The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s07e05 Episode Script


THUNK: [giggles]
Oh yeah, Douglas.
No one is ever
gonna find me here.
See, the key to hiding
is if you can't see them,
-they can't see you.
[Eep sighs]
Douglas! Shush!
Someone's coming.
-Found you, Thunk. You're out.
-What? But, how? Douglas,
did you spill the hiding beans?
Did you sell me out?
[whining growl]
-Don't blame Douglas!
You have to hide harder than
that if you wanna win.
Hunt or be hunted.
-Challenge accepted.
Come on, buddy!
And sorry I accused you.
My hiding emotions run hot.
-Wait, I didn't mean now!
I guess we're playing again.
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together, stuck,
stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-[giggles] We really outsmarted
'em this time.
-Hide-five. [grunts]
-[stomach growls, whines]
Don't worry about that, Dugboat,
'cause I got that covered.
Boingo! Bug nuggets.
-Or my hand.
-THUNK [whispers]: Douglas,
I think I hear someone.
-[Thunk gasping]
It's Eep, and she's close.
-Found you again, Thunk.
You're out.
How does this keep happening?
-You just need to pick
a better hiding spot.
-Maybe someplace dark?
Like under a blanket.
-Or like a non-blanket option.
Uh, a non-blanket,
non-your-hands dark place.
-Closets. The outhouse.
The kid cave.
-[stops humming]
Kid cave Hiding spot
Um, I have to go now.
I just came up
with an amazing hiding spot.
You'll never find me! [panting]
-And we're still playing.
This is our hide time, Douglas.
Our hide moment!
Eep is never going to
-EEP: Found you. You're out.
-What?! How did you
'Cause I was just
And you were just What?!
-Are you seriously surprised
I found you in here?
-Yes! How did you crack
our hiding code?
-I told you about the kid cave.
Then, you said "kid cave"
and "hiding spot."
And then, you left.
you just need to face the truth.
You're terrible at hiding.
- Orthese hiding spots
have used up
all their hiding juice.
-It's not the spots.
Sorry, Thunk, but Eep's right.
You're a wonderful person
and a terrible hider.
No offense.
[animalistic chittering]
-GUY: They're right, T-Bone.
-Eating, watching, sleeping?
No one's better.
But this just isn't your game.
-Leave the hiding to us.
put my hide aside?
There's gotta be a way
to up my hide game.
Guys? Whoa!
They are good.
-EEP/GUY/DAWN: Thanks!
-[screaming, crash]
-More burnips, me?
Ah, don't mind if I do.
-Why is everyone surprised
their hands get burned
when they pick up a burnip?
I mean,
burnis right in the name!
-It is? Oh, yeah. It is!
-And don't get me started
on shockoleeks.
-What's wrong with shocko
Oh, yeah. 'Cause shock.
-[Thunk sighs loudly]
So are you gonna
pass me the burnips or
[wailing, dramatic sigh]
Is the wind sad today?
-No, that's Thunk.
-What's wrong, Thunk?
-Wrong? Oh, you got me.
I guess I can't hide my feelings
from you
just like I can't hide myself
from anyone.
Mom, Dad, why can't I hide?
We knew this day
would come eventually.
-We did? I didn't.
-Yeah, but we were gonna wait
until you were old enough.
-Old enough for what?
And why do you keep saying "we?"
-Thunk, Crood men
have never been able to hide.
-Say what now?
-It's true, son.
We can run, but we can't hide.
Just ask your
great-great Grandfather Lug,
or your great Grandfather Glug,
or your great uncles
Chug and Cornelius.
Well, you can't 'cause they're
gone. But, if you could,
they'd tell you hiding
isn't our thing.
-But, Dad, you're a Crood man,
and you loveto hide.
-I do, son. But the truth is
I'm terrible at it.
Here, I'll show you. Ugga.
-One two
-[panicked panting]
-three four five
-six seven
-[frenzied gasping]
-eight nine
-Ready or not, here I come.
-Found you.
-Aw See?
-It's okay, pal.
You'll learn to live with this.
-[voice breaking]:
Just like I have.
-But it doesn't make any sense.
I mean,
hiding is just lying low,
and I do that all day long.
-Hiding is much more than that.
You need it for hunting, spying,
sabotage, sneak attacks,
Hiding is a valuable weapon!
not as valuable as a spear.
Or a sword. Or a club.
Or a hammer. Or an ax,
especially one of those
-double-blade numbers
-The point is
hiding's important,
and I can teach the boy to hide.
She can't do the impossible!
We are who we are!
The unhidden!
-I can do it, kid.
And the best part is
it'll crush your father's soul!
-But, if you want my help,
you gotta find me first.
-No problem, Gran,
because you're standing
right in front of
-[wind blowing]
So if I can't hide, can I find?
-Of course!
-If you get lucky.
GRAN: Okay, speed bump,
before we get started,
I need to know
what I'm working with.
So, hit me with your best hide.
I'll give you
to the count of three.
you're definitely Grug's son,
no question about that.
THUNK: Yeah,
a-and I'm definitely stuck.
Can you pull me out?
[gasps, sighs]
So, how bad is it?
-Bad as it gets.
You couldn't hide
if you were invisible.
But the good news is
your hide guide is the best
hider that ever lived.
-Ooh! Sounds great. Who is it?
-Me, you human pillow!
And you're gonna hide
if it's the last thing you do!
Works for me!
As soon as you can get me
unstuck again.
GRAN: First thing about
being a good hider
is you gotta keep
your yap trapped!
I've seen some great hiders
found 'cause of loose lips.
that's not a problem for me.
This one time,
when I was watching window,
I ate so many spike nuts,
my tongue was like,
"Nope. Can't talk"
-Great story. Now,
see if your mouth can be quiet
while the rest of your body
is screaming.
[muffled screaming]
[muffled screaming]
I thought you liked spike nuts!
Not so easy, is it?
Well, too bad
'cause it's about to get harder!
-With burnips!
-[muffled screaming]
Keep moving! No hot, no hide!
-Are you sure about this, Gran?
I mean, this doesn't even seem
like a good hiding spot.
-A good hider knows
how to stay as still as a stick.
Now, don't move, or you'll wake
that little guy up,
and then,
he'll make you still for good.
-[nervous whimpering]
-That's it.
Nice and still.
-Oh look. Mom's back.
-[nervous gasp]
-Another thing about hiding
is knowing when to find
a new hiding spot!
-[nervous laugh]
And when's that? Gran?
[happy whine]
-Now, the most important thing
to being a good hider
is blending in. Like this!
-[gasps, yelps]
-Any questions?!
-That's amazing!
Can you teach me how to do that?
-Probably not. Now, blend!
-Squeak? 'Cause I'm a door?
-You gotta do better
than that. Blend!
I mean,
I'm a branch! That's falling!
[screams, grunts]
-Better, but still bad.
-Now, blend!
-[quiet snoring]
[Gran laughs]
Found yaHuh.
If he's not here, he's nowhere.
He must have melted.
Is this blendy enough?
-Well, well, well.
Look who's not a completely
hopeless hider after all.
-I guess the hide
was insideof me
the whole time. [grunts]
-Thanks, Gran
-Paws off, spit-shine!
You smell like cat tongue!
But now that you can hide,
I got a job for you.
-Sure thing, Gran. But first,
I've got a score to settle.
-You can run,
but you can hide, too!
'Cause that's what you're doing.
-Thunk? Can hide?
-A Crood man can hide?!
-I know this is
exciting for you.
-But you have to remember,
just because
Thunk can hide now
-That I can hide, too! That's
exactly what I was thinking!
-Not what I was thinking at all.
But it doesn't matter because
-Try to find me!
If you can! [laughing]
[giggling] I-I'm hiding.
-[gasps] I don't believe it.
Grug is nowhere to be found!
-They don't see me.
-It's like he disappeared!
I guess I'll go look for him.
-I can hide. I can hide!
-I mean, it's not the cheese
that's being grilled.
It's the bread.
So if you think about it,
it should really be called
a grilled bread sandwich
featuring cheese.
-Stack the stick!
but foodfor thought.
-Good one, me. [gasps]
-[Thunk laughs]
-"Food for thought!"
That is a good one, G-man.
-I think.
Thunk! I didn't see you there.
-Huh. What a weird thing
to say to a
"wonderful person-slash-
terrible hider." Oh,
and a bread sandwich would just
be two pieces of bread
with another piece of bread
in the middle.
-Exactly! Also, how long
have you been sitting there?
-Long enough
for my leg to fall asleep.
Gah! I can't feel it.
I can't feel it!
Oh, there it is.
Welcome back, leg.
That reminds me.
How long has it been
since we played that game?
What was it called again?
Oh yeah.
Hunt or be hunted.
-We just played,
and you're a hiding disaster.
-Maybe things have changed.
Shall we find out?
-Okay. Sounds fun.
-But maybe instead of fun,
let's make it interesting.
I'll hide,
and the rest of you will hunt.
-Seriously? This game will be
over before it even
-Wait. Where's Thunk?
-[all gasp]
-Well, he can't have gone
too far. Saddle up, hide mind!
'Cause it's time to hide find.
-It's no food for thought,
He's not here. [grunts]
-Or here.
-BOTH: Huh?
-[Sandy growling]
-Dawn, any luck?
-I know he's too big
for the bowl,
but I still had to look!
-Time to get serious.
This is Thunk!
There's no way
he can hide from us.
-Uh Hm.
-No Thunk here!
-Or here!
[Sandy growling]
-He's not in here either,
but I did find dinner.
Ow! Yow!
-No Thunk and no dinner.
-GUY: Wait. Dinner?
That's it! Follow me.
-GUY: Yes, now!
Of course, he's in the kitchen!
-Yeah. It's basically
the living room,
but with food.
[snarling, sniffing]
-Dah! We looked everywhere!
-I even checked the water pipes!
-Which means
the impossible has happened.
-Thunk won.
-THUNK: Yes!
-[all scream]
-Can you say that again,
but, like, slower?
-You were in a pot. Wow!
Great hiding spot!
Unless you're soup.
It was a masterpiece of hiding!
But the real question is,
can you do it again?
-Doubt it.
Lightning only strikes once.
-Oh, that's not true. I got
struck by lightning twice.
Or at least I think I did.
The whole memory's pretty fuzzy.
But you're on! Woo!
[laughter, cheering]
-GUY: Hm
-[confused grunting]
-[panting] Aw
-That's the whole beach.
[sighs] Okay, Thunk. You win.
THUNK: Yes! [spitting]
Go again?
-Whoa! [grunts]
-Ah, he could be anywhere!
You win again, Thunk.
Go again?
-How is he doing this?
It's incredible!
Thunk! You win again!
-THUNK: Yes!
-ALL: Huh?
-Geyser gotcha!
Go again? After a break?
DAWN: I still don't get
how Thunk was able
to hide insidea rock.
I thought rocks
were full of rock!
-I thought I was looking
at a chickenseal,
but that chickenseal was Thunk!
-And we can't find him again.
Which means he won. Again.
I won again! Another round?
-Sorry, T-bone.
You won every round today.
I know when I'm beat. [yawns]
-I'm beat.
-DAWN: Same.
-I thought I knew hiding.
Now, I'm not sure
I know anything at all.
[dramatic music]
Anyway, see you soon, fire moon.
-What? Aw, come on!
I just got the hide hang
of things.
And now,
you guys are just gonna quit?
-Pretty much.
-Because you're too good
at hiding!
And it's just not fun anymore!
[Sandy snarling]
-[sighs] Okay, Dugboat.
Looks like it's just you
looking for me until you find me
-or you collapse.
-[confused growl]
GUY: And why are
they called "leaves," anyway?
-I mean, where are they going?
-DAWN: Right!
What were they called before?
-Can we stop talking
about leaves?
-You mean arrives?
Sometimes, the ball arrives
before you're ready for it.
-What's your dad doing
behind that
-[muffled yelp]
-So! [nervous laugh]
[loudly]: You kids haven't seen
Grug either?
He's really good at hiding!
EEP [quietly]: Okay.
Mom, what's going on?
-[quietly]: Your dad thinks he
knows how to hide now,
and I don't wanna ruin it
for him.
Or ruin the peace
and quiet for me.
Oh, this is so nice.
[loudly]: I wonder if he's
hiding by the lagoon!
I'm gonna go look there!
-For a while.
-GUY: No, no, no! Wait!
Don't leafme like this!
[laughs, grunts]
-Come on!
Just one more game! Please!
-Having a hard time
finding some hide heat?
I have no one to play
hunt or be hunted with me.
What's the point
of being good at hiding?
-Hiding is about more
than winning some game!
Your new skills are meant
for something bigger.
-Yes, really.
Malachi stole
a very important egg from me,
and I need to get it back!
How about you be my hide-kick?
-You want myhelp?
I-I don't know what to say.
-Say yes. Because you may not be
the hide hero I wanted,
but you're the hide hero I need.
-I'll do it. On one condition.
-Name your poison.
-You tell me what we're doing.
-I just told you!
We're getting back
the very important egg
Malachi stole from me!
-All you had to say was egg.
And the other stuff,
so it made sense.
I'm in, if you'll answer
one last question.
What are we doing again?
[both scream]
So cool to use my hide powers
for something that matters.
And helping you get
your very important egg back
feels like the perfect
challenge to me.
-Because it is.
-One question, though.
If this egg
is so important to you,
why haven't I ever heard you
mention it before?
-What do you mean?
I talk about it all the time.
-Has anyone seen my
[male voice]:
very important egg.
And that's how
you take care of a
[male voice]:
very important egg!
Hurry! Grab my hand
if you want a
[male voice]:
very important egg!
See? I'm always flapping my yap
about that egg.
-Can't argue with facts.
-[animal growl]
-[Gran gasps, Thunk grunts]
-There it is.
Malachi's latest nest.
Now, here's the play.
You sneak up to Malachi's nest
and hide.
Then, after I draw Malachi out
by messing with his head,
you grab hisI mean myegg
-and we're gone!
-Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sneaking?
I thought this was
a hidingsituation.
You didn't say anything
about sneaking.
-Sneaking is hiding on the go!
Look, I wouldn't have
tapped you for this
if I didn't think
you could do it.
Now, let's hide or die.
-Or die?
GRAN: Hey, feather-duster!
You just eat a tartichoke
or does your face
always look like that?
-Hey, weak beak!
Why don't you come down here
and fight?
Or are you too chickenseal?
-[roars, snarls]
-[Gran grunts]
Oh, did I hit you? Good!
'Cause I was hoping
to hit something stupid.
Looks like I got a bullseye!
[snarling, roaring]
[laughs] Hm?
This is a nice nest.
Soft. Spacious.
Perfect for a nap. [snores]
No, Thunk.
This is a hide heist.
Not a nest rest.
-[Malachi roaring]
Nice messing with ya, flap-hack!
Thunk? Thunk!
-Hey, Gran. Comfy?
-Huh? Ah!
Oh. Didn't see you there.
You really stepped up
your hide game.
-Thanks, Gran. That means
so much coming from you.
-Enough with the mush!
You got the egg?
-Yep! Which means
the yolk's on Malachi.
Actually, the yolk's inside
'cause that's where yolks go.
I think. If I'm being honest,
I-I don't know much about eggs.
-Well done.
I coached, and you poached.
Now, give me his
I mean, myegg.
-Hm That's the second time
you've done that.
-Done what?
-Said his egg.
And now, I'm starting to think
Malachi didn't steal it
from you.
I think you'retrying
to steal it from Malachi.
-That's ridiculous.
Why would I try to steal
this delicious, mouthwatering,
complete and nutritious
breakfast from Malachi?
-Okay, n-now
you called the egg "breakfast."
[both grumbling]
-Gimme that egg!
-Gran! You were the one
who told me to use
my hide powers for good,
and this feels bad.
-You think this feels bad?
You're gonna feel worse
if you don't gimme that egg!
-Hm. Fine, if you really want
this egg, I'll give it to you.
-Oh? Okay. That was easy.
you'll have to find it first
because we're going to play
a little game
called hunt or be hunted.
I'll hide the egg.
If you can find it, it's yours.
If you can't,
we return it to Malachi.
-You think you can
out-hide me? Ha!
[echoing]: There can only
be one! Hide away!
-One, two, three
-You really think I hid
the egg in this cave?
-I don't think. I know!
'Cause I found it!
-[snarling, roaring]
-Or I found trouble. Run!
Oh, this is a great hiding spot.
But the egg's not here either.
-Oh yeah?
'Cause this is an egg!
-[sand moving, growling]
Or it's an egg-head.
-[Thunk screaming, digging]
-I'm telling you, Gran.
I didn't hide the egg here
'cause it's Grr Mountain.
And we should go. Now.
-Yeah, right after
I grab that egg!
[panting, straining]
Come on, egg! [yelling]
-[Thunk screaming]
Yeah, saw that coming. Swing!
-[Gran panting]
-[Thunk whimpering]
[Gran and Thunk yelling]
Well, that's it.
I can't hide from the truth,
but you can hide
an egg from me.
So you win, Thunk.
-No, Gran. Wewin.
Because, like you said,
with great hide
comes great responsibility.
-What? I never said that!
-Sure you did.
Don't you remember?
-Hey, log bump! Quit hogging
the chow and pass me those
[male voice]: with great hide
comes great responsibility.
[nervous laugh]
-Don't know where
to start there,
so sure.
And a deal's a deal,
so Malachi gets his egg back.
But I gotta know.
Where'd you hide it?
-Right under your nose.
-Huh? Uh
[confused mumbling]
[Thunk humming]
[both yell]
-Hm Ah! Ah
What the?!
And it's been there
the whole time?!
-Do you really wanna know?
Great hiders never reveal
their hiding spots.
And you are a great hider.
-[happy hum] Thanks, Gran.
-[egg crunches, splatters]
-Ugga! Why aren't you
trying to find me?
-What are you talking about?
I've been looking for you
all day.
But you're just sogood
at hiding him.
-I am?!
In fact, you might be
the best hider I've ever met.
-Better than Gran?!
-You're too good at hiding,
But, maybe I could find you
if we played again.
-[excited grunt] Nuh-uh!
-[excited giggling]
-Guess there's only one way
to find out.
-You're on! And no peeking!
-One Two Three
-[excited giggling]
GRUG: She's never gonna find me!
[soft laugh]
-I hope this game never ends.
-Me, too! [giggles]
-UGGA: Thunk!
-Oops. Time to hide.
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