FBI (2018) s07e11 Episode Script


- Hey, yo, Carter, open up!
You bring the good stuff?
Don't I always.
On behalf of Ladder 12,
breakfast burritos.
Plus, I grabbed some bear claws
and those churros the kids love.
My man.
I tell you, this place wouldn't
survive without people like you.
Make sure Chief Scott knows that.
Will do. Just, uh, do me a favor.
Save some for the next shift.
I make no promises.
Wait. Hold on. Hold on.
I got something too.
Come on in.
Call 911!

All right, so I guess
we can forget about easing
into the day, people.
At approximately 7:13 this morning,
a shooter opened fire
at a shelter in Astoria.
911 caller described the suspect
as white, medium height, medium build,
dressed in black. NYPD put out a BOLO.
Yeah? All right.
Agents on the way, so let's tee 'em up.
What can you tell me?
Well, first responder on the scene
was a firefighter, Ladder 12.
Guess he was there
making a food donation.
Witness saw him run in
after the shooting started.
He didn't make it out.
Shelter is called Graceful Shepherd.
Apart from combating homelessness,
it's also a food bank, a daycare.
So a pillar of the community.
Why then attack it?
Is it religiously affiliated
or funded by a political group?
Hey, boss, there may be a there there.
Ian Lim for the win.
Now, Graceful Shepherd
is donation-driven,
but they do receive a city grant.
That means they have to start taking in
undocumented migrants
bussed up from other states.
Turned a quiet shelter into
a lightning rod of controversy.
Right, well, based on
the location and victims,
we're going to operate
under the assumption
that this is a federal hate crime,
so let's dig into the usual suspects,
hate groups, extremists.
NSA, you want to scrape
online chatter for me?
If the shooter is
ideologically motivated,
that means there could be more targets,
so you guys should be hunting
for surveillance footage we can use.
All right. Clock is ticking, people.
Let's roll up our sleeves.
I want this shooter
in custody an hour ago.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Tell me this is some kind
of domestic gone bad.
I wish I could.
The JOC's still digging in,
but we're working
this one like a hate crime.
Apparently, the shooter
entered through a
- Side door?
- Lucky guess?
Little Egypt's on
the other side of 28th.
My sister used to volunteer here.
No one uses the front door.
Can you take me to
the shelter's director?

Hey, Special Agent Bell.
Selma Shelton.
The train I took to work
was delayed this morning.
I should have been here.
Well, thank God you weren't.
Now you can help us.
Besides this guard,
do you have any other safety
precautions here?
Security cameras?
We can barely make payroll,
and fixing the cameras
wasn't a priority.
You probably think that's negligent.
I promise you, the only thing
I'm thinking about
is getting the coward who did this.

- You knew him?
- Yeah.
He's worked here as long
as I can remember.
Excuse me.
Hey. I'm so sorry.
- I know this hits close to home.
- What do we know?
Well, the staff and residents
were gathering for breakfast
when the shooting started.
There's 11 dead.
Eight residents, two staff,
and then we've got our Good Samaritan,
the firefighter.
He was shot at the side entrance.
We're lucky that it's only 11, guys.
Got enough brass on the floor
in here to start a foundry.
All 9-millimeter.
We're assuming that
it's the same weapon,
but ERT's still trying
to figure out the type.
- Witnesses couldn't say?
- Overnight staff is dead.
Everyone else scattered
when the shooting started.
I mean, if anybody else stayed,
they're still too scared to talk.

Has anyone talked to her?
Who's that woman in the doorway?
That's Layla. She's a minor.
If you want to talk to her,
I'll need to sit in.
Where are her parents?
It's just her father, and, uh

We've been staying here about a week.
Dad said it was getting
too cold to sleep in the van.
Maybe we can do this later.
the shooter might not be done,
and every second counts.
Layla, did you grow up around here?
So did I.
I used to hustle change on the Steinway
so me and my sister
could get feteer at Rafi's.
I also know what it is like
to lose someone to violence.
But you can help us find this man
before anyone else gets hurt.
Do you think you could do that?
OK, um, did you notice anything?
Did he have a tattoo?
Did he say anything weird?
Did he, um, have an accent?
He didn't say anything. He just
some people tried to stop him,
and he just started shooting.
The gun looked fake, like like a toy.
I thought it was a joke.
Where were you when it started?
I I was over there.
Dad was helping me make some
stupid video for science class.
He was recording
when the shooting began?
Layla, where is that phone now?
This simple extract,
Ascophyllum nodosum,
taken from seaweed,
will improve water use.
- What's going on?
Pause it right there.
You've just witnessed the actions
of a cold-blooded killer.
Whether we apprehend him
before he takes more lives
will be determined
right here, right now.
- Let's get to work.
- You heard the boss.
Got enough to run facial rec?
Hardly a slam dunk, but I'll try.
All right. While she's at it,
can someone please tell me
what's up with that gun?
I've seen ghost guns before,
but never anything like that.
Yeah, it's an FTP-6.
It's a 3D-printed assault rifle.
The "TP" stands for "the police."
Yeah, I can guess what the F stands for.
Any chance we can trace
the shooter through the design?
Unfortunately, no.
Specs are open source.
Anybody can download them.
All you need is a commercial 3D printer,
some parts,
and you have an untraceable gun
capable of firing
over 100 rounds per minute.
When they said the Internet
would bring us together,
I don't think they had this in mind.
OK, I got an update on facial rec.
Who are we chasing?
Vernon Walsh, 34, affiliated with
the outlaw biker gang the Lost Sons.
Did a three-year bid at Five Points,
for aggravated assault.
Beat up a guy at a bar
for being a race traitor.
Victim's wife was Asian.
Supports the theory that today's attack
was ideologically motivated.
Yeah. Where is he now?
No registered phone or vehicle.
Last known address is with
his cousin, Corbin Walsh,
on Staten Island, 38. No priors.
Hey, guys.
Corbin works at an industrial
supply warehouse on Wakefield.
Any chance it has a 3D printer?
A gen three Block Magic
with dual extruder heads,
mostly used for custom tools
and fixtures.
So Vernon could have used
the shop's printer
to create the gun
used in today's attack.
Let's reach out to the cousin,
see if he can lead us to our shooter.

Tools, fixtures, molds.
I even got a guy
who's using a 3D printer
to rebuild his Mustang.
I got eyes on Corbin. Southeast corner.
He's finishing up with a client.
Here's the price list.
Give me a call if you're interested.
Corbin Walsh.
Can I help you with something?
You certainly can. We're with the FBI.
Actually had a couple of questions
for your cousin Vernon.
Is he in trouble or something?
Well, we're trying to determine that.
Can you call him for us?
We're trying to locate him.
Is it "huh," or do you work with him
and know where he is?
No, but I can
you know, I can try him.
My phone's in the back.
- Corbin, stop moving.
- It's no problem.
- I'll be right
- OA, he's running.
Copy that.

- Cover the front!
- Copy.


If he has another target,
you need to tell me where he is now.
- I ain't telling you nothing.
- Wrong answer.
- Wrong answer.
- OA.

Uh, you guys need to see this.
Oh, God.
They built themselves an arsenal.


He's an accessory.
He made those guns for his cousin.
Now we get him to tell us
where Vernon is
before he terrorizes another community.
I agree.
I'm gonna take
this interview with Scola.
I'm sorry?
I know you want to get in there,
and I understand why,
but as your friend
He attacked my neighborhood.
Mag, he attacked us.
What are you talking about?
You almost gave up
our leverage back there.
I'm gonna find Vernon. You have my word.
I know how this works.
You're going to talk tough,
threaten to throw the book at me,
but I know what I did.
I know what that means.
Do you now?
Serious assault with a deadly weapon,
class C felony, 20 years.
Be out in 10. You can't scare me.
We're not trying to scare you.
We want to help you.
See, while you may have shot
at federal agents,
you didn't kill 11 people.
And you're sitting on information
that the AUSA might find helpful
if you decide to talk.
They're just getting started.
And you?
I am just observing.
Better than meeting with OPR.
Don't worry.
Your partners didn't say anything.
A bystander recorded the takedown.
You don't understand, Isobel.
They were attacking your community,
and for that, I am sorry,
but you almost crossed a line
you can't uncross.
What good would that do?
Is this when you tell me that
I am too close to the case,
and my personal life is
affecting how I do my job?
No, this is where I tell you
I'm married.
- You're what?
- Mm-hmm.
- Since when?
- Two months.
His name is Philip.
He has three daughters, which means
I now have three daughters.
I didn't know that.
Because I have learned
to leave my personal life
outside of this building.
It's what works for me.
I'm not telling you how to do your job,
but what we do is too important
to risk jeopardizing
over our personal lives.
How you reconcile that is up to you.

So two months.
- How's it going?
- No complaints.
This supposed to move me
to tears or something?
We're thinking more your
sense of self-preservation
might kick in.
Corbin, you manufactured a gun
that was used to shoot up a shelter,
but I don't think you knew there
were asylum seekers in there.
That's conspiracy to commit
a hate crime with murder
as an aggravated circumstance.
That's more than ten years.
That's the needle.
And it just so happens
that the AG's looking
to make an example
out of homemade gun makers,
so any chance at leniency
for you is out the window
if your cousin keeps going around
and shooting up shelters.
There won't be another shooting.
- How do you know?
- This morning was a one-off.
We've been selling
these guns to some guys
who kick up to the Jalisco cartel.
Last week, they pulled Vernon aside,
said if he wanted to make real money,
he could take a swing
at an open contract.
Why would a Mexican cartel
hire a biker gang
to do the shooting?
I'd answer the question, Corbin,
or any chance at a deal's off the table.
They gave him a name, OK?
Vernon was just supposed
to grab someone.
This was never part of the plan.
Those people must have
gotten in his way.
Who was he supposed to grab?
Only Vernon knows.
But I can tell you where
he might be holding him.
Federal agents!
- Dog!

We got cuffs.
We got the gun.

We got Vernon Walsh.
Looks like his kidnapping went bad.
All right, so the good news
is Vernon Walsh
can't hurt anybody anymore.
The bad news is we have
no idea who killed him
or what that means to our threat level.
So let's start at the center.
What, did the cartel
just renege on their deal?
Well, Vernon's phone records show
several calls made to
and from a cartel front
in Jalisco this morning,
so at the very least,
it means this unholy alliance is legit.
Hey, guys, ERT says the
bloody print on the flex cuffs
match the ones found on the
pliers used to murder Vernon.
Oh, OK, so whoever
he kidnapped from the shelter
used the pliers to break
out of the restraints
and then killed him with it.
But wait. You said you have prints.
So the question is, who did the
cartel send Vernon in to grab?
Well, prints don't match anyone in IAFIS
or the Interpol database.
Plus, there's still 100
unaccounted for migrants
- at the shelter.
- Right.
- So another dead end?
- Uh, not exactly.
Warrant for the doorbell camera footage
across the alley from Vernon's apartment
went through.
This is approximately 30 minutes
after the attack on the shelter.
OK, so here's Vernon.
Freeze it. OK, who is she?
- Can we get facial rec?
- Negative.
Resolution is too low.
All right, but that
that is good enough to ask around.
- Get that image to Maggie ASAP.
- Yes, sir.

I'm sorry, but since we started
taking in asylum seekers,
it's policy not to reveal
the residents' identities
- for their safety.
- And we respect that.
But a woman was abducted here.
And she's in danger as we speak.
Legally, I can't reveal that list.
Excuse me. I'm very busy.
OK, we know that you want
to protect your residents,
and so do we, but as long as
she's out in the streets,
she's not safe, so look again.

Look, I know you weren't here
this morning,
but now you're in a position
to help save a life.

I'm not 100% sure
but I think this
is who you're looking for.
Checked in a week ago.

All right, look alive, people.
We have an ID for the woman
who was abducted
from Graceful Shepherd this morning.
Inés Madera.
Where have I heard that name before?
Probably from a DEA quarterly brief.
Inés is the longtime mistress
of drug lord Jorge Ortega,
heir to the Jalisco cartel,
responsible for billions
in trafficking and hundreds of
murders in Mexico and abroad.
So the Jalisco cartel hires a biker gang
- to kidnap this woman.
- It appears that way.
But why would the mistress
of one of the world's most dangerous men
pose as a migrant in a New York shelter?
Jordan, what's the DEA know
that we don't know?
We intercepted SIGINT last week.
Apparently, Inés Madera
stole from Ortega,
then absconded to the U.S.
We didn't have a location
for her until now.
So Ortega is down a mistress.
It's a blow to his ego.
But is it enough for him
to actually hunt her down
and kill 11 people in the process?
It is to him.
Every lowlife in New York is talking.
He put a $5 million bounty on her,
payable in cash or product
to whoever brings her to him alive.
Wow, well, that's more money than Vernon
or Corbin would ever make flipping guns.
Well, this is just the tip
of the iceberg.
If Inés Madera killed her abductor,
that means she is still
out there on the run hiding.
And that bounty is still open
to every gangbanger,
sicario, and common criminal
looking to make a buck.
And until we find Inés, all of
New York is caught in the crossfire.
I need a bead on
our runaway mistress, people.
Every lowlife in New York
has five million reasons
to hunt down Inés Madera.
If we want to avoid more bloodshed,
we need to get to her first.
The walls are closing in on her,
so where does she go?
Well, she wouldn't go home to Mexico.
Ortega would track her down for sure.
Yeah, but she could get
around this community here.
Let's put a magnifying glass
on Flatbush,
Sunset Park, Jackson Heights,
known associates, friends.
Nothing's coming up in our databases.
This might be something.
I had NSA filter calls made to
Mexico from Telmex payphones
here in the city.
Telmex, the international payphone.
Yeah, before WhatsApp and Skype,
it's how Mexicans living
in the U.S. used to call home.
You'd find them at bodegas,
check-cashing stores.
It seems there are still
a few left in the city,
and get this. Over the last three days,
the Telmex in Sunset Park
made calls to Inés'
parents' home in Jalisco,
always at 2:00 p.m.,
never for more than 30 seconds.
Just enough time to
let your folks know you're OK.
I pulled up street cam footage
from outside the mini mart
where those calls were made.
Check it out. This is from yesterday.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's her.
What about the day before yesterday?
Every day for the last week,
around 2:00 p.m.
All right, that gives us
15 minutes to get down there.
After today, Inés is gonna want
to let her parents know that she's OK.
OK, you two, I got eyes on
Inés's favorite bodega here.

Looks like we got a couple of
teenagers tying up the phone.
Well, she should be here.
Scola, got a red lowrider
coming your way.
Oh, yeah. I got him.
Dollars to donuts
they're looking for our girl.
I have eyes on Inés.

She made us.
Hey! Stop!
Move, move, move!

- Get off me.
- Stop resisting.
We're with the FBI. We want to help you.
I don't need your help.

Uh-oh. I can see why.

All the time and resources
that the agency has spent
looking for you,
and you were setting up a drug deal.
You people don't know anything.
We know that you were in possession
of a kilo of uncut cocaine
that bears the stamp
of the Jalisco cartel,
and you were the one who
brought it into the United States.
We do what we must to survive.
To survive?
Miss Madera, we have seen
the photos of you
and Jorge Ortega, the homes, the yachts.
You are not surviving.
You are living it up.
And when it stops serving you,
you rob him, run away,
and now the people of New York
are paying the price.
These people are dead because of you.
Look at them.
Look at them.
I was 16 the first time
Jorge set eyes on me.
He followed me walking home from school.
He spoke to my parents,
and I had no say in it.
I didn't understand the world
I was stepping into.
But you did understand that
his world had money, right?
You knew where the money
was coming from.
I became his girl, and it was good
until I grew up and I realized
what it cost me.
And the first chance I got,
I stole drugs from him
to cross the border and start over.
But what I don't understand
is that a kilo of cocaine
is a grain of sand to a man like Ortega.
Yet he put a $5 million bounty on you.
This isn't adding up.

Inés, we want to help you,
but you're gonna have
to give us the full picture.
He doesn't want me back or the drugs.
- He wants Miguel.
- Who's Miguel?
Your new boyfriend?
Our son.

We kept him a secret from the world
so he'd be safe from Jorge's enemies,
but I had to take Miguel away from him.
Why now?
The day Miguel turned eight,
Jorge took him to the stables.
He thought he was getting a new horse.
Instead, he found a rival boss tied up.
Jorge handed him a gun
and said it was time,
for Miguel to be a man.
My son, he couldn't pull the trigger.

I couldn't let him turn our boy
into a monster like him.

That's why I stole the drugs,
to sell and give Miguel a new life.
If Ortega's sending criminals after you,
then your son is in danger too.
No, I went to the shelter alone.
Miguel is somewhere else.
Somewhere safe.
Inés, think this through.
Ortega already tracked you down.
How long before he finds Miguel?
Where is he?
My best friend from Jalisco,
her brother, Daniel,
he lives in Flatbush.
He agreed to hide Miguel for me.
Write down the address and we will do
what you could not
and keep your son safe.

Please protect him.

We'll do everything we can.

I know you're angry with her,
but you need to remember
that she's a victim.
You know that when someone
like Ortega singles you out,
you don't have a choice.
And that may be true,
but she had a choice
when she came to New York,
and she should have chosen
to talk to the cops,
not go to a shelter
filled with innocent people
when she knew a cartel was after her.
I understand, and it was
in your old neighborhood.
That is filled with good people who
just want what
this country has to offer,
and then she brings in
this violence, Maggie.

The people that died today
are not the only ones that get hurt.
It's the owner of the halal market
and the dry cleaner across the street.
They're all collateral damage.
And now what are people gonna say?
"What do you expect from
a Muslim neighborhood?"

You're right.

But she still deserves our protection,
and so does her son.

OK, here's the most current
photo of Miguel.
All right, I'll post up out here
while you guys
go talk to the babysitter.
Sounds good.



He took him. There.

Stop! FBI!
Scola, somebody stabbed the babysitter
and took the kid. South parking lot.
Copy. I'm on it, Maggie.
FBI! Stop!
This is Special Agent Scola.
I got a child abduction in progress.
Hispanic male in his 50s, moving east
on Veronica toward Tilden.
It's a blue Sierra pickup.
New York 3KR-T156.
- Who took Miguel?
- I I tried to stop him.
- Was it Ortega's men?
- No.
It was
El Diablo.

All right,
so we have the full story now.
Inés fled Mexico and her life
with Jorge Ortega,
brought their son with her,
and that was the real purpose
of Ortega's bounty.
He wants his kid back,
and it sounds like
he may have succeeded.
That was Maggie with an update.
According to neighbors, our abductor
had been canvassing Flatbush
with a photo of Inés
- claiming to be her father.
- Right.
So someone pointed him
to Nunez's apartment,
inadvertently leading him to the boy.
What do we know about the
mystery man who kidnapped Miguel?
Well, according to OA,
he's known as El Diablo, the devil.
He's a Hispanic male, 50s.
OK, well, if that's all we have,
that's all we have.
Any hits on IAFIS
matching that descriptor?
We need to track this man down before
he hand delivers this kid to
his drug lord father in Mexico.
NYPD, Port Authority, state police,
and CBP have all been read in.
- There's a dragnet around the city.
- Good.
Looks like El Diablo blew a red light
while fleeing the scene.
Traffic cam got a good look
at his car, but
well, ready for a curveball?
Plates are registered to a Nestor Cruz,
born in Zacatecas
but legally living in the U.S.
for the past ten years.
No priors. He's an electrician.
On the surface, this guy's a taxpayer.
What is a civilian doing
wrapped up in a cartel bounty?
Because he's not a civilian.
He was part of a Mexican
paramilitary group
supported by a joint
Mexico-U.S. task force
highly effective in
neutralizing narco elements.
What do you mean? Assassinating?
Narcos started calling him El Diablo.
Probably 'cause he was
the last face they saw
before he sent 'em to hell.
When the task force went after Ortega,
the drug lord targeted
El Diablo's family,
burned his wife and daughter
alive in a junkyard,
then texted him the video.
We're looking at this all wrong.
El Diablo has no intention of
handing Ortega's son to him.
He's not interested
in collecting a bounty.
You're right. He wants revenge.
Matthew Bush,
deputy chief of intelligence,
DEA. Someplace we can talk?
According to my source,
El Diablo reached out
to Jorge Ortega 30 minutes ago.
He's trying to broker a trade,
the boy's life
in exchange for the drug lord's.
- Otherwise
- An eye for an eye.
And this drug lord agreed to it?
Well, it doesn't matter.
I'm not going to sanction
a trade like this.
They can't turn the city into a war zone
to settle an old score.
This isn't the Old West.
Which is why you're going to intervene.
My source gave me
the location of the exchange.
I'm sharing it.
This is a win for you.
Your source is the drug lord, Ortega.
I can't confirm or deny.
You're telling me one of the
world's most wanted criminals
is working with the DEA?
All right, so our two choices are
let this war play out on U.S. soil
or have our team run
an errand for a drug lord.
And save Miguel's life in the process.
We'll take the intel.
We can't breach
if your guy's got a hostage,
not unless the boy's life
is in imminent danger.
And even if it were,
we don't have the intel
to ensure he won't
get caught in the crossfire.
Don't you have spotters posted?
Cruz blocked the lines of sight.
What about a throw phone?
Can we talk him down?
My guy's dropped three
through the air vents.
So far, hasn't picked up.
OK, go update the JOC.
I'm going to establish
a connection with Cruz.
We need to get Miguel out of here.
Nestor Cruz, this is
Special Agent Maggie Bell.
I'm with the FBI.
Please pick up the throw phone
so I can talk to you.
All right, per Scola, we need eyes
inside this building stat.
No bad ideas here.
We trained Cruz.
We cannot send our agents
into a buzz saw.
You said no bad ideas, right?
I just hooked into the building's Wi-Fi.
That helps us confirm
Cruz is in there how?
Something I picked up
from Celeste on the fly team.
We can run a neural network
similar to the one
they developed at Carnegie Mellon.
It maps the phase and amplitude
of Wi-Fi signals
bouncing off whatever is
inside the structure,
including people.
Turns your Wi-Fi into radar.
Yeah, great. Give it a try.
Downloading building specs
to cross-reference against.
And launching the neural network now.

OK. What am I looking at here?
A blueprint of visualized images
live mapping the building
El Diablo and Miguel are in.
Yeah, that's a person, right?
Yeah, that has got to be Cruz.
And that's Miguel. He's alive.
For now.
Hey, Maggie, we've confirmed
they're both in there,
and the boy is still alive.

Nestor, we know you're in there,
and you can hear me.
We just want to get Miguel out safely.

Special Agent Bell.
I have no interest
in talking to you
or anyone in the FBI.
Ortega and I made a deal.
Where is he?
The FBI wants to bring him to justice
just as much as you do, but first,
you need to let Miguel go.
He shouldn't be a part of this.
Justice is not a prison cell.
Not for him.
You want to negotiate?
Bring me Ortega, or the boy dies.
We need to get in there now.



Everyone be advised.
We just hit a tripwire.
This place is booby trapped.

In pursuit of Cruz.

Cruz, stop!

Don't move.
Get back. Get back.
Put the gun down now.
I knew he wouldn't show.
This is his fault, what comes now.

We're not gonna stand down
and let more innocent people get hurt.
You wanted justice
for your wife and children.
This isn't it.
It could have been
had you not gotten involved.


Cover me.
America always protects her interests,
even if it means working with a
That coward is playing all of you.
No one else needs to die, including you.

Don't bother. I died long ago!

Hey, hey, I've got you. You're safe.
Suspect down.

Confirmed. Suspect is down.
We're OK. We weren't hit.
All right, let's go see your mom, OK?
Let's go.

Special agents Bell, Zidan, and Scola.
This is DEA Deputy Chief
of Intelligence Matthew Bush.
His source tipped us off
to El Diablo's hideout.
I personally wanted to commend
you all for a job well done.
Your success directly led
to Jorge Ortega
providing critical intel
on three different cartels.
As we speak, DEA is preparing
to launch raids
in New York, Miami, and El Paso.
What did Ortega get in return?
You don't actually need me
to spell it out, do you?
So you're just going to give
Miguel back to his father?
- It's complicated.
- No, it's not.
A lot of drugs will be
taken off the street
because of your heroics.
All it cost was one kid.
You were never gonna
find him without us.
We both got what we wanted.
Let's leave it at that.
And if you keep making deals
with the devil,
you might forget what side you're on.
My world isn't as black
and white as yours.
Whatever helps you sleep
at night, right?
Doot, doot.
I don't know how he's not tired
after the day he had.
- Inés
- I know. I know.
I know I have to answer
my part in today.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
You brought my son back.
Give us a beat.

I've been dreading this part,
saying goodbye.
Do you think my son
is gonna be able to visit me
while my case plays out?
He won't be able to visit you because
he won't be in the United States.
He's going back to Mexico.

What do you mean? How could that be?
My parents, they're too old to take him.
He won't be with your parents.
Our country has a policy
to reunite children
with their rightful parents.
No, no, you can't send him
back to his father!
He's a monster! He's a monster!
You promised me you would protect him.
You promised that!
I'm sorry.
- Our hands are tied.
- No!
What kind of people are you?


There he is, Jorge Ortega,
the heir to the Jalisco cartel
in our headquarters
because we invited him.
And we're just gonna let him
drive off with his kid.
I really thought today
would end differently.
Yeah, you and me both.

You ever wonder
why we do this sometimes,
when days end like this?
I guess for all the other days.

We're going to head over
to Casey's for a drink.
You want to come?
I'm OK. I got someplace to be.

- Good night.
- Night.

Agent Zidan, I got your text.
I brought dinner from Rafi's.
I hope you guys are hungry.
Come in.

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