All American (2018) s06e15 Episode Script

I Do (Part II)

SPENCER: What do you
mean, our venue's ruined?
- No, no, no, no.
Don't tell me that
there's nothing you can
- OK.
All right.
The entire sewer system's backed up,
and the venue's flooded.
- We're not getting married.
- Yes, we are
Just not this weekend.
It's gonna take them at
least 3 days to clean up.
3 days?
In less than 36 hours,
you have to be back at
training camp in New York.
I mean, there's no way we're gonna find
another venue in time.
I mean, if we don't
get married tomorrow,
- then we can't get married until
- Next year.
I knew it.
I knew it. We can't catch a break.
Oh, my God. Like, we can't
ever catch a single break.
Don't do that. Don't do that, OK?
There's a solution, OK?
We're just so beat down right now, OK?
We're not gonna figure this out tonight.
I'm sorry.
Please don't leave.
I know what I said before, but
we're way past jinxes. I just
I just really need to
hold on to you tonight.
OK. I wouldn't dream
of being anywhere else.
LAUREN DAIGLE: You're gonna be OK ♪
- Darlin', you're ♪
- Oh, come here.
You're gonna be all right ♪
At the end of all our breath ♪
When we're beckoned on to the light ♪
Love will meet you there ♪
You're gonna be all right ♪
DAIGLE: Oh, the end
of all our breath ♪
Is the beginning of new life ♪
You're ♪
You're gonna be all right ♪
Take it y'all heard the news.
PATIENCE: Yeah. I was, um,
midair, but they brought
me back up to speed.
Yeah. Sewage backup sucks.
JORDAN: Yeah. It's a real
crappy situation, guys.
Sorry. Somebody had to say it.
- I mean, Patience laughed.
- No one did.
LAYLA: OK. Spencer,
hey, how can we help?
I appreciate y'all
really, I do but
I think I got this one handled.
- Hey.
- Baby.
- How are you guys doing?
- COOP: Uh, we're good.
- Are you OK, Liv?
- LAYLA: Seriously, Liv, you you OK?
I'm fine. [LAUGHS]
- OLIVIA: I'm fine.
Is it a bit disappointing
that the leadup to my wedding
has been one disaster
after another? Yeah.
Does it suck that I have to wait
till next year to get married?
Sure, heh!
But do I need some sort of intervention?
No. I'm fine, right?
- OK.
- I am totally and completely fine.
JORDAN: We're gonna take that
knife away from her, right?
Someone's gonna grab that?
OLIVIA: I mean, look. I thought
my dream wedding was gonna happen,
and now it's gone, OK,
but I'm dealing with it,
you know, and it's not like
the wedding's canceled, right?
It's just, um
- Just delayed.
- Sure,
It's not a big deal
and you know what?
in fact, actually,
it does give us more time to plan, so
- Liv
- Mm-hmm?
you have been planning
every single detail
- of this wedding for months now, OK?
- Mm. Mm-hmm.
Please do not act like
this is not a big deal.
We all know it is. All right. Look.
The manager said they just
need a few more days to clean,
so let's just push our
wedding by a few more days.
ASHER: Except you have
training camp in New York.
PATIENCE: Don't you
have a sick girlfriend
- or a son to take care of?
- SPENCER: OK. Look. Look.
I'm gonna call Coach Montes
and ask to miss a few extra days, OK?
It is my wedding.
I mean, do you really
think he'll go for it?
I'm sure he will. He knows
how important you are to me.
Look. I'm not waiting
any longer to marry you.
Been waiting long enough
OK. Will do. Thank you.
- Yes,
- OK?
- He said, "Absolutely not."
Wait. Judging by how long
you were actually on the phone,
I'm pretty sure he said more than that.
Nah. That was just some
stuff about me being MVP
and how it's a bad look
for the rest of the team
- if I get special treatment, so
- Uh, what are you gonna tell Liv?
What's up? You good?
My GAU Law School decision just came in.
Open it, fool. One of us
needs some good news today.
- I got in.
- You got in?
Holy crap. I got into the school.
I got in!
- Oh, my God.
- Yo!
OLIVIA: Wait. Coach Montes said yes?
No. I got into law school.
- Whoo!
- Way to go! What?!
Big dog's gotta eat.
- Coop, are you serious?
- Yes.
- Um, so about training camp
- Coach wants you back as planned.
- Liv
- It's OK, really. It was
it was a long shot.
I can wait a year. Truly, it's fine.
Hey, congratulations.
It's well-deserved.
Thank you.
Hey, hey, listen.
Uh, I'm sorry, Spence.
I mean, at least you tried, right?
No. No.
It ain't going down like that, man.
I'm not about to let some training camp
or poop-stained wedding venue stop me
from giving Liv the
wedding of her dreams.
No. No. We getting
married today, as planned.
JORDAN: You know what's
better if you wait?
Like, aged cheese is better or
or almost every wine ever made,
- leftovers.
- Mm.
As much as I love you comparing
my wedding to leftovers,
I'm fine, you know? I've
accepted that it's postponed.
- Mm.
- I just reached out and canceled
all the wedding vendors,
and now Spencer and I
literally have to move
to New York in 24 hours,
and that's about as much time as I have
to sort through the rest of these boxes
and pack up my entire life.
OK. I mean, it's not like
the house is going anywhere.
You're right. I'll be
helpful. I'll be helpful.
Wait a second.
Wow. This is, uh
this is Dad's old Beverly playbook.
I mean, this is perfect.
I mean, I just took the
QB coaching job in South Crenshaw?
Yeah. Spencer told me.
Some of these plays have never
even been used. This is
These are game changers.
I mean, if we had a
different QB. I mean,
nobody wants to say it, but
DeVonte just isn't the
I'm here to help you,
not talk about and study
plays that would help me
- absolutely kill at my new job.
- My God, just read it, OK?
I'm sure I will figure out a
way to forge on without you.
OLIVIA: I just went down a bad path,
even tried to drown it out with pills.
Parents freaked, and here I am.
75K and 90 days later,
I'm I'm good as new.
All right. It's fine now.
Is it?
You know, you're the first
person to even ask me that?
LAYLA: Spencer?
Oh, hey, what's up?
Hey, so I'm throwing a
party at my place tonight.
Liv, hey, uh, you good?
Yeah. Yeah. No. I think
just some of Layla's stuff
got mixed up with mine.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Think this is yours.
- Oh.
I was wondering where that went.
Uh, how are things going with packing?
Packing is going so great that packing
doesn't even need my help anymore,
- so
- OK. Well, why don't I just
take over packing for now?
Your kids are gonna know
Santa isn't real right away.
You guys aren't slick at all,
and I know you're tag-teaming
babysit-Liv duty, but, seriously,
- I'm good.
- Yeah?
Maybe you should tell that
to your face because it's
I just can't stop thinking about
how just right from the start
Spencer and I have just had
one obstacle after another, you know?
The first day we met,
we had obstacles.
I'm sorry for being
one of those obstacles.
Oh, my God. Stop.
If we are gonna start apologising
for all the things that
we did in high school,
we will still be here until my
wedding finally rolls around,
- which is some time next century.
- Who's that?
- Well, I was hoping it was Spencer.
He hasn't texted me
back since this morning.
Well, you know, maybe
Spencer also needs a second
to process his disappointment, too.
Whatever. I need to get
back to packing anyway, so
Um, so what we gonna do?
"We"? Bro, I'm not
the one that declared,
"I'm gonna make a dream wedding happen
- in less than 12 hours."
- In my defence,
I didn't know my fiancee was gonna
go ham on our vendor list, OK?
- Excuse me. Best friend.
This is serious, OK?
You do know you actually
have to graduate law school
and then pass the bar before you add
- E-S-Q to your name, right?
- Mm-hmm,
and you do realise that you
need a location and vendors
to pull off a last-minute wedding.
- Ohh!
- Come on.
Could you be more pathetic?
You trying to make me feel better, yeah?
'Cause you failing horribly.
OK. OK. Fine.
Bet. Here.
- "Wed Me Quick."
- Mm-hmm.
So you're trying to get me divorced
before I'm actually married. OK.
I cannot bring Liv here, OK?
Do you have a better idea?
Because guess what
at least you'll be married.
Liv deserves the wedding of her dreams.
She deserves somewhere meaningful,
somewhere beautiful, somewhere
I got it.
I got it. Pack all this up. Let's go.
I got the perfect spot.
LAYLA: How are you supposed
to pack your whole life
- into a couple of boxes?
- I don't know.
Start with the small stuff?
- None of it is small stuff.
- Mm.
All the blanket forts we built
and the sleepovers we had.
This house is full of memories.
I couldn't imagine your
stuff not being here
and you not being here.
Hey, I'm supposed to be the
emotional mess, remember?
- Kind of stealing my thunder.
Also, I might not be here,
but that doesn't mean that
I won't always be there.
I mean, I'm gonna call you,
like, multiple times a day
and send you tons of care packages.
Well, we need to find a place
first for you to send them to.
How is that going, by the way?
Well, we've seen tons of houses, but
I couldn't imagine building
a blanket fort in any of them.
None of them felt like home.
SPENCER: Your psychic was
right about one thing
I needed clarity.
I'm in love with you.
We can't.
I'm sorry, Spencer.
What is it?
Just starting with the small stuff.
COOP: Well, that dusty football field
was your big idea for
Liv's dream wedding?
What the hell were you thinking?
How was I supposed to know
it was under construction?
- Uh
- OK. OK. Fine.
It wasn't my greatest idea.
It is named after her dad.
- Her dad?
- That's all I'm saying.
What's that?
Yo, you stole those out
of the lost and found here?
- They got anything else good?
- No, dummy.
It's a wedding gift from Jordan.
He gave it to me yesterday.
On his unemployed salary?
He ain't unemployed no more.
- Huh.
- DEION: OK. All right, all right. I got it, got it.
- OK.
- All right.
- OK.
- Wait, wait.
COOP: Yo, dudes these days just
do not know how to keep it cool.
Hey, they can't all be me.
Uh uh uh ♪
- Uh uh ♪
- Yo!
The hell are y'all
doing here on a Saturday
- and during the summer?
- DEION: About time I saw you, Spence.
Seems like everybody got to see you
this trip back except me.
We're part of the theatre program.
After that 24-hour
Shakespeare workshop, we, uh
we kind of found our thing.
And it's a fun challenge.
Like, we just had to
put together this whole
elaborate "Midsummer
Night's Dream" wonderland
in, like, 48 hours.
DEION: Khalil is
actually in the auditorium
putting the finishing touches on.
You want to come see?
COOP: No. No. You're not getting married
- in a high-school auditorium.
- I wouldn't dream of it, fool.
Could use y'all's help
with something, though.
COOP: What
[WHISPERS] How is she doing?
[WHISPERS] Not good.
Hey, sweetie, um, why don't you,
um, let Layla and I take over
so you can take a break and
go spend the day with Spencer?
OLIVIA: Well, spending the day
with my fiancé would require me
to actually know where said fiancé is
or for him to reply to
a single one of my texts
because, apparently, it's not bad enough
that my wedding is now postponed
till whenever, but now
my fiancé's also AWOL, so
thanks, but no, thanks.
I'm gonna continue packing
because that's the only thing
that I have control over.
WOMAN: I want a great mad, mad day ♪
Got to keep him in his place ♪
Why am I still missing place settings?
Huh! Yeah.
Two things tone and favour
'cause everyone in here
is volunteering their time,
Sergeant Spencer.
Come on. I know you not surprised
by his Groomzilla vibes, OK?
Remember how he was planning Liv's, uh,
welcome-back party two years ago?
- Yep, yep.
- Damn, that was two years ago?
- Yes.
- Shoot.
Look at y'all now getting married.
- DEION: Hopefully.
- Only positive vibes, thank you.
- SPENCER: Hey, hey, hey,
I'm gonna need those positive vibes
to materialize my place settings, OK?
Hey, Khalil, weren't
you supposed to grab them
since you got that fancy
china shop out by you?
Do I look like a "fancy
china shop" Negro to you?
And besides, didn't Spencer give
you his credit card to make sure
we have whatever we needed?
I mean, Khalil's not wrong.
You did have the credit card.
Of course you take Khalil's side.
- Bruh, what is your problem, man?
Hey, hey, fellas, fellas,
if y'all gonna fight,
could we please do it
after somebody finds
my damn place settings?
- PATIENCE: OK. Spencer
- KAI: Hey, everybody,
let's all relax, OK?
The cavalry's here.
SPENCER: How are you doing, bro?
KIA: Now, what's this
we hear about you trying
to throw a whole new wedding
together in mere hours?
- How do you know?
COOP: Well, after that
football field fiasco, bro, um,
I just knew you couldn't
do this by yourself,
so I called in the big guns.
- Oh, praise Jesus.
- Yes.
DAVITA: Oh, peach tulle? Oh,
it's worse than I thought.
And y'all are missing place settings,
but I called in a favor.
- Bow.
- Thank you.
Yeah, Spence.
- Bro, I appreciate you.
- My man.
Now, I don't know a tulle from a Teflon,
- but I couldn't let you go out like this.
- KIA: OK. Kai,
Kai, come on.
Come on, muscles. Let's
move this stuff out.
MAN ON PA: Section 3 now boarding.
I'm gonna be right here
when you get back, OK?
- I love you.
- I love you.
- 3 months.
- 3 months.
MAN ON PA: Last boarding call
- Enough.
You're taking a break,
and you're gonna talk to me.
- And me.
WENDY: I know you're
disappointed about the wedding,
but I promise, it's just a small delay
in a lifetime of happiness
for you and Spencer.
OLIVIA: Yeah, but it's
not just our wedding.
I mean, it's our whole relationship.
I mean, first, I liked
him and he wasn't ready,
and then he told me he loved me,
and I was scared and then my relapse,
our journalism and football
dreams clashing, then London.
I mean, I was
It was supposed to be 3 months.
I mean, every time, life gets in the way
or other people do, or
or we can't get it together.
Each delay just keeps us
apart for for months
or, I mean, years sometimes.
And now you're scared that
if you don't get married this weekend,
uh, it might end up
being more than a year
- before you do?
- Yeah, if we do at all.
LAURA: Liv, of course
you're gonna marry Spencer.
You love each other, and, yes,
you two have had setbacks, but you've
you've pulled through every one
just like your dad and I did.
WENDY: You know, when you look back,
you only see the obstacles.
What we see
is the resilience of the
love you and Spencer share.
I'm gonna miss, uh,
quiet moments like this with
you when you move to New York.
This house was so full of love
and laughter and noise.
You all made it a home. [CLEARS THROAT]
I don't know if I'm gonna
be able to live here now, though.
Are you thinking about selling it?
Maybe it's time for me
to start somewhere new,
somewhere more fitting for
this next chapter of my life
and I let this place
become a love-filled home
for another growing family.
What if I tell you
I might have a solution for the house?
Would that inspire you
to take a leap of faith
into the next chapter?
I'll take the leap if you do.
Go fight for your wedding today.
It might not be the way you pictured it,
but you can make it happen.
Go get your husband, girl.
Hey, man, if that's not your
best-man speech in the playbook,
I suggest you do something helpful.
No, no. I am being helpful.
I'm I'm staying out of the way.
KIA: You know I heard that, right?
Get your butt up and make sure
those prepubescents outside
don't squash those flowers
that they're putting
into my car, please.
Yes, ma'am.
By the way, has anybody ever
told you that you're pretty bossy?
I like it.
Hey, Coach Beverly Hills,
you know, listening is fundamental
if you're really gonna make it
- at South Crenshaw High.
- OK. Got it. Right. Yes.
Uh, flowers, car,
prepubescents. On the way.
- Cool.
- Cool.
Man, y'all Bakers really got
that signature big-head thing.
- Mm'kay.
- You know, good uh,
- good thing your dad grew into his.
- OK.
That is not my dad.
I actually don't know
who that is. It's
Oh, please do not tell me
Spencer's new location
has a poop problem, too.
Let me see.
That's what I'm talking about!
JORDAN: What, what, what,
what? What, what, what?
Is the rat back? Where's
he at? What happened?
No. No. Coop just got
into Yale Law School, too.
- BOTH: What?
Yo, we stay winning, Coop. Ha!
Congrats, baby. Come on in here. Mm!
Wait. I'm sorry. Why
why don't you look happy?
No. It's just, it's a lot to process.
SPENCER: What? No. Try again.
Look. It's my good news,
and do you know how I want to celebrate?
By getting you ready on time.
Today is about you, so the three of us
need to get changed, and you, Spence
you need to check on your girl
because the way she been
blowing up your phone,
might not be no wedding
if you don't go see her,
- like, right now.
- Damn.
OK. OK. Congratulations again.
- OK. Come on. Come on.
- Yep.
- OLIVIA: Where have you been?
- SPENCER: OK, I saw your missed calls.
- I am
- Sorry? Good.
- I should've picked up. I know you're
- Pissed? Definitely.
OK, didn't expect it to feel like this
when we started finishing
each other's sentences.
Yeah. Well, I am at my limit.
Fortunately for you, we don't have time
to get into it because we
are getting married right now.
OK. Uh, now I'm lost.
I found a justice of the peace,
so you and I are gonna
go down to the courthouse
because, so help me,
we're getting married.
OK. Great. Great idea.
Um, we just got to make
one little stop first.
OK. Come on.
OK. A little more.
- All right. Right here.
- OK.
I can't believe you did all this.
I don't even
I don't even know what to say.
You deserve the wedding of your dreams.
Now, I know this isn't
our original venue, but
- It's better.
- Yeah.
It's where it all started,
like the gifts that
Jordan gave us last night.
That is actually
what gave me the idea.
I mean, look at me. I'm a mess.
I'm not ready. I don't
even have my dress.
That's what we're here for.
DENISE: Come on,
Cinderella. Your ball awaits.
- Come on. Come on.
- What?
We got her. Go get cute.
GRACE: I know I'm biased, but
you just might be the most
handsome groom I've ever seen.
- DILLON: I'm telling D'Angelo.
- Mm.
- Way to ruin the moment, dumbass.
Hey, thank you for making it.
Yo, of course, man. No
way I was missing this.
I'm proud of you, bro.
- Thank you.
- As am I.
It seemed like it was just yesterday
where I was lifting you
up in this very kitchen
because you were too
short to reach the sink.
Now look at you.
- Still too short.
- Mm.
Ha! You're grown.
My man is marrying
the woman he deserves.
And you still lifting me up
to reach the things I need.
The man I've become doesn't
happen without you, Ma.
And you, too.
We ready to get you married?
Damn straight.
MAJOR9: Everybody's got
opinions on our thing ♪
When we collide ♪
JORDAN: Love you.
When we collide ♪
It's a beautiful disaster ♪
COOP: Raise a hand if, like me,
you are shocked but happy
that these two finally
got their act together
after all these years.
I mean, from from Spence thinking,
you know, she was just one of those
skinny girls from Beverly Hills
and Jordan thinking you
guys were siblings
How about, if it's all right with you,
you let Liv and I speak for
ourselves? How about that?
- But I got a whole
- Coop
got a whole lot of nothing except
let's hear these vows.
I never envisioned that
marriage was for me,
not because I wasn't deserving of love,
but because I didn't think I was capable
of the kind of selfless love
that a marriage requires,
and then I walked into your class
at Beverly that day,
and everything changed.
I never really believed
in that "it" moment, you know,
the one that I used to
read about in fairy tales,
that meet-cute that happens
in every rom-com where
time stops because your
soul has met its match.
That feeling was, um
- Men are notoriously dumb
- Mm.
so I didn't realise at the time
that the Earth shifted for me,
not at first, but once I did,
I knew that every cell in my body
had met its match.
And my heart had finally
found its purpose
to love you.
I knew that you were forever for me,
whether we got our act together or not.
And even though life
took us on a journey,
- multiple journeys
- Mm.
my heart and soul always
made it back to you
because you're home.
Thank you for teaching
me how to love you.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for showing
me that this kind of
committed, soul-mating love
is something that not
only am I capable of,
but is something we both deserve.
When you walk in the room,
the air shifts for me.
When I'm down,
you pick me back up
without me having to ask.
And when I'm happy ha ha!
you're the first person that
I want to share that joy with.
I mean, you dream harder for
me than I dream for myself.
And dreams are sneaky.
I mean, the NFL has been great,
but somewhere along the way,
that dream shifted for me.
It's you.
BOTH: You are my real dream come true.
and million-watt smile ♪
It's how you look holding our child ♪
- It's how we laugh ♪
- From this day forth
And from this day forth
Ah, heh.
BOTH: Our forever together starts now.
COOP: Oh, well, wait, wait.
Come on, man. Let me do my job.
Come on, man.
By the power vested in me
by the Internet and the
District of Crenshaw,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may now kiss your damn bride.
Hey! Whoo!
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
All night long ♪
GRACE: If I could have
everyone's attention, please.
I know this is a little unorthodox,
but while Spencer was planning
this surprise for Olivia,
a few other people planned
a different surprise
- for the both of you.
- Oh.
Did you do this?
The whole community did.
ALL: Surprise!
- Congratulations, my boy.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
PREACH: Absolutely.
I don't even know how to thank y'all.
Aw, come on, man. You don't
think we'd let one of our own
get hitched without
showing out, did you?
Look, man. Time and
again, you have showed up
for this community, damn near carried it
on your back solo sometimes,
so everybody jumped at the chance
to show up for you this time
to give you and Liv the
reception that you deserve.
Thank you, man. Thank you.
OLIVIA: Thank you,
truly. It's this is
this is everything to us.
Come on, absolutely.
Let's get this thing going.
All right. For the first
time, ladies and gentlemen,
I present to you Mr. and Mrs. James.
- Ooh.
- Oh.
LAYLA: Please tell me this
isn't happening to them.
Um, I could sing a cappella. I don't
- OK, OK.
- MONTELL JORDAN: This is how we do it ♪
This is how we do it ♪
I knew these fools was up to something.
- I knew it.
- What!
This is how we do it ♪
MONTELL: If you were
from where I'm from ♪
Then you would know ♪
That I gotta get mine
in a big black truck ♪
Y'all can get yours in a '6-4 ♪
Girl, whatever it is ♪
The party's underway ♪
So tip up your cup
and throw your hands up ♪
And let me hear the party say ♪
BIG VINNY: Baby, baby ♪
You don't need no other body ♪
You don't need no other body ♪
Only you can hug my body ♪
Only you can hold my body ♪
GUESTS: Oh! Yeah!
JD: Come on. Come on.
JAGGED EDGE: Ay, where the party at? ♪
Girls is on the way,
where the Bacardi at? ♪
Bottles and models,
talkin' all of that ♪
Know I can't forget about my thugs ♪
Where the party at? ♪
And all my girls ♪
Where the party at? ♪
Off in the club ♪
Where the party at? ♪
If the party's where you're
at, let me hear you say ♪
Oh oh oh oh oh ♪
Oh oh oh oh oh ♪
Oh oh oh oh oh ♪
If the party's where you're
at, let me hear you say ♪
Let's go!
- DERAJ: Ow!
Take a look in the sky ♪
Sunlight shining in my eyes ♪
Oh, yeah, what a sight ♪
Just living life good ♪

'Cause the feeling is right ♪
Where you trying to go? ♪
I got a place in mind
if you down to roll ♪
Get ready, this the
time of your life ♪
PREACH: Which one you think
got the highest fighting score?
See, see, you're talking all that mess
because you don't have a missus at home.
That's right. Absolutely, absolutely.
Something I should know about
since I do have a missus at home?
CARTER: Spencer, don't
listen to these fools,
all right? Marriage is a gift
when you find the right woman,
and you definitely found
the right one for you.
PREACH: Hey, I think we
should all drink to that.
- Cheers.
- Absolutely.
While we toasting, I just want to thank
the four of y'all especially.
Thank y'all for showing up,
and I don't just mean tonight.
I mean in my life, period.
After losing Corey and Billy,
I thought that was a wrap
on father figures for me,
thought I'd have to figure out
this whole manhood thing solo,
but thanks to y'all,
that ain't the case
and I appreciate y'all, for real.
KENNY: Come on, man. We already know.
- PREACH: Yes, indeed.
- KENNY: Come on.
PREACH: Bring it in. [LAUGHTER]
There it is.
As I look across this room,
I don't just see a community.
I see a family.
The way you've all pulled together to,
you know, give Spencer and my sister
the wedding of their dreams says a lot
about how much Crenshaw
loves their son Spencer
and their now-daughter-in-law Olivia.
Now that the pleasantries are done,
I'm going to use the rest of my time
to beef with Liv, so
you know, you guys don't know this, but
today Liv is actually breaking a promise
that she made to me 18 years ago.
What are you talking about?
JORDAN: Liv and I are 4 years old.
It's our first day of pre-K,
and I'm I'm very excited,
super excited until I
got to the classroom,
and then it just had
suddenly occurred to me
that my mom was just
gonna abandon us there,
probably forever, and,
uh, I became upset,
might have maybe even
started to cry just a bit,
just a just a bit, and and
LAURA: A lot. You cried a lot.
JORDAN: Right, and then,
Olivia, you grabbed my hand,
and you said, "It's OK, Jordan.
I'll be right here with you"
and I just knew in that
moment that I'd be fine
because, no matter what,
I'd always have my sister,
my twin,
right there with me.
Today Olivia breaks a
promise that she made to me,
but I couldn't be happier
because it's being replaced
by the vow that she made to Spencer,
and now for the rest
of your life, Spence,
you will always have
my sister by your side
holding your hand,
telling you that everything will be OK,
and I hope you know how
much of a gift that is.
To Spencer and Liv.
ALL: Spencer and Liv.
- Cheers.
- That's right.
COOP: Is there a reason
why you're not out there
destroying the dance
floor with your wife?
Well, my best friend's
had something on her mind
since this afternoon,
so I guess dancing's gonna have to wait.
Come on, Coop.
It's just you and me now.
What's going on, and why did getting
into Yale freak you out so much?
That is huge.
That's the problem.
My whole life, I had no problem
envisioning a huge future for you
shoot for all of our Crenshaw crew.
Except yourself.
Ivy League is not made
for people like me.
- Why not?
- Because I am a former rapper
who minored in gangbanging.
I ain't got no business over there.
You got into GAU Law, didn't you?
- Probably because of Ms. Baker.
- No,
because you are a former rapper
who minored in gangbanging
Coop, you are brilliant,
and you belong anywhere you want to be.
You helped all of us realise our dreams.
You got next,
and that dream ain't got to be at Yale
if you don't want it to be.
You ain't got nothing to prove.
Pick the law school
that makes you happy, OK?
We all got your back.
It's time I go claim
that dance with my bride.
You good?
I'm better than good.
I love you.
Love you, too.
You say you don't want dessert,
and then you end up eating mine.
Hey, hey, hey, we're married now,
- which means tú cake es mi cake.
- No.
- This is my cake.
- Our cake.
LAURA: Speaking of communal property,
um, I have a gift for you.
Mom, listen. I know that
I'm your favourite and all,
but, I mean, shouldn't
you be giving the gift
to Liv since it is her wedding?
Well, the gift was Liv's idea, actually.
Oh. Did you see how she didn't deny
the fact that I'm her favourite?
- OK.
- See?
That right there is exactly why
I'm giving you two the house.
- What?
- So you're ser Are you serious?
Well, Liv told me that you've
been looking for a home,
and with everybody
leaving and your dad gone
and all those empty rooms, it's
it's just gonna be a house to me,
but you two
and your kids one day
will fill it with noise and
laughter and so much love,
you'll make it a home again,
so I, uh, I put the deed
in both of your names.
- I mean, we can't even begin to
- How can we start to
Just be happy.
That's how you can repay me.
Oh, and one more thing they ran out,
- so I'm just gonna take this with me.
- Sure.
- OK.
- OK.
- Ooh, whoa, whoa.
Oh, ha ha ha!
Hey, man, fix your face.
You be having them googly eyes all day.
Just man up and ask her out.
What's the worst that can happen?
- Ready?
- Yes!
Ah! Oh. Oh.
AMINA: Why are you like this?
'Cause I'm your father
and it's my job to embarrass you
and keep these dirty-minded boys at bay.
Come on.
- Yeah. I would probably wait
- Yeah, so maybe
maybe that's the worst
that could happen, so
Uh-uh. I hear you're
in the hunt for a cake.
- You can't have mine.
- OK. Yeah.
Listen, GW. Ahh
This fell out of one of
my dad's old playbooks.
Do you know who that is?
I was more curious
than worried until I
saw your face just now.
I don't know who it is.
That's just not true.
Come on. Look at it.
I mean, it looks just like Dad but not.
Now is not a good time, son.
OK. Well, then make it
a good time, GW. Please.
That baby is Billy's older brother.
- You mean you had another son?
- I didn't.
Grandma Mary did a very long time ago
before I was officially in the picture.
WOMAN: If I may
Oh, GW, hold on. Hold
WOMAN: You may not remember me.
Good to see you, Mrs. Jenkins.
Oh, ha! Several years
ago, I was leaving a store,
and a bunch of rabble-rousers
were messing with me outside.
My grocery bag got knocked over,
and I just wanted to leave.
Then you came out of the store
and offered to walk me home.
You were only 12 years old.
Even then, you were looking out,
and even though you
never took credit for it,
I know it was you that left
that full bag of groceries
outside my door the next morning,
so all these years later,
I just wanted to say
thank you, Spencer.
You're welcome.
MAN: It was eighth grade,
and everyone was laughing so hard,
but you helped me to the lost-and-found
so I could get a change of clothes.
WOMAN: My grandfather talks so much
about those special talks y'all had
[LAUGHS] when you
helped him mow the lawn
and made him feel less lonely.
You figured out my panic
attacks and saved me,
even introduced me to
my therapist, Dr. Spears.
MAN: I watched you time and time again
sit in that library and
help whoever needed it
simply because they asked.
BRE-Z: I tell 'em
family over everything ♪
LADY SWAY: We got a good,
good, good, good thing ♪
I can't believe all these
people showed up for us.
Me neither,
but that's what family does, right?
We a part of Crenshaw,
and they made sure
we'll never forget it.
WOMAN: One last picture
of the happy couple?
Of course. [CHUCKLES]
LADY SWAY: La da doo da da ♪
La da doo da da ♪
We got, la da da ♪
A good, good, good, good thing ♪
We got, we got ♪
La da doo da da ♪
La da doo da da ♪
We got, we got ♪
We got a good, good, good, good ♪
Good, good, good, good thing ♪
Greg, move your head.
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