7th Heaven s07e04 Episode Script
Bowling For Eric
Well, the results from your angiogram aren't good.
It's what I and your other doctors suspected.
Blockage in two of your arteries, almost 70 percent in one, which is why you've been having some twinges of pain in your chest and why you've been a little short of breath.
But it's a good thing you came in when you did.
I mean, left unchecked Well, it's very good you came in.
Now, we still need to do a few more tests, but I'd like to operate as soon as possible.
So how's, uh, next Monday for you? Open-heart surgery? I didn't think I was that sick.
Well, I'm afraid you are.
I want a second opinion.
I am your second opinion.
Are third opinions available? I mean, maybe you got my test results mixed up with someone else.
You know, someone who needs open-heart surgery.
You've got a major blockage.
And, if you remember, blockage due to high cholesterol was the cause of your heart attack three years ago.
Do I remember my last heart attack? Yes I remember it.
I also remember what caused it, which is why I started exercising more, why I adhere to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet.
It's why I take the cholesterol-lowering drugs.
And sometimes it's not a patient's lifestyle that's the cause, but genes, heredity.
It's likely there's history of cholesterol and heart disease in your family.
My father has never had a heart problem, and that goes for my grandfather, great grandfather.
And sometimes there's no explanation.
But not having an explanation doesn't change the fact that you've got a blockage and need to take care of it.
I just thought, I don't know, I've been under a lot of stress.
Can't I just take vitamins or herbs or something? Bypass surgery is successfully performed on hundreds of patients everyday.
And with your age and good overall health, you're a terrific candidate for a beating-heart bypass.
On that procedure we eliminate the heart-lung machine, which means a quicker recovery time, spend less time in the hospital and have fewer complications than you would with traditional bypass surgery.
If everything goes well, you'll be out in a week.
What are my other options? Surgery is your only option at this point.
Now if you need me to talk to Annie or anyone in your family to explain the procedure, I'll be glad to.
Actually, uh, I was a bit surprised you came alone.
I figured Annie would want to hear about your test results firsthand.
Annie knows about this, doesn't she? You've talked to her, right? I'm not the first doctor you've seen about your heart in the last week.
Look, you need to tell Annie and your kids and the rest of your family.
You need to put your affairs in order, Reverend.
Affairs in order? With any surgery there are always risks and unforeseen complications.
Just tell your family.
I have to have open-heart surgery.
Next week.
- So? - Open-heart surgery.
Well, Eric, I specialise in terminal illness.
You know, helping people that have no treatments or options available.
You have treatments and options.
You're not terminal.
But you know who I am and what I do.
So what do you want from me? How can I help? Well, I have to tell my family.
and I thought that telling you would be like a warm-up.
You haven't told Annie and the kids? No I haven't.
I can't just look them in the eye and tell them that I might not be around after next week.
- Where you going? - What do you mean, I I I could die.
Yeah, if you don't have the operation.
No, if I have the operation.
Maybe even during the operation.
- Who told you that? - My doctor.
First of all, we both know that a doctor can't tell you how or when you're gonna die.
And secondly, if your doctor thinks you're gonna die, - you need to get another doctor.
- He didn't exactly say I'm gonna die.
He said I should put my affairs in order because with any surgery there are risks and complications.
Hey, in life there are risks and complications.
You could step off the kerb and get hit by a bus before you go into the hospital.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Nothing's gonna happen.
And your life's already in order.
The people closest to you know that you love them.
And you know that they love you.
Which means all you really have to do is tell your family about the surgery.
Repeat after me, "I'm gonna be fine.
" - I'm gonna be fine.
- Good.
Okay, when you tell the family, that's where you need to be, in the "I'm going to be fine, this surgery is no big deal, I can handle this" mode.
If you're calm, they're gonna be calm.
If you're not worried, they're not gonna be worried.
If you don't make it into a big deal, they're not gonna make it into a big deal.
- I can do this.
- Yeah, you can.
Because, it's no big deal.
Your father just called.
He's on his way home.
He wants a family meeting right now.
- What's the emergency? - He didn't say it was an emergency.
But, whatever it is he wants to tell us together.
What do you mean, whatever it is? You always know what it is.
- What is it? - He wants to tell us all, together.
Fine, don't tell me.
After the meeting, can I go out with Cecilia? Maybe next weekend, I'll talk to Dad.
Why do you guys have to conspire against us? Why can't either one of you be the lone gunman? Uh, family meeting, living room, your father's on his way home.
Okay, who did what? Who did what that requires a family meeting.
It's not like we have family meetings all the time.
The last time was when Matt brought Sarah home.
Hey, is Dad bringing home a nice Jewish girl? I'll see you downstairs.
Maybe the meeting's about you.
I didn't do anything, I'm not gonna do anything.
You have no idea what my life is really like.
So knock off the accusations and stay out of my personal business.
It's just Mary's not here, and Lucy never gets in trouble and you're next in line.
That's just where my head went.
Hey, maybe it's me.
Ahem, I meant now.
Your father should be here any minute.
But I have to write this.
- It can't wait? - No it can't.
It's due tomorrow.
I have to write an outline for my autobiography listing my greatest accomplishments.
- Well it can't be that hard.
- Yes it is.
I hate creative writing.
So why did you take the course? It's required for all religious studies students.
The thinking is that a more creative writer makes a more creative minister, and a more creative minister writes more creative sermons.
I don't wanna be a creative writer.
And I don't wanna write about myself.
I mean, the Bible, I can write about.
Jesus, God, I can write about.
But me? What have I done? What's my big achievement? What do I write about me? You've achieved a lot in your life.
Like what? It's not like I gave up my only begotten son so that man could have eternal life.
It's not like I created the world.
It's not like I started a religion.
So? Make something up.
It's creative writing, so create.
Just do it after the family meeting.
Let's go.
I'm gonna be fine.
This surgery is no big deal.
I can handle this.
Am I going to be fine? Is this surgery no big deal? Can I handle this? I repeat, am I going to be fine? Is this? One of your friends gave this to me.
Moving violation.
I guess it's traffic school time for you.
Oh, no.
I can't go to traffic school, I just went a year ago.
And the rules say you can't go to traffic school to get rid of a ticket if you've already done so in the last 18 months.
That's too bad.
I think it's a little worse than too bad.
If I can't go to traffic school, the ticket goes on my record.
The insurance company will raise my rates for the next 3 years.
I can't afford that, let alone having to pay for the ticket.
Then you shouldn't have run that stop sign.
See, I didn't run the stop sign, I didn't do anything wrong.
Then fight the ticket.
Maybe there's an easier way we can handle this.
- Pay the ticket? - Come on, can't you just Get rid of your ticket? Sure, I'd love to put my entire career on the line just so you don't have to pay more on your insurance.
Now, if you don't mind, I have a family meeting to go to.
One, two, three Where's Dad? In the backyard, sitting on the picnic table, talking to himself.
If you don't believe me All of you, wait here.
Well, no Matt, no Mary, I guess I'm the oldest.
I'll go see what's going on.
All of you, wait here.
I'm with Lucy, and technically I'm the oldest.
So all of you wait here.
I was the oldest before Kevin got here.
All of you wait here.
Well, I'm the oldest person in the room.
- And if you leave, I'll be the oldest.
- After you.
- Hi.
- We need to talk.
Okay, but not here.
Let's go inside.
No, we, as in the two of us, need to talk alone.
But I wanna talk to everyone at the same time.
You wanna call a family meeting without so much as talking to me first.
Fine, have your meeting.
Go! - Are we out of money? - What? Samantha's dad called a family meeting once to tell her they were out of money and had to move to Wisconsin.
We're not out of money.
- Are you and Mom getting a divorce? - No, we're not getting a divorce.
That's what happened to Jan.
Are you going away to Africa to work for a relief organisation? Did we win a trip to Disneyland? Are we? Why don't I just tell you why I called this meeting.
And Okay.
Let me just start with, it's no big deal.
We're all gonna be fine.
We can all handle what I'm about to tell you.
I need to Go bowling.
- What? Not just me.
We all need to go bowling, as a family.
Right away, tonight.
We all need to go bowling is why you called a family meeting? We need to spend more time together as a family.
So after dinner prepare yourselves for some good old-fashioned Camden family fun at the bowling alley.
Okay, what's wrong with Dad? He's fine.
We're all fine.
And we're going bowling! Okay, what's wrong with Mom? You didn't tell them.
- And you're going bowling.
- Yes.
What happened to your being calm and not worried and this isn't a big deal? Uh, those were lies.
It is a big deal, and even if it's not supposed to be a big deal, I've made it a big deal and now I can't tell them.
Well, what are you gonna do, Eric? When you go to the hospital and you don't come home, I think your family's gonna be a little bit suspicious.
It's a busy household.
They may not even realise I'm gone.
They may not.
But then again Just tell them and get it over with.
I want one more night with my family before I tell them, and everything changes.
And you know everything is gonna change.
I can't go through this surgery and not come out of it a different person.
Annie and the kids too.
So before everything changes - You want to bowl? - Yes I do.
When the kids were younger, we used to bowl all the time.
It was fun.
We would bowl and talk.
It was great.
Tonight I want us all to spend some family time together and have some fun, because tomorrow I understand.
I think you're being a tad dramatic, but I understand.
Also I need time to remind people how much they mean to me without their knowing I have to have this surgery.
I need to talk to my parents, my sister and everyone I care about without the fear of my death looming over us like a dark cloud.
So you think you can just call everyone, tell them you love them and nobody's going to get suspicious that something's going on? That's exactly what I think.
I should go now.
I have work to do.
Um - Well if you need to talk, I'm here.
- Thanks.
- And, doc? - Yeah? - I love you.
- I love you too, big guy.
- You didn't answer my question.
- Your question about Robbie? Do we have to talk about him right now? He didn't even come down to dinner and I suspect that has something to do with you.
Maybe, but I don't want to talk about it.
Maybe it isn't about you.
Maybe it's about me.
You two are fighting about me? I don't want to talk about it.
It is about me.
How long are you gonna be upset that Robbie and I dated? What's going on between Robbie and me has nothing to do with you.
He asked me to do something, I said no.
- He didn't like it.
- But you said no because of me.
I said no because I'm not gonna help him.
It has nothing to do with you.
- You don't believe me? - No, I don't.
- Let's just drop it.
- I don't wanna drop it.
I wanna know.
Let's drop it and get ready to go bowling.
Okay, okay, if it's not about me, then prove it.
Tell me what Robbie asked you to do for him that's caused this huge rift between the two of you.
I can't, and it's not a huge rift.
Stop making it more important than it is.
Fine, then tell me if you've ever had sex before.
What? You're not telling me what's going on so tell me what's going on with you.
I asked you last week if you've ever been with anyone, and you still haven't answered my question.
Tell me.
I need to know.
How do we go from the stupid argument with Robbie back to the stupid argument about my past? - Just answer the question.
- What question? The one about Robbie and the one about your old girlfriends.
Do only old girlfriends count? No acquaintances? No one-night stands? Is this how it's going to be when we get married? Us fighting over Robbie? I hope not.
No, your not telling me things.
Because if it is, I'm telling you right here and now, I can't live that way.
Just look at what it's doing to my mom.
- What are you talking about? - Dad doesn't want to bowl.
He's hiding something from her, from us.
And his not telling her what's going on is driving her crazy, and she's already pretty crazy.
And I don't want to be crazy like my mom.
Too late.
So if I'm on restriction, why do I have to go bowling? I hate bowling.
Because bowling is a family activity and you're not restricted from family.
Please, Mom, restrict me from family.
Don't make me go bowling.
Isn't it bad enough I'm grounded? I can't be seen in a bowling alley on a Friday night with my family.
I think there's a lot he's not telling us too.
Why do the Camden men keep it all inside? It's not like the Camden women can't handle whatever comes along.
Dad still hasn't told you, huh? Why don't I go get ready to go bowling? I love bowling.
I love family.
I love bowling with our family.
- Hey, I missed you at dinner.
- I wasn't hungry.
What's going on between you and Kevin? I'd rather not say.
I think I'll skip bowling tonight.
You don't need me there.
No, I need you there.
And I need you and Kevin to figure out a way to get along with each other.
I don't think I should go bowling tonight.
- Because of Robbie? - Because of Lucy.
I don't care about Robbie.
Kevin you may already know this, but I'm going to say it anyway.
Being part of a family means being there for the good and the bad, the comfortable and the uncomfortable.
Now, you're living under this roof, you want to marry my daughter.
I consider you family, so does Eric, and so does Lucy when she's not fighting with you.
Robbie's part of our family too.
You know what I'm saying.
I'm going bowling? - I'll be outside waiting.
- I'll gather the troops.
So I just wanted you to know that you mean a great deal to me.
Not just as a brother-in-law, as a friend.
Okay, Eric, what's going on? Nothing's wrong.
I just I haven't talked to you in a while and I just wanted you to know how I felt.
Once again, Eric, I ask you, what's wrong? Nothing is wrong.
Can't I just call and say? That you love me? No, you can't just call to tell me that you love me.
Now, what is going on? Is Julie there? I'd like to tell her I love her too.
- Julie went to the store.
- Oh, that's too bad.
Could you tell her I love her when she gets home? Uh, I, uh, have to go bowling now.
Bowling? - Who were you talking to? - People.
- People? - Yeah.
Well, you've been up here for hours on the phone talking to people.
Well, if you're finished talking to people, I think we're all ready, uh, downstairs to go bowling.
You know, you know, why aren't you talking to me? Why are we all downstairs ready to go bowling? Because bowling is fun.
- Don't you like to bowl? - Yes, I love bowling, but you know what I love more than bowling? Is your being honest with me.
You know what else I love more than bowling? Your telling me what's going on.
Whatever you're hiding from me, isn't it harder to hide it from me than to just tell me? Hmm? Come on, tell me.
I won't cry.
I won't scream.
I won't yell.
Just tell me.
I love you.
I really do.
For the person you are and for being my wife and the mother of our children.
I don't say that often enough, and I want you to know that I can't even imagine what my life would be like without you.
Come on, let's go bowling.
Mom said she'd talk to you, but I'd rather talk to you because she doesn't understand.
What doesn't she understand? That I need to be with my friends, and Cecilia is my friend.
- We just want to hang out.
- I see.
But your Mom thinks that hanging out with Cecilia would be more like dating than hanging out.
But you're also restricted from hanging out.
You can't date or hang out.
But why? Because running an escort service carries a high penalty.
You know what they say, if you can't do the time, don't commit the crime.
I thought the point of punishment was to learn a lesson.
Well, I've learned my lesson.
And this girl is too special to just wait around for me.
Now we're getting somewhere.
While you're on restriction, Cecilia's dating and that bothers you because you don't really see her as just a friend.
I don't know.
What I do know is that she's out with some football player.
And you're afraid you'll lose her, but you won't.
Let's give this restriction another week or two.
You know what the scariest thing is in my life? Those bowling shoes? The scariest thing in my life is the thought that someday I might not be here to make sure you learn the lessons you need to learn.
Go pick out a ball.
You want the bumpers, or wanna play without them? I don't want no stinking bumpers.
I finally get it.
I don't know why I didn't see it before, but it just now came to me.
You don't want to help Robbie because you think Robbie and I did more than date, right? Well, we didn't.
Like I told you, we just kissed.
Nothing more.
And that night we spent together, nothing.
We just stayed up late talking and fell asleep.
- Good to know.
- So now you can tell me.
- Tell you what? - Tell me what I want to know.
If you've ever been with anyone.
I can't.
- You want to know what I think? - Not really.
I think that if you hadn't been with anyone and it didn't mean anything to you, you'd tell me about it.
And since you won't tell me about it, that must mean you've been with someone and she was so special to you that you can't even talk about her because it hurts too much to think about her because she's no longer in your life.
You want her more than you want me, don't you? - Who? - The woman you were with.
- What woman? - The one you won't tell me about.
Honey, you're not going crazy, you're already there.
Oof! Relationship trouble? Maybe we can make a deal.
Help me with my ticket, and maybe I'll help you with Lucy.
She'll listen to me.
I'm good with Camden women, I speak fluent crazy.
I'm just going to take a lane next to everyone, let the twins roll some balls.
You're sick, aren't you? - No.
- Yes, you are.
- Are you lying to me? - No.
Then why is Hank here? Because he likes to bowl? What are you doing here? - I know.
- You do? - What's your prognosis? How long did the doctors say you have? What did they say you have? Why are you bowling? - What? - That phone call, the way you talked.
It was the gibberish of a man facing his own mortality.
Since I know you're not going to war, I assume it's some sort of a health crisis.
I have to have a double bypass.
That's all? - That's all? It's open-heart surgery.
- Yeah, I know.
Well, I mean with advances in medicine and today's technology, open-heart surgery isn't what it used to be.
- Fine, you can take my place.
- You really had me worried.
I really had myself worried if that's any consolation.
How are Annie and the kids taking the news? - They don't know? - I started to tell them, but then I Bowling seemed like a better idea.
- This is not like you.
- I'm gonna tell them tomorrow.
- Tonight, I just want to - Bowl? - Who's your doctor? - Dr.
If you're gonna have surgery, Dr.
Dunne is the doctor.
He's the best.
Is there anything I can do? Don't tell anyone.
Not even Julie.
Let me do it.
I love you, too.
Everyone gather around.
So everybody ready to bowl? I think it'll be more interesting if we split up into two teams like the old days.
Teams? Your father said it would be interesting to split into teams, so split into teams.
Teams sound great.
Fine, but I'm not playing with Kevin.
Okay, we'll make you and Kevin team captains.
- Doesn't that sound fun? - Big fun.
- Super fun.
- Yeah.
Fine with me.
I'll pick a team.
And I'll take anyone that wants to beat him.
Alrighty, and so Luce we'll put you with Kevin.
- I'm not playing with Kevin.
- Okay, you can be on Robbie's team.
I don't want Robbie either.
He started the whole thing.
- What thing? - I don't want to talk about it.
- Neither do I.
- Cute, very cute Luce, you have to pick a team.
No I don't.
I'll play with the twins and Mom.
- How do you feel about Kevin? - I don't want to be on a team.
I don't want to be here.
You know where I want to be.
Simon, you are never going to leave this bowling alley until you pick a team, put a smile on your face and pretend like you're having a good time.
And that goes for everybody.
Your father wants us to bowl, so we're gonna bowl.
We're going to be one big happy bowling family.
- Kevin's team.
I'll play with Robbie, and then Ruthie you can Oh well, that'll leave the teams uneven.
Okay, new plan.
How about you four against me? Whatever.
I mean that sounds great.
Okay then, bowlers, take your positions.
Let's bowl.
You seem kind of upset.
Are you okay? Can I help you? Kevin won't talk to me.
I stink at bowling.
And I have no major accomplishment in my life.
I'm going to fail my creative writing class.
So can you help me? No.
No one can help me.
What happened to everyone else? - Dad.
- Yeah.
No one besides me likes to bowl, and that includes you.
But everyone looked like they were having a good time.
Mom scared us into it.
And it was an act, much like the act you've been putting on since you got home.
Are you okay? Don't lie to me.
I don't like liars.
And if you lie to me I'm going to be very angry with you.
Are you okay? - Do you know how much I love you? - Yes, I do.
You tell me all the time.
Now I answered your question, now you answer mine.
Are you okay? Do you know how special you are? How much potential you have? And not just as a woman, as a human being? Yes, I know all those things because you tell me all time.
Promise me that no matter what, you'll live up to your potential, because the world needs people like you, now more than ever.
It's people like you who are gonna solve all the problems that my generation is leaving your generation.
You're not going to answer my question, are you? I'm fine.
And you're not lying to me? But you are lying to me, right? Thanks for helping me motivate the kids.
I think everyone had a good time.
- Well, I had a good time.
- Please, I'm asking you one last time.
Just tell me what's going on.
Is it health related? What makes you think it's health related? Many, many years of marriage, being with you through sickness and health, in good times and bad.
Look, everything's fine.
It's just fine.
I give up.
I give up.
I don't want to know anymore.
All I want to do is go home, that's what I'm going to do.
You can stay here and bowl until your hands fall off, or talk to Hank, or some more of your people, because as of right now, guess what? I'm not talking to you.
Not everyone's a good bowler.
Simon, something happened last week when you left the house to give a friend a ride to a safe place.
I let you off restriction for whatever that was.
I can't tell you about that.
I trusted from the sound in your voice that it was something important, maybe more important than anything you've ever had to deal with in your life.
I know you're becoming a man I'm going to be proud of.
But it doesn't mean you're there yet.
You still need a little help.
And I think it would help if you hung out with me and the rest of the family for another week.
You have no idea what my life is like.
You have no idea what it's like to be your son.
No idea the things people ask me to do.
The things I have to do.
The thing I can't talk about.
You just have no idea.
And you have no idea what my life is like.
I'd just like to have you close to home next week.
- Why? - I can't tell you right now.
I I will, maybe tomorrow.
It's always tomorrow, or next week, or soon.
At the bowling alley, you said you were scared of what would happen if you weren't around to teach me the things that you want me to learn.
Well, I'll tell you what would happen if you weren't around.
I'd be a normal guy, without having to live up to your ideas of what's right and what's wrong.
I'd be out there making my own mistakes, learning my own lessons, without being treated like some juvenile delinquent.
I'd be less in the spotlight, and part of the crowd.
I'd be happy.
Simon, you don't mean that.
I think I do.
- I love you.
- Just love me less, would you? What? So the fight between you and Lucy started because you wouldn't tell her that I asked you to fix that ticket for me? Why didn't you just tell her? Because asking me to fix a ticket was pretty low and she thinks a lot of you.
If you're really like an older brother to Lucy then it didn't seem right to make you look bad.
That's pretty big of you, considering you don't like me.
It's called maturity.
Try it, you might like it.
Something tells me that you had a lot of it before I moved in.
By the way, I'm sorry.
- For? - For kicking your butt in bowling.
I'll try harder to hate you less, okay? Thanks, I'll do the same.
I just came in to say good night.
How's your paper coming? How is it that I'm almost 21 years old, and have no major accomplishments? Wait, accomplishments? Hey, I'd settle for one accomplishment.
Even a minor one.
Sometimes a person can accomplish a great deal, but, uh, to the outside world and maybe even to the person it doesn't seem like they've accomplished anything.
Because what they've accomplished is internal.
And their accomplishments aren't the kind that get their picture in the paper or get them an award, but they are the kind of accomplishments that make someone a better person.
And in your case a really outstanding person.
- Will you write my paper? - No, but, uh, I'll give you some notes.
Uh, okay.
You're intelligent, kind and sweet.
You'd do anything to help anyone.
You're a wonderful daughter, and a caring sister.
You have principles and no matter how hard it is for you, you live by them.
You constantly challenge yourself, your friends and your family.
You're extremely passionate about all things and people you love.
You, Lucy Camden, are a fantastic person.
And if they gave out an award for best in the human race, you would win it year after year.
Listen, Dad, I know it's not my place and I don't know what's going on with you and Mom, but you should talk to her.
She's really upset.
And it may not be my place to say, and I don't know what's going on with you and Kevin, but you should talk to him too.
He won't talk to me.
He's really angry with me and I don't blame him.
- I've been acting like a real jerk.
- I'll talk to you.
Good night.
I'm sorry.
I talked to Robbie and I know why you didn't help him, and it had nothing to do with me.
And I'm sorry for pressuring you about telling me about your past relationships.
I can't always tell you what you want to know, and I have my reasons.
Just like your dad has his reasons for not telling your mom whatever's going on with him right now.
And just for the record, whatever women are in my past are in my past.
But the only woman I want in my future is you.
I love you Lucy Camden.
You're crazy, but I love you.
- So are we okay? - More than okay.
- I love you, Daddy.
- I love you too, Daddy.
- I love you guys.
- I love Spider-Man.
- I love Batman.
- Me too, I love Batman too.
You know what? I love Batman too.
- What about Spider-Man? - Yeah, I love him too.
Which one do you love more? Batman.
- Why? - I have no idea.
Now, go to sleep.
That's the best conversation I've had all day.
- Good night.
- Good night.
By the way, Kevin and Lucy are making up.
That means they're making out.
You want me to break them up? Give them another minute and then move in.
Aye, aye, captain.
I had fun bowling.
I did too.
Was it like it was when we were all younger? No, it was different.
But we're all different, right? We've all changed.
Change happens.
Yeah, but family is always family.
- I think I'm quoting you.
- I'm honoured.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- Dad? - Yeah? I'm really glad that you're okay.
I was worried.
I'm ready to talk.
Oh, are you? Because I'm not talking to you.
You were right, there is something going on, and I need to tell you what it is.
I'm gonna tell the kids tomorrow, but you should know first.
I have to have open-heart surgery.
A bypass, a double bypass.
I knew you were going to say that.
It's what I and your other doctors suspected.
Blockage in two of your arteries, almost 70 percent in one, which is why you've been having some twinges of pain in your chest and why you've been a little short of breath.
But it's a good thing you came in when you did.
I mean, left unchecked Well, it's very good you came in.
Now, we still need to do a few more tests, but I'd like to operate as soon as possible.
So how's, uh, next Monday for you? Open-heart surgery? I didn't think I was that sick.
Well, I'm afraid you are.
I want a second opinion.
I am your second opinion.
Are third opinions available? I mean, maybe you got my test results mixed up with someone else.
You know, someone who needs open-heart surgery.
You've got a major blockage.
And, if you remember, blockage due to high cholesterol was the cause of your heart attack three years ago.
Do I remember my last heart attack? Yes I remember it.
I also remember what caused it, which is why I started exercising more, why I adhere to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet.
It's why I take the cholesterol-lowering drugs.
And sometimes it's not a patient's lifestyle that's the cause, but genes, heredity.
It's likely there's history of cholesterol and heart disease in your family.
My father has never had a heart problem, and that goes for my grandfather, great grandfather.
And sometimes there's no explanation.
But not having an explanation doesn't change the fact that you've got a blockage and need to take care of it.
I just thought, I don't know, I've been under a lot of stress.
Can't I just take vitamins or herbs or something? Bypass surgery is successfully performed on hundreds of patients everyday.
And with your age and good overall health, you're a terrific candidate for a beating-heart bypass.
On that procedure we eliminate the heart-lung machine, which means a quicker recovery time, spend less time in the hospital and have fewer complications than you would with traditional bypass surgery.
If everything goes well, you'll be out in a week.
What are my other options? Surgery is your only option at this point.
Now if you need me to talk to Annie or anyone in your family to explain the procedure, I'll be glad to.
Actually, uh, I was a bit surprised you came alone.
I figured Annie would want to hear about your test results firsthand.
Annie knows about this, doesn't she? You've talked to her, right? I'm not the first doctor you've seen about your heart in the last week.
Look, you need to tell Annie and your kids and the rest of your family.
You need to put your affairs in order, Reverend.
Affairs in order? With any surgery there are always risks and unforeseen complications.
Just tell your family.
I have to have open-heart surgery.
Next week.
- So? - Open-heart surgery.
Well, Eric, I specialise in terminal illness.
You know, helping people that have no treatments or options available.
You have treatments and options.
You're not terminal.
But you know who I am and what I do.
So what do you want from me? How can I help? Well, I have to tell my family.
and I thought that telling you would be like a warm-up.
You haven't told Annie and the kids? No I haven't.
I can't just look them in the eye and tell them that I might not be around after next week.
- Where you going? - What do you mean, I I I could die.
Yeah, if you don't have the operation.
No, if I have the operation.
Maybe even during the operation.
- Who told you that? - My doctor.
First of all, we both know that a doctor can't tell you how or when you're gonna die.
And secondly, if your doctor thinks you're gonna die, - you need to get another doctor.
- He didn't exactly say I'm gonna die.
He said I should put my affairs in order because with any surgery there are risks and complications.
Hey, in life there are risks and complications.
You could step off the kerb and get hit by a bus before you go into the hospital.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Nothing's gonna happen.
And your life's already in order.
The people closest to you know that you love them.
And you know that they love you.
Which means all you really have to do is tell your family about the surgery.
Repeat after me, "I'm gonna be fine.
" - I'm gonna be fine.
- Good.
Okay, when you tell the family, that's where you need to be, in the "I'm going to be fine, this surgery is no big deal, I can handle this" mode.
If you're calm, they're gonna be calm.
If you're not worried, they're not gonna be worried.
If you don't make it into a big deal, they're not gonna make it into a big deal.
- I can do this.
- Yeah, you can.
Because, it's no big deal.
Your father just called.
He's on his way home.
He wants a family meeting right now.
- What's the emergency? - He didn't say it was an emergency.
But, whatever it is he wants to tell us together.
What do you mean, whatever it is? You always know what it is.
- What is it? - He wants to tell us all, together.
Fine, don't tell me.
After the meeting, can I go out with Cecilia? Maybe next weekend, I'll talk to Dad.
Why do you guys have to conspire against us? Why can't either one of you be the lone gunman? Uh, family meeting, living room, your father's on his way home.
Okay, who did what? Who did what that requires a family meeting.
It's not like we have family meetings all the time.
The last time was when Matt brought Sarah home.
Hey, is Dad bringing home a nice Jewish girl? I'll see you downstairs.
Maybe the meeting's about you.
I didn't do anything, I'm not gonna do anything.
You have no idea what my life is really like.
So knock off the accusations and stay out of my personal business.
It's just Mary's not here, and Lucy never gets in trouble and you're next in line.
That's just where my head went.
Hey, maybe it's me.
Ahem, I meant now.
Your father should be here any minute.
But I have to write this.
- It can't wait? - No it can't.
It's due tomorrow.
I have to write an outline for my autobiography listing my greatest accomplishments.
- Well it can't be that hard.
- Yes it is.
I hate creative writing.
So why did you take the course? It's required for all religious studies students.
The thinking is that a more creative writer makes a more creative minister, and a more creative minister writes more creative sermons.
I don't wanna be a creative writer.
And I don't wanna write about myself.
I mean, the Bible, I can write about.
Jesus, God, I can write about.
But me? What have I done? What's my big achievement? What do I write about me? You've achieved a lot in your life.
Like what? It's not like I gave up my only begotten son so that man could have eternal life.
It's not like I created the world.
It's not like I started a religion.
So? Make something up.
It's creative writing, so create.
Just do it after the family meeting.
Let's go.
I'm gonna be fine.
This surgery is no big deal.
I can handle this.
Am I going to be fine? Is this surgery no big deal? Can I handle this? I repeat, am I going to be fine? Is this? One of your friends gave this to me.
Moving violation.
I guess it's traffic school time for you.
Oh, no.
I can't go to traffic school, I just went a year ago.
And the rules say you can't go to traffic school to get rid of a ticket if you've already done so in the last 18 months.
That's too bad.
I think it's a little worse than too bad.
If I can't go to traffic school, the ticket goes on my record.
The insurance company will raise my rates for the next 3 years.
I can't afford that, let alone having to pay for the ticket.
Then you shouldn't have run that stop sign.
See, I didn't run the stop sign, I didn't do anything wrong.
Then fight the ticket.
Maybe there's an easier way we can handle this.
- Pay the ticket? - Come on, can't you just Get rid of your ticket? Sure, I'd love to put my entire career on the line just so you don't have to pay more on your insurance.
Now, if you don't mind, I have a family meeting to go to.
One, two, three Where's Dad? In the backyard, sitting on the picnic table, talking to himself.
If you don't believe me All of you, wait here.
Well, no Matt, no Mary, I guess I'm the oldest.
I'll go see what's going on.
All of you, wait here.
I'm with Lucy, and technically I'm the oldest.
So all of you wait here.
I was the oldest before Kevin got here.
All of you wait here.
Well, I'm the oldest person in the room.
- And if you leave, I'll be the oldest.
- After you.
- Hi.
- We need to talk.
Okay, but not here.
Let's go inside.
No, we, as in the two of us, need to talk alone.
But I wanna talk to everyone at the same time.
You wanna call a family meeting without so much as talking to me first.
Fine, have your meeting.
Go! - Are we out of money? - What? Samantha's dad called a family meeting once to tell her they were out of money and had to move to Wisconsin.
We're not out of money.
- Are you and Mom getting a divorce? - No, we're not getting a divorce.
That's what happened to Jan.
Are you going away to Africa to work for a relief organisation? Did we win a trip to Disneyland? Are we? Why don't I just tell you why I called this meeting.
And Okay.
Let me just start with, it's no big deal.
We're all gonna be fine.
We can all handle what I'm about to tell you.
I need to Go bowling.
- What? Not just me.
We all need to go bowling, as a family.
Right away, tonight.
We all need to go bowling is why you called a family meeting? We need to spend more time together as a family.
So after dinner prepare yourselves for some good old-fashioned Camden family fun at the bowling alley.
Okay, what's wrong with Dad? He's fine.
We're all fine.
And we're going bowling! Okay, what's wrong with Mom? You didn't tell them.
- And you're going bowling.
- Yes.
What happened to your being calm and not worried and this isn't a big deal? Uh, those were lies.
It is a big deal, and even if it's not supposed to be a big deal, I've made it a big deal and now I can't tell them.
Well, what are you gonna do, Eric? When you go to the hospital and you don't come home, I think your family's gonna be a little bit suspicious.
It's a busy household.
They may not even realise I'm gone.
They may not.
But then again Just tell them and get it over with.
I want one more night with my family before I tell them, and everything changes.
And you know everything is gonna change.
I can't go through this surgery and not come out of it a different person.
Annie and the kids too.
So before everything changes - You want to bowl? - Yes I do.
When the kids were younger, we used to bowl all the time.
It was fun.
We would bowl and talk.
It was great.
Tonight I want us all to spend some family time together and have some fun, because tomorrow I understand.
I think you're being a tad dramatic, but I understand.
Also I need time to remind people how much they mean to me without their knowing I have to have this surgery.
I need to talk to my parents, my sister and everyone I care about without the fear of my death looming over us like a dark cloud.
So you think you can just call everyone, tell them you love them and nobody's going to get suspicious that something's going on? That's exactly what I think.
I should go now.
I have work to do.
Um - Well if you need to talk, I'm here.
- Thanks.
- And, doc? - Yeah? - I love you.
- I love you too, big guy.
- You didn't answer my question.
- Your question about Robbie? Do we have to talk about him right now? He didn't even come down to dinner and I suspect that has something to do with you.
Maybe, but I don't want to talk about it.
Maybe it isn't about you.
Maybe it's about me.
You two are fighting about me? I don't want to talk about it.
It is about me.
How long are you gonna be upset that Robbie and I dated? What's going on between Robbie and me has nothing to do with you.
He asked me to do something, I said no.
- He didn't like it.
- But you said no because of me.
I said no because I'm not gonna help him.
It has nothing to do with you.
- You don't believe me? - No, I don't.
- Let's just drop it.
- I don't wanna drop it.
I wanna know.
Let's drop it and get ready to go bowling.
Okay, okay, if it's not about me, then prove it.
Tell me what Robbie asked you to do for him that's caused this huge rift between the two of you.
I can't, and it's not a huge rift.
Stop making it more important than it is.
Fine, then tell me if you've ever had sex before.
What? You're not telling me what's going on so tell me what's going on with you.
I asked you last week if you've ever been with anyone, and you still haven't answered my question.
Tell me.
I need to know.
How do we go from the stupid argument with Robbie back to the stupid argument about my past? - Just answer the question.
- What question? The one about Robbie and the one about your old girlfriends.
Do only old girlfriends count? No acquaintances? No one-night stands? Is this how it's going to be when we get married? Us fighting over Robbie? I hope not.
No, your not telling me things.
Because if it is, I'm telling you right here and now, I can't live that way.
Just look at what it's doing to my mom.
- What are you talking about? - Dad doesn't want to bowl.
He's hiding something from her, from us.
And his not telling her what's going on is driving her crazy, and she's already pretty crazy.
And I don't want to be crazy like my mom.
Too late.
So if I'm on restriction, why do I have to go bowling? I hate bowling.
Because bowling is a family activity and you're not restricted from family.
Please, Mom, restrict me from family.
Don't make me go bowling.
Isn't it bad enough I'm grounded? I can't be seen in a bowling alley on a Friday night with my family.
I think there's a lot he's not telling us too.
Why do the Camden men keep it all inside? It's not like the Camden women can't handle whatever comes along.
Dad still hasn't told you, huh? Why don't I go get ready to go bowling? I love bowling.
I love family.
I love bowling with our family.
- Hey, I missed you at dinner.
- I wasn't hungry.
What's going on between you and Kevin? I'd rather not say.
I think I'll skip bowling tonight.
You don't need me there.
No, I need you there.
And I need you and Kevin to figure out a way to get along with each other.
I don't think I should go bowling tonight.
- Because of Robbie? - Because of Lucy.
I don't care about Robbie.
Kevin you may already know this, but I'm going to say it anyway.
Being part of a family means being there for the good and the bad, the comfortable and the uncomfortable.
Now, you're living under this roof, you want to marry my daughter.
I consider you family, so does Eric, and so does Lucy when she's not fighting with you.
Robbie's part of our family too.
You know what I'm saying.
I'm going bowling? - I'll be outside waiting.
- I'll gather the troops.
So I just wanted you to know that you mean a great deal to me.
Not just as a brother-in-law, as a friend.
Okay, Eric, what's going on? Nothing's wrong.
I just I haven't talked to you in a while and I just wanted you to know how I felt.
Once again, Eric, I ask you, what's wrong? Nothing is wrong.
Can't I just call and say? That you love me? No, you can't just call to tell me that you love me.
Now, what is going on? Is Julie there? I'd like to tell her I love her too.
- Julie went to the store.
- Oh, that's too bad.
Could you tell her I love her when she gets home? Uh, I, uh, have to go bowling now.
Bowling? - Who were you talking to? - People.
- People? - Yeah.
Well, you've been up here for hours on the phone talking to people.
Well, if you're finished talking to people, I think we're all ready, uh, downstairs to go bowling.
You know, you know, why aren't you talking to me? Why are we all downstairs ready to go bowling? Because bowling is fun.
- Don't you like to bowl? - Yes, I love bowling, but you know what I love more than bowling? Is your being honest with me.
You know what else I love more than bowling? Your telling me what's going on.
Whatever you're hiding from me, isn't it harder to hide it from me than to just tell me? Hmm? Come on, tell me.
I won't cry.
I won't scream.
I won't yell.
Just tell me.
I love you.
I really do.
For the person you are and for being my wife and the mother of our children.
I don't say that often enough, and I want you to know that I can't even imagine what my life would be like without you.
Come on, let's go bowling.
Mom said she'd talk to you, but I'd rather talk to you because she doesn't understand.
What doesn't she understand? That I need to be with my friends, and Cecilia is my friend.
- We just want to hang out.
- I see.
But your Mom thinks that hanging out with Cecilia would be more like dating than hanging out.
But you're also restricted from hanging out.
You can't date or hang out.
But why? Because running an escort service carries a high penalty.
You know what they say, if you can't do the time, don't commit the crime.
I thought the point of punishment was to learn a lesson.
Well, I've learned my lesson.
And this girl is too special to just wait around for me.
Now we're getting somewhere.
While you're on restriction, Cecilia's dating and that bothers you because you don't really see her as just a friend.
I don't know.
What I do know is that she's out with some football player.
And you're afraid you'll lose her, but you won't.
Let's give this restriction another week or two.
You know what the scariest thing is in my life? Those bowling shoes? The scariest thing in my life is the thought that someday I might not be here to make sure you learn the lessons you need to learn.
Go pick out a ball.
You want the bumpers, or wanna play without them? I don't want no stinking bumpers.
I finally get it.
I don't know why I didn't see it before, but it just now came to me.
You don't want to help Robbie because you think Robbie and I did more than date, right? Well, we didn't.
Like I told you, we just kissed.
Nothing more.
And that night we spent together, nothing.
We just stayed up late talking and fell asleep.
- Good to know.
- So now you can tell me.
- Tell you what? - Tell me what I want to know.
If you've ever been with anyone.
I can't.
- You want to know what I think? - Not really.
I think that if you hadn't been with anyone and it didn't mean anything to you, you'd tell me about it.
And since you won't tell me about it, that must mean you've been with someone and she was so special to you that you can't even talk about her because it hurts too much to think about her because she's no longer in your life.
You want her more than you want me, don't you? - Who? - The woman you were with.
- What woman? - The one you won't tell me about.
Honey, you're not going crazy, you're already there.
Oof! Relationship trouble? Maybe we can make a deal.
Help me with my ticket, and maybe I'll help you with Lucy.
She'll listen to me.
I'm good with Camden women, I speak fluent crazy.
I'm just going to take a lane next to everyone, let the twins roll some balls.
You're sick, aren't you? - No.
- Yes, you are.
- Are you lying to me? - No.
Then why is Hank here? Because he likes to bowl? What are you doing here? - I know.
- You do? - What's your prognosis? How long did the doctors say you have? What did they say you have? Why are you bowling? - What? - That phone call, the way you talked.
It was the gibberish of a man facing his own mortality.
Since I know you're not going to war, I assume it's some sort of a health crisis.
I have to have a double bypass.
That's all? - That's all? It's open-heart surgery.
- Yeah, I know.
Well, I mean with advances in medicine and today's technology, open-heart surgery isn't what it used to be.
- Fine, you can take my place.
- You really had me worried.
I really had myself worried if that's any consolation.
How are Annie and the kids taking the news? - They don't know? - I started to tell them, but then I Bowling seemed like a better idea.
- This is not like you.
- I'm gonna tell them tomorrow.
- Tonight, I just want to - Bowl? - Who's your doctor? - Dr.
If you're gonna have surgery, Dr.
Dunne is the doctor.
He's the best.
Is there anything I can do? Don't tell anyone.
Not even Julie.
Let me do it.
I love you, too.
Everyone gather around.
So everybody ready to bowl? I think it'll be more interesting if we split up into two teams like the old days.
Teams? Your father said it would be interesting to split into teams, so split into teams.
Teams sound great.
Fine, but I'm not playing with Kevin.
Okay, we'll make you and Kevin team captains.
- Doesn't that sound fun? - Big fun.
- Super fun.
- Yeah.
Fine with me.
I'll pick a team.
And I'll take anyone that wants to beat him.
Alrighty, and so Luce we'll put you with Kevin.
- I'm not playing with Kevin.
- Okay, you can be on Robbie's team.
I don't want Robbie either.
He started the whole thing.
- What thing? - I don't want to talk about it.
- Neither do I.
- Cute, very cute Luce, you have to pick a team.
No I don't.
I'll play with the twins and Mom.
- How do you feel about Kevin? - I don't want to be on a team.
I don't want to be here.
You know where I want to be.
Simon, you are never going to leave this bowling alley until you pick a team, put a smile on your face and pretend like you're having a good time.
And that goes for everybody.
Your father wants us to bowl, so we're gonna bowl.
We're going to be one big happy bowling family.
- Kevin's team.
I'll play with Robbie, and then Ruthie you can Oh well, that'll leave the teams uneven.
Okay, new plan.
How about you four against me? Whatever.
I mean that sounds great.
Okay then, bowlers, take your positions.
Let's bowl.
You seem kind of upset.
Are you okay? Can I help you? Kevin won't talk to me.
I stink at bowling.
And I have no major accomplishment in my life.
I'm going to fail my creative writing class.
So can you help me? No.
No one can help me.
What happened to everyone else? - Dad.
- Yeah.
No one besides me likes to bowl, and that includes you.
But everyone looked like they were having a good time.
Mom scared us into it.
And it was an act, much like the act you've been putting on since you got home.
Are you okay? Don't lie to me.
I don't like liars.
And if you lie to me I'm going to be very angry with you.
Are you okay? - Do you know how much I love you? - Yes, I do.
You tell me all the time.
Now I answered your question, now you answer mine.
Are you okay? Do you know how special you are? How much potential you have? And not just as a woman, as a human being? Yes, I know all those things because you tell me all time.
Promise me that no matter what, you'll live up to your potential, because the world needs people like you, now more than ever.
It's people like you who are gonna solve all the problems that my generation is leaving your generation.
You're not going to answer my question, are you? I'm fine.
And you're not lying to me? But you are lying to me, right? Thanks for helping me motivate the kids.
I think everyone had a good time.
- Well, I had a good time.
- Please, I'm asking you one last time.
Just tell me what's going on.
Is it health related? What makes you think it's health related? Many, many years of marriage, being with you through sickness and health, in good times and bad.
Look, everything's fine.
It's just fine.
I give up.
I give up.
I don't want to know anymore.
All I want to do is go home, that's what I'm going to do.
You can stay here and bowl until your hands fall off, or talk to Hank, or some more of your people, because as of right now, guess what? I'm not talking to you.
Not everyone's a good bowler.
Simon, something happened last week when you left the house to give a friend a ride to a safe place.
I let you off restriction for whatever that was.
I can't tell you about that.
I trusted from the sound in your voice that it was something important, maybe more important than anything you've ever had to deal with in your life.
I know you're becoming a man I'm going to be proud of.
But it doesn't mean you're there yet.
You still need a little help.
And I think it would help if you hung out with me and the rest of the family for another week.
You have no idea what my life is like.
You have no idea what it's like to be your son.
No idea the things people ask me to do.
The things I have to do.
The thing I can't talk about.
You just have no idea.
And you have no idea what my life is like.
I'd just like to have you close to home next week.
- Why? - I can't tell you right now.
I I will, maybe tomorrow.
It's always tomorrow, or next week, or soon.
At the bowling alley, you said you were scared of what would happen if you weren't around to teach me the things that you want me to learn.
Well, I'll tell you what would happen if you weren't around.
I'd be a normal guy, without having to live up to your ideas of what's right and what's wrong.
I'd be out there making my own mistakes, learning my own lessons, without being treated like some juvenile delinquent.
I'd be less in the spotlight, and part of the crowd.
I'd be happy.
Simon, you don't mean that.
I think I do.
- I love you.
- Just love me less, would you? What? So the fight between you and Lucy started because you wouldn't tell her that I asked you to fix that ticket for me? Why didn't you just tell her? Because asking me to fix a ticket was pretty low and she thinks a lot of you.
If you're really like an older brother to Lucy then it didn't seem right to make you look bad.
That's pretty big of you, considering you don't like me.
It's called maturity.
Try it, you might like it.
Something tells me that you had a lot of it before I moved in.
By the way, I'm sorry.
- For? - For kicking your butt in bowling.
I'll try harder to hate you less, okay? Thanks, I'll do the same.
I just came in to say good night.
How's your paper coming? How is it that I'm almost 21 years old, and have no major accomplishments? Wait, accomplishments? Hey, I'd settle for one accomplishment.
Even a minor one.
Sometimes a person can accomplish a great deal, but, uh, to the outside world and maybe even to the person it doesn't seem like they've accomplished anything.
Because what they've accomplished is internal.
And their accomplishments aren't the kind that get their picture in the paper or get them an award, but they are the kind of accomplishments that make someone a better person.
And in your case a really outstanding person.
- Will you write my paper? - No, but, uh, I'll give you some notes.
Uh, okay.
You're intelligent, kind and sweet.
You'd do anything to help anyone.
You're a wonderful daughter, and a caring sister.
You have principles and no matter how hard it is for you, you live by them.
You constantly challenge yourself, your friends and your family.
You're extremely passionate about all things and people you love.
You, Lucy Camden, are a fantastic person.
And if they gave out an award for best in the human race, you would win it year after year.
Listen, Dad, I know it's not my place and I don't know what's going on with you and Mom, but you should talk to her.
She's really upset.
And it may not be my place to say, and I don't know what's going on with you and Kevin, but you should talk to him too.
He won't talk to me.
He's really angry with me and I don't blame him.
- I've been acting like a real jerk.
- I'll talk to you.
Good night.
I'm sorry.
I talked to Robbie and I know why you didn't help him, and it had nothing to do with me.
And I'm sorry for pressuring you about telling me about your past relationships.
I can't always tell you what you want to know, and I have my reasons.
Just like your dad has his reasons for not telling your mom whatever's going on with him right now.
And just for the record, whatever women are in my past are in my past.
But the only woman I want in my future is you.
I love you Lucy Camden.
You're crazy, but I love you.
- So are we okay? - More than okay.
- I love you, Daddy.
- I love you too, Daddy.
- I love you guys.
- I love Spider-Man.
- I love Batman.
- Me too, I love Batman too.
You know what? I love Batman too.
- What about Spider-Man? - Yeah, I love him too.
Which one do you love more? Batman.
- Why? - I have no idea.
Now, go to sleep.
That's the best conversation I've had all day.
- Good night.
- Good night.
By the way, Kevin and Lucy are making up.
That means they're making out.
You want me to break them up? Give them another minute and then move in.
Aye, aye, captain.
I had fun bowling.
I did too.
Was it like it was when we were all younger? No, it was different.
But we're all different, right? We've all changed.
Change happens.
Yeah, but family is always family.
- I think I'm quoting you.
- I'm honoured.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- Dad? - Yeah? I'm really glad that you're okay.
I was worried.
I'm ready to talk.
Oh, are you? Because I'm not talking to you.
You were right, there is something going on, and I need to tell you what it is.
I'm gonna tell the kids tomorrow, but you should know first.
I have to have open-heart surgery.
A bypass, a double bypass.
I knew you were going to say that.