sitting
in storage for ten years.
You've got to be kidding me.
So what? This guy's just been
running free
and raping women for over a decade?
Well, we have his DNA.
There's just no consequences.
Every 68 seconds,
somebody in America
is sexually assaulted.
Yeah, one out of three women.
I was 15.
It happened to me sophomore
year of college at a club.
I was celebrating
getting accepted into NYPD.
April, Maya, and Leighton in Maine.
Julie, New Hampshire.
Rachel and Ainsley, Connecticut.
OK, I got a more comprehensive
DNA profile on Rachel.
I'm gonna run it through
every database we have
Public and private.
Check ketamine availability.
Hey, any verdict?
God, sometimes, this job sucks.
We're still waiting on the jury.
Damn, that's got to be hard.
Yeah, you know, I feel like after this,
I'm just gonna clear my schedule
and take some serious time off.
I'm just I just need to unplug.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't be complaining.
I feel ridiculous. How is April?
She surprised me, really.
She wants to stick around
and finish her speeches.
Well, you know, everyone
deals with trauma differently.
Are you any closer
to finding the guy?
Working on it.
- Remy.
- Abby, I gotta jump.
We found a familial DNA match.
Who is it?
OK, right now, it's just
reading as RB from Maine.
I'm gonna check the ISP.
It says the profile was created
in an office building
in Portland, Maine.
Let's roll.
My God.
- You forget to text back too.
- Oh, so it's my fault?
No, I'm just
look, if you're gonna get on me
for every little thing, I
They're not little things!
You do not listen to me.
Sorry, what were you saying?
I wasn't paying attention.
- Oh, my God.
- No, I'm kid
I'm OK, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, OK?
No, do not do not do not do that.
Do not do that please.
I have been a bad boyfriend
and I know words are just words,
and you deserve action.
How long have we been
talking about Miami?
What's your point?
Let's go.
Let's lay on the beach, take a cruise,
drink some mojitos until the sunset
turns the sky purple
right in front of us.
Are are you serious?
Yeah, we need a reset, Hailey.
I mean, we'd have
to look at flights and
No, we don't. Pack your van.
We'll just go.
Think of all the fun
we'll have on the way down.
Oh, my God, Miami.
- OK, I'm gonna go pack.
- Go do it.
- Happy?
- Yeah.
- Agents Scott and Gibson, FBI.
- Bye.
Uh, FBI, what's going on?
- Are you Roger Bush?
- Yes.
Did you upload your DNA to Seed46?
- Yes, why?
- Do you have a brother?
- No, I'm an only child.
- Any kids?
No, that's why I was on the site.
Our family tree is very thin,
so I was hoping to find
a few more branches.
Plus, my wife's not able
to have kids, so
"Life saver," what's that?
Oh, well, we weren't able to
bring a child into this world,
so I thought I'd, you know,
try to save one that's already here,
so I donated bone marrow.
Sometimes, after a transplant,
the donor's DNA takes over
the sick person's.
And changes the DNA.
Do you know who you donated to?
Well, how can I forget?
Patrick Henderson.
He's local.
He took me out to lunch after
he got out of the hospital.
Yeah, that's him.
Thank you for your help.
We have a name on our perp.
OK, so it looks like Patrick Henderson
runs a landscaping business.
No arrests, no tickets, never married.
We have an address.
- Send it to Nina and Barnes.
- Mm-hmm.
Have PD set up surveillance,
but do not breach.
Hey, April, we have a suspect.
You got him?
Not yet, but if you're up for it,
I'd like to text you a picture,
see if it's him.
Yeah, send it.
That's him.
Light 'em up.
Let's get this son of a bitch.
There's no car here.
You two take the back.
Hana and I got the front.
On our way.
- Clear.
- Clear.
This prick's in the wind.
Got nothing up here.
Anything on his cell?
His phone's still turned off,
and he hasn't been using
his credit cards.
What is it?
These grills.
They don't add up.
Son of a bitch.
That's April's.
We only know about six women.
There's at least a dozen there.
Guys, who's this?
I'll run facial rec.
Looks like a girlfriend.
Who better to run to when you need help?
Hailey Washburn.
She lives in East Poland.
It's about 15 minutes from here.
What about her job?
She owns a furniture store
in the same town.
Let's hit it. You two take her house.
I are you sure?
Hold on, it just came through.
I'll call you back.
The van is almost ready to go.
Do you think we can get Claire
to feed your cat?
What happened? What's wrong?
- Stay away from me.
- Hailey.
Hailey, what's wrong? What happened?
This this happened.
Did you rape somebody?
What the hell is this?
This is ridiculous.
No, it's probably just some woman
who's pissed off at me. What are you
Someone so so mad at you
that they they what?
Just out of thin air
decided to call you a rapist?
I I don't believe you. I don't
Hey, honey, I would never hurt anybody.
You know that.
There's too many red flags with you.
There's too many half answers,
the way you
you talk about things.
I think this is true.
Get out.
I treated you like a queen.
- Come here.
- No! No!
You ungrateful bitch!
Hello, thank you for
calling Butler Furniture.
We're either with a customer
or you've caught us
Hailey's store should be open.
Try her cell again.
It's either dead or turned off.
There's no signal.
- Damn it.
- You OK?
- Yeah, why?
- Nothing.
A while back, I was
on this case in Philly.
I had some time to kill,
so I was just walking around,
and I saw all these people
going into an exhibit.
So I go in.
There was about a thousand
pair of empty combat boots.
Each one was someone killed in the war.
There was something about those boots.
Instead of knowing what was lost, you
You felt it.
That's what happened when
I saw the jewelry at Patrick's.
Same thing.
Hey, April.
Any updates?
- He wasn't at his house.
- Oh.
But we're following some leads.
You just you just focus
on your speeches, OK?
Speeches I can do.
I won't be able to sleep
until this bastard is in cuffs.
I can still feel
his hands around my neck.
Hailey Washburn?
Agents Barnes and Chase, FBI.
He's not here.
Who's not here?
The rapist.
I'm gonna go check the house, OK?
I can't believe I stayed with him.
I wanted to break up with him
for months, but he just
I should have trusted my gut.
How did you find out that
Patrick was suspected of rape?
- The blog.
- What blog?
I would show you,
but my phone is broken.
Here's mine.
Search "Leighton Rings
the Bell, blog, Maine."
How did Leighton know
that this was Patrick?
I don't know.
How did you know about this blog?
My friend reads this blog,
and she told me.
Then I showed Patrick,
and he started screaming,
and then he took my keys and left.
- Clear.
- OK.
- So whose is this?
- This is mine.
We were gonna go on a road trip.
He took the Honda Civic.
It's a blue four-door.
Could you write down the license plate?
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- Take care of yourself, OK?
- Yeah.
I'll call and warn Leighton.
You call Remy.
- So Leighton Bell.
- What about her?
She found out we ID'd Patrick
and posted it on her blog.
He saw it,
took his girlfriend's car, and left.
OK, I'm running registrations.
Did he take the V-Dub
or the Honda Civic?
The Honda Civic.
And I've been trying to call Leighton,
and she's not answering.
Patrick promised Leighton
he'd kill her if she told anyone.
Everybody to Leighton's now.
Local PD is
on their way to Leighton's.
OK, there's a BOLO out on Hailey's car.
This model has GPS,
so we're tracking it.
Anything useful on the blog?
"When I met the FBI,
"I'm pretty sure I also met
"this menace's most recent target.
"She's bruised but not broken,
"and it seems she's helping
the police track down
this predator."
Leighton obviously
realized who April was,
and now he knows
she's helping the police.
What if he's not going after Leighton?
What if he's going
after Kendra or April?
We'll call the hospital and make sure
that there's a cop with Kendra.
The BOLO just hit.
He's nowhere near Leighton's.
He's two miles from the college.
He's going for April.
We'll meet you there.
Hana, is Patrick's car
east or west of the quad?
- The west.
- Copy.
Campus police are meeting us over here.
We'll head out to the right.
- Blue Honda Civic.
- Yep.
Plate matches Hailey's car.
It's clear.
The car is here. Patrick's gone.
I'm gonna head to the quad.
Guys, I'm heading towards you.
- April.
- What's happening?
- They found his car here.
- Oh, my God.
- Get her to safety.
- Yes, sir.
Hey! Hey, FBI!
Remy, I'm in pursuit.
Stay down!
I got him, guys.
- Get off of me!
- Shut your mouth!
- I didn't do anything.
- Go on, give me an excuse!
- Remy.
- Give me one!
Do it! Give it to me!
We got him, OK?
Roll over. Hands behind your back.
Let's go.
So apparently,
Leighton knew about Patrick
- because of local PD.
- How come?
Well, she was checking in on her case.
She became friendly with the detective.
He felt bad there was never any news,
so when we ID'd Patrick, he updated her.
Patrick's gonna be behind
bars for quite some time.
I just wish we had his DNA
from before the transplant.
There's got to be other women out there.
Yeah, it'd be nice to give them closure,
or whatever else there is.
Well, at least we know
the assaults stop today.
Are you sure you want to do this?
Yes, I want to face him.
You all right?
I don't really know how to answer that.
Yes. I mean, no.
If it wasn't for you, you know,
he'd still be out here.
If you want, I can find someone
to help you get through that.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I don't know if you still want it.
No, this can't be fixed.
I've seen a lot of things
totally broken get repaired.
You don't deal with stuff,
it ends up biting you in the ass.
Look who's talking.
What do you mean?
One of the reasons we ended things
was because all you could see
was your job,
and it seems like
that's still happening.
You know I'm always
gonna be there for you.
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh! Oh, hey, you made it.
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
- Congratulations.
- Aw.
Thank you. Hi.
Oh, Lakeesha and
and James, this is Remy.
- Remy.
- Hi.
- This is them.
- How are you feeling?
Good. Uh, tired, you know?
But we're good.
Sounds like you need a vacation.
I mean, that would be amazing.
You know how many vacations
I've taken since I started my job?
It's time to see what
everybody's talking about.
Oh, you're going to Italy.
You and me are on the first flight
to Rome in the morning.
Um, can I get one of him please?
What do you think?
Abby, if you don't go, I will.
I mean, yeah, OK.
I'm gonna eat so much pasta
that I'm gonna need stretchy pants.
I hear the wine's not too bad either.
Mm, so here's to Italy.
And making time for things
that really matter, like you.
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