Hudson and Rex (2019) s07e04 Episode Script

K9 The Rext Generation

RENLEY: Trainees!
Listen up!
Welcome to Farmland!
It is one of four
environments we utilize
to assess the abilities of you
and your K9 in real-world conditions.
Still to come, our urban street,
and my favourite:
Buried in this field
are a number of vials
filled with artificial cadaver scent.
Your K9s have been trained
to alert to these samples.
You and your K9's task
is to locate four of these targets.
Constable Augustine!
Get us started.
Okay, partner. Let's do this.
When you're ready, start your search.
Find it.
Good work, partner.
Next one, off-leash.
Zeppelin's better on-leash, Sergeant.
Is she? Or is it that
you're more confident
with the lead in your hand?
Your partner is taking
her cues from you.
If you're confident, then so is she.
Find it!
That's it.
That's it, Zep.
Zeppelin, find! Zeppelin!
Zeppelin, come!
Is this part of the exercise?
No, it's not.
Oh, my God.
I know him!
DONOVAN: I understand
one of your canines
took cadaver training a
little bit too seriously.
You should give him an extra treat.
She. And no, I didn't.
The officer she's training
with, Constable Augustine,
knows the victim.
- Yeah, I'll talk to her soon.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Sarah, did Forensics give you an update?
The victim is male.
Appears to be in his forties.
Gunshot wound to the chest.
These drag marks seem to extend
all the way down the beach.
Yeah, there's blood up there
so I'm thinking that's
where he was shot.
And then he was dragged
all the way back down here.
- Yep.
- Vehicles?
No, so the killer either drove him here
- or took his car.
Okay. We'll check local house cams
and see if they see
any suspicious vehicles.
- Yeah, it's already happening.
- Good.
- Time of death?
- Less than 24 hours ago.
- What do you got there, buddy?
Poker chip.
Maybe the victim was a gambler?
Yeah, that's a distinct possibility.
I'll see you back at the station.
- Constable Augustine.
- Yes, sir.
But people call me Kit.
- And this is Zeppelin.
Superintendent Donovan.
You can call me Joe.
And I think you know who this is.
It is an honour to meet you, Rex.
I understand you recognize the victim.
His name is Lou Davis.
He just got paroled after
a few years in prison.
I live in the same
building as his ex, Winnie.
Responded to a few domestic calls there.
- Is that why he did time?
- No.
He got caught running illegal
gambling out of his bar.
That might explain the poker
chip we found by the body.
When was the last domestic?
A few weeks ago.
Did you file a report?
Winnie didn't want to
press charges, but
- Yeah, there's a report.
Something wrong, Constable?
The last time Winnie saw
Lou, she was pretty upset.
She told him if he ever came around her
or her son Finn again,
- she'd kill him.
- Did that threat seem credible?
- No.
I have known Winnie a long time.
I'd like to be there for the
death notification, Superintendent.
She and her son might
like to see a familiar face.
Sergeant Renley.
Do you mind if I borrow Constable
Augustine for a couple of hours?
I think her relationship to
the family might prove helpful.
But Zeppelin isn't
approved for field duty yet.
She stays.
- Hey.
- Hold.
Easy, girl.
Hey Kit, what's going on?
KIT: Winnie. This is is
Superintendent Donovan and Rex.
Can we come in?
Yeah, of course.
Sorry, the place is a bit of a mess.
No, no no no, it's fine.
You must be Finn.
Your dog's cool. I'd like a dog.
WINNIE: Well, maybe if we get
a little bigger place, we can get one!
KIT: Winnie.
We have some bad news.
Would you like some tea? I have
No, tea can wait.
Do you want to sit down?
What's the bad news?
I'm very sorry.
But your father was killed.
His body was found this morning.
- Finn, sweetie.
Are you sure there
hasn't been a mistake?
I saw him, Winnie.
Is it okay if I ask Finn some questions?
Finn, when was the last
time you saw your father?
Um, I didn't really see him.
My mom wouldn't allow it.
But he was here recently.
And he and your mother had an argument?
I wasn't here. I was at work.
Which is where I should be heading
or I'll be late for my shift.
Where do you work?
I volunteer at the youth centre.
Is there anyone you can think of
who may have wanted to hurt your father?
Like I said earlier,
I didn't really know him.
So, I'm sorry. I have to go.
- No, you don't have to go.
FINN: It's okay, I want to.
- WINNIE: Finn.
- I'll be back in a while.
SARAH: No sign of forced
entry at Lou Davis's address.
Thank you. And a 1994 Crown Victoria
registered in his name is missing.
Okay, I'll put an alert out on it.
I'm also running his criminal
record for known associates.
Okay, great. I spoke with the detective
who worked Lou's illegal gambling case.
Apparently he co-owned
a bar named Skimmers
- with a Jake Biles.
- Jake Biles?
Did he go prison on
vice charges as well?
Uh, no.
No, he cut a deal to
testify against Lou.
Said he had no idea the slots
they were using were illegal.
Oh, sounds like a recipe for
conflict when Lou got out.
Well, after he cut the deal,
Biles closed on Skimmers and
then dropped out of sight.
Okay. I'll track him down.
So, you guys have been
having a lot of problems.
I may have said some things to Lou
that I shouldn't have, but he
he just made me so angry.
Lou was a terrible father.
Gambled, drank, cheated on me.
Then he gets out of jail and he decides
he's going to be a part
of Finn's life again?
I wasn't going to let him
hurt Finn the way he hurt me.
I'd do anything to protect my son.
Hey, of course you would.
Do you mind if I take a look around?
No, go ahead.
- What have you got there, buddy?
Okay, pal.
Good job.
Good job.
Do you have the key to this?
Winnie, you're going to have
to come down to the station
while we have this tested.
Take Winnie to interview
room number two.
Ballistics doesn't think the
gunshot residue test will play.
Winnie's hands have
been freshly scrubbed.
Well, that's not surprising.
I mean, Winnie works as a cleaner.
Yeah, it's also a convenient
excuse to dismiss gunshot residue.
- Sarah, what calibre was the bullet?
Nine millimetre. Same as Winnie's.
We're running a
comparison test right now
to see if the bullets match.
DONOVAN: Kit. Winnie trusts you.
You should sit in on
the interview with me.
Yeah, yeah, if you
think it'll help. But
I've never actually
done an interview before.
Well, now's your chance.
Thank God. How much
longer is this going to take?
I'm sorry, Winnie, but
- we need to ask a few more questions.
- Why?
I didn't have anything
to do with Lou's murder.
You own a gun, Winnie.
And it's the same calibre
as the one that killed Lou.
Yeah, it's legally purchased.
And registered.
Maybe just tell us why you have it.
You know we don't live
in the best neighbourhood.
It's for protection. That's it.
The gun was fired recently.
Last night I went to Bachman's range.
There's no point in owning a gun
if you don't know how to use it.
- Where'd you go after the range?
WINNIE: To work! At the youth centre!
I clean up there three nights a week.
The youth centre?
The same place that Finn volunteers?
Can anyone there confirm what
time you started your shift?
It was a little before nine.
There's time cards.
The last time you and your
ex-husband spoke, you fought.
What about?
KIT: Just
Just tell us, Winnie.
He showed up at the
apartment out of the blue.
I figured he'd been drinking.
Said he wanted to start over. Make up.
Get back together. Be
in Finn's life again.
Offered money.
DONOVAN: Offered money?
How could he offer money?
Didn't he just get out of prison?
I don't know! Maybe from his old bar?
I don't know, I didn't want his money.
- I wanted him gone!
- You wanted him gone?
I didn't kill Lou.
- You have to believe me.
- Why?
Because if I go to jail, who's
going to take care of Finn?
You did good work, Constable Augustine.
Thank you. But do we
really need to hold Winnie?
At least until the
ballistic report comes back.
Look, she's not a violent person
and Lou was a piece of work.
Yeah, I know. We'll
get to the bottom of it.
But in the meantime, I'll arrange
a ride for you to get back to K9.
I'd like to stay on the case.
I'm sorry, but this is only temporary.
I know the people and I know the area.
- I grew up in that neighbourhood and
- Kit.
You and Zeppelin have
already been a lot of help.
But now it's time to get back to her.
Of course.
Hey, uh
Can I help you?
Just, uh I'm looking for my mom.
Winnie Davis.
Winnie Davis? You must be Finn.
Yeah, she's going to be
another minute but I can
Whoa, is that
Is that ThunderFrogs?
Yeah. You play?
Yeah, only after work and
before bed and on weekends.
Where did you get that?
Wow! I've never seen that before!
Can you send me a link?
Yeah. I can try.
My mom's kind of
strict about tech stuff, so
Okay. Well listen, any member
of the resistance
against the combat shrews
is a friend of mine. Your
secret's safe with me.
Have a seat. I'll go find your mom.
And hey
For the tadpoles.
For the tadpoles.
SARAH: Bachmann's range
confirms Winnie signed in
at 7:30 last night and
was out an hour later.
Well, maybe she went to the range
to explain why her gun was fired.
Maybe, but here are
the ballistics results.
Her gun didn't kill Lou.
Or maybe she used a different weapon
and then left this one in plain sight.
It's a great way to be ruled out.
- True.
- Hey, guys.
Ah, just the man I wanted
to see. Listen,
Jesse, during Winnie's interview,
she said that Lou had just
recently come into some money
and perhaps he got it from his old bar.
- Any luck tracking down Jake Biles?
- Not yet, no.
He left the island. Seems
to have vanished.
Most likely under a different name
but I will find him.
Hey, um
When will Winnie be released?
- Her son's waiting.
SARAH: A single mom to a
boy who's just lost his father.
I doubt Winnie's a flight risk.
And given the ballistics
Okay. Cut her loose.
But make sure we we keep
digging into her story.
Rex, you're with me. Come on.
Let's go home.
- Charlie!
I can't tell you how great
it is to hear your voice.
- And you too, buddy.
Uh, uh, so ?
What's going on down there?
Well, I found out that after the fight,
my brother saw a ring doctor.
He thought that, um
he might have ruptured an eardrum.
What did the doctor prescribe?
That's a strong antibiotic.
Jack could have had a bad reaction.
I mean, he could have gotten
disoriented and walked off.
Good to know.
I'll expand my search tomorrow.
You're going to find him.
- It's going to be okay.
- Thanks.
I needed that.
- I miss you.
I know.
We both miss you too.
So, you're doing okay?
- Yeah.
MAN: Hi! How can I help you?
Superintendent Donovan. SJPD.
I'm looking for some
information on an employee here.
Her name is Winnie Davis.
Oh, yeah, that's uh
That's Finn's mom.
Yeah, she's the night cleaner here.
- Well, I need her time-card.
- Okay.
Yeah, we keep all that
in the back office, so
What is it?
What is it, pal?
That's a good boy.
This red filament,
what's it used for?
Uh, that's the raw material
that the 3D printer
uses to make things with.
The whole process amazes me.
And who has access to this machine?
- The 3D printer?
- Yeah.
Well, the kids who do the
computer class after school.
Finn teaches them to
use the thing, actually.
The kid's a whiz with
the tech, I tell you.
Have you seen this man
hanging out here before?
Sorry, uh, do you still
want those time-cards?
I can get them for you back here.
And if you don't mind, I'd love
to have a sample of this filament.
Of course, yeah.
Thank you.
Constable Augustine.
Are you with us this morning?
Uh, yes, Sergeant. I'm sorry, Sergeant.
I don't think you are.
And if you're distracted, that
means Zeppelin will be, too.
Now tell me, what's up?
It's the Lou Davis case.
I want to work on it.
It's Major Crimes's case.
Yeah, but Zeppelin started the
whole thing by finding his body.
I appreciate your passion,
but you and Zeppelin
aren't ready for the field.
Sergeant Renley. Can I be open with you?
I expect no less.
When I joined the force four years ago,
my goal was to become a detective.
K9 wasn't even on my radar.
When the opportunity for
me to apply here came up,
it was solely as a career advancement.
But to my surprise, I
discovered I love working with dogs.
You'd better.
Zeppelin's made a
huge commitment to you.
And I would never let her down.
But there is a part of me that
wants to be a detective still, and,
- I know Zepp and I can help.
- Constable.
You and Zeppelin both
have long way to go.
Now, you two take the
rest of the day off
and come back tomorrow
clearheaded and ready to focus.
Okay, Zepp.
Looks like we have the
rest of the day off.
Want to come down? Yeah.
what do you want to do
with our day off, huh?
Yeah, I agree.
A little field trip's in order.
JESSE: Sarah. Hey, I
have something to show you.
- Oh.
- Hang on.
Is this your new
obsession? ThunderFrogs?
Well I was just I
was looking for a pin,
for it
Okay, don't judge me.
ThunderFrogs is complex mythology.
It's not just for children.
This is what I wanted to show you.
Joe, hey, good timing. Check this out.
- What is this?
- Well, this came in from the tips email.
It was recorded on the
night of Lou's murder.
There's not much to watch
but listen to this part.
Well, that's a gunshot.
Maybe the one that killed Lou Davis.
Well, if that's the case,
whoever recorded this video
was a witness to Lou's murder.
The interior of this car,
it's consistent with
Lou's missing vehicle.
Track it down.
- That's a top priority.
- And I'll try to clean up these voices.
I found Jake Biles.
Looks like he was living
under an assumed identity.
- So how'd you find him?
- I looked into his old bar, Skimmers.
Turns out it reopened.
- Okay, I need you to text me the address.
- You got it.
DONOVAN: Rex, let's go!
Well, it looks like your
ThunderFrogs will have to wait.
The frogs have waited a
generation for a new champion.
A few more hours won't hurt.
All right, Zep.
Hey, if things get hairy in
there, you're my backup, okay?
- Yeah.
Let's do this, partner.
Let's go.
MAN: Well, if it ain't
little Kit Augustine.
Hi, Jake.
Word around the neighbourhood
is Skimmers just reopened
so I thought I might find you here.
How you been?
Getting by, apple pie.
- Who's your friend?
- This is my partner,
I'm in training for the K9 program.
Yeah, I heard that you
had gone to cop school.
That's right.
- Folks must be some proud.
- Mmm.
This a social call?
I can get you a drink.
This is business.
You heard about Lou Davis?
Folks are talking.
What are they saying?
Lou probably got what he deserved.
Jake Biles.
Guilty as charged.
Superintendent Joe
Donovan, Major Crimes, SJPD.
JAKE: Well, how about this?
Looks like I'm running a cop bar now.
Fancy seeing you here, sir.
JAKE: So I suppose you're
also asking after Lou Davis?
I am.
When did you see him last?
Came in here just after he got released.
We heard he'd come in to some money.
Any idea
where he got it from?
Lou was a big talker.
I wouldn't believe everything he said.
DONOVAN: Maybe he wanted
back in on your operation.
You didn't like that.
You know, that's what
I thought at first,
but then he just asked about
getting into some poker games.
Where were you two days ago?
You know, that one's easy.
I was at my granddaughter's
baptism in Clarenville.
Joyous occasion.
I can get you the name of
twelve aunties and the priest.
I want to apologize, Superintendent.
I know I was out of line.
Disobeying a senior
officer is a big deal, Kit.
We need to know that we can
rely on you to follow orders.
I just wanted to show
you what I could do.
And I wanted to give Zeppelin
a chance to prove herself too.
RENLEY: I thought I made it clear.
You and Zeppelin are not part
- of the Lou Davis investigation!
- I just I had a hunch.
What you did was
irresponsible and dangerous!
- Furthermore, it put the integrity of
- Sergeant Renley.
A word?
Of course.
Don't go chasing any more
hunches until I get back.
I want to apologize for Constable
Augustine's unacceptable behaviour.
Her instincts were right, though.
I mean
She did come up with
Jake Biles on her own.
What are you getting at, Joe?
How much potential do you
think Kit and Zeppelin have?
Kit is dedicated.
A hard worker.
But wilful, as you've seen.
That's good traits to
have in a cop, right?
What about Zeppelin?
Zeppelin's the best
K9 I've seen since Rex.
- But ?
- But
they have a very long way to go.
Kit needs to be more
confident so Zeppelin can be too.
How would you feel about seconding
Kit and Zeppelin to Major Crimes?
Jan, we're shorthanded.
And we could use some help.
There's no better
place to get experience
than being around Rex.
They're yours.
They're just babes.
I'll keep Kit in line.
And trust me, Rex will
do the same for Zeppelin.
So how dead am I?
You're on field assignment
with Major Crimes.
- What?
That's incredible!
I really thought that Sergeant Renley
was going to take Zep away from me.
Jan Renley is a good cop.
She just wants you and
Zeppelin to be great.
They just found Lou Davis's car.
Let's go.
Thank you.
All right Zep, let's do this.
MAN: Stop wasting my time
and answer the question, Lou.
You really cleaned up the audio.
- The software is unbelievable.
- MAN: Where's the money, Lou?
LOU: Guys, stop. I can get it!
MAN 2: You're texting
someone about chips.
Wait, chips?
- Does he mean poker chips?
- Yeah, that'd be my guess.
- LOU: No, guys! Come on!
- MAN 2: Who's Logan?
- LOU: Nobody!
- MAN: Lou!
LOU: Give me that! Give it back!
- MAN: Lou, stop!
MAN 2: Damn it.
MAN: Now we're gonna have
to find this guy ourselves.
Who's this Logan?
I don't know.
But I'm betting he was in
the back seat of that car.
Which would make him an eyewitness.
We need to find Logan
before these killers do.
What have you got there, buddy?
- What is it?
Okay, okay.
- Good job.
This is 3D printed.
It's a disc.
And it's got Lou and Finn
Davis's picture on it.
Wait, Finn looks the same age he is now.
This photo is recent.
Yeah, which means he lied to us
about when he saw his father last.
- Why would he do that?
- I don't know.
But you're going to talk to him
and find what he has to say.
Do you trust me on my own?
Yeah, you're part of the team now.
So is Zeppelin.
Well, he's probably at school,
so I'm going to start there first.
What is it, Superintendent?
I think Rex has been on to
something the whole time.
And only now am I starting
to figure out what it was.
SARAH: As you suspected,
Rex did turn up a clue.
The poker chip recovered
at the murder scene
and the picture of Finn and Lou.
They were both 3D printed
using the material that Rex
alerted to at the youth centre.
The same youth centre
that Finn volunteers at?
- Yeah.
- It would explain
why I couldn't find Finn's
ThunderFrogs pin for sale anywhere.
- He created it.
- But did he print the other stuff?
Well, I can see Finn making the picture
of him and his father,
but, why a poker chip?
JESSE: The killers mentioned this Logan.
- I mean, maybe he printed it.
- Agreed.
Which gives me another idea.
Jesse, can you call up Lou
Davis's list of known associates?
Yeah, sure thing.
DONOVAN: What do you know?
Lou Davis's cellmate was Victor Kane.
One of the Kanes who ran the
underground casinos in Fort Kent?
Yeah, one and the same.
I mean, what better way to make a buck
than to use a 3D printer
to fabricate poker chips?
SARAH: And then cash them
in at an underground casino.
It's a win-win situation
without winning.
Okay, so Lou probably found out
about the 3D printer from Finn.
And then, like you said,
got this Logan to
actually print the chips.
And then the Kanes
got wind of the scheme
and sent in a couple of their
thugs to handle business.
I'm going to check
in at the youth centre
and see if anyone
knows who this Logan is.
I'm also going to touch base with Kit
and see if any of this
rings a bell for her.
Rex, let's go!
Where is everybody?
Where is everybody?
What happened to you?
A couple of guys attacked me.
For no reason.
For no reason?
Alan, if you lie to me,
your day is only going to get worse.
Come on, stand up.
Who were they?
know. I mean, they
They came in saying that Lou
told them about our 3D printer
and they wanted to know
if I helped them print
some poker chips with it.
I don't know.
So did you help them?
Yeah, I needed the money and Lou
said no one would figure it out.
Yeah. But obviously
the Kanes did, right?
And they wanted their money back.
- But Lou stiffed me.
I didn't have any of it.
Wait, how are you still alive?
You told them that
Logan had it, didn't you?
Yeah, they would have killed me
if I didn't give them something.
Who is he?
If they find Logan, they
are going to kill him.
And his death is going
to be on your conscience
for the rest of your life.
- So who is he?
Logan is Finn's middle name.
Lou always calls him that.
Oh my God, you gave them Finn's name.
You gave them Finn's name.
Kit, where are you?
Do you have eyes on Finn?
KIT: No, he wasn't at school
so I'm checking out the apartment.
Something's wrong.
No, no, Kit.
Rex, let's go!
Zep, you ready?
Let's go.
They took Finn.
- Who did?
- Two men. I didn't know them.
Finn said he would take
them to Lou's old hunting shack.
- It's out by the quarry.
- I know where that is.
- Find him, Kit.
Hey, Joe.
Yeah, they took Finn.
But I know where they're headed.
I'm betting this vehicle
belongs to whoever took Finn.
- Yeah.
- Is that his T-shirt?
Oh, yeah.
What can you tell me about this place?
We used to play here
when we were children.
It's a bunch of old hunting shacks.
Yeah, it's the perfect spot to
stash cash or fake poker chips.
Hopefully Rex can track them
before anything happens to Finn.
You know, Zep can help too.
But you can cover more ground off-leash.
Okay. You ready?
- All right, go! Track them!
- Sook Zep!
Let's go.
IAN: Is that your dad's
shack back in those bushes?
You'll let my mom go, right?
IAN: If the chips and
money are in there.
I swear I won't tell anybody.
You're just like your old man.
He tried to talk his
way out of trouble too.
My mom had nothing to do with this.
Well, we'll let her go.
If you're telling us the truth.
If you aren't,
you know what happened your old man.
Hey, what do you got there, pal?
That's Finn's pin.
Looks like we're on the right track.
Rex, go!
Go get it.
- Can I go?
- Yeah.
Okay, just head out this way.
FINN: And you'll let my mom go,
- like you promised?
- IAN: Yeah, sure.
- Rex!
- Zep!
- Zep!
- Hey!
- Hi! Good girl!
- Yeah!
Whatcha got there? Huh?
Drop it!
Drop it now!
Where are Finn and Rex?
- Where are they?
- I got this guy.
Zep. Take Joe to Rex.
- You good?
- Uh-huh, I got him.
IAN: Aghhh!
Get him off me!
- Get him off me!
DONOVAN: Good job, Rex.
- You're under arrest.
IAN: Just keep that dog away from me!
Hey, pal. Hey.
Good job, you two.
- WINNIE: Finn! Oh, thank God.
- FINN: Mom!
- I just wanted Dad to like me.
Of course you did, sweetheart.
I was with him that night.
He had some business
with a couple of men.
He told me to hide in the
back seat and be quiet and
and not make any noise.
All right, Zep.
WINNIE: Oh, Finn.
I turned on my phone just in case.
Mom, they shot him! [FINN CRIES]
I hid until they left.
I ran over to him, but
I drove the car far.
I didn't want them
tracing it to the house.
Why didn't you just tell me?
I was just worried about you, Mom.
I sent a video to the police, but
I didn't think I'd screw
things up. I'm sorry.
No, you didn't do anything wrong.
Everything's going to be okay.
It's going to be okay.
You did great, Finn.
Let's get you home.
Detective Mills tells me that
you're pretty good with computers.
I guess I picked a few
things up from the centre.
That's how I got my start, too.
And I want to hear all about it.
JESSE: You know,
your mom said this was okay.
I had an upgrade recently
and I thought maybe you
could use some of my old gear.
All right. This is a 3D printer!
This laptop's got the best video card!
- Oh yeah.
- You're just getting rid of this stuff?
On one condition.
I'd really love one of
those ThunderFrog pins.
- Sure!
- Okay.
I didn't know you had a 3D printer.
I didn't up until a few hours ago.
how do you feel after your
first stint as a detective?
Uh, fantastic. [KIT CHUCKLES]
Look, I can't thank you
enough for the opportunity.
Well, you should really
thank Sergeant Renley again.
- No, I'll be sure to do that.
After you two are finished training,
I could put in a good word
for you with Major Crimes.
That would be fantastic.
I mean, Zep and I,
we have a long way to go
before we're ready for
any of that, but
maybe we could pop
by every now and then?
Get a few pointers from Rex?
Any time, Kit.
- Any time.
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