FBI (2018) s07e10 Episode Script


I think people overuse
certain words a lot.
I think people overuse
that sentence a lot,
but this really is my masterpiece.
Like, it's what they'd remember me by
if it wasn't a piece
of top-secret stealth tech.
You tested it?
It works perfectly.
Tested it myself.
Knew we got the right guy for the job.
You know, it wasn't easy.
If you paid my firm to design this,
it'd cost you way more.
Are you trying to renegotiate?
We agreed on a price.
Well, that was before.
I'm thinking
whatever you guys need this for
must be important.
And I don't need to know,
but it's worth more.
How much?
We good?
Oh, yeah.
You drive a hard bargain, Tucker.

Hey. Whoa, is that for me?
You are a hero. Thank you.
Wearing your wedding band?
That's a bit forward
after two months on the couch,
don't you think?
It's for work.
This guy I'm meeting with thinks that
Oh, a confidential informant.
Right, yeah.
Who thinks we're still married?
It's one of the secrets to the CI game.
You don't actually
have to be their friend,
- but
- Ah.
Helps if you're the same guy
every time you see him.
Well, it's a nice ring.
Girl who picked it out has great taste.
So this work thing.
What's the threat level?
Threat level? Zero. I promise.
Sort of like having you around.
Sort of, huh?
Hey, man.
Um, just seeing if you're still coming.
Give me a call either way.
Excuse me.
Can I get a refill, please? Thank you.
Where's your friend?
The professor?
Uh, the professor?
Yeah, I don't know.
He just looks like
some kind of genius to me.
Well, looks like the genius
might have stood me up.
Uh, you know what? I'm I'm
actually gonna grab the check from you,
- if that's all right.
- Yeah, you got it.
Thank you.
- Hey, what's up, boss?
- Hey.
Uh, so I had a scheduled check-in
with one of my CIs this
morning, and he didn't show.
That's weird.
Well, actually, it is because
he's never missed a meeting,
so I need you to run a trace for me.
Uh, Jubal
Ian, I can hear
the look on your face.
It's fine. This guy's a working CI.
Just pull his file.
His last name is E-L-L-A-H-I-E.
His cell number should be in there.
Got him. Running a trace.
Yeah, he pinged in Kensington,
523 Friel Place.
Yeah, that's his place.
[SIGHS] I'm 45 minutes out
from that location.
OA and Maggie
can be there in ten.
All right. Send 'em.

Signs of a struggle.
Door's unlocked.
Hit it.
Upstairs is clear, Maggie.
Faheem's not here.
Well, his phone is.
Who leaves the house
without their phone?
Somebody who doesn't wanna be
tracked by us.

Got him!

Get up!
I can't. I messed my leg up.
- Get up.
Come on!
What's your name?
Where's Faheem Ellahi?
Faheem Ellahi. Where is he?
- They took him.
- Who took him?
Some guy showed up
in an SUV this morning
and dragged him out.
You seem really worried about him.
[SIGHS] You play with fire,
you get burned.
How do you know Faheem?
He moves money.
He got it stashed all over the city.
After Faheem got grabbed up,
I just thought maybe I'd take a look.
But I didn't do anything, I swear.
Too late for that. Let's go!
Come on, bro! I'm injured!
You'll live.
And I helped you!
You're still under arrest.
Have we confirmed this kid's rumor
that Faheem was abducted
around 8:00 a.m. this morning?
I'm still searching,
for the SUV that grabbed him, allegedly.
Guess they were careful
to avoid street cameras.
- You buy this kid's story?
I mean, there's a long list
of very dangerous people
Faheem has been laundering money for,
for the past 20 years.
If someone found out
he's been informing,
yeah, it tracks that
they could get heavy.
All right, so let's talk
about these dangerous people.
Where's my DEA rep?
Jordan, what are you all thinking?
Faheem's still laundering
money for the Balochi gang.
He's one of them. DEA can confirm that.
They've evolved since you put
their top lieutenants away.
I'm sure. And by the way,
we would not have been able
to put them away without Faheem's help.
They're a multinational
drug trafficking ring.
they ship heroin into the U.S.,
profits go back to Pakistan
to fund their activities, yeah?
Extensive poppy farms in
the Northwest Frontier Province
for the cultivation of heroin.
They use the cash to pay for
murders and political bribes.
Do we have any surveillance
up on their known locations?
Yeah, got activity on one of them.
Deli in Kensington.
Could be a front.
It is a front.
That's Urdu. Can you translate it?
Wait, did did he say Faheem?
Uh, yeah, they are asking
each other where Faheem is.
None of them have seen him today.
All right, so if he was grabbed,
it probably wasn't by them.
- Uh, keep looking.
Hey, Sam.
Kinda in the middle of something.
What's up?
Hey, your friend is here.
My friend? Who's that?
He says his name's Faheem.
He's in the house?
Yeah, at the dining table.
He says he needs to talk to you.
What should I do?
Uh, it's okay.
Just stay calm. I'll be right there.

You have a very beautiful home.
Oh, that's really sweet.
Sam, get behind me.
- Oh.
- My friend.
What are you doing here?
There is no need for that.
This is my home.
Yes. I just need to talk to you.
Turn around.
This is crossing a line.
Okay? You do not come to my home.
I didn't intend
to put your family at risk,
but there are too many eyes in this city
and this intel was too important.
- If I had any other choice
- What intel?
There is an attack planned soon.
People will die.
You need to hear about it
before it's too late.
Please, in 18 years,
I've not had information
that can save this many lives.

Yeah, sure, Faheem.
We can talk about it, but not here.
Please, we shouldn't do this
at your office.
Oh, I know. We're going to 26 Fed.
Let's go. Walk.
This will not happen again.

So tell me about this,
uh, impending attack.
I, uh, remember this room being smaller.
This is not a social visit.
You said something's coming, right?
18 years of friendship,
and I must prove myself?
It's time to cut
to the part where you tell me
what the hell is going on.
Because you skipped
our meeting this morning
and you left your phone at your house.
So why don't you
start with where you were
this morning at 8:00 a.m.?
I was collecting information for you.
And I didn't want to be tracked.
An attack is imminent.
An attack by whom?
Men I know from Pakistan.
These are men you take seriously.
They want to kill Americans
here in New York,
Boston, Philadelphia.
I have information on the methods
and timing of this attack.
But I need something from you
before I share what I know.
My brother Daanish, he has
suffered 18 years in prison.
Your half-brother
sold felony-weight heroin
to an undercover cop.
He would have gotten life back home.
But we're not home.
We are in America,
where anything is possible.
I want my brother released.
We don't negotiate for information.
Is that so?
I am only free because I gave you
those names so many years ago.
The federal government
most certainly does negotiate.
I know that better than most.
You're telling me there's a
significant terror attack coming
and this is the game you wanna play?
I am not playing games.
But I am owed.

I'll think about it.
Hey, what's up?
Uh, I think he's lying to you.
This morning, it doesn't look
like he was chasing down a lead.
Check this out.
This is the doorbell cam
at the neighbor's house
across the street.
These are the guys
that snatched up Faheem.
What if you're negotiating with them?
Best case scenario,
Faheem is being coerced.
He's a proxy for these guys
to get what they want.
And the worst case scenario?
You're being played,
meaning these guys are just
other members of his gang,
and this is just some ploy
to get his brother released.
He's never lied to me before.
There's a first time for everything.
The Counterterrorism desk
hasn't heard any chatter
about the Balochi gang
plotting anything local.
He hasn't mentioned the kidnapping.
I've sent a dozen narco
traffickers to prison
on his intel, and his crew
never knew he was informing.
He's smart and he's careful.
I just don't buy that
he would make this play
if he wasn't sitting on something big.
Right, well, if he was lying,
we would jam him up
on false statement charges,
and he can share a cell
with his brother.
I do not like someone
crying wolf about terrorism
in my backyard.
Isobel, you really want Counterterrorism
to take over this interview?
I want to get to the bottom of this.
So do I. And I will.
I don't know what the hell's
going on right now,
but I'll use this and I'll find out.

Okay, in the meantime,
why don't you guys ID
and locate these guys?
I'd love to hear their side
of the story.

What are we missing?
This is the first time
Faheem has even hinted
at making a deal
for his brother's release.
Why now?
He served most of his time, right?
Well, according
to the Bureau of Prisons,
his brother Daanish
is being transferred today
from FCI Slate Hill to the
WITSEC block of FCI Otisville.
He provided information
on gang activity inside,
and it's no longer safe for him there.
Huh, what interesting timing that
the terror threat materializes right
when his brother
is being transferred upstate, but
Yeah, I don't know,
but it's strange that
he didn't mention it.
Yeah, well, that appears to be a theme.
[SIGHS] There's a lot
Faheem isn't mentioning.
Given how much he's withholding,
do we even take this threat seriously?
No, he knows we'll verify his intel
as a condition of any deal.
We have to assume
that this attack is real.
Give me ten pages of blank paper.
Am I to guess what's inside?
The AUSA will get your brother's
case in front of a federal judge.
Strict parole, nightly check-ins, but
only if you get real with me
right here, right now.
So you can get my brother released?
If this attack is as
significant as you say it is,
and you have intel that
can help us prevent it,
then, yes, I can.
where were you this morning
at 8:00 a.m.?
Ahmed Khan.
Ahmed Khan, the heroin kingpin?
What, he he's planning the attack?
There is a ship on the water
as you and I speak
loaded with Khan's heroin under
false floors in Evergreen containers.
You mean it's on its way here right now?
It is, to the port in Bayonne.
It has almost arrived.
The drugs are bad, tainted.
It is poison.
Ahmed Khan has no care for money.
He wants these streets to bleed.
Okay, that is significant.
And how long have you known about this?
Whispers were all
I heard before yesterday.
Okay, so this morning when
we were supposed to meet.
I skipped breakfast, yes,
to gather everything I could.
The name of the ship,
the container numbers.
You want to know where I was?
That's where, keeping our children safe.
I am giving you Ahmed Khan on a platter.
You're not giving me anything.
You're trading information
for your brother.
And I don't know, man.
For some reason,
I'm having real trouble here
believing anything you say.
Last chance.
Where were you this morning, 8:00 a.m.?
What does it matter where I was?
I need to know what's going on.
Or there's no way
I'm gonna get you this deal.
You're still wearing your ring.
Your wife doesn't.
Trouble on the home front?
The stress of your job,
it must be hard on any marriage.
On your wife, Sam.
What are you doing?
Leave my family out of this.
It's not that.
It's that you've not been honest.
How long have you been separated?
That's not how this works.
I don't owe you that.
May I then review the file?
Sure, after I verify your intel.
I need to know you're not playing me.
How did you put it 18 years ago?
This only works
if we're completely honest.
And I am beginning to doubt your honesty
while lives hang in the balance.
Really, man?
You're doubting my honesty?

I've given you plenty
of chances to be honest
about what happened this morning.
tell me who these men are,
snapping you up like a rag doll.

Where are we with
ID'ing the assailant's SUV?
Well, the plates are stolen.
Come back to an Altima
in Suffolk County.
Okay, cross-reference
that SUV with any vehicle
reported stolen matching
that physical description.
Already on it, but I'm not
seeing anything that lines up.
I may have something.
And the driver rips the E-ZPass off.
But it's too late.
It already pinged
on the way to this location.
That account belongs to Tucker Kincaid,
owner of the SUV.
Kincaid's a cybersecurity engineer.
All right, what can we get
off of this toll account?
Uh, I can track it
through any highway toll.
This is 8:20 this morning.
And Faheem is inside, we can assume?
Yeah, highway traffic cams
follow it to an exit in Great Neck
and then street cams pick it up
on a residential street.
Then we lose visual.
Well, where does Kincaid live?
The street the SUV was
last seen turning on.
We have our first person of interest.
Tucker Kincaid. He is involved somehow.
Get the team there now.

Clear up here.
OA, rope and duct tape.
Faheem could have been held here.

- FBI!
- Federal agents!
We got a body.
Got a body!

Is it?
Yeah. It's Tucker Kincaid.
- Don't move.
- What was that?
I heard it too.
Sounds like a pressure switch.

We got a wire.
Oh, okay.
Stay where you are.
I'm gonna back up very slowly.
Hey, hey, hey! Don't come any closer.
We have a spring-loaded IED.
Everybody fall back.
I repeat, everybody fall back.
OA, what do I do?
Don't move. Stay calm.
Okay, okay.
Uh I'm getting

[GRUNTS] I'm gonna place
this down right where you are.
- Okay.
- All right.
Move your foot nice and easy.
Nice and easy.
- Okay? Okay.
- All right.
I think you're good. Give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
Three, two, one, go.

Faheem, who are these men?
You have no idea what I've done for you.
The lengths I've gone to.
Please, no one held a gun to your head
and made you launder money
for drug dealers.
You used me.
We used each other.
That's how this is supposed to go.
It's a mutual benefit.
My friends, my family,
they knew someone was
talking to the police.
I watched my friends
and family go to prison,
the children calling me uncle
when it was me!
It was me who was tearing
their homes apart!
It's a nice speech.
Who are the men in the SUV?
A source of information.
I need more.
It doesn't matter.
Deal's off.
Stop, stop!

I am the only one with this information.
They will know it came from me.
But go ahead.
Verify my intelligence.
I just need you to help my brother.
If this isn't what you say it is,
if these lies continue,
you will be going to prison.

CART found some files
on Tucker's computer.
He's been developing spyware
for the Department of Defense
and has the highest possible
security clearance.
So you think Tucker was
murdered for this tech?
That's what I'm thinking.
This isn't adding up.
They kill Tucker, and then they
use his SUV to kidnap Faheem
and bring him right back here.
What does Faheem have to do with this?
What's his part?
That's a good question.
I'm using an air-gapped laptop,
meaning it's completely
isolated from our networks.
I modded it with
military-grade encryption,
secure boot systems,
and tamper-resistant hardware.
Can you just tell us what you find?

Manifests for a container ship
en route from Morocco
to the Port Liberty Bayonne Terminal.
Carrying Ahmed Khan's contraband.
Faheem was telling the truth.
I'd say so.
2,000 kilos of tainted heroin.
If that hits the streets
What? What is that?
Uh, just wait a sec.
Ian, what is happening?
- Ian?
- Hold on.
What's going on?
Guys, I am looking at
some of the nastiest code
I have ever seen
hiding in these subfolders.
Nasty how?
This is a cyber weapon.
I've never seen anything
like this before.

If you plug this device
into any other computer
in this building,
the software will infect
our system bureau-wide.
Which would do what?
Give whoever designed it complete access
to every device in this building.
They would have eyes and ears
on everything we did or said.
So all of this intel,
it was just a cover story?
This is a cyberattack.

Nice try, you son of a bitch!
I don't know what you're talking about.
You're gonna tell me you don't know
- what's on that thing?
- No, I don't. I swear it.
- Really?
- That's the truth.
Yes, they took me this morning.
- Who took you?
- Those men!
You have it on video!
I don't know who they are
or how they found me,
but they know who I am.
They know I am your informant.
They knew about my brother's case.
They promised they would kill
him today during the transfer
unless I downloaded that
into this building.
I don't know what it is.
I didn't want to know.
I tried to free my brother
without doing what they wanted.
That's all I cared about.
But I failed.
So there's no attack?
There's no shipment of tainted drugs?
The file on there is meant
to verify my information.
I'm sorry. I had no choice.
And you have no idea, no inkling,
- who these people are?
- No.
But if that file is not downloaded
into this building by 3:00 p.m.,
they will kill my brother.
Will you save him?

I've done everything
you've asked of me for years.
Jubal, we are friends.
We're not friends, Faheem.
You're my CI.
I have done things no CI would do.
Do you remember 2012?
You were hunting Hassan Ghazi.

Kill it.
Is that kosher?
Jubal is one of the best
field agents I ever saw.
He worked major cases with this guy.
He's gotten us this close to the truth.
We have to trust that he will
get us all the way there.
You don't mind this
being off the record?
I do not. Do you?

I was washing money for Hassan.
He was careful.
Never in the same room as the money,
never in the same room as the product.
I wasn't my best then.
You know that.
You could have had him before
he vanished back to Morocco.
But when you arrived for the buy,
you could barely stand,
slurring your speech.
You would have gotten us killed.
So this is what, this is leverage?
I bottomed out.
I got help.
The bureau knows.
Number 4 on the FBI's Most Wanted List,
and your informant
had to call off the meet.
No, that's not what happened.
The guy the guy never showed up.
I took you to a different
location to sober up.
I drove you home.
You were in tears in your driveway.
You said you had to change.
I took a taxi back to the city.
You are my friend.
Now, will you help my brother?

Hey, can someone throw up
the route they're using
to transfer Daanish Ellahi today?
He's being moved from FCI
Slate Hill to FCI Otisville.
Okay. Hey.
Uh, so Faheem's brother
is being transferred
from one prison to another today.
Faheem claims that the guys
that grabbed him this morning
are planning to assassinate Daanish
somewhere along this route.
I was thinking, just to be safe,
you could call MDC, halt the convoy.
You wanna help Faheem
after all the lies he told?
Thank you. I'll make the call.
- Yeah.
- Wait.
This terror group,
they tried to cripple the FBI.
What do we know about them?
Uh, well, not much,
but we're working on it.
We do know one thing.
Of course.
We know where they're headed next.
We are not gonna stop this convoy.
We're gonna use it to draw them out.
Yes, ma'am.
These people wanna hurt us.
Let's show them what we're made of.
I got to admit, I don't love this plan.
Isobel's idea.
Actually, I'm kinda into it.
We got your six.
Ready for this?
Into the lion's den.

Marshals' van should
be on the move by now.
They just departed.
Daanish Ellahi's on board.
No deviation from the plan.
- All right, Maggie and OA?
- They're the tail car.
Good. All right. The route is 90 miles.
An attack could come at any moment.
Stay vigilant.
No mistakes.

Why you riding with us today?
Just a high-value prisoner, that's all.
So they say.

Hey, we've got four propane tanks.
There's a possible IED.

It's a delivery.
Think they're gonna show?
No idea, but they're not
accounting for the three of us,
so if they do, we're ready.
Uh, Maggie, I got a bogey on
the roof with a possible rifle.
Not a threat.
Hey. Trunk's open ahead.


Hey, are you tracking
this gray SUV behind us?
It's been tailing us for a while.
Gray SUV behind us has the Marshals
added another vehicle?
Windows are tinted.
I got no visual on the driver.
Plate is 8UI2X75.
Running the plate.
Keep your eyes on that.
That SUV coming up behind you
is a registered rental.
Stay alert.
What is that?
Hey, Kelly, what's going on up ahead?
I think I see smoke.
Okay, looks like
a burgundy Taurus stalled out
one block up on Atlantic.
Yeah. It's blocking our route.
How do you wanna proceed?
We should definitely take the detour.
What's the route?
Take this left up ahead.
All right, we're gonna
take a detour, guys.
Take a left right here.

I do not like this plan.

- What's that?
- What's the holdup?
It's just a school bus
blocking the intersection up ahead.
Hey, guys, get this bus moving.
Move this bus!
Put it down!
- Ambush! Ambush!
- Get down! Get down!
It's a trap!
Two shooters from the bus
just took out our lead Marshals.
Maggie, OA, back out!
What's going on?
We got a sniper on the roof
at ten o'clock!
Sniper fire!
Get down!
Talk to me! What's happening out there?

Hey, get in your car! Now! Go!
Take cover!
Come on! Move!
OA, get down!
I'm in pursuit of the shooter.
Keep moving!
- What is that?
- What?
Is that gasoline?
[PANTING] No, no, no, no.
We're smelling gasoline back here!
They hit the gas tank!
We're gonna burn to death.
Kelly, we need a redoubt.
I repeat, we need a redoubt.
Got it!
Jubal, there's a gray door,
seven o'clock,
50 feet from your position.
- Do you copy?
- I see it.
Give me the keys to his shackles.
What, are you insane?
No, this whole thing's
gonna blow in a minute.
- Give him the damn key!
- Give me the keys!
All right, listen up.
We got a gray door, seven o'clock.
Eleven o'clock should be a sniper.
You, cover us. You, get that door open.
OA, we're about to come out.
I need you to cover us.
- Copy that.
- On the count of three.
One, two, three, go.
Move! Move!
Stay with me.

Everybody get back!


Go, go, go, go, go!
All right, we're good. Stay here.
All right, Isobel, we're securing
the strongpoint with the prisoner.
What's the status outside?
SWAT is inbound. Be careful.
Whoever these people are,
they are motivated and well-resourced.
Maggie, what's your sitrep?
You need help?
She's down.
Sniper's down too.
Roof's clear.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What are you doing?

You need to lower your gun right now.
Bro, you're gonna kill this
guy we're out here protecting?
You're all traitors.
We're not afraid to do
what needs to be done.

No, I I'm not with him.

Help him.
- Isobel, we have a situation.
- Come on, man.
Come on, come on. You gotta breathe.
Our prisoner's been shot
and one of the Marshals.
We need a medic in here now.

Hey. Is he all right?
How you doing?
All right. He's okay.
He got you in the vest.
You're gonna be all right.
Hey, hey, hey.
Look at me. Breathe. Breathe.
You're gonna be all right.
Help's on the way.
- All right?
- Okay.
- Okay. You're okay.
- Thank you.
There were five shooters total.
The gunman's fingerprints
also placed them
at Tucker Kincaid's murder.
This was their op from the beginning.
So they're a new crew.
They all had the same tattoo as
the Marshal that you took down.
Nordic runes.
So we put them through the database.
They're extremists that
call themselves Forefront
organized, clearly ambitious.
Plus, we know they had help
from inside law enforcement.
What's the story with the Marshal?
Well, we don't know much,
but we're looking into it.
On paper, he appears to be
an exemplary officer.
Obviously, it was something else.
Right, so what,
today is the day Forefront
just came out of the shadows?
And declared war on the FBI.
Well, they declared war, but they lost.
I need a comprehensive report
on your investigation
from the moment you
reported your CI missing.
The case will be handled
by the Domestic Terror branch
within 26 Fed.
Nice work.
I don't know.
They got pretty close to
getting that virus into our system.
Would have ruined everything,
all the work we do here.
Hey, we got 'em.
Yeah, we did.
Team effort.
Oh, um,
I wanna say thanks for cutting the feed.
I appreciate that.
So your brother's okay.
He's safe, and once he
gets out of the hospital,
he'll be transferred.
I need you to know I didn't want
to put you in that position
- to use what I know.
- I know.
I know.
Will you and I continue
to work together?
Does that mean
will I be prosecuted?
You'll get a new FBI handler.
You're about to meet him, actually.
A new handler.
Sometimes relationships
run their course.
For what it's worth,
thank you.

He's all yours.

Oh, hey.
See the kids off?
Yeah, no problem.
Is everything?
Yeah, yeah.
Everything's safe.
Uh, this this morning
was not fair to you.
That did not feel like
threat level zero.
Yeah, I just never thought that
I guess I should probably, uh
Move out?
Yeah, yeah.
That was my first thought too.
I mean, you know,
after you entered this house
with your gun out.
Yeah, well, I guess we can decide
how to tell the kids tomorrow.
You didn't let me finish.
Yeah, that was my first thought.
But then I realized that
since you moved back in,
you've been different.
You really show up for the kids.
For me.
Thank you.
- I'm sorry I ruined it.
- No.
No, see, that's the old Jubal.
You're stuck in your head.
Everything's a tragedy.
But it's not.
And you're not listening to me,
to what I'm saying.
Oh, sorry.
What, uh what do you want?


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