Magnum, P.I. (1980) s07e17 Episode Script


Actually, I've been following you.
It just started happening.
And I am 39! Oh, yes, but in three days, the Big 4-0! You've been paying a lot of attention to someone I care about.
John Costa is a dangerous man.
This is none of your business, and neither is my personal life! Can you get us a cab? A cab? Sure.
Right away.
Uh-uh, no cab.
Forget about it.
We're not going home yet.
Well, I've got to make it an early night, guys.
I got a meeting with Han Quing in the morning.
Han? Hey, how's he doing? I haven't seen him in months.
Well I'll let you know in the morning.
Hey, look, Thomas.
I know you've got to get more sleep at your age, but I got a surprise for you.
Come on.
Life's supposed to begin at 40, not end.
I mean, you could be like George Burns and say you're 39.
That's Jack Benny.
Oh yeah, that's what I meant.
And I am 39! Oh, yes, but in three days, the Big 4-0! And it won't hurt a bit, Thomas.
How do you know? Ta-da! Forget it.
I ain't going into one of those places.
Now, look, guys, I passed by this place on my way to meet you, and I got this funny feeling inside about old times, so I booked a table.
I don't know, Rick.
I haven't been in one of them places since Nam.
Look, T.
, that's the idea.
It'll be just like old times, huh? Come on! Come on.
Come on, T.
, you got to go in.
It's my birthday.
Sit there, buddy boy.
Buy you a drink? Sure.
What'll it be? Champagne cocktail, please.
Me, too.
I'll have a beer in a longneck.
C? Oh, a soft drink in a bottle.
With the cap on! I'll have a beer.
Hey, and we'll pay as we go.
No tabs! I'll get the first round.
Hey, girls, what's your names? Connie.
Somebody get your credit cards? No.
My $2 bill.
Hey! Tell my pal here happy birthday.
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, this does kind of bring you back.
That'll be $50.
Man, I told you, we're just gonna get taken here! Just like I said before, guys, it's like old times.
I got it.
Here you go, darling.
Well, to birthdays! Let's have a big hand for the girls! To friendship.
Mmm! Remember in Da Nang on your birthday in Excuse me.
Hey, where're you going? I'll be right back.
I dropped something in the street.
I got to look for it.
Thank you.
I didn't even know I'd lost it.
Neither did I.
Lee! Get in the car.
The wolf comes in many forms and shapes throughout the centuries.
Right now, he's taking the two-legged form, but still running in packs.
What is this? Drink it.
It's good for you.
No medicinal herbs, although you may still need them.
You don't happen to have a cup of coffee, do you? Nope.
Too much caffeine.
In the old days, the men of the village knew exactly what to do to keep the wolf away from their doors, especially after a harsh winter, when hunger Hunger makes the wolf even bolder.
Han, could we jump forward a couple of centuries? In the most extreme cases, they were forced to enlist the aid of some very resourceful men in the neighboring village.
Someone, say, like me.
With some loss of face.
Well, what is this wolf doing to this village here? Ah! Right now, he's He's just sniffing around, circling the vulnerable and the weak, you see.
Han, we could save a lot of time if you'd talk about what you're talking about.
Threatening! With what? Protection? Burglary? Yeah, that and much more.
A two-legged wolf that travels in packs sounds like a gang.
Good deduction.
The wolf.
You haven't changed a bit, Han.
Yeah, neither have you.
Thomas, you know, I wouldn't bother you with all these little problems we have here, except there have been some rumors.
Well you've always handled gang problems in the neighborhood yourself.
Not like this.
These rumors say that there's something heavy going down the pipe.
You know, something that will give the wolf a great deal of power.
I kept track of their activities.
These police reports, court transcripts, and newspaper articles.
You see, right here, "Running in packs and with much more power.
" Can I keep these? I make copies for you.
These are my originals, you know.
Now, if you can keep an eye on the wolf and substantiate these rumors, I'd appreciate it.
Or maybe prove them false.
That's even better.
You know My neighborhood, huh? And any kind of a shameful problem pop up, you know, makes the Well, makes I know, Han.
I know.
Of course, we would pay you your regular fee, plus expenses.
And a big bonus at the end, huh? Oh, one more thing.
No, no.
Don't even mention it.
The police are no good.
They can't keep up with that wolf, he runs too fast.
Why do you think you are here? No.
You didn't happen to run across a $2 bill, did you? What? My grandfather was one of the world's great collectors.
He collected souvenirs, stamps, and friends.
But his prize collection was a stack of uncirculated currency.
All silver certificates, all $2 bills.
On my 13th birthday, he gave me one of them, and told me to read the serial number.
It was my birth date.
And in time, it became my Lucky Two.
And I'd carried it with me ever since.
Until last night.
Any private investigator worth his salt can tell you there's a real art to the act of surveillance.
First of all, you have to learn how to be completely inconspicuous while sitting in your car, in the same exact spot, sometimes for days at a time.
Secondly, you have to learn the various techniques for keeping yourself alert.
Even though hours can go by without anything much happening.
And then you have to consider the person you're tailing.
You can never be sure if the guy you're following is going to lead you to anything worthwhile.
And sometimes you're not even sure why you're watching who you're watching.
But you learn to go on instinct, and basic gut reaction.
And, usually, that's when your surveillance pays off.
Of course, that's also the trickiest part.
Once the subject is in sight, you have to know just exactly how close you can get without giving yourself away.
But every once in a while, you have to face the fact that the surveillance you've put hours into really isn't going to help you out.
And a good investigator knows when the time has come to cut bait and get out.
I know what you're thinking.
Why wasn't I working on Han's case? Well, every case takes its own time and a good private investigator knows how not to rush things.
Besides, I had homework to do before I leaped right in and Actually, you're right.
I was ignoring the case.
I can't believe it! You get here an hour late, you start the competition cold, and you win it anyway! Win it? Man, you buried 'em! Kiki Kuana has beaten me every time I've raced her since she was 13 years old.
You guys didn't set this up or something, did you? Set it up? What are you talking about? Hey, Kiki was a flash in the pan.
For six straight years? Put it out of your head, Thomas.
I put money on this.
Well, that makes me feel a lot better! Where you going? We gotta get the volleyball competition set up! Hey! You wanna win that, don't you? Thomas! Where are you going? I know what you're thinking, and you're right.
This was beginning to look a little bit like those things that happen to you when you turn 40.
Acting impulsively, sitting in the middle of the ocean staring at beautiful women The kind of traps I'd always said I wasn't going to fall into.
And I was starting to feel a little silly.
Higgins! Magnum, I am terribly sorry.
Did I wake you? What are you doing with my gorilla mask? And why are you playing my records? It was on the turntable, and they're not all yours.
I remind you that part of Mr.
Masters' collection is stored here.
So you decided to take inventory at 7:00 a.
M? I'm looking for a particular piece of music for a function this afternoon.
A function? What function? Magnum, please go back to sleep.
I'll be more careful with the volume.
I wanna know what kind of function you need my music for.
'Cause that was my record you were playing, not Robin's.
Not being familiar with the artists of your era, I played the record by mistake.
My era? What does that mean? Magnum, I really don't have time for this.
My tea is at 3:00, and I have a great deal of shopping to do.
You don't have to go shopping! Not unless you really want to, but you don't have to.
You understand? This incoherence can only be attributed to a lack of sleep.
Magnum, please, feel free to go back to I don't want to go back to sleep.
But you obviously need rest.
You're being quite irritable and you look tired.
Oh, I get it.
I'm going to have to start listening to all the "old" lines.
Old and tired, just like that.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh, no, of course not.
Well, it doesn't matter, because I don't feel any different.
So if you're expecting me to start making a fool out of myself, Higgins, I'm sorry.
Same old clothes, same old music, no lifestyle changes, no chasing after women.
I thought you said no lifestyle changes? I mean that I don't need a new woman in my life just to prove that I can get one.
Just start following somebody around because they're young and beautiful.
No, I agree.
You're getting a bit mature for brainless beach bunnies.
Who said anything about the beach? And there is a difference, Higgins, between mature and old.
Indeed, there is.
Magnum, is something troubling you? Yes, as a matter of fact, Higgins.
Your attitude.
Because no matter what you think, I am not falling into "the traps.
" I think that you have made one sensible statement, and I've agreed with you.
That to pursue a woman only for her beauty and to prove that she could find you attractive would be both foolish and juvenile.
But since you've just vowed that you're not doing that, why are we discussing it? We're not! And I have work to do.
But I'll be back before 3:00.
No matter what I had told Higgins, I know I had come dangerously close to falling into the 40-year-old trap.
Fortunately, I had caught myself in time.
I was definitely off the girl and back on the case with the Wolf.
All right, Lee, rolling.
However, this wasn't always so.
In 1791, British Captain George Vancouver reported sighting the first Chinese in Hawaii and branding them as renegades and bandits.
On the other hand, these alleged wrong-doers taught King Kamehameha the Great many useful strategies regarding oriental and occidental warfare, which may have influenced his ability in uniting the Islands later on.
The next wave of Chinese immigrants came over as plantation workers and we'll have more on that story tomorrow.
This is Linda Lee Ellison reporting for KSHL-TV.
Okay, Lee.
Next setup.
Yeah, just give me a minute.
I found your earring.
Last night.
Oh, yes.
I remember.
Oh? I'm Thomas Magnum.
I'm Linda Lee Ellison.
I know.
I heard.
So, what are you doing here? I lost a A $2 bill.
It wasn't any $2 bill.
I mean, it was, uh, special.
Come on, Lee.
You making the move with us? Well, thanks again.
I don't suppose I could interest you in a cup of coffee? Addendum to turning 40.
It only happens once, so probably the best thing to do is not try to decide exactly how you're going to respond to it.
Just enjoy whatever happens.
So there I was, in the middle of a dry river bed, doing a story on white-river rafting.
It must be very exciting to work on something and see it come to life on the air.
Well, I'm not exactly Geraldo Rivera.
I just do fluff.
Happy news.
You know, a boy and his dog, twins being reunited after 45 years Human interest.
But I like it.
So what was so special about your $2 bill? My grandfather gave it to me when I was 13.
So you're gonna stay in Chinatown until you find it, right? No, I was here on a case.
A case? I'm a private investigator.
What are you working on? It's something for a friend.
Dangerous? It's not that big a deal.
I don't think there's a story in it for you.
You never know when you're gonna trip over that story that's gonna make you rich and famous.
Well, I think you're doing pretty good in that department.
You're a feature reporter, you've got a house on the beach What makes you think I have a house on the beach? Actually, last night wasn't the only time that I've seen you.
I happened to be driving down Kahala Avenue after I saw you in the morning Actually, I happened to be driving by the studio just after you came out.
Actually, I've been following you.
I didn't plan it that way.
It just started to happen.
You probably think I'm a little strange.
I think you're very nice.
Yeah? Yes.
I'd better go.
I think I have to reshoot that one.
I wasn't really concentrating! Wait.
I was wondering I'm involved with someone.
You're married? No.
Are you? No.
Well, then? I really have to go.
I can't let them start the show without me.
It was nice seeing you again.
Kenji said you wanted to see me? Yes.
Where have you been? This morning you indicated you'd be back by 3:00.
Oh, I'm sorry, Higgins.
If I'd known you'd gone to all this trouble What are you talking about? Tea.
You know.
What are you talking about? I don't like tea that much.
But in this case I'll make an exception.
It's a sweet thing to do.
I'm afraid I haven't a place for you.
Oh, I get it.
You want me to think you've forgotten? Forgotten what? That's very good.
That's very convincing.
If I didn't know you so well, I'd almost believe it.
As much as I'd love to stand here bandying words with you, I do have guests.
But Higgins? What did you want to see me about? What? Oh, yes.
Your mother called.
She called here? Twice.
As did Rick.
It was urgent, as usual.
If you're planning on returning your mother's call, please show her the courtesy of remembering the time difference in Tidewater! Thomas, give me a call.
I got some information for you.
There's this guy, he's bad news.
His name is John Walter Costa.
Don't you do anything until you talk to me, okay? One of these days, I'm gonna catch you when you're there.
I hope your birthday package got there okay.
It got here, Mom.
We all wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and Billy wants to know when you're coming home for a visit.
Anyway, I'll try again later.
Love you, Tommy.
It's too late.
Hi, you still up? Who did you think was calling? Who's this? We haven't met yet, Mr.
My name's John Costa.
And I think you know what this is about.
What do you want? A friendly meeting.
Front of the building, next to Wo Fat's Chop Suey.
In an hour.
Help me, mister! Please! Please! My grandmother! It's her heart! Please help me! Where is she? She's down here.
Please help me! Hurry, please! You're probably wondering why I asked you here.
You're John Costa? You've been paying a lot of attention to someone I care about.
Now, I'm only gonna say this once.
No more following the car.
No more surf-skiing off my beach.
No more little get-togethers in Chinatown, I'm glad we had a chance to clear this up.
Stay away from her.
It's your mother again.
Hope you're not out having too much fun.
Anyway, maybe I'll get lucky tomorrow.
Sorry, Mom.
It's your nickel.
It's five nickels nowadays.
Hey, Thomas.
I'm glad you called before you did anything about this Costa guy.
He's major-league bad news.
Are you sure his name's John Costa? Yeah.
I'm positive.
Why? Nothing.
Just a funny coincidence.
Turns out he made a killing in the stock market a few years back.
The FBI figures that he parlayed it into arms dealing.
Well there's nothing illegal about arms dealing.
It is when they're stolen.
This guys makes a living by paying people to rip off military installations.
Then he makes a profit by selling the stolen weapons.
And, Thomas, this guy's got a reputation for making people that cross him disappear.
Yeah, thanks, Rick.
Look, I hope I didn't put you in a bind with Ice Pick.
I didn't call Ice Pick.
Well, then how'd you get this stuff on Costa? I called Carol at the D.
's office.
You watch this guy, you hear? Thanks for the warning.
What are you doing? Looking for these.
I see you've been beaten up again.
The Baseball Concordia.
The Passing Attack.
Those are my books.
Zen Infield, foreworded by Catfoot Blevens.
It's "Catfish" Blevens! And they are not your books, they belong to Robin Masters and they're to be treated with the same respect as if they were actually valuable.
They are! Oh, I get it.
You weren't looking for the books.
You couldn't possibly have even known I had them.
Who else would plunder them from the library? You were sneaking around looking for my telephone book.
This is a sweet thing you're doing.
Don't be ridiculous.
Why on earth would I want your telephone book? So you can call up all my friends.
Do you realize how patently absurd that sounds? Oh, of course, you're right.
You couldn't possibly wanna call up all my friends.
But just in case you need me tomorrow, for anything at all, I won't be here.
Oh? Where will you be? What are you doing here? I'm not completely sure.
Look, I admire persistence, but How well do you know John Costa? What? I know you're involved with him, but how well do you know him? Is this a professional inquiry, or a personal one? Maybe both.
What are you working on? This is none of your business.
And neither is my personal life! John Costa is a dangerous man.
As far as I can tell, he's hired a Chinatown street gang, the friendly little boys on your tape there, to steal some weapons from a military base.
And he has a penchant for physical violence.
If you don't know any of this, you could be in real danger yourself.
Get out.
Maybe you do.
And if that's the case, and you don't do anything about it, you're as good as in it with him.
I just had to get that out of my system.
My first year in Junior High School, I tried out for the school play.
Partly because I wanted to play Thomas Jefferson, someone I'd always considered my namesake, but mostly, because I wanted to walk Mary Ellen Moffat home from rehearsals.
She played Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson.
I waited for her after every rehearsal, but she kept avoiding me.
Finally, one day, she walked right up to me, looked at me, smiled, and said, "You better stop waiting around for me "or my boyfriend's gonna pound you.
" That's the day I decided to join the Foreign Legion.
It's open.
There's someone here to see you.
This won't hurt.
Automatic reflex.
I'm I feel really I wasn't sure you would even talk to me after this afternoon.
Look, I was way out of line.
I didn't exactly You were right.
I was involved with John's business in Chinatown.
But not the way you think.
What do I think? I was on the trail of a story.
A big story.
And when I realized I was in too deep to get out.
I discovered the story was John.
Look, you don't have to talk about this.
I thought I could keep him away from finding out what I knew, at least long enough to get it on the air.
But I wasn't that clever.
How much do you know? I'm walking away from the story.
I think you should.
Look, I didn't plan it this way, but the case I'm working on involves Costa.
Is that why you were following me around? No.
I didn't know that when I met you, and I didn't know that when we had coffee.
I didn't.
Listen, you don't have to have anything to do with him.
I can handle it.
If he finds out I told you anything He can't get to you here.
I'm not worried about myself.
There are dozens of people I've talked to.
And if he did this to me, imagine what he will do to What's he gonna do to them if he's not stopped? I don't know.
You can't protect them with silence.
Hello? Yeah, I took care of it, Rick.
I gotta get something in the bedroom.
I'll be right back.
Hi, Han, it's me.
Hey, who's Rick? And why'd you hang up, huh? Well, that's kind of a long story.
What's up? Did I ever tell you the story about my grandfather's village during the time of the bandits? And you see Han, it's late.
I'm tired.
Could you do this in the short form? Just tell me about your neighborhood instead of your grandfather's? Well, I did hear something but maybe it's nothing.
Are you there? Yes! Well, it's about this kid, see.
He runs with the Wolf.
Talks a lot, talks a lot.
He said he's gonna meet with Costa tonight.
Maybe he's just talking, huh? Maybe.
Any idea where? Where Sanju Sanju Pagoda.
I'll check it out.
Thomas, hey, I'm sorry I call during dinner hour, huh? That's okay.
I've eaten.
Junk food, huh? No more junk food.
I'm 40 now.
I have to run some tickets over to a friend.
He has to have them tonight? You're safe here.
If you want to get some sleep, you can use the bedroom.
I'll stay out here tonight.
How long will you be gone? Not long.
Kind of late for you to be out, isn't it? I held these back as a sort of bonus for you.
You don't have to count this, do you? We know where you live.
Tell your guys they did a good job.
Next time I'm in the market for This is the police.
We have you surrounded.
It's a setup! Let's get out of here.
Throw down your weapons.
Throw your weapons down! Place your hands behind your head I repeat: This is the police.
Cease firing! Cease firing! Throw down your weapons! Freeze! There's one in the back, there.
Let him go! He was the one I was telling you about! Stand by.
All right, Lee, go.
In a dramatic development in Chinatown, Channel 3 was on the scene when war broke out between an Asian gang group and alleged arms dealer John Costa.
For some weeks, this investigative reporter has been on the trail of a story which you see unfolding here tonight.
Initially, there was no information but Channel Three is going to bring you full coverage on the story, which will reveal bribery, grand theft, collusion, and the simmering And the simmering violence beneath the tranquil exterior of Chinatown.
Listen, why don't you set up over there so we can cover the bust? Okay.
Why didn't you trust me enough to tell me where you were going? You listened in on my conversation with Han.
You knew what was going down tonight.
Why didn't you tell me? Why'd you just let me walk into this? I saved you! You planned on doing your report all along, didn't you? I wasn't! I got worried about you.
That explains the police.
It doesn't explain this.
Lee, we're losing this! Let's go! Thomas, I wasn't really gonna do the story.
I was gonna put it to rest, but Go finish your report.
All right, Lee, go.
According to police sources, members of the Wolf gang and former financier John Costa have been arrested, and will be charged with possession of military weapons, attempted murder of police officers, and related felonies.
Surprise! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! I believe I actually convinced you I'd forgotten! Higgins, you You did all this? Quite.
Happy birthday, Thomas.
You don't look a day over 39.
Well, maybe a day over.
Happy birthday, Magnum.
Thanks, Higgins.
Where was it? In the cash register at Wo Fat's Chop Suey.
This isn't What? Nothing, Higgins.
Thank you.
Thanks, guys.
Look, can you just give me a minute? I The FBI has informed us that additional charges relating to illegal weapons statutes will be filed against John Costa, a bizarre twist in the life of the well-known Hello? Mom! Did I wake you? What? What time is it? I woke you.
Tom, is that you? I'm sorry I woke you.
It's still my birthday here.
Did you get my package? The shirt's great.
I love it.
You sound pretty good.
Is everything okay? Investigation by our morning special features reporter.
And full details surrounding this controversial Just a minute.
will be discussed on tomorrow morning's final look at "Chinatown: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" Hi.
You know, you shouldn't be up so late.
You gotta start pacing yourself now.
Mom, I'm only 40.

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