FBI (2018) s06e13 Episode Script

Ring of Fire


Hey, engineer
on the number 9 train ♪
Where are you taking
that woman away ♪
Hey, engineer
on the number 9 train ♪

Hey, buddy.
Are you okay?
Yo, yo, you want me to call somebody?

They really seem to like each other.
I'm so glad.
I'll be honest, I was a little worried.
They haven't seen each other in
two, three years, maybe more.
Yeah, you and Jess, you didn't
Yeah, we weren't close.
We just never
I don't know.
There was always this unspoken tension,
I mean, since we were kids.
One of those things, I suppose.
And then our mother got sick,
and all that conflict and resentment
just kind of came to a head and
I understand.
I mean, the sibling thing can be tricky.
But I'm really glad
that you reached out.
I think it's so important
that she's around family,
especially at their age.
Yeah. What else?
- Life of an FBI agent.
- Exactly.
We should do this again sometime.
- Hey, Ella.
- Hey.
Maybe Ella could spend the day with us.
Yeah, that could be great.
Let me talk to her.
Hey, how do you feel about maybe staying
with them for the rest of the day,
and I'll pick you up later?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? All right.
Have fun.
Look, call me if you
need anything, okay?
- Okay.
- All right. I'll talk to you soon.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Victim's name is Lucas Chandler.
Male, white, age 32.
All right. Any witnesses?
No, it's pretty desolate out here.
No video cameras, either.
All we got is a shell casing,
9 millimeter.
- What's on the truck?
- Food.
Yep, checks out.
Truck is registered
to a federal nonprofit
called U.S. Food Aid.
Bill of lading shows that
it was headed to JFK.
Also, it looks like all
the inventory is accounted for.
So our killer wasn't looking
for tuna and applesauce.
Or the DOA's phone, watch, or wallet.
Victim had a gun
in his waistband, 9 mil.
That makes sense, I suppose.
He was a truck driver.
Well, what doesn't make sense is,
there was no serial number on it.
So why is our nonprofit truck
driver carrying a ghost gun?
I can't believe Luke is dead.
How long had he been working here?
About three months.
We needed a new truck driver,
and he had a lot of experience.
Any idea who might have done this?
No clue. He kept to himself.
You aware of any recent
fights or arguments?
Actually, a few days ago,
Luke and another guy
got into an altercation
outside the dock.
It was verbal at first, but
then there was some pushing.
So I ran out, and I asked what
was going on. The guy ran off.
You have any idea
why they were fighting?
I I asked Luke about it,
and he just shrugged it off.
Said it was some drug addict
begging for cash.
Any idea what he looked like?
White, 30s, and he had this
tattoo right under his eye.
It looked like a scorpion.
All right, so what do we know
about our deceased charity worker?
Not much. He kept a low profile
like, really low.
Not much in the way of work history,
or financial information.
And he's got no social media presence.
Okay, what about family?
No siblings, both parents deceased.
So slow start.
How are we doing on the phone?
I'm trying to access it, but he's got
some sophisticated encryption apps,
so it won't be easy.
Encrypted phone, ghost gun
sounds like old Luke
could be using that truck
to deliver something other than
non-perishable food products.
Let's look into any possible ties
to known drug dealers, gun traffickers.
Hey, I got traffic cam footage.
This is three blocks from the nonprofit.
Got a guy with a scorpion tattoo.
Yeah, yeah. That's good.
Let's run his face.

Steven Tucker, age 31,
army veteran, former special ops,
medically discharged after
suffering severe injuries
while deployed in Afghanistan,
two prior arrests for drug possession.
Let's track him down.

Oh, yeah, that's him.
Steven Tucker, FBI. We
You okay?
Hey! FBI!

Get up!

Steven Tucker, you're under arrest.
Steven, I was a
a soldier, just like you.
So I try to be understanding
or, as my girlfriend
likes to put it, empathetic,
but when someone
sucker punches you in the face,
it's kind of hard to do that.
Look, bro, I'm sorry.
But, honestly, you guys
kind of rolled up on me.
Instincts kicked in.
Wasn't nothing personal.
Why are you chasing me down, anyway?
What'd I do?
So we wanna talk to you about
a guy named Luke Chandler.
I don't know anyone by that name.
Recognize this guy?
His name ain't Luke, though. It's Nick.
Nick what?
Nick Ward, W-A-R-D,
served together in Afghanistan.
You two got into
an argument the other day?
Yeah, but it was nothing.
It was just, um
Just what?
He pretended not to know me.
Okay. Then?
It's kind of a complicated story.
It's, um it's hard to explain.
Well, we're pretty good listeners.
So why don't you give it a shot?
You see, Nick is dead.
Well, at least I thought he was.
So when I saw him,
it was kind of like
like I was dreaming, you know?
I kept looking at him to make sure
I was seeing what I was seeing.
And it was him. It was Nick.
So I said, hey, what's up, man?
It's me. It's Steven.
I thought you were dead.
He he just looked at me like
like he's never seen me before.
- And that made you mad?
- Damn right.
That was my best friend.
That was my brother until he went AWOL.
He just did he just disappeared,
no goodbye, no nothing.
A few months later,
platoon leader comes up to say,
your boy's been shot dead
trying to leave the country.
It tripped me out.
I loved that dude.
Where were you this morning?
I was at the VA
trying to get into a drug
rehabilitation program.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's this all about, anyway?
Did something happen to Nick?
Yeah, someone killed him.
But this time, he's really dead.
Steven's alibi checks out.
Drug counselor confirmed their meeting.
Yeah, the gun isn't a match, either.
So he's not a killer.
He's just a guy with
a pill problem who saw a ghost.
Or not.
I pulled personnel files
for everyone in that unit.
There's no one named Luke Chandler,
but there is a Nick Ward.
He was declared killed
in action five years ago.
So Steven was telling the truth.
Right, all right, so let me
just say this out loud.
So our victim, whose name
is actually Nick Ward,
was supposedly killed in
Afghanistan five years ago,
but in fact, was alive and well
and living under the name
Luke Chandler.
Interesting twist.
I think I've seen this in the movies.
So why does someone
do something like this?
You're running away from something
wanna start fresh?
Either way, this is gonna
help us dig into the victim,
so let's figure out why
Nick Ward became Luke Chandler.
Good news finally cracked
the victim's phone.
All right. Anything interesting?
Well, it's boring, which
actually makes it interesting.
Ian, can we
He hardly used the phone at all.
In fact, it seems like
he only communicated
with one other person.
It's no name, just a phone number.
Great. Ping it.
This is the last-known location.
GPS just went dead.
I'm not seeing anything.
I guess maybe they just turned it off?
It wasn't shut off.
It just stopped transmitting.
I got a bad feeling about this one.
Hey, check that out.

What the hell?
Why does it look like
a bomb just went off?
All right, federal agents,
you guys stay where you are.

Oh, my
I guess that explains
why the GPS went out.
Like I said.
I got a bad feeling about this one.

All right, people,
so our lead just disappeared,
literally, and the vehicle
was eviscerated.
I have traffic cam footage
of said evisceration.
Okay, can't wait to tune in.
Let me see.
What the hell?
Does that look like
an airstrike to anyone else?
Did we stumble onto
a military operation?
I don't know, but we need answers fast.
Kelly, can you rewind that?
Let's zoom in on the driver.
Okay, yeah. That's good enough.
Run that face.
Name is Christine Collins.
Okay. What do we know about her?
Once again, not too much.
Not a lot of financial
or personal information,
no social media.
Last job I see was three years ago,
senior accounts manager
at United Fidelity Insurance.
We've gotta be able
to dig deeper than that.
We need to connect her to Nick Ward.
What about her phone?
Yeah, just like Nick,
she didn't communicate
with many people
two, to be precise,
Nick and someone else.
All right. You got a name?
No, sir. It's a burner.
All right, ping it.
Last-known location was Agnanti,
a restaurant in Queens.
We appreciate you doing this.
Well, believe it or not, I actually like
putting bad guys in prison.
I'm happy to help.
Right there. Stop.
That's Christine.
Do you know who she's with?
Oh, yeah, that's Jack.
I don't know his last name,
but he comes in here a lot.
He lives in the neighborhood.
Okay, do you know
anything else about him?
What he does for a living?
Just that he drives a pickup truck,
and, um, he has a flag
outside of his house.
He said it keeps the criminals away.
Yeah, you have a flag outside,
people think you're a Republican.
They think you own a gun.
So this woman, Christine,
she meets up with this guy for coffee,
and an hour later, her car explodes.
And before that,
one of her only friends, Nick,
gets shot on his way to JFK.
I mean, the more I think about
it, the less it make sense.
Like vegan sushi?
Here we go.

- Drop the weapon.
Drop it.
Relax, okay? Do not do anything stupid.
If you move, I will shoot you.
Do not move.
- Do you understand me?
- All right.
Okay, everybody everybody calm down.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait.
he's CIA.
How you guys doing? Jack Wagner.
Mr. Wagner, for the love of
God, what the hell is going on?
- I wish I knew.
- No, don't do that. Not now.
No I'm not ducking the question.
I literally don't know what's going on,
other than two of my
colleagues were just killed
and six boxes of thermobaric
grenades were stolen.
Wait, okay, thermobaric grenades?
- They were on the truck.
- Yes.
And that's why they killed
Nick, to steal the grenades?
And used one of them to kill Christine?
It sure looks that way.
- Do you know why?
- I'm not sure.
Is there anything specific going on
that you can tell us about
that might explain all this?
I'm not sure.
You say that a lot.
Yeah, that's because it's the truth.
Look, here's what I know.
I told Christine to ship the grenades.
After that, she calls our contact
at the manufacturer, who
delivers the grenades to Nick.
Where was she shipping them to?
Somewhere in Europe or Africa.
That narrows it down.
Look, this is just
how we do business, okay?
We compartmentalize intel
for precisely this reason,
so that no one person fully understands
the plan or purpose.
Well, that's all well
and good, until somebody
beats you at your own game.
All right, so what do we know?
Well, we just learned that our
two DOAs, Nick and Christine,
were CIA officers focused on stabilizing
democracy in Africa.
We also know the perp
stole thermobaric grenades
from the truck that Nick was driving.
The non-perishable food was subterfuge.
Their real objective was to ship
these dangerous and illegal weapons
to our friends overseas.
Clearly, they used one of
the grenades to kill Christine,
hence the total
evisceration of her vehicle.
Why they wanted her dead,
we do not know.
I'm guessing it's
someone who has an ax to grind
with the U.S. or the CIA,
maybe someone on the other end
of one of our many foreign skirmishes.
But once I'm in conjecture
land, you know I'm done.
So does anyone have anything to add?
- Kelly?
- Uh, I'm sorry.
- I don't have anything new.
- Okay, thank you. Elise?
Well, I don't have information,
but I have a suggestion.
You do give good advice. What is it?
We focus on the leak.
Whoever killed Nick and
Christine is obviously a pro, right?
He didn't just find these
grenades in the trailer.
He knew they'd be there,
which means the perp
had inside information.
He knew those weapons
would be on that truck.
Okay, so so who would
have that information?
The people who actually
deliver the grenades.
All right, let's find
the name of the company
who manufactured these grenades
and the person in charge.
Not sure we ought to spend
so much time and money
fighting other people's battles.
Well, someone's gotta
fight the good fight, right?
- I'm not so sure about that.
- What do you mean?
Just 'cause we're fighting it
doesn't mean it's a good fight.

I'm glad they're putting them
on the wall.
The person you're supposed to
meet, the weapons manufacturer,
Nicole Allen, she's not in today.
Her boss says that
she's working from home.

Nicole Allen?
FBI is anybody home?

Two to the head.
I'll call it in.

The ME thinks that she's
been dead for about two hours.
Two shots, 9 mil, just like
the nonprofit truck driver.
All right, so we got three dead.
That's two CIA agents and then a woman
who designed weapons for a living.
There's gotta be a thread somewhere.
I wish I could see it.
Check this out.
If you're gonna steal
weapons from a truck,
you might have to kill
the delivery guy to get that.
But what do you get out of
killing the weapons designer?
Nicole Allen what else
do we know about her?
Graduated with honors from MIT.
According to her LinkedIn, she's worked
at U.S. Munitions Design
for the last ten years.
All right, what do we know
about the electronics
- we found at her house?
- Yeah, I ran her phone.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
I am scrubbing her laptop as we speak.
It took a minute.
Once again, there's some
pretty sophisticated
encryption software involved.
Well, that could make sense, right?
She probably has some
pretty frightening designs
on that hard drive.
Or it could mean she has secrets.
Jubal is right, as usual.
Browser history shows that
she spends lots of time
in various anti-American
and anti-military chat rooms.
Well, that seems odd,
considering the fact
that she makes weapons
for the United States military.
I'm also showing
she's got a WhatsApp account.
She has been messaging with someone
about the use of thermobaric grenades
against women and children overseas.
She is clearly disgusted
that we use weapons like this
against civilians.
Weapons like this?
You mean the weapons she designs?
Okay, so she's disgruntled,
probably some other words
that start with dis.
So she could have an agenda.
Do we know who Nicole was
talking to about all this?
No, the person uses a pseudonym.
But check it out.
The last message that Nicole
sent to said person was this.
That's the license plate
of the food aid truck Nick was driving.
All right, so there's our confirmation.
Nicole Allen was the leak.
She was giving the perps
the when and where,
which led to Nick Ward's murder.
So who's on the other side of that text?
We got surveillance video
from outside Nicole's house.
- Yeah.
- Okay, yeah.
Okay, so
he picks the lock, goes in,
shoots Nicole twice, comes out.
But if we punch into that car
We can see the driver.

Is that
That's him.
That's Hakim.
So al-Shabaab is responsible.
Question is, what's next?
Kelly, run that plate.
Okay, car was stolen out of
Queens, older model, no GPS.
Hey, I just got a hit.
It was going westbound
through an intersection
in Bensonhurst 47 minutes ago.
Yeah, let's let's push in
on Hakim's wingman.

Facial rec comes back
to Abdi Bashir, 30,
emigrated here
from Somalia two years ago.
The car they stole is
parked in the driveway.
SWAT's ten minutes out.
Okay, everybody's saying that
we should wait for them to get here.
Ten minutes is a long time.
Yeah, well, there's a lot
of houses and civilians.
I don't wanna take that chance.
Hakim and Bashir are probably in there.
There's one car in the driveway.
Yeah, with lethal firepower.
Who aren't expecting anything.
Uh, bad news. Heavy traffic.
SWAT's 20 minutes out.

Let's do it. Let's just do it.
You guys take the front.
We'll take the back.
On the move.

- Set.
- Set.
Simultaneous entry.
If they even look at
a grenade or a weapon, engage.
Copy simul, on your count.
- Hold.

They cleaned the place out.
I mean, they obviously
anticipated our arrival.
Hey, Jubal.
Hey. What the hell happened?
We breached. It was rigged.
Okay, why didn't you wait
for SWAT to get here?
They were 20 minutes out.
Was this Tiffany's idea?
No. It was my call to move in.
All right, thanks.
Hey, Tiff.
How you doing?
I'm good.
- You sure?
- Yeah, I'm good.
Well, you don't have to pretend
that this is just another case,
that Hakim is just another target.
We both know he's not.
But I need to know that you're okay
and that you're mentally fit
to be in the field.
Are you serious?
Just be honest with me.
Yes, Jubal. Okay?
Yes, I am mentally fit
to be in the field.
I've been seeing a psychiatrist, okay?
I've been doing the work.
Come on, Jubal. Come on.
You cannot take me off this case.
I have to see this through.

All right, folks,
so we have agents
in local ports and airports,
but we all know Hakim
is not going anywhere.
He did not steal
thermobaric grenades to run.
He stole them to make a statement.
So those three murders are
likely just the beginning.
Sorry to interrupt,
but I've been studying
these thermobaric grenades.
It's actually some
really fascinating stuff.
Is this going somewhere?
Sorry. I'll get to the point.
A witness who saw
Christine Collins' car explode
said that he heard a popping sound
- a few seconds
- before the explosion.
Okay, I'm still not following, Kelly.
Well, perhaps the popping sound
the witness heard was
the grenade being launched,
not thrown.
Well, that would certainly explain why
no one saw anyone near
the car before it exploded.
So they had a grenade launcher.
How does that move the needle?
Well, because there's
only one type of launcher
that can deploy
these types of grenades
- the M320.
- Okay.
Were there any grenade
launchers on that food truck?
Not according to the list
of items supplied by the CIA.
This is where I'm going.
What if they bought the launchers here?
There's not a lot of manufacturers.
Let's kick the tires,
see where they bought those launchers
and where they shipped them.

Moran said two launchers were
shipped to that building five days ago.
So far, no movement out front.
My team has the place contained,
and we've done
a thermal scan of the building.
I'm only seeing two heat signatures.
- Where are they?
- Second floor.
Hakim and Bashir?
Only one way to find out.
I'll do whatever you say,
but my understanding is
- they have superior weaponry.
- They do.
So if they stay on the second floor,
they'll have no trouble
responding to our entry.
And if they set off
one of the grenades inside
of a confined space, we're all dead.
Look, I understand the concern,
but Hakim could be in there.
The sooner we confirm, the better.
There were booby traps last time.
Yeah, but that building was empty.
According to the thermal imaging,
we know that there are people in here.

Let's do it.
This time, we're gonna go in
nice and quiet.
Hey, Tiff?
I want you to stay back.
- And do what?
- Man the thermal image sensor.
I want you to keep us updated
on their positions
as we move through the building.
[SCOFFS] SWAT can do that.
I want you to do it.
Copy that.
All right. Let's move out.

Tiff, we're going in. Keep us updated.
Copy that.
They're still on the second floor.
You guys take the stairwell.

Maggie, stop.
We're good. We just gotta step over it.
Be advised that there's
tripwires throughout the place.
When you see it, mark it.
- Be alert.
- Copy that. Be careful in there.
One of those grenades, if deployed,
can incinerate the entire floor.
If they attempt to use them,
I want you to retreat and contain.
That's an order, not a request.

Heads up.
One of the heat signatures
is breaking away.
Okay. Which way is he headed?
If you're facing the building,
he's on the left side,
headed towards the stairwell.
All right. We got one in custody.
It is not Hakim or Bashir.
FBI. Show me your hands now.
Drop your weapon and surrender.

Suspect down.
He's dead.
Hey, are you okay?
- I need an update.
- We're good.
One down, one in custody.
Is one of them, Hakim?
Hakim and Bashir are still at large.

Where is he? Where is Hakim?
You will know soon enough.
What's that mean?
It means that you will
know the pain of our people,
the suffering of our people.
We're gonna need you to be
a little more specific than that.
Listen, every body that drops is on you.
You understand?
I'm prepared to suffer or die
for the good of my people,
the people that have been
slaughtered by the bombs
that your country has supplied.
But now we have those weapons,
and we will give you a taste
of what that feels like.
If you tell us where Hakim
is, we can offer you a deal.
I am done talking.
- I want a lawyer.
- Don't be stupid.
- This is your only chance.
- I want a lawyer.
No grenades, no launchers.

Looks like some sort of structure.
I don't know what it is.
It might be their next target.

Hakim and Bashir are still out there
and armed to the hilt
with thermobaric grenades.
But in their hideout,
we found a satellite photo
of a building we haven't
been able to identify yet
that we think may be the target.
We're hoping you can help.
How are we doing?
We ran a reverse image search
on the printout,
got three hits, all potential matches.
Jack, any of these buildings
mean anything to you?
What's the name of this estate?
Blue Oak.
It's in Old Westbury.
There is a function
happening later today.
It's somewhere in the tri-state area.
It's involving delegates
of the Somali government.
It sounds like a winner to me.

This is a private event.
What's going on?
- We have reason to believe
- [POP]
- Everybody down!
- Get down!
Down! Down!
- Incoming! Down!
- Down!

It came from over there.
Listen, you need to get as
many ambulances as you can.
- What's happening?
- Just get everybody out!
- Move, get out. Move!
- Everybody move!
I have eyes on Hakim.
There's Bashir.
- Let's split up.
- All right. I'm with Tiff.

Son of a bitch.
I'm gonna flush him out.
Don't shoot till
you have eyes on him, okay?

Be advised, Bashir is down.
Hey, are you good?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Yeah, I think.
Did you get Bashir?
He's dead.
Good. Let's go.

- Let's split up.
- Yeah.
FBI. Don't move.
Hakim, put the weapons down now.
I remember you and your friend.
May God rest his soul.
Shut up.
I said put it down now.
What what happened?

He's gone.
He had a gun.
He was he was gonna shoot me.
I swear he had a gun.
Okay, Tiff. It's all right, okay?
Put it away.
It's over, all right? We got Bashir too.
We're safe.
I didn't see it.

Good shoot, Tiff.
Yeah, it was.

You did great.
We got him.
Hobbs would be proud.

What are you doing here?
We talked about this.
We got him, Jen.
We got the man who killed Trevor.
So so he's in custody?
He's dead.
We just thought you should know.


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