7th Heaven s06e19 Episode Script
Letting Go
- Hello? Guess who I'm here with.
- Mary? - What? - Is that you? - Of course it's me.
Mom and Dad have been trying to reach you.
I've been doing my flight-attendant training all week.
That's why Mom and Dad are trying to reach you.
They wanna talk to you about that.
They can talk to me all weekend.
Guess who I'm here with.
The Colonel and Grandma Ruth? Why would I bring the Colonel and Grandma Ruth home with me? Home? You're in Glenoak? I'm not just in Glenoak.
I'm here.
With? Oh.
- Ah! - Hi, sweetie.
It's me, Kevin.
I know who you are.
I just didn't know I was "sweetie.
" Your brother's in love with my sister.
- It is too soon for them to be in love.
- What about us? I'm Kevin, Ben's brother.
Mary brought us out on a buddy pass.
I take it you're Lucy's and Mary's dad.
Eric, is everything okay? - Mary and Lucy and boyfriends.
Mary? Ben! And you must be Kevin.
- Welcome? - I'm an airline attendant.
I get buddy passes, and I brought them home with me for a surprise.
- Is it okay? - Oh, it's more than okay.
- Kevin.
- Isn't he great? Oh, he is.
And he's probably very hungry.
Let me get you something to eat.
I'm gonna make some sandwiches.
And, Lucy, can you get the pie out of the fridge? We can make the sandwiches.
Please, we feel bad we woke you up and that Mary let us just drop in.
Well, you know, I feel badly too, but mostly, I feel badly because Mary's an airline attendant who flies all over the country, has her own apartment in Buffalo without so much as a word to us.
It's great to have Mary home.
I can't wait to hear about the new job.
And I love having company.
Well, I have a counselling session in the morning, so I'll just go.
Well, thanks for chasing off the bad guys.
In case you're wondering what your sister was screaming about at 2 in the morning, Mary's home.
And she brought Ben.
And Ben's brother.
Now your mother's making them sandwiches, even though they're grown men who can make their own sandwiches.
Just thought you'd like to know what the screaming was all about.
No one was breaking into the house.
Just into our lives.
Good morning.
I have to go now.
I have to work on Saturday.
You know, our son spent the night out again.
I guess I missed telling you that when you came to bed.
Could you just let me sleep? Have a nice day.
Hold it.
Have you seen Matt this morning? - No.
- Do you have any idea where he is? Nope.
But I do know where Kevin and Lucy and Mary and Ben are.
They're asleep on the living-room floor.
- Together? - It's like their own Temptation Island.
Did you just get up? - You just get in? - Where you going? - Where have you been? - Is there something wrong? Is there something wrong with staying out when you have six younger siblings who wonder what their brother could possibly be doing all that time, where he's sleeping, who he's sleeping with? Did Mom tell you I said I was staying at Sarah's because her parents are out? - What? - I stayed at Sarah's house.
Her parents were out of town.
Did you think I was asking what about that or about the fact that you called your mother and just told her that you and your fiancée are shacking up at her house? Dad, I'm a grown man.
I'm over 21, and Sarah and I are getting married.
Yeah, I think "getting" is the key word.
I have accepted that you went on a date with a woman you just met and asked her to marry you in spite of the two of you starting medical school.
But I do not accept the fact that after growing up in this house, you think it's okay to sleep with her before you're married to her.
You, I know.
You, I don't.
But I assume Kevin? - I'm Matt.
Where are Mary and Lucy? - Hi.
They're still on the couch, asleep.
We slept in the living room.
- They all slept in the living room.
- Yeah.
We stayed up late talking.
- They stayed up late talking.
- I have to go.
Are you okay that we stayed up late talking and slept in the living room? Because, I mean, we would never - Well, we didn't - It's fine.
Everything's fine.
I've still got it.
Thank you, God.
What do you know about Matt that I don't know about Matt? I don't know.
I don't know what you don't know about Matt.
No, you've got a secret.
Just a short while ago, when I ran into you in the hallway, I asked if you knew where your brother Matt was, and you got me to go down to the living room to check on Mary and Lucy.
Why is that? Well, they are Mary and Lucy, and that's a problem in itself.
And then we don't even know those other two, Ben and Kevin.
I just thought you'd like to know they were alone sleeping in the living room.
Why do you have a problem with Mary and Lucy being alone with Ben and whatever his name is, but you don't have a problem with Matt being alone with Sarah? Could it be? Yes.
Methinks you know something about Matt and Sarah, and the Mary-and-Lucy concern was just a diversion.
I'm only 11.
Diversions are a pretty complicated tactic, don't you think? Not for you.
Maybe I don't like Ben and Kevin.
Maybe I'm angry with Mary and Lucy.
No, no, no.
Divert me once, shame on you.
Divert me twice, shame on you.
You've got a secret, don't you? And it involves Matt.
And if I knew that secret, perhaps there would be no wedding.
I have lots of secrets.
Some of them involve Matt, some of them involve Lucy and Mary, some Simon, some Robbie, some Mom, some you even.
Oh, is that right? What secret do you know about me? At night, when you go downstairs to lock up and turn out the lights, you eat a cookie or two, even though you skipped dessert at dinner because you're still on the low-fat diet.
How would you know that? Because sometimes I wait for you to lock up and turn out the lights and go back upstairs so I can be alone in the kitchen.
Why do you wanna be alone? I have to have my space, clear my thoughts so I can sleep.
The living room is too big and creepy in the dark, and the bathroom's too small, and someone always wants in it.
But the kitchen's just right.
And it does have cookies.
And yet you're not that big on sweets, especially if you've had dessert at dinner, so Do you ever make phone calls to clear your head? I could use the phone in the bedroom if I needed to use the phone.
But Mary and Lucy would overhear your call.
Who would you be calling from the kitchen? Oh, it's usually too late to be calling anyone at those hours.
Usually? Okay, I may have called someone once or twice.
- Really? Who? - Is that "who" or "whom"? Whom did you call? Oh, and nice try.
Oh, Time, Weather, Information.
No one special.
Well, you know something, and it's about Matt Hello? Yes, no, this is Reverend Camden.
Oh, oh.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, I'm on my way.
I have a family counselling session, but I'll be back.
- Well? - Well, I went to the church.
I mean, I was late because of, you know, problems at home, but I told the couple I'd be late when they called, and I got there and they weren't there.
I mean, they weren't anywhere in sight.
That was a "Well, why aren't you helping me fold the laundry?" well, not a "Well, what happened?" well.
What problems at home? It seems that my wife heard from our oldest son last night that he would be spending the night out again, and she forgot to tell me.
Matt wanted to spend the night at Sarah's.
Her parents are out of town and Sarah didn't wanna stay there alone.
- And you have no problem with that? - With what? Do you know something about Matt and Sarah that I don't? I don't think so.
Why? What's wrong? What are you upset about? Since when did sex before marriage become the acceptable standard in our family? We don't know that they're doing anything like that.
Oh, don't we? - No.
- Okay.
Let's say that our hormonally abundant couple is not engaging in premarital sex.
Do you have to make it sound like some science experiment gone awry? - Can't you be a little less technical? - I think Matt and Sarah are married.
- What, again with that theory? - I think they're married.
And I think that's why Matt feels so free about "staying over" at Sarah's.
You know what I think? - I think you're a little nutty.
- What if I could prove it? - If you could prove Matt is married? - Yes.
Why can't you do what you would tell any other parent in this situation to do? Why can't you let go and let God? Why do you have to prove that Matt is married if he says he isn't? Because if he's married, it would restore my faith in my son and the world and And what? And we wouldn't have to have a wedding that's not in my church.
Eric, I think we have to let Matt and Sarah live their lives the way they see fit.
If they want a wedding and they want Sarah's dad to marry them, then that's what is.
We have to deal with what is, not what could or should or would be or what we want it to be.
And I'm quoting from about a hundred of your lectures.
- Sermons.
- Sermons.
Eric, Matt and Sarah are both adults.
And they're responsible and considerate adults.
How responsible can they be if they got married on their first date? I know they did.
I can feel it in my bones.
And I think I can prove it if I can just If the four of them end up married, I think I'll be the happiest mother on Earth.
Are we gonna talk to Mary, by the way, about her choice of careers? I talked to her last night.
We all stayed up talking.
About Mary becoming an airline attendant? She chose.
It may not be our choice, but she chose something finally.
- So I suggest you let that go too.
- I don't know you anymore.
I don't I mean, I don't know who you are.
Simon's looking for you.
He's in the boys' room.
No good.
This bed is no good.
- No good.
- Why are your beds no good? - Because we got out.
- We're too big.
- We get new bed.
- New bed.
They got new beds.
They can get out of those, and they're too big for them.
This just can't be.
I told Mom I'd help her bring them out later and put them together.
She said we'll do it as soon as she's done with everything else.
- Yeah.
- But we need some special wrench.
So we're going to the hardware store, Mom and I, as soon as she's finished with everything else.
- Okay.
- We could save a lot of time if you wanted to drive with me or if I drive by myself.
But of course, I can't do that, because I have a learner's permit, so I need a licensed driver over 25 to drive with me.
You know, Kevin's 25.
He could drive with me.
He's a police officer, you know.
Lucy's Kevin is twen? Twenty-five years old? - Didn't you know? - No.
No, I can't drive with Kevin, or no, you didn't know? The bed is too small.
- Too small.
- Too small.
Are you crazy? You're going over there again? Well, I'm sorry, I have to.
Then the safest thing for us to do is for you to take me with you.
No, I'm not taking you, but I am gonna count on you to keep my secret.
But I think Dad already knows I called you the night you got married.
How would Dad know that? Because I let it slip when he was interrogating me that I use the phone in the kitchen late at night.
He just hasn't put it together yet.
And he's not going to if you don't let anything else slip.
- I've got to go.
- Not let anything else slip? Like what? Like the fact that you and Sarah are already married, because why else would you be so comfortable spending the night at her house, just the two of you alone? - I don't know, because you trust me? - I do trust you, which is why I think there's a strong possibility that you're already married.
- Please.
- Please.
- Please.
- Eric.
It's that couple again.
Just tell me.
- I'm gonna find out anyway.
- Find out what? - Eric.
- Okay, okay.
Would you leave the children alone? No, I was there.
I promise.
No, I was.
Are you sure you're at the right church? No, no, no.
Okay, it's three lights down, on the right.
Red brick, big white steeple.
Look, if you want, we can reschedule next week.
I apologise.
I had no idea your son was a runaway.
I'll be right there.
I'll be back.
I really do still have it.
All right.
Are you looking for something? - Where's the thing? - What thing? The thing.
The thing.
- The phone thing.
- The, uh? - You mean the phone? - No, the phone, ugh, bill.
The ledger book where your mother keeps the household bills.
- Where is it? - I have no idea.
I need the phone bill.
I really, really need it.
Hello? Yeah, he's right here.
Oh, okay.
I'll tell him.
The couple you're supposed to meet found the church and they're waiting.
And the woman sounded kind of annoyed.
I'm on my way.
I'm empty-handed, but I'm on my way.
I could drive you.
Since you probably shouldn't be behind the wheel.
- Hello? - Is this the Camden residence? - Yes.
- Is Kevin there? Maybe.
Whom should I say is calling? - Just tell him he has a phone call, kid.
- I don't think so.
Tell him it's Patty-Mary.
I need more information, Patty-Mary.
You never told me you were on the basketball team.
I wonder why.
I was an idiot my senior year.
The coach locked out the team because we all let our grades slip.
Then a group of us decided to wreck the gym in retaliation.
Someone called the cops, we got caught, I got probation.
Anyone else in the family have a problem with the law I should know about? Lucy's old boyfriend Jimmy Moon got arrested for marijuana.
I'd like to have a word with you.
- Yeah, I'd like a word with you too.
- Could we see you in the closet? Excuse us.
We'll be right back.
So your girlfriend did get arrested.
And your girlfriend's old boyfriend smokes pot.
Who cares? - What's your problem? - I'm sorry.
It just slipped out.
- How does that just slip out? I don't know.
I think I've got one too many secrets in my head.
I need to talk to Ruthie.
It's kind of important.
Is this about him? Are you covering for Robbie about something? No, she's not covering for me.
This has nothing to do with me.
It's for Kevin.
It's for you.
- Who is it? - Patty-Mary.
She sounds real interesting.
Hello? Patty-Mary? - It's our sister.
- Oh.
- Hold your enthusiasm.
- Why? Mom wants you two to come home right now.
Well, we're in California.
We can't just come home right now.
- We're going home Sunday night.
- Right now.
- Patty-Mary, what's the problem? - Mom wants you home.
And I'm here to make sure you do what Mom wants.
I'm at the airport, and I'm not gonna leave without you.
She's here.
We might have to go home, although I'm not quite sure why.
Your sister flew here all the way from Buffalo? San Francisco.
How is that she knows you have a sister in San Francisco and I don't? I'm with Patty-Mary.
I think they should go home, and you two should go with them, and I should go with you.
Forgive me, I can't help myself.
Where's the phone list? Where's the list that comes with the phone bill? Where's the answer to the mystery of the Matt universe? Eric! - I'm on my way.
I'm so sorry.
I must have walked right past you several times.
- I called out to you.
- I'm very sorry.
I just have something going on at the house, and, well, I Didn't you say on the phone that your son had run away? Indeed he has.
I'm tired from all that running around.
I can't keep chasing after that boy.
- How old is your boy? - He'll be 46 years old August 19th.
- So he's 45? - Going on 21.
But he's actually 45 years old? And up until now, he's lived at your house? Up until a few months ago.
Is he handicapped? If you can call not having a lick of sense to be handicapped.
But he's not mentally or physically handicapped? - No.
- And when you say? - What is his name? - Jeremiah.
And Jeremiah ran away.
Do you know where? He got himself a rental house near that new promenade where all the kids hang out.
Do you find this to be funny? Because it is not a laughing matter.
That boy doesn't have enough money saved to be out on his own.
And I suspect the reason he did this is because of a certain jezebel.
We want you to help us talk to him.
We tried, but he's so darn bullheaded.
But your son is 45.
Don't you think 45 is old enough to move out of the house for whatever reason? Each child is an individual, and this particular individual doesn't have the sense that God gave him.
The woman he's interested in has a child, and he's certainly not ready to be a father.
Do you think we could call Jeremiah and ask him to join us here? I'd really like to meet him.
That's a good idea.
You know this isn't going to go well.
It's going to go well.
I'm going to see it goes well.
- If you know what's good for you - Okay, I've met them.
Let's go.
- What's your rush? - Mom wants you home.
Did your mother know you were coming here? - Um, not exactly.
- I'm not leaving Lucy.
This is my only weekend off for a month.
Our mother is alone, she's widowed, and she's frightened.
- So why don't you stay with her? - Because I'm in school.
Your mother didn't know you were coming with me to California? They said they were going on a camping trip.
- How did you know we weren't? - You don't camp.
You're afraid of the woods at night.
Oh, yeah, and Ben told me.
He gave me the number in case there was an emergency.
And there was an emergency.
Why wouldn't you tell your mother you were coming? She might worry about the flight.
A lot of people are concerned about flying right now and Yeah.
I'm going with that.
So you didn't tell your mom you were coming here to see me either, huh? You, she doesn't know about.
You, she knows about.
So is it that she's alone and frightened and worried about your flying, or that she doesn't want you to be with me for a reason? Neither.
I'll bet neither.
So you know something about Mom that we don't.
- Is she sick? - No, she's not sick.
Is there some reason you wouldn't tell your mom about me? What's your mom know about me she doesn't like? She's not sick, so why would you be so nervous about leaving her alone in the? Aha.
Is she dating? Is Mom dating? - She's dating? - We have to go.
Tell me why your mother doesn't like me.
And tell me what's wrong with me that you can't mention me to your mom.
It better not be the idiot guy that moved in next door.
- I'll kill that guy if he so much as - Ben, I think I deserve an answer.
She heard some things around town.
Nothing bad, it's just that We have to go.
I didn't tell Mom about you because he wasn't gonna tell her about her.
Okay, I understand.
But why can't your mom go out with the guy from next door? I mean, she's been widowed a decade, right? She's still married to my father.
You don't care that their mother heard something about me? You don't care that there's gossip going around Buffalo about me? She heard that you were arrested.
That gym thing.
My records are supposed to be sealed.
- You might wanna look into that.
- Is there a bathroom in this house? - I have to go.
And then we have to go.
- Upstairs.
It's the room with the sink and the toilet.
Simon, I presume.
- Yeah, are you Patty-Mary? - Yes, I am.
How old are you? Almost 16.
How old are you? Too old for you.
I think she's interested.
I'm just gonna hang out with you guys until it's safe to go back out there.
Do you wanna colour? Well, maybe a quick one, until Simon finds my screwdriver.
Then we're gonna get your new beds together.
Tonight you'll have new beds.
Big-boy beds.
Yay! Oh, Patty-Mary? Hi, I'm Annie.
I'm Mary and Lucy and Simon's mom.
Simon should be back any minute.
We're putting some beds together, if you wanna wait.
What, these are? How many children do you have? Seven.
Yeah, seven.
I can't stay.
I have to get Ben and Kevin to the airport.
What's the hurry? It's nothing really.
Just my mom's decided to date again.
It'll be okay.
No, it won't.
We don't want her to date.
- My phone's ringing.
- Answer it.
It's probably my parents, or I wouldn't.
- Hello? - It's me.
- Hi, Ruthie.
You want Matt? - No, I don't.
I want you to talk Matt into staying at our house for the evening.
I've been running from my dad all day.
He's onto me.
I can't take it anymore.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
This is an actual conversation.
I called someone.
We're talking.
I think you're gonna wanna talk to me.
Wait outside, please.
I have to go.
- Well? - Just so you know, when the phone bill comes in, your mom gives me the record.
I go down the list of calls I made, add them up, and give her a cheque.
Then I toss the phone record.
So I don't know what you're lying about, but I just wanna let you know there's no record of the calls.
But your dad could still get a copy from the phone company.
I don't know who you're trying to protect, but if you wanna tell me, I'm here for you.
I'll let you know.
How do you know I'm trying to protect someone? That's the only time you lie.
If it gets to be too much, you know your secret's safe with me.
So, what are you angry at your sisters about? Who said I was angry? That stuff didn't just slip out about Mary's arrest and Jimmy Moon and the marijuana.
Okay, maybe I let it slip.
Mary didn't tell me she was taking that job, and Lucy didn't wake me up when Mary and Kevin and Ben came in last night.
Look, Ruthie, you're grown up enough to realise that Mary has her life and Lucy has her life and you have your life.
They can't always include you, and you can't always include them.
But I include them.
I include them on everything.
- What? - Did you share your secret with them? No.
Everyone in a family has a life outside that family too.
It doesn't mean you're not loved, Snookie.
I don't know when we lost control of that boy.
Somewhere in his 20s, I believe.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, well, that happens.
- Do you have any children? - Yes, seven.
Really? Your wife didn't mention that.
- My wife? You know Annie? - We met her at the market.
She overheard us talking and volunteered your services.
- Oh, did she, now? - She did indeed.
I'm Jeremiah Tallridge.
Most folks call me Jerry.
- When did that happen? - High school, Mom, high school.
This is Kathleen, and this is her daughter, Katie.
- Hi.
- Hi, Katie.
Come on in.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Kathleen, Katie, my mom and dad.
- It's really nice to meet you finally.
- What do you mean by "finally"? She means we've been going out for six months.
- If we can sit down, I'd like to explain.
- Yeah.
Reverend, I have two of the most wonderful parents in the world.
They're so wonderful, every time I thought about leaving home, I couldn't make myself go.
My dad has always helped me with my finances.
He set a high standard of saving for me even when I was a kid, and when I was adult, he showed me how to set up my retirement, how to make sound investments, how to play the stock market.
My mom Well, my mom cooked for me and cleaned up after me and picked up my dry cleaning and ran my errands, and, well, she even made up my bed.
We did indeed.
Is there something wrong with that? I became lazy and selfish, letting them make every decision for me and take care of my every need.
On steak night, Mom even cut up my steak for me.
I can't help it.
One day I realised I was a 45-year-old man living at home with my mother and father and the convenience wasn't worth the sacrifice.
I was lonely.
I told you, didn't I, that I was lonely? - How could you be lonely? - You have us.
I had to leave.
I have to have my own life.
I'm in love.
And I'm getting married to Kathleen.
- Married? - You are not ready to be a father.
Oh, but he is.
And a husband too.
You know, I've always wanted to have a family, and I just couldn't seem to find the right guy, so I decided to become a foster parent.
When Katie was with me for a year, her mother decided to let me adopt her.
My mom has problems, and my grandma died, so there wasn't anybody else to take care of me.
But I was lucky.
Kathleen found me after I'd been in social services for just a few months.
And then Jerry found us.
I've never had a dad.
Please, can he marry us? Please? And before you give your consent, I want you to know that while your blessing means the world to me, I'm going to have my own family, my own house, and my own life, so I suggest you just let go as gracefully as you possibly can.
- I get it.
- Do they have to let go? I was hoping we could all hold on to each other.
We'll think about it.
They'll think about it.
I'd say that's a miracle.
Pot roast for dinner if anybody's interested.
- No, I Well, I meant the other way.
I heard that.
You're not a bad driver.
Yeah, I think Patty-Mary was quite impressed.
Maybe we can make another airport run tomorrow with Mary, Kevin and Ben when they leave.
- Sure.
- Really? You mean it? Yes, I mean it.
Did I see Patty-Mary give you a telephone number? I'm supposed to call her if I ever wanna break up Mary and Ben or Kevin and Lucy.
I don't think I'd do that if I were you.
But, Dad, it was just an excuse for her to give me her phone number.
How can they all be so much older when I'm not any older? She's really a sweet woman, Ma.
You're gonna love her.
She wants to say hello to you.
Hello, Mrs.
Thanks for encouraging me to talk to my mom.
And you were right.
My dad's always gonna be my dad.
And he's been gone a long time now, and we weren't being fair.
That's a lot of work for one day.
It seems you and your brother are used to hard work.
You're maybe two of the most sensible guys I've ever seen my daughters out with.
- And the oldest? - How old are you? - Twenty-three.
- And the oldest.
But we're happy to have you here.
We hope that you and Kevin will come back when Mary flies in again.
Your mom sounds so excited about her date.
She had a great time.
My heart can't take too much of that.
Chadway's coming for dinner next Wednesday.
I'll go tell Kevin so we can schedule something out of the house.
- You know she doesn't want us there.
- Yes, she does.
I don't think I told you this, but I'm sorry I didn't consult you about my new job.
It's okay.
Hey, I'm happy you have a new job.
- How's it going? - Really? You wanna know? Sure.
We've been trying to call you all week.
I assumed it was to tell me to come home.
It was.
But we're getting used to the idea.
Did you take the job just to be near Ben? No, I really didn't.
It just happens to be one of the many benefits.
What about school? Oh, I can still finish my college courses.
They have computers at the training centre, and I set it all up so I can do everything over the Internet.
Give it a rest, will you? I'm going upstairs now.
Good night.
- Good night, sir.
- Coming to church with us tomorrow? I'm looking forward to it.
I've never been to a Protestant church.
- What? We're Catholic.
- Ix-nay on the Atholic-cay.
He told me earlier when we were clearing the dishes.
So good night.
- Dad's really growing up.
- It's about time.
- I don't wanna know.
- Know what? Whatever it is, I don't wanna know.
I'm letting you go.
You're free.
Sarah said I could take you out to the stables next week to ride Ed if you want.
- Sure.
- Okay.
What's up, Snook? I think Dad's taking Mom's hormone pills.
- Something definitely happened.
- Yeah.
The bride and groom are looking at old photo albums.
And you felt a little uncomfortable in there? Not really.
It's just that I've seen Matt's baby pictures, and he wasn't that cute.
Man, I hate it when Joy's out of town.
How about some cards? Well, I guess it's official.
They're not babies anymore.
It's a good thing.
They're supposed to grow up.
And how is it that you came to recommend me to the Tallridges? Well, I overheard them talking in the market, and I sort of included myself in the conversation.
Kind of intentionally? Thanks.
I needed that.
- See? This is good.
- Good bed.
Yes, it is.
I'm gonna say good night to Matt and Sarah, and then I'm gonna hit the sack.
- It's been a long day.
- Yeah, I'm right behind you.
- I love you.
- I love you.
I love you.
There's that one.
- Just wanted to say good night.
It's not even 9:00.
And Matt was gonna show me your wedding pictures.
Don't you wanna hang out and reminisce with us? Well, thanks for the offer, but, well, I have to say that I think I'd rather make some new memories.
Oh, that's minister talk for "those two can't keep their hands off each other.
" Good night.
I was just trying to remember.
Have I told you that despite all the shock and surprise of this sudden romance, that I'm genuinely delighted to see my son as much in love with his future bride as I am with my wife? Thanks.
I hope you two are gonna be every bit as happy as Annie and I are.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Yeah, mock me.
- I love you, son.
- I love you too.
- Mary? - What? - Is that you? - Of course it's me.
Mom and Dad have been trying to reach you.
I've been doing my flight-attendant training all week.
That's why Mom and Dad are trying to reach you.
They wanna talk to you about that.
They can talk to me all weekend.
Guess who I'm here with.
The Colonel and Grandma Ruth? Why would I bring the Colonel and Grandma Ruth home with me? Home? You're in Glenoak? I'm not just in Glenoak.
I'm here.
With? Oh.
- Ah! - Hi, sweetie.
It's me, Kevin.
I know who you are.
I just didn't know I was "sweetie.
" Your brother's in love with my sister.
- It is too soon for them to be in love.
- What about us? I'm Kevin, Ben's brother.
Mary brought us out on a buddy pass.
I take it you're Lucy's and Mary's dad.
Eric, is everything okay? - Mary and Lucy and boyfriends.
Mary? Ben! And you must be Kevin.
- Welcome? - I'm an airline attendant.
I get buddy passes, and I brought them home with me for a surprise.
- Is it okay? - Oh, it's more than okay.
- Kevin.
- Isn't he great? Oh, he is.
And he's probably very hungry.
Let me get you something to eat.
I'm gonna make some sandwiches.
And, Lucy, can you get the pie out of the fridge? We can make the sandwiches.
Please, we feel bad we woke you up and that Mary let us just drop in.
Well, you know, I feel badly too, but mostly, I feel badly because Mary's an airline attendant who flies all over the country, has her own apartment in Buffalo without so much as a word to us.
It's great to have Mary home.
I can't wait to hear about the new job.
And I love having company.
Well, I have a counselling session in the morning, so I'll just go.
Well, thanks for chasing off the bad guys.
In case you're wondering what your sister was screaming about at 2 in the morning, Mary's home.
And she brought Ben.
And Ben's brother.
Now your mother's making them sandwiches, even though they're grown men who can make their own sandwiches.
Just thought you'd like to know what the screaming was all about.
No one was breaking into the house.
Just into our lives.
Good morning.
I have to go now.
I have to work on Saturday.
You know, our son spent the night out again.
I guess I missed telling you that when you came to bed.
Could you just let me sleep? Have a nice day.
Hold it.
Have you seen Matt this morning? - No.
- Do you have any idea where he is? Nope.
But I do know where Kevin and Lucy and Mary and Ben are.
They're asleep on the living-room floor.
- Together? - It's like their own Temptation Island.
Did you just get up? - You just get in? - Where you going? - Where have you been? - Is there something wrong? Is there something wrong with staying out when you have six younger siblings who wonder what their brother could possibly be doing all that time, where he's sleeping, who he's sleeping with? Did Mom tell you I said I was staying at Sarah's because her parents are out? - What? - I stayed at Sarah's house.
Her parents were out of town.
Did you think I was asking what about that or about the fact that you called your mother and just told her that you and your fiancée are shacking up at her house? Dad, I'm a grown man.
I'm over 21, and Sarah and I are getting married.
Yeah, I think "getting" is the key word.
I have accepted that you went on a date with a woman you just met and asked her to marry you in spite of the two of you starting medical school.
But I do not accept the fact that after growing up in this house, you think it's okay to sleep with her before you're married to her.
You, I know.
You, I don't.
But I assume Kevin? - I'm Matt.
Where are Mary and Lucy? - Hi.
They're still on the couch, asleep.
We slept in the living room.
- They all slept in the living room.
- Yeah.
We stayed up late talking.
- They stayed up late talking.
- I have to go.
Are you okay that we stayed up late talking and slept in the living room? Because, I mean, we would never - Well, we didn't - It's fine.
Everything's fine.
I've still got it.
Thank you, God.
What do you know about Matt that I don't know about Matt? I don't know.
I don't know what you don't know about Matt.
No, you've got a secret.
Just a short while ago, when I ran into you in the hallway, I asked if you knew where your brother Matt was, and you got me to go down to the living room to check on Mary and Lucy.
Why is that? Well, they are Mary and Lucy, and that's a problem in itself.
And then we don't even know those other two, Ben and Kevin.
I just thought you'd like to know they were alone sleeping in the living room.
Why do you have a problem with Mary and Lucy being alone with Ben and whatever his name is, but you don't have a problem with Matt being alone with Sarah? Could it be? Yes.
Methinks you know something about Matt and Sarah, and the Mary-and-Lucy concern was just a diversion.
I'm only 11.
Diversions are a pretty complicated tactic, don't you think? Not for you.
Maybe I don't like Ben and Kevin.
Maybe I'm angry with Mary and Lucy.
No, no, no.
Divert me once, shame on you.
Divert me twice, shame on you.
You've got a secret, don't you? And it involves Matt.
And if I knew that secret, perhaps there would be no wedding.
I have lots of secrets.
Some of them involve Matt, some of them involve Lucy and Mary, some Simon, some Robbie, some Mom, some you even.
Oh, is that right? What secret do you know about me? At night, when you go downstairs to lock up and turn out the lights, you eat a cookie or two, even though you skipped dessert at dinner because you're still on the low-fat diet.
How would you know that? Because sometimes I wait for you to lock up and turn out the lights and go back upstairs so I can be alone in the kitchen.
Why do you wanna be alone? I have to have my space, clear my thoughts so I can sleep.
The living room is too big and creepy in the dark, and the bathroom's too small, and someone always wants in it.
But the kitchen's just right.
And it does have cookies.
And yet you're not that big on sweets, especially if you've had dessert at dinner, so Do you ever make phone calls to clear your head? I could use the phone in the bedroom if I needed to use the phone.
But Mary and Lucy would overhear your call.
Who would you be calling from the kitchen? Oh, it's usually too late to be calling anyone at those hours.
Usually? Okay, I may have called someone once or twice.
- Really? Who? - Is that "who" or "whom"? Whom did you call? Oh, and nice try.
Oh, Time, Weather, Information.
No one special.
Well, you know something, and it's about Matt Hello? Yes, no, this is Reverend Camden.
Oh, oh.
I'm so sorry.
Yeah, I'm on my way.
I have a family counselling session, but I'll be back.
- Well? - Well, I went to the church.
I mean, I was late because of, you know, problems at home, but I told the couple I'd be late when they called, and I got there and they weren't there.
I mean, they weren't anywhere in sight.
That was a "Well, why aren't you helping me fold the laundry?" well, not a "Well, what happened?" well.
What problems at home? It seems that my wife heard from our oldest son last night that he would be spending the night out again, and she forgot to tell me.
Matt wanted to spend the night at Sarah's.
Her parents are out of town and Sarah didn't wanna stay there alone.
- And you have no problem with that? - With what? Do you know something about Matt and Sarah that I don't? I don't think so.
Why? What's wrong? What are you upset about? Since when did sex before marriage become the acceptable standard in our family? We don't know that they're doing anything like that.
Oh, don't we? - No.
- Okay.
Let's say that our hormonally abundant couple is not engaging in premarital sex.
Do you have to make it sound like some science experiment gone awry? - Can't you be a little less technical? - I think Matt and Sarah are married.
- What, again with that theory? - I think they're married.
And I think that's why Matt feels so free about "staying over" at Sarah's.
You know what I think? - I think you're a little nutty.
- What if I could prove it? - If you could prove Matt is married? - Yes.
Why can't you do what you would tell any other parent in this situation to do? Why can't you let go and let God? Why do you have to prove that Matt is married if he says he isn't? Because if he's married, it would restore my faith in my son and the world and And what? And we wouldn't have to have a wedding that's not in my church.
Eric, I think we have to let Matt and Sarah live their lives the way they see fit.
If they want a wedding and they want Sarah's dad to marry them, then that's what is.
We have to deal with what is, not what could or should or would be or what we want it to be.
And I'm quoting from about a hundred of your lectures.
- Sermons.
- Sermons.
Eric, Matt and Sarah are both adults.
And they're responsible and considerate adults.
How responsible can they be if they got married on their first date? I know they did.
I can feel it in my bones.
And I think I can prove it if I can just If the four of them end up married, I think I'll be the happiest mother on Earth.
Are we gonna talk to Mary, by the way, about her choice of careers? I talked to her last night.
We all stayed up talking.
About Mary becoming an airline attendant? She chose.
It may not be our choice, but she chose something finally.
- So I suggest you let that go too.
- I don't know you anymore.
I don't I mean, I don't know who you are.
Simon's looking for you.
He's in the boys' room.
No good.
This bed is no good.
- No good.
- Why are your beds no good? - Because we got out.
- We're too big.
- We get new bed.
- New bed.
They got new beds.
They can get out of those, and they're too big for them.
This just can't be.
I told Mom I'd help her bring them out later and put them together.
She said we'll do it as soon as she's done with everything else.
- Yeah.
- But we need some special wrench.
So we're going to the hardware store, Mom and I, as soon as she's finished with everything else.
- Okay.
- We could save a lot of time if you wanted to drive with me or if I drive by myself.
But of course, I can't do that, because I have a learner's permit, so I need a licensed driver over 25 to drive with me.
You know, Kevin's 25.
He could drive with me.
He's a police officer, you know.
Lucy's Kevin is twen? Twenty-five years old? - Didn't you know? - No.
No, I can't drive with Kevin, or no, you didn't know? The bed is too small.
- Too small.
- Too small.
Are you crazy? You're going over there again? Well, I'm sorry, I have to.
Then the safest thing for us to do is for you to take me with you.
No, I'm not taking you, but I am gonna count on you to keep my secret.
But I think Dad already knows I called you the night you got married.
How would Dad know that? Because I let it slip when he was interrogating me that I use the phone in the kitchen late at night.
He just hasn't put it together yet.
And he's not going to if you don't let anything else slip.
- I've got to go.
- Not let anything else slip? Like what? Like the fact that you and Sarah are already married, because why else would you be so comfortable spending the night at her house, just the two of you alone? - I don't know, because you trust me? - I do trust you, which is why I think there's a strong possibility that you're already married.
- Please.
- Please.
- Please.
- Eric.
It's that couple again.
Just tell me.
- I'm gonna find out anyway.
- Find out what? - Eric.
- Okay, okay.
Would you leave the children alone? No, I was there.
I promise.
No, I was.
Are you sure you're at the right church? No, no, no.
Okay, it's three lights down, on the right.
Red brick, big white steeple.
Look, if you want, we can reschedule next week.
I apologise.
I had no idea your son was a runaway.
I'll be right there.
I'll be back.
I really do still have it.
All right.
Are you looking for something? - Where's the thing? - What thing? The thing.
The thing.
- The phone thing.
- The, uh? - You mean the phone? - No, the phone, ugh, bill.
The ledger book where your mother keeps the household bills.
- Where is it? - I have no idea.
I need the phone bill.
I really, really need it.
Hello? Yeah, he's right here.
Oh, okay.
I'll tell him.
The couple you're supposed to meet found the church and they're waiting.
And the woman sounded kind of annoyed.
I'm on my way.
I'm empty-handed, but I'm on my way.
I could drive you.
Since you probably shouldn't be behind the wheel.
- Hello? - Is this the Camden residence? - Yes.
- Is Kevin there? Maybe.
Whom should I say is calling? - Just tell him he has a phone call, kid.
- I don't think so.
Tell him it's Patty-Mary.
I need more information, Patty-Mary.
You never told me you were on the basketball team.
I wonder why.
I was an idiot my senior year.
The coach locked out the team because we all let our grades slip.
Then a group of us decided to wreck the gym in retaliation.
Someone called the cops, we got caught, I got probation.
Anyone else in the family have a problem with the law I should know about? Lucy's old boyfriend Jimmy Moon got arrested for marijuana.
I'd like to have a word with you.
- Yeah, I'd like a word with you too.
- Could we see you in the closet? Excuse us.
We'll be right back.
So your girlfriend did get arrested.
And your girlfriend's old boyfriend smokes pot.
Who cares? - What's your problem? - I'm sorry.
It just slipped out.
- How does that just slip out? I don't know.
I think I've got one too many secrets in my head.
I need to talk to Ruthie.
It's kind of important.
Is this about him? Are you covering for Robbie about something? No, she's not covering for me.
This has nothing to do with me.
It's for Kevin.
It's for you.
- Who is it? - Patty-Mary.
She sounds real interesting.
Hello? Patty-Mary? - It's our sister.
- Oh.
- Hold your enthusiasm.
- Why? Mom wants you two to come home right now.
Well, we're in California.
We can't just come home right now.
- We're going home Sunday night.
- Right now.
- Patty-Mary, what's the problem? - Mom wants you home.
And I'm here to make sure you do what Mom wants.
I'm at the airport, and I'm not gonna leave without you.
She's here.
We might have to go home, although I'm not quite sure why.
Your sister flew here all the way from Buffalo? San Francisco.
How is that she knows you have a sister in San Francisco and I don't? I'm with Patty-Mary.
I think they should go home, and you two should go with them, and I should go with you.
Forgive me, I can't help myself.
Where's the phone list? Where's the list that comes with the phone bill? Where's the answer to the mystery of the Matt universe? Eric! - I'm on my way.
I'm so sorry.
I must have walked right past you several times.
- I called out to you.
- I'm very sorry.
I just have something going on at the house, and, well, I Didn't you say on the phone that your son had run away? Indeed he has.
I'm tired from all that running around.
I can't keep chasing after that boy.
- How old is your boy? - He'll be 46 years old August 19th.
- So he's 45? - Going on 21.
But he's actually 45 years old? And up until now, he's lived at your house? Up until a few months ago.
Is he handicapped? If you can call not having a lick of sense to be handicapped.
But he's not mentally or physically handicapped? - No.
- And when you say? - What is his name? - Jeremiah.
And Jeremiah ran away.
Do you know where? He got himself a rental house near that new promenade where all the kids hang out.
Do you find this to be funny? Because it is not a laughing matter.
That boy doesn't have enough money saved to be out on his own.
And I suspect the reason he did this is because of a certain jezebel.
We want you to help us talk to him.
We tried, but he's so darn bullheaded.
But your son is 45.
Don't you think 45 is old enough to move out of the house for whatever reason? Each child is an individual, and this particular individual doesn't have the sense that God gave him.
The woman he's interested in has a child, and he's certainly not ready to be a father.
Do you think we could call Jeremiah and ask him to join us here? I'd really like to meet him.
That's a good idea.
You know this isn't going to go well.
It's going to go well.
I'm going to see it goes well.
- If you know what's good for you - Okay, I've met them.
Let's go.
- What's your rush? - Mom wants you home.
Did your mother know you were coming here? - Um, not exactly.
- I'm not leaving Lucy.
This is my only weekend off for a month.
Our mother is alone, she's widowed, and she's frightened.
- So why don't you stay with her? - Because I'm in school.
Your mother didn't know you were coming with me to California? They said they were going on a camping trip.
- How did you know we weren't? - You don't camp.
You're afraid of the woods at night.
Oh, yeah, and Ben told me.
He gave me the number in case there was an emergency.
And there was an emergency.
Why wouldn't you tell your mother you were coming? She might worry about the flight.
A lot of people are concerned about flying right now and Yeah.
I'm going with that.
So you didn't tell your mom you were coming here to see me either, huh? You, she doesn't know about.
You, she knows about.
So is it that she's alone and frightened and worried about your flying, or that she doesn't want you to be with me for a reason? Neither.
I'll bet neither.
So you know something about Mom that we don't.
- Is she sick? - No, she's not sick.
Is there some reason you wouldn't tell your mom about me? What's your mom know about me she doesn't like? She's not sick, so why would you be so nervous about leaving her alone in the? Aha.
Is she dating? Is Mom dating? - She's dating? - We have to go.
Tell me why your mother doesn't like me.
And tell me what's wrong with me that you can't mention me to your mom.
It better not be the idiot guy that moved in next door.
- I'll kill that guy if he so much as - Ben, I think I deserve an answer.
She heard some things around town.
Nothing bad, it's just that We have to go.
I didn't tell Mom about you because he wasn't gonna tell her about her.
Okay, I understand.
But why can't your mom go out with the guy from next door? I mean, she's been widowed a decade, right? She's still married to my father.
You don't care that their mother heard something about me? You don't care that there's gossip going around Buffalo about me? She heard that you were arrested.
That gym thing.
My records are supposed to be sealed.
- You might wanna look into that.
- Is there a bathroom in this house? - I have to go.
And then we have to go.
- Upstairs.
It's the room with the sink and the toilet.
Simon, I presume.
- Yeah, are you Patty-Mary? - Yes, I am.
How old are you? Almost 16.
How old are you? Too old for you.
I think she's interested.
I'm just gonna hang out with you guys until it's safe to go back out there.
Do you wanna colour? Well, maybe a quick one, until Simon finds my screwdriver.
Then we're gonna get your new beds together.
Tonight you'll have new beds.
Big-boy beds.
Yay! Oh, Patty-Mary? Hi, I'm Annie.
I'm Mary and Lucy and Simon's mom.
Simon should be back any minute.
We're putting some beds together, if you wanna wait.
What, these are? How many children do you have? Seven.
Yeah, seven.
I can't stay.
I have to get Ben and Kevin to the airport.
What's the hurry? It's nothing really.
Just my mom's decided to date again.
It'll be okay.
No, it won't.
We don't want her to date.
- My phone's ringing.
- Answer it.
It's probably my parents, or I wouldn't.
- Hello? - It's me.
- Hi, Ruthie.
You want Matt? - No, I don't.
I want you to talk Matt into staying at our house for the evening.
I've been running from my dad all day.
He's onto me.
I can't take it anymore.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
This is an actual conversation.
I called someone.
We're talking.
I think you're gonna wanna talk to me.
Wait outside, please.
I have to go.
- Well? - Just so you know, when the phone bill comes in, your mom gives me the record.
I go down the list of calls I made, add them up, and give her a cheque.
Then I toss the phone record.
So I don't know what you're lying about, but I just wanna let you know there's no record of the calls.
But your dad could still get a copy from the phone company.
I don't know who you're trying to protect, but if you wanna tell me, I'm here for you.
I'll let you know.
How do you know I'm trying to protect someone? That's the only time you lie.
If it gets to be too much, you know your secret's safe with me.
So, what are you angry at your sisters about? Who said I was angry? That stuff didn't just slip out about Mary's arrest and Jimmy Moon and the marijuana.
Okay, maybe I let it slip.
Mary didn't tell me she was taking that job, and Lucy didn't wake me up when Mary and Kevin and Ben came in last night.
Look, Ruthie, you're grown up enough to realise that Mary has her life and Lucy has her life and you have your life.
They can't always include you, and you can't always include them.
But I include them.
I include them on everything.
- What? - Did you share your secret with them? No.
Everyone in a family has a life outside that family too.
It doesn't mean you're not loved, Snookie.
I don't know when we lost control of that boy.
Somewhere in his 20s, I believe.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, well, that happens.
- Do you have any children? - Yes, seven.
Really? Your wife didn't mention that.
- My wife? You know Annie? - We met her at the market.
She overheard us talking and volunteered your services.
- Oh, did she, now? - She did indeed.
I'm Jeremiah Tallridge.
Most folks call me Jerry.
- When did that happen? - High school, Mom, high school.
This is Kathleen, and this is her daughter, Katie.
- Hi.
- Hi, Katie.
Come on in.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Kathleen, Katie, my mom and dad.
- It's really nice to meet you finally.
- What do you mean by "finally"? She means we've been going out for six months.
- If we can sit down, I'd like to explain.
- Yeah.
Reverend, I have two of the most wonderful parents in the world.
They're so wonderful, every time I thought about leaving home, I couldn't make myself go.
My dad has always helped me with my finances.
He set a high standard of saving for me even when I was a kid, and when I was adult, he showed me how to set up my retirement, how to make sound investments, how to play the stock market.
My mom Well, my mom cooked for me and cleaned up after me and picked up my dry cleaning and ran my errands, and, well, she even made up my bed.
We did indeed.
Is there something wrong with that? I became lazy and selfish, letting them make every decision for me and take care of my every need.
On steak night, Mom even cut up my steak for me.
I can't help it.
One day I realised I was a 45-year-old man living at home with my mother and father and the convenience wasn't worth the sacrifice.
I was lonely.
I told you, didn't I, that I was lonely? - How could you be lonely? - You have us.
I had to leave.
I have to have my own life.
I'm in love.
And I'm getting married to Kathleen.
- Married? - You are not ready to be a father.
Oh, but he is.
And a husband too.
You know, I've always wanted to have a family, and I just couldn't seem to find the right guy, so I decided to become a foster parent.
When Katie was with me for a year, her mother decided to let me adopt her.
My mom has problems, and my grandma died, so there wasn't anybody else to take care of me.
But I was lucky.
Kathleen found me after I'd been in social services for just a few months.
And then Jerry found us.
I've never had a dad.
Please, can he marry us? Please? And before you give your consent, I want you to know that while your blessing means the world to me, I'm going to have my own family, my own house, and my own life, so I suggest you just let go as gracefully as you possibly can.
- I get it.
- Do they have to let go? I was hoping we could all hold on to each other.
We'll think about it.
They'll think about it.
I'd say that's a miracle.
Pot roast for dinner if anybody's interested.
- No, I Well, I meant the other way.
I heard that.
You're not a bad driver.
Yeah, I think Patty-Mary was quite impressed.
Maybe we can make another airport run tomorrow with Mary, Kevin and Ben when they leave.
- Sure.
- Really? You mean it? Yes, I mean it.
Did I see Patty-Mary give you a telephone number? I'm supposed to call her if I ever wanna break up Mary and Ben or Kevin and Lucy.
I don't think I'd do that if I were you.
But, Dad, it was just an excuse for her to give me her phone number.
How can they all be so much older when I'm not any older? She's really a sweet woman, Ma.
You're gonna love her.
She wants to say hello to you.
Hello, Mrs.
Thanks for encouraging me to talk to my mom.
And you were right.
My dad's always gonna be my dad.
And he's been gone a long time now, and we weren't being fair.
That's a lot of work for one day.
It seems you and your brother are used to hard work.
You're maybe two of the most sensible guys I've ever seen my daughters out with.
- And the oldest? - How old are you? - Twenty-three.
- And the oldest.
But we're happy to have you here.
We hope that you and Kevin will come back when Mary flies in again.
Your mom sounds so excited about her date.
She had a great time.
My heart can't take too much of that.
Chadway's coming for dinner next Wednesday.
I'll go tell Kevin so we can schedule something out of the house.
- You know she doesn't want us there.
- Yes, she does.
I don't think I told you this, but I'm sorry I didn't consult you about my new job.
It's okay.
Hey, I'm happy you have a new job.
- How's it going? - Really? You wanna know? Sure.
We've been trying to call you all week.
I assumed it was to tell me to come home.
It was.
But we're getting used to the idea.
Did you take the job just to be near Ben? No, I really didn't.
It just happens to be one of the many benefits.
What about school? Oh, I can still finish my college courses.
They have computers at the training centre, and I set it all up so I can do everything over the Internet.
Give it a rest, will you? I'm going upstairs now.
Good night.
- Good night, sir.
- Coming to church with us tomorrow? I'm looking forward to it.
I've never been to a Protestant church.
- What? We're Catholic.
- Ix-nay on the Atholic-cay.
He told me earlier when we were clearing the dishes.
So good night.
- Dad's really growing up.
- It's about time.
- I don't wanna know.
- Know what? Whatever it is, I don't wanna know.
I'm letting you go.
You're free.
Sarah said I could take you out to the stables next week to ride Ed if you want.
- Sure.
- Okay.
What's up, Snook? I think Dad's taking Mom's hormone pills.
- Something definitely happened.
- Yeah.
The bride and groom are looking at old photo albums.
And you felt a little uncomfortable in there? Not really.
It's just that I've seen Matt's baby pictures, and he wasn't that cute.
Man, I hate it when Joy's out of town.
How about some cards? Well, I guess it's official.
They're not babies anymore.
It's a good thing.
They're supposed to grow up.
And how is it that you came to recommend me to the Tallridges? Well, I overheard them talking in the market, and I sort of included myself in the conversation.
Kind of intentionally? Thanks.
I needed that.
- See? This is good.
- Good bed.
Yes, it is.
I'm gonna say good night to Matt and Sarah, and then I'm gonna hit the sack.
- It's been a long day.
- Yeah, I'm right behind you.
- I love you.
- I love you.
I love you.
There's that one.
- Just wanted to say good night.
It's not even 9:00.
And Matt was gonna show me your wedding pictures.
Don't you wanna hang out and reminisce with us? Well, thanks for the offer, but, well, I have to say that I think I'd rather make some new memories.
Oh, that's minister talk for "those two can't keep their hands off each other.
" Good night.
I was just trying to remember.
Have I told you that despite all the shock and surprise of this sudden romance, that I'm genuinely delighted to see my son as much in love with his future bride as I am with my wife? Thanks.
I hope you two are gonna be every bit as happy as Annie and I are.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Yeah, mock me.
- I love you, son.
- I love you too.