The Circle (2020) s06e12 Episode Script

A Final Power Move

["Don't Go" by Yazoo playing]
[Buteau] It's a brand spanking new day
in The Circle.
-[QT, Brandon] Good morning, Circle.
-[Lauren] Good morning, Circle!
[Buteau] And last night's game
is the gift that keeps on giving.
I gotta put on the shades today.
'Cause we got haters out here,
and we not trying to see 'em.
Can't stop now, don't you know ♪
I ain't never gonna let you go
Don't go ♪
Today is a new day.
Now it's time to get back to puppeteering.
Because I am the puppet master,
and a job is never done.
[Jordan] Yesterday was the most fun
I've had in The Circle.
I laid out a clear blueprint for Kyle.
I said, "Here's the thing."
"You need me in this game. If I'm gone,
Lauren and Olivia have each other,
Myles and QT have each other.
Where are you?"
[Kyle] I was so sure yesterday
that I was in the right spot,
and Jordan sent me a gift.
Like, yo, it's not like
me and Jordan are cool.
I don't know why he sent me a gift.
I gotta figure out a way
to write this to the group.
So, I need to make sure
Kyle's head is on straight,
and he realizes that Jordan
is still public target number one.
I really wanna talk to Olivia because
I really hoped she would send me a gift,
but she sent it to Kyle,
but I was kind of sad about it.
'Cause I thought we were
the girl gang. We were besties.
[Brandon] Lauren, what's going on?
'Cause she did send me a gift last night,
but I don't know
if that was from the heart,
or if she was trying
to, like, be strategic.
[chill music playing]
[Buteau] This morning, Myles is taking
a meeting on the roof with Lauren.
[Myles] All right,
let's get to business out here.
[Buteau] And no, Myles isn't attending
the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards.
[Myles] I definitely wanna chat
with Lauren today.
She witnessed my name
besmirched in the Circle Chat.
And her last message was, there was
somebody more shady to be careful of.
I need to know what that is all about.
Circle, open up
a private chat with Lauren.
[TV dings]
[Lauren] "Myles has invited you
to a private chat."
All right, Myles. Let's talk.
I heard he was talking about me
behind my back,
and he hasn't come to me with the problem,
so it's kind of, like, annoying.
Message, "Ayo, Lauren,
been meaning to chat."
"Wish this was a friendly talk
about anime. Laughing face emoji."
But I'm gonna keep it 100 with you."
"The Circle Chat was wild for me."
"#Blindsided. What's your take
on the situation?" Send message.
So, it's very friendly, which is lovely.
I didn't even know
we had so much in common.
I didn't know he likes anime.
I want to be open with him,
but I don't want to talk about Jordan,
because I am really happy that Jordan
came to me with this information.
Message, "OMG.
I love that we have so much in common."
"Crying emoji, heart emoji."
"To be completely honest with you,
I've been wanting to talk,
'cause I got word you've been
calling me names behind my back."
"That really hurt me, 'cause you didn't
strike me as someone that would do that."
Oh, what? When did I call Lauren a name?
Have I called Lauren a name?
Bro, she was talking about me
as the shady one.
This is a hard message
to receive, I'm sure.
The only potential negative thing
I've ever said
is when I told Jordan
that she lost her two allies
and she was called two-face
in the Circle Chat
during the Poor-Trait game.
That means he must have said
I called her two-face,
which is a fake-ass move.
We got to address this.
Yo, come at me, Circle, all you want.
It's your back
against the wall this whole time.
That's probably been
fucking over my ratings too.
I would have made influencer
if it wasn't for this man Jordan.
Message, "Lauren, I'm sorry,
but that is a damn lie."
"I've only said I wish we had
a stronger connection,
'cause you've had
my back in Circle Chats."
[laughing] Like, what?
"Only thing I can think of was
when I told Jordan about your Poor-Trait,
but I said it was sus
because you always seemed nice."
I feel a little mad.
Lauren could be coming for me off this.
[Lauren] This makes sense.
Of course it's just a misunderstanding.
I'm still Team Jordan,
'cause Jordan is being 100% real
and being out in the open with it.
Myles is ruling this game,
and I want to win,
and I can't let Myles take the money.
[Myles] Don't do me in like this, Circle.
Let me survive another night!
[Lauren] Message,
"I'm actually dying at #FaxNoPrinter."
"Laughing emoji. Please!
That makes me feel a lot better."
"I knew it had to be a miscommunication."
"We just never really got a chance
to know each other,
but that changes now.
Wide-eye emoji, heart emoji."
[loudly] Who's speaking shit
on my name, Circle?
Message, "Hundred P. I'm glad
we can start off right. #OpenToChange."
"But now I'm curious who it was from,
and are we sure
it wasn't intentional misinformation?"
It was Jordan, and he called it,
and I don't think Jordan would necessarily
be mad at me to say it was from Jordan.
[Buteau] Do you even know who Jordan is?
Message, "It was from Jordan."
"I think he's just nervous
'cause you're well-liked
and QT was the influencer twice."
"It's better to play open and fair."
"Just keep being you
and everything will work out."
"A hundred. Sparkle emoji." Send.
It was from Jordan. Oh!
This meant Oh!
[suspenseful music playing]
[Myles] Fu!
I am mad! Nah!
This is an attack. Get out of here!
Oh, I knew this man running a campaign.
Time to call Tres Fuego.
We sending somebody home.
I think that that was successful
and will really help my game.
I'm coming for you, Big J.
Time for the chopping block.
[Buteau] Okay, but after
you clean up your mess.
While the roof recovers
after that path of unbridled destruction,
QT is channeling her energy
into some serious studying.
[QT] Lots of notes over here.
I'm the type of person
who is a visual learner.
So I knew, coming into this game,
I needed to write down
every single thing that happened
so I can go back and reference it.
I have my notes
on my influencer chat with Jordan.
It is two pages back and front.
You can't trust Jordan.
He was going after Kyle.
He was going after Myles.
Clearly, we're in two different positions
in this game.
I have the numbers, and you need them.
[Buteau] With QT starring
in CSI: The Circle,
Olivia, aka Brandon, is ready
to take the stage in Gym: The Musical.
Workout time! ♪
We're definitely doing this bike.
We gotta put these bad boys in sport mode.
Yes! [laughing]
Putting 'em in sport mode.
It fits perfectly. I don't use
the bike at the gym normally.
Okay. Okay.
Oh my gosh, look, no hands!
Ridin' the bike ♪
We're going through the forest
And I don't even need to use my hands ♪
[Buteau] What? You better sign me up
for this Peloton class.
[Brandon] "Kyle has invited you
to a private chat"?
We gotta look cute.
It's Kyle [sputtering]
"Hi, Kyle. You know,
just sweating in the gym."
"Looking gorgeous. Obviously." [chuckles]
This is my final way to figure out
if Olivia is gonna be on my side
and ride for me to the very end.
Message, "Yesterday really broke me."
"The fact that my girl sent me a gift
and I didn't send her one back."
"I felt like poop emoji."
"I sent my little sis QT a gift
because she had a hard day yesterday."
"I don't ever want you to think
you are not my top priority
or my number one."
"#ImSorry, #DoYouForgiveMe,
sad face emoji."
Kyle, of course I forgive you.
I was never mad. I totally understand.
Message, "OMG! Exclamation point."
"QT had it rough yesterday,
so I totally understand
why you did what you did."
"Obviously, it would've been great
to get a gift from you,
but I guess I'll just have to wait
a little longer."
"#DontKeepMeWaitingTooLong. Kissy emoji."
[sighing] Oh my God. She forgives me.
Message, "You make me so happy."
"Monkey face emoji covering the eyes,
heart emoji."
"Now, let's talk strategy."
"I love my little sis,
but her #NumberOne is Myles,
and Myles's #NumberOne is QT."
"You are 100% my number one,
and I pray I'm yours."
"Let's figure out a way
that we can get to the top."
"#ItsOurTimeNow. Ideas?"
[screaming, laughing]
I definitely want to, like, put Kyle
as number one in the ratings.
I believe him when he says he would put me
number one in the ratings as well.
[Kyle] Man, right now,
I'm extremely nervous.
I've never talked strategy with Olivia.
We've had each other's backs,
but we never said,
"All right. This is what we're doing,
and this is how we're doing it."
Now, I need to take this opportunity
to make sure I tell Kyle
I'm gonna watch out for his people too.
Message, "You are my number one
for sure! Exclamation point."
"I agree that it's our time."
"I wanna keep QT and Myles safe,
but I want us at the top."
[squealing, laughing]
'Cause, you know, we
we together in the game.
In the game.
So yeah, you know what I'm saying?
Like, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
[Brandon] QT is going to put
Myles as number one,
and Myles is going
to put QT as number one,
and he's telling me
that I'm 100% his number one.
So I owe him that as well.
Message, "I definitely do not,"
in all caps,
"want to get rid of QT and Myles."
"So that just leaves two,
Jordan and Lauren."
"It's time for the K-dot-O,"
in caps, "show."
"#KnockOut. #PowerCouple."
[Brandon] "Heart emoji, kissy-face emoji."
"Let's go get what's ours."
I agree, Kyle. I agree.
-[Kyle] Mission accomplished.
-[TV whirs]
[upbeat music playing]
[Buteau] Jordan knows
his game is on the ropes,
and he's willing
to do anything to save it.
Which includes turning
to the unlikeliest of players.
No, not Myles. That would just be crazy.
Here's the thing with QT.
Game recognizes game.
She knows my game.
I definitely know her game.
I'm not planning on taking QT out.
I'm trying to weaken her a little bit.
But my main target here is Myles.
I want to be in the end with QT.
So, Circle, start a private chat
with Quori-Tyler.
[TV dings]
[QT] No!
"Jordan has invited you
to a private chat."
Message, "I'm not here to kiss ass."
"Game recognizes game."
"At the end of the day,
I want to be in the end with you."
"I have no shot at winning,
and I want us to have the best winner."
"How can our goals align?"
"#BiggerFishToFry." Send.
[laughs] Okay, Jordan. You might know
how to get to my heart.
I think there's some sincerity
in that if he doesn't win,
he does want the best player to win.
But honestly,
even if he was being 100% sincere,
why should I lay out
any of my cards to you, Jordan,
when I don't really need your help?
I see his game,
and I'm not shutting it down completely.
I still think Jordan
is a detriment to my game,
but I'm gonna play nice.
"Jordan, for a person in your position,
you are playing flawlessly."
"I'm just not seeing
how our goals can align."
"Who is your bigger fish?
Send message.
Last night, Olivia got
three gifts in this game.
QT got one.
And Olivia's response
deserved a Nobel Peace Prize,
and I know QT feels
like Olivia has a shot at winning.
So if I can make QT to think
I've rolled over in this game,
and I just want to help her,
maybe she could buy it.
Message, "I feel like
other than you winning,
the other person that has a shot
at winning is playing emotionally."
"I'm done in this game,
and if it's not me,
I really want a gamer to win."
After "I know you see it,"
three present emojis.
"How can we make this happen?" Send.
Ugh! I hate how much I love talking game,
because Jordan's, like,
getting me a little bit excited.
He said "#IKnowYouSeeIt,"
and I do. Olivia.
And he's right.
She is playing emotionally.
But she likes me.
So unless I have someone else
that can rate me high in the end,
we gotta keep three-gifts in the game.
It is very possible that Jordan
is a part of the final ratings.
If I can get Jordan to say
that he will rate me high in the end,
that's great for me.
Okay. Message,
"The only way I can see this working is
if you rate me third in the next ratings."
[Jordan] "I can make sure you're safe
with me and my people,
but only if they still trust me
after your message in the Circle Chat."
I will swear on everything.
This is a game,
and I will lie,
lie, lie to do whatever it takes.
Message, "QT, I swear on everything."
"All I want is for this to be worth it.
Getting you out has never been a thought."
"We just haven't been on the same page."
"I will absolutely do that.
Will you take that shot?"
"Three gift emojis. #LetsGame."
Like, what is real and what is not?
I'm confused.
[Jordan] I don't know if Q
is believing any of this,
but one thing I do know
is she's thinking about it.
I just can't trust Jordan.
But if I could, it would be great
if he was being honest with me right now.
But if he wants me to win,
shouldn't he want to give me
information that he has?
Maybe he doesn't want me
to win so much after all.
Message, "I can't say for sure yet,
but you've given me a lot to think about."
That's a good message. It's something.
If she's in power, at least I have
a slim chance of staying in this game.
Message, "One thing I can say for certain
is that Myles will be
at the bottom of my ratings in the end."
"You won't be there."
[QT] "The problem has always been Myles,
not you. #RespectForYou."
You didn't have respect for me yesterday.
Message, "I appreciate how much
you respect the game like I do."
"Don't count yourself out just yet."
Period, girl. I'm not counting myself out,
but I want you to believe I am.
No matter what he says,
I'm not fully trusting him.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice
You're never gonna fool me twice.
[Buteau] Okay. I much prefer
QT's version of that saying.
It's direct, it's bold,
it's in-your-face, it's surprising.
It's a bit like one of these.
-[alarm blares]
-[Kyle] Oh!
[all] "Alert!"
What you got for us now, Circle?
[both] "Players you have made it
this far in the game."
We definitely have.
We have made it this far.
"Now each of you will receive
a message from home"?
[high-pitched] Oh my gosh! [laughs]
Oh, I'm so excited!
I need some good spirits out here.
Oh my God, if this is my mom,
I swear I'm gonna lose it.
[Buteau] First up is Lauren,
who has a message from her sister Ash.
My heart is, like,
beating like crazy. [chuckling]
Hi, Lauren. It's Ash!
-[Lauren screams]
-I just wanted to drop in
and congratulate you
for absolutely killing it.
That's my sister!
I so miss just being able to talk
about anything and everything.
Aw, I'm so happy.
I think you are such
an amazing person inside and out.
Keep being your authentic you,
and keep just leading with your heart
and your courage as you always do.
You've got this.
We are all rooting for you back home.
I love you so much.
-[whispering] I love you.
-And I'll see you soon! Bye!
[shouting] Bye! Oh, I love my sister!
Oh, she is just the best!
My sister and I are so freaking close.
She's always there for me.
We call each other
every single freaking day,
and this is probably the longest
I've gone without talking to my sister.
[Buteau] The next one
is from a special person in Jordan's life.
[Jordan] Oh, it's my boyfriend, Josh.
We've been together
for like two years now.
One day we wanna have kids.
And even if that's five years from now,
that's still a lot of money,
and this can be that money for us.
[Josh] Hey, Jordan.
Just wanted to say I'm so,
so proud of you.
[Jordan sighs]
You understand when it comes to you,
you have the greatest instincts.
Do not get in your head
and second-guess yourself at this moment,
because who you are as a person
has gotten you this far for a reason.
You just got one more leg.
So push it, make it through,
and make sure Big J gets that crown.
We gotta go ahead and get that apartment.
We gotta go ahead
and get this shit started.
Because, listen, I'm tired
of this long-distance life.
Let's collect that check
and cash that money in.
I miss you. You're the greatest person
in the world and I love you so much, babe.
Get this.
Oh. That's crazy.
This is his dream
just as much as it is mine.
I'm already under a lot of pressure.
I'm trying to get through this
and just remembering
that people at home rooting me on.
And I'm playing this for both of us.
[Buteau] Aw, I didn't know
Jordan could do nice.
And now QT is ready
to hear from her mom and sister.
[QT screams silently]
It is so wild to see them.
I miss them.
I hope I'm making them proud.
-Hi, Quori.
A message from my mom?
Wait, no way. I'll cry.
We're so excited you made it this far.
I know it's been a wild ride for you,
but we're so happy. Congratulations.
I'm gonna cry. I love them.
You have just been everything to me.
You were with me
through my sickness, through cancer.
You helped me fight through,
and now you're able to focus on yourself
and just block out all the voices
and take this time to live out your dream.
I know you're the winner of this season.
I know this game was created for you.
And I'm just so proud of you.
You won the minute
you walked through that door.
[QT] Aw.
[mother] We miss you so much.
Please, just take your time,
enjoy the moment,
but hurry up and come home.
And listen. Don't let any of those people
tell you what to do.
-Period. Period.
-[mother] You know what you have to do.
You are the influencer of all influencers.
You are the top notch there,
and you better bring it home.
-[QT] That part.
-And remember to have fun!
Oh yeah. Well, that too.
But get the money, honey.
[all three laughing]
[QT screaming]
[QT] My mom always knows
how to encourage me.
Like, you tell me that I can do it,
period, I just need to get it done.
Like, that is what I need,
and she knew exactly how to get to me.
[Buteau] Now it's a message for Myles.
Raise me up a bit,
whoever it is from back home.
That's my Aunt Jen.
She's my aunt by marriage,
and she's really become my mom.
I'm so lucky I had her, you know.
She took me in with my Uncle Dave
when I had no home.
Even when my uncle passed,
like, she's done everything for me.
Hi, sweetheart. I'm just calling
to say how proud we all are.
Everybody talks about you
every single day.
You don't know how much we miss you,
and we can't wait to see you.
Oh, I love that. That's good energy.
That's what we needed.
Everything in life you've accomplished,
you've done on your own,
and we know you're on the road
to becoming a finalist.
Myles, honey, you know
if Uncle David were here,
he'd be advising you, be yourself.
Be that true, honest person
that everybody loves and adores.
-I'm trying.
-[Jen] And a really good friend to people.
That's the Myles
that can go the final mile and win.
[Myles] Oh.
You're the love of his life,
and he's watching over you.
Oh, Aunt Jen.
Goodbye. Love you.
Keep going and win it for everybody.
We love you.
Damn. That hit the feels.
I love to see my aunt's face any day.
And she had to touch on Uncle Dave, damn.
[Buteau] And waiting patiently
for her message is Olivia.
[screaming] Ah! It's Claudia!
Hi, Brandon. It's Claudia, or Olivia,
whatever you wanna call me.
Hey, girl! [laughing]
I hear you're doing great.
We miss you so much, and I'm so proud
of you for taking this opportunity.
You are an amazing person.
I know it's probably stressful,
you're overwhelmed and you miss
your family, but just hang in there.
And I can't wait to hear
your laugh on the show
'cause it just is contagious, really.
[Brandon exclaims]
So keep being you or me,
whatever you want.
Bye! Can't wait to see you! Love you!
Oh my gosh, I love her so much.
She really is, like, the sweetest. [sighs]
That makes me so happy.
[Buteau] Oh, honey,
if Claudia made you happy,
this next one is gonna
give you all the feels.
[Brandon sobbing]
[sad music playing]
Oh my God, it's my mom. [crying]
[shouting] Oh, it's my mom!
Hi, Olivia
Oh, I mean Brandon. I'm so proud of you.
I miss you so much.
I know that this
has been a challenge for you
and being away from your family and stuff.
I just want you to take a deep breath.
This is something that you've
always wanted to do for yourself.
I know it's not been easy,
but you got this.
And I cannot wait to see you again.
I love you. [kissing sound]
[Brandon] I love her so much.
You know, she's just
She's the strongest person I know,
and she just has this way
of just making you feel
on top of the world.
It's just so good
to hear her voice. [chuckles]
And I just wish I could tell her, like
"I'm doing all of this for you."
I need to win this.
[Buteau] And Kyle knows
who's there for him,
but he's still not ready for it.
Oh, don't put my wife on the screen.
Don't do it, man.
Baby! [screams silently]
So, so, so excited!
First of all, I've missed you like crazy.
I am literally sick over here without you.
I mean, you and I talk 24/7.
I don't know how to live life
without talking to you, baby.
Hold on. Where's my little man?
Papuchi, I hope you are not
giving Dad a really hard time.
I miss you guys so, so much.
Babe, I am so proud of you.
[sad music playing]
And you know that I think you are
the most determined person I've ever met.
You know how important
this cash prize is to us.
Something that would
really change our lives
and we can just get our family started.
I'm so excited you're making these
sacrifices for us and our family, boo.
Oh, I can't even speak.
And like I always say
before basketball games,
"Put those blinders on."
So, baby, let's win.
If not, don't come home, boo. Love you!
[laughing] Bye.
I need this money, man.
[crying, sniffling]
I love my wife.
She's been asking for a kid,
and I'm telling her I don't want to be
that dad that's not there for his kids.
I wanna be able to support 'em.
Give 'em a little more than what I had.
[sniffles] This would be a great start.
Playing pro, I was always away from her.
I don't wanna do that no more.
I wanna be home. I wanna have a little me.
I wanna see my little boy kick
or my little girl kick.
I wanna be there
for every single appointment.
I wanna be a dad.
Like how my dad was to me.
I wanna be a dad.
I gotta win this thing, man.
I gotta win this thing.
[sad music ends]
[energetic music playing]
[Buteau] Now that I got
my daily cry out the way,
it's clear that these players
have all the motivation they need.
[Lauren] There we go.
-[Buteau] As long as they stay grounded.
-[QT] Oh no.
[Buteau] And stay clean.
It's kind of fire, right?
I got this for five euros in Milan.
[Buteau] It's anybody's game, and no one
is as dialed in as Tres Fuego.
You trying to play
some golf with me real quick?
[TV dings]
"Quori-Tyler has invited you
to a Tres Fuego group chat."
Yes! I needed this.
I mean business today.
That's why the blazer's on.
Circle, take me
to the Tres Fuego group chat.
Message, "Fire emoji,
fire emoji, fire emoji."
"Okay, boys, time to get serious.
#TresFuego needs to get to the end."
"But we all need to be on the same page."
Message, "Yo. #TresFuego been
and will be strong."
"I know we had a game plan for Lauren,
but I'mma call an audible
if everybody's down."
-"It's lights out time for Jordan."
Wow. Message,
"Jordan is wildin'," in all caps.
I'm talking N-N-N-N-N, exclamation point,
exclamation point, exclamation point.
"Before the Circle Chat yesterday,
I, for sure, thought Lauren
was our next target."
"But the moment I seen Jordan
come at you two like that,
it was all-out war."
"No wonder he sent me
a gift! Exclamation point."
"He actually tried to get me on his side."
That's my boy!
[QT] This is great. This is great.
But I have the tea that Jordan
has also talked about Kyle.
Message, "Phew, so glad
we are all on the same page."
"Jordan has come for me
and Myles publicly,
but I know he said
some things about Kyle."
[Kyle] He talking shit about me too?
Message, "Hearing that Jordan said
something behind my back has me hot!"
In all caps. "Exclamation point."
"What did he say? Question mark."
[QT] Message, "Jordan told me
that in order to take away
some of Myles's power"
"we need to take out Kyle." Oh my God!
Look at me trying to be a big brother,
trying to help him out,
and he over there trying to take me out.
Message, "Jordan is #Messy." In all caps.
Message, "We comin'
for victory, fire emoji."
"Kyle, don't think we didn't notice
that Liv sent you a gift, eye emoji."
laughing face emoji." Send message.
[Kyle screaming, laughing]
[Kyle] Message, "Damn, Myles!"
"The double date is on! Exclamation point.
Liv and I have the first round of drinks."
"#WeLit." Send message.
Yo! [laughing]
Love you, Kyle.
Things just simply could not be going
better for me, honestly, at this point.
I feel like I'm killing the game.
Great chat. Business has been done.
[Kyle] Nobody can mess with me, man.
Bro, I got an army,
and, like, we ready to shoot.
Like, it's no games
out here, bro. It's war.
[Buteau] Kyle is ready for war.
But to win this game, you need
to surprise folks and do the unexpected
while having blind faith
in your abilities
Ooh, close enough.
[Buteau] and knowing when to just rest.
But rest isn't in Jordan's vocabulary.
Not when his number-one target
is still here smiling back at him.
Circle, let's start a group chat
with Olivia and Lauren.
-[TV dings]
-Love a group chat. Who could it be with?
Oh gosh.
We gotta be careful here.
This is sticky. I don't like it.
-Take me to group chat.
-Take me to the group chat with Jordan.
[Jordan] Message, "Hi, queens!"
"I think I've made it very clear
that you two are safe with me,
crying-laughing emoji."
"I wanted to get into an iconic group chat
to see where your heads are at."
[Brandon] "#LetsTakeTheCrownBack,
crown emoji."
Thank you, Jordan,
for calling us queens, first of all.
[Lauren] Ooh, ooh, ooh! Okay.
What do we wanna say back?
Obviously, I want Jordan to know,
like, I'm willing to hear him out.
But also I don't want to be like,
"Oh my God, you're so amazing."
Message, "Jordan, I appreciate you
for reaching out."
"After that Circle Chat,
I feel like everyone was #JawsOnTheFloor."
"I think it's great that you aren't afraid
to voice your opinion. #ImAllEars,
smiley face."
Olivia's open.
That's all I can ask for.
Okay. Message,
"I'm very excited
to have this group chat."
"I'm ready to rumble.
How are you guys feeling?"
"#GetIntoItYUH, smiley face emoji." Send.
See, me and Lauren are
on the same page, and I know it,
and hopefully, that helps Olivia
get what's going on.
Message, "Kyle, Myles,
and QT are a trio in this game."
"If I get blocked, you two
will be in the end with a trio."
"That means you will be
at the bottom of all their ratings."
[Brandon] "So here's what I propose."
"If you two will rate me at the top
in the next ratings, I will take out Myles
and take all the heat. #IGotYall."
Well, shit.
I'm a little nervous
about how they're gonna respond.
I just want a glimmer of hope here.
Message, "I hear
what you're saying, and I agree."
"But do you think it will be enough if Q
and Myles are rating you at the bottom?"
Good question.
Message, "Honestly, I don't think
it would be enough. Period."
"I think voting Myles lower
would be the move."
Send message.
Message, "I'm totally
on board with this, heart emoji."
"We're at the end, and it's time
to make a move that gives us a chance."
[Lauren] "#AllGameNotPersonal."
This is a good plan. I'm down with this.
"Lauren. I'm down with this.
I hate this.
I don't want them to think
I'm working with Myles.
I feel like this shows that I'm willing
to do that to Myles and not QT.
So I think it still shows Lauren
that I have loyalty,
but also, this doesn't make me
look bad to them,
and they'll still vote me high.
If I don't go with what they're saying,
then I put myself at risk,
I put Olivia at risk.
"Fingers crossed"
"toes crossed. #IBelieveInTakingChances."
I don't know if I've got Olivia,
but I've gotta hope I do.
[Brandon] This is a very risky "if."
If we do it and it doesn't work,
we are screwed,
and I don't want to lose $100,000
because we tried
to take a shot and missed.
I don't know. I don't like this.
That group chat should've never happened.
I should have rejected it,
but then that would've
made me look really bad.
[Buteau] Aw, poor Olivia is getting pulled
from every direction.
And the truth is,
this game is a balancing act.
One single wrong move and you fall down.
But I know something
that could pick anybody up.
-[TV beeps]
-What is this?
[all] "Circle Ho-Down!"
Let's go! Giddyap. Yeehaw!
Wait, I'm excited.
I've never been to a hoedown.
Oh, poor Autumn.
She would have loved a hoedown.
Hold up. Circle,
what do you know about a hoedown?
Me tripping on the street,
that's a ho down. [laughing]
[all] "Giddy on up to your doors now."
[Brandon screams, laughs]
-[Kyle] You ain't gotta tell me twice!
-[Brandon] Oh my God, what do we got now?
[Kyle] Damn!
[QT] What?! This is nuts!
[Jordan] Bro!
There's a snake in my boot!
[Jordan] Please hold while we contact
customer support on how to put on chaps.
[funky country music playing]
[Buteau] Put on your hats
and slide up your bolos
for The Circle's first annual
country western fashion show.
[Kyle] Let's go!
[Brandon] I feel like I'm
in Brokeback Mountain right now.
"I wish I could quit you!"
This is my town.
I run this Circle.
[Kyle] Deucey, don't eat it.
You're a cowboy.
You're not supposed to eat this.
[Buteau] They got them cowboy looks down,
but do they got the cowboy moves to match?
Don't tell my heart
My achy breaky heart ♪
I just don't think he'd understand ♪
And if you tell my heart
My achy breaky heart ♪
He might blow up
And kill this man ♪
[alarm blares]
-[song ends]
-[all] "Alert!"
You always know how
to mess up a good time, man.
"Players, you must now rate each other."
"The top-rated player"
"will become
the secret super influencer." [gasping]
is that good?
The secret super influencer?
What does that even mean?
Now we don't even know
who the influencer is, yo.
So I can get rid
of whoever the frack I want.
Oh my God, that's so dangerous. Holy shit.
That means somebody can get rid of me.
And nobody will know it was them.
So it doesn't affect their future ratings.
"They will decide
which player to block tonight."
[suspenseful music playing]
Make it count, baby.
You better hope the player
that you are loyal to is loyal back.
This is when shit gets real.
[both] Circle, take me to my ratings.
[foreboding music playing]
QT has been my day one,
and has always made the right call,
and has set up the Tres Fuego group chat.
We couldn't have done this without her.
I would like to place
Quori-Tyler in my first position.
Whoever becomes the super secret
influencer not only just has to save me,
but they have to block my enemy.
I need to keep Jordan out of the bottom,
and I don't think that Jordan
will become the influencer,
so I don't think Jordan
is a threat by putting Jordan first.
Lock in Jordan as my first place rating.
This is a person that I think
if they were the influencer,
they would save me, 100%.
I'm going with my gut.
Everything I've done
in this game has been with my gut.
I'd like to place Kyle in first position.
You know I'm not coming for you.
-Why would you take me out?
-Lock in Olivia for my first position.
I have to trust this girl.
I finally have to put my trust out there
and pray she has my back.
Please lock Jordan
into my first place rating.
I think he may have had a good point.
And I also think if I rate him first,
a lot of people
are not going to rate him first,
and hopefully, that'll boost
my chances of getting into first.
I can boost Olivia's ratings up.
This will help Olivia get to the top.
In my second position,
please place Kyle in the second position.
We have a bond in the Tres Fuego alliance.
So I feel I will be safe.
Circle, lock in Myles as my third place.
Honestly, it's a new feeling for me
that Myles might be playing
a little more strategically.
I think after he gave Olivia
the gift last night,
I realized that he's not playing
with his heart as much as I thought he is.
He knows who he needs to get in good with
in order to win in the end,
and I feel like he'll do
whatever it takes to get there.
I'd like to place Myles
in my fourth position.
I think I've exploded Myles's game
at this point,
and I know people
are gonna be rating him low.
In my last position,
I would like to place Jordan.
I hope I get to block him
straight to his face.
I would like to place Quori-Tyler
in last position.
'Cause I know she's a player,
and that's what makes her terrifying.
And I can't risk her having power.
Circle, please lock Q
into my last place position.
I love you, QT, but you are
a very, very powerful player.
[QT] my ratings.
[Brandon] "Ratings complete."
I'm manifesting that after tonight,
that photo of Myles
will not be on this screen.
Jordan, you fake hippie.
Nothing, I want nothing with you.
You snake, you piece of trash.
[Buteau] With ratings complete,
it's time for one player
to take the bull by the horns.
So, Circle, give 'em a
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-Oh shit, it's here.
-We just had an alert.
I thought that said "blocked."
That scared me.
No, I don't feel so good.
There's no yippie in my ki-yay.
[QT] "The ratings results are in."
It's time. Okay.
This is the moment of truth, I think.
"The top-rated player will become
the secret super influencer."
[Myles] It's anybody's game.
Nobody will know.
You can be an assassin out here.
It's scary that it's anonymous.
You can get rid of anyone
without repercussions to yourself.
Cowboy's a little a little spooked.
So nervous. I'm so nervous.
Please tell me
I'm the secret super influencer.
Please, please, please,
please, please, please, please.
-"They will decide"
-"which other player"
[both] "to block tonight."
[QT] Tonight is crazy.
I don't wanna leave.
I hope they come for Jordan and not me.
Please keep me in this game.
[Lauren] "The secret super influencer
will be notified now."
I just really wanna
survive this blocking.
[suspenseful music swelling]
Come on, Circle.
But I hope I did enough.
[alarm blares]
"Alert!" Another alert?
[suspenseful music playing]
[sighs] Okay.
So it's not me.
I'm nervous that I might be sent home.
Did not make it.
Jordan tanked my ratings,
and if it wasn't for Jordan
being the snake he was,
I honestly would have had a good shot.
[Jordan] I'm not surprised.
I'm just hoping
whoever it is keeps me safe.
No. [crying] It's not me.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Who is it? If it's not me, who is it?
It's most likely Olivia,
because everybody loves Olivia.
Even I love Olivia.
I think it's gonna be Kyle.
I think QT's gonna rate Kyle
in a decent spot. I think Lauren is too.
I put him in first.
I think it's gonna be Kyle.
[Brandon screaming] "You are
the secret super influencer!" Yes!
Oh my God! Yes! [laughing]
[Kyle] What more could we have done?
[Brandon exhales]
Oh my God. Oh my gosh. [chuckles]
I think that the secret super influencer
has to be Olivia.
-[Brandon exclaiming]
-[QT] I rated her number one
because, emotionally,
she feels attached to me, hopefully.
And I'm just scared,
because she's never had power before,
so I don't know
what she would do for a blocking.
[TV whirs]
[Brandon] "You must now decide
which player to block."
[whispering] Oh my God.
I hope whoever got picked ride for me.
I hope they come for Jordan.
I ain't trying to get blocked tonight.
Not right at the end.
[Brandon] "The Circle will never
reveal your identity."
I mean, I have no idea what to do here.
You know, I've made genuine connections
with everybody in The Circle.
But there's an opportunity now
for me to really do something for me
and I don't get that chance a lot.
And I feel like I have to take it.
"Make your decision now."
First, there's Jordan.
Jordan is not a threat
and could be beneficial
to my game in the final.
I could block Lauren,
who I think is a threat.
But I also have an alliance with Lauren.
QT. She is a very powerful player.
The obvious choice
as a super secret influencer
would be to take QT out.
And I love her,
but I came here to win.
But then there's Myles,
who is QT's number one person
that is rating her
in first place every time.
And if I take him out, I feel like I have
a better chance of beating her.
Kyle is absolutely incredible,
and I know when he says
he's gonna rate Olivia number one,
he means it.
I also know that people like him as well.
I do not wanna do this.
I do not wanna do this.
But I feel like I have to do this.
[dramatic music playing]
I've made my decision.
[dramatic music ends]
[Buteau] Coming up on the season finale
of The Circle.
[Lauren] Who's it gonna be, Circle?
-I'm hoping it's Jordan.
-I am freaking out.
[Buteau] Olivia delivers the most
painful block of the season.
Oh my gosh.
[Buteau] The final five are shook
when they meet face-to-face.
-Hi, guys!
-[people screaming]
[Buteau] And one player
will be crowned the winner
and take home $100,000, honey!
[woman screaming, laughing]
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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