The Rookie (2018) s07e08 Episode Script
Previously, on "The Rookie"
Seth told me that his
high-school girlfriend
died of an OD, but then
he told Miles that she died
in a car accident there's
something off with him.
Uh, Nolan. This is my sister, Genny.
What can you tell me about
that guy crossing the street?
His colors and the tattoos
suggest that he is affiliated.
I'd say he's a part of
the Sixth Street Devils.
I messed up with Lucy, I think.
- So you want to talk now, or
- Do we need to talk?
We can go back to normal.
It seems clear that we have
a second serial killer at large.
I think Glasser is my guy.
Now you are in the spotlight,
and you will stay there,
until I find a way to
hang these murders
around your neck,
and lock you away forever.
Do you ladies have any
advice for a newly minted P2?
Oh, I have so much advice
about so many things.
You're going to have to
be a little bit more specific.
Here's the thing, every
year on the job is different.
Every case is different.
You never really stop being a rookie.
I like that.
Oh, god, it's 8:00 a.m.,
and it's already scorching.
He couldn't have picked
a trail with more shade?
Glasser lives at
the bottom of the hill.
He hikes this trail twice a week.
How does a serial
killer find more time
to work out than I do?
He has a lot of time on his hands.
With the LAPD watching his every move,
he hasn't been able to
indulge in his favorite hobby.
Wait, are we sure about that?
I thought Grey cut
his surveillance in half.
I have been picking up the slack.
OK, on top of all your other
cases and being a mom?
You must be exhausted.
It's not so bad, and
it's not going be forever.
Glasser will slip up,
and when he does,
I will be the one to
put the cuffs on him.
Does anybody else smell smoke?
Yeah, there must be a
fire up north somewhere.
Get her away from him.
- Hey, we got you.
This is Detective Nyla Harper.
We have a fast-moving wildfire,
trailhead of Pullman
and Harriman Avenue.
Don't be anybody ♪
Got it.
Where do you need me?
Better safe than sorry.
Hey, there's coffee in the kitchen.
I got to go fire is spreading fast,
and Grey needs me on road closures.
I have no idea when I'll be home.
No, that's okay.
Court's going remote today.
They don't want
anybody getting stranded.
Okay, bye.
BOTH: Love you.
So, uh,
it's just you and three
kids under the age of five?
Just for an hour.
Sidney gets in around 9:00.
Okay, well, um, if something comes up,
I'm manning a shelter
over at Hollenbeck.
Hey, you be good for
Uncle Wesley, okay?
- Oh, sounds like
your friend Emmy's up.
Wow, Leah, what did you eat?
- Potty's broken.
- Uh
Hey, Sidney, yeah, I was
just thinking about you.
- Uh-huh.
No, no, no, no, no, I get it.
The roads are a mess.
There's no point endangering yourself.
Just, um, stay home.
I got this. [CHUCKLES]
Is it a mess?
According to LAFD, fire
is zero percent contained,
moving at wind speed
south toward structures.
Natural causes or deliberate 4-51?
Unknown at this time.
Harper thinks Glasser set it.
- Lucy says it's too soon.
- All right.
I'll order mandatory holdover
and authorize paid overtime.
Coordinate with North
Hollywood for staging areas,
evacuation routes, and make
sure that the fire broadcast
updates on the mutual aid channel.
Where do you want us?
Tim won't have time to train today.
- Take Officer Penn.
- Happy to.
Check in with Harper.
She's coordinating the
Western District evacuation.
Yes, sir.
Should I join Officer
Chen in the field?
No, I need extra pair of hands here.
Yeah, I'm happy to help.
Don't get too excited.
Your job's to be yelled at all day.
We need to be in constant contact
with city, state, and
federal agencies.
This one is for FEMA.
This is National Weather Service,
and this is LAFD.
Now, each phone has several lines.
It's important to keep them straight.
Okay, got it.
Why aren't you writing
any of this down?
Oh, I'll remember.
Son, today is going to
hit you like a freight train.
In an hour, you won't
remember your middle name.
Every time I look at you,
I want to see paper
and a pen at all times.
Yes, sir.
Right, it's the
Got it, and I got the pen too.
Dress is BDUs and duty belts.
Thank you.
This entire neighborhood,
all the way down to Sunset,
is under mandatory evacuation,
- so I need you doing door to door.
- Copy that.
Ooh, these are a lot more comfortable
than our regular uniforms.
Yeah, why can't we
wear this every day?
Because we look like mall security.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind that.
Oh, um, Grey wanted
your help at the shelter
- and reunification center.
- Okay, you got it.
- See you guys.
- Bye.
All right, start with the north side
and make note of everyone you talk to.
What if they don't want to go?
Then you ask them
for their dentist's office,
because we will need a
way to identify their remains.
Will do.
All right.
Is Glasser's surveillance
duty taking over?
Grey can't spare the manpower.
Hey, this neighborhood is
under an evacuation order.
You need to pack up and
head to the Hollenbeck shelter.
Are you here to help us or watch us?
Oh, I don't think the,
uh, LAPD is gonna have
time to harass us today, honey.
They're going to
have their hands full
evacuations, looting.
I hope nothing falls
through the cracks.
Oh, don't worry.
It won't.
All right, let's get packing.
Come on, buddy.
It's creepy how easily he
can fake loving his family.
They're his disguise.
They just don't know it.
Genny, everything okay?
I just got a call from
the boys' school.
They're closing early
because of the air quality
a thing that never happened
when I lived in Ohio.
The problem is I just left
work on the West Side,
and with all the road
closures, it's going to take me
It won't even give me an estimate.
I think the map is laughing at me.
- I can pick up the kids.
- You sure?
- I know you must be busy.
- It's no problem.
- They can hang at my place.
- [SIGHS] Thank God.
Thank you. I will be
there as soon as I can.
No, no, that-that street
has already been evacuated.
No, not you.
Officers have not
reached Wentworth yet.
Yeah, can, um
Yes, Mrs. Deputy Mayor
Ms. Deputy Mayor, how can I
- Yes, absolutely.
Let me just patch you right through.
Did you just hang up on the mayor?
- No, no, I
Let the boss know I'm on the move.
- Radio if you need anything.
- Yeah, yeah, you got it.
No, I'm not
No, I'm not talking to you.
All right, so we're
about to be overrun
with families in need, all right?
So we need beds
ready, grab-and-go food,
and an open line of communication
with other emergency
services, all right?
Thank you.
Nyla sends her love.
Oh, really?
Well, I mean, she
definitely would have
if she thought of it
she's, uh, a little busy.
I understand.
So you're the LAPD liaison officer?
I'm here to reunite families,
direct them to resources,
and get anyone missing
into the MUPS system ASAP.
Great. Well, there's an
open table over there.
- You can set up by the door.
- Thank you.
Kylie. [SCOFFS]
We've missed you over
at the community center.
You know you're the only one
who appreciates my taste in music.
- Tolerates.
- Oh, okay.
I see you singing along.
- Where have you been?
- Just around.
I was hoping to volunteer here today.
[SIGHS] We're happy to have you.
Come on.
Oh, thank you.
You haven't seen the incredibly
tedious task I have for you.
No, I mean,
I've been going through a lot lately,
and seeing you always
makes things better.
Ah, that's, uh
that's great to hear.
Come on, let's get to work.
Grab a line, start
knocking down the fire.
Hit the hydrant, we need
to spray down these houses.
Got it.
Hey, there.
Don't I know you?
You're so familiar, I feel
like maybe we used to date?
Unlikely. I'm way out of your league.
How's the evacuation going?
- We got two streets cleared.
- Good.
We'll do a thorough wet-down
unless the wind changes,
we should be able to save the houses.
- We got a problem.
- No time for subtlety.
This truck needs water.
Should we help push it out the way?
No need.
Firefighters don't mess around.
What the hell are you doing?
You know how much that car costs?
- Put it on the ground!
- Drop it!
All right, secure the weapon.
Go on.
I swear, LAPD is going
to have to start paying me.
Hey, if you're flirting with me,
I'm married.
Yeah, no, thank you, Your Honor.
I think a continuation is wise,
given my current situation.
Okay, go play.
Hey, you calling to check on Leah?
Um, yes, and also to
ask some legal advice.
Well, Leah is fine,
although she did manage to activate
a middle-finger emoji
while I was Zooming
the judge. [CHUCKLES]
I didn't even know that was a thing.
Yeah, neither did I,
and he was not amused.
- What's up?
- Uh, so what is my wiggle room
on taking a look
inside Glasser's house?
We are in a mandatory evacuation zone,
and the family's packing to leave.
All right, um, no warrant is needed
for protective sweep
during an evacuation,
as long as you limit your search
to a place where a person could hide.
Good, you got your belt on.
- What the hell are you doing?
- Protective sweep.
It is legal as long
as I limit my search
to places people
can hide, like a closet.
So you can look for a body
But you can't go through
drawers looking for trophies
that, uh
That looters might steal.
Well, unfortunately for looters,
we don't keep anything of value here,
- that would be stupid.
- Oh, and you are
far from stupid, huh?
You know, tell me,
is it hard to keep your real self
hidden away from your family?
Do you show the killer
inside you to your husband
And your two lovely children?
How many has it been?
Two men murdered in the
line of duty, or is it three?
Do you dream about them?
Do you relive the moment
you ended each of their lives?
All clear.
Get out.
- Thanks for all the help, Nyla.
- Detective Harper.
You ready, bud?
Let's go.
- How's the evacuation going?
- About 80% there.
Follow Glasser to the shelter.
Make sure someone
always has eyes on him.
Well, Grey wanted
us back on the streets.
- Calls for service.
- Tell him I made you.
That's all I need.
- Where's Kojo?
- Uh, he's at dog day care.
Listen, your mom will
be back in a few hours.
Until then, do whatever you're
supposed to do after school.
It's usually a lot of PS5 and popcorn.
Yeah, it's hours and
hours of "Miles Morales."
She's [SIGHS]
- Real strict about that.
- I bet.
Nice try.
We usually do homework,
then piano,
then online language lessons
and meal prep.
Your mom runs a
tight ship. I respect that.
Get all of that done, you
can fire up the PS5, all right?
I'll be back.
What should we do first?
Maybe wait until I pull away
before you ignore my instructions.
Yes, sir.
Yes, absolutely.
I will get that to you right here.
Thank you so much.
Hi, welcome.
Uh, if I can just have your names
and contact information so
I can get you in the system.
How's it going, officers?
I thought I, uh, lost you
back at the light on Western.
No, sir, but I would
recommend you drive
a little more carefully
with your family in the car.
Does the baby need a crib?
No, we co-sleep.
Three beds is fine.
Okay, great, uh,
well, I can give you
C-8 through 10.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, and I have something
extra special for the little man.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Thank you.
- Keep an eye on him.
- All righty.
Where do you want to put the baby?
Just right here.
How's it going here?
Oh, you know, just controlled chaos.
- Emphasis on "chaos." Yeah.
- Right.
- Hey, it's good to see you.
- Need a hand?
- No, no, I got it.
- All right.
- Then why are you hiding?
- I'm not.
We need to know you're solid.
Excuse me.
You, uh, here to help volunteer?
Get lost.
I'm talking to Kylie.
Yeah, it doesn't seem like
she really wants to talk to you.
Stay out of this, or get hurt.
- Let's talk outside.
- Whoa, whoa.
Don't touch her.
I'll be back.
Honey, I'm going to, uh,
head to the warehouse,
make sure everything's
- all squared away.
- What?
I'll be back in a bit.
Is there a problem here?
No problem.
We'll talk later.
Be cool.
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
What was that about?
I don't know, but
I'm going to find out.
You're supposed to
be watching Glasser.
I-I heard the crash,
and I came to check in
Mrs. Glasser, do you know
where your husband is?
Why, so you can harass him again?
- He's done nothing wrong.
- And I appreciate that,
but my
boss is breathing down my neck.
I just need to know where he is.
He left to check the warehouse,
make sure everything was secure.
- What's wrong?
- I'm sorry.
Glasser is gone.
His wife said he went to
go check his warehouse.
- Damn it!
He'll ditch the car the
first chance he gets.
He has been planning
this right under our noses.
It's not your fault he got away.
- You know that, right?
- I should have followed him
to the shelter myself
and parked right on his ass.
Okay, I'm going to say something,
and I want you to know it
comes from a place of love.
This is what you do.
You throw yourself into the job,
following suspects on your free time,
going undercover for years.
And as one of the people who's
safer because of it, thank you.
But you need to look after you.
So a-ar-are we
going to look for Glasser,
or are we going to
have a therapy session?
I said what I needed to say.
- He knew we'd BOLO his car.
- Yeah, and he was ready.
Something was parked
here until very recently.
Maybe they saw something.
Hey, Glasser had a switch
car stashed at the warehouse.
I need every camera
in a five-mile radius.
I know the city is on
fire, but this is a priority.
You should pack up.
The air's not safe.
- You're out here.
- I'm looking for somebody.
- Did you see him?
- Yeah, a few minutes ago.
What kind of car was he driving?
I don't know, but he gave
Phil 50 bucks to go with him
to help move something.
I tried to get in on it, but he
said he just needed one guy.
[CHUCKLING] Lucky Phil.
Glasser's got a new victim.
Kylie, are you sure you're all right?
Yeah, all good.
You disappear for a week,
and when you come back,
some guy is threatening you.
- I'm worried about you.
- Don't.
I'm handling it.
I saw his tattoo.
He's with the Sixth Street Devils.
There was a shooting about a week ago.
A member of a rival gang was killed.
That's got nothing to do with me.
He was shot right
outside the Phoenix Room.
Isn't that where you work?
Please, let me help you.
I don't want you involved.
It's too dangerous.
Kylie, if you're involved
I'm involved.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Oh.
- Kylie, I
- You didn't
I'm I'm sorry.
I-I think maybe I sent
the wrong signals.
Um, I absolutely love my wife.
Sorry. Um, I'm
I'm sorry.
Tim, did you hear about the
looting in your neighborhood?
What? No, what street?
Uh, just south of you, on Grange.
I got to go. My nephews
are home alone.
I'm coming with you.
Hey, I-I need some advice.
Can it wait?
I'm literally on fire.
No. Yeah, g
Go deal with that.
I-I got this.
Where's Glasser's wife?
Uh, over there with the kids.
Glasser's in the wind,
and he has a fresh victim.
Does she really think the
wife is going to talk to her?
No. The human
capacity for self-delusion
never ceases to amaze.
Um, would you
Want to know if something was
going on behind your back?
Like if Wesley was murdering people?
No, more like, you know, cheating
or just
Just being flirtatious with a colleague.
Well, flirting's harmless,
but physical intimacy
is a hard bright line.
If Wesley so much as
kisses another woman,
I'll be a wealthy, glamorous widow.
- Where is your husband?
- Protecting his business.
No, he is not, he switched
cars and disappeared.
You are harassing an innocent man.
Get your head out of your ass.
Your husband is a psychopath
who is currently on his
way to commit serial murder,
and either you are complicit,
or you are in a
pathological state of denial
- about who he really is.
- How dare you?
I do not have time for your outrage.
If you have any idea
of where he might go
someplace private,
someplace police wouldn't
know about, you need to tell me.
I don't know anything!
Leave me alone!
Ah, "Undertale."
That is a great game.
It took me forever to beat Sans.
You know, Detective Harper
Sh-she's just really
worried about your dad.
It's really dangerous
out there with the fire.
Do you have any idea
where he might be?
I'm not supposed to talk about it.
You know, sometimes when people
say something is a secret,
that doesn't mean you shouldn't
be able to tell
grown-ups you can trust.
It's a secret secret.
- Even from the police?
- Especially from the police.
Theo, we're just
trying to find your dad
to make sure he's safe.
My dad has another car.
Really? What what kind of car?
A-a van.
It's brown.
Get the hell away from him!
Ma'am, according to your son,
your husband has a secret
vehicle a brown van.
He doesn't know
what he's talking about.
He's lying, traffic
camera just captured
Glasser and his victim in
a green Jeep Cherokee.
I'm sorry.
Dad told me one day the
police might be after him,
and if they were,
I should talk about a brown
van and say it was a big secret.
He's using your son to lie for him.
You okay with that?
That doesn't make sense.
Why would he ask Theo to lie?
It makes perfect sense
If your husband knew that one day
he'd be on the run from the police
and his son would be questioned.
Your husband's a methodical planner.
He spent years
grooming a mental patient
to take responsibility for his crimes.
All those bodies they found,
Liam did that?
- Yes.
I know where he'd go.
There's a house.
No one's ever there.
It's in my mom's name.
Hey, tilt it upwards.
Stop right there.
Hey, officers.
We're just, uh
We're evacuating.
Oh, you live here?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we're just, uh
We're packing up the
old family heirlooms, so
If this is your place, who's that?
[SIGHS] God, I am so unlucky.
I just
I mean
What are the odds, am I right?
Put the TV down.
Show me your hands.
- Gently.
Turn around.
Get on your knees.
- Where are the boys?
- What, what boys?
No, that's not fair.
Control, we need transport
for two 4-59 suspects.
I told you I heard something.
What is happening?
7-Adam-100, go to channel 9.
Go for 7-Adam-100.
We have a location for Glasser.
We are on our way
with Nolan and Miles,
but traffic is terrible.
You are closer.
Can you get to the Angeles Forest?
I'll send you coordinates.
Yeah, if we approach from the west,
the Eagle Rock Road entrance
should be clear of the fire.
All right, listen, we're
gonna have to take 39,
but do not wait for us.
He has a victim.
We have to act fast.
- Copy.
- Okay, thank you.
- What is this?
- Areas with looting.
Why isn't it color-coded?
We went over this.
Red for areas with calls
in the 10-plus range,
and blue is for
- You're still a rookie, right?
- Yeah.
That's not
Okay, got it.
Uh, yeah, fire changed direction.
Eagle Rock Road, hard closure.
Thank you for the update.
- Officer Ridley.
Yes, sir.
Did you hang up on the deputy mayor?
No-Not on purpose, sir,
- but I, uh
- Good job.
Keep it up.
I don't have time for
her political games,
so "accidentally"
hang up as many times as it takes
for her to get the message.
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
Um, 101.
It was nice to see the boys.
I miss coaching them.
They bailed on baseball
all about esports now.
It's probably for the best,
neither of them could
really hit a curveball.
[CHUCKLES] You know, they
asked about you a couple times.
Well, what did you say?
- Oh.
7-Adam-100, we have
fully engulfed terrain
on Eagle Rock Road.
We need fire and rescue
to Eagle Rock Road.
We are completely
blocked off in both directions.
7-Adam-200 copies the last.
Closest ground rescue unit's 30 out.
Fire, can you advise?
It'll be over by then.
Can you get to a clearing or off road?
Uh, the only way off is down a cliff.
- I'll get someone to you.
- We'll hold out until you do.
We got to get clear of the shop.
Between the battery and the gas tank,
this is a bomb waiting to go off.
Everything here is going
to go up like a match.
I'm gonna grab the fire shelter.
Have you ever used one of those?
Uh, I saw a video on YouTube once.
Ridley, I need LAFD command
on the phone right now.
They need to get a
DC-10 to do water drops.
Got it.
Tim and Lucy are pinned down
by the fire on Eagle Rock Road.
Why aren't you writing this down?
Water, Eagle Rock Road.
Thank you.
Is this going to work?
It's designed to reflect radiant heat,
protect against convective
heat, and trap breathable air,
which is good, but it's
only meant for short-lived
Yes. Yes is the answer
that I'm looking for.
Yes, it is definitely going to work.
Listen, I want to tell you something.
No, no.
What, you got somewhere you got to be?
God, you are gonna
say something heartfelt
because you think we're gonna die,
and I don't want to cry right now.
I might say something
hateful you don't know.
Yes, I do. I know what
you're going to say.
- You're still in love with me.
- Wow, the arrogance!
Am I wrong?
No, okay?
No, you're not wrong.
Of course I still love you.
- Do you?
- It doesn't matter!
- So that's a yes?
- Oh, you are infuriating!
I know! I know.
That's Glasser's
car. I'll block him in.
Control, both units are code six.
You're not getting a signal out.
Fire probably burned
out the repeaters.
If this smoke gets any thicker,
it could be tough
finding our way back.
Turn on all the lights on the shop.
Yes, sir.
You guys take the back.
Harper and I will cover the front.
We'll 8-44 loud as we can so
you know when we're going in.
Copy that.
Give us 30 seconds.
Police department! We
have a search warrant!
Open the door now!
Open up!
Nolan, we're inside downstairs.
We're holding on a long hallway.
Help! Please help me!
The police are here!
Keep yelling so we can find you!
Get back!
Get back!
Someone just ran down the hall.
- Runner, downstairs hallway.
- Help me!
I can can't see.
- Help!
- It's Glasser. I'm going.
- Clear!
- Help!
- OK.
- Help!
I lost him in the smoke.
Harper, where are you?
Help me, please!
I don't know.
There's just so much
- He's here.
- Help me!
- Get back. Get
Move in.
Nolan, where are you?
- I see you in the shower.
Come out slowly.
Show me your hands.
Help me.
[SOBBING] Help me!
[GRUNTS] I got you.
All right? You're going
to be safe, all right?
I got you.
I'm going to get you out of here.
I'm going to get you out of here.
- All right.
I got you.
I got you.
All right, come on.
All right, I got you.
I got you.
I got you, all right?
Let's go.
I got you.
I got you.
I got you.
[GRUNTS] I got you.
You're going to be all right.
We gonna be all right.
I found her!
Wake up.
Hey, hey, hey.
Wake up.
Come on.
Wake up.
We got to get out of here. Come on.
- I'm up. Where's the
- Get up.
Where are we?
Where's Glasser?
Come on.
Let's go.
Glasser's here!
He's down here!
I got Glasser!
Drop it!
You're under arrest.
- I got ya.
All right.
You're not smiling now, are you?
Fire's everywhere.
We got to go now.
Right now!
I told you we'd make it.
Only because I made you.
I know the water
drop might injure them,
but burning alive will kill them.
Control, 7-Adam-100, we are code four.
Hold on.
7-Adam-100, please repeat.
We are code four.
I repeat, code four.
We could use a ride.
Copy that.
Help's on the way.
You got a little something.
Oh, you got dad jokes?
- You got him.
- Yeah, we got him, it's over.
I can get the
interrogation room ready.
Well, if someone else wants
to question him, then great,
but I am done for the day.
- Really?
- Yes.
And I am taking all my vacation days.
Happy to hear it.
- Whoa.
Heard you guys arrested Glasser.
Caught him in the act.
Thought you were on baby duty?
Oh, our sitter finally showed up.
Is that
- Glitter?
- Oh, yeah.
You should see the house.
We're going to have to
burn it down, start over.
Thank you.
Um, do you got a sec
Can I talk to you about something?
You and James, you're
you're close, right?
Yeah, why?
Well, I, um
I saw him kissing another
woman earlier at the center.
- No.
- Yeah.
I mean, so I
I have to tell Harper, right?
I mean, I would give James
a chance to come clean first.
Tell him that you know and
give him 24 hours to tell Harper,
or you will.
You know, he'd probably
take this a lot better
- coming from a close friend.
- No.
No, not a chance.
This is your problem.
My problem is, how the
hell do I not tell my wife
about this conversation?
- Sorry.
- Uh-huh.
- There's something standing ♪
- Hey
I thought we were
going to die out there.
Me too.
Having an experience like that
really just crystallizes
your priorities.
It's crazy.
Yeah, my priorities
were already clear.
I keep talking about
it, but I have to
I have to get serious, you know.
I need to move forward,
in my career.
Yeah, I-I agree.
You know, um
I've been thinking about
taking the sergeant's exam.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, I mean,
if you pass, then,
I wouldn't be your
supervisor anymore.
That's a good point.
I hadn't thought of that.
I've got some excellent books on tape.
- I could, uh, help you study.
- Oh.
Well, the test isn't for
another few months,
but it's always good
to get a head start.
Oh, thank God you guys are okay.
You're you're better than okay.
It's like nothing even happened.
Yeah, smoke inhalation
and, like, a lifetime
of nightmare fuel,
but other than that
Yeah, good. [STAMMERS] Bad, but I
Yeah, I got into it with
the National Weather Service.
I did some serious yelling.
The fact that they didn't
update us that the fire had
Had shifted is unacceptable.
I'm sorry.
The road wasn't safe,
they didn't tell us?
It's unbelievable, right?
Somebody's got
to get fired over this.
I'll follow up, make sure they do.
No, I-I don't think that's necessary.
I put the fear of God in them.
Anyways, I'm just here
I'm just checking on my T.O.
[SIGHS] I got to get
back to the station.
Grey needs me.
I need to tell you something.
About the guy who stopped by?
Connor, yeah.
You were right.
I was at the Phoenix Club
when the shooting happened.
And you saw who did it?
They're going to kill
me if I say anything.
The police can protect you.
- Right.
- No, they can, okay?
Look, I know you want
to do the right thing.
Let me help you.
Why are you being
so nice after what I did?
I believe in second chances.
I think I may be on
my third at this point.
I believe in fourth chances.
Look, we can go to the
police station together.
Down! Down!
Get down!
Previously, on "The Rookie"
Seth told me that his
high-school girlfriend
died of an OD, but then
he told Miles that she died
in a car accident there's
something off with him.
Uh, Nolan. This is my sister, Genny.
What can you tell me about
that guy crossing the street?
His colors and the tattoos
suggest that he is affiliated.
I'd say he's a part of
the Sixth Street Devils.
I messed up with Lucy, I think.
- So you want to talk now, or
- Do we need to talk?
We can go back to normal.
It seems clear that we have
a second serial killer at large.
I think Glasser is my guy.
Now you are in the spotlight,
and you will stay there,
until I find a way to
hang these murders
around your neck,
and lock you away forever.
Do you ladies have any
advice for a newly minted P2?
Oh, I have so much advice
about so many things.
You're going to have to
be a little bit more specific.
Here's the thing, every
year on the job is different.
Every case is different.
You never really stop being a rookie.
I like that.
Oh, god, it's 8:00 a.m.,
and it's already scorching.
He couldn't have picked
a trail with more shade?
Glasser lives at
the bottom of the hill.
He hikes this trail twice a week.
How does a serial
killer find more time
to work out than I do?
He has a lot of time on his hands.
With the LAPD watching his every move,
he hasn't been able to
indulge in his favorite hobby.
Wait, are we sure about that?
I thought Grey cut
his surveillance in half.
I have been picking up the slack.
OK, on top of all your other
cases and being a mom?
You must be exhausted.
It's not so bad, and
it's not going be forever.
Glasser will slip up,
and when he does,
I will be the one to
put the cuffs on him.
Does anybody else smell smoke?
Yeah, there must be a
fire up north somewhere.
Get her away from him.
- Hey, we got you.
This is Detective Nyla Harper.
We have a fast-moving wildfire,
trailhead of Pullman
and Harriman Avenue.
Don't be anybody ♪
Got it.
Where do you need me?
Better safe than sorry.
Hey, there's coffee in the kitchen.
I got to go fire is spreading fast,
and Grey needs me on road closures.
I have no idea when I'll be home.
No, that's okay.
Court's going remote today.
They don't want
anybody getting stranded.
Okay, bye.
BOTH: Love you.
So, uh,
it's just you and three
kids under the age of five?
Just for an hour.
Sidney gets in around 9:00.
Okay, well, um, if something comes up,
I'm manning a shelter
over at Hollenbeck.
Hey, you be good for
Uncle Wesley, okay?
- Oh, sounds like
your friend Emmy's up.
Wow, Leah, what did you eat?
- Potty's broken.
- Uh
Hey, Sidney, yeah, I was
just thinking about you.
- Uh-huh.
No, no, no, no, no, I get it.
The roads are a mess.
There's no point endangering yourself.
Just, um, stay home.
I got this. [CHUCKLES]
Is it a mess?
According to LAFD, fire
is zero percent contained,
moving at wind speed
south toward structures.
Natural causes or deliberate 4-51?
Unknown at this time.
Harper thinks Glasser set it.
- Lucy says it's too soon.
- All right.
I'll order mandatory holdover
and authorize paid overtime.
Coordinate with North
Hollywood for staging areas,
evacuation routes, and make
sure that the fire broadcast
updates on the mutual aid channel.
Where do you want us?
Tim won't have time to train today.
- Take Officer Penn.
- Happy to.
Check in with Harper.
She's coordinating the
Western District evacuation.
Yes, sir.
Should I join Officer
Chen in the field?
No, I need extra pair of hands here.
Yeah, I'm happy to help.
Don't get too excited.
Your job's to be yelled at all day.
We need to be in constant contact
with city, state, and
federal agencies.
This one is for FEMA.
This is National Weather Service,
and this is LAFD.
Now, each phone has several lines.
It's important to keep them straight.
Okay, got it.
Why aren't you writing
any of this down?
Oh, I'll remember.
Son, today is going to
hit you like a freight train.
In an hour, you won't
remember your middle name.
Every time I look at you,
I want to see paper
and a pen at all times.
Yes, sir.
Right, it's the
Got it, and I got the pen too.
Dress is BDUs and duty belts.
Thank you.
This entire neighborhood,
all the way down to Sunset,
is under mandatory evacuation,
- so I need you doing door to door.
- Copy that.
Ooh, these are a lot more comfortable
than our regular uniforms.
Yeah, why can't we
wear this every day?
Because we look like mall security.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind that.
Oh, um, Grey wanted
your help at the shelter
- and reunification center.
- Okay, you got it.
- See you guys.
- Bye.
All right, start with the north side
and make note of everyone you talk to.
What if they don't want to go?
Then you ask them
for their dentist's office,
because we will need a
way to identify their remains.
Will do.
All right.
Is Glasser's surveillance
duty taking over?
Grey can't spare the manpower.
Hey, this neighborhood is
under an evacuation order.
You need to pack up and
head to the Hollenbeck shelter.
Are you here to help us or watch us?
Oh, I don't think the,
uh, LAPD is gonna have
time to harass us today, honey.
They're going to
have their hands full
evacuations, looting.
I hope nothing falls
through the cracks.
Oh, don't worry.
It won't.
All right, let's get packing.
Come on, buddy.
It's creepy how easily he
can fake loving his family.
They're his disguise.
They just don't know it.
Genny, everything okay?
I just got a call from
the boys' school.
They're closing early
because of the air quality
a thing that never happened
when I lived in Ohio.
The problem is I just left
work on the West Side,
and with all the road
closures, it's going to take me
It won't even give me an estimate.
I think the map is laughing at me.
- I can pick up the kids.
- You sure?
- I know you must be busy.
- It's no problem.
- They can hang at my place.
- [SIGHS] Thank God.
Thank you. I will be
there as soon as I can.
No, no, that-that street
has already been evacuated.
No, not you.
Officers have not
reached Wentworth yet.
Yeah, can, um
Yes, Mrs. Deputy Mayor
Ms. Deputy Mayor, how can I
- Yes, absolutely.
Let me just patch you right through.
Did you just hang up on the mayor?
- No, no, I
Let the boss know I'm on the move.
- Radio if you need anything.
- Yeah, yeah, you got it.
No, I'm not
No, I'm not talking to you.
All right, so we're
about to be overrun
with families in need, all right?
So we need beds
ready, grab-and-go food,
and an open line of communication
with other emergency
services, all right?
Thank you.
Nyla sends her love.
Oh, really?
Well, I mean, she
definitely would have
if she thought of it
she's, uh, a little busy.
I understand.
So you're the LAPD liaison officer?
I'm here to reunite families,
direct them to resources,
and get anyone missing
into the MUPS system ASAP.
Great. Well, there's an
open table over there.
- You can set up by the door.
- Thank you.
Kylie. [SCOFFS]
We've missed you over
at the community center.
You know you're the only one
who appreciates my taste in music.
- Tolerates.
- Oh, okay.
I see you singing along.
- Where have you been?
- Just around.
I was hoping to volunteer here today.
[SIGHS] We're happy to have you.
Come on.
Oh, thank you.
You haven't seen the incredibly
tedious task I have for you.
No, I mean,
I've been going through a lot lately,
and seeing you always
makes things better.
Ah, that's, uh
that's great to hear.
Come on, let's get to work.
Grab a line, start
knocking down the fire.
Hit the hydrant, we need
to spray down these houses.
Got it.
Hey, there.
Don't I know you?
You're so familiar, I feel
like maybe we used to date?
Unlikely. I'm way out of your league.
How's the evacuation going?
- We got two streets cleared.
- Good.
We'll do a thorough wet-down
unless the wind changes,
we should be able to save the houses.
- We got a problem.
- No time for subtlety.
This truck needs water.
Should we help push it out the way?
No need.
Firefighters don't mess around.
What the hell are you doing?
You know how much that car costs?
- Put it on the ground!
- Drop it!
All right, secure the weapon.
Go on.
I swear, LAPD is going
to have to start paying me.
Hey, if you're flirting with me,
I'm married.
Yeah, no, thank you, Your Honor.
I think a continuation is wise,
given my current situation.
Okay, go play.
Hey, you calling to check on Leah?
Um, yes, and also to
ask some legal advice.
Well, Leah is fine,
although she did manage to activate
a middle-finger emoji
while I was Zooming
the judge. [CHUCKLES]
I didn't even know that was a thing.
Yeah, neither did I,
and he was not amused.
- What's up?
- Uh, so what is my wiggle room
on taking a look
inside Glasser's house?
We are in a mandatory evacuation zone,
and the family's packing to leave.
All right, um, no warrant is needed
for protective sweep
during an evacuation,
as long as you limit your search
to a place where a person could hide.
Good, you got your belt on.
- What the hell are you doing?
- Protective sweep.
It is legal as long
as I limit my search
to places people
can hide, like a closet.
So you can look for a body
But you can't go through
drawers looking for trophies
that, uh
That looters might steal.
Well, unfortunately for looters,
we don't keep anything of value here,
- that would be stupid.
- Oh, and you are
far from stupid, huh?
You know, tell me,
is it hard to keep your real self
hidden away from your family?
Do you show the killer
inside you to your husband
And your two lovely children?
How many has it been?
Two men murdered in the
line of duty, or is it three?
Do you dream about them?
Do you relive the moment
you ended each of their lives?
All clear.
Get out.
- Thanks for all the help, Nyla.
- Detective Harper.
You ready, bud?
Let's go.
- How's the evacuation going?
- About 80% there.
Follow Glasser to the shelter.
Make sure someone
always has eyes on him.
Well, Grey wanted
us back on the streets.
- Calls for service.
- Tell him I made you.
That's all I need.
- Where's Kojo?
- Uh, he's at dog day care.
Listen, your mom will
be back in a few hours.
Until then, do whatever you're
supposed to do after school.
It's usually a lot of PS5 and popcorn.
Yeah, it's hours and
hours of "Miles Morales."
She's [SIGHS]
- Real strict about that.
- I bet.
Nice try.
We usually do homework,
then piano,
then online language lessons
and meal prep.
Your mom runs a
tight ship. I respect that.
Get all of that done, you
can fire up the PS5, all right?
I'll be back.
What should we do first?
Maybe wait until I pull away
before you ignore my instructions.
Yes, sir.
Yes, absolutely.
I will get that to you right here.
Thank you so much.
Hi, welcome.
Uh, if I can just have your names
and contact information so
I can get you in the system.
How's it going, officers?
I thought I, uh, lost you
back at the light on Western.
No, sir, but I would
recommend you drive
a little more carefully
with your family in the car.
Does the baby need a crib?
No, we co-sleep.
Three beds is fine.
Okay, great, uh,
well, I can give you
C-8 through 10.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, and I have something
extra special for the little man.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Thank you.
- Keep an eye on him.
- All righty.
Where do you want to put the baby?
Just right here.
How's it going here?
Oh, you know, just controlled chaos.
- Emphasis on "chaos." Yeah.
- Right.
- Hey, it's good to see you.
- Need a hand?
- No, no, I got it.
- All right.
- Then why are you hiding?
- I'm not.
We need to know you're solid.
Excuse me.
You, uh, here to help volunteer?
Get lost.
I'm talking to Kylie.
Yeah, it doesn't seem like
she really wants to talk to you.
Stay out of this, or get hurt.
- Let's talk outside.
- Whoa, whoa.
Don't touch her.
I'll be back.
Honey, I'm going to, uh,
head to the warehouse,
make sure everything's
- all squared away.
- What?
I'll be back in a bit.
Is there a problem here?
No problem.
We'll talk later.
Be cool.
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
What was that about?
I don't know, but
I'm going to find out.
You're supposed to
be watching Glasser.
I-I heard the crash,
and I came to check in
Mrs. Glasser, do you know
where your husband is?
Why, so you can harass him again?
- He's done nothing wrong.
- And I appreciate that,
but my
boss is breathing down my neck.
I just need to know where he is.
He left to check the warehouse,
make sure everything was secure.
- What's wrong?
- I'm sorry.
Glasser is gone.
His wife said he went to
go check his warehouse.
- Damn it!
He'll ditch the car the
first chance he gets.
He has been planning
this right under our noses.
It's not your fault he got away.
- You know that, right?
- I should have followed him
to the shelter myself
and parked right on his ass.
Okay, I'm going to say something,
and I want you to know it
comes from a place of love.
This is what you do.
You throw yourself into the job,
following suspects on your free time,
going undercover for years.
And as one of the people who's
safer because of it, thank you.
But you need to look after you.
So a-ar-are we
going to look for Glasser,
or are we going to
have a therapy session?
I said what I needed to say.
- He knew we'd BOLO his car.
- Yeah, and he was ready.
Something was parked
here until very recently.
Maybe they saw something.
Hey, Glasser had a switch
car stashed at the warehouse.
I need every camera
in a five-mile radius.
I know the city is on
fire, but this is a priority.
You should pack up.
The air's not safe.
- You're out here.
- I'm looking for somebody.
- Did you see him?
- Yeah, a few minutes ago.
What kind of car was he driving?
I don't know, but he gave
Phil 50 bucks to go with him
to help move something.
I tried to get in on it, but he
said he just needed one guy.
[CHUCKLING] Lucky Phil.
Glasser's got a new victim.
Kylie, are you sure you're all right?
Yeah, all good.
You disappear for a week,
and when you come back,
some guy is threatening you.
- I'm worried about you.
- Don't.
I'm handling it.
I saw his tattoo.
He's with the Sixth Street Devils.
There was a shooting about a week ago.
A member of a rival gang was killed.
That's got nothing to do with me.
He was shot right
outside the Phoenix Room.
Isn't that where you work?
Please, let me help you.
I don't want you involved.
It's too dangerous.
Kylie, if you're involved
I'm involved.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Oh.
- Kylie, I
- You didn't
I'm I'm sorry.
I-I think maybe I sent
the wrong signals.
Um, I absolutely love my wife.
Sorry. Um, I'm
I'm sorry.
Tim, did you hear about the
looting in your neighborhood?
What? No, what street?
Uh, just south of you, on Grange.
I got to go. My nephews
are home alone.
I'm coming with you.
Hey, I-I need some advice.
Can it wait?
I'm literally on fire.
No. Yeah, g
Go deal with that.
I-I got this.
Where's Glasser's wife?
Uh, over there with the kids.
Glasser's in the wind,
and he has a fresh victim.
Does she really think the
wife is going to talk to her?
No. The human
capacity for self-delusion
never ceases to amaze.
Um, would you
Want to know if something was
going on behind your back?
Like if Wesley was murdering people?
No, more like, you know, cheating
or just
Just being flirtatious with a colleague.
Well, flirting's harmless,
but physical intimacy
is a hard bright line.
If Wesley so much as
kisses another woman,
I'll be a wealthy, glamorous widow.
- Where is your husband?
- Protecting his business.
No, he is not, he switched
cars and disappeared.
You are harassing an innocent man.
Get your head out of your ass.
Your husband is a psychopath
who is currently on his
way to commit serial murder,
and either you are complicit,
or you are in a
pathological state of denial
- about who he really is.
- How dare you?
I do not have time for your outrage.
If you have any idea
of where he might go
someplace private,
someplace police wouldn't
know about, you need to tell me.
I don't know anything!
Leave me alone!
Ah, "Undertale."
That is a great game.
It took me forever to beat Sans.
You know, Detective Harper
Sh-she's just really
worried about your dad.
It's really dangerous
out there with the fire.
Do you have any idea
where he might be?
I'm not supposed to talk about it.
You know, sometimes when people
say something is a secret,
that doesn't mean you shouldn't
be able to tell
grown-ups you can trust.
It's a secret secret.
- Even from the police?
- Especially from the police.
Theo, we're just
trying to find your dad
to make sure he's safe.
My dad has another car.
Really? What what kind of car?
A-a van.
It's brown.
Get the hell away from him!
Ma'am, according to your son,
your husband has a secret
vehicle a brown van.
He doesn't know
what he's talking about.
He's lying, traffic
camera just captured
Glasser and his victim in
a green Jeep Cherokee.
I'm sorry.
Dad told me one day the
police might be after him,
and if they were,
I should talk about a brown
van and say it was a big secret.
He's using your son to lie for him.
You okay with that?
That doesn't make sense.
Why would he ask Theo to lie?
It makes perfect sense
If your husband knew that one day
he'd be on the run from the police
and his son would be questioned.
Your husband's a methodical planner.
He spent years
grooming a mental patient
to take responsibility for his crimes.
All those bodies they found,
Liam did that?
- Yes.
I know where he'd go.
There's a house.
No one's ever there.
It's in my mom's name.
Hey, tilt it upwards.
Stop right there.
Hey, officers.
We're just, uh
We're evacuating.
Oh, you live here?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we're just, uh
We're packing up the
old family heirlooms, so
If this is your place, who's that?
[SIGHS] God, I am so unlucky.
I just
I mean
What are the odds, am I right?
Put the TV down.
Show me your hands.
- Gently.
Turn around.
Get on your knees.
- Where are the boys?
- What, what boys?
No, that's not fair.
Control, we need transport
for two 4-59 suspects.
I told you I heard something.
What is happening?
7-Adam-100, go to channel 9.
Go for 7-Adam-100.
We have a location for Glasser.
We are on our way
with Nolan and Miles,
but traffic is terrible.
You are closer.
Can you get to the Angeles Forest?
I'll send you coordinates.
Yeah, if we approach from the west,
the Eagle Rock Road entrance
should be clear of the fire.
All right, listen, we're
gonna have to take 39,
but do not wait for us.
He has a victim.
We have to act fast.
- Copy.
- Okay, thank you.
- What is this?
- Areas with looting.
Why isn't it color-coded?
We went over this.
Red for areas with calls
in the 10-plus range,
and blue is for
- You're still a rookie, right?
- Yeah.
That's not
Okay, got it.
Uh, yeah, fire changed direction.
Eagle Rock Road, hard closure.
Thank you for the update.
- Officer Ridley.
Yes, sir.
Did you hang up on the deputy mayor?
No-Not on purpose, sir,
- but I, uh
- Good job.
Keep it up.
I don't have time for
her political games,
so "accidentally"
hang up as many times as it takes
for her to get the message.
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
Um, 101.
It was nice to see the boys.
I miss coaching them.
They bailed on baseball
all about esports now.
It's probably for the best,
neither of them could
really hit a curveball.
[CHUCKLES] You know, they
asked about you a couple times.
Well, what did you say?
- Oh.
7-Adam-100, we have
fully engulfed terrain
on Eagle Rock Road.
We need fire and rescue
to Eagle Rock Road.
We are completely
blocked off in both directions.
7-Adam-200 copies the last.
Closest ground rescue unit's 30 out.
Fire, can you advise?
It'll be over by then.
Can you get to a clearing or off road?
Uh, the only way off is down a cliff.
- I'll get someone to you.
- We'll hold out until you do.
We got to get clear of the shop.
Between the battery and the gas tank,
this is a bomb waiting to go off.
Everything here is going
to go up like a match.
I'm gonna grab the fire shelter.
Have you ever used one of those?
Uh, I saw a video on YouTube once.
Ridley, I need LAFD command
on the phone right now.
They need to get a
DC-10 to do water drops.
Got it.
Tim and Lucy are pinned down
by the fire on Eagle Rock Road.
Why aren't you writing this down?
Water, Eagle Rock Road.
Thank you.
Is this going to work?
It's designed to reflect radiant heat,
protect against convective
heat, and trap breathable air,
which is good, but it's
only meant for short-lived
Yes. Yes is the answer
that I'm looking for.
Yes, it is definitely going to work.
Listen, I want to tell you something.
No, no.
What, you got somewhere you got to be?
God, you are gonna
say something heartfelt
because you think we're gonna die,
and I don't want to cry right now.
I might say something
hateful you don't know.
Yes, I do. I know what
you're going to say.
- You're still in love with me.
- Wow, the arrogance!
Am I wrong?
No, okay?
No, you're not wrong.
Of course I still love you.
- Do you?
- It doesn't matter!
- So that's a yes?
- Oh, you are infuriating!
I know! I know.
That's Glasser's
car. I'll block him in.
Control, both units are code six.
You're not getting a signal out.
Fire probably burned
out the repeaters.
If this smoke gets any thicker,
it could be tough
finding our way back.
Turn on all the lights on the shop.
Yes, sir.
You guys take the back.
Harper and I will cover the front.
We'll 8-44 loud as we can so
you know when we're going in.
Copy that.
Give us 30 seconds.
Police department! We
have a search warrant!
Open the door now!
Open up!
Nolan, we're inside downstairs.
We're holding on a long hallway.
Help! Please help me!
The police are here!
Keep yelling so we can find you!
Get back!
Get back!
Someone just ran down the hall.
- Runner, downstairs hallway.
- Help me!
I can can't see.
- Help!
- It's Glasser. I'm going.
- Clear!
- Help!
- OK.
- Help!
I lost him in the smoke.
Harper, where are you?
Help me, please!
I don't know.
There's just so much
- He's here.
- Help me!
- Get back. Get
Move in.
Nolan, where are you?
- I see you in the shower.
Come out slowly.
Show me your hands.
Help me.
[SOBBING] Help me!
[GRUNTS] I got you.
All right? You're going
to be safe, all right?
I got you.
I'm going to get you out of here.
I'm going to get you out of here.
- All right.
I got you.
I got you.
All right, come on.
All right, I got you.
I got you.
I got you, all right?
Let's go.
I got you.
I got you.
I got you.
[GRUNTS] I got you.
You're going to be all right.
We gonna be all right.
I found her!
Wake up.
Hey, hey, hey.
Wake up.
Come on.
Wake up.
We got to get out of here. Come on.
- I'm up. Where's the
- Get up.
Where are we?
Where's Glasser?
Come on.
Let's go.
Glasser's here!
He's down here!
I got Glasser!
Drop it!
You're under arrest.
- I got ya.
All right.
You're not smiling now, are you?
Fire's everywhere.
We got to go now.
Right now!
I told you we'd make it.
Only because I made you.
I know the water
drop might injure them,
but burning alive will kill them.
Control, 7-Adam-100, we are code four.
Hold on.
7-Adam-100, please repeat.
We are code four.
I repeat, code four.
We could use a ride.
Copy that.
Help's on the way.
You got a little something.
Oh, you got dad jokes?
- You got him.
- Yeah, we got him, it's over.
I can get the
interrogation room ready.
Well, if someone else wants
to question him, then great,
but I am done for the day.
- Really?
- Yes.
And I am taking all my vacation days.
Happy to hear it.
- Whoa.
Heard you guys arrested Glasser.
Caught him in the act.
Thought you were on baby duty?
Oh, our sitter finally showed up.
Is that
- Glitter?
- Oh, yeah.
You should see the house.
We're going to have to
burn it down, start over.
Thank you.
Um, do you got a sec
Can I talk to you about something?
You and James, you're
you're close, right?
Yeah, why?
Well, I, um
I saw him kissing another
woman earlier at the center.
- No.
- Yeah.
I mean, so I
I have to tell Harper, right?
I mean, I would give James
a chance to come clean first.
Tell him that you know and
give him 24 hours to tell Harper,
or you will.
You know, he'd probably
take this a lot better
- coming from a close friend.
- No.
No, not a chance.
This is your problem.
My problem is, how the
hell do I not tell my wife
about this conversation?
- Sorry.
- Uh-huh.
- There's something standing ♪
- Hey
I thought we were
going to die out there.
Me too.
Having an experience like that
really just crystallizes
your priorities.
It's crazy.
Yeah, my priorities
were already clear.
I keep talking about
it, but I have to
I have to get serious, you know.
I need to move forward,
in my career.
Yeah, I-I agree.
You know, um
I've been thinking about
taking the sergeant's exam.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, I mean,
if you pass, then,
I wouldn't be your
supervisor anymore.
That's a good point.
I hadn't thought of that.
I've got some excellent books on tape.
- I could, uh, help you study.
- Oh.
Well, the test isn't for
another few months,
but it's always good
to get a head start.
Oh, thank God you guys are okay.
You're you're better than okay.
It's like nothing even happened.
Yeah, smoke inhalation
and, like, a lifetime
of nightmare fuel,
but other than that
Yeah, good. [STAMMERS] Bad, but I
Yeah, I got into it with
the National Weather Service.
I did some serious yelling.
The fact that they didn't
update us that the fire had
Had shifted is unacceptable.
I'm sorry.
The road wasn't safe,
they didn't tell us?
It's unbelievable, right?
Somebody's got
to get fired over this.
I'll follow up, make sure they do.
No, I-I don't think that's necessary.
I put the fear of God in them.
Anyways, I'm just here
I'm just checking on my T.O.
[SIGHS] I got to get
back to the station.
Grey needs me.
I need to tell you something.
About the guy who stopped by?
Connor, yeah.
You were right.
I was at the Phoenix Club
when the shooting happened.
And you saw who did it?
They're going to kill
me if I say anything.
The police can protect you.
- Right.
- No, they can, okay?
Look, I know you want
to do the right thing.
Let me help you.
Why are you being
so nice after what I did?
I believe in second chances.
I think I may be on
my third at this point.
I believe in fourth chances.
Look, we can go to the
police station together.
Down! Down!
Get down!