FBI: Most Wanted (2020) s06e14 Episode Script
Last rank held?
Staff Sergeant, E-6.
E-6, sounds like a ride at Disneyland.
Last time you used Oxycodone?
- 4:00 a.m. this morning.
I also took a little
a little bite of one at 8:00.
Do you have any on you now?
No. Do you?
I'm kidding, kind of.
Ethan, are you serious about this?
I promise you, I'm done.
Are you two married?
Because maybe your benefits
No! Carver was my squad leader.
We served together in the
815 Field Artillery Unit.
I wrote a Buddy Letter
to get his disability rating
up to 100%
and so did a bunch of his friends.
Sorry. I'm not seeing that in here.
You must have filled
the forms out wrong.
We didn't.
We dropped the forms off with you.
You looked them over and told us
that we were good to go.
Yeah, I see a lot of people.
Let's go, Dani.
Oh, we're not going anywhere until
what's your name?
Until Stuart here finds your damn file
and gets your disability changed to
what even is it right now?
How can that be? Look at him.
He should be getting 100% coverage
for catastrophic disability.
Can't you see that?
The forms aren't in the system.
My hands are tied, unfortunately.
- That's not gonna work for us.
- Dani, forget about it.
All right? Let's just go.
Dani, what are you doing?
You sacrificed your body
for this country.
Surely, there is something you can do.
- Gun.
- What?
- Oh, my God.
- Gun. Gun.
- She's got a gun.
- Hey! Drop the gun!
My leg!
Dani, what the hell?
[PANTING] I-I thought he had a gun.
- No, No.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Hey, you, you, move over there!
OK, go, go.
Hey, hey. I'm Hana.
Can I help in any way?
- Are you with the VA?
- No.
Then go over there with the others.
- OK.
- What are you doing, Dani?
Why'd you bring your weapon in here?
In case this exact crap
happened to us again.
We're not leaving until
your disability rating
changes to 100%.
Hey, we got to move.
Hey, go to the elevator!
- OK.
- Now, let's go!
Do you have your weapon on you?
- No.
- Move!
OK, we're going.
She's got a gun. Head to the stairs.
Go! Go! Run! Run!
Come on, run to the stairs! Go, go!
All right, everybody out. Let's go.
Move! Hurry up.
Come on, move.
You, hold the door.
You, grab that thing there.
Put it in the door.
All right, everyone, this way!
Let's go!
All right, sit down.
Hands on your head. Not you.
You're Hana, right?
- Yeah.
- Listen up.
Everyone, give your phones to Hana.
Come on, move!
Put 'em on the ground.
You, crush these.
Come on, let's go!
I need to secure the floor.
Can you watch them while I do?
Dani, I don't know.
[WHISPERS] You basically signed
a blank check with your body.
This is the only way
to make them hear us.
- You, what's your name?
- Me?
- Wally.
- Give me your keys.
Come with me.
Come on, let's go.
- Here you go.
Hello? Anybody here?
Keep moving.
Hey, lock that door.
Any other way people can get up here?
No, just the elevator and those stairs.
OK, give me the keys.
All right, let's go.
All good.
No. No. Please.
Don't shoot.
Hey, you two guys, come with me.
Come on, get up.
Get him up and bring him over there.
All right, you're all right.
All right, right there.
Easy, easy, easy. Slow.
- Easy.
- OK.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry, excuse me, sorry.
- Move, FBI.
OK, we're there. I see Puglia,
ASAC of the Critical Incident
Response Group.
- Hey, Hugh!
- Agent Barnes.
Nina, Ray, agents on our team.
- Yeah, where's Remy?
- He's out of the country.
Have you heard anything else
from your agent inside?
Not since she texted me 30 minutes ago.
She's in there with Ethan McPherson.
- He's an Air Marshal.
- That's good to know.
So what's the latest?
We got two suspects
holed up on the second floor.
They've pulled the cable
to the cameras there.
The witnesses who got out
heard a gunshot,
saw a security guard get hit.
Condition unknown.
Negotiator's here. Deschain.
Come on in.
See you soon.
That's Sheryll, Ray, Dina
Agent Gibson's flock.
So are these our hostage takers?
Dani Harrigan and
Carver Fleck, both Army.
They were airlifted out
of Afghanistan in '21.
Dani's got an ex-husband and two kids.
- Carver never married.
- We know what they want?
According to the VA supervisor,
they were here trying to get Carver's
disability rating raised.
The guy's a paraplegic
with a rating of 50%.
- What's the VA saying?
- Haven't gotten there yet.
OK, let me get into it.
I'll see what they have to say.
You find Dani's ex-husband?
Yeah, Hugh, that was him just now.
He's on his way here, and he gave me
- Dani's cell number.
- Let's go.
We need to open up
a line of communication
and get a status on that security guard.
What are we doing here, Dani?
Just let me think.
Maybe you should answer that.
What if they have something you want?
This guard guy, man,
he ain't doing so hot.
- Hello?
- Dani Harrigan?
My name is Rick Deschain.
I'm a negotiator with the FBI.
Here to help.
Hey, Rick.
I got a security guard up here
who's circling the drain.
- Can we get him out of here?
- Sure, we can.
Can we send a couple medics in there?
Yeah, that'd be OK.
But no cops and no guns, do you copy me?
Yes, I'll get that
in the works right away,
but we're gonna need
the elevator for the gurney.
Negative. No elevator.
They're gonna have to hump it
and use the stairs.
Can I ask how many hostages you have?
Five, not including this guard.
Five, copy.
- Anything we can do for you?
- Hell yeah.
I want Carver's disability
rating raised to 100%.
And this moron up here says
he can't find any record of it.
I understand.
We'll start working on that too.
Also I'm out of dip.
You mean chewing tobacco?
No problem.
I'm sure we can get you a can.
You want anything else,
give me a
It would be great if we could
connect with the agent in there.
I'll go in as one of the medics.
I can get a phone to Hana.
Yeah, that works for me.
Dani, it's Rick.
We've got two EMTs coming up now.
They'll meet you by the stairwell door.
Yeah, I see 'em.
There better not be anyone else
when I open that door.
There won't be.
We just want to get him out of there
and get him medical attention,
just like you do.
Let me ask you, is there anyone
you want me to call for you
any friends or family?
Please, I know what you're doing.
Don't ask me about my family.
I care about
getting you what you want
and getting you and everyone else
out of there alive.
Next thing you do is ask me
if I want any food, right,
smuggle in a camera and a microphone?
Just don't.
You're really starting to annoy me now.
Paramedics are here.
I'm gonna let 'em in, OK?
I got it. Just go.
Just hang in there, OK?
Help is on the way.
- You there?
- Yeah.
- How many of you?
- Two.
We're here for the guard.
Hey, hold it, hold it.
All right, go.
That way.
All right, here's a tourniquet.
Can I get some help?
- You, help him.
- Right.
On my count
one, two, three.
All right.
OK? Up.
You have something for me?
Here you go.
Hey, you, come over here.
Sit down.
- Show me your hands.
You like stickers?
My niece does too.
Is anybody hungry? We missed lunch.
You think they got any MREs
laying around here?
I actually like MREs.
Chicken tetrazzini, come on.
Yeah, we didn't have
that flavor in Afghanistan.
Oh, it must have been an Iraq special.
What branch were you?
- Marines.
- Mm.
Hey, what are you doing?
I was just getting him a towel.
Drop it. Sit down.
Chili Mac was all right.
It's not the taste so much,
but it didn't brick you up
like the others, remember? [SIGHS]
Listen, you saying you're hungry?
'Cause you don't look so hot, man.
Thank you, Brad Pitt.
I'm here for rehab, man.
Been about five hours since my last one.
- You're dopesick.
- Buddy, it's the worst.
But I promised Hana I was done.
You two are a thing?
Not at the moment, no.
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Sit down!
- Sit down.
Sit down.
Doing a lot of sitting.
Yeah, tell me about it.
That's fair.
Keep an eye on them, OK?
They're by the nurse's
station on the west side.
They both have guns,
but the hostages seem OK.
Did Hana get the phone?
Yeah, she just sent me a text.
Dani, talk to me.
- What's SWAT doing here?
- Don't worry.
It's just standard procedure.
We want to end this peacefully.
So how can we do that?
I want to talk to the press,
put the VA on blast
tell people how broken this system is,
that they treat people
like we're nothing.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
Why not?
It's just a risk I can't take.
Is there someone else
you'd like to talk to?
Family, maybe?
What are you getting this from,
your hostage negotiator script?
I want to talk to someone
who can relate to me!
- Dani, please.
- Hey, jackass!
We're on your time.
I can do this all day.
So either put somebody else on
or someone here dies.
Damn it.
Maybe we need a woman's touch.
- Hugh, I've got this.
- No!
You're done here.
Dani, my name is Sheryll Barnes.
I'm with the FBI.
Have you found Carver's file?
Are they changing his disability rating?
Not yet, but we're working on it.
Get on it then!
He was in a firefight.
He took rounds to his spine.
How the hell do you lose his file?
I completely agree with you.
We're taking this
all the way up to the top.
I got some people hungry.
Can we get some pizzas up here?
Sure, we can get you food,
but you give us a hostage.
We need to build trust
between us, right?
But just so you know,
I'm gonna have the hostages
eat first in case you try anything.
Well, I can understand
why Dani is so frustrated.
I've been on with the VA,
and it's a bureaucratic nightmare.
They have no record of Carver's
disability paperwork anywhere.
- So they just lost it?
- Yeah.
I also spoke with the head
of the Disability Committee
Can we just readjust the rating?
No, they have to convene
an entire committee
to get anything done.
It's some big ordeal.
All right, so what does
the ratings document look like?
Maybe we can forge it,
you know, trick her.
- Yeah, let's look into that.
- OK.
Sheryll, you keep stalling.
I'm gonna start making plans
for a breach.
Wait, Hugh. No, no, no.
Stop right there, agent!
She just threatened to kill a hostage.
She also promised to let one out.
We gotta wait. It's too early.
You have one hour.
OK, food's here.
You, you, come with me.
Come on, move.
I got the food.
Hey, hey, hold up.
Unlock the door.
Dani, it's Sheryll.
I wanted to deliver these personally.
How are you?
Give it to him.
Remember the deal,
food in exchange for a hostage.
Who's it gonna be?
Uh, I just want to say
thank you for your service.
Give me the keys.
Get him the hell out of here.
Hey, ASAC Puglia, thanks for coming.
All right?
This is Dani's husband, Keith.
I'm Agent Barnes. Time is tight.
What can you tell us about Dani?
Oh, she was deployed to fire
heavy artillery for,
like, 20-odd-hours on end.
And it I don't know.
It, like, rocked her brain.
She'd have big mood swings.
I know she was suicidal, and she, like,
- saw saw ghosts, and she
- Sounds like she has a TBI.
That's that's what I think too.
Come on in.
Watch your step. It's right this way.
Thank you.
Hey, Dani's ex-husband is here.
Just to finish my thought
some of the guys
she served with, they
they killed themselves.
Dani may have sustained a
TBI when she was in the field.
- She go to the VA for help?
- I wish.
She said, she didn't want to
be broken in a broken system.
Well, I just hung up with the VA,
and the Disability Committee
is refusing to meet.
You're kidding.
No, they said they don't
succumb to blackmail,
and they don't negotiate
with terrorists.
They're not terrorists.
They're veterans that
served their country.
I know. Don't shoot the messenger.
I mean, even Isobel got nowhere.
That's it. We're breaching now.
- Hugh, please, come on.
- It's my call.
I've got a testifiably sick person
holding four people hostage,
including one of yours,
and I'm done letting her
suck her thumb in public.
I'll let Hana know we're coming in.
Yeah, go with SWAT.
Give them the lay of the land.
She needs she needs help.
I know, I know.
The stairwell, swing left!
Bravo, left side!
Hey. What's up?
They're sending SWAT in.
What are you doing?
Where'd you get those?
- I made them at home.
- Dani, don't.
They just have to listen.
They can only hurt themselves.
What what are you doing?
Um, I I really need
to use the bathroom.
Um, it's just right there.
It's a stall, no windows, no doors.
Checking the door.
- Hey, you OK?
- Yeah.
Come on.
Stay back!
If anyone comes through this door,
I'll blow your head off! You hear me?
This is our floor!
Hey, my name is Nina. I'm with the FBI.
Look, we just want to get
our wounded off your floor.
Can you let us do that, please?
Look, they're still alive.
They have families just like you.
Just let us get them, please?
OK, but no weapons.
OK, I'm sending two up, no guns.
Come on.
OK, we're moving out.
If we don't see you
out front in 30 seconds,
I start killing hostages!
Everybody up. We got to move.
No, it's enough. We need to stop.
I'm not stopping, not until
you get what you're owed.
Up on the left.
Keep moving.
Right here, right here, left.
OK, everybody grab whatever you can.
Block the windows.
Come on, let's go.
- Oh, my God.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- I got it. He's fine.
I got it. Here.
I didn't know they had a bomb, Sheryll.
Hana tried to warn us.
If you just waited, like I asked,
we wouldn't have two SWA
fighting for their lives.
You're out.
- Says who?
- Isobel. I just called her.
You can call her if you want.
But this is my team member
and my command now.
You stay out of the way
and get that press back.
- We're trying to work here.
- Yes, ma'am.
All right, move back, everybody.
Back up now.
Move back. Back up.
- Hey.
- Hey. Anything?
We figured, with the
stairwell door blown off,
that they'd move the hostages.
The floor isn't secure anymore.
Where would they go?
Uh, so either of the hallways
on the west side
or any of the rooms lining them.
If you want us to go back in
and poke around, we can.
I don't know.
Right now, I feel like
we just need to deescalate,
especially after Hugh lit
a fire under the one person
we're trying to contain.
Plus, we don't know if they've
got any more bombs in there.
We'll talk to SWAT,
see what kind of recon resources
they have, just in case
we want to head back in there.
That's a good idea, and if you see
the ex-husband,
can you tell him to come back?
Still with me?
I'll survive, I promise.
She needs to answer that phone.
Maybe you should talk to her.
- You guys have the same
- Yep, yep. You're right.
Hey, hey, hey.
Listen, I, um
you know, before,
earlier with the janitor, Wally
um, he said,
"Thank you for your service."
You know, I thought I was the only one
who gets weird about that stuff.
What do they expect, "You're welcome"?
You're welcome.
I'm guarding a convoy of supplies.
My truck rolled over an IED
for those supplies.
What happened?
Convoy kept moving.
You were stranded in the kill box.
I should have been dead.
Insurgents launched a full assault,
but my squad leader
ripped me from my truck,
dragged me back to theirs.
It was Carver.
Took two bullets in the back for it.
Look, he's a hero.
But he's in that chair because of
You put that on you, and I
I get it,
but that is crazy.
Hey, listen,
let me ask you this.
If the roles were reversed,
would you do the same?
Would you want him blaming
himself for what you did?
- Dani?
When are you gonna start
taking me seriously?
I am taking you seriously, Dani.
We're working on getting
Carver what he's owed,
but it's a fight, and
we're learning in real time
just how broken the system is.
Oh, please.
You don't care if we live or die,
or that thousands of vets
aren't getting the benefits
- that they deserve
- What is it?
That they've earned!
Those outlet markers.
They might be able
to pinpoint our location,
but there's him.
Is that what I'm gonna have to do?
Hey, hey, hey.
Do not lose your cool with me.
You're a lot better at this
than the last guy.
Hey, how is everybody in there?
Is everyone OK?
No, they're OK. Everyone's fine.
That's good.
Listen, while we're working on
tracking down Carver's records,
you want to talk to your ex-husband?
Keith, he's here.
This is so not how I thought
today was gonna go.
Hey, I'm not feeling so hot, bro.
Hey, Sick-Call Ranger here
is about to yak.
Is it OK if I take him to the latrine?
Yeah, go.
Let's go.
Why the hell would you bring him here?
He's worried about you, Dani.
Believe it or not, he cares about you.
Your kids are Tad and Mikey, right?
I got two kids, too,
Anais and Theo.
Listen, Keith's here
because he cares about you,
and I know that doesn't fix everything,
but it's not nothing.
Put him on.
Remember what we talked about.
You got to keep her calm, OK?
Hey, Dani.
What'd, you come here to apologize
for telling me to leave
telling me that I'm broken?
I was angry.
I said the wrong thing. I'm sorry.
But you need help, Dani.
I'm not doing this with you again.
All I asked was for you
to go to one appointment,
and you're gonna take
that tone with me like
like I was the one being unreasonable?
Tad's been really hard at work.
Last night, he read three whole pages
from "The Gruffalo,"
didn't stutter once.
Speech therapist
has him practicing
in front of the mirror every day.
That's amazing.
He still likes your
readings better though.
Apparently, no one can do
the voices like Mom does.
He really misses you, Dani.
Please think about what you're doing.
Sorry about that.
No problem, man, I get it.
I'm in a wheelchair, Hoss.
Don't look so surprised.
I knew it was gonna be a struggle.
I didn't think
it was gonna be this rough.
You just wanted to serve your country.
And addiction, it's
I doubt I'll be needing these
after today,
so let's get you squared away.
I'm good. Thanks.
I made a promise.
I appreciate it, though.
Barnes, look,
I just got a text from Hana.
- I think we have the location.
- Where is she?
She says, "Outlet 35, PT room."
- Where is that?
- I don't know.
Let's look.
All right, right there,
physical therapy room.
Looks like the outlet is
to the right of the door.
Oh, well done, Hana.
Look, I asked her
if there were any more bombs,
she said she didn't know.
OK, why don't you go with SWAT and Nina?
We need to scout the exterior
of the PT room,
- see what our options are.
- All right, yeah, gotcha.
- Stop it.
- What?
Stop tapping your foot like that.
You're driving me nuts.
I can't help it.
I have restless leg syndrome
- I don't care.
- Guys, it's not helping. Shut up.
If he just gave them what they wanted,
- none of us would be here.
- Hey, hey, Dani,
check out the TV.
We're receiving reports
that one of the hostages
is believed to be an FBI agent,
although, their identity
remains unclear.
Anne, has there been
any further news about
Just please listen to me.
I'm telling you,
I teach ninth grade history
at Ashworth high school.
- I don't believe you.
- Just call my principal.
I swear.
- You're former Army, right?
- Yeah.
You've got the look.
You've got the build.
You definitely have the attitude.
Oink, Oink, am I right?
I'm not a Fed, you crazy bitch!
- Dani, what the hell?
- Look around, Carver.
We know it's not spineless Stuart.
This guy can barely stand up straight,
and I don't see Little Miss wallflower
over here putting cuffs on anybody.
It's got to be him!
One more shot.
Tell me the truth,
or I will blow your head off.
I am telling the truth.
And then I do the exact same thing
to everyone else here
until I find out who it is.
- Stop.
- Hana, don't.
It's me.
I'm the FBI agent.
Hey, Cobb.
I thought we were building trust.
- We are, Dani.
- Stop screwing around.
I know there's a fed in here.
I just saw it on Channel 61.
So who is it, huh?
Dani, that's bad information.
OK. You gonna lie to me?
Dani, please.
This is not how you get what you want.
Hey, I'm in control here.
I'm tired of waiting,
and I'm tired
of no one listening,
so here's the deal.
I want confirmation
that Carver's rating
has been raised to 100%,
or I shoot your friend.
You have 30 minutes.
Get SWAT in here with their sniper team.
Oh, so you're just gonna shoot her?
I just need them
to think that we will, OK?
Hey, we had leverage before,
but now we have one of theirs.
They have no choice but to get it done.
To what end?
I didn't drag you out of that truck
so you could do this.
Hey, they owe you.
This is all for you.
Don't kid yourself.
This isn't about me.
You need this.
We got two angles from the roof.
Now, both subjects need
to be in our sight
before we take the shot.
We're gonna take them out
Is that clear? All right.
This perpendicular setup
will give us a 90-degree
field of visibility,
so that we can cover
each other's blind spots.
Now, we need to be
in constant communication
with each other and the
command center at all times.
- Is that clear?
- Mm-hmm.
Let's move.
Hey, you know what I think?
No, but I got a feeling
you're gonna tell me anyway.
Any argument you had went out the window
the second your friend there
shot that guard.
Yeah, well, no one asked you, did they?
- Get back!
- Hey!
Get back! Get back!
Secondary subject down.
Primary subject was a miss.
No, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no.
Stay back! [SOBS]
What are we supposed to do now?
What, do you want us to
stand here in the hallway?
Hey, hey, hey,
everybody needs to calm down.
Shut your mouth!
Your people just killed Carver.
As far as I'm concerned,
you're just as responsible.
What's the most secure room
on this floor?
The, uh the chapel.
There's only one way in and out.
OK, let's go. Move! Move!
You, shut the door!
- Give me the phone.
- Why?
Grab that mop.
Put it through the handle.
Because if she finds it
on you, you're dead.
I'm gonna hide it.
All right, everybody, to the chapel.
Let's move!
Hey, you, over there!
All right, barricade the doors.
Grab that pew. Come on, let's go.
She's moved everybody out of the PT room
and into the hallway.
We don't know where she went from there.
- Damn it.
- Hana, we got this, all right?
Just keep trying Dani,
see if you can get to her.
We'll figure this out.
What the hell is she doing?
I don't know.
You, come here.
- What for?
- Just do what I said.
We'll do it your way.
Sheryll, this is Agent McPherson!
- We are in the chapel!
- Hey!
- Hey, what are you doing?
- We are barricaded.
- There are no bombs.
- Hey, hey, gimme that!
Repeat, Sheryll, no bombs!
Why do you have this?
She was covering for me.
I'm the real Fed.
- No, no, he's he's lying.
- Hana, stop!
There's no more cleaning up
my messes, OK?
- This is on me, I got it.
- No.
Carver's dead because of you.
No. Ethan, just stop.
Hey, you want to blame somebody?
Look at me. Here I am.
I'm right here. You blame me, OK?
Ethan, don't do this, please!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
We could do this,
just not in front of her.
Let's go, hero.
They still have resiliency
training when you were in?
Right here.
On your knees.
We all thought it was dumb.
Just another box for leadership to check
to say that Marines are ready
to be civilians again,
but there was one thing
that stuck with me.
Wanna know what it was?
Hunting the good stuff.
It's just about setting
standards for yourself,
you know, because if
you build the road yourself,
you can see it. You know that it's real.
- Know what's real?
- The way back.
There's no training manual
for it, but it's there.
Is it?
Yeah, I promise you, it's there.
We just need help.
And then some of us that are lucky,
we have people who care, people willing
to lay it all down for us.
We just have to all we got
to do is we got to let 'em.
I know I know it feels like
you're falling right now
and you think that shooting me
will bring you back
some semblance of control,
but it won't.
The self-loathing is just gonna hit back
twice as hard tomorrow.
I promise you, it always does.
You just want to be heard.
You want to be seen.
You want to feel like you matter.
Would you stop?
Listen to me.
You matter.
I'm not gonna shoot you,
but you might want to stand back.
Dani! Dani, don't do this.
Dani, stop.
- Get out of my way.
- Don't do this.
- Get out of my way!
- Don't abandon your family.
I'm doing them a favor.
By letting them grow up without a mom?
You know there are other Carvers,
other vets who fall through the cracks.
You could use your voice to help.
- [SOBS]
- Please.
- No, no, no, no, no!
- FBI, don't shoot!
Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Stand down! Hey!
- You're OK. You're OK.
- Got her.
Go, get him.
You OK?
Head on the wall.
All right, let's go.
- I love you.
- I know.
I know.
Last rank held?
Staff Sergeant, E-6.
E-6, sounds like a ride at Disneyland.
Last time you used Oxycodone?
- 4:00 a.m. this morning.
I also took a little
a little bite of one at 8:00.
Do you have any on you now?
No. Do you?
I'm kidding, kind of.
Ethan, are you serious about this?
I promise you, I'm done.
Are you two married?
Because maybe your benefits
No! Carver was my squad leader.
We served together in the
815 Field Artillery Unit.
I wrote a Buddy Letter
to get his disability rating
up to 100%
and so did a bunch of his friends.
Sorry. I'm not seeing that in here.
You must have filled
the forms out wrong.
We didn't.
We dropped the forms off with you.
You looked them over and told us
that we were good to go.
Yeah, I see a lot of people.
Let's go, Dani.
Oh, we're not going anywhere until
what's your name?
Until Stuart here finds your damn file
and gets your disability changed to
what even is it right now?
How can that be? Look at him.
He should be getting 100% coverage
for catastrophic disability.
Can't you see that?
The forms aren't in the system.
My hands are tied, unfortunately.
- That's not gonna work for us.
- Dani, forget about it.
All right? Let's just go.
Dani, what are you doing?
You sacrificed your body
for this country.
Surely, there is something you can do.
- Gun.
- What?
- Oh, my God.
- Gun. Gun.
- She's got a gun.
- Hey! Drop the gun!
My leg!
Dani, what the hell?
[PANTING] I-I thought he had a gun.
- No, No.
- Go, go, go, go, go.
Hey, you, you, move over there!
OK, go, go.
Hey, hey. I'm Hana.
Can I help in any way?
- Are you with the VA?
- No.
Then go over there with the others.
- OK.
- What are you doing, Dani?
Why'd you bring your weapon in here?
In case this exact crap
happened to us again.
We're not leaving until
your disability rating
changes to 100%.
Hey, we got to move.
Hey, go to the elevator!
- OK.
- Now, let's go!
Do you have your weapon on you?
- No.
- Move!
OK, we're going.
She's got a gun. Head to the stairs.
Go! Go! Run! Run!
Come on, run to the stairs! Go, go!
All right, everybody out. Let's go.
Move! Hurry up.
Come on, move.
You, hold the door.
You, grab that thing there.
Put it in the door.
All right, everyone, this way!
Let's go!
All right, sit down.
Hands on your head. Not you.
You're Hana, right?
- Yeah.
- Listen up.
Everyone, give your phones to Hana.
Come on, move!
Put 'em on the ground.
You, crush these.
Come on, let's go!
I need to secure the floor.
Can you watch them while I do?
Dani, I don't know.
[WHISPERS] You basically signed
a blank check with your body.
This is the only way
to make them hear us.
- You, what's your name?
- Me?
- Wally.
- Give me your keys.
Come with me.
Come on, let's go.
- Here you go.
Hello? Anybody here?
Keep moving.
Hey, lock that door.
Any other way people can get up here?
No, just the elevator and those stairs.
OK, give me the keys.
All right, let's go.
All good.
No. No. Please.
Don't shoot.
Hey, you two guys, come with me.
Come on, get up.
Get him up and bring him over there.
All right, you're all right.
All right, right there.
Easy, easy, easy. Slow.
- Easy.
- OK.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry, excuse me, sorry.
- Move, FBI.
OK, we're there. I see Puglia,
ASAC of the Critical Incident
Response Group.
- Hey, Hugh!
- Agent Barnes.
Nina, Ray, agents on our team.
- Yeah, where's Remy?
- He's out of the country.
Have you heard anything else
from your agent inside?
Not since she texted me 30 minutes ago.
She's in there with Ethan McPherson.
- He's an Air Marshal.
- That's good to know.
So what's the latest?
We got two suspects
holed up on the second floor.
They've pulled the cable
to the cameras there.
The witnesses who got out
heard a gunshot,
saw a security guard get hit.
Condition unknown.
Negotiator's here. Deschain.
Come on in.
See you soon.
That's Sheryll, Ray, Dina
Agent Gibson's flock.
So are these our hostage takers?
Dani Harrigan and
Carver Fleck, both Army.
They were airlifted out
of Afghanistan in '21.
Dani's got an ex-husband and two kids.
- Carver never married.
- We know what they want?
According to the VA supervisor,
they were here trying to get Carver's
disability rating raised.
The guy's a paraplegic
with a rating of 50%.
- What's the VA saying?
- Haven't gotten there yet.
OK, let me get into it.
I'll see what they have to say.
You find Dani's ex-husband?
Yeah, Hugh, that was him just now.
He's on his way here, and he gave me
- Dani's cell number.
- Let's go.
We need to open up
a line of communication
and get a status on that security guard.
What are we doing here, Dani?
Just let me think.
Maybe you should answer that.
What if they have something you want?
This guard guy, man,
he ain't doing so hot.
- Hello?
- Dani Harrigan?
My name is Rick Deschain.
I'm a negotiator with the FBI.
Here to help.
Hey, Rick.
I got a security guard up here
who's circling the drain.
- Can we get him out of here?
- Sure, we can.
Can we send a couple medics in there?
Yeah, that'd be OK.
But no cops and no guns, do you copy me?
Yes, I'll get that
in the works right away,
but we're gonna need
the elevator for the gurney.
Negative. No elevator.
They're gonna have to hump it
and use the stairs.
Can I ask how many hostages you have?
Five, not including this guard.
Five, copy.
- Anything we can do for you?
- Hell yeah.
I want Carver's disability
rating raised to 100%.
And this moron up here says
he can't find any record of it.
I understand.
We'll start working on that too.
Also I'm out of dip.
You mean chewing tobacco?
No problem.
I'm sure we can get you a can.
You want anything else,
give me a
It would be great if we could
connect with the agent in there.
I'll go in as one of the medics.
I can get a phone to Hana.
Yeah, that works for me.
Dani, it's Rick.
We've got two EMTs coming up now.
They'll meet you by the stairwell door.
Yeah, I see 'em.
There better not be anyone else
when I open that door.
There won't be.
We just want to get him out of there
and get him medical attention,
just like you do.
Let me ask you, is there anyone
you want me to call for you
any friends or family?
Please, I know what you're doing.
Don't ask me about my family.
I care about
getting you what you want
and getting you and everyone else
out of there alive.
Next thing you do is ask me
if I want any food, right,
smuggle in a camera and a microphone?
Just don't.
You're really starting to annoy me now.
Paramedics are here.
I'm gonna let 'em in, OK?
I got it. Just go.
Just hang in there, OK?
Help is on the way.
- You there?
- Yeah.
- How many of you?
- Two.
We're here for the guard.
Hey, hold it, hold it.
All right, go.
That way.
All right, here's a tourniquet.
Can I get some help?
- You, help him.
- Right.
On my count
one, two, three.
All right.
OK? Up.
You have something for me?
Here you go.
Hey, you, come over here.
Sit down.
- Show me your hands.
You like stickers?
My niece does too.
Is anybody hungry? We missed lunch.
You think they got any MREs
laying around here?
I actually like MREs.
Chicken tetrazzini, come on.
Yeah, we didn't have
that flavor in Afghanistan.
Oh, it must have been an Iraq special.
What branch were you?
- Marines.
- Mm.
Hey, what are you doing?
I was just getting him a towel.
Drop it. Sit down.
Chili Mac was all right.
It's not the taste so much,
but it didn't brick you up
like the others, remember? [SIGHS]
Listen, you saying you're hungry?
'Cause you don't look so hot, man.
Thank you, Brad Pitt.
I'm here for rehab, man.
Been about five hours since my last one.
- You're dopesick.
- Buddy, it's the worst.
But I promised Hana I was done.
You two are a thing?
Not at the moment, no.
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Sit down!
- Sit down.
Sit down.
Doing a lot of sitting.
Yeah, tell me about it.
That's fair.
Keep an eye on them, OK?
They're by the nurse's
station on the west side.
They both have guns,
but the hostages seem OK.
Did Hana get the phone?
Yeah, she just sent me a text.
Dani, talk to me.
- What's SWAT doing here?
- Don't worry.
It's just standard procedure.
We want to end this peacefully.
So how can we do that?
I want to talk to the press,
put the VA on blast
tell people how broken this system is,
that they treat people
like we're nothing.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
Why not?
It's just a risk I can't take.
Is there someone else
you'd like to talk to?
Family, maybe?
What are you getting this from,
your hostage negotiator script?
I want to talk to someone
who can relate to me!
- Dani, please.
- Hey, jackass!
We're on your time.
I can do this all day.
So either put somebody else on
or someone here dies.
Damn it.
Maybe we need a woman's touch.
- Hugh, I've got this.
- No!
You're done here.
Dani, my name is Sheryll Barnes.
I'm with the FBI.
Have you found Carver's file?
Are they changing his disability rating?
Not yet, but we're working on it.
Get on it then!
He was in a firefight.
He took rounds to his spine.
How the hell do you lose his file?
I completely agree with you.
We're taking this
all the way up to the top.
I got some people hungry.
Can we get some pizzas up here?
Sure, we can get you food,
but you give us a hostage.
We need to build trust
between us, right?
But just so you know,
I'm gonna have the hostages
eat first in case you try anything.
Well, I can understand
why Dani is so frustrated.
I've been on with the VA,
and it's a bureaucratic nightmare.
They have no record of Carver's
disability paperwork anywhere.
- So they just lost it?
- Yeah.
I also spoke with the head
of the Disability Committee
Can we just readjust the rating?
No, they have to convene
an entire committee
to get anything done.
It's some big ordeal.
All right, so what does
the ratings document look like?
Maybe we can forge it,
you know, trick her.
- Yeah, let's look into that.
- OK.
Sheryll, you keep stalling.
I'm gonna start making plans
for a breach.
Wait, Hugh. No, no, no.
Stop right there, agent!
She just threatened to kill a hostage.
She also promised to let one out.
We gotta wait. It's too early.
You have one hour.
OK, food's here.
You, you, come with me.
Come on, move.
I got the food.
Hey, hey, hold up.
Unlock the door.
Dani, it's Sheryll.
I wanted to deliver these personally.
How are you?
Give it to him.
Remember the deal,
food in exchange for a hostage.
Who's it gonna be?
Uh, I just want to say
thank you for your service.
Give me the keys.
Get him the hell out of here.
Hey, ASAC Puglia, thanks for coming.
All right?
This is Dani's husband, Keith.
I'm Agent Barnes. Time is tight.
What can you tell us about Dani?
Oh, she was deployed to fire
heavy artillery for,
like, 20-odd-hours on end.
And it I don't know.
It, like, rocked her brain.
She'd have big mood swings.
I know she was suicidal, and she, like,
- saw saw ghosts, and she
- Sounds like she has a TBI.
That's that's what I think too.
Come on in.
Watch your step. It's right this way.
Thank you.
Hey, Dani's ex-husband is here.
Just to finish my thought
some of the guys
she served with, they
they killed themselves.
Dani may have sustained a
TBI when she was in the field.
- She go to the VA for help?
- I wish.
She said, she didn't want to
be broken in a broken system.
Well, I just hung up with the VA,
and the Disability Committee
is refusing to meet.
You're kidding.
No, they said they don't
succumb to blackmail,
and they don't negotiate
with terrorists.
They're not terrorists.
They're veterans that
served their country.
I know. Don't shoot the messenger.
I mean, even Isobel got nowhere.
That's it. We're breaching now.
- Hugh, please, come on.
- It's my call.
I've got a testifiably sick person
holding four people hostage,
including one of yours,
and I'm done letting her
suck her thumb in public.
I'll let Hana know we're coming in.
Yeah, go with SWAT.
Give them the lay of the land.
She needs she needs help.
I know, I know.
The stairwell, swing left!
Bravo, left side!
Hey. What's up?
They're sending SWAT in.
What are you doing?
Where'd you get those?
- I made them at home.
- Dani, don't.
They just have to listen.
They can only hurt themselves.
What what are you doing?
Um, I I really need
to use the bathroom.
Um, it's just right there.
It's a stall, no windows, no doors.
Checking the door.
- Hey, you OK?
- Yeah.
Come on.
Stay back!
If anyone comes through this door,
I'll blow your head off! You hear me?
This is our floor!
Hey, my name is Nina. I'm with the FBI.
Look, we just want to get
our wounded off your floor.
Can you let us do that, please?
Look, they're still alive.
They have families just like you.
Just let us get them, please?
OK, but no weapons.
OK, I'm sending two up, no guns.
Come on.
OK, we're moving out.
If we don't see you
out front in 30 seconds,
I start killing hostages!
Everybody up. We got to move.
No, it's enough. We need to stop.
I'm not stopping, not until
you get what you're owed.
Up on the left.
Keep moving.
Right here, right here, left.
OK, everybody grab whatever you can.
Block the windows.
Come on, let's go.
- Oh, my God.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- I got it. He's fine.
I got it. Here.
I didn't know they had a bomb, Sheryll.
Hana tried to warn us.
If you just waited, like I asked,
we wouldn't have two SWA
fighting for their lives.
You're out.
- Says who?
- Isobel. I just called her.
You can call her if you want.
But this is my team member
and my command now.
You stay out of the way
and get that press back.
- We're trying to work here.
- Yes, ma'am.
All right, move back, everybody.
Back up now.
Move back. Back up.
- Hey.
- Hey. Anything?
We figured, with the
stairwell door blown off,
that they'd move the hostages.
The floor isn't secure anymore.
Where would they go?
Uh, so either of the hallways
on the west side
or any of the rooms lining them.
If you want us to go back in
and poke around, we can.
I don't know.
Right now, I feel like
we just need to deescalate,
especially after Hugh lit
a fire under the one person
we're trying to contain.
Plus, we don't know if they've
got any more bombs in there.
We'll talk to SWAT,
see what kind of recon resources
they have, just in case
we want to head back in there.
That's a good idea, and if you see
the ex-husband,
can you tell him to come back?
Still with me?
I'll survive, I promise.
She needs to answer that phone.
Maybe you should talk to her.
- You guys have the same
- Yep, yep. You're right.
Hey, hey, hey.
Listen, I, um
you know, before,
earlier with the janitor, Wally
um, he said,
"Thank you for your service."
You know, I thought I was the only one
who gets weird about that stuff.
What do they expect, "You're welcome"?
You're welcome.
I'm guarding a convoy of supplies.
My truck rolled over an IED
for those supplies.
What happened?
Convoy kept moving.
You were stranded in the kill box.
I should have been dead.
Insurgents launched a full assault,
but my squad leader
ripped me from my truck,
dragged me back to theirs.
It was Carver.
Took two bullets in the back for it.
Look, he's a hero.
But he's in that chair because of
You put that on you, and I
I get it,
but that is crazy.
Hey, listen,
let me ask you this.
If the roles were reversed,
would you do the same?
Would you want him blaming
himself for what you did?
- Dani?
When are you gonna start
taking me seriously?
I am taking you seriously, Dani.
We're working on getting
Carver what he's owed,
but it's a fight, and
we're learning in real time
just how broken the system is.
Oh, please.
You don't care if we live or die,
or that thousands of vets
aren't getting the benefits
- that they deserve
- What is it?
That they've earned!
Those outlet markers.
They might be able
to pinpoint our location,
but there's him.
Is that what I'm gonna have to do?
Hey, hey, hey.
Do not lose your cool with me.
You're a lot better at this
than the last guy.
Hey, how is everybody in there?
Is everyone OK?
No, they're OK. Everyone's fine.
That's good.
Listen, while we're working on
tracking down Carver's records,
you want to talk to your ex-husband?
Keith, he's here.
This is so not how I thought
today was gonna go.
Hey, I'm not feeling so hot, bro.
Hey, Sick-Call Ranger here
is about to yak.
Is it OK if I take him to the latrine?
Yeah, go.
Let's go.
Why the hell would you bring him here?
He's worried about you, Dani.
Believe it or not, he cares about you.
Your kids are Tad and Mikey, right?
I got two kids, too,
Anais and Theo.
Listen, Keith's here
because he cares about you,
and I know that doesn't fix everything,
but it's not nothing.
Put him on.
Remember what we talked about.
You got to keep her calm, OK?
Hey, Dani.
What'd, you come here to apologize
for telling me to leave
telling me that I'm broken?
I was angry.
I said the wrong thing. I'm sorry.
But you need help, Dani.
I'm not doing this with you again.
All I asked was for you
to go to one appointment,
and you're gonna take
that tone with me like
like I was the one being unreasonable?
Tad's been really hard at work.
Last night, he read three whole pages
from "The Gruffalo,"
didn't stutter once.
Speech therapist
has him practicing
in front of the mirror every day.
That's amazing.
He still likes your
readings better though.
Apparently, no one can do
the voices like Mom does.
He really misses you, Dani.
Please think about what you're doing.
Sorry about that.
No problem, man, I get it.
I'm in a wheelchair, Hoss.
Don't look so surprised.
I knew it was gonna be a struggle.
I didn't think
it was gonna be this rough.
You just wanted to serve your country.
And addiction, it's
I doubt I'll be needing these
after today,
so let's get you squared away.
I'm good. Thanks.
I made a promise.
I appreciate it, though.
Barnes, look,
I just got a text from Hana.
- I think we have the location.
- Where is she?
She says, "Outlet 35, PT room."
- Where is that?
- I don't know.
Let's look.
All right, right there,
physical therapy room.
Looks like the outlet is
to the right of the door.
Oh, well done, Hana.
Look, I asked her
if there were any more bombs,
she said she didn't know.
OK, why don't you go with SWAT and Nina?
We need to scout the exterior
of the PT room,
- see what our options are.
- All right, yeah, gotcha.
- Stop it.
- What?
Stop tapping your foot like that.
You're driving me nuts.
I can't help it.
I have restless leg syndrome
- I don't care.
- Guys, it's not helping. Shut up.
If he just gave them what they wanted,
- none of us would be here.
- Hey, hey, Dani,
check out the TV.
We're receiving reports
that one of the hostages
is believed to be an FBI agent,
although, their identity
remains unclear.
Anne, has there been
any further news about
Just please listen to me.
I'm telling you,
I teach ninth grade history
at Ashworth high school.
- I don't believe you.
- Just call my principal.
I swear.
- You're former Army, right?
- Yeah.
You've got the look.
You've got the build.
You definitely have the attitude.
Oink, Oink, am I right?
I'm not a Fed, you crazy bitch!
- Dani, what the hell?
- Look around, Carver.
We know it's not spineless Stuart.
This guy can barely stand up straight,
and I don't see Little Miss wallflower
over here putting cuffs on anybody.
It's got to be him!
One more shot.
Tell me the truth,
or I will blow your head off.
I am telling the truth.
And then I do the exact same thing
to everyone else here
until I find out who it is.
- Stop.
- Hana, don't.
It's me.
I'm the FBI agent.
Hey, Cobb.
I thought we were building trust.
- We are, Dani.
- Stop screwing around.
I know there's a fed in here.
I just saw it on Channel 61.
So who is it, huh?
Dani, that's bad information.
OK. You gonna lie to me?
Dani, please.
This is not how you get what you want.
Hey, I'm in control here.
I'm tired of waiting,
and I'm tired
of no one listening,
so here's the deal.
I want confirmation
that Carver's rating
has been raised to 100%,
or I shoot your friend.
You have 30 minutes.
Get SWAT in here with their sniper team.
Oh, so you're just gonna shoot her?
I just need them
to think that we will, OK?
Hey, we had leverage before,
but now we have one of theirs.
They have no choice but to get it done.
To what end?
I didn't drag you out of that truck
so you could do this.
Hey, they owe you.
This is all for you.
Don't kid yourself.
This isn't about me.
You need this.
We got two angles from the roof.
Now, both subjects need
to be in our sight
before we take the shot.
We're gonna take them out
Is that clear? All right.
This perpendicular setup
will give us a 90-degree
field of visibility,
so that we can cover
each other's blind spots.
Now, we need to be
in constant communication
with each other and the
command center at all times.
- Is that clear?
- Mm-hmm.
Let's move.
Hey, you know what I think?
No, but I got a feeling
you're gonna tell me anyway.
Any argument you had went out the window
the second your friend there
shot that guard.
Yeah, well, no one asked you, did they?
- Get back!
- Hey!
Get back! Get back!
Secondary subject down.
Primary subject was a miss.
No, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no.
Stay back! [SOBS]
What are we supposed to do now?
What, do you want us to
stand here in the hallway?
Hey, hey, hey,
everybody needs to calm down.
Shut your mouth!
Your people just killed Carver.
As far as I'm concerned,
you're just as responsible.
What's the most secure room
on this floor?
The, uh the chapel.
There's only one way in and out.
OK, let's go. Move! Move!
You, shut the door!
- Give me the phone.
- Why?
Grab that mop.
Put it through the handle.
Because if she finds it
on you, you're dead.
I'm gonna hide it.
All right, everybody, to the chapel.
Let's move!
Hey, you, over there!
All right, barricade the doors.
Grab that pew. Come on, let's go.
She's moved everybody out of the PT room
and into the hallway.
We don't know where she went from there.
- Damn it.
- Hana, we got this, all right?
Just keep trying Dani,
see if you can get to her.
We'll figure this out.
What the hell is she doing?
I don't know.
You, come here.
- What for?
- Just do what I said.
We'll do it your way.
Sheryll, this is Agent McPherson!
- We are in the chapel!
- Hey!
- Hey, what are you doing?
- We are barricaded.
- There are no bombs.
- Hey, hey, gimme that!
Repeat, Sheryll, no bombs!
Why do you have this?
She was covering for me.
I'm the real Fed.
- No, no, he's he's lying.
- Hana, stop!
There's no more cleaning up
my messes, OK?
- This is on me, I got it.
- No.
Carver's dead because of you.
No. Ethan, just stop.
Hey, you want to blame somebody?
Look at me. Here I am.
I'm right here. You blame me, OK?
Ethan, don't do this, please!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
We could do this,
just not in front of her.
Let's go, hero.
They still have resiliency
training when you were in?
Right here.
On your knees.
We all thought it was dumb.
Just another box for leadership to check
to say that Marines are ready
to be civilians again,
but there was one thing
that stuck with me.
Wanna know what it was?
Hunting the good stuff.
It's just about setting
standards for yourself,
you know, because if
you build the road yourself,
you can see it. You know that it's real.
- Know what's real?
- The way back.
There's no training manual
for it, but it's there.
Is it?
Yeah, I promise you, it's there.
We just need help.
And then some of us that are lucky,
we have people who care, people willing
to lay it all down for us.
We just have to all we got
to do is we got to let 'em.
I know I know it feels like
you're falling right now
and you think that shooting me
will bring you back
some semblance of control,
but it won't.
The self-loathing is just gonna hit back
twice as hard tomorrow.
I promise you, it always does.
You just want to be heard.
You want to be seen.
You want to feel like you matter.
Would you stop?
Listen to me.
You matter.
I'm not gonna shoot you,
but you might want to stand back.
Dani! Dani, don't do this.
Dani, stop.
- Get out of my way.
- Don't do this.
- Get out of my way!
- Don't abandon your family.
I'm doing them a favor.
By letting them grow up without a mom?
You know there are other Carvers,
other vets who fall through the cracks.
You could use your voice to help.
- [SOBS]
- Please.
- No, no, no, no, no!
- FBI, don't shoot!
Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Stand down! Hey!
- You're OK. You're OK.
- Got her.
Go, get him.
You OK?
Head on the wall.
All right, let's go.
- I love you.
- I know.
I know.