Dora The Explorer (2000) s07e10 Episode Script

Little Map

1 [Upbeat music.]
- dora, dora, dora the explorer - dora the explorer - dora, dora, dora the explorer - Dora! - Boots and super cool exploradora - Yeah! - Grab your backpack vamonos, let's go you can lead the way lead the way! Lead the way dora, dora, dora the explorer - doo-doo-doo-doo - dora, dora, dora the explorer swiper, no swiping swiper, no swiping - Oh, man.
- Dora the explorer - Hola, soy dora.
- And I'm boots.
- And we're here with our friends map and little map.
- Hi.
- Hola.
- Do you like to draw pictures? Both: We do too.
- Map's been teaching little map how to draw pictures that can help us on our adventures.
He can draw all kinds of pictures.
- Yeah, look.
Here's one.
Here's one.
- Who did little map draw? Boots, right.
- How does it look, dora? - Little map, I think your picture is still missing some things.
Look closely at little map's picture.
It's missing the monkey tail.
- [Giggles.]
- What else is missing? Right, the red boots.
- Oops! You can't have boots without his monkey tail and red boots.
I'll fix it.
Got it.
Got it.
- Now does the picture match boots? Si, muy bien, little map.
- Now that's a good picture.
Little map, your pictures are getting much better.
- Uh-huh.
- But remember: A map has to draw pictures with everything just right so you can really help on an adventure.
- I can do it, Uncle map.
I can draw everything just right.
I can help.
I really can.
- Yeah, yeah, little map can do it.
- Well, then you'll have to draw lots of pictures today, little map, 'cause today you're going on your very first treasure adventure! - Really? Really? Just like a big map? Yippee! I've always wanted to go on my own treasure adventure.
- You're gonna find a golden sparkling treasure chest All: Ooh! - With super surprises inside.
- Ooh! Both: Wow! - I want to find the treasure.
I want to find it, Uncle map.
- Me too.
Me too.
- El tesoro with super surprises.
To find the fastest way to our treasure map, say "map.
" [Jazzy music.]
- Who are the guys you need to know when you've got a place to go? What's my name? all: the map - what's my name? All: little map - who can help you say, "hey, I figured out the way" what's my name all: the map - what's my name? All: little map Both: we're the maps, we're the maps All: they're the maps, they're the maps Both: we're the maps! - Where's our treasure, Uncle map? Where, where? - The treasure's hidden on garden Mountain.
- Ooh.
- And little map, you're going on this treasure adventure without me.
So listen closely.
Ready? - Listo, listo.
- First you have to go through the town, then go past the troll bridge, and that's how you'll get to - Garden Mountain! Garden Mountain! - So remember: Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
Say it with me.
Both: Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
- So you tell dora first you go to the town.
- Where do we go first? The town, correcto.
Come on, little map.
Hop in.
- Whoa.
- Little map? - [Laughs.]
I'm ready to go.
- Okay, little map.
Remember you'll need to draw pictures along the way so you can get through the town, go over the bridge, and find the treasure on garden Mountain.
You can't find the treasure without your pictures.
- I'll draw the pictures, Uncle map.
I can do it.
I can do it.
And you'll help me, right, dora? - Sure, little map.
- And I'll help too.
- And I'll need you to help me draw pictures too.
All: Yeah! - Thanks, I can't wait.
I can't wait.
- And look, there's the town.
- Ooh, map told me I have to draw everything, everything in this town.
It'll help us find the treasure.
Dora, can you check my picture and make sure that I drew everything? - Claro, little map.
Look, here's little map's picture, and this is the town.
Let's help little map and see if he drew everything.
I don't think these pictures are the same.
Miren, the pond is missing in little map's picture.
What else is missing? Correcto, the big pink house is missing.
- Oops.
I can draw those.
Got it.
Got it.
- Now are the pictures the same? Si, fantastico.
- All right, I've got a picture to help us through the town.
- Maravilloso.
Come on, let's go find our - Treasure! - Come on, say it with us.
Both: Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
Come on, vamonos everybody, let's go - come on, let's get to it - I know that we can do it Where are we going? [Claps.]
- Garden Mountain.
Where are we going? [Claps.]
- Garden Mountain.
Both: Where are we going? [Claps.]
- Garden Mountain.
- Adonde, vamos.
All: Garden Mountain! [Light dance music.]
Garden Mountain! [Frog croaks.]
- Look, we made it to the town.
[Trolley dinging.]
- And there's a trolley.
She can give us a ride.
Hola, tranvia.
¿Nos puedes llevar por El pueblo? - Si, todos a bordo.
- Wow, I've never been on a trolley before.
It goes really fast.
Both: Ding, ding! - Whoa, look at all the streets.
- ¿Cual calle tomo? - The trolley wants to know which street to take.
- But which way do we go, dora? I don't see the way out.
- Busquen El porton, dora.
- We need to see a picture of the whole town to find the way out.
- Oh, oh! - Who drew a picture that can help us? Both: Little map.
- Si, si.
Here's my picture.
Look, look.
- Let's look at little map's picture and find the street with the big yellow gate.
Which of these streets leads all the way to the big yellow gate? LA azul, morada, roja, o gris? LA roja, correcto.
- Yay.
- ¿Cual calle tomo? - Tell the trolley, "LA roja.
" All: LA roja.
- A LA roja, ya voy.
- Yay, the trolley heard us.
- Gracias, tranvia.
- Yeah, thanks for the ride, trolley.
- And thank you too.
Great Spanish speaking.
[Triumphant music.]
- Yay, we made it past the town.
- That was a great town picture, little map.
- Yeah, and now we're getting closer to our treasure.
- ¿A donde vamos ahora, dora? - Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
We made it past the town, check.
So next is the Bridge, correcto.
The troll bridge.
Miren, there's the troll bridge.
- Ooh, ooh.
I'm gonna draw that picture with everything, everything.
- Si, little map.
- And nothing will be missing this time, dora.
You'll see.
Troll bridge picture coming up.
- Let's help little map and see if he drew everything.
I think we have some things that don't belong in the picture.
Does a hamburger belong in this picture? No.
Does a ladybug belong in this picture? I don't think so.
What else doesn't belong? Right, the fish.
- Oops, I can fix it.
There, there.
- Now are they the same? Si, muy bien.
Come on.
Let's go find our - Treasure! - And we can use my troll bridge picture to help us.
Right, dora? Right? - Claro, little map.
- Uh-oh, that sounds like swiper the fox.
That sneaky fox is always trying to swipe our stuff.
- Whoop! - Do you see swiper? Where? - He's gonna try to swipe little map.
- We need your help to stop him.
We've got to say, "swiper, no swiping.
" Say it with us.
All: Swiper, no swiping.
Swiper, no swiping.
Swiper, no swiping! - Oh, man.
- Yay! - Yay! - We stopped swiper.
- Hooray! Gracias, gracias.
- Come on, let's get to the bridge.
We made it to the troll bridge.
- Yeah, yeah, we've got to hurry past the bridge to find our treasure.
[Plodding music.]
- I'm the grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge Hey! I'm the grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge Who's there? If you want to come over all you have to do is this all you have to do is this Find my cousins.
All: Your cousins? - Where are your cousins, Mr.
troll? - I was playing hide and seek with my five troll cousins, but I can't find them anywhere.
- We need to see a picture of the troll's neighborhood to find the cousins.
- Who has a picture that can help us? Both: Little map.
- Me, me, me.
- Let's look at little map's picture and look for the five trolls.
If you see a troll, say, "troll.
" Troll.
- The green troll's going down the slide holding an ice cream cone.
- [Laughs.]
Both: Troll.
- [Laughs.]
Both: Troll.
- Yeah, look, two trolls are petting the animals at the petting zoo.
- [Yawns.]
- Troll.
Look, the pink troll's taking a nap in that giant nest.
Let's see how many trolls we've found.
One, two, three, four.
We need to find five trolls, and we've already found four.
So how many more trolls do we need to find? One, right.
Let's look closely.
Do you see the last troll? [Mud splashing.]
Yeah, there he is.
- Look, the blue troll's taking a mud bubble bath.
- [Laughs.]
We found five trolls all together.
Yay! - You found us.
- You found us.
- Here we are.
- Here we are.
- You found my cousins.
Now you can go over my bridge.
And little map, that was a great picture of my neighborhood.
- Thanks.
- Good luck with that treasure.
[Triumphant music.]
- Yay.
Thanks for helping us find the trolls.
- And we're getting closer to our treasure.
- ¿A donde vamos ahora, dora? - Town, bridge, garden Mountain.
We made it through the town, check.
Over the troll bridge, check.
So next is Garden Mountain.
Muy bien.
- [Gasps.]
Uncle map said we can't find the treasure if I don't have a picture of garden Mountain, but I can't see the Mountain with all these clouds.
What'll we do, dora? - We need something to help little map fly up and over the clouds so he can see the garden.
I think I have something in my backpack.
Will you check my backpack? You have to say "backpack.
" [Fast jazzy music.]
- Backpack, backpack Yeah! Hola, soy mochila.
Dora needs something that will help little map fly up and over the clouds.
Can a balloon fly up? Yes, that's it.
Smart thinking.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
- Listo, little map? - Listo, listo.
Whee! [Laughs.]
I see it.
I see it.
I'm gonna draw our last picture.
Garden Mountain picture coming up.
- Let's look at the pictures.
The trees are the same.
The top is the same.
These pictures are the same.
- [Gasps.]
I got it right? Both: Yeah, little map.
- Yay! I got it right.
I got it right.
I can't wait till I tell Uncle map.
- You're getting really good, little map.
- Thanks.
- Now come on.
Let's go find our Both: Treasure! - We made it to garden Mountain.
- I can't see the treasure anywhere.
- Who has a picture that can help us? - Me, me, me.
- [Laughs.]
Let's look at little map's picture really carefully and see if we can find the treasure.
This is little map's picture.
We're going to have to go in closer to look for the treasure.
To go in closer, we say, "mas cerca.
" Can you say "mas cerca"? Great.
Say "mas cerca.
" Muy bien.
Hey, the treasure must be in the garden.
Look closely to find the treasure.
Is the treasure in the tomatoes, string beans, cabbages, or carrots? Right, it's in the carrots.
We found the treasure.
- Wow, we're gonna see what's in our treasure.
- I know! I know! - [Grunting.]
- Whoa, this lid is really heavy.
We need your help.
Are you strong? Really, really strong? Fantastico! Help us lift up the top of the treasure chest.
Put your hands out like this and lift.
Lift, lift, lift! [Celebratory music.]
- Yay, it opened.
- Look! It's map.
- With lots and lots of stickers.
- And gold chocolate coins.
All: Mmm, yay! - You found it.
You found it.
Can I see your pictures, little map? - Sure, Uncle map.
- Wow, little map.
Those are great pictures.
- My friends helped me, Uncle map.
- I'm so proud of you.
And since you drew such great pictures, we can put them all together.
And look, you made your very first treasure adventure map.
- Wow, yeah.
It looks like one of your maps, Uncle map.
- Little map, for your very first treasure map, you get a special golden stamp.
- Yippee.
Look, boots, I got a gold stamp.
For my treasure map, dora.
- Cool stamp.
- That's a great map, little map.
- Yeah.
- Wahoo! - Hooray! We made it to garden Mountain.
- And found our treasure.
[Triumphant music.]
All: Yay, we did it! [Lively music.]
We did it! - We did it! - We did it! Both: yeah, lo hicimos Both: We did it.
- We took a trolley ride down the red path we did it both: we did it - we did it both: hooray - found the trolls in the parks too - and mud bath, we did it - we did it all: we did it - little map drew his pictures along the way - and we found our hidden treasure - hooray Both: Yeah! - We did it - we did it All: we did it - yeah, lo hicimos - we did it all: we did it - Yeah! We had such an exciting trip today.
What was your favorite part of the trip? I liked that too.
- My favorite part was when we found the five troll cousins.
- My favorite part was when we found our treasure, and I got my stamp.
- And my favorite part was when little map got all of the pictures right.
We couldn't have done it without you.
- Thanks for helping.
- Gracias.

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