Outlander (2014) s07e13 Episode Script
Hello, Goodbye
[CLAIRE] Previously
- Tell me what happened.
- Go ahead and kill me.
- [CLAIRE] It was triage.
You stop the bleeding,
or-or the patient dies.
He stopped it by placing
his grief over mine.
What the hell did you do to him, Jamie?
I'm impressed with your cunning
in securing these documents.
You're appointed brigadier general.
Thank you, sir.
Rachel, I choose you.
I hope you will choose me.
I do love thee.
Jeremiah MacKenzie disappeared
without a trace.
[BUCK] What's any of it got to
do with your wee lad, though?
Find the tinker, find my father,
and maybe if we do, we find Jemmy too.
Where is my son?
- He isn't in the past.
You're gonna convince that lad
to show me where the gold is.
[BUCK] Well, I say we make our way back
to Port na Craig following the stream.
Someone's bound to have seen yer da,
and hopefully wee Jem wi' him.
I was right
What I said to yer wife.
Hasna changed at all.
Those mountains, they havena aged a day.
Those mountains?
By God, you're right.
Port na Craig.
That's by Pitlochry in my time.
This isn't the River Garry
or the Tummel.
It's too small, but
it could be the Errochty Water.
If Pitlochry is that way,
then the Errochty dam
is down there, or it will be.
We'd be under water
in yer time, standing here.
Well, Brianna said
she felt a time portal
in the tunnel under the dam.
But the dam doesn't even exist
until the 1950s,
years after my father disappeared.
If there were stones there
before they built the dam
Then there are probably stones here now.
That must be where
my father came through.
Maybe we can retrace his steps.
You fucking bitch.
Where is my son?
Tell me, you piece of shit.
Answer me.
Or I swear to God,
I will fucking kill you.
You kill me, you'll never see
your boy again.
Think about it.
He's all alone, scared, hungry.
And the longer he's in there,
the worse it'll be for him.
- You better be lying
- [GAGS]
for your own sake.
Where's Jemmy?
Come here, baby.
Come here.
[SIGHS] All right, sweetheart,
if we can't call the police,
we'll go to 'em.
[MANDY] Vroom, vroom!
Mandy, can you feel Jem now?
That's all right. Let's go.
[SINGER] Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
Merry of soul ♪
She sailed on a day ♪
Over the sea ♪
To Skye ♪
Billow and breeze ♪
Islands and seas ♪
Mountains of rain and sun ♪
All that was good ♪
All that was fair ♪
All that was me ♪
Is gone ♪
Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
Merry of soul ♪
She sailed on a day ♪
Over the sea ♪
To Skye ♪
Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
No' sae young as ye used
to be, are ye, a choin?
None of us are, A Mhic mo pheathar.
Ye ken I built a cairn for ye.
All that hard work for nothin'.
But, uh, canna think of a better reason
to rise from the depths of the sea
than to attend my nephew's wedding.
I'm glad ye're here, Uncle,
since Ma and Da canna be.
Yer da wanted this for you.
And yer ma was glad to hear
how happy you are with Rachel.
I hope Denzell receives yer letter.
It would mean a great deal
to Rachel to have him here.
It was her wish to be
married among Friends.
The Bartrams will be here, but, uh,
her brother is her only family.
Denzell will be here.
But, uh ye nervous?
No, not about the wedding.
But mebbe what comes after.
I've lain wi' women before,
but it'll be Rachel's first time.
Yer Auntie Claire had been
married before when I wed her.
So, I was the virgin
on our wedding night.
And I was given a great deal of advice
beforehand from my Uncle Dougal,
and Rupert,
and Angus.
Any of it good?
- God, no.
I think ye already ken
ye should be gentle about it.
The only useful thing
was what my wife told me
on the night.
"Go slowly. Pay attention."
I'm sure you canna go
far wrong wi' that.
Was she gentle with you?
God, no.
You both must think me very plain
to insist on no flowers or ornament.
You look beautiful.
That dress may be borrowed,
but you wear it like it was your own.
The most important thing
is that it's what you want.
It's perfect.
I thank thee for thy alterations.
And thee, for offering to host
my wedding at thy home.
It's my pleasure, dear.
I only wish you weren't
leaving so soon after.
Can't you stay awhile longer?
I wish we could,
but Jamie and Ian,
they have their orders.
We've a few days, at least.
Does it ever get easier?
Watching the man thee loves
march on to the battlefield?
No, but you do learn to live with it.
And it reminds you to cherish
the time you have together.
Your love becomes a shield,
your armor.
And you wake up every day,
you put it on,
and then you fight, too.
- wait till Ian sees you.
I hope I know what to say
when the time comes,
that the Spirit will move me
to say the right thing.
A marriage is made not in ritual,
nor in words,
but in the living of it every day,
whether you're together or apart.
- Now
Is thee putting the chairs
in place or taking them away?
Oh, Denzell, made it
by the skin of yer teeth.
Oh, thank the Lord.
I was certain I'd missed it.
Wasn't easy to leave,
but my sister
would never have forgiven me.
That she wouldn't.
I'm pleased to see thee doing well.
But should thee be carrying
something so heavy in thy condition?
My condition is much improved.
But Mistress Fraser says
I will only regain
my strength if I use my body.
Well, I would not argue with her.
[LAUGHS] No, no.
I'm no longer staying here,
but I have been very well taken care of.
Mercy has been a wonderful help.
And we walk together almost every day,
only in the garden, of course.
I shall let your sister
know that you are here.
She will be overjoyed.
I'm eager to see John Grey, as well.
Is he returned?
I assume he went north
once the Continentals took the city.
How did ye ken he left?
Ye'd gone back to Valley Forge when I
Ye've seen him.
I was at Colonel Smith's camp
when I was asked to treat
a prisoner of war.
I couldn't believe my eyes
when I saw that it was John.
He was badly injured.
To be honest,
he-he was in quite a state:
bloodied and bruised,
with a broken eye socket.
The last I saw him, we had words.
He-he told me.
But I know the deep friendship
thee shares with him.
So I must tell thee.
I was asked to heal him
because they wanted him
to be well enough
to stand at the gallows.
They mean to hang him?
They meant to, yes.
But I could not have lived with myself.
So I I passed him a knife
with his supper,
and he escaped in the night.
I thought perhaps
he would send word to thee.
No, he has not.
But John can take care of himself.
Thank you, Denzell, for telling me and
for helping him when he needed you.
[HENRY] The bride says
that she will greet you now.
The Spirit has apparently
told her it is time.
I thank thee, all, for thy presence.
For Christ said,
"Wherever two or more of you
are gathered,
there I am."
So we gather, and we listen,
both to one another
and to the light within us.
[WHISPERING] How will they know when
it's the right moment to speak?
They, um, wait to be moved
by the Spirit.
Well, I know that much.
But what if the Spirit
doesn't move them?
Then we may be sitting here
for a very long time.
Jamie, there's no need to whisper.
I see the Spirit has moved thee.
Please, speak thy heart.
[CLEARS THROAT] Uh, yes, yes.
Ah, well
um, when Ian was a bairn,
I held him in the crook of my arm.
I looked down at my wee nephew,
and I felt I knew him.
I knew exactly what he would become.
But I couldn't have known,
couldn't have foreseen the
the man he is today
and what he is still becoming.
I'm proud to be yer uncle.
And Rachel will be lucky
to call ye husband
if the uh, Spirit moves her to do so.
Thank you, Uncle.
Dinna ken quite what to say. [CHUCKLES]
I-I think I do.
I was put out of Meeting
for wanting to join
the Continental Army.
My dear sister felt
it was her duty to follow me.
To be put out of Meeting is
a grievous thing to a Friend,
for that is where our lives
and souls abide.
I have deprived my sister
of this approval and support.
Thee followed thy conscience.
And if I had not put thee right,
I would not have followed thee.
[DENZELL] It was my responsibility
to take care of thee.
And I fear I did not do so adequately.
Thee has taken care of me.
Do I look malnourished?
Am I naked?
I obliged thee
to follow me into violence,
into an army full of violent men.
That would be me, I expect?
I-I-I t-that is not what I meant.
D'ye think I should say
it's all my fault
for being a bad influence for Ian?
[DENZELL] Forgive me, Ian.
If the Spirit moves you to.
But personally,
I'd advise you and the Spirit
to stay out of it.
I-I-I meant only to say that
these regrets have plagued my heart.
But now that I see thee
with Ian, Rachel,
I realize my fears were for naught,
for only the Spirit could lead
the way to such a path.
With Ian by thy side,
thee has found love,
and, therefore, a home.
'Tis true that I've kent darkness.
But, Rachel
you've given me light.
You've shown me joy I feared
I might never feel again.
I stand here today a free man.
My heart's once more mine to give.
I hope to give it to you forever.
In the presence of the Lord,
and before these, our friends
I take thee, Ian, to be my husband,
promising with divine assistance
to be unto thee
a loving and faithful wife
so long as we both shall live.
"On your feet, soldier,"
as Granny would say.
[BRIANNA] Well, it was pitch black,
and I couldn't see anything.
But then I found a breaker box,
and I flipped on all the switches.
[MANDY] Jemmy!
- Jemmy?
- Can you feel him, sweetheart?
[MANDY] I feel him, Mummy!
Let's play hot or cold.
Are we close to Jemmy now? Hot or cold?
Warm, warmer.
[BRIANNA] But then the tunnel
split in two directions.
Luckily, I had studied
the tunnel schematics,
so I knew where to go.
I went right.
[MANDY] Warmer, warmer.
We found them. [PANTING]
There's something hidden here.
It's a survival kit.
Jeremiah MacKenzie!
[ROGER] Jeremiah MacKenzie!
[ROGER] Jeremiah!
[ECHOING] Jeremiah! Jeremiah!
- [ROGER] Jeremiah MacKenzie!
- Hello?
He's gone.
Is that a boy?
You don't feel him?
[BRIANNA] What is going on?
Oh, Rob, you bloody bastard.
Hot, Mummy, really hot.
- Are you sure?
- Hot, Mummy, really hot.
Hot, Mummy! Stop! Stop!
Jemmy! Are you hurt?
I'm fine, Mama.
[BRIANNA] Oh, my God.
Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, baby.
- I'm here now.
- They put me in the tunnels.
I got out 'cause I remember
how you said you did it.
You're such a smart boy.
Oh, God.
You're safe now, baby.
It's okay. You're safe.
[ROGER] Wait!
We mean you no harm.
[GRUNTS] Let go of me!
Let go of me!
I havena done anything.
[BUCK] Why ye running then?
Because you're chasing me.
[ROGER] This is my father's helmet.
No, it's mine.
Did you find it,
or did you take it from somebody, hmm?
A strangely dressed man, maybe?
Why would I tell ye? Ye're strange too.
Aye. And we're bigger than ye.
I'll make a bargain with ye.
Tell us what ye know,
and I'll not break yer neck,
ye wee gomerel.
I saw a queer-lookin' man
wandering around those stones.
I followed him.
He asked me the way to the village.
Gave me that in return.
Told folk about him,
and they scairt him out o' the village.
Is that it?
He came back last night
and stole a lamb from the MacBirneys,
ran off wi' it.
I was on watch.
So I kent I'd be in trouble for it.
Ye told on him, then?
Well, it was my hide or his.
Mr. MacBirney's still trying
to think what to do
wi' him when he finds him.
What might he do with him?
Might chop his hand off,
or even his head.
Mr. MacBirney doesn't hold
with sheep stealin'.
And this man,
where did he run to?
Into those woods.
That better be the truth.
Unlace me, will thee, husband?
Christ, ye've got
a sweet, round, wee bum.
[CHUCKLES] Blasphemy,
on our wedding night?
It's not blasphemy.
It's a prayer of thanks.
Hmm, thine is neither wee nor round,
but no less sweet, I think.
Can I help with thy fastenings?
Thy skin is so soft there, like velvet.
I like it when thee moans.
I'm not moaning.
Yes, thee is.
I like it when thee moans, Rachel.
Let me.
Thee said teeth.
[LAUGHS] I'm sorry, Ian.
I didn't mean to hurt thee.
I didn't mean to be too bold.
Ye canna be too bold wi' me, lass.
Here I am, tryin' to be gentle.
Thought ye'd be scared
your first time, but
ye're no' scared a bit, are ye?
Well, not terrified, exactly.
I mean, this is so nice,
but I have heard
it does hurt the first time.
I'd quite like
to get that part done with
so I needn't worry about it.
Well, then
As you wish, mo chridhe.
I'll be gentle about it.
You thinking about John?
And what's become of him.
And what ye did wi' him in this room.
[SIGHS] Jamie.
I'll not hold it against ye, but
it's hard for me to sleep here.
If you don't hold it against me,
you can't hold it against him.
I do hold it against him, Claire.
But I dinna wish him dead.
He was almost hanged on my account.
And William [SIGHS]
God knows where he is.
I kent I could never be a father to him,
but I vowed I'd do right by him.
I failed.
You haven't failed.
He is a brave and honorable young man.
He learned he is not an earl by blood,
but the bastard son
of a Scottish Highlander.
[SIGHS] There'll be nothing honorable
about having to live a lie.
William may be angry for a while,
but eventually,
he'll come to understand that
the reason that you and John
kept this from him
is because of how much
you both love him.
How can you be so sure?
Because I see so much of you in him.
And you would come to understand,
I think.
Christ, Sassenach.
It's good to be near you again.
And this room be damned.
- Mm.
Thank you.
Thank you for missing that ship.
[OFFICER] Come out of there.
Where'd you escape from?
I was
I was, uh, put in irons
by a British officer
who took me for a spy.
And what might your name be, sir?
Bertram Armstrong.
And and may I have the pleasure
of knowing your own name, sir?
I am the Reverend Peleg Woodsworth
of the 16th Pennsylvania.
And your company?
I haven't yet joined one.
I was on my way to do so, in fact, sir,
when I ran afoul of a British patrol
and, shortly thereafter,
found myself in the straits
that you see.
Well, Mr. Armstrong,
I think we can relieve your straits.
[JEMMY] If I'd got away sooner,
Da wouldn't have had
to go through the stones.
I should have been braver.
This is not your fault, Jem.
You were very brave.
And your da is brave, too.
We'll get him back.
Oh, I'm gonna go inside
and hand Mr. Cameron over to the police.
You and your sister are gonna go
with Mrs. Shaw to the trailer.
[JEMMY] Who's she?
She is a special police officer
who works with children.
She's gonna make sure you
and Mandy are all right.
Are you all right?
I'll be just inside.
Come now, sweetie.
[KINLEY] Mr. Cameron?
I'm Constable Kinley.
I'm gonna open this door now.
So I need you to be standing
with your hands in plain sight.
Do you understand?
Mr. Cameron?
[BRIANNA] He was in there, I swear.
Look, someone obviously broke him out,
which means someone's helping him.
We've searched the perimeter twice.
There was no sign of forced entry.
Every door and window was locked.
He must have a copy of my key.
Did you give him a copy of your key?
No. No, of course not.
Did he do that, your hand?
No, I that [SIGHS]
I slammed my fingers in a drawer.
I was angry and scared.
My son had just been kidnapped.
You worked with Mr. Cameron at the
At the dam, yes.
Is there anything else about
your relationship with him
you'd like to tell us?
Not really, no.
I'm his boss.
He came over for dinner once
with me and my husband.
Did Mr. Cameron say what
he wanted from you or your son?
No, he
no, he didn't say anything.
And where was your husband
during all of this?
My husband is in Boston
on a business trip.
[LAUGHLIN] Perhaps
he'd be able to help us
work out why Mr. Cameron might
have targeted your family.
Is there a number we can reach him at?
Yes. Yeah. I, uh-
I wrote it down somewhere.
I'd have to look for it.
I-I usually just wait
for him to call me.
Mrs. MacKenzie,
I think you might be leaving out
some important details.
Perhaps Mr. Cameron came over
while your husband was away.
You two were enjoying
a nice bottle of wine
when something went wrong.
How dare you insinuate
My son was kidnapped.
[LAUGHLIN] Then help us
make sense of it.
- Let's talk to your husband.
Rob cut my damn phone lines.
Look, I think you should talk
to Rob's sister, Bobby's mom.
I'm-I'm not saying
that she was in on it,
but she might know something.
I shouldn't have to tell
you guys how to do your job.
No need to be hysterical,
Mrs. MacKenzie.
Oh, you haven't seen hysterical.
This guy has keys to my house.
I have told you everything I know.
You should be out there looking for him.
God knows what he might
be planning next.
Right, well, as a precaution,
is there anywhere else you can stay
until your husband returns?
[ROGER] Jerry MacKenzie!
Jerry MacKenzie!
[BUCK] Have you thought about
what ye're gonna say to him
if ye see him?
I don't know.
I was so young when he disappeared.
He was more of a myth
than a man, you know?
The hero of all the stories
I was told about him.
And even now, it's hard
to imagine he's a real person.
[BUCK] I wonder what I'd say
to my father.
I never knew him, the man who sired me.
Or my ma.
I wasna born to the house I grew up in.
Is that right?
Yer mother died young as well,
did she no'?
Aye, she was killed in an air raid
in the London Underground.
I dinna ken what any of that is.
No, no, no. Don't-don't-don't run.
You're Jerry, right?
We're here to help.
Who are you?
It's all right. We're here to help.
You're J.W. MacKenzie, aren't you?
I believe this belongs to you.
Who are you?
I'm like you.
I'm from a different time.
It's true.
Haven't lost my mind.
In your time,
Winston Churchill is prime minister.
In mine, it's a woman
named Margaret Thatcher.
A woman?
She serves Queen Elizabeth II,
King George's daughter.
You're from my future the future.
What year is it now?
[SIGHS] This is madness.
It can feel a bit that way, aye.
You're hurt.
Aye. The people in the village
weren't very receptive.
Can I take a look?
I have some alcohol to disinfect it.
If you've got alcohol,
I'd rather drink it.
- Well, we can do both.
But we have to hurry.
There are people looking for you.
I've been looking for my son.
He's only nine years old.
That's that's why I'm here, actually.
- Have you seen him?
- I met a shepherd boy.
No, that's not him.
He's got blonde hair.
His name is Jeremiah, like yours.
We call him Jem.
I was hoping he might be with you.
No, I haven't seen him.
I'm sorry you've lost your boy.
I have a son myself.
God, I need to get back to him.
He's just a baby. Um
It's all right.
He'll be all right.
I'm sure of it.
How did you get here?
I don't know.
My plane went down on the moors,
and I walked east,
hoping to find a town.
Came across the river,
stopped for a drink.
There was a stone circle on the banks.
I leant against one of them
and must've fallen asleep.
And when I woke up, I was here.
You didna fall asleep.
That's how it works.
The standing stones,
they're a portal
from one time to another.
You touch them, and poof,
you're somewhere else, more or less.
You're a Spitfire pilot.
How did you end up
crashing in the Highlands?
My bloody engine failed
during a camera test flight.
Didn't know Spitfires had cameras.
We don't, usually.
We were testing them for a mission.
- It's classified.
Well, it's not as if I can tell anyone.
I was supposed to fly over
Nazi labor camps in Poland.
MI6 wanted me to take
aerial pictures of the camps.
They said it would help the war effort,
but now I am
I don't know what will happen
to me, or
to anyone.
Why are you helping me?
- Dogs.
- [ROGER] Aye, we need to go.
- Come on!
[SHEPHERD BOY] Mr. MacBirney!
They're here!
[LOCAL] Come on!
[ROGER] Can you put weight on it?
It'll do. It'll do.
[BUCK] Go.
What are we doing here?
We're sending you back
through the stones
to your own time.
Take this.
When you go through, think of your wife,
about Marjorie, okay?
Keep her in your mind's eye
and touch that central stone.
How in the bloody hell
do ye know my wife's name?
- It doesn't matter.
- It does matter.
You've got to tell me something.
We win the war.
We we win?
We lose a hell of a lot, but we win
because of men like you.
[BUCK] Ye need to hurry. They're coming.
[LOCAL] Over there!
You need to go.
Remember, think only of your wife.
[SOFTLY] I love you.
[BUCK] He heard ye, man.
He heard ye.
[ROGER] Let's go.
Good morning, husband.
Good morning, wife.
Was last night not enough for thee?
Then why does thee stop?
I was thinking about what Denzell said.
Thee mustn't worry about that.
He only wants to protect me.
No, he's right. [SIGHS]
[SIGHS] You've been pulled
into this violence.
I ken it was your decision
and that ye'd never do
a thing that wasna in your mind to do.
But I also ken the the toll
this violence takes on you.
I willna kill anyone
unless I have to, Rachel.
And I'm signed on as a scout.
And so I shouldn't have to.
But things happen. I know.
Thy life's journey lies
along its own path, Ian.
And I cannot share thy journey.
But I can walk beside thee.
And I will.
And I vow to do my best
to return to you every night.
In one piece?
I willna promise that.
I think I'd like
to watch you patch me up.
Well, if thee promises
to always be careful,
I promise to always patch thee up.
[JAMIE] Like it?
I'd be lying if I said I didn't.
Ye understand why I have to do this?
All I've wanted since
I found out you were alive
was to take you home.
But yes, I understand.
Ye've seen enough war for two lifetimes.
I'm sorry to drag you back into this.
Bloody men, you and Denzell both.
When will you realize you're
not dragging us anywhere?
Ye think we don't have
a right to worry about ye?
If given the choice to sleep
next to you on an army cot
every night for the rest of my life
or in a real bed without you,
I'd choose you always.
And that is my decision, General.
At least this time,
it's the right color.
[BRIANNA] All right, that's them.
Uncle Ernie and Auntie Fiona
will take care of you, okay?
Thank you so much for coming.
I didn't know who else to call.
I'd have been offended
if ye'd called anyone else.
He cut yer phone lines, eh? The bastard.
Yeah, and the damn phone company
can't get out till Monday.
Our girls are with their grandma,
so we've got all the room in the world.
I told him Roger
was in Boston, like ye said.
Thank you oh.
[ERNIE] Come on.
Will you take this, too,
for safekeeping?
Aye, of course.
Did ye get hold
of the locksmith, at least?
Yeah, I'm gonna go back
and meet him there now.
Are ye sure that's safe?
No, but I have a gun.
What else can I do, Fi?
The police are no help.
I have to protect my family.
Surely Roger will come back
when he realizes Jemmy isn't there.
That's what I'm afraid of,
that he won't realize it.
And I know Roger.
He will never come home without our son.
- Never.
Dia eadarainn's an t-olc.
[ROGER] I sort of hoped I'd be flooded
with memories of my father,
like suddenly he would
have been part of my life.
But he isn't there, Buck.
I don't think he made it back.
But I did see something.
I don't know, it was just a
an image.
I think he was holding me in his arms.
I don't know if it's a memory,
or, if it is, if it's old or new.
[BUCK] Does it matter?
All of this,
you and me here,
it's already happened,
before either of us was born.
And I don't have a memory of it,
nor do you.
So I wouldna put much stock in memory
for ones such as us.
[SIGHS] Well
I mean, he clearly went somewhere.
I can only believe that
somewhere was better than here.
I had to give him a chance.
Aye, and ye did.
He's in God's hands now.
That day in Craigh na Dun
when we came back,
I was so focused on Jem,
how scared and alone he must
have been without his da.
And just as I touched the stone,
I thought of my own father,
how scared and alone
I'd felt without him.
That's understandable.
I think the stones brought us
here so I could save his life.
It's always 200 years, give or take.
But if you think of someone,
you can go further.
There's a choice in how far you can go.
But sometimes I think the stones
make the choice for you.
And now I'm thinking,
if that's why we are here
then maybe Jem isn't.
[CLAIRE] Previously
- Tell me what happened.
- Go ahead and kill me.
- [CLAIRE] It was triage.
You stop the bleeding,
or-or the patient dies.
He stopped it by placing
his grief over mine.
What the hell did you do to him, Jamie?
I'm impressed with your cunning
in securing these documents.
You're appointed brigadier general.
Thank you, sir.
Rachel, I choose you.
I hope you will choose me.
I do love thee.
Jeremiah MacKenzie disappeared
without a trace.
[BUCK] What's any of it got to
do with your wee lad, though?
Find the tinker, find my father,
and maybe if we do, we find Jemmy too.
Where is my son?
- He isn't in the past.
You're gonna convince that lad
to show me where the gold is.
[BUCK] Well, I say we make our way back
to Port na Craig following the stream.
Someone's bound to have seen yer da,
and hopefully wee Jem wi' him.
I was right
What I said to yer wife.
Hasna changed at all.
Those mountains, they havena aged a day.
Those mountains?
By God, you're right.
Port na Craig.
That's by Pitlochry in my time.
This isn't the River Garry
or the Tummel.
It's too small, but
it could be the Errochty Water.
If Pitlochry is that way,
then the Errochty dam
is down there, or it will be.
We'd be under water
in yer time, standing here.
Well, Brianna said
she felt a time portal
in the tunnel under the dam.
But the dam doesn't even exist
until the 1950s,
years after my father disappeared.
If there were stones there
before they built the dam
Then there are probably stones here now.
That must be where
my father came through.
Maybe we can retrace his steps.
You fucking bitch.
Where is my son?
Tell me, you piece of shit.
Answer me.
Or I swear to God,
I will fucking kill you.
You kill me, you'll never see
your boy again.
Think about it.
He's all alone, scared, hungry.
And the longer he's in there,
the worse it'll be for him.
- You better be lying
- [GAGS]
for your own sake.
Where's Jemmy?
Come here, baby.
Come here.
[SIGHS] All right, sweetheart,
if we can't call the police,
we'll go to 'em.
[MANDY] Vroom, vroom!
Mandy, can you feel Jem now?
That's all right. Let's go.
[SINGER] Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
Merry of soul ♪
She sailed on a day ♪
Over the sea ♪
To Skye ♪
Billow and breeze ♪
Islands and seas ♪
Mountains of rain and sun ♪
All that was good ♪
All that was fair ♪
All that was me ♪
Is gone ♪
Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
Merry of soul ♪
She sailed on a day ♪
Over the sea ♪
To Skye ♪
Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
No' sae young as ye used
to be, are ye, a choin?
None of us are, A Mhic mo pheathar.
Ye ken I built a cairn for ye.
All that hard work for nothin'.
But, uh, canna think of a better reason
to rise from the depths of the sea
than to attend my nephew's wedding.
I'm glad ye're here, Uncle,
since Ma and Da canna be.
Yer da wanted this for you.
And yer ma was glad to hear
how happy you are with Rachel.
I hope Denzell receives yer letter.
It would mean a great deal
to Rachel to have him here.
It was her wish to be
married among Friends.
The Bartrams will be here, but, uh,
her brother is her only family.
Denzell will be here.
But, uh ye nervous?
No, not about the wedding.
But mebbe what comes after.
I've lain wi' women before,
but it'll be Rachel's first time.
Yer Auntie Claire had been
married before when I wed her.
So, I was the virgin
on our wedding night.
And I was given a great deal of advice
beforehand from my Uncle Dougal,
and Rupert,
and Angus.
Any of it good?
- God, no.
I think ye already ken
ye should be gentle about it.
The only useful thing
was what my wife told me
on the night.
"Go slowly. Pay attention."
I'm sure you canna go
far wrong wi' that.
Was she gentle with you?
God, no.
You both must think me very plain
to insist on no flowers or ornament.
You look beautiful.
That dress may be borrowed,
but you wear it like it was your own.
The most important thing
is that it's what you want.
It's perfect.
I thank thee for thy alterations.
And thee, for offering to host
my wedding at thy home.
It's my pleasure, dear.
I only wish you weren't
leaving so soon after.
Can't you stay awhile longer?
I wish we could,
but Jamie and Ian,
they have their orders.
We've a few days, at least.
Does it ever get easier?
Watching the man thee loves
march on to the battlefield?
No, but you do learn to live with it.
And it reminds you to cherish
the time you have together.
Your love becomes a shield,
your armor.
And you wake up every day,
you put it on,
and then you fight, too.
- wait till Ian sees you.
I hope I know what to say
when the time comes,
that the Spirit will move me
to say the right thing.
A marriage is made not in ritual,
nor in words,
but in the living of it every day,
whether you're together or apart.
- Now
Is thee putting the chairs
in place or taking them away?
Oh, Denzell, made it
by the skin of yer teeth.
Oh, thank the Lord.
I was certain I'd missed it.
Wasn't easy to leave,
but my sister
would never have forgiven me.
That she wouldn't.
I'm pleased to see thee doing well.
But should thee be carrying
something so heavy in thy condition?
My condition is much improved.
But Mistress Fraser says
I will only regain
my strength if I use my body.
Well, I would not argue with her.
[LAUGHS] No, no.
I'm no longer staying here,
but I have been very well taken care of.
Mercy has been a wonderful help.
And we walk together almost every day,
only in the garden, of course.
I shall let your sister
know that you are here.
She will be overjoyed.
I'm eager to see John Grey, as well.
Is he returned?
I assume he went north
once the Continentals took the city.
How did ye ken he left?
Ye'd gone back to Valley Forge when I
Ye've seen him.
I was at Colonel Smith's camp
when I was asked to treat
a prisoner of war.
I couldn't believe my eyes
when I saw that it was John.
He was badly injured.
To be honest,
he-he was in quite a state:
bloodied and bruised,
with a broken eye socket.
The last I saw him, we had words.
He-he told me.
But I know the deep friendship
thee shares with him.
So I must tell thee.
I was asked to heal him
because they wanted him
to be well enough
to stand at the gallows.
They mean to hang him?
They meant to, yes.
But I could not have lived with myself.
So I I passed him a knife
with his supper,
and he escaped in the night.
I thought perhaps
he would send word to thee.
No, he has not.
But John can take care of himself.
Thank you, Denzell, for telling me and
for helping him when he needed you.
[HENRY] The bride says
that she will greet you now.
The Spirit has apparently
told her it is time.
I thank thee, all, for thy presence.
For Christ said,
"Wherever two or more of you
are gathered,
there I am."
So we gather, and we listen,
both to one another
and to the light within us.
[WHISPERING] How will they know when
it's the right moment to speak?
They, um, wait to be moved
by the Spirit.
Well, I know that much.
But what if the Spirit
doesn't move them?
Then we may be sitting here
for a very long time.
Jamie, there's no need to whisper.
I see the Spirit has moved thee.
Please, speak thy heart.
[CLEARS THROAT] Uh, yes, yes.
Ah, well
um, when Ian was a bairn,
I held him in the crook of my arm.
I looked down at my wee nephew,
and I felt I knew him.
I knew exactly what he would become.
But I couldn't have known,
couldn't have foreseen the
the man he is today
and what he is still becoming.
I'm proud to be yer uncle.
And Rachel will be lucky
to call ye husband
if the uh, Spirit moves her to do so.
Thank you, Uncle.
Dinna ken quite what to say. [CHUCKLES]
I-I think I do.
I was put out of Meeting
for wanting to join
the Continental Army.
My dear sister felt
it was her duty to follow me.
To be put out of Meeting is
a grievous thing to a Friend,
for that is where our lives
and souls abide.
I have deprived my sister
of this approval and support.
Thee followed thy conscience.
And if I had not put thee right,
I would not have followed thee.
[DENZELL] It was my responsibility
to take care of thee.
And I fear I did not do so adequately.
Thee has taken care of me.
Do I look malnourished?
Am I naked?
I obliged thee
to follow me into violence,
into an army full of violent men.
That would be me, I expect?
I-I-I t-that is not what I meant.
D'ye think I should say
it's all my fault
for being a bad influence for Ian?
[DENZELL] Forgive me, Ian.
If the Spirit moves you to.
But personally,
I'd advise you and the Spirit
to stay out of it.
I-I-I meant only to say that
these regrets have plagued my heart.
But now that I see thee
with Ian, Rachel,
I realize my fears were for naught,
for only the Spirit could lead
the way to such a path.
With Ian by thy side,
thee has found love,
and, therefore, a home.
'Tis true that I've kent darkness.
But, Rachel
you've given me light.
You've shown me joy I feared
I might never feel again.
I stand here today a free man.
My heart's once more mine to give.
I hope to give it to you forever.
In the presence of the Lord,
and before these, our friends
I take thee, Ian, to be my husband,
promising with divine assistance
to be unto thee
a loving and faithful wife
so long as we both shall live.
"On your feet, soldier,"
as Granny would say.
[BRIANNA] Well, it was pitch black,
and I couldn't see anything.
But then I found a breaker box,
and I flipped on all the switches.
[MANDY] Jemmy!
- Jemmy?
- Can you feel him, sweetheart?
[MANDY] I feel him, Mummy!
Let's play hot or cold.
Are we close to Jemmy now? Hot or cold?
Warm, warmer.
[BRIANNA] But then the tunnel
split in two directions.
Luckily, I had studied
the tunnel schematics,
so I knew where to go.
I went right.
[MANDY] Warmer, warmer.
We found them. [PANTING]
There's something hidden here.
It's a survival kit.
Jeremiah MacKenzie!
[ROGER] Jeremiah MacKenzie!
[ROGER] Jeremiah!
[ECHOING] Jeremiah! Jeremiah!
- [ROGER] Jeremiah MacKenzie!
- Hello?
He's gone.
Is that a boy?
You don't feel him?
[BRIANNA] What is going on?
Oh, Rob, you bloody bastard.
Hot, Mummy, really hot.
- Are you sure?
- Hot, Mummy, really hot.
Hot, Mummy! Stop! Stop!
Jemmy! Are you hurt?
I'm fine, Mama.
[BRIANNA] Oh, my God.
Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, baby.
- I'm here now.
- They put me in the tunnels.
I got out 'cause I remember
how you said you did it.
You're such a smart boy.
Oh, God.
You're safe now, baby.
It's okay. You're safe.
[ROGER] Wait!
We mean you no harm.
[GRUNTS] Let go of me!
Let go of me!
I havena done anything.
[BUCK] Why ye running then?
Because you're chasing me.
[ROGER] This is my father's helmet.
No, it's mine.
Did you find it,
or did you take it from somebody, hmm?
A strangely dressed man, maybe?
Why would I tell ye? Ye're strange too.
Aye. And we're bigger than ye.
I'll make a bargain with ye.
Tell us what ye know,
and I'll not break yer neck,
ye wee gomerel.
I saw a queer-lookin' man
wandering around those stones.
I followed him.
He asked me the way to the village.
Gave me that in return.
Told folk about him,
and they scairt him out o' the village.
Is that it?
He came back last night
and stole a lamb from the MacBirneys,
ran off wi' it.
I was on watch.
So I kent I'd be in trouble for it.
Ye told on him, then?
Well, it was my hide or his.
Mr. MacBirney's still trying
to think what to do
wi' him when he finds him.
What might he do with him?
Might chop his hand off,
or even his head.
Mr. MacBirney doesn't hold
with sheep stealin'.
And this man,
where did he run to?
Into those woods.
That better be the truth.
Unlace me, will thee, husband?
Christ, ye've got
a sweet, round, wee bum.
[CHUCKLES] Blasphemy,
on our wedding night?
It's not blasphemy.
It's a prayer of thanks.
Hmm, thine is neither wee nor round,
but no less sweet, I think.
Can I help with thy fastenings?
Thy skin is so soft there, like velvet.
I like it when thee moans.
I'm not moaning.
Yes, thee is.
I like it when thee moans, Rachel.
Let me.
Thee said teeth.
[LAUGHS] I'm sorry, Ian.
I didn't mean to hurt thee.
I didn't mean to be too bold.
Ye canna be too bold wi' me, lass.
Here I am, tryin' to be gentle.
Thought ye'd be scared
your first time, but
ye're no' scared a bit, are ye?
Well, not terrified, exactly.
I mean, this is so nice,
but I have heard
it does hurt the first time.
I'd quite like
to get that part done with
so I needn't worry about it.
Well, then
As you wish, mo chridhe.
I'll be gentle about it.
You thinking about John?
And what's become of him.
And what ye did wi' him in this room.
[SIGHS] Jamie.
I'll not hold it against ye, but
it's hard for me to sleep here.
If you don't hold it against me,
you can't hold it against him.
I do hold it against him, Claire.
But I dinna wish him dead.
He was almost hanged on my account.
And William [SIGHS]
God knows where he is.
I kent I could never be a father to him,
but I vowed I'd do right by him.
I failed.
You haven't failed.
He is a brave and honorable young man.
He learned he is not an earl by blood,
but the bastard son
of a Scottish Highlander.
[SIGHS] There'll be nothing honorable
about having to live a lie.
William may be angry for a while,
but eventually,
he'll come to understand that
the reason that you and John
kept this from him
is because of how much
you both love him.
How can you be so sure?
Because I see so much of you in him.
And you would come to understand,
I think.
Christ, Sassenach.
It's good to be near you again.
And this room be damned.
- Mm.
Thank you.
Thank you for missing that ship.
[OFFICER] Come out of there.
Where'd you escape from?
I was
I was, uh, put in irons
by a British officer
who took me for a spy.
And what might your name be, sir?
Bertram Armstrong.
And and may I have the pleasure
of knowing your own name, sir?
I am the Reverend Peleg Woodsworth
of the 16th Pennsylvania.
And your company?
I haven't yet joined one.
I was on my way to do so, in fact, sir,
when I ran afoul of a British patrol
and, shortly thereafter,
found myself in the straits
that you see.
Well, Mr. Armstrong,
I think we can relieve your straits.
[JEMMY] If I'd got away sooner,
Da wouldn't have had
to go through the stones.
I should have been braver.
This is not your fault, Jem.
You were very brave.
And your da is brave, too.
We'll get him back.
Oh, I'm gonna go inside
and hand Mr. Cameron over to the police.
You and your sister are gonna go
with Mrs. Shaw to the trailer.
[JEMMY] Who's she?
She is a special police officer
who works with children.
She's gonna make sure you
and Mandy are all right.
Are you all right?
I'll be just inside.
Come now, sweetie.
[KINLEY] Mr. Cameron?
I'm Constable Kinley.
I'm gonna open this door now.
So I need you to be standing
with your hands in plain sight.
Do you understand?
Mr. Cameron?
[BRIANNA] He was in there, I swear.
Look, someone obviously broke him out,
which means someone's helping him.
We've searched the perimeter twice.
There was no sign of forced entry.
Every door and window was locked.
He must have a copy of my key.
Did you give him a copy of your key?
No. No, of course not.
Did he do that, your hand?
No, I that [SIGHS]
I slammed my fingers in a drawer.
I was angry and scared.
My son had just been kidnapped.
You worked with Mr. Cameron at the
At the dam, yes.
Is there anything else about
your relationship with him
you'd like to tell us?
Not really, no.
I'm his boss.
He came over for dinner once
with me and my husband.
Did Mr. Cameron say what
he wanted from you or your son?
No, he
no, he didn't say anything.
And where was your husband
during all of this?
My husband is in Boston
on a business trip.
[LAUGHLIN] Perhaps
he'd be able to help us
work out why Mr. Cameron might
have targeted your family.
Is there a number we can reach him at?
Yes. Yeah. I, uh-
I wrote it down somewhere.
I'd have to look for it.
I-I usually just wait
for him to call me.
Mrs. MacKenzie,
I think you might be leaving out
some important details.
Perhaps Mr. Cameron came over
while your husband was away.
You two were enjoying
a nice bottle of wine
when something went wrong.
How dare you insinuate
My son was kidnapped.
[LAUGHLIN] Then help us
make sense of it.
- Let's talk to your husband.
Rob cut my damn phone lines.
Look, I think you should talk
to Rob's sister, Bobby's mom.
I'm-I'm not saying
that she was in on it,
but she might know something.
I shouldn't have to tell
you guys how to do your job.
No need to be hysterical,
Mrs. MacKenzie.
Oh, you haven't seen hysterical.
This guy has keys to my house.
I have told you everything I know.
You should be out there looking for him.
God knows what he might
be planning next.
Right, well, as a precaution,
is there anywhere else you can stay
until your husband returns?
[ROGER] Jerry MacKenzie!
Jerry MacKenzie!
[BUCK] Have you thought about
what ye're gonna say to him
if ye see him?
I don't know.
I was so young when he disappeared.
He was more of a myth
than a man, you know?
The hero of all the stories
I was told about him.
And even now, it's hard
to imagine he's a real person.
[BUCK] I wonder what I'd say
to my father.
I never knew him, the man who sired me.
Or my ma.
I wasna born to the house I grew up in.
Is that right?
Yer mother died young as well,
did she no'?
Aye, she was killed in an air raid
in the London Underground.
I dinna ken what any of that is.
No, no, no. Don't-don't-don't run.
You're Jerry, right?
We're here to help.
Who are you?
It's all right. We're here to help.
You're J.W. MacKenzie, aren't you?
I believe this belongs to you.
Who are you?
I'm like you.
I'm from a different time.
It's true.
Haven't lost my mind.
In your time,
Winston Churchill is prime minister.
In mine, it's a woman
named Margaret Thatcher.
A woman?
She serves Queen Elizabeth II,
King George's daughter.
You're from my future the future.
What year is it now?
[SIGHS] This is madness.
It can feel a bit that way, aye.
You're hurt.
Aye. The people in the village
weren't very receptive.
Can I take a look?
I have some alcohol to disinfect it.
If you've got alcohol,
I'd rather drink it.
- Well, we can do both.
But we have to hurry.
There are people looking for you.
I've been looking for my son.
He's only nine years old.
That's that's why I'm here, actually.
- Have you seen him?
- I met a shepherd boy.
No, that's not him.
He's got blonde hair.
His name is Jeremiah, like yours.
We call him Jem.
I was hoping he might be with you.
No, I haven't seen him.
I'm sorry you've lost your boy.
I have a son myself.
God, I need to get back to him.
He's just a baby. Um
It's all right.
He'll be all right.
I'm sure of it.
How did you get here?
I don't know.
My plane went down on the moors,
and I walked east,
hoping to find a town.
Came across the river,
stopped for a drink.
There was a stone circle on the banks.
I leant against one of them
and must've fallen asleep.
And when I woke up, I was here.
You didna fall asleep.
That's how it works.
The standing stones,
they're a portal
from one time to another.
You touch them, and poof,
you're somewhere else, more or less.
You're a Spitfire pilot.
How did you end up
crashing in the Highlands?
My bloody engine failed
during a camera test flight.
Didn't know Spitfires had cameras.
We don't, usually.
We were testing them for a mission.
- It's classified.
Well, it's not as if I can tell anyone.
I was supposed to fly over
Nazi labor camps in Poland.
MI6 wanted me to take
aerial pictures of the camps.
They said it would help the war effort,
but now I am
I don't know what will happen
to me, or
to anyone.
Why are you helping me?
- Dogs.
- [ROGER] Aye, we need to go.
- Come on!
[SHEPHERD BOY] Mr. MacBirney!
They're here!
[LOCAL] Come on!
[ROGER] Can you put weight on it?
It'll do. It'll do.
[BUCK] Go.
What are we doing here?
We're sending you back
through the stones
to your own time.
Take this.
When you go through, think of your wife,
about Marjorie, okay?
Keep her in your mind's eye
and touch that central stone.
How in the bloody hell
do ye know my wife's name?
- It doesn't matter.
- It does matter.
You've got to tell me something.
We win the war.
We we win?
We lose a hell of a lot, but we win
because of men like you.
[BUCK] Ye need to hurry. They're coming.
[LOCAL] Over there!
You need to go.
Remember, think only of your wife.
[SOFTLY] I love you.
[BUCK] He heard ye, man.
He heard ye.
[ROGER] Let's go.
Good morning, husband.
Good morning, wife.
Was last night not enough for thee?
Then why does thee stop?
I was thinking about what Denzell said.
Thee mustn't worry about that.
He only wants to protect me.
No, he's right. [SIGHS]
[SIGHS] You've been pulled
into this violence.
I ken it was your decision
and that ye'd never do
a thing that wasna in your mind to do.
But I also ken the the toll
this violence takes on you.
I willna kill anyone
unless I have to, Rachel.
And I'm signed on as a scout.
And so I shouldn't have to.
But things happen. I know.
Thy life's journey lies
along its own path, Ian.
And I cannot share thy journey.
But I can walk beside thee.
And I will.
And I vow to do my best
to return to you every night.
In one piece?
I willna promise that.
I think I'd like
to watch you patch me up.
Well, if thee promises
to always be careful,
I promise to always patch thee up.
[JAMIE] Like it?
I'd be lying if I said I didn't.
Ye understand why I have to do this?
All I've wanted since
I found out you were alive
was to take you home.
But yes, I understand.
Ye've seen enough war for two lifetimes.
I'm sorry to drag you back into this.
Bloody men, you and Denzell both.
When will you realize you're
not dragging us anywhere?
Ye think we don't have
a right to worry about ye?
If given the choice to sleep
next to you on an army cot
every night for the rest of my life
or in a real bed without you,
I'd choose you always.
And that is my decision, General.
At least this time,
it's the right color.
[BRIANNA] All right, that's them.
Uncle Ernie and Auntie Fiona
will take care of you, okay?
Thank you so much for coming.
I didn't know who else to call.
I'd have been offended
if ye'd called anyone else.
He cut yer phone lines, eh? The bastard.
Yeah, and the damn phone company
can't get out till Monday.
Our girls are with their grandma,
so we've got all the room in the world.
I told him Roger
was in Boston, like ye said.
Thank you oh.
[ERNIE] Come on.
Will you take this, too,
for safekeeping?
Aye, of course.
Did ye get hold
of the locksmith, at least?
Yeah, I'm gonna go back
and meet him there now.
Are ye sure that's safe?
No, but I have a gun.
What else can I do, Fi?
The police are no help.
I have to protect my family.
Surely Roger will come back
when he realizes Jemmy isn't there.
That's what I'm afraid of,
that he won't realize it.
And I know Roger.
He will never come home without our son.
- Never.
Dia eadarainn's an t-olc.
[ROGER] I sort of hoped I'd be flooded
with memories of my father,
like suddenly he would
have been part of my life.
But he isn't there, Buck.
I don't think he made it back.
But I did see something.
I don't know, it was just a
an image.
I think he was holding me in his arms.
I don't know if it's a memory,
or, if it is, if it's old or new.
[BUCK] Does it matter?
All of this,
you and me here,
it's already happened,
before either of us was born.
And I don't have a memory of it,
nor do you.
So I wouldna put much stock in memory
for ones such as us.
[SIGHS] Well
I mean, he clearly went somewhere.
I can only believe that
somewhere was better than here.
I had to give him a chance.
Aye, and ye did.
He's in God's hands now.
That day in Craigh na Dun
when we came back,
I was so focused on Jem,
how scared and alone he must
have been without his da.
And just as I touched the stone,
I thought of my own father,
how scared and alone
I'd felt without him.
That's understandable.
I think the stones brought us
here so I could save his life.
It's always 200 years, give or take.
But if you think of someone,
you can go further.
There's a choice in how far you can go.
But sometimes I think the stones
make the choice for you.
And now I'm thinking,
if that's why we are here
then maybe Jem isn't.