Face Off (2011) s07e11 Episode Script

Teacher's Pets

Absolutely brilliant.
That's what I would want it to look like coming out of my shop.
Previously on Face Off Sasha's creepy cracked clown brought her her first win.
And Damien was sent home.
Now seven artists remain, and tonight they'll head back in time.
Exactly! Couldn't agree more.
But some artists will be schooled by the process.
- George Smash.
- You've got to be kidding me.
They are shockingly awful.
It's a great character.
In the end, only one will win a VIP trip from Kryolan Professional Make-Up to one of their 85 international locations, a brand-new 2014 Fiat 500, and $100,000.
Welcome to Face Off.
Being on the bottom sucks.
I feel like I've been putting everything I've got into my work, like that nose on that stupid clown.
Being on the bottom with Damien was terrifying.
I do not want to be in that position again, so I just have to make sure that I'm making good decisions and stay out of the bottom the rest of the time I'm here.
- I really like yours as well.
- Thank you.
- I really liked yours.
- Thank you.
And apparently so did the judges.
I did get three bottom looks in a row, and that still have reign over me.
I've only been either top or bottom equal amounts, so I don't know how to feel.
We are in a high school.
- Oh, that's cool.
- Oh, I see McKenzie.
Are those lockers? Oh, my God.
Just the idea of being back in high school makes me a little nervous.
But I'll just suck it up and deal with it.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey.
Welcome back to high school.
Exactly! While many films have depicted all the drama that comes with being in high school, fantasy films like Teen Wolf, Twilight, and Harry Potter took things to the next level, proving that, even with the athleticism of a werewolf, the strength of a vampire, or even a wizard's spell, it's still tough being a high school student.
Now, with that in mind, your spotlight challenge is to create your very own fantasy creature version of a high school student.
This is my kind of challenge.
I love fantasy, and I can't wait to bring comedy into my makeup.
The lockers next to me each feature the name of a type of fantasy creature.
Goblin, minotaur, cyclops, and faun.
You'll each choose one as the basis for your creation, but no high school is complete without its cliques, so take a look inside the locker to find out which group your character belongs to.
Sasha, you're up first.
Awesome, cheerleader.
Goblin nerd.
Goblin, too.
Oh, clearly.
Emo kid.
Okay, guys, it's time to get started on your sketches.
I'll see you back at the lab later when I come by with my dad.
Class dismissed.
- Thank you.
- See you.
I don't want to be back at high school.
I didn't like high school that much.
I was a choir geek, so I'm thinking I want to bring a marching band element to this character.
I'm also drawing inspiration from my sister and giving her a really bad perm and super nerdy glasses.
Goblins have big noses and big ears, so I really want to accentuate those.
Making an emo faun's gonna be really fun.
I teach at the Tom Savini School of makeup effects, so whenever I hear the word emo, it always just makes me think of my students, 'cause that's 90% of my student body.
So my faun is this gothy, sad kid who falls in with the emo crowd because he feels misunderstood.
He's got black eyeliner, faun ears, hoofed hands, and he wants to be an effects artist when he grows up.
Cheerleader is hard for me because it's such a one-dimensional stereotype, pigtails and pom-poms.
In high school, that was not the clique I was in.
I was a huge nerd, and I'm still a huge nerd.
Because fauns have horns, I definitely want to add them along with ears and some goat leg pieces.
In high school, I was just kind of like the artsy kid that didn't really fit in but was friends with everybody.
I was on the video announcement team.
My character's name is Manny Minotaurey.
He's super nerdy.
So I'm thinking people get picked on for being redheaded, so he's gonna have ginger skin tone with pimples and glasses.
People call him a "ginger-taur," and they give him such an atomic wedgie that he can't get out of it, so it's like, "You'll never find your way out of your underpants, Minotaurey.
" When I was in high school, I was more obnoxious than I am now, which I know is surprising.
This challenge is stressing me out because I know nothing about the whole jock lifestyle.
So I start by sketching out my goblin character, and he's got this big long nose.
He's got tiny creepy ears and a big pointy head, but to make this goblin a jock, I need to give him a big thick neck and a flat top.
That's all I've got that screams jock.
Guys, let's pack up and head back to the lab.
- Let's go.
- Let's do it.
Give me a piggyback ride, Cigarette.
Oh, God.
Oh, boy.
It's day one of our fantasy high school challenge, and we have six hours in the lab.
We pick our models, and we get right to sculpting.
I'm gonna make a face, a cowl, and horns for my emo minotaur.
Since a minotaur is a bull's head on a man's body, the female version of a bull is a cow, so I'm gonna put a cow's head on a female's body.
Makes sense to me.
Style-wise I think black hair, black lipstick, black baby doll dress.
Basically, Winona Ryder from Beetlejuice.
I really want a full-on, like, evil face because she's the evil cheerleader bitch.
- Got it.
- I'm the only one with cyclops.
I'm kind of nervous because I'd like to usually see what other people are doing to make sure I'm following the challenge right.
Everyone knows cyclops has just one big eye in the center of the forehead, but I want this cheerleader to be interesting, so I'm going crazy with this.
She has a whole bunch of eyes.
Her skin's gonna be pale blue.
She's going to have a really awesome cheerleader costume, and she's just gonna be the cool girl in school.
The first thing I do is sculpt the horns for my faun cheerleader and mold them right away.
Then I start to make life casts of my model's ears so I can sculpt ear appliances that will fit her perfectly.
I find the silicone negative of the model's life cast and brush some Ultracal in her ear area.
After that sets, I'll be able to sculpt the faun ears on top of that Ultracal positive.
This is gonna end up being a lot of pieces, so I'm going to have to manage time well.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey.
Checking on you.
- Hey, Cig.
- Hey, how's it going? - How are you doing? - How are you? Good to see you guys.
All right.
What did you pick? I'm doing Manny Minotaurey, and he's a nerd.
He's gonna have pasty white skin and red hair.
I love it.
Be careful as far as trying to make it all white when you're doing your paint job.
Add some freckles across here.
That's what I was gonna say.
An auburn color, a medium brown, little darker brown across there.
- That's me in high school.
- Yeah.
I wanted to keep her a little bit more human-like.
'Cause keeping the pretty in her is going to be really interesting.
Now, keeping her pretty-- you've got an expression built in here-- Well, I want her to be sort of mean.
Oh, okay.
Because that's how I remember cheerleaders.
I want to do the flat top, but what do you think about this just kind of peeking out the top of the hair? This is what bothers me, is the peak.
You lose the whole idea of the flat top.
So maybe just sculpt a flat top.
Yeah, yeah.
- So I have an emo faun.
- I love it.
I said I was going to make it look as much like Glenn as possible.
That's Glenn as a faun.
Are you gonna add that little goatee? - Yeah.
- Keep it very sparse.
Because a lot of kids in high school have just a semblance-- Yeah, I don't want it to be fully developed yet, because he's not, so I decided to go with band geek.
Band geek.
I love it.
Make sure you don't get into too many wrinkles or anything, because this could be a witch real easy.
I have an emo minotaur, and I'm gonna make her overweight.
You need to add a little more to the head.
So many overweight makeups go up to here, and they forget about this.
It just doesn't work well.
You have the cyclops cheerleader, right? - Cyclops cheerleader.
- Okay.
But I'm confused, though, because cyclops has one eye.
Cyclops actually just means "round eye.
" Yeah, be careful with that, because so much of the great fantasy films, there's only been one.
One, yeah.
I mean, I didn't think cyclops when we walked up.
I'm worried that their saying this is not looking cyclops enough.
You think I should change? I'm just concerned with all the eyes that you have going on around there.
All I can think about is, I don't have time to start this character all over.
This is gonna be a disaster.
Coming up I don't know what to do.
Things aren't going well for me.
That puts you in a tough spot.
It's just like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
It's day one of our fantasy high school challenge, and Mr.
Westmore says that my cyclops cheerleader is not looking cyclops enough.
I'm just concerned with all the eyes that you have going on around there.
- I would have done a larger eye here - Oh, yeah.
I could do that.
and done away with these.
So what if I just made-- - I would make these wrinkles across here.
- I mean, this is-- - Oh, yeah.
- So you could see through-- - Yeah.
They can be very tight, where they can just barely see through them.
- Okay, awesome.
- Good.
Thank you so much.
I will make sure it's a big eye.
Good luck.
Westmore's right.
I have to make sure that this reads cyclops, or I could go home.
McKenzie and I are going to leave.
- Good luck, guys.
- Bye.
Thank you.
I need to make sure that I get this cowl right, so I'm getting rid of some of the eyes, changing the cowl so the wrinkles cover the model's eyes, and I'm making the center eye a lot bigger.
I'm worried about being behind, but I've just got to push through.
He didn't like the pointy head? Didn't like the pointy head, and I want to give him a big blockhead.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Westmore always has awesome advice.
The head shape I've roughed out is pointy on top, and that's not gonna lend itself well to the flat top, and as soon as he tells me to make the head more blocky, the whole character just starts unraveling in my brain.
George Smash.
I can see how the neck muscles are going.
I can see how the head has to be.
Sort of tells me how the rest of the character is gonna look like.
He's a big thick, just dumb jock.
_ _ I demold my ears, and they come out great.
That means I can use that positive to now sculpt on their ears.
I really want take the time and make sure that this is really symmetrical and that it reads faun.
God, I should make this look as much like Glenn as possible.
I need to take my time with this facial appliance because I don't have many prosthetics for this makeup, and this one has to be executed really well.
- He's a goat man.
- He's a goat man, a faun.
- He's so sad.
- He's so apathetic.
I am focusing on sculpting a thin, symmetrical, balanced prosthetic for the face so that my actor can emote through the piece.
That's time, guys.
Coming off of the bottom, it's time to start bringing it.
I'm ready to bust into the winner's circle and show that I've got what it takes to make winning makeups.
Day two in the lab, we have 9 1/2 hours.
I have so much to do.
I have to make sure I finish my cowl and the shoulders.
I'm hoping that I have enough time to get both of them molded.
You're gonna do both in two hours.
Both in two hours.
Does this look fatter to you? I'm looking at my sculpture with fresh eyes, and it's not as full as I thought it was.
In fact, it looks a little emaciated.
I'm gonna make bigger neck rolls.
Yeah, right there.
And now I have to spend extra time that I don't have refining the sculpture and making it as full as it needs to be.
Dina, are ours still brother and sister? Yeah.
- Nice.
- Meg and Doug? - Meg and Doug.
- Meg and Doug Oblin.
I just picture this character saying his own name like some kind of idiot, you know, "Doug Oblin.
" "Anybody makes fun my little sister, I'm gonna pound 'em like that-- that thing that pounds stuff.
" He's like the super cool older brother, but he's really stupid.
"Doug, why does my inhaler smell like your butt?" "Why does your bedroom smell like books?" They get along.
They don't really understand each other.
He thinks she's some kind of bookworm, but he doesn't really know what books are.
"How many nerds does it take to score a touchdown? A lot.
Doug goblin.
" He can't-- - I want to figure out a cool way to do leg extensions.
I'm actually going to include the calf in my sculpt, and I'm going to try to bring in that double joint area that the goat has.
I think it's going to bring a really cool aspect into my makeup, so it's really important that I get this right.
Bulls have horns, so I need to make some, but I don't want to make huge horns because he's still supposed to be young and in high school.
So I get the ethafoam, and I take it to the belt sander and start shaving down the horn shape I need, but the foam itself doesn't hold its shape, so I put armature wire through the middle.
Then I bend it to where I want it, and I hot glue the tips together to get that point, and it looks just like horns.
It's almost the end of the day, and I've spent all this time sculpting.
I don't have that much time for molding, so I've got to get in there and get moving.
Everyone has already opened their molds and gotten them ready for foam, but my mold's still damp.
It's got to cure so that I can crack it open.
Oh, this fucking mold.
If it doesn't cure soon, I'm in trouble.
It's day two of our fantasy high school challenge, and my mold's still damp.
If it doesn't cure soon, I'm going to have to run polyfoam tomorrow, so I need this thing open.
This is literally the shittiest foam I've ever made.
I roll it outside in the sun in the hope that the sun will help dry it.
This one takes the cake.
I'm just waiting.
I'm gonna open it in the last 10 minutes and hope that it's good enough to open.
I don't know what to do.
I guess I just-- I got to come back out when it's ready.
I love it.
- Hey, come here.
- Yeah.
So I start sculpting these glasses because normal glasses wouldn't fit my goblin nerd's freakishly large ears and face.
So I sculpt them out of clay, and then I vacuum form them, and, you know, they look pretty good.
I think if they're a little big that actually adds to the character.
They make this look so easy at Supercuts.
I find this great wig, and I'm doing the thing where you hold it in your fingers and then you cut like this.
I really want him to be like what was cool in the '90s.
- Like a mullet? - Yeah.
I realize that this character will look 10 times stupider if he has a mullet.
Mullet flat top combo is gonna give me the W.
That's the way to go.
Well, I know my next haircut.
I go with hooves for his hands because it's gonna reaffirm sort of the goaty nature.
So I'm making foam hooves and fabricating hoof pieces to slide over his fingers out of L200.
I'm really excited to put this makeup all together and to see this character in action.
One, two, three.
I'm in a time crunch.
There's 10 minutes left.
I have no choice.
I decide I'm just going to crack it open and see what happens.
Oh, my God.
The mold opens like butter.
You've got to be kidding me.
I don't even have to spend time cleaning it, 'cause all the clay falls out.
It's amazing.
That's time, guys! I'm really glad that I got this mold out in time, so I'm feeling good about tomorrow, and I just hope that application goes smoothly.
Whoo! It's application day.
We have four hours in the lab and one hour in last looks.
Oh, my God.
I look at my face cowl, and I noticed tiny bubble holes and air pockets, like, right here by the nose and right here on the cheek.
The dampness from my wet mold created steam, and the steam created air pockets, so there's a lot to patch.
That is going to be a lot of cabo-patch.
Good, how are you? Just like the quintessential dumb jock.
- Cool.
- Yeah.
I leave my model a note that says I'm in the spray booth to make my horns.
I already started one yesterday, and I have to finish the second one.
I take my two foam blender strips, and I attach them to foam cores that have armature wire inside, and I spray them to make them nice and red.
Then I'm gonna apply them to the wig so that my model can wear it without it pulling her hair.
Did you get your note? Really thick at the jaw.
As I'm gluing my face piece on, I realize that I sculpted my jaw too far back, so the jaw actually covers, like, most of the ear.
So I have to tear pieces away to make that rounded shape just before the ear.
I'm just gonna do my best to make it work.
Still not ideal.
_ The application on the face and the ears are taking longer than I wanted, and I'm gonna have to spend a lot of time on these edges.
I'm also really worried because everyone else's characters are really overt, and mine's more subtle.
And I'm starting to wonder if she's going to read the way I want her to, but I just have to move on.
Otherwise, I won't get any paint on my model.
So I finally get all the air bubbles patched.
I'm painting the face, and the steam pocket on the cheek is creating a wrinkle every time I get it wet with paint.
I mean, it's right here on the face.
I'm gonna open it up.
So I have to cut it open and glue it down.
Probably just made it worse.
I can't spend too much time on just this one area because I still have a lot to do, so it's time to move on.
All right, it's better.
It's getting there anyway.
Westmore says I'm really going to have to sell the paintwork when it comes to freckles and that I should use multiple colors rather than just brown.
So I go in with the heavier stipple with browns, yellows, and reds to create the actual freckles.
It's really looking like freckly skin.
I feel like I'm ahead of the game, but I have to make sure this hair works out right.
I've taken inspiration from my sister.
She had, like, a bowl cut with a perm, so it was like-- She's just looking super nerdy.
It's really funny.
That's hilarious.
_ _ My makeup is very subtle.
I don't have big prosthetics, so application and paint on this makeup are really, really important.
I'm taking the colors of goats and the color of deer for my color scheme.
I want to go really light through the center of the face and then blending out to darker browns on the outside.
The faun aspects are coming together, and after I get the wig on Oh, my God.
the emo character comes to life.
That's super emo.
At this point, things aren't really going so well for me.
The face is really blocky, so I'm not happy with it.
- Time's up.
- Yes! I've already gone down the wrong path.
My only hope is that there's somebody else who went down an even more wrong path to rescue me.
Coming up Son on of a bitch.
This is the worst I've ever felt onstage.
It's the high point for you thus far.
For me, it doesn't work.
So we're actually going to do wardrobe first.
We get to the stage for last looks.
I only have an hour, so I first get her in her costume.
I have a lot of details I have to do still.
Son of a bitch.
I dipped my pinky into a different color on the Kryolan grease paint palette, and I end up with this big red blotch right over his lip.
So I now have to do a skin layer and then do a beard shadow layer just to get it fixed.
I may have to sacrifice these horns because there's a lot of weight, and even though I adjust it, it's still too heavy.
Oh, well.
So I'm going to have to forgo them.
They are important, because fauns have horns, but I'm out of time, and I don't have a choice.
It's 15 minutes, guys.
That's time, everybody.
Time's up, and I'm not happy with the makeup, and I'm really disappointed I didn't get to do the horns.
Welcome to the Face Off reveal stage.
Tonight, one of you will be eliminated.
First, let's say hello to our talented judges.
Owner of Optic Nerve Makeup Effects Studio Glenn Hetrick.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey, Glenn.
Oscar-winning makeup artist Lois Burwell.
- Hello, everyone.
- Hello, Lois.
Creature and concept designer Neville Page.
Good evening.
- Hello.
- All right, guys.
This week, your spotlight challenge was to make a fantasy creature high school student using a classic clique as inspiration.
Let's take a look at your students.
He's totally attitude-y.
He would totally be a student at this mythical high school.
He's trying to pick out the wedgie, and even from where I'm standing, I can see that snot glistening on his nose.
I didn't realize until now that she's way too alien, and aliens was not the challenge.
This is almost, like, so over the top that I can't actually imagine someone being this nerdy.
It's not my best work.
I wish it could be a little more goblin-y, but he looks like a dumb jock.
I'm still wishing I had those horns and that I had bumped up more in the faun area.
I'll be really disappointed if this is what takes me home.
As I'm looking at it, I'm feeling maybe it's a little bit too cow and not enough minotaur.
Judges, why don't you take a closer look at this year's class? Wow, that application's really clean.
That's one of the best noses I've seen on the show.
And the hair looks sort of stuck on, but then again, so does mine sometimes.
It comes with the look, so I love that we're getting some texture-- some real sculpted texture that feels genuine.
Even the runny nose is hilarious, and look, there's even freckles on the arms.
I think that's rather sweet.
Could you open your mouth? Okay, how many eyes does a cyclops have? Generally one.
She looks like a space alien walking around with pom-poms, not a cheerleader.
- Exactly.
- If you take this away You don't know what it is.
you'd never know.
I can't even watch.
I'm just so nervous.
This is the worst I've ever felt onstage.
I'm so embarrassed.
Who made your favorite fantasy creature high school student? Tell us on Twitter using #FaceOff.
It doesn't even feel like a cheerleader.
She doesn't fit in, and she was supposed to be the coolest girl here.
So I have a problem.
The one positive thing is the fact that it's blinded where the eyes are.
I really love the oversized scale of some of her proportions.
It's really cartoony.
I've definitely never seen anything like it.
Need a little more skin texture here, though.
This is very, like, barren.
The braces on her teeth are great.
Thank you.
I don't understand the shapes at all.
He's just not taking advantage of any of the visual cues that would say goblin.
The whole thing looks like a mask.
Look at the ear.
What the hell? The decision to drop your blending edge right there on the cheek, it makes it almost impossible for her to succeed.
That, and the rough texture, are really working against her.
Where's the ears? Take a look at one other detail, which is down here.
It's an interesting idea.
- It's just poorly executed.
- Looks rough.
The application around the eyes is very nice.
This spotting, that's a nice moment as it comes off of that and fades into another color.
I like how the nose and the mouth are, but then you come down to this.
That's really very elegant.
But it doesn't feel like a bull.
That's because she's a girl.
Okay, the judges have scored your creations, so let's find out what they thought.
Dina, Sasha, Stella Congratulations because you are safe this week and can head back to the makeup room.
Nice work.
I'm in shock.
I can't believe I'm safe.
I feel like I just pulled off a miracle.
The rest of you were the best and the worst this week.
The judges would like to speak with each of you to learn more about your work.
Drew, could you please step up? Drew, tell us about your character.
This is Devon Faunda, the emo faun.
And he's emo because nobody listens to what he has to say, so he's resorted to dark music and sad times alone.
This is a new zenith.
It's the high point for you thus far.
There's something about his expression that reminds me of a specific oil painting of pan, and to make it so accurate is wonderful, and it has your twist on it.
Thank you.
I think it's extremely well done.
I think the color palette is extremely good.
The forms are so good on his face.
The focus is entirely where it needs to be, so very nice.
Thank you.
Drew, please step back.
- Thanks, buddy.
- Oh, don't touch me.
- Great job.
- Thanks.
Rachael, please step to the center.
Please tell us about your makeup.
So this is Courtney Faunda.
She is the most popular girl in school.
She's a Mean Girls character, and I actually had horns but didn't want to add any weight, so I didn't choose to do that.
There are some things about makeup that concern me.
The frown shape of the sculpt, it makes her look almost demon-like.
I'm curious about the ears.
They seem to be hidden.
Was that a choice, or how it ended up? No, it was just how it ended up.
Yeah, that wasn't really intentional.
For me, this week, it doesn't work.
It's so simple conceptually.
It's hard to find the faun in this.
I think I know maybe where you were going with it, but I just can't see it.
Got you.
The ears I thought were gorgeous.
Unfortunately, I can't even take that into consideration because that hair is so voluminous, and it is burying the only aspect of your makeup that says faun, and that puts you in a tough spot.
Rachael, you can step down.
All right, Cig, tell us about your creation here.
This is Manny Minotaurey.
He is the epitome of nerd, and everyone's favorite joke to play on them is, they give him an atomic wedgie that's so high up, they wrap it around his horns, so that way, "You'll never find your way out of your underpants, Manny.
" It's a great character.
The detailing up close is also solid.
There's still stuff to entertain visually.
You've done a great job creating a really memorable character.
Thank you.
My favorite thing about this makeup is the suggestion of an expression.
This is not the big inexpression that we're always railing against.
It can still move.
It can still perform.
I think a lot of the humor resides in that expression.
I like the way you brought the skin tone down onto the arms, that kind of, you know, freckly feel.
But I really love the form of the nose to the mouth, and when he does the "bleh" thing there, it's lovely.
It's funny, and it works.
So very well done.
- Awesome.
Thank you.
- Cig, you can step down.
- Congrats, man.
- Good work.
George, you're up.
George, give us the background of your character.
So this is Doug Oblin, and he is the quintessential meathead, jock goblin.
What you think about this guy now that you see him standing here? I wish I had found an excuse for some more secondary forms.
I'm not super psyched on him.
I'm gonna agree with you and up your need for secondary forms exponentially.
It is blocky.
Not only is it sculpturally really far away from finish, it's not communicating goblin.
He's ending up more of a muppet then a makeup, and that's a problem.
And you really have to practice eyebrows, - because they are shockingly awful.
- Okay.
The whole thing is so abrupt in the angles in the brow.
It's just like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, and like the eyebrows being an abomination, the ears are equal to that.
Thank you.
George, please step down.
Don't worry.
You'll be fine.
All right, guys, the judges have heard what you had to say.
Please have back to the makeup room while they deliberate.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
All right, so let's start with the looks you like the most, since we do need a class valedictorian.
You really seem to like Drew and Cig, so let's start with Drew.
This is definitely the high point of his career on Face Off.
The way he handled the color, it all just swept up and brought your eye right into this beautifully handled, professionally executed makeup.
I completely agree, and I think the profile was rather marvelous.
It's stellar work.
It's pretty damn close to being a perfect sculpt.
All right, what are your thoughts on Cig? This is hilarious.
This may be the funniest makeup we've had on the show, but it's more than that.
It's sculpted well.
It's painted well, and it's applied really well.
One of the things that really impressed me was the neck.
The hanging weight felt like a real heavy piece.
That's hard to do.
I think it's out and out funny, and the nose is just marvelous.
This may be Cig's best makeup on the show so far.
All right, let's move on to the looks you like the least.
Let's start with Rachael.
This is a pretty severe failure.
The missing horns, missing paint job, the edge glaringly laying across the middle of the face, it's not good enough.
It's missing the go-to points that say faun.
And technically, I think she was really under par this week.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Let's move on to George.
This is just horrible because it's unfinished.
It looks like a muppet.
Well, we're in Q&A, and he's kind of going, "Oh, I wish I could have put more wrinkles.
" What it needed were the forms.
I think where he tripped up was in the whole goblin aspect.
He's thinking that classic goblin where you gonna put big pores in the nose and wrinkles, et cetera, but he couldn't because it's a high school student.
All right, judges.
Have you made your decisions? Yes, we have.
Let's bring them back out.
All right, Glenn, tell us about the top looks.
Drew, we love the sculptural forms of your face, and this was the quintessential goth vibe that you got with this character.
And, Cig, your minotaur was absolutely hilarious, and some of the painting, particularly up close, - really impressive.
- Thank you.
So who is the winner of this challenge? The winner of tonight's challenge is So who is the winner of this challenge? The winner of tonight's challenge is Drew.
You've chosen a great time to step up your game.
This was your best makeup yet.
Good job.
Thank you very much, guys.
I win.
I'm the winner.
It's my first win, and it feels awesome to have won with such a really fun, cool makeup.
- Drew, congratulations.
- Thank you.
You and Cig can head back to the makeup room.
Unfortunately, that means the two of you are on the bottom this week, and one of you will be eliminated.
Please step forward.
All right, Glenn, tell us about the bottom looks.
Rachael, the trick with the legs was quite clever, but the only other thing that was faun-like were the ears, and they were buried underneath the wig.
George, we appreciate what you were going for with this, but he ended up looking more like a Frankenstein than he did a goblin.
So who is going home tonight? The person going home tonight is Rachael.
If you're going to go that subtle with all of your appliances, then the application must be exquisite, and tonight, yours was not.
Rachel, I'm so sorry, but you have been eliminated.
That means, George, you are safe this week and can head back to the makeup room.
There's no shame in getting this far in this competition.
You've shown us tremendous work, and I cannot wait to see what you do after the show.
Thank you.
Rachel, it's been so great having you here with us, but please head back to the makeup room and pack up your kit.
Thank you so much for the opportunity.
This has been a lot of fun.
We've enjoyed having you here.
Thanks again, guys.
- It's been an honor.
- Good luck.
Thank you.
The most difficult thing about going home now is, it's not my best work by far.
- It's me.
- Oh.
- No.
- Yeah.
I'm just really glad to be where I am and have gotten so far, and I'm just really honored.
Love you guys.
This has been a really great learning experience, and I will always be doing makeup, because I love it.
This is definitely a top ten experience of my life.

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