The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s08e03 Episode Script

Friday Nut Lights

Okay, team.
We've beat
the punch monkeys before,
and we can beat 'em again.
We shall gallop
to throw-go-nut glory
on the lightning-esque legs
of Fast Phil!
-No, Phil. For the last time,
you're not playing.
-Aw. Why not?
My musculature
is warm and loose.
-Please, Grug? We'll never know
a moment's peace
until he plays.
-Fine. You're in, Phil,
so we can blame anything
that goes wrong on you.
let's get out there and win!
-By playing as a team!
-Right! A team that wins!
'Cause we're not a team
if we don't win.
-Here we go!
Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together, stuck,
stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-Time to crunch the punch!
-Then, it's time
to crunch the lunch!
I got him! I got him!
but we'll win the next game.
We'll win the next game!
Next game! Win!
-Nope! You can't stop Guy--
-Maybe we should quit
while we're as far behind
as we can get.
-Man, he really hates losing.
-Yep. As much as Thunk
loves celebrating.
-They are number one!
They are number one!
That's it, Chunky!
We're terrible at throw-go-nut.
Especially Phil.
You're right, Chunky.
I can't blame it all on Phil.
It's also Guy's fault.
But maybe we're
just not meant to win.
Or even play.
I'm serious. I'd need to get
a pretty big sign
to ever take another shot
at throw-go-nut.
Wait! Stop.
This doesn't look right.
Did we miss a turn?
Anyway, come on, Chunky.
Not seeing any signs,
so that's it for throw-go-nut.
This is a sign!
How did you miss this?
-Why is everybody so down?
It's not 'cause of throw-go-nut,
is it?
-Actually, yes. Yes, it is.
I think it's the field. I mean,
who can win on a field
that small?
-I agreed to play
because I thought we'd win.
Winning suits me.
-Because winning is sweeter
than any fruit
and softer than any pillow!
-Yeah, winning's great,
but the point of a game
like throw-go-nut isn't winning.
It's playing. Together!
As a team!
That's awesome, win or lose.
-Eep's right.
And, in a way, we did win.
We won at losing!
Wow! That makes sense. I think.
-See? Now,
we just need to convince Dad,
if he ever comes home.
-Oh, he's just out there
looking for a sign
that'll tell him what to do.
Or he's lost.
But he'll be over it
by the time he finds
his way home.
-We're gonna get some
nut payback!
-Or not.
-There I was,
in the middle of the woods,
looking for a sign
to tell me what to do.
- And I was lost.
- Hm?
And then, bam!
Everything made sense to me.
-I doubt that.
-Okay, not bam right away.
The bam took a while.
But when it happened,
- bam!
- Ah! Why?!
-'Cause I found
the perfect place
to play our next
throw-go-nut game
against the punch monkeys.
How great is that?!
-You wanna play them again?
So now you're fine with losing?
Just like that?
-He's experienced
an adverse cranial episode.
Dawn! Get my skull saw!
-No! I hate losing!
But we're not gonna lose.
We are gonna win, and that win
will make up for all our losses!
Tomorrow! When we play
the punch monkeys again!
-A new field? This can't miss!
-Hate to say it, but a new field
won't beat the punch monkeys.
-The field won't,
but training will!
We're gonna get faster,
stronger, and tougher!
We're gonna come together
as a team,
and we're gonna win!
Thanks to training!
-You're talking about training?
-Training, man. Not a game.
Not us against
the punch monkeys, right?
Playing every time
like it's our last? No!
You're talking about training,
man! Training!
Training! For Sandy and me!
That's what
you're talking about!
That youthink
weneed training!
Training! Training!
-No. Not even a little.
-Thought so. Come on, Sandy.
-So who's with me?
-Sounds fun. I'm in.
-Me, too. We have unfinished
punch business.
-Will there be snacks?
-You had me at "uh." I'm in.
-If Eep's playing, I'm playing.
-Uh, or don't!
Don't works for you.
-Of course, you don't stand
a chance without me,
so I'll grace you
with my undeniable dominance.
-Don't works for you, too.
-Ha! Good one.
It wasn't a joke.
So let's get to work! Yeah!
- Now?
- Yes, now!
Okay, team!
And Guy and Phil,
who are still here
even though
I don't want them to be.
Listen up! We're gonna
start with getting faster.
-What are you wearing
around your neck?
It's a whistle.
-Cool! Can I try?
-Not now, Thunk.
We've got to train.
There's gonna be mud, sweat,
and tears, and tears!
'Cause there's gonna be
a lotof crying.
-Wrong! Fast Phil never cries.
-You were literally just crying
because your bitter bean juice
was cold.
-You know I like it piping hot,
but not too hot.
The key--Ah!
You're slowing things down,
and we're here to get faster.
Now, put those on.
-Yes! Wearable food!
The future is now!
-Grug! I thought we agreed.
No more meat helmets
because they're
the worst idea ever.
-It's a meat helmet.
There's no going back!
-Just one question.
How is wearing meat helmets
gonna make us faster?
-It's not, but running from
those hungry tigerangutans will!
Now we're gonna work
on your strongerness!
-Grug! The word is strength.
And the best way
to build strength
is with high-intensity exercises
targeting the musculature.
Like the ones
I perform regularly.
To prove my point
-Wrong! The best way to do it
is to pull that boulder!
Now, pull!
-Grug, it's too heavy.
-Sorry, Dad. We can't do it.
-Not with that attitude.
And if you wanna win this game,
you've gotta do things
you've never done before!
-Well, I've never had
a whole day to myself
without interruption.
Why don't we do that?
-I've never known what it's like
to have your love and respect.
-We could give that a shot.
I've never blown your whistle,
and I reallywant to.
-So can I?
Now, pull until it feels like
you're not pulling anymore!
-Oh, come on!
-Wait. Whistle? Desert?
Oh no.
-Surprise floppening!
-Is it a surprise?
We're in the bullrus desert!
-Exactly! Now, pull!
You see? I knew you could--
Do it Go team
-Well, we're in the right place,
but no Grug.
-Maybe we're done training?
-Or we are mere moments away
from yet another ill-conceived,
Grug-orchestrated animal attack,
this time to supposedly
make us tougher.
-Yes! I love bounceberries!
Not for long!
Ah! Grug!
How dare you hurl
foodstuffs at my person?!
-Gotta get tougher to win!
Now, who said
they love bounceberries?
Did I say love?
I meant take 'em or leave 'em.
Get ready to take 'em!
-Take them where--
-Nice try, honey,
but you can't hit me!
-I'm tough! I'm tough.
I'm tough
I'm pillow soft! Oof!
-I've turned on bounceberries!
Ow! Not cool!
-Bounce betrayal! Ah!
-Do you think she made it?
-No, Dawn.
She never had a chance.
Ah! Not bad,
but too much screaming!
So let's try again.
-Dad, no.
That's enough training.
-What? The game is tomorrow!
-Right, and no one will be able
to play if they're too tired.
-Okay, team! Good work today!
Grab some Z's, and we'll grab
the W tomorrow, okay?
Come on, who's with me? Huh?
I'm with me! Yeah!
-Yes! Totally worth the wait!
-How you like that training,
meat neck?
-Okay, team. You're probably
wondering what's happening.
-You pulled all of us
out of bed,
dragged us into
the middle of the woods,
and tied us to a tree?
-Correction. Notall of us.
I had to wake myself up,
walk out here on my own,
and tie myself to this tree.
-You didn't have
to do any of that!
so you know what is happening,
butI'll bet you don't know
why is happening!
-We're here for more training?
You're here for more training!
and this is totally unrelated,
raise your hand
if you're afraid of lava ants.
Good! I don't see any hands!
-'Cause our hands are tied up!
-Not seeing a connection.
Now, whowants to win?
-How is being stung by lava ants
gonna help us win?
-Who said anything
about lava ants?
-Wha--You did!
- We'regoing back to bed.
If you're lucky, we'll think
this was a dream in the morning.
-But we're not done.
-Yes, we are.
-You in particular.
-And me!
Because Idid this to myself!
-Dad, I know you wanna win.
We do, too.
But you're going too far.
Do you wanna win
if it means losing the team?
-No! Of course not.
So, what do I do?
-Show the team some love.
Without lava ants.
-How does everyone know
about the lava ants?!
Ah! Lava ants!
-Uh, can't bring
all those snacks, Thunk.
-Oh, don't worry.
A bunch of these
are pre-travel snacks.
They'll be long gone
before we leave.
-When arewe leaving, anyway?
Right now.
-I felt bad about pushing
the team so hard yesterday.
And for kidnapping the team.
And for tying the team up.
And for--
- Dad.
- Right. Anyway, I'm sorry.
So, I spent last night
building this.
It's the team wagon!
Now we can ride
to the game together
instead of walking!
Woo-hoo! Lazy for the win!
Hoo-hoo, Dad!
Good call putting an outhouse
in the back of this baby.
There's no outhouse in here.
Wow! It's beautiful.
Like a violent sunset.
Beautiful and huge!
Like a nightingwhale!
-And it echoes! Like a thing
that echoes. Echoes. Echoes
-There's so much room. Unlike
the field we normally play on.
-See? This place
is just what we needed.
What should we name it?
-It already has a name.
This is Shake Stadium.
-Why is it called Shake Stadium?
-How should I know?!
-Maybe it's 'cause
this is where you come
to shake things up
and break a losing streak!
-Nah, that's not it.
That's not it either.
-Well, we're here, but no sign
of the punch monkeys.
Maybe they chickensealed out?
'Cause they're weak
and soft and--
Ow! My elbow! It's broken!
-Uh You wanna trade heads?
-I got this.
He wants to know if we're ready.
-Of course, we're ready.
-What's so funny?
-Well, he actually said
the first question was,
"Are we ready to lose?"
-Oh. My punch monkey's
a little rusty.
-I wanna change my answer!
-You can't. There's no backsies
in punch monkey.
don't let a mispuncherstanding
mess with your head.
-Yeah. I mean, you trained us.
We're faster.
- Stronger.
- Tougher!
Some of us more than others.
That breeze is a bit chilly.
Sandy's right.
Less monkey laughing,
more monkey screeching.
-Yes! Let's shake it
andbreak it!
-No, that's not it either.
Or that!
Wait! No!
-Well, the first half
coulda gone better.
-Guess the punch monkeys
trained even harder than we did.
-I can't believe
we're losing sobadly.
-Not badly. Spectacularly.
-I can't believe
it's only halftime!
Ooh! Halftime of what?
-Uh, how do you think
Dad's doing?
-Somewhere between
being eaten by aardsharks
and falling into a volcano.
-Great first half, team!
You played your hearts out.
Especially you, Phil.
-Oh no. He complimented Phil.
He's lost it.
We should run.
-Why am I so positive right now?
Because I know this team
has everything it takes
to turn this game around.
Eep is fearless. Ugga is strong.
Hope is relentless.
Phil is smart.
Dawn's got heart. Sandy's fast.
Thunk is unmovable.
Gran never says die. And Guy?
Guy is standing right there.
-That's the nicest thing
you've ever said to me.
And you're giving
an inspirational speech!
I love those!
-What I'm saying is our team
doesn't need
anything else to win
except one more half
of game time.
Chunky's gonna play with us!
-Here we go!
He's a natural throw-go-nutter
'cause he's a death cat.
but you just said this team
doesn't need
anything else to win.
-Right! Because Chunky's
on the team now!
Go team!
-I'm open! And all grrr!
I'm open!
-Over here!
-Dad! Over here!
-Throw it, yammerhead horse!
-Oh, uh, what's going on now?
-Whose house?
Chunky's house! Yeah!
How about that comeback, huh?
The game is tied,
and we owe it all to Chunky!
Huh? And you guys, of course.
-Yeah, Chunky's great,
but maybe it's time
to give the nut
to someone else now.
-Sure, if you wanna lose.
But we came here to win.
-I thought we came here
to have fun as a team.
-By winning!
And we're gonna win.
- Who's we?
- Us!
-The team!
-The team?
-You mean you and Chunky?
-Ugga's right.
I haven't touched the nut
since Chunky came in.
My musculature is ice cold,
though still awe-inspiring!
-Yeah. We might as well
not even be here!
-Look. Sure, Chunky's been
getting a lot of the action,
- Allthe action. All.
but there's a good reason.
-You want to win?
Wait, why are you saying that
like it's a bad thing?
-Because, Dad,
you're doing it again.
You're making this about winning
instead of the team.
-But I'm trying to win
forthe team!
-No, you're trying to win
withoutthe team.
If you really want
the team to win,
let the teamwin.
Yeah. Eep's right.
'Cause I was wrong. Again.
So let's finish this
the right way.
Together, as a team.
-Because this is our time,
our moment!
-Hey, did the game start yet?
-It sure did, Thunk. And now
we're gonna have some fun!
-And punch some monkey!
-We're gonna do it! As a team!
-I've got the nut!
I've got the nut!
-Phil's got the nut. Oh no!
-Not to worry, Grug!
Fast Phil will finish this fight
with fortitude, finesse,
and flair!
Oh! That was a lot of F's.
Victory is ours as soon as I--
Ah! Fall into a crevice!
Or a crevasse!
I got you, Phil! Grab on!
-I can't! I'll fall!
And I'm too important to die!
-You're not gonna die, Phil,
because we're on the same team.
Trust me.
-Okay, Grug!
Because I have nochoice,
I'll trust you! Here I go!
-Wait. Hang tight.
The coconut is right there.
I think I can reach it.
Then, we can win!
-What?! What about me?
-You'll win, too!
'Cause we're on the same team!
Almost got it
Trying to focus here, Phil!
-Grug! Get us out of here!
-On it, Phil!
Right after
I grab the nut!
-Have you lost your mind?
We're going to die!
We're going to win!
- Dad.
- Huh?
-Let's finish this. As a team.
-You're right.
Let's get outta here.
Y-You're too far away!
I can't reach!
Seriously, punch monkeys?
We're about to lose our lives,
and you're still trying
to win the game?
-Dad! They're here to help!
-Oh. In that case, thank you.
Now, that's real sportsmanship.
Nice catch.
I'll never make fun
of your big, weird hands again.
And that's the game!
Guess we tied.
Who's up for a rematch?
-Drop him.
-No, I'm kidding! Don't let go!
-I'm proud of you, Dad.
You made the right choice.
-Did I? Phil's still around,
and that's my fault.
-No. You did good.
We may not have won,
but we played as a team.
And I'm glad
you're taking it so well.
Why are you taking it so well?
-Because we tied,
so we didn't lose.
And if you don't lose, you win.
So, that means
-You didn't learn a thing today!
-We won! Ha, ha! We won!
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