FBI (2018) s07e14 Episode Script


Hell, yeah.
- What are you doing?
Hey, calm down, all right?
I-I'm just getting in my car.
Put the bag down and get out of here.
Let me just show you my ID.
You can compare it to the
registration in the glove box.
You son of a bitch!
This is a house of worship.
Bottom feeder!
You're supposed to be off the clock.
So if this is work-related
Hey, just checking
did I initial that
surveillance report on Cruz?
The I's are dotted. the T's are crossed.
Now, please, go enjoy your vacation.
Okay, thanks for having my back.
- Always.
- Hey, listen, I got to go.
- Me too.
Thanks, Mag.
I told you to pack
for five days, not five months.
Well, since you refuse to reveal
the destination
of this romantic getaway,
I needed to be thorough.
But I did limit myself
to six pairs of shoes.
- Oh.
- Well, seven, including these.
Well, the deal was,
if I got to leave my gun,
you got to leave your flip-flops.
Where we're going, we're
not gonna need either, okay?
Low-life thief just popped the trunk.
Wouldn't have wanted
what was inside anyway.
Did the vic have ID on him?
No. Wallet's missing.
But we ran the plates.
DMV photo confirms it's his
Darius Brogan.
Throat cut and stuffed in his own trunk.
Groundskeeper mention anything
about security cameras on site?
No, none that work.
Folks had just gone inside for Mass,
and congregants didn't see
anything when they arrived,
so it's safe to assume
he was killed elsewhere.
And then dumped here.
Thank you.
Can I take a UV light, please?
There you go.
All right, team,
so Darius Brogan was found
in the trunk of his own car
at St. Joseph's
Historic National Site
throat slit, with
a Phoenix stamp on his hand.
So let's start with the basics.
What do we know about this guy?
Darius Brogan of Woodhaven
divorced dad of three.
He's been driving trains for Voyager,
the national passenger railway,
since 2004.
He's got some misdemeanors
for illegal gambling.
Yeah, he's got nine credit cards,
all maxed out with
online sports betting charges,
so gambling habit.
Uh, nine maxed-out cards
not really sure we'd call that
a habit, more like a problem.
We know who was taking Darius's bets?
Don't know who, but I might know where.
Three bars in the city use
the same phoenix door stamp
that Darius had on his hand.
But only one, Phoenix Rising,
is a known hub for Sem Side
Russian outfit
heavy into drug trafficking
and robust numbers racket.
Yeah, Phoenix Rising
is just a few minutes
from St. Joseph's.
The owner is Maikel Kuriev
suspected numbers racketeer
for Sem Side.
Okay, I know this one.
A gambling addict walks into a bar
owned by a dangerous bookie
and winds up dead.
Let's pay Kuriev a visit.
Excuse me.
How you doing? You the owner
here, Maikel Kuriev?
- Who's asking?
- FBI.
You recognize this guy Darius Brogan?
6 foot, forties,
hangs out at the Phoenix club.
A lot of guys in and out of here.
I can't help you.
Maybe you could take
another look for me.
- I'm a little busy right now.
- Yeah, looks like it.
Big shipment in, hey?
I'm gonna need you
to open one of these boxes.
Yeah, word on the street is
one of the bars around here
has been running fentanyl
out of their bathroom.
I got him. I got him.
Scola, I lost him.
He's running west through the park.
[GRUNTS] Lawyer.
Yeah, you're gonna need one
after we search those boxes.
Let's start with the warrant we have
for your outdoor security footage.
"Security footage"?
Daniel Brogan came through your bar.
Now he's a dead man, so you're
in a bit of trouble, Maikel.
There goes my 16 grand.
So Brogan's dead,
and you think I killed him?
Who kills a guy who owes him money?
Not me.
All right, folks,
we just seized the security
footage from Kuriev's bar.
Let's see if we can get eyes
on what happened.
The ME estimates Darius's
time of death at 1:30 p.m.
I can start shortly before then.
Yeah, that's him, right? Yeah.
Looks like he's been overserved.
Uh, not overserved.
Tox screen just landed.
His system was overloaded with Rohypnol.
You're telling me this guy was roofied.
All right, who's this?
Why don't I believe this guy's
a Good Samaritan?
Yeah, here we go.
All right.
Okay, so this is a robbery.
All right, so I guess I didn't
know the punch line after all.
Darius's gambling debts
had nothing to do with this.
His wallet was the target.
Well, his credit and debit cards
haven't been used since the murder.
So what might they
have been looking for?
Um, I don't know, his driver's license,
his grocery card, his
his worker's ID
he drove for Voyager, right?
All right, so what access would
Darius's work ID grant him?
His ID would allow him
into break rooms, engine rooms,
and the driver's cabin of any train
- he was scheduled to drive.
- Right.
So so when is his next shift?
According to Voyager,
Darius Brogan is currently on shift.
His key card was used half an hour ago
to access a train
Northstar 236 to Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls very romantic.
- So it was a good surprise?
- Great surprise.
Niagara Falls is amazing.
You're seeing the Canadian side, right?
Uh, the New York side.
Oh, nice.
Don't be a snob.
That's your Fed face.
What is it?
Uh, nothing.
You know I can tell when you're lying.
That guy's got a gun under his jacket.
It's illegal for civilians
on a Voyager train.
So he's probably
undercover law enforcement.
This feels wrong.
What gives, man?
We were supposed to stop there.
My business partner
was waiting to get on.
We're not making any stops.
This train is under our control now.
So everybody, stay down!
And don't move!
Isobel, we have a problem.
All right, we know that there are
200 innocent lives on Northstar 236,
including OA and his
girlfriend, Gemma Brooks.
Do we know if Voyager
has been able to make contact?
No radio response.
And Northstar 236 just blew
past its first stop.
All right, can we control it remotely?
Voyager tried,
but the command's
been overridden by the driver.
Yeah, the only way
the train can be stopped
is from inside the driver's cabin.
Hey, uh, we're able to hack
into the cabin feed.
This camera was added by the NTSB.
The hijackers may not know about it.
It's not enough for facial rec, right?
All right, radio the driver directly.
- I want to talk to him.
- Copy that.
Has OA responded?
[SIGHS] Not yet.
Everybody, get out your phones.
You said you wanted
to unplug this weekend.
That's not what I meant.
Make contact when you clear
the tunnel, and drive fast.
I'm waiting on an important
call about a merger
worth far more than anything
you're after here.
I don't care about your fancy job, lady.
Give me your phone.
You two next.
Give him your phone, Gemma.
We're fully cooperating.
[WHISPERING] Just do as they
say we need to lay low.
[WHISPERING] Lay low? But you're
No one can know that I'm a Fed.
If they feel threatened,
things will escalate.
People will die, okay?
Okay, so what do we do?
Gimme your phone.
Drop it in the bag.
The emergency brake
is too far to go for safely.
We need to stay invisible,
help people stay calm,
and take everything in so we can
get my team whatever they need
to take these guys down
when the time is right.
How about right now?
Your work phone.
It's my fault you don't have your gun.
It's the least I could do.
You know I love you, right?
Okay, okay,
this is OA from Gemma's phone.
He clocks two armed hijackers,
plus the driver.
No one knows he is law enforcement.
Are you ready to talk
to the train driver?
Okay, quiet. Please.
- Patch me in.
- Okay.
This is Assistant Special Agent
in Charge Jubal Valentine
with the FBI.
I see that you and your accomplices
have taken over Northstar 236.
At this point, no one has been hurt.
This can end now all you have
to do is stop the train.
- Who am I speaking with?
- I'm not giving you my name.
Okay, then a-a pseudonym, then,
so we can have a proper conversation.
[SIGHS] Jamie.
Okay, Jamie, so why are you doing this?
Why does anyone do anything
in this country?
We want money.
We will email you a wallet address
to your tip line.
We want $261 million in Monero
untraceable crypto.
[SIGHS] That's a pretty penny, Jamie.
That's gonna take me a minute.
In the meantime, there are a lot
of innocent people on that train.
How can we make sure no one gets harmed?
You can't.
You've got one hour,
or everyone on this train dies!
That's an astronomical ask.
Yeah, and specific $261 million.
Is there any chance the Justice
Department approves this?
They can't just let OA die
along with 200 other people.
Look, I will fight for this,
but we have to have a plan B.
Yeah, I'll work the hijacker
for an angle.
Okay, I'll run down
anything you guys find.
All right, a-and, Jubal, stall.
I think we can take these guys.
Absolutely not.
If we get involved, it's
only gonna escalate things.
Or it'll end it.
Look at you
you're like an MMA fighter.
I'm an attorney, and
in negotiations, a blind side
is a one-way ticket
to messing things up.
Everything's gonna be okay, Gem.
I know. I trust you.
You're both so lucky.
I wish my husband was here.
Just stay calm, ma'am.
You're gonna see your husband again.
Quiet, please. Patch me in.
We're working on getting you
that crypto, Jamie.
You should have it soon.
You guys must really need this money
to go through all this.
It's not for us.
It's for our families and our neighbors.
We are not bad people.
Okay, their family, their neighbors
I want to know who those people are.
What do they need help with, Jamie?
You have no idea.
Nah, screw this, man.
I told you to sit down.
It's not working!
Jamie, was that a gunshot?
Get the money. People are in danger.
I pulled the brake, but it didn't work.
[STAMMERS] Stay with me.
I need a doctor! Is there a doctor?
Baby, hold tight. Hold tight.
I need a doctor! I need help!
Stay with me. Stay with me, Gem.
Drop the gun.
Raise your hands slowly.
No sudden movement, or I'll kill you.
Tie him up
tight, so he doesn't mess
anything else up.
Okay, it's all right.
You're gonna be okay, Gem.
You're gonna be okay.
What the hell's going on in there?
It's under control. Just drive.
NYPD says a rail hand
was found dead in Queens.
Hey, Jubal, have you heard from OA?
Nothing since the gunshot,
but in different bad news,
Northstar 236 just deviated
from its programmed route.
What, so the driver,
what, took an unexpected turn?
I'm being told that's not how it works.
Rail switches on the tracks
are set to keep the train
on the right route.
Voyager can flip the switches
from their control center,
but this wasn't them.
So these people have help in the field?
Jubal, if you hear from OA,
please, good, bad, anything
You'll be my first call.
Hey. Special Agent Bell.
This is Special Agent Scola.
You have a dead railway employee?
A couple of kids spotted him.
Thought he was asleep.
Vic is Gabriel Hong.
Keys and wallet are missing.
His throat was slit.
That's the same MO as Darius Brogan.
All right, so Hong was
an employee for Voyager?
Nah, he worked at CTX Logistics.
It's a freight company
based Upstate in Selkirk.
He's in charge
of maintaining rail switches.
Does that mean something to you?
Actually, yeah.
Voyager rents CTX's tracks
New York lines.
Okay, so Hong was killed
for his access to the switches.
All right, we're gonna need to find out
if the camera on this side
of the building was working.
She's bleeding out, man.
You got to let me do something.
Stop talking.
If she dies, things get
a thousand times worse for you.
Think about it.
It's a federal murder charge.
I can help with that.
You can help? Nice try.
I'm an FBI agent.
That's bull.
Check my back pocket my credentials.
This isn't a ploy
that's my girlfriend,
and I love her,
and I cannot let her die.
That's the same coat
as the guy who killed Darius.
Are those Ohio plates?
They sure are.
Registered to a Teddy Adams
42-year-old car mechanic
from Bethlehem, Ohio,
no priors.
Okay, so I understand why they
would want Brogan's Voyager ID.
But Hong's rail switch keys
what, are they trying
to reroute the train
- for their escape plan?
- Well, let's find out.
Moran just ran a trace on Teddy's cell,
and it's pinging to a CTX
train yard in Yonkers.
I'm trying to make sure
everyone on this train
gets off safely.
That's including you and her.
So untie me.
I'm not stupid. It's never gonna happen.
Fine. Fine, fine.
Don't untie me, but you
have to help me save her.
Please, this train should have
a first-aid kit
in the control room bring it to me.
That and some water and some
tea bags, if you can find any.
Tea bags?
Yeah, we have some in our luggage.
- And clean T-shirts.
- Okay.
Anybody have water?
This is your fault.
Help her.
Hang tight, Gem.
- What's up?
We need the first-aid kit.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Eyes up! We got a face!
All right, so he grabbed
the first-aid kit,
so the gunshots must've hit someone.
But we have a new player with no mask.
- Tell me who he is, please?
Simon Briggs.
He's the owner
of Cardinal Hardware & Supply
in Logan County, Ohio no priors.
Long way from home.
What's his connection to Teddy Adams?
Uh, nothing other than the zip code.
Wait, wait. Hold on.
Uh, he was named a plaintiff
in a class-action lawsuit
for $261 million
Against CTX Logistics.
The freight company?
Right, right. They were the company
for that train derailment
happened in West Liberty, Ohio,
six years ago.
Yeah. Yeah, I remember that.
Freight car carrying
hazardous materials derailed.
60 people died or something.
According to the class-action,
that was just the initial death toll.
They claimed a botched cleanup
and four months of burn-off
made the locals sick.
Anybody see any money?
Case didn't move forward.
All right, so so maybe this
is not a professional crew.
They they're just trying to do
right for themselves
and their families.
You know what,
we don't have Jamie's face,
but we do have Jamie's voice.
We need to run Jamie's voice
against every piece of news coverage
of the West Liberty train derailment.
Put it down.
Open it.
Okay, that's a defibrillator.
We don't need that.
Listen, as an agent, I have
emergency field training.
Cut me loose. I can help her.
No. I'm not doing that.
I can walk you through it.
I'm begging. Help her, please.
Yeah, all right.
Okay, first, lay her down on the bench.
Go, go, go.
I need you to soak the tea bag in water.
Then place the tea bag
on the open wound.
The tannic acid is a coagulant
that should slow the bleeding.
It hurts, OA.
I know, babe, I know. You're doing good.
- Just keep breathing.
Is it working?
It doesn't look like it's working.
It looks really bad, man.
It's soaking through everything.
Tampons. Does anyone have tampons?
Okay, perfect.
Pack the cotton in the wound.
It's slowing down.
Now what?
Now we wait.
Thank you
You're gonna be okay, Gem.
It's definitely Teddy Adams' truck.
He's got to be here somewhere.
Teddy Adams?
FBI. Get down on the ground right
he's going. He's going.
All right, all right.
Put your hands
behind your back let's go.
We know that whatever you're doing
has something to do with the
West Liberty train derailment.
You mean the CTX disaster.
We also know that you've been
tampering with rail switches
to reroute Northstar 236.
You're too late.
My partner's on that train,
so you're gonna tell me exactly
where you're rerouting it,
because I swear to God,
I'm gonna make sure you
never see daylight again.
You hear me?
It doesn't matter what you do to me.
- Where is it going?
- We've already won.
You might want to check
your math on that one, Teddy.
You're going down for double murder,
and there's no way
that any of your comrades
are getting a payday either let's go.
I don't care about the money.
I only care that CTX gets
what's coming to 'em!
Uh, We got a hit
on the audio of the driver.
It's a match for an interview
on local public radio
with a Gordon Davis.
Really? Public radio for the win.
Okay, construction foreman
by trade in West Liberty
uh, married, four daughters, no record.
Looks like he was president
of the school board
at the time of the derailment.
Hey, Justice wouldn't approve
the crypto ransom,
but based on what Teddy said,
it sounds like the money
was just a stall.
This hijacking is about revenge on CTX.
Yeah, that tracks.
We ID'd the driver,
so let me test that theory.
We've got your money.
I don't see it.
Stop messing around! Wire it now!
Stop the train, and I'll wire the money.
We got one of yours tied up some Fed.
You don't hurry up,
he's gonna be the first to die.
Gordon Davis of West Liberty.
That's who I'm talking to, right?
Trust me, you do not want
to harm my agent.
And you can pass that along
to your friend, Simon Briggs.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Gordon, you're not going
to get away with this.
We know why you're doing it.
The $261 million class action
against CTX.
You want the money
for your community, right?
To rebuild,
to make your town safe again.
Can't fault us for that.
I-I can fault you, for conspiring
with your friend Teddy Adams
to kill a Voyager driver
and a CTX rail hand.
Teddy? What
We haven't killed anyone,
and Teddy isn't a part of this.
Not good enough, Gordon.
Why is Teddy changing
the course of the train?
I don't I don't know.
I don't know, okay?
It sounds like he's telling the truth.
- He's spinning out.
- Yeah.
I got to go.
I'm sorry.
- Whoa, what are you doing?
- What the hell is going on
with your brother-in-law, Evelyn?
Nothing. Leave it alone.
The FBI radioed me and said
he's out there killing people,
and he's routing this train
somewhere from the ground!
He's not involved.
They're just playing mind games.
They don't do that.
She's lying to you,
just like she lied to us.
Tell us what's going on
right now!
The money isn't gonna fix
what CTX broke!
Don't you understand?
We need to make a statement!
What the hell are you talking about?
This isn't a train.
It's a missile, and there's a target.
- No one gets hurt.
- That was the plan.
But we are not crashing this train.
Drop the gun, Gordon.
Drop it now, or he's next.
Walk away. Walk away.
What do we do? What do we do?
We can't do anything out here.
She's taking us all down with her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We got a new face a woman.
OA never mentioned
a female coconspirator, right?
So who am I looking at?
Running facial rec. Stand by.
This is FBI ASAC Jubal Valentine.
I've been dealing with Gordon,
but if you're stepping in,
I think we should get
to know each other.
- Damn it.
- Found her
Evelyn Adams,
public middle-school teacher
based out of West Liberty, Ohio.
Any chance her husband is
the last unidentified hijacker?
No, it seems Chris Adams passed away
four years ago cancer.
He is a named party in
the class-action against CTX.
She's motivated to inflict pain.
Evelyn, please, don't do this!
That's it. We're all gonna die.
We're on the same team now.
Untie me so I can help.
Shut up!
I can tell you don't want to die.
Evelyn lied to you,
but we still have time.
We can fix it.
Look, he's working with
the Feds I've been talking to.
Maybe he can help.
These people deserve a chance.
We can fix this, but you need my help.
Come on.
Come on.
Thank you.
I'm gonna get you
out of here, I promise.
Just hold on. Can you do that for me?
Your guns. They're no good to you now.
The radio.
OA, are you okay?
Jubal said he heard gunshots.
I'm okay, but Gemma was shot.
She needs medical.
Okay, we're about
to get on a helicopter!
We're gonna get ahead of the train!
We have a chance the
hijackers turned on each other,
and the woman in charge
of the train is
Yeah, Evelyn Adams! No, we're up on her!
Apparently, money's not her motive!
I know. She has us on a collision course
to something, but I'm locked
out of the driver's cabin.
Right! Are you able to get
the passengers off the train?
I'm working on it.
So the Polaroid is developing.
Evelyn Adams plans
to crash Northstar 236
to get her revenge on CTX,
and her brother-in-law
tampered with the rail switches
to reroute the train.
- The question is, where?
- A lot of options.
Railway schematics
show roughly 4,500 miles
of track in New York,
plus 600 railway switches.
Okay, let's narrow it down.
We can map the active switches.
Pinging the signals.
[SIGHS] Well, algebra wasn't my subject,
but I'd say
we need another variable here.
On it. Cross-referencing all properties
owned by CTX Railway.
Okay, there, that's that's
that's more like it.
What uh, what is
this destination here?
CTX headquarters
a freight yard in Selkirk, New York.
Evelyn wants to hit CTX at its heart.
We need to evac this yard, yeah?
That won't be enough.
That CTX freight yard
received 200,000 gallons
of liquid vinyl chloride this morning.
And if a train were to collide
with that weight of hazmat
There would be a catastrophic explosion.
Hundreds, maybe thousands killed.
She picked a high-value target.
This was her plan all along
to poison the town
where the CTX brass live.
Not just the brass, all CTX employees,
from the president to the rail hands.
There's hundreds of people at risk.
All right, can't we just
remove the chemicals
- from this rail yard?
- No.
All the tracks out of that rail yard
are backed up for miles
with unlogged trains.
If we had more time
Exactly how much time do we have?
At Northstar 236's current speed,
we are looking at a collision in
21 minutes.
Easy. There it is.
That's it. Quick, quick, quick. Hurry!
You first, you first, you first.
I got you. I got you.
I got you. I got you.
I got her. I got her. I got her.
Okay, Gem, I got you. I got you.
I got you. I got you.
- We got her.
- Okay.
No, what about you?
Someone's got to stop the train, okay?
If I don't see you again, I need you
No, this is not goodbye.
Okay, okay. No goodbyes.
No goodbyes.
- I love you, okay?
- I love you.
Thank you.
Okay, there, OA decoupled the cars.
All right, I'll notify
State Police SORT
to arrest the hijackers
and get the passengers off
when it stops.
At the rate they're slowing down,
the rear train cars should stop
somewhere near Vandenburgh Cove.
Hey, great work.
Medical will be waiting
when the train stops.
Now, you think you can talk
your way into that driver's cabin?
Tell me everything we have on her.
Evelyn, I need you to open the door.
It is just me and you now.
Everyone else is off the train.
You have zero hostages.
You you should have gone with them.
You're only gonna die now.
And your girlfriend if she lives,
the grief is gonna make her
wish she hadn't.
Grief that's why
you're doing this, right?
You lost your husband
in the West Liberty derailment, correct?
I didn't lose him. He was taken.
He helped with the cleanup
because CTX promised it was
safe and he was a good man.
But then he developed
acute myeloid leukemia.
Do you have any idea
what the pain is like
in the late stages?
He just
he just disappeared.
I am so sorry.
Evelyn, he did not deserve
that, neither did you.
Don't act like you care!
Nobody cares.
Nobody actually cares,
not when it's in the middle of nowhere
with just normal people.
And if it happens to Selkirk?
Well, then
well, then maybe
if one of those families dies,
then maybe CTX will care.
What about Chris?
Evelyn, would he want you
to die this way?
I'm already dead.
Then would he want you
to make innocent people,
like the children you teach,
suffer the way he did?
Evelyn, open the door.
It doesn't need to be like this.
It's too late.
Evelyn, please
Guys, Evelyn took herself out.
The door's still locked.
What are my options?
okay, schematics show
that the driver's cabs are carbon steel
with multipronged locks
on an electrical system.
Brute force will not do it.
What will do it, Ian?
Okay, if you can
short-circuit the system,
cause a power surge, the doors
should automatically unlock.
Okay. I'll see what I can find.
Okay, OA, hurry.
Maggie and Scola are out
with an emergency team
to get a fail-safe in place,
but that fail-safe it won't be good.
How much time do we have
before the fail-safe?
Seven minutes.
[SIGHS] Okay.
We attach this device to the track,
and when the train hits,
it'll be derailed.
It will be a mess, for sure.
But not a chemical disaster.
What happens to the people on the train?
I've only seen these things
in action a few times,
but it's never pretty
for the train that hits it.
So so our friend is just gonna die?
That's our best bet?
Or your guy stops the train
before it's too late.
Okay, ramping up the charge now.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Guys, I only have one more charge.
Okay, I'm in.
Just deactivated the throttle.
How do I stop this thing?
Okay, talk to me. What do you see?
Is there a dynamic brake?
It should be orange.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, got it.
Do I push it forward?
What's your speed now?
Uh, 80 miles an hour.
You are going too fast.
The stopping distance will be too tight.
There should be a red emergency brake.
Got it.
Push the emergency brake
and the dynamic brake
at the same time.
OA, you've got 200 meters of track left.
Hey, this will not be a smooth stop.
Copy that.
You're gonna hit the
derailer in eight seconds.
That worked.
That worked.
Hey, Gem.
I told you it wasn't goodbye.
And I
I believed you.
But you should get some rest.
The doctor said
everything's gonna be fine.
Yeah, I might go back to sleep.
That's a good idea.
- How is she?
- She's good.
- How are you?
- I don't know.
I keep playing it over
and over in my head.
If I didn't get into that fight,
if I did something different,
she wouldn't be
in the hospital right now.
- Hey.
- Was this my fault?
Maggie, I was supposed to protect her.
I was supposed to protect her.
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