9-1-1 (2018) s07e08 Episode Script

Step Nine

[BOBBY] So, I love what Janice
had to say about gratitude.
That's what does it for me.
That's what helps me endure.
And I have so many
reasons to be grateful.
Today, I walk through life with
a beautiful wife and partner,
a family that loves me
and a job that fills me
with a sense of purpose.
And I have all of you.
I still feel like I
don't deserve any of it,
but I'm getting better and better
at embracing the good
things and letting go,
of the past and that fear.
And for that, I'm
grateful. [LAUGHS SOFTLY]
Thank you all for showing
up and for sharing.
I guess that about
wraps it up for tonight.
Unless anybody else has
a burning desire to share?
[AMIR] I have something
I'd like to share.
- My name is Amir.
- [ALL] Hi, Amir.
And I shouldn't be here.
But I am.
Ten years ago,
an apartment fire in
Minnesota almost took my life.
And there were times I wish it had.
It did for 148 other people,
including the one I was supposed
to walk through life with.
She never even made it to the hospital.
So now I walk alone.
And the one responsible
for the fire, well
he just walked away.
So I had a choice to make.
I could either nurse
my anger and resentment,
or I could nurse other people.
To ease their suffering
as a way to ease my own,
so that's what I did, and-and it worked.
It worked for a long time, but you know,
life is such a pitiless thing.
Just when you think you have
everything under control,
that you're on the right
path, something can happen
something as simple as
seeing one person's face,
and then, suddenly, in that instant
everything that
you have struggled with,
the loss, the misery,
the fear, the anger,
rages up until it consumes
you all over again.
Like a fire.
As firefighters, we all know
that, when that bell sounds,
we're called to duty.
And we answer that call.
But Captain Nash, he
need not hear that bell
in order to rise to the occasion.
And apparently, he even likes
to do it when he's off duty.
- Which is why we're presenting to you
our Honor of Bravery Award
in recognition of your bravery
and your dedication both
in and out your uniform.
[TIM] Oh, wow. Thank you. Um
You know, when you tell people you run
into burning buildings for a living,
they tend to look at
you like you're nuts,
which we probably are. [CHUCKLES]
But the thing that we
know that they don't
is that living a life of consequence,
a life in service,
is a privilege.
So, yes, I will treasure this.
But I'm gonna treasure tomorrow more
because I get to get back to work.
- Thank you all.
Thank you so much.

- Hear, hear.
- Whoa. Whoa.
You get any braver, you're
gonna run out of room here, Nash.
- [TIM] Well, yeah
- [ANN] Did you hear that, Deputy Chief?
Time to give my husband a raise
so he can get us a bigger house.
Oh Mwah.
[LAUGHS] Now you know why I married her.
Hey, Tim, how many is that?
And now you know why
I'm gonna divorce her.
[CHARLIE] Hey, Mom, can I go to Jody's?
[ANN] Shouldn't you have
asked me that question
before you put on your coat?
You didn't just roll
your eyes at your mother.
- It's okay. You can go.
- Just, in a minute.
Your youngest son has
something he wants to give you.
- Yeah?
- Hey, Bobby?
What's that?
- Here, Dad.
- Whoa.
For me?
What's this?
This is
This is really something, Bobby.
You must have worked real hard on this.
[ANN] He's been taking
trips to the library,
using their Xerox machine.
It's got all the people you've saved.
Thank you, son.
[TORRES] Hey, Bobby, maybe
you could make me one of those.
- [UNDERWOOD] Yeah, you could do it
- on the back of a napkin.
Can I go now?
I thought you already did.
- Oh come on.
- Hey.
Hey, Bobby, grab that glass, would you?
There. Okay. There we go. [GRUNTS]
Know what?
Go ahead. You've earned it.
Just don't tell your mother.
- [ALL] Oh!
- Okay.
- What did you do?
Oh, it's
Come here, honey.
That's all that really matters, right?
[HARRY IN DISTANCE] Guacamole is done.
[ATHENA] Did you add a squeeze of lemon?
[HARRY] Why would I do that?
[ATHENA] Keeps it from turning brown.
- [HARRY] That's
- You need the acidity.
- That's a real thing?
- [ATHENA] Mm-hmm.
[MAY] Why did we let
him make the guacamole?
[HARRY] So you could
focus on that unfortunate
tree bark situation
you got going on there.
- Oh, okay.
- Ooh. Shots fired.
Oh, there he is. Just in time.
Hi, Bobby.
- Hey, May.
Wasn't expecting you.
What's the occasion?
- Well, I haven't seen you guys in a minute.
- [HARRY] She ran out of food
- at her place.
[ATHENA] All right, sit down, you.
- Ooh, tortillas first.
- I think so.
Oh, it's just so good to
have the family all together.
All right. We got you.

Oh, did I wake you?
Secret 4:00 a.m. Google searches?
[ATHENA] Handsome couple.
Do you know them?
I killed her.

The fire at the apartment building?
She was victim number 57.
She never even made it to the hospital.
Her husband told me that.
- When?
- Yesterday.
He, uh
showed up at my AA meeting.
Where did this man come from?
I mean, how did he find you?
Uh, divine intervention, maybe.
I was bringing Catherine
Morris's daughter
back to her in the
hospital and he was there.
He works in the burn unit.
And he didn't say anything to you then?
I mean, he gave no indication
that he recognized you?
- I don't think so.
- What was he doing at your AA meeting?
- Was that just a coincidence?
- Oh, no.
He came there with a purpose.
He wanted to share
his grief and his pain,
and he wanted me to see what I'd done.
- And what did you say to him?
- Nothing.
He was talking about
what had happened to him,
what I did to him, and I just froze.
I was pinned to my seat, and by the time
I got my bearings back, he was gone.
Okay, well, maybe it's for the best.
I mean, he got to say
whatever it is he needed to,
and maybe that's enough.
I don't think it's enough.
When I think about that night,
I always count the bodies,
the lives lost, but
I never counted the survivors.
The people left behind.
[EXHALES] You were
battling your own grief.
Step nine.
"Make direct amends to such
people wherever possible."
I need to make amends.
I am not a patient, I am a
Los Angeles City Fire captain.
I'm just trying to get
in touch with the man.
[SIGHS] Yeah, no, I understand.
I will fill out a formal
request, thank you.
Captain Nash? Good to see you.
- Are you visiting a patient?
- Camila, hi.
Uh, actually, I was trying
to visit a coworker of yours.
- Are you working in the burn unit?
- Still working ICU.
We're actually transferring
a patient up here.
Our departments have
quite a bit of overlap.
- Oh, so you might know Amir.
- Oh, God, yes. [SCOFFS]
Love him.
Wish we had him full-time.
Yeah. Yeah, he's great. It's
It feels like he just got
here and now he's already gone.
- I know, the life of a travel nurse.
- Right.
Yeah. Well, listen, I-I was
trying to catch him before he left
but I guess I missed
him, and I thought that
the staffing agency might help
me get in touch with him
Don't take it personally.
They're slammed.
Everyone's panicking
about a nursing shortage.
They're probably mad at
Amir for taking a month off.
Well, I guess everybody
needs a vacation, right?
It's not exactly my idea of a vacation.
[ATHENA] Jacumba?
- What's there?
- A migrant encampment.
Apparently, Amir volunteers with
a group a couple weeks a year
that provides food
and medical assistance.
Okay, so, that's where he is.
You said that you want
to make amends to him,
and I understand that,
but surely this can wait
until he comes back.
It's been over ten years. I
think he's waited long enough.

I will call you from
the road. I love you.
I love you, too.
But you're not the same
man you were ten years ago.
I don't think that matters to him.
I need that to matter to you.
I love you.
You got supplies in that truck?
No, I'm here looking for
Amir Casey. He's a volunteer.
- Who's asking?
- My name's Bobby.
[SCOFFS] You a cop?
You look like a cop.
[CHUCKLES] No, I am a firefighter,
but I am not here in
an official capacity.
Why are you looking for Amir?
It's a personal matter. I
just need to speak with him.
He was here about two hours ago
when he brought in that last group.
That was his third trip today already.
- Do you know when he might be back?
- No idea.
Someone told him there was
a pregnant woman out there
with her husband, so he's
gone out to look for them.
- Okay.
- [MAN] Need a hand here!
[FERNANDA] Where did you find them?
On the marker 12 service road.
- Amir's not with you?
- No, I haven't heard from him.
And I tried to call him on the radio.
Can you ask her if she's
having any contractions?
No pain, but she's dizzy,
- and the baby's kicking.
- [BOBBY] Okay, that's good.
She's got a strong pulse,
but she's dehydrated.
Can we get her on an IV drip?
We're not that kind of operation,
but we've got a shuttle
making runs to a local clinic.
Okay, let's get her on that.
In the meantime, let's get
her some water, all right? Ah.
Thank you very much. Here you go.
All right, let me check on him.
You do not look like somebody
who's been in the sun all day.
- No, no, no. No bien.
What do you got going on
here? Can I take a look?
Okay? All right.
They forced her to walk alone,
so he jumped off a moving
truck to be with her.
All right, well, I love
the sentiment, Luis,
but this wound is infected.
We gotta clean it out.
There's hydrogen peroxide in here.
That might damage the
tissue. We need a water.
Can I get another one of those waters?
All right.
[BOBBY] I am gonna need some gauze,
and I'm gonna need some tape.
What truck did he jump off of?
- Coyotes?
- Yes.
They make a deal to get across,
but once they get
here, the deal changes.
- Upcharge?
- Correct.
These coyotes are all cartel now.
They double, triple the price.
If they can't deliver,
they force them to walk.
Teach 'em a lesson.
Then they come back
to threaten them again.
Unless you guys get to them first.
You're catching on.
Those coyotes must love you.
Well, between the cartel
and the local ranchers,
I don't think we've made many friends.
[BOBBY] Last one.
All right, Luis, you stay with me, okay?
Let's get off this truck.
He's on the brink of sepsis.
If this infection spreads
into his bloodstream,
it's not gonna end well.
How close is that shuttle?
- About ten minutes out.
- All right, well,
if you can, tell 'em to step on it.
Can you guys get him out of the sun?
All right. Her, too?
Do you know which one of
these roads Amir travels?
I do, but you'd be crazy
to go out there on your own.
And I don't have
anyone to send with you.
- Oh, Amir's out there on his own.
- He knows the terrain.
And he's a little crazy.
I'll write you the directions.
Thank you.
[ANN] It's 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday,
and you're already sloppy drunk.
- [TIM] Just a little hair of the dog.
- [ANN] This is why we're leaving, Tim.
- You've gone too far.
- Hey, I wouldn't go in there.
- [ANN] I am worried about the boys
- [TIM] God on a wheel, Ann.
That was weeks ago.
And it was one drink, okay?
You know, when I was his age,
I was stealing cases of 3.2
out of the back of the Red Owl.
Why do you tell that story
like it's supposed to be funny?
- Because it is funny.
- It's not funny!
- No it's
- You just don't have a sense of humor!
- What's happening?
- Hey, bud.
- Bobby, where's your book bag?
- Buddy.
Bobby, go grab it
- and get in the car right now.
- [TIM] No, you're good.
- We're going somewhere?
- We're going to stay at your Aunt Kitty's.
No, you can go stay with Aunt Kitty.
You're not gonna take my boys.
'Cause them? They're mine.
My legacy.
- And you're not gonna take them. Whoa.
- Dad. Stop.
- This isn't helping.
- That is exactly the problem.
- I don't want them following in your footsteps.
- Big man. Yeah.
[ANN] First to the bottle. Then probably
- to an early grave. Bobby.
- [TIM] Oh, yeah?
- Get your bag and get in the car.
- [TIM] No.
I want to stay with Dad.
Bobby, stop being an
idiot and get in the car.
Why are you always so mean to Dad?
That is an excellent
question, young man.
Sweetheart, I know this
is really hard to understand.
- You love your dad.
- He's a hero!
You stick your nose any further
- up Dad's ass, you're not
- Charlie!
- What?!
- Just don't.
[CHARLIE] It's not like
he's gonna remember tomorrow.
He's too drunk.
- Show some respect.
- You first, Dad.
- [TIM] Oh, yeah?
- What are you gonna do, big guy?
- Tim!
- Charlie, stop!
- [ANN] That's my son!
- Charlie, stop!
Tell Mom that you don't
want to go, either.
If we both stay, maybe she will, too.
You saw what he just did to
me, and you still want me to stay?
Come with us.
Dad needs me.


- Drop the tire iron.
it's Bobby Nash.
What the hell are you doing here?
I'm looking for you. What happened?
- I got shot.
- Sit down.
Come on, sit down.
All right.
- Get this off.
- All right.
- Whew.
[AMIR] Bullet fragment
is still in there.
All right, we're gonna
need to clean this out,
make some kind of pressure dressing
before we do anything else.
Infection could set
in real quick out here.
Yeah. I'm aware.
I'm a medical professional, remember?
Was having a hard time doing it myself.
Well, now you don't have to.
The couple you were looking for here
they made it back to
your group staging area.
I think they're gonna be fine.
- I want you to tell me what happened.
Seems like you already
know what happened here.
I was out here looking for that couple.
I was checking out the structures,
leaving supplies. I
heard a truck pull up.
I went outside.
I saw my vehicle was being firebombed.
I'm guessing you had
something to say about that.
I certainly did.
I got to him before he
pulled his gun almost.
Got him pretty good, though,
but he was able to drive off.
All right, I'm gonna
need you to lean forward.
- Hang in there.
That guy that shot you?
- [AMIR] Yeah?
- He didn't get very far.
I saw him about a mile back.
He's dead.
All right. That is about
as good as we're gonna do
until we get you to a hospital.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- I got it. [GROANS]
Looks like we're not going anywhere.


[TIM] What is for dinner?
Salisbury steak?
Fish and chips.
I thought you liked fish and chips.
- I do.
I'm just gonna miss that brownie.
[SIGHS] I got us cookie dough.
Nobody likes that watery cobbler.
Oh, you.
a good man. Let's eat.
[TIM] Yes. Thank you.
- Ah
- Mom called.
She wanted to talk to you.
Did you tell her I was working?
She'd already called the
firehouse looking for you.
They told her you were sick.
Why would they tell
her something like that?
I guess you were
supposed to be on shift.
Oh, damn it.
It's not Monday, is it?
Tuesday. I told them you were sick.
Sorry, kid.
It's okay, Dad.
All right. They're finally leaving.
They firebombing your
vehicle or just stealing it?
- Just stealing it.
What are you doing out here, Nash?

I told you, I was looking for you.
The ninth step, I owe you an amends.
So you followed me
out here to the desert?
- Yeah.
- You think that earns you something?
No, I just needed you to know
I heard everything you said.
Thank you.
I feel seen.
Of course, I always feel seen.
Mostly because people
are always staring at me.
I know that there is nothing I can say
- to make up for what happened.
- Stop!
Let me be real clear, Captain.
I don't need anything from you.
I know you think I came to
that meeting to call you out.
I didn't.
I was sizing you up.
I wanted to understand how someone
who was responsible for so much loss,
so much pain, was able to carry on.
Pretty damn easy, it seems.
- That's not actually true.
- No?
I heard everything you said, too, Bobby.
Talking about how blessed you've been.
That's why I stood up.
I felt that required an answer.
- I get that.
- Good. Now get this.
You can keep your amends.
I didn't ask for it.
And doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

There's a service road
about eight miles west.
The cartels don't really
use it. The locals do.
About two miles past
there is the highway.
You get that far,
someone will be sure to pick you up.
What am I supposed to
do, just leave you here?
You didn't kill the man, I did.
- You didn't have a choice.
- I didn't say I did.
[SOFTLY] Okay.
You need to get up, and we need to walk.
I don't think I can, Nash.
This infection is already
starting to set in.
Then will you let me help you up?

I mean, I don't know what's worse,
dying out here in the shade,
or letting your ass save me?
Well, given where things are at,
there's a pretty good chance I'll fail.
Yeah, now you're just
trying to cheer me up.
Come on.
Let's walk.
- Dad, Dad, wake up!
- [UNDERWOOD] Ah, let me try.
- That usually does the trick.
Phil? What are you doing here?
- Looks like someone was trying to make cookies
using the broiler.
I-I'm sorry, Dad.
You're probably gonna need a new stove.
I think the rest is just
paint and some elbow grease.
[BOBBY] I-I'll clean it up.
- I promise.
- Bet your ass you will.
[TORRES] Hey, it's not the kid's fault
there's no fire extinguisher in here.
No, that would be his mother's fault.
She always hated the looks of it,
so I keep it on the back porch.
So, she gets a new kitchen out of it.
That should bring her back.
You done here?
Yeah, we're done.
I-I can fix this.
Do you know what happens
when you call 911?
They keep a record of it.
How do you think that's gonna look? Hmm?
- I-I'm sorry.
- If I get fired,
it's your fault.
I don't even want to
look at you right now.
You should've gone with your mother.
Get up.
- This is it, I'm done.
- You're not done.
Come on, I think I see a road up ahead.
Yeah, man, you thought
that two miles back.
Hey, you have to get up,
we have to keep moving.
Look, you know as well
as I do, every step I take
just pushes this infection
deeper in my system.
- Get up.
- Come on.
All right, all right.
- Come on.

[BOBBY] See? I told
you there was a road.
Come on.
We got it.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop! Stop!
Come on, he's stopping, he's stopping.
What the hell are you doing out here?
We're a little lost.
[CHUCKLES] I'll say you are, too.
What are you? Relief workers?
That's about all we got out here.
Cartel, migrants and relief workers.
And a few old stubborn
ranchers like myself.
They call me Herman.
I'm Bobby, this is Amir, and
that's exactly what we are.
- We're relief workers.
- I'll tell you what.
My place ain't too far.
I got a landline and a short wave,
connects me to the sheriff if need be.
Sounds good. Anything to
get us off this desert.
All right, come on. Climb in.
I got some water on the floorboard.
- Help yourself.
Here you go. We really appreciate this.
It's been a long day.
[HERMAN] Where'd you boys
say you were coming from?
We didn't.
Highway 9, you know
where that old diner is?
It's quite the hike.
Yeah, well, lot of folks out here
have walked further than that.
Yeah, but they don't
have a slug in them.
I'm guessing you've
been shot, my friend.
Yeah, well, you should
see the other guy.

Is that you with your son?
[HERMAN] No, that's my grandson.
He's my world.
His father, my boy,
he passed about five years ago.
- Sorry to hear that.
- Drugs.
People ain't the only thing
coming across the border.
Hey, when's the last time you
fellas had something to eat?
- They're going to be waiting for us at his place.
You speak Spanish?
[AMIR] I understand it.
What I don't understand is
why you're in business with him
when their poison killed your son?
My son made his own choices.
And your grandson made his.
Well, we all have choices.
Stop the truck.
[TIM] Bobby!
- Bobby, open up.
- Come on.
- Go away!
[TIM] Come on.
I said I'm sorry.
I know it was an accident.
Give give your old man a break.
Come on. I can't have
you mad at me, too.
Hey, Bobby, I found your book.
I think we can fix it.
See, this is gonna be It's
gonna be real easy to fi
Who can it be now? ♪
Amir, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
- Amir, Amir!
All right, I'm gonna
get you out of here.
[BOBBY] Come on, just hang on. Hang on.
Just hang on!
[BOBBY] All right, Amir.


Dad, wake up! Wake up!
Dad, wake up!
Please! I need you!
Please, wake up! Please, Dad.
Wake up!
[FERNANDA] It's all right, Captain Nash.
We got you.
We all got you.
There's a rhythm
and a rush these days ♪
- Here, Cap.
- Oh, thank you.
Where the lights don't move ♪
And the colors don't fade ♪
There is a truth ♪
And it's on our side ♪
Look into the sun ♪
As the new days rise. ♪
[FERNANDA] Don't you think
maybe you should stay the night?
Let the doctors take care of you.
The doctors are gonna prescribe fluids,
NSAIDs to prevent swelling
and an antihistamine if
my skin starts to itch,
all of which I can do myself.
I always heard it was doctors
who were the worst patients.
Well, whoever said that
never met a firefighter.
- Bobby?
- Oh!
Thank God you're okay.
Like I said on the phone, I'm fine.
Well, I still needed
to see it for myself.
All right.
Fernanda, this is my
wife, Athena. She is a cop.
Oh. You're the one that found him.
I'm not sure I have the right words
at this moment to say thank you.
Wasn't just me.
Those people that Amir
saved from the coyotes?
They insisted on going to find him.
I just went along for the ride.
And figured out how to find us.
Eh, we saw the blood at the diner.
Figured you'd cut
across the service road.
Once we found the truck, it didn't
take long to get to the two of you.
- Mm.
- I saw them towing in
what was left of the truck.
I can't believe nobody was killed.
Well, Herman.
[FERNANDA] The police didn't tell you?
They found Herman not
long after we found you.
Some broken ribs and a fractured
shoulder, but he's alive.
Well, I never saw him brought in.
They flew him to another hospital.
One with a secure ward.
He's under police custody?
Seems he has a lot of
information on the cartel
- that he's willing to share.
- Hmm.
- Is that him?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna need a minute.
I thought you'd be long gone by now.
Back home with that
pretty wife of yours.
I just wanted to check on you first.
You made your amends, Nash.
You saved my life.
You can go now.
That's not exactly how it works.
Please tell me you're not
gonna keep coming back here
until I forgive you, because that's n
I don't expect your forgiveness.
That's not why I came looking for you.
I wanted you to know
I didn't just walk
away from that fire.
I've carried it with me
every day and night since.
And I know that there's nothing
I can do to erase the damage
I've done to you or any
of those other families.
I can't give you back your wife.
I can't take away your pain.
All I can do is tell you that
I think of them every day.
Ayana Casey.
34 years.
Only child of Martha and Jamal Harris.
Beloved wife of Amir Casey.
The 57th person to die in
that fire because of me.
Do you really think you
deserve this second chance?
I do not.
I should've died in
that fire that night.
Or one of the many nights after,
trying to correct that mistake.
But I'm still here.
Can't make anything
better, so I live my life
just trying not to make anything worse.
I sold cars.
And after surviving that night,
I felt I should do something
else. Something more.
To repay your second chance.
To do what I couldn't do that night.
Every time I walk through
those hospital doors
I'm just trying to save my wife.
And I can't help but wonder
who it is you've been trying to save,
Spoke to your mom.
She's on her way here. Might
take her a little while.
You want to come to
the firehouse with us?
No, I'm okay.
You want one of us to stay
with you until she gets here?
I'm real sorry, Bobby.

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