The Circle (2020) s06e13 Episode Script


[Buteau] Previously
"Your ride or die is"
I love me a good secret alliance.
-[Buteau] The Circle paired up players.
-[Myles] Oh shit!
[both] "Your fates are tied"?
[Autumn] No.
I definitely feel like The Circle
is divided in Team Myles and Team Jordan.
-[Buteau] Some thrived
-[QT] Woo!
If she does well, I do well.
-[Buteau] others didn't survive.
-[Kyle moans]
[all] What?!
-[Lauren] Paul?
-It's your boy, Paul.
-[Lauren screaming]
-[Myles exclaiming]
-[Brandon] Oh, Autumn, I'm so sorry.
-[Autumn] Oh my God.
I needed you to leave
because you weren't part of my plan.
-Don't mess with little sis, man.
-I'm the number one influencer.
[Buteau] And with the game divided
"#TresFuego in this bish!"
"Tres Fuego is taking over."
[Kyle] "A hundred percent."
[Jordan] "Kyle, Myles, and QT are a trio."
"We're at the end, and it's time
to make a move that gives us a chance."
Jordan, you snake.
-We're going out fighting.
-This is a very risky "if."
[Buteau] one person straddling the middle
has been given all the power.
[screaming] "You are
the secret super influencer!" Yes!
[Brandon laughing]
[Buteau] How will they use it?
Olivia, it's time.
Our secret super influencer will block
one player from the game right now.
It's completely anonymous
and completely savage.
[Brandon] I mean,
I have no idea what to do here.
You know, I've made genuine connections
with everybody in The Circle.
But there's an opportunity now
for me to really do something for me
and I don't get that chance a lot.
I've made my decision.
[whispering] Come on.
Your thoughts are manifesting,
"I'm staying."
Who's it gonna be, Circle?
Who are they sending home?
[alarm blares]
-[Lauren] "Alert!"
[Kyle] Oh shit. Here we go.
I am freaking out.
It's about to happen.
Someone's gonna get blocked.
-[Lauren] "The secret super influencer"
-[all] "has made their decision."
Oh man.
I'm extremely nervous 'cause I don't
know who the influencer was.
I don't know
if it was one of my alliances.
I'm nervous that it might be me.
Please don't let it be me,
whoever you are.
It's gonna be me. Just prepare yourself.
It's gonna be me.
I mean, I'm either blocked or I'm not.
I'm hoping it's Jordan.
[Jordan] I will not go home tonight.
I don't want $100,000. $100,000 wants me.
[dramatic music playing]
[Brandon groans]
Oh my gosh.
[whining] Please don't be me.
Please don't be me.
[TV whirs]
[Lauren gasps]
[QT] How?
[Jordan gasps] No way!
[Kyle] Bro! No!
What the hell just happened?
Shit. Out here.
Damn, I got done dirty.
[Kyle] Holy shit!
They took out Myles?!
[Myles] Low-key shocked.
[shouting] Oh my gosh!
It worked.
It worked. I did something!
I got you out.
Oh my God.
I feel so sad right now.
Who did that?
I'm not sure that this was the right move.
We had a good run. I thought there was
a decent shot I'd make it to the finals,
especially after Tres Fuego,
but there's gotta be a betrayal there.
Maybe it got too sloppy near the end.
It was messy.
[alarm blares]
[Myles] "Alert."
Myles, before you leave, you can meet
one player face-to-face.
Yo, I don't gotta wait any longer.
Yo, I think I know
who I wanna see. I'm out here.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Yo, I can't take no more surprises, man.
Like, shit, bro, I'm about to faint.
"Myles has been blocked from The Circle."
[funky music playing]
"He is on his way to meet one of you now."
Oh my God.
Bro, I can't take no more, man.
[laughing] I wanna look good
if he comes and sees me.
Oh my God, what if he comes and sees me?
I mean, I just literally blocked him.
Please don't come here.
I told him that the first round of drinks
was on me. I'mma let this be that.
[Lauren] I don't like confrontation.
[Jordan gasps]
[QT laughing] No way. [gasps]
No way!
-[Myles] How you doing? You're gorgeous.
-[QT] Oh my gosh. Thank you.
You're even better in person.
-Stop, I'm gonna cry.
-All right.
-[QT] I'm so sad.
-[Myles] It is what it is.
-No! [chuckles]
-Don't worry.
-Oh my gosh.
-You got your little drink out here.
-[Myles] You were chilling?
-[QT] I had coffee because I was stressed.
I thought we were
gonna have a party and go to sleep.
[Myles] Who's the puppet master? You?
Who are your puppets?
Okay, listen, I've been playing
this game very strategically.
Okay, I've just been wearing
my heart on my sleeve out here.
Now, I'm a huge fan of,
like, social strategy games,
and, like, I'm like a super fan
of The Circle and everything.
So I came in here
with a mission and with a plan.
Damn. That's wild.
[QT] Dang. This really sucks.
I really loved Tres Fuego.
I wanted us to be in the end.
Everything's good?
You're single? Everything? All that?
Ok, yeah. That was the other thing.
I was like, "Honestly,
I think I would be more hurt
if Myles is lying about being single
versus if he was lying
about being a catfish."
I was hoping you were single.
As soon as I saw you, I was like,
"Yo, that's a girl
I definitely wanna kiss."
Oh my gosh, stop. I'll cry.
When I first came in
and I saw your profile, I was like,
"This is giving me a headache.
It's so chaotic."
But then literally
an hour later, I was like,
"Wait, I feel like me and Myles
would really get along."
"Like, he has a great personality.
He's so fun."
And when we did the raps,
I was like, "I have to do Myles's rap."
"It would be so funny.
I'll get him to, like, like me."
And then I was shocked that you did mine.
And then, the pancakes.
Okay, that's when I knew. I was like,
"Okay, I feel like Myles is real,
because there's no way a catfish
is, like, doing this for someone."
I think I would've been thrown off
based off our conversation,
-the one-on-one, what we opened up about.
If you were catfishing,
I would've felt
That kind of built an element of trust.
I had a moment there.
I was like, "Wow, this is a cool girl."
And I haven't opened up to anyone else,
like, even since then.
[Buteau] While I do love
silently peeping in on first dates,
I wonder if Myles's decision
is leaving any players jealous.
[Lauren] I'm so glad
he didn't come to see me.
[Jordan] I'm still in the game, baby!
Oh, it feels great.
Well, Frank, guess he's not coming
to see me.
Oh. So he didn't come to see me.
Looks like I can put this up.
You know what?
I'll take it for you, brother.
[Buteau] That's not the bottle you two
planned on popping, but it works.
[QT] You say you put me one,
Kyle two, Olivia three?
-Yeah. What did you do?
-Oh, wow.
You're gonna just hate me.
[laughing] I did Olivia, Kyle, you.
Damn, dog! I moved down to three?
I I don't know why.
Just today, I started feeling like
you were playing
the game super strategically
and that you were gonna try to get me out.
No, you were my number one for every one
except for the "ride or die" scenario.
[QT] Is there any information
anyone's given you
that you can help a sister out?
Yeah. Well, I mean everything
I know about Jordan's a lie.
Exactly. Yeah. Okay.
So if you had to guess, who do you
think is the secret super influencer?
I think it's Kyle, for sure.
I really don't think it's Kyle,
because he's always like,
"Real fam, in and out of this."
-[QT] "#TeamPlayer." Like
-[Myles] You hope it's not.
I think it makes sense,
but I just hope it isn't him.
So who should I vote low in the end?
[Myles] I would probably put Liv
or Jordan in the last.
And, like, if you're okay
with Kyle winning, giving it to him.
[QT] I hope he wasn't
the secret influencer
-[Myles] Yeah. Yeah.
-[QT] but I would rate Kyle high.
I'm scared I can't win because I've been
too much of a target now. We'll see.
-My thought is you're first or second.
-I'm really sad, though, that you're gone.
I wanted to be
in the end with you and Kyle.
I do definitely wanna take you on a date.
I would love to go on a date though.
-So where are we going first for our date?
-Maybe Élephante. Maybe EP & LP.
-Love. Élephante is great.
-Well, Myles, I'm glad you were real.
-Yeah. You too.
This is so crazy.
Thanks for coming to visit me. My gosh.
In our cowgirl and cowboy costumes.
We look like Barbie and Ken, kind of.
Oh yeah. Damn.
This is not the first fit I wanted you
to see me with, but it'll be okay.
[QT] Thank you so much for coming
to see me. Thank you for being real.
[Myles] We'll do our date in LA.
I'm excited for that.
Oh my gosh, it's gonna be
so much fun. I can't wait.
Hopefully, I win for Tres Fuego.
-[Myles] You can pay for the first date.
-Yeah, exactly.
I'll take you out
I got the date either way.
[QT] Thank you.
I'm excited.
-Thanks, Myles. Bye.
-Have a good night. Bye.
[inhaling] He smelled so good.
[laughing] Oh my gosh. I'll cry.
Now it's time to get back to the game.
[Buteau] Or you could just first
change out of your Sheriff Barbie costume.
Your choice.
And even though it's late,
she's not the only one
keeping on a Circle game face.
Today was the best day
in The Circle ever.
And I wasn't even
the one that blocked him.
I'm so sad about that,
but me and Kyle still stand.
I don't know if he was
the secret influencer and blocked Myles.
That would [sighs]
That would be so horrible.
But now I just have to figure out
how I win
and who I might need
to talk to in order to win.
I don't even know.
I'm a little nervous because Q
and Kyle might think that it's me.
And I don't want that to make me
go down in their ratings,
but we'll just have to see
what happens tomorrow.
I'm stuck, man.
Who went after him?
Could Quori have taken out her man?
Could Liv have switched up?
Was it Jordan
who finally got what he wanted?
Or is it Lauren secretly stabbing people
in the back? I don't know.
I don't know who to trust no more.
All I can tell you is,
me and Deuce are still here.
I'm going to bed tonight
without a single thought in my head
but $100,000.
It's time for this cowboy to hit the hay.
Good night, Circle.
I told Myles I'd protect him,
and then I blocked him.
It's crazy, Circle.
I really hope
everything I've done really pays off.
Because if not,
then I just for sure
made the $100,000 mistake.
[Buteau] Well, at least
your nails look good.
["Major Tom" by Peter Schilling plays]
Four, three, two, one ♪
Earth below us ♪
Drifting, falling, floating ♪
[Buteau] Ever have one of those mornings
where you know
something big is gonna happen?
Well, that's today, baby,
because with only five players left,
they've all got their eyes
on the $100,000 prize.
And they're closer to it than ever.
[all] Good morning, Circle.
[Brandon] I'm beyond happy to be here.
I didn't think coming into The Circle
that I would make it this far.
I am so happy that I'm still here!
I can't believe it.
I thought
I was gonna get blocked yesterday.
But my Yung Papi Fuego is gone.
Now Myles is miles away.
There is no more #TresFuego.
It's the Duo Fuego.
There are so many opportunities
for someone to find out
that Olivia was
the super secret influencer.
I think people are gonna see this,
and they're gonna take me down for it.
I feel like I played
every single day super hard,
and I still have a chance to win.
We are so close to the freaking end, man.
Every single move counts.
And I can smell the money, yo.
Circle, you keep throwing more stuff
at us,
and we're gonna keep trucking, man.
At least, we're gonna try.
I wouldn't mind if this is the final five.
But if I need to make another move,
I can make another move.
[Buteau] Jordan it is the final five.
Maybe you just need to make a move
and make some coffee.
[TV dings]
"The newsfeed has been updated."
Oh my goodness.
I have a feeling
this is from Myles. [groans]
[Jordan] Myles, let's see who you are.
Circle, take me to the newsfeed.
"Myles has left a message for The Circle."
Bro, like, my boy Myles is gone right now.
Like, this makes absolutely no sense.
I don't know who did it. Like, who did it?
Circle, play Myles's message.
[Myles] Ayo! It's Myles,
aka Yung Papi Fuego.
Your boy's real, 100% authentic.
[Jordan] Not the cowboy outfit.
I know you probably thought
it was a catfish, but it ain't.
I knew it. I knew it.
This adds up.
To whoever was
the secret super influencer,
you made a good call blocking me,
'cause I was a threat.
I gotta respect the game.
My only regret is I didn't spend
enough time flirting with QT a bit.
[laughing] I'm dead. Oh my gosh.
It was good chatting with a lot of you.
For a few of you, you know you're shady.
Myles is definitely calling me out
for being shady.
For my fam, I believe in you.
Hopefully, you win,
'cause I ain't paying for drinks
at the bar. Let's celebrate out here.
RIP Tres Fuego, man.
This is what I've been waiting to see
since the moment I got here,
Myles gone.
Myles saying, "I was a threat.
You were right to do this,"
it it makes me feel a lot better.
I don't know if I saw him so much
as a threat as I did see him as, like,
someone who could boost QT.
I bet QT is losing it right now.
Yung Papi Fuego.
It feels so weird not to see him
on the screen with all of us.
[sighs] I really feel like I'm, like,
a fish swimming alone in the sea now.
Like, I've made connections
with these people,
but Myles was like my guy.
If everybody voted the way that they said
that they were going to rate,
Myles would still be here.
It doesn't make sense.
[Buteau] It's the last day, Kyle.
When are you gonna figure out
that this place hardly ever makes sense?
[Lauren] I don't know. Oh my God.
[Buteau] Circle, tell 'em.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Oh my gosh! It never gets old.
Is this some good news?
[Kyle] "Congratulations."
"You are all Circle finalists."
-[Jordan] "You are all Circle finalists!"
[Lauren] Yeah!
"One of you will win $100,000!"
I really hope it's me. [laughing]
I wanna win $100,000 so bad.
I need it more than anyone in here, man.
Being a finalist doesn't matter
if I don't win.
"Go to your doors
to collect your finalist treat!"
[Brandon] We got a treat!
Wake up! Let's go, papa! Come on!
[Brandon screaming, laughing]
Oh my God!
[Kyle] Deucey!
[Jordan] Cake for breakfast? Oh my God.
[Lauren exclaiming]
And the little cookie says "Circle."
I love a mimosa.
Lift the pinky! Let's go!
I only eat food that's been dusted
with pure gold.
[Lauren] Ooh, vanilla cake.
[all] Cheers to being a finalist!
-[Brandon] Cheers, guys.
-[QT] Cheers.
[TV dings]
[Kyle] "Circle Chat is now open."
Okay! We in the finals, baby!
You heard me!
So excited!
[Brandon] I think it's so cool
that we're all finalists.
But also I gotta remember
that I gotta make sure that no one knows
it was me that sent home Myles.
Take me to the Circle Chat.
Message, "OMG,
we are finalists! Exclamation point."
"I'm sipping orange juice
and champagne! Exclamation point."
"Does anyone else think this is crazy?!
Question mark, exclamation point."
"Heart eyes emoji. #BreakfastInBed."
A hundred percent.
We are in the final, boy.
Your boy in the top five!
I'm so close to that 100K. I'm so close.
Olivia, I'm so excited too.
Message, all caps, "Ah!"
"#MamaWeMadeIt. It's been a crazy game,
but I wouldn't change it for the world."
"Cake emoji." Send message.
Amen, QT. Amen, sister.
Oh, we in the Circle Chat.
We in the Circle Chat.
Message, "I can't believe
we are all finalists."
"Everybody in here deserves it!
Exclamation point. #DrunkOffMimosas."
Send message.
This is me pouring one out for Myles.
Just a little bit, though.
I want the rest.
Message, "Yung Papi Fuego
came to see me last night,
and I was just so happy he was real
but even happier I was saved."
Crying emoji, clink emoji."
Send message.
I'm glad that QT said Myles,
because I wanted to bring it to Myles too.
Okay. Let's message,
because I wanna say something cutesy.
Message, "Aw yeah, get it, QT, baby!"
"Kissy, kissy, kissy."
"I hope you got
a goodnight kiss, girl." [giggling]
Message, "Whoever
the secret super influencer was,
I really am grateful
that you decided to save me."
Heart emoji." Send message.
There's no way I was gonna send you home.
Message, "Incredibly grateful
to you, super influencer,
for saving me as well. Heart emoji."
"This is an amazing journey
that will bond us for life." Send.
See, Lauren,
that is what I'm talking about.
Message, "No, seriously. Thank you
to whoever had power last night."
"I thought I was toast,
so I am so happy to be here."
"Crying emoji. Love you guys.
#ForeverGrateful." Send.
Thank you, Jordan.
Finally showing some gratitude
and happiness.
You're welcome, Jordan. [chuckling]
I just feel like
everyone's energy is so positive,
and it makes me feel good.
We all should be happy we're here.
Message, "You guys, this has been
a truly incredible experience."
"I am so happy to have so many new,
amazing friends! Exclamation point."
"#ILoveYouGuys, #HugsAllAround."
And send message.
[TV whirs]
[Brandon] "The Circle Chat is now closed."
[screaming meekly, laughing]
So if Lauren is saying "super influencer,"
she doesn't know.
QT is saying she didn't know.
I didn't know.
Oh my God.
I love that people aren't attacking
the super secret influencer.
They're saying, "Thank you
for keeping me here."
I feel really, really good.
Oh my God, it was Olivia.
It was goody-two-shoes Olivia!
And she's the only person
that did not say that she was grateful.
[high-pitched] Liv!
It was you! [laughing]
She got rid of the competition.
I feel like sending Myles home leveled
the playing field a little bit better.
It made it easier for anyone to win.
[shouting] Oh my God, Liv.
You're ruthless.
I'm just so happy to be here. [giggling]
[screaming] Liv!
It was you!
When nobody's watching,
you really got 'em.
Oh my God.
[Buteau] Well, it's about time
Kyle figured out at least one
of Olivia's secrets.
And with that 100K just hours away,
our players are dealing with
their excitement by snuggling up
glowing all the way up
We're gonna do gold glitter, aren't we?
[Buteau] and bringing
the tone all the way down.
[Brandon] I just farted.
[Buteau] Circle, a little help, please.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-[Kyle] Oh, it's time. It's time now.
-[Brandon] I'm so nervous.
[both] "Players, you must now
make your final ratings."
Oh my gosh!
Nothing else in this game matters
except this moment right now.
-[all] "Who deserves to win?"
Is it someone
that played with their heart?
Is it someone
who was a little more strategic?
[Brandon] We've all fought hard
to be here.
I feel like everyone deserves it.
-"Your final ratings will decide"
-"the winner of The Circle."
I wanna be the winner of The Circle,
but I think it's only fair
to put the person that I think
is the most deserving at the top.
Rate correctly, people.
Put me up top.
What do I do?
It's like my head and my heart
are playing games with one another.
I don't feel like
this is a time to be strategic,
but I also know, like,
I have to think of my mom.
Oh gosh.
[all] Circle, take me to my final ratings.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Buteau] This is it.
These ratings will determine
who will win the $100,000.
With Lauren, in the very beginning,
we were at the top together.
And I feel like every time we talked,
it just seemed fun and easy.
We didn't have to try to, you know,
make a connection. We just did.
[QT] I think she was really nice
and made people feel good about her,
but was she influential?
[Jordan] Lauren was super sweet
to everyone,
but people caught on to it.
I really thought me and Lauren
in the game had something.
Then I found out that she was saying
the same thing to Paul.
And it's hard to put my trust
in someone like that.
Jordan, Jordan, Jordan.
I really like him.
He is a fun guy,
but he came on strong.
Jordan came inside this game
a ball of energy.
I just didn't necessarily trust him.
I was very influential,
so he had to come for me.
I see the game, and I respect the game.
[Brandon] I love QT.
I think she's incredible.
If I don't win, I hope you do.
QT has kind of had
a hold on this game the whole time.
She has proven her loyalty
to me over and over again.
QT really is the player
that's so much like me in this game.
And that's why she's a threat.
[Brandon] My Circle husband.
I've come a long way with Kyle.
We both lost our dads,
and it was something that really, I think,
instantly connected me with Kyle.
Kyle has been just a ray of sun
ever since the beginning of the game.
I feel like he's well-positioned
with these players. He's well-liked.
He has a shot.
I can really see how Kyle played the game.
I think he did an amazing job,
and I think he was very popular
amongst a lot of people.
Everyone loved Kyle.
But some people
were coming against him in private.
Olivia. She is someone
that I truly admire.
I think she's a genuine, great girl.
I don't know if she's playing
this game strategically
or if she really is just a sweetheart
playing based on her emotions.
I don't know
if she deserves to be the winner,
but I think she was able to make
really good connections with each person.
This is it. This is it.
Someone's gonna win.
Everything that I have done
in this game doesn't matter.
[Kyle] This is gonna be
I feel like, one of the hardest things
I've ever had to do in my life.
I was planning to vote tactically,
but at the end of the day,
if I don't win, I do want it to be someone
who I feel like deserves to win.
I'm ready, Circle.
I'm ready.
This is the hardest spot to decide.
Lock QT in as my first place.
Circle, lock in Kyle.
This person I feel like
does not have a shot at winning.
So, Circle, I'd like to place Lauren
in my first position.
Let's lock in Jordan
for my first place rating.
Please lock in Olivia
for my first position.
Second position also has
a really good shot at winning.
I really respect the game they played.
So, Circle, please lock Kyle in
as my second place position.
That smile. That smile
will melt my heart every time. [chuckles]
For the third place position,
even though I do not trust her fully,
Circle, please lock in Lauren
for my third position.
I don't know for sure
if she was secret super influencer.
I don't really know
what she has done in the game
that has changed the course of it,
so Olivia's in my third position.
In last position is someone
that I have been at odds with
this entire game, and that's why
I'm putting Quori-Tyler
in fourth position.
[all] Circle,
please submit my final ratings.
[TV whirs]
[Lauren] "Ratings complete."
That could have just lost me the game
or won me the game.
I hope I did you proud.
This is it. Nothing else can be changed.
"Before the winner is revealed"
"you are invited
to one last Circle Chat"?
There's another Circle Chat?
"However [screaming] this chat
will take place in person!" [laughing]
I can't wait to see everyone.
These people are gonna crap their pants
when they see this. Whoo!
They thought these was AI abs? [laughing]
Your boy real, baby!
In the flesh! Time to get fly.
[Jordan] All right, these people
aren't gonna be expecting
what they're about to see.
-[Kyle] Oh, man. This is it.
-We got a full suit for this night.
[dramatic music playing]
There's $100,000 on the line,
and I am so close.
I wanna do this for my wife.
For Deuce.
And I wanna be able to start a family.
I am very nervous.
I hope no one gets too mad at me
for all the moves that I had to make.
All that matters to me
is that I win this game.
They are so not ready
to see Brandon. [laughing]
[Kyle] Let's do this.
Let's do this. Okay?
You look amazing.
[rhythmical music playing]
[Buteau] Fresh off the dribble
is pro-ball player Kyle
and his doggy ride-or-die, Deuce.
This man kept it real
from head to abs to toe.
Well, except lying about being single,
but his wifey done gave him a hall pass.
The big question is, will all that work
make him The Circle's number one pick?
[music ends]
[Kyle] This is crazy, papa.
Oh my God.
"Welcome to The Circle finale."
"Please take your seat."
All right, then, Circle.
Look at where we're at, papa.
Oh my God. This is amazing.
This is amazing.
We made it, baby boy.
We made it.
We are in The Circle finale, baby boy.
[alarm blares]
Okay. [laughing]
[TV whirs]
[Kyle] "Quori-Tyler is on her way
to meet you now."
Yo, let me see my sis!
I rea I pray to God my sis
is real right now, man.
I done showed my loyalty to this girl.
Come on, sis. You better be real.
I need you to be real.
[funky music playing]
[Buteau] Oh, she's real.
Former NBA dancer Quori-Tyler came into
this game with all the right moves.
You freaking better be real, sis.
Come on. We had each other's back
through this whole thing.
You better be real, sis.
[Buteau] This Circle superfan worked
her strategy with stealth and a smile.
Using her power and charm to block players
and make unbreakable alliances.
Oh, I need you to be real.
[Buteau] And now
she finally gets to meet one third
Come on, sis.
[Buteau] of Tres Fuego.
[QT screams]
-[Kyle] Yo!
-[QT] Oh my God! [laughing]
My sis is real!
I'm so happy you're real right now!
Oh my gosh!
[QT] Oh my goodness!
-Kyle, my Circle brother!
-Yo! What's up, sis?
Oh my gosh! Okay, we're here.
When you told me "AI abs,"
I'm like, "Girl, these abs is real."
-Gotta go. Gotta go.
-Yeah, these abs are real.
-[Kyle] You can't be joking like that.
-The way I tried to start drama, like
I seen that. And I was like,
"You about to start drama with me?"
-Oh my gosh, wait, The Circle!
-This is nuts. Okay. Okay.
-Come here. Sit with your boy.
Oh my Wait.
Okay, so you're the first one, then me.
-[Kyle] You know what I'm nervous about?
-What? Olivia?
Oh my God. How you know?
[both laughing]
-You know what I'm nervous to tell Olivia?
Okay. First of all,
I'm not a basketball trainer.
-Oh, what are you?
-I'm a professional basketball player.
-Oh, no way!
-Yeah, overseas.
-That's one.
-Okay. Okay. Tea.
[Kyle] Two.
I'm married.
I know! I know! I know! I know! I know!
-I know! [laughing]
The thing is, when I tell you
Liv is not the Mrs. Nice-Nice
you think she is.
Oh, really? The tea.
I'm talking about
we were sending each other pictures.
-[QT exclaims]
-[Kyle] Nice Liv.
I'm talking about baby nice Liv
got a naughty side.
I had only seen her as, like, nice girl.
[alarm blares]
[QT] "Alert! Alert!"
[Kyle] Oh snap.
[QT screams]
-[Kyle] I know, I know.
-[QT] Who is next? I'm scared.
[Kyle] Who is it?
[both] "Lauren is on her way
to meet you now."
[QT] I believed what you started
saying about Lauren later on.
Like, "Don't trust her. You never know."
I feel like
there has to be another catfish,
and when I went through
the pictures of every person,
I was like, "It's probably Lauren."
It's given.
I can't wait to find this out.
I'm about to be stuck.
-[QT] I'm scared.
-[Kyle] I'm nervous, actually.
[Buteau] Ms. Lauren
ran both sweet and spicy.
Our resident optimist
made friends wherever she chatted,
though it left some questioning
where she really stood in the game.
-[QT] Oh gosh.
-[Kyle] I'm nervous. I'm actually nervous.
[Buteau] And tonight, this gamer
dreams of the ultimate level up.
[Lauren] Hi.
-[QT gasps] Oh my God!
-[Kyle] Yo!
-[Lauren] You are so beautiful. Oh my God.
-[QT] You're gorgeous.
-[Lauren] So nice to meet you.
-[QT] Oh my God.
-[Lauren giggles nervously]
-[Kyle] Lauren!
Why are you both real?
[Kyle] Why are you real?
-[Lauren] Oh my God. What
-[Kyle] Yo!
[QT] Stop!
-[QT] You're gorgeous!
-[Lauren] Why are you both so hot? My God.
-[Kyle laughing]
-[Lauren screaming]
-My knees right now.
-[Kyle] I see 'em! I see [laughing]
-[QT] Welcome.
-Oh my goodness.
I was like,
"She won't be this nice in real life."
You, like, actually are, like,
everything that you portrayed.
-A hundred percent. Without a doubt.
-[Lauren] Thank you, guys.
I really tried enough to just be me,
because, I don't know, I'm fun and silly.
-[QT] No, I love.
-[Lauren] So I was fun and silly.
-You know, I was mad at you too.
-[Lauren] You were mad at me?
I was mad at you.
-[QT] Wait, so
-[Lauren] For Paul?
Oh, you know then why I'm mad at you.
'Cause Paul told everybody,
like, "This two-faced bitch."
Paul told me, "Bro, she called me #King."
I said, "Wait, what?
She called me #PrinceCharming."
Oh, I was hit.
-[Lauren] I was not flirting with Paul.
-It hit right here. "Bang!"
I was flirting with you, though.
But not Paul, like, at all.
It hit it hit differently.
I was like, "She did what?"
Yeah, Paul tried to flirt with me.
I'm glad that it did not go further.
[all laughing]
-[Lauren] Oh my God.
-I am glad.
-That was one of my first talks I had.
-[Kyle] That would've been
[alarm blares]
-[Lauren] "Alert!"
-[QT] You guys.
[Lauren] I have anxiety
whenever I see alerts.
-So I don't know.
-[Kyle] I need to know this.
[QT] Oh my gosh. Who's it gonna be?
[all] "Jordan is on his way
to meet you now."
When Jordan sent me a gift, I said,
"Oh my God. This is the gift of death."
I thought you guys
were friends because of that.
No, we weren't friends.
But I was okay with Jordan.
I didn't have a bad thing.
But then Jordan went at QT,
which is my sister.
I was great with Jordan,
and then he just came for me,
and I was like, "Jordan!"
[Buteau] Jordan came into The Circle late
but quickly made his mark.
Playing as a younger,
thicker version of himself,
he was an agent of chaos.
Jordan is really
about the walk through the door.
He blew up the entire Circle Chat.
[Buteau] And while he masterminded
one of the most brutal blockings
in Circle history,
will it be enough to get him that 100K?
What's up, people?
-[Lauren] Oh! Oh, hi.
-[QT] Jordan!
-No way.
-[Lauren] Wait.
Y'all are all real?
-[QT] Hi.
-[Lauren] Oh my God.
-[Kyle] That's not That's not Jordan.
-[Jordan] I'm Jordan.
-Jordan, you came for me.
-But I respected you so much.
But you needed to. I respect the game.
-What's up, bro?
-What's up, bro? How are you, man?
[QT] Jordan.
You were making moves, bro.
Like, you blew up that Circle Chat, man.
-[Jordan] Yeah, I had to.
-[Kyle] You did have to.
-I had a lot to talk about.
-[QT] Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure.
But to provide clarity, I am Jordan.
I'm not 22. I'm 24.
I went through
a massive weight loss journey.
[Kyle] I can see.
I wanted to come into
The Circle as "Big J"
so I could appear less threatening.
Because my photos now,
they're kind of douchey.
-[QT] Period! Eat it up, Big J!
-[Lauren] As you should.
[Kyle] You don't waste no time.
I wanted to hide the strategy
behind the friendly face.
-[QT] Got it. Okay.
-And it worked.
Until it didn't work anymore,
and that's when I had to switch up.
You really did, bro.
[Jordan] I was honest
with a couple people.
You were one of those I was honest with.
I really appreciate that, bro.
I really do.
Let's talk about
a little bit of something.
'Cause in the influencer chat,
you were coming for Kyle.
You're a gamer and I love it.
[all laughing]
[Lauren] She plays good!
Y'all have no clue what went on with us.
That was the huge problem.
I was the secret influencer with her.
I was coming for you hard,
but I approached her with Myles first.
Once I knew that wasn't gonna work,
I said, "What can I do to weaken him?"
And that was Kyle.
It was never Kyle. It was never you.
-It was always Myles.
-[Kyle] Got you.
-And why was it Myles?
-Yeah, please tell me that, Jordan.
Right when I got here, I quickly realized
everyone I was trying to align with
was aligned with Myles.
And with him here, I had no shot
at getting close to anyone.
But you're still you!
-[QT] I know, yeah.
-Who's the catfish?
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
Aw snap.
"Olivia is on her way to meet you now."
I cannot wait to meet Olivia,
because, like, she is just
-I feel like she's so genuine.
-[QT] Yeah.
[sputtering] She seems like
the most genuine person here,
like she doesn't have
a bad bone in her body.
She's playing pure emotionally.
-[girls] Yes.
-100%. Without a doubt.
[Buteau] Olivia didn't only
play with her emotions,
but she played with all y'all's as well.
This catfish is
a real-life nursing assistant,
who will have to give Kyle CPR
when he finds out
who his Circle girlfriend actually is.
She can be your bestie
and then block you without batting an eye,
because that's just how she Liv.
[Jordan] Obviously,
QT and Myles were connected.
Oh my God!
[Jordan] What?
-[Kyle] No!
-Hi, guys!
No! No, no, no!
[Lauren screaming]
I'm Brandon.
-[Jordan] That's what I thought.
-No freaking way.
-[Lauren] Can I give you a hug? [screams]
-[Jordan] Oh my God.
-[Lauren] Brandon. Brandon, bring it in!
-[Jordan] Hi.
-[QT] Oh my God. Hello.
-[Jordan] What is happening?
-[Lauren] Oh my God.
[Brandon] Kyle.
-I was your teddy?
-[Kyle] Come on. Come on. Come on.
-Kyle. I have to explain.
Oh my God.
-[QT] You did a great freaking job.
-[Lauren] I wasn't expecting that.
I did not expect that.
-[Lauren] Oh my God.
Who you cheating on me with?
I'm over this.
[QT screams]
-Wait, so tell us everything.
[Kyle] Yeah. Who is Olivia?
-Who are you to Olivia?
So, Olivia is a girl
that I, um, work with in the hospital.
She's just a friend of mine,
and we kind of have
very similar personalities,
so I thought it would be easy to play her.
-[QT] You did a great job.
-[Jordan] Wow. Yeah, that was amazing.
I thought about coming in as myself,
but I also thought
this was such a fun opportunity,
you know, because I've always been
kind of, like, the the funny fat friend.
This was my opportunity
to be, like, the hot, funny girl.
-And you did that.
-[QT] Yeah.
[Brandon] Like, this is Thank you.
Did you still play like you?
Everything I said
in The Circle, I meant it.
-The stories we shared with each other
-Was that real?
-That was very real.
-So your pops actually did?
Oh God. I was sobbing in my apartment.
-[Kyle] Give me a hug, Brandon.
-I would have never lied about that.
[Kyle] Me too. Give me a hug for that.
That was real.
-Yeah, it really was.
-'Cause I felt that.
[Brandon] From that moment on, I was like,
"I'm gonna protect Kyle no matter what."
-'Cause, like, it was definitely real.
And hearing you say, you know,
telling your story to me, like
-I was a wreck.
-It hit differently.
I don't tell people that story often.
-I don't either.
-[Brandon] Because it really does hurt me.
-So, yeah.
-[Kyle] You guys don't know.
First of all, she thought I was AI
Or Brandon thought I was AI, right?
And so then he wrote me
and said, "Oh, I'm sorry," right?
And then I said, "You know what?
Let's start over. Hi. I'm Kyle."
And then I broke down
what happened with my family,
'cause she put on her bio,
"My mother is my hero."
And I said, "My mom is my hero
because I lost my dad,
and my mom was my dad and my mom."
-[QT] Mm-hmm.
-Then Brandon explained his story.
So I was like, "No."
-"If I can save Liv, I'm saving her."
-[QT] Yeah.
That conversation you guys had
changed everything.
Because, honestly, going into
the influencer chat with Kyle,
I went like, "This is gonna be so easy.
We're gonna get Olivia out. Period."
'Cause that's what I wanted.
And as soon as I said that, he was like,
"I appreciate you trying to protect me."
"I just had an amazing conversation
with Liv. Basically, she's off the table."
So that, like, really, I think
-Thank you.
-changed the course of the whole game.
Honestly, I'm surprised I
I'm sitting here now.
I really struggled
with not looking at you guys as people
and looking at you
more as like, "This is a game."
Because, working in a hospital,
everyone to me is so special
and every patient is important.
For me, it was,
"If I send this person home,
I'm taking away their chance at $100,000."
-It bothered me. Like, it really did.
-[QT] Yeah.
I reached a point where I was like,
"If I don't do something,
like start playing the game,
I'm going to lose this."
[QT] Yeah.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
-Oh, here we go.
-[QT] I know.
[all] "The blocked players
are on their way in!"
All of them together?
[QT screaming]
-I'm not ready for all of them.
-Oh my gosh.
[Buteau] First up is Kentucky mama Cassie.
-[Cassie] Hey, y'all!
-[all screaming]
[Lauren] Oh my gosh!
She's so freaking cute.
Okay, Barbie.
-[Jordan] Hi.
-[Lauren] My God.
[Kyle] Look at you, pinkie!
[upbeat music playing]
[Lauren] I love that dress.
Oh my God.
I wanna eat you. You're so cute. [screams]
[Cassie] Lauren. Quori-Tyler.
I'm mad at you. And you!
-[Kyle] I know, I know, I know.
-I need a drink. I love y'all, though.
It makes me, like, feel bad
when I see people that I blocked.
Luckily, I don't hold judges
Like, grudges? I don't hold grudges.
[Lauren] I don't hold judges
or grudges, girl, neither.
[everybody laughing]
[Buteau] You don't need to be a psychic
to know that Steffi's gonna be joining us.
-My AI girl!
-[all exclaiming]
Oh my God. It's so good to see everybody.
-Hi, everybody.
-Oh my God. Oh my.
-[Steffi] I'm in shock. I'm not a robot.
-[Brandon] Olivia.
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Holy crap.
I'm so sorry that I thought you were AI.
I'm so sorry.
[Brandon] I fought for you.
-I fought hard for you.
-I know you did.
I also want to say
I did not think you were an AI.
I've never in my entire life
had to convince a group of people
that I was fucking real.
-[Brandon laughs]
-Like legitimately.
[Buteau] And riding back in
is ranch hand Autumn.
Oh, it's Autumn!
-[QT] Oh my God!
-[all exclaiming]
[Lauren] Okay, boo!
Autumn, you're gorgeous.
The boots!
-I like the boots, though.
-[Autumn] Who are you?
-[Autumn screaming] Oh!
-Hi, again. Good to see you.
-[Autumn] Hellur. Hellur.
I don't know why she wanted
to get rid of you. Her fault.
[Autumn] Honey bun, there ain't
no hard feelings. Okay? It's all good.
[Buteau] We can't wrap this up
without catfish Paul aka Caress.
-[Caress] What's up, party people?!
-[all exclaiming]
-My boy!
-[Kyle] Ay! Ay!
[Caress screaming]
-Who are you?
[Caress] Shut the front door!
Shut the front d
Come here, girl.
[both laughing]
-Brother from another mother. What's good?
-What's up, dog? What's up, dog?
Oh my God, I'm so excited to see y'all.
-Ay, but ay, the bars was always on point.
-[Caress] Oh, hey, you know.
-Ay! Turn up! Turn up! Ay!
-[Kyle] I was in there. I was down.
-I was like, "Oh, she killing it."
-I love it. I love it.
Oh my God. I'm a little,
like, stuck right now.
Who is that?
Oh my God, y'all are so gorgeous.
-[Cassie] Who are you?
-Hey. I'm Paul.
-Paul? You ain't Paul!
-[Caress] Paul. I'm Paul, honey.
-[Cassie] What's your real name?
-Caress? Like caress, you know.
Well, you can caress a rap, girl.
You really can.
[Buteau] And you know we can't do
without Yung Papi Fuego, aka Myles.
-[Brandon] Myles!
[QT] Fuego!
You see his swag? You see his swag?
-[Brandon] Olivia.
-[Myles] Oh, hey.
I kinda
I kinda guessed you were a catfish.
-Jordan. Nice to meet you.
-[Myles] Jordan.
-I love the pearls. Oh my God. Hi, Myles.
-[Myles] Okay. Yo.
-[QT] Long time, no see!
-[Myles] How you doing?
Oh, I'm so glad you're real.
[Kyle] Oh, absolutely, bro.
We bros for life now.
Wait. Can we all put
our hands in really quick?
-[Myles] Okay. Tres Fuego?
-One, two, three.
[Myles, Kyle, QT] Tres Fuego!
-Y'all didn't believe me.
-I know. I know. I know.
[Caress] Let me tell you.
I had started talking to QT first.
-She was gonna be my little Circle boo.
-[Myles] Okay.
-And then you came in.
-[Myles] It is what it is.
-[Caress] I said, "You know what"
-I had to come in hot. You know?
Myles sent me breakfast in bed one morning
when we were having a chat,
and honestly, like yeah.
[Lauren, Kyle] You can do that?
You gotta have some moves out here.
-[Kyle] I didn't know I could do that.
-Oh my gosh. Yung Papi Fuego.
-So, I'm confused.
-So Jordan is Jordan? Or no?
-[Caress] Jordan is not the real Jordan.
-Jordan is not real.
-[Jordan] I am Jordan.
-Those are my real photos.
It's just before I lost weight.
Shut up. Congratulations to you.
You better work.
[Jordan] Coming into this game late,
I didn't have time to make
the solid relationships I wanted to.
And ultimately, that's why I had
to call y'all out. Sorry, Myles.
-It is what it is.
-[Caress] Oh, he came for you?
Oh, he came. Threw me under the bus.
It was the biggest backstab.
I thought that was
my Circle bestie out there for a second.
I thought you knew.
So, speaking of backstabs,
I blocked you, Myles.
No worries. I just knew
it couldn't have been Kyle.
-No way.
-I would've been heartbroken.
-[Kyle] No way I would've done that.
-Look at the bro code.
I wouldn't have done that.
I stand on what I say.
Honestly, I've been the real me
the entire time
with every single person in here.
Maybe the only thing I feel bad about is,
because I'm married,
I had to flirt just a little bit.
You know, just a little bit.
When Kyle hit up Olivia,
I was like, "Okay."
[laughing, screaming]
We're about to act up right now.
Flirting for me I'm such a bad flirt.
Someone will be like, "You're cute."
And I'm like, "Yeah right."
But it was fun. It was a lot of fun.
It was fun. It was fun.
[alarm blares]
[all] "Alert!"
[suspenseful, ominous music playing]
[Buteau] That's the final alert
of the season.
So the only surprise left
is who's gonna win the $100,000.
These are the final ratings.
Oh my God. I'm so anxious.
In fifth place
[Brandon] Fifth.
I can't stand still.
[Buteau] Lauren.
-[all exclaiming]
[Lauren] Aw, thanks, guys.
Love you guys. Oh.
-I look so good.
-[all laughing]
[Lauren] Thank you.
[QT] Oh my gosh.
[Buteau] In fourth place
[QT] Jordan, thank you. Thanks.
-[Jordan] Good game.
-[Brandon] You're amazing.
[Jordan] Where's my drink?
[scattered laughter]
[Brandon] I love you so much.
-[Buteau] We're down to our final three.
-[Brandon] I love you guys. I really do.
[QT] Oh my goodness. This is nuts.
[Brandon] Third.
[Buteau] In third place
[QT] Okay.
-[Buteau] Quori-Tyler.
-[all] Aw.
[QT] Good luck, Kyle and Olivia.
-[Brandon] Love you.
-[QT] You too.
Oh my God.
Give me a hug.
[dramatic music playing]
Thank you so much
for sharing your story with me.
Thank you for real. Thank you. You're
the realest thing I had in The Circle.
[Brandon groans]
[Buteau] In first place
and the winner of The Circle
-[Brandon crying]
-[all cheering]
[Kyle] Oh my God.
[Brandon sobbing]
-[Kyle] You deserve it.
-[QT] That's crazy.
-You deserve it.
-[Jordan] Yes.
[Steffi] Oh my God!
[Lauren] Yay, Circle bestie!
[QT] Brandon! Congratulations!
You did Olivia proud, honestly.
[Brandon] You guys have no idea
what this money means to me.
I plan on using this
to pay off my mom's house.
[crying] Just so she doesn't have to work
so hard anymore.
[all] Congrats!
[Lauren] Yes! Yes! [screaming]
-[Myles] Congrats to my ride and die.
-Thank you.
[scattered laughter]
[Brandon] I love you guys so much!
[Buteau] Circle, message,
"Our sweet Olivia proved
that it doesn't matter
if your profile is real
as long as your emotions are."
"And Brandon has shown the world
that he doesn't have to be
the joke-cracking sidekick."
"Honey, he's got that
main character energy,
and he's gonna keep on using it."
"Stay funny, Brandon, 'cause you and I
both know the world is happier
when we keep 'em laughing."
"LOL emoji, champagne emoji."
[theme music playing]
[theme music ends]
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