7th Heaven s06e20 Episode Script
The Known Soldier
School picture.
Who's lucky enough to get a school picture of you? Oh, I've been writing to a Marine, a real one in Afghanistan.
Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan, and he's very important.
He delivers supplies by helicopter.
But I really can't tell you that much more about his work because it's all very top-secret.
Really? He told you that his work is top-secret? No.
I just figured it was because he didn't tell me much about it.
I see.
Since when do you have a pen pal who's a Marine? Since I changed schools.
It's a class project, a volunteer project.
It's to let all the men and women who serve the Armed Forces know how much they're appreciated.
We can't send real mail, so we have to send e-mail.
That's a safe way to do it.
- What do you write about? - Oh, different things.
Sometimes just funny stuff that happens around here.
- You know, give him a laugh.
- Funny family stories? Yeah, I've got plenty of them.
You can't just write about serious stuff.
He gets enough of that being in the Marines.
You scared me.
What were you doing sneaking up behind me like that? I wasn't sneaking.
I just dropped Matt and Sarah off at the airport.
They're on their way to New York to check out Columbia as well as an apartment.
Why are you staring at the stairs? Did you know that Ruthie is writing to a Marine in Afghanistan? No.
I didn't even know she had a friend old enough to be in the Marines.
I was joking.
What is it, a school project? Yes.
She's writing about her family, our family.
Funny stories about our wacky family.
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Ruthie wants to show her support for our men and women in uniform.
But I just don't know if she should be telling our funny family stories to strangers.
Why? Do you think there will be gossip in Afghanistan about us? Okay, Mr.
Why can't we just ask our daughter if we can read her letters so we can see what she's writing? Because she has the privilege of privacy in our home, and we don't read her mail coming or going unless she asks us to.
Well, then get her to ask us to.
Fine, then I'll get her to ask us to read her mail.
Hey, did you know that Ruthie's writing to a Marine? Oh, yeah, the helicopter mechanic.
He's married.
And he's, like, 24, so I don't think she has a crush on him or anything.
If that's what you're thinking.
I don't think she has a crush on him.
I just wanna know what she's writing to him.
I wanna know how you always know everything she's doing before we know everything she's doing.
- I guess she trusts me.
- More than she trusts us? - Well, you're her parents.
- That was my point.
- Why isn't Mom making dinner? - I don't know.
Maybe it has something to do with that guy in the Marines that Ruthie's writing to.
- What guy? - Uh I've said too much already.
I wonder what she's writing to him about.
Us? What do you think she's writing about us? I don't know.
What do you think she's writing about us? I don't know, but whatever it is, it probably isn't good because good is not that interesting.
- It is to me.
- Oh, yeah.
But you're not halfway around the world looking for something entertaining to read.
What's going on? Ruthie is writing to some guy.
- Some guy in the Marines.
- What's wrong with that? - Did you know she was writing? - No.
- And do you know why? - No.
Because she doesn't wanna tell us what she's writing about us.
Or And here's a sane thought perhaps the two of you can hold onto with both hands.
maybe Ruthie didn't share because she didn't think we'd be interested.
Oh, yeah.
That's a sane thought.
"I didn't tell anyone in my family I'm writing to you, but I asked everyone what they're grateful for in America as a way to remind you of just some of the things you're fighting for.
" Are you reading your letter to that Marine? Yes, and it's wonderful.
Oh, good.
Why don't you start over, Ruthie.
"Dear Sergeant Morgan, remember me? In case you don't, my name is Ruthie.
And I am one of seven children in the Camden family.
I didn't tell anyone in my family I'm writing to you, but I asked everyone what they're grateful for in America, as a way to remind you of just some of the things you're fighting for.
" You can each read the part about yourself.
"My dad is a Protestant minister, and he says that he's grateful for the freedom of religion that we have in this country.
And that freedom of religion is the reason that people risk their lives to be here in the first place.
To protect that freedom he encourages everyone to practise whatever religion they choose, but to chose one and practise it.
My dad helps a lot of people, men and women of any race or religion.
He's there for anyone in need.
" "My mother chooses to work at home.
What she is most grateful for is the freedom of education.
She says it is important for everyone to have an education to make sure that we all stay free.
She says uneducated people believe what they are told.
Educated people question what they are told.
Questioning authority is good, she says, because questioning keeps the power of authority in check.
And to ask the right questions or to know when and how to ask, you have to have an education.
My mom is a good person.
She takes good care of us and mostly she just loves us, even when we do something crazy.
" "Matt, my oldest brother is getting married to Sarah, who is a rabbi's daughter.
He and Sarah are going to medical school next year.
They told me that in America, we have the best medical care in the world, and they are very grateful for the training and education available to them.
By the way, I think my brother is not just gonna be the best doctor in the world, he's going to be a true healer because he really cares about people.
" "Mary, my oldest sister, is 20.
She's training to be an airline attendant.
And even though some people are afraid to fly, she isn't.
She's grateful that we can travel freely in this country.
Lots of people take that for granted, but it's a privilege that would disappear if people like Mary were too scared to do what is no longer an everyday kind of job.
" Wow.
"Lucy is 19.
She's following in my father's footsteps, and she's grateful that women can do that in this country, follow in their father's footsteps.
Lucy is smart and she's beautiful and funny and has a heart of gold.
I imagine that God is proud to have her on his team because she is so full of life.
" "My brother Simon is turning 16.
He's grateful to live in a country where there are so many great cars and he's grateful that which means we're all grateful to have safe cars and air bags and speed limits and other regulations and laws that protect us when 16-year-olds are driving.
To tell you the truth, I'm grateful Simon drives really safe because I wouldn't want anything to happen to him.
" "And there's one more guy living with us that I didn't count when I said there are seven Camden children.
That's Robbie, he's 20.
We used to introduce him as Mary's old boyfriend, but we almost never mention that now because it seems like he's always been with us.
He told me he's grateful he's now part of our family because he learned that you don't have to be blood related to be a family.
Sometimes circumstances create a family that you love just as much as your own.
He says that what America is.
All kinds of people brought together by different circumstances.
" "So that's everyone but Sam and David.
They are the twins, they're 3.
And even know they can't say what they're grateful for, it's probably that they were born in this country.
That way they don't have to sneak over a border or stand in line for years at the INS.
That's all for now, and I will ask my dad and all my family to pray for you and for all the other men and women in our Armed Forces and your families.
" That's it, except for, "Your friend, Ruthie Camden.
" So? Are you gonna pray or what? - Sure.
- Yeah.
How about now? His name is Sergeant Dwight J.
Father, we pray for Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan and for the safety of all the men and women in our Armed Forces who risk their lives so that we in America might live free.
And we pray that you return each and every one of them safely to their families.
We pray too that you comfort the families and friends of the men and women who have lost their lives in the war against terror.
We pray for the victims of September 11th and their And their families and friends.
Comfort all, heal all.
And bring peace to all men and women of goodwill, in this nation and all over the world.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
You don't think Sergeant Morgan could get killed delivering supplies, do you? Why do you ask? Because when our class checked our e-mails today, I didn't hear back from him.
It's a Sergeant Dwight J.
I don't know if I can get any information tonight, but I'll get on it in the morning.
There's no reason to believe that anything's wrong.
It's just a feeling in my gut when Ruthie said she didn't get an e-mail.
Eric, are you prepared to break the news to Ruthie if something is wrong? - No, I hadn't even thought about it.
- I'm gonna think good thoughts.
We've got over 5,000 troops in Afghanistan, and the casualty lists are miraculously low considering what we've achieved so far, and the task that's been taken on.
You have any more information? Yeah, Sergeant Morgan is with the Marine Aircraft Group 16, part of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing.
MAG 16, 3rd MAW.
Okay, his squadron is HMH-361 of the Marine Corps Air Station at Miramar, California.
Ooh, then he's part of the Flying Tigers.
The Flying Tigers have over a 50-year history.
They were deployed in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War.
First grade outfit, Flying Tigers.
- Now, does he have a family? - I believe he does.
So how did he wind up in Afghanistan? He'd just gotten back last September, and he wasn't supposed to go anywhere for a while.
But on September 11th, the world changed.
That's what Dwight said.
He got his orders to go to Afghanistan in November.
And he didn't wanna leave his family so soon, but that's just part of being a Marine.
They go where they're needed.
He left the day before Theresa's birthday and the day after the Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
Dwight and Theresa had a great time, then they had to say goodbye.
It was sad.
But sad goodbyes are just part of being a Marine too.
Hey, the Marines are tough.
They can take it.
And their families are really brave.
They have to be.
So, what's with the boom box and the video camera? - What are you doing with that stuff? - Oh, they're loaners.
Everyone in class is making a short film, something entertaining that can be sent over the computer to the troops.
I'm going to sing, "I Won't Back Down," Tom Petty.
- Do you think soldiers will like that? - Yes.
But they're not soldiers, they're Marines.
- Okay, what's a soldier? - A soldier's in the Army.
And sailors are in the Navy.
And the Air Force has airmen, I think.
So, what do you and Dwight write about? Stuff.
Before he went to Afghanistan he was stationed at Miramar, that's where TOPGUN used to be, when it was a naval air station.
Now it's in Nevada.
Anyway, that's his favourite movie, Top Gun.
And on TV, he likes The Simpsons and King of the Hill.
And he doesn't like pickles, onions, tomatoes or mushrooms.
What does he eat? Anything without pickles, onions, tomatoes, or mushrooms.
- Well, he must have a favourite.
- Theresa's enchiladas.
He thinks about them every day he's gone.
And that's the first meal he wants when he gets home.
You know, I think that's what I'd miss the most if I were in the military, home-cooked food.
And fast food.
And junk food.
And my bed, I think I'd miss my bed.
And your earrings.
I still can't believe there are American troops in Afghanistan.
I still can't believe why there are American troops in Afghanistan.
I think the whole country is still in a state of shock.
Well, the shock may be wearing off.
Just this afternoon I had a guy with four American flags on his car cut me off in traffic and then give me the finger.
Remember how patriotic we all were last fall? I don't know if in going about our business as usual, we've forgotten what happened, but I don't think we've dealt with it.
The only people that seem to be dealing with it are the people who are in uniform who have to deal with it, and their friends and their families.
As well as the friends and the families of the rescue workers and victims.
And New Yorkers, they have to deal with it.
You can't possibly be in that city and see that the skyline has permanently changed and not be permanently changed.
Don't forget about the people in Washington, D.
There's a hole in the Pentagon.
That had to have changed everyone who works and lives there too.
But the rest of us don't have that daily reminder.
- It's easier for the rest of us to forget.
- I agree.
And people are already forgetting that everyone onboard Flight 93 sacrificed their lives to keep the terrorists from hitting another target.
I think it's important that we remember what's going on in the world so that we can try to make the world a better place.
And I don't mean make the world a place just like America.
- I mean make the world a better place.
- And how do we do that? I'll tell you one thing, I don't wanna go to war.
- I will if I have to, but I don't want to.
- I don't wanna go either.
I don't think anyone does.
Thank God there are men out there like the Marine Ruthie's writing to, and there are also women who are willing to go to war too.
The rest of us are lucky.
Very, very lucky.
And if no one was willing to go to war, would we have peace? I used to think that.
That if no one was willing to go to war, there'd be no war.
But planes crashing into the World Trade Center changed that for me.
Yeah, I feel the same way.
And although I think that it's up to every single individual to become at peace with themselves that there might be peace in the world, I'm betting we're a long way from achieving world peace through inner peace.
But you have to agree that it's gonna take something more than violence to build a lasting world peace.
We, and that's we, the people of the planet, have to fight hunger and poverty and disease and ignorance and destruction of the environment.
I do agree.
But until we make significant progress on those fronts, someone's gonna have to go out there and put their life on the line.
Those someones are the ones who're willing to be disturbed, inconvenienced, and shot at.
- Have you heard from your father? - Nope, and that's not good.
I mean, he promised he'd call this morning and he didn't, and he hasn't and now I'm worried.
Well, I haven't turned the TV on, I don't wanna see any news.
There was a helicopter crash south of Kabul.
Well, did they say there were any casualties? - Two.
- Did they give any names? No, they're notifying families first.
If something happened to Sergeant Morgan, I don't know how Ruthie's going to take it.
We don't know if it's Sergeant Morgan, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions.
But even it it's not him, even if it's not the person we've come to know in the past 24 hours, these two men are Marines, and each man is someone's son.
Maybe even someone's husband, someone's father.
I'm so excited.
Did Sergeant Morgan e-mail you? No, better.
I got an actual letter.
I've been waiting for it.
It has pictures and everything.
This is Sergeant Morgan on his wedding day, and that's Theresa.
And this is the two of them at the Marine Corps Ball.
And this is his son, Alex.
And this is the whole family.
And look, he sent me a pin.
It's a flag.
He told me to wear it and think of him.
What's going on? I got real mail from Sergeant Morgan, and it's a lot better than e-mail.
You can hold it.
Have a look.
Hey, I've been calling to you ever since I got off the bus.
- Didn't you hear me? - No, I didn't hear you.
There was a helicopter crash in Afghanistan today.
The names aren't being released yet.
Oh, that's really sad.
Was anyone killed? Um, I'm not sure.
I'm just glad to know that Sergeant Morgan's all right.
Do you wanna see pictures of his family? - What? - Nothing.
Those pictures are lovely, Ruthie.
- Yeah.
- Thank you for showing us.
No problem.
You can look at them anytime.
Was Sergeant Morgan on the helicopter that crashed? We don't know.
I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Grandpa! What are you doing here? I'm so happy to see you.
I came here because I've got some bad news about your friend.
Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan was killed the day before yesterday in a helicopter crash.
A staff sergeant was killed as well, Walter F.
Cohee III.
But five more Marines were rescued.
That can't be, I just got a letter.
I thought he just I didn't think he could How did it happen? They were flying in a helicopter called a CH-53E Super Stallion.
It was one of two on a resupplying mission to U.
They had just taken off from their air base north of Kabul when Sergeant Morgan's helicopter went down.
And it was over snow-covered, mountainous terrain about 40 miles south of the air base.
Well, the site was secured quickly, and the medical personnel got there quickly and the men were evacuated quickly.
But Sergeant Morgan didn't make it.
And I didn't want you to hear it on the news, hon.
I wanted to come and tell you myself face-to-face.
Well, who's gonna tell Sergeant Morgan's wife? Who's gonna tell Theresa? And who's gonna explain it to their son Alex? Alex is only 5 years old.
That little boy's probably never even heard of Afghanistan.
No, probably not.
But I'm pretty sure he has heard of the United States of America.
That's the country his father died for.
The United States of America.
And he died in an effort to keep freedom alive for his son and his wife and all his family.
And for all of the sons and daughters and mothers and fathers in this country.
He died for me, and he died for you.
- But I didn't want him to die.
- He was a Marine.
He died with honour.
- I wanna be with her.
- We will be.
Just give him a chance.
He's old, and he's tired, and he hates flying, and he just flew all the way across the country to do the right thing.
He was a Marine.
He was a casualty assistance officer for years.
- He wants to do it, let him do it.
- But shouldn't we be there? I would've thought so, Annie, but he seemed very clear about how he wanted to tell her, so I came down to ask you a favour.
Could you please hold a memorial service for my friend, Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan? Actually, it's Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
He's going to get the promotion posthumously.
I guess the Colonel told you that he died.
- His helicopter crashed.
- I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Do the others know? No, we were waiting till you finished talking with the Colonel.
I'll tell them now if you're ready for them to know.
I think I should tell them.
Dwight was my friend, you know.
- If that's what you want.
- I think I owe it to him to be brave.
- He was brave, you know.
- We know.
We'll hold the memorial service tomorrow night.
- Well, your father did a good job.
- I love my father.
So do I.
Please stand and join me in singing our national anthem led by my friend, CeCe Winans.
Oh, say can you see By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes And bright stars Through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched Were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave? O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave? Let us pray.
Dear God, thank you for the privilege of knowing Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Please let tonight be a comfort to his friends and family and an honour to him and all the other men and women in our Armed Forces.
As well as the veterans of our Armed Forces and those who died for our country, amen.
Please be seated.
This service is in honour of a young Marine, Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan, who died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan trying to deliver supplies to American troops.
Killed with him was Staff Sergeant Walter F.
Cohee III.
We know Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan only from his e-mails and letters that were sent to Ruthie and shared with our family.
Dwight quickly became very real to us as we heard the details of his life.
The details made him a human being to us instead of just a name or a statistic that was announced over the news.
Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan's wife's name is Theresa, and he was madly in love with her.
They met at Willits High School in the 11th grade and they were married shortly after graduation.
Their son's name is Alex.
He's 5.
And Dwight was very, very proud of Alex.
He was also looking forward to the arrival of his and Theresa's second child in July, a little girl.
Dwight loved his family, and he missed them very much.
He especially missed Theresa's enchiladas, his favourite food in the entire world, and Dwight had travelled the world.
And we also heard from Ruthie that Dwight didn't like pickles, onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms.
He loved fast food, especially french fries, which he always ate before he touched the burger.
His favourite movie was Top Gun.
And he was stationed at Miramar in California, which was of course the TOPGUN base.
Dwight loved all kinds of music and he paid a lot of attention to the sound system in his car.
I understand he even received some local recognition for the system he had installed in his Ford Escort.
And one of the songs that he loved to blast over his speakers was his and Theresa's song, Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing.
" And even though Ruthie got quite a giggle from that, I think we can all agree that it's a very good song for many reasons.
Dwight was a good man.
A very smart man, a skilled mechanic.
He loved kids.
And he loved to hang out with his friend Sergeant Jesse Phipps and his family and barbecue in the backyard.
And Dwight loved his brother, Chip.
Chip is 18.
Chip wants to be a Marine.
And Dwight cared very much about his parents as well and his stepbrother Justin and for his stepsister Nickie as well.
Dwight had just come back from a tour of duty last September.
He was looking forward to having time with Theresa and Alex, but he got orders to go to Afghanistan in November.
He was sad to go, but also proud.
He was proud to be a Marine.
He was proud to serve his country.
And that is what I can tell you about Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan, 24, of Willits, California.
He died with honour because he was an honourable man.
A good husband, a good father.
A good Marine.
At our house, and now in our community, he is the known soldier, and we're proud to know him.
So in his honour, I challenge each and every one of you to go out tomorrow and do something that would make this man proud of you.
Do something for your kid or your wife or your family.
Do something for your friends.
Do something for your community, or for our country.
But do something in honour of Marine Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Where you off to so early? Oh, we're spending the day with Mrs.
- What did they do? - They're not being punished.
They're just learning to take care of older people in the community.
Bink would love to see them, and she's getting older.
It's hard for her to cook, so we're gonna go over and make her lunch and hang out for a while.
Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan would be very proud.
I hope so.
I wanted to do something bigger, something universal, world-changing.
But this is what I can do today, so this is what I'm gonna do today in his honour.
- What are you going to do? - Well, I have something planned.
I don't know, I feel if I tell someone and they say: "Oh, Simon that's so nice," and it doesn't really count because I feel like I'm getting kind of a reward.
Well, it still does count, but that's very sweet.
I'll see you later.
We'll be back around 2, then I'm gonna make enchiladas for dinner.
Dwight's favourite.
- Let me do that.
- Oh, thanks.
- Here we go.
- Come on.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Would you like to come inside? - Oh, no, no, no, I was just looking.
Well, I've got another year of college.
I mean, maybe I'll think about it.
In the meantime I thought I'd just drop off some breakfast for you.
It's just, um, an egg thing and some fries.
I'm doing it in honour of Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
I thought I saw you at the service last night.
I work at this daycare centre during the week.
I'm the sports director for the guys, they're, like, 5 years old, but they would love to meet a real Marine, if you ever like to stop by? Sure, I'd be happy to.
Just tell me where and when.
Well, great.
I will.
Thanks, Dwight.
I'm giving out flags.
Would you like a few new ones for your truck? - Well, how much? - Oh, no, no, no.
You don't have to pay me, I'm just handing them out for free.
It's in honour of someone.
In honour of the Marine, right? Well, thank you, Staff Sergeant Morgan.
I'm a veteran myself.
Good for you, thanks for serving.
I don't think anybody's ever said that to me before.
Thank you.
Hey! I'm sorry I cut you off in traffic the other day.
No problem.
I'd like to get a money order, please.
- Who would you like it made out to? - The Flying Tigers Memorial Fund.
Is this in memory of Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan? You're my third one this morning.
My brother is over there.
In Afghanistan.
He's a Marine too.
Tell him how much we appreciate his service, will you? I certainly will.
Thank you.
Hi, I have a contribution It was nice of the florists to donate all of this, but I don't think we have enough flowers.
You don't think this was just one of my wacky plans, do you? I called people, I got help.
More flowers are on the way.
Actually I did think this was one of your wacky plans, so I called a few people too.
- What people? - People.
- Do I know your people? - Do I know your people? - I called Matt.
- From your room? - From work, who did you call? - Sarah.
- Oh, so they're coming.
- They'll be here.
This makes me feel very sad.
Yeah, there's a high price for freedom and very little gratitude for the sacrifice.
Thank you, Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Hi, Frank.
Where are your shoes? Someone stole them from the shelter.
Why don't I walk you to the shelter, see if they can replace them for you.
I can't, I'm waiting for someone.
- Who you waiting for? - I'm waiting for Jesus.
Jesus rides this bus.
Sometimes he gets off at this stop.
Thank you, Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Who's lucky enough to get a school picture of you? Oh, I've been writing to a Marine, a real one in Afghanistan.
Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan, and he's very important.
He delivers supplies by helicopter.
But I really can't tell you that much more about his work because it's all very top-secret.
Really? He told you that his work is top-secret? No.
I just figured it was because he didn't tell me much about it.
I see.
Since when do you have a pen pal who's a Marine? Since I changed schools.
It's a class project, a volunteer project.
It's to let all the men and women who serve the Armed Forces know how much they're appreciated.
We can't send real mail, so we have to send e-mail.
That's a safe way to do it.
- What do you write about? - Oh, different things.
Sometimes just funny stuff that happens around here.
- You know, give him a laugh.
- Funny family stories? Yeah, I've got plenty of them.
You can't just write about serious stuff.
He gets enough of that being in the Marines.
You scared me.
What were you doing sneaking up behind me like that? I wasn't sneaking.
I just dropped Matt and Sarah off at the airport.
They're on their way to New York to check out Columbia as well as an apartment.
Why are you staring at the stairs? Did you know that Ruthie is writing to a Marine in Afghanistan? No.
I didn't even know she had a friend old enough to be in the Marines.
I was joking.
What is it, a school project? Yes.
She's writing about her family, our family.
Funny stories about our wacky family.
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Ruthie wants to show her support for our men and women in uniform.
But I just don't know if she should be telling our funny family stories to strangers.
Why? Do you think there will be gossip in Afghanistan about us? Okay, Mr.
Why can't we just ask our daughter if we can read her letters so we can see what she's writing? Because she has the privilege of privacy in our home, and we don't read her mail coming or going unless she asks us to.
Well, then get her to ask us to.
Fine, then I'll get her to ask us to read her mail.
Hey, did you know that Ruthie's writing to a Marine? Oh, yeah, the helicopter mechanic.
He's married.
And he's, like, 24, so I don't think she has a crush on him or anything.
If that's what you're thinking.
I don't think she has a crush on him.
I just wanna know what she's writing to him.
I wanna know how you always know everything she's doing before we know everything she's doing.
- I guess she trusts me.
- More than she trusts us? - Well, you're her parents.
- That was my point.
- Why isn't Mom making dinner? - I don't know.
Maybe it has something to do with that guy in the Marines that Ruthie's writing to.
- What guy? - Uh I've said too much already.
I wonder what she's writing to him about.
Us? What do you think she's writing about us? I don't know.
What do you think she's writing about us? I don't know, but whatever it is, it probably isn't good because good is not that interesting.
- It is to me.
- Oh, yeah.
But you're not halfway around the world looking for something entertaining to read.
What's going on? Ruthie is writing to some guy.
- Some guy in the Marines.
- What's wrong with that? - Did you know she was writing? - No.
- And do you know why? - No.
Because she doesn't wanna tell us what she's writing about us.
Or And here's a sane thought perhaps the two of you can hold onto with both hands.
maybe Ruthie didn't share because she didn't think we'd be interested.
Oh, yeah.
That's a sane thought.
"I didn't tell anyone in my family I'm writing to you, but I asked everyone what they're grateful for in America as a way to remind you of just some of the things you're fighting for.
" Are you reading your letter to that Marine? Yes, and it's wonderful.
Oh, good.
Why don't you start over, Ruthie.
"Dear Sergeant Morgan, remember me? In case you don't, my name is Ruthie.
And I am one of seven children in the Camden family.
I didn't tell anyone in my family I'm writing to you, but I asked everyone what they're grateful for in America, as a way to remind you of just some of the things you're fighting for.
" You can each read the part about yourself.
"My dad is a Protestant minister, and he says that he's grateful for the freedom of religion that we have in this country.
And that freedom of religion is the reason that people risk their lives to be here in the first place.
To protect that freedom he encourages everyone to practise whatever religion they choose, but to chose one and practise it.
My dad helps a lot of people, men and women of any race or religion.
He's there for anyone in need.
" "My mother chooses to work at home.
What she is most grateful for is the freedom of education.
She says it is important for everyone to have an education to make sure that we all stay free.
She says uneducated people believe what they are told.
Educated people question what they are told.
Questioning authority is good, she says, because questioning keeps the power of authority in check.
And to ask the right questions or to know when and how to ask, you have to have an education.
My mom is a good person.
She takes good care of us and mostly she just loves us, even when we do something crazy.
" "Matt, my oldest brother is getting married to Sarah, who is a rabbi's daughter.
He and Sarah are going to medical school next year.
They told me that in America, we have the best medical care in the world, and they are very grateful for the training and education available to them.
By the way, I think my brother is not just gonna be the best doctor in the world, he's going to be a true healer because he really cares about people.
" "Mary, my oldest sister, is 20.
She's training to be an airline attendant.
And even though some people are afraid to fly, she isn't.
She's grateful that we can travel freely in this country.
Lots of people take that for granted, but it's a privilege that would disappear if people like Mary were too scared to do what is no longer an everyday kind of job.
" Wow.
"Lucy is 19.
She's following in my father's footsteps, and she's grateful that women can do that in this country, follow in their father's footsteps.
Lucy is smart and she's beautiful and funny and has a heart of gold.
I imagine that God is proud to have her on his team because she is so full of life.
" "My brother Simon is turning 16.
He's grateful to live in a country where there are so many great cars and he's grateful that which means we're all grateful to have safe cars and air bags and speed limits and other regulations and laws that protect us when 16-year-olds are driving.
To tell you the truth, I'm grateful Simon drives really safe because I wouldn't want anything to happen to him.
" "And there's one more guy living with us that I didn't count when I said there are seven Camden children.
That's Robbie, he's 20.
We used to introduce him as Mary's old boyfriend, but we almost never mention that now because it seems like he's always been with us.
He told me he's grateful he's now part of our family because he learned that you don't have to be blood related to be a family.
Sometimes circumstances create a family that you love just as much as your own.
He says that what America is.
All kinds of people brought together by different circumstances.
" "So that's everyone but Sam and David.
They are the twins, they're 3.
And even know they can't say what they're grateful for, it's probably that they were born in this country.
That way they don't have to sneak over a border or stand in line for years at the INS.
That's all for now, and I will ask my dad and all my family to pray for you and for all the other men and women in our Armed Forces and your families.
" That's it, except for, "Your friend, Ruthie Camden.
" So? Are you gonna pray or what? - Sure.
- Yeah.
How about now? His name is Sergeant Dwight J.
Father, we pray for Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan and for the safety of all the men and women in our Armed Forces who risk their lives so that we in America might live free.
And we pray that you return each and every one of them safely to their families.
We pray too that you comfort the families and friends of the men and women who have lost their lives in the war against terror.
We pray for the victims of September 11th and their And their families and friends.
Comfort all, heal all.
And bring peace to all men and women of goodwill, in this nation and all over the world.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
You don't think Sergeant Morgan could get killed delivering supplies, do you? Why do you ask? Because when our class checked our e-mails today, I didn't hear back from him.
It's a Sergeant Dwight J.
I don't know if I can get any information tonight, but I'll get on it in the morning.
There's no reason to believe that anything's wrong.
It's just a feeling in my gut when Ruthie said she didn't get an e-mail.
Eric, are you prepared to break the news to Ruthie if something is wrong? - No, I hadn't even thought about it.
- I'm gonna think good thoughts.
We've got over 5,000 troops in Afghanistan, and the casualty lists are miraculously low considering what we've achieved so far, and the task that's been taken on.
You have any more information? Yeah, Sergeant Morgan is with the Marine Aircraft Group 16, part of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing.
MAG 16, 3rd MAW.
Okay, his squadron is HMH-361 of the Marine Corps Air Station at Miramar, California.
Ooh, then he's part of the Flying Tigers.
The Flying Tigers have over a 50-year history.
They were deployed in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War.
First grade outfit, Flying Tigers.
- Now, does he have a family? - I believe he does.
So how did he wind up in Afghanistan? He'd just gotten back last September, and he wasn't supposed to go anywhere for a while.
But on September 11th, the world changed.
That's what Dwight said.
He got his orders to go to Afghanistan in November.
And he didn't wanna leave his family so soon, but that's just part of being a Marine.
They go where they're needed.
He left the day before Theresa's birthday and the day after the Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
Dwight and Theresa had a great time, then they had to say goodbye.
It was sad.
But sad goodbyes are just part of being a Marine too.
Hey, the Marines are tough.
They can take it.
And their families are really brave.
They have to be.
So, what's with the boom box and the video camera? - What are you doing with that stuff? - Oh, they're loaners.
Everyone in class is making a short film, something entertaining that can be sent over the computer to the troops.
I'm going to sing, "I Won't Back Down," Tom Petty.
- Do you think soldiers will like that? - Yes.
But they're not soldiers, they're Marines.
- Okay, what's a soldier? - A soldier's in the Army.
And sailors are in the Navy.
And the Air Force has airmen, I think.
So, what do you and Dwight write about? Stuff.
Before he went to Afghanistan he was stationed at Miramar, that's where TOPGUN used to be, when it was a naval air station.
Now it's in Nevada.
Anyway, that's his favourite movie, Top Gun.
And on TV, he likes The Simpsons and King of the Hill.
And he doesn't like pickles, onions, tomatoes or mushrooms.
What does he eat? Anything without pickles, onions, tomatoes, or mushrooms.
- Well, he must have a favourite.
- Theresa's enchiladas.
He thinks about them every day he's gone.
And that's the first meal he wants when he gets home.
You know, I think that's what I'd miss the most if I were in the military, home-cooked food.
And fast food.
And junk food.
And my bed, I think I'd miss my bed.
And your earrings.
I still can't believe there are American troops in Afghanistan.
I still can't believe why there are American troops in Afghanistan.
I think the whole country is still in a state of shock.
Well, the shock may be wearing off.
Just this afternoon I had a guy with four American flags on his car cut me off in traffic and then give me the finger.
Remember how patriotic we all were last fall? I don't know if in going about our business as usual, we've forgotten what happened, but I don't think we've dealt with it.
The only people that seem to be dealing with it are the people who are in uniform who have to deal with it, and their friends and their families.
As well as the friends and the families of the rescue workers and victims.
And New Yorkers, they have to deal with it.
You can't possibly be in that city and see that the skyline has permanently changed and not be permanently changed.
Don't forget about the people in Washington, D.
There's a hole in the Pentagon.
That had to have changed everyone who works and lives there too.
But the rest of us don't have that daily reminder.
- It's easier for the rest of us to forget.
- I agree.
And people are already forgetting that everyone onboard Flight 93 sacrificed their lives to keep the terrorists from hitting another target.
I think it's important that we remember what's going on in the world so that we can try to make the world a better place.
And I don't mean make the world a place just like America.
- I mean make the world a better place.
- And how do we do that? I'll tell you one thing, I don't wanna go to war.
- I will if I have to, but I don't want to.
- I don't wanna go either.
I don't think anyone does.
Thank God there are men out there like the Marine Ruthie's writing to, and there are also women who are willing to go to war too.
The rest of us are lucky.
Very, very lucky.
And if no one was willing to go to war, would we have peace? I used to think that.
That if no one was willing to go to war, there'd be no war.
But planes crashing into the World Trade Center changed that for me.
Yeah, I feel the same way.
And although I think that it's up to every single individual to become at peace with themselves that there might be peace in the world, I'm betting we're a long way from achieving world peace through inner peace.
But you have to agree that it's gonna take something more than violence to build a lasting world peace.
We, and that's we, the people of the planet, have to fight hunger and poverty and disease and ignorance and destruction of the environment.
I do agree.
But until we make significant progress on those fronts, someone's gonna have to go out there and put their life on the line.
Those someones are the ones who're willing to be disturbed, inconvenienced, and shot at.
- Have you heard from your father? - Nope, and that's not good.
I mean, he promised he'd call this morning and he didn't, and he hasn't and now I'm worried.
Well, I haven't turned the TV on, I don't wanna see any news.
There was a helicopter crash south of Kabul.
Well, did they say there were any casualties? - Two.
- Did they give any names? No, they're notifying families first.
If something happened to Sergeant Morgan, I don't know how Ruthie's going to take it.
We don't know if it's Sergeant Morgan, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions.
But even it it's not him, even if it's not the person we've come to know in the past 24 hours, these two men are Marines, and each man is someone's son.
Maybe even someone's husband, someone's father.
I'm so excited.
Did Sergeant Morgan e-mail you? No, better.
I got an actual letter.
I've been waiting for it.
It has pictures and everything.
This is Sergeant Morgan on his wedding day, and that's Theresa.
And this is the two of them at the Marine Corps Ball.
And this is his son, Alex.
And this is the whole family.
And look, he sent me a pin.
It's a flag.
He told me to wear it and think of him.
What's going on? I got real mail from Sergeant Morgan, and it's a lot better than e-mail.
You can hold it.
Have a look.
Hey, I've been calling to you ever since I got off the bus.
- Didn't you hear me? - No, I didn't hear you.
There was a helicopter crash in Afghanistan today.
The names aren't being released yet.
Oh, that's really sad.
Was anyone killed? Um, I'm not sure.
I'm just glad to know that Sergeant Morgan's all right.
Do you wanna see pictures of his family? - What? - Nothing.
Those pictures are lovely, Ruthie.
- Yeah.
- Thank you for showing us.
No problem.
You can look at them anytime.
Was Sergeant Morgan on the helicopter that crashed? We don't know.
I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Grandpa! What are you doing here? I'm so happy to see you.
I came here because I've got some bad news about your friend.
Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan was killed the day before yesterday in a helicopter crash.
A staff sergeant was killed as well, Walter F.
Cohee III.
But five more Marines were rescued.
That can't be, I just got a letter.
I thought he just I didn't think he could How did it happen? They were flying in a helicopter called a CH-53E Super Stallion.
It was one of two on a resupplying mission to U.
They had just taken off from their air base north of Kabul when Sergeant Morgan's helicopter went down.
And it was over snow-covered, mountainous terrain about 40 miles south of the air base.
Well, the site was secured quickly, and the medical personnel got there quickly and the men were evacuated quickly.
But Sergeant Morgan didn't make it.
And I didn't want you to hear it on the news, hon.
I wanted to come and tell you myself face-to-face.
Well, who's gonna tell Sergeant Morgan's wife? Who's gonna tell Theresa? And who's gonna explain it to their son Alex? Alex is only 5 years old.
That little boy's probably never even heard of Afghanistan.
No, probably not.
But I'm pretty sure he has heard of the United States of America.
That's the country his father died for.
The United States of America.
And he died in an effort to keep freedom alive for his son and his wife and all his family.
And for all of the sons and daughters and mothers and fathers in this country.
He died for me, and he died for you.
- But I didn't want him to die.
- He was a Marine.
He died with honour.
- I wanna be with her.
- We will be.
Just give him a chance.
He's old, and he's tired, and he hates flying, and he just flew all the way across the country to do the right thing.
He was a Marine.
He was a casualty assistance officer for years.
- He wants to do it, let him do it.
- But shouldn't we be there? I would've thought so, Annie, but he seemed very clear about how he wanted to tell her, so I came down to ask you a favour.
Could you please hold a memorial service for my friend, Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan? Actually, it's Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
He's going to get the promotion posthumously.
I guess the Colonel told you that he died.
- His helicopter crashed.
- I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Do the others know? No, we were waiting till you finished talking with the Colonel.
I'll tell them now if you're ready for them to know.
I think I should tell them.
Dwight was my friend, you know.
- If that's what you want.
- I think I owe it to him to be brave.
- He was brave, you know.
- We know.
We'll hold the memorial service tomorrow night.
- Well, your father did a good job.
- I love my father.
So do I.
Please stand and join me in singing our national anthem led by my friend, CeCe Winans.
Oh, say can you see By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes And bright stars Through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched Were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave? O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave? Let us pray.
Dear God, thank you for the privilege of knowing Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Please let tonight be a comfort to his friends and family and an honour to him and all the other men and women in our Armed Forces.
As well as the veterans of our Armed Forces and those who died for our country, amen.
Please be seated.
This service is in honour of a young Marine, Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan, who died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan trying to deliver supplies to American troops.
Killed with him was Staff Sergeant Walter F.
Cohee III.
We know Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan only from his e-mails and letters that were sent to Ruthie and shared with our family.
Dwight quickly became very real to us as we heard the details of his life.
The details made him a human being to us instead of just a name or a statistic that was announced over the news.
Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan's wife's name is Theresa, and he was madly in love with her.
They met at Willits High School in the 11th grade and they were married shortly after graduation.
Their son's name is Alex.
He's 5.
And Dwight was very, very proud of Alex.
He was also looking forward to the arrival of his and Theresa's second child in July, a little girl.
Dwight loved his family, and he missed them very much.
He especially missed Theresa's enchiladas, his favourite food in the entire world, and Dwight had travelled the world.
And we also heard from Ruthie that Dwight didn't like pickles, onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms.
He loved fast food, especially french fries, which he always ate before he touched the burger.
His favourite movie was Top Gun.
And he was stationed at Miramar in California, which was of course the TOPGUN base.
Dwight loved all kinds of music and he paid a lot of attention to the sound system in his car.
I understand he even received some local recognition for the system he had installed in his Ford Escort.
And one of the songs that he loved to blast over his speakers was his and Theresa's song, Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing.
" And even though Ruthie got quite a giggle from that, I think we can all agree that it's a very good song for many reasons.
Dwight was a good man.
A very smart man, a skilled mechanic.
He loved kids.
And he loved to hang out with his friend Sergeant Jesse Phipps and his family and barbecue in the backyard.
And Dwight loved his brother, Chip.
Chip is 18.
Chip wants to be a Marine.
And Dwight cared very much about his parents as well and his stepbrother Justin and for his stepsister Nickie as well.
Dwight had just come back from a tour of duty last September.
He was looking forward to having time with Theresa and Alex, but he got orders to go to Afghanistan in November.
He was sad to go, but also proud.
He was proud to be a Marine.
He was proud to serve his country.
And that is what I can tell you about Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan, 24, of Willits, California.
He died with honour because he was an honourable man.
A good husband, a good father.
A good Marine.
At our house, and now in our community, he is the known soldier, and we're proud to know him.
So in his honour, I challenge each and every one of you to go out tomorrow and do something that would make this man proud of you.
Do something for your kid or your wife or your family.
Do something for your friends.
Do something for your community, or for our country.
But do something in honour of Marine Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Where you off to so early? Oh, we're spending the day with Mrs.
- What did they do? - They're not being punished.
They're just learning to take care of older people in the community.
Bink would love to see them, and she's getting older.
It's hard for her to cook, so we're gonna go over and make her lunch and hang out for a while.
Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan would be very proud.
I hope so.
I wanted to do something bigger, something universal, world-changing.
But this is what I can do today, so this is what I'm gonna do today in his honour.
- What are you going to do? - Well, I have something planned.
I don't know, I feel if I tell someone and they say: "Oh, Simon that's so nice," and it doesn't really count because I feel like I'm getting kind of a reward.
Well, it still does count, but that's very sweet.
I'll see you later.
We'll be back around 2, then I'm gonna make enchiladas for dinner.
Dwight's favourite.
- Let me do that.
- Oh, thanks.
- Here we go.
- Come on.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Would you like to come inside? - Oh, no, no, no, I was just looking.
Well, I've got another year of college.
I mean, maybe I'll think about it.
In the meantime I thought I'd just drop off some breakfast for you.
It's just, um, an egg thing and some fries.
I'm doing it in honour of Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
I thought I saw you at the service last night.
I work at this daycare centre during the week.
I'm the sports director for the guys, they're, like, 5 years old, but they would love to meet a real Marine, if you ever like to stop by? Sure, I'd be happy to.
Just tell me where and when.
Well, great.
I will.
Thanks, Dwight.
I'm giving out flags.
Would you like a few new ones for your truck? - Well, how much? - Oh, no, no, no.
You don't have to pay me, I'm just handing them out for free.
It's in honour of someone.
In honour of the Marine, right? Well, thank you, Staff Sergeant Morgan.
I'm a veteran myself.
Good for you, thanks for serving.
I don't think anybody's ever said that to me before.
Thank you.
Hey! I'm sorry I cut you off in traffic the other day.
No problem.
I'd like to get a money order, please.
- Who would you like it made out to? - The Flying Tigers Memorial Fund.
Is this in memory of Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Morgan? You're my third one this morning.
My brother is over there.
In Afghanistan.
He's a Marine too.
Tell him how much we appreciate his service, will you? I certainly will.
Thank you.
Hi, I have a contribution It was nice of the florists to donate all of this, but I don't think we have enough flowers.
You don't think this was just one of my wacky plans, do you? I called people, I got help.
More flowers are on the way.
Actually I did think this was one of your wacky plans, so I called a few people too.
- What people? - People.
- Do I know your people? - Do I know your people? - I called Matt.
- From your room? - From work, who did you call? - Sarah.
- Oh, so they're coming.
- They'll be here.
This makes me feel very sad.
Yeah, there's a high price for freedom and very little gratitude for the sacrifice.
Thank you, Staff Sergeant Dwight J.
Hi, Frank.
Where are your shoes? Someone stole them from the shelter.
Why don't I walk you to the shelter, see if they can replace them for you.
I can't, I'm waiting for someone.
- Who you waiting for? - I'm waiting for Jesus.
Jesus rides this bus.
Sometimes he gets off at this stop.
Thank you, Staff Sergeant Dwight J.