7th Heaven s08e02 Episode Script
An Early Fall (2)
I have been looking all over this hospital for you.
All night? Because I've been calling you all night.
I didn't get in till 2:00 in the morning.
And I didn't check my messages.
I I was exhausted.
And now I have to get you back to the airport.
I told you this was a stupid idea.
But you didn't tell me that Matt and Sarah were away.
I didn't know.
I assumed that you called them before you called me for a ticket.
Who's Carlos? Who? Carlos.
Who? They guy you live with.
Oh, all right.
Everyone else knows.
You might as well know, too.
Everyone knows? I got married.
What? I'll tell you about it on the plane.
What are you looking at? Nothing.
What? You're not I'm not what? Nothing.
I'm ready to go.
Well, not ready.
But, considering I have no choice, I'm as ready as I'm going to be.
You know, I'm actually feeling a little better since your news will actually take the spotlight off me for two minutes.
It's going to be okay, Simon.
No, it's not.
What are you looking at? Nothing.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
(barks) I'd better be going.
I'll be okay.
I know, I know.
You have to let go of me, Mom.
Next year, you'll be in high school.
High school.
It's hard to believe.
And the boys will be in kindergarten.
I bet they could use a hug.
And, next year, Simon will be in college.
Unless, of course, allowing him to transfer to another school doesn't work out like your father thinks it will.
He'll go to college.
He's Simon.
Maybe he'll even go this year.
I hope so.
I really do.
Simon is not going to turn out like Mary, if that's what you're thinking.
That's what I was thinking.
Have you heard from him? No.
But Simon will be on a plane with Mary, and they'll be home tonight for dinner.
Mary's coming home tonight for dinner? We haven't seen much of her this summer.
I miss her.
I wish she'd come back home.
I do, too, but I don't think that's going to happen now.
Because she loves flying so much.
I have to go.
That's not what you were going to say.
I was just simplifying it.
It's pretty much what I was going to say.
And I've got school.
And I'm meeting with Peter and good-bye.
Wish me luck.
I have to get to class, but I appreciate your meeting me.
And I appreciate everything you said to me, Lucy, but this is it.
Tonight's the night.
With or without Mary, I'm telling your parents.
'Cause your family should know.
Mary told them that she's coming home for dinner.
She's coming from the airport with Simon.
She's my wife.
We talk.
I know she's coming from the airport with Simon.
But I also know how many times she planned to come home and have dinner at your parents' house and tell them, only she never has.
And maybe she never will.
But I told her that I was going to tell them whether she showed up or not.
I want them to know.
Is there some reason why it has to be now? It should have been months ago.
But why now? Tonight? Because it's now or never.
We need to talk.
I thought you were on vacation.
Well, I decided to work instead.
Why? Because I need to keep busy.
You've been doing plenty of that.
What's wrong? Did something happen to your father? No.
Did someone die? No.
No one died.
Chandler broke up with me.
Well, I'm not surprised.
Why are you not surprised? Because he loves you, and wants to marry you, and, for some reason, you don't want to marry him, even though I think you love him.
Is that any reason to break up with me? Yeah, that's a reason.
If you don't want to get married, and he does, what'sa guy supposed to do? Just wait around until you change your mind? Maybe it's best if he quits wasting his time and gets over you and moves on.
It isn't about what you want or don't want this time, Roxanne.
It's about what he wants and doesn't want.
Respect that.
(phone ringing) Hello.
It's me.
I need to talk to you.
I need some time.
I don't.
Look, Roxanne, I love you, but I don't think this is going to work out.
Especially now that I know that you don't want to marry me.
At any time in the near future.
Look, we agreed to spend some time apart and think about this.
So that's what I want to do-- think.
I don't want to talk about it.
I I couldn't help but overhear.
Did What? Did you and Roxanne? I don't want to talk to you about it either, all right? Please.
I can't stand to hear "I told you so" when my heart is breaking into a million pieces.
I'm I'm sorry, Chandler.
Look, I got a really busy day.
I got to come up with another high school for Simon to go to.
The family decided not to go to trial, but they're asking me to get Simon out of the same high school their other son goes to.
For Simon's sake, and for his.
Since Simon desperately wanted out, well, I'm going to do whatever I can, as long as it's to everyone's advantage.
Well, he could test out of high school if his SATs were high enough last year.
If his grades are good enough.
He could work through the fall, and go to college in January or next fall.
And until then? He can get some kind of job until then.
Paid work to help with tuition, or volunteer work.
The Youth Corps or something.
No senior year? I didn't have a senior year.
I got out the summer before, and went to college.
I never regretted it.
I don't suppose I could get you to come to my house for dinner.
Simon is supposed to be home from New York by then, and maybe you could talk to him, you know, after I talk to Annie? Sure, I'd love to.
It's not like I have any plans.
I hope Lucy's on for our pizza night.
I can't wait to talk to someone who's a little more sympathetic.
Is that tonight? Yep.
That's tonight.
I don't think she's planning to go, since you're supposed to be at the beach.
Well, I 'm not at the beach, so I want pizza night with Lucy.
We have a family dinner tonight.
Then I'll just have dinner with her there, and we'll talk afterward.
Tonight might not be the best night.
I'll be right back.
Where are you going? I'm going to the men's room, okay? Who are you calling? Hello.
It's Roxanne.
Umwould it be all right if I came over for dinner tonight? Chandler and I just broke up, and I really don't feel like being alone, and my dad is still on his extended vacation, and I really feel like being with family, and you're practically family, and I need to speak with Lucy.
Of course you can come.
Um can I bring anything? No, just yourself.
See you around 7:00.
Is it my cooking? Do you cook? No.
I'll see you at 7:00.
(ringing) Hello.
It's me, Cecilia.
Is Simon still in New York? Uh well, he's he's on his way home.
He should be here in time for dinner, and Mary's coming with him.
Camden, I've been trying to talk Simon into coming back to school.
Well, we all have.
But I think maybe I was just being selfish.
Maybe he shouldn't be here after all.
There's a lot of talk.
Well, if you're talking about the older brother, and how upset he is, we heard from the parents last night.
I didn't think it would get this bad.
Well, we didn't either, but Eric talked to Simon, and they'll talk more when he gets home.
Can I come over and talk to him, too? If you want, of course.
Are you angry with me for driving Simon to the airport? No, no.
It wasn't your decision.
We understand that.
But I know that Simon's hurt your feelings, and, you know, I hope he didn't just use you to get to the airport.
And I'd hate to have you come over tonight and have him be rude to you again.
He has hurt my feelings.
But maybe because I've just been pushing too hard.
Maybe I should just let go and let him know that I'm there if he needs me.
I think that's a good idea.
So, I'll see you for dinner.
And maybe Simon and I can talk afterward.
Okay, bye.
What's for dinner? What's for dinner? Same thing we've been eating all summer.
A big heaping bowl of trouble.
With a Mary on top.
Oh, I was hoping to catch you in the shower.
Hmm, I could always go back in.
Maybe later.
How was your day? I got my schedule today.
It's not bad.
No early morning classes.
That's good news.
Oh, uh, I had coffee with Carlos.
He's dropping by the house tonight for dinner.
Hoping Mary will be there, but even if she isn't-- Good.
I hate keeping secrets.
You didn't ask Carlos if he and Mary are pregnant did you? No, but he didn't say they aren't.
He didn't say Mary's not pregnant.
I think you're wrong.
Not to change the subject, but did you hear there's no trial with the insurance companies? When did that happen? The kid's parents decided against it.
But they want Simon to stay out of school so their older son doesn't have to deal with him.
That's a shame, because, sooner or later, Simon and this guy will have to deal with each other.
Mom and Dad just want to give him some time.
Especially since the parents asked and Simon doesn't want to face him right now anyway.
It might be good for him to get away.
Give him a chance to grow up a little.
I don't think he's going away.
He's just going to another school.
Not to change the subject because I do think he'll end up going away, But I have some news for you, too.
Roxanne and Chandler broke up.
So that's why she's been so anxious to see me.
(groans) And I haven't even called her back.
I feel terrible.
(knocking on door) ROXANNE: Lucy? Annie invited me to dinner.
I'm so sorry.
I just heard.
What happened? You really don't want to get married? I want to get married.
I just don't want to get married right now.
And now that I've had some time to think about it, I don't think that I want to be married to him.
That's the first time I've said that out loud.
I just don't think I'm cut out to be a preacher's wife.
I mean, I'm not even good at being a preacher's girlfriend.
The whole thing is just so unnatural.
I don't know, I mean, I mean, he's like this holy man and I'm like I don't know, so unholy.
Um, are you staying for dinner? Well, your mom invited me.
I thought maybe we could get coffee and talk afterwards? Do you think I'm unholy? No, not exactly.
Not exactly? What does that mean? I-I don't know.
I don't know what unholy means.
Look, I really do want to talk to you.
It's just that well, tonight's dinner, it might get a little complicated.
Mary's coming home.
I know.
She's bringing Simon back from New York, right? Is something going on with Mary? Well Hi.
I was wondering the same thing.
Is something going on with Mary? Annie invited me to dinner.
What's going on with Mary? Without Simon, I'm out of the loop.
I guess you've heard.
I don't want to talk about it.
Okay, but Roxanne is I don't want to talk about it.
in our apartment talking to Lucy.
(sighing) You're staying? I was invited so, yes, I'm staying.
You know, Mary is going to be here.
And? And I know Eric wants to discuss some things.
Family things, with Simon.
Oh, I know that.
That's how I got invited.
I'm supposed to talk to Simon after Eric is finished talking to Annie.
Well, there are some things going on in Mary's life that may actually overshadow the things going on in Simon's life.
At least just tonight.
What could possibly overshadow what's going on in Simon's life? You're here on a historic night, you know.
I know.
I'm a little nervous.
I am, too, but you know, the flip side of nervousness is excitement.
Believe me, I feel guilty feeling anything but horrible after that accident.
But, as of today, life is starting to move on for all of us.
And we need that.
So, we may as well get excited about it.
What happens if your parents don't take Mary's big news well? What if they're not at all excited about it? And what if it's the straw that breaks the Camden's back? There is no such straw.
We're a family.
Everything will be fine.
Okay, everything may not be fine tonight, but eventually-- Are you sure she's going to have a baby? I'm not sure, but Lucy and I think so.
What does Kevin think? Kevin's a guy.
I'm a guy, too.
And I think you're jumping to conclusions.
Want to bet? I can't take your money, sweetheart.
What? (doorbell ringing) Can I do anything else? Well, you can get the door and if it's anyone else for dinner, the inn is full.
(knocking on door) Hi.
Um, I don't know if you remember me.
At Christmas a couple years back? Mary met you at the shelter.
We sent you home to your family.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, come in.
Come in.
Thank you.
How are you? I'm fine.
It's Carlos.
Kevin, Chandler, this is Carlos.
Nice to meet you.
Excuse us.
So, it's been a long time.
How's your family? Good, good, the family's good.
Getting bigger every day.
Our family, too, yeah.
Lucy got married last April.
You remember Lucy? Yeah.
Carlos is in the living room.
I think Dad wants you in the living room.
Why, who was at the door? All: Carlos! ALL: The homeless guy that Mary brought home one Christmas? ALL: Carlos is in the living room.
LUCY, ROXANNE, CECILIA: Now? What's going on? ALL: Nothing.
What do you know that I don't know? So, are you working? Yeah, yeah, I'm working.
I've been very fortunate that my father brought me back into the family business.
Oh, that's good.
I can't tell you how much it means to me to be part of the family and the family business.
And the family.
Yeah, yeah.
'Cause family is so important.
Maybe the most important thing in life.
You're right.
And if you don't have a family, th-then you can make a family.
But hopefully you have a family.
And sometimes one person's family and another person's family, they come together and they make a very big, happy family.
Hey, Happy.
Hey, girl! Excuse me.
Mary! Simon! Oh, it's so good to see you! We should talk.
But after I talk to your mom.
Hi! We've missed you.
Oh! Do you remember Simon and Mary? Oh, yeah.
Oh this is wonderful.
Hey, Mom.
Oh, Mary! Simon, no more running away.
We want you home with us.
You scared me.
You remember Carlos, don't you, honey? Of course, Christmas.
A few years ago.
Mary brought him home.
Nice to see you.
MARY: Hey, you guys, hi! Well, actually, um, Carlos and I We ran into each other in New York.
When he was at the airport picking up his brother.
Carlos: Right.
And, uh, we remembered each other from that very wonderful Christmas I spent here.
MARY: And so I went out with him and his brother.
And then she went out with just me.
And we went out several times.
Oh! S-So you're dating?! Well, that's great, you know? Good for you.
You can tell us all about it over dinner.
Let's go.
Carlos: Uh, we were dating.
A lot.
And, well And now you're not dating.
It's okay.
It happens.
Well, not exactly, Reverend Camden.
Camden, I've been trying to tell you this for several months now, but-- But I wouldn't let him because-because I got scared.
And I wanted to change my mind.
But then all this happened with the accident and then this whole crazy summer and I changed my mind about changing my mind.
And, uh we're You're not you're not dating? Are you two engaged? You're engaged? They're engaged.
Ah Please don't hate me.
We could never hate you, ever.
No matter what, we-we love you.
So let's eat.
Carlos and I got married last April a week after Lucy and Kevin.
I was going to have the marriage annulled, but-- not because I don't love him, because I was so afraid to tell you.
And I thought that, you know, if I could undo what we'd-- what we'd done, then we could redo it.
And-and you guys could get used to the idea for a little bit and I could have time to get used to the idea.
Annulled? Well, I just thought about it.
Well, you didn't tell me about it.
Well, I couldn't because I didn't really want to.
No, but you thought about it? I panicked! Why? Just because.
Can I have a few minutes alone with, uh, with my wife? Please? Don't leave.
There are things I need to say to you that I don't care to say in front of your parents.
I know.
That's why I want them here.
Well, this is not about them.
It's about you and I.
So, you were saying? An annulment? (speaking Spanish) Loca, loca I know what you're saying.
Not unless your Spanish has improved greatly.
Something about a chicken? I wasn't chicken.
I just didn't want to hurt them.
I didn't say anything about a chicken.
Loco? El Pollo Loco-- it's a chicken place.
El Pollo Loco means "the crazy chicken.
" And I said you were crazy not chicken.
Why would people eat crazy chickens? So you think I'm crazy? Yeah.
Oh, that's nice.
You're calling your wife and the mother of your future children crazy? Yes.
(speaking Spanish) I love you, too.
Hey, your Spanish is getting better.
So if Mary was, you know she would have told them.
No, she wouldn't have.
She would let them get used to one idea then spring it on them.
Where is everyone anyway? No one's hungry.
Except for us.
We're very hungry.
Is Mary really married? Yes, she is.
Why didn't they have a wedding? They had one, but no one was there.
Not even them? Mary and Carlos were there.
Just none of the Camdens were there.
Why not? Sometimes people don't want their families at the wedding.
Why not? Because sometimes families can make it complicated.
And Mary and Carlos are already pretty complicated.
What do you mean by that? Yeah.
What do you mean? Well they're from different backgrounds, different religions and-- And they might be No, they're not.
Are we doing the right thing? Taking a break? I think maybe we are.
I'm sorry if I misled you.
What does that mean? I can't marry you.
I can't be a preacher's wife.
I'm not a preacher's wife type.
That's it? That's all that's keeping you from marrying me? Honestly? No.
I knew I didn't want to get married from the beginning.
It was just really fun to think of all this stuff.
The wedding, moving in together, having babies.
Why do we have to get married? Why do we ever have to get married? Believe me-- we don't.
Does this mean we can still be friends? Can I still come over here and see your family and call you on the phone, and We were friends before we got into this relationship Simon.
We can be friends.
Can't we? Some day.
But not right now.
I can't be a friend to anyone right now.
I'm sorry.
I just have to focus on me right now and I have to get out of here.
I'm going to miss you at school, Simon.
I'm going to miss you everywhere.
Shouldn't you be inside with Mom? She wanted to lie down.
She needs some time to think.
And you don't? What's to think about? Our little Mary is married evidently.
And hopefully, it's not just her first marriage.
Hopefully, she'll be very happy and so will he for the rest of their stupid lives.
I knew you weren't happy.
I just didn't know if it was them or me.
I haven't had a chance to talk to your mom yet.
Well, actually I haven't had the nerve to talk to your mom yet.
Here's the thing.
Instead of going through the torture of transferring-- as you put it-- it might be possible to test out.
And instead go to a community college.
I think the testing part sounds great.
I think I could do a little more than community college though.
I want to go to to a real college.
What do you mean by a real college? I mean I want to go to a college, far, far away from here.
I thought maybe you would want to be home with your family, around people who love and care about you.
I've been around people who love and care about me all summer.
Look, I know everyone feels badly about the accident.
The fact that anyone feels bad for me after what I did, it's-- Dad, it's making me crazy.
Simon It was an accident, I don't care.
You know, I couldn't feel worse if I had done it-- if it had been intentional.
Dad, I've heard everything you've said to me.
I know it's a process.
I know it might be a life-long process, Dad, but this is a process that I have to go through on my own.
Might be a little easier with your friends and family, maybe even your girlfriend? I don't want dealing with this to be easy.
I want it to be hard.
Besides, Cecilia (sighs) she's finally letting go for now.
Simon, don't keep punishing yourself.
I-I swear I'm not punishing myself, Dad.
I'm just, I'm trying to find some meaning in what happened, you know? If there's no meaning, then maybe there's something, something that comes from it, you know, like a, a greater understanding of life? Dad, I don't know.
Maybe I could help you if you'd let me.
Cecilia told me about the church sign on the way to the airport.
(groans) I was gonna tell you.
But you didn't.
Surgeons shouldn't operate on their own families, Dad.
And I'm in somewhat dire need for a surgery that, that you can't do for me.
So let me go away and get my help somewhere else.
We were just talking about letting you get out of high school a year early.
And that was it.
I'm not ready to let you go away, Simon, and I know your mom's not ready.
You're 17.
You're only 17.
I know but I'm ready.
Oh, please, Dad? Sooner or later, I'm gonna have to talk to Justin.
Maybe not this week.
Maybe not this month, and maybe not even this year.
But when we eventually find ourselves face-to-face I'm gonna need to be ready to hear how much he hates me.
And I'm gonna need to be ready to say something back to him.
Something more than "I'm sorry" and "I understand.
" And I don't think I can get ready for that just by hanging around with my family, waiting for that eventual confrontation.
I have to get away, Dad.
I have to confront myself.
I'm not even sure who I am.
But I am sure I'm sorry about that kid.
You know, Dad, I'm so, I'm so horribly sorry.
(sighs) Now I'm starving.
Me, too.
You want to go and see if we can steal some dinner, or do you want me to go get us something? Anything you want.
Kevin? Lucy? I don't want to have a baby.
I know we've been talking about it a lot.
and talking about it's really fun, but the reality of it, well, that's something else.
Yeah, I know, but But when I graduate college and when I've had time to start my career and when we're settled into a place of our own and when we've spent time together, just the two of us, and when we feel that we can be responsible for the life of a new human being, then I would love to have a baby with you.
Whenever you're ready.
What changed your mind? Was it something Roxanne said? No, actually, it was seeing Mary.
I still think they've got a reason for telling Mom and Dad they're married.
I think they're pregnant even if you don't.
And I was thinking about how I want to tell you when we're pregnant and how we'd tell our families.
I want it to be a wonderful moment, not a scary one.
Do you really think they're pregnant? Yes, and I bet she hasn't told Carlos.
But I bet he already knows.
Oh, what happened to her? Straight-A student headed for college with a basketball scholarship, and then out of nowhere breaks into the high school gymnasium.
The next thing you know, she's an airline attendant married to some guy that we don't know.
What happened? I don't know.
But maybe marriage will be good for her.
It was a rhetorical question.
Just the same, you know, it might be good for her.
No, it won't.
Did the twins eat? Yeah, they ate with Ruthie and Peter.
What about Simon? Not yet, but he will.
He's too thin.
I'll make sure he eats something.
Just make sure he doesn't leave home and end up married to someone we don't know.
And especially make sure he doesn't leave home.
He's going nowhere until he finishes college.
It-It's-It's gonna be fine, Annie, I promise.
I know, I I know.
Just pray that Mary isn't pregnant.
Pray that that's not the reason she didn't get an annulment.
Pray that's not why she's telling us she's married.
She's not ready to have a baby.
Who said anything about having a baby? Maybe they're waiting for us to come to them.
No, they'll come to us, believe me.
When they're ready, they will find us and they will talk to us.
We'll cry, we'll laugh.
(both chuckle) I hope so.
Okay, speaking of laughs, I have something funny to tell you.
Go ahead.
I can't wait to hear it.
Okay, remember when I was out here last May? Right.
When you were out here last May for for the annulment? Okay, I told you.
I just thought it would just be easier if we backed up and then got married.
So you were out here last May to get us backed up, so that we can get married again I scared myself, okay? Okay, okay, so you were out here last May.
This is not working out like I planned.
First of all, you don't plan.
And secondly, what? What's not working out? Our marriage? Because I love you.
I love being married to you.
I love being married to you, too.
I-I meant that I had planned to tell you something.
I rehearsed it.
And now I can't, I can't seem to say it.
What, you rehearse your conversations now? How do you do it? How do you know what the other person's gonna say? I make it up! Mm-hmm, so you rehearsed the conversation about the annulment? 'Cause I'm dying to know what I had to say about that.
I knew you weren't over it.
No, I, I am, I am.
I'm over it.
It's just, you know, how does it work? I mean, it must be really difficult not knowing what the other person's gonna say, no? I'm trying to tell you something.
Okay, okay, fine, fine.
I am sorry.
Please, go ahead and tell me whatever it is you have to tell me.
Oh, no, just forget it.
I'll tell you later.
Are you sure? Maybe you want to say it now so you don't surprise me in front of your whole family again.
Do you know something? Tell me.
Please tell me.
You know, don't you?! All I know is that I love you.
How do you know? Just say it! I can't.
Why? Because once I say it, it'll be true.
And I want it to be true.
We're gonna have a baby.
Yes! Oh, yes.
Oh Soy una gallina loca embarazada.
(both laugh)
All night? Because I've been calling you all night.
I didn't get in till 2:00 in the morning.
And I didn't check my messages.
I I was exhausted.
And now I have to get you back to the airport.
I told you this was a stupid idea.
But you didn't tell me that Matt and Sarah were away.
I didn't know.
I assumed that you called them before you called me for a ticket.
Who's Carlos? Who? Carlos.
Who? They guy you live with.
Oh, all right.
Everyone else knows.
You might as well know, too.
Everyone knows? I got married.
What? I'll tell you about it on the plane.
What are you looking at? Nothing.
What? You're not I'm not what? Nothing.
I'm ready to go.
Well, not ready.
But, considering I have no choice, I'm as ready as I'm going to be.
You know, I'm actually feeling a little better since your news will actually take the spotlight off me for two minutes.
It's going to be okay, Simon.
No, it's not.
What are you looking at? Nothing.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
(barks) I'd better be going.
I'll be okay.
I know, I know.
You have to let go of me, Mom.
Next year, you'll be in high school.
High school.
It's hard to believe.
And the boys will be in kindergarten.
I bet they could use a hug.
And, next year, Simon will be in college.
Unless, of course, allowing him to transfer to another school doesn't work out like your father thinks it will.
He'll go to college.
He's Simon.
Maybe he'll even go this year.
I hope so.
I really do.
Simon is not going to turn out like Mary, if that's what you're thinking.
That's what I was thinking.
Have you heard from him? No.
But Simon will be on a plane with Mary, and they'll be home tonight for dinner.
Mary's coming home tonight for dinner? We haven't seen much of her this summer.
I miss her.
I wish she'd come back home.
I do, too, but I don't think that's going to happen now.
Because she loves flying so much.
I have to go.
That's not what you were going to say.
I was just simplifying it.
It's pretty much what I was going to say.
And I've got school.
And I'm meeting with Peter and good-bye.
Wish me luck.
I have to get to class, but I appreciate your meeting me.
And I appreciate everything you said to me, Lucy, but this is it.
Tonight's the night.
With or without Mary, I'm telling your parents.
'Cause your family should know.
Mary told them that she's coming home for dinner.
She's coming from the airport with Simon.
She's my wife.
We talk.
I know she's coming from the airport with Simon.
But I also know how many times she planned to come home and have dinner at your parents' house and tell them, only she never has.
And maybe she never will.
But I told her that I was going to tell them whether she showed up or not.
I want them to know.
Is there some reason why it has to be now? It should have been months ago.
But why now? Tonight? Because it's now or never.
We need to talk.
I thought you were on vacation.
Well, I decided to work instead.
Why? Because I need to keep busy.
You've been doing plenty of that.
What's wrong? Did something happen to your father? No.
Did someone die? No.
No one died.
Chandler broke up with me.
Well, I'm not surprised.
Why are you not surprised? Because he loves you, and wants to marry you, and, for some reason, you don't want to marry him, even though I think you love him.
Is that any reason to break up with me? Yeah, that's a reason.
If you don't want to get married, and he does, what'sa guy supposed to do? Just wait around until you change your mind? Maybe it's best if he quits wasting his time and gets over you and moves on.
It isn't about what you want or don't want this time, Roxanne.
It's about what he wants and doesn't want.
Respect that.
(phone ringing) Hello.
It's me.
I need to talk to you.
I need some time.
I don't.
Look, Roxanne, I love you, but I don't think this is going to work out.
Especially now that I know that you don't want to marry me.
At any time in the near future.
Look, we agreed to spend some time apart and think about this.
So that's what I want to do-- think.
I don't want to talk about it.
I I couldn't help but overhear.
Did What? Did you and Roxanne? I don't want to talk to you about it either, all right? Please.
I can't stand to hear "I told you so" when my heart is breaking into a million pieces.
I'm I'm sorry, Chandler.
Look, I got a really busy day.
I got to come up with another high school for Simon to go to.
The family decided not to go to trial, but they're asking me to get Simon out of the same high school their other son goes to.
For Simon's sake, and for his.
Since Simon desperately wanted out, well, I'm going to do whatever I can, as long as it's to everyone's advantage.
Well, he could test out of high school if his SATs were high enough last year.
If his grades are good enough.
He could work through the fall, and go to college in January or next fall.
And until then? He can get some kind of job until then.
Paid work to help with tuition, or volunteer work.
The Youth Corps or something.
No senior year? I didn't have a senior year.
I got out the summer before, and went to college.
I never regretted it.
I don't suppose I could get you to come to my house for dinner.
Simon is supposed to be home from New York by then, and maybe you could talk to him, you know, after I talk to Annie? Sure, I'd love to.
It's not like I have any plans.
I hope Lucy's on for our pizza night.
I can't wait to talk to someone who's a little more sympathetic.
Is that tonight? Yep.
That's tonight.
I don't think she's planning to go, since you're supposed to be at the beach.
Well, I 'm not at the beach, so I want pizza night with Lucy.
We have a family dinner tonight.
Then I'll just have dinner with her there, and we'll talk afterward.
Tonight might not be the best night.
I'll be right back.
Where are you going? I'm going to the men's room, okay? Who are you calling? Hello.
It's Roxanne.
Umwould it be all right if I came over for dinner tonight? Chandler and I just broke up, and I really don't feel like being alone, and my dad is still on his extended vacation, and I really feel like being with family, and you're practically family, and I need to speak with Lucy.
Of course you can come.
Um can I bring anything? No, just yourself.
See you around 7:00.
Is it my cooking? Do you cook? No.
I'll see you at 7:00.
(ringing) Hello.
It's me, Cecilia.
Is Simon still in New York? Uh well, he's he's on his way home.
He should be here in time for dinner, and Mary's coming with him.
Camden, I've been trying to talk Simon into coming back to school.
Well, we all have.
But I think maybe I was just being selfish.
Maybe he shouldn't be here after all.
There's a lot of talk.
Well, if you're talking about the older brother, and how upset he is, we heard from the parents last night.
I didn't think it would get this bad.
Well, we didn't either, but Eric talked to Simon, and they'll talk more when he gets home.
Can I come over and talk to him, too? If you want, of course.
Are you angry with me for driving Simon to the airport? No, no.
It wasn't your decision.
We understand that.
But I know that Simon's hurt your feelings, and, you know, I hope he didn't just use you to get to the airport.
And I'd hate to have you come over tonight and have him be rude to you again.
He has hurt my feelings.
But maybe because I've just been pushing too hard.
Maybe I should just let go and let him know that I'm there if he needs me.
I think that's a good idea.
So, I'll see you for dinner.
And maybe Simon and I can talk afterward.
Okay, bye.
What's for dinner? What's for dinner? Same thing we've been eating all summer.
A big heaping bowl of trouble.
With a Mary on top.
Oh, I was hoping to catch you in the shower.
Hmm, I could always go back in.
Maybe later.
How was your day? I got my schedule today.
It's not bad.
No early morning classes.
That's good news.
Oh, uh, I had coffee with Carlos.
He's dropping by the house tonight for dinner.
Hoping Mary will be there, but even if she isn't-- Good.
I hate keeping secrets.
You didn't ask Carlos if he and Mary are pregnant did you? No, but he didn't say they aren't.
He didn't say Mary's not pregnant.
I think you're wrong.
Not to change the subject, but did you hear there's no trial with the insurance companies? When did that happen? The kid's parents decided against it.
But they want Simon to stay out of school so their older son doesn't have to deal with him.
That's a shame, because, sooner or later, Simon and this guy will have to deal with each other.
Mom and Dad just want to give him some time.
Especially since the parents asked and Simon doesn't want to face him right now anyway.
It might be good for him to get away.
Give him a chance to grow up a little.
I don't think he's going away.
He's just going to another school.
Not to change the subject because I do think he'll end up going away, But I have some news for you, too.
Roxanne and Chandler broke up.
So that's why she's been so anxious to see me.
(groans) And I haven't even called her back.
I feel terrible.
(knocking on door) ROXANNE: Lucy? Annie invited me to dinner.
I'm so sorry.
I just heard.
What happened? You really don't want to get married? I want to get married.
I just don't want to get married right now.
And now that I've had some time to think about it, I don't think that I want to be married to him.
That's the first time I've said that out loud.
I just don't think I'm cut out to be a preacher's wife.
I mean, I'm not even good at being a preacher's girlfriend.
The whole thing is just so unnatural.
I don't know, I mean, I mean, he's like this holy man and I'm like I don't know, so unholy.
Um, are you staying for dinner? Well, your mom invited me.
I thought maybe we could get coffee and talk afterwards? Do you think I'm unholy? No, not exactly.
Not exactly? What does that mean? I-I don't know.
I don't know what unholy means.
Look, I really do want to talk to you.
It's just that well, tonight's dinner, it might get a little complicated.
Mary's coming home.
I know.
She's bringing Simon back from New York, right? Is something going on with Mary? Well Hi.
I was wondering the same thing.
Is something going on with Mary? Annie invited me to dinner.
What's going on with Mary? Without Simon, I'm out of the loop.
I guess you've heard.
I don't want to talk about it.
Okay, but Roxanne is I don't want to talk about it.
in our apartment talking to Lucy.
(sighing) You're staying? I was invited so, yes, I'm staying.
You know, Mary is going to be here.
And? And I know Eric wants to discuss some things.
Family things, with Simon.
Oh, I know that.
That's how I got invited.
I'm supposed to talk to Simon after Eric is finished talking to Annie.
Well, there are some things going on in Mary's life that may actually overshadow the things going on in Simon's life.
At least just tonight.
What could possibly overshadow what's going on in Simon's life? You're here on a historic night, you know.
I know.
I'm a little nervous.
I am, too, but you know, the flip side of nervousness is excitement.
Believe me, I feel guilty feeling anything but horrible after that accident.
But, as of today, life is starting to move on for all of us.
And we need that.
So, we may as well get excited about it.
What happens if your parents don't take Mary's big news well? What if they're not at all excited about it? And what if it's the straw that breaks the Camden's back? There is no such straw.
We're a family.
Everything will be fine.
Okay, everything may not be fine tonight, but eventually-- Are you sure she's going to have a baby? I'm not sure, but Lucy and I think so.
What does Kevin think? Kevin's a guy.
I'm a guy, too.
And I think you're jumping to conclusions.
Want to bet? I can't take your money, sweetheart.
What? (doorbell ringing) Can I do anything else? Well, you can get the door and if it's anyone else for dinner, the inn is full.
(knocking on door) Hi.
Um, I don't know if you remember me.
At Christmas a couple years back? Mary met you at the shelter.
We sent you home to your family.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, come in.
Come in.
Thank you.
How are you? I'm fine.
It's Carlos.
Kevin, Chandler, this is Carlos.
Nice to meet you.
Excuse us.
So, it's been a long time.
How's your family? Good, good, the family's good.
Getting bigger every day.
Our family, too, yeah.
Lucy got married last April.
You remember Lucy? Yeah.
Carlos is in the living room.
I think Dad wants you in the living room.
Why, who was at the door? All: Carlos! ALL: The homeless guy that Mary brought home one Christmas? ALL: Carlos is in the living room.
LUCY, ROXANNE, CECILIA: Now? What's going on? ALL: Nothing.
What do you know that I don't know? So, are you working? Yeah, yeah, I'm working.
I've been very fortunate that my father brought me back into the family business.
Oh, that's good.
I can't tell you how much it means to me to be part of the family and the family business.
And the family.
Yeah, yeah.
'Cause family is so important.
Maybe the most important thing in life.
You're right.
And if you don't have a family, th-then you can make a family.
But hopefully you have a family.
And sometimes one person's family and another person's family, they come together and they make a very big, happy family.
Hey, Happy.
Hey, girl! Excuse me.
Mary! Simon! Oh, it's so good to see you! We should talk.
But after I talk to your mom.
Hi! We've missed you.
Oh! Do you remember Simon and Mary? Oh, yeah.
Oh this is wonderful.
Hey, Mom.
Oh, Mary! Simon, no more running away.
We want you home with us.
You scared me.
You remember Carlos, don't you, honey? Of course, Christmas.
A few years ago.
Mary brought him home.
Nice to see you.
MARY: Hey, you guys, hi! Well, actually, um, Carlos and I We ran into each other in New York.
When he was at the airport picking up his brother.
Carlos: Right.
And, uh, we remembered each other from that very wonderful Christmas I spent here.
MARY: And so I went out with him and his brother.
And then she went out with just me.
And we went out several times.
Oh! S-So you're dating?! Well, that's great, you know? Good for you.
You can tell us all about it over dinner.
Let's go.
Carlos: Uh, we were dating.
A lot.
And, well And now you're not dating.
It's okay.
It happens.
Well, not exactly, Reverend Camden.
Camden, I've been trying to tell you this for several months now, but-- But I wouldn't let him because-because I got scared.
And I wanted to change my mind.
But then all this happened with the accident and then this whole crazy summer and I changed my mind about changing my mind.
And, uh we're You're not you're not dating? Are you two engaged? You're engaged? They're engaged.
Ah Please don't hate me.
We could never hate you, ever.
No matter what, we-we love you.
So let's eat.
Carlos and I got married last April a week after Lucy and Kevin.
I was going to have the marriage annulled, but-- not because I don't love him, because I was so afraid to tell you.
And I thought that, you know, if I could undo what we'd-- what we'd done, then we could redo it.
And-and you guys could get used to the idea for a little bit and I could have time to get used to the idea.
Annulled? Well, I just thought about it.
Well, you didn't tell me about it.
Well, I couldn't because I didn't really want to.
No, but you thought about it? I panicked! Why? Just because.
Can I have a few minutes alone with, uh, with my wife? Please? Don't leave.
There are things I need to say to you that I don't care to say in front of your parents.
I know.
That's why I want them here.
Well, this is not about them.
It's about you and I.
So, you were saying? An annulment? (speaking Spanish) Loca, loca I know what you're saying.
Not unless your Spanish has improved greatly.
Something about a chicken? I wasn't chicken.
I just didn't want to hurt them.
I didn't say anything about a chicken.
Loco? El Pollo Loco-- it's a chicken place.
El Pollo Loco means "the crazy chicken.
" And I said you were crazy not chicken.
Why would people eat crazy chickens? So you think I'm crazy? Yeah.
Oh, that's nice.
You're calling your wife and the mother of your future children crazy? Yes.
(speaking Spanish) I love you, too.
Hey, your Spanish is getting better.
So if Mary was, you know she would have told them.
No, she wouldn't have.
She would let them get used to one idea then spring it on them.
Where is everyone anyway? No one's hungry.
Except for us.
We're very hungry.
Is Mary really married? Yes, she is.
Why didn't they have a wedding? They had one, but no one was there.
Not even them? Mary and Carlos were there.
Just none of the Camdens were there.
Why not? Sometimes people don't want their families at the wedding.
Why not? Because sometimes families can make it complicated.
And Mary and Carlos are already pretty complicated.
What do you mean by that? Yeah.
What do you mean? Well they're from different backgrounds, different religions and-- And they might be No, they're not.
Are we doing the right thing? Taking a break? I think maybe we are.
I'm sorry if I misled you.
What does that mean? I can't marry you.
I can't be a preacher's wife.
I'm not a preacher's wife type.
That's it? That's all that's keeping you from marrying me? Honestly? No.
I knew I didn't want to get married from the beginning.
It was just really fun to think of all this stuff.
The wedding, moving in together, having babies.
Why do we have to get married? Why do we ever have to get married? Believe me-- we don't.
Does this mean we can still be friends? Can I still come over here and see your family and call you on the phone, and We were friends before we got into this relationship Simon.
We can be friends.
Can't we? Some day.
But not right now.
I can't be a friend to anyone right now.
I'm sorry.
I just have to focus on me right now and I have to get out of here.
I'm going to miss you at school, Simon.
I'm going to miss you everywhere.
Shouldn't you be inside with Mom? She wanted to lie down.
She needs some time to think.
And you don't? What's to think about? Our little Mary is married evidently.
And hopefully, it's not just her first marriage.
Hopefully, she'll be very happy and so will he for the rest of their stupid lives.
I knew you weren't happy.
I just didn't know if it was them or me.
I haven't had a chance to talk to your mom yet.
Well, actually I haven't had the nerve to talk to your mom yet.
Here's the thing.
Instead of going through the torture of transferring-- as you put it-- it might be possible to test out.
And instead go to a community college.
I think the testing part sounds great.
I think I could do a little more than community college though.
I want to go to to a real college.
What do you mean by a real college? I mean I want to go to a college, far, far away from here.
I thought maybe you would want to be home with your family, around people who love and care about you.
I've been around people who love and care about me all summer.
Look, I know everyone feels badly about the accident.
The fact that anyone feels bad for me after what I did, it's-- Dad, it's making me crazy.
Simon It was an accident, I don't care.
You know, I couldn't feel worse if I had done it-- if it had been intentional.
Dad, I've heard everything you've said to me.
I know it's a process.
I know it might be a life-long process, Dad, but this is a process that I have to go through on my own.
Might be a little easier with your friends and family, maybe even your girlfriend? I don't want dealing with this to be easy.
I want it to be hard.
Besides, Cecilia (sighs) she's finally letting go for now.
Simon, don't keep punishing yourself.
I-I swear I'm not punishing myself, Dad.
I'm just, I'm trying to find some meaning in what happened, you know? If there's no meaning, then maybe there's something, something that comes from it, you know, like a, a greater understanding of life? Dad, I don't know.
Maybe I could help you if you'd let me.
Cecilia told me about the church sign on the way to the airport.
(groans) I was gonna tell you.
But you didn't.
Surgeons shouldn't operate on their own families, Dad.
And I'm in somewhat dire need for a surgery that, that you can't do for me.
So let me go away and get my help somewhere else.
We were just talking about letting you get out of high school a year early.
And that was it.
I'm not ready to let you go away, Simon, and I know your mom's not ready.
You're 17.
You're only 17.
I know but I'm ready.
Oh, please, Dad? Sooner or later, I'm gonna have to talk to Justin.
Maybe not this week.
Maybe not this month, and maybe not even this year.
But when we eventually find ourselves face-to-face I'm gonna need to be ready to hear how much he hates me.
And I'm gonna need to be ready to say something back to him.
Something more than "I'm sorry" and "I understand.
" And I don't think I can get ready for that just by hanging around with my family, waiting for that eventual confrontation.
I have to get away, Dad.
I have to confront myself.
I'm not even sure who I am.
But I am sure I'm sorry about that kid.
You know, Dad, I'm so, I'm so horribly sorry.
(sighs) Now I'm starving.
Me, too.
You want to go and see if we can steal some dinner, or do you want me to go get us something? Anything you want.
Kevin? Lucy? I don't want to have a baby.
I know we've been talking about it a lot.
and talking about it's really fun, but the reality of it, well, that's something else.
Yeah, I know, but But when I graduate college and when I've had time to start my career and when we're settled into a place of our own and when we've spent time together, just the two of us, and when we feel that we can be responsible for the life of a new human being, then I would love to have a baby with you.
Whenever you're ready.
What changed your mind? Was it something Roxanne said? No, actually, it was seeing Mary.
I still think they've got a reason for telling Mom and Dad they're married.
I think they're pregnant even if you don't.
And I was thinking about how I want to tell you when we're pregnant and how we'd tell our families.
I want it to be a wonderful moment, not a scary one.
Do you really think they're pregnant? Yes, and I bet she hasn't told Carlos.
But I bet he already knows.
Oh, what happened to her? Straight-A student headed for college with a basketball scholarship, and then out of nowhere breaks into the high school gymnasium.
The next thing you know, she's an airline attendant married to some guy that we don't know.
What happened? I don't know.
But maybe marriage will be good for her.
It was a rhetorical question.
Just the same, you know, it might be good for her.
No, it won't.
Did the twins eat? Yeah, they ate with Ruthie and Peter.
What about Simon? Not yet, but he will.
He's too thin.
I'll make sure he eats something.
Just make sure he doesn't leave home and end up married to someone we don't know.
And especially make sure he doesn't leave home.
He's going nowhere until he finishes college.
It-It's-It's gonna be fine, Annie, I promise.
I know, I I know.
Just pray that Mary isn't pregnant.
Pray that that's not the reason she didn't get an annulment.
Pray that's not why she's telling us she's married.
She's not ready to have a baby.
Who said anything about having a baby? Maybe they're waiting for us to come to them.
No, they'll come to us, believe me.
When they're ready, they will find us and they will talk to us.
We'll cry, we'll laugh.
(both chuckle) I hope so.
Okay, speaking of laughs, I have something funny to tell you.
Go ahead.
I can't wait to hear it.
Okay, remember when I was out here last May? Right.
When you were out here last May for for the annulment? Okay, I told you.
I just thought it would just be easier if we backed up and then got married.
So you were out here last May to get us backed up, so that we can get married again I scared myself, okay? Okay, okay, so you were out here last May.
This is not working out like I planned.
First of all, you don't plan.
And secondly, what? What's not working out? Our marriage? Because I love you.
I love being married to you.
I love being married to you, too.
I-I meant that I had planned to tell you something.
I rehearsed it.
And now I can't, I can't seem to say it.
What, you rehearse your conversations now? How do you do it? How do you know what the other person's gonna say? I make it up! Mm-hmm, so you rehearsed the conversation about the annulment? 'Cause I'm dying to know what I had to say about that.
I knew you weren't over it.
No, I, I am, I am.
I'm over it.
It's just, you know, how does it work? I mean, it must be really difficult not knowing what the other person's gonna say, no? I'm trying to tell you something.
Okay, okay, fine, fine.
I am sorry.
Please, go ahead and tell me whatever it is you have to tell me.
Oh, no, just forget it.
I'll tell you later.
Are you sure? Maybe you want to say it now so you don't surprise me in front of your whole family again.
Do you know something? Tell me.
Please tell me.
You know, don't you?! All I know is that I love you.
How do you know? Just say it! I can't.
Why? Because once I say it, it'll be true.
And I want it to be true.
We're gonna have a baby.
Yes! Oh, yes.
Oh Soy una gallina loca embarazada.
(both laugh)