Hudson and Rex (2019) s07e05 Episode Script
In From the Cold
Hey, Ace!
- Guess who's home!
Guess who got off early, buddy!
There he is!
Want to go for a walk, buddy?
- Guess who's off!
Want me to get your leash?
There you are.
Where's my good boy?
What's up, Ace?
Hey, buddy? What are you looking at?
MAN'S VOICE: The attack
was quick, and brutal.
The killer raining down blow after blow
on his helpless victim.
Seven years have passed
since Detective Rory Trenton
was found dead in his
home in St. John's.
His killer is yet to be found.
And that, my friends,
concludes chapter one.
Let's hear a round of applause
for author Aubrey Anderson.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It's a real honour to launch
my book in my hometown.
So thank you.
Now, if anyone has questions
- MC: Over here.
I have a question.
How dare you use my personal
tragedy to sell books?
This is Nina Trenton.
Rory's wife.
I tried to contact you.
I hope you rot in hell!
NINA: How dare you use
my personal tragedy
- to sell books?
- This is Nina Trenton.
Rory's wife.
I tried to contact you, Nina.
NINA: I hope you rot in hell!
Oh, I feel for her.
To lose your husband, then
have the crime exploited.
Yeah. This video has gone viral.
It's over 300,000
views since last night.
- It's all over radio and television.
And the mayor called
the chief last night.
And we're taking
another look at the case.
- Yeah, exactly.
- The Trenton case files
- are on their way from storage.
- Oh, great.
Thank you. Please upload those
to the national violent
offence's database
just in case we missed
anything the first time around.
- Will do.
- DONOVAN: Thank you.
a copy of this. Hot off the press.
Thought we may need a reference copy.
Why does the author's name ring a bell?
Well, before he turned to writing,
Aubrey was a local crime reporter.
He was a colossal pain
in the department's backside.
SARAH: Seven years
ago, you worked the case?
Well, not directly.
But every officer knew
what was going down.
There was no evidence
of the crime scene.
No fingerprints, no DNA.
- SARAH: And what about suspects?
- DONOVAN: None.
Rory was well-liked.
He had no obvious enemies.
And we went through
several of his old cases
and everyone who might have had a grudge
had a rock solid alibi.
- Personal life?
- No, no familial trouble.
By all accounts, he was
a happily married man.
I mean, this was a long slog to nowhere
- for both Rory and Nina.
There's no indication
that Rory tried to defend himself.
And that led original
investigators to believe
that the killer surprised him.
What was the murder weapon?
DONOVAN: Based on skull impressions,
forensics determined that
it was a claw hammer.
And there was also one
missing from his toolkit.
How did the killer enter?
Uh, a rear window.
That kind of attack would
create significant blood spatter
but this place looks spotless.
DONOVAN: Well, the
place was thoroughly cleaned.
The killer used household
cleaning products.
Why go through the
effort of cleaning a scene
and then leave the body behind?
I don't know. Maybe they
you know, ran out of
time? Were interrupted?
Or, it might have been
compulsive behaviour.
Just something they felt they had to do.
Rex, what is this?
- Oh, that's a
That's a dog toy from the crime scene.
JESSE: Wait. Rory and Nina had a dog?
DONOVAN: Yeah. Yeah, Ace.
He was there at the time of the murder.
What happened to it?
We don't know.
He vanished.
We spoke to the vet and he said
that the dog wasn't micro-chipped.
I wonder if Aubrey Anderson
has any insight into the killer?
Just because he's exploiting
the crime for his own profit
doesn't mean he hasn't
researched it thoroughly.
Yeah, I'm sure he's dug down
and found something interesting.
But first, talk to Nina Trenton.
She deserves to know
that this case is active.
Rex, let's go.
NINA: Last night was a mistake.
I should never have
gone to that reading.
But I wanted to give that
man a piece of my mind.
I did not intend to lose it so publicly.
I understand. And look, I'm sorry
that I have to ask you, but,
you must have thought
about who might have wanted
to hurt your husband?
For a while, that's all I ever did.
And did any names ever come to mind?
I've actually come to
believe it was just random.
Can you remember anything
out of the ordinary
in the days before the murder?
You know, even the slightest thing?
Did you remarry?
Yes, that's Percy Godfrey.
When I lost Rory,
and Ace,
I lost my whole world.
If I didn't have the store to run,
I don't think I would have made it.
But then I met Percy, and
he gave me a chance to start over.
Okay, well thank you, Nina.
Feel free to call me any time, okay?
And I'll make sure to keep you updated.
I'd appreciate that.
MAN: Excuse me. You must be the police.
Detective Sarah Truong.
- This is my partner, Rex.
- You must be Nina's husband.
- I am. Dr. Godfrey.
Nina told me you were dropping by.
I came as soon as I could.
Well, I know this must
be a difficult time.
Nina was so upset after the
book reading, she couldn't sleep.
For her sake, Detective,
please stop this investigation.
I'm afraid we can't do that.
But I'll do my best to make it
as easy on you two as possible.
Mr. Godfrey.
Do you have any thoughts
about what happened to Rory?
Nina said he was well-liked.
My guess, it had something to
do with one of his old cases.
I wasn't part of her life back then.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to make sure
my wife is all right.
A bookstore owner told me
I could find you here Mr. Anderson.
Mmm. My publisher
arranged this space for me.
They want me to stick around
now that the case is active.
- Oh, why is that?
- Well, because if you find the killer
I'll need to rewrite the ending!
So you don't live in St. John's anymore?
No, I haven't in years.
I've travelled, written
across the country,
but the Rory Trenton case has
always fascinated me and so it
just drew me back home.
Something seems to have caught
my partner's attention.
Oh, that's right.
That's Nina's. Nina Trenton's.
I found it on her chair at the
book launch after everyone left.
I've been planning to
give it back to her.
But I think I'm probably the last person
that she'll want to see right now.
If you're so concerned
about Nina's well-being,
why publish a book about the murder?
Rory Trenton deserves justice.
And look what's happened.
All the publicity has
created public protests
and now the investigation
is active again.
Sometimes cold cases
need to be forced open.
You know,
I'd love to hear your first impressions.
If it's not too confidential.
The information we're working
off is public knowledge, so
- Okay!
- Yeah, sure.
I'd say on the one hand,
the killer is calm and collected
but compulsive on the other.
Yeah, methodical yet pathological.
Cleaning the scene but leaving the body
suggest they were irrational.
Entering through the rear
window, lying in wait,
leaving no evidence, those all
show signs of rational control.
To me, attacking a six foot two officer
with only a hammer is the
definition of irrational.
But you know, it's yin and yang.
Isn't it?
- Your turn to help me.
- Okay.
While researching your book,
did you speak with anyone
who caught your attention?
Yeah, there was one person
that I always was suspicious of.
He's not in the book
because I didn't want
to land a defamation suit.
But I first interviewed him
just days after the crime.
Hold on.
AUBREY: Would you say
you've lost all faith in
the police department?
I would.
I used to feel safer,
having an officer next door.
AUBREY: Right.
But now that the entire force
can't find one killer
Now I just think cops are a joke.
That's the Aubrey
Anderson that I remember.
Well, he claims he does
it for the greater good.
He's always trying to rile up the public
against the police force.
Who's he interviewing again, remind me?
Collin Crawford. He lived
next door to Rory and Nina.
He worked as a flight attendant.
JESSE: Still does. I ran
him through the system. No record.
No, hold on. I remember this guy now.
He clammed up right
after that interview.
He didn't have an alibi
for the night of the murder
but there was also no evidence
linking up to the crime either.
SARAH: Aubrey said he
stopped cooperating with him too
and wouldn't be
interviewed for the book.
- Okay, check him out.
- Okay.
You know what? I've actually
been reading Aubrey's book
and the writing's pretty good.
Yeah, anything of interest in there?
Nothing we don't already know
but there is speculation
that Ace's disappearance
has some significance.
So I put a sort of BOLO
out for local dog groups
just to see if anything turns up.
So better keep your eye on the ball.
Oh, yeah. I will
keep my eye on the ball.
This is the ball.
This is my eye.
I'm going to keep it on the ball.
Got it.
Excuse me?
- Collin Crawford?
- Yeah?
Your house cleaner told
me I could find you here.
- And you are?
- Detective Sarah Truong, SJPD.
This is my partner, Rex. I just need
to ask you something. Rex.
- COLLIN: Back off!
- Get off me!
Get down!
- Okay.
You have something to hide?
I want to speak with my lawyer.
So we're going to be doing
this the hard way, then.
- Where's my lawyer?
- SARAH: En route.
But I wanted to speak with you
about something before they arrive.
No way.
Well, what I want to talk
about, you don't need a lawyer for.
Unless that is you had something
to do with Rory Trenton's murder.
Rory Trenton?
You mean you're not
here about the cameras?
I never should have said that.
I bring them into the country.
I was just helping a buddy out.
You can talk to your lawyer about that
when they get here, okay? But right now,
Rory Trenton.
I knew as soon as I saw the news that
they were reopening in the case
and this nightmare was
going to start all over.
What do you want to know?
Tell me about your
relationship with Rory and Nina.
They were just my neighbours.
We'd chat. Sometimes I'd
walk their dog for them.
- Okay, so no problems with them?
- None.
Tell me about Rory's murder.
What's there to tell?
It made me angry.
That's why I gave that
interview with Aubrey Anderson
but I learned my lesson.
What do you mean?
I called the police a joke
and that's when the threats started.
Calls in the middle of the night.
Threatening notes on my windshield
telling me that if I criticized
the cops, I'd end up dead.
You didn't report these threats?
To the very same police?
Get serious.
I just kept my mouth
shut and I moved on.
I'm sorry you were
threatened, Mr. Crawford.
Okay, and I am truly sorry
that you lost faith in the department.
if you know anything about
Rory Trenton's murder,
you need to speak up.
For Nina's sake.
It probably doesn't mean anything, but,
two months after the murder,
a bouquet was delivered
to Nina and Rory's house.
Three dozen pink roses
with a note saying they were for Nina.
But she wasn't living there anymore,
so I took them over to my place
and she came to pick
them up when I texted her.
What did she say when she saw them?
She cried, took them, and left.
Did she say who they were from?
But I got the feeling she knew.
DONOVAN: So what's a deal with
the pink roses Nina received?
And who sent them?
I was thinking it was a mourner,
but pink isn't the colour of mourning.
It's the colour of romance.
So maybe Nina had someone on
the side while Rory was alive.
Look at this.
Jesse just sent me some info about a guy
who made hundreds of comments
on Nina's social media posts
shortly before the murder.
Dr. God?
Any idea what his real identity is?
Jesse dug in deeper here.
That's Percy Godfrey.
Nina's new husband.
This guy didn't try too hard
to disguise himself, did he?
No, and he liked every
comment Nina made.
It was as if he wanted to be noticed.
- Well, did Nina interact with him?
- No.
She didn't engage with any of his posts.
Could Nina have lied
about knowing Godfrey
while Rory was alive?
Or maybe her future husband started out
as an anonymous stalker.
NINA: I remember the flowers.
I picked them up at Collin's.
He said you gave him the impression
that you knew who they were from.
Of course I knew.
They were from Rory,
for our anniversary.
Getting them was heartbreaking.
I cried all night.
But Rory was dead.
Obviously, he pre-ordered them.
You never mentioned getting
the flowers to the police.
Why would I?
Were you absolutely certain
Rory was the one who sent them?
Who else would have?
Do you remember a Dr. God
who was following you on social media?
Dr. God?
Yeah, I do!
He was some troll.
I never interacted with him.
Well, Dr. God was a nickname
used by your current husband.
Percy was Dr. God?
We didn't even know
each other back then.
I mean, apparently he
remembers meeting me
at some party years ago,
but I have no recollection.
- Are you sure about this?
- Yes.
And he had been following you
for four months before Rory died.
Why would he do that?
GODFREY: Dr. God was
a joke account I made
when I was a dental student.
I created a new profile since
then that was more professional.
See the thing about stalkers,
is they like to track
their victim's socials
while they remain anonymous.
Are you suggesting I stalked Nina?
No, you're actually wondering
if I had something to do with
Rory's murder, aren't you?
See, you were invisible to Nina.
She had Rory.
She had Ace.
So hear me out. Maybe,
now just maybe, you thought
that by removing them,
she'd finally notice you.
That's ridiculous.
Is it?
Because two months after Rory's death,
someone sent Nina a bouquet of roses.
Was it you?
Of course not.
She said they were from Rory.
DONOVAN: Godfrey seemed convinced
- that the flowers were from Rory.
- Okay.
I mean, maybe he and Nina are
coordinating their stories.
Yeah, suggesting they
conspired to do away with Rory.
- It's possible.
- Maybe.
You should run it by Sarah.
Well, Aubrey Anderson, he
wanted to speak with her.
Listen, I think I might have something.
Something came up on ViCLAS.
A murder in Ontario three years ago.
- What matched?
- Well, the MO in general,
but the thing that caught my eye
is that the victim's dog vanished.
Yeah, like Ace.
Yeah, but it's not much to go on though.
But, I mean, you know what I can do
is that I can get a flight to Toronto,
be back in less than a day.
Yeah, that's good.
Just make sure you get a compact
and fly economy.
Maybe economy plus for extra leg room?
Is that a no?
AUBREY: Thank you for meeting
me on my daily constitutional.
Writers spend way too
much time at their desk.
[SARAH CHUCKLES] Not a problem.
- Rex needs to stretch his legs, too.
So you wanted to talk with me?
Yeah, I heard about the
flowers that Nina received.
What I've still got some
contacts on the force.
Not all cops hate me.
So, any idea who sent the bouquet?
You may have your sources, but,
I'm not one of them.
You want me to tell you who it was?
Collin Crawford.
Same person who just told me about them?
Why would he potentially
incriminate himself like that?
Well, like we discussed,
this killer is a contradiction
and Collin fits that bill.
He kills a cop
then complains about them on TV.
He refuses to give me an interview
and then turns around and
coughs up this evidence?
Real evidence?
Why would Collin send flowers
to Nina in the first place?
Well, as awful as It might sound,
some murderers get off on
prolonging the family's suffering.
Oh, wow. So now you're a profiler.
I've read hundreds
of papers on killers.
If you're going to write
credibly, you have to know
what you're writing about. Look,
imagine Collin
enjoying the look on Nina's face
as she retrieved the flowers.
There is no evidence to support this.
Finding proof is your job.
Not mine.
I'm just here to give you some thoughts.
Okay, Rex, I need to think this through
and you have to help me.
- Okay, okay.
Let's try something else. Okay,
you're going to help me, all right?
- You're the killer.
Okay, I know. You're the killer.
And I'm going to be Rory.
We know Rory was surprised. So,
you've probably broken in
and found a place to hide.
So you're hiding somewhere.
Go. You're going to go hide.
- Nice spot.
Yeah. So you're back
there. You're lying in wait.
I'm Rory. And
Hey, you're supposed to be hiding.
You've got to hide well to be
a good killer. Get down.
Okay, so does Rory head
over to the kitchen?
He could head over to the kitchen.
Or maybe actually no, Ace.
Maybe he was down talking to Ace.
And that's when you would
leap out from your hiding spot.
- And yes!
You hit me with a
hammer! [CHUCKLES] Ohhh.
Good job.
You're very good at
this killing business.
But something is wrong
about this, hey, buddy?
What is it?
I guess they would have
carefully thought everything out.
They picked a window
to break in through.
They knew when to do it so
they could surprise Rory.
- Did they have a hiding spot?
No, they probably just found that.
Okay, so they were there,
waiting with the hammer
from Rory's tool chest.
The hammer!
Rex, that doesn't make sense, does it?
So you think the hammer is the key?
Well, think about it. The
killer planned everything down
to the last detail except
for the murder weapon.
They randomly took that out
of the victim's tool chest?
Okay, but most people have
a hammer in their house.
But would you chance it?
No, you would come
prepared with something
which is what makes me wonder
if the killer never actually
planned on using a weapon.
What do you mean?
Methodical killers often
prefer strangulation, right?
This lets them exert maximum
control over their victim.
Okay Sarah, but
only a lunatic would try to
kill Rory with their bare hands.
- The guy was six foot two and jacked.
- No, the thing is,
these types of killers
usually target women.
Wait, hold on. Are you suggesting
- that maybe Nina was the intended target?
- Yeah!
I think this is why
we've had so much trouble
getting any traction on this case.
DONOVAN: So if Nina
Trenton is the intended target,
who's the killer?
Oh, definitely not Percy Godfrey.
His motive was against Rory.
Well, that puts us back to
square one with no suspects.
Actually, there is Collin Crawford.
What if he put us on to
the flowers on purpose?
- Why would he do that?
- To taunt us.
Just like Nina was taunted.
And what's his motive?
No idea, yet.
Okay, does he have a history
of violence against women?
No, nothing in the system.
Okay, let's dig into his past.
Okay. First, I'll
- go break the news to Nina that her
husband may have been
killed in her place.
I really hate this part of the job.
Yeah, me too.
But you've got this.
[CLICKS TONGUE] I know, buddy.
Let's go do it.
OFFICER: The victim's
name was Tracy Adams.
Early 30s, single.
She was strangled in her own home.
No prints, no motive, no suspects.
The killer entered
through a rear window.
Okay, okay.
- And did they clean up after themselves?
- They did.
Sounds like our killer's MO.
And she had a dog?
Yeah. It was a year-old mixed breed.
Any idea what happened to it?
We thought it probably ran away.
Or the killer took it but,
we had no idea why or what became of it.
- And you worked the case?
- I did. One of my first ones.
- Hell of a welcome to policing.
Yeah, I bet.
Listen, is there anyone
that was close to Tracy
that might be able to
help me with this case?
Maybe her stepfather.
I met him during the
initial investigation
- and we still keep up.
- I
- yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thank you.
- You got it.
SARAH: Nina, we began exploring
a new theory about the murder
that the target wasn't Rory.
It was you.
I don't understand.
You're saying that
Rory was killed when it
was supposed to be me?
It's possible, yeah.
So we are going to need a list of people
who you might have had
conflicts with back then,
ex-boyfriends who may have
held a grudge, anything.
Am I in any sort of danger?
We don't believe so. But why do you ask?
For the last couple of
days, I've had this feeling
- that I'm being watched.
- Here in the house?
On my way home, after work.
Uh, why didn't you say something?
I don't know. I thought it was
just the pressure of everything.
It's been really hard.
Percy and I fought about Dr. God.
He's moved out.
I'm sorry that you're
going through this. I
I'll have a few officers
keep an eye on you
over the next few days.
Thank you.
MAN: Tracy loved to come here.
We used to walk and talk
and catch up on things.
She was your stepdaughter?
Yeah, I married her mom.
But she passed away from a heart attack.
That just left Tracy and me.
Tom, I read the case file.
You found her?
We were supposed to have breakfast.
But she never showed.
I went looking.
Now, I know there were no suspects,
but did you have any
suspicions whatsoever?
Tracy was quiet.
Went to church.
There were no men in her life.
She was a great person.
Can I ask you a question?
What does Tracy's death have to do
with a murder of a cop in
Newfoundland seven years ago?
You know, both cases are very similar.
The killer's MO.
There was a dog.
He and Tracy were best pals.
What can you tell me about Patch?
Shelter animal.
Nothing really special.
But really friendly.
- You want to see a picture?
- Yeah.
Yeah, definitely.
I love this photo.
I keep it just for the good memories.
Do you mind if I make a copy of this?
Oh, Rex. it's Charlie.
- Charlie!
- Oh, Charlie.
Charlie, I can hardly hear you.
Sorry, I'm at a bus
station in Tres Reyes
just south of Tulum.
What are you doing there?
I found a local taxi driver
who said he dropped Jack off here.
What was he doing?
Buying two tickets to Belize.
Two tickets ?
- Was someone with him?
- I don't know
but I'm going to grab
the bus and find out.
Okay, hold on. How is your dad?
I sent him home. There was
nothing more that he could do.
Listen, the bus is about to pull out.
Oh, okay, Charlie.
Promise me that you'll be careful, okay?
Don't worry. I will.
Love you.
- Be good, Rex!
Oh, Charlie.
- Charlie?
I know.
I wish he were here, too.
Have you been up all night?
Yeah, I landed at 4:00 am.
Listen, I couldn't stop
thinking about your idea
that Nina was the intended victim.
Here, take that. You
need that more than me.
No no, you keep it.
Actually, you look
like you could use it.
I just slept funny.
- Thanks.
- Was it Charlie?
- Yep.
- His phone dropped the connection again.
He is making progress
finding Jack, though.
Okay, that's good news.
- DONOVAN: Jesse.
- Yeah.
Tell Sarah about what
you found out in Toronto.
Right. Okay, so
So Tracy Adams, she was
strangled three years ago.
Her dog Patch also went missing.
Now here's a photo of Tracy.
And here is a photo of Nina.
- Wow, they look really alike.
- Don't they?
What about the crime scene?
Any similarities there?
Well, I mean, it's
virtually the same MO.
Window entry, dog missing.
So, are we looking at the same perp?
Well, the big difference is
this victim was strangled.
No no, methodical killers
tend to repeat themselves.
I know! So I went back through ViCLAS
and filtered the results differently.
Any matches?
Unfortunately, yeah.
JESSE: All strangled.
Similar crime scenes.
Oh my God, all the
victims look like Nina.
All these cases are unsolved.
JESSE: Yeah. Starts
with Rory in St. John's,
Tracy in Ontario and
then they moved West.
But Jesse,
this one in BC,
that was just four months ago!
We're tracking a serial killer.
And one that's still active.
DONOVAN: So, how do
we catch this maniac?
SARAH: Well, I think
we work out from the victims.
So, all brunette, petite, early 30s.
They must represent
something to the perp.
Well, serial killers often come
from dysfunctional families.
Absent, abusive parents.
And the killer lashes out at them
through the victims they choose.
So, what you think the
victim is a substitute
- for the killer's mother?
- Yeah, possibly.
Rex is so obsessed with this toy!
Maybe he's been trying to tell us
there's something up
with it. Let me see.
Are you smelling something on this?
DONOVAN: I mean, that thing's been
in an evidence bag for seven years.
You think Rex is still
picking up a scent?
Well, K9s have been
known to detect cadavers
after 25 years in the ground,
so yeah, it's possible.
Yeah, but what's he alerting to?
- The killer's blood.
Why would the killer be bleeding?
Because dogs bite.
Hold on. You're saying that
Ace attacked the killer.
SARAH: Yeah. And some of
their blood must have ended up
on the toy during the struggle.
It would only be a trace
but it would be enough
that Rex could smell it.
JESSE: But forensics
analyzed this dog toy
during the initial investigation
and only found Ace's DNA.
But the toy would have been
covered in so much dog saliva
that the technician might not
have found other DNA in it.
Fortunately, there
have been advancements
in spectrometry since then.
- I'm going to take this down to the lab, okay?
- Yeah.
You know, considering that these crimes
are committed across the country
I think a flight attendant is
looking pretty good for all this.
Sure, I was in BC four months ago.
- It's my regular route.
- What about seven years ago?
What was your route back then?
I mostly worked St. John's to Toronto.
So, you were in Ontario, often.
What's going on here?
What does any of this have
to do with Rory's murder?
Why don't you tell us?
SARAH: You recognize any of these women?
No, why should I?
They're all murder victims.
DONOVAN: This is Tracy Adams.
She was murdered
four years after Rory was killed.
Don't you think she
looks a lot like Nina?
Those flowers that you told me about.
- Were they from you?
- What?
- This is insane!
- DONOVAN: Is it?
Because we think Nina was supposed
to be the one to die that day.
Just like all of these other women.
Wait, you're trying to pin all of
these murders on me, aren't you?
We're trying to find a
serial killer, Collin.
No no, this is harassment.
I'm going to file a lawsuit
and you are so making my case for me.
I spoke to his airline.
Collin wasn't in the vicinity of four
of the murders when they happened.
Yeah, well, that definitely takes
Crawford off the suspect list.
SARAH: Wait, guys, guys, hold on.
Okay, okay, that's great. Thank you.
Okay, so the lab techs
were able to isolate
a trace amount of human
blood from the dog toy.
They managed to extract DNA from it.
And neither of them are Nina or Rory's?
SARAH: No. And there was a sample taken
at the time of the murder for reference.
No, it's most likely the killer's.
Okay, did you run them through
the National DNA Registry?
SARAH: Yeah, but there were no hits.
So whoever's DNA this is,
they were never convicted
of a serious crime.
Great. So now what?
Well, okay. So I also had the lab
send a sample to a
public genealogy database.
I thought, you know,
if we can't identify
the killer directly,
then maybe we can find a close relative.
And they granted access?
Yeah, all they needed was
proof of immediate danger.
Yeah, I think the presence of a
serial killer qualifies as dangerous.
So do they.
And there was one match.
Apparently, a cousin of the
killer lives here in St. John's.
Okay. Good work, Rex.
That is a good nose you've got, hmm?
I'm surprised!
The police are looking
for a first cousin of mine?
I mean, I've got quite a few, but,
they're all good people.
Well, I can help narrow
it down some for you.
We're looking for a female cousin
who had a son.
Well, I have 11 female cousins.
And eight of them have boys.
The son would have been here
in St. John's seven years ago.
Most of the cousins live on
the West Coast by Stephenville.
Two are here.
But the one has a daughter.
And the other one decided
to keep her figure.
Okay. So no one with a son was here.
No, sorry.
actually, Tanya was. God rest her soul.
She passed away?
About 10 years ago now.
What happened?
No one knows.
I mean, Tanya lived a hard life.
Lots of men.
Lots of parties. Lots of booze.
And I suspect drugs.
I mean it's terrible thing to say, but,
I am not surprised
something happened to her.
- And she had a son?
- Yes.
I mean, she didn't provide
much of a home life.
But uh
but he was grown by the
time she disappeared.
Do you know what became of him?
Well, he's done quite
well for himself, actually.
You may even have heard of him!
SARAH: Tonya Lang.
She disappeared 10 years ago.
There was an extensive search
but her body was never found.
She looks like Nina
and the other victims.
DONOVAN: So, the killer's first victim
might have been his mother, Tonya.
Who's her son?
Aubrey Anderson.
Hi, Nina.
We need to find him.
I have something I've been
meaning to return to you.
Can I speak to Aubrey Anderson, please?
I just tried Nina and she's
not answering her cell.
I'm going to drop by her house.
Okay, I'll have a
cruiser go to her store.
The hotel that Aubrey was staying at
says he checked out an hour ago.
Okay, talk to Border Control
at the ferries and the airports.
We are not letting
Aubrey off this island.
Rex, let's go.
I want to apologize to you.
I'm not interested in your apologies.
I'm sorry about Rory.
But it was your fault.
See, you were always home
by 6:14, but that night,
you didn't leave work till 7:19.
And because of that,
Rory came home before you. And, uh
Well, I had no choice!
We need to finish something
we started a long time ago.
You know, you bear a
striking resemblance to my mother.
From the second I saw
you, I thought that.
But she wasn't much of a mother.
I'm sorry that she treated you poorly,
but I'm not your mother
and I think you should go.
- Shh, shh!
SARAH: I know, Rex.
I hear something too.
- Nina, are you there?
- SARAH: Nina!
Rex, go look around back.
Hey hey! Hey, shhhh!
Shhh! Hey, Rex!
- Shh, shh, shh, shh!!
- Shut up!
He's inside! It's Aubrey!
He just tried to kill me!
SJPD! Aubrey!
Aubrey, it's over.
Thank you
for stopping me, Detective.
SARAH: So, what's
the latest on the case?
Oh! Aubrey's undergoing a psych eval
to see if he's fit to stand trial.
JESSE: I did a deep
dive into his history, too.
Turns out, Aubrey, he worked as
a journalist across the country
and he was in the vicinity
of each of these victims
at the time of their murders.
- What?
- Just not yet, wait!
- JESSE: Okay.
- And he admitted to stealing Ace and Patch
and setting them free.
- Why?
- DONOVAN: He had a dog as a kid.
And apparently, it loved
him unconditionally.
JESSE: Yeah. Much unlike his mother.
How's Nina doing?
Uh, as well as can be expected.
Yeah, she and Percy are
trying to work things out.
- Hopefully they'll be okay.
- Good.
- Yeah.
- Good.
Um, any word from Charlie?
No, I haven't, um
I haven't heard from him in a while.
I mean, the cell phone service
down there is terrible.
But, you know, still
Yeah, I'm getting worried.
You know what? Let me
make a few phone calls.
I'll see if I can get in
touch with the Mexican police
and find out what's going on.
Okay, that would be great, Joe.
Of course.
Are we going to play
some poker, or what?
Yes. Please.
That would be nice.
What do you say, a little
Spit in the Ocean, huh?
Spit in the Ocean?
Yeah, want to play that?
No, no, no, no. Texas Hold 'em!
Okay. Texas Hold 'em.
Texas Hold 'em it is.
Okay, you may not be the best dealer
but you do have an
amazing poker face, Rex.
Okay, Rex. Omaha Hi it is.
DONOVAN: Good luck, Sarah.
- Oh, thanks!
Hey, Ace!
- Guess who's home!
Guess who got off early, buddy!
There he is!
Want to go for a walk, buddy?
- Guess who's off!
Want me to get your leash?
There you are.
Where's my good boy?
What's up, Ace?
Hey, buddy? What are you looking at?
MAN'S VOICE: The attack
was quick, and brutal.
The killer raining down blow after blow
on his helpless victim.
Seven years have passed
since Detective Rory Trenton
was found dead in his
home in St. John's.
His killer is yet to be found.
And that, my friends,
concludes chapter one.
Let's hear a round of applause
for author Aubrey Anderson.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It's a real honour to launch
my book in my hometown.
So thank you.
Now, if anyone has questions
- MC: Over here.
I have a question.
How dare you use my personal
tragedy to sell books?
This is Nina Trenton.
Rory's wife.
I tried to contact you.
I hope you rot in hell!
NINA: How dare you use
my personal tragedy
- to sell books?
- This is Nina Trenton.
Rory's wife.
I tried to contact you, Nina.
NINA: I hope you rot in hell!
Oh, I feel for her.
To lose your husband, then
have the crime exploited.
Yeah. This video has gone viral.
It's over 300,000
views since last night.
- It's all over radio and television.
And the mayor called
the chief last night.
And we're taking
another look at the case.
- Yeah, exactly.
- The Trenton case files
- are on their way from storage.
- Oh, great.
Thank you. Please upload those
to the national violent
offence's database
just in case we missed
anything the first time around.
- Will do.
- DONOVAN: Thank you.
a copy of this. Hot off the press.
Thought we may need a reference copy.
Why does the author's name ring a bell?
Well, before he turned to writing,
Aubrey was a local crime reporter.
He was a colossal pain
in the department's backside.
SARAH: Seven years
ago, you worked the case?
Well, not directly.
But every officer knew
what was going down.
There was no evidence
of the crime scene.
No fingerprints, no DNA.
- SARAH: And what about suspects?
- DONOVAN: None.
Rory was well-liked.
He had no obvious enemies.
And we went through
several of his old cases
and everyone who might have had a grudge
had a rock solid alibi.
- Personal life?
- No, no familial trouble.
By all accounts, he was
a happily married man.
I mean, this was a long slog to nowhere
- for both Rory and Nina.
There's no indication
that Rory tried to defend himself.
And that led original
investigators to believe
that the killer surprised him.
What was the murder weapon?
DONOVAN: Based on skull impressions,
forensics determined that
it was a claw hammer.
And there was also one
missing from his toolkit.
How did the killer enter?
Uh, a rear window.
That kind of attack would
create significant blood spatter
but this place looks spotless.
DONOVAN: Well, the
place was thoroughly cleaned.
The killer used household
cleaning products.
Why go through the
effort of cleaning a scene
and then leave the body behind?
I don't know. Maybe they
you know, ran out of
time? Were interrupted?
Or, it might have been
compulsive behaviour.
Just something they felt they had to do.
Rex, what is this?
- Oh, that's a
That's a dog toy from the crime scene.
JESSE: Wait. Rory and Nina had a dog?
DONOVAN: Yeah. Yeah, Ace.
He was there at the time of the murder.
What happened to it?
We don't know.
He vanished.
We spoke to the vet and he said
that the dog wasn't micro-chipped.
I wonder if Aubrey Anderson
has any insight into the killer?
Just because he's exploiting
the crime for his own profit
doesn't mean he hasn't
researched it thoroughly.
Yeah, I'm sure he's dug down
and found something interesting.
But first, talk to Nina Trenton.
She deserves to know
that this case is active.
Rex, let's go.
NINA: Last night was a mistake.
I should never have
gone to that reading.
But I wanted to give that
man a piece of my mind.
I did not intend to lose it so publicly.
I understand. And look, I'm sorry
that I have to ask you, but,
you must have thought
about who might have wanted
to hurt your husband?
For a while, that's all I ever did.
And did any names ever come to mind?
I've actually come to
believe it was just random.
Can you remember anything
out of the ordinary
in the days before the murder?
You know, even the slightest thing?
Did you remarry?
Yes, that's Percy Godfrey.
When I lost Rory,
and Ace,
I lost my whole world.
If I didn't have the store to run,
I don't think I would have made it.
But then I met Percy, and
he gave me a chance to start over.
Okay, well thank you, Nina.
Feel free to call me any time, okay?
And I'll make sure to keep you updated.
I'd appreciate that.
MAN: Excuse me. You must be the police.
Detective Sarah Truong.
- This is my partner, Rex.
- You must be Nina's husband.
- I am. Dr. Godfrey.
Nina told me you were dropping by.
I came as soon as I could.
Well, I know this must
be a difficult time.
Nina was so upset after the
book reading, she couldn't sleep.
For her sake, Detective,
please stop this investigation.
I'm afraid we can't do that.
But I'll do my best to make it
as easy on you two as possible.
Mr. Godfrey.
Do you have any thoughts
about what happened to Rory?
Nina said he was well-liked.
My guess, it had something to
do with one of his old cases.
I wasn't part of her life back then.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to make sure
my wife is all right.
A bookstore owner told me
I could find you here Mr. Anderson.
Mmm. My publisher
arranged this space for me.
They want me to stick around
now that the case is active.
- Oh, why is that?
- Well, because if you find the killer
I'll need to rewrite the ending!
So you don't live in St. John's anymore?
No, I haven't in years.
I've travelled, written
across the country,
but the Rory Trenton case has
always fascinated me and so it
just drew me back home.
Something seems to have caught
my partner's attention.
Oh, that's right.
That's Nina's. Nina Trenton's.
I found it on her chair at the
book launch after everyone left.
I've been planning to
give it back to her.
But I think I'm probably the last person
that she'll want to see right now.
If you're so concerned
about Nina's well-being,
why publish a book about the murder?
Rory Trenton deserves justice.
And look what's happened.
All the publicity has
created public protests
and now the investigation
is active again.
Sometimes cold cases
need to be forced open.
You know,
I'd love to hear your first impressions.
If it's not too confidential.
The information we're working
off is public knowledge, so
- Okay!
- Yeah, sure.
I'd say on the one hand,
the killer is calm and collected
but compulsive on the other.
Yeah, methodical yet pathological.
Cleaning the scene but leaving the body
suggest they were irrational.
Entering through the rear
window, lying in wait,
leaving no evidence, those all
show signs of rational control.
To me, attacking a six foot two officer
with only a hammer is the
definition of irrational.
But you know, it's yin and yang.
Isn't it?
- Your turn to help me.
- Okay.
While researching your book,
did you speak with anyone
who caught your attention?
Yeah, there was one person
that I always was suspicious of.
He's not in the book
because I didn't want
to land a defamation suit.
But I first interviewed him
just days after the crime.
Hold on.
AUBREY: Would you say
you've lost all faith in
the police department?
I would.
I used to feel safer,
having an officer next door.
AUBREY: Right.
But now that the entire force
can't find one killer
Now I just think cops are a joke.
That's the Aubrey
Anderson that I remember.
Well, he claims he does
it for the greater good.
He's always trying to rile up the public
against the police force.
Who's he interviewing again, remind me?
Collin Crawford. He lived
next door to Rory and Nina.
He worked as a flight attendant.
JESSE: Still does. I ran
him through the system. No record.
No, hold on. I remember this guy now.
He clammed up right
after that interview.
He didn't have an alibi
for the night of the murder
but there was also no evidence
linking up to the crime either.
SARAH: Aubrey said he
stopped cooperating with him too
and wouldn't be
interviewed for the book.
- Okay, check him out.
- Okay.
You know what? I've actually
been reading Aubrey's book
and the writing's pretty good.
Yeah, anything of interest in there?
Nothing we don't already know
but there is speculation
that Ace's disappearance
has some significance.
So I put a sort of BOLO
out for local dog groups
just to see if anything turns up.
So better keep your eye on the ball.
Oh, yeah. I will
keep my eye on the ball.
This is the ball.
This is my eye.
I'm going to keep it on the ball.
Got it.
Excuse me?
- Collin Crawford?
- Yeah?
Your house cleaner told
me I could find you here.
- And you are?
- Detective Sarah Truong, SJPD.
This is my partner, Rex. I just need
to ask you something. Rex.
- COLLIN: Back off!
- Get off me!
Get down!
- Okay.
You have something to hide?
I want to speak with my lawyer.
So we're going to be doing
this the hard way, then.
- Where's my lawyer?
- SARAH: En route.
But I wanted to speak with you
about something before they arrive.
No way.
Well, what I want to talk
about, you don't need a lawyer for.
Unless that is you had something
to do with Rory Trenton's murder.
Rory Trenton?
You mean you're not
here about the cameras?
I never should have said that.
I bring them into the country.
I was just helping a buddy out.
You can talk to your lawyer about that
when they get here, okay? But right now,
Rory Trenton.
I knew as soon as I saw the news that
they were reopening in the case
and this nightmare was
going to start all over.
What do you want to know?
Tell me about your
relationship with Rory and Nina.
They were just my neighbours.
We'd chat. Sometimes I'd
walk their dog for them.
- Okay, so no problems with them?
- None.
Tell me about Rory's murder.
What's there to tell?
It made me angry.
That's why I gave that
interview with Aubrey Anderson
but I learned my lesson.
What do you mean?
I called the police a joke
and that's when the threats started.
Calls in the middle of the night.
Threatening notes on my windshield
telling me that if I criticized
the cops, I'd end up dead.
You didn't report these threats?
To the very same police?
Get serious.
I just kept my mouth
shut and I moved on.
I'm sorry you were
threatened, Mr. Crawford.
Okay, and I am truly sorry
that you lost faith in the department.
if you know anything about
Rory Trenton's murder,
you need to speak up.
For Nina's sake.
It probably doesn't mean anything, but,
two months after the murder,
a bouquet was delivered
to Nina and Rory's house.
Three dozen pink roses
with a note saying they were for Nina.
But she wasn't living there anymore,
so I took them over to my place
and she came to pick
them up when I texted her.
What did she say when she saw them?
She cried, took them, and left.
Did she say who they were from?
But I got the feeling she knew.
DONOVAN: So what's a deal with
the pink roses Nina received?
And who sent them?
I was thinking it was a mourner,
but pink isn't the colour of mourning.
It's the colour of romance.
So maybe Nina had someone on
the side while Rory was alive.
Look at this.
Jesse just sent me some info about a guy
who made hundreds of comments
on Nina's social media posts
shortly before the murder.
Dr. God?
Any idea what his real identity is?
Jesse dug in deeper here.
That's Percy Godfrey.
Nina's new husband.
This guy didn't try too hard
to disguise himself, did he?
No, and he liked every
comment Nina made.
It was as if he wanted to be noticed.
- Well, did Nina interact with him?
- No.
She didn't engage with any of his posts.
Could Nina have lied
about knowing Godfrey
while Rory was alive?
Or maybe her future husband started out
as an anonymous stalker.
NINA: I remember the flowers.
I picked them up at Collin's.
He said you gave him the impression
that you knew who they were from.
Of course I knew.
They were from Rory,
for our anniversary.
Getting them was heartbreaking.
I cried all night.
But Rory was dead.
Obviously, he pre-ordered them.
You never mentioned getting
the flowers to the police.
Why would I?
Were you absolutely certain
Rory was the one who sent them?
Who else would have?
Do you remember a Dr. God
who was following you on social media?
Dr. God?
Yeah, I do!
He was some troll.
I never interacted with him.
Well, Dr. God was a nickname
used by your current husband.
Percy was Dr. God?
We didn't even know
each other back then.
I mean, apparently he
remembers meeting me
at some party years ago,
but I have no recollection.
- Are you sure about this?
- Yes.
And he had been following you
for four months before Rory died.
Why would he do that?
GODFREY: Dr. God was
a joke account I made
when I was a dental student.
I created a new profile since
then that was more professional.
See the thing about stalkers,
is they like to track
their victim's socials
while they remain anonymous.
Are you suggesting I stalked Nina?
No, you're actually wondering
if I had something to do with
Rory's murder, aren't you?
See, you were invisible to Nina.
She had Rory.
She had Ace.
So hear me out. Maybe,
now just maybe, you thought
that by removing them,
she'd finally notice you.
That's ridiculous.
Is it?
Because two months after Rory's death,
someone sent Nina a bouquet of roses.
Was it you?
Of course not.
She said they were from Rory.
DONOVAN: Godfrey seemed convinced
- that the flowers were from Rory.
- Okay.
I mean, maybe he and Nina are
coordinating their stories.
Yeah, suggesting they
conspired to do away with Rory.
- It's possible.
- Maybe.
You should run it by Sarah.
Well, Aubrey Anderson, he
wanted to speak with her.
Listen, I think I might have something.
Something came up on ViCLAS.
A murder in Ontario three years ago.
- What matched?
- Well, the MO in general,
but the thing that caught my eye
is that the victim's dog vanished.
Yeah, like Ace.
Yeah, but it's not much to go on though.
But, I mean, you know what I can do
is that I can get a flight to Toronto,
be back in less than a day.
Yeah, that's good.
Just make sure you get a compact
and fly economy.
Maybe economy plus for extra leg room?
Is that a no?
AUBREY: Thank you for meeting
me on my daily constitutional.
Writers spend way too
much time at their desk.
[SARAH CHUCKLES] Not a problem.
- Rex needs to stretch his legs, too.
So you wanted to talk with me?
Yeah, I heard about the
flowers that Nina received.
What I've still got some
contacts on the force.
Not all cops hate me.
So, any idea who sent the bouquet?
You may have your sources, but,
I'm not one of them.
You want me to tell you who it was?
Collin Crawford.
Same person who just told me about them?
Why would he potentially
incriminate himself like that?
Well, like we discussed,
this killer is a contradiction
and Collin fits that bill.
He kills a cop
then complains about them on TV.
He refuses to give me an interview
and then turns around and
coughs up this evidence?
Real evidence?
Why would Collin send flowers
to Nina in the first place?
Well, as awful as It might sound,
some murderers get off on
prolonging the family's suffering.
Oh, wow. So now you're a profiler.
I've read hundreds
of papers on killers.
If you're going to write
credibly, you have to know
what you're writing about. Look,
imagine Collin
enjoying the look on Nina's face
as she retrieved the flowers.
There is no evidence to support this.
Finding proof is your job.
Not mine.
I'm just here to give you some thoughts.
Okay, Rex, I need to think this through
and you have to help me.
- Okay, okay.
Let's try something else. Okay,
you're going to help me, all right?
- You're the killer.
Okay, I know. You're the killer.
And I'm going to be Rory.
We know Rory was surprised. So,
you've probably broken in
and found a place to hide.
So you're hiding somewhere.
Go. You're going to go hide.
- Nice spot.
Yeah. So you're back
there. You're lying in wait.
I'm Rory. And
Hey, you're supposed to be hiding.
You've got to hide well to be
a good killer. Get down.
Okay, so does Rory head
over to the kitchen?
He could head over to the kitchen.
Or maybe actually no, Ace.
Maybe he was down talking to Ace.
And that's when you would
leap out from your hiding spot.
- And yes!
You hit me with a
hammer! [CHUCKLES] Ohhh.
Good job.
You're very good at
this killing business.
But something is wrong
about this, hey, buddy?
What is it?
I guess they would have
carefully thought everything out.
They picked a window
to break in through.
They knew when to do it so
they could surprise Rory.
- Did they have a hiding spot?
No, they probably just found that.
Okay, so they were there,
waiting with the hammer
from Rory's tool chest.
The hammer!
Rex, that doesn't make sense, does it?
So you think the hammer is the key?
Well, think about it. The
killer planned everything down
to the last detail except
for the murder weapon.
They randomly took that out
of the victim's tool chest?
Okay, but most people have
a hammer in their house.
But would you chance it?
No, you would come
prepared with something
which is what makes me wonder
if the killer never actually
planned on using a weapon.
What do you mean?
Methodical killers often
prefer strangulation, right?
This lets them exert maximum
control over their victim.
Okay Sarah, but
only a lunatic would try to
kill Rory with their bare hands.
- The guy was six foot two and jacked.
- No, the thing is,
these types of killers
usually target women.
Wait, hold on. Are you suggesting
- that maybe Nina was the intended target?
- Yeah!
I think this is why
we've had so much trouble
getting any traction on this case.
DONOVAN: So if Nina
Trenton is the intended target,
who's the killer?
Oh, definitely not Percy Godfrey.
His motive was against Rory.
Well, that puts us back to
square one with no suspects.
Actually, there is Collin Crawford.
What if he put us on to
the flowers on purpose?
- Why would he do that?
- To taunt us.
Just like Nina was taunted.
And what's his motive?
No idea, yet.
Okay, does he have a history
of violence against women?
No, nothing in the system.
Okay, let's dig into his past.
Okay. First, I'll
- go break the news to Nina that her
husband may have been
killed in her place.
I really hate this part of the job.
Yeah, me too.
But you've got this.
[CLICKS TONGUE] I know, buddy.
Let's go do it.
OFFICER: The victim's
name was Tracy Adams.
Early 30s, single.
She was strangled in her own home.
No prints, no motive, no suspects.
The killer entered
through a rear window.
Okay, okay.
- And did they clean up after themselves?
- They did.
Sounds like our killer's MO.
And she had a dog?
Yeah. It was a year-old mixed breed.
Any idea what happened to it?
We thought it probably ran away.
Or the killer took it but,
we had no idea why or what became of it.
- And you worked the case?
- I did. One of my first ones.
- Hell of a welcome to policing.
Yeah, I bet.
Listen, is there anyone
that was close to Tracy
that might be able to
help me with this case?
Maybe her stepfather.
I met him during the
initial investigation
- and we still keep up.
- I
- yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thank you.
- You got it.
SARAH: Nina, we began exploring
a new theory about the murder
that the target wasn't Rory.
It was you.
I don't understand.
You're saying that
Rory was killed when it
was supposed to be me?
It's possible, yeah.
So we are going to need a list of people
who you might have had
conflicts with back then,
ex-boyfriends who may have
held a grudge, anything.
Am I in any sort of danger?
We don't believe so. But why do you ask?
For the last couple of
days, I've had this feeling
- that I'm being watched.
- Here in the house?
On my way home, after work.
Uh, why didn't you say something?
I don't know. I thought it was
just the pressure of everything.
It's been really hard.
Percy and I fought about Dr. God.
He's moved out.
I'm sorry that you're
going through this. I
I'll have a few officers
keep an eye on you
over the next few days.
Thank you.
MAN: Tracy loved to come here.
We used to walk and talk
and catch up on things.
She was your stepdaughter?
Yeah, I married her mom.
But she passed away from a heart attack.
That just left Tracy and me.
Tom, I read the case file.
You found her?
We were supposed to have breakfast.
But she never showed.
I went looking.
Now, I know there were no suspects,
but did you have any
suspicions whatsoever?
Tracy was quiet.
Went to church.
There were no men in her life.
She was a great person.
Can I ask you a question?
What does Tracy's death have to do
with a murder of a cop in
Newfoundland seven years ago?
You know, both cases are very similar.
The killer's MO.
There was a dog.
He and Tracy were best pals.
What can you tell me about Patch?
Shelter animal.
Nothing really special.
But really friendly.
- You want to see a picture?
- Yeah.
Yeah, definitely.
I love this photo.
I keep it just for the good memories.
Do you mind if I make a copy of this?
Oh, Rex. it's Charlie.
- Charlie!
- Oh, Charlie.
Charlie, I can hardly hear you.
Sorry, I'm at a bus
station in Tres Reyes
just south of Tulum.
What are you doing there?
I found a local taxi driver
who said he dropped Jack off here.
What was he doing?
Buying two tickets to Belize.
Two tickets ?
- Was someone with him?
- I don't know
but I'm going to grab
the bus and find out.
Okay, hold on. How is your dad?
I sent him home. There was
nothing more that he could do.
Listen, the bus is about to pull out.
Oh, okay, Charlie.
Promise me that you'll be careful, okay?
Don't worry. I will.
Love you.
- Be good, Rex!
Oh, Charlie.
- Charlie?
I know.
I wish he were here, too.
Have you been up all night?
Yeah, I landed at 4:00 am.
Listen, I couldn't stop
thinking about your idea
that Nina was the intended victim.
Here, take that. You
need that more than me.
No no, you keep it.
Actually, you look
like you could use it.
I just slept funny.
- Thanks.
- Was it Charlie?
- Yep.
- His phone dropped the connection again.
He is making progress
finding Jack, though.
Okay, that's good news.
- DONOVAN: Jesse.
- Yeah.
Tell Sarah about what
you found out in Toronto.
Right. Okay, so
So Tracy Adams, she was
strangled three years ago.
Her dog Patch also went missing.
Now here's a photo of Tracy.
And here is a photo of Nina.
- Wow, they look really alike.
- Don't they?
What about the crime scene?
Any similarities there?
Well, I mean, it's
virtually the same MO.
Window entry, dog missing.
So, are we looking at the same perp?
Well, the big difference is
this victim was strangled.
No no, methodical killers
tend to repeat themselves.
I know! So I went back through ViCLAS
and filtered the results differently.
Any matches?
Unfortunately, yeah.
JESSE: All strangled.
Similar crime scenes.
Oh my God, all the
victims look like Nina.
All these cases are unsolved.
JESSE: Yeah. Starts
with Rory in St. John's,
Tracy in Ontario and
then they moved West.
But Jesse,
this one in BC,
that was just four months ago!
We're tracking a serial killer.
And one that's still active.
DONOVAN: So, how do
we catch this maniac?
SARAH: Well, I think
we work out from the victims.
So, all brunette, petite, early 30s.
They must represent
something to the perp.
Well, serial killers often come
from dysfunctional families.
Absent, abusive parents.
And the killer lashes out at them
through the victims they choose.
So, what you think the
victim is a substitute
- for the killer's mother?
- Yeah, possibly.
Rex is so obsessed with this toy!
Maybe he's been trying to tell us
there's something up
with it. Let me see.
Are you smelling something on this?
DONOVAN: I mean, that thing's been
in an evidence bag for seven years.
You think Rex is still
picking up a scent?
Well, K9s have been
known to detect cadavers
after 25 years in the ground,
so yeah, it's possible.
Yeah, but what's he alerting to?
- The killer's blood.
Why would the killer be bleeding?
Because dogs bite.
Hold on. You're saying that
Ace attacked the killer.
SARAH: Yeah. And some of
their blood must have ended up
on the toy during the struggle.
It would only be a trace
but it would be enough
that Rex could smell it.
JESSE: But forensics
analyzed this dog toy
during the initial investigation
and only found Ace's DNA.
But the toy would have been
covered in so much dog saliva
that the technician might not
have found other DNA in it.
Fortunately, there
have been advancements
in spectrometry since then.
- I'm going to take this down to the lab, okay?
- Yeah.
You know, considering that these crimes
are committed across the country
I think a flight attendant is
looking pretty good for all this.
Sure, I was in BC four months ago.
- It's my regular route.
- What about seven years ago?
What was your route back then?
I mostly worked St. John's to Toronto.
So, you were in Ontario, often.
What's going on here?
What does any of this have
to do with Rory's murder?
Why don't you tell us?
SARAH: You recognize any of these women?
No, why should I?
They're all murder victims.
DONOVAN: This is Tracy Adams.
She was murdered
four years after Rory was killed.
Don't you think she
looks a lot like Nina?
Those flowers that you told me about.
- Were they from you?
- What?
- This is insane!
- DONOVAN: Is it?
Because we think Nina was supposed
to be the one to die that day.
Just like all of these other women.
Wait, you're trying to pin all of
these murders on me, aren't you?
We're trying to find a
serial killer, Collin.
No no, this is harassment.
I'm going to file a lawsuit
and you are so making my case for me.
I spoke to his airline.
Collin wasn't in the vicinity of four
of the murders when they happened.
Yeah, well, that definitely takes
Crawford off the suspect list.
SARAH: Wait, guys, guys, hold on.
Okay, okay, that's great. Thank you.
Okay, so the lab techs
were able to isolate
a trace amount of human
blood from the dog toy.
They managed to extract DNA from it.
And neither of them are Nina or Rory's?
SARAH: No. And there was a sample taken
at the time of the murder for reference.
No, it's most likely the killer's.
Okay, did you run them through
the National DNA Registry?
SARAH: Yeah, but there were no hits.
So whoever's DNA this is,
they were never convicted
of a serious crime.
Great. So now what?
Well, okay. So I also had the lab
send a sample to a
public genealogy database.
I thought, you know,
if we can't identify
the killer directly,
then maybe we can find a close relative.
And they granted access?
Yeah, all they needed was
proof of immediate danger.
Yeah, I think the presence of a
serial killer qualifies as dangerous.
So do they.
And there was one match.
Apparently, a cousin of the
killer lives here in St. John's.
Okay. Good work, Rex.
That is a good nose you've got, hmm?
I'm surprised!
The police are looking
for a first cousin of mine?
I mean, I've got quite a few, but,
they're all good people.
Well, I can help narrow
it down some for you.
We're looking for a female cousin
who had a son.
Well, I have 11 female cousins.
And eight of them have boys.
The son would have been here
in St. John's seven years ago.
Most of the cousins live on
the West Coast by Stephenville.
Two are here.
But the one has a daughter.
And the other one decided
to keep her figure.
Okay. So no one with a son was here.
No, sorry.
actually, Tanya was. God rest her soul.
She passed away?
About 10 years ago now.
What happened?
No one knows.
I mean, Tanya lived a hard life.
Lots of men.
Lots of parties. Lots of booze.
And I suspect drugs.
I mean it's terrible thing to say, but,
I am not surprised
something happened to her.
- And she had a son?
- Yes.
I mean, she didn't provide
much of a home life.
But uh
but he was grown by the
time she disappeared.
Do you know what became of him?
Well, he's done quite
well for himself, actually.
You may even have heard of him!
SARAH: Tonya Lang.
She disappeared 10 years ago.
There was an extensive search
but her body was never found.
She looks like Nina
and the other victims.
DONOVAN: So, the killer's first victim
might have been his mother, Tonya.
Who's her son?
Aubrey Anderson.
Hi, Nina.
We need to find him.
I have something I've been
meaning to return to you.
Can I speak to Aubrey Anderson, please?
I just tried Nina and she's
not answering her cell.
I'm going to drop by her house.
Okay, I'll have a
cruiser go to her store.
The hotel that Aubrey was staying at
says he checked out an hour ago.
Okay, talk to Border Control
at the ferries and the airports.
We are not letting
Aubrey off this island.
Rex, let's go.
I want to apologize to you.
I'm not interested in your apologies.
I'm sorry about Rory.
But it was your fault.
See, you were always home
by 6:14, but that night,
you didn't leave work till 7:19.
And because of that,
Rory came home before you. And, uh
Well, I had no choice!
We need to finish something
we started a long time ago.
You know, you bear a
striking resemblance to my mother.
From the second I saw
you, I thought that.
But she wasn't much of a mother.
I'm sorry that she treated you poorly,
but I'm not your mother
and I think you should go.
- Shh, shh!
SARAH: I know, Rex.
I hear something too.
- Nina, are you there?
- SARAH: Nina!
Rex, go look around back.
Hey hey! Hey, shhhh!
Shhh! Hey, Rex!
- Shh, shh, shh, shh!!
- Shut up!
He's inside! It's Aubrey!
He just tried to kill me!
SJPD! Aubrey!
Aubrey, it's over.
Thank you
for stopping me, Detective.
SARAH: So, what's
the latest on the case?
Oh! Aubrey's undergoing a psych eval
to see if he's fit to stand trial.
JESSE: I did a deep
dive into his history, too.
Turns out, Aubrey, he worked as
a journalist across the country
and he was in the vicinity
of each of these victims
at the time of their murders.
- What?
- Just not yet, wait!
- JESSE: Okay.
- And he admitted to stealing Ace and Patch
and setting them free.
- Why?
- DONOVAN: He had a dog as a kid.
And apparently, it loved
him unconditionally.
JESSE: Yeah. Much unlike his mother.
How's Nina doing?
Uh, as well as can be expected.
Yeah, she and Percy are
trying to work things out.
- Hopefully they'll be okay.
- Good.
- Yeah.
- Good.
Um, any word from Charlie?
No, I haven't, um
I haven't heard from him in a while.
I mean, the cell phone service
down there is terrible.
But, you know, still
Yeah, I'm getting worried.
You know what? Let me
make a few phone calls.
I'll see if I can get in
touch with the Mexican police
and find out what's going on.
Okay, that would be great, Joe.
Of course.
Are we going to play
some poker, or what?
Yes. Please.
That would be nice.
What do you say, a little
Spit in the Ocean, huh?
Spit in the Ocean?
Yeah, want to play that?
No, no, no, no. Texas Hold 'em!
Okay. Texas Hold 'em.
Texas Hold 'em it is.
Okay, you may not be the best dealer
but you do have an
amazing poker face, Rex.
Okay, Rex. Omaha Hi it is.
DONOVAN: Good luck, Sarah.
- Oh, thanks!