Hudson and Rex (2019) s07e07 Episode Script
Kiss The Cod and Make Them Die
Too bad you gotta go ♪
I really wish you could stay, but ♪
I got a perfect way
to remember today ♪
You gotta kiss this cod
and riddle that poem off ♪
And the next thing that you know ♪
You'll be sayin' ♪
Who knit ya? ♪
How ya getting on? ♪
Did you come from away? ♪
Do you know my buddy, Tom? ♪
When you came in did you have a hat? ♪
Stay where you're to 'til
I comes where you're at ♪
And who knit ya? ♪
- Hey, buddy!
we sure have a time ♪
Out here on this island ♪
You'll be sayin' ♪
Who knit ya? ♪
How ya getting on? ♪
Did you come from away? ♪
Do you know my buddy, Tom? ♪
When you came in did you have a hat? ♪
Stay where you're to 'til
I comes where you're at ♪
- SARAH: Rex!
- Oh!
My friend, we sure have a time ♪
Out here on this island of mine ♪
Get back! Get back!
Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Easy, easy, easy, easy!
- Call the dog off.
Okay, look,
whatever's going on, you
don't want to hurt anyone,
so just let this woman go, okay?
- I don't know, man.
- Yeah, you do.
Come on. Let her go.
There you go.
All right.
SARAH: Justin! Justin, let her go!
- JUSTIN: Shut him up!
Shut the dog up!
- Shut him up!
- Rex!
Justin. Justin.
Hey, you don't want to do this.
She's right, Justin. Just
put the gun down, okay?
I'm not going back to jail.
Okay, talk to me, Justin. Talk to me.
There's nothing to talk about.
Do you have a family? Kids, maybe?
- I got a son.
- What's his name?
- What's his name?
- Ben.
- MAN: Ben?
When Ben grows up,
what type of father do you
want him to remember, huh?
- You're just screwing with me!
- Rex!
Are you okay?
You all right?
Okay, good.
Anyone here brave enough
for the Screech-in ceremony,
meet me at the bar!
You know, I've been thinking,
maybe it's finally
time I do a Screech-in.
- Really?
- Uh-huh.
Okay, well you're not
a true Newfoundland
- until you have, Stella.
- This I've been told.
Hey, Glen!
[STELLA LAUGHS] - One more
for the Screech-in ceremony!
Right over here!
Best kind!
Oh, okay!
We're doing it tonight. It's happening.
It's going to be fun!
This officer will
take care of you, okay?
There you go.
Thanks for the help.
I mean, that was an
incredibly stupid thing to do.
- You're welcome.
- Ah.
- I just arrived from Halifax.
I'm I'm Mark.
- With special investigations.
- Sarah.
- It's fine.
- Well, I guess
welcome to St. John's.
- Thanks.
And, uh,
this is Rex, huh?
- Nice take-down. Very
clean. - [REX YELPS]
Something tells me
you've done that before.
- Good job.
Oh, well, it's, uh,
yeah, it's nice to meet you too.
GLEN: All right, everyone! Listen up!
Now, to be called a Newfoundlander,
a shot of Screech
will prove that you possess
the strength of one.
More important than strength
is heart.
And the only way to prove you have that
is by giving my friend
here a great big kiss!
- Now!
- Here we go.
Oh, no!
I can't believe I'm doing this!
Well, it's, uh,
- time to pucker up.
- Ahh!
JESSE: Oh, that is so gross!
JESSE: You know what?
I think we make a pretty good duo!
I guess I just needed
the Garfunkel to my Simon!
Wow, that's a low blow.
Nobody wants to be Garfunkel.
I'm pretty sure Garfunkel
doesn't even want to be Garfunkel.
What is that?
I, um
I had a lot of fun tonight, Jesse.
- Yeah, me too.
- Maybe we should
Maybe we shhh
Stella, are you okay?
I'm not feeling so [STELLA GROANS]
Stella, no, no, no! Stella!
Yeah, we need an ambulance
to Hanlon's pub right away!
It's Hanlon's ! [JESSE GROANS]
- Hey.
Hey! What happened?
You and Stella passed
out in Hanlon's pub.
- Is she all right?
- Yeah. She was hit harder than you
but yeah, she's going to be fine.
- Hit harder by what?
- Well, we're still waiting on the tox screen.
But it was some sort of poison.
A couple of others are sick as well.
How did we get it?
We're not sure yet.
What did you and Stella
eat and drink last night?
Well, we just
We just had a couple of beers.
Stella did the Screech-in
ceremony. I didn't.
Okay, I should go check on her.
Oh, no. Hey, she's going to be fine.
- Don't worry about it. She's good.
PA: Code Blue, room 305.
Code Blue in room 305.
Code Blue in room 305.
- Code Blue in room 305.
DONOVAN: Hey, buddy, how are you doing?
- Hey!
- Hey!
- How's Jesse?
- Feeling better.
- Good.
- Yeah.
You miss it down here in the lab?
Science is always going
to be my first love.
So listen, I just heard
from the health board
and they are ruling out food poisoning
and they want us to investigate.
So the thinking is it was intentional?
Yeah. And possibly murder.
One of the victims didn't make it.
Kieran Lavoie. 32, from Churchill Falls.
- Any other victims?
- Just one that we know of.
Daniel Fraser.
The question is, why did
Kieran die and not the others?
Well, we'll need the
autopsy results to be sure
but my guess would be an
underlying medical condition.
Any idea what the poison might be?
No idea but we do know the victims
have one thing in common: the pub.
Right. Check it out.
Kieran came with a buddy.
Marshall Girard. I'm
about to interview him.
Let's go, buddy.
I've known Kieran since we
were kids growing up in Sydney.
We went into logging together.
What brought you to St. John's?
He was having girlfriend problems.
I'd hoped the change
of scenery would help,
help him get over her.
Tell me about your night at the pub.
Got there around nine.
Knocked back a few beers.
Listening to music.
Kieran did the Screech-in ceremony.
He was always up for something crazy.
Did either of you know
anybody else at the bar?
Did you share food or drinks
with anyone that night?
Nothing like that.
Can you think of anyone who
may have wanted to hurt him?
No! Everybody loved him.
Are you saying this wasn't an accident?
No, we're just exploring all avenues.
I may need to be in touch
with you again, Marshall.
They said they're going to keep
Kieran's body for a few days.
I'll be sticking around.
- GLENN: Huhh?!
- Aghh!
- A dog in the bar?
- Why not?
Health Department shut me down anyway.
Sarah Truong. SJPD.
This is Rex.
Having some trouble with your fridge?
Yeah, I got a cooling fluid leak.
So if you're here, it's true then?
There was a poisoning?
Unfortunately, yeah.
One man didn't make it.
You know, I try to keep
a close watch on things.
The occasional creep trying
to spike someone's drink.
But this?
Do you have security cameras in the bar?
No. Now I wish I did.
Can you tell me anything about
these four people?
Maybe what they ate or drank last night?
I don't remember them
eating. Just drinks.
Who has access to your stock?
Just me and my staff.
But no one here would
do anything like this.
Anyone holding a grudge against the pub?
- Or you?
- I suppose there's Ruth Weymouth.
Who's she?
A bartender I fired
a couple of weeks ago.
Come to think of it, she was
in as a customer last night.
Any idea where I can find her?
Yeah, I saw on social
media, she's doing a gig.
Fancy's herself a musician.
- Hey. Shhh!
- Hey!
I had to dodge two nurses to get here.
- How are you feeling?
I've been better.
- Did they discharge you already?
- Yeah, well
I take poison a lot better than
you, obviously. Not to brag.
- Wow.
So I'm going to leave, okay?
And I promise next time
I won't be as funny.
I appreciate it.
- Daniel Fraser.
- That's me.
Hi. Jesse Mills.
- I also got poisoned.
- Oh.
So did my friend Stella.
How are you holding up?
[EXHALES] Better. You know?
But there must have been an
easier way for us to meet.
- No kidding.
Hey. You were playing
on stage, weren't you?
- Yeah, we were.
- Hey, you guys are good.
Thanks. How'd you end up at the pub?
I was just there with some coworkers.
- Where do you work?
- It's called Mind Savers.
We make herbal supplements.
- I'm actually the owner.
- Okay.
What about you? Do you
play music full time, or ?
No. No, I'm actually a
detective with the SJPD.
Well, you should try
some of our products!
Help keep you focused.
[JESSE CHUCKLES] I'll keep that in mind.
I've got to ask.
Do you have any idea what happened?
All we know is that it's a
poisoning being considered suspicious.
That's so messed up.
It is.
Yeah. Look, I don't suppose
you remember anything
out of the ordinary
from last night, do you?
No, it all
just seems like a very bad dream.
Well, if you remember anything at all,
- get in touch with me?
- Of course.
Okay. Nice to meet you.
Hi! Hello!
You're a handsome guy, huh?
- Ruth Weymouth?
- Yes?
Sarah Truong, SJPD. And this is Rex.
- Hi!
- I'm looking into an incident
at Hanlon's pub last night.
Oh yeah, I heard about
that. It's horrible!
Is there something I can do to help you?
Yeah, I understood that
you worked there until recently.
Yeah, bartending was just
a way to pay the bills.
I mean, what I was really hoping
was to play the stage there
but when I asked Glen, he shot me down.
So why'd you go back there last night?
Not to cause anyone harm,
if that's what you're getting at.
I just I'd heard those two
play and they were really good.
Uh, what's he doing?
Rex is trained to detect
certain substances.
Can you tell me what's on that sleeve?
Or I can bring it to
a lab if you prefer.
I, uh
I kind of messed with Glen's fridge.
Oh, so Rex is smelling refrigeration
fluid on your jacket.
I just thought that Glen would
have to throw away some food.
- Mmm.
- I didn't think that anyone
was going to get sick because of it.
- We meet again!
- Oh!
- If not in quite so dramatic a way.
Hey Detective, how are you doing?
Yeah, I'm great. I, uh
Well, it's nice to see you too, Rex.
So what are you doing in St. John's?
I'm working a trafficking
operation between Halifax and here.
Oh. Drugs, I assume.
Yeah. Been on it for months
and we're getting close but we
need some surveillance support.
- Hmm.
- I was just upstairs talking to Joe about it.
He mentioned you guys
are stretched pretty thin.
Yeah. My partner
Charlie, he's down in Belize.
Just looking after some family business.
I've got to say you seem
very comfortable around dogs.
Well, I worked with them when
I was in the military, so
- It shows.
- Rex likes you.
So how long are you in town for?
Just for a few more days.
- So maybe I'll see you around.
- Yeah, sounds good.
- What are you doing?
- I'm scrubbing social media
for photos taken at Hanlon's last night
trying to identify any eyewitness
that might have seen something.
No, I I mean, what
are you doing here?
You should be home resting.
I know, I just I'd
rather be here helping
than lying around at home. Thank you.
Hey, don't encourage him, Rex.
Listen, where are we at
with the eyewitnesses?
So far, nothing. Just all dead ends.
There are some people at the
bar we've reached out to
but they haven't reached back.
Okay, well, as long as
you're here, keep at it.
- Okay.
- What did Ruth Weymouth have to say?
Well, she admitted to
getting back at Hanlon's pub
by tampering with the fridge
but I don't think
that had anything to do
with the poisoning because the
lab just identified the poison.
It's deadly nightshade.
It's called deadly nightshade?
That sounds Shakespearean.
DONOVAN: Is that native to the island?
No, so it's either been
imported or cultivated here.
Well, I wonder how the victims
came in contact with it?
Well, for deadly nightshade
to take effect that quickly,
it would have to be ingested directly
- through the eyes, nose, lips.
- Lips?
So could have been on some glassware.
Time to pucker up!
- Oh!
- Oh, that is so gross!
Well here, take a little for yourself!
I think I know what all
the victims have in common.
We might have all kissed the cod.
- Sort of.
JESSE: Come on, we're
working. We're working, Rex.
No, please.
The lab confirms the Screech-in cod
had deadly nightshade
distillate on its lips.
Why would anyone do that?
- What's the motive?
- Well, could someone have wanted
to discredit the pub owner?
I can't see anyone holding
a grudge against him.
Except maybe that ex-bartender, Ruth.
Well, then maybe this
wasn't a mass poisoning.
Maybe there was a
single targeted victim.
And everyone else was
just collateral damage.
Yeah, because Kieran is
the only confirmed death
and his autopsy confirmed that
he had a respiratory condition.
The nightshade would have
had a fatal effect on him.
JESSE: Hey. There's
another potential target.
Here. I was scanning other
witnesses and came across this.
I thought I had recognized
and identified
everyone that had Screeched in with us.
Hey, Rex. Now you can do it.
But I think the poison
affected my memory.
I didn't even realize this woman
was part of the Screech-in ceremony.
DONOVAN: Who is she?
- JESSE: No idea.
- The big question is,
why hasn't she turned up sick?
Okay, we need to find out who she is.
Check all the local
and regional hospitals.
See if she was admitted.
I'll talk with Stella and Daniel.
Maybe they crossed paths
with her at the pub.
- That's great.
- Actually, you know what?
I'd like to talk to
Stella if you don't mind
because I got her this little thing
off of Amazon Prime to cheer her up.
You're not going to just
give her the box, are you?
No, of course not.
I also got her this orange gift bag.
Yes. Well done.
Do you mean that? Or
are you messing with me?
No, no, she'll appreciate the effort.
Rex? What do you think of this?
DANIEL: Yeah, of course I know her.
That's Cassidy Hall.
She's one of my employees.
Why are you asking about her?
We're concerned that she may
have been poisoned as well.
- Oh my God.
- Yeah.
When did you last see her?
We did the Screech-in.
She went first, then me, and
after that, she just
kind of disappeared.
Were there any other
members of your team
who might have seen where she went?
No. Everyone had gone home by then.
- Well, Jerry was still there.
Who's Jerry?
Local grower. Jerry Collins.
He supplies some of our herbals.
We'll speak with him.
Do you know of anyone
who might have wanted to
hurt Cassidy or yourself?
Oh, I can't speak for Cassidy, but,
you don't build a successful company
without rubbing a few
people the wrong way.
You didn't have to get me anything.
Ah, it's just a little
something every guitarist needs.
- A capo!
- Yeah, and you know what?
I'm going to put your initials on it
- so that you won't keep stealing mine.
- Okay, but no promises.
That's very sweet.
- Thank you.
- It's fine.
But I'm assuming you didn't
just come here to give me this?
Look, I
I also have to ask you if you
recognize this woman.
I remember her but I don't
know her name or anything.
We were in the washroom
together when we were in the pub.
Fantastic music tonight.
Hey, thanks!
And just so you know,
you have an admirer waiting
for you in the hallway.
You know her?
Who's your admirer?
Ruth Weymouth.
- Ruth Weymouth?
- Mm-hmm.
The bartender that was
let go from the pub?
How do you know her?
We went on a couple
of dates a while back.
It did not click.
You broke it off?
Yeah. And then she
kept showing up at all my gigs
wanting to collaborate on music.
And she sent me a couple links
to some songs she'd written.
- Got a bit weird.
- Mmm.
Did you do anything about it?
I blocked her on social media
so she wouldn't see where I was playing.
And, uh,
did you end up posting
about last night's gig?
Yes, I did.
Um I'm going to need
to borrow this, if that's okay.
I just I need to analyze
these songs that Ruth sent you.
Okay. Oh, but, um,
I should warn you.
Her music is not very good.
- Any luck finding Cassidy?
- Not yet.
Her car's in her driveway,
but she's not at home.
Yeah, and she hasn't used
her cell phone or credit card
- since last night's poisonings.
- What about hospitals?
No, no one matching her description
or symptoms has been admitted.
Well, she's not officially missing
but I'll try to get a search
warrant for her house and phone.
- Okay. Are you ready to do this?
- Yep.
Here is the church
SARAH: Does that song
sound familiar, Ruth?
- Here is the steeple ♪
- It should.
You sent it to Stella.
We analyzed the file.
Do you know what we found in it?
- Where, oh, where ♪
A data scraper?
Okay, so I harvested
passwords to Stella's socials.
She cut me off. I just
wanted to unblock myself.
How did you feel about
her doing that to you?
But not so bad that I
would try to poison her.
JESSE: You worked at
Hanlon's so you knew
where they kept the
Screech-in cod, right?
RUTH: Of course.
In the storeroom freezer.
But I couldn't have gotten in there
that night even if I wanted to.
Why not?
Because a couple was
already in the storeroom.
Looking for a little bit of privacy,
if you catch my drift.
By any chance,
was this the woman?
Yeah, that's her.
What about the guy? Did you know him?
No. Um, but he was there with a friend.
I think they were talking about logging.
This is Cassidy Hall.
We've been trying to get in
touch with her but with no luck.
Apparently you met her
that night at the pub.
I remember her.
We got friendly in the storeroom.
Any idea where we can find her?
I never got her contact info.
Did you see anyone else go in or
out of that storeroom that night?
It was just us. We were having fun
and she said she had
to go to the washroom.
Didn't see her again.
Why didn't you take
part in the Screech-in?
I was going to. Bought
some shrooms off a guy
and the pub got a little too high.
Who did you buy them off?
I think his name was Jerry?
Jerry Collins?
Yeah, that's it.
Cassidy introduced us.
- Jerry Collins?
- That's me.
Superintendent Joe Donovan, SJPD.
I want to ask you a few questions.
- I didn't think you were here for the ashwaganda.
We're investigating
a series of poisonings
- that happened at Hanlon's pub.
- I was there.
Sounds like I left the
party at the right time.
You work with Mind Savers.
Used to supply a lot of their herbals.
Used to?
Apparently I'm not big enough
to ensure their supply chain.
- Did that hurt your business?
- It didn't help it. That's for sure.
You thinking I had something
to do with this poisoning?
- Should I?
Look, clients like
Mind Savers come and go.
Money is just not that important to me.
I'm content just working
in the soil with my hands.
- What's with your dog?
- He's picked up a scent.
What's in there?
- That's my private collection.
You mind if I see?
- Good job, buddy.
- These are all psychedelics?
- Yeah.
I'm interested in the history of them.
This one here in the middle.
That's the pride of my collection.
- Deadly nightshade.
It's just a hobby, really.
Hoping one day to have a specimen
of every hallucinogenic
plant used through the ages.
I thought deadly nightshade
was just a poison.
No. Witches used it in the 16th century
to make a flying ointment.
Really effective potent stuff.
They would rub it on themselves.
So basically,
the hallucinogen would enter
their bodies through the skin
- and make them feel like they were flying?
- Exactly.
- Did you ever sell it to anyone?
- Nightshade?
No way. It's too risky.
But you did sell mushrooms at
the pub last night, right?
Just to that Marshall guy.
Does anyone else know that
you raise these plants?
Mmm. I don't publicize the collection
but it's not a secret either.
Mind Savers actually
toured the space last week.
- Was Cassidy Hall with them?
- Yeah.
She was really interested
in the nightshade.
Said she had a witchy phase in college
and experimented with the stuff.
Crazy, if you ask me.
What's the word?
Oh, several cuttings have been taken
from Jerry's plant recently.
Well, maybe it was the
source of the poison.
Potentially, but
I don't see Jerry as the one
who administered the poison.
How would he have known
that they'd kiss the cod?
Well, then maybe we're
looking at someone
who had knowledge about Jerry's plant.
He said Cassidy had seen it.
She'd experimented with
nightshade in college.
Yeah, but that would mean
that Cassidy poisoned herself.
There's an antidote to nightshade.
She could have taken it.
Okay, so if Cassidy was the poisoner,
that would explain why
she's been so hard to find.
The last people to see
her were Daniel and Stella.
Re-interview them. Take Jesse with you.
JESSE: When you and Cassidy
were talking in the bathroom,
did she say anything else?
Anything that might help us find her?
Nothing unusual.
Well, there was this one
thing that was kind of weird.
And just so you know,
you have an admirer waiting
for you in the hallway.
You know her?
Yeah. Unfortunately.
Is that lion's mane?
It is.
Helps keep me sharp when I'm playing.
I work for the company that makes these.
Don't take them again until they say new
and improved on the label.
Did she say why you
shouldn't take the pills?
- Sorry, I have to take this.
- Yeah!
- Joe, hey, what's up?
SARAH: I hear you're being
discharged, Mr. Fraser?
Yeah, finally.
- Any luck finding Cassidy?
- No.
No, actually I was hoping that
you could help us track her down.
Well, I don't know her all
that well outside of work.
And she hasn't been with us very long.
Did she say anything
before she left the pub?
What she was doing next,
where she was going?
No, nothing like that.
Not that I can remember.
How is your relationship with Cassidy?
Yeah, it's fine. We
don't agree on everything
but I don't pay my employees to
be yes people. You know?
Um, why do you ask?
What, you think that she had
something to do with the poisoning?
SARAH: One second.
- Hey! What's up?
- Hey.
Okay, so Cassidy's credit card
was used at a flower
shop on Freshwater Road
about a half hour ago.
She said that she wanted to buy flowers
for her friend in the hospital.
RUTH: I'm looking for Stella Ray's room.
I have some flowers to give her.
Wait, she's coming here?
Cassidy isn't. But somebody else is.
Ruth, did you use Cassidy
Hall's credit card?
I just wanted to bring
Stella some flowers.
And I'm broke.
Where'd you find the credit card?
It was on the floor of the bar.
I tried to give it back.
There's a number on the back.
I called it right away.
She said to meet her at the harbour.
And what happened?
Well, I went, but she never showed up.
Even when I tried calling
Cassidy on her phone again,
she wasn't answering.
Whereabouts near the harbour
were you going to meet her?
SARAH: All right, Rex,
you've got the scent.
Track Cassidy Hall.
What are you doing here?
Oh, we got the surveillance set up.
So I thought I'd take one last
look at the harbour before I left.
What are you two up to?
We're trying to pick up the trail
of someone we're looking for.
They were last seen down here.
You mind if I tag along?
I don't mean to pry but
what's Charlie doing in Belize?
His brother Jack went
missing down there.
So Charlie went to look for him.
I spent some time in Belize.
It's an interesting
place, to say the least.
It's been a while since Charlie called
so that's been a bit hard.
Well, from everything I've heard,
he can take care of himself.
Yeah. Yeah, he can.
- What have you got, Rex?
It's Cassidy's.
Rex, what is it?
- Oh my God, Cassidy.
She's still alive.
I need an ambulance at Harbourside Park.
Cassidy's vital signs
are weak, but steady.
She's most likely suffering hypothermia.
Not to mention the after
effects of the poison.
Any signs of a struggle?
- No, nothing obvious.
- Okay.
So she leaves the bar,
starts to walk home
and ends up in the harbour.
Well, deadly nightshade
poison causes delirium.
It might have caused
her to lose her balance
or it might have
caused her to just jump.
Which would help explain why
she seems to have just
tossed away her purse.
What's Rex alerting to?
Maybe the purse?
Something inside, maybe?
Is it this lipstick, Rex?
Is that what you're interested in?
- Huh.
Your chief wants to
see me at headquarters.
What's that about?
No idea but I guess I'll soon find out.
You are quite the officer, Rex.
- I'll see you guys later.
- Okay.
So I got into Cassidy's cellphone.
Turns out,
there are some pretty heated
emails between her and her boss.
Daniel Fraser.
Your office said that
we could find you here.
Yeah, feeling better, I take it.
Yeah, much.
What can I do for you?
SARAH: Well, we've located Cassidy Hall.
And we suspect that she was poisoned.
Oh my God!
Will she be okay?
SARAH: Yeah, hopefully.
JESSE: We accessed her phone and emails.
You can't shut me up.
I know the truth.
She sent that to you about a week ago.
Well, that was just a misunderstanding.
SARAH: It sounds like a lot
more than a misunderstanding.
Fine. It was all going
to come out anyway.
Cassidy found a flaw in
one of our supplements.
Lion's mane.
- Yeah.
- What was the problem with it?
We just started to use a
new slow-release casing.
And Cassidy discovered
that it contained chromium.
SARAH: Chromium? That's highly toxic.
Well obviously, we didn't know
that the casings were tainted.
And Cassidy brought it to the attention
of one of our managers and
I guess things got heated.
But as soon as I found out, I
immediately ordered a recall.
Must have cost of
your company a fortune.
Yeah, it did.
I know you're thinking that
I was upset with Cassidy
but she actually saved us.
And a lot of other people.
I thank her for it.
SARAH: So Daniel wasn't upset
with Cassidy about the chromium.
- Oh, how's Cassidy doing?
- Improving.
Doctor said she'll
regain consciousness soon.
DONOVAN: Good. That's great news.
Did the lab analyze her lipstick?
Yes, and they confirmed it was infused
with deadly nightshade.
Okay, well if she was the
first one to kiss the cod
that means she transferred
the poison to its lips.
And from the cod's
lips to everyone else.
But she was kissing Marshall earlier.
And he didn't get sick.
How is that possible?
SARAH: Something must have
happened after they kissed.
You know, Stella said that
Cassidy was in the washroom
reapplying her lipstick.
What if someone swapped
her regular lipstick
with the tainted tube?
Maybe they wanted to just poison her.
But had no idea she would kiss the cod.
That would have to be someone
with access to her purse.
JESSE: Well, hang on.
Stella [SINGING]: ♪
I got a perfect way ♪
To remember today ♪
You got to kiss this
cod riddle that poem off ♪
I remember a woman fitting Cassidy's
description at the back of the bar.
And if it was her,
there was someone sitting at
her table with that opportunity.
Daniel Fraser.
SARAH: Her boss.
Maybe he was more upset about
the product recall than he let on.
Or maybe he wanted to shut Cassidy up.
- Permanently.
- JESSE: And now she's back,
- recovering.
- We need to get to the hospital.
- Yeah.
- Rex.
DANIEL: Hi, Cassidy.
I heard you're feeling better.
That's a real shame.
- Jesse!
- Hey!
- Hey.
- What's up?
- I'm just
I'm checking in on Cassidy here.
How are you feeling?
STELLA: Good! I'm being discharged.
- I just wanted to see her before I go.
- That's good news.
Oh, Daniel was just in to see her too.
When was this?
like two minutes ago?
Oh my God. What's happening?
Um Just one second.
Hey, hey! I'm a police officer.
You need to check on
Cassidy Hall right now.
I think she's been poisoned
with deadly nightshade.
Sarah, hey it's me. Look,
Daniel's poisoned Cassidy.
I think he might still
be in the building.
- Rex.
DANIEL: Get out of the way!
WOMAN: Hey, watch it!
Ughh! Aghh!
Nice work, buddy.
Okay, great.
Yeah, thanks.
That was the hospital.
Cassidy's going to be good.
- Oh, that's great news!
- Yeah.
Okay, well Stella's back to normal too.
We're actually going to
hit up the open mic tonight.
I wouldn't kiss the cod if I were you.
- That's too soon.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- You think?
Yeah, a little bit.
Hey, guys!
Mark, I thought you left.
Hey, what's up?
Actually, it looks like I might
be hanging around for a while.
Yeah, Mark's been
seconded to Major Crimes
while we're shorthanded.
Oh, is that what the chief
- wanted to see you about?
- Yeah, it was.
Well, we should have a celebration pint.
Stella and I might actually
play a tune as well, so
I would love that but I've got
to go look at a place to stay.
- See you.
- How about you two?
Oh, you know what? It turns out
that Rex likes frisbee golf, so
I'm actually going to
take him to the park.
Come on, Rex. Let's go.
Ah, I'm sorry, Jesse.
It's pickleball, isn't it?
No, it's not pickleball.
Okay. Well, it's your guys' loss.
They're all gone.
Hey! Um
About that kiss
You know, the one that was so
good it put me in the hospital?
- Jesse.
- Yeah.
We just hit our groove playing together.
I'm thinking,
let's not complicate the
good thing we've got going?
Yeah, no, for sure.
Definitely. Sounds good.
But Mills
I reserve the right to change my mind.
Oh, and hey.
Can I borrow your capo?
Where's yours?
I like yours better.
- Thank you.
- You ready?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
Too bad you gotta go ♪
I really wish you could stay, but ♪
STELLA: I got a perfect
way to remember today ♪
JESSE: You gotta kiss this
cod and riddle that poem off ♪
And next thing that you
know, you'll be saying ♪
BOTH: Who knit ya? ♪
How ya getting on? ♪
Did you come from away? ♪
Do you know my buddy Tom? ♪
When you came in ♪
Did you have a hat? ♪
Stay where you're to 'til
I comes where you're at ♪
And who knit ya? ♪
Too bad you gotta go ♪
I really wish you could stay, but ♪
I got a perfect way
to remember today ♪
You gotta kiss this cod
and riddle that poem off ♪
And the next thing that you know ♪
You'll be sayin' ♪
Who knit ya? ♪
How ya getting on? ♪
Did you come from away? ♪
Do you know my buddy, Tom? ♪
When you came in did you have a hat? ♪
Stay where you're to 'til
I comes where you're at ♪
And who knit ya? ♪
- Hey, buddy!
we sure have a time ♪
Out here on this island ♪
You'll be sayin' ♪
Who knit ya? ♪
How ya getting on? ♪
Did you come from away? ♪
Do you know my buddy, Tom? ♪
When you came in did you have a hat? ♪
Stay where you're to 'til
I comes where you're at ♪
- SARAH: Rex!
- Oh!
My friend, we sure have a time ♪
Out here on this island of mine ♪
Get back! Get back!
Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Easy, easy, easy, easy!
- Call the dog off.
Okay, look,
whatever's going on, you
don't want to hurt anyone,
so just let this woman go, okay?
- I don't know, man.
- Yeah, you do.
Come on. Let her go.
There you go.
All right.
SARAH: Justin! Justin, let her go!
- JUSTIN: Shut him up!
Shut the dog up!
- Shut him up!
- Rex!
Justin. Justin.
Hey, you don't want to do this.
She's right, Justin. Just
put the gun down, okay?
I'm not going back to jail.
Okay, talk to me, Justin. Talk to me.
There's nothing to talk about.
Do you have a family? Kids, maybe?
- I got a son.
- What's his name?
- What's his name?
- Ben.
- MAN: Ben?
When Ben grows up,
what type of father do you
want him to remember, huh?
- You're just screwing with me!
- Rex!
Are you okay?
You all right?
Okay, good.
Anyone here brave enough
for the Screech-in ceremony,
meet me at the bar!
You know, I've been thinking,
maybe it's finally
time I do a Screech-in.
- Really?
- Uh-huh.
Okay, well you're not
a true Newfoundland
- until you have, Stella.
- This I've been told.
Hey, Glen!
[STELLA LAUGHS] - One more
for the Screech-in ceremony!
Right over here!
Best kind!
Oh, okay!
We're doing it tonight. It's happening.
It's going to be fun!
This officer will
take care of you, okay?
There you go.
Thanks for the help.
I mean, that was an
incredibly stupid thing to do.
- You're welcome.
- Ah.
- I just arrived from Halifax.
I'm I'm Mark.
- With special investigations.
- Sarah.
- It's fine.
- Well, I guess
welcome to St. John's.
- Thanks.
And, uh,
this is Rex, huh?
- Nice take-down. Very
clean. - [REX YELPS]
Something tells me
you've done that before.
- Good job.
Oh, well, it's, uh,
yeah, it's nice to meet you too.
GLEN: All right, everyone! Listen up!
Now, to be called a Newfoundlander,
a shot of Screech
will prove that you possess
the strength of one.
More important than strength
is heart.
And the only way to prove you have that
is by giving my friend
here a great big kiss!
- Now!
- Here we go.
Oh, no!
I can't believe I'm doing this!
Well, it's, uh,
- time to pucker up.
- Ahh!
JESSE: Oh, that is so gross!
JESSE: You know what?
I think we make a pretty good duo!
I guess I just needed
the Garfunkel to my Simon!
Wow, that's a low blow.
Nobody wants to be Garfunkel.
I'm pretty sure Garfunkel
doesn't even want to be Garfunkel.
What is that?
I, um
I had a lot of fun tonight, Jesse.
- Yeah, me too.
- Maybe we should
Maybe we shhh
Stella, are you okay?
I'm not feeling so [STELLA GROANS]
Stella, no, no, no! Stella!
Yeah, we need an ambulance
to Hanlon's pub right away!
It's Hanlon's ! [JESSE GROANS]
- Hey.
Hey! What happened?
You and Stella passed
out in Hanlon's pub.
- Is she all right?
- Yeah. She was hit harder than you
but yeah, she's going to be fine.
- Hit harder by what?
- Well, we're still waiting on the tox screen.
But it was some sort of poison.
A couple of others are sick as well.
How did we get it?
We're not sure yet.
What did you and Stella
eat and drink last night?
Well, we just
We just had a couple of beers.
Stella did the Screech-in
ceremony. I didn't.
Okay, I should go check on her.
Oh, no. Hey, she's going to be fine.
- Don't worry about it. She's good.
PA: Code Blue, room 305.
Code Blue in room 305.
Code Blue in room 305.
- Code Blue in room 305.
DONOVAN: Hey, buddy, how are you doing?
- Hey!
- Hey!
- How's Jesse?
- Feeling better.
- Good.
- Yeah.
You miss it down here in the lab?
Science is always going
to be my first love.
So listen, I just heard
from the health board
and they are ruling out food poisoning
and they want us to investigate.
So the thinking is it was intentional?
Yeah. And possibly murder.
One of the victims didn't make it.
Kieran Lavoie. 32, from Churchill Falls.
- Any other victims?
- Just one that we know of.
Daniel Fraser.
The question is, why did
Kieran die and not the others?
Well, we'll need the
autopsy results to be sure
but my guess would be an
underlying medical condition.
Any idea what the poison might be?
No idea but we do know the victims
have one thing in common: the pub.
Right. Check it out.
Kieran came with a buddy.
Marshall Girard. I'm
about to interview him.
Let's go, buddy.
I've known Kieran since we
were kids growing up in Sydney.
We went into logging together.
What brought you to St. John's?
He was having girlfriend problems.
I'd hoped the change
of scenery would help,
help him get over her.
Tell me about your night at the pub.
Got there around nine.
Knocked back a few beers.
Listening to music.
Kieran did the Screech-in ceremony.
He was always up for something crazy.
Did either of you know
anybody else at the bar?
Did you share food or drinks
with anyone that night?
Nothing like that.
Can you think of anyone who
may have wanted to hurt him?
No! Everybody loved him.
Are you saying this wasn't an accident?
No, we're just exploring all avenues.
I may need to be in touch
with you again, Marshall.
They said they're going to keep
Kieran's body for a few days.
I'll be sticking around.
- GLENN: Huhh?!
- Aghh!
- A dog in the bar?
- Why not?
Health Department shut me down anyway.
Sarah Truong. SJPD.
This is Rex.
Having some trouble with your fridge?
Yeah, I got a cooling fluid leak.
So if you're here, it's true then?
There was a poisoning?
Unfortunately, yeah.
One man didn't make it.
You know, I try to keep
a close watch on things.
The occasional creep trying
to spike someone's drink.
But this?
Do you have security cameras in the bar?
No. Now I wish I did.
Can you tell me anything about
these four people?
Maybe what they ate or drank last night?
I don't remember them
eating. Just drinks.
Who has access to your stock?
Just me and my staff.
But no one here would
do anything like this.
Anyone holding a grudge against the pub?
- Or you?
- I suppose there's Ruth Weymouth.
Who's she?
A bartender I fired
a couple of weeks ago.
Come to think of it, she was
in as a customer last night.
Any idea where I can find her?
Yeah, I saw on social
media, she's doing a gig.
Fancy's herself a musician.
- Hey. Shhh!
- Hey!
I had to dodge two nurses to get here.
- How are you feeling?
I've been better.
- Did they discharge you already?
- Yeah, well
I take poison a lot better than
you, obviously. Not to brag.
- Wow.
So I'm going to leave, okay?
And I promise next time
I won't be as funny.
I appreciate it.
- Daniel Fraser.
- That's me.
Hi. Jesse Mills.
- I also got poisoned.
- Oh.
So did my friend Stella.
How are you holding up?
[EXHALES] Better. You know?
But there must have been an
easier way for us to meet.
- No kidding.
Hey. You were playing
on stage, weren't you?
- Yeah, we were.
- Hey, you guys are good.
Thanks. How'd you end up at the pub?
I was just there with some coworkers.
- Where do you work?
- It's called Mind Savers.
We make herbal supplements.
- I'm actually the owner.
- Okay.
What about you? Do you
play music full time, or ?
No. No, I'm actually a
detective with the SJPD.
Well, you should try
some of our products!
Help keep you focused.
[JESSE CHUCKLES] I'll keep that in mind.
I've got to ask.
Do you have any idea what happened?
All we know is that it's a
poisoning being considered suspicious.
That's so messed up.
It is.
Yeah. Look, I don't suppose
you remember anything
out of the ordinary
from last night, do you?
No, it all
just seems like a very bad dream.
Well, if you remember anything at all,
- get in touch with me?
- Of course.
Okay. Nice to meet you.
Hi! Hello!
You're a handsome guy, huh?
- Ruth Weymouth?
- Yes?
Sarah Truong, SJPD. And this is Rex.
- Hi!
- I'm looking into an incident
at Hanlon's pub last night.
Oh yeah, I heard about
that. It's horrible!
Is there something I can do to help you?
Yeah, I understood that
you worked there until recently.
Yeah, bartending was just
a way to pay the bills.
I mean, what I was really hoping
was to play the stage there
but when I asked Glen, he shot me down.
So why'd you go back there last night?
Not to cause anyone harm,
if that's what you're getting at.
I just I'd heard those two
play and they were really good.
Uh, what's he doing?
Rex is trained to detect
certain substances.
Can you tell me what's on that sleeve?
Or I can bring it to
a lab if you prefer.
I, uh
I kind of messed with Glen's fridge.
Oh, so Rex is smelling refrigeration
fluid on your jacket.
I just thought that Glen would
have to throw away some food.
- Mmm.
- I didn't think that anyone
was going to get sick because of it.
- We meet again!
- Oh!
- If not in quite so dramatic a way.
Hey Detective, how are you doing?
Yeah, I'm great. I, uh
Well, it's nice to see you too, Rex.
So what are you doing in St. John's?
I'm working a trafficking
operation between Halifax and here.
Oh. Drugs, I assume.
Yeah. Been on it for months
and we're getting close but we
need some surveillance support.
- Hmm.
- I was just upstairs talking to Joe about it.
He mentioned you guys
are stretched pretty thin.
Yeah. My partner
Charlie, he's down in Belize.
Just looking after some family business.
I've got to say you seem
very comfortable around dogs.
Well, I worked with them when
I was in the military, so
- It shows.
- Rex likes you.
So how long are you in town for?
Just for a few more days.
- So maybe I'll see you around.
- Yeah, sounds good.
- What are you doing?
- I'm scrubbing social media
for photos taken at Hanlon's last night
trying to identify any eyewitness
that might have seen something.
No, I I mean, what
are you doing here?
You should be home resting.
I know, I just I'd
rather be here helping
than lying around at home. Thank you.
Hey, don't encourage him, Rex.
Listen, where are we at
with the eyewitnesses?
So far, nothing. Just all dead ends.
There are some people at the
bar we've reached out to
but they haven't reached back.
Okay, well, as long as
you're here, keep at it.
- Okay.
- What did Ruth Weymouth have to say?
Well, she admitted to
getting back at Hanlon's pub
by tampering with the fridge
but I don't think
that had anything to do
with the poisoning because the
lab just identified the poison.
It's deadly nightshade.
It's called deadly nightshade?
That sounds Shakespearean.
DONOVAN: Is that native to the island?
No, so it's either been
imported or cultivated here.
Well, I wonder how the victims
came in contact with it?
Well, for deadly nightshade
to take effect that quickly,
it would have to be ingested directly
- through the eyes, nose, lips.
- Lips?
So could have been on some glassware.
Time to pucker up!
- Oh!
- Oh, that is so gross!
Well here, take a little for yourself!
I think I know what all
the victims have in common.
We might have all kissed the cod.
- Sort of.
JESSE: Come on, we're
working. We're working, Rex.
No, please.
The lab confirms the Screech-in cod
had deadly nightshade
distillate on its lips.
Why would anyone do that?
- What's the motive?
- Well, could someone have wanted
to discredit the pub owner?
I can't see anyone holding
a grudge against him.
Except maybe that ex-bartender, Ruth.
Well, then maybe this
wasn't a mass poisoning.
Maybe there was a
single targeted victim.
And everyone else was
just collateral damage.
Yeah, because Kieran is
the only confirmed death
and his autopsy confirmed that
he had a respiratory condition.
The nightshade would have
had a fatal effect on him.
JESSE: Hey. There's
another potential target.
Here. I was scanning other
witnesses and came across this.
I thought I had recognized
and identified
everyone that had Screeched in with us.
Hey, Rex. Now you can do it.
But I think the poison
affected my memory.
I didn't even realize this woman
was part of the Screech-in ceremony.
DONOVAN: Who is she?
- JESSE: No idea.
- The big question is,
why hasn't she turned up sick?
Okay, we need to find out who she is.
Check all the local
and regional hospitals.
See if she was admitted.
I'll talk with Stella and Daniel.
Maybe they crossed paths
with her at the pub.
- That's great.
- Actually, you know what?
I'd like to talk to
Stella if you don't mind
because I got her this little thing
off of Amazon Prime to cheer her up.
You're not going to just
give her the box, are you?
No, of course not.
I also got her this orange gift bag.
Yes. Well done.
Do you mean that? Or
are you messing with me?
No, no, she'll appreciate the effort.
Rex? What do you think of this?
DANIEL: Yeah, of course I know her.
That's Cassidy Hall.
She's one of my employees.
Why are you asking about her?
We're concerned that she may
have been poisoned as well.
- Oh my God.
- Yeah.
When did you last see her?
We did the Screech-in.
She went first, then me, and
after that, she just
kind of disappeared.
Were there any other
members of your team
who might have seen where she went?
No. Everyone had gone home by then.
- Well, Jerry was still there.
Who's Jerry?
Local grower. Jerry Collins.
He supplies some of our herbals.
We'll speak with him.
Do you know of anyone
who might have wanted to
hurt Cassidy or yourself?
Oh, I can't speak for Cassidy, but,
you don't build a successful company
without rubbing a few
people the wrong way.
You didn't have to get me anything.
Ah, it's just a little
something every guitarist needs.
- A capo!
- Yeah, and you know what?
I'm going to put your initials on it
- so that you won't keep stealing mine.
- Okay, but no promises.
That's very sweet.
- Thank you.
- It's fine.
But I'm assuming you didn't
just come here to give me this?
Look, I
I also have to ask you if you
recognize this woman.
I remember her but I don't
know her name or anything.
We were in the washroom
together when we were in the pub.
Fantastic music tonight.
Hey, thanks!
And just so you know,
you have an admirer waiting
for you in the hallway.
You know her?
Who's your admirer?
Ruth Weymouth.
- Ruth Weymouth?
- Mm-hmm.
The bartender that was
let go from the pub?
How do you know her?
We went on a couple
of dates a while back.
It did not click.
You broke it off?
Yeah. And then she
kept showing up at all my gigs
wanting to collaborate on music.
And she sent me a couple links
to some songs she'd written.
- Got a bit weird.
- Mmm.
Did you do anything about it?
I blocked her on social media
so she wouldn't see where I was playing.
And, uh,
did you end up posting
about last night's gig?
Yes, I did.
Um I'm going to need
to borrow this, if that's okay.
I just I need to analyze
these songs that Ruth sent you.
Okay. Oh, but, um,
I should warn you.
Her music is not very good.
- Any luck finding Cassidy?
- Not yet.
Her car's in her driveway,
but she's not at home.
Yeah, and she hasn't used
her cell phone or credit card
- since last night's poisonings.
- What about hospitals?
No, no one matching her description
or symptoms has been admitted.
Well, she's not officially missing
but I'll try to get a search
warrant for her house and phone.
- Okay. Are you ready to do this?
- Yep.
Here is the church
SARAH: Does that song
sound familiar, Ruth?
- Here is the steeple ♪
- It should.
You sent it to Stella.
We analyzed the file.
Do you know what we found in it?
- Where, oh, where ♪
A data scraper?
Okay, so I harvested
passwords to Stella's socials.
She cut me off. I just
wanted to unblock myself.
How did you feel about
her doing that to you?
But not so bad that I
would try to poison her.
JESSE: You worked at
Hanlon's so you knew
where they kept the
Screech-in cod, right?
RUTH: Of course.
In the storeroom freezer.
But I couldn't have gotten in there
that night even if I wanted to.
Why not?
Because a couple was
already in the storeroom.
Looking for a little bit of privacy,
if you catch my drift.
By any chance,
was this the woman?
Yeah, that's her.
What about the guy? Did you know him?
No. Um, but he was there with a friend.
I think they were talking about logging.
This is Cassidy Hall.
We've been trying to get in
touch with her but with no luck.
Apparently you met her
that night at the pub.
I remember her.
We got friendly in the storeroom.
Any idea where we can find her?
I never got her contact info.
Did you see anyone else go in or
out of that storeroom that night?
It was just us. We were having fun
and she said she had
to go to the washroom.
Didn't see her again.
Why didn't you take
part in the Screech-in?
I was going to. Bought
some shrooms off a guy
and the pub got a little too high.
Who did you buy them off?
I think his name was Jerry?
Jerry Collins?
Yeah, that's it.
Cassidy introduced us.
- Jerry Collins?
- That's me.
Superintendent Joe Donovan, SJPD.
I want to ask you a few questions.
- I didn't think you were here for the ashwaganda.
We're investigating
a series of poisonings
- that happened at Hanlon's pub.
- I was there.
Sounds like I left the
party at the right time.
You work with Mind Savers.
Used to supply a lot of their herbals.
Used to?
Apparently I'm not big enough
to ensure their supply chain.
- Did that hurt your business?
- It didn't help it. That's for sure.
You thinking I had something
to do with this poisoning?
- Should I?
Look, clients like
Mind Savers come and go.
Money is just not that important to me.
I'm content just working
in the soil with my hands.
- What's with your dog?
- He's picked up a scent.
What's in there?
- That's my private collection.
You mind if I see?
- Good job, buddy.
- These are all psychedelics?
- Yeah.
I'm interested in the history of them.
This one here in the middle.
That's the pride of my collection.
- Deadly nightshade.
It's just a hobby, really.
Hoping one day to have a specimen
of every hallucinogenic
plant used through the ages.
I thought deadly nightshade
was just a poison.
No. Witches used it in the 16th century
to make a flying ointment.
Really effective potent stuff.
They would rub it on themselves.
So basically,
the hallucinogen would enter
their bodies through the skin
- and make them feel like they were flying?
- Exactly.
- Did you ever sell it to anyone?
- Nightshade?
No way. It's too risky.
But you did sell mushrooms at
the pub last night, right?
Just to that Marshall guy.
Does anyone else know that
you raise these plants?
Mmm. I don't publicize the collection
but it's not a secret either.
Mind Savers actually
toured the space last week.
- Was Cassidy Hall with them?
- Yeah.
She was really interested
in the nightshade.
Said she had a witchy phase in college
and experimented with the stuff.
Crazy, if you ask me.
What's the word?
Oh, several cuttings have been taken
from Jerry's plant recently.
Well, maybe it was the
source of the poison.
Potentially, but
I don't see Jerry as the one
who administered the poison.
How would he have known
that they'd kiss the cod?
Well, then maybe we're
looking at someone
who had knowledge about Jerry's plant.
He said Cassidy had seen it.
She'd experimented with
nightshade in college.
Yeah, but that would mean
that Cassidy poisoned herself.
There's an antidote to nightshade.
She could have taken it.
Okay, so if Cassidy was the poisoner,
that would explain why
she's been so hard to find.
The last people to see
her were Daniel and Stella.
Re-interview them. Take Jesse with you.
JESSE: When you and Cassidy
were talking in the bathroom,
did she say anything else?
Anything that might help us find her?
Nothing unusual.
Well, there was this one
thing that was kind of weird.
And just so you know,
you have an admirer waiting
for you in the hallway.
You know her?
Yeah. Unfortunately.
Is that lion's mane?
It is.
Helps keep me sharp when I'm playing.
I work for the company that makes these.
Don't take them again until they say new
and improved on the label.
Did she say why you
shouldn't take the pills?
- Sorry, I have to take this.
- Yeah!
- Joe, hey, what's up?
SARAH: I hear you're being
discharged, Mr. Fraser?
Yeah, finally.
- Any luck finding Cassidy?
- No.
No, actually I was hoping that
you could help us track her down.
Well, I don't know her all
that well outside of work.
And she hasn't been with us very long.
Did she say anything
before she left the pub?
What she was doing next,
where she was going?
No, nothing like that.
Not that I can remember.
How is your relationship with Cassidy?
Yeah, it's fine. We
don't agree on everything
but I don't pay my employees to
be yes people. You know?
Um, why do you ask?
What, you think that she had
something to do with the poisoning?
SARAH: One second.
- Hey! What's up?
- Hey.
Okay, so Cassidy's credit card
was used at a flower
shop on Freshwater Road
about a half hour ago.
She said that she wanted to buy flowers
for her friend in the hospital.
RUTH: I'm looking for Stella Ray's room.
I have some flowers to give her.
Wait, she's coming here?
Cassidy isn't. But somebody else is.
Ruth, did you use Cassidy
Hall's credit card?
I just wanted to bring
Stella some flowers.
And I'm broke.
Where'd you find the credit card?
It was on the floor of the bar.
I tried to give it back.
There's a number on the back.
I called it right away.
She said to meet her at the harbour.
And what happened?
Well, I went, but she never showed up.
Even when I tried calling
Cassidy on her phone again,
she wasn't answering.
Whereabouts near the harbour
were you going to meet her?
SARAH: All right, Rex,
you've got the scent.
Track Cassidy Hall.
What are you doing here?
Oh, we got the surveillance set up.
So I thought I'd take one last
look at the harbour before I left.
What are you two up to?
We're trying to pick up the trail
of someone we're looking for.
They were last seen down here.
You mind if I tag along?
I don't mean to pry but
what's Charlie doing in Belize?
His brother Jack went
missing down there.
So Charlie went to look for him.
I spent some time in Belize.
It's an interesting
place, to say the least.
It's been a while since Charlie called
so that's been a bit hard.
Well, from everything I've heard,
he can take care of himself.
Yeah. Yeah, he can.
- What have you got, Rex?
It's Cassidy's.
Rex, what is it?
- Oh my God, Cassidy.
She's still alive.
I need an ambulance at Harbourside Park.
Cassidy's vital signs
are weak, but steady.
She's most likely suffering hypothermia.
Not to mention the after
effects of the poison.
Any signs of a struggle?
- No, nothing obvious.
- Okay.
So she leaves the bar,
starts to walk home
and ends up in the harbour.
Well, deadly nightshade
poison causes delirium.
It might have caused
her to lose her balance
or it might have
caused her to just jump.
Which would help explain why
she seems to have just
tossed away her purse.
What's Rex alerting to?
Maybe the purse?
Something inside, maybe?
Is it this lipstick, Rex?
Is that what you're interested in?
- Huh.
Your chief wants to
see me at headquarters.
What's that about?
No idea but I guess I'll soon find out.
You are quite the officer, Rex.
- I'll see you guys later.
- Okay.
So I got into Cassidy's cellphone.
Turns out,
there are some pretty heated
emails between her and her boss.
Daniel Fraser.
Your office said that
we could find you here.
Yeah, feeling better, I take it.
Yeah, much.
What can I do for you?
SARAH: Well, we've located Cassidy Hall.
And we suspect that she was poisoned.
Oh my God!
Will she be okay?
SARAH: Yeah, hopefully.
JESSE: We accessed her phone and emails.
You can't shut me up.
I know the truth.
She sent that to you about a week ago.
Well, that was just a misunderstanding.
SARAH: It sounds like a lot
more than a misunderstanding.
Fine. It was all going
to come out anyway.
Cassidy found a flaw in
one of our supplements.
Lion's mane.
- Yeah.
- What was the problem with it?
We just started to use a
new slow-release casing.
And Cassidy discovered
that it contained chromium.
SARAH: Chromium? That's highly toxic.
Well obviously, we didn't know
that the casings were tainted.
And Cassidy brought it to the attention
of one of our managers and
I guess things got heated.
But as soon as I found out, I
immediately ordered a recall.
Must have cost of
your company a fortune.
Yeah, it did.
I know you're thinking that
I was upset with Cassidy
but she actually saved us.
And a lot of other people.
I thank her for it.
SARAH: So Daniel wasn't upset
with Cassidy about the chromium.
- Oh, how's Cassidy doing?
- Improving.
Doctor said she'll
regain consciousness soon.
DONOVAN: Good. That's great news.
Did the lab analyze her lipstick?
Yes, and they confirmed it was infused
with deadly nightshade.
Okay, well if she was the
first one to kiss the cod
that means she transferred
the poison to its lips.
And from the cod's
lips to everyone else.
But she was kissing Marshall earlier.
And he didn't get sick.
How is that possible?
SARAH: Something must have
happened after they kissed.
You know, Stella said that
Cassidy was in the washroom
reapplying her lipstick.
What if someone swapped
her regular lipstick
with the tainted tube?
Maybe they wanted to just poison her.
But had no idea she would kiss the cod.
That would have to be someone
with access to her purse.
JESSE: Well, hang on.
Stella [SINGING]: ♪
I got a perfect way ♪
To remember today ♪
You got to kiss this
cod riddle that poem off ♪
I remember a woman fitting Cassidy's
description at the back of the bar.
And if it was her,
there was someone sitting at
her table with that opportunity.
Daniel Fraser.
SARAH: Her boss.
Maybe he was more upset about
the product recall than he let on.
Or maybe he wanted to shut Cassidy up.
- Permanently.
- JESSE: And now she's back,
- recovering.
- We need to get to the hospital.
- Yeah.
- Rex.
DANIEL: Hi, Cassidy.
I heard you're feeling better.
That's a real shame.
- Jesse!
- Hey!
- Hey.
- What's up?
- I'm just
I'm checking in on Cassidy here.
How are you feeling?
STELLA: Good! I'm being discharged.
- I just wanted to see her before I go.
- That's good news.
Oh, Daniel was just in to see her too.
When was this?
like two minutes ago?
Oh my God. What's happening?
Um Just one second.
Hey, hey! I'm a police officer.
You need to check on
Cassidy Hall right now.
I think she's been poisoned
with deadly nightshade.
Sarah, hey it's me. Look,
Daniel's poisoned Cassidy.
I think he might still
be in the building.
- Rex.
DANIEL: Get out of the way!
WOMAN: Hey, watch it!
Ughh! Aghh!
Nice work, buddy.
Okay, great.
Yeah, thanks.
That was the hospital.
Cassidy's going to be good.
- Oh, that's great news!
- Yeah.
Okay, well Stella's back to normal too.
We're actually going to
hit up the open mic tonight.
I wouldn't kiss the cod if I were you.
- That's too soon.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- You think?
Yeah, a little bit.
Hey, guys!
Mark, I thought you left.
Hey, what's up?
Actually, it looks like I might
be hanging around for a while.
Yeah, Mark's been
seconded to Major Crimes
while we're shorthanded.
Oh, is that what the chief
- wanted to see you about?
- Yeah, it was.
Well, we should have a celebration pint.
Stella and I might actually
play a tune as well, so
I would love that but I've got
to go look at a place to stay.
- See you.
- How about you two?
Oh, you know what? It turns out
that Rex likes frisbee golf, so
I'm actually going to
take him to the park.
Come on, Rex. Let's go.
Ah, I'm sorry, Jesse.
It's pickleball, isn't it?
No, it's not pickleball.
Okay. Well, it's your guys' loss.
They're all gone.
Hey! Um
About that kiss
You know, the one that was so
good it put me in the hospital?
- Jesse.
- Yeah.
We just hit our groove playing together.
I'm thinking,
let's not complicate the
good thing we've got going?
Yeah, no, for sure.
Definitely. Sounds good.
But Mills
I reserve the right to change my mind.
Oh, and hey.
Can I borrow your capo?
Where's yours?
I like yours better.
- Thank you.
- You ready?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.
Too bad you gotta go ♪
I really wish you could stay, but ♪
STELLA: I got a perfect
way to remember today ♪
JESSE: You gotta kiss this
cod and riddle that poem off ♪
And next thing that you
know, you'll be saying ♪
BOTH: Who knit ya? ♪
How ya getting on? ♪
Did you come from away? ♪
Do you know my buddy Tom? ♪
When you came in ♪
Did you have a hat? ♪
Stay where you're to 'til
I comes where you're at ♪
And who knit ya? ♪