The Rookie (2018) s07e05 Episode Script

Til Death

Previously on "The Rookie"
Hey, Counselor. Harrison Novak.
They're all wrapped the
same. They must be yours.
These aren't mine.
- Thanks for coming right over.
- Yeah, of course.
It seems clear that we have
a second serial killer at large.
- And you are?
- Her husband.
Oscar and Jason just
escaped from prison.
- Who's out there?
- Show me your hands.
- Oh, my God. Don't shoot me.
I got a call from Detroit PD.
They pulled prints from
a liquor store robbery
last night Jason Wyler's.
Who are you?
I'm the man hunting your ex-husband.
- Ahh!
- Malvado.
If you hear of Jason's
whereabouts, let me know.
What's that?
Oh, a secret note
from my secret lover.
Where do you find the energy?
I barely have the
strength for one lover.
I know, I've been
meaning to talk to you about
putting some more effort in.
That's fair.
- You working today?
- Yep, and I see you're going in early.
Yeah, I'm going to talk to
that, uh, detective in Detroit,
see if they have any updates on Jason.
Do you really believe
my psychotic ex-husband is on the run?
Well, it seems like it.
You can't be too careful.
I'm just happy to get some
normalcy back in our lives,
where normalcy means,
you know, double serial killers.
Well, on the bright side,
at least one of them
- is already in custody.
- Always the optimist.
It's my secret lover's
favorite thing about me.
Well, see, that's what separates us.
I could never pick
only one favorite thing.
Have a great day.
You too.



Oh, uh, Mrs. Richards?
- That's right.
- Hi, I'm Lucy Chen.
Um, I was hoping to talk to you about
your former student, Seth Ridley.
I'm his training officer at the LAPD.
- Is he in trouble?
- No, not at all.
I was just looking to get
some clarity on some things,
and I thought the school
guidance counselor
would be the best person to ask.
All right, then.
Well, better come in.
Thank you.
What about you?
She asked if you were feeling
any more secure in the job.
Oh, totally, totally. I
Totally not.
I would
Would you actually be able to put in
a good word for me with your roommate?
That would
I would owe you, big-time.
- Hey.
- Huh?
- Think we'll be
end of shift by 8:00 tonight?
Ah, I-I mean, there's a
serial killer on the loose.
I wouldn't expect
to clock out on time.
[SIGHS] There's got to be
some kind of work-life balance
- eventually, though, right?
- Not as a rookie.
I haven't been on a
date in three months.
Why? What's at 8:00 p.m.?
He's got a long-distance
love with the missus.
- Oh.
- We ain't married, all right?
Just exclusive since high school.
Camilla's still in Texas,
looking for the right
time to move out.
And live in your car.
I'll find a place before then.
She's my angel.
Got with me when I was
gonna make football money
and stayed with me when
I got hurt and lost it all.
She sacrificed a hell of a lot for me.
Oh, I mean, you
must miss her so much.
Yeah, I-I do.
All right.


- Whoa!
Bad news
Remy Darden succumbed
to his injuries this morning.
So you're the only living witness.
Which means we have jack squat,
because the only description
I can give of our serial killer
is white male, unknown age,
somewhere near 6 feet,
and, somewhere around 175 pounds.
- But it's better than nothing.
- Not by much.
Brought you some fresh clothes,
in case you want to change after,
and the appropriate shoes to match.
- Always so thoughtful.
- Ah, well-trained.
Are you okay?
My heart hurts.
So much pain before they died.
I knew in my mind such evil exists,
but, it always shocks
my soul to see it.
- Good morning.
- Oh, morning.
- How you feeling?
- Fine, day off helped.
I wish I could say I
found something helpful
in your absence, but I did not.
- No DNA?
- The opposite too much.
I found trace evidence of
literally hundreds of people
contaminating both the murder lab
and the bodies of our
serial killer's ten victims.
How is that possible?
Oh, he muddied the
scene with a DNA buffet.
He literally collected
medical waste
Sharps, latex gloves,
discarded bandages
And he used them to corrupt
everything that he touched.
That's kind of brilliant.
Uh, in a pure, evil way.
I mean, even if we can pull his
DNA from a victim and match it,
any defense attorney with a pulse
will be able to prove
reasonable doubt.
I'm afraid I have
more troubling news.
The autopsies revealed
that all but one of the victims
were infected with a variety
of bloodborne illnesses
before he strangled them to death.
- From the used syringes?
- Yeah.
He was literally using them
like a science experiment.
But before you panic,
we found the needle he
used on you and tested it.
I wouldn't say it was clean,
but there was nothing
communicable within.
We'll get you regular
testing for the next six months.
But if they didn't find
anything in the needle,
you should be okay.
But on the good news front,
most of the medical waste was generic,
found in every hospital and
doctor's office around the state,
except for these four syringes,
which are trial design,
only used at Saint Stephen Hospital.
You could have led with that.
He's an actor.
He likes the drama.
Former actor.
And I like setting
realistic expectations.
All right, so, just to be clear,
we're looking for a white
male of indeterminate age,
height, weight,
with some form of connection
to Westview Psychiatric Institution
and Saint Stephen Hospital
Places that employ and treat
thousands of people a year.
Talk about setting expectations.
And here I was, feeling hopeful.
You know, I've been, uh,
really studying my rook book.
I've been burning the midnight oil.
Miles and I are going to
go to the range later on,
do some extra shooting.
I visited your high
school this morning, Ridley.
Uh, that's cool.
Because I wanted some clarity
about your high school experience.
Why don't you tell me, Ridley?
What, what exactly did I discover?
You found out that
I was telling the truth
about my friend who OD'd
And that she was not my girlfriend.
And I did go on a date with her
a couple
months before Rory Hatcher's party.
And I did give her CPR,
but Rory Hatcher's
dad actually saved her.
And you discovered
that I lied to you and Miles
about the girl who
died in a car accident.
And she was not my girlfriend either.
I was actually a freshman
when she was a senior,
and I've never met the girl.
Do you want to know why I lied?
I can figure that out for myself.
Well, what if I told you that
I was ashamed of what I did
and that I have struggled in the past
using these half-truths
to get me out of trouble?
I just I've sworn to myself
that I wasn't going to
be this guy anymore
when I joined the LAPD.
But then I threw up in a
crime scene on day one,
and I panicked, and I should
have owned up to my failures,
but I just, I
I should have suffered
the consequences.
What are the consequences?
I don't
I don't know yet.
We have an onsite
incinerator in the basement.
It's where all of our
medical waste is disposed.
- Who has access to it?
- Custodial staff.
Plus, we have a
dedicated incineration team.
Everyone's passed background checks.
But a few months ago,
our security staff found a
patient, Ryan Dearbourne,
wandering around the
basement with a medical bag.
At the time, he claimed he was lost.
Couldn't explain the bag.
Back in Texas, we call that clue
"sweeter than stolen honey."
- I like him.
- No comment.
Are you seeing anyone?
Because I have a niece,
who has had it up
to here with LA guys.
[CHUCKLES] If she's
anywhere near as lovely as you,
I'm sure she'll have her pick of men.
- Unfortunately, I am taken.
- It's long distance.
He'll be single soon enough.
What do you have against
long-distance relationships?
They aren't relationships.
The day-to-day support, the
way you weave your lives together,
that's a relationship.
Chatting on Zoom
is a friendship at best.
Thank you for the intel.
He and Rachel broke up
when she moved to New York.
Ah, I see.
Don't listen to him.
Relationships come in all forms.
- Let's go, Boot.
- Nice to meet you.
All right, Ryan Dearbourne
has been a repeat patient
at Westview Psychiatric
since he was a teenager.
His most recent stint
was 16 months ago.
borderline personality disorder,
drug addiction.
Has he ever crossed
paths with Harrison Novak?
He did.
At least he could have.
There is a two-month overlap
during their teenage years.
Okay. So
What do you think?
I think it looks like a
Cautionary tale for how society fails
those with mental health issues.
I mean, what do you think
about how we should approach?
Oh, right, well, uh,
I mean, we don't have
probable cause to enter.
First step is to try to get
the suspect into the open.
We could simply knock on the door,
but due to his history of violence,
it might be better to avoid surprises.
- We call him.
- Perfect.
Do it.
Mr. Dearbourne?
This is Officer Celina
Juarez with LAPD.
We're outside.
And we're hoping we
could speak with you,
if you wouldn't mind.
Okay, well, that was disturbing.
requesting additional units
and an RA to my location.
Hey, go cover the rear.

In position.
No sign of suspect.
Copy that.
I'm at the front door, making entry.
Mr. Dearbourne,
I'm coming inside.
Stand where I can see you
with your hands open and visible.

I'm gonna need you to step out.
Do it now.

Inside's clear.
Copy that.
Maybe he wasn't in
there when we called.
His soup is still steaming.
He must have jumped into the
woods the second we pulled up.
[WHIMPERING] No, no, okay.
Nolan, I'm hearing a voice
from underneath the mobile home.

I got a hatch in the floor.
I'm gonna open it now.

- Hey, do you have a second?
- Sure.
- Uh-oh.
- Yeah.
Um, okay, so I have
confirmed that Seth lied to me
on two separate occasions
about past tragedies.
Not great.
That's it, "not great"?
I mean, a third of the department
routinely lies about
their personal life.
Do you honestly think Smitty
qualified for the Olympics?
No, but
There's a difference
between lying on the job
and lying about the job.
Look, has he ever lied
about a call or on paperwork?
- Not that I know of.
- Okay.
Look, the city spent a quarter
of a million training Ridley.
The department's
currently understaffed
due to a major corruption scandal,
and he was recently lauded as a hero
for saving a hostage's life.
Grey's not going to cut
him just because he brags.
Wait, I can't believe
Tim "I Bounce Boots
for Breakfast" Bradford
is suggesting letting
unethical behavior slide.
I'm not.
I'm suggesting you correct it.
It's what we call a "TO problem."
Wow, okay.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I really love this job.
I have never lied about that.
I just I get panicked
sometimes, and I get stressed.
Ridley, being a
cop is stressful 24-7.
Being cross-examined,
is just as stressful.
What are you going to do
when you're on the stand,
tell the truth or say whatever
makes you look good?
The truth. I'm gonna
tell the truth, okay?
It's 100%.
This has been an important
wake-up call for me.
I promise you, I'm gonna
fly right from here on out.
He said the needles
were for his medicine
and that just a quick rinse,
and they were quote: "good as new."
That might be the most
disgusting thing I've ever heard.
So what do you think?
Is this the guy you
fought in the basement?
I don't know.
He feels wrong.
I mean, this guy is literally
buzzing with energy.
The killer we're after was
calm, fastidious, careful,
and dangerously smart.
I can't imagine this guy
making a peanut butter sandwich
without cutting off
something important.
Maybe that's what
he wants us to think
laying the groundwork
for an insanity plea.
If so he deserves an Oscar.
So do you want to
talk to him or lay back?
- Lay back.
- Okay.
Mr. Dearbourne.
I'm Brendon Acres,
with the FBI, this is Detective Lopez.
I take it you've been
apprised of your rights.
Is that correct?
I didn't do anything.
I-I-I never do anything.
Can you tell us where
you were two nights ago?
Down below,
the underneath.
Are you talking about a basement?
[STUTTERING] It's my happy place.
[PANTING] I want to
go to my happy place.

Nice to be home?
So nice, especially
now that the threat
of my crazy ex-husband is gone,
at least for the moment.
You'll get through this.
We're all here for you,
whatever you guys need.
- Thank you.
- Uh, sorry. I have to get this.
- Of course.
- Talk to you later.
- Yeah.
- Hello?
- Tell me about Detroit.
I shouldn't be talking to you.
Then why did you
text or answer this call?
Tell me about Detroit.
Jason's fingerprints were pulled
from a liquor store he robbed.
Same thing outside Provo,
Utah, two days before.
Seems a little sloppy for our boy.
- You think it's a fake out?
- I don't know. Maybe not.
People do have a
tendency to run for the hills
when they hear that
I'm looking for them.
I have my feelers out.
I'll know more soon enough.
I might have something.
So I was going through Antoinette's
initial autopsy reports.
All of the victims were
with dirty needles
before they were killed,
except one
his very first victim, Grant Nogales.
First kills are often unique
the thrill of raw violence
before a serial killer
hones their style.
Right, and they can
also be the most personal.
So I went back into
Grant's missing person file.
One of the people the
detectives interviewed
was his former employer, Liam Glasser.
Now, Glasser was never a suspect,
but he runs a vending
machine supply company
that services facilities
all across Los Angeles,
including Westview Psychiatric.
Any connection to Saint Stephen?
Not that I could find.
You should definitely
put eyes on Glasser.
See if you recognize
him from the other night.
Yeah, but I don't want him to know
that he might be a suspect.
I have an idea.
Glad you could come
on such short notice.
Are you kidding me?
I'd give my firstborn to
service all the LAPD machines.
You really got that
kind of pull with the city?
Oh, yeah.
- I'm the man.
These all look like
pretty standard fare.
I was hoping for more
of the, uh, exotics.
Oh, this is just a small
sampling of what we carry.
Was there, uh, something
specific you had in mind?
There's a New Zealand nut bar
that I could only find at the zoo.
The Kiwi Krispie.
I have that.
- No way.
- Oh, yeah.
It's not on the truck, but I
could land it in slot, uh, 22
first thing in the morning,
if that seals the deal.
Smitty, Grey's looking for you.
Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.
never an interruption
when a woman is as pretty as you.
Oh, wow.
Smooth talker.
Guilty as charged.
But, don't let me stop important
police business from happening.
I got work to do, too.
[SIGHS] I'm gonna go talk
to Grey, and I will circle back.
- It was nice meeting you.
- You too.
you might be able to help
me out with something.
Happy to,
unless this is just
a ploy to hit on me,
because I am a happily married man.
Who tells random
women they're pretty?
- Well, men can look.
- Oh.
So what can I do for you, uh
Uh, Nyla Harper, detective.
It's nice to meet you,
Nyla Harper, detective.
I'm Liam Glasser, uh, lord
of the vending machines.
Ah, that is actually what I
wanted to talk to you about.
Um, okay, so I have this case.
It is a serial murder investigation.
And there are connections
to Westview Psychiatric.
Get-get out of here.
I-I service Westview.
- You're kidding.
- No.
[LAUGHS] Well, that is small world.
- For how long?
- Uh, I mean, like, forever.
Uh, it's my dad's company.
I started working with
him in high school.
I took it over when he
passed, so more than 20 years.
How often are you there?
I average, uh, three
or four visits a month.
I mean, the food is terrible there,
so the patients and the staff,
they basically live off the machines.
I hate to impose, but,
there are elements of this case
that date back to over a decade ago.
And talking to someone
with institutional knowledge
would be extremely helpful.
The staff has been stonewalling
me, trying to cover their ass.
- You know how that is.
- Oh, yeah, it's human nature.
Can you help me?
Well, um,
as much as I would
love to spend the day
talking to you,
I got
a schedule to keep.
Please, I promise
it won't take that long.

I'd owe you.
Sure. I can I can
spare a few minutes.
Great, I will go grab
my file and my notebook.

I think Glasser is my guy.
He's the second killer.
Well, that's a surprise,
'cause Ryan Dearbourne
is currently confessing.
I couldn't stop.
I needed them to hurt the
way I hurt, the way I hurt.
So I jabbed them.
I jabbed them, and I killed them.
Who was the third victim?
Third kill.
Skid row.
He helped me find that
place right between the toes
the most painful bone, lots of nerves.
But anywhere you poke,
poke, poke too often,
they get used to it.
A-and I always had a
lot of needles to poke.
I stole them from the hospital.
But this morning,
you told Officer Nolan
that you used those needles
in your house for medicine.
Yes, for me
And for them.
Tell us about Remy.
Got away.
How did he get away?

What happened the other
night when he got away?
Please, I-I just want it to stop.
I-I need someone to stop me.
I need to be punished.
I've done such bad things
Such bad things.

So, did he get anything wrong?
Miss any detail?
No, it was a slam dunk confession.
From a guy who is clearly
in the throes of mental illness.
I mean, sure, he gave us details,
but he also left a lot of holes.
Those are details only
the killer could know.
Or someone helping him.
Listen, I know that my
gut is not admissible,
but I am telling you, Glasser
is the guy from the basement.
He recognized me in the break room.
He couldn't stop staring at my wounds.
He's still in there with Smitty,
waiting to talk to me.
At least just put eyes on him.
Check my math.
Of course.
The last thing I want to
do is charge the wrong guy
- or, leave an accomplice out there.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Let's go.
I swear, she'll be right back.
I'm sorry. I got a route to run.
I can't wait any longer.
I am so sorry.
Thank you for waiting.
[SIGHS] I really got to go.
Just talk to me for two minutes.
That's it, I promise.
Your stuff will be safe here.
Thank you.
So, um, do you have any interactions
with the patients at Westview?
I don't really stop to chat.
I mean, not that
there's anything wrong
with being mentally ill,
they can't help it.
But, uh
I'm not really
looking to socialize.
So is that a no?
Yes, that is a no.
So you have never talked to
someone named Ryan Dearbourne?
Ah, like I said, I do my
business, and I get out.
Is that the serial killer
you mentioned, Dearbourne?
I can't really comment on that.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
You can almost feel
him trying to be casual.
If he is the guy, he's
rocking a world-class ego.
It'll make him overconfident.
Well, if there's nothing else
I really got to go.
Where were you on Tuesday night?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I meant to ask,
um, were you
at Westview two nights ago?
Something happened.
Well, I don't work nights.
I have a family.
Oh, kids?
Yeah, two.
What about you?
What happened at Westview?
There was an attack.
Our suspect almost killed a cop.
No kidding.
Well, like I said, I wasn't there.
Where were you?
Movies maybe.
I'd have to check.
Now I really got to go.
- Good luck with your case.
- Of course.
Uh, we will be in touch if
any follow-up is necessary.
Looking forward to it.
I hope you catch the guy.
I mean, you must feel such a weight,
being the only person who can
Bring his poor victims closure.
Does it keep you up at night?
It would
It would keep me up at night.
I sleep just fine.
Do you?
Like a baby.

[SIGHS] Good job.
- So how's my math?
- Solid.
He's definitely giving
off some creepy vibes.
Seemed very interested in the case.
I agree, Ryan's involved somehow,
but, Glasser is the
dominant personality.
But will a jury see it that way?
No, no, they'll see
Ryan stealing the syringes
and Ryan confessing to serial murder.
Glasser is just the
hardworking family man
who's barely tied to the case.
Ryan's guilt feels genuine.
I think he honestly believes
he committed the murders.
What if Glasser convinced him?
You know, spent years
feeding him details
until he internalized them?
Well, we know
Glasser thinks long-term
from the cross-contamination
of the kills he's been doing.
Someone as disturbed as
Ryan can easily be manipulated.
If that is true, then Glasser
has created the perfect patsy.
So, what do we do?
Good news is, he knows we're close.
He won't risk another
abduction anytime soon.
Yeah, but we need to
be ready when he does.
I need every detail
about his work life
his-his clients, route.
There has to be some
connection between him
and the other victims.
And let's pull apart his family.
I need a deep dive on his wife,
kids, third cousins, everyone.
Oh, I'm I'm so
sorry to interrupt.
Nolan, Detroit PD is on
the phone looking for you.
- Excuse me.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?
- Jason was never in Detroit.
He paid some meth head
to leave his fingerprints
at crime scenes.
Detroit PD just arrested the guy.
Jason is still in LA.
John Nolan.



Hey, what are you doing, man?
What are you doing?

Oh, yeah!
Oh, that'll get the
juices flowing, huh?
Hey, babe.
Oh, you don't look so good back there.
Oh, damn it.
Oh, I forgot to dump your phone.
She's moving south on La Cienega.
7-Adam-15, Bailey's
partner just called 911.
Jason took her.
- I know. I'm punching it.
Stupid! Stupid!
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
Do I just pull over or
wait for the switch car?
Pull over and let me the hell out!
Shut up! Nobody's asking you!
I am way past taking
orders from you, Jason.
[PANTING] You don't scare me anymore.
I said shut up.

Ahh! Bitch!
- Do you have her?
- Yeah.
One minute out.
Get ready.
I'm so ready, baby.
Get here.
Another life you're ruining.
You're the one that
ruined a life
Oh, boo-hoo.
Jason, you're not
the hero of this story.
You're not even the villain.
You're Sideshow Bob,
stepping on an infinite
number of rakes.
Look, I would really
not provoke me right now.
Are you gonna make it hurt more?
Such a big man,
torturing a woman
a third of your size.
Shut up!




[PANTING] Oh, my God!
They stopped, two
blocks up around the corner.
Oh, my God! Baby, are you okay?
- [GROANS] Do I look okay?
- Don't yell at me!
- I'm freaking out here!
- Come on, we got to go.
- Is she dead?
- I don't know.
You got to make sure.
Otherwise, you'll never rest easy,
- and you'll never be all mine.
- [PANTING] Yeah.
Oh, God.
She broke my arm!
Come on, we don't have
time. We got to move.
We won't make it to your car.
Come on, we we got to go.
- Where are you going?
- Come on!
There she is.
I'm here. I'm here.
- How bad are you hurt?
- I don't know.
But he's hurt worse.
He just ran off down
the alley with a woman.
Um, blonde, uh, pink sweatshirt.
Control, suspect
Jason Wyler is on foot,
heading west towards the 101,
he is armed and dangerous.
Second suspect, blonde
female, pink sweatshirt.
Mobilize backup, airship,
and a supervisor to
set up a search grid.

You're gonna be all right.
Ambulance is on the way.
[SIGHS] How did you know to find me?
Detroit PD called.
Jason paid someone
to plant his fingerprints.
I know.
I mean, I-I knew we
shouldn't have trusted him.
Oh, Jason's phone
He left that before he ran off.
Over here!
- Easy. Nice and easy.
- I'm okay.
Multiple contusions,
possible concussion,
slight whiplash, and
some injury to my ribs.
It's either fractured or
sprained, I'm not sure.
- How's Bailey?
- Bailey is pissed.
Ah, I'm gonna go to
the hospital with her.
- Of course.
- Uh, this is Jason's phone.
He called the woman he ran off with
right before we crashed.
Hey, I-I need a name and trace
on this phone number right now.
I'll have all the units in
the area lock down the grid.
We're not gonna let
Jason get away again.
All right, it's registered
to Drew Davis
uh, 28, female, lives in La Cañada.
I know her.
No, she-she
pretended she was drunk.
She broke into the yard.
She said she was
looking for a friend's house.
She must have
been trying to test out
your security system for Jason.
That's his move, make
some poor young woman
think he's in love with her
and then ruin her life.
Trace came in.
It's a few blocks from
here, headed west on Sixth.
Control, suspect's
heading west on Sixth Street
toward Anderson.
Code 3.
- You sure?
- Go. Catch him.


Oh, my God.
What are we going to do?
We we got to get a car.
- Well, can't we just hide?
- No, no, no.
They're gonna have this
whole place locked down.
Oh, no.
- Your phone.
- What?
- They're tracking us.
- They know who I am?
Why would they know who I am?
- You said that I was fine!
- It doesn't matter!
Come here.
All right.
Okay, look, hey, you
got to go stop that car.
I'm gonna come out with a
gun, and we're gonna jack it.

Her phone's at the end of the block.
Oh, Nolan.
I see her.
7-Adam-15, we have
eyes on one suspect.
Gunshot, possibly deceased.
No sign of Jason yet.
- Did Jason shoot her?
- I don't know.
Let's move.

I got eyes on Jason.
South side of the street.

Show me your hands!

I give up!
Step out!
I can't.
Malvado, he's all over me.
He killed Drew.
You got to protect me.
Step out and show me your hands.

Damn it, he's got a rifle!

7-Adam-15, shots fired.
Suspect is down.
We have a sniper,
600 block of Anderson
precise location unknown.


Nyla Harper, detective.
Now, I told you, I'm a
happily married man.
Yes, you did, but that was a lie,
just like everything else
you have told me was a lie.
See, I know you're used
to being the smartest guy in the room.
And, honestly, you
have mostly been right.
You have played this
thing perfectly so far.
Oh, I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Oh, you don't have to pretend.
I'm not wearing a wire.
[CHUCKLES] I'm not here
to trick you into confessing
or threaten you
that Ryan Dearbourne
has flipped on you.
Like I said
You're smarter than that.
I also know that you
can't help what you are.
You'll be disciplined for a while,
but then
You won't be able to stop yourself.
And you will take another victim.
And we will be there.
My friends on patrol,
who will make driving
by your home and work
part of every shift.
And my other friends [CHUCKLES]
My undercover friends,
who will always be out there,
only you won't know who,
and you won't know when.
You see, you've gotten
away with everything
because you moved in the shadows.
But now you are in the spotlight.
And you will stay there
until I find a way to
hang these murders
around your neck,
and lock you away, forever.

I'm back.
I believe I only asked for a drink.
Yes, I have that right here.
Don't open it right
away. I dropped it.
Mm-hmm. And
and the rest of all this?
Oh, this isn't from me.
No, I definitely did not
impulse-buy half the gift shop.
Ah, it must have
been my secret lover.
Yeah, and if you ask
me, that guy is really needy.
Well, maybe he's just worried,
because I'm completely
in love with you.
To be honest, I've never
been more scared in my life.
Me too.
Jason has been a part
of my life for so long.
Even when he was in prison,
there was always this part
of me that was worried
What he was planning,
when would he strike?
A-and now
And now you don't
have to worry anymore.
Now, is there anything else you want?
I just want to go home.
I will go see if I can help
Luna with that paperwork.
- Hang tight.
- Yeah.
Mama said I will always be ♪
Faith is stronger, my love is weak ♪
Hey, I guess you missed
your 8:00 Zoom date.
It's all right.
- Camilla gets it.
- Mm.
- When is she moving out?
- I don't know.
It's kind of hard to picture
her here, you know?
The life we were planning
together was very
- Texas.
- Mm
5,000-square-foot house
for half of what I pay for rent?
[LAUGHS] Exactly
Marriage, three kids, the whole thing.
- And now?
- I don't know.
I've changed a lot since
I've been here, you know?
And speak of the devil.
Hey, I-I'm gonna take this here
so I don't lose her in the elevator.
Oh, yeah. No worries.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yeah, see you tomorrow.
Hey, beautiful. You're up late.
Yeah, I know,
but, it's the only
flight that I could get.
Wait, what?
Where are you?
[GIGGLES] Surprise!
[LAUGHS] Hey, what
are you doing here?
Oh, baby, I couldn't
wait! I quit my job!
I'm moving to Los Angeles!
- Oh, all right.
- Come here!
So I've been thinking
about the Seth situation.
[SIGHS] It's been a long day.
I know this is my
I'm the TO.
So I made a decision.
He can't stay.
The stakes are way too high,
and the only way to fix this is
to cut him from the program.
Let's talk to Grey.

Wait, you're not
gonna talk me out of it?
No, it's your call.
Just know this whole station
is going to be behind you
- every step of the way.
- Thank you, sir.
What's going on?
[SIGHS] It's your news to share.
I finally got my lab results,
and my cancer is back,
but we caught it early,
and the doctor says
that I should still be able to work.
And, uh, I just
I just
I wanted to let you know,
that I am ready, I am willing,
and able to complete my training,
if you will still have me.
Yeah, of course.

I am gonna sleep for a week.
Yes, you always say that,
and then you always pick up
three new hobbies with your time off.
- This is different.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, uh, I left my jacket.
I'll grab it.
Hang on.
There we go.

- Did you find it?
- Yeah.

Oh, Bailey.
What did you do?
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