The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s08e01 Episode Script

Dared Straight

For the last time, Grug,
bacon is not a vegetable!
Ah Agree to disagree.
-Well, Guy-boy. We're waiting.
Don't rush me. Good, sir.
- Would you please pass the salt?
- Huh?
Oh, sure thing, Guy.
- Ah!
- Dad!
-He said "pass." He was open.
Heh, heh. Ooh.
- Huh?
- Hm?
-A cup of salt? Is that good?
-Grug? Would you pass
the bounceberry jam?
Sure thing, Phil. Phil!
You were wide open!
Oh! That's awful!
Grug, pass the water!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
- Hm
- Yes, Grug.
By all means, pull that stick.
-You're doing it again, Phil.
-Me? Doing what?
-That thing where you tell him
to do something
that makes him lose.
-I don't do that!
Now, pull that stick
with all your might.
After you close your eyes
and spin.
-What is happening?
-I don't know,
but I can't look away.
Dance dare done! A triple D!
-Can I stop spinning?
I'm getting--
-Yes! Victory is mine!
-Ugh! Still not good.
-Stop drinking the salt!
After many moons,
my latest invention
is finally complete!
-Ugh. Please don't tell me
you've been working on--
-New and improved lemon drink!
-Why do you keep trying
to fix lemon drink?
It's not broken.
-New and improved?
I'll be the judge of that.
Why does it taste
like it's mad at me?
- You did it, Phil.
- You broke lemon drink.
Ugh. This makes me
wanna drink salt.
- No salt!
- Look out!
-Dawn! Have you lost your mind?!
-Perhaps she's been poisoned!
Does your head feel
like it's growing a horn?!
-What? No, I'm fine!
We're just playing the dare game
and these guys dared me
to roller log across the table!
Now, it's my turn!
Eep, I dare you
to catch a lobstingray
with your bare hands.
-You call that a dare?
You're on.
The dare game?
-I don't like the sound of that.
-That could go sour fast.
-Like this lemon drink.
Ha! Lemon burn!
Ah! Oh!
Lemon burn!
-I love the dare game so much.
We should never stop
playing it.
You need to stop playing
the dare game
right now.
-What? Why?
Do you even know
what the dare game is?
-Not officially, but even Grug
could deduce
from the uninspired name
that it's a contest
where participants
dare each other to do things.
-But I don't know what "deduce"
means. Is it a fish?
Oh, I could really go
for some grilled deduce.
-Why do we have to stop?
We're just having a little fun.
-For now. But you guys
always take things too far.
-That's ridiculous. Name one
time we took things too far.
-Does anyone else
have a sand rash?
-Okay, we get it.
We are awesome.
-Not the point at all.
-Don't worry, Ugga.
We're older now. We've matured.
-The way an acorn
grows into a majestic oak tree.
-Yeah? Because all I see
are acorns.
-Acorn burn. Nice one, Hope.
-You know what?
The parents are right.
Maybe we shouldn't grow up.
-Yeah. We could just live here
and eat their food
and watch window
-While they take care of us
and clean up after us
for the rest of our lives!
I guess you guys
have to grow up at some point.
-And I suppose
that's only possible
with some degree of independence
during your formative years.
-As long as no one gets hurt
by a deduce,
I'm okay with it.
I'm okay if Guy gets hurt.
-Well, I'm not. It's too risky.
but isn't never taking a risk
the biggest risk of all?
- Childhood.
- Doesn't it go by in a blink?
-Dawn's right. Come on, parents.
It's time to let go.
-That crowverine did not
like getting tickled.
But the dare is done,
which means it's my turn.
G-man, I hope you like lava.
-I don't like it.
I lava it.
And I apologize.
Both for making light of lava
and for the questionable
You know, Uggs?
This is the first time
I've been able to meditate
and not worry about the kids.
-Why were we worried?
They're just having fun,
not putting their lives at risk.
Ah! It's hotter than it looks!
And it looks like
a volcano!
-Yes. They've come a long way.
- And now, they're spreading
their wings.
- Mm
The sky is my playground!
I am a living kite!
If you want 'em to grow,
you gotta let go.
You know, sink or swim.
-I'm sinking!
And that's enough quicksand!
Pull me out!
-Of course,
maturity doesn't just happen.
-It's a learned behavior.
-Phil's right.
And they learned it from us.
We're amazing parents.
-Ugga? How much longer?
And done.
Hoo-hoo! Come see.
A portrait of
parenting perfection.
-But my forehead is still big.
Why does that keep happening?
-And why did you paint the kids
launching Thunk
from the ballista?
-No idea. As an artist,
the brush leads
and I merely follow.
Perhaps it's because
the children
are launching Thunk
from my ballista!
-W-What do I do
after you launch me?
-Find somewhere soft to land,
-And if I can't find
somewhere soft?
Stop stalling. A dare's a dare.
- Now let's get you in the air.
- Stop!
-What in the fire moon
do you kids think you're doing?
-Launching Thunk over the wall?
-But, responsibly.
-Yeah. I'm gonna find
a soft place to land.
Not sure how yet
- Launch him!
- That's it.
-Dare game's over.
-What? Why?
-Because you're doing
exactly what you promised
you wouldn't do.
-Well, technically,
we didn't promise
not to launch Thunk
over the wall.
But yeah. One could argue
we have taken things too far.
-Maybe we should stop
playing the dare game.
-Yes. Right after we see
how far our Thunk goes.
-Ha, ha, yes!
What is wrong with you?
-You want me to let my boy down?
My beautiful boy?
-I don't want you
to let me down, Dad.
But could you let me down?
-See? He's dying to be
thrown into the sky!
-I am?
-You sure are, son.
And I'm gonna make
your dream come true
by hurling your body
into the air!
-No more dare game. Got it?
Got it.
-I'm just saying there are a lot
of soft places around the farm,
and I'm pretty sure Thunk
would've found one to land on.
-Grug, do you hear yourself
when you talk?
-I'm not sure. Let me find out.
Hello, me! I am talking!
Do I really sound like this?
-That's enough, Grug.
-Oh no! My voice changed!
Oh, wait. Ha.
That was you. Never mind.
-I don't know why
we thought the kids
were all of a sudden
more responsible.
Look at all of these
dirty dishes they left out!
-Right! The dirty dishes
the kids definitely left out!
-My question is why were
so many of them in the elevator?
-Who would hide dishes
in the elevator
instead of washing them?
Those crazy kids, that's who!
- Or me because I did it.
- You know,
it's a shame.
That dare game could be
a lot of fun
-Indeed, if played responsibly.
-I suppose
Maybe we should play.
To understand
why the kids enjoy it.
When we're done
with the dishes.
Great idea!
Dishes are done! Let's play!
-Well We're waiting.
-Don't rush me, Phil.
-It's not even
that big of a dare.
I mean, is it really that hard
to give Phil a compliment?
-It just feels wrong, okay?
Like a crowverine that flies.
-Crowverines do fly.
-Not all the time!
-Oh, come on, Grug!
There must be something you like
about Phil. Like his eyes.
Like his eyes.
Okay. Well,
I like that he's good
at throw-go-nut.
-That's not Phil. That's Eep.
that's everyone but Phil.
-Oh! I know! I like Phil's pies!
-I'm the one that makes pies!
-And they're delicious.
-If you can't say
one nice thing about me,
you lose.
I guess you invented some stuff
that's not as bad
as you.
-There! Faint praise, but still.
Was that so hard?
Yes. Oh!
So so hard.
-But I think we've proven
we can play this game
without things
getting out of control.
-Of course,
because we're adults.
And on that high note,
I'll call it a night.
-As will I.
-Me, too.
Leaving before my turn, huh?
Guess that means
you're chickenseal.
-Okay, guys, I know
how to save the dare game.
We tell our parents there's
an eyesquatch on the loose.
-An eyesquatch?
A wild creature
that feeds on eyeballs.
And the only defense
is covering your eyes.
So when our parents put
cucumbeets on their eyes,
we'll be able to play
the dare game no problem.
As long as they don't hear us.
Any questions?
- Ooh!
- Yes, Thunk?
-Does anybody else think beans
look like couches for bugs?
-Plan-related questions, Thunk.
And love the energy, Dawn.
-I just think the sooner
we accept the dare game is over,
the better.
And there are plenty
of other things we could do.
-Like building a town where
everything is made of beans?
And also, beans live there.
you gotta let Bean Town go.
- Never!
- Bean Town forever!
-Bean Town, huh?
Maybe it's because I'm hungry,
but I don't hate the idea.
-It's definitely
because you're hungry.
Let's grab you some breakfast.
- What's wrong with him?
- I'll handle this.
Thunk, it's not that Bean Town
is a bad idea, per se.
It's just, where does it go?
I mean, it's beans,
and then what? Huh?
-It's not Bean Town.
Not this time.
-Then what is it?
-There's no breakfast,
and I can't find Mom and Dad
or other Mom
and other Dad anywhere!
-Really? Where did you look?
-Just here.
I was gonna widen my search,
but I couldn't
because I'm so weak from hunger,
and there's no breakfast!
-Hope always makes breakfast.
So, where is she?
-And where's Dad?
And other Mom and other Dad?
-Hey, I say that!
Phil! Phil! Phil! Phil!
Phil! Phil!
Phil! Phil! Phil! Phil! Phil!
-Come on, Phil! Do it already!
-The dare is to eat
the lava pepper.
If you wanted speed,
you should have mandated that
in your initial dare-posal.
You can't re-dare mid-dare!
No dare-backsies!
Phil! Phil! Phil!
-What are you guys doing?
Lava peppers.
Everyone excited,
except for one person
who looks nervous.
This can mean only one thing.
They're playing the dare game!
-You're right, Eep.
We are playing the dare game.
-But the difference is
we're playing responsibly.
-That's right. A few harmless
dares amongst mature,
reasonable friends. And Grug.
-Gah! I should've lit
that lava pepper on fire.
Is it too late
to change the dare?
-He just said no dare-backsies!
Were you not listening?
-What? Hey,
can I change the dare?
-The point is we can play
without losing control.
-Oh, yeah? Well, who's in
control of breakfast?
No one, that's who!
-Yeah. Forgetting to feed
your children
doesn't sound all that
responsible to me.
-Breakfast is served.
-Ugh, I can't believe
our parents!
-I know!
We can't play the dare game,
but they can?
-Guys, think about it.
It's eyesquatch.
-No! My eyes are the windows
of my face!
-No! I mean our parents
are already distracted,
so we can play
the dare game again.
-True, though now that
they're playing it,
I've completely lost
all interest in it.
-Eep's right.
The dare game is so last moon.
-Yeah. Instead of the dare game,
it should be called
the dare lame!
-Wow. We really turned
on the dare game pretty quick.
Yeah. It was a real
roller coaster.
-Ooh! We could go on
the roller coaster!
We never do that.
-Hm, what's something
we haven't done?
-The roller coaster! Seriously,
we never ride it. Why is that?
-There's gotta be something
around here
we could do that's fun.
-Yeah! The roller coaster!
-No. No, Thunk!
We're not doing
-Welcome to Bean Town!
Marvel at the
bean-based architecture.
Stroll down
the cobble bean road.
Relax beneath the bean branches
of an everbean tree.
Your bean Oasis awaits.
Any questions? Yes, Eep?
-Why are we doing this now
when we could have been doing
Bean Town our whole lives?!
-Because we weren't ready. You
can't just dive into Bean Town.
-Sure you can! In the mashed
bean swimming hole.
So put on your trunks
and take a dip.
A bean dip!
-I'm sorry
I doubted your vision,
Prime Beanister. That's on me.
-What's that supposed to be?
-Oh, those?
Those are the Beaningtons.
They're new to town.
They wanted a fresh sprout.
-The one thing I don't get
is how it's made of beans,
and also the people
who live there are beans.
-You can't overthink Bean Town.
It's not where you've been.
It's where you've "bean."
-That makes no sense at all,
and yet I totally get it.
-Have you thought about putting
in a widescreen bean window?
-Constantly, but it's
impossible. Impossible!
-No! It can be done.
But we're gonna need
a bigger bean.
-How are we supposed
to find beans in this mess?
What happened to the garden?
My mom is usually
on top of this.
-Yeah. Ugga never lets a single
vine grow out of place.
-So, how do you explain this?!
-Hold that thought, Dawn,
'cause I just found
the chosen bean.
-Oh, yeah.
That bean is a game-changer.
-Guys! Forget about Bean Town
and help Dawn!
-You're going to make
all our bean dreams come true.
Widescreen bean window,
bean boat, bean rocket--Ah!
Wolfspider web?
That's no bean dream. Hey, guys?
-Way ahead of you, Thunk.
-Don't Grug and Phil
usually clear
the wolfspider webs?
Or doesn't Grug
while Phil cries?
Hey, does anyone
else smell a smell?
Meat sticks
with a banana glaze
and just a hint of lava pepper.
-Whoa. Thunk, that's amazing.
-No, it's not. That's starving.
I didn't have breakfast.
The amount of meat sticks
I'm gonna eat is amazing.
Right after I get out
of this wolfspider web!
Punch monkeys on the farm?
-It's okay, guys.
I'll handle this.
-How'd they get in here?
-Probably walked in
through the gate.
-'Cause it's open.
-Bad news, everyone.
-Worse than the farm
is falling apart?
-Yes. They ran out of hot sauce.
It doesn't need it! Guess it's
not bad news after all.
-Why is all this happening?!
Why aren't our parents
stopping it?!
-Because they're playing
the dare game.
-That was awesome!
He was like, "whoa!"
And I was like, "no!"
And then you were like, "ah!"
And I was like, "yay!"
-Absolutely not!
You are not allowed
to act like us!
Because we're us. You're you!
-That's it! Dare game's over.
You said you could
play responsibly,
but obviously you can't.
-We're playing responsibly.
-Yeah. All we did was launch
your father over the wall.
- And he landed on a soft spot.
- Yep!
Those rocks were nice and soft.
Dare done!
-So is the farm!
Garden outta control,
paint everywhere,
gate wide open,
and punch monkeys
grilling meat sticks!
-Which are delicious,
by the way,
but that doesn't make this okay.
It just makes it taste better.
-You're right.
-Say what now?
-You are you. Children.
And we are us. Parents.
Which means
-You're not the boss of us!
-You're not even the boss
of yourselves.
-We are!
And I just came up
with the best dare ever.
Phil, I dare you to not talk.
-For how long?
-Or until this bounceberry jam
drips out.
-You're on!
-Great! I'm gonna go make
science in your lab cave.
-We have to get our parents
to stop playing the dare game
and start acting
like our parents again.
-I was thinking the same thing,
and how much I'd like
to make science in Phil's lab,
but he won't let me.
-I was thinking we should put
some swings in Bean Town.
You know,
for the little beanlings.
-But how do we do it?
-Easy. We just tie some vines
to some beans and--
Forget about Bean Town!
How do we get our parents
to stop playing the dare game?
-They're obsessed!
-You're right. Obsessed is bad.
And that's why
it's banned in Bean Town.
-I've got it.
We dare them straight.
-Stay strong, Phil!
Beat the drip!
-And time. Dare done.
- Victory!
- Dare-sayers beware,
for none compare
to the master of dare!
So, bring on your dare!
You can't rhyme dare with dare.
-Did you say dare?
The dare downers are back.
-Here to lecture us
about responsibility?
Well, save your breath.
Yeah 'cause we do
whatever we want!
-Ah! Grug!
-We're not here
to stun your fun.
We're here to share a dare.
-Look, you guys are grown-ups.
You can do whatever you want.
-But, to be honest,
your dares have gotten
a little dull. I mean,
daring Dad to be quiet?
You can do better than that.
- Better than silent Phil?
- Good luck.
-Yeah. It's all upside.
-And no downside.
Sorry, but it was refreshing.
-The children are right!
We've driven into a dare ditch!
So, tell us. What's the dare?
-You're daring us
to jump into a pit?
-No. We're daring you
to jump into
- the Perpitual.
- A whole so deep,
it might be bottomless.
Hence the name.
-Or we could call this off
and head home.
-Because that's
the responsible thing to do.
Take your time.
Well, I think we got 'em right
where we want 'em.
-You want Mom and Dad standing
at the edge of a bottomless pit?
-Emotionally, Thunk. We got 'em
where we want 'em emotionally.
-But I thought we didn't
want them to jump.
-We don't.
-Oh, good!
Then, what are we doing here?
-We're trying to get them
to stop playing the dare game.
-Okay, by daring them
to jump into a pit?
This idea is no Bean Town.
They're not gonna jump.
But, in case they do,
which they won't,
I brought these dare-achutes
to break our fall if we have
to jump in after them,
which we won't.
-It's so deep,
I can't see how deep it is!
-Yep. Just a few more minutes
and this dare game is game over.
-I'll do it!
Because none compare
to the master of dare!
Dare-sayers beware!
-Yeah! And if Phil's doing it,
so am I!
'Cause I'm no chickenseal.
-It's funny 'cause
you're talking,
-but all I'm hearing is ba-kawk!
-Less stalling, more falling!
we did want them to jump in.
Great work, everyone.
-What are you doing?
Stop flailing and start sailing!
Like this!
-Phil! You're screaming
right in my ear!
-We've got bigger problems!
-Why did we do this?!
We're parents!
-We know better!
-Dawn! What are you doing?!
-Saving you!
Hey, Mom! Need a lift?
-Oh hey, Phil!
Falling hard or hardly falling?
Also, while I got you,
have you ever noticed that beans
look like couches for bugs?
Yeah, me, too!
Grug! Hang on!
I'm here to save you!
-No! I'd rather
keep falling forever!
the good news is
there's a bottom.
-The bad news is Grug and Phil
haven't found it yet.
Thanks for saving us.
-You're welcome.
-But don't make us do it again.
-I guess we weren't
responsible enough
- to play the dare game.
- True!
Though the only reason
we played that game--Ah!--
was because the children
were playing it! Ah!
- Sorry! This is all our fault!
- Ah!
-Oh! Mostly
-How about we all agree
to never play the dare game
again. Deal?
-Great. Well, let's get out
of here, everybody.
How do we get out of here?
-With bouncing beans!
Courtesy of Bean Town!
Oh, no.
I brought the wrong beans.
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