The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s07e04 Episode Script

Stuck ToGuyther

[grunts in effort]
Okay, pal.
Just gotta keep
your eyes on the surprise.
But you can
do this because you're you,
and no matter what happens,
you're gonna keep it calm today.
Right, Guy?
-I always do, Mirror Guy.
[Guy grunts]
This is the one, Dawn!
-I thought you were making Eep
a necklace, not a second home.
-You can't go too big
with shells!
Unless they fall on you.
Plus, surprises are my thing.
So I need a big surprise
for my picnic with Eep.
Unless no surprise would be
the biggest surprise of all.
Hm. Surprise paradox.
Trapping yourself under a shell
isa big surprise.
-But not as big a surprise
-as an aardshark attack!
-[Guy gasps]
-GUY: Why?!
-Should we run? Should we fight?
Should we make it a necklace?
-What do we do? What do we do?!
-[yelling] We stay calm, Dawn.
Like the time a mother eelgle
thought I was its baby.
Sure, I wanted to panic,
but I didn't.
And only 37 short moons later,
I spread my wings
and left the nest
with a new appreciation
for the taste of worms.
-Great story, Guy,
but how is staying calm
gonna help us now?
Aardsharks can't see you
if you don't move.
[growls, snarls]
-So all we have to do
is stay still
like we're doing now.
-Yes! [laughs] We did it!
-[loud roar]
-Oops. Now, what?
-Now we calmly
-[both scream]
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
[sniffing] Mm!
This is my best
strawpeary pie yet.
A true pie-umph.
[excited chatter]
Who's ready for pie? Ah!
[slow motion yelling]
[yelling continues]
-Don't worry, everyone.
-The pie is in good hands.
-THUNK: I got it!
-[heavy footsteps]
-[fake slow motion]: I got it
-Thunk! I caught it!
[all gasp]
-Hoo! Close one.
Let's celebrate with pie!
-[vase shatter]
-My vase!
-Oh, I-I thought
you were gonna get that.
after I perfect this formula,
life as we know it
shall cease to exist,
ushering in the dawn
of a bold new era
of progress for all humanity
that will echo
throughout eternity!
To put it mildly.
-HOPE: Phil!
-Ah! Hope!
Why are you disturbing my work?
We had an agreement!
You pinky promised!
-I know, Phil, but Thunk
broke my favorite vase.
-Vase? You mean vahhhs.
-Well, right now,
it isn't a vase or a vahhhs.
It's garbage! Unless you
have something to fix it!
-Of course, I have something to
fix it. Betterman Better Bond.
An adhesive concentrate
with greater fusion
and durability properties
than bounceberry juice
by orders of magnitude.
-No idea what you just said,
so just tell me, does it work?
-Does it work? Does it work?!
[water drips]
-Are you going to answer or
-Of course, it works!
Betterman Better Bond
will stick forever
because I invented it!
[water drips]
-Are you going to
give it to me or
-Top shelf,
second gourd to the left.
And please,
no more disruptions.
The world is at stake!
-Whatever you say, Phil.
-Let them scoff, Philliam.
They won't mock us
when we change the world.
Or they will. Either one.
-Last one.
There! Good as new!
If you don't
look at it too hard.
In the light.
-[Guy laughing]
Guy! Thank you so much.
I may not have the patience to
glue that back together again.
And by "may not," I mean don't.
-Vase savers unite! Ah!
-Well, that was fun,
but I've got
lots of things to do today,
so let's end this high five.
-I'd love to, but I can't.
My hand's stuck.
-[both struggling]
-Oh no!
We must have gotten some of
Phil's Better Bond on our hands!
-Wow, Phil made this?
And strong as a
[sighs] We are really stuck.
-Exactly! And Phil said
Better Bond sticks forever,
so we're gonna be stuck
like this forever!
This is a disaster!
-Head between your knees, Hope.
We'll just go talk to Phil.
He invented this stuff.
I'm sure he invented
a way to undo it.
-Right. Or he didn't.
What then? What do we do then?!
-It's like I always say,
"Always keep calm
when glued at the palm."
-You say that?
-Starting now.
-[Thunk humming]
-Okay, Douglas.
-What should we watch?
Tarantullama Egg? Good call.
Yes! It just started.
I thought I broke that vase.
Eh, I guess it was a dream.
Just like that octo-moose.
I really gotta stop
eating banana chips before bed.
[mooing growl]
Oh, help yourself,
dream octo-moose.
-HOPE: Phil!
-Ah! Hope!
I thought we agreed,
no more disruptions!
And why are you and Guy
using your hands
to display sportsmanship
and camaraderie?
-We're stuck, Phil.
-Your Betterman Better Bond
got on our hands,
and we can't get it off!
-Of course, you can't.
It's Betterman BetterBond.
If I wanted it to fail,
I would have called it
Betterman BarelyBond.
-Or Betterman Bad Bond.
-Oh. But, as I told Hope,
you definitely have a way
to unstick us
because that's why we're here.
-Well, I don't.
It's not that simple, Guy.
Unlike bounceberry juice,
the Better Bond is waterproof.
-Okay, but you can
invent something, right?
-See, Hope? Problem solved.
-Just as soon as I finish
critical breakthrough,
without interruption.
-And what am I supposed
to do until then, Phil?
How am I supposed to go
about my day
with Guy dragging me down?
No offense, Guy,
but you're a huge problem.
-Why would I be offended?
that sounds like more of a
you problem than
a meproblem, dear.
-I'll give you a you problem!
-[whimpers, yelps]
-It's okay, Hope!
We can make it work.
All we need to do is stay calm.
Like I always say,
"Inner calm
is the heart's balm."
-Did you just make thatone up,
-Nope! That's a calm classic.
-Bitter bean juice break?
Splendid idea, Philliam!
But, just one cup for you.
Don't want you keeping me up
all night. Again.
-You know, Guy,
I didn't think this would work,
but I guess yoga for two
is possible.
And even though I've never
-[yelping] done yoga
this quickly before
or really that much at all
This is actually quite relaxing,
for something so painful.
What? Ah!
-You okay, Guy?
So relaxed
that everything's going dark.
-I feel so much better.
Nothing like yoga
to make you feel truly alive.
-You said it, Hope. In fact,
I'm starting to get feeling
back in my shoulders
and arms and neck and legs,
which is a sure sign
I'm still alive.
-Great. That means
you can help me pick burnips.
-I thought you said
we were picking burnips.
-We are.
Taking the Breezy Glider
is the fastest way
to get to the burnip patch.
-Okay. But there's only room
for one person.
-That's true.
But, like you said,
we can make it work.
-That's the spirit! Team Us!
-[Breezy Glider whirring]
-See? We did it! Team Us!
-Yah! Oh! Us! Whoa! Is a
greatOh! Team! Ow! Ow! Ow!
-You know, Guy,
I'm starting to think
being stuck together
isn't all that bad.
-Hope, you just have
to give calm a chance!
Oh, you have. Great!
-Yeah! I mean,
when's the last time
we spent time together
like this?
-Exactly! This is a good thing!
-I know, because we stayed calm!
-Guy, I know. I'm on board.
You sold me on calm.
let's go mash these burnips.
[both grunt]
-Oh no!
The burnips burned through
the basket!
[hyperventilating] Which
is fine because I'm calm.
-Way to turn it around, Hope!
That's advanced calm.
I'm proud of you.
-Thanks. But I still need those
for dinner,
so somebody has to carry them
[pained yelling]
Almost there, Guy! Stay calm!
been[grunts] calmer!
-So hot!
-Are you okay, Guy?
-No, but calm is my friend.
Even when I have to carry
burnips that are so hot,
they can singe me
through heat mitts
and make me fear heat itself.
-You know what helps me
cool down?
-A glacier? A blizzard? Winter?
I'll take anything frozen.
-No! Warm springs.
What do you say?
As much as I love the idea
of plunging my scalded skin
into hot water,
maybe we should go see
if Phil has discovered a way
to drive us apart.
But in a good way.
-Sure! You wanna take
the Breezy Glider?
-Or we could walk.
Yeah, let's walk.
-Ah! What do you want?
And why must you continue
to interrupt me
with your infernal prattle
while I'm working?
Can't you see I'm on
the precipice
of a groundbreaking discovery?
-I'm gonna groundbreak you!
-[Guy straining]
-when we start digging a new
swimming hole to celebrate!
Because Hope and I
believe in you, Phil.
We know that once
you're done with your work,
you'll easily find a way
to get us unstuck
because Phil Betterman
can solve any problem.
-PHIL: That I can, Guy.
Of course,
I will gladly help you.
Particularly because you asked
in such a calm
and, might I add,
complimentary manner.
who shall remain nameless,
might want to follow your lead.
-Ooh. Great!
Well, then we'll leave you alone
so you can get back to work.
Just let us know when
you're ready to set us free, hm?
-Will do.
Once I've found the solution,
I shall beckon you forthwith.
Now, be gone with you.
-That was impressive.
-Never underestimate the power
of putting the calm
before the storm.
-[sighs] I wish I could stay
as calm as you.
-What can I say, Hope?
That's just who I am.
I go with the flow.
-You know, I could be
a little more of a flow-goer.
You've been bending
to my schedule all morning.
Is there anything
you need to do?
-The only thing
I had planned today
was a special picnic with Eep,
but it's not really
a plus-one situation.
-So we won't invite anyone else!
-Come on!
Something sweet for my sweet?
-Uh, thanks, Guy-boy,
but maybe we should do this
some other time.
-Eep. Guy planned this
special picnic just for you.
Don't be rude!
[grunting] Get in the cup,
you stupid ball!
-No, we can reschedule for a day
that's more picnic-friendly.
-Yeah, Guy and I cancel picnics
all the time
because of rain or lava storms
or eelgle attacks.
Glue is new,
but a disaster is a disaster.
-No! I won't hear of it!
Please, Guy, you go ahead.
I'll just keep myself busy
playing this stupid game!
Pretend I'm not here.
hand me those banana chips,
and then pretend I'm not here.
-Okay, let's give it a shot.
-Eep, I knew
from the second I met you
-[crunching] Mm.
These chips are reallycrunchy.
Are they always this crunchy,
or is it just because
it's so quiet out here?
You know what? Forget I asked
anything. I'm not even here.
-Where was I? Oh, yeah.
It was something. about
-Eep, I knew
from the second I met you
-Thanks, Hope.
-Anytime. Not even here.
-Eep, from the second
I met you
-[crunching, humming]
[loud crunching, humming]
-I knew we were
-HOPE: [crunching] Mm-mmm.
-meant to be
-HOPE: [crunching] Mm! Mm!
-The crunching.
-Oh! You could hear that?
Because I was chewing
-Yes, Hope. We heard it.
Slow doesn't mean quiet.
It just makes the loud
last longer!
Wait, did I miss Guy giving you
-the surprise necklace
he made you?
-[Guy gasps]
-What surprise necklace?
-[gritted teeth]:
The surprise necklace
that was supposed to be
a surprise.
-[forced]: What?
A necklace? I had no idea!
[normal]: You're the best,
so adorable!
You know what? I'm gonna
give you two a little space.
-Wait. Hope, no! Why?!
-That was awkward.
And fun to watch.
Time to get back
to the main event.
Tarantullama, baby!
-That's what I'm talking about!
[vase shatters]
Well, thisisn't a dream.
Or is it?
-[mooing growl]
Oh, slow down, octo-moose.
Save some for the rest of us.
-[Hope humming]
-[Guy grunting]
-[gasps, humming]
-Sorry your picnic
didn't work out.
But the good news is, now that
I'm stuck to you, I can fix it.
Just like I can fix everything
else that's wrong with you.
-[deep exhale]
-[glue strains]
-You know, Hope,
it might take a while for Phil
to figure out how to unstick us.
Maybe we should try
unsticking ourselves.
-I don't knowAh!
Okay. You hold on to the tree,
and I'll run away from you
as fast and as hard as I can!
[Hope gasps]
-[Hope yelling]
-Hold! Hold!
No problem!
'Cause we're still calm! Ha!
-Yeah? Are you sure about that?
-Pulling the Better Bond
didn't work,
but maybe burning it will!
-Guy, I don't know about this.
-I do!
Just need to adjust that mirror
to form a concentrated beam
of sunlight.
-Okay, well,
maybe Phil's mirror window
wasn't a complete waste
of time and energy after all.
[egg cracking]
-It's finally happening,
Our patience
is about to pay off.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
-[Guy laughs]
-[Hope whimpers]
-Burn, Better Bond, burn! Ha!
-You okay, Guy?
-Never better!
They say breaking up
is hard to do,
but, clearly,
whoever said that didn't think
to harness the power of the sun!
-What happened to staying calm?
-Nothing! We're calm as ever!
-Don't just sit there, Douglas!
-Start pulling vines!
-Oh ho!
Clutch vine snag, Douglas!
-GUY: Almost there.
-[Hope whimpers]
-Almost Whoa!
-HOPE: Ah!
-It's moving!
-There it is!
[Guy panting]
No, there!
And now, it's there! [sighs]
We'll never catch it!
-Yes, we will! Run to the light!
[both panting]
Run away from the light!
-Are you okay?
-[muffled]: Mm-hmm!
-Oh. Good.
Because if that branch
had fallen on myfoot,
I'd be screaming
like a chickenseal.
Maybe we should just
wait for Phil.
I mean, no, we can do this.
I'm fine! I've got another foot.
[branch cracking]
-I really don't think
this is a good idea.
-Right. It's the best idea
either of you
hair stumps have ever had.
And don't worry,
other girl's mom,
I never miss.
Here, I'll show you.
Pretend these sticks
are your arms.
-[Guy and Hope gasp]
-You're supposed to
avoid our arms!
-Oh. I can do that, too.
I think. Hyah!
-And change of plans.
-[Hope panting]
-Okay! Let me know
if you change your mind
about keeping your arms!
-[handle rattling]
-GRUG: Ocupado!
-Guy, where are we going?!
-Don't worry. I've got a plan.
It's just a few days' walk
from here.
-You're cool with lava, right?
you're the one who said
we should stay calm.
So, why does it feel like
I'm the only calm one now?
-You think I'm not calm?
Me? Not calm?
Me? Is that what you think?
That I'm not calm? Me?
[maniacal laughter]
-Uh, yes.
-You guys are still
stuck together?
Have you tried
pulling yourselves apart?
-Yanked and tanked.
-What about burning through it?
-Sizzled and fizzled.
-Did you ask Gran to
-BOTH: Chopped and flopped.
-Maybe I can help.
-No, Ugga, wait!
-You guys doing an all-hands-in?
Well, count me all-hands-in!
-Grug, no!
-Guy, let go of my hand.
-I can't! Because we're stuck!
-No. No! No!
-More arms, huh? Don't worry.
I can break 'em.
And if I'm not mistaken,
I've finally perfected the
GUY: Phil?
-Please tell me
you're not still working
on whatever you were working on.
-Of course not. I finished.
And I'm glad you're all here
for what promises to be
the most important day
of your lives!
I give you
lemon drink!
-Woo! Lemon drink!
We already have lemon drink!
-True, but not thislemon drink!
-Hang on. The thing you've been
working on all day
is lemon drink?
-Not just lemon drink.
-This lemon drink!
-[Ugga sighs]
[curious grunts]
-[sip] Not bad.
A little tart for my taste,
but not bad.
-DAWN: Thunk's right.
It's a littletart,
but not the most tart
I've tasted.
-[surprised]: Hm?
-Lemon drink?
-Ooh! Is that mint?
-Nice touch. But yeah
-DAWN: Mm!
-UGGA: a little tart.
-[annoyed]: Hm!
-Lemon drink?
-What's wrong, Dad?
Don't you like it?
-Actually, it's not bad.
I just don't want Phil to know
I liked it.
And it's a little tart.
-Lemon drink?!
-HOPE: I gotta be honest.
It tastes like every lemon drink
I've ever had,
except it's a little tart.
-A littletart?
Have your taste buds
been poisoned?!
This formula is the product of
countless hours
of experimentation!
-It's perfect!
-[angry growling]
-Have you tried it?
-Have I tried it?
[hysterical laughter]
Actually, no. [sip]
[swishing, gulp]
[sighs] You're right.
It's a little tart.
Back to the drawing board.
-Lemon drink?! Aah!
-Guy? Are you okay?
-No! I'm not okay! I'm stuck!
And so are all of you!
And all I wanted was
for Phil to unstick us!
But instead,
he's been working on
inventing something
that we already have!
-And it's a little tart!
-[Guy hyperventilating]
-Coming in a littlehot,
-[Grug struggles]
-Might wanna take it down
a notch.
-Or a whole lot of notches.
-Notches or nachos?
I vote nachos.
-Ooh! Nachos and lemon drink.
The perfect pairing!
See, Guy? It all worked out.
-No, it didn't!
Who made your lemon drink tart?
-Not to worry, Guy.
As soon as I make
a few more tweaks
to my lemon drink recipe,
I'll get to work
crafting an escape
from your sticky prison.
Shouldn't take more than
three or four days. Or so.
-I can't take this anymore!
Never mind, Phil! I know exactly
how to get us unstuck.
-Oh, that's great news! How?
-No questions! Let's go!
-Go where?
-[all struggling]
-Hey, Phil?
Do you have a to-go cup
for this lemon drink?
[thunder crashing]
Yes! This is the answer!
-Um, what's going on?
Was that lightning?
-Yeah. Because we're in
the lightning desert.
-Didn't think this could get any
worse. And then it did.
-Wrong! This place is the best.
We should live here.
-Lightning desert?
That sounds familiar.
-'Cause you got struck
by lightning here.
-No, I'd remember that.
But my mind's a complete blank.
-Uh, Guy-baby,
what are we doing
in the lightning desert?
GUY: Well, we're not here
for the pie.
[thunder crashes]
-Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Lightning pie?
-We didn't come to get
struck by lightning, did we?
That's not your plan.
No. It can't be.
-Yes, it can! Because it is!
-Ah! Too much yelling!
-Okay, let's all calm down.
-Who's not calm?
I'm calm! Totally calm!
Calm as a cucumbeet.
Calm as a campfire!
Calm calm calm!
Calm calm ca-calm!
Calm calm calm!
Calm calm ca-calm!
Why am I so calm?
-Because you said
the word "calm" so many times?
-No! Because lightning
is strong enough
to vaporize the Better Bond!
-Lightning will set us free!
-[thunder crashes]
-Words to live by.
Unless we don't live.
Either way, bring on the bolts,
[thunder crashes]
-That's the spirit! Here we go!
[all gasp]
[zap, thunder]
-I'm sorry, Guy,
but this is a terrible plan.
-Why? Because Gran likes it?
-Like it? I love it!
Best plan ever!
-[maniacal laughter]
-[thunder crashes]
-Right So, we should go.
just 'cause you wanna leave
doesn't mean
everyone wants to leave.
So let's vote. Everyone in favor
of leaving, raise your hand.
[surprised grunts]
-It's unanimous. Time to go.
-Hang on a second.
Everyone in favor of staying,
raise your hand.
-[all gasp]
Looks like we got a tie!
And the tie goes to Guy!
-I don't wanna be here!
Unless that lightning pie
is done.
-Guy-baby, we're leaving.
-Of course!
Right after the lightning
-sets us free!
-[thunder crashes]
-No. No lightning.
Just leaving. Now.
-You know, all this lightning
talk is making me thirsty.
Does anyone have
anything to drink?
-Oh wait!
I do! 'Cause to-go cup!
Here's to not being thirsty
-Is that lemon drink?
-Yeah. It's a little tart.
-Gah! Lemon drink! Ah!
-Lemon drink?
[nervous laughter]
[happy, echoing]:
Lemon drink!
-[sad, echoing]:
Lemon drink!
Lightning pie!
-Ah! Ugh.
-[woozy groaning]
GUY: I just wanna say again
how sorry I am for the whole
"losing my calm and dragging you
out to the desert
to intentionally get struck
by lightning" thing.
-It's okay, Guy.
You seem much better now.
-Because he was struck
by lightning! Works every time!
-Not for me. Unless it did.
-I honestly have no idea.
-GRAN: Mm!
-It wasn't the lightning. No.
I found a way to regain my calm.
And I owe it all to Phil.
-Hey, where is Dad?
[contented sigh]
Lemon drink!
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