The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s08e02 Episode Script


-Look alive, Thunder Sisters!
Bearacudas dead ahead!
Yeah! Dead!
But not really
because they're alive!
-Thunk, why does your spear
look like a papaynapple?
-You said prepare for a snack.
-No! We said prepare to attack!
-Quit gabbin'
and start stabbin'!
-Be right there!
As soon as I finish
my snack! Mm.
I love the taste of papaynapple
in the morning.
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-Are you ready to rock,
Fire Heart?!
-Rocked and loaded! Are you
ready to roll, Sister Sunset?
-Yes! But I'm not sure
about this wheel as a weapon.
Are you kidding?
No one sees a wheel attack
coming! Until it's too late.
You're right. Wheels up!
-Bug nuggets? Fresh lemon drink?
Not too tart, not too sweet.
It's the perfect
mid-fight treat.
-We're kinda busy right now,
-No problem.
I'll wait for a timeout.
Rock and roll!
-Tag me in, Bog Water!
I never tagged you
out, Blood Horn!
-Oh. In that case
-Moist leaf-ette?
Yeah, uh, maybe later, Thunk.
Yeah! Now's not a good time!
You know where to find me.
Yeah. That kinda works.
Good thinking, Seeker!
You bite 'em, and I'll smite 'em
'cause I'm Queen O' Wimmins!
Thunder, thunder, like a shout!
When you hear it,
it hurts your ears!
That doesn't rhyme.
Do you know a word
that rhymes with "shout"?
-Out! As in get out
before I toss you out!
-Loud and clear, guys.
Loud and clear.
We did it again,
Thunder Sisters.
Fight hard, feast hard.
-Gran! For the last time,
we don't eat Sash!
-Because she's too chewy?
It's okay, Sash.
No one's gonna chew you
on mywatch.
-Let's just eat this other food,
- Yeah, it looks delicious!
- Huh?
-Mind if we join you?
-Sorry, Guy-boy.
You know the rules.
Thunder Sisters only.
-I fervently object,
but we refuse to beg.
-No! Now beat it before I start
cracking those eggshells
you call skulls with my
Wait, where's my staff?
-Maybe it's back
on the battlefield?
-Huh. Wouldn't be the first time
I left something behind.
But usually it's teeth.
Thunk! Go find my staff!
-Gran, that's not Thunk.
That's a pile of meat.
-What's the difference? Ha!
But seriously, where is he?
-Thunk never misses
a victory feast.
-Or any feast.
-He's probably watching clouds
on window.
His loss. Now, let's eat.
-Wrong! We don't eat
until we're allhere.
-Well, we're here!
-Not you, Z-Team.
I'm talking about
the Thunder Sisters!
We beattogether,
we eattogether.
Now let's go get him!
-Be a shame
to let this feast go to waste.
-A tragedy, actually.
Only monsters
would let a tragedy happen.
And we're not monsters.
-Right. Unless we're hungry.
Burnip me!
Thunder Sisters only!
Or our next feast
will be youmeat-logs!
-I'm just gonna say
what everyone is thinking.
I can't remember the last time
I saw this couch
without Thunk on it.
-Are we sure we're looking
at the right couch?
-Yup. You can tell
'cause of the bug nuggets.
-And the Thunk-shaped dents.
-Have all your eyes been
gouged out? He's right there!
-Gran, that's Douglas.
-Ah, you're right.
Thunk's got a longer tail.
-Okay, so if Thunk's not here,
where on flat Earth is he?
-Oh, I know exactlywhere he i.
Huh. I was sure he'd be here.
But don't worry! I know
another place he might be.
-Any otherideas?
-One more!
And it's literallythe only
other place he could be.
-And I'm out of ideas.
-Me, too.
But mostly because
we're out of hammocks.
-So, Thunk just disappeared?
-Maybe. Or he's right there!
-You mean me?
Gran, I'm Dawn! You know me.
Maybe. Only one way to be sure.
Nope. These choppers
aren't a nightmare
made real like Thunk's.
Other girl's story checks out.
-I don't love how you've
memorized all of our teeth.
-Just makes sense.
Since they'll all be mine
- What?!
- Did someone say
- Thunder Misters?
- Hm!
-What? No! No one said that.
-Are you sure, ma'am?
'Cause I swear I heard--
-Nothing even close to that?
Yes, you did.
we heard Thunk was missing
and we wanna help find him!
-And, when we succeed,
you'll find room for us
at your victory feast.
-As guests. Not food.
-Never gonna happen.
-Why not?
It's more eyes on the prize.
-'Cause we have eyes!
-Grug's right.
As they say,
18 eyes are better than 12.
-No one says that, Phil!
-Wolfspiders do. Or they would
if they could speak.
You three super-zeroes said
the Thunder Misters
were finished forever.
-Thanks for the offer, guys,
but the Thunder Sisters
can find their own ontheir own.
Now we're never gonna get
invited to that victory feast!
You did it again, Guy!
Guy pulled another "Guy."
-Seriously? We all agreed
to no more Thunder Misters,
didn't we?
No more Thunder Misters.
Wait, why are we laughing?
Okay, Thunder Sisters
Thunk must have left the farm,
but to go where exactly?
-What about that eelgle nest?
Oh, yeah! Thunk said it was
the perfect snoozing spot!
-Or punch monkey village.
He loved the food there.
Eating and throwing it.
-What about that place?
-What place, Gran?
-You know, the one with water?
-Uh, the beach?
-Lake Wetwater?
-The sink?
-That's it, Sandy.
Glowshine Lake!
he wouldn't shut up about it
after he went there
with that guy.
You know,
the one with the head.
-Grug, Mom?
Grug's not a real name!
Did someone say they needed
help finding Thunk?
-No. Didn't this happen already?
Are we in a time loop?
-Yeah. We just covered
the "no more Thunder Misters"
But here you are, like that.
So, bring us up to speed.
What's the story?
-We're not the Thunder Misters.
-We're the Thunder Sifters!
-An elite team that specializes
in searching,
seeking, and looking.
-All the same thing.
-In other words, sifting.
-And that's completely different
from the Thunder Misters.
-A truth that is undeniable
because wehave new names.
-Oh, no, please don't.
-I'm Eyeball Looker! Whoa!
-And Guy Sight!
-Whoa! Oh--
-The Betterman Eye Enhancer!
Help me find it.
-It's in your hand, Phil.
Ah Oh, yes. There it is.
The point is, we're going to
help you find Thunk,
whether you like it or not.
And then, you'll welcome us
to your victory feasts
henceforth. Agreed?
-Phil, if you--
-I'm not calling you that.
And how can you find Thunk
when you can't even find
what's in your own--
-Welcome to that search party,
-Are you kidding?
-Of course not.
Like they say,
18 eyes are better than 12.
-I told you that was a thing.
-But Thunk could be anywhere,
so we need to split up.
Why don't you Thunder Blisters--
-Sifters. Thunder Sifters.
Sorry to interrupt.
That was rude.
But I just wanted to clarify.
For clarity. Respectfully.
Please go on.
Not that you need my permission.
-Anyway, you three go
and check the Shock Swamp.
- We'll cover the rest.
- Ooh
Shock Swamp?
Seems a little shocky and swampy
for Thunk. And us.
-Well, if you're not upto it
-Oh, we're up to it!
-Yeah! Because we want in
on the victory feast action!
-We also wanna find Thunk,
of course.
-And we will! Because we're
the Thunder Misters!
And we can find anything!
Like my Eye Enhancer.
It's missing again!
Find it, Sifters! Find it!
-Uh, you really think
Thunk is in the Shock Swamp?
-Of course not.
But this gets those lug nuggets
out of our hair!
let's go before they figure out
they got the short end
of the shock.
-No chance of that.
-Is this your eye thingy?
-No. That's a crystal.
Yeah! A really pretty crystal.
-Where there's a nap,
there's a Thunk!
-Okay, Thunk. Nap time's over.
Now, let's get you outta here
before we all become
eelgle chow.
-Thunk turned himself
into an egg?
So he isa wizard!
-I am the greatest wizard alive!
-No, Dawn. That's just an egg.
-Whatever it is,
I call it delicious.
Delicious sounds delicious.
-Yeah, I'm actually feeling
papaynapple. Snack break?
-Good call.
So, who's got snacks?
Thunk's in charge of snacks.
-Oh, yeah.
-So who wants some raw egg?
-Make it to-go 'cause
we're leaving. Time to glide!
So, punch monkey village?
Worth a shot!
-Why is that eelgle chasing us?
-Can't make an omelet without
stealing some eggs, Hair Nest!
you're making me an omelet!
Okay. Keep it quiet.
We don't want the punch monkeys
to know we're--
-Or we all yell
at the top of our lungs.
That's another way to go.
-It's fine! No one's here.
-Not yet,
but I'm guessing
they'll be here soon.
Look at all that food.
And it's all the same food
-you make, Ugga.
-Yeah, Mom.
Exactlylike the food you make.
- What?
- No, that's just--
There's Ugg's Nugs, Ugg Rolls,
they even have Nachos by Ugga!
-Do you know what
this means, Mom?
-The punch monkeys
-stole your recipes!
The punch monkeys
obviouslystole Ugga's recipes,
and we can stop talking about it
because that's what happened
and there's no other
possible explanation!
-I don't care who made it.
I'm eatin' it!
-I'm going in for some of
the Nachos by Ugga
by the punch monkeys!
Right behind you!
-Not as good as yours,
Ugga, but still tasty.
-And salty. Does anyone have
any lemon drink?
-Thunk's the one who brings
the drinks, remember?
-We should probably
Why would Thunk come here?
This place is a dump!
-Are you sure this is the place
Thunk was talking about?
-Of course, I'm sure!
-About what?
-I hope we find Thunk soon.
I'm melting. Can I get a towel?
-Sure, when we find Thunk.
Because towels
are also his thing.
-How is he nowhere?
He's gotta be somewhere, right?
-Sure. Even if he isa wizard.
-Oh, my powers have no end!
-Well, he's obviouslynot here,
so can we go?
I've had enough of
Smells Like A Foot Lake.
There's no sign of
But I'll keep my Guys peeled
because I'm Guy Sight.
-I think my hands are broken.
I can't see a thing!
An Eyeball Looker
can't look without eyes!
-Watch your step,
you hairy tree stump.
You're disturbing
potential clues
under review by
- Oculocationarity.
- Guys?
I'm a little worried about
being all alone out here.
He doesn't do well outdoors.
-Or indoors.
I guess that just leaves
-No, it doesn't!
Hey. I didn't get sho--
-Indeed. Thunk needs us.
But more importantly,
we need him to secure our seats
at the victory feast!
Now, keep looking!
My Eye Enhancer is gone again!
-Did you check your hand?
-My hand?
Who do you think I am? Grug?
No. I meant your other--hand!
-Ah-ha! I found it!
Nothing slips past
What was my Thunder Sifter
name again?!
-Well, here's one thing
that slipped past you, Occupado.
The road ribs I brought.
Rib toss!
Okay. Shock Swamp one,
Grug zero.
Round two. Rib-coming!
Gah! I hate this place!
Can't even have a snack here.
Huh? Wait,
-what did you just say, Grug?
-He said,
"can't even have a snack here."
And why would Thunk come to
a place where he couldn't snack?
He wouldn't.
Which can mean only one thing!
-Thunk isn't Thunk anymore?
The Thunder Sisters sent us here
-to get us out of their hair!
I'm shocked.
So what do we do now?
-We do what the Thunder Sifters
always do.
-Look cool. Yeah.
-A littleto the left, Mom.
And, Hope, can you
scoot in justa smidge?
Okay! Perfect.
why are we doing this again?
-Because to find Thunk,
we must thinklike Thunk.
Get inside his head.
-Thunk watches window
all the time.
So, maybe if wewatch window,
we'll know what he's thinking
and where he is.
Yeah, this is a bust.
-Maybe we should just
go back to the farm.
I mean, we don't know for sure
he isn't still there.
-You're right. He's probably
eating our feast right now.
Or sleeping. Or both.
-So it's settled. Let's go home.
Anyone remember
which way home is?
-Sure. Home is where
you keep your teeth.
Ah Home teeth home.
-Ugh. Anyone else?
-Too bad Thunk's not here.
He usually brings the maps
-And the drinks.
-And the snacks.
-And the moist leaf-ettes.
Thunk was our lookout,
Well, whoever he is,
he sure blew thatjob.
-Because we're in
a bearacuda pit
and we're gonna be
-You mean beara-fooda?
-Ooh, yeah! That's way better!
-Where did the bearacudas go?
I mean,
they toss us into this pit,
and then, poof, they're gone.
-That's bearacudas for ya.
They like their prey
to stew in their own fear.
And salt. Mm
Makes the meat tender.
-How do you know that, Gran?
-You don't want her
to answer that question.
-True story.
-I just wish Thunk was here.
I could really use
one of his confusing
but motivational cheers.
-Yeah. I guess I never realized
how much he does for this team.
-Yep. He wears a lot of hats for
someone who doesn't wear hats.
-It's too bad
we all blew him off
instead of
letting him know that.
-This is ourfault.
Wedid this well.
Well, all of youdid this.
- Wedid this.
-Ugh! Fine. We!
-Every one of us
took Thunk for granted,
instead of telling him
how important he is.
-And now, we'll never be able
to say that to Thunk.
Say what to me?
- Thunk!
- That'sThunk?
- Yes, Mom.
- You know that's Thunk.
-No. I thought that was
just a really big
strong walking baby.
-Thunk! We've been
looking everywhere for you!
-You have? Why?
Because you weren't
at the feast.
that is notlike me at all.
But I wasn't there
because I was looking for this.
-My staff!
-Wait, that'swhere you've been?
Looking for Gran's staff?
-Uh-huh! I saw some bearacudas
run off with it,
so I went after them.
You're the best, Thunk.
-I am?
-He is?
-And we don't tell you
that enough.
-You don't?
-We don't?
-You're the vine
that ties us all together.
-And we all love you.
-You do?
-I guess.
Unless you start crying
like a giant walking baby!
-Wow. Thanks.
I love you, too.
I also love being alive,
so we gotta go 'cause
the bearacudas are coming back.
Grab on!
-Thanks, whoever you are.
-Gran, it's me, Thunk!
Don't you know me?
Just messing with you, kid.
Thunder Sisters!
It's time to thunder like Thunk!
-Ooh! I like that one!
-Going up!
And coming down!
-Fresh lemon drink, anyone?
Mm! Not too tart,
not too sweet.
-It's the perfect
mid-fight treat.
Thanks, Thunk.
Jump through a crack
-set up a sneak attack!
- Huh?
- Bug nuggets, Gran?
-Ah! You read my mind.
Do you have spicy,
but not too spicy?
-But, of course. Just for you.
-Ooh! You're a treasure, Thunk.
Two's company
and tree's a crowd!
-Get it? Because Sandy
hit you with a tree!
-Towel? Moist leaf-ette?
-Ah. Exactly what I needed,
- Hero? No, Sandy.
- I'm just a Thunk.
-Great work, Thunder Sisters.
This calls for a victory cheer!
-Okay. Uh Ooh! Got one.
When I say thunder,
you say thunder!
- Thunder!
- Thunder!
-And when I say sisters,
you say thunder again!
- Sisters.
Thunder again! What?
-Hm. Let's workshop it
and do a dry run tomorrow.
-Or we skip the victory cheer
and have a victory feast
-Whoa. Bold, risky,
but that juice
is worth the squeeze.
Especially if there's
freshly squeezed juice.
We put this off
to run in circles,
so no more hammerhead horseplay!
- Let's eat Huh?
- But first, a toast.
-Oh, seriously?
-To Thunk, for showing us
how wrong we were.
-And how right we are
with him on our side.
To Thunk!
Enough mush!
Time for meat sweats!
- Wait!
- Oh, come on!
-What about the Thunder Sifters?
-The Thunder who what now?
-Thunder Sifters!
Dad, Grug, and Guy.
-They went to the Shock Swamp,
and they're still gone.
-Well, they find stuff, right?
-So they'll find their way home.
Problem solved.
-We're walking in circles!
-To confuse the ramacondas.
It's a rudimentary
evasion tactic.
We've passed this tree
whatever comes after two times.
-Of course. And do you know why?
-We're lost?
We're the Thunder Sifters,
a team that finds
things together,
including a way
to escape this swamp
before ramacondas devour us
Never mind!
Every man
or man-beast for himself!
-We can't outrun a ramaconda!
I know! Just gotta outrun Phil!
Or you!
-I am never teaming up
with you guys again!
Until we team up again!
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