Charmed s07e19 Episode Script

Freaky Phoebe

- Leo, I need your help.
|- Why? What's the matter? - The Elders have assigned me a charge.
|- That's great! No, actually, it's not.
- You have to help me get out of this.
|- You can't.
You're a Whitelighter.
I'm also a chick in her 20's|who'd like to have a life.
- I don't have time for this!|- You're nervous.
No, I'm just busy.
All right, fine.
|Maybe I'm a little nervous.
You know what? That used to happen to me all the time|before I met my first charge.
It's good.
It means you|don't want to let 'em down.
- Or maybe I'm not ready.
|- Trust me, you're ready.
Yeah? Then why don't|you tell that to my stomach.
- 'Cause it really hurts right now.
|- Look Here, try this.
- Toast?|- Yeah, it helps calm the butterflies.
You've been a Whitelighter for 60 years,|and toast is what you got for me? Well, it's not like you|haven't had charges before, okay? Right, okay Fine.
But I always had Piper and Phoebe|to back me up, all right? Now I'd be solo.
- What if I fail?|- You won't fail.
That's easy for you to say.
|You have a job, you got your wife.
You got your kids.
|You got breakfast.
If I make a mistake,|someone dies.
You done? Yeah, how did you know? Toast and venting.
|Works every time.
- Guess I could try.
|- I know you can do it.
- Good luck.
|- Thank you.
- Thanks a lot.
|- Here you go.
- Mitchell Hanes?|- Yeah.
Hi, I'm your new Whitelighter,|Paige Matthews.
Nice to meet you Not interested.
- You can't just walk away from me.
|- No? Watch me.
Aren't you at least gonna hear me out? Let me guess That I'm a witch with great powers.
You can help bring them|out for me.
Master them.
- Well, yeah.
|- I don't want your help.
Wait, wait, wait, wait! Look, I know you've had|some problems in the past, but maybe you haven't had|the right person help you Namely me.
My last Whitelighter said the|same thing.
They ever send anybody - who hasn't read the Elder playbook?|- I'm not just anybody, okay? I am a Charmed One.
I ran Magic School|for a year, and I'm a Whitelighter.
Triple threat.
Where are you going to|find somebody with that experience.
Good, you can use it|to help your next charge.
Okay, wait.
Listen! New rule.
I'll not tolerate demon activity|in my house or my club.
Got it? Barstool! - You okay?|- Yeah, I'm fine.
What the hell do you|think they wanted? - I have no clue.
|- At least you're okay.
Yeah, but he's not.
He has a concussion|and needs a few stitches.
- Otherwise, he's fine.
|- Oh, thank God.
Did he say whether, you know,|he had seen anything? He was hit from behind.
Last thing he remembers|was loading beer from his truck.
That was good.
I mean, you know,|that he remembers something.
That probably means|he doesn't have any brain damage.
Stick around.
The detective's|gonna need to take a statement.
"Probably doesn't have|any brain damage"? - Smooth, Piper.
Real smooth.
|- Well, that's the last time I call 911.
Well, sadly,|now that Leo can't heal us, I think we're gonna be calling|that number a lot more.
I can't believe this.
They attack me|at work now? Is no place sacred? - I thought we covered pretty well.
|- Yeah, this time.
What about next time|and the time after that? - We'll deal with it when it happens.
|- No, I'm gonna deal with them now.
Before you do, can you help?|The reason why I came That guy Mitchell blew me off.
My charge! Oh? That's all you|have for me is "oh"? I can't really help with that|whole Whitelighter thing.
You should probably talk to Leo.
Excuse me.
You're|Phoebe Halliwell's sisters, right? - Right.
|- Yeah.
I'm Inspector Sheridan.
I met Phoebe a couple of|weeks ago on a different case.
Well, it's nice to meet you.
- Where is Lieutenant?|- Lieutenant Morris? He's out of town.
Taking personal time.
|I'll cover for him while he's gone.
So, could you describe the suspects? - Tall.
Black?|- Didn't really get a good look at him.
Yeah, we were in the back and|by the time we came out they were Gone! Yeah, gone.
What I don't understand is|why would they rob the place in the middle of the day.
|Before you even opened? We have been asking ourselves|the same question.
Well, we'll stay in touch.
Well, the good news is|I don't think she remembers meeting us.
Thank God for memory dust.
Yeah, but it's not|100 per cent guaranteed.
If we give her the slightest cause,|her memory could come back.
Which is another reason we|need to find the demon who did this.
Come closer, Lantos.
You can tell me why you failed from here|just as easily as from over there.
I'm confident the witch|will be alone again soon.
I don't have time for soon! I need a lock of hair now! The only way to weaken Zankou is to|take out his most trusted lieutenants Daleek, Benzor, Linson.
All above ground.
All of whom I can only get to with|the help of the beautiful Charmed Ones.
Tell me, Lantos Do you think I'm beautiful too? Of course.
Do you want another scar? I can make you look like me|in no time, you know.
To your chambers! We can't wait any longer.
I reported to The Source.
|I won't do the same with his successor.
I'll need at least|a half a dozen more demons.
You can't overcome|the sisters with force Especially not Piper.
Since she'll be|expecting another attack, I need you to go after|a different sister instead.
Why not Paige?|She's less intuitive, more predictable.
But she's also a Whitelighter now.
Which puts her in|constant contact with the Elders.
Besides, Phoebe's a celebrity.
The way I deserve to be.
And someday will be.
Lawyers! There should be a special place in hell|for each and every one of them! Okay, before you freak out,|let me tell you about - I mean, talk about an attack!|- Exactly.
The paper's been sued|by a few people, and the legal department's|clamping down on reporters.
- You're not a reporter.
Anyway, other|- But I'm a columnist.
They're saying I could actually|be sued if I gave bad advice.
So they want every one of my columns|to be reviewed by a professional shrink! Okay, well technically|you're not a real shrink.
So as I Excuse me!|Bachelor's degree, four years.
My readers don't care|about my credentials.
- All they care about is my insight.
|- Yes, that is true.
Now why don't you direct that|famous insight towards the fact - that I was attacked at P3 today.
|- Oh, my God.
Are you okay? I'm alive.
The demons won't be|when I'm done with them.
Providing I can find them.
- They're not in the Book?|- Too many fit the description.
God, that is so weird.
|Demons never attack at P3.
Even weirder,|I don't think they wanted to kill me.
One of them could have nailed me|with a fireball, but then didn't.
- What's this?|- New policy.
We carry them|for protection at all times.
- If we don't know what kind of demon|- Doesn't matter.
If it doesn't kill 'em,|it'll stun 'em.
Wow, and I thought|I was on a rampage.
I'm sending the Underworld a message.
|"Back off and let me live my life.
" And I'm going to help you with that.
|First, I have to deal with my column.
- Want me to have a life too, don't you?|- If you must.
- Anything else, sir?|- I need a copy to go to every teacher, and tell Mr Feeney a definite "yes"|on the after school TK classes.
I'll take care of it right away.
So you're bummed with your charge? - Yeah, I'd say majorly.
|- Don't let it get you down.
Reluctant charges|come with the territory.
I'm wishing the Elders|could've given me more to go on.
He told me he's had|several Whitelighters and has the power of hyperspeed.
|I could've found that on Google.
Hold that thought.
Yes? I'm not feeling well.
Could you|fill in for me at corporealising class? - No problem.
Go home and rest.
|- Thanks.
- What?|- Nothing.
- You're just impressive, that's all.
|- What do you mean? I was headmistress of this school|for a year and you make it look easy,|and I know it's anything but.
So you need an assistant? - Paige|- What? I don't think I'm cut out for Whitelighter stuff.
|I still don't trust the Elders.
'Cause they didn't tell you everything? They don't.
They want you|to get to know your charges.
Why send me out to some guy|who hates Whitelighters, - and doesn't wanna talk to me?|- Gotta find a way to make him.
It's your job.
You're his guide.
|If you don't get him to use his powers, a lot of future innocents|are gonna be lost.
No pressure there.
The Elders wouldn't give you|this assignment if they didn't think you can handle it.
|Use your instincts.
Be creative.
Look, once I had these charges|who were a little less than willing to use their powers.
So I had to|assimilate myself into their lives.
Get them to trust me|before I could help them.
Pretended to be a handyman.
|Worked like a charm.
Let me guess|You married one of them? Let's say that the Charmed Ones|make Mitchell look like a piece of cake.
I don't care what they say|in the legal department.
That guy is not touching|one word of what I've written! All right, you know what,|I'll be up there in a second.
It's my favourite scissors.
|I knew I left them somewhere.
What pretty hair she has.
This is going to be fun.
I was lucky to get out of there alive.
- Her powers of intuition are|- Won't do any good once she's trapped inside my cage.
- If her sisters can anticipate like|- They can't.
Phoebe's power's unique.
I wonder how men look at her.
|With lustful hearts, no doubt.
Maybe we should hold off|on the transfer till we're sure How long have we been watching them?|We know them better than anyone, including Zankou.
But their bond is strong.
To fool them even for a day we Like I said, we've learned enough.
I cannot believe|they cut a piece from my hair.
- I just spent $250 on a cut and colour.
|- What?! You spent $250 on a haircut? You could've bought a week's|worth of groceries with that.
I don't think the price of my haircut|should be your main concern right now.
Okay, you're right.
|Actually, this is good news.
- For whom, exactly?|- All of us.
How many demons|specialise in cutting hair? Should make 'em easier to find.
|What'd he look like, - long coat and greasy hair?|- Wielding some scissors, which I have.
We can use them to scry with.
I'll drop 'em off as soon as I deal with|someone else who wants a piece of me.
- I gotta go.
|- Wait Phoebe, wait.
Miss Halliwell, hello.
|I'm Dr Randall.
Yes, I know exactly who you are.
You're the guy here to ruin my column.
I sense some displaced anger.
No, it's very well placed.
|You can put your red pencil away.
You're not touching|a thing I've written.
I'm afraid you don't|have a say in the matter.
Really? Because the column is called|Ask Phoebe, so I'm pretty sure I do.
Let me remind you|You're not the doctor, I am.
After all, I don't see|any diplomas on your walls.
Nice What's going on? Where am I? You're with us now, Phoebe.
|Get in the cage.
Hello, witch I hope you enjoy the view.
|It'll be the last one you ever have.
So, whether you like it or not, you and I are going to be|working together for a long time.
- Do we understand each other?|- Do you think I'm hot? Excuse me? This is gonna be fun.
- Any luck finding our demons?|- Nope.
Well, good.
|I'm glad it just wasn't me.
- By the way, thanks.
|- For what? For coming home to help|in the middle of the day.
- You were attacked.
|- Yeah I'm working on that|not happening so much.
You can't scare away all the demons|all the time, you know.
No, but I can make them think twice|about attacking again, can't I? I'd like to think one day|you'd come home in the middle of the day for,|I don't know, lunch? You know we could find something|else to do for like an hour or so.
Take it easy.
Keep checking.
I'm thinking whoever wanted the hair|was working for an upper-level demon.
The question is Who? - Soul-swapper?|- Could be.
Or voodoo priestess.
|Or witch doctor.
Or demonic cloner.
A cloner.
That wouldn't be|such a bad thing.
At least then I'd have|another sister to fight demons with.
Did someone say fight demons? 'Cause I am so there.
- What're you doing back so soon?|- What do you mean? What happened with the shrink? Oh, I took care of him.
Oh, my God Oh, for God sakes.
|Your hair looks fine.
We should go and check|the Book of Shadows again.
- I already checked it.
|- Maybe we should check again.
I'm just saying we have to|fight demons, right? Any idea what these|demon creeps are looking for? Not yet.
The more I think about it, the|more I'm leaning towards soul-swapping.
Soul-swapping?|No I don't buy it.
If it was voodoo, they could've stolen|a comb or a brush to get hair.
See, soul-swapping is more powerful.
|It requires fresh ingredients, which explains why|they need fresh cut hair.
Demons have tried to|impersonate us before and it's never worked.
|We just know each other too well.
She's got a point.
Besides, at least we still have|the scissors to scry for them with.
- Scissors?|- Are they in your purse? I'll get them.
- Phoebe?|- What? - Did you have a premonition?|- Yes, I did.
A very big one.
This is the guy.
This is the guy|we're looking for, right here.
Daleek? - He doesn't look like the demons.
|- Are you sure? - Maybe he was working with 'em.
|- Yeah, that's probably it.
"Works above ground.
"|It could be a Zankou plant.
But it doesn't say anything|about him cutting hair.
But I saw him posing|as a civilian in my premonition.
What more proof do we need? - Okay|- Great, I'll meet you downstairs.
I'm gonna go slip into|something a little bit more sexy.
Sexy? We're killing a demon,|not going to the club.
Did I say sexy?|I meant comfortable.
Wait! God, now what? Maybe we shouldn't go after this guy|till we have the Power of Three.
You can call Paige,|but she's a Whitelighter.
You gotta get used to|working without her.
- What he said.
|- You have potions.
If it's an upper-level demon,|it's nothing you haven't handled.
Couldn't have said it|any better myself.
I'm gonna go change.
You have somewhere to go? I can't believe I was worried|we wouldn't pull this off.
I'll get out of here eventually.
With a face like that,|you're better off in the cage.
Don't feel all that charmed now, do you? My sisters will get me|out of this cage and this body! You forget.
For them|to come to your rescue, they have to realise|lmara's in your body.
Don't think they can tell|when there's a demon? There was a demon.
|Not long ago.
Everything he learned, we learned.
|Imara broke into his lair, stole his information,|knows everything about you.
I don't care.
|My sisters'll figure it out.
It'll be too late|for both you and Zankou.
We've killed his allies.
Weakened him|to where he can't rule.
As for you You're keeping lmara's body alive|so her soul can return.
Too bad there won't be a body|for your soul to return to.
Help me! Please! Someone! Help! Are you okay? Are you hurt? - Surprise.
|- What the hell? What're you doing?|You out of your mind? I'm trying to show you|that your powers can save lives.
You didn't have to save mine,|but you could've.
- So you tricked me.
|- Technically.
Here's the thing.
I'm trying to|remind you of what your powers can do, and why you can't just|walk away from a gift like that.
- The hell I can't.
|- Mitchell, please! You don't know me.
|You don't know me at all.
Can someone tell me|why I'm trying to help this person? You crashed your car? It was a rental.
|What? I got the insurance.
That's not the point, Paige.
You told me to|trust my instincts.
I did.
Yeah, to earn his trust,|not destroy it.
Maybe there's a reason|nobody's able to get through to him.
Maybe he just can't be gotten to.
I don't think there's any such thing|as a lost cause, Paige.
- Maybe it's time to get somebody else.
|- Paige I mean it! Call the Elders.
|Have 'em get another Whitelighter.
- I'm done.
I can't do it.
|- So you're just gonna give up.
I cannot force Mitchell|to be a witch.
I can't.
- Maybe that's your problem.
|- What? He's not just a witch, Paige.
|He's a person too.
He was a person first.
|Your powers are tied to your emotions.
Stop concentrating on him as a witch.
|Start focusing on him as a man.
We're vanquishing a city councilman? - Are you crazy?|- I saw him posing as a civilian.
You were fine with it before.
I thought we were gonna find him in|an alley or a warehouse.
Not downtown.
You insisted I come home|so we'd deal with it.
Stop clickety-clacking|in those things for one second.
I wanna kill demons as much as you.
|Probably even more.
We can't afford to be reckless.
|Especially with Sheridan lurking.
- Sheridan?|- Yeah.
This morning at the bar? Oh, right.
|I got demon-councilman on the brain.
We really don't want her|on our case again.
What are you doing? - Are you checking yourself out?|- Yeah, it's not a crime.
No, but now is not the time.
|Don't be so vain.
I just wanna look presentable.
We are meeting a councilman,|for God sakes.
Then maybe you should put on a jacket.
A councilman you think might be evil.
I know is evil.
You will too,|once you freeze the scene.
Yeah, if he's upper-level|he's not freezin'.
Can I help you? No.
Excuse me, Councilman Wexler? I'm sorry, do we have an appointment? No, Daleek.
|Actually, we don't.
Wow, that was awesome!|What was in there? Who cares? Let's go.
Hey, what's the rush?|Everyone's frozen anyway.
I don't want to be here|when they unfreeze and figure out their boss is missing.
No one will ever know we were here.
I think we should just concentrate|on the demon who actually attacked us.
- We'll get him.
|- When? Well, when I try and get|a few more premonitions.
I mean, who knows|how many demons Zankou has.
Our first demon still has|a piece of your hair.
Who knows when he's|gonna use it, or come for more.
Who cares? With a face like this,|I can be bald and look great.
- What the hell's gotten into you?|- What do you mean? What do I mean? You're walking|around like a crazy person.
That is, when you're not checking|yourself out in every shiny surface! Well, I think I'm just a little|scattered and overwhelmed with the column|and all these demons And trying to help you|find a normal life.
I appreciate that, but it doesn't|require us going a mile a minute.
Well, you wanted to make|a statement to the demon world.
What better statement than|to kill a lot of demons, right? Right.
Where are you going? I'm going upstairs to change my outfit.
I've been in this for the last hour.
- Inspector, hello.
|- Piper.
What brings you all the way out here? Well, actually, this does.
The city councilman's missing.
According to that photograph|the two of you were the last - to see him before he disappeared.
|- You think we had - something to do with that?|- I don't know.
- Did you?|- No! We went to talk to him about some|branches hanging over our back yard.
Considering he's|not really your councilman.
Which we figured out|when we talked to him.
- Satisfied?|- No, I'm not.
First, a robbery that doesn't look like|a robbery.
Then a councilman vanishes.
- Both times one of you was there.
|- Coincidence.
I don't believe in coincidences.
We'll keep in touch.
Come on, Phoebe.
|There's gotta be a way out of here.
Hey, give it a rest, will you?|You're tiring out her body.
Imara's gonna need her strength|when she returns to kill your sisters.
Yeah? What makes you think|I'd let any demon What's the matter with you? Get up! What happened? What am I doing here? They've figured it out.
|They reversed the spell.
Don't just stand there, fools.
|Let me out of here! - What're you talking about?|- Don't you see? The witches switched|our souls back.
It's me.
- Imara.
|- Hurry! We don't have much time.
- Open up and let me out.
|- Wait! - How do we know it's really you?|- You dare challenge me? Open the cage or I'll kill you both! Same temper.
We've been planning for months and|they figure it out in a couple of hours? I don't think so.
They wouldn't have suspected anything|if you hadn't left the scissors.
That's right.
|You screwed up! Let me out before|they get here and kill us all.
Stay here.
I'm gonna go|above ground.
See for myself.
Idiot! Phoebe will kill you|the moment she sees you.
Unless you're Phoebe,|and this is just a trick.
Don't let her out until I return.
The witches will vanquish him!|Then they'll come and vanquish you, unless you let me out of here now.
Get out.
Nope, not going away this time.
And neither are you.
I know why you|stopped using magic, okay.
- I did some research.
|- You don't know anything.
- I know what happened.
|- Leave me alone.
You're not gonna run from me|like from the others.
Something happened|to your fiancée, right? Jennifer? I can do this all night.
Why are you doing this to me? Look, I don't give a rat's ass|about you being a witch or not.
I'm trying to help you.
You're not just running from your gift.
|You're running away from yourself.
- You really loved her, didn't you?|- Yes, I did.
How'd she die? I was supposed to meet her I was late.
|I can't remember why.
By the time I got there,|they had already killed her.
They didn't want her.
She didn't|even know what they were, or who I was.
They were there for me,|but I was late.
If only I used my speed,|I might've been there on time You can't know that.
|You're never gonna know.
When my parents died,|I blamed myself.
I even used magic to try to|go back in time and fix it.
But I couldn't.
Thing is, we're never gonna|be able to fix everything, or save everybody,|because at the end of the day, you and I, we're just people that have|the ability to help other people.
Aren't you cold? No, but then again,|I actually have clothes on.
I know it's kind of skimpy.
|It was so cute, I couldn't help myself.
Okay, can we|get back to the demons? Right.
You betcha.
Let's see Benzor! - Benzor?|- Upper-level demon.
I saw him posing as a judge,|and he's probably working for Zankou.
- You got all that from one premonition?|- Pretty good, huh? You gonna get that? - Your phone.
|- Oh, right.
Hello? Dr Randall? Oh, yes Dr Randall.
You know what? Do what you want|because I don't really care.
I'll be right back.
- What are you doing here?|- Imara? Who else would it be?|Why aren't you watching the witch? She said they sent you|back to your body.
- I came to check.
|- What? - Phoebe? Who are you talking to?|- Piper, help! - What are you doing?|- Covering.
- Blow him up!|- No! That was close, huh? That was the demon|that attacked me in the club.
And me in the elevator.
Hey, what's up? - Paige, good.
You're just in time.
|- For what? To help us vanquish|the demon that's trying to kill us.
- How do you know who it is?|- The demon we just vanquished said her name.
It's lmara.
We have to vanquish her right away.
- I can't let you out, she'll kill me.
|- She is me! - But Lantos said|- Lantos is dead.
Otherwise, he'd have returned by now.
I don't know.
If you do nothing, you'll be|vanquished by the witches.
But if you free me, you'll take|Lantos' place and rule by my side.
You made a wise decision.
Phoebe! No! Well, it took you long enough.
- Actually, I think we're right on time.
|- No! Don't! What was that? That was Phoebe's soul.
We just killed your sister.
I told you it was a soul swap, didn't I? I don't think now is|the time for "I told you so.
" I think it's the perfect time.
|There was obviously something wrong.
- Why didn't I do something?|- I don't think beating yourself up - is gonna do any good.
|- How could we have known? She took over|Phoebe's body to kill demons.
- It's what Phoebe does.
|- No, not lately it isn't.
Not with everything|going on at work with her.
I should have done something.
|I can't believe I didn't We should just concentrate|on getting her back.
Back? Paige, her soul floated away.
- She's gone!|- Not necessarily.
We've dealt with spirits before.
They can keep from moving on|if their will is strong enough.
Phoebe's definitely is.
Okay, fine.
|But lmara is still in her body, and I don't see her|in a hurry to give it up.
Yeah, especially since we|blew up her demonic body Not that I'm saying|it's anybody's fault.
Do another soul-swap.
Put Phoebe's|back in her body and send lmara's to - What, oblivion?|- You have to do the same ritual.
That requires a piece of Phoebe's hair.
|I don't see lmara letting us get close enough to try.
No, but I think I might know|somebody who can.
Thomas Hendricks? - Where'd you come from?|- Judge Thomas Hendricks? Who are you? Someone who doesn't|wanna work for your boss Zankou.
That was my favourite minion.
All right, who's next? Thanks.
- She's pretty pissed.
|- Thanks.
Wait Now.
Lock of hair, completes our goal|to help us reclaim our sister's soul Banish this demon, spare no pain Bring Phoebe back|from the ghostly plane - Are you okay?|- No, I am not okay! How could you not know|that was inside me? - Don't start with me.
|- Who's this guy? This is my first charge, Mitchell.
- He saved you.
|- Oh, thank you.
Don't thank me,|thank my Whitelighter.
- She saved me.
|- He's cute.
She's back.
- Do I even wanna read this?|- I don't see why not, considering it's word for word|what you wrote.
Dr Randall is no longer with the paper.
- Really? Did you fire him?|- He didn't leave me much choice.
He He claimed you came on to him.
- I did?|- Exactly.
And that was just his first lie.
He said you told him he could do|whatever he wanted with the column.
That you didn't care|one way or other.
He must have me confused|with someone else.
Which is what I said when|I kicked his butt out the door.
That's fine by me.
|Are you hiring someone else? I told legal we never had a problem|with your column before, and until we do, back off.
I appreciate that|vote of confidence, Elise.
But I've been thinking Maybe my column could use|a little bit more professional insight.
How so? I'll let you know.
|Gotta run it by my sisters first.
Hey, how'd you|fix this place up so fast? Potions? Spells? Even better Husband.
Getting Leo to go back to work.
|Nothing says normal quite like that.
And we haven't had|a demon attack all day.
Hopefully, the demon world|took note of our rampage.
I don't think killing lmara|constitutes a rampage.
No, but killing lmara,|Daleek and Benzor does.
We didn't kill the last two.
- The demon world doesn't know that.
|- No, they just think I did it.
- Which is fine by me, actually.
|- Me too.
So, you guys wanna know what|the real Phoebe is gonna do next? What? I've decided I'm gonna|go back to college.
College? Again? Yeah, I think I wanna get|my graduate degree.
This way the paper|will get off my back.
I can get my professional credentials|and, who knows, maybe even be a better columnist.
What happened to the woman|who said her readers - don't care about credentials?|- Well, as a future psychologist - I can honestly say that I was|- Swimming in a big bag of denial? - Yes, exactly.
|- What about the shrink at work? - I don't think he'll be a problem.
|- Well, girls, unfortunately, I think Inspector Sheridan|is going to be a problem.
- Wait, she's on our case again?|- And how! Did you hear about Judge Hendricks? No.
What? He disappeared too.
|It must be an epidemic.
It must be.
If you need a hand with|the councilman's case, just let me know.
No, it's all right.
I got it.

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