Charmed s08e03 Episode Script

Run, Piper, Run

- I can orb you.
|- No, no.
We no orb.
We drive, like normal people.
Yeah, well, normal people get|stuck in traffic jams.
Did you put my silver earrings back|after you borrowed them? Piper, you're stalling.
I am not stalling.
Wow, you look great.
It's okay if you're scared.
|It's understandable.
- I'm not scared.
|- Oh, yeah, right.
That's why you changed outfits|three times.
All right, well,|maybe I am a little nervous.
I don't really know|why I'm doing this anyway.
You're doing this|because it's what you want to do.
If you get nothing else|out of being dead to the world And to the underworld.
- At least you tried something new.
|You know, expanded your horizons.
Who writes your stuff? The thing is|you just need to relax a little.
Okay, Piper? It's just an interview.
With a corporate headhunter who's|gonna do what, get me a job at IBM? - I don't think so.
|- I thought you wanted this.
No, actually, it was Dad's idea.
|He set it up.
Because he knew|you wanted to try something new.
No, I am perfectly happy running P3.
You were not happy last week|about anything.
One little meltdown, okay?|I'm allowed.
Okay, look, the point is you've got|a new lease on life.
We all do.
You need to just take your own advice,|you know? Get out there.
See if there's other people|you want to mingle with and talk to.
And what about all the demons|in the world? We've got Billie for that.
And she's just a kid.
|What if she can't handle it? She will, she's learning, and|I've got her upstairs studying right now.
Yeah, and as far as the play date,|you know, I got it covered.
I know, but really, little Kenny is Is allergic to peanut butter.
|You told me.
You're stalling.
I just wish|I didn't feel like such a fraud.
All you need to do is remember|the you that's on the inside, okay? And besides,|who's gonna figure it out, Jenny? Put your hands on your head.
Now! Save it, Maya.
|I know you understand me.
You're under arrest for murder.
Damn you.
Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh!|Are you okay? Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.
- That was That was awesome!|- Awesome? You almost blew the house up.
|How is that awesome? Just the attic.
|Besides, this place is a wreck.
Do you guys|ever put anything away? You were just supposed to|be reading.
- That's all I was doing!|- Then what happened? I don't know.
Remember,|I'm very, very new at this.
You read a spell out loud,|didn't you? Yes, I read out loud.
That is not reading, that is chanting,|and that is how things go boom! Okay, cool.
Lesson learned.
|What's next? What's next is that you go back to|college and take a break from all this.
Why? It was just one little mistake.
Haven't you heard|of the learning curve? Look, I'm here because|you need me, right? So you girls can go have a normal life|while I go kick some demon ass.
So the more you teach me, the more|I can get out there and go do my thing.
The first thing you're gonna be doing|is cleaning up your mess.
Why? Can't you just cast a spell|and make it pick itself up? That would be called "personal gain,"|which is something we don't do, okay? Plus we want to keep the use of magic|to a minimum so the demons don't find out|we're still alive.
Oh, okay, yeah, three chicks|move in under the same roof.
Hello? How dumb can they be? - I'm sorry.
|- Look, I get that spells and witchcraft|and potions, they're really fun.
It was not long ago that|I was going through the same thing, learning the ropes.
But here's the deal.
|It's actually really dangerous.
And until you respect that, you're not|gonna really, truly learn anything.
You know what?|You're right.
I will.
- I will respect it, I promise.
|- Thank you.
So when can we go|vanquish demons? You're her whitelighter.
Yes, I realize she's there to help us all,|Paige, but I'm working.
And you will be too,|soon as she gets her stuff together.
Julie, Dex Lawson here to see you.
Oh, I gotta go, I gotta go,|my future husband's here.
My future husband's here, I gotta go.
|I'll see you at lunch, see you at l - Bad time?|- No, this is a great time.
Come on in.
- Want to sit?|- I can't, I gotta get back to work.
I just wanted to stop by|and see how the new job's going.
The new job? Oh, right.
I'm sorry.
I completely blanked.
It's great.
|It's like I've been here for years.
Yeah, well, it shows.
|You sound just like her.
- Who?|- Phoebe.
- You know, the column, advice?|- Right.
Of course.
Yeah, I mean it, Julie.
It's uncanny.
It's almost like you're|channelling her or something.
Well, I'm gonna have to work on that,|because that's kind of weird, huh? So you called about something? Yes, I did.
How do you feel about art shows? Well, it depends on the art.
- How do you feel about my art?|- I love it.
Good answer.
Look, I know we've only gone out|a couple of times, but I was just wondering if - I'd love to.
|- Love to what? Love to come|to your art show tonight, if that's what you were asking.
I was trying to.
How'd you know? I'm psychic.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! What happened? The earth moved.
life just throws you a curveball.
And I'm Piper's cousin, so somebody had to step in|to take care of the kids.
Of course.
That's very noble of you.
Still, how do you expect|to work full-time if you? Oh, well, I have two other cousins|who can pitch in, and the boys,|well, they have a man around.
Another cousin, by marriage.
|My marriage.
I'm married.
It's all on the application, isn't it? Yes, yes, it's all here, Miss Bennet.
- Jenny.
|- Jenny.
- I'm wasting your time.
|- No, no, no.
It's not that at all.
Your résumé's very impressive,|really.
Anybody Victor vouches for|is all right by me.
- It's just|- Just what? Well, frankly, I get the impression|you don't really want to be here.
Oh, no, no, that's not true.
Well, maybe it's a little bit true.
But honestly, I really don't know what|I'm doing with my life at the moment.
This change, this tragedy, it's really forced me to open my eyes and see just how far|my life got off-track.
And after a while, it just seemed like|one big battle after another.
Yes, the metaphorical battles|we face each day.
Except mine were|a little more literal.
But my point is I'm here because|I want to find myself again.
I want to dedicate part of my life|to a new purpose.
And really, I work very hard|and I'm very good with people.
You don't have to|sell yourself on me.
- I don't?|- No.
The credentials speak|for themselves.
Besides, you're honest,|straightforward.
Very important traits|every high-level exec should have.
High-level exec? That's where I'd place you,|based on everything I'm seeing here.
For the background check.
|It's pro forma.
Background check? Give me a couple days,|see what I can come up with, and we'll meet again Wednesday.
|Is that all right? Are you kidding? That's great.
- Thank you.
|- Sure.
We've got a problem.
Actually, it wasn't a problem at all.
It went a lot better|than I thought it would.
I won't say I told you so.
How's the motley crew? Oh, they're doing fine.
They're enjoying their sundaes,|as we speak.
Actually, I was talking|about the moms.
Be careful of Eve.
|She can kind of be - Piper.
|- What? I can handle it.
|Enjoy your lunch, celebrate.
- Celebrate what?|- Your new life.
Use your words, sweetie.
I swear, if Edith stands up|one more time at PTA, she's gotta go.
Get rid of her.
Cement-shoe city.
She's joking, of course.
Oh, I get it.
|Just pretend I'm one of the gals.
Mommy said use your words.
Oh, does this aggro stage|ever stop? Not if you're like my husband.
Believe it or not,|some men are sensitive.
Look at you and what you're doing,|taking care of your cousin's kids? That's what family does.
Yeah, but most men wouldn't set aside|their career for the sake of the children.
God, I just I really admire you.
Okay, enough.
I'm sorry, sweetie,|but Mommy told you if you can't use it safely,|she's taking it away.
Come on.
And all on your own.
No ring.
You're not married? Actually, it's a long story.
Mommy, Mommy Oh, God.
I am so sorry.
It's okay, it was an accident.
Here, let me clean that off.
Oh, God.
Okay, everything by procedure.
Suspect is considered|armed and dangerous.
Approach with extreme caution|and on my orders only.
We don't want any civilians hurt.
|Copy that.
Copy that, lieutenant.
I don't know,|I'm just not used to it, I guess.
What, feeling happy? No, I mean the guy is probably|just blowing smoke anyway.
He's probably not gonna call|with any real opportunities.
That's the old Piper|we all know and love.
- Jenny.
|- Nobody's listening.
And nobody cares.
|That's the beauty of it.
You know what?|I hear that Dex cares.
Yeah, until the earthquake destroys|everything he's ever worked for.
- What earthquake?|- I mean, talk about ruining a moment.
What moment? You know, the moment,|when you look into each other's eyes and you can feel the romance|and the passion, the desire.
It's been such a very long moment|since I've had a moment.
I mean, how am I supposed to|marry a guy that I don't even know without having the moment? But really, back to this earthquake.
Maybe your premonition was|so you could stop it from happening.
How am I supposed to stop|an earthquake? Five-point-five, six, seven? - What are we talking about?|- How am I supposed to know? Maya Holmes, this is the police.
Stand up and put your hands|on your head.
I think they're talking to you.
Got somewhere you need to be? Oh, you know,|I just need to stop an earthquake.
- Phoebe.
|- What? It was your idea, Paige.
Yeah, that was before|Piper got arrested for murder.
Oh, my God.
Five minutes, make them count.
Oh, honey,|orange is so not your colour.
- Paige.
|- What? It's true.
Okay, don't worry, because we've fought demons,|we've fought warlocks.
This is just a minor blip.
I don't think so.
|They think I'm somebody else.
Well, you are somebody else.
I know, but I'm not a fugitive.
That's not the alias that I picked,|at least not intentionally.
Now, have you called Darryl? We did, and we left him a message.
But he's on the East Coast now, so I don't think he's gonna be able|to help us.
Well, how did you choose|this disguise anyway? I don't know, I just did.
You had to have gotten it|somewhere.
You couldn't have just plucked it|out of the cosmos.
- Well, no, I guess not.
|- Okay, you have to try to remember.
You must have|seen her face somewhere, maybe TV, or Internet,|or the newspapers, something.
- Maybe it was a magazine.
|- A magazine? Okay, good,|any idea which magazine? Well, how am I supposed to know? One of the ones you all have|laying around the house.
- And you're going where with this?|- Well, I'm just thinking if we can find the picture|that inspired her, then we can use that to scry|for the real Maya.
And that helps me how exactly? Well, because we'll orb you out|and orb her back in.
Get the real killer behind bars.
- Phoebe, you can't orb me out of jail.
|- Yeah, I think we can.
If we do it simultaneously,|nobody will ever know.
You've got your own cell,|so there's no exposure risk.
- Yes, but|- No buts.
This is what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna go to the newspaper|and search the archives for Maya.
You go home|and look through magazines.
Got it.
Oh, just so you know, I saw a documentary on prison once.
|You're gonna be just fine.
All you have to do is keep|your eyes low and your shoulders high.
We're gonna have you out|of that unflattering colour in no time.
Show no fear.
Rodriguez, your magazine's here.
I thought I was gonna be alone.
Now you got company.
Play nice.
Knock it off, Jones.
What are you smiling at? Me? I didn't smile.
I wasn't looking at nothing,|I didn't smile at nothing, I'm not doing nothing.
Eyes low, shoulders high.
Leo! You know,|you really don't have to do that.
I insist.
It's the least I can do, seeing as how|my Tommy made the mess.
You sure that undershirt isn't dirty too?|Why don't we wash it? I could just throw it|in the washing machine Nonsense.
Here, let me.
Hey, there.
Excuse me,|am I interrupting anything? Jo.
Jo, Jenny's cousin.
So, Louis,|may I speak to you for a second? What the hell are you doing? What do you mean,|what am I doing? I gave the kids some sundaes|and Eve's little son Tommy spilt on me.
Yeah, whatever.
Why don't you|just explain that to your wife, after we get her out of jail? Jail? If you weren't so busy flirting, maybe you would know|about that already.
Look, I wasn't flirting, okay?|It was Eve.
You know what, never mind, okay?|What is going on? What happened is that|Piper chose the wrong disguise, which, unfortunately, she found out|after she was arrested for murder.
- Murder?|- Yes.
And apparently,|she thinks she got her alias out of a picture|in one of these magazines.
- Wait a second.
|- I don't have time for this.
Neither does Piper, okay? So if you really, really want to help,|maybe go get rid of your lady friend.
You know what,|she is not my lady friend.
Okay, she is a friend|but she's just a lady.
Whatever, just please help me|find Maya Holmes, - the real Maya Holmes.
|- Who? Just go.
Oh, something's going on.
|Is it a demon problem? - Is it, is it, is it?|- Not now, Billie.
Well, you're making a potion.
|Is it a vanquishing potion? Oh, come on, Paige, teach me.
|I'm here to learn, aren't I? - It's a big problem, okay?|- Oh, good.
I've been studying the book.
|I know how to vanquish demons It's not a demon problem! What other kind of problem|is there? It's a Piper's-in-jail problem.
In jail? They're confusing her|with somebody and that somebody else|is who I have to scry for.
Oh, scrying, I love that.
- I'll get my laptop.
|- No, no, no.
- Oh, what if it doesn't work?|- It has to work.
That's why we're doing this|the old-fashioned way.
No laptop-scrying, old-fashioned.
|Keep it simple.
Please work.
Whoa, whoa,|let's just hang on a second, because we can work|something out here, you know.
We're both grown adults, and I wasn't smiling at you,|you weren't smiling at me Holmes! You got a visitor.
Holmes, that's me.
Well, I gotta go.
|See you later.
Hello, Maya.
Good to see you.
It's good to see you too.
Are you my lawyer? No, I don't think so.
I think I'll be prosecuting this one,|personally.
Oh, I see.
So, what do you want? Just wanted to see you again,|that's all.
In private.
Did you really think|you'd get away with it? Running from the law? Running from me? I guess I did.
What did I ever do to you, Maya? What did I ever do to deserve this? Why don't you tell me? I offered you the world.
I gave you everything I could.
And then you just You just|threw it back in my face, didn't you? What'd you expect,|I'd just let you get away with it? It was time for me to move on.
No, it wasn't time.
|It wasn't time at all.
Not until I said so.
I warned you not to mess with me,|didn't I? I told you what would happen if|you left me for that photographer.
What is it you saw in him? What could he have possibly given you|that I couldn't? Just youth? Well, it didn't hurt.
Yeah, it did.
It hurt a lot! It cost him his life, didn't it? And now I'm gonna see to it|that it costs you yours.
It was you.
It wasn't her at all.
What kind of game|are you playing now? Wouldn't you like to know? You don't have anything on me.
You wouldn't have|gotten caught if you did.
Are you sure about that? I'll see you in court.
It won't get that far, Maya.
- Anything on Maya yet?|- You just asked me two minutes ago.
Yeah, well, I've got deadlines too,|you know.
What, you're giving fugitives|advice now too? - Sorry.
Just give me another minute.
|- Okay.
Hey, Gregg,|I've been looking all over for you.
- How's the baby?|- Fine.
- How do you know about her?|- Well What? Of course I know about the I mean, you know,|do I have to explain this every time? Never mind.
Let's talk earthquakes.
- Earthquakes?|- Yeah, earthquakes.
I think it's really important|that we run a story, maybe even in tonight's edition, about earthquake preparedness.
- What do you think?|- Why? Why?|Well, I think it's really important that people are prepared|for earthquakes, you know? I mean, one can strike at any time.
One can even hit tonight, you know? I think I've got something.
Evening edition, right? Safety first, right?|Okay, lay it on me.
Okay, so basically,|Maya Holmes was a local model, - used to date Walter Nance, the ADA.
|- Okay.
Okay, well, she left him|for some photographer who was found shot to death|in his apartment two weeks later.
It was a lover's quarrel,|a crime-of-passion kind of thing.
Right, she did it, I get it.
|What I want is how can I find her? Well, but she's already been found.
I mean, they arrested her|this morning.
Yeah, but, I mean, wouldn't it be|just crazy if she had a twin? Now, that's a story.
|Keep looking, okay? I want to know relatives, agents,|friends, whatever you can find.
Chop-chop! Remind you of anybody? Okay, gotta be careful.
Oh, come on,|how dangerous can a model be? Lamp! - Whoa, that was close.
|- Good, fear.
You're making progress.
Guess what? Lunchtime for the hacks means me|and you get to finish what we started.
For crying out loud.
See, you had to be a tough guy.
And there's more|where that came from! No, wait, don't hit me again.
|I won't hurt you, promise.
Oh, it worked! What happened? What did you do? We switched you out|with the real Maya Holmes.
Oh, well, that's great.
But she's innocent.
I tried Judge Watkins|and Judge Kidner.
- Neither one of them have called me.
|- Then call Chief Ellis.
Remind him he owes me.
I want Maya released now.
With all due respect, sir, don't you think|you might be overreacting? After all, how do you know|she's not bluffing? Are you willing|to bet your career on it? Because I'm sure as hell not.
I know Maya.
She should have been scared,|but she wasn't.
She's got something on me.
And I gotta stop her|before it gets out.
- Stop her how?|- How do you think? I still say you should|just let the system do its job.
I am the system! Where's Harvey? I want to look my best for Maya.
- Botox?|- No, thanks.
How were we supposed to know?|They said you were alone.
Well, obviously, I wasn't.
Are you sure she didn't see you orb? No, fortunately, I think she was|seeing stars at the moment.
Can we get back to|why you think Maya is innocent and what we're gonna do about it? I don't think Maya's innocent,|I know she is.
Nance basically admitted to|killing the photographer.
Nance, the district attorney? - Yeah.
|- Great.
Well, can't we just vanquish him? We don't usually vanquish humans.
Oh, just asking.
Maybe you should go upstairs|and study for a little bit.
What? Why?|I've been studying all day.
I pro Billie, just Please? Fine.
It's just like|living at home again.
Practice patience.
So if Nance is guilty, we need proof.
Well, she must have something|on him.
Well, then why hasn't she used it?|And why run? She's probably scared.
He's a high-powered district attorney,|he's well-connected, and she wouldn't stand a chance|up against him.
Which is why you need|to switch us back.
What? You want me|to put you back in jail? Just long enough for you to find out|what she's got on him.
What about your cellmate? I think I can take care of myself.
Okay, well, I think that should give me|enough time to stop Dex's show.
- Excuse me?|- Look, I did not ask for this.
And if I don't do something, then the premonition about us|getting married, not gonna happen.
And the future-child premonition,|that's not gonna happen either.
Yeah, okay, go.
|Fantastic, good idea.
Eyes low, shoulders high.
I'm gonna go check on Billie.
That's a good idea.
Well, I'll get it.
- Hi, Carl!|- You the dirtbag hitting on my wife? What's going on? I don't know.
I didn't do anything.
It was It was Eve.
What exactly did Eve do? Oh, come on, Piper.
- You know me.
|- I do, and I also know Eve, so you must have done something|to encourage her.
No, nothing.
Except, maybe, you know,|she thought that I was single.
Oh, you didn't tell her|you were married.
No! Look, it all happened so fast,|you know? And we never really got the chance|to discuss, you know, everything with our disguises.
I mean, we don't even have rings|on our fingers, so That's a good story.
Now get back into position.
What? Why? Well, we gotta save Maya,|we got stuff to do.
So let's get this over with.
|You gotta get back into position.
- You are so enjoying this, aren't you?|- Yeah.
Wow, now don't you feel better? Okay, thanks for stopping by, Carl.
Say hi to Eve for me, okay? See you later.
You want me to do what?|Cancel my show? Well, maybe not cancel.
|Maybe just postpone? - Why?|- Why? Did you not read the article|on earthquake preparedness in the newspaper today? I mean, we are due for|a major shaker at any moment.
Actually, overdue.
- A major shaker, huh?|- Yes, a major shaker.
And imagine what it would do|to your artwork.
It would be disastrous.
- I think I can risk it for one night.
|- No.
You can't.
Wait, you're serious, aren't you? Yeah, I'm really serious.
Julie, I can't cancel my show.
I got every major art critic in town|coming.
This is make-or-break for me.
Okay, then if we cannot move|the show, we're gonna move your artwork|so that it's safe, you know? - Easy with that.
|- You put that right there.
And now I'm thinking if|we have some, like, rope, you know, - and some Krazy Glue?|- What are you doing? - Are you nuts?|- No.
I just don't want anything to ruin|the moment for tonight.
That's all.
- Oh, my God! Did you feel that?|- Yeah.
Okay, well, hurry up,|we got work to do.
Move this one.
All right.
Here, I got it.
Maybe we shouldn't have|let Billie do this.
No, it's better her going in to see|if it's safe for us to orb, especially since|you still look like Maya.
Besides, if Billie's gonna start helping,|she might as well do it now.
Yeah, but she's supposed to be|helping us with demons, not cops.
Oh, here she comes.
- Hey, bad news, Maya's not in there.
|- What do you mean she's not? They just released her|into Nance's custody.
Nance, why? So he can shut her up.
You seemed so much more sure|of yourself today in jail, Maya.
Not so sure of yourself now,|are you? What are you talking about? I told you,|I didn't see you in jail today.
I don't even know how I got in jail.
That's not what you said before.
|You said you wanted to get caught.
You said, I believe the exact words|were, "See you in court.
" You should know better|than to threaten me.
Now, what exactly is it|you have on me, Maya? - Walter, please, calm down.
|- See, I told you he'd bring her here.
Still, he can't kill her.
|Everyone knows he bailed her out.
Yeah, well, if I know Nance, he's|probably already thought about that.
What do you mean, "know Nance"?|You met him once.
Once was enough, believe me.
I'm telling you the truth.
|I don't know what's going on.
- I swear I don't have anything.
|- I don't believe you.
And I can't risk it.
I beg you, don't kill me too.
This isn't murder, Maya.
It's suicide.
- Oh, my God!|- Alley, orb.
- Oh, that was close.
|- Yeah.
Hurry, get the mattress.
What if it doesn't work? Well, then it was a bad idea.
- Where am I?|- You're dead.
Come on.
Here, this will make you feel better.
I just I still don't understand.
- I mean, I've never heard of|- Witches? Oh, come on, sure, you have.
It's like "The Wizard of Oz,"|except we're not wicked.
You've seen the "Wizard of Oz," right? Yeah, of course,|but I never thought witches were real.
Real enough to save you.
You actually seem more like|guardian angels to me.
I don't know about that.
I mean, I'm actually|pretty new at this myself.
I only met the sisters I mean,|the "cousins .
a" couple of weeks ago.
They do this sort of thing all the time.
,|or at least they used to.
- I I don't know what to say.
|- There's nothing else to say.
All that matters now|is that you're safe.
Sorry I kicked you in the face.
Well, I'm sorry|we almost got you killed.
He's not gonna stop coming after me,|you know.
He'll figure out I'm alive,|sooner or later.
I know, they're working on that.
Isn't there any sort of proof|you have? If I did, don't you think|I would have used it by now? I mean, Walter is crazy, obsessed.
He thinks I betrayed him,|but I didn't.
The only crime I committed|was leaving him for a younger man.
What do you mean? Walter can't stand the fact|that he's getting older.
He's, like, paranoid about it.
He does everything he can|to pretend it's not happening, like lifts, Botox, implants.
He even has a manicurist|come over every night to keep his nails neat and trim.
Like that does any good.
What if we swap Maya's identity|out for a new one? Are you kidding? I think we're having enough|identity issues as it is.
We're running out of options here,|people.
No, there's gotta be another way.
What if she went back on the run? No, it's just a matter of time|before she'd get caught.
She's the prime suspect.
|You can't magically make that go away.
Excuse me, guys,|but I have this great idea It's too bad we can't prove|that he threw her off the balcony.
Well, now it's gonna look like|she escaped from him.
At least, that's the way|he's gonna spin it.
- Seriously, though, I have a great|- I think the only way to save Maya is to get him to confess|to the murder somehow.
Oh, that happens when? - Before or after hell freezes over?|- I'm telling you Wait a minute.
|What about a truth spell? - Gonna have to get close.
|- We could try orbing.
Or you could try listening to me! Thank you.
Now, according|to the "Book of Shadows," this would not be the first time you scared somebody into|a confession, right? I mean, six or seven years ago,|it was a pawnbroker or something? Wow, someone's done|their homework.
I'm impressed.
Yeah, but we didn't do it.
|We got a ghost to do it.
Yeah, I know, but you guys|can change looks, right? You can make him think|he's seeing a ghost.
Where are you going with this? I'm going to the Demon of Fear.
You want us to conjure Barbas?|Are you out of your mind? - After everything he did to|- To kill you? No.
I am not suggesting|that you conjure him, I'm just suggesting you think of him|as some sort of inspiration.
Prey on Nance's deepest fear.
You do very nice work.
|Much better than the other girl.
Thank you, sir.
What'd you say happened to her? She's just sick.
|I'm filling in for the day.
Perhaps on|a more permanent basis? No, I'm sorry.
I tend to work|with a much younger clientele.
- Ouch! Watch it.
|- Oh, thin skin.
Tends to be more susceptible|to damage on the hands in someone as old as you.
What are you, like,|60 or something? - Get out of here!|- I am so sorry, sir.
I didn't mean to offend you.
|Are you sensitive about your age? No, I'm not! I can usually tell how old someone is just by looking at the lines|on their hands.
Go ahead, see for yourself.
What are you talking about? - What?|- Is something wrong? What the hell? You're dead! - You couldn't have|- Lived? Sorry to disappoint you.
What's the matter, old man?|Seeing a ghost? - Because you killed me?|- Just like you killed Curtis? No! It's not possible! - It's it's|- A nightmare? One you won't ever wake up from.
Guilt's a terrible thing, Walter.
It haunts you forever.
No, get away from me! Leave me alone! No.
Drop dead.
What's happening to me? Well, Walter, the way I see it,|you have two choices.
You can confess,|or you can meet the pavement.
What do you say? Well, Nance and everyone involved|are in jail, Maya's set free.
All in all, not a bad day.
Yeah, except for the part where|I have to come up with a new identity.
So much for my future|in the corporate world.
It's okay, I don't think|that one fit you very much anyway.
I guess not.
|Can't change my whole life.
Although you could have|mentioned that earlier.
I've learned my lesson.
|No one tells you what to do.
So, missy, where are you gonna get|your next alias from? TIME Magazine, Vanity Fair? Let me guess, "National Enquirer?" No, I think I can come up with this one|on my own, thank you.
Well, just make sure it's not off|the Most Wanted list, okay? Trust me.
- Another cousin?|- Yes, actually.
One that you will be married to|this time.
- Hey, that was all about Eve.
|- Isn't "All About Eve" some old movie? One that I don't want to see again|any time soon.
Fine by me.
So, guys, how do you think|our fair Billie did? Sounds like she did good.
Except for the fact|that she was inspired by a demon.
Oh, come on.
Did you guys feel that? I was beginning to think|you weren't gonna show.
- You moved it all back.
|- Well, yeah.
If it's all shoved in a corner,|it's kind of hard for people to see.
Come on, you can't be serious|about an earthquake.
You can laugh at me all you want,|but I am serious.
Oh, my God! - Is everyone all right?|- Yeah, yeah, I think so.
Are you okay? - The moment.
|- Sorry? I wasn't supposed to stop|the earthquake, I was supposed to be here for it.
What are you talking about? Dex, look at your work.
Most of it's still okay.
How'd you know? I told you.
I'm psychic.

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