Inspector Lewis (2006) s08e01 Episode Script

Entry Wounds

(clock bell tolling)
I'd love to tell you
that it gets better,
but it doesn't.
30 years in,
and I see
Has he started
"You will always feel afraid.
You should always feel afraid."
Well, they haven't
heard it before.
My point is that surgery
is violent.
And the day that
stops frightening you
is the day you should
give up the job.
(alarm beeping)
I'm coming, sweetie,
it's all right.
I've got you.
It's all right, darling.
There we are.
There, there
All right, sweetheart.
I've got you, darling.
Am I courageous because
I'm willing to open her skull,
or am I reckless?
It all depends
on the outcome.
So here endeth
the lesson.
Knife, please.
(talking amongst themselves)
What are they doing?
Oi, hippies!
Get a job!
They're students,
leave them alone.
I hate my job.
No, you don't.
You hate your boss.
Come on.
Thanks, Chris.
MAN (on walkie talkie):
Chris, can you please
pick up?
All right, yeah,
still in the queue at X-ray.
I'll get there as soon as I can.
Well, hurry up please.
Sorry, Les, mate.
Fag break's canceled.
Just for now.
We'll be back.
(making car engine noise)
Oh Riz,
where the hell are you?
(wings flapping)
(fire crackling)
(glass shattering)
(fire crackling)
Sergeant Maddox?
Oh, you're a star.
Shall I liaise
with the fire service?
He wants to do it himself.
Course he does.
You know his last sergeant
only lasted a fortnight?
I think I might be going
the same way myself.
He won't even let me handle
a break-in at a swimming pool
on my own.
Good luck.
We're also after your stories
on the same topics
I might have a go
at the canoe today,
get it ready
for Jack's half term.
Good at swimming, is he?
It's going to float.
It is!
Well, good luck to her
and all who sail in her.
Some of us have
got jobs to go to.
I'll see you tonight.
Try and enjoy your work.
Will do.
Right, then.
My husband came up here
last summer for a stag do.
Never shot a gun
in his life, right?
And then comes home
with this pheasant.
I can't even eat a fish
with its head on!
But he gets it out, and I was
like, "I can't pluck that!"
As if I'm going
to do that
So it's a private
shooting ground, I got it.
Uh, yeah, so they do
game shooting
and rough shooting,
clay pigeon.
Although it did
used to be a farm
until it was sold
in March 2009
to Alistair Stoke
and Thomas Marston.
I've reported graffiti,
slashed tires,
vandalized fences,
but my lodge has to be burnt
to the ground
before you take it seriously.
I'm sorry,
I know you're stretched.
I'm Tom Marston.
DI Hathaway,
Oxford Police.
So you think this fire
is part of a wider pattern?
Put ""
in there.
See what comes up.
Hang on a second,
it's redirecting
to "".
That's my business partner,
Alastair Stoke.
I get stuff like that
in the mail every day.
Have you any idea
who's behind this?
Well, it's the animal rights
brigade, isn't it?
They don't appreciate us selling
shoots as entertainment.
Yeah, but anyone
Well, the university lot
are particularly vocal.
(dog barking)
But it's Oxford,
isn't it?
No shortage of people
who like an ill-informed rant.
Look, I've told you before!
Keep it under control
or put it on a lead.
Is that your attempt
to say thank you?
It needs some work.
The whole wood
could've come down
if she hadn't woken me.
This is Mrs. Fernsby.
She rents a cottage
from us.
Oh, really?
We rent it, do we?
Come on.
We're going to need you
to give a statement.
We should've evicted her
when we bought the place.
Mrs. Fernsby?
Juno, here!
These threatening images,
did you hang on to them at all?
Alistair may have done.
He finds them funny
for some reason.
Easy to find these things funny
when this is only a sideline.
What regiment?
Medical corps.
That's Tom there
at the back, see?
I was attached
to his unit.
There we are.
It was, what, one a month
for the last six months.
I hardly look
at them now.
Mr. Marston thinks
whoever's sending these
also burned down
the lodge.
Oh, Tom gets
very excited.
It's a commercial
hunting ground.
You have to budget
for a bit of opposition.
You're insured, then?
We'll be fine.
It's a fine line,
isn't it?
Someone takes a drill
to a stranger's head,
you arrest them.
I do it, I get paid.
I put his name
through the system-- nothing.
What about the website?
How are you getting along?
Not too bad.
I've tracked down
the animal rights group
to the university.
the girl who runs it
is outside
the Radcliffe Camera.
Jessica Tallison.
I'll meet you there.
Well, I'm happy to do it
on my own.
I'm already here, sir.
Don't worry about it,
I'm ten minutes away.
I'll see you in a minute.
It says I'm on annual leave.
To be clear,
I'm not on leave.
That sounds frustrating.
Mr. Stoke,
I can't work like this.
Don't suppose you can.
(frustrated sigh)
(phone ringing)
Oh, hello, ma'am.
Second cow on the left.
Talk about the animals, sir?
No, I'm all right, thanks.
Jessica Tallison?
I'm filming you!
This is an attempt to disrupt
a peaceful protest!
No, it's not.
Tell me about
Clayborne Farm.
We haven't done
anything illegal.
We just monitor
their shoots.
Were you aware there was an
arson attack there last night?
Come on, what is this?
"Pick an activist,
any activist."
We're interested in a website
called "".
Are you familiar
with it?
It's pretty embarrassing.
Do you know
who runs it?
It could be anyone.
Hasn't he got
something better to do?
a non-violent protest
and a fire at a hunting lodge?
That's his priority?
I didn't say the fire was
at the hunting lodge.

(leaves crunching)
One-year contract,
flexible hours--
you can't dismiss that
out of hand.
Yes, I can.
That's the whole point
of retirement.
Besides, I'd be treading
on people's toes.
Well, if by "people"
you mean James,
then he's the one
asking for this.
We're desperate
for experienced manpower.
He's already driven himself
into the ground.
And as of an hour ago,
he's got his first murder.
(people talking)
I don't know
what are your plans
for this afternoon?
After this?
I'm going to the hardware store.
I need some waterproof glue.
you could figure out
why a neurosurgeon
has a bullet in his head.
Oh, sir?
They're not going
to let us near him.
Dodgy heart, apparently.
He collapsed on the phone
to the operator.
Well, has anyone
spoken to him at all?
Yeah, he told uniform
that he heard the shot.
But that's it,
that's all we've got.
And we've taken his guns
off him, have we?
Yeah, they're on their way
to ballistics now.
And I've also got the key
to his gun cabinet in town.
Good-- full search
of the entire area, please.
It's over 400 acres.
But yeah, okay.
Oh, sir, CS Innocent's
trying to get hold of you.
Here he is!
What happened to you
on Friday?
I tried to make last orders,
but work got in the way.
It'll do that
if you let it.
He was looking forward
to a catch-up.
How is he?
Man of leisure.
Seems to be
in his element.
Let's have a look, then.
"DI Hathaway."
Knew you'd be back.
Once a copper,
always a copper.
Yes, well
From the hypostasis,
I'd say he's not been dead
much more than two hours.
The bullet's entered
the side of the skull here,
but it's not exited,
so it was traveling
at a low velocity
by the time it hit.
Sniper at long range,
Any chance of the post-mortem
results this afternoon?
I need the bullet intact.
If possible.
I give all my DIs
three strikes.
Try not to use them all up
on your first investigation.
Message received.
Uniform have spoken to the
old lady from that cottage.
She says she was watching TV
all morning.
How close were you
before you could see me?
When? Just then?
Uh few meters?
It can't be
a long distance shot, then.
No line of sight.
It was my husband's farm.
I tried to keep it going
on my own,
but things were difficult.
Then my daughter
came home from work
saying Alastair was
looking for some land.
You were out hunting
this morning?
Oh, I get it.
"The old lady
must've had an accident".
Well, not this old lady.
If I shoot someone,
I guarantee it'll be on purpose.
(door opens)
Alastair's dead.
They reckon it was
a shooting accident.
Well, that's just
one theory.
It's Chris,
isn't it?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, Chris Fernsby.
Sorry, I've been on nights.
You work at the hospital,
is that right?
It's nothing regular.
Mom just gets me
a few shifts.
And what time did you
get in this morning?
What was Alastair's
relationship like with Tom?
He wasn't very enamored of him
this morning.
I thought you said
you didn't see anything?
I only saw them
for a second,
out of the living room window.
Would you mind
showing me?
Alastair kept jabbing
his finger at him
and then Tom
stormed off.
What time was this?
Around 10:00.
I was just putting my gun away
before my program started.
We'll need any firearms
for testing, actually.
Is this really
Good morning,
Detective Inspector.
So what have we got?
I thought you had lots of plans
for your retirement.
I did.
I do.
Are you not enjoying it?
Course I am.
I'm just taking
a bit of a break.
You're taking a break
from your retirement?
Yeah, that's the one.
Anyway, look,
I remember the transition
from Sergeant
to Inspector.
It's not easy.
I'm glad you could ask
for my help.
I wasn't aware I had.
Jean Innocent made out
No, I've been asking
for more manpower.
We all have.
But not asking for me.
Well, you're retired.
Right, okay.
Well, it's your
so I'll just help out
where I can, eh?
You'll be all right
with that, are you?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, don't worry.
We should go
for a pint later.
You can bore me
with tales of your traveling.
Well, I wasn't
really traveling.
I went for a walk.
To Spain?
Long walk.
Sergeant Maddox,
this is DI Lewis.
Will you bring him up
to speed, please?
Yeah, he's joining
the investigation.
Well, just helping out
with the legwork.
Well, the family liaison
officer's been in touch
and the victim's wife's
asked them to leave.
Want me to have
a word with her?
Or whatever's most useful.
I await your
That'd be great,
thank you.
Right then, uh
Can we give you a hand
with those?
There's more inside.
Have you worked
with DI Hathaway before?
Oh, once or twice.
I was his DI,
so any teething problems now
are probably my fault.
Bad parenting.
James, I'm going to do my best.
He hasn't told you,
has he?
Sorry? Who?
"Once a copper," eh?
(doorknob rattling)
Cross-check these
against his certificate, okay?
Thomas Marston.
Will do.
DI Lewis.
Simon Eastwood.
I'm a friend of Erica's.
She's this way.
I can't get her to stop.
(machine beeps)
No, please,
don't apologize.
How long were you married?
18 months.
Things okay?
Alastair was
receiving threats
from an animal rights
Did he ever talk to you
about that?
What? No.
You think?
We have to consider
all possibilities.
So I'm afraid I do need
to ask you where you were
between 9:30
and 11:00 this morning.
Is this actually
She was with me.
I had the day off work,
so I came over here.
I don't feel well.
Probably best
to leave her a minute.
Look, someone's bound
to tell you this.
Alastair wasn't my friend.
We had a disagreement,
and he's been destroying
my career ever since.
Well, what happened?
The night shift from hell.
Constant referrals from A&E.
Then this teenage kid, Nabeel,
started to deteriorate,
so I phoned Alastair.
And he refused to help?
No, no, he agreed
to come in.
And I was so relieved,
until I was standing
next to him in theater
and smelled alcohol
on his breath.
What, he operated
after a drink?
I tried to stop him,
but he'd already decided
he was going to be
this kid's savior.
Then he made a mistake.
He wrecked him.
It's brain-surgeon speak for
"quality of life
utterly ruined."
Unable to walk,
think or communicate.
I blew the whistle,
but he got some mate
to lie for him.
Swore Alastair hadn't
touched a drop all day.
So in the end, it came down
to his word against mine,
and they believed him.
Don't be such a bloody diva!
He's been brought in
to assist everyone.
He just happens to be
with you first
because you've got a dead
brain surgeon on your hands.
How's that going,
by the way?
Well, there's something weird
with ballistics.
It was definitely
a close range shot,
but the bullet
didn't leave the skull.
Let's see what the lab says,
but bullets aren't
always consistent.
If it's consistency
you want,
I refer you to Exhibit A:
feared extinct, now back
in its natural habitat.
A little respect
for the elderly!
Not likely.
What's all this?
It's the summary
of Alastair Stoke's
negligence hearing
from last month.
One of his juniors claims
he left a young lad disabled
after he operated
under the influence.
And he was still working?
The general medical counsel said
there was no case to answer,
but we've got a whole stack
of angry letters
from the parents,
Can we get a full minutes
of this unredacted please?
Yeah, already on it.
I've also got
something else.
I've got this.
"For years of loyal service.
It was with his solicitor.
The wife's the main beneficiary,
but Alastair had left that
for his theater nurse,
Lorraine Fernsby,
along with 50 grand.
The Fernsbys are the people
that sold him the farm.
There was also a message
from Dr. Hobson.
I didn't quite
understand it,
but she said that your dinner
was in the canoe.
I suggest you buy some flowers
on the way home.
Yeah, thanks.
Did you delegate
those college issues?
The break-in
at Rougemont Pool?
No, I dealt
with them myself.
She's good.
Hang onto this one, okay?
Is there a specific reaction
you're expecting to see?
Oh, Riz
No, come on, they're here
to see how we respond.
We're not accusing you,
Mr. Nooran.
But we do need to know
where you were
between 9:30 and 11:00.
Giving Nabeel
his breakfast.
What, both of you?
What happened
to your son?
He'd been on this protest.
Live animal exports.
The tailgate of a lorry
came down on him.
They removed a blood clot
from his brain,
but he bled again
during the night,
and that's when Mr. Stoke
decided to play God.
Do you think he'd been drinking
before he operated?
Why would anybody
make that up?
Did Nabeel ever mention
an animal rights website
called ""?
He wasn't actually
into all of that.
He was there
to impress a girl.
One of Ayesha's students
was the head of the society.
I think I've come
across her.
Blue hair, big mouth?
That's her.
She's round here
all the time now.
She's a friend of mine,
and she helps
look after your son.
What else did you do
this morning?
What do you mean?
Well, you said you gave
Nabeel his breakfast,
but we need to account
for the whole time up to 11:00.
Come with me.
My son is doubly
He has no
swallowing reflex
and he takes food
through a tube in his stomach.
Every milliliter of fluid
has to be recorded on a chart.
If I start to get him ready
by 9:00,
I'm relieved
if we're done by 11:00.
I'm sorry,
I didn't realize.
She was just
letting off steam.
Don't let it get to you.
I'm not.
Do you mind
if I skip that pint?
I've still got
a bit to do.
Can I give you
a piece of advice?
Yeah, if I can ignore it.
Don't push yourself
so hard.
Let Maddox help you.
And make sure
you get some sleep.
That's three pieces
of advice.
the sleep thing.

(voice speaking Italian)
Chapter eight already?
I thought we were supposed to be
learning this Italian together?
Yeah, funny, and I thought
you were going to be at home.
So we've both had
a day of surprises.
Voglio lamentarmi
del servizio, Roberto.
You wish to complain
about my level of service?
50 grand?
I had no idea.
I used to get at him
about nurses' pay,
but I never expected this.
How long did
you work
Did he ever mention
How long did you work
Over 20 years.
People always ask me how
I put up with him for so long,
but you just had to know
how to handle him.
And what about this negligence
hearing a few weeks ago?
Were you involved?
Not in the operation, no.
But I do voluntary
support work
for the boy's parents,
so I see the impact.
How did the family react
to his going back to surgery?
Come on, they're angry,
but not like that.
(glass shatters)
What about
his colleagues?
Was he welcomed back?
By most of them, yeah.
I gave him what for
about Simon, though.
Simon Eastwood?
Now, I don't know what went on
in that operation,
but right or wrong,
juniors have to be allowed
to voice their concerns.
You can't take it out
on them afterwards.
Did you argue with him
about that?
I argued with Alistair
about everything.
He called me
his work wife.
But his real wife works here,
doesn't she?
She did,
but she quit last year.
Turns out you don't need
a nurse's salary
if you've bagged yourself
a brain surgeon.
I'm being unkind.
He'd been widowed
for a long time when he met her.
I'm glad he found someone.
Even if she did make him
look foolish.
What, you mean
the age difference?
No, I mean the fact that
she was so obviously
having an affair with Simon.
Ah, thank you.
Brain food.
Laura usually does a fry up
on a Saturday,
but I didn't like to ask her
this morning.
Trouble in paradise?
Nah, she's all right.
Maybe a bit put out,
but that's probably fair enough.
Are you all right?
Well, it all goes back to that
negligence hearing, doesn't it?
I'd want to know
about that website.
Yeah, but that's
what I'm saying.
The website was started
two weeks after
Nabeel's accident.
It all goes back
to the operation.
What, the parents using animal
rights as a cover for revenge?
Don't buy it.
No, I'm
Anyway, look,
I've booked to see
Ayesha Nooran this morning.
I think she's holding
something back, do you?
We also need to know a lot more
about that farm.
Maddox reckons Tom Marston's
got money problems.
Yeah, I'm onto it.
She's onto it.
You should take her with you.
But he's our most
important witness.
Good experience.
How do you think you learned?
Point taken.
Are you thinking
of eating that?
Yeah, in my own time.
I bet you missed all this
when you were traveling.
Or walking.
Whatever it was.
What was it?
I walked to Santiago
de Compostela.
Oh, the Cathedral.
My old neighbor
went on a pilgrimage there.
It wasn't a pilgrimage.
Okay, let's leave it there
for today, shall we?
Thank you.
"Create all the happiness
you are able to create,
remove all the misery
you are able to remove."
A fellow Bentham fan?
I wouldn't go that far.
Well, I shall miss
teaching him
when I have
to give all this up.
But one of us has to stay
at home full-time now.
I'm sorry if I offended you
or your husband yesterday.
He's not my husband.
Well, technically.
We were in the middle
of the divorce
when Nabeel
had his accident,
and we simply can't afford
to live separately.
What about
You have to find the surgeon
guilty for that.
But you didn't come here
to show me sympathy,
so what is it?
No, I felt yesterday
that there was more
that you wanted to say.
Oh goodness,
am I that transparent?
Well, I just wanted
to scream at Rizwan
because rather than helping me,
he spends all day in the garage
with that bloody car.
You've been taking care
of your son by yourself?
Pretty much.
And that's where he was
yesterday morning?
In the garage?
Did you actually
have eyes on him
between the hours of 9:30
and 11:00 yesterday morning?
LEWIS (on phone):
Did she go as far
as accusing him?
No, but we need
to speak to him again.
She's withdrawn her alibi,
and it turns out
he works with computers.
Well, someone's giving
our tech team the runaround.
Oh, did you get a chance
to have a look at that email
from Maddox?
No, not yet.
She's done some great work
on Tom Marston's finances.
They're chaotic.
The only thing he's never
missed a payment on
is the life insurance premium
for Alastair.
Right, I'll meet you
at the farm.
I'm leaving now.
Are you okay?
You've done
the right thing.
Mr. Marston.
How are you feeling?
Angry that nobody
listened to me,
and scared that
I'm going to be next.
No, I mean your health.
We've been keen
to speak to you.
This is so obvious.
These people have moved from
vandalism to arson to murder.
We can't be certain that
it's linked to the website.
I can.
I'm 100% certain.
(phone ringing)
All this vandalism
must be bad for business.
When were you last able
to pay yourself a salary?
You clearly know the answer
to that already.
Show me any small business that
isn't suffering at the moment.
Given those pressures,
I'm surprised you decided
to increase the insurance
on both partners.
That was Alastair's idea.
I've had major surgery
It made him think.
Can it wait?
Who's actually
in charge here?
He is.
Well, he's wasting his time.
There must be something
more constructive he could do
than come round here
accusing me?
Nobody's accusing you.
Thomas Marston,
I'm arresting you
for the murder
of Alastair Stoke.
You don't have
to say anything
What? Hold on.
if you fail to mention something
you later rely on in Court.
Look, okay,
I'll cooperate.
What evidence
have you got?
The bullet that killed
your business partner
came from your rifle.
It can't be, that's rubbish.
I had the rifle with me
all the time.
This is rubbish.
Nobody's disputing the concept
of ballistic evidence.
We're just disputing
the accuracy of yours.
The ballistics aren't wrong.
Your rifle was used
to kill Alastair Stoke,
a man you'd been seen arguing
with an hour prior to his death.
Who saw us arguing?
Gillian Fernsby?
The woman is a fantasist.
By your own admission,
the rifle was never
out of your sight.
The only fingerprints on it
were yours.
How do you explain that?
I can't explain--
your evidence is wrong.
Or, I don't know,
someone's setting me up.
The evidence isn't wrong.
So what was it about?
I mean, you'd rather work
seven days a week
than hire a gamekeeper,
you're selling
all your furniture
Hang on, being poor
is not a crime.
I'm not saying
that it is,
but all the time, there's
this life insurance policy.
So, what was the plan?
To create a campaign
of intimidation
and then blame it all
on that?
The website, was that you?
The fire?
No, none of those things.
Look, I've no family,
I've never been married.
Alastair's the closest thing
I ever had to a friend.
I didn't kill him.
His spray--
he needs his spray.
No, we've got
to stop this
and get him some
medical attention.
This interview
is terminated.
Custody nurse, please!
It'll be all right.
Thank you.
I just wanted to say
how sorry I am.
And now you've said it.
Excuse me.
(engine revving)
They're taking him back
to St. Chad's to check him over.
I'm going with him.
I wouldn't do that.
Can you see
what he's doing here?
If you get in the ambulance
with him,
you hand his defense team
an argument on a plate.
They'll say you harassed him.
He's my responsibility.
I'm going.
No, he's right.
You've got your man.
Your job now is to make sure
it stands up in court.
Go home.
See you in the morning.
Well, he's not
a stupid man.
If he killed
for the insurance,
surely he wouldn't use
his own rifle?
We've got the wrong man.
It's not him.
(sirens blaring)
(helicopters above)
(engines revving)
No, not yet.
Hospital CCTV
picked him up
stealing that
three hours ago.
The engine's cold,
he could be anywhere.
Why wasn't he
in handcuffs?
Because they didn't think
it was appropriate
and I wasn't there.
He's not going to get far
if he's on foot, is he?
Not in that state.
That's assuming it was a state
and not an act.
Somebody should get the Fernsbys
out of that cottage.
Thank you.
No, it's just
a precaution.
We don't know what he's got
hidden out there.
But I promised Laura
this job was mainly paperwork.
Any news?
Well, I've left two officers
at the flat
just in case
he goes back.
He's not going to go back
to his flat.
He's going to be out there,
where he has the advantage.
400 acres that he knows
and we don't.
Is this necessary?
It's for your own
Give me my own bloody guns back
and I'll protect myself.
You know the land here.
Any idea where
he might be hiding?
The woods, perhaps?
Yeah, but anywhere
I don't know,
animal shelters or gullies?
Not around here.
They've found something.
Change of plan.
Stay here, please.
The dog's picked up
on something.
It seems to be
some sort of drain.
The camera's in.
Oh, God
Okay, we've got
drag marks here.
Can we clear
the area, please?
Must've gone
straight through
and then been dislodged
when he was dragged.
Get that off to the lab please,
straight away.
(shutter clicking)
Ballistics have come back
with a match,
but I don't
understand it.
No, that's not right.
They reckon it's 100%.
Well, ballistics are saying
the bullets are a match
to the one that shot
Alastair Stoke,
and the one that shot
Tom Marston
fired from the same rifle.
Tom's rifle?
The rifle we've had in police
custody for the last 48 hours?
Not exactly the Sunday
we planned.
Oh, I don't know.
You, me, James,
a hole in the ground.
It's what weekends
were made for.
Oh, that's just lovely.
Thank you, that's
Nabeel darling, look.
Jess has brought you
a beautiful birthday card.
Isn't it a beautiful
birthday card?
Oh, that's great.
There's a scar from a recent
cardiac procedure.
And I can't get to them
but we've got scrapes
and contusions
along his back
from where he was dragged.
What's that on the side
of his face?
Tiny pieces of thorn.
So he's shot here
and he falls into the thorns.
Then he was dragged down
in there.
But why are his clothes
pulled up?
If you're dragging
someone head first,
surely they would stay down.
To get to the exit wound
on his chest.
It's been disturbed
for some reason.
Come on,
if you want a lift.
(gasping for air)
They've run
the comparisons again.
Both bullets are definitely
a match for Tom's rifle.
No, that can't be right.
Where is his rifle now?
In the evidence room
at the police station.
I followed procedure.
No, seriously,
sir, I did!
Look, I
I logged it out
for ballistics on Friday.
I logged it back in again
I'm not doubting you.
We just need to see it.
It's Tom.
It must be.
They've been here
since the crack of dawn
looking for him.
Hey, is that right?
Is it Tom Marston?
Were you here earlier
this morning?
Hey, it's nothing
to do with me, mate.
We just need to know
who's been on the land.
Yeah, well, Chris stayed
at mine last night.
I put him to bed
about half 1:00.
I was hammered.
Are you not going to tell us
what's going on then?
When I have
a vague idea myself.
It's here.
So it was ballistics
screwed up and not us.
Thank God for that.
I'll get onto the lab.
No, we need to go there
in person.
James, you might want
to read this before you go.
Thomas Marston was a witness
in Nabeel's negligence case.
Swore he was
with Alastair all day
and neither of them
touched a drop.
It was his evidence
kept Alastair in the job.
Right, we need
to find out
where Nabeel's parents were
this morning
and pressure their alibi
for Friday.
(metal clanking)
Gun clear!
We've repeated
the entire process.
The results
are the same.
I'm not questioning
your expertise, Ian.
Anybody who says they're not
questioning my expertise
is doing precisely that.
The barrel
of every rifle
leaves a set of unique marks
on the bullets it fires,
like a fingerprint, okay?
So this is the bullet from
your crime scene this morning.
And I've just fired a bullet
out of that rifle
to see what the rifling marks
look like.
Follow me.
Firing it into gelatin
means we can keep it intact
and have a good look at it.
Pete, give us two secs.
Now, the marks
on our test bullet
match the marks
on your crime scene bullet.
So we know that rifle
shot your dead guy.
Not necessarily.
I think you'll find it does.
Yeah, but anybody could make
a signature bullet like that,
just like you did.
If they had access
to that rifle,
they could create bullets
that always matched to it.
Well, in theory.
So in theory,
would it be possible
to fire that bullet
a second time,
from a different weapon,
and make it look
like it had been fired
by that one?
I suppose so, yeah.
As long as the second gun
had a smooth barrel,
like a shotgun, so it didn't
leave any more marks.
Then of course they'd have to be
a similar size.
And the bullet would behave
rather differently, mind.
In what way?
Well, it'd travel
a hell of a lot more slowly.
But you'd need access to a place
like this, wouldn't you,
to make the marked bullet
in the first place?
It doesn't have
to be high tech.
They used to stand over
a big tank of water
and fire the bullets
down into that.
Yeah, but you can hardly
go down to your local pool
and ask the lifeguard
if you can open fire.
No, but you
can break in.
When was that intruder reported
at the Rougemont Pool?
If he's making allegations
Tom Marston
was murdered this morning.
That's a shame.
Would you like a cup of tea
before you go?
Just hang on
Do you want them
to pretend to be sorry?
Of course not.
He and his mate
destroyed their family.
But under the circumstances,
I do need to know your
whereabouts between last night
and early this morning.
Same as before--
we were here.
Actually in this house?
Not in the garage?
Garage, house,
what's the difference?
And you?
I slept at College
and then I came here
for breakfast at 9:30.
My colleagues
spoke to you, I think,
about a website on Friday.
She can barely organize
a spreadsheet!
But you worked with
computers, I believe?
I've had enough!
If you think I've done
something, arrest me.
I didn't think so.
(alarm beeping)
Um, it's.
It's Nabeel's seizure alarm.
(to Rizwan):
I'll get it, shall I?
Come on, Jess.
It's all right,
my dear, it's Mommy.
It's Jess.
Jess, would you mind?
Lodge it.
Okay, darling, just
That's it, sweetie.
There we are,
there we are.
That's better.
Move your arm out.
That's it.
That's lovely.
There we go.
There we are, sweetie.
(phone rings)
All right, Maddox?
You're where?
Right, I'll meet you there.
Listen, while you're on,
can you do me a favor?
Call around
the nursing agencies,
find out if any of them
have sent a carer
round to the Noorans
in the last 24 hours?
Possibly with the initials "TD."
(power tool buzzing)
(equipment beeping)
(light rock playing)
Everybody happy?
All good.
Knife, please.
They forced the door.
Nothing was taken,
so everyone just assumed it
was skinny dipping students.
Sometimes I wish
I'd gone to university.
How long ago
was this break-in?
Wednesday before last.
It was something Maddox said
that made me think of it.
There you go then.
You'll miss her
when she's gone.
Gone where?
She's requested
a transfer.
Innocent told me.
Really? Why?
This is the one.
There's something
in one of the tiles.
I really think it is.
He was framed.
They must have had
firearms experience.
Did the Noorans
have weapons licenses?
Gillian Fernsby
has a whole arsenal.
Yeah, but you'd have to be
a decent swimmer.
Your elders can swim.
Although we usually
have the sense
to turn up fully equipped
with a costume.
Well, this wasn't high
on my to-do list today.
Did you do any swimming
in your Spanish
"not a pilgrimage"?
Are you going to give up
on this at any point?
I'm still expecting
my postcard, that's all.
Right, Sergeant Maddox.
Um, you finish up here
and go with him.
"Thank you for all your
hard work, Sergeant"?
Yeah, because you
used to say "Well done"
whenever I
completed a task.
Yeah, I think I did.
In the early days.
(feigning offense):
And then you just stopped.
Well, I'm only
trying to help.
No need to get your knickers
in a twist.
Why go to all the trouble
to frame Tom
and then kill him
with one of the same bullets?
It doesn't make any sense--
it ruins the plan.
Maybe his death wasn't part
of the original plan.
Could be why they were
so interested in the exit wound.
Perhaps the killer
wanted to reassure
that the bullet had gone
right through Tom's body
and there was at least
a sporting chance
that it would never be found.
They must still
be worried
about the bullet
in the tile, though.
I suppose they've got
to weigh it out:
the risk of leaving it
in the pool
versus the risk
of being caught
trying to get it out.
That's what we need
to change then:
the balance of risk.
This is what happens
if you don't keep foxes down.
I can't keep foxes down
without a gun.
I can let you have
your air rifle back.
Are you ready to confirm that
it was Tom Marston up there?
It was.
Uh, I was wanting a word
with Gilly on her own,
if that's okay?
Yeah, go on.
I'll be in
in a minute.
Why didn't you tell us
about the culvert?
When we were looking
for Tom Marston,
I asked you specifically
if there was anything
like that on the property.
That thing was
so overgrown,
I'd completely
forgotten about it.
But you didn't remember?
And when I asked you
about places
to hide on the land,
that didn't jog your memory?
No, no, it didn't
(chickens clucking on computer)
Sorry, I need to go.
Will you find somebody else,
They've installed
a motion sensor at the pool
that will set an alarm off
in the porter's office
if it's triggered.
It could work.
If I was the killer,
I'd want that bullet out
before they exposed the tile.
They've taken down
the animal rights website.
Literally just this second.
What do you reckon?
Mission accomplished?
Well, that depends on
if the site and the murders
are linked.
There must still be a way
of tracing it.
Yeah, Maddox
can find that out.
We need to go and talk
to the Noorans again.
Turns out their alibi
was a lie.
What on earth
do you need it for?
So you initial this every time
you give Nabeel his medicines,
is that correct?
But between 11:00 last night
and 9:00 this morning,
the initials read "TD."
Tracey Daley,
an agency nurse,
says she looked after your son
while you were both
out of the house.
You blame Alastair Stoke
for what happened
during your son's
and Tom Marston for the fact
that he wasn't struck off.
Now they're both dead, you're
lying about your whereabouts.
Surely you can
It's not about understanding.
It's about a right to privacy.
I won't be harassed!
Tell them.
Tell them where we were,
or I will.
I'll be with my son
if you need me.
You take him to all these
hospital appointments,
and they think they're
being encouraging.
I was in his room last week
and I came across
this coursework essay
about quality-of-life debates.
It was so mature,
so well argued.
It was like he was telling us
what he would want.
And so this morning
Ayesha found this lawyer
in the Netherlands.
He agreed to meet us at Gatwick
before his flight back.
We drove up last night.
And at 7:00 this morning,
we were sitting in front
of a stranger at the airport
asking him how we could
let our son die.
Well, at least it's
something we can check,
but it only gives them an alibi
for Tom's murder.
It doesn't let them off the hook
for Alastair.
Yeah, but it's all about
Alastair, isn't it?
What happened
in that operating theater,
they think he's
escaped justice.
Oh, it can't be them.
Well, maybe you just
don't want it to be them.
No, I
I don't know.
This job can be bleak
Do you want me to do this
Erica Stoke trip by myself?
No, you're all right.
In for a penny.
They've targeted my husband
and now his business partner.
Should I be worried?
There's no reason
to think so,
but we do need to know
where you were
between the hours of 6:30
and 7:00 this morning.
In bed.
Can anyone verify that?
You mean was anyone
in bed with me?
Is there somebody else
in the house?
Stay there,
Ah, hello, boys!
I was just having
a little tidy up.
It's not what
it looks like.
I threw most of it.
It's not her fault.
I misread things.
I'm an idiot.
You need to go home.
Sure you're all right?
Bit embarrassed.
There's no nice way
of asking this,
but are you having an affair
with Simon Eastwood?
This again.
No, I am not having an affair
with Simon Eastwood.
We were engaged, and that's all
the hospital rumor mill needs.
I'm thinking
of starting one myself
about the scrub nurse
who inherited 50 grand.
What do you mean?
She's great with the families,
they love her.
But she was a Backseat Surgeon
in theater.
Then she encouraged Simon
when he made those
stupid allegations.
I take it
you don't believe them.
I don't think Simon
was being malicious.
He was just wrong.
Alastair hadn't been drinking,
but even if he had,
Simon was too afraid
to make the cut.
He admitted it himself.
What was Alastair
supposed to do?
Say "Sorry, I've had
a glass of wine"
and let the boy
bleed out on the table?
Take this one home,
will you?
Yes, sir.
What are the events
in the modern pentathlon?
If we're doing pub quizzes,
we're doing them in the pub
or I'm going home.
Involves both shooting
and swimming though, doesn't it?
Eric was runner-up
in the Oxford Ladies'
Championship three years ago.
Are you going
to finish that?
I want my patio back.
It'll be seaworthy soon--
I have a plan.
I didn't think you told me
your plans these days.
Come on, Laura.
The hours will get better.
I don't have a problem
with the hours, Robbie.
If running around
in a bulletproof vest
makes you happy,
go for it.
I said I'd bring this back.
Oh, thanks.
I think we can trust her
with an air rifle.
Would you mind
giving it to her?
No, that's fine.
(fire crackling)
Sorry, they're
doing repairs.
Seriously, I owe you.
Don't push it.
You rescued a melted
hard drive for me.
You didn't split the atom.
Oh, hang on a sec.
Alex, really appreciate it,
but I've got to go.
It's the raw material for
the "" website.
You tried to burn it
last night.
My sergeant saw you.
We managed to retrieve
some data,
so we know
what's on it.
Lorraine, this is
a murder inquiry.
I haven't killed
I just wanted to make
life difficult for them.
The whole point
of selling the farm
was so my mother
could keep on living there,
but Tom bullied her
from the day he took over.
So you set up the website?
How did you make the server
so difficult to trace?
It's hard to explain.
Well, I wish you would.
We have a whole team
working on it.
Was it something to do
with dynamic IP assignment?
Of course it wasn't.
If you use
a proxy server abroad,
IP lookups are useless anyway.
What about the arson attack
at the lodge?
That wasn't
Chris either.
He didn't even know
you were planning it, did he?
She didn't plan it.
She just did it.
He only helped
with the computer bit.
A few hours on his laptop,
that's all he did.
I've still got half the money
they gave me for the farm.
If Christopher got a mortgage,
we could buy some of it back.
It's completely
When did you become aware
of all this?
Yesterday afternoon.
I borrowed Chris's laptop
and the images were on it.
I made him come straight home
from work and take it down.
So you tried to dispose
of the evidence.
This one stupid thing
could destroy him.
He's applying for medical
school next year.
No, I'm not.
Let's not do this now.
No, let's!
You always decide what to do,
don't you?
It was you that decided
Gran was selling the farm.
You won't even let me
talk about running it.
We're going to need
to continue this under caution.
But this has got
nothing to do
with what happened
to Alastair and Tom.
He was asleep on my settee
when Tom was killed
and she was at A&E.
Show him, Mom.
She managed to burn herself
when she was setting the fire.
I let it go
for a couple of days,
but I couldn't
stand the pain.
I got back just as you
were looking for Tom.
We're going to need statements
from all of you.
I've got a clinic
in ten minutes.
They can't replace me.
And Chris has got a shift.
Well, you'll both
be given a time
to report to the station.
And you, you're coming with us.
(tool ratcheting)
If you've phoned in sick,
you might as well come
to his appointment with him.
I promised I'd do this for him,
and I'm doing it.
For what?
So he can drive his girlfriend
to the cinema?
Take his mates to the beach?
It's no use to him!
it'll never be
of any use to him!
(door slams)
Even if what Gillian says
checks out,
that only gives Chris a pretty
flimsy alibi, doesn't it?
I mean, his mom's already
lied for him once.
Meticulous planning,
that's what it is.
She set herself on fire.
No, not that.
I mean, the preparation--
getting hold of Tom's gun,
making the signature bullets.
What sort of person is capable
of planning that?
Happy 18th for yesterday,
I got you a present,
but I left it at home.
It's been a bit
Are you okay?
Yeah, fine.
It's just
I saw you arriving
and wanted you to know that
we're running a bit late.
I'll leave you with Chris.
Hello again, mate!
You all right?
Come on then, let's go.
No, I know, but it does
feel like I'm giving up.
Oh, Tony, let me give you
a call back.
Yeah, you too.
Just popping in for a sandwich
if you fancy anything else.
I'm fine actually,
thank you.
Is Gillian Fernsby
Yeah, pretty much.
We're letting her out on bail.
Oh, did you manage to get in
contact with that Dutch lawyer?
He told them
he couldn't help them.
I might call in
on them later.
Do you want me
to come with you?
No, no, you're all right.
It's not police business.
This was
in last night's paper.
They offer help
in respite care.
Hope they don't think
I'm interfering.
No, it's not interfering.
It's lovely.
Last week, we talked about the
book trade and how it's faring
in the new world of e-readers,
online retailers
and the boom
in self-publishing.
Today on the 1:00 program,
we're going to continue
that discussion,
but from the point of view
of readers.
How have our habits changed?
(shutter clicks)
Laura reckons he's been dead
about an hour and a half.
Anything taken?
Not as far as we know.
Ayesha thinks he must have
disturbed an intruder,
but that's all we've
been able to get.
Flecks of grey paint.
Until this morning,
he was a suspect
in a double murder inquiry.
You're not telling me
this is a random break-in.
Urine-soaked trousers.
Dry carpet.
So he's been moved?
Laura never mentioned that.
Mrs. Nooran.
What happened?
You told me you'd been
at the hospital.
Do you know
what time you got back?
Yes, midday.
You didn't call us
till quarter to one.
I was with Nabeel
for a while, and
I didn't
I didn't find him
You said you couldn't be sure
where Rizwan was
No, no, Riz is
not a murderer!
Ayesha, Ayesha!
Ayesha, Ayesha, listen
Listen, I know you've got
to get Nabeel
settled with his carer, okay?
But honestly,
the best thing to do
is just to get through
these questions, okay?
Then we're done,
you can have some space.
Did Rizwan mention
any plans for today?
Was he planning
on meeting anyone?
He was here.
Had he been doing some work
in the garage?
It's open.
If I hadn't taken this job,
we wouldn't be spending
all this quality time together.
You'd be talking
to a much less attractive DI.
Do you want the benefit of my
professional opinion or not?
I want the benefit
of all your opinions.
Well, I don't think
you do, Robbie.
Cause of death,
cerebral hypoxia.
But on closer examination
of the neck,
the furrow from whatever's
been used is angled upwards.
If I was to strangle you--
a not inconceivable
prospect these days--
I'd pull the ligature together
like this
And it stays
horizontal, see?
Whereas with hanging,
the body hangs
from the bottom of the noose,
and the furrow slopes upwards.
And add to that
he's been moved.
Are you sure?
No, I'm certain.
From the way
the lividity's shifted,
I'd say he was hanging
maybe half an hour
before they moved him
onto his back.
Homicidal hangings
do occur.
But they're rare.
I think you're looking
at a suicide
dressed up as a murder.
If it was suicide,
there's no real reason
to link it
to the other two deaths.
No, they're definitely
What is it?
Paint analysis from the
door frame at the pool.
It's been repainted
several times:
first grey, then white,
then a different shade of grey.
It's an exact match
for the color sequence
from the paint chips
on the Noorans' back door.
So the tool that was used
to break into the pool
was the same as the one
at the Noorans'?
It's a safe bet,
I'd say.
And if we assume the same person
was using the tool both times,
then to find out who fired
Tom Marston's gun into the pool,
all we need to do is find out
who faked the break-in
at the Noorans'.
She found the body,
so either she's part of it
or she's the key
to finding out who is.
Makes sense,
doesn't it?
Yeah, it makes
perfect sense.
You remind me of someone
I used to work for.
The phone company's
sending through
a list of recent calls,
but they're being slow,
so I'm just going
to chase them up.
No, I need you in there.
She trusts you.
I was hoping you could lead.
Do you mind sitting
this one out?
Not at all.
Good luck.
We'd like to go back
to the beginning,
if that's all right.
But this time,
we need you to tell us
what actually happened.
I don't understand.
Rizwan did this
to himself.
No, no.
When somebody
hangs themselves,
their bladders give way.
There was a mark
on a beam in the garage
with a stain underneath.
He was obviously
under a lot of pressure.
You both were.
What happened?
Well, um
I was supposed to do
most of the caring,
and he was supposed
to go to work.
That was the agreement
that we had.
When you got home,
you found him hanging
in the garage.
We'd just got out
the life insurance
and he must have known that
it wouldn't pay out for suicide.
How could I let him
abandon us like that?
He's a big guy, though.
I'd have had trouble
moving him by myself.
You had help, didn't you?
Ayesha, this is
This is really important.
We believe the person
that helped you
was involved in the murders
of Thomas Marston
and Alastair Stoke.
Who was it?
You said I could have
a solicitor.
I'd like one now, please.
It must be someone
close to Ayesha, you know.
Someone she trusted.
Well, the obvious choice
is Jessica Tallison,
but if we're saying that
whoever helped Ayesha
was involved in both murders,
it's not her.
She was with me when
Alastair Stoke was killed.
And Ayesha and Rizwan
didn't kill Tom Marston
because they were
with their Dutch lawyer
the morning he was killed.
Well, what do you think?
They're all in it together,
all three of them?
It's possible.
Ayesha Nooran's call list
has come through.
There's one at 12:03.
It's an Oxford number.
(phone ringing)
Department of Neurosurgery.
Who am I talking to,
You're through to the main desk
in Neurosurgery.
Can I help you?
Hold on.
What's this about a silent alarm
at Rougemont pool?
They say it's been triggered.
Find out who they
were speaking to.
Hi, this is DS Maddox,
I'm from Oxford Police.
(horn honking)
Around midday,
I need to know
who she was put through to.
(gasping for air)
Come on, Lorraine.
Out you get.
Alastair made the same speech
to all his new students.
"Surgery is controlled
"And the day that stops
frightening you
is the day you should
stop doing this job."
The problem was,
he didn't believe it anymore.
That's what made him
You thought
he was reckless,
and that's why
you killed him?
I'm a nurse.
I have a duty
to protect my patients.
And you framed
Thomas Marston.
Because he'd given evidence
in support of Alastair?
He lied.
It was his fault Alastair
was still operating.
And then when Tom came in
for his cardio procedure,
there were his keys
in the locker.
But you went to such lengths
to incriminate him.
You succeeded.
What went wrong?
I got scared.
Alastair was lying there.
I had this shotgun.
I'd planned to throw it
in the river,
but I couldn't move.
And then I remembered
this culvert
that I used to play in
when I was little.
I didn't think anyone else
knew about it but me,
but then when we were driving
back from A&E with Mum,
I saw Tom coming
out of the woods.
He'd found the gun.
He worked out
how he'd been framed?
But he would.
So I asked
to have a look at it.
And you turned the gun on him.
It was very quick.
Very humane.
There was nothing humane
about what you did.
Tell us about Rizwan.
You helped move him.
It was your idea, wasn't it?
Ayesha rang me
at the hospital
when she got back
from our clinic appointment.
I've always looked after
that family.
You've seen Nabeel.
Was I supposed to let
that happen again?
So you based your entire little
crusade or whatever it is
on an event
you hadn't even witnessed?
A year ago,
I wouldn't have believed it.
But something
changed in him.
He thought he was invincible
and he started taking risks.
Why was he still regarded
as one of the best
in his field then?
Erica would say that.
What's it got to do
with Erica?
She was the one who let him
feel like he was God.
She had no idea
how to handle him.
Oh, but you did?
You'd worked together
for years.
You were his work wife.
But then along came Erica
and he didn't need you anymore.
He was reckless.
I saw it in operation
after operation.
Why were his outcomes
usually so good?
Why does he have an office wall
covered in thank you cards
from grateful patients?
Your colleagues
have a nickname for you,
do you know that?
The Backseat Surgeon.
I have a duty.
I only ever do what's right
for my patients.
And which one of your patients
asked you to play God?
She won't let it go.
She insists
he was dangerous.
The man had one complaint
in 30 years.
How many would a copper get
in that time?
Are you comparing what we do
to brain surgery?
Nah, police work's much more
complicated than that.
Come on, you've just solved
your first murder as a DI.
We're going out to celebrate.
I can't.
Yes, you can.
Maddox can help you
with all that.
That's assuming
she's sticking around?
She is.
There you go.
Fetch your coat.
Or if you prefer,
you can show us the photographs
from your gap year
at the Cathedral.
I didn't go to the Cathedral.
I got to the village--
well, the last village but one--
and then, um,
I turned around
and I came back.
You walked right across Spain
to see a church and didn't go in?
Quick pint at The Black Horse?
I think we can do better than that.
But I thought you'd given up on the canoe?
Nah, I never give up.
Just found alternate means
of production.
You paid someone to make it, didn't you?
Why not?
I'm earning again.
Yeah, I wanted to talk to you
about that, actually.
Oh, yeah?
Well, it's been horrific
working with you, obviously.
But I've been thinking,
if it gets you out of the house in your old age,
then I could possibly put up
with you for a little longer.
Ah, that's good of you, James.
That's really good of you.
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