FBI (2018) s07e13 Episode Script
Come on, let's keep it moving, folks.
Judge Bergen hates it when we're late.
Six weeks doing this, Marshal.
We know everything there is
to know about Judge Bergen.
Yeah, it's been a long trial.
U.S. government thanks you
for your jury service.
You're only sequestered to
protect you from outside influence.
Now let's load up!
Come on, people.
Let's keep it moving.
Move it along. Come on!
He cornered me
in the hallway last night.
I've seen him hanging around.
Are you going to
say something to the marshal?
I don't know,
but I'm telling you, Arnold.
The guy was threatening me.
You two know you shouldn't
be talking outside
the deliberation room.
Now get on the bus.
Where's your head at today, Scola?
Uh, it's just a lot on my mind.
That's what this whole thing is about.
You leave all that out there.
What's the score?
- Water break.
- Come on, what?
Water break.
You gonna tell me why
you all of a sudden
have bricks for hands?
Yeah, you don't wanna hear about that.
Come on, Maggie's getting some R&R.
We're rolling together today.
What's going on?
We had dinner last night
with a friend's wife.
He passed a few years ago, you know.
So I check up on her,
see how she's doing,
the kid, you know.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Yeah, thanks.
Nah, he would he'd be all over me too
if he saw how I was playing today.
If this is just a sob story
to get me to stop
whipping your ass up and down
the courts, it's not gonna work.
What? Let's go.
Let's go. What?
Your comeback is gonna have to wait.
Let's go.
22 years on the job,
I never thought I'd see a day like this.
Federal juror protection
detail's usually a cakewalk.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
This is a high-profile case
mafia trial.
We're trained for this, but
Just don't see it coming.
I should've done more.
Well, you kept ten of them alive.
Can you tell us anything
about our two victims?
Sure, I can.
I was by their side every day
for the past month.
June Schrader. She was a doctor.
Always showing me pictures of her kid.
And Arnold Mills, a history teacher.
They were always bickering,
but it was in a good-natured way.
- How about the shooter?
- You get a good look?
Son of a bitch was wearing a mask.
I could see his eyes.
He was a white dude.
Maybe about 5'10".
If I had to put money on it,
I'd say he weighed a buck-sixty.
OK, we'll get the physical
description to NYPD.
ERT recovered a 12 gauge.
No prints. Serial was scratched off.
Yeah, that's what he used.
Did you see where the shooter came from?
Came from over there.
And then he ran off that way.
He must've been lying in wait for us.
The judge calls the jury in
different times each day.
Are you good?
I need to update my command.
Yeah, we're good. Thanks, Kimble.
OK, so we have a shooter
that kills two federal jurors
in a high stakes mafia trial.
On the last day of closing arguments.
What're you thinking?
Well, he could've had beef
with a couple of the jurors,
Most likely had to do with the trial.
OA, check this out.
Malchitti sigarettes. Italian brand.
Rained last night, right?
These are fresh.
Let's get ERT to bag them up.
Maybe our lab can pull some prints.
All right, folks, look alive.
We have two federal jurors gunned down
outside the hotel where
they were being sequestered.
They were serving in a
federal case against this man,
Sam Ardizzone, boss of
the Ardizzone crime family
on trial for murder, racketeering.
Our working theory is the
shooting was jury intimidation.
In the trial,
Ardizzone was about to lose
meant to keep him out of prison.
DOJ's clamoring for heads,
so where we at?
If our killer's plan was to
cause a mistrial, he succeeded.
DOJ will have to retry Ardizzone's case.
The other jurors are
in protective custody.
All right, so let's
talk about this crew
associates, hangouts, anywhere
our killer could go to ground.
Organized Crime, I'm looking at you.
The Ardizzone family's a minor player
in the Cosa Nostra,
an offshoot of one of
the five major families.
LCN was decimated by regal prosecutions
in the '70s and '80s.
All the old-timers are in prison.
- Or dead.
- That too.
Sam's crew is making
a name for themselves
loan sharking, illegal sportsbook.
And they diversified
into crypto scams
OnlyFans extortion, prostitution.
These are not nice men.
We're checking up on associates
and hangouts,
but so far,
no chatter about the shooting.
All right, keep digging.
I want leads, all right?
Are we getting anything
from the crime scene?
We didn't get a print match
on the cigarette package,
but check this.
Malchitti cigarettes
are only sold in Italy.
That tracks.
Sicily mafia sends
their members over here
with their American cousins
to toughen them up.
So it's possible we're
looking for a Sicilian shooter.
Ian, anything?
No recent Sicilian travelers
through JFK, LaGuardia,
or Newark who ping on Interpol.
Could be this guy isn't on
law enforcement's radar yet.
Hey, I just got off with Main Justice.
The deputy AG wants this
buttoned up now.
Maybe he's been here for a while.
Ian, let's scrub back maybe 18 months.
Copy that.
All right, here we go.
Giovanni DeFalco, 31.
Native of Palermo, Sicily.
Cleared customs at JFK in August.
And get this.
He's a distant cousin to Ardizzone.
He is?
And this is his girlfriend, looks like.
Facial rec popped on her social media.
- Got a location for her?
Yeah, an apartment in Bensonhurst.
Maybe she knows where Giovanni is.
It'd be nice to talk to him.
I'm not giving you money again.
- FBI, open up!
Open the door,
or we're gonna open it for you.
You want him? Take him.
DeFalco, don't run! Hey!
All right, going around!
Pursuing the suspect off of 28th Street.
We said don't run.
Hear that?
Now you gotta come with us.
Two federal jurors were
gunned down outside of a hotel
in Queens this morning, Mr. DeFalco.
Bad news is, we matched your prints to
a pack of Malchitti cigarettes
found at the crime scene.
You wanna tell us why you were there?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Look at that.
That's you threatened
one of the jurors last night.
And we know you got a motive.
We know that you work for Sam Ardizzone.
AUSA hangs these murders on you,
you are looking at
life in prison, or worse.
You have the wrong man.
Well, the evidence says otherwise.
And with your criminal connections,
we won't have trouble
making these charges stick.
I was at the hotel.
They sent me Sam's guys did
but only to scare the jurors,
never kill them.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time
believing that one.
The job was to secure
a not guilty verdict
through intimidation.
A mistrial doesn't help my cousin.
Now he has even more charges.
Excuse me?
How you Americans say,
what a mess.
Then why'd you run?
You think Sam will take
lightly to this situation?
He'll blame me.
I wasn't running from the FBI.
I was running from him.
So we're just supposed to take
you at your word on that then, huh?
I was at a café
getting an espresso
at the time of the shooting.
I'm sure there's video.
You love tracking your citizens, no?
Hey, where are we with the shooter?
OK, security footage
confirmed DeFalco's alibi.
He was not at the hotel
the time the jury was attacked,
so we are back to square one.
- Maybe not yet.
- Yeah? Why, what do you got?
We ran with something DeFalco
said during his interview.
The city's underworld had eyes
on Ardizzone's trial.
We cross-referenced traffic cam footage
with the jurors' transport
during the trial.
One car kept showing up.
OK. Can we get the ID off the plates?
No dice, it's a Moto car
peer-to-peer rental
like Airbnb for cars.
You can't figure out who rented it?
Renter spoofed their ID.
Paid with a gift card.
They're anonymous.
All right, can we track
the car through the city?
Yep, already on it.
Here it is at the courthouse.
The hotel.
And check this, it went to
the same address repeatedly
- over the last week.
- Who lives there?
Uh, Brad Kimble.
The U.S. marshal?
Get a team over to Kimble's house now.
We're missing something.
Door's open.
We found Kimble. He's dead.
I need ERT and an ME down here now.
The jurors were never the target.
Kimble was.
- OK, so it's knock-knock.
Kimble answers the door, boom.
First one to the chest.
Drags him back into the house.
Killer follows him in.
Pumps him three more times.
OK, so first shot kills him.
What, the next three are for insurance?
Gotta make a point.
Well, I talked to the neighbor.
They didn't hear anything,
but they did say that
NYPD raided this house six days ago.
That would explain the
massive dent in the front door.
Oh, you think that's
Damage from a battering ram.
Then we got scorch marks here
from a flash-bang.
Wow, so what the hell is Kimble up to?
He gets raided then murdered
in the same week.
That can't be a coincidence.
All I know is we got
a shooter on the run.
Let me make a call
to the Fugitive Task Force.
Whoever your killer is
is scared and spinning out.
Their plan to kill the marshal
this morning went sideways,
and they had to finish the job ad hoc.
With the Fugitive Task Force,
we find that most offenders
will trip themselves up eventually.
They leave a trail a mile wide,
making it easy for us
to hunt them down, sniff them out.
We just have to be ready when they do.
Thank you, Agent Chase,
for riding along with us on this one.
Of course. Always happy to help, boss.
- OK, so tell me about the perp.
- Yeah, what do we know?
I just got footage
of the raid on Kimble's home.
- [BANG]
- The hell's going on?
- Down on the ground now!
- What the hell!
- OK.
- Do it!
What what're you guys doing?
Where's the boy?
- What boy?
- Where is he?
I don't know. [GRUNTS]
Did the report say who this boy is?
No, just that Kimble was allegedly
sexually assaulting him at gunpoint.
The call was ruled a prank.
Swatting is hardly a prank.
At best, it's harassment.
At worst, second-degree murder,
death by cop.
Yeah, but it speaks
to a level of premeditation.
Our perp has been planning this
for weeks, maybe months.
Hey, found the call.
911, what's your emergency?
Hurry! He's armed!
I can hear the little boy
Yeah, so and not only
was there no minor found
in Kimble's home,
his service weapon was found
locked in a safe in his bedroom.
Right, but that woman on the phone
definitely wanted the NYPD
to believe otherwise.
We do not know that it was a woman.
Spectral analysis confirms
that voice was generated
using an AI program called Karaoke.
It masks the caller's real voice.
OK, what about the number
that made the call?
- Can we track that?
- Afraid not.
Caller used a VolP number
disposable internet burner.
Only exists during the time of the call.
OK, so much for mile wide.
Our killer's good
at covering their tracks.
Right, but we need to keep
digging into these digital forensics.
And we're still scrubbing
street cams around the hotel?
- Yeah.
- Got something.
Someone used a credit card
for that voice cover.
The Karaoke account that made that call
is tied to a Grant Warren.
All right, eyes up, folks. Grant Warren.
33, married, father of one.
Software engineer.
Doesn't really scream homicidal maniac.
Can we connect him to our U.S. marshal?
Yes, 20 years ago,
Warren was a student at an
elite boarding school upstate.
Cornwall Military Academy.
Kimble was a drill instructor there.
Didn't Scola go there?
Yeah, he did.
Where is Warren now?
- FBI, open up.
Not funny, Otto
oh, I'm sorry, I thought
you were the kid down the hall.
Is your husband home, Mrs. Warren?
What do you want with Grant?
Hey, Grant, we
- That was him.
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Grant, stop!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
All right, you're under arrest.
Let's go.
- Grant?
- Dad? Dad?
- Where are they taking him?
- I don't know, sweetie.
Do you remember anything
from your time at Cornwall
that could've motivated
something like this?
Well, Warren was class of '08.
I was ten years ahead of him.
What about Kimble?
Did you ever cross paths?
No, I think he must've been
a DI after I graduated.
It's a long time to hold a grudge.
I mean, look, were the
drill instructors hard asses?
Sure they were, all right?
My parents sent me there
to try and punish me,
but it ended up being some
of the best years of my life.
Everybody loved Cornwall.
So what set this guy off
after all these years?
I'm wondering the same thing myself.
All right, Grant.
Wanna tell us what you
were trying to erase
when we picked you up?
Look, I've already got you
making a false report to 911.
That's a criminal act.
And you sent a SWAT team to the house
of Marshal Brad Kimble.
But that wasn't enough, was it?
You went back, finished the job.
Kimble's dead?
Yeah, you don't exactly seem surprised.
I didn't do this.
I swear. You could check
my phone data chip.
Whatever. I
I didn't kill anyone, but
But what?
He got what he deserved.
Oh, yeah? Why is that?
What'd he do, Grant?
Grant, I went to Cornwall.
Class of '98, all right?
Kimble was way after my time,
but I know what it's like.
The drill instructors are hard on you
You don't understand.
I was their favorite.
If something happened,
the FBI can help you.
But you need to talk to us.
And right now,
it's looking like you did this.
Help us understand.
After lights out,
Kimble would take me out
of my dorm to a backroom.
He'd shove me down,
and then him
and two other staff members
they'd take turns.
I was a kid.
You tell anybody about it?
Kimble said he'd kill my mom
if I said anything.
OK, so this school never found out.
I started acting out over break.
My parents knew something was wrong.
I-I told them at some point.
Not everything.
Just, you know,
I'm from a third generation
Cornwall family.
My dad didn't believe me or couldn't.
And even if he had
confronted the school,
Cornwall would've just
protected its reputation.
So there was never an investigation?
The world moved on, and so did I.
Till you decided to send
a SWAT team to Kimble's house.
So something changed.
What was it?
A few months ago after a Mets game,
I saw him on the subway.
He was older, but it was him.
He looked me right in the eye.
And I could tell he had
no idea who I was,
after everything he'd done to me.
It just
dug up a pain I thought I'd buried.
And that was when
we decided to get revenge.
We? Who's we?
Grant, did Kimble hurt somebody else?
Another student?
Is that who killed him?
I've got nothing more to say to you.
Well, you said that there
were two other staff members
present during the attacks.
Grant, we need to find them, OK?
I need some names here.
I wanna talk to my lawyer now, please.
All right, so Grant Warren was a student
at Cornwall Academy 20 years ago.
According to him, he was sexually abused
by a ring of three
Cornwall staff members.
Brad Kimble was one of
the alleged abusers.
He is dead now.
Where are we with Warren's alibi?
Checks out, he used his
MetroCard at a subway station
in Midtown at 8:17 a.m.,
same time as the jury attack,
and security cameras got him too.
And he was badged in for work
at the time of Kimble's murder.
Mm, OK, but when Scola
was talking to Warren,
he all but admitted he had
a partner, another student
someone who had also likely been abused.
So let's narrow that down.
We ever find out who
he went to the Mets game with?
31,000 fans at Citi Field that night.
- We're analyzing footage, but
- That'll take two years.
- What about the school?
- Well, there's 300 students
that overlapped with Warren at Cornwall.
I'm combing through
his phone records, socials,
looking for a connection nothing.
This would go faster
if he gave up a name.
Well, Warren has lawyered up.
He is not talking.
So keep digging.
- Hey.
- Hey.
We lost Nina.
She got pulled into an
apprehension in the Bronx.
I'll check in with her later.
Where are we here?
We're kinda hitting a brick wall.
There was zero
sexual assault charges filed
during the time Warren
attended the academy.
Well, Scola at Cornwall
would likely be able
to put a lid on all of it.
But how do we find our next target?
Warren said there were
two other staff members
who were abusing the boys.
ERT found a yearbook at Warren's home.
There were 17 other staff members
at Cornwall during his years there.
Yeah, great, great.
Let's dig into these.
We need to figure out
who they're gonna hit next.
Yeah, their employee files
could point us
to who we're looking for.
Problem is, they aren't public.
Meaning they're still at Cornwall.
Good work. Let's get Scola there now.
Always a pleasure to have
one of our brightest
back on campus, Stuart.
Look how far you've come.
Thank you, Colonel.
This place has a lot to do with that.
Didn't make it easy on us
angly kid with
a smart-ass mouth to match.
I seem to remember a prank
gone awry in the field house
involving a drill instructor's car
that friend of yours,
always tagging along.
Well, teenage pranks
have fallen by the wayside.
Still got the mouth though.
So what brings you back
to campus, Agent Scola?
I assume this isn't a social call.
No, I'm afraid not.
So some former Cornwall instructors
came up in our investigation.
I'm afraid that
it involves claims
of sexual abuse by former staff.
You're sure of this?
This was all decades ago,
well before your time
as director of the academy.
Cornwall has upheld
a reputation for excellence
for almost a hundred years
of turning boys
into competent young men.
A stain on its reputation
is a stain on us all.
Agent Scola,
these are serious allegations.
And that's why I'm here.
I mean, you're the dean of the students.
Not one kid ever came forward?
Of course not. If we had,
we would have approached
the authorities.
I am gonna need to take a look
at the faculty and staff files.
2004 to 2010.
With the appropriate subpoena.
There are legal ramifications at play.
- The board of trustees
- We're happy to help the FBI.
My aide will bring them down right away.
Thanks, Colonel.
We are late for a meeting, Steven.
All right, so where are we
with Cornwall's personnel record?
Working through. Most are squeaky clean.
Take Colonel Lewis
came to the academy after
an honorable discharge from the army,
started off as commandants
of the Cadet Corps.
Stellar performance reviews.
The trustees eventually
select him to head the school.
He's respected.
OK, and any bad apples?
I got one that raised the flag.
Hank Bouchard.
Joined Cornwall as
a drill instructor in 2002.
Ah, was during
Marshal Kimble's era, yeah.
Grant Warren was one of
his students. Here's the thing.
Hank Bouchard abruptly
left the academy in 2009
middle of the semester,
no explanation in the employee file.
OK, but how about his personal life?
Any explanation there? Changes?
Did he move, get married?
No same wife, same address.
He took a job at another
boys' school in Connecticut
that fall of '09
was fired two years later
after claims of harassment.
Hard-ass drill instructor harassment,
or are we talking euphemistically?
I have a subpoena in the works
for that school's files for more intel.
Hey, hey, Orange County SWA
responded to a false 911 call
six days ago at Bouchard's home,
same time frame
as Kimble's swatting incident.
All right, that matches
our killer's pattern.
Was Grant Warren's credit card
used to make that call?
- Yes.
- Yeah? OK.
See if any other drill
instructors have been swatted.
I'ma get OA and Scola
over to Bouchard's.
He's our next target.
So how was it?
Being back at your alma mater?
You know, it's bittersweet,
as always, you know.
My buddy who passed, David Murray,
we went to Cornwall together, so.
They actually have our 1998
varsity cross country
team picture up.
Yeah, it's four years ago he passed.
It's still tough.
- He was so young.
- Yeah.
If you don't mind me asking,
how'd he go?
That Bouchard?
Let's roll.
- Hank Bouchard.
- FBI.
Come on, you gotta be kidding me.
I've been swatted before.
Somebody call 911
and send you here again?
No. Nobody called us, Mr. Bouchard.
Maybe they should have.
We need to talk.
You got someplace private
we can do that?
Sure. Come on inside.
- Scola?
- I'm good.
Shots fired from inside the house.
FBI! Drop your weapon!
- Damn it!
- Go!
Stop! Drop your weapon.
Suspect's heading west on Hillside Road
in a blue Subaru.
This just in:
our suspect broke into
Hank Bouchard's home
in Floral Park,
waited for him to return,
and then shot him
before our agents had a chance
to secure Bouchard's safety.
This guy's on a killing spree,
and we know there's a third target.
So let's get an ID on him
and put a stop to this
before he does any more damage.
Yeah, Leon, get local PD
to put a BOLO out
on that blue Crosstrek.
Check traffic cams and tolls
within a 10-mile radius
- of Bouchard's.
- State police just found
an empty vehicle
matching that description
near downtown Cornwall.
All right, get ERT down there
to wipe for prints and DNA.
We get anything from Bouchard's?
ERT pulled lots of prints and DNA.
It'll take a while to process,
but I got this.
That blue Crosstrek?
It was found abandoned
in Cornwall's Commercial District.
Meaning we can scrub security
footage and ID our killer?
Yup, and about a dozen folks
passed by the nearest
security camera
around the same timeframe
that the car was abandoned
Then you cross-referenced them
against the Cornwall graduates?
- Yep, and we found one.
- OK, eyes up, folks.
Meet Noah Thackery, 33.
Born and raised in Tuckahoe.
Graduate of Cornwall Academy,
class of '09.
- Can we track his phone?
- Negative. His cell is off.
- He is flying dark.
- Hey.
Cornwall's holding their annual
fundraiser today
at Royce Hall.
Thackery RSVP'd this morning.
No, tell Cornwall to cancel that event.
OA and Scola are nearby.
Get them down there now.
Orange County Sheriff and SWA
need at least 20 minutes.
You heard the SAC, people. Let's go.
Fundraiser started 20 minutes ago.
Thackery has already killed
four people today,
two of them being innocent bystanders.
What are we walking into?
Well, it's a who's who
of alumni and former staff,
right, 200 lubricated guests
in cocktail attire,
all crammed into a lobby
with limited exits.
So basically the last place
you'd want a shootout to happen.
- Colonel Lewis.
- Agent Scola. You came.
We have reason to believe
that our suspect is here
targeting someone at this event.
- Hold on
- So you need to shut it down now.
You confirmed he's onsite?
We haven't spotted him yet,
but sheriff's and SWA
are 15 minutes out, so we need
to start our search now.
Meaning you don't actually know.
Colonel, please, some of
our biggest donors are here.
We do not want to shut this down
or cry wolf.
- Not now.
- No, you're not listening.
These people are all in danger.
All right, gentlemen,
we'll alert our own security.
You're free to conduct a search,
but this event is too big to
shut down based on a hunch.
If you'll excuse us.
- OK, I'll search upstairs.
- And I got the crowd.
All right, people,
Noah Thackery has an ax to grind
with someone at Cornwall's
annual fundraiser,
- and we need to know who.
- Scanning his socials.
Nothing indicating a grudge
against the school,
past or present. We'll keep looking.
OK, we need eyes
inside that event, please.
- Working on it.
- Who's going in and out?
Do they belong there?
Do any of them tie back to Noah?
Patching into Cornwall's
security cameras now.
I want IDs on everyone in attendance.
Yeah, guests, staff
I mean, ice sculptures.
If they have two eyes,
a nose, and a mouth,
they go through facial rec,
no exceptions.
Anybody got eyes on Thackery?
We know that he's here.
Where's he hiding?
Negative. Nothing yet.
Give me something, folks.
We have innocents in the line of fire.
Still scanning.
I got someone matching
Thackery's description.
He's got a duffel.
Could be a weapon in there.
Hey, where?
Mezzanine level.
West side of the building.
FBI. Hands up.
Put it down.
Don't move.
False alarm. Just a videographer.
We're flying blind here, people.
I need eyes on him.
- Wait. Check this guy out.
- What?
Is it
Can we get facial rec?
Got him.
- That's him.
- Yeah, yeah.
All teams, Thackery's on the
north side of the building,
first floor. Who's closest?
- Scola.
- Scola, that's you.
I'm in this hallway.
I got no sign of Thackery.
Scola. Hey, hey, hey.
He went that way.
Jubal, we lost him.
OK, but we know where he's headed.
His target has to be at the ceremony.
Thank you all for coming
on such an august occasion.
OK, if Thackery's gonna make his move,
he's gonna have to do it
in front of all these people.
Could be how he wants it.
The stewardship of Cornwall
Military Academy, and its cadets
is not a responsibility I take lightly.
And as we move into our 95th year,
our academy motto
remains as relevant as ever.
Acta non verba.
Deeds, not words.
For it is the actions we take
that define who we are.
Move! Get down.
Get down!
Everybody down!
We got shots fired
from the main staircase.
- Get everybody out of here.
- Yeah.
This way.
- Ah.
- Down, down. Everybody down.
Go, go, go!
- I'm on him.
- Covering!
OA, SWAT's hustling
to your location now.
It it's you?
He was coming for you?
I-I'm I gotta move you.
You're too exposed out here.
Come on. Up. Let's go.
- Ah!
- Easy.
OA, I got Lewis.
I'm moving him to
a more secure location.
Come on.
This way. This way.
So we ID'd the shooter as Noah Thackery.
He went after this third
target at the fundraiser.
OA and Scola are on the ground.
Does anybody have eyes
on Thackery, please?
Lost him in the melee.
Scanning. Still scanning.
Let's go, people.
- Ah!
- Get in. Get in.
Everybody go! Move! Out! Out now!
Colonel, no.
We gotta get you someplace more secure.
He'll pick you up out here. Go. Come on.
There. There!
He's headed right for them.
Oh, my God.
OA, get to the kitchen
on the ground floor.
Copy that. On the way.
Scola, the shooter is in the kitchen.
I repeat, the shooter is in the kitchen.
Do you read me?
Scola, do you copy?
Um, the building's stone walls
must be blocking the signal.
Scola being in the basement
isn't helping.
Oh, come on.
OK, right here.
Right here. Sit, sit, sit.
- Here, just keep it elevated.
- Shoulder
Where is he?
You know, a, um
a dear friend of mine that
I graduated from Cornwall with
I'm sure you remember him. I, uh
David Murray.
That's funny.
'Cause you always called him
one of your favorites.
He met a great gal, Julia,
summer after graduation.
And they, uh they got married.
Had a beautiful daughter.
And then one day,
just out of nowhere
he shot himself.
And I couldn't
understand why.
Is that what happens
to your favorites, Colonel?
I know you abused David Murray.
We gave you boys
the instruction you needed.
No, you took everything from him
and he never recovered.
You hear this.
I will do everything in my power
to make sure
that you pay for what you did
to every single one of them.
Jubal, there he is again.
Jubal, go again.
You broke up.
Jubal, not sure if you can hear me.
We're in a pantry underneath
the stairs off the kitchen.
I'm with the third target.
He's right outside
your door, Scola.
Come on. We gotta move.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
That door's not gonna hold.
Stay down.
FBI. Drop the weapon, Noah.
Put it down. Now.
That man in there's a monster.
He deserves everything
that's coming to him.
And we can figure that out
after you put the gun down!
Do you know what he did to me?
What he did to Grant?
What he did to the
who knows
how many boys?
Don't make me shoot you.
You know, when we tried
to take this to the police,
they told us that, uh,
the statute of limitations had passed.
- Against a child rapist.
- Listen to me.
You are a victim.
We can still put Lewis away
on federal charges.
He will not walk, but you have
to put the gun down now.
Put it down!
- On the wall!
- OK.
You got anymore weapons on you?
Suspect's in custody.
Great work. What about Scola?
- Come on.
- We're OK.
- Coming out.
- OK. OK.
Come on. Come on.
How are you? You OK?
I'm just a little banged up, is all.
I'm just glad you're OK.
I will have a giant glass
of scotch waiting for you
when you get home, OK?
Thank you.
Yeah, I'm just gonna take
a couple minutes
and get my head right.
Yeah. Of course. Take your time.
I love you.
Love you too.
- Hey.
Just talked to Jubal.
Ever since the news
of the colonel's arrest broke,
the tip lines have been flooded.
- Other Cornwall students?
- Yeah.
His list of alleged victims is growing,
dating back decades.
He's gonna pay for what he did.
What about the academy?
It'll pay too.
This place is just such
a huge part of who I am.
I'm grateful for that.
And I got lucky, OA.
Could've happened to any one of us.
Like your friend.
Yeah, never understood
why David did it.
He was so loved.
And he had so much ahead of him.
Just made me feel like
I never really knew him.
You can't know what he didn't tell you.
Yeah, just wanted him
to know that he could've.
And now I understand.
I miss him.
Come on, let's keep it moving, folks.
Judge Bergen hates it when we're late.
Six weeks doing this, Marshal.
We know everything there is
to know about Judge Bergen.
Yeah, it's been a long trial.
U.S. government thanks you
for your jury service.
You're only sequestered to
protect you from outside influence.
Now let's load up!
Come on, people.
Let's keep it moving.
Move it along. Come on!
He cornered me
in the hallway last night.
I've seen him hanging around.
Are you going to
say something to the marshal?
I don't know,
but I'm telling you, Arnold.
The guy was threatening me.
You two know you shouldn't
be talking outside
the deliberation room.
Now get on the bus.
Where's your head at today, Scola?
Uh, it's just a lot on my mind.
That's what this whole thing is about.
You leave all that out there.
What's the score?
- Water break.
- Come on, what?
Water break.
You gonna tell me why
you all of a sudden
have bricks for hands?
Yeah, you don't wanna hear about that.
Come on, Maggie's getting some R&R.
We're rolling together today.
What's going on?
We had dinner last night
with a friend's wife.
He passed a few years ago, you know.
So I check up on her,
see how she's doing,
the kid, you know.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Yeah, thanks.
Nah, he would he'd be all over me too
if he saw how I was playing today.
If this is just a sob story
to get me to stop
whipping your ass up and down
the courts, it's not gonna work.
What? Let's go.
Let's go. What?
Your comeback is gonna have to wait.
Let's go.
22 years on the job,
I never thought I'd see a day like this.
Federal juror protection
detail's usually a cakewalk.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
This is a high-profile case
mafia trial.
We're trained for this, but
Just don't see it coming.
I should've done more.
Well, you kept ten of them alive.
Can you tell us anything
about our two victims?
Sure, I can.
I was by their side every day
for the past month.
June Schrader. She was a doctor.
Always showing me pictures of her kid.
And Arnold Mills, a history teacher.
They were always bickering,
but it was in a good-natured way.
- How about the shooter?
- You get a good look?
Son of a bitch was wearing a mask.
I could see his eyes.
He was a white dude.
Maybe about 5'10".
If I had to put money on it,
I'd say he weighed a buck-sixty.
OK, we'll get the physical
description to NYPD.
ERT recovered a 12 gauge.
No prints. Serial was scratched off.
Yeah, that's what he used.
Did you see where the shooter came from?
Came from over there.
And then he ran off that way.
He must've been lying in wait for us.
The judge calls the jury in
different times each day.
Are you good?
I need to update my command.
Yeah, we're good. Thanks, Kimble.
OK, so we have a shooter
that kills two federal jurors
in a high stakes mafia trial.
On the last day of closing arguments.
What're you thinking?
Well, he could've had beef
with a couple of the jurors,
Most likely had to do with the trial.
OA, check this out.
Malchitti sigarettes. Italian brand.
Rained last night, right?
These are fresh.
Let's get ERT to bag them up.
Maybe our lab can pull some prints.
All right, folks, look alive.
We have two federal jurors gunned down
outside the hotel where
they were being sequestered.
They were serving in a
federal case against this man,
Sam Ardizzone, boss of
the Ardizzone crime family
on trial for murder, racketeering.
Our working theory is the
shooting was jury intimidation.
In the trial,
Ardizzone was about to lose
meant to keep him out of prison.
DOJ's clamoring for heads,
so where we at?
If our killer's plan was to
cause a mistrial, he succeeded.
DOJ will have to retry Ardizzone's case.
The other jurors are
in protective custody.
All right, so let's
talk about this crew
associates, hangouts, anywhere
our killer could go to ground.
Organized Crime, I'm looking at you.
The Ardizzone family's a minor player
in the Cosa Nostra,
an offshoot of one of
the five major families.
LCN was decimated by regal prosecutions
in the '70s and '80s.
All the old-timers are in prison.
- Or dead.
- That too.
Sam's crew is making
a name for themselves
loan sharking, illegal sportsbook.
And they diversified
into crypto scams
OnlyFans extortion, prostitution.
These are not nice men.
We're checking up on associates
and hangouts,
but so far,
no chatter about the shooting.
All right, keep digging.
I want leads, all right?
Are we getting anything
from the crime scene?
We didn't get a print match
on the cigarette package,
but check this.
Malchitti cigarettes
are only sold in Italy.
That tracks.
Sicily mafia sends
their members over here
with their American cousins
to toughen them up.
So it's possible we're
looking for a Sicilian shooter.
Ian, anything?
No recent Sicilian travelers
through JFK, LaGuardia,
or Newark who ping on Interpol.
Could be this guy isn't on
law enforcement's radar yet.
Hey, I just got off with Main Justice.
The deputy AG wants this
buttoned up now.
Maybe he's been here for a while.
Ian, let's scrub back maybe 18 months.
Copy that.
All right, here we go.
Giovanni DeFalco, 31.
Native of Palermo, Sicily.
Cleared customs at JFK in August.
And get this.
He's a distant cousin to Ardizzone.
He is?
And this is his girlfriend, looks like.
Facial rec popped on her social media.
- Got a location for her?
Yeah, an apartment in Bensonhurst.
Maybe she knows where Giovanni is.
It'd be nice to talk to him.
I'm not giving you money again.
- FBI, open up!
Open the door,
or we're gonna open it for you.
You want him? Take him.
DeFalco, don't run! Hey!
All right, going around!
Pursuing the suspect off of 28th Street.
We said don't run.
Hear that?
Now you gotta come with us.
Two federal jurors were
gunned down outside of a hotel
in Queens this morning, Mr. DeFalco.
Bad news is, we matched your prints to
a pack of Malchitti cigarettes
found at the crime scene.
You wanna tell us why you were there?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Look at that.
That's you threatened
one of the jurors last night.
And we know you got a motive.
We know that you work for Sam Ardizzone.
AUSA hangs these murders on you,
you are looking at
life in prison, or worse.
You have the wrong man.
Well, the evidence says otherwise.
And with your criminal connections,
we won't have trouble
making these charges stick.
I was at the hotel.
They sent me Sam's guys did
but only to scare the jurors,
never kill them.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time
believing that one.
The job was to secure
a not guilty verdict
through intimidation.
A mistrial doesn't help my cousin.
Now he has even more charges.
Excuse me?
How you Americans say,
what a mess.
Then why'd you run?
You think Sam will take
lightly to this situation?
He'll blame me.
I wasn't running from the FBI.
I was running from him.
So we're just supposed to take
you at your word on that then, huh?
I was at a café
getting an espresso
at the time of the shooting.
I'm sure there's video.
You love tracking your citizens, no?
Hey, where are we with the shooter?
OK, security footage
confirmed DeFalco's alibi.
He was not at the hotel
the time the jury was attacked,
so we are back to square one.
- Maybe not yet.
- Yeah? Why, what do you got?
We ran with something DeFalco
said during his interview.
The city's underworld had eyes
on Ardizzone's trial.
We cross-referenced traffic cam footage
with the jurors' transport
during the trial.
One car kept showing up.
OK. Can we get the ID off the plates?
No dice, it's a Moto car
peer-to-peer rental
like Airbnb for cars.
You can't figure out who rented it?
Renter spoofed their ID.
Paid with a gift card.
They're anonymous.
All right, can we track
the car through the city?
Yep, already on it.
Here it is at the courthouse.
The hotel.
And check this, it went to
the same address repeatedly
- over the last week.
- Who lives there?
Uh, Brad Kimble.
The U.S. marshal?
Get a team over to Kimble's house now.
We're missing something.
Door's open.
We found Kimble. He's dead.
I need ERT and an ME down here now.
The jurors were never the target.
Kimble was.
- OK, so it's knock-knock.
Kimble answers the door, boom.
First one to the chest.
Drags him back into the house.
Killer follows him in.
Pumps him three more times.
OK, so first shot kills him.
What, the next three are for insurance?
Gotta make a point.
Well, I talked to the neighbor.
They didn't hear anything,
but they did say that
NYPD raided this house six days ago.
That would explain the
massive dent in the front door.
Oh, you think that's
Damage from a battering ram.
Then we got scorch marks here
from a flash-bang.
Wow, so what the hell is Kimble up to?
He gets raided then murdered
in the same week.
That can't be a coincidence.
All I know is we got
a shooter on the run.
Let me make a call
to the Fugitive Task Force.
Whoever your killer is
is scared and spinning out.
Their plan to kill the marshal
this morning went sideways,
and they had to finish the job ad hoc.
With the Fugitive Task Force,
we find that most offenders
will trip themselves up eventually.
They leave a trail a mile wide,
making it easy for us
to hunt them down, sniff them out.
We just have to be ready when they do.
Thank you, Agent Chase,
for riding along with us on this one.
Of course. Always happy to help, boss.
- OK, so tell me about the perp.
- Yeah, what do we know?
I just got footage
of the raid on Kimble's home.
- [BANG]
- The hell's going on?
- Down on the ground now!
- What the hell!
- OK.
- Do it!
What what're you guys doing?
Where's the boy?
- What boy?
- Where is he?
I don't know. [GRUNTS]
Did the report say who this boy is?
No, just that Kimble was allegedly
sexually assaulting him at gunpoint.
The call was ruled a prank.
Swatting is hardly a prank.
At best, it's harassment.
At worst, second-degree murder,
death by cop.
Yeah, but it speaks
to a level of premeditation.
Our perp has been planning this
for weeks, maybe months.
Hey, found the call.
911, what's your emergency?
Hurry! He's armed!
I can hear the little boy
Yeah, so and not only
was there no minor found
in Kimble's home,
his service weapon was found
locked in a safe in his bedroom.
Right, but that woman on the phone
definitely wanted the NYPD
to believe otherwise.
We do not know that it was a woman.
Spectral analysis confirms
that voice was generated
using an AI program called Karaoke.
It masks the caller's real voice.
OK, what about the number
that made the call?
- Can we track that?
- Afraid not.
Caller used a VolP number
disposable internet burner.
Only exists during the time of the call.
OK, so much for mile wide.
Our killer's good
at covering their tracks.
Right, but we need to keep
digging into these digital forensics.
And we're still scrubbing
street cams around the hotel?
- Yeah.
- Got something.
Someone used a credit card
for that voice cover.
The Karaoke account that made that call
is tied to a Grant Warren.
All right, eyes up, folks. Grant Warren.
33, married, father of one.
Software engineer.
Doesn't really scream homicidal maniac.
Can we connect him to our U.S. marshal?
Yes, 20 years ago,
Warren was a student at an
elite boarding school upstate.
Cornwall Military Academy.
Kimble was a drill instructor there.
Didn't Scola go there?
Yeah, he did.
Where is Warren now?
- FBI, open up.
Not funny, Otto
oh, I'm sorry, I thought
you were the kid down the hall.
Is your husband home, Mrs. Warren?
What do you want with Grant?
Hey, Grant, we
- That was him.
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Grant, stop!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
All right, you're under arrest.
Let's go.
- Grant?
- Dad? Dad?
- Where are they taking him?
- I don't know, sweetie.
Do you remember anything
from your time at Cornwall
that could've motivated
something like this?
Well, Warren was class of '08.
I was ten years ahead of him.
What about Kimble?
Did you ever cross paths?
No, I think he must've been
a DI after I graduated.
It's a long time to hold a grudge.
I mean, look, were the
drill instructors hard asses?
Sure they were, all right?
My parents sent me there
to try and punish me,
but it ended up being some
of the best years of my life.
Everybody loved Cornwall.
So what set this guy off
after all these years?
I'm wondering the same thing myself.
All right, Grant.
Wanna tell us what you
were trying to erase
when we picked you up?
Look, I've already got you
making a false report to 911.
That's a criminal act.
And you sent a SWAT team to the house
of Marshal Brad Kimble.
But that wasn't enough, was it?
You went back, finished the job.
Kimble's dead?
Yeah, you don't exactly seem surprised.
I didn't do this.
I swear. You could check
my phone data chip.
Whatever. I
I didn't kill anyone, but
But what?
He got what he deserved.
Oh, yeah? Why is that?
What'd he do, Grant?
Grant, I went to Cornwall.
Class of '98, all right?
Kimble was way after my time,
but I know what it's like.
The drill instructors are hard on you
You don't understand.
I was their favorite.
If something happened,
the FBI can help you.
But you need to talk to us.
And right now,
it's looking like you did this.
Help us understand.
After lights out,
Kimble would take me out
of my dorm to a backroom.
He'd shove me down,
and then him
and two other staff members
they'd take turns.
I was a kid.
You tell anybody about it?
Kimble said he'd kill my mom
if I said anything.
OK, so this school never found out.
I started acting out over break.
My parents knew something was wrong.
I-I told them at some point.
Not everything.
Just, you know,
I'm from a third generation
Cornwall family.
My dad didn't believe me or couldn't.
And even if he had
confronted the school,
Cornwall would've just
protected its reputation.
So there was never an investigation?
The world moved on, and so did I.
Till you decided to send
a SWAT team to Kimble's house.
So something changed.
What was it?
A few months ago after a Mets game,
I saw him on the subway.
He was older, but it was him.
He looked me right in the eye.
And I could tell he had
no idea who I was,
after everything he'd done to me.
It just
dug up a pain I thought I'd buried.
And that was when
we decided to get revenge.
We? Who's we?
Grant, did Kimble hurt somebody else?
Another student?
Is that who killed him?
I've got nothing more to say to you.
Well, you said that there
were two other staff members
present during the attacks.
Grant, we need to find them, OK?
I need some names here.
I wanna talk to my lawyer now, please.
All right, so Grant Warren was a student
at Cornwall Academy 20 years ago.
According to him, he was sexually abused
by a ring of three
Cornwall staff members.
Brad Kimble was one of
the alleged abusers.
He is dead now.
Where are we with Warren's alibi?
Checks out, he used his
MetroCard at a subway station
in Midtown at 8:17 a.m.,
same time as the jury attack,
and security cameras got him too.
And he was badged in for work
at the time of Kimble's murder.
Mm, OK, but when Scola
was talking to Warren,
he all but admitted he had
a partner, another student
someone who had also likely been abused.
So let's narrow that down.
We ever find out who
he went to the Mets game with?
31,000 fans at Citi Field that night.
- We're analyzing footage, but
- That'll take two years.
- What about the school?
- Well, there's 300 students
that overlapped with Warren at Cornwall.
I'm combing through
his phone records, socials,
looking for a connection nothing.
This would go faster
if he gave up a name.
Well, Warren has lawyered up.
He is not talking.
So keep digging.
- Hey.
- Hey.
We lost Nina.
She got pulled into an
apprehension in the Bronx.
I'll check in with her later.
Where are we here?
We're kinda hitting a brick wall.
There was zero
sexual assault charges filed
during the time Warren
attended the academy.
Well, Scola at Cornwall
would likely be able
to put a lid on all of it.
But how do we find our next target?
Warren said there were
two other staff members
who were abusing the boys.
ERT found a yearbook at Warren's home.
There were 17 other staff members
at Cornwall during his years there.
Yeah, great, great.
Let's dig into these.
We need to figure out
who they're gonna hit next.
Yeah, their employee files
could point us
to who we're looking for.
Problem is, they aren't public.
Meaning they're still at Cornwall.
Good work. Let's get Scola there now.
Always a pleasure to have
one of our brightest
back on campus, Stuart.
Look how far you've come.
Thank you, Colonel.
This place has a lot to do with that.
Didn't make it easy on us
angly kid with
a smart-ass mouth to match.
I seem to remember a prank
gone awry in the field house
involving a drill instructor's car
that friend of yours,
always tagging along.
Well, teenage pranks
have fallen by the wayside.
Still got the mouth though.
So what brings you back
to campus, Agent Scola?
I assume this isn't a social call.
No, I'm afraid not.
So some former Cornwall instructors
came up in our investigation.
I'm afraid that
it involves claims
of sexual abuse by former staff.
You're sure of this?
This was all decades ago,
well before your time
as director of the academy.
Cornwall has upheld
a reputation for excellence
for almost a hundred years
of turning boys
into competent young men.
A stain on its reputation
is a stain on us all.
Agent Scola,
these are serious allegations.
And that's why I'm here.
I mean, you're the dean of the students.
Not one kid ever came forward?
Of course not. If we had,
we would have approached
the authorities.
I am gonna need to take a look
at the faculty and staff files.
2004 to 2010.
With the appropriate subpoena.
There are legal ramifications at play.
- The board of trustees
- We're happy to help the FBI.
My aide will bring them down right away.
Thanks, Colonel.
We are late for a meeting, Steven.
All right, so where are we
with Cornwall's personnel record?
Working through. Most are squeaky clean.
Take Colonel Lewis
came to the academy after
an honorable discharge from the army,
started off as commandants
of the Cadet Corps.
Stellar performance reviews.
The trustees eventually
select him to head the school.
He's respected.
OK, and any bad apples?
I got one that raised the flag.
Hank Bouchard.
Joined Cornwall as
a drill instructor in 2002.
Ah, was during
Marshal Kimble's era, yeah.
Grant Warren was one of
his students. Here's the thing.
Hank Bouchard abruptly
left the academy in 2009
middle of the semester,
no explanation in the employee file.
OK, but how about his personal life?
Any explanation there? Changes?
Did he move, get married?
No same wife, same address.
He took a job at another
boys' school in Connecticut
that fall of '09
was fired two years later
after claims of harassment.
Hard-ass drill instructor harassment,
or are we talking euphemistically?
I have a subpoena in the works
for that school's files for more intel.
Hey, hey, Orange County SWA
responded to a false 911 call
six days ago at Bouchard's home,
same time frame
as Kimble's swatting incident.
All right, that matches
our killer's pattern.
Was Grant Warren's credit card
used to make that call?
- Yes.
- Yeah? OK.
See if any other drill
instructors have been swatted.
I'ma get OA and Scola
over to Bouchard's.
He's our next target.
So how was it?
Being back at your alma mater?
You know, it's bittersweet,
as always, you know.
My buddy who passed, David Murray,
we went to Cornwall together, so.
They actually have our 1998
varsity cross country
team picture up.
Yeah, it's four years ago he passed.
It's still tough.
- He was so young.
- Yeah.
If you don't mind me asking,
how'd he go?
That Bouchard?
Let's roll.
- Hank Bouchard.
- FBI.
Come on, you gotta be kidding me.
I've been swatted before.
Somebody call 911
and send you here again?
No. Nobody called us, Mr. Bouchard.
Maybe they should have.
We need to talk.
You got someplace private
we can do that?
Sure. Come on inside.
- Scola?
- I'm good.
Shots fired from inside the house.
FBI! Drop your weapon!
- Damn it!
- Go!
Stop! Drop your weapon.
Suspect's heading west on Hillside Road
in a blue Subaru.
This just in:
our suspect broke into
Hank Bouchard's home
in Floral Park,
waited for him to return,
and then shot him
before our agents had a chance
to secure Bouchard's safety.
This guy's on a killing spree,
and we know there's a third target.
So let's get an ID on him
and put a stop to this
before he does any more damage.
Yeah, Leon, get local PD
to put a BOLO out
on that blue Crosstrek.
Check traffic cams and tolls
within a 10-mile radius
- of Bouchard's.
- State police just found
an empty vehicle
matching that description
near downtown Cornwall.
All right, get ERT down there
to wipe for prints and DNA.
We get anything from Bouchard's?
ERT pulled lots of prints and DNA.
It'll take a while to process,
but I got this.
That blue Crosstrek?
It was found abandoned
in Cornwall's Commercial District.
Meaning we can scrub security
footage and ID our killer?
Yup, and about a dozen folks
passed by the nearest
security camera
around the same timeframe
that the car was abandoned
Then you cross-referenced them
against the Cornwall graduates?
- Yep, and we found one.
- OK, eyes up, folks.
Meet Noah Thackery, 33.
Born and raised in Tuckahoe.
Graduate of Cornwall Academy,
class of '09.
- Can we track his phone?
- Negative. His cell is off.
- He is flying dark.
- Hey.
Cornwall's holding their annual
fundraiser today
at Royce Hall.
Thackery RSVP'd this morning.
No, tell Cornwall to cancel that event.
OA and Scola are nearby.
Get them down there now.
Orange County Sheriff and SWA
need at least 20 minutes.
You heard the SAC, people. Let's go.
Fundraiser started 20 minutes ago.
Thackery has already killed
four people today,
two of them being innocent bystanders.
What are we walking into?
Well, it's a who's who
of alumni and former staff,
right, 200 lubricated guests
in cocktail attire,
all crammed into a lobby
with limited exits.
So basically the last place
you'd want a shootout to happen.
- Colonel Lewis.
- Agent Scola. You came.
We have reason to believe
that our suspect is here
targeting someone at this event.
- Hold on
- So you need to shut it down now.
You confirmed he's onsite?
We haven't spotted him yet,
but sheriff's and SWA
are 15 minutes out, so we need
to start our search now.
Meaning you don't actually know.
Colonel, please, some of
our biggest donors are here.
We do not want to shut this down
or cry wolf.
- Not now.
- No, you're not listening.
These people are all in danger.
All right, gentlemen,
we'll alert our own security.
You're free to conduct a search,
but this event is too big to
shut down based on a hunch.
If you'll excuse us.
- OK, I'll search upstairs.
- And I got the crowd.
All right, people,
Noah Thackery has an ax to grind
with someone at Cornwall's
annual fundraiser,
- and we need to know who.
- Scanning his socials.
Nothing indicating a grudge
against the school,
past or present. We'll keep looking.
OK, we need eyes
inside that event, please.
- Working on it.
- Who's going in and out?
Do they belong there?
Do any of them tie back to Noah?
Patching into Cornwall's
security cameras now.
I want IDs on everyone in attendance.
Yeah, guests, staff
I mean, ice sculptures.
If they have two eyes,
a nose, and a mouth,
they go through facial rec,
no exceptions.
Anybody got eyes on Thackery?
We know that he's here.
Where's he hiding?
Negative. Nothing yet.
Give me something, folks.
We have innocents in the line of fire.
Still scanning.
I got someone matching
Thackery's description.
He's got a duffel.
Could be a weapon in there.
Hey, where?
Mezzanine level.
West side of the building.
FBI. Hands up.
Put it down.
Don't move.
False alarm. Just a videographer.
We're flying blind here, people.
I need eyes on him.
- Wait. Check this guy out.
- What?
Is it
Can we get facial rec?
Got him.
- That's him.
- Yeah, yeah.
All teams, Thackery's on the
north side of the building,
first floor. Who's closest?
- Scola.
- Scola, that's you.
I'm in this hallway.
I got no sign of Thackery.
Scola. Hey, hey, hey.
He went that way.
Jubal, we lost him.
OK, but we know where he's headed.
His target has to be at the ceremony.
Thank you all for coming
on such an august occasion.
OK, if Thackery's gonna make his move,
he's gonna have to do it
in front of all these people.
Could be how he wants it.
The stewardship of Cornwall
Military Academy, and its cadets
is not a responsibility I take lightly.
And as we move into our 95th year,
our academy motto
remains as relevant as ever.
Acta non verba.
Deeds, not words.
For it is the actions we take
that define who we are.
Move! Get down.
Get down!
Everybody down!
We got shots fired
from the main staircase.
- Get everybody out of here.
- Yeah.
This way.
- Ah.
- Down, down. Everybody down.
Go, go, go!
- I'm on him.
- Covering!
OA, SWAT's hustling
to your location now.
It it's you?
He was coming for you?
I-I'm I gotta move you.
You're too exposed out here.
Come on. Up. Let's go.
- Ah!
- Easy.
OA, I got Lewis.
I'm moving him to
a more secure location.
Come on.
This way. This way.
So we ID'd the shooter as Noah Thackery.
He went after this third
target at the fundraiser.
OA and Scola are on the ground.
Does anybody have eyes
on Thackery, please?
Lost him in the melee.
Scanning. Still scanning.
Let's go, people.
- Ah!
- Get in. Get in.
Everybody go! Move! Out! Out now!
Colonel, no.
We gotta get you someplace more secure.
He'll pick you up out here. Go. Come on.
There. There!
He's headed right for them.
Oh, my God.
OA, get to the kitchen
on the ground floor.
Copy that. On the way.
Scola, the shooter is in the kitchen.
I repeat, the shooter is in the kitchen.
Do you read me?
Scola, do you copy?
Um, the building's stone walls
must be blocking the signal.
Scola being in the basement
isn't helping.
Oh, come on.
OK, right here.
Right here. Sit, sit, sit.
- Here, just keep it elevated.
- Shoulder
Where is he?
You know, a, um
a dear friend of mine that
I graduated from Cornwall with
I'm sure you remember him. I, uh
David Murray.
That's funny.
'Cause you always called him
one of your favorites.
He met a great gal, Julia,
summer after graduation.
And they, uh they got married.
Had a beautiful daughter.
And then one day,
just out of nowhere
he shot himself.
And I couldn't
understand why.
Is that what happens
to your favorites, Colonel?
I know you abused David Murray.
We gave you boys
the instruction you needed.
No, you took everything from him
and he never recovered.
You hear this.
I will do everything in my power
to make sure
that you pay for what you did
to every single one of them.
Jubal, there he is again.
Jubal, go again.
You broke up.
Jubal, not sure if you can hear me.
We're in a pantry underneath
the stairs off the kitchen.
I'm with the third target.
He's right outside
your door, Scola.
Come on. We gotta move.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
That door's not gonna hold.
Stay down.
FBI. Drop the weapon, Noah.
Put it down. Now.
That man in there's a monster.
He deserves everything
that's coming to him.
And we can figure that out
after you put the gun down!
Do you know what he did to me?
What he did to Grant?
What he did to the
who knows
how many boys?
Don't make me shoot you.
You know, when we tried
to take this to the police,
they told us that, uh,
the statute of limitations had passed.
- Against a child rapist.
- Listen to me.
You are a victim.
We can still put Lewis away
on federal charges.
He will not walk, but you have
to put the gun down now.
Put it down!
- On the wall!
- OK.
You got anymore weapons on you?
Suspect's in custody.
Great work. What about Scola?
- Come on.
- We're OK.
- Coming out.
- OK. OK.
Come on. Come on.
How are you? You OK?
I'm just a little banged up, is all.
I'm just glad you're OK.
I will have a giant glass
of scotch waiting for you
when you get home, OK?
Thank you.
Yeah, I'm just gonna take
a couple minutes
and get my head right.
Yeah. Of course. Take your time.
I love you.
Love you too.
- Hey.
Just talked to Jubal.
Ever since the news
of the colonel's arrest broke,
the tip lines have been flooded.
- Other Cornwall students?
- Yeah.
His list of alleged victims is growing,
dating back decades.
He's gonna pay for what he did.
What about the academy?
It'll pay too.
This place is just such
a huge part of who I am.
I'm grateful for that.
And I got lucky, OA.
Could've happened to any one of us.
Like your friend.
Yeah, never understood
why David did it.
He was so loved.
And he had so much ahead of him.
Just made me feel like
I never really knew him.
You can't know what he didn't tell you.
Yeah, just wanted him
to know that he could've.
And now I understand.
I miss him.