The Rookie (2018) s07e06 Episode Script

The Gala

Previously on "The Rookie"
- This is my sister, Genny.
- I'm so grateful you're
willing to help out with Dad's house.
- You know Keith Graham?
- Yeah, sure.
He revealed that he has recurring
intimate dreams about Angela.
- What are you doing?
- Oh, baby, I couldn't wait.
I quit my job.
I'm moving to Los Angeles.
I'm the man hunting your ex-husband.
If you hear of Jason's
whereabouts, let me know.
Jason is still in LA.
- I left my jacket.
- I'll grab it.
Oh, Bailey.
What did you do?
I cannot wait until the weekend ♪
Want to see you right now ♪
That's not something
you see every day.
It's illegal.
And romantic as all get out.
Son, I need you to stop
what you're doing right now.
Don't hassle me, man.
I got to control the drip.
Hey, right now.
Oh, come on.
Don't be like that.
This is art, and an expression
of my deep and abiding love.
It's vandalism.
Come on, turn around.
Hands behind your back.
Can can you just hit
pause until my girl passes?
She takes this road
to work every morning.
See, there she is.
Would you film this
for me with my phone?
It's in my pocket.
For Instagram? Please?

Are you blind?
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Stop right there!
Move your car!
What the hell are you doing?
What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm proposing.
What, you never heard of a ring?
I'll get you a ring next payday.
Then next payday you can ask me again.
There's your answer. Let's go.
Okay. All right.
All right.
[LAUGHS] I'll marry you, you nut.
- I love you.
- I love you, baby.
I'm the happiest man in the world!
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
I'm gonna win for you ♪
Like I know you want me to do ♪
I thought you were taking the day off.
I've been hurt enough in life to know
that sometimes walking it off
really is the best advice.
You didn't pull a hamstring.
You got hit by a car, which
later crashed with you in it.
Who's the EMT here?
I'll be fine.
Don't forget to bring
your suit to the station.
My what?
Your blue suit for the charity gala.
I'm meeting you there
after work, remember?
Should we do presents now
or later at the hotel?
It's Valentine's Day.
Our first one together
as a married couple.
Of course. No, uh, after.
I still have to wrap mine.
Well, I got to go.
I love you.
Love you.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Not sure why you and I should
care, since we're both single.
Because it's the perfect
day to turn the page.
I'm ready to get out there
and start dating again,
and I need your help.
So these baked goods come
with strings attached.
I like to think you'd
help your baby sister,
even without the sugar
and carb-a-licious bribe.
I'll be the judge of that.
Okay, that charity gala tonight
I want to be your plus one.
No, you don't.
It's being organized
by my boss's wife.
It's a work event.
Yes, but for me, your work event means
a bevy of cute single
cops in attendance.
Come on.
Be my wingman.
Yeah, okay.
But I want to be home, in
bed, and asleep by 11:00.
No problem, party animal.
Valentine's Day.
For most of the world, it means
chocolate and greeting cards.
For us, it equals an
uptick in shoplifting,
DUIs, and domestic violence.
Which brings me to an idea
the captain has proposed.
Turn in your ex day?
It's where our fine
citizens are encouraged
to snitch on the one that broke
their heart for a cash reward.
Waste our time running
down false leads brought
to us by vengeful dumpees?
That's correct.
And because Officer
Chen's rookie is out sick
and yours has legal training,
you two will take point.
Yes, sir. Happy to do it.
It's nice to see someone
with a positive attitude.
I just want to thank
everyone for supporting
tonight's Children of
the Fallen charity gala.
As a reminder, the
hotel that is hosting us
is offering a deep discount on rooms,
if you want to turn this
evening into a staycation.
- Okay.
- Yes.
Let's hit the streets.
Be safe out there.
Happy to do it.
#GrumpyCop says what?
I'm never gonna live this down, am I?
Not if I can help it.
Did you book a room for
tonight at the hotel?
Yeah, I got one.
Yeah, we're all squared away.
Oh. You don't seem too excited.
No, I am.
We got a view of the city.
Okay. So does your house.
Thank you for helping us get set up.
Of course, ma'am.
- Are you okay?
- Oh, yeah.
I just, uh, got a
little tweak in my back.
I must have slept wrong.
Bad enough you're
sleeping in your car.
Now you've got your girlfriend
crammed in there, too?
Actually, Ms. Luna was kind enough
to get us that special
hotel rate for a full week.
But I've been sleeping
in my car for so long,
my back doesn't remember
what a bed feels like.
Well, are you are you
are you looking for an apartment?
That's number one on Camilla's agenda.
Sure is.
Here are those search
warrant receipts.
Appreciate it.
Oh, and I struck out on
my plus one for tonight
so I got an extra ticket,
if either of you wants it.
I am covered, thanks.
James and I are doing a
proper date night tonight.
We got a sitter and booked a room.
Girl, same.
But I'll take it off your hands.
Cool. Thanks.
See you later.
Watch me get into trouble.
Hey, babe. What's up?
You know how you hate it when I play
matchmaker for our friends?
Well, only because something
inevitably goes sideways,
and then we get blamed for it
and they're not our friends anymore.
Well, I'm thinking of
fixing up Keith Graham.
Uh, 'kay.
What's what's the plan?
Well, I invite Gretchen
to the gala tonight.
She's newly single.
I introduce them and
see if they hit it off.
- Terrible idea?
- Are you kidding?
That's a great idea. I'm all for it.
- You are?
- 100%.
Just let me know if I
can help in any way.
Um, okay. Bye.
He shot you down?
No, he's all in.
Which is really not like him.
Maybe he was touched by the
spirit of Saint Valentine.
Everything was perfect, but
then he started to change.
He cut his hair, lost weight,
started acting secretive.
He stopped sharing his phone location.
Yeah, look, there's
nothing illegal about that.
I found women's jewelry
in his desk drawer.
I think it was a trophy.
So you think that your ex-boyfriend
is a is a serial killer?
And you really can't
think of another reason
he might hide things from you?
All I know is, after he left,
they found those bodies
in the Sepulveda Basin.
I think he's that killer
you're looking for.
Okay, um, ma'am, based
off of the evidence
that you've described here, I
think it's more likely that
Your ex-boyfriend was cheating on you.
- What?
- Yeah.

Ma'am, your ex-boyfriend
is not a serial killer.
He's a gaslighter.
You're better off without him.

Take care.

Was that so hard?
- Pure agony.

I hear we're getting rain next week,
but I guess we need the water.
I live on a hillside.
All rain means to me is flooding.
- Huh?
Remember Scott Wickham?
His dog found that
that leg and helped
- us solve the NoHo Doe case.
- Yes.
Yeah. You went on a date with him.
Well, I mean, yeah, several.
And I thought things were
going well, but he ghosted me.
Oh. Is that him texting you right now?
Yeah. He's "checking in."
But that's kind of weird, right?
Why check in on Valentine's Day?
Because that is, as
the kids like to say,
a low-key booty call.
Should I text him back?
I'll be real casual.
I'm good.
How are you?
Oh, he's already typing again.
7-Adam-15, 4-15 fight in progress.
Hotel Lucerne, room 702.
Control, show us responding Code-3.
Still typing.
- Juarez.
- Yes.
Head head in the
game, sir. Yes, sir.
Police! Open up!
Please, we need help.
Calm down and I'll let you go.
Break it up. Break it up.
Come on. Easy.
He came in and got
physical with Sally.
I'm just doing my job.
And you are her pimp?
Nah, dude, security.
I'm an independent contractor,
and this gentleman booked an hour
of my time and conversation.
Point being, nothing
illegal happened here.
And he can have his money
back if he just goes quietly.
Uh, he says his daughter is missing.
Wait, this is about Claudia?
- Hey.
- You know her?
I mean, I hired her once to
do makeup for a modeling job.
Yeah, but that was two months ago.
I haven't seen her since.
Do you know anyone who might have?
I'm sorry, I
it was a one-time thing.
Please, help me.
And when I told her
the chili tasted funny,
she said it must be the cilantro.
But I don't think it was the cilantro
because I've had cilantro,
and this tasted like soap.
Well, you know, for some people,
cilantro does taste like soap.
Maybe you've actually never tried it.
Look, just test the stuff.
I swear she tried to poison me.
That the chili?
No, that's what I threw up afterward.
We're done here.

I mean, thank you for coming by.
You know, you guys are
super cute together.
Please tell me you're dating.
Someone deserves to be
happy on Valentine's Day.
No, sir.
We're just coworkers.
Then you want to go out with me?
You are literally holding
a jar of your own vomit.
I will pass, thank you.
You got the warrant for
Claudia Hernandez's phone?
Yes, and it answers a few questions
while begging a whole lot more.
Most of her texts were deleted.
Those will take a minute to recover,
but we do have location info.
In the month before she disappeared,
she spent a lot of time at
an apartment in Century City.
Most importantly, the
day she disappeared,
she arrived at that
building at 4:00 p.m.
and was still there
when her phone was dead
at 2:00 in the morning.
No more GPS, no more calls or texts.
Any idea what apartment she was in?
No, and there was a
couple hundred units.
If I were you, I'd start
showing her picture around.
She looks familiar.
Well, what apartment was she visiting?
I can't tell you that. I'm sorry.
It's just they make us
sign all kinds of forms
when we start here, NDAs
All right, look.
This girl has been reported missing,
and we believe she's in danger.
You could be arrested for delaying
and obstructing a police officer.


So are you gentlemen licensed
to carry here in Los Angeles?
Yes. We are security.
Security for who?
Anton Petrovich.
He lives in the penthouse?
[SCOFFS] Why all these questions?
You're right.
I'll save my questions
for Mr. Petrovich.
In the meantime, I'm
going to have to secure
your weapons temporarily.
You won't like the alternative.

What this is about?
Mr. Petrovich, I'm Officer Nolan.
This is Officer Juarez.
We're looking for this woman.
- I've never seen her before.
- Noted.
Now please step aside.
We're gonna search the premises.
This is America.
You need a warrant for that.
Not when I have reasonable suspicion
that this woman is being trafficked
and that she's been to this apartment.
In America we call that
exigent circumstances.
If you please.

Clear the couch.

Have a seat, gentlemen.

Anyone else in the apartment?


So you see, this girl
you're looking for,
she's not here.
Who's this?
This is my daughter, Mila.
She was in town for a visit,
but she flew home yesterday.
Her room's a mess, like
she left in a hurry.
No, she's simply a slob,
and the maid hasn't been yet.
Well, I'm gonna need
Mila's phone number.
It's possible she knows
the girl we're looking for.
She doesn't, and I won't
have you harassing her.
If you need anything else, you
can reach out to my lawyer.
I will.
But if you really
have nothing to hide,
you should have your daughter call me.
Anton Petrovich is a
very dangerous man.
He was an enforcer in
the GRU for a decade,
and he got rewarded with oil leases
that earned him tens of millions.
What about his daughter?
Mila is a rich kid cliché,
at least on social media.
Private jets and designer everything.
I mean, she looks like a woman
who would hire a glam squad.
You know, maybe Claudia
was doing her makeup.
And saw some kind of criminal
activity inside the apartment.
And Petrovich caught her
and made her disappear.
Should I call Sebastian?
I promised I'd keep him posted.
Everything we've learned
would only worry him more.
Better to wait till we have
a more positive development.
Or a much worse one.
I say we call it.
It's been 15 minutes
since anyone's come by.
Oh, not so fast.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm Brooke Saunders.
I'm here to turn in
my ex, Matt Wallace.
He's a loser at love, but
he's a top-notch fence.
Do tell.
He is moving something
really big today,
and I'm going to help you
guys catch him in the act.
Are you sure you want to do this?
'Cause you can't un-ring this bell.
Look, it's over between us.
I mean, he was such an
ass to me this morning.
He didn't get me a
Valentine's Day gift.
He got mad at me when
I brought it up to him.
You know, I don't care
how stressed out you are.
You don't put your drama
on someone you love.
Matt the fence should
be here any time.
Want to take bets on what he's moving?
I'm going with jewelry.
That's such a boring guess.
I heard of a case recently.
Suspects got caught moving
$125,000 worth of stolen LEGOs.
People go crazy for those kits.
That's your final answer?
I mean, obviously it's jewelry.
Hey, you going to that thing tonight?
Celina and I got a
suite for Galentine's.
Um, but she is bringing
that guy Scott now,
so who knows what's gonna happen.
Are you are you going?
Yeah, I got tickets.
I didn't get a room.
I mean, that's just an
excuse to drink too much
and make an ass out of themselves
- in front of the bosses.
- Right.

So you're, um you're taking a date?
Yeah, I'm going with blue
van just pulled into the lot.
Wait, what?

You have it?
Safe and sound in back.
You got the cash?
Nice doing business with you.
Show us your hands!
Hands in the air now!
Let's go!
Oh, you'll want to go
easy on that, boss.
That's not jewelry.
That's a tiger.
- What?
- Yeah.
What kind?
Oh, my gosh.
Look, guy wants a giant
cat, I get him a giant cat.
I don't ask questions. I
just make dreams come true.
Yeah, you're a real saint.
The cat is going to a sanctuary,
and your client is going to jail.
So are you. Let's go.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up.
How'd you guys find
out about the exchange?
- We can't tell you that.
- No.
Look, I was extra
careful with this job.
I even changed the drop-off
location this morning.
Only one other person knew.
I mean, we had a fight.
I said some stuff, but
I was gonna apologize.
I was even going to buy her a
big-ass Valentine's Day present
with all this tiger money.
I didn't know she was done with me.
Look, relationships are tough.
What am I gonna do without her?
You know, if you have any evidence
of criminality against her,
you might be able to
reduce your sentence.
I do, but
But what?
She already threw you to the lions.
Or tiger. Whatever.
You don't owe her anything.
Don't do it.
You don't have to do this.
Why not? She betrayed him.
- He should totally sell her out.
- Really?
Or not.
Yeah, be the bigger person.
Show some kindness.
Even though you could be leaving
a criminal on the streets.
No, I love her too much to hurt her.
Lock me up.
Let me take you higher ♪
Any update on Claudia Hernandez?
Well, the judge won't
give us a warrant
for Anton Petrovich's phones
without clear evidence
that Claudia was at his penthouse.
But given the man's criminal activity,
you know the FBI keeps
tabs on him 24/7,
so I reached out to
Special Agent Garza.
He agreed to put Claudia's
name on the relevance document.
All right. Keep me posted.
Yes, sir.
It's so cool of you guys to invite me.
We should check out the
auction items, though.
I'm determined to leave here
with some kind of spa vacation.
Uh-huh. Yeah. Good idea.
Hey, you know what, though?
There's Detective Graham.
Let's go say hi first.
Come on.
So, um, James tells me
that you're a tutor?
Yes. That's how we met.
I kept coming by the community center
to pester him about an
after-school study program.
Anita has been an amazing help.
Is that so?
Now I want to launch
a summer reading group
- for the older kids.
- Right.
Because that's just what every
kid wants in the summer
James, Nyla, this is
my husband, Teddy.
- Hey.
- Nice to meet you.
Well, if I am gonna be
spending the next three hours
listening to people
talk about sad orphans,
I'm gonna need myself
an adult beverage.
- You know what I mean?
- Mm-hmm.
All right. Well, I got you here.
What are my wingman responsibilities?
I love you, but this
is gonna go much better
if I'm flying solo.
Fine by me.
You look amazing.
So do you.
Doesn't she?
She always does.
Well, hi.
- I'm Celina.
- Hi.
Yeah, this is Scott.
- Hey. Hi. How you doing?
- Good.
Well, I'm gonna go
hit on some hot cops.
- Mm.
- You interested?
Oh. No, thank you.
I have learned my lesson about
not dating people at work, so
Okay, and that's my
cue to go to the bar.
Yeah, we're gonna go check
out the auction items.
Am I crazy or is there something
going on between those two?
Oh, no, you're not crazy.
I was surprised you
texted me this morning
after you ghosted me last year.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I'm an idiot.
- Hmm.
I fell hard for you, and
it scared me, so I bailed.
But you deserved better,
and I would love the
chance to try again.
I thought this was a booty call.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, I'm good with that too.
So I signed the lease on this
great place in the hills,
and then the landlord
says, "Oh, by the way,
it comes with a cat."
Oh, no.
[CHUCKLES] I don't have
to do anything with her.
She just hangs in the yard.
Cut to six months later
Keith, does this cat live with you?
As soon as I let her
inside she's like,
oh, yeah, this is cool.
I think I'll stay.
She hasn't left the house since.
[LAUGHS] Oh, that's so sweet.
People usually go for dogs,
but I read this article that said
men who prefer the
feline personality tend
to be more loving and patient.
Well, that makes sense since cats are
feisty and independent, like us.
Wesley loves dogs.
They're man's best friend.
Look, I'm going to get a
drink. Anybody want anything?
Yeah, I'll have another one. Thanks.
Thank you all for coming
and for supporting
this wonderful charity.
Please take a look
at the auction items
and bid generously.
Every penny goes to
a very worthy cause.
You want another drink?
I'm going to ask the kitchen
to make up a plate for Miles
and his girlfriend to take
back up to their room.
[SIGHS] I envy them.
Because I look forward
to being alone with you
in the room later, all right?
After this amazing event, of course.
Nice save.
You have nothing left
after I rob you blind ♪
Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Turns out zipping up this dress was
a little more challenging
than I thought.
Well, I told you, you
should take it easy today.
I know, and you were right.
Are you happy?
Now, what are we gonna do first,
drool over auction
items we can't afford
or binge on mini crab cakes?
Whatever you want.
Is everything okay?
- Sure, why?
- I don't know.
You seem a little mad.
And you did this morning too.
I'm fine.
How about we go get some air?

Spill it.
There's nothing to say.
No, you don't want to have
this conversation here.
Well, now I'm really worried.
What's going on with you?
No, it's not with me.
It's with you.
Where did you get this?
From your jacket, at the hospital.
Bailey, you're
communicating with a hit man.
How could you?
Who's asking?
My husband or a cop?
The man who terrorized me for years
escaped from prison,
intending to murder me,
so I sent a reckless text.
How could you not understand
what was going through my head?
A reckless text?
That's criminal conspiracy.
Bailey, you could be
arrested for that.
Not when the only evidence
is in a thousand pieces.
How could you keep this from me?
I thought we agreed no more secrets.
Because I was afraid
that you would judge me.
But I was hoping that you would still
have my back no matter what.
- Bailey
- No, I'm going home.

I had the kitchen box up a
little bit of everything.
Oh, you are too kind, Ms. Luna.
Camilla and I do appreciate it.
How is the hunt for a
place to live going?
Oh, not well.
Everything is so expensive,
and we ain't got no savings.
Honestly, I'm not sure what to do.
She sacrificed so much for me.
I I hate the idea of failing her.
Well, you're not failing her.
You are building a life
together, and that's hard.
I don't care how much
money you got in the bank.
I shouldn't say.
You can tell me.
It's just, we we got
together when I was gonna be
a millionaire running back.
And she stayed with me when
I threw it all away, so I
I owe her so much.
But you're not in
love with her anymore.
That's hard.
But if that's how you really feel,
then what you owe her is the truth.
Hey, honey.
Oh, thank goodness.
I am starving.
Any new leads on the
on the job front?
Well, I think I can get
a job at the local Sonic.
Well, being that the
Sweetwater location would
give me high marks.
But the closest one is in Anaheim.
Is that nearby?
No, it it isn't.
[SIGHS] How do y'all
live without Sonic?
No, nothing.
Let's eat.
Is something going on
with Nolan and Bailey?
I don't know. Why?
Well, she left without him.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Your kind of love, darling ♪
Don't do that.
Do what?
Don't look at me like that.
Would you prefer #GrumpyCop?
Oh, my God.
You're really good at that.
Years of experience.
Okay, this is the saddest
Valentine's Day party ever.
No eligible men?
Oh, no, a ton.
Except as soon as they find
out I'm Tim Bradford's sister,
they make an excuse and bail.
I think they're afraid of you.
So I called Rachel, and
we're gonna get a drink.
Do you want to come?
Oh, wow, my sister and my
two exes out on the town.
What could possibly go wrong?
No, I should pass.
I have an early shift.
And Celina and I got a
Galentine's suite, so
I think your Galentine's
suite is about to become
a hookup suite pretty soon.
Oh, my God.
I'll see you later.
Well, I am headed out.
If anyone needs a room tonight,
they can have that one.
Well, okay, hold on.
Is everything okay?
Not really, no.
What's going on?
Celina, what's this about?
He went to the station for an update,
and someone told him
we were all at a party.
Tell him Claudia is our priority.
Look, LAPD never closes.
I'll take him back to his hotel.
Okay, well, I should go with you.
No, no, no. My night's ruined already.
No sense in ruining yours.
Tell him I'll give him a ride.
Sure. Right this way.
So are we ready to call it?
Oh, more than ready.
Let's go up to our room and
peel off these fancy clothes.
- Oh.
- Yeah, about that
I gave Graham our room key.
Well, he and Gretchen
were hitting it off.
They wanted somewhere to hang out.
So you gave them my hotel bed?
They're single people who live alone.
They can go anywhere.
Uh, you wanted them to hook up.
I was simply being a
good partner in crime.
He has got you there.
Come on.
I don't want to go home.
I'm not finished with my drink, Anita.
I know, but you said you were
Is there a problem here?
Ain't no problem.
Why don't you mind your damn business?
Oh, sir, you have
had so much to drink.
You're in a room full of cops.
- So?
- So bring it down a notch.
Why don't you bring
it down a notch, huh?
- I don't
- Oh, my God!
Teddy, no!
Call dispatch.
And get a unit over
here to take him in.
Oh, wow.
They can cite him on a
6-47-F when he's sobered up.
Anita, you better go straight home.
And when I call, you better answer.
I am so sorry.
He gets angry when he drinks.
- He doesn't mean it.
- Okay.
Well, he just attacked a
cop, so he's going to have
to sleep it off in custody.
You can pick him up in the morning.
Listen, we will walk you out. Come on.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I'll be fine.
- Hold on.
You've got a cut on
the back of your neck.
I'll send a first aid
kit up to your room.
What's the number?
Uh, it's 503.
I'll come up and help you.
- I'll manage.
- What? No.
It's on the back of your neck.
You can't even see it.
Take your shirt off so
I can see if the glass
cut you anywhere else.
You okay, tough guy?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
All right, what's the prognosis?
Am I gonna live?
Unfortunately, yes.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
We shouldn't.
I know.

Fast like a comet ♪
I could leave soon ♪
When there's no time ♪
To lose ♪
Don't pass me by ♪
Don't you ♪
I'm awake.
Of course you are.
Up at 5:00, like a rooster.
I remember.
So you want to talk now
or order coffee first?
Do we need to talk?
I mean, this just feels
like a classic case
of Valentine's Day ex-sex, right?
Yeah, totally.
Just a singular moment in time,
aided by alcohol and shirtless triage.
Yeah, and now it's in our rearview,
and we can go back to normal.
Okay, well, I am gonna
finish getting ready
in my own room.
Hopefully Scott has
already cleared out, so
Uh, Lucy.
I'll see you at the station.

See you at the station.

[EXHALES] That guest room is arctic.
Why has no one told me?
Bailey, we really need to talk.
I have nothing to add to
what I said last night.
When you're ready to apologize,
I'll listen. [KNOCK AT DOOR]
You know, the fact
that you are mad at me
kind of blows my mind.
The fact that you are judging me
instead of empathizing
is blowing mine.
Tech found Claudia's
deleted texts last night,
and the ones with Anton
Petrovich's daughter
are very enlightening.
Got to go.
I I'm sorry.
Am I interrupting something?
Yeah, but go ahead.
Mila is basically a
bird in a gilded cage.
She has no license, no
friends, or any freedom at all.
She tried to run away back in 2020,
but when her father caught
her, he had her committed
to a Russian insane
asylum for ten months.
So Claudia saw how
she was being treated
and tried to help her?
It's more than that.
They're in love.
Yeah, Claudia deleted her
texts and turned off her phone,
because she and Mila
were gonna run away,
but they were terrified Mila's
father would come after them.
So it's possible
Claudia is still alive.
- John Nolan.
- Officer Nolan,
it's Brett, the
doorman from yesterday.
Mr. Petrovich's guys just brought in
his daughter and the girl
you were looking for.
They were all beat up.
I need an RA for a male
victim with a head injury.
What happened?
This guy came in yelling at
me in Spanish about Claudia.
He hit me with a
crowbar when I told him
I couldn't let him upstairs.
- Claudia's father.
- How long ago?
Less than a minute.



Shots fired, two down. Code-4.
Send additional RAs.
Is he gonna be all right?
Yeah, it looks like a clean
shot through and through.
Ambulance is on the way.
He's not going to get in
trouble for this, is he?
No, no.
Given the circumstances, no.
They're getting married.
It's like a happy
ending, like a storybook.
Yeah, but in the storybooks
there's a lot less blood.
Things all squared
away at the hospital?
Uh, yep. Sebastian's surgery went well.
Claudia has barely left his side.
She feels guilty for texting
him and asking him for help.
- But he should be discharged
in a day or so.
How did the debrief go with Mila?
Well, the feds swooped in.
She told them where the
figurative bodies were buried,
and a few literal ones.
By the time she was done,
Garza could not quit smiling.
He promised her she'd
never have to worry
about her father again.
Do you need to get that?
No, it's it's Scott.
I told him I'm working, but
he won't quit texting me.
Oh. So your simple booty call
has turned complicated.
I might have to ghost the guy.
Speaking of ghosts
How are things with my wife?
The answer is, I have no idea.
Are you ready to go?
So Graham and Gretchen
really hit it off.
She's posted, like,
nine pictures with him
from last night.
Why do you care so much?
You know, I don't.
He's figured it out.
Wait, figured what out?
That Graham has a crush on me.
Wait, what?
If you knew, why didn't
you shut him down?
Because he does her scut work.
He's eager to please, so yes,
sometimes I use it to my advantage.
This morning he organized
my search warrant receipts.
Mm. I wish I had a work husband.
Well, now he's with Gretchen
and I've lost my helper,
so I can't go home until I've updated
my own case status reports.
Well, I'm going with "worth it."


Hey, you know we don't have
to check out till the morning.
Yeah, I know.
But, um

I'm leaving tonight.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Come on, Miles.
I'm not stupid.
I've never seen you as
serious about anything
as you are about this job.
Except you.
Including me.
Being a cop,
being out here in LA,
this is your dream, not mine.
And I could tell from the second
that I saw you at the
station, I didn't fit in.
The storms upon me ♪

You're right.
Football came too easy.
I took it for granted.
I threw it all away 'cause
I didn't respect it.
But this
I didn't realize how
important this job was
until I started it,
until I started working
with people who cared
about it in such a way I
didn't care about nothing
before in my life.

I just hate that I'm
breaking your heart
after you sacrificed so much for me.
It wasn't a sacrifice.

But over the last six months,
while you've been here,
I've been thinking a lot.
And I don't want to leave Texas,
leave my friends and my
family for your dream.
I deserve my own.
You do.

I do love you, Camilla.

I love you too, Miles.


Are we faking out ♪
Just trying to get through ♪
And we're drinking now ♪
To not be blue ♪

I'm not sorry about last night.
Oh, me neither.
But it can never happen again.
I know.
For a million reasons.
I mean, I'm in your chain
of command, for one.
Plus, I'm #GrumpyCop.

Yeah, that too.

Wasn't grumpy last night.
No, you definitely were not.
The less we know ♪
The less we know ♪
Are we better off
the less we know? ♪
Hey, I'm gonna stay at
the firehouse tonight.
Maybe longer.
I don't know.
For you not to understand why,
and to judge me like that,
I just
I don't know how we fix this.
Please fix this.
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