7th Heaven s08e04 Episode Script
I Wasn't Expecting That!
Cardiac team is on the way.
Clear the way.
Bay four.
Clear the way, please.
Kinkirk! Kevin Kinkirk! Why is it so hard to find? Luce I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to yell at you.
You're probably a very nice person, but they brought him in an hour ago.
He's a police officer.
He was on some kind of domestic dispute call and he got hurt.
He's my husband and I love him and Oh, God, maybe he couldn't talk when he was admitted.
Maybe he couldn't give them his name.
Try 2-7-3-4-5.
That's his badge number.
Luce, Kevin's okay.
When they phoned they said it wasn't life-threatening.
Oh, sure they said that.
What are they going to say-- your husband has a bullet hole in his forehead and if you look really close you can see the sky? What are you looking at?! Why aren't you looking at your screen? Why aren't you scrolling down using a search engine too-- Googling! Something! Kevin! I'm fine.
Everything's okay.
Don't worry.
I'm not worried.
I just love you so much.
(groans) I'm okay.
The ribs are a little bruised, that's all.
Nothing's broken.
Doesn't he look cute in stitches? Oh, your poor eye (groans) The shoulder-- it popped out.
They popped it back in.
I'm fine.
I don't know what to kiss first.
While you're deciding, I'll go pull the car up.
Don't worry, I won't touch anything.
I'm just glad you're okay.
LUCY: Oh! Thanks.
Dad had to drive me.
I was a wreck.
So what happened? What never mind.
I don't want to know.
You told me once that with your job there's some thing's I just shouldn't know.
It was partly my fault.
It wasn't your fault.
I shouldn't have let the husband get so close to her.
It was one of those stupid domestic calls.
I was talking to the husband, Kevin was restraining Let's leave it.
No, you were great.
If he didn't hold her back as much as he did, she would have destroyed her husband.
I mean, look what she did to Kevin.
Wait? She? A woman did this to you? 7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
(barks) I still don't understand it.
Out of all the projects on that list, you had to volunteer us to build a coal mine? A working coal mine.
It's an important part of U.
labor history.
Couldn't we have just performed a scene from How Green Was My Valley? Why a working coal mine? If we start now and work through the weekend, we just might finish by Monday.
(door closing) Were you saying that I'm overemotional? No, Dad, I'm not saying that you're overemotional.
I'm just saying the situation, could get out of control, with me leaving and all.
So what are you afraid will happen? That I'll throw myself on your legs and make a scene at the bus station? Dad, I'm not worried about you making a scene.
But you do sometimes get this moist look in the corner of your eye.
And that bothers you-- my moistness? No, but it's liable to be just the kind of thing that sets everyone off.
Mom will see it and she'll fall apart.
And then everyone will go, and it'll be like an emotional house of cards.
You know, speaking of your mother, I have to call her.
She's coming home tomorrow from your grandfather's and it's none too soon.
Mom doesn't have to worry about me.
She knows that, even though I'll be away at college, she can always call me Speaking of which, I'd better call her before the day gets away from me.
anytime she wants.
(doorbell chimes) Rabbi Glass, come in.
Thank you, Simon.
I hope I'm not bothering you.
No, of course not.
You're not bothering anyone.
I was just about to start organizing my things for college.
I don't know if you knew, but I'm going away to college Oh, great, that's great.
I just dropped by for a second to talk to your dad.
Then I'll be out of your hair, his hair, everyone's hair.
And listen, whoever has hair, I'll be out of it.
Well, my dad's in his office.
Are-Are you sure you're okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Well, I had a little bit of an accident at the building fund meeting this morning at the Temple.
It was a little crazy.
But I happen to love sponge cake.
You know, me and Mrs.
Tupperman, you know, we both went for it at the same time, and it wasn't pretty.
Well, you know where his office is, right? Yeah, I do.
Th-Thanks a lot.
You're a good guy, Simon.
I don't need any help.
I'm I'm fine.
Sam and David are fine.
We're all fine.
(knocking on glass) Come in.
Oh, I'm sorry-- I'm interrupting.
No, no, no, come in.
I'm talking to Annie.
Oh, listen, please say hello to your lovely, loyal wife, Annie, for me, will you please? You're a very lucky man, Eric.
Don't ever forget that.
Annie, Richard just walked in.
He says hello.
Why is he there? Is something wrong with Matt and Sarah? How are Matt and Sarah? Who? Oh, oh, oh, oh.
They're fine.
Well, he's there for some reason.
I'll find out and call you back.
Should I hold? No.
I-I love you.
I'll I'll call you back.
Richard, it's good to see you.
Have a seat.
A seat? Why should I have a seat? You know, having a seat seems to imply that we're going to have a conversation that is so lengthy that it's going to require someone-- me-- taking the seated position.
Why would you think that? Are you okay, Richard? Why do people keep asking me that? Can't a guy just come over and shoot the breeze with a pal? Yeah, it's just that you look terrible.
Like you slept in your clothes.
It was a nap.
And I knew, I just knew, I just knew that this this shmata, this-this material, it wouldn't hold a crease.
Oh, hi.
One of Simon's friends from school? I'm Martin.
I'm Ruthie.
Those are fresh oatmeal cookies my dad picked up from the bakery this morning.
He says he bought them for us, but I know it's because my mom's at my grandpa's and he knows he can sneak a few without her here.
Is this silence supposed to be telling me something, Kevin? No.
I'm just not in the talking mood.
Doesn't mean anything.
Honey, I know you're bummed out about being out on medical leave, but it's just for a week.
Yep, just a week.
And we are so lucky.
Things could have been so much worse.
Sometimes I think these kind of things are blessings.
Reminders that life is fragile, and life is to be cherished.
And I cherish my life with you, and I always will.
I'm going for a walk.
Do you want me to go with you? Hey, it's just a walk.
I promise I won't fall over.
I can handle it, okay? Okay.
(sighs) O-kay.
Sam, you can't take that.
It's my car.
I know it's your little car, but we're using it to haul coal.
We'll give it back to you.
When? Yeah, when? When? When we're finished with this dumb thing, and we take it back to school and get a failing grade, face certain humiliation and have to fight our way through the school yard.
That's when.
I want some licorice.
We're using the black licorice to represent coal.
You can't eat our coal.
(sighs) Do you have a better idea of something to represent coal? Yeah.
How about coal? You know coal's hard to find.
And we didn't want to waste valuable time.
And the licorice, it shows imagination, which is what Miss Hadgraft said she was looking for.
But if you want out of this project, just, now is the time to say something.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay? I know I've been a negative pill.
And I really like your optimistic nature.
It's actually an attractive quality, and I'd like to develop it myself.
Okay? Okay.
(Happy barking) Hey.
No problem.
(whines) An office, you know, you can tell a lot about a man by his office.
Well, this is it.
Ah ah.
You know, Mark Twain used to have a pool table in his office? Really.
I mean, it was, you know, when he got like bogged down, you know, he used to, like, just grab his cue, you know, and then just, you know, bang some balls around.
Sounds therapeutic.
Oh, I don't know what it was.
But, you know, his output was unbelievable.
I mean, this whole country is richer because we had Twain and his pool table.
Richard, I think we should, um A pool table.
Isn't that something? Remember that great song from the Music Man? "Oh, we got trouble right here in River City.
" "With a capital 'T' and that rhymes with 'P' and" Richard, come on.
What? Get it out.
Whatever it is can't be that bad.
You're right.
It's not that bad.
I mean, actually, it's a sort of a tiny blip by comparison to the rest of the world's, you know, real problems-- wars, and famines, and floods, and pestilence, and, and locusts, and frogs-- and feel free to stop me now otherwise I'll go through the entire Passover seder.
(sighs) Ready? (whispering): Okay.
Rosina and I split up.
Ha, you know, that's all.
I know it's no pestilence.
But, uh it hurts, you know what I mean? It hurts.
I'm sorry.
I'm just.
I'm sorry, Richard.
I-I don't seem to have the words right now.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I mean, I, I wouldn't have the words either.
You and Rosina? It's just too hard to believe.
I wouldn't have believed it myself if I didn't see it with my own eyes.
I walk into my office, you know, down at the Temple, and there's Rosina and Cantor Sperling, kissing.
It's good thing that I didn't have a pool table-- they'd be on it.
You know, maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions.
Uh, couldn't maybe there's a reason, you know, some possible, maybe crazy reason that Oh, oh, please, don't.
Eric, do me a favor, don't go down that path, really, come on.
We're two men we've seen this kind of stuff happen all the time.
It can happen to anybody.
But my wife and my cantor.
You know how hard it is these days to find a good cantor? (chuckles) (crying) Whew! (mumbling) Now look what you've done.
Hey, it's not my fault.
Yes, it is.
No, it's not.
What's going on? Our school project was ruined because Peter wasn't paying attention.
It's not my fault.
I can't keep watch and build at the same time.
Why didn't you watch Sam and David? Because it was your job.
I don't see a disaster here.
It's supposed to be a coal mine, right? PETER: Sam and David ate the coal.
I like coal.
Me, too.
I'm gonna be a miner.
You can't blame Peter.
You know they're fast when they want something.
See? Is there something you wanted? I just wanted to check in with you guys and, you know, see if I could help.
I want to spend some time with you since I'm leaving for college in a day and a half and counting.
Well, if you want to help, you could get the twins cleaned up.
Come on, you two.
RUTHIE: And you could go to the store and buy some coal.
You know, since we don't drive.
So, what's for dinner? You guys gonna miss me? Can we have your room? What about you? Can we go to the store with you? Well, at least someone's getting it.
You want to spend as much time with me as you possibly can, huh, David? I just want some coal.
(sighs) (man talking indistinctly on TV) Hi.
I don't, I don't think we've met.
I'm-I'm Eric, Simon's dad.
I'm Martin.
Simon's friend? Yeah.
Where is Simon? He's upstairs.
I was just watching some TV till he gets down.
Did you want to watch something? No, no, it's okay.
I should, uh, get back to my office.
(groans) Did you know Simon has a friend? I mean, before you saw this Martin guy? No.
why? Noting.
I'm just happy he has a friend.
Simon went to the store with the twins.
You could help Peter and me with our History project if you like.
Until Simon gets back.
We're building a coal mine.
Oh, okay.
I could probably do that.
Are you staying for dinner? Uh, I don't know.
Lucy's picking up pizza.
We can eat whenever we want.
Pizza sounds good.
Mmm, Dad, I was thinking about what to take to college.
And since there are actual seasons there, I'm going to have to box my entire closet.
Mmm, yeah, maybe you should pack light.
We can always send you anything you need.
Hey, Simon, could I give you a little advice? And remember I'm a professional.
Look, you're gonna be going away and gonna be meeting a lot of new people.
A lot of girls.
And one day you're gonna meet that very special girl.
And your heart's gonna feel like like it's never felt before.
It's gonna be unbelievable.
And you know what you're gonna do when that happens? Transfer.
Because she's gonna rip your heart out like it's a lab experiment.
I-I-I Guys, I'm sorry.
I'm-I'm Oh, man.
I'm-I'm Look, I'm going through a rough time, and I'm-I'm just not myself and everyone's been so wonderful to me here, and I'm-I'm I-I, just Oh, man.
I'm gonna let you guys talk.
I better check on the boys.
No, sit down I got it.
Oh, no, come on, I'm finished, really.
Let me help you.
It's the least I can do.
(sighs) I thought you were going to call me back? What is going on? I know there's something wrong.
He's never here unless there's something wrong.
I'll, I'll, I'll, uh, I'll let Richard tell you while I go up and do something else.
Are you all right? (sniffing) Ah! Lemony dishwasher stuff.
It's-It's the same dishwasher soap that she always used.
She loved it.
I mean, she loved it.
It was like practically part of her scent.
Hmm? She? Rosina.
I caught her kissing another man.
(sighs) It-It's a long story.
Don't ask.
I'm sure that this is a big misunderstanding.
Annie, he kissed her.
I thought you said she kissed him.
It doesn't matter who-who started it.
I'm telling you my wife was kissing my cantor.
This is the biggest catastrophe that's ever happened to me in my entire life.
Well, the-the kiss, it could have been harmless.
Harmless? Do you call this harmless? Huh? Oh! (mumbling) (mumbling) What was I doing? I'm what was I thinking? I couldn't have been thinking.
I'm deranged.
You know, really, maybe, maybe I have that, that mad cow disease.
Or that-that-- what's that?-- that-that monkey pox thing that made me act so insane, huh? Not that you're not a very attractive woman, you know.
Thank you.
You're-You're not deranged.
You're just a little distressed.
And, you know, I-I understand.
But, you know, we both have to know that that kiss didn't mean anything.
I-I'm just distressed.
I just don't know what I'm doing.
It didn't mean a thing.
I think the best thing for both of us to do is just forget it ever happened.
You're right.
How was it, by the way? Well, I-I-I mean, I was thinking that, you know, maybe Rosina was kissing that other guy because, uh maybe I've, uh, you know, lost it.
I got the lights to work, Ruthie.
I said I got the lights to work.
Are you okay? Sure.
Why wouldn't I be? I am really turned on by the fact that you're a cop and you're so strong and so handsome and so I think I've had enough pizza and whatever else you're trying to feed me.
I'm serious.
I love that you feel that you have to protect women.
Roxanne, me even.
What are you talking about? And what's that weird voice you're using? (knocking) What?! SIMON: Uh, it's me.
What do you want? Hey, guys, I just wanted to, uh, see if I can exchange suitcases with you.
Since I'm going away to college, I'm gonna need a bigger suitcase.
If now is not a good time, I can get the suitcase later.
What is with you moping around, trying to get attention? Just because you're going away to college? What is your problem? You're not the first person to ever go away to college.
People do it all the time.
The colleges are full of 'em.
Where were we? Don't you think you were alittle rough on Simon? He ruined the moment.
What moment? I was trying to take advantage of the fact that you enjoy being a man and I enjoy being a woman, and you're the type of man who wants a woman that feels that she needs a man, like when you tried to protect Roxanne.
That's my job; she's my partner.
Your woman partner, as you pointed out.
(both sigh) I saw Rabbi Glass kissing my mom.
That wasn't something I was expecting.
I still can't believe it.
My poor father, a cuckold.
Cuckold? English lit? Shakespeare, vocabulary? Sometimes proper usage of a new word in a sentence isn't as satisfying as it's cracked up to be.
Maybe it's a Jewish custom.
What? Maybe they just finished dinner and maybe it's a custom to kiss the hostess.
The Jewish people are very affectionate people.
So are the Russian people.
My uncle kisses everyone-- and I mean everyone-- when he says hello or good-bye to them.
On the lips.
I saw what I saw.
Hey, there.
I just stopped by to check in on my partner, see how he's healing physically and mentally.
What do you mean by mentally? I don't know.
That's not something you would say.
Sounds like something you would say.
Have you two been talking? Well, what do you mean by talking? Like talking about my mental and physical health? Well, we may have talked a little bit.
I think it's sweet that you think I'm the weaker partner, especially after what happened.
It shows your ego is back stronger than ever.
But evidently not your sense of humor.
(keys jingling) (chuckles) MAN (over television): How long do you reckon it'll take to move your boat overland? (sighs) So you'll be going to the same college as Simon, huh? Uh, no.
You married? No.
Ah, that's too bad.
I thought I might be able to ask you for some advice.
You ever have a girlfriend? Yeah.
Huh? Oh.
You ever catch her kissing someone else? No.
Do you know what a cantor is? No.
Do you always answer every question with either a yes or a no? Yes.
You must have a lot of problems with multiple-choice questions, huh? Yeah.
(doorbell chimes) Excuse me.
(sighs) I just spoke with Simon's friend Martin.
Oh, yeah? Oh, d-don't worry, I didn't, I didn't mention, you know, the thing with your wife.
Chandler, come on in.
Hi, Chandler.
Rabbi Glass, good to see you.
Uh, Eric, I hope-- if you don't mind, I was hoping you could give me some notes on my sermon, you know, since you picked the subject.
I'd be happy to.
Go easy on me.
Ah, you always do a great job, even if it's my idea.
Hey, Chandler.
I saw your car pull up.
I thought you might want to join me at the pool hall for a beer.
Sure, a few rounds of billiards might get my mind off this sermon.
That is the best idea I've heard in a long time-- a beer.
I'm single.
I should be able to go out with the guys and get a beer.
I should be with guys.
Well, then you guys go out and have a great time.
Why don't you join us, even us up? Two against two then.
Uh no, go ahead.
I'm happy to spend a quiet evening at home.
ANNIE: Go! Always cranky when she gets home from her little trips.
Looks like a foursome.
Why do you call me sweetie or honey? I call all the women in my life sweetie or honey.
And who are all the women in your life? You and my mom.
I'll let myself out.
Good night.
Hi, I was just on my way to say good night.
Good night or good-bye? Ruthie.
Were you really at Grandpa's? What? Are you and Dad having problems? Are you leaving us? You know I was at Grandpa's (sighs) and your father and I are not having any problems, which is why I feel that I, I can go back and forth to Grandpa's when I need to, and I will never leave this family.
I saw you kissing Rabbi Glass.
(chuckles) Rabbi Glass is a very emotional man.
He thought he saw his wife kissing someone else, so he-he's out of his mind about it, so out of his mind that if your father had been there, he would have kissed him.
I wouldn't be telling you this, but I think you're growing up and adult enough to know the truth.
But do you think Dad is adult enough to know that you two kissed? Did you tell him? He knows.
He's, he's at the pool hall now with Rabbi Glass.
I'm hoping he'll talk to him and get him to go home.
Hey, Simon.
Hey, Cecilia.
Well, that was really nice of you.
You didn't have to come all the way over here just to say good-bye.
I didn't.
I came to borrow a pair of boots from Lucy.
Well, Lucy's in the garage apartment.
What do you, what do you need the boots for? I'm going on a hike on Sunday with some friends.
You're going on a hike on Sunday? That's, that's the day I leave.
If you want me to cancel the hike and come down to the bus station and say good-bye, I will.
It's okay.
It's not like it's really good-bye anyway.
You'll be back summers, holidays.
It's "see you around," not good-bye.
Yeah, it is.
It's good-bye.
(phone rings) Hello? Hello, are you Mrs.
Rosina Glass? Yes, this is she.
I'm calling from the pool hall, and I have to inform you that your husband's down here making a fool of himself.
(chuckles) Um, are you sure you have the right person? Positive, ma'am.
You should come and drive your husband home and keep him there where he belongs.
(dial tone) (groans) Hey, Eric, come on.
Come on, get another one.
Get, get two of them.
It'll make me feel better; it's on me.
Get, get a pitcher.
Go, ge-get, get those, those chips and dip, come on.
Would you stop? It's okay.
What's okay? Richard kissed Annie.
What's wrong with you? It meant nothing.
Annie understands, I understand.
(chuckles) I saw that.
Saw what? That, that, uh, smirk.
Yeah, I saw it, too.
So I gather that you don't think this is too serious, young minister man? Oh, no.
I'm sure it's I'm sure it's very serious.
I'll say it's serious.
I was demonstrating how my wife kissed a cantor to Annie.
Okay, yeah, whatever.
ROSINA: Richard? Let's go home.
Home? How dare you call the place that we're living at now home.
And what would you call it? I'd call it a museum.
You know, a place that-that holds the artifacts of, uh, of a couple that once loved each other very much.
Till the wife kissed the cantor.
What-What's with the look now? Seriously.
I mean, what-what are you here, to say that that it that it didn't happen? What, was I, like, hallucinating, that the guy just grabbed you and kissed you? Yeah, that one.
They guy is going through a terrible divorce.
I made the mistake of putting my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, and he and he snapped.
It was nothing.
It meant nothing.
Well, you know, I I can, you know, sort of understand that.
You know, before I couldn't, but Let's go home.
Did you just do the dishes? Mm-hmm.
I made latkes.
Very greasy.
Lots of scrubbing.
(sighs) Fun evening, I take it.
Oh, not just the evening, but most of the day, as well.
(sighs) You okay? Lucy and I haven't had sex since I got pummeled by that woman.
Good night.
I don't think you two are that close yet.
I don't think you're ever going to be that close, where you can talk about having sex with his daughter.
I know it's stupid, but I don't think Lucy thinks about me in the same way.
And no wonder.
I don't think of myself in the same way.
I don't feel like the same man, the same cop.
As far as Lucy goes, if you think she's measuring you over your ability to restrain some irate wife, I seriously doubt it.
Maybe you're right.
What about Roxanne? Well, you know Roxanne.
You still waiting to see my dad? Oh, no.
I saw him.
He told me I could hang out until I was ready to go home, and, uh, I'm just about ready.
You know I'm leaving for college day after tomorrow.
Yeah, I heard.
Scared? Terrified.
It's always tough leaving your family.
Yeah, I-I thought it would be, too, but, you know, they don't seem to really care, so, hey, why should I? So, you don't know? About the surprise party? Surprise party? Tomorrow night? I never said a word, though.
You know, I should have known.
I should have known that even with everything going on, they wouldn't just let me walk out of here without something.
Yeah, well, I better go.
It's getting late.
And really, don't say anything.
I'll be surprised.
How'd you make out with the coal mine? You finish it? No.
Destroyed it.
I sketched out a little something for you.
And I guarantee this will be easier to build than what you were going for.
No problem.
I don't know who you are, but thanks.
How was, uh, the pool hall? I didn't really get to play.
That's too bad.
But I know Annie will be happy you're home early.
She's, uh, exhausted from her trip.
If you need Lucy, she's in her apartment with, uh uh Roxanne? Roxanne, and the other one, Cecilia.
And the boys have been in bed for hours, and Ruthie's just on her way up, and Simon's in the living room.
Oh, by the way, uh, I hope you won't think I'm interfering or anything, but, uh, you and your wife have to throw him a surprise going-away party tomorrow night.
Uh, I told him you would.
He was feeling like no one cared.
So, uh, I guess I'll be going home now.
Not until you tell me who you are.
I'm Simon's friend.
Maybe now, but who were you when you came over here? I'm sorry.
It was just one of those things.
I promised my dad I'd get out and try to meet some of the neighbors.
And, well, I could have gone over there, but I came over here.
And I take it your dad wasn't around to go with you to decide over there or over here? No.
He's at work.
Work? Where does he work? Ah, it's a long way from here.
You know, Iraq in the Middle East? So your dad's in the military? Yeah.
Marine Corps.
My dad retired as a colonel in the Marine Corps.
He's a very lucky man, your dad.
To have lived long enough to retire.
He is.
Where's your mom? She's, uh-- how do you say it-- uh, passed away.
A few years ago.
So who are you living with? I had to move in with my aunt, or deal with social services.
I'm 16, I was trying to make it on my own until my dad got back, but he's, uh, been gone a lot longer than expected.
Come here.
Where does your aunt live? Across the street, next to the guy with the chimpanzee.
The chimp's name is Eisenhower.
I didn't know.
So, how's living with your aunt going? It's just like living on my own, just like I was doing.
Only now I have to do it at a new school in a new neighborhood.
At least until my dad gets home.
Why didn't you tell me all this when I saw you this afternoon? I was kind of embarrassed.
I had followed Ruthie and Peter, thinking I'd strike up a conversation with them, but then I had second thoughts, 'cause I'm older than they are, and they didn't know me.
Besides, I couldn't get up the nerve.
Then I kind of just came into your house on a whim, and every time I thought I'd strike up a conversation with someone, it just didn't happen, and It was just nice, being here with a family.
Seeing how the rest of America lives.
The rest of America You mean? I mean, the ones who don't have family in the military, in Iraq.
I see.
It must seem to you that we don't care about those of you who have family in Iraq, or that we've forgotten they're even over there.
Haven't you? I guess they're not in our thoughts and prayers like they were when we first sent troops there.
It stinks, you know.
fighting in Iraq.
My dad can get killed any second.
A guy he was on patrol with last week got shot.
At least he got to come home.
And yet, I get it.
I I get that everyone in America should be going about their business like you and your family.
I guess, that's what you civilian types want, right? Having the freedom to live a life, pursue your own happiness, work, take care of your family.
And we forget that it's a privilege.
And that without our men and women in uniform it could be taken away from us.
We also tend to forget what a sacrifice their families make.
You should go call your dad, tell him thanks.
Maybe I will.
So, are you coming to the, uh, surprise party tomorrow night? Uh, I don't know.
Is it just going to be family? Well, no.
I mean, as long as we're having a party, might as well have a big one.
Family, friends, neighbors.
Maybe I'll think about it.
Come back anytime.
And, uh I'll be praying for your dad.
Clear the way.
Bay four.
Clear the way, please.
Kinkirk! Kevin Kinkirk! Why is it so hard to find? Luce I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to yell at you.
You're probably a very nice person, but they brought him in an hour ago.
He's a police officer.
He was on some kind of domestic dispute call and he got hurt.
He's my husband and I love him and Oh, God, maybe he couldn't talk when he was admitted.
Maybe he couldn't give them his name.
Try 2-7-3-4-5.
That's his badge number.
Luce, Kevin's okay.
When they phoned they said it wasn't life-threatening.
Oh, sure they said that.
What are they going to say-- your husband has a bullet hole in his forehead and if you look really close you can see the sky? What are you looking at?! Why aren't you looking at your screen? Why aren't you scrolling down using a search engine too-- Googling! Something! Kevin! I'm fine.
Everything's okay.
Don't worry.
I'm not worried.
I just love you so much.
(groans) I'm okay.
The ribs are a little bruised, that's all.
Nothing's broken.
Doesn't he look cute in stitches? Oh, your poor eye (groans) The shoulder-- it popped out.
They popped it back in.
I'm fine.
I don't know what to kiss first.
While you're deciding, I'll go pull the car up.
Don't worry, I won't touch anything.
I'm just glad you're okay.
LUCY: Oh! Thanks.
Dad had to drive me.
I was a wreck.
So what happened? What never mind.
I don't want to know.
You told me once that with your job there's some thing's I just shouldn't know.
It was partly my fault.
It wasn't your fault.
I shouldn't have let the husband get so close to her.
It was one of those stupid domestic calls.
I was talking to the husband, Kevin was restraining Let's leave it.
No, you were great.
If he didn't hold her back as much as he did, she would have destroyed her husband.
I mean, look what she did to Kevin.
Wait? She? A woman did this to you? 7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
(barks) I still don't understand it.
Out of all the projects on that list, you had to volunteer us to build a coal mine? A working coal mine.
It's an important part of U.
labor history.
Couldn't we have just performed a scene from How Green Was My Valley? Why a working coal mine? If we start now and work through the weekend, we just might finish by Monday.
(door closing) Were you saying that I'm overemotional? No, Dad, I'm not saying that you're overemotional.
I'm just saying the situation, could get out of control, with me leaving and all.
So what are you afraid will happen? That I'll throw myself on your legs and make a scene at the bus station? Dad, I'm not worried about you making a scene.
But you do sometimes get this moist look in the corner of your eye.
And that bothers you-- my moistness? No, but it's liable to be just the kind of thing that sets everyone off.
Mom will see it and she'll fall apart.
And then everyone will go, and it'll be like an emotional house of cards.
You know, speaking of your mother, I have to call her.
She's coming home tomorrow from your grandfather's and it's none too soon.
Mom doesn't have to worry about me.
She knows that, even though I'll be away at college, she can always call me Speaking of which, I'd better call her before the day gets away from me.
anytime she wants.
(doorbell chimes) Rabbi Glass, come in.
Thank you, Simon.
I hope I'm not bothering you.
No, of course not.
You're not bothering anyone.
I was just about to start organizing my things for college.
I don't know if you knew, but I'm going away to college Oh, great, that's great.
I just dropped by for a second to talk to your dad.
Then I'll be out of your hair, his hair, everyone's hair.
And listen, whoever has hair, I'll be out of it.
Well, my dad's in his office.
Are-Are you sure you're okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Well, I had a little bit of an accident at the building fund meeting this morning at the Temple.
It was a little crazy.
But I happen to love sponge cake.
You know, me and Mrs.
Tupperman, you know, we both went for it at the same time, and it wasn't pretty.
Well, you know where his office is, right? Yeah, I do.
Th-Thanks a lot.
You're a good guy, Simon.
I don't need any help.
I'm I'm fine.
Sam and David are fine.
We're all fine.
(knocking on glass) Come in.
Oh, I'm sorry-- I'm interrupting.
No, no, no, come in.
I'm talking to Annie.
Oh, listen, please say hello to your lovely, loyal wife, Annie, for me, will you please? You're a very lucky man, Eric.
Don't ever forget that.
Annie, Richard just walked in.
He says hello.
Why is he there? Is something wrong with Matt and Sarah? How are Matt and Sarah? Who? Oh, oh, oh, oh.
They're fine.
Well, he's there for some reason.
I'll find out and call you back.
Should I hold? No.
I-I love you.
I'll I'll call you back.
Richard, it's good to see you.
Have a seat.
A seat? Why should I have a seat? You know, having a seat seems to imply that we're going to have a conversation that is so lengthy that it's going to require someone-- me-- taking the seated position.
Why would you think that? Are you okay, Richard? Why do people keep asking me that? Can't a guy just come over and shoot the breeze with a pal? Yeah, it's just that you look terrible.
Like you slept in your clothes.
It was a nap.
And I knew, I just knew, I just knew that this this shmata, this-this material, it wouldn't hold a crease.
Oh, hi.
One of Simon's friends from school? I'm Martin.
I'm Ruthie.
Those are fresh oatmeal cookies my dad picked up from the bakery this morning.
He says he bought them for us, but I know it's because my mom's at my grandpa's and he knows he can sneak a few without her here.
Is this silence supposed to be telling me something, Kevin? No.
I'm just not in the talking mood.
Doesn't mean anything.
Honey, I know you're bummed out about being out on medical leave, but it's just for a week.
Yep, just a week.
And we are so lucky.
Things could have been so much worse.
Sometimes I think these kind of things are blessings.
Reminders that life is fragile, and life is to be cherished.
And I cherish my life with you, and I always will.
I'm going for a walk.
Do you want me to go with you? Hey, it's just a walk.
I promise I won't fall over.
I can handle it, okay? Okay.
(sighs) O-kay.
Sam, you can't take that.
It's my car.
I know it's your little car, but we're using it to haul coal.
We'll give it back to you.
When? Yeah, when? When? When we're finished with this dumb thing, and we take it back to school and get a failing grade, face certain humiliation and have to fight our way through the school yard.
That's when.
I want some licorice.
We're using the black licorice to represent coal.
You can't eat our coal.
(sighs) Do you have a better idea of something to represent coal? Yeah.
How about coal? You know coal's hard to find.
And we didn't want to waste valuable time.
And the licorice, it shows imagination, which is what Miss Hadgraft said she was looking for.
But if you want out of this project, just, now is the time to say something.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay? I know I've been a negative pill.
And I really like your optimistic nature.
It's actually an attractive quality, and I'd like to develop it myself.
Okay? Okay.
(Happy barking) Hey.
No problem.
(whines) An office, you know, you can tell a lot about a man by his office.
Well, this is it.
Ah ah.
You know, Mark Twain used to have a pool table in his office? Really.
I mean, it was, you know, when he got like bogged down, you know, he used to, like, just grab his cue, you know, and then just, you know, bang some balls around.
Sounds therapeutic.
Oh, I don't know what it was.
But, you know, his output was unbelievable.
I mean, this whole country is richer because we had Twain and his pool table.
Richard, I think we should, um A pool table.
Isn't that something? Remember that great song from the Music Man? "Oh, we got trouble right here in River City.
" "With a capital 'T' and that rhymes with 'P' and" Richard, come on.
What? Get it out.
Whatever it is can't be that bad.
You're right.
It's not that bad.
I mean, actually, it's a sort of a tiny blip by comparison to the rest of the world's, you know, real problems-- wars, and famines, and floods, and pestilence, and, and locusts, and frogs-- and feel free to stop me now otherwise I'll go through the entire Passover seder.
(sighs) Ready? (whispering): Okay.
Rosina and I split up.
Ha, you know, that's all.
I know it's no pestilence.
But, uh it hurts, you know what I mean? It hurts.
I'm sorry.
I'm just.
I'm sorry, Richard.
I-I don't seem to have the words right now.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I mean, I, I wouldn't have the words either.
You and Rosina? It's just too hard to believe.
I wouldn't have believed it myself if I didn't see it with my own eyes.
I walk into my office, you know, down at the Temple, and there's Rosina and Cantor Sperling, kissing.
It's good thing that I didn't have a pool table-- they'd be on it.
You know, maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions.
Uh, couldn't maybe there's a reason, you know, some possible, maybe crazy reason that Oh, oh, please, don't.
Eric, do me a favor, don't go down that path, really, come on.
We're two men we've seen this kind of stuff happen all the time.
It can happen to anybody.
But my wife and my cantor.
You know how hard it is these days to find a good cantor? (chuckles) (crying) Whew! (mumbling) Now look what you've done.
Hey, it's not my fault.
Yes, it is.
No, it's not.
What's going on? Our school project was ruined because Peter wasn't paying attention.
It's not my fault.
I can't keep watch and build at the same time.
Why didn't you watch Sam and David? Because it was your job.
I don't see a disaster here.
It's supposed to be a coal mine, right? PETER: Sam and David ate the coal.
I like coal.
Me, too.
I'm gonna be a miner.
You can't blame Peter.
You know they're fast when they want something.
See? Is there something you wanted? I just wanted to check in with you guys and, you know, see if I could help.
I want to spend some time with you since I'm leaving for college in a day and a half and counting.
Well, if you want to help, you could get the twins cleaned up.
Come on, you two.
RUTHIE: And you could go to the store and buy some coal.
You know, since we don't drive.
So, what's for dinner? You guys gonna miss me? Can we have your room? What about you? Can we go to the store with you? Well, at least someone's getting it.
You want to spend as much time with me as you possibly can, huh, David? I just want some coal.
(sighs) (man talking indistinctly on TV) Hi.
I don't, I don't think we've met.
I'm-I'm Eric, Simon's dad.
I'm Martin.
Simon's friend? Yeah.
Where is Simon? He's upstairs.
I was just watching some TV till he gets down.
Did you want to watch something? No, no, it's okay.
I should, uh, get back to my office.
(groans) Did you know Simon has a friend? I mean, before you saw this Martin guy? No.
why? Noting.
I'm just happy he has a friend.
Simon went to the store with the twins.
You could help Peter and me with our History project if you like.
Until Simon gets back.
We're building a coal mine.
Oh, okay.
I could probably do that.
Are you staying for dinner? Uh, I don't know.
Lucy's picking up pizza.
We can eat whenever we want.
Pizza sounds good.
Mmm, Dad, I was thinking about what to take to college.
And since there are actual seasons there, I'm going to have to box my entire closet.
Mmm, yeah, maybe you should pack light.
We can always send you anything you need.
Hey, Simon, could I give you a little advice? And remember I'm a professional.
Look, you're gonna be going away and gonna be meeting a lot of new people.
A lot of girls.
And one day you're gonna meet that very special girl.
And your heart's gonna feel like like it's never felt before.
It's gonna be unbelievable.
And you know what you're gonna do when that happens? Transfer.
Because she's gonna rip your heart out like it's a lab experiment.
I-I-I Guys, I'm sorry.
I'm-I'm Oh, man.
I'm-I'm Look, I'm going through a rough time, and I'm-I'm just not myself and everyone's been so wonderful to me here, and I'm-I'm I-I, just Oh, man.
I'm gonna let you guys talk.
I better check on the boys.
No, sit down I got it.
Oh, no, come on, I'm finished, really.
Let me help you.
It's the least I can do.
(sighs) I thought you were going to call me back? What is going on? I know there's something wrong.
He's never here unless there's something wrong.
I'll, I'll, I'll, uh, I'll let Richard tell you while I go up and do something else.
Are you all right? (sniffing) Ah! Lemony dishwasher stuff.
It's-It's the same dishwasher soap that she always used.
She loved it.
I mean, she loved it.
It was like practically part of her scent.
Hmm? She? Rosina.
I caught her kissing another man.
(sighs) It-It's a long story.
Don't ask.
I'm sure that this is a big misunderstanding.
Annie, he kissed her.
I thought you said she kissed him.
It doesn't matter who-who started it.
I'm telling you my wife was kissing my cantor.
This is the biggest catastrophe that's ever happened to me in my entire life.
Well, the-the kiss, it could have been harmless.
Harmless? Do you call this harmless? Huh? Oh! (mumbling) (mumbling) What was I doing? I'm what was I thinking? I couldn't have been thinking.
I'm deranged.
You know, really, maybe, maybe I have that, that mad cow disease.
Or that-that-- what's that?-- that-that monkey pox thing that made me act so insane, huh? Not that you're not a very attractive woman, you know.
Thank you.
You're-You're not deranged.
You're just a little distressed.
And, you know, I-I understand.
But, you know, we both have to know that that kiss didn't mean anything.
I-I'm just distressed.
I just don't know what I'm doing.
It didn't mean a thing.
I think the best thing for both of us to do is just forget it ever happened.
You're right.
How was it, by the way? Well, I-I-I mean, I was thinking that, you know, maybe Rosina was kissing that other guy because, uh maybe I've, uh, you know, lost it.
I got the lights to work, Ruthie.
I said I got the lights to work.
Are you okay? Sure.
Why wouldn't I be? I am really turned on by the fact that you're a cop and you're so strong and so handsome and so I think I've had enough pizza and whatever else you're trying to feed me.
I'm serious.
I love that you feel that you have to protect women.
Roxanne, me even.
What are you talking about? And what's that weird voice you're using? (knocking) What?! SIMON: Uh, it's me.
What do you want? Hey, guys, I just wanted to, uh, see if I can exchange suitcases with you.
Since I'm going away to college, I'm gonna need a bigger suitcase.
If now is not a good time, I can get the suitcase later.
What is with you moping around, trying to get attention? Just because you're going away to college? What is your problem? You're not the first person to ever go away to college.
People do it all the time.
The colleges are full of 'em.
Where were we? Don't you think you were alittle rough on Simon? He ruined the moment.
What moment? I was trying to take advantage of the fact that you enjoy being a man and I enjoy being a woman, and you're the type of man who wants a woman that feels that she needs a man, like when you tried to protect Roxanne.
That's my job; she's my partner.
Your woman partner, as you pointed out.
(both sigh) I saw Rabbi Glass kissing my mom.
That wasn't something I was expecting.
I still can't believe it.
My poor father, a cuckold.
Cuckold? English lit? Shakespeare, vocabulary? Sometimes proper usage of a new word in a sentence isn't as satisfying as it's cracked up to be.
Maybe it's a Jewish custom.
What? Maybe they just finished dinner and maybe it's a custom to kiss the hostess.
The Jewish people are very affectionate people.
So are the Russian people.
My uncle kisses everyone-- and I mean everyone-- when he says hello or good-bye to them.
On the lips.
I saw what I saw.
Hey, there.
I just stopped by to check in on my partner, see how he's healing physically and mentally.
What do you mean by mentally? I don't know.
That's not something you would say.
Sounds like something you would say.
Have you two been talking? Well, what do you mean by talking? Like talking about my mental and physical health? Well, we may have talked a little bit.
I think it's sweet that you think I'm the weaker partner, especially after what happened.
It shows your ego is back stronger than ever.
But evidently not your sense of humor.
(keys jingling) (chuckles) MAN (over television): How long do you reckon it'll take to move your boat overland? (sighs) So you'll be going to the same college as Simon, huh? Uh, no.
You married? No.
Ah, that's too bad.
I thought I might be able to ask you for some advice.
You ever have a girlfriend? Yeah.
Huh? Oh.
You ever catch her kissing someone else? No.
Do you know what a cantor is? No.
Do you always answer every question with either a yes or a no? Yes.
You must have a lot of problems with multiple-choice questions, huh? Yeah.
(doorbell chimes) Excuse me.
(sighs) I just spoke with Simon's friend Martin.
Oh, yeah? Oh, d-don't worry, I didn't, I didn't mention, you know, the thing with your wife.
Chandler, come on in.
Hi, Chandler.
Rabbi Glass, good to see you.
Uh, Eric, I hope-- if you don't mind, I was hoping you could give me some notes on my sermon, you know, since you picked the subject.
I'd be happy to.
Go easy on me.
Ah, you always do a great job, even if it's my idea.
Hey, Chandler.
I saw your car pull up.
I thought you might want to join me at the pool hall for a beer.
Sure, a few rounds of billiards might get my mind off this sermon.
That is the best idea I've heard in a long time-- a beer.
I'm single.
I should be able to go out with the guys and get a beer.
I should be with guys.
Well, then you guys go out and have a great time.
Why don't you join us, even us up? Two against two then.
Uh no, go ahead.
I'm happy to spend a quiet evening at home.
ANNIE: Go! Always cranky when she gets home from her little trips.
Looks like a foursome.
Why do you call me sweetie or honey? I call all the women in my life sweetie or honey.
And who are all the women in your life? You and my mom.
I'll let myself out.
Good night.
Hi, I was just on my way to say good night.
Good night or good-bye? Ruthie.
Were you really at Grandpa's? What? Are you and Dad having problems? Are you leaving us? You know I was at Grandpa's (sighs) and your father and I are not having any problems, which is why I feel that I, I can go back and forth to Grandpa's when I need to, and I will never leave this family.
I saw you kissing Rabbi Glass.
(chuckles) Rabbi Glass is a very emotional man.
He thought he saw his wife kissing someone else, so he-he's out of his mind about it, so out of his mind that if your father had been there, he would have kissed him.
I wouldn't be telling you this, but I think you're growing up and adult enough to know the truth.
But do you think Dad is adult enough to know that you two kissed? Did you tell him? He knows.
He's, he's at the pool hall now with Rabbi Glass.
I'm hoping he'll talk to him and get him to go home.
Hey, Simon.
Hey, Cecilia.
Well, that was really nice of you.
You didn't have to come all the way over here just to say good-bye.
I didn't.
I came to borrow a pair of boots from Lucy.
Well, Lucy's in the garage apartment.
What do you, what do you need the boots for? I'm going on a hike on Sunday with some friends.
You're going on a hike on Sunday? That's, that's the day I leave.
If you want me to cancel the hike and come down to the bus station and say good-bye, I will.
It's okay.
It's not like it's really good-bye anyway.
You'll be back summers, holidays.
It's "see you around," not good-bye.
Yeah, it is.
It's good-bye.
(phone rings) Hello? Hello, are you Mrs.
Rosina Glass? Yes, this is she.
I'm calling from the pool hall, and I have to inform you that your husband's down here making a fool of himself.
(chuckles) Um, are you sure you have the right person? Positive, ma'am.
You should come and drive your husband home and keep him there where he belongs.
(dial tone) (groans) Hey, Eric, come on.
Come on, get another one.
Get, get two of them.
It'll make me feel better; it's on me.
Get, get a pitcher.
Go, ge-get, get those, those chips and dip, come on.
Would you stop? It's okay.
What's okay? Richard kissed Annie.
What's wrong with you? It meant nothing.
Annie understands, I understand.
(chuckles) I saw that.
Saw what? That, that, uh, smirk.
Yeah, I saw it, too.
So I gather that you don't think this is too serious, young minister man? Oh, no.
I'm sure it's I'm sure it's very serious.
I'll say it's serious.
I was demonstrating how my wife kissed a cantor to Annie.
Okay, yeah, whatever.
ROSINA: Richard? Let's go home.
Home? How dare you call the place that we're living at now home.
And what would you call it? I'd call it a museum.
You know, a place that-that holds the artifacts of, uh, of a couple that once loved each other very much.
Till the wife kissed the cantor.
What-What's with the look now? Seriously.
I mean, what-what are you here, to say that that it that it didn't happen? What, was I, like, hallucinating, that the guy just grabbed you and kissed you? Yeah, that one.
They guy is going through a terrible divorce.
I made the mistake of putting my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, and he and he snapped.
It was nothing.
It meant nothing.
Well, you know, I I can, you know, sort of understand that.
You know, before I couldn't, but Let's go home.
Did you just do the dishes? Mm-hmm.
I made latkes.
Very greasy.
Lots of scrubbing.
(sighs) Fun evening, I take it.
Oh, not just the evening, but most of the day, as well.
(sighs) You okay? Lucy and I haven't had sex since I got pummeled by that woman.
Good night.
I don't think you two are that close yet.
I don't think you're ever going to be that close, where you can talk about having sex with his daughter.
I know it's stupid, but I don't think Lucy thinks about me in the same way.
And no wonder.
I don't think of myself in the same way.
I don't feel like the same man, the same cop.
As far as Lucy goes, if you think she's measuring you over your ability to restrain some irate wife, I seriously doubt it.
Maybe you're right.
What about Roxanne? Well, you know Roxanne.
You still waiting to see my dad? Oh, no.
I saw him.
He told me I could hang out until I was ready to go home, and, uh, I'm just about ready.
You know I'm leaving for college day after tomorrow.
Yeah, I heard.
Scared? Terrified.
It's always tough leaving your family.
Yeah, I-I thought it would be, too, but, you know, they don't seem to really care, so, hey, why should I? So, you don't know? About the surprise party? Surprise party? Tomorrow night? I never said a word, though.
You know, I should have known.
I should have known that even with everything going on, they wouldn't just let me walk out of here without something.
Yeah, well, I better go.
It's getting late.
And really, don't say anything.
I'll be surprised.
How'd you make out with the coal mine? You finish it? No.
Destroyed it.
I sketched out a little something for you.
And I guarantee this will be easier to build than what you were going for.
No problem.
I don't know who you are, but thanks.
How was, uh, the pool hall? I didn't really get to play.
That's too bad.
But I know Annie will be happy you're home early.
She's, uh, exhausted from her trip.
If you need Lucy, she's in her apartment with, uh uh Roxanne? Roxanne, and the other one, Cecilia.
And the boys have been in bed for hours, and Ruthie's just on her way up, and Simon's in the living room.
Oh, by the way, uh, I hope you won't think I'm interfering or anything, but, uh, you and your wife have to throw him a surprise going-away party tomorrow night.
Uh, I told him you would.
He was feeling like no one cared.
So, uh, I guess I'll be going home now.
Not until you tell me who you are.
I'm Simon's friend.
Maybe now, but who were you when you came over here? I'm sorry.
It was just one of those things.
I promised my dad I'd get out and try to meet some of the neighbors.
And, well, I could have gone over there, but I came over here.
And I take it your dad wasn't around to go with you to decide over there or over here? No.
He's at work.
Work? Where does he work? Ah, it's a long way from here.
You know, Iraq in the Middle East? So your dad's in the military? Yeah.
Marine Corps.
My dad retired as a colonel in the Marine Corps.
He's a very lucky man, your dad.
To have lived long enough to retire.
He is.
Where's your mom? She's, uh-- how do you say it-- uh, passed away.
A few years ago.
So who are you living with? I had to move in with my aunt, or deal with social services.
I'm 16, I was trying to make it on my own until my dad got back, but he's, uh, been gone a lot longer than expected.
Come here.
Where does your aunt live? Across the street, next to the guy with the chimpanzee.
The chimp's name is Eisenhower.
I didn't know.
So, how's living with your aunt going? It's just like living on my own, just like I was doing.
Only now I have to do it at a new school in a new neighborhood.
At least until my dad gets home.
Why didn't you tell me all this when I saw you this afternoon? I was kind of embarrassed.
I had followed Ruthie and Peter, thinking I'd strike up a conversation with them, but then I had second thoughts, 'cause I'm older than they are, and they didn't know me.
Besides, I couldn't get up the nerve.
Then I kind of just came into your house on a whim, and every time I thought I'd strike up a conversation with someone, it just didn't happen, and It was just nice, being here with a family.
Seeing how the rest of America lives.
The rest of America You mean? I mean, the ones who don't have family in the military, in Iraq.
I see.
It must seem to you that we don't care about those of you who have family in Iraq, or that we've forgotten they're even over there.
Haven't you? I guess they're not in our thoughts and prayers like they were when we first sent troops there.
It stinks, you know.
fighting in Iraq.
My dad can get killed any second.
A guy he was on patrol with last week got shot.
At least he got to come home.
And yet, I get it.
I I get that everyone in America should be going about their business like you and your family.
I guess, that's what you civilian types want, right? Having the freedom to live a life, pursue your own happiness, work, take care of your family.
And we forget that it's a privilege.
And that without our men and women in uniform it could be taken away from us.
We also tend to forget what a sacrifice their families make.
You should go call your dad, tell him thanks.
Maybe I will.
So, are you coming to the, uh, surprise party tomorrow night? Uh, I don't know.
Is it just going to be family? Well, no.
I mean, as long as we're having a party, might as well have a big one.
Family, friends, neighbors.
Maybe I'll think about it.
Come back anytime.
And, uh I'll be praying for your dad.